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Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Cataclysm: Wakepoint


The world is what we see, right? Or are the layers that we cant see. Are we missing details? Things are moving, shifting, changing towards directions. There is no definite end. But there is an origin to a story. And this....this is our story.....

1,512 readers have visited Cataclysm: Wakepoint since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.


(And now, the series premiere of "Cataclysm")

(The New York Metro. So many use it per day. Per hour. Per Minuet. It is the fast transit of New York. And it is the location of the origin of this story.)

A boy walked quickly through the crowds, wearing a blackish grey jacket and a Green vest, as well as jeans and black sneakers. He quickly looked behind him, checking repeatedly, and then went down the stairs to board a subway. Another man with a briefcase, with four armed men, quickly came out from behind a corner. The man with the case told two of them to "Find him, he is vital to the plan".

He then proceeded down the same subway terminal, as the subway train approached. It docked, and the doors opened. He got in, and the case man saw him as well, and hurried in with his two guards, as well as the other two coming back and entering about 20 seconds behind them, right as the doors were closing. The boy hurried to the next subway car. The case man followed him, and his two guards came out from behind him and yelled "Hault!"

The boy turned around, and threw a baseball at him, causing him to drop the briefcase, as well as ducking. The briefcase opened and a device fell out, activating. The boy then realized what had happened, and yelled "GET DOWN!". The device then gave a energy pulse of sort, and it caused electrical damage to the train, causing it to crash and and seriously injuring most people inside.

(But there were survivors. And they are about to wake up different then they were before.

They will wake up with abilities. Powers. And then the story will begin...)

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((No Rules should be needed, except for a 1 paragraph (5 sentences at least) minimum on posts. If you do something bad/wrong, il let you know. No being overpowered. I am playing The Boy on the Subway from the intro, as you could probably guess, but no one can be the man with the briefcase, though one of you could be one of the guards if you REALLY wanted, but you would need to know more about them....))

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason Character Portrait: Claes Rask
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She still couldn't understand why he wouldn't accept the fact that he was still partly to blame. He made the choice to go to the subway not them. But Razael suspected that most of it came from age. She remembered a time when she wouldn't have been any different from him. Having her son and losing her sister changed a lot of her perceptions of life. Then she heard some crazy talk about going to be shot with a dart. Yeah, maybe he had escaped from a lunatic facility. That make perfect sense to her.

At least until she turned around and actually saw the dart. Her eyes widened as she stared at it. But it never hit her. It seemed to have hit something and bounced in another direction. Now maybe he didn't seem so crazy after all. Something was definitely going on. Something she didn't understand. That didn't excuse his behavior, but she was willing to listen to what he had to say if he only stopped acting like a child who couldn't see or put blame where it belonged. Wow, I've grown up. If only sis could hear me now. I would probably be the one to put her in the grave this time. Her thoughts were morbid, but she didn't have much of a sense of humour anymore.

"I'm coming with you." She had a few hours to kill before she was actually supposed to be off work. Maybe she could still make it home in time and no one would be the wiser. She could always lie and tell her mother she had randomly decided to walk to work and wasn't on the subway when the accident happened. Though she wasn't sure how she would explain the gash on her forehead.

She followed other boy, the one who had been standing there when the dart had missed them both. "What exactly are you planning on doing? And... what the hell is going on?" Direct questions, but she wanted answers. She needed them now. If he could justify himself then at this point, she might actually believe him.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason Character Portrait: Claes Rask
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Matthew was incredibly hesitant with her, considering the fact she couldn't see it wasn't his fault. "Really, why should you? Because you don't seem to get that I will not be your little scapegoat. I didn't run into the subway, I was chased into it. Because those people who were chasing me, they had guns. They were going to shoot me probably, or worse. They are the actual reason I was running in the first place! For all of this! So EXCUSE me if I won't be your little scapegoat you can shift all the blame onto! Excuse me for trying to save my little brother! And excuse me for not wanting to be caught and/or shot!!"

Matthew had, more or less, just vented all his anger right there. He probably also said to much. But she just came up to him, started bitching, and tried to use him as a Scapegoat. He took a deep breath, and then, trying to regain his composer, looked at Claes. "So, we should probably get going......before more of them come.....". He then began to walk towards the hospital.......and his brother....


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Character Portrait: William Bernett
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William was in and out of sleep. He had had a long day and all this waiting was taking its toll. The sound of footsteps caused William to jump to his feet before he had much time to think about. His body was running towards the door just as it was kicked open. He used his momentum and 'bursted' (Krav Maga) into the first man blocking a gun and punching him in the chest knocking him back Luckily it seemed they had not protective gear on. He he moved to the next guy as he stepped in and used a Polick Kaimau (Silat) to strike the next mans face and groin at the same time. The man got a open palmed hit to the to the ear and fell down cold.

It was hard to know who was more surprised these men or William himself. Suddenly he heard glass breaking from his room and decided to make his way downstairs even though it seemed backup was coming up the stairs as well.

"Better to be closer to the exit and the street," he said to himself as he dashed down the stairs leaving the groaning men behind with out a second thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason
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Razael could only smile at him as she heard words coming from his mouth that she had heard coming from her own years before. "Everyone makes a choice. Nothing is ever completely out of your control." But he was pissing her off. It took a lot to piss her off, but when it happened even her family knew to leave her alone. "The blame lies only on yours and their shoulders. You made a choice to go into the subway or even to get onto the car. So excuse me if I show you where the blame lies. Stop being such a child and own up to your mistakes." Her hands were in fists by her side. She finally understand why so many people had gotten annoyed with her as a teenager.

"I'm only blaming you for the things that you had a hand in. Nothing more and nothing less. You are not a scapegoat for anything." By now she was gritting her teeth nearly grinding them. The loose objects around her were starting to lift from the ground, but she didn't notice. She really only wanted to bash the boy's head into the ground until he learned all of the lessons about responsibility that only came from growing older.

The sentence that got through to her the most, past the answer was about his brother. He wanted to save him. Well that was about the only noble thing he had said since she had started talking to him. "You're never succeed at the things you want to do until you grow up." She said as an off comment before he started walking away. His blatant disrespect tipped her even further. The objects that had been raised in the air flew towards him. She didn't know what was happening, but it was definitely getting her point across.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason Character Portrait: Claes Rask
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Matthew, who was trying to calm down, just went supernova with anger. He hadn't been aware of it, but his enhanced perception had been analyzing her. Her reactions, the way she talked, and whatever he spotted in her bag and pockets. Subliminally, so he had no clue what he was about to say was coming from. "You don't know what its like to be responsible for yourself, or anyone else! DO you! I have had to care for my brother for most of my life! I was experimented on for months and months! Have you ever been in a bus that was targeted and blown up! DO you even know what it is like to have responsibility!? DO you know what it is like to take care of someone else, BY YOURSELF?! You would make a horrible mother! You would NEVER be able to care for anyone? DO you have a backup plan for when it all falls apart? Are you thinking 7 steps ahead?! Are you even considering what would you do if you lost your job?! OR are you too ignorant to even have one!? There is NO choice when its either lose and die, or have a chance to live and help the people you love! Do you think you would even be here if your parents were there to be responsible for you! I wouldn't be surprised if you were a mother, who had irresponsibly got pregnant at 16!"

Electricity now was gathering at his hands, the charge he had left from the subway. "I HAVE HAD MORE RESPONSIBILITY THEN YOU HAVE EVER FELT IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!". Now he had just punched her straight in the face, and then, in an attempt to avoid further conflict, tried walking away again, breathing deeply. He went toward the hospital. The amount of anger he had no, he might rip the whole hospital apart and the facility beneath it trying to get to his brother. That was his sole focus now. He zoned everything and everyone out except for Claus, and the thought of rescuing his brother. Well, and traffic. And where he was going. But that's it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason
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Everything he was saying only made the woman start to laugh. "I don't know what responsibility is?" The accent she kept hidden from everyone started slipping. "Boy, you have no fucking idea. My son is five years old. I lost my job that I've had for years because of you and your little chase. I need that money to help pay bills and give my son the things he needs. So don't tell me what responsibility is. You have no fucking idea. I watched my sister get murdered and I have blamed myself for years. I have another job now within the same day of being fired. So please enlighten me how I don't know what responsibility is. You know nothing about me or my life. And sadly everything you're saying to me is just a reflection of how you feel about yourself."

Razael was beyond pissed. She was a mother. She was good mother. Even her own family had said that even if they hadn't wanted her to have the baby. She had given everything to make sure he had everything he needed. "You have no responsibility for your own actions let alone the ability to carry someone else." Her voice was rather calm, but on the inside she was boiling with anger. When he went to push at her, he missed. Whether out of reflexes from her brother or whatever had stopped the dart from hitting her, his punch didn't touch her. But it was enough. "Your actions speak even louder than your shouting. You are a child trying to pretend to be an adult and failing miserably. Good luck because you will fail." With that, she turned on her heels and headed for home where she knew her son would be waiting and she could finally see the calm in the storm whenever she was around him.


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Character Portrait: William Bernett
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William burst out from a side exit into an alleyway but he wasn't alone. The body of another man was pushed first and used as a battering ram as William ran him into the other buildings wall. The man slumped over groaning. William had taken out more than ten guys in the building.

"This is freaking insane!" he said as he tried to keep himself calm and his voice down. He moved away from the main street figuring there were plenty of cars out there waiting for him. As he ran his mind went back to what had happened inside. He had used several martial arts techniques that he had never seen before, but his mind quickly stopped and corrected itself as he recalled what he had seen on the tv. He had not been paying attention but his eyes had still seen what the show had to offer. He wondered about the show on Muay Thai and as he wished to perform a knee kick to the face his body righted its pace and he leaped high sending his knee into the air.

William continued to look around as he ran. His memory recalling where he had come from as well as the people he had seen with perfect clarity. He found himself back on the main road but, because it was closer to the center of town it was much more crowded. He slipped into the crowd quietly thankful that he hadn't changed into his pajamas and that the had been to preoccupied to take his shoes off.

He recalled the mess in his room again clear as glass but realized that was the least of his worries now.


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(Kuroe, come and post damnit >.<. Avenger, OOC post in the OOC tab regarding this miscommunication I think we have been having. Merchant.......nice posting. Who knows, maybe you will find some papers on one of the soldiers/troopers that may or may not lead you to a excuse me, I think I have to go hunt down someone.....)


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Razael Mason Character Portrait: Claes Rask
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Claes had watched the scene play out silently. To be quite frank, the woman scared him. She reminded him of a foster mother he'd once had. A perfectly nice woman, to be sure, but scary as a devil when she wanted to be. When the argument became more heated, he tensed. This was really, really not the time for this... Matthew had completely lost his cool, and, though Claes didn't know too much about either of them, he was sure that they knew about as much about each other as he did. Was now seriously the time to pick apart every little thing about one another? As the woman began to walk away, he sighed and, once again, hopped down the fire escape after her.

"Excuse me, I may not know much about responsibility, but... Now really isn't the time to be doing this, right...?" he said somewhat quietly to both of them. "I mean, We've got people shooting at us and stuff, and... Umm, Miss...? You probably shouldn't go off on your own..."

He was fairly sure that his little speech wasn't going to help them too much, but he could at least hope.

"Ma'am, I know it's pretty confusing, but right now we've sorta got to work together, I think... If only to figure out what's going on exactly. Matthew... Y'know what, this is really awkward, since I don't even know both of you, I think I'm going insane and there are people with guns who want to kill all three of us. So can we just skip the drama and shut up so we can actually survive and stuff? Er... Please?"


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(sorry for not posting, busy week. Will post ASAP)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed Character Portrait: Claes Rask
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0.00 INK

"Fine by me. I really don't care or want drama right now. Lets just go.....". He continued walking towards the hospital when a car crashed into another car after being distracted by all the violence which had initially been caused by this random woman coming out of nowhere. And, being New York, a variety of explosions came from this crash along with a few more crashes, killing quite a few people. In all this fire, Matthew managed to stumble out of it, but the air was filled with smoke.

He wanted to just sleep really. Or cry. He was holding it all in. All this energy, this anger, this emotion, he had funneled into saving his brother. He could see Claes, but no one else. "Can you see a way out of this? This smoke is too thick....." (Hint hint nudge nudge)


Ryan was trapped in a holding cell, accessing his cell's speakers to let him spy on others. That was his power. Technopathy. Ranged Technopathy, though it is more effective with contact. His little secret he had yet to share. For all they knew, he was just superintelligent. Thats when he heard one of them mention a "plan", some preliminary "testing", and "The Meta Bomb", while they had called their previous devices a "Meta Pulser". If Ryan figured this next part right, that meant a large bomb........and a large scale test......a large scale, city wide test......and this was not good.

(SOrry for short post, but I managed to get a good twist in to keep it going!)

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed
Character Portrait: Razael Mason
Character Portrait: William Bernett
Character Portrait: Claes Rask


Character Portrait: Claes Rask
Claes Rask

"Okay, I'll fix this. I don't know how, but I will."

Character Portrait: William Bernett
William Bernett

"The possibilities are endless!"

Character Portrait: Razael Mason
Razael Mason

"This can't be good."

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed
Matthew Miles Reed

"This wasn't supposed to happen......"


Character Portrait: William Bernett
William Bernett

"The possibilities are endless!"

Character Portrait: Claes Rask
Claes Rask

"Okay, I'll fix this. I don't know how, but I will."

Character Portrait: Razael Mason
Razael Mason

"This can't be good."

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed
Matthew Miles Reed

"This wasn't supposed to happen......"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Razael Mason
Razael Mason

"This can't be good."

Character Portrait: Claes Rask
Claes Rask

"Okay, I'll fix this. I don't know how, but I will."

Character Portrait: William Bernett
William Bernett

"The possibilities are endless!"

Character Portrait: Matthew Miles Reed
Matthew Miles Reed

"This wasn't supposed to happen......"

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Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Well, I like to surprise people. Have unexpected twists. It makes it interesting, and I find it usually helps keeps things going. To always have some surprise, some mystery down the corner. The reason I didn't initially put that is because I was trying to make it interesting and engaging. Trying to play on people's curiosities so that they would not abandon the RP and watching it wither and die. I've seen too much of that, so I was trying to make you want to know more, which would make you stay.

So far it's been my most successful strategy.

Also, if your depressed, look on the bright side and be happy. That, or punch things until you realize being depressed isn't worth it and might be hurting others. Apologizing also helps, because even if you don't think you should or have to, or if it's for something you didn't even do or have anything to do with you, it always seems to make people (including myself) happier, as well as helping you make/keep friends.

(Note, this next bit is supposed to sound more joking then serious, and should not be regarded as a serious/insulting remark, in case it seems to you that way) It sort of seems right now like your Matthew as Raz described him. xD

Though, this is from someone who's disposition is stuck at happy most of the time and always looks on the bright side and is positive whenever possible. Also someone who probably isn't the best in the "socialization department".

Oh, and I hope your Fiancée is okay. We got hit pretty bad up here, and the Nor'Easter made it worse. D:

I much prefer regular Easter. It has candy. :D

Hope you feel better!

P.S.: Teddy Bears, especially big ones, also help, especially when you hug them. :D

Also, Avenger, he is a chat RPer. One of them. He cannot be trusted (probably). :3

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

The only thing that I took offense to is well... the writing of how things are portrayed and ultimately I think that's what it boils down to. I don't want to know his history. I personally don't care and right now neither does Raz. There is no need to. And frankly his life sounds like thousands of other characters I've seen. Hell one of my favorites came from an abusive family situation. Jael was amazing.

However, from my understanding and reading of what you described from the subway... if you wanted it out like that then why didn't you write all of that? If you don't want him to come off as involved, which is how I read it. Granted I do have some slight reading problems... include it in your intro post. I didn't even know what to do with my intro because yours didn't give anything to go off of really.

I don't apologize to anyone and I'm not starting now. I meant every word I wrote and I'm not taking them back. If they came off as harsh, oh well. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. I'm a blunt straight forward person and that's not going to change. Actually I haven't been disrespectful until about now. Take things how you will.

Also new person: Please don't come in here and tell others how to make their posts. Based on your post count alone... *shakes head* I'm a lit rper. And frankly there is something called character development. Please learn it. Its what makes a story.

On that note Squishy, I will warn you I have mostly been ranting due to my depression and that is about the only thing I am sorry for. I can't help it. So yes, after this just take my advice. Put more detail into the post so that way there is no confusion on what you see in your head, what's on paper, and what other players see. That will help all of us in the long run.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

I'm interested that River is interested.

Also, stop typing out such long paragraphs with underlying meaning that are a waste of space and time to everybody not involved with whatever they detail.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint


Okay, let's just all step back and take a breath. Clearly there is some miscommunication in the understanding of the questions.

First off, let me say that if anything Matthew said offended you, sorry, because that was not its intention and only now I'm getting the feeling your taking offence to this.

Second, the questions were, at least what I thought, we're fairly evident in their answer. But il just tell you then, since it irritates you so much. Matthew's and Ryan's father was abusive, after their mother died, and blamed it on Ryan, because she died in childbirth. Matthew tried to protect Ryan, which ended up in a conflict when their father started hitting Ryan that Matthew thought his life might be in danger, and tried to defend him, learning hand to hand combat to do so. At one point, while drunk, he attacked Ryan with a broken glass bottle, but Matthew intervened. However, after that, they ran away, getting on a bus, which was the same one that exploded due to the device.

The abusive family part can be deduced from his lack of reaching out to his family for help, and from what he has said.

This next part is what he has yet to fully realize, but has subconsciously. At the subway station, the man with the device had two of his guards split up to look for him, but kept the other two with him. He then went towards that subway car before seeing him enter. But if he was looking for him, why have the device? And why concealed in a piece of luggage you could, perhaps, stow on a train and leave there without anyone noticing? And it just happened to activate when it hit the ground?

Right, I'm asking a lot of questions again expecting you to get the answer, which you apparently hate, so let me answer it simply. The device was supposed to go off in the train. It was supposed to detonate in the subway. It was always going to detonate there. Why else would he have the device? Why else did they have guards there, at the station the survivors would be at? Why else would he just coincidentally go and look at the one station with a subway still there? Matthew ran towards it because of that, but he wasn't the reason they went that way.

Now, I would like to point out I feel like you have been very harsh and disrespectful with your words, and it would be very nice if you could apologize too, and we could leave this whole bad moment behind us and have fun, instead of making each other miserable. It's a mutually beneficial resolution. We both can have a fun, interesting experience, and not make this a hassel. :D

Now, I would like not to spoil anything else as well, so this is the end of this diplomatic OOC post.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

The only person who understands what he is saying is you, because you are in his head. Our characters aren't. We don't understand what he is saying. They want answers not more riddles. Actually it makes perfect sense. Its not a matter of wanting someone to blame, but he was the one who lead the men to the subway car. Life is filled with little decisions some that we aren't even consciously aware of. What made him choose the subway over something else? What made him get on the car instead of trying to hide somewhere down there? His own decisions.

She isn't sort of irresponsible. Based on her history, which is what you are doing and implanting that through character, is the past. Things have changed. She changed. She grew up and understands how teenagers feel when it comes to not owning up to the things they did and blaming it onto someone else. So saying she is irresponsible at this point is highly rude because its not the truth. It actually makes perfect sense because she sees him on the same path she was on, and she knows what needs to be done to get him from falling into the same hole where there might not be a return.

It shouldn't matter about fucking spoilers for an rp. Characters do and go where they want. We can't control them. When you try and control them you take away their free will and they are no longer doing or saying what they want. They are doing and saying what you want. There is a major difference.

No one cares about what one character has to figure out unless it relates directly to them. No one cares about what Matthew doesn't know about enhanced perception. They want answers to him about what the hell happened and what is happening to them. And what is he doing? He's leaving them to go off on his own thing and leave him behind.

Again no one cares about what has been mentioned or not mentioned. If you wanted a story central to one person... write a book. Not an rp. Things that centralized to one character die because the other rpers get bored and frustrated about being kicked to the back burner. I helped raise my brother who is fourteen years younger than I am and I sure as hell don't talk about my parents in everything or hardly mention them. It was always my brother and me and maybe mom but that's it. So no his reference to no parents doesn't draw much attention in this world.

So knowledgeable? I wonder why? Because he knows what is going on and isn't saying anything. Which is all you. Independent? They don't know how old he actually is and frankly kids younger than him have held jobs and been emancipated by the courts. So no. I was an very independent kid and turned into an extremely mature woman. Independent has nothing to do with it. That is simply a personality trait nothing more.

Again on caring only about brother not overall family. First he's American. And second again, my brother. I would care more about getting him than any of my other family members. To me he is my son. So no the family doesn't count. Seemingly anti-social? Trying to hit a woman is not anti-social its abuse. And he's taking the other boy with him... and talking to him. That's not anti-social. You're talking to someone who has anti-social personality. He's not very good at being anti-social and again why should the character's give a rat's ass? They shouldn't. He hasn't done anything for them except make their lives worse.

Hand to hand combat? How does Razael know some stuff - her brother. How do I know? I'm a third degree brown belt. So let's see its easy to learn somewhere. They are in NY so really... not that shocking or surprising. Not something that draws attention to himself. Nothing that makes the character extraordinary except his abilities.

Maybe he didn't have a choice in the experiments sure. But his decisions once free... yeah those are all on him. Sorry if I ranted, but I am sick of being around people who use their own knowledge about what is to come or even about other characters and put it into their own. Let the character be themselves and let them grow through experience. Stop trying to make the story central to just Matthew because it won't work. Its boring and no one wants to be a secondary character in anything.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Actually, what he is saying makes complete and utter sense, more then he knows actually.

HOwever, it makes NO SENSE at all for her to just go up to him and accuse him of all these things. Especially since, when you look at it, Razeal was sort of irrisponsible herself, it makes no sense for her to make these accusations. And at that point, he was pissed off, and she was in his way.

Its not his fault either way, however, it isn't even remotely his fault because of certain spoilers I refuse to spoil. Its actually something he noticed, but hasn't realized it yet. Enhanced Perception is tricky like that.

Additionally, there is a bit to his history you have failed to get from how he talked, so let me ellaborate. WHy is it his parents have not been mentioned this entire time? Why does he seem so knowledgable and independent? Why does he feel like his little brother is his only concern, not his families? Why is it he is seemingly anti-social? And how does he know Hand to Hand combat?

WHen you figure out what happened, or at least somewhat of what happened, then perhaps your character will learn that he has not had a choice in this....

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Everything about him is odd. But if the character's don't go with him, what discoveries can be made? Only for those who are there. Frankly, its not Razael. Its either you or your character. Because really, its making me as a person upset not just my character. I want to believe its Matthew who completely lacks the ability to see from both sides, but I'm sadly able see from your comment about Raz that it may indeed be you.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

There is more to this. He CURRENTLY wants to find and rescue his brother. However, this may or may not (the former being more likely) lead to a discovery that will then result in something much bigger.

Also, if anyone has been paying attention, something about what he is saying should strike someone as odd.

And Razael appears to be very stubborn....xD

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

I want to point this out as I feel like someone must, but as the lead character in this Matthew isn't doing a very good job. All he wants to do is go find his brother, which leaves the rest of the characters hanging out on their own. Its a recipe for disaster. Something has to change or the rp will die.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

....I had a slight power issue. Im moving up the Timescale to between 10AM to Noon.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

I know what you mean. I'm not too worried here. I can see some of the effects, but I'm far enough from the coast. It's my fiance I'm worried about. He's in VA near the coast, and they put all of them on lock down again. I hope this doesn't affect training time... Grr.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

I will likely post today. Just waiting for one/a few people to post in their characters, but due to the Hurricane, I will be posting between noon-3PM

That doesn't mean you cant still join though!

The only thing that will stop me is power outage, but that shouldn't happen, at least not that soon (and hopefully none at all)

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Same for me. I hate using it now. Can't find a pic for an rp I have rolling around in my head now and I would have found it so easily if I used anime or at least the high fantasy. But I can't stand them anymore.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Awesome River. And yeah, It can sometimes be hard ot find a good pic, especially since Anime annoys me now for no apparent reason

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Uh, no. I can never find anything good there. I actually do google searches until I either find something I want or go to deviant and look there. Between the two I find something I can use.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Definitely interested. Just not sure on the character yet. Might be interested in playing one of the guards maybe, but no idea what power.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Im just wondering, did you get your picture from Photobucket? That's where I get most/some of mine :3

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

I saw thank you for the pm. I am in the progress among other things of making my character. I'll have the sketch up by tonight.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

Well, i meant to add this, but it is mostly random, though it may be slightly influenced by who they are with, what they are doing or thinking, what they are skilled at, and ect, but mostly random......mostly.

And understand, the more powerful it is, the worse any side affects should be. I will accept powerful abilities, but there better be either a nasty side affect, or really hard to control/use/maintain.

Re: Cataclysm: Wakepoint

What kind of idea did you have in mind for the abilities they wake up and have?