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Code: Instincts of Survival 2

Code: Instincts of Survival 2



3,419 readers have visited Code: Instincts of Survival 2 since CNAGamer created it.

Spectrum are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


NOTE: I have hereby named [Spectrum] as Co-GM of this role play. Her word is law as much as mine is. Thank you. ~TwiliXDragon

The years always seem to fly before our eyes, don’t they?

One moment we’re young and spry, living in the moment without any thought of regret. Though we overlook it, the world is bustling with activity and innovations, ripe for the picking before us.

The next moment, we’re staring into the glazed-over eyes of a decrepit bag of withered bones, watching as the epiphany of all our regret and sorrow, a stream of tears, rolls its way down our cheeks.

It seems so foolish, the answer is known, yet we can’t help but ask:

“Where has the world gone?”


No one knew how, no one knew why, and no one knew when, but it had happened, the studies whispered about in the dark of night, of genetic modifications beyond the basic premise of editing out certain DNA sequences or affecting the replicating nature of RNA, of cloning, had come true. On the eve of February 8, 2015, the remnants of one twisted woman’s mad experiments was released upon the nations of the world, destroying all in their path and inciting panic amongst earth’s populace. No one was spared, no one escaped, there was nothing left from where these abominations walked. The governments of the world frantically searched for an answer; sending in waves of men, all of which unceremoniously mowed down, relying on biological warfare, which fell flat against the monstrous legion, and even eventually moving to fall back on nuclear assaults, assaults that barely dented their expansive numbers. It seemed with every new failure, the human world was hastened to its impending doom, until they made themselves known.

They addressed themselves as “Nobles”, egocentric, but powerful beings, they told the world of the answer to the question all had been asking. Who had started the chaos? They claimed to be behind it all, behind the death, behind the carnage, behind the creatures, and they desired only one thing. Power. Initially, the world denied them their wish, but as the death toll increased and many a nation fell beneath the sea of abominations, their resolve washed away. With only a few select areas any longer still holding life, the remaining powers of the world gave them their wish. The Nobles would rule.

The Nobles quickly made their potential for atrocities known, purging the remnants of society of any injured, frail, or old, and taking children from their homes with the intent of study. Institutionalized schooling collapsed, businesses collapsed, everything that the Nobles had not themselves controlled, was soon to fall in this new society. In their place, rose the leagues of Noble owned, controlled, and managed companies, establishments, and laboratories, for which any citizen who wished any semblance of a life flocked too desperately. Today, the year 2025, the population of the world has fallen to only 700 million, with the most cities and nations still buried beneath the rubble of the war, indeed it seems only the strong points of each nation have managed to still stand in the madness. Biotic engineering is common place, treason is prevalent, and the morality to birth rate is dangerously unbalanced.

It’s become a fight for survival


Survival Instinct:
~The universal behavioral pattern that ensures the survival of an organism.
~Pain causes discomfort so that the organism is inclined to stop the pain.
~Fear causes the organism to seek safety and may cause a release of adrenaline, which has the effect of increased strength and heightened senses such as hearing, smell, and sight.
~Self-preservation may also be interpreted figuratively; in regard to the coping mechanisms one needs to prevent emotional trauma from distorting the mind.



A league of rather enigmatic forces, they run society from the shadows of New York, their current strong point. The hierarchy of power within their ranks is tangled and difficult to understand, the only matter any seem entirely certain on is who resides at the top. The “Artist” Nekria, the “Poet” Drean, and the “Scholar” Rorion.

The Underground:
Those who run the, as the name would imply, underground of New York. Similar to their modern day equivalent, the mafia, they have their roots far into the darker aspects of society: drug rings, gangs, slavery, assassination attempts; while being the origins of any uprising the Noble’s may face.

The Lost:
With no real agenda, nor interest in the lives of others, these teens have banded together for their own survival. Some of the members are the scraps of Nekria’s projects, either abandoned in her dislike of their result or escapees from the original facilities' fire-based demise. Others are children just down on their luck or without any home to call their own. Though their main focus is on survival, their leader, Morgan Walker, has an interest in finding out the truth behind the Noble’s lies, as well as his own forgotten past.


ImageRules By Faction:
Noble’s Commandments:
-Do not speak of treason
-Do not question your orders
-Do not exit or enter the city without express approval
-Do not deny any amongst their rank their desires

Morgan’s Rules:
-Do not kill
-Do not trespass into others rooms

The Underground’s Whispers:
-Do not question your orders
-Do not speak of the Underground
-Do not reveal information
-Do not allow oneself to be captured alive


Positions Available
The Noble Hierarchy
The Lost
The Underground



All weaponry is highly advanced, each weapon having a name and a unique personality. It can be any sort of weapon, contact, long-range, guns, varieties of abilities, plasma, laser, bullets. Most are common metals, though those wielded by knights and Underground members, tend to be made of compounds such as methril, velrium, things like that.


And now, for our enjoyment, and because I am completely bored at work, Theme songs of the different Factions! :D And I'm always up for suggestions, too. Feel free to let me know, and I'll add them ^_^

~The Nobles~
A New Way to Bleed [Photek Remix] - Evanescence
Die Alive - Tarja Turunen

~The Underground~
Unbroken - Black Veil Brides
Into the Blue - Bush

~The Lost~
Iron - Within Temptation
7 Days to the Wolves - Nightwish

~Special Videos~
Comeback - Redlight King [The Lost's Tribute]
Set the World on Fire - Black Veil Brides [The Underground's Tribute]
Live to Rise - Soundgarden [The Noble's Tribute]


Character Skeleton

Code: Select all
[center][color=choose color][font=Choose font][size=400][u]NAME HERE[/u][/size][/font][/color]
[size=130][font=Choose font][url=YOUTUBE LINK TO CHARACTER'S VOICE HERE][color=choose color]"INSERT QUOTE HERE"[/color][/url]
[url=YOUTUBE VIDEO W/LYRICS HERE][color=choose color]INSERT THEME SONG TITLE & ARTIST HERE[/color][/url][/font][/size][/center]

[left][img]ANIME IMAGE 1 LINK HERE[/img][/left]
[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]BASICS[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Nickname:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Age:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Gender:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Species:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Role:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Motivation:[/b][/color]

[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]APPEARANCE[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Eyes:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Hair:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Height:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Weight:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Skin Tone:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Build:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Body Markings:[/b][/color]

[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]MENTALITY[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Quirks:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Fears:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Likes:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Dislikes:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Personality:[/b][/color]

[right][img]ANIME IMAGE 2 HERE[/img][/right]
[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]EQUIPMENT[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Clothing:[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][b]-Carried Items:[/b][/color]

[color=choose color][b]-Main Weapon[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Name:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Type:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Made of:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Length:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Weight:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Description/Info:[/i][/color]

[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]COMBATIVENESS[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Natural Talents[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Talent 1:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Talent  2:[/i][/color]

[color=choose color][b]-Skills[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Skill 1:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Skill 2:[/i][/color]

[color=choose color][b]-Weaknesses[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Weakness 1:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Weakness 2:[/i][/color]

[left][img]ANIME IMAGE 3 HERE[/img][/left]
[font=choose font][color=choose color][size=150][u]HISTORY[/u][/size]
[size=120][i]”QUOTE HERE"[/i][/size][/color][/font]
[color=choose color][b]-Life[/b][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Marital Status:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•Family:[/i][/color]
[color=choose color][i]•History:[/i][/color]

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^Do not submit a character if you are not going to stick with it.
^You will not be accepted if you do not:
1. Use the character sheet provided.
2. Fill out EVERYTHING on the character sheet.

^Please...follow the rules. They're up here for a reason.
^You MUST reserve a spot in the OOC before submitting a character.
^Reservations last for 24 hours ONLY.

^No one liners in posting. I will NOT accept them.
^Do not use text talk in posts. I will only accept proper grammar and spelling. NO EXCEPTIONS.
^In the other section, put "I read everything" before anything else you put there.

^You MUST use an ANIME picture. NO EXCEPTIONS.

[If you need help finding a color, use this site: Link to Colors]
Thank you!

"One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
They drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
and came and killed those two dead boys."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorian Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy Character Portrait: Tallen
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0.00 INK

Rorian the Scholar

"You are right about one thing, KnightMare Tallen: You were made for Nekria."

Rorian walked onto the roof from the doorway, seemingly at a perfect time. It was a little talent of Rorian, one that had been perfected many years ago: the art of simply appearing, seemingly out of nowhere. In reality, he had just finished getting information from his informant, and needless to say Rorian was disappointed in Mr. Kangley. The man barely had enough information to shrink his debt down to Two thousand, one hundred and fifty-six dollars, so Rorian changed the deal to $2159. Mr. Kangley wasn't impressed, but Rorian didn't care: in fact, Rorian had been even drawn the deal out longer than normal, hoping the little man would break and the butler could kill him. Recently, Mr. Kangley's information had become less informative, and more trivial. The only thing that Rorian really had gotten from the man was a street, and that wasn't very useful to him. It wasn't until he saw that stupid dragon Vernigan that Rorian decided to talk to the Knights.

Rorian had followed the dragonoid human carrying the purple haired knight all the way through the city, and when he saw the decent he instantly raced up the stairs - but it wouldn't even look like he had. No sweat covered his brow, no heavy breath came from his mouth. Rorian looked the same as always as he emerged from dark doorway of the somewhat deserted building. The metal roof's resonance of his footsteps almost echoed the emptiness of the building, but that meant nothing to Rorian. After all, this building was practically useless.

"Greetings to you, KnightTruth Vernigan, or in this case Veritas. Knightmare Tallen." He gave a small bow when he had stopped, as was his custom. Naturally, he didn't mean it in any form of respect: Rorian just went through the motions. He gazed at both Tallen and Veritas, and gave them a dry smile. Veritas was by no means intimidating to him, even if he was some dragonoid freak. Tallen had seemingly restrained the beast, but that also held nothing to him. While her power over the shadows would be unnerving to a human, to a man that created the illusion of duplication just by staring into another's eyes it was simple.

"It seems that you did require the assistance of Knighttruth, Knightmare. Nekria sends her regards." While she never told him to send her regards to anybody, Rorian did so anyway to remind those that he spoke to that Nekria was everywhere, and disobeying her was punishable by death. "However, I am not here for simpilties: I have my own matters to attend to. Money to collect, blood to extract." He gave another dry smile, and then it disappeared just as fast.

"You're mission was to head after the Prince, if I am not mistaken. And from what I have heard and seen, is that you ran into some trouble along the way." That dry smile was back. "Tell me, Knightmare - as you would so avidly like to be called - where is the entrance to the Underground?" He did not care if she wanted to know why he was headed towards the Underground, and he would answer if she asked. It would be better, however, if she just assumed that it was not any of her business and answered.

Corvin McMordy

Corvin gave a sigh of relief mixed with annoyances as he peeled his eye away from the scope. It felt like a four year reunion from hell, and Corvin wasn't there to join the party. There were two uninvited party guests, but they flew away with that dragon thing as the plane - weird as shit, if you asked Corvin. Then you had Keir getting all emotional, and Corvin was happy that they were all quite loud so he could pick up the vibrations of their speech. So, Keir was screaming about how Morgan was a dick, Morgan was going all feral and stuff, and the red head looked like a complete idiot. Corvin stood up to leave just as Morgan was starting to go a little psycho, and he knew that it wouldn't be that funny to watch. Corvin gave a puff of his cigarette, and slowly made his way down the stairs, back down to his home.

However, when he made it to the bottom, he instantly picked up very angry sounding tones. While they weren't loud enough for him to catch the words, he could catch the loud vibrations in his hypersensitivity, and his jawbone caught the anger. (Yeah, it is kind of weird to talk about his hearing in his jaw. So many people are completely confused as to how a guy can hear with his jaw bone, but it isn't his fault that the Nobles wanted him to be some sort of snake freak). Corvin sauntered his way towards the sounds, slowly picking up words that were none too tasteful. When he finally found out where they were coming from, he was somewhat shocked: The angry voice was Diaren, who wasn't an angry person to begin with, and Keir, the other end of the yelling. Corvin shoved his way through all of the losers that had crowded around as Diaren parted his way through the crowd. Now, with all the information he needed, Corvin spat out his cigarette onto the ground and spoke.

"I didn't know you were a pansy, Diaren." Corvin had his back to Diaren, and then turned around with the same dull eyes that he always had before nighttime. "It's been four years, kiddo, Four Fucking Years. That's one hell of a long time for a friendship to splinter. But apparently you don't understand that." Corvin narrowed his lazy eyes, and said a little more softly. "Best friends hold the longest grudges. Best friends make the worst enemies." He started walking away when he piped up. "Now, if you're not too busy bitching, help me find those restraints so we can go save that dumbass red head. It's either that, or get Keir to kill him, after all." Corvin's words held no remorse, and no excitement. He would truly hate it if the Underground had to go to war against Morgan, but if that was a stepping stone to killing Nekria, he would take it - regardless of his feelings towards an old smoking buddy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Morgan
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0.00 INK

Clyde Maxum

Morgan wasn't answering him. He looked like he was in pain and Clyde wasn't sure he liked that wild look in his eyes so much anymore. Clyde felt a whole swarm of emotions--all of which he wasn't sure what to do with. Overall, he really just felt like pulling chunks of his hair out and setting this whole entire Underground on fire. So what if Prince Jerk said he wasn't allowed inside? That guy ran away with tears in his eyes and his tail between his legs. If he broke down into an emotional mess just from seeing Morgan, then what could he really even do? Who cared if he was a mind reader or all-knowing knowledge whatever. He'd be nothing but ash if Clyde set his pretty clothes on fire. ...He had a feeling Morgan wouldn't be too happy about that, however.

So what was he supposed to do? On the inside, the Prince had probably shut himself away and he wasn't allowed inside without causing more ruckus than he'd like and here on the outside, Morgan was changing and being weird and not talking to him and--what was he supposed to do? There was a reason Clyde wasn't the leader. He was second in command because he could control a group. He could handle people and get them to do what was necessary. But in a time like this...he was at a loss. He couldn't just smack Morgan upside the head and tell him to snap out of it, could he? That probably wouldn't go over well. And there wasn't enough time to fight through the Underground idiots and convince that jerk of a prince to help him out with a situation he was obviously well aware of.

"Morgan, you have to--"

Shit! In a flash, Morgan had him pinned against the wall. Clyde stiffened, staring back at him and wondering what he was trying to do. He looked angry, but what was he angry about? If he was mad about Keir, then he should go attack him, not Clyde! Clyde was only trying to help. He was only trying to figure out what the hell was going on. All he wanted to do was get the groups together. All he wanted to do was get them to go against the Nobles. That's it. He didn't ask for this. Nobody warned him about this--especially not the one person he thought he could trust to tell him. If Morgan ever settled himself back down to normal, he was never going to hear the end of this.

"Morgan, you're starting to piss me off." That's what he said, but...honestly, Clyde wasn't really sure he wanted to do anything about it. Morgan was clearly ticked about something. It was obvious he wasn't in his right mind. He knew the change could sometimes take over him, but he'd never seen it this bad before. "Don't kill me for this." Reaching up, Clyde grabbed Morgan's wrists and gave them a sudden, sharp burn. It didn't last very long since he didn't want to give Morgan any permanent damage, but it was enough to get released. He stood and held his hands up defensively, looking around. What happened to all those people that were here earlier? How come nobody wants to help me now? He glanced down the entrance of the Underground and swallowed. "Screw it." Morgan will kill me if I stay out here! I can't knock him out. There's nothing to hit him with, so.. "I bet you can't catch me!" I really hope he doesn't. With that said, Clyde turned tail and ran straight down into the Underground, ignoring the warning Keir gave him earlier. If they weren't going to come out and help him, then he was going to bring the problem inside to them. They wouldn't have a choice if they were in danger too.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Diaren Character Portrait: Keir Craig Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
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0.00 INK

Keir Craig
The sound of bolts being ripped out of where they should have been made Keir open his eyes just enough to see what was going on. Just in time to get punched in the face. Perfect. As if this day wasn’t crappy enough. “You…you…fucking…piece…of shit!” God dammit Dairen, the stupid annoying child. Keir rolled his eyes, as best he could, as he was pulled up into Darien’s face. Could he just hurry up? The longer he annoyed Keir, the more severe his punishment would be. “When did you get so damn spineless?! I thought…you told me once…that Morgan was your friend and that you would do anything to save him, even though he had left. Where’s that now?! Are you going to just let him die?! Or have you forgotten what happened last time organ tried to fight the changing?”

Stop it. Just stop it. Keir narrowed his eyes and over his shoulder, glared at the other Undergrounders just standing around. Everyone would pay.
“And to think I actually looked up to you once. But because Morgan didn’t agree with you years ago and left, you’re just going to throw him at the mercy of something he didn’t and doesn’t want, and jeopardize your own people. You’re no better than the Nobles you say that you’re against.”

Along the way, Corvin had come along and talked to Dairen, but Keir was too engrossed in the beautiful punishments he was thinking up for the little bastard that he heard next to nothing. Oh well, they were gone by the time Keir had emerged from this thoughts.
Keir stood on his own two feet when the kid let him go and stared after him, his face set in stony anger. Glaring into the crowd, he saw Lily making her way through. A tense smile tilted his lips as she glanced at the blood on the floor and hurried off to clean it with something. “If you don’t get the hell away from my door, I will personally punish every single one of you.” He stated, his voice cold with fury. It was safe to say they cleared out pretty quickly after that. Only Lily came back, patting him on the shoulder lightly before cleaning up the blood and calmly walking out of the room.

He glanced around the room and his eyes settled on the door, broken from the hinges. First thing the brat did, fix the damn door. Huffing Keir pushed the mask off his face and let it crumble into one of grief. He had been doing fine without Morgan. He had moved on. He was getting happy again. He was healing. And he just comes and pretends like nothing ever happened and it hurt. He wanted to punch him until he died, yell at him until he went deaf, hug him until he lost his breath, and just breakdown and cry. He felt like shit. And with Morgan it wasn’t going to ever get better. He wanted to repair their friendship, but he couldn’t trust him. He wanted to be the way they were, but life was hard on Keir, and he was sure it was less than kind for Morgan the past 4 years. Neither was the same person they were when they parted ways. Neither wanted to apologize. Both wanted to forget, but neither could. It was a horrible circle of…horribleness and Keir couldn’t find an end to any of it, unless one of them died, or was put in enough danger to make their old actions seem childish and stupid.

A shrill scream sounded from the Underground. Keir turned his head and listened closely. It came again, followed by pounding feet and claws. He cursed loudly and placed the mask of fury back on his face, making his way to this closet, Keir pulled out the cuffs he had kept from Morgan’s days there. Of course he kept them, hidden in the darkest parts of his closest.

He walked out with a purpose, his eyes alight with the cold fire of anger and a touch of nostalgia. He found Clyde in no time and with a growl of anger, he yanked the boy out of the way and stood in front of Morgan, who stopped for a bit. “Morgan.” He started slowly, the tenseness of his muscles fading, “Hey I know you can understand me. Fucking think about what I am saying you asshole.” He snarled. Well it wasn’t like all the anger left his body, “I want you to stay still while I put these stupid cuffs on you until you calm down.” He took a few steps toward the tiger-man, “and if you touch me with any part of you, I swear to god I will kill you myself and leave you to bleed out slowly.” Darting forward he wrapped the cuffs around the tiger and chained him tightly to the nearest wall. Thankfully they weren’t in a heavily populated area of the Underground. Maybe Clyde wasn’t so dumb.

Speaking of Clyde, Keir turned to him with a scowl, “I believe I told you to not come in here, did I not?” he growled low in his throat and stalked over to the boy. He lightly hit the back of his head and sniffed, “Idiot kid.”

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New York by CNAGamer


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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst
Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum
Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro
Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora
Character Portrait: Rorian
Character Portrait: Nekria
Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra
Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
Character Portrait: Kyveli
Character Portrait: Deonne
Character Portrait: Keir Craig
Character Portrait: Randle Ludak


Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Randle Ludak

Mama... mama... mama.... MAAAAMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAA

Character Portrait: Keir Craig
Keir Craig


Character Portrait: Deonne

"Ill be there.." WIP

Character Portrait: Kyveli

"I have two sides of me..."

Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
Drean Montréal

"Dead man walkin"

Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra
Vernigen Soletra

"If no one else is going to do it, I might as well."

Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
Corvin McMordy

Yeah I willl get there, even if I have to topple the world.

Character Portrait: Nekria

"Do not worry, child. Everything will be alright. Just close your eyes."

Character Portrait: Rorian

"And that will be one million dollars please. Now, will that be cash, cheque, or blood?"

Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora
Oryn Caitedeora

"It's nice to have family, I guess..."


Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro
Amelia Desaro

The Blue Rose

Character Portrait: Clyde Maxum
Clyde Maxum

"I wonder which one of these guys I could get rid of without anyone else noticing. That'd be fun for an hour."

Character Portrait: Keir Craig
Keir Craig


Character Portrait: Deonne

"Ill be there.." WIP

Character Portrait: Nekria

"Do not worry, child. Everything will be alright. Just close your eyes."

Character Portrait: Vernigen Soletra
Vernigen Soletra

"If no one else is going to do it, I might as well."

Character Portrait: Rorian

"And that will be one million dollars please. Now, will that be cash, cheque, or blood?"

Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst
Rillian Yelst

"The world's crumbling to pieces. Who's going to fix it back up?"

Character Portrait: Kyveli

"I have two sides of me..."

Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Randle Ludak

Mama... mama... mama.... MAAAAMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAA

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Deonne

"Ill be there.." WIP

Character Portrait: Rillian Yelst
Rillian Yelst

"The world's crumbling to pieces. Who's going to fix it back up?"

Character Portrait: Rorian

"And that will be one million dollars please. Now, will that be cash, cheque, or blood?"

Character Portrait: Oryn Caitedeora
Oryn Caitedeora

"It's nice to have family, I guess..."

Character Portrait: Nekria

"Do not worry, child. Everything will be alright. Just close your eyes."

Character Portrait: Keir Craig
Keir Craig


Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Randle Ludak

Mama... mama... mama.... MAAAAMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAA

Character Portrait: Drean Montréal
Drean Montréal

"Dead man walkin"

Character Portrait: Amelia Desaro
Amelia Desaro

The Blue Rose

Character Portrait: Corvin McMordy
Corvin McMordy

Yeah I willl get there, even if I have to topple the world.

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