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All is Fair in Hate and War

All is Fair in Hate and War


Artalf a world much like our earth, has suffered from an ancient war between two races; the Dwarves and the Angels. Their hatred for each other has continued on for so many years that both the reason for this battle and hope for the two to co-exist is 0%

2,639 readers have visited All is Fair in Hate and War since UtaUsagi created it.

Bhu-Bhu are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Picture (c) Rage&Pride



Artalf a world much like our earth, has suffered from an ancient war between two races; the Dwarves and the Angels. Their hatred for each other has continued on for so many years that both the reason for this battle and hope for the two to co-exist has been lost to history and ruin. The Humans, which are primitive and tribal are quite literally stuck in the middle. As they reside on Artalf's surface, called Tellus by most people. Dwarves live in the depths of the earth in grand mountain halls honing their skills as craftsmen of great works of art, war, and machinery, known as Miruvorren. The Angelic entities live above the lands and clouds in a floating city, named Saloriel, known for its technology and grand universities. Between the mixes, is an ancient race that has cut itself from the equation, Elves. They live in the Forest, Eosafa. No one dares to impose war on the Elves territory or seek help from them. They are one of the strongest and most wise races and they choose to not partake in the foolish trifles of the other races, but are not afraid to defend themselves if necessary.

Dwarves and the Angelic entities are currently on peaceful terms which were resulted by the act of a treaty. However, as of today. Agoost 27th, 3047…War has once again been decreed.


These stocky creatures range from two feet at their shortest and 4.5 feet their tallest. The men are known for their huge coarse beards that are their pride and joy. Their woman are not skinny but their beauty can be found in their warm smiles and even warmer hearts. The Dwarves are a rowdy and loud bunch who love their drink and a good time with their budds. However, they are usually harsher to outsiders, but will accept them once respect is earned. They live in the high mountains filled to the brim with veins upon veins of precious metals and gems, which they have mined for centuries. Dwarves are sturdy and unlike popular belief, very clever and in no ways stupid. They are experts in machinery and its creation, and their weapons tend to be very effective and very creative. Their art is some of the most intricate and beautiful in almost all mediums. Their history and how they came to be is unknown, lost to myth and legend, some just assume the Dwarves have always been there. The will of the Dwarf is unlike any other, they don't give up when they want something.

To them the Angelic race is an annoyance to some and a thorn in the side to others, the opinion varies from dwarf to dwarf, but overall any dwarf will say they would love to stick it to an Angel. The Angels pride and snooty behavior is resented very much be the Dwarves.

Not much is known about the Elves. Like the Dwarves, their origins are shrouded in mystery, but some have speculated that Humans were a creation of the Elves. This theory is extremely ridiculed, even by humans. All that is known is that they are beautiful, wise, swift, and have no interest in the world outside their home in the forests.

Humans are the most basic form on Artalf, but they are survivors. Forced to live in a world with no technology and reside on the natural resources of this earth, they bring back the true meaning of willpower. Compared to the other races, they are not as strong. But their spirit and heart leave the other races in the dust. Their lungs are bigger, their feet and arms are stronger, their eye-sight better, and their hearing is sharper, the only race that can beat them in physical prowess is the Elves. Despite the lack of science or advance art and machinery, they are not dull by any means.

Angelic Entities-
Scientifically made to appear as an angel, they are the smartest out of the three races. They use to be humans until they had conducted experiments on earth to give those the appearance of an angel: with wings and the ability to fly. Once this had been accomplished-man kinds biggest dream- they felt nothing else was impossible. They designed a floating city, so that they may fully separate themselves from primitive humans. The society that now exists is one void of death from sickness, injury, and angels are rumored to live ten times longer than humans. They create their children, and parents have the option of choosing their chlid's genetic features, from what they will look like to how their bodies will work and grow.

They hate the dwarves and feel they are an abomination. They are not physically appealing, and their stubbornness pains them. Being up in the sky for so long has made them view themselves as Gods. They are egotistic, prideful, and intelligent.


You can add anything you want to make it look pretty.


Name: (first and last and middle if you want)
Age and Birth:
Appearance: (Height, weight, tattoos?, scars?, anything else you think should go here.)


No Godmooding/Mary Sues/ Gary Stues.
This is gonna be a literate RP so I need at least 500 words per post. That's not that much. I want you to describe everything your character is thinking and feeling and seeing.
Make stuff happen! I love drama! Just keep the drama and stuff to the RP and not the OOC.
Bhu-Bhu and I are GM, so our word is law to all the world! Wahahahaha! >:D But seriously, don't go against our word.
When you submit a character, you're committing yourself to this RP, so don't just make one post and disappear until the end of the RP.
If you loose interest in this or can't make a post for a while, just let me know. I won’t be mad. Maybe a little upset, but not mad. I will be if you disappear without rhyme or reason.
If you have any questions just ask me or my smokin’ Co-GM Bhu-Bhu.
Most importantly, have fun!

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Artalf by UtaUsagi



Random by UtaUsagi

because i was an idiot and made us chat in the RP, here is this so that wont happen again xD

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah
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0.00 INK

Sylzara looked around the dusty, torch-lit bar that served as the dwarves inn and main meeting area. She had arrived at the foot of the mountain yesterday, and had spent the night. She was sure they dwarves had already checked her out because when she arrived dwarven compound's entrance an hour ago, the guards guided her to the bar to "quench her thirst" nor realizing that their new-found companion was not silent because she didn't want to talk but because she couldn't.

She supposed that the dwarves were a loud boisterous lot, who seemed to be merely interested in having a good time. She was hard put however to tell one from the other in the flickering torch light that threw their faces into moving relief. she had been through several loud, joyous drinking songs, and a cup of grog while she was down there. She sat there now however debating whether she should try to write her questions on a piece of paper for the dwarves to read, though she did not see anything to write with nearby, and her pack was still with her ride in the stable.

Thinking back on the trip she blinked once as she realized it had been several days since she had left the elven city, and the queens unusual morning summons. The trip had been quicker then it could have been, the mount she rode being strong and used to prolonged rides and Syl had run alongside part of the way.

One of the guards looked over the tall yet slender stranger who still wore her cloak from the rain outside, the hood hiding her face in shadow. It did not however hide the blonde lock of hair that fell from under the hood, or a pale silvery line that crossed where this persons throat would be making him shiver.

Pale green eyes glanced up and the guards slight movement and noticed his look of revolt-ion. "Ah, he saw my scar" Sylara thought as she pulled the neck of the cloak tighter to hide the wound.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan McDerfinsmear Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
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0.00 INK


"You've got another two cents coming if you think I will be accompanying you to that ruthless and barbaric place. I am not fond of those chemicals running through my blood stream. Waking up with a hang-over once was good enough for me to call it quits. And how many times must I tell you to not bring up that wretched name pun my parents gave me?" Ivan listened to Alic go on and just blew it all of with a small chuckle. "Oh calm ya'self, Alic-o-pal. Ya' don't have ta' go get ye'self drunk ta' have a good time! Ya' can just come and have a pint or two. And that pun of a name of yours is a jolly good one, it is!" Ivan said the last part with a chuckle. "Come on, let's go get a pint! It'll do ya' some good!" Ivan said as he grabbed Alic's wrist and pulled him out the door.

Walking down to the pub, you could hear the sound of laughter and singing. You could already smell the scent of beer and whiskey and various other moonshine. A big grin made it's way onto Ivan's face. "Ya' know, I used ta' make a hell of a great moonshine. Ti'was thee best in thee family. But after we had Seamus, he had gotten into the moonshine and made a big ol' mess outa' it. Ciaran made me stop da' business. It was a hearty sight though." Ivan paused his rambling and let out a chuckle. "I think the boy must've gotten ahold of some of that 'shine that day. He was actin' weird that whole day." Ivan ended his little ramble of a story as they came up to the door to the pub.

Just as they stepped in the door, someone else began a new song. "As I went home on Monday night, as drunk as drunk could be, I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be. Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be? Ah, you're drunk, you're drunk you silly old fool, still you can not see, that's a lovely sow that me mother sent to me. Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more. But a saddle on a sow sure I never saw before." Ivan shook his head slightly at the song that this old fool sings every time he's in here about a week of drunkenness. It's still awfully amusing. Ivan's favorite part though is the part where he first see's the baby boy in bed with his wife. A very amusing song it is.

Ivan sat at a nearby table and got him and Alic a pint-o-whiskey. "Here ya' are, Alic. A pint 'o whiskey!" He said with a slight chuckle and a grin before taking a nice big swig of his own drink and started humming along with everyone else to the songs being sang.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan McDerfinsmear Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
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0.00 INK


"Oh calm ya'self, Alic-o-pal. Ya' don't have ta' go get ye'self drunk ta' have a good time! Ya' can just come and have a pint or two. And that pun of a name of yours is a jolly good one, it is!" Ivan said the last part with a chuckle. "Come on, let's go get a pint! It'll do ya' some good!" Ivan said as he grabbed Alic's wrist and pulled him out the door without another notice. The crickets chirped on this fine night and the stars laid in the sky in numbers equal to young childrens wishes in this world. Only bits and pieces of the night sky could be seen through patches of the underground ceiling to their home. Moonlight shined down in thin or large strips like showers, waterfalls of light. The houses held a warm glow to their window tints and the faint sound of factories and machinery could be heard in the distance. Everyone was officially shutting down the shops and everyone would be at the pub. The pub, filled with horrific Dwarf odors that compare to no other and music that he, well, did not classify as true music. Alic loved the classics, especially Beethoven. Instrumental music helped him reach his inner artist on the highest level. Of course, no one understood. Dwarfs minds are....simple after all. As they neared the dreaded building, singing and laughter was heard. Horrible singing, to clarify.

"Ya' know, I used ta' make a hell of a great moonshine. Ti'was thee best in thee family. But after we had Seamus, he had gotten into the moonshine and made a big ol' mess outa' it. Ciaran made me stop da' business. It was a hearty sight though." Ivan paused his rambling and let out a chuckle. "I think the boy must've gotten ahold of some of that 'shine that day. He was actin' weird that whole day." A smile spread across Alics composed face.

”Seamus? Haha, I knew he was a trouble maker the second I laid eyes upon him.” his expression changed to one of seriousness, ”Or shall I say, when his airplanes propellers went into my eye balls and he thought it the funniest thing he'd seen. And the moment he pulled my hair, and the time he put explosive powder into my mech suit I was making, Remember that? Half my house disappeared. And the time-” Alics eyes widened when they had reached the doors of the pub. Headache? Yes, and he hasn't even gone inside the toxic zone yet. He could feel his IQ slipping away from him already. Just as they stepped in the door, someone else began a new song, his attention was brought elsewhere however. Sitting on the bar with his feet hanging off the chair, was an irishman Dwarf staring into his drink with passion, nostrils flaring. He watched him pick a fly out from his drink and wave it around over his beer, shouting at it.

”SPIT IT OUT!! SPIT IT OUT YOU BASTARD!!!!” Saliva went forth from his mouth and he slammed his other fist against the metal table. Everything here was built by the Dwarfs hands. Alic could think of numerious warnings for pubs to put outside their door on a sign.

Consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not.

Consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your pants.

And his personal favorite that he has been a victim too far too many times.

Consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the same boring story over and over again until your friends want to SMASH YOUR HEAD IN.

Ivan sat the both of them at a nearby table and got Alic a pint-o-whiskey.

"Here ya' are, Alic. A pint 'o whiskey!" He said with a slight chuckle and a grin before taking a nice big swig of his own drink and started humming along with everyone else to the songs being sang. Alic groaned and rested his chin on the palm of his hand, fiddling around with the pint-o-whiskey. His fingers tapped to the beat of the song against the rim of his pint, catching this he clenched his drink and it went down the hatch into his stomach. There was a reason he hated drinking, drunks, and bars, because it was when men drunk that they acted like woman. 100% of the men gain weight, talke excessively without making sense, become overly emotional, can't drive, fail to think rationally, argue over nothing, and refuse to apologize when wrong. Enough said. He raised his cup for another pint.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivan McDerfinsmear Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
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0.00 INK

Sylzara was getting tired of the bar. Quickly. She was on a mission. She didn't have time to waste drinking nasty ale or beer. Nor could she see how the Dwarves could stand to do so. Such were the thought that was flying through the elf's head as she continued to nurse the cup of alcohol in front of her.

Finally she could stand it no more. If the ones that sat in front of her were not going to take her to the one in charge, she would find another way to him, and she no longer cared if it was rude to leave at this point. Reaching into her pouch she pulled out a coin and placed on the table for the service. she then stood and began to make her way out of the pub.

It took longer to make her way out then it did to make her way in, as the dwarves were in the middle of another rowdy song and were all singing and dancing drunkenly together. She made her way past two dwarves sitting at a table her ears, and despite the volume of every one around her, heard one of the dwarves commenting to the other "Here ya' are, Alic. A pint 'o whiskey!" and saw the other bolt it down soon after nearly clipping her as he raised his glass for more.

Finally she made it outside the bar, though she had to step to the side to let more dwarves inside, to an already too full area in her opinion. Looking around she frowned. What next? she asked herself.

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Artalf by UtaUsagi



Random by UtaUsagi

because i was an idiot and made us chat in the RP, here is this so that wont happen again xD

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jensen Shackles
Character Portrait: Ivan McDerfinsmear
Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah
Character Portrait: Levi Herondal
Character Portrait: Marcus Spencer Hastings
Character Portrait: Nara Selstin
Character Portrait: Angelica Crystoff
Character Portrait: Noella Kingston
Character Portrait: Queen Sphira Leyroux
Character Portrait: Clarity Twist
Character Portrait: Habaine CrookSwallow
Character Portrait: Anglecia Azazel
Character Portrait: Alicia Sober


Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
Alicia Sober

"I kind of made the decision 'No, dont' right as I was saying it :/"

Character Portrait: Anglecia Azazel
Anglecia Azazel

"I can feel it. It won't be long now."

Character Portrait: Habaine CrookSwallow
Habaine CrookSwallow

"Why is that?"

Character Portrait: Clarity Twist
Clarity Twist

"Do you think fake tears is just going over the top?"

Character Portrait: Queen Sphira Leyroux
Queen Sphira Leyroux

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.

Character Portrait: Noella Kingston
Noella Kingston

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

Character Portrait: Angelica Crystoff
Angelica Crystoff

"Progress is what happens when impossibility yields to necessity."

Character Portrait: Nara Selstin
Nara Selstin

"I am the four seasons, I am true neutrality itself, never faltering, never stepping outside my bounds. Nah, just kidding, come and play with me!"

Character Portrait: Marcus Spencer Hastings
Marcus Spencer Hastings

"Have you ever heard that joke about the two electrons? Haha, just kidding I'm not a total nerd."

Character Portrait: Levi Herondal
Levi Herondal

"This is definitely NOT fabulous, I REFUSE to take part!"


Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
Alicia Sober

"I kind of made the decision 'No, dont' right as I was saying it :/"

Character Portrait: Angelica Crystoff
Angelica Crystoff

"Progress is what happens when impossibility yields to necessity."

Character Portrait: Levi Herondal
Levi Herondal

"This is definitely NOT fabulous, I REFUSE to take part!"

Character Portrait: Queen Sphira Leyroux
Queen Sphira Leyroux

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.

Character Portrait: Jensen Shackles
Jensen Shackles

"If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now. I'm here to try to talk some sense into you."

Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah
Sylzara Maraua Harahrah

In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity.

Character Portrait: Habaine CrookSwallow
Habaine CrookSwallow

"Why is that?"

Character Portrait: Clarity Twist
Clarity Twist

"Do you think fake tears is just going over the top?"

Character Portrait: Nara Selstin
Nara Selstin

"I am the four seasons, I am true neutrality itself, never faltering, never stepping outside my bounds. Nah, just kidding, come and play with me!"

Character Portrait: Noella Kingston
Noella Kingston

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Clarity Twist
Clarity Twist

"Do you think fake tears is just going over the top?"

Character Portrait: Queen Sphira Leyroux
Queen Sphira Leyroux

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.

Character Portrait: Jensen Shackles
Jensen Shackles

"If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead by now. I'm here to try to talk some sense into you."

Character Portrait: Nara Selstin
Nara Selstin

"I am the four seasons, I am true neutrality itself, never faltering, never stepping outside my bounds. Nah, just kidding, come and play with me!"

Character Portrait: Ivan McDerfinsmear
Ivan McDerfinsmear

"Ay, I may me drunken as can be, but I ain't that drunk!"

Character Portrait: Marcus Spencer Hastings
Marcus Spencer Hastings

"Have you ever heard that joke about the two electrons? Haha, just kidding I'm not a total nerd."

Character Portrait: Alicia Sober
Alicia Sober

"I kind of made the decision 'No, dont' right as I was saying it :/"

Character Portrait: Anglecia Azazel
Anglecia Azazel

"I can feel it. It won't be long now."

Character Portrait: Noella Kingston
Noella Kingston

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.

Character Portrait: Sylzara Maraua Harahrah
Sylzara Maraua Harahrah

In silence man can most readily preserve his integrity.

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Artalf by UtaUsagi



Random by UtaUsagi

because i was an idiot and made us chat in the RP, here is this so that wont happen again xD


because i was an idiot and made us chat in the RP, here is this so that wont happen again xD

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