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And the Stars Revolted

And the Stars Revolted


You are a citizen on the planet Dahl's Cradle, a world on the border of alien space. At least.. you were. When a ship comes crashing through the atmosphere, you couldn't have imagined the cargo it carried. Or what had followed it.

1,304 readers have visited And the Stars Revolted since The Adversary created it.



Welcome to the 23rd century, where mankind has expanded into the stars and claimed a total of ninety two worlds beyond the edge of Sol. Other than the breadth of our territory and technology, you'll find not much has changed. Each world is largely independent and likes it that way, acting as a single nation among many out in the galactic ocean. Extraterrestrial life was encountered just seventy years after leaving our home system in the form of a peaceful race called the jin fo. Through them medical sciences, alloy fabrication and FTL have seen rapid leaps in efficiency. That was not all they brought. Whispers, at first. Small rumors and a resurgence of old paranoias. Most people ignored it or didn't notice at all. We would have been better off listening. For hundreds of years now the jin fo have been dominated from behind the scenes by a shadowy entity employing largely more advanced sciences and genius manipulative tactics. We have not been spared this fate. Our governments - even the nation of Sol itself - are under the sway of a force more frighteningly powerful than we could have ever assumed. Ignorant of this sentencing at large, now some of us have joined the resistance. Thousands aware amidst billions of the blind poised against an enemy we cannot see- though they can see us. Every camera is an eye, everyone a potential spy. Nowhere is safe, and no one is free. It is time to take our worlds back into our own hands.

You are a citizen living on the unassociated planet Dahl's Cradle, a world right on the border of the human-jin fo territories. Whether you are a member of one of the resistance's many cells or an ordinary person without knowledge of the war going on right under your nose, you're about to be pulled into the conflict like it or not. When a small starship comes plunging down through the planet's atmosphere you find yourself in the presence of a woman bearing the key to bringing the enemy to their knees. They know. And they will do anything they can to stop her from getting off-world and completing her task.

Welcome to the 23rd century, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay.

The human half of the resistance is divided into many smaller cells, all working separately with minimum interaction. The enemy seems to have had a hard time combating a threat so widely dispersed and uncoordinated. The most effective - and actually most defined - is the House of Horus, named after an era theorized by Aleister Crowley wherein humanity would begin to take greater control of their destiny as opposed to being ruled by the gods. The House is an extensive information front employing fast-moving agents to ferry important data to high profile nodes, attacking the enemy on their most important front: Their technological dominion. Recently, they have gone noticeably quiet. All contact cut off and no word of their operations to any allies. Either they have finally been quelled, or something's caused them to go to ground.

Human: The children of Earth. Humans are resourceful and cunning predators capable of rapid advancement and enormous devastation under the best and worst circumstances. We can be arrogant, prideful, and often belligerent- but we are not without bite. Thousands of years of warfare has made us into survivors. We resist odds almost religiously and are experts at finding solutions to impossible problems. Territorial pack animals, we are only moderately collaborative as a race. With the exception of the worlds within the Sol system, every human colony is governed largely independently. Our divisiveness has some obvious downsides. One of the most rampant is that there are no colonies devoted to agriculture. Real, organic food is expensive and in short supply for most people, making the cheaper synthetic foodstuffs more necessary and widely available. Most humans are in some way augmented with cybernetics- or "amps". Most are purely neurological, allowing for instantaneous monetary transactions and tapping into the extranet among a plethora of other uses with little more than a thought. One danger that has arisen out from this is "mind hacking", where either law enforcement or, much less commonly, a criminal can influence, control or shut down a person's brain wirelessly. The prevalence of these upgrades has instigated a further societal split between the "digitals" who embrace these changes and the "analogs" who refuse them.

Jin Fo: A peaceful, anthropoid race hailing from the planet Yalinga. Physically they are similar to us in many ways. They are more agile than humans, able to run faster for longer stints and recover quicker from exerting themselves. Conversely they are not as sturdy as humans, or as strong. Psychologically they are noticeably less aggressive. As a result, their cultures tend to emphasize - rather than simply preach - nonviolence, levelheadedness, and self fulfillment without societal detriment. Many of the jin fo are ethical vegetarians due to societal mores based on ingrained religious philosophies from bygone times. They do not differentiate between race and beliefs, resulting in far fewer wars during their history. Thus they have had more time to advance non-military technologies, but have very little experience in any form of warfare. They prefer speed, diversions and electronic interference as opposed to human partiality for devastating weaponry. They live longer than humans due to more sophisticated medicine, and despite the frail appearance of their technology it is in actuality considerably more durable than anything humans have yet made.

The resistance has its origins with the jin fo government. Upon uncovering disturbing data, the intelligence branch attempted to warn their leaders. All communication was blocked, and as incentive this new species set a star to prematurely supernova, killing thousands of jin fo in the process. Shortly after they received a message, just one line of script: This is not our desire; do not force our hand again. They never attempted a loud rebellion since, but that was where it began. Trickles of truth passed here and there, and the enemy could not find all find every leak. Those they did they usually managed to get rid of. Thus, it took centuries for it to reach even its meager size of thousands among the jin fo, and similarly as long for humans once they started realizing something was wrong.

[GM's Note: As a kind of cop out, I have decided to forego an original appearance for this species and substitute it with an existing design for ease of use by anyone wishing to play a character from this race. As such, should you decide to, the race I picked is the quarians from the Mass Effect universe.]

Vyras: Irony is the sweetest betrayal of fate. Born on the colony called Harmony - now secretly known as the Fountain - as the product of extensive genetic augmentation and bioengineering, this race exists in the grey underneath human civilization. Physically and mentally superior by enormous degrees, the vyras (as they call themselves in their own culture) most closely can be compared to mythological vampires, with the stipulation that they lack pronounced canines or fangs of any kind. They only require blood to survive as infants, however, and sustain themselves on real food once they have begun to grow; some still feed on blood for health reasons when older. They are not perfect, of course. Their massively increased capabilities come with several side effects, including a need for excess food to sustain themselves. One interesting feature of note is that the spine of a vyras will glow when they are overcome with extreme emotion. Their average body temperature would be considered fever level for any human, and they could almost be diagnosed with ADHD. By contrast their culture emphasizes control. Control of the body, of the mind, and of others. They deem humanity, and all that they rule, to be theirs, and they aim to dominate their weaker cousins. Despite their goals, the vyras still consider themselves humans; merely a superior, more perfect version. Most vyras have minimal amps installed, either seeing them as unnecessary or diluting. All vyras possess mental powers more in line with empathy, and the older ones - the truly powerful - can even control humans with this ability. This can be used to create a thrall. A willing subject to a vyras' power, who will serve them without question. With most humans and jin fo unaware of their presence the vyras went about their agendas unobstructed.. until they became targets of the hidden power that now rules humanity. Realizing they had been recognized as a potential threat, the vyras revealed themselves to pockets of the human and jin fo resistance, offering a level of cooperation along with their substantial might. [Property of Imperial Waltz]

Android: An android has two definitions: An artificial intelligence encased within a humanoid body, or a human who has been downloaded into a mechanical form to prolong their lifespan. Androids of the former definition have been considered legal citizens in any associated human world with laws passed to protect their rights as sentient lifeforms, disregarding their synthetic makeup. Androids are physically and mentally superior to humans; faster, stronger and many times more durable. The range of their physical likeness varies, with some possessing definite human features like skin, eyes, nose and a mouth while some are obviously constructs. AIs are fully aware, and capable of simulating and even experiencing emotion if so wished. Most AIs as well see themselves as the superior offspring to humans, but harbor little to no ill will for their creators.

Code: Select all
[b]Age[/b]: [Vyras characters can be no more than 150 years old.]
[b]Description[/b]: [One paragraph at least, please. Images - real or animated - are allowed, but no anime.]


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[b]Personality[/b]: [One paragraph at least, please.]

[b]History[/b]: [One paragraph at least, please.]

[b]Other[/b]: (Optional; if you wish to state something about your character you feel is not covered by any previous sections.)

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1.) Obey all RPG rules, as well as any of mine.

2.) Shouldn't have to say it, but here it is anyway: No godmodding or meta-gaming.

3.) Please post as least once every two-to-three days. If you will be unable to do so for any extended period of time, please try and let me know beforehand.

4.) Respect other players. No one wants a roleplay to go sour because someone decides to be a jackass.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hian lau Shi Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
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0.00 INK

Days kicked off fast on Dahl's Cradle. In fact, they never really ended. The sun rising over the planet's western hemisphere signalled a massive changing of shifts. One both sides of the world the day and night crews traded places to keep the machine ever running. Shuttles and ships landing, docking, loading and leaving. Merchant freighters exiting their jumps just twenty miles from the moon, bearing whatever the Cradle didn't manufacture itself. Shipments of refined ores, minerals and rock coming down to the factories from the asteroid belt facilities. Wings of mining pilots returning home, their ships refueled and dispatched with new crews. The Earth Scraper Breaking Orbit keeping in line with the planet's night cycle, slicing silently through the darkness. And despite all the here-to-there goings on nothing really changed. Corporate worlds like this tended to be little more than a bustling monotony. The company was in control, and to pay for your right to live on their planet you did your job to support their business. Almost every single occupation was connected in some way to the Van Zandt Group or one of its partners. That was just the way things were.

Hian had been busy supervising the assembly of individual ship components. Sections of the hull, engine and frame surgically pieced together before being lifted up into orbit where they'd find their places in the shape of a new vessel. He would have preferred being on one of the teams fabricating the parts at least, or to be up where the final product came together. Either way, it was all a good respite from his real job. Sometimes he'd get lucky and need to fill in for someone or take over if something went wrong, but the company trained good workers, and the automated systems were reliable. Hian didn't understand why humans were so distrusting of their unmanned equipment. He actually found himself complaining, for once. He didn't like managing, he was a hands-on kind of man. He wasn't about to be a child about it, though.

His replacement came in, and he clocked out. He did like the night shift, because it meant he was free to move about in the morning. Grabbing a ride on a maglev, he just watched the skyline. The glowing sun in the distance, wreathed with white light. Huge, white manmade spires climbing upward and surrounded by high altitude traffic. Shortly after disembarking, aiming for his room at a nearby housing complex, everything changed. A siren went off, people started milling about nervously. Just as the PA kicked on a sonic boom blasted through the air. Everything else seemed to be drowned out as hundreds of citizens watched in dumbstruck horror a fireball roaring down through the sky. Its impact was even louder, echoing across the city like thunder. Hian launched forward, weaving through the confused and frightened crowd toward the crash site.

**Minutes Before**

"Jump drive at critical, recommend aborting and issuing SOS."

"I'm really not gonna," Adamma growled through clenched teeth, wracking her mind for possibilities. She brought up a holo-schematic of the ship, breaches highlighted by glowing orange across the port side, and one large blot on the belly. The skiff was laboring, right now largely held together by the space-time envelope wrapped around the craft. And not even the jump drive was faring well. Once it gave, the ship was going with it. The instant she dropped out of warp she'd need to act fast depending on where that was. Technical readings were pouring out left and right, and the damned computer wouldn't shut up! There wasn't much she could do other than try and keep the drive going, or at the very least overriding its automatic shut down protocols for a bit longer.

The problem was that eventually it would just stop listening. They all had a point where nothing short of outright hacking the system itself would stop it from powering off. Only a suicidal moron would do that, because a jump drive hitting critical has about the same destructive potential as a ten megaton bomb. Adamma found herself eyeing the display vehemently, quietly hissing, "Come on, come on..." Her hands were as tied as they could get, and this thing just wasn't willing to bend in the slightest. And then it actually did happen. There was a chirrup from the console, and she was unceremoniously dumped back into normal space. Roughly forty miles from a planet and heading closer fast. "Oh," her eyes went wide and jaw slack, and after that brief second's delay she flew into overdrive, starting by trying to veer the ship away from the planet.

"Forward propulsion is offline," the computer informed her coolly.

"Yes, I'm fucking getting that! Now, unless you've got something useful for me: Be! Quiet!" She roared furiously, fingers flying across the interface. She tried redirecting power to the rear engines, hoping she could maybe angle the ship away. That didn't work, because they sputtered out seconds later. Unfortunately they'd actually kicked in briefly, so she was now spinning toward the planet at an alarming rate. She rubbed at her eyes with her palms, trying to take deep breaths, but just wound up kicking the console a couple of times in outrage. "Okay, okay! Uh.. calculate trajectory, where are we going?" The display shifted to an image of a city, right on the border of a body of water. A large one. An ocean, actually. With renewed vigor she tried the thrusters, hoping at least to avoid a populated area. Her spirits began to soar when the estimate started to slide closer and closer to the shore.

"Recommend evacuating as soon as possible," the computer stated.

Adamma sneered, "Oh, you don't say." She locked the thrusters and leapt from her seat, racing to the locker where she'd stowed her gear. She decided against making an inane comment about the computer going down with the ship. It wasn't sentient, anyway. Already wearing the body of her environment suit, she snatched the helmet, wrap and her guns. Very quickly she checked her neural interface. It was still there, she thought with an abrupt nod before racing to the escape pod. Small ship, one pod. Small pod. She crammed herself inside and hit the launch key. The door slammed shut, and she felt the pod shifting while the magnetic locks began to disengage and the computer calculated the best possible place and time to launch her. She kept her eyes open, staring intensely at the ceiling and counting down with each breath until- finally- the pod was seemingly sucked out of its recess in the starboard side of the ship.

The weight of the inertia was nothing compared to the jolt of hitting atmo. An outer shell of ceramic was burned away during descent, sparing the titanium plating beneath from most of the considerable heat. A screen informed her as each leg of the trip down was reached. Another shudder when the upper panels deployed, slowing her velocity considerably to prevent death upon impact. Finally, fifty metres above the water the rockets at the base of the pod fired up, and seconds after contact was made a set of emergency buoys inflated. The pod rocketed back to the surface, and after a brief scan made by the onboard systems, the door opened. Adamma pulled herself up, peering over the lip of the door and watched as the flaming wreck of her skiff went down into the ocean miles away. She slipped back down into the pod, pressing a hand to her forehead and squeezing her eyes hut. "God, I've gotta get some sleep soon," she groaned.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
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0.00 INK

Rocking back and forth on her feet, Dr. Clarey Ayala glared at any passersby that glanced in her direction. Her A.I. companion Viki lay sprawled in a chair next to her, eyes staring into space and muttering nonsense in a low voice. They'd been like that for the past half hour, and it was starting to draw unnecessary attention.

Cascara Seca, one of her favorite seaside bars, seemed like a good place to spend some down time on that day. It was bright and sunny outside, with a nice breeze blowing in from the shore, making for a pleasant and relaxing day out. However, they'd scarcely been there ten minutes before Viki caught wind of something and retreated into the virtual world. Clarey considered plugging her terminal into the android and riding shotgun to her feed, but decided to respect her partner's privacy.

Xavier, the bartender, approached their table cautiously and held out the drinks Clarey had ordered. She accepted them with a tight smile indicating her dangerous lack of patience for any tomfoolery. The man had tried to hit on her several times in the past, and the last time he'd approached, she pulled her gun on him. People trying to get close to her or get into her life made her anxious. She didn't like that.

15:56:01 >USER:Halconeer73 joined chat!<
15:56:12 [Halconeer73] >SiberGoddess? You in chat?<
15:56:13 [SiberGoddess] >What's up, Hal?<
15:56:42 [Halconeer73] >I just got wind of something big. You might want to steer clear of the ocean for a bit, okay?<
15:56:49 >USER:Halconeer73 initiated file transfer! {389f39DCI298_3hhY.txt}<
15:56:50 [SiberGoddess] >You're a doll, Hal. I'll keep my eyes open and my feet dry.<
15:57:02 >USER: SiberGoddess has left chat!<

Viki zipped down a virtual highway, peeking into packets and files around her idly as she scanned for any reflections of the data she'd gotten off her contact. The file he'd sent her contained an SOS issued by some ship in hyperspace inbound to Dahl's Cradle and fast. At most, she'd only have maybe five minutes before impact to clear the splash zone. At ETC minus three minutes, she jacked out of the ethernet and calmly sat up in her seat.

Her creator whirled around to face her, startled by her movement. Viki looked her in the eye as she stood, jerking her head towards the door and quickly making a beeline to it. Behind her, Clarey spluttered protests, but hastily joined her side.

"There's a ship on a crash trajectory headed this way.I suggest we climb the old church steeple so we can get a good view," piped Viki, as if it were some kind of show and not an incredibly dangerous event. Clarey stopped in her tracks a moment, not completely comprehending.

"There's a what?!" Viki heard her yell from behind, but the A.I. simply smiled and broke into a run.

An incoherent noise of frustration escaped Clarey's mouth as her partner casually informed her of impending danger and then proceeded to head towards it. She matched Viki's pace, vaulting obstacles as she neared the edge of the marketplace. Taking a flying leap, Clarey scrambled up a wall and onto the roof of a nearby store, trying to keep track of her compulsive companion.

Chasing Viki over rooftops and up apartment buildings, Clarey kept glancing at the sky in fear that the ship would just drop straight on top of them. Finally, they reached the old, decrepit church building and scaled it. Clarey doubled over, trying to catch her breath.

"How do you know there's a ship going to crash, and how do you know it won't crash here?" She fell back into a seated position and followed Viki's darting gaze out over the ocean.

"I don't..." whispered the A.I. excitedly, a broad smile plastered on her beautiful damned face.

Like a child spotting a celebrity, Viki leaned forward and pointed to the sky, bouncing up and down slightly.

"There it is!" she shouted. Her eyes zoomed in to the breach in atmosphere, noting the launch of an escape pod as the ship plummeted down to the ocean.

"C'mon, Clarey! Let's go meet the survivor!" She hopped down from the spire into a rolling landing, then made a beeline to the beach. Halfway there, she cheered as the ship slammed into the ocean, sending up a huge plume of water leaping into the sky.

Clarey finally joined her on the beach five minutes later, huffing and puffing. Viki gestured towards the wreck, indicating a small black dot out in the middle of the bay.

"There's the escape pod. It'll drift to shore in 9 minutes 54 seconds, accounting for the disturbance of the ship crashlanding into the bay. We should be the welcome party!"

Viki paced back and forth near the zone she projected the pod would wash up in.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva Character Portrait: Maya Himayati
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0.00 INK

Busywork, that's what life had been about for the past few years. Sort these files. Run that program. Check some numbers. Sort some more files. Watch a progress bar. All this could be done by an automated, mindless program but loyal employees with no position needed to be placed somewhere and given something to do. The only thing that changed from day to day was the specific characters found in the files and the location of the spider that always froze up whenever someone entered the room. Well that and the occasional meeting but attendance had been altered to observation after a dozen or so interruptions, meaning that they became just as mindless as the deskwork.

That was where Maya found herself this morning, in her small office looking around to find where the spider might be today. The computer screen she was supposed to be looking after was busily running automated programs and performing each and every task she herself was supposed to be doing. Since her employers were likely very aware of the installation of foreign software on their network, she assumed they really didn't care whether she herself was doing the busywork or not, so long as she was still employed at the Van Zandt Group there were no complaints from those above her. After a few minutes she found the little bastard hidden within one of the many crevices of her seat and, satisfied by her hard work, sat back in her chair likely startling her officemate and let her mind wander. First she went through any emails she had gotten, then checked the recent news, then browsed for clothes and furniture, then possible vacation spots. She had cleared her starved mailbox, read every headline and decided they weren't interesting enough to pursue further, picked out a new jacket and a new chair for her apartment, and selected a number of candidates for her next break from work. It was a productive day so far.

She had concluded her extranet wandering after about fifteen minutes and rose from her seat, itching to leave the room to give the spider the opportunity to move. She pulled open one of her many identical drawers and withdrew three of her many paper-wrapped cigarettes from it. She let the automated programs enthusiastically sort through her busywork as she left her office and made her way down several hallways to the door that led to the outdoor patio. Since the morning shift had just barely gotten started, she was alone on her break, and took up residence on a seat that had a good view of the sea you usually couldn't get so far from the beach. She bit down on the paper-wrapped tobacco and flicked her thumb open to light it as the sound of something breaking through the atmo resounded. She watched as a ball of fire hurled itself down into the water as her cigarette went deprived of the vital ventilation that it needed to keep lit.

As a few employees energetically emerged onto the patio to try and put a visual to the sound they'd just heard, Maya stood and went over to the ledge to watch as hundreds of foamy circles indicated the crash site. She wondered how much damage would be done to the beach from such an impact as she noticed a distortion in the waves likely caused by something much smaller, probably a piece of whatever had just fallen from the sky. She relit her cigarette and took an inhumanly long breath amongst the clutter of her coworkers talking amongst themselves. When she finally released the smoke that had built up inside of her, a dark cloud emerged from her mouth and drifted across the sky toward the result of some idiot's failed attempt at piloting.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
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0.00 INK

Insofar as she could tell, Adamma wasn't very far from shore. It was hard to move in the small space inside the pod, but she did manage to clip her helmet to her belt, as well as her guns with some difficulty. It involved a lot of twisting, turning and double checking to make sure neither weapon's safety was disengaged. She tentatively connected to the planet's extranet servers, namely just to find out where she was. "Dahl's Cradle?" She groaned despondently. That was way off track from where she should be. On the other hand, being off course could be beneficial. Then again when was any attempt at giving the all-seeing eye a slip actually successful? She'd probably be reattained in just a couple of hours if she were lucky. And then, she was already all over the planet's feeds. That dropped her estimate down to minutes. Plenty of video, and lots of commotion among the planet's security forces. Sitting in her dinky little bucket wasn't going to help at all. She was already hearing chatter about emergency craft behing sent her way. "Son of a bitch," she growled. Pulling herself up, she planted a foot on the edge of the door before launching herself out of the pod and into the water.

Not the best decision in the world. Her suit was watertight and resistant, but that didn't mean it wore like a cape made out of feathers. She had to fight particularly hard to keep herself up, and each time she threw out an arm it felt like she was hauling herself up a steep cliff face. She didn't so much care about her "form", she'd never been a professional swimmer or anything. She probably looked like a flailing fish or something. It really must have shown once she hit land, water running down her suit and staining the sand as she tromped out of the shallows. She looked around, trying to work her mind and think of something. She really had to disappear, and fast. She'd never been the stealthiest, but this was a new kind of spectacle. Barreling down onto a populated planet in a space ship. She spied two women nearby and rolled her eyes, assuming they'd probably come down to get a better look at the disaster. "Oh, just what I need," she sighed, shaking her arms as she started up the beach.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
Character Portrait: "Tin-Man"
Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki
Character Portrait: Hian lau Shi
Character Portrait: Collette


Character Portrait: Collette

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'follow your doctor's orders'? Yeah, it wasn't a suggestion. Shut up and do what I say."

Character Portrait: Hian lau Shi
Hian lau Shi

"It makes no difference who we are. This net has been cast over all of us."

Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki
Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki

The perfect pair

Character Portrait: "Tin-Man"

"Lay down your arms. Exit the building. Or you will be executed."

Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
Adamma Ignatyeva

"Got this theory going on that I just wasn't born to die."


Character Portrait: Collette

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'follow your doctor's orders'? Yeah, it wasn't a suggestion. Shut up and do what I say."

Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
Adamma Ignatyeva

"Got this theory going on that I just wasn't born to die."

Character Portrait: "Tin-Man"

"Lay down your arms. Exit the building. Or you will be executed."

Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki
Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki

The perfect pair

Character Portrait: Hian lau Shi
Hian lau Shi

"It makes no difference who we are. This net has been cast over all of us."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: "Tin-Man"

"Lay down your arms. Exit the building. Or you will be executed."

Character Portrait: Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki
Dr. Clarey Ayala and Viki

The perfect pair

Character Portrait: Adamma Ignatyeva
Adamma Ignatyeva

"Got this theory going on that I just wasn't born to die."

Character Portrait: Hian lau Shi
Hian lau Shi

"It makes no difference who we are. This net has been cast over all of us."

Character Portrait: Collette

"Have you ever heard the phrase 'follow your doctor's orders'? Yeah, it wasn't a suggestion. Shut up and do what I say."

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