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City of Eden

City of Eden


A place or state of great happiness, yet also a misleading title for a city full of servants meant to be enslaved by the rich. (Full!)

1,338 readers have visited City of Eden since Sorararun created it.





E D E N; a place or state of great happiness, or what most people refer to as the main city. Eden, now days, can either be a heaven or hell to who lives in it, although, of course, only amazing words have been told of it. Wealth, power, fame, it's all there, but to gain them is nearly impossible because of how the system is set up. In Eden, there are three districts; Mastaut, Medius, and the Slums. Mastaut is what holds most Nobles and some higher ranked Knights. It has the highest elevation, nicest clothing, very educated citizens, and powerful people. The food is of the highest quality, and the people who live here live in mansions. No... Not even mansions. They live in their own castles, like the kings and queens they're portrayed to be. Medius is the center, being on even ground and having average everything. Here, only Knights live since Nobles are too prideful to live a step below them. It's basically for the average. The economy is fine, the people are fine, the education is fine. Nothing is quite special about this place, as everything about it is just fine. Finally, there is the final step, at the bottom, below sea level, and some of it is even underground. Here is where the slaves live, for those who are uneducated, untalented, and for what many consider 'useless.' The buildings here are hardly more than a single floor on the ground made out of dirt and sand rather than stone and brick. There is little to nothing down here but Slaves, poor, and plagues.

Yet even with all this going on, the segregation and poverty, no one does a thing. This is how the beautiful yet cruel world of Eden works.

ImageNow, you must be thinking; Nobles? Knights? Slaves? Well, reader, allow me to explain. Nobles are the highest of class, as you may have already figured out. They have the ability to use magic of any sort because of their education level and usually are the leaders of the government. Nobles also own Knights and Slaves and either use them as servants around their large households, or as body guards. They live to be rich and grow old rich, that never changes. Most Nobles are cold-hearted, selfish, and manipulative. While all know each other, they do not like each other nor cooperate with each unless both sides gain something. Nobles are considered the perfect race, being beautiful and handsome, but on the inside, most are corrupt monsters that some people depict to have come from hell. However, even in this monstrosity cage, there are some Nobles who are beautiful and handsome inside as well, and the people of Eden only hope that the corrupt do not taint the the rest of the city.

Moving on, Knights are the middle class. Opposite to Nobles, Knights cannot use magic, but specialize in using weapons. Most were trained since they were able to walk, explaining their incredible ability to fight. They're lower than Nobles, but not look down upon as much as Slaves are. Slaves are not exactly slaves. Yes, they do serve Nobles, but that does not mean that they all serve someone. Only certain Slaves, some born with some magic skill and weaponry skill, but not specializing in either. Given their name from the original knight, Knights are very protective often, loyal, and prideful. They are almost like butlers, needing everything to be perfect and up to a flawless skill for their masters and mistresses. There cannot be a single thing wrong- is how most are. Those are the stereotypical Knights, but they are rare to find these days as Knights today can be anything.

Finally, we come down to the Slaves. Just like Knights, their name comes from the originality too. Slaves are called that because they are the lowest class in Eden and have no say in anything. They are discriminated the most because they are a mix of magic and weaponry, being able to use both at their own will, but being horribly skilled at both compared to Knights and Nobles. Slaves are an overpopulated race, since many Nobles do not want to take in such dirty creatures, and so, because of this, Nobles send down their personal body guards, their Knights, or sometimes, their Slaves, to kill ten before returning. It's to keep the numbers of the Slaves low, or, at least, even with the number of Nobles and Knights. This is what all of Eden suffers from, even those who think they live in the sky know that one day, this plague may spread to them as well.

In the end, however, both Slaves and Knights are inferior races and classes to the Nobles. Some are able to live normal lives as a person, although Slaves will always suffer from their status, some, who have not been claimed by a Noble, are able to live out their normal lives. Others, however, either live a life of prosperity, or a life of captivity. They can live in the mansions with their Nobles, if they are kind enough to do so, and live out to have friendly, and sometimes even forbidden relationships with their masters. Although, on the other hand, life can be much worse if serving underneath a Noble. A Knight or Slave is often treated like a piece of property, or, at least, something that isn't even human and only it used to do a Noble's bidding. They sleep outside the mansions and have little to no privileges. Also mind that it has been stated, as a law, that any relationship other than master and follower is illegal in Eden. Friendship, lovers, family; all of that is forbidden. Disobeying this means a Noble's rank falling all the way down to a slave's, regardless of who they are or how minor their relationship is with their Knight of Slave. The price on the Knight or Slave's shoulder is much heavier, as it is punishment, then death. This is the way Eden usually is. Even in a perfect world, it is filled with flawed monsters.

It's always been this way, this perfect yet flawed world named Eden. All who hold power are of the Nobles, and no one else. Knights may not become Nobles, Slaves may not become Knights, and Nobles never choose to become a lower 'creature.' Unfortunately, that is the way that things are, and only the head family, Geremi, of Eden had the ability to change that. It's too bad that they're a corrupt family too. Well, the past generation was. All the sons and daughters were trying to get their hands on more power and money, not caring who they used, cared, or hurt to get their way. They married several people who they were all unhappy with because they were just simple incompatible with their personality. The women and men of the Gemeni were despised for how selfish they were, but loved because they were the highest of the highest. It was a dictatorship. Anyone who spoke out against them were killed with no question.

But their children weren't like that.

A total of six children, three boys and three girls, all with a Slave or Knight of their own, now rise to take the head chair from their deceased father. How they are different can be made into thousands of lists, but to put it simply, they are not as greedy and foolish as their parents once were. Most of them care for their Slave or Knight, treating them like a person, or a friend, or a lover, rather than a piece of trash that can be disposed with the wave of a hand. No, they're much different than the cruel people that do that. Which is why they all must find out who will be the family's heir, and who will stop the war going on below them.


(Role || Name | Age | Gender | Race | Personality Traits | Slave/Noble/Knight | Taken/Reserved by ____)

Eldest Child || Alexander M. Geremi | 24 | Male | Noble | Cold ; Leader ; Reserved | Noble to First Slave | Taken/Reserved by aarondalea

Second Eldest Child || Anastasia M. Geremi | 21 | Female | Noble | Mature ; Apathetic ; Tired | Noble to First Knight | Taken/Reserved by TheHuntress

Middle Twin || Xavier Geremi | 18 | Male | Noble | Enthusiastic ; Optimistic ; Outgoing | Noble to Second Knight | Taken/Reserved by Masquerade (Skye)

Younger Middle Twin || Alphonse S. Geremi | 18 | Male | Noble | Annoyed ; Short-Fuse ; Rude | Noble to Third Knight | Taken/Reserved by Leej10100

Second Youngest Child || Victoria Geremi | 17 | Female | Noble | Sarcastic ; Playful ; Casual | Noble to Second Slave | Taken/Reserved by Sorararun

Youngest Child || Evianna Geremi | 16 | Female | Noble | Kind ; Gentle ; Maternal | Noble to Third Slave | Taken/Reserved by Ever

First Slave || Sonica Fujioka | 23 | Female | Slave | Blunt ; Outspoken ; Loyal | Slave to Eldest Child | Taken/Reserved by Masquerade (Skye)

Second Slave || Nael Avenier | 19 | Male | Slave | Prideful ; Gentlemanly ; Stubborn | Slave to Second Youngest Child | Taken/Reserved by SasoriRinku

Third Slave || Tarcozenne | 17 | Male | Violent ; Charming ; Determined | Slave to Youngest Child | Taken/Reserved by Quelle

First Knight || Hajime Kannan | 20 | Male | Cheerful ; Hyper ; Mischievous | Knight to Second Eldest Child | Taken/Reserved by Sorararun

Second Knight || Cecil Sebastian | 17 | Male | Shy ; Uncomfortable ; Anxious | Knight to Middle Twin | Taken/Reserved by ICryForAFamily

Third Knight || Akane Tachibana | 18 | Female | Dignified ; Teasing ; Worrier | Knight to Younger Middle Twin | Taken/Reserved by Guardian Aelita


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[quote][color=COLOR OF CHOICE] QUOTE HERE [/color][/quote]


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Angry || [url=URL] THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||
Emotional || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||

[right][img]URL[/img][/right][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Full Name β™”:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Nicknames β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Age β™”:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Gender β™”:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Race β™”:[/color] (Noble, Knight, or Slave)

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Master/Servant β™”:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Romantic Interest β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Sexuality β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Face Claim β™”:[/color]

[left][img]URL[/img][/left][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Physical Description/Clothing Preference β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Weapons/Abilities β™”:[/color] Try your best to make this unique as I suspect there will be plenty of swords and scythes!

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Personality β™”:[/color]

[right][img]URL[/img][/right][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Likes β™”:[/color] Keep small along with the other traits below! *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Dislikes β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Talents β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Flaws β™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Fearsβ™”:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™”Secrets β™”:[/color] *

[left][img]URL[/img][/left][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™”Bio β™”:[/color] Brief! We'll learn more about them during the rp! Plus, the more secrets, the better!

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]β™” Other β™”:[/color] *


βœ„ 1. Reservation - To reserve, please find the rule hidden somewhere here. Afterwards, you have 48 hours to get up a wip, and then 4 days to finish it unless you talk to me explaining why you can't.

βœ„ 2. Rules - No, this isn't the hidden rule, but basically, stick to RPGway's rules and my rules. Three strikes and you're out, right?

βœ„ 3. Literacy - Please, oh please be literate. Its fine if this isn't your first language, but make an attempt to look over your words. If you need help, you can always call on me. Right, and at least 400 words a post. Not that I'll be checking maybe, but make it an acceptable long post.

βœ„ 4. Gore and Romance - 'Course this is all appreciated, and wanted, and loved, but lets not go into '30 Shades of Grey' or 'Elfen Lied' bloody and romance, yeah?

βœ„ 5. Story and Theme - Please relate to this theme and story! It'd be great if your characters looked as if they were of the era, and if your bio ties in with the plot, I swear. I will love you forever. Please accept my love.

βœ„ 6. Other - Ever... look at what you've made me do OTL Gah, hopefully this rp doesn't suck! I couldn't make it very pretty, unfortunately, but if that's alright with you... join? Oh, to join, put down the title of your most favorite anime movie. Yes, movie. Animes and anime movies are different, believe it or not.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cecil Sebastian
Character Portrait: Akane Tachibana
Character Portrait: Alexander M. Geremi
Character Portrait: Anastasia M. Geremi
Character Portrait: Tarcozenne
Character Portrait: Hajime Kannan
Character Portrait: Nael Avenier
Character Portrait: Alphonse S. Geremi
Character Portrait: Victoria Geremi


Character Portrait: Victoria Geremi
Victoria Geremi

"Being a shapeshifter does have its ups, but, however, no downs~" (Wip

Character Portrait: Alphonse S. Geremi
Alphonse S. Geremi

"In this society, if the system doesn't acknowledge you, in a sense, isn't it the same as not being recognized as a human being?" {MWIP}

Character Portrait: Nael Avenier
Nael Avenier

"A kaleidoscope of a world, and I am both the conductor and the serf. Strange irony, all things considered."

Character Portrait: Hajime Kannan
Hajime Kannan

"Yes, I do look like a Noble, don't I? Well, I'm not. Just got lucky to be born with the same hair color, yeah?" (Somewhat minor-ish wip)

Character Portrait: Tarcozenne

Tarcozenne: "Rather unpleasant to see you beneath my feet, oh dear all mighty nobleness."

Character Portrait: Anastasia M. Geremi
Anastasia M. Geremi

"Father was foolish. You cannot win one's loyalty by force." {MWIP}

Character Portrait: Alexander M. Geremi
Alexander M. Geremi

"Our race of Nobles have all but the basic principles of morality."

Character Portrait: Akane Tachibana
Akane Tachibana

Hehe~ This is a strange yet beautiful world.

Character Portrait: Cecil Sebastian
Cecil Sebastian

"Y-yes sir.."


Character Portrait: Anastasia M. Geremi
Anastasia M. Geremi

"Father was foolish. You cannot win one's loyalty by force." {MWIP}

Character Portrait: Tarcozenne

Tarcozenne: "Rather unpleasant to see you beneath my feet, oh dear all mighty nobleness."

Character Portrait: Alexander M. Geremi
Alexander M. Geremi

"Our race of Nobles have all but the basic principles of morality."

Character Portrait: Akane Tachibana
Akane Tachibana

Hehe~ This is a strange yet beautiful world.

Character Portrait: Hajime Kannan
Hajime Kannan

"Yes, I do look like a Noble, don't I? Well, I'm not. Just got lucky to be born with the same hair color, yeah?" (Somewhat minor-ish wip)

Character Portrait: Nael Avenier
Nael Avenier

"A kaleidoscope of a world, and I am both the conductor and the serf. Strange irony, all things considered."

Character Portrait: Victoria Geremi
Victoria Geremi

"Being a shapeshifter does have its ups, but, however, no downs~" (Wip

Character Portrait: Alphonse S. Geremi
Alphonse S. Geremi

"In this society, if the system doesn't acknowledge you, in a sense, isn't it the same as not being recognized as a human being?" {MWIP}

Character Portrait: Cecil Sebastian
Cecil Sebastian

"Y-yes sir.."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hajime Kannan
Hajime Kannan

"Yes, I do look like a Noble, don't I? Well, I'm not. Just got lucky to be born with the same hair color, yeah?" (Somewhat minor-ish wip)

Character Portrait: Tarcozenne

Tarcozenne: "Rather unpleasant to see you beneath my feet, oh dear all mighty nobleness."

Character Portrait: Alphonse S. Geremi
Alphonse S. Geremi

"In this society, if the system doesn't acknowledge you, in a sense, isn't it the same as not being recognized as a human being?" {MWIP}

Character Portrait: Nael Avenier
Nael Avenier

"A kaleidoscope of a world, and I am both the conductor and the serf. Strange irony, all things considered."

Character Portrait: Cecil Sebastian
Cecil Sebastian

"Y-yes sir.."

Character Portrait: Akane Tachibana
Akane Tachibana

Hehe~ This is a strange yet beautiful world.

Character Portrait: Alexander M. Geremi
Alexander M. Geremi

"Our race of Nobles have all but the basic principles of morality."

Character Portrait: Victoria Geremi
Victoria Geremi

"Being a shapeshifter does have its ups, but, however, no downs~" (Wip

Character Portrait: Anastasia M. Geremi
Anastasia M. Geremi

"Father was foolish. You cannot win one's loyalty by force." {MWIP}

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Re: City of Eden

I'm so excited for this to start!

Re: City of Eden

@Sorararun: No! Only Alexander shall be the ruler of the six Geremi siblings! hahaha! xD

And @Eddy V. Sovorov thanks! hahaha hopefully this starts some time soon so you don't have to wait too long ^^; and before you lose interest hahaha

Re: City of Eden

Even not being a part of this I'm pretty excited to see how it goes!!

Re: City of Eden

Yushhh, another Bakemonogatari fan! (/ouo)/ Awww, that's alright, we all love Mami too

Btw, got my character up finally and I'll be finishing her up along with my male today if I've got the time!

Re: City of Eden

@Sorararun: I love Bakemonogatari! I was going to use Hitagi as my face claim at first, but then realized she didn't really look like what I had in mind.

Re: City of Eden

@SasoriRinku: yayy hard work on alexander paid off :D and of course I don't mind you 'copying' my style- not that it is at all! hahaha

also, i'm totally up for the role-play to start off as soon as possible :) will keep an eye on this role-play

Re: City of Eden

Sorry for my absence all! Just had a huge concert pass by and thankfully, it's over now so I can get to started on fixing this rp up! I'll edit the info page and post up some new information and maybe sometimes this weakened, get this rp started if we're all up for it ^u^

Re: City of Eden

Hey there, everyone. I'm working on getting my character up, but I'm having trouble allocating time to sit down and do him all at once. This week's just being hectic for me as far as a workload goes. So, I'm sorry I'm being a bit slow, but I'll go ahead and put up the WIP that I have now. I'll try to finish him at the soonest my work allows me to, but this is the best I can do for now. Sorry again, but I hope not to be a delay as far as the story goes.


EDIT: Well, after a significant amount of work, he's finally finished. x3 Yeesh. I must say, I do like him a lot; he's probably the brainchild I've had recently that I like the best. But, as always, I hope that he meets all the requirements and that nothing I included is too egregious towards the storyline or the rules of the 'verse.

Also, aarondalea, I really hope you don't mind that I tried to imitate your character page. It was just so pretty and well-done that I wanted to try. u.u I don't think I got it perfect perfect, but still.

At any rate, I'm squared away now. I'll probably add a few more specific references to his master as soon as I see who that will be. But, yeppers. I'm good to go.

Re: City of Eden

@aarondalea Yeah, I'm cool with you using Griffith. Your character differentiates from him so I won't mind. Besides, it's your face claim and if you can't find a different one, take what you can get~ By the Disney Prince thing, I meant that the review poked fun at Griffith's voice being one of the Disney prince's voice so it's sort of a cruel irony.

Re: City of Eden

@Guardian Aelita: hahahaha I'm not sure if we could really count that as...playing? Because at one point during the Eclipse he really does seem to, well, you know, question his decision. But then again he's a bastard for killing all those people.

and driving Casca mad.

And I'm not sure if we could really count him as a disney prince, since he doesn't do much saving. Guts does hahaha Griffith was only the face and the drive ._. (sorry, I ramble.) But everyone is okay if I use him as an FC, right?

Re: City of Eden

@aarondalea Honestly, I respect his Magnificant Bastard status for playing everyone like that but Eclipse soon came... Ugh. Also, ever since someone did a review on Berserk, I can't help but think of him as a demented Disney prince! XD

Re: City of Eden

@masquerade(skye): tried that site already, didn't come up with anything. Probably will go through again but keep Griffith as my FC for now

Re: City of Eden

@aarondalea: Try, you put in the desired traits and it gives you a list of characters that you can use.

Re: City of Eden

@Guardian Aelita: yes. Yes he is a total bastard, but I can't help but also like him as well. It is undeniable that he was awesome within the first few movies of the golden age, during the golden age arc in the manga, and, well, even as Femto he's an extremely dynamic character.

WHY oh WHY did the eclipse have to happen!?

Re: City of Eden

@aarondea Totally agree with you. Griffith is a total bastard and I hate him.

Re: City of Eden

Oh God. I forced my hand and used Griffith from Berserk as my character's FC....but I hate Griffith. The sight of his face fills me with rage. So, can anyone else think of the perfect FC for a Geremi child?

I mean, Griffith is pretty much perfect but ._. after what he did to Guts and The Band of the Hawk... never forgive, never forget.

Re: City of Eden

No worries xD That was exactly what I was looking for! So your character has been accepted and you'd gotten the role~

Re: City of Eden

. _.;;

Oh my gosh I must be so stupid it took me forever to understand xD (I still think I'm wrong)
But ummm I don't really have a favorite since Spirited away was taken v.v hmm Full Metal Alchemist The Move:Conqueror of Shamballa ^-^;; That counts right :D

Re: City of Eden

Lol, lucky you! And sure thing!

Ahh, there wasn't anything wrong with your character! Its that you forgot to put down the passcode is all ouo

Re: City of Eden

;-; O: I fixed up my character a bit, that is if by something missing means it's his bio ;-; I hope it's okay I'm sorry v.v

If there are still things wrong with it please just tell me ;_;