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Dancing with Demons

Dancing with Demons


The Dimoni are people born with supernatural abilities and those who posses the powers of the elements. After their kind was killed, only eight remain, and those special eight have all found each other again. (More Inside....)

3,365 readers have visited Dancing with Demons since AmeliaIsGhostly created it.


Dancing with Demons

"Some people are born of this world, but not born among the same blood of it's inhabitants. There are vast amounts of different cultures and tradition upon this earth yet one unlike many of the others roams the land; We call ourselves the Dimoni people. Our people are divided by two separate beings, one being our Espirit, which are most like the regular human species that takes up the mass majority of the land, and the second being The Aerea, which can only be described as demons among other things. The Espirit are born from the pure blood of their mother and father and hold certain powers that control the elements of the world; earth, wind, water, and fire. The Espirit are those who keep the nature of the planet they call home in balance. The other half, The Aerea, are those born from two parents of Aerea blood, or an Espirit and an Aerea. The Aerea hold certain powers of their own and they vary from almost anything at all, but there is only so much in their limits they can do.

But that's not all that is different with the Dimoni. From birth, the soul of an Espirit connects with an Aerea, and they become two halves of a whole, one finding it impossible to live without the other. The Aerea are there to protect their Espirit above all else, and act as a guide along the path of there life. Some of them marry, some hold a professional account, but in every case a friendship bonds that can never be unbroken. One cannot live without the other, and their powers are only strong when together.

It has been this way for centuries. Until the unwritten war of Mankind and Dimoni kind went up in flame.

Twelve years ago, the governments found out about our kind after an unfortunate incident with an Aerea that shall not be mentioned. They sent troops to dispose of each one of us in our towns we called home believing that we would over power and take over them, that we the people who take care of the earth the most would be it's destruction. In almost an instant many of our people have been eradicated from existence, and so there was only one thing that I could think of to do. I took four children, all under the age of ten, each possessing a power of a different element and scattered them across the globe so they could never be found, putting them in foster care as their parents all had died with the turmoil of the war. Unfortunately, it was impossible to be able to keep their Aerea with them, so each of them was scattered around to, hoping that one day they would find each other again. Today is that day."



Our story starts in the city of New Orleans. Eight teenagers, ranging between sixteen and eighteen, have been gathered here by the last remaining adult Espirit, Daliah Morse. She ended up tracking each of the children down, who's locations were all different, and started "fostering" each one. Gathering each up into the house, they kids soon realize what the true intentions of them being there was for. Everyone was a familiar face in some way shape or form, whether or not they ever conversed with one another was debatable. They were the same kids who got sent away so that the Dimoni would still be alive. Espirit reconnect with their fellow Espirit, Aerea do the same, but not before they each reconnect with their other halves to fill the void of what has been missing for twelve years.

But there is a reason in to which this happy gathering was called upon.

A new threat has risen, a group of certain radicals has found out about the existence of the Dimoni and those of the species in which are still alive, and they are after them. Daliah upon hearing this felt it safer to have them under her care than to keep them scattered. Here in this house, they will live their daily lives despite this threat hanging above their heads, history taunting them. They will go to school, in which "surprisingly" Daliah Morse is the principal keeping a watchful eye on them.

Will they continue to live happily or will this group act upon their threats?


The Espirit


|Female Espirit 1|Element:Water|Name:Ara "Stormy" Varela|Age:17|FC: Amanda Seyfried|Other Half: Tyler| (AmeliaIsGhsotly)


|Male Espirit 1|Element: Fire|Name:Fletcher Lewis Hale|Age:17|FC:Josh Hutcherson|Other half: Archer| (~*~ Divergent ~*~)


|Female Espirit 2|Element: Earth|Name:Azalea Mansi|Age:16|FC:Emma Roberts|Other half: Payton|(The Toxic Cereus)


|Male Espirit 2|Element: Wind|Name:Malakai William West|Age:18|FC:Jacob Young|Other half: Shiloh|RESERVED (Mermaidlegend)

Espirit Character Information
*Ages should be between 16-18
*Real face claims only! Once you know your FC, please send me a gif so I can add it to the front page.
*I may be willing to switch the elements around, just ask.
*Daliah Morse will just be NPC.
*They look and act exactly like humans.

The Aerea


|Female Aerea 1|Name:Shiloh Everbrooke|Ability:Necromancy|Age:17|FC:Avril Lavigne|Other half: Malakai| (AvalonKnight)


|Male Aerea 1|Name:Tyler Richardson|Ability:Persuasion|Age:18|FC:Stephen R. McQueen|Other half: Stormy|RESERVED (Dumisa)


|Female Aerea 2|Name: Payton Merrill|Ability: Blood Manipulation|Age:16|FC: Selena Gomez|Other half: Azalea| (Felilla)


|Male Aerea 2|Name:Archer Kerestone|Ability:Telekinesis|Age:18|FC:Liam Hemsworth|Other half: Fletcher| (BurningDark)

Aerea Espirit Character Information
*The age has to be the same or higher to your Espirit. Cannot be below their age.
*Real face claims wanted, once you find out your FC, please send me a gif so I can add it to the front page.
*For an ability, please pick one thing such as shapeshifting or mind reading. I need to approve this ability so inform me when you have chosen one.
*Each Aerea needs at least one distinct marking, something that shows they aren't necessarily human, weather that be different hair colour, weird birth mark, animal ears or tail, just something. (This does not have to be depicted within your face claim.)

General Notes

-Once everyone ha made heir characters, then we will pick and choose the parings between Aerea and Espirit according to which would b most compatibal with one another. Or, if ya'll have already figured it out on your own, just let me know so I can state it on the front page.
-For the character sheet, please include basics such as role, your other half, history, personality, etc etc. I do have a character sheet if you would like to use it, just tell me and I'll send it to you~
-Please reserve your characters in teh OOC! Reservations last for 48 hours, but please let me know if you need an extension and I will happily oblige.
-I am okay with people taking on second characters, especially if these don't get snatched up. But, If you are taking second characters I prefer it be of a different kind and gender as to your first one. Also on his note, later on if we do decide to carry on with the plot of the rebel group, if someone could (when the time comes) take up a second evil character if we ever do so need one, I would really love it!

Go here for a list of the rooms in the house with pictures!


1) No God Modding, no Mary Sues etc.
2) Swear all you want, I don't mind.
3) Romance is encouraged, just please don't go into detail of some "Events" That may occur, go to PM for that.
4) No killing or harming anyone's characters, at least not without their permission.
5) Please try and include everyone; don't divide into grouplings of characters, have your character KNOW and CONVERSE with everyone.
6) Reservations last for 48 hours, unless you have given me a reason for an extension! Reserve in the OOC please, or message me. ^^
7) Please try and make posts over 250 words. If you are not active, we will carry on without you. I would really like skilled role players.

Feel free to ask me with any questions or concerns you might have! I'm a fairly kind person~

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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A post from


Daliah, after answering the door for the last and final time, felt the need to give the speech she had been waiting twelve years to give. With the speech full of the hope and soul of Dimoni kind, was also sadness as it was something she had never wanted to speak in her life. If she never had to speak the speech, well, it would have meant that the war itself had never even occurred in the first place. What a blessing that would have been, on all nine of them and those fallen and past. She prayed for their souls every day. Making sure that everyone was counted for within the living room area, she checked around corners and such, only seeing a stray Tyler. Flicking her hand, she said "Come along, dear. You will want to hear this with the rest of us."

When everyone had gathered up within the wide, warm space of the living room, she began. "Let me start off by giving an apology." She sighed, her eyes resinating on Shiloh for a moment, the most angered of them all. "It was never my intention to hurt you, nor to make you lose touch with your own selves. It was only my intention to save all Dimoni kind from absolute genocide. The reason all eight of you had to be separated, was so that the pieces of the puzzle could not be so easily found and connected. I can almost garentee, if you all had been kept together, that you would not be alive despite your very best efforts." Daliah stopped momentarily, before making her way over to a hutch which lay next to the fire place, her black heels clacking on the wood floor. Opening up the latch, she pulled out a stack of pictures, before setting it on the coffee table in front of all of them. "Some of you, as I can see, remember who you are. Who you are bonded to. That you are Dimoni, but some of you may need memories jogged. I managed to salvage before utter wreckage some pictures from your homes. Family ones of when you where a child, pictures of your parents, or pictures of you and your bond mates. You are free to keep them. They belong to all of you."

Daliah gave them all a moment to look through them, before starting back up again. "Let me officially introduce you to your bond mates, for the last time. You all shall never be separated again." Walking up to Shiloh and Malakai, she gave a soft spoken smile. "I am very happy both of you remember each other. Malakai and Shiloh, you are a very strong pair." Moving towards Fletcher and Archer, she grinned. "Well, Fletcher and Archer, it's glad to see you two together again. I hope you continue to be as great of friends and bond pairs as I remember you as when you where toddlers." She made her way over to another pair, grabbing one of Azalea's hands softly, and one of Paytons. "You darlings, Azalea and Payton, are sisters by soul. You have a bond so kind and tender." she said joyfully, before moving along to the last of the two. "Now you, Ara and Tyler, are one of the happiest pairs I've seen, even as toddlers. Care for each other." She finished off, before moving back in front of all the four.

"Gathered here, we have Water," She said, gesturing a hand towards Stormy, "Fire," she smiled, gesturing towards Hale, "Wind," She spoke lightly, gesturing towards Malakai, "And earth." She grinned gesturing towards Azalea, so perfectly named after a flower. "All of you combined, complete the balance of the earth, and feed it with your light.". She continued along seamlessly, "Not only that, but we have some brilliant souls with some talented gifts. Tyler with your persuasion, Peyton with your blood manipulation, Shiloh with her necromancy, and Archer with his Telekenisis."

She was almost done with her spiel, and so she sat herself down on a lounger in the corner. "I do hope you all become reconnected and happy. But there is one thing I should tell you. The reason I gathered you all here, was because I came into attention of a threat from someone who recalls Dimoni, and doesn't believe they are all eradicated. I now, more then ever feel it safer for you to be under my watchful eye. You will all start high school tomorrow in your designated grades. You each will have someone you know in every one of your classes, so please watch out for each other. I just so conveniently happen to be principal of this school, so if you sense any sort of danger, please come to me immediately. Do you have any more question?" She finished off with, crossing her legs and smoothing out her skirt.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Archer would have usually fallen asleep over a speech that long, but now he felt power coursing through his veins. He had an explanation, a reason to his difference. It was clear that his first question had unsettled some people, and they had maybe been a little creeped out. But now, it was like the rumpled mess of his life had been straightened. Bonded to Fire.

He raised his hand. Like he would in school. "So, are we allowed to practice our powers here? I mean, I already know how to use mine. Also, does anyone else know about the Dimoni?" He fired out the questions, talking quickly. Finally breathing, he calmed down a little and went over to examine the pictures. How did Daliah Morse get all these? He looked at a small picture of him and Hale. Glancing over at his bond, he realized why he had felt so familiar.

He walked over to Hale and showed him the picture. "Remember this?" he asked softly, all the grief from separation rushing back from the past to engulf him. He smiled, wishing for the simpler times.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Hale looked over at Daliah as she spoke. There was that word again! Dimoni He knew that he had heard that word before, and it wasn’t just from Stormy and then Daliah. It was like the word echoed, resonated in his bones. It was a tangible thing really, almost making his bones chatter and shiver. He got a cold feeling inside him and he knew that it was important. But why? He looked over at the other kids, trying to see if they were having similar reactions.

He looked at Daliah for answers because he knew that none of them really knew. She was staring at all of them. Hale thought back to Archer’s question. He did have powers and apparently so did Archer. What about the others? He thought. Do they have powers too? Maybe someone can control fire like me. Daliah cleared that all up with her next words.

She introduced all of their powers and when she said that Azalea had the power to control Earth, Hale stared. Fire and Earth complimented each other, right? ”Not only that, but we have some brilliant souls with some talented gifts. Tyler with your persuasion, Payton with your blood manipulation, Shiloh with her necromancy, and Archer with his Telekinesis."

When she mentioned high-school, he stared at her. “We have to go to school again?” He looked around at his companions. Oh God! School was going to be hell, he thought as Archer walked over to him and showed him a picture. Remember this? He asked. The weird thing was that Hale did remember it. And he never remembered anything from before he was six years old. So he mutely nodded and then searched through the pictures himself.

He only found two pictures, not counting the one Archer had pulled out. One shot was of a small brown-haired boy with freckles, smiling at a woman standing a little ways away from you. She was holding a camera and looked like she was taking a picture of him as someone else took a picture of them. The woman was laughing, her eyes shut tight, her head tipped back. And she was stunningly beautiful, with the same dark-brown hair and blue eyes. Her jaw-line was the perfect blend o round and sharp-edged and she had a slim nose set between her large eyes.

The second picture showed him a little older, maybe 5 years old, and he was smiling with Archer next to him, his arm around Archer. Archer's arm was also around Hale and he was smiling also. They looked the same age, but Hale knew that Archer was a year older. In the background of the picture, there seemed to be snow-peaked mountains with a blue, cloudless sky. He didn't remember that place, but other memories started to flood back to him. Hale remembered being mad because his mother wouldn't let him go outside alone, him sad because his small stuffed bunny had fallen out the open window and into a lake, Hale happy and laughing at something his father had said, excited because he was going to learn what his middle name was. All of them included Archer there with him, experiencing it all. His best friend.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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The information hit her existence like bullets to anything she had ever known. Reality kept going on around her, but she was lost in her own mind. Pieces of the puzzle she thought didn't fit clicked together in her head. Azalea's life was formed around forgetting and trying to begin again. True, she was only a child when her parents died, and she didn't remember much, but Daliah's speech jogged memories she thought weren't there anymore. The shadows of her past came to light. All the things Daliah said were overwhelming. The last of the Dimoni? These strangers were the people of her past. The girl on the couch named Payton was the sister that she regrettably forgotten about - until now. Registering everything that was told was a hard process in her head. She fought the tears that wanted to fall, instead leaving her with glassy eyes.

Daliah introduced everyone once again. Secretly Azalea was grateful for this. She put names to faces, and to powers in this case. When Daliah gently grabbed one of Azalea's hands, and Paytons, she looked at the girl she had bonded with all those years ago. This was the best friend she had lost that day.
"You darlings, Azalea and Payton, are sisters by soul. You have a bond so kind and tender." Daliah spoke joyfully. Azalea couldn't help but smile to herself. She tilted her head back down to hide the emotion. The word sister rang in her head. Azalea wasn't alone anymore. Though they had been apart for so long, and certain memories of their childhood together were foggy, she trusted her soul sister with her life.

Azalea held the multiple photos of her past in her hands like a delicate treasure that would perish at the slightest of touch. These were the last images of her life before the genocide. What monsters though it was a good idea to kill the very people in charge of keeping balance in the world boggled her mind. Photos of her smiling as a young girl in pigtails, with Payton at her side were the majority of the pictures collected. Her parents and herself were in one. Azalea decided she looked much like her Mother.

Being alone for so long tore at ones soul, and now she wasn't alone. She had a room full of people that were like her, and her soul sister back. The day would have been perfect if Daliah hadn't added the part in which they were required to go back to school tomorrow. Azalea hated school with a passion. She loved learning - but being the target to someones torment was frightening to the girl.

The days to come would be much different. She had a home, she had people to rely on - but going without these things for so long, how would she get back into the routine of having a home. In her mind it sounded much scarier than it should have.
"I'm sorry I didn't remember you at first Payton. It's been a long day" she apologized to her soulmate with a soft expression before looking into the unlit fireplace. She felt as if a party was to be expected at any moment to celebrate the reunion.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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#, as written by Felilla

Payton listened to Daliah's speech as if in a daze. Her fingers continued to trace her veins on her arms. If she concentrated hard enough, she could feel the blood move through her body. Most people would find that a little disturbing, but Payton actually found it very comforting. Daliah grabbed Payton's hand, while also holding Azalea's. "You darlings, Azalea and Payton, are sisters by soul. You have a bond so kind and tender," the words were kind and Payton's heart swelled. Azalea smiled but tilted her head down.

Like the rest of the group, Payton searched through the pictures. There weren't very many of her without Azalea in them. She found one, which had only Payton and a man. The dark haired girl tilted her head, going through the pictures once more, but there were none of her mother. Now that she thought of it, she had no memories of her mother at all. The man seemed familiar, and it was obvious that he was her father. However, there was no woman that could've been her mother in her farthest reached memories. She held the pictures close to her, as if it would make all of her memories of her father and her childhood come back to her. She ran a thumb over her father's face. He looked like a kind man.

Her eyes roamed over all of the pictures. How could someone possibly think that it was humane to kill any of them. The people in the photograph were just that: people. Payton knew that Dimoni weren't human, but they had emotions and families. They laughed and cried. They were born and they died. Dimoni weren't that different from humans. So, why kill them?

"I'm sorry I didn't remember you at first Payton. It's been a long day." Azalea apologized and Payton tore her gaze away from the photographs to look at her soul sister.

She offered her a small smile. "It's fine, Azalea. It's been a long day for all of us," She tucked a hair behind her ear, setting the photos in her lap. She glanced over at Daliah with a small laugh, "I don't mean to sound rude, Daliah, but when's dinner?"


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone
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#, as written by Dumisa

Tyler wondered around, with his water bottle in hand. As he still wondered why everyone looked so familiar to him. His eyes flashed towards a female's voice, which was Daliah as she waved for him to follow her. With the shrug of his shoulders, he followed her into what seemed to be the living area and everyone else was presented in there as well. Tyler immediately went by Stormy's side and sat beside her before anyone else could. A smile started to curve among the corners of her lips as his ears twitched when Daliah started speaking.

His eye met hers a few times but what she said next was stunning to him. They were the last remaining Dimoni brought together once again. His eyes fell over everyone else in the room and now he remembered. His hand was one of the ones that was first to grab at the pictures as he studied them over and it was all coming back to me. His eyes went from the pictures towards Stormy then back to Daliah as she explained much more than they knew.

"Now you, Ara and Tyler, are one of the happiest pairs I've seen, even as toddlers. Care for each other."

His eyes went over towards Stormy as he couldn't help but blush and smile. He nudged her with his shoulder lightly then continued smiling before looking back up at Daliah. She went into more detail as to why they were there and such. They were starting school soon and he didn't think that it was a great idea to say anything about it.

When it came times for questions to be asked. Tyler lowered his head to the floor then looked over everyone. His eyes were locked onto the pictures that were still in his hands as he studied over them again. "I must say, you gotten much prettier than you use to be." He joked towards Stormy then placed the pictures back on the table while clearing his throat so that he can speak. "So, how do you guys feel about starting school..." Tyler sighed. "Again?" He eyed them and waited to see who was going to respond first.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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When Dailah begun speaking, Malakai listened carefully to be honest he didn't remember too much of the past all he remembers is some vivid memories, unless it was some dramatic event. "Let me start off by giving an apology. It was never my intention to hurt you, nor to make you lose touch with your own selves. It was only my intention to save all Dimoni kind from absolute genocide. The reason all eight of you had to be separated, was so that the pieces of the puzzle could not be so easily found and connected. I can almost guarantee, if you all had been kept together, that you would not be alive despite your very best efforts" He looked at Shiloh, her eyes filled with anger. To be honest, Malakai wasn't sure how to feel, whether he should be angry or be thankful at Dailah. After Dailah showed the pictures, Malakai was curious. It had been a while since he last saw what his parents looked like, inside his memories they were now just a shadow, inside him he was eager almost wanting to rush to the pictures straight away but he controlled himself.

Dailah then begun her official introduction for them "I am very happy both of you remember each other. Malakai and Shiloh, you are a very strong pair." What did she mean a strong pair he wondered, part of him wanted to know more, but she continued onto the other pairs.

After the meeting, he looked through the photos, there was a photo of him and Shiloh, the two were at his birthday party and they were wiping ice cream cake onto each other's faces, he laughed and handed it over to Shiloh
"Shy, you remember this right? that day you got chocolate ice cream all over my face, can't believe it's been 14 years since "

Then looking on the table, there was a family photo, his family photo, he closely examine each one of the family members. His father was kindly smiling at the camera while he and his younger sister stood next him holding hands. His mother wasn't there because she had passed away a couple of years before. He looked back up, as Dailah was looking at the photo as well.
"Where is Charlotte now?" he asked
"She...she..." She hesitated
"Why....Why...Why didn't you save her? Why didn't you tell my father what was going on? Why didn't you save her" he grew emotional almost as if he wanted to scream at her, but then he felt as if tears are going to start falling out of his eyes any minute, it was true Dailah saved him when she could have saved Charlotte, his real sister.
"I am sorry I did what I could"
Part of Malakai wanted to shout more, but then the other half told himself to calm down, he can't go on like this or he is going lose control of his powers.

He looked down at his luggages, of course after the introduction and meeting and arrival he still didn't have a chance to go see his room. He looked at Shiloh and asked "Hey Shy, could you please help me with my bags?"

Walking up to his room, he opened the door. Too much of his surprise, some features looked exactly like his old room with his parents but there were somethings that are different. The wall, it wasn't the wall paper that they used to have, but shelfs and shelfs of books. He walked over to the desk, on there sat a blank envelope, he opened it, there was a note inside "I hope you don't mind, I had to do some improvisation, converted the old book room into your room, just remember these books are for you to read and deal with, I don't think we'll need them in the library - Dailah" she said with a smile


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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(OOC: Please don't let this die :( please someone post something :( )


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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(OOC: *shock* Clear!)


Archer watched Hale sift through pictures, realizing that he remembered them. After a while, he walked around amongst the others, looking to see if they looked any different from other people he knew. He saw the girl- Shiloh, was it?- first in his search. She had silvery-white hair and bright purple eyes. Archer would definitely have noticed that. He looked around at the rest of the teens, but mostly he looked at Shiloh and her pair- Malakai, wasn't it? Yes, Malakai. Hoping he didn't look like a stalker, Archer finally moved away from the two.

Realizing that he was exhausted, he looked at the sky outside. Dark already? Then his stomach growled, deciding to make Archer do something other than reminiscing. He walked over to Hale. Deciding to break the quiet time that had settled like a blanket, Archer tapped on Hale's shoulder. "When's dinner?"


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Hale looked at them all quizzically. How did this happen? He thought. He had never been a normal kid by definition, but he had felt like one at his old house. Now, he didn’t know who he was or who anyone of these other people were. Even still, he knew that he had to make the most of it. Smiling at Archer, he excused himself and walked over to Azalea.

“Hey,” Hale said casually, his thumbs stuck in his front pockets as he stood in front of her. He didn’t know why he kept coming back to her, but he felt like there was a small connection. Maybe it was because of their elemental powers: earth and fire. He couldn’t put his finger on it at the moment.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Payton Merrill
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"It's fine, Azalea. It's been a long day for all of us," Payon said as she tucked a hair behind her ear. Azalea watched as her soul sister sat the photos gently in her lap and looked over Daliah."I don't mean to sound rude, Daliah, but when's dinner?" she asked, making Azalea smile. Even though they were all overjoyed and confused at the information given to them, she guessed many people were hungry. After traveling for hours and finding out your past, it tended to make the stomach feel empty. She placed her hands over her stomach as well, but didn't feel it to be polite to ask for food from someone who had already given them so much. That was an issue Azalea had always had, she felt as if she wasn't worth asking for things. People always walked over her because she never spoke up about her needs. Maybe with the new home, some of this would change. The girl doubted it however.

Hale's dog didn't really budge during the entire scene. It's white head stayed on her lap, looking at the people around every so often. She hoped Hale didn't mind. It was just that she liked animals. Speaking of Hale, moments later he approached her once again with his hands in his pockets, his thumbs sticking out in a casual manner.
"Hey" he said simply, making Azalea look up from his dog.
"Oh, hello" the girl replied. Her voice was more at its normal state, though it still remained soft as always.
"I hope you don't mind me petting your dog for this length of time. It's kept me sane after all this exciting news" she spoke, smiling slightly before averting her eyes away from his. Azalea looked over at her sister with a warm smile. She was overjoyed to have her real friend back. Being near her she felt more powerful than when she was alone. Not that she would ever do something destructive with her abilities - but she felt more energized to say the least. Daliah walked over to the side of the couch.
"Dinner should be up to all of you. The fridge seems to be endless, I'm sure we can all find something to agree upon making" Daliah said before walking away.
"I don't really know what I want to eat..." Azalea trailed off, mostly speaking to herself.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Shiloh just silently listened and watched as the other's interacted. As she listened to Deliah Shiloh's posture stiffened at the mention of a threat and she took a protective step towards Malakai. Like hell she would let anything happen to him or the other's. As Malakai showed her a picture Shiloh couldn't help but let a small smile grace her stoic feature's and she nodded at him in acknowledgement while her mind wandered. Who was after them? And why was Daliah so worried now? Why would anyone believe her kind still exists? The bloodied battle field of her home should have been enough evidence for any half witted human. Shiloh felt a growl bubble in her chest but she suppressed it. She nodded when Malakai asked her to help with his luggage and she carried what he had left on the floor and took it to his room, following closely behind him.

"Hey I'm gonna go for a walk, you know how I like to know my surroundings" Shiloh said gently to Malakai and went back down stairs, the light footsteps of Daliah following closely behind her.

"Shiloh I don't know if you should go out alone, it could be dangerous these woods are full of wild animals...." Daliah's voice was firm but weary, unsure rather or not Shiloh would give a damn what she said. And she didn't. With only a glare to answer for her Shiloh walked around the others that had grouped together chirping like little birdie's for food, went through the kitchen and out the back door. With her enhanced hearing she could still hear their voice's and it brought her comfort knowing they were all safe. Azalea and Hale, getting along as always, Archer demanding food and Malakai, Payton and Tyler being the same as they were when they were children. Shiloh's photographic memory was both a gift and a curse to her, for it is in those memories that were night terror's arrive and sweet loving images of her life before all the death. If only she could erase those bloodied, torn carcasses of her loved ones from her mind. How funny is it that death is what haunts her even though she controls it?

Shiloh groaned loudly and shook her head, coming back into reality only to realize she didn't recognize her surroundings. Great her day dreaming got her lost. Again! At least this time Malakai wasn't here with her unlike when they were kids. Its funny how he just tailed after her even though she had no clue of her surroundings being to caught up mentally. A smile appeared on her face when she imagined Malakai's big bewildered brown eyes when he realized Shiloh was in lala land and had no idea where they were and the big crocodile tears that followed when it started to get dark and they were lost. A soft giggle escaped Shiloh. Taking in a deep breath Shiloh sat down on a nearby fall tree and started to refocus her mind, expanding her spirit in search of the soulless. Spanning through all the forest she found the half eaten corpse of a coyote, a male wolf that had recently had its throat torn, a couple of doe's and bucks and then to her joy a large grizzly bear with a broken spine after a nasty fallout with another male bear and a mother cougar who had died from giving birth to two beautiful cubs. A sadness washed over Shiloh at the thought that those babies would be following their mother into the after life soon enough as they were only new born's.

Would Daliah mind if Shiloh adopted a few pets? Just until they were big enough to fend for themselves?

No she wouldn't mind.

With that thought Shiloh summoned the spirits of the dead animals back to their bodies, ordered them to guard to territory around the house then stood up and walked to short distance to the cougar cubs. She could now hear their soft yips as she neared the den. As the den came into view so did the dead mama cougar, standing protectively in front of the den, even in death shielding her babies.

"Leave" Shiloh commanded and the large cat snarled before it walked away towards the section of the land it would protect. Then Shiloh knelt down on all fours and crawled into the den into only her legs were seen from the outside. She took out her phone and turned on the flashlight app, the bright white light quickly filling the space and making the cubs hiss.

"Its okay babies come here" Shiloh cooed softly and reached forward until she wrapped her arms around the small shivering bodies of the cougar kittens, who being new born didn't even have their eyes open. Shiloh thought one was trying to bite her but when she felt the sucking movement she knew it was hungry. She quickly scooped them up and removed her jacket before wrapping them both up and rushing back towards the house, which was now easily seen as the sun started to set. Walking into the house Shiloh placed the kittens on the floor, since they weren't old enough to walk she knew they couldn't run away, and rushed to the fridge pulling out a carton of milk. It would have to do for now. Since she didn't have a baby bottle Shiloh grabbed a freezer bag and poured the milk in then cut a small hole in the bottom right and held her hand tightly around the corner, sealing the milk away from the hole. She then walked over to the kitten's and let them suckle on the corner of the bag, loosening her hand so the milk slowly leaked through the hole. It took about two carton's of milk but the kitten's were full and cuddled into her leather jacket before falling asleep. Shiloh smiled warmly as she cleaned up her milk mess and put the milk carton's in the recycling before she lifted the kittens into her arms, where they curled into her chest and nuzzled her.

"Shiloh?" Daliah's confused voice made Shiloh look behind her to see Daliah and the rest of the group crowding around the kitchen door. Daliah eyed the sleeping furry bundles in Shiloh's arms.

"Their mother died giving birth I had to do something" Shiloh said simply while giving Daliah a challenging look, a look that clearly said 'I dare you to say no'. Daliah didn't say anything.

"Umm we are out of milk." Shiloh said to fill the sudden silence.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Archer walked into the kitchen as soon as Daliah invited them to get something to eat. He rustled around in the large refrigerator for a bit but couldn't find anything that looked good. Walking over to the counter, he sat down just as Shiloh came inside. She was carrying two cougar kittens, and they didn't even have their eyes open. Daliah was talking to Shiloh, but Archer didn't try to make out the words. He just watched quietly as Shiloh fed the kittens. Coming over and sitting next to her on the floor, Archer heard the tiny cats mewling. They were two tiny lumps in Shiloh's jacket, and Archer resisted the urge to reach out and take one.

The empty milk cartons caught Archer's eye just as the silver-haired girl informed them that they were out. He smiled softly and looked at the cartons as deafening silence filled the room. He finally stood up and looked at the spectators. "What do you guys want? I can't cook, and I don't know about you, but I'm hungry for something not out of a fast food restaurant." He smiled as his stomach growled. The awkward silence was broken with a few smiles. Shuffling around the kitchen, Archer inspected all of the food storage places- midnight snack scoping. He looked at Shiloh again, who had the kittens fast asleep in her jacket.

Archer knew he was going to like this place.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Hale gave his signature, dashing smile before laughing. “It’s okay. He seems to like you.” He studied Azalea for a moment. She wasn’t his type at all, her being the quiet, shy type. He usually went out with the outgoing, daring girls who weren’t afraid of everything. So why did he keep coming back to her? “You know, you’re different.” Hale looked at her thoughtfully. “But you’re a good kind of different. He seemed to be satisfied with his answer, as he leaned down and started to pet his dog on the head and scratch behind his ears. He looked up when Daliah spoke. He was pretty hungry, he had to admit.

“I don’t really know what I want to eat….” Hale heard from beside him, the soft voice of Azalea. He smiled at that. Of course she didn’t. She seemed like an indecisive person more than an impulsive thinker.

“If they have anything, then maybe we should just make something. What about chicken pot pie? I know how to make it.” He addressed everyone that was still in the room. Hale had learned to cook a few things from his adoptive mom when she had been taking a cooking class. He was glad that he had, though, because he didn’t want to be stuck with just grilling things, like most men.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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Azalea noticed that Hale kept smiling at her. Her eyes stayed in her lap and every once in awhile averting to Payton who seemed to be just lost in her own thoughts. She was glad Hale didn't mind that she was practically stealing his dog, Rocky. The girl found the simple name to be rather funny. A long time ago she decided if she were to ever get a pet, she'd name it after some sort of plant. That may seem rather corny and stereotypical to someone with her abilities, but nature was apart of her in every way.

Azalea felt his stare, and couldn't help but meet it for a quick second.
“You know, you’re different.” she heard him say. She couldn't help but raise a small brow.
"I believe we're all a little different" Azalea said quietly, unsure whether or not to be offended by the comment. “But you’re a good kind of different" he added while she was thinking. The girl didn't really have much of a response for him other than a small smile. She didn't really know what to think of him yet. He wasn't bad looking, but he was rather forward. Though unlike many of the guys she has met - he was kind. She shook her head of her thoughts and let a hand pet the white fur of his dog.

“If they have anything, then maybe we should just make something. What about chicken pot pie? I know how to make it.” Hale said in a slightly louder tone, addressing all those in the room.
"That sounds lovely" Azalea said quietly with a small nod, before looking to her soul sister. "Does that sound alright to you?" she asked, always considering other peoples needs before her own. Softly she moved the large white dog off her lap and stood up, brushing the fur off her black jeans and blue plaid shirt. For a moment she wondered if they were going to go shopping for clothes, as she didn't really bring much. But her thoughts were reassured when she remembered that her room had a full closet. Patting Payton's shoulder lightly she smiled.
"Cmon" she said before walking over to the kitchen, stopping in her tracks when she saw that the white haired girl had two cubs in her jacket. She didn't mind, she just didn't remember them coming in with the girl. Did she find them?
"Hello" Azalea said quietly to the girl before walking past to sit on one of the brown bar stools. She looked out the glass door, wanting to go back outside. Though it would be rude to do so if someone was making her dinner.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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#, as written by Felilla

As far of as she may have seemed to others, Payton was very aware of everything going on around her. She simply wasn't one to talk much, but listen instead. She was still hungry though. It had been unlike her to speak out at all earlier when she asked when dinner was, but that was okay. She was actually somewhat amused by Hale's obvious attraction to Azalea and her soul sister not quite sure how to deal with it. "I believe we're all a little different," Azalea replied to Hale and Payton mentally cheered because she said something.

If they have anything, then maybe we should just make something. What about chicken pot pie? I know how to make it.

Chicken pot pie... That sounded good. Payton could cook little things, but she was mostly hopeless when it came to stoves and frying pans. Give her something to bake? She'll make the most delicious cake you've ever had. Give her an egg to fry? Good luck cleaning up that mess. "That sounds lovely. Does that sound alright to you?" Azalea looked back at Payton and she simply nodded. Azalea patted Payton's shoulder, "C'mon.

Payton followed Azalea out of the living room, stopping when her soul sister stopped. She peered around her and saw that the white haired girl from earlier had some cubs. Payton briefly thought that it might be a good idea to have the cubs vaccinated, but she kept the thought to herself, simply nodding at the girl. She followed Azalea and sat down at one of the stools. Her soul sister briefly glanced at the glass door. She obviously wanted to go outside. Without a word, Payton walked over to the door and opened it, leaving the screen closed. She sat next to Azalea and poked her, "I think Hale might like you..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
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The fresh air that came through the door brought a sense of comfort to Azalea. She was glad her soul sister knew her so well. Though she had forgotten a lot, she had never felt more right about where she was at this moment. Surrounded by people exactly like her, and with her soul sister. When her soul sister sat next to her Azalea felt a bit better. Her next words however, confused the girl.

"I think Hale might like you..." Payton said. Azalea blinked for a few moments, trying to think onto what her soul sister meant.
"Well I think I like him too. He seems to be a nice fellow" Azalea said not really thinking about what Payton really meant until the words were said. The only reply she was able to give was a small "oh" followed with a small blush. They seemed to both be waiting for the fire elementalist to begin making his pot pie. Azalea targeted the little plant in the middle of the counter and began growing its leaves to a larger size. She played with the little vines it had, and made it so the plant came and wrapped around her pinkie finger. They all had powers, so she could do this, right?

Watching Shiloh with the cubs made the shy girl smile to herself. The two things were rather adorable. It popped an idea to ask Daliah for a cat or dog. But she knew she shouldn't push her luck.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
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Hale smiled and nodded. He didn’t mind cooking anyway, so it wasn’t a problem for him. He stood up after the girls and watched as they walked into the kitchen. As he walked over, he noticed Shiloh and the cubs. Well they’re cute, he thought before he turned to walk into the kitchen. He didn’t quite make it in before he started to hear the girls’ conversation. And it was about him. ”I think Hale might like you, Payton said.

“Well I like him too. He seems to be a nice fellow.” At that, he had to chuckle. He hadn’t heard many people call him a ‘fellow’ before. Then, Azalea seemed to realize what her friend actually meant, and a small ‘oh’ escaped from her. Hale took that as his cue to step in.

“Okay. So chicken pot pie it is!” He said, walking into the room and over to the fridge. He started to take out the necessary ingredients.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azalea Mansi Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale Character Portrait: Malakai William West Character Portrait: Payton Merrill Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke Character Portrait: Archer Kerestone Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
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-very bad bad GM

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela
Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
Character Portrait: Payton Merrill
Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale
Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
Character Portrait: Malakai William West


Character Portrait: Malakai William West
Malakai William West

Don't Look back, no matter what happens

Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
Tyler Richardson

"There Are No Rules When You Are Different."

Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale
Fletcher Lewis Hale

"I am the Augustus Waters of this time period so step aside and let me find my Hazel."

Character Portrait: Payton Merrill
Payton Merrill

"You're being irrational."

Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
Shiloh Everbrooke

The silent Necromancer

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela
Ara "Stormy" Varela

"We are not strangers to ourselves, we only try to be."


Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
Tyler Richardson

"There Are No Rules When You Are Different."

Character Portrait: Malakai William West
Malakai William West

Don't Look back, no matter what happens

Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale
Fletcher Lewis Hale

"I am the Augustus Waters of this time period so step aside and let me find my Hazel."

Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
Shiloh Everbrooke

The silent Necromancer

Character Portrait: Payton Merrill
Payton Merrill

"You're being irrational."

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela
Ara "Stormy" Varela

"We are not strangers to ourselves, we only try to be."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ara "Stormy" Varela
Ara "Stormy" Varela

"We are not strangers to ourselves, we only try to be."

Character Portrait: Fletcher Lewis Hale
Fletcher Lewis Hale

"I am the Augustus Waters of this time period so step aside and let me find my Hazel."

Character Portrait: Shiloh Everbrooke
Shiloh Everbrooke

The silent Necromancer

Character Portrait: Malakai William West
Malakai William West

Don't Look back, no matter what happens

Character Portrait: Tyler Richardson
Tyler Richardson

"There Are No Rules When You Are Different."

Character Portrait: Payton Merrill
Payton Merrill

"You're being irrational."

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