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Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride.

Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride.


In a world where Goku was never born, Bardock's plea was heard and the combined might of planet Vegeta's forces were enough to destroy Frieza. However, The king of all saiyans fell that day. Refusing to bow to the prince, strength shall decide rulership.

2,518 readers have visited Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan Pride. since ChaosBlade created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


After his defeat to Dodoria, Bardock, the last hope for planet Vegeta rushed himself to the throne room of the saiyan's, commanding an audience with the king as he revealed from the barely surviving hard drive of his scouter the betrayal they had received. Armed with the saiyan army by his side, countless warriors fought tooth and nail to destroy Freiza, the beasts destruction only coming when the combined forces of the army came together with one pure blast of ki that ripped through the Icejin and his space ship like a knife through butter. The victory of the saiyans had however come with a cost, the mighty king Vegeta had been torn limb from limb by the horrifying monstrous form of Zarbon, and the equally disgusting Dodoria. The prince had become an orphan that night, and for a moment the race had mourned with him.

Soon however, a new issue appeared, the kingdom debated whether or not to allow the boy to take over, his age and obvious inexperience a glaring problem. Denying the boy his birth right, the race decided instead on a contest. All of the planet's inhabitants would be given a massive 15 year training period to do as they wished, but when it came to an end, the most powerful warriors would fight in a massive all out battle, a battle that would shake the foundations of the universe itself and bring forth a leader that would command this fighting force and use it to conquer the galaxy!

Chars up for grabs:

Raditz: 1,500
Nappa: 7,000
Bardock: 10,000 (Surprisingly legit)
Prince Vegeta: 2,000
All Original characters will start with the same power level as Raditz: 1,500

The LSSJ Broly does exist, but only under the basis that if someone breaks a rule, he will appear and break their character, why? he's Broly, he does what he wants.

Now here is some things you can do to easily increase your power lvl's

Train: Increase in power depends on time between this and the next post you create, (can be no longer than 2 days) Max Ki increase is 1,000

Invade planets: Write quite a bit on this if you choose to do it, as the enemies you face shall govern how high your power lvl becomes, however, if you come out of 3 difficult fights with nothing but flesh wounds, Broly will literally find and mutilate your character, this will also happen If a player decides to beat the crap out of another players character without the others consent.

Fighting: Combating with another saiyan, same rules as "Invade planets" however a character can die in battle, make no mistake most characters will in face die, but a user can have as many chars as they like.

And finally.

Transformation: Oozaru only until players reach Goku base form power lvl on Namek when he fought Frieza and after a tragic event that causes the necessary rage to become a ssj. (Power required: 3,000,000)

Now, In order to reach that level, Im going to give all characters an automatic boost to their power level as a saiyan's power increases when they barely survive a fight. I must assume that the battle with Frieza left nearly everyone at least bruised, therefore, describe your characters injury, varying from an easily fixed one to one even a regeneration tank will never be able to deal with (e.g. lost an arm) and I shall message you the appropriate boost.

Finally, a player can have up to 4 unique moves, however, a player can use their ki any way they want, thus allowing them to manipulate this slightly, also, flying is pretty much a given considering that all the characters saiyan saga onwards were able too (minus Mr.Satan/Hercule)

Char skel:

Power lvl: (update this regularly)
Notable achievements:
Dream/Ambition: (Make a Goku copy and It will be an automatic denied, these saiyans are born and raised in harsh environments with a harsh life style.)
Injury during battle with Frieza:
Unique Moves:
Other: (Anything thats not on this skel that you would like included)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Cragin would pull the Saiyan along, he would keep to the shadows, being as silent as he could. Soon though guards were charging forth through an open door. Cragin would plant himself the Saiyan's body shaking as he pulled his right arm up with a small laugh, "Dodonpa." It had been apparent that the wing he had once been in was an area where Ki couldn't be used, but he was in a strange part of the dungeon, the lighting better adjusted more open and less dank, he decided to try. The blast was half powered, it was struggled but it was a blast. The sphere of pale yellow energy erupted into the group and with the explosion, one went flying into a nearby wall, another sliding forth, the third flying backwards. Cragin would drop his hand, his calculative eyes looking at every body before he walked forward through the open doorway. He would ascend stairs, they would spiral the slightest bit and as another guard would descend them around the corner throwing a fist at his chest. He would knock it aside at the wrist with his own using his right hand to deliver a swift but powerful uppercut, the man would be knocked unconscious, sprawling forth. He would have to hop over the body, nearly being caught off balance and falling back.

He would catch himself, charging back up the staircase. The Saiyan would fall back on his shoulders and there would be a thwack! as the man's head would hit stone. Cragin would let out a deep laughter grabbing the man by the torso and pulling him back up onto his shoulders. Moments later he was upon a door and silently he would pull it open walking out into less stale air. To his dismay several guards would be at the room, he counted eight of them all with power levels of at least 10,000. They would be prepared for him, their palms raised. Cragin would put the body down, tutting his tongue. Cragin would hop the body charging to the first guard, his speed would make the one blast they had gotten off to pass behind him, it would shake the world around him, and the guards would be taken aback. That had seemed to be their plan to overwhelm him. Any Ki blasts now would harm their comrades.

He delivered a knee to this guards gut grabbing the man by the arm with his right hand and dipping low hurling him into an oncoming guard's punch to his left. He would slide into a crouch, beneath another guard's kick, rising and grabbing the leg he would turn flinging the man into a nearby wall. Cragin would be lost in thought, time was valuable. Each moment that passed was a moment warriors were alerted to come to this. Then it hit him, instant transmission..He would turn abruptly catching a guard on the side of the face, he would go spinning away and Cragin would lift his left hand to his forehead, a blur of speed as he fought his way through the guards he would slide forth beneath a kick back to the body, grabbing the man by the throat. They would disappear in a flash of pale yellow and he would be at Qyn suddenly, Rubis lying in the floor of the building. It would be a black rock and the room would be white, a set of tanks on one side of the room.

A doctor would rush forth, "Cragin?" Her voice would be alert and concerned. Her green hair hanging in her brilliant orange eyes. White clothe wrapping her body. The other brilliant minds of the room would turn, following her lead of awaiting orders, a mixture of curiosity and attentiveness.

"I want this man in a tank, before his vitals are completely healed and he's gained consciousness I want him chained and escorted to my chambers. No less than four guards." His voice would be stern but he would smile genuinely at all of them he would, drop the word like a warm wake up call. "Please." They would set about their duties and Cragin would walk out of the room.


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Rubis groaned, he was still in pain, but it wasn't as bad as it was before. He tried to rub his forehead. He found out he couldn't. His hands were just out of reach of his head. He tried leaning forward to rub it, but his neck was chained to something, only allowing a few inches play. He shook his head trying to clear his mind and remember what happened. He got glimpses of his time in prision. The torture and that other saiyan rescuing him. He had been in a tank. That much he was sure of, but he wasn't in there completely. His bones still felt like they were fractured in a few places. He put his head against the wall and sighed, "Out of the frying pan and into the oven." He looked around the room and saw he was surrounded by six guards. "Why hello there. Do you mind telling my why I'm chained to this wall?" Rubis was met with silence. "Nice talking to you too..."

He saw a window and looked out it from where he was. He was off thinking about where his wife was. He would have to go and check on her when he got out of this place. He felt a welling in his chest and his eyes started burning. A single tear rolled down his cheek before he heard a door open. He shook his head and put on a sour look on his face.


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Cragin would walk in giving a polite smile to the Saiyan. He would carry a glass of water and a piece of bread and the door would close behind him soundlessly, Cragin would set it down on a table at one side of the room, walking over and undoing the chains binding the man to the wall. He wouldn't seem to pay attention at all, simply going to a chair at the opposing end and sitting silently, he would link his fingers at the knuckles popping them before slinking the arms through one another to cross them at his chest. He would yawn watching Rubis studiously, he hadn't really planned this part out. It would be dishonorable to kill him this way..

His smile would turn wicked, one lip open at one end just enough to expose a canine. He would nod to the guards, "Thank you." They would return nods and then be shuffling out of the room. They were all to learn his own language, but most were yet to be fluent enough to speak much in it. It was clear they preferred to be quiet, they were a strong and powerful race, growing only more strong and powerful. Clear why they'd stray away from dumb mouths. Ofcourse, a wise man talks little and says much while a dumb man talks much and says little. His eyes would dart back to the Saiyan, pity resting in them.

"Well then, I've decided. I don't know where you're going. You're not staying here." Cragin would say it sternly, his voice assertive and authoritative. "I will allow you to recover completely in a tank, but straight after, I trust you'll leave." Cragin would grit his teeth awaiting a response.


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Rubis watched the other saiyan carefully. Judging his every movements, from releasing him from his chains and the placing of the food and the water to sitting on his chair. He resisted all urges to snatch the water and guzzle it down. He rubbed his wrists where the chains had bound him. He finaly got the chance to rub his forehead. It helped soothe the headache that had appeared. He walked slowly towards the water and grabbed it with his left he took small delibrate sips. It was becoming harder not to drink the entire thing at once. He turned to the man when he spoke.

"Before I get healed and leave, All I ask is a simple question, Why?" Rubis said taking another small sip from the glass. He tried thinking of every concivable way of why this man saved him from the jail cell. Rubis knew that he would have let the man rot in that infernal place. He took the bread in his other hand and took a bite out of it. There was no obvious reason he would do it. He put his mind to rest and waited for an answer.


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"Why not?" Cragin's voice would be quiet and reserved. His gaze would be on a corner, resting his head on his fist. He wouldn't shy away from his thoughts to speak with intent.


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Rubis sighed and threw his hands up in defeat. He wasn't going to get any information this way. "Well, lets get this underway, I have to check on my wife and get her to safety." Rubis stood near the door, waiting for the other saiyan to take him to the tanks. He thought about his wife. He would check Planet Vegeta first. If she wasn't there. He would have to search for her. He wasn't going to leave her. He could hear the yelling now, he had many different excuses, but he figured he would skip them all. Rubis thought about the last time he saw her. It was in that cage. He was embaressed for her to see that. He didn't care what the rest of the saiyans thought, but he did care about what she thought of him. He needed to get home as soon as possible.


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Cragin wouldn't make a move to get up, "Down the hall and to your left, down that hall and through the second door on the right. Tell the doctors there that I said you could use their tanks." Cragin would rub his forehead gritting his teeth further, "And be polite, if nothing else you owe me that." Cragin would take the hand from his forehead a moment, returning it with two fingers, he would be a flash of pale yellow energy, vanishing from the room.


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After the man had left Rubis threw up his hands in digust, "I hate him. He's about to rank higher than my father right now." He walked out of the room and was greeted with guards. Rubis gave them a nod and followed the directions that the man had gave him. He was at the second hall. He couldn't remember whether it was the First door on the left or the second door on the right. "I honestly have no idea." He went throught the first door on the left. He saw a group of men training. Rubis's face was in shock, he whistled. "This man sure runs a tight ship." When he talked all eyes were on him, "Ah, crap." The obvious leader walked up to him and said, "What are you doing here, you don't belong." Rubis just nodded and reached for the door handle behind him. He hurried out the door and ran towards the other door. He opened and saw his saving grace the tanks. "Ah, yes. The man that brought me here told me that I could use the tanks." The single man that was working the computers nodded. Rubis walked over to the nearest tank and climbed in. He let the cool reviving waters take him away to a decent rest.


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Cragin would stand in a building, the floor would be a dirty white along with the walls. The room would have computers set about the walls and several humanoids of various hair colors ranging from green to fiery red, all of them with the same hue of orange eyes. Brak would stand in the middle of the room, aside the Saiyan with a hand resting on an arm crossed at his abdomen, the hand cupping his chin. They would both be looking down at a map, spread out before them, showing this galaxy and the few around it. Cragin's hand would come down suddenly on a planet, two galaxies away. "This seems to be the Saiyan planet closest to us thus far. We must stop them first, right?" Cragin's calculative eyes would travel across the expanse of the galaxy settling on another planet. He would set his gaze upon it a few moment before his finger slid to that point. "And then here, an important planet set farther back. We'll send half the army here, to crush what Saiyan forces are there, you'll oversee that, make sure there will be no damage done to the actual inhabitants of the planet. I'll go here." His finger would travel back to the before planet.

Brak would stand a moment in thought before smiling. "Alright and Qrenshan overlooks this galaxy." Cragin would smile linking his fingers soundlessly before cracking them at the knuckles. He would look about the room, a proud gleam in his eyes. He had made all this possible with these people of such potential.

"Yes, have him researching and testing that move we've been working on." With that Cragin would lift two fingers to his forehead, focusing on the planet, searching for it in the vast universe. In moments he would appear in a mountainous landscape, immediatley setting his eyes about the area, calculating the power about him vast and perhaps intimidating if it had been a different man that threatened it's very existence.


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Rubis shook his head and got up. He was lying on a bench in the doctor's office. He looked and saw he still had his ruined under suit. He needed to get out of these clothes. He saw the man looking at a computer screen, not paying attention to him. He stood and put his fingers on his forehead. He was gone. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in his house. It was trashed. Everything was thrown about, he ran into the bedroom and saw his wife's closet emptied. He sat on his bed and put his head in his hands. He heard the door slam in. Rubis stood up. He waited. "I'm getting a massive energy reading in the next room. It must be him." Rubis swallowed and tighten his fist. He wasn't going back to that prison without a fight. He thought about it and decided that he would rescue that girl while he was here. He was going to keep his word.

He heard some shuffling in the next room and the door connecting the two rooms flew inward. He bashed the fly door aside and looked towards the open doorway. Two Saiyans rushed in. "Surrender now or we will use force." Rubis smiled and looked at the two men, "You can't hurt me any worse than what I feel right now." He decided that he would keep one alive for questioning. The two saiyans swung at him thinking that they had the advantage being two to one. Rubis caught both of their fists and twisted them. They were low rank Saiyans nothing to be concerned with. He flipped them onto their backs. He lifted his fist and brought it down on one of the throats. He lifted the other one and slammed him against the wall, "Now, your going to tell me exactly what I want to know. Where is my wife," His teeth gritted together. He underlined his point by slamming him into the wall again. "I don't know, we were sent to take her to the palace. She was gone and you were here. We figured you knew where she was." Rubis moved him and slammed him into the floor. He unleashed his fury on the guy's face. In the end, all there was a bloody mess. Rubis walked over to his dresser and pulled out a fresh suit. He looked at the two dead men. The one he had dispatched earlier was about his size. He took off the armor and put it on himself. He spied a piece of paper on the ground. He picked it up.

"Dear Rubis,

I don't know what they say is true, but I do know it isn't safe for me here anymore. After I saw you in the cage I ran to Bardock and begged him to send me to my home planet. My mother still lives there, I'm going to stay there for a while. If you manage to read this, try and find me. I will be waiting at the town square of my home village, at noon. Please, I must know that your alright.

Love, Taku"

Rubis crumbled the note and sighed. His wife was safe. He must thank Bardock when he got a chance. Now was not the time to forget what he was doing. He must save that girl. He search for her power signal. He found it. It was under the castle, but in a different wing. He knew better than to teleport there. He didn't want to be waiting. Rubis did teleport in front of the castle. He kept his head down and was about to walk in, he was stopped however. "Where do you think your going, Saiyan?" Rubis looked up and saw a palace guard. He inwardly groaned. This was going to be a hard sell. The man was about his power level, maybe a little higher. Rubis fake stumbled, he grabbed the man and brought two fingers to his head. He teleported to Meta6. "You couldn't just let me by could you? No, you had to ask question. Well, questions lead to death." Rubis punched the surprised man in the stomach. The man retaliated with an elbow to the side of the face. Rubis brought an upper cut to the man's jaw, They were exchanging blows. Rubis jumped back and rushed again. He kneed the guy in the face, he then delivered a left cross, a right jab, and a left uppercut. He ended it all while the man was still dazed a kick to the midsection sending him flying to the nearby cliff. Rubis let the man get up. He was greeted with him in his Fury Cannon pose. The man acted quickly and fired a green ball. Rubis at the same time fired his cannon. The two met head on and clashed. Rubis could feel his blast coming towards him. The man was powerful. Rubis tried putting more energy into the ball. It ended up with his ball being pushed towards him some more. The man was going to win. Rubis resigned and let the balls of energy come towards. Before they hit, he put up his arms in a defensive stance. He was still blasted back. He hit the dirt 40 feet behind him. Rubis groaned, he opened his eyes and saw the man standing over him. He lifted his foot and put it against Rubis's throat.

He put his hands on the other Saiyan's foot. He was attempting to lift the man. It wasn't working exactly as planned, but his throat was being crushed as fast and the man would like. Thoughts were running through his head a mile a minute. He couldn't teleport, he needed both of his hands to stop the foot crushing his neck. The second he pulled away his world would end. Breathing was getting tougher, his throat felt like it was on fire. He put all his strength of pushing up and was rewarded with the slight decrease of pressure. He managed to roll out of the way and where he throat was there was a small crater. He got up quickly and punched the man in the face a few times. He felt something break. It was either his fingers or the man's jaw. He didn't really know, the adrenialan was flowing in his veins, so any pain would have been lessened. Rubis went for a right upper cut, but the man punched Rubis in the left arm. He cried out in pain. He had felt the bone snap. His right arm was now useless. Rubis jumped back and tried to regroup but the man wouldn't let him. He sent another green ball of energy his way. Rubis didn't have enough time to react. He was hit full force in the chest. He was sent flying towards the same cliff that the other man hit. He let out a groan as he slumped to the ground. He looked up and saw the man walking over to him, He lifted Rubis and slammed him into the cliff again. Rubis felt his skull crack. The man threw him and Rubis landed about 20 feet away. Rubis got up and looked at the man. Another green ball was heading towards him. Was once again hit and sent flying. The stolen armor had it. It was in pieces. He tried getting up, but he found his other arm was broken. He couldn't put any weight on it. He turned over and the man was standing over him, he had a cruel smile on his face. He lifted his foot and brought it down on his now exposed chest. Rubis felt a few ribs break. He screamed in pain. He did it again, breaking a few more ribs. The man flew up and summoned another ball of green energy. It hit him right in the stomach. He felt his body being destroyed. He moved his broken arm and put it to his stomach, it came away red. Rubis sighed and put his fingers to his head and teleported his wife's home planet. He was met with a group of people surrounding him. The person who took up the most of his vision looked a lot like his wife. He passed out from all of the pain.

He was awoken when he felt something cool hit his forehead. His wife was sitting on a bed with a wet rag in her hand. There was tears in her eyes. He tried to lift his hand so he could wipe away the tears. He found that he couldn't it would seem that his entire body was wrapped in bandages. "I'm sorry that your not in a tank, but I couldn't bring you to the Saiyan Doctor. With you still being a wanted criminal." She finally broke down and started crying. She put her head against his chest and let it all out. He whispered into her ear about how much he loved her. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mother in law. All she was doing was shaking her head. He fell back asleep. When he awoke next he heard yelling in the other room, "such a thing?" "I had my reasons. He isn't any good for you. He would be much better off in prison if he's a wanted criminal." "So, you ran to the Saiyans and turned him in? Don't your realize their going to kill us both? They think we're less than dirt on their shoes. Rubis is the only one who's ever cared about us." "If he really cared about you he would have stayed home more often and made you worry less." He heard a loud smack from the other room, "How dare you hit your mother? I thought I raised you better than..." The voice was cut off by a loud knocking. Rubis heard his wife start balling her eyes out. He turned and stood up. He limped to the main room and a look of shock was on both of their faces, "I'll turn myself in, but before I do, I need you to get you somewhere safe. Hurry we don't have much time." The knocking was getting louder. Taku and her mother rushed to Rubis's arms. He looked for the planet he was on where he woke up after the prison. He teleported there. He was in the doctor's office. "Wait for another Saiyan, I don't know his name. Tell him your my wife, and use my name. I'll come and see you again, I swear." Rubis left his wife and his mother and law standing there, he got back in time for the Saiyans to break down the door, "I surrender. I'll come in peace." The group of them rushed over and hit him in the back of the head knocking him out.

He was once again fading in and out of being awake. He had hear reports of what he had sustained during his fight, second degree burns on his upper and lower torso, third degree burns localized on his stomach area where he recieved the last blast of energy. Both of his arms were broken in a few places. His scalp was singed in a few places. His left lung was punctured, where his tail was cut in half by one of the blasts, six ribs were broken, most of his digestive track organs were a mess. He had internal bleeding from the stomach. He heard also heard after he was at full strength he was going to be sent to a labor camp somewhere off world. To a place where no Ki could be used. Rubis just sort of drifted off to sleep, enjoying the bliss of weightlessness of the tank. He was happy about the fact that his wife was off planet and she was in safer hands that she was going to be in if she had been caught. He did wonder if he had made the right decision in taking his wife there. He figured that the man wouldn't do harm to an innocent woman and her bitch of a mother.


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Cragin would have to do nothing but wait, soon an entire squad of Saiyans were blasts of energy through the sky, he would float there patiently, hovering above mountains of black rock. The sky would be red and bloody, if this life had ever contained life it must have been an insane darkness to be driven farther into with each day. The air would be still, no breeze, no clouds. Only the shwoooom of the Saiyans coming to confront him. They began to slow a hundred feet or so from him, their Ki seeming to disperse as they hovered forth.

Five of them in total, their power levels all relatively amazing, 50,000 each or around there it would seem. With their appearance Cragin would crack a wicked smile, "Welcome then, I'm a bit tired. You see, you either surrender or we have to fight." They would all seem to find him funny, their clear Saiyan arrogance fresh on their faces. The man that seemed to be the leader had a wild sprout of black spikes on his head surrounded by baldness, wearing a scouter he would tap it a few times as if he was in disbelief at Cragin's power level. The man was broad and tall. His companions were all alike in ways average Saiyans, their hair spiked in various degrees, their eyes dark and black, of average height and build. One in particular had a scar where his eye once was. Another with a hog-like nose. One with odd eyebrows as if they were built on scars. The last had no shoulder guards, revealing and odd scar snaking along his shoulder.

"Well aren't you funny, thinking you could come here expecting anything less than getting your tail kicked." The leader would seem to hover forth the slightest bit, his voice seeming to be a tone or two light. His voice a bit boyish.

"I was hoping it wouldn't have to be this way, hoping we could all be friends." Cragin's voice would be dropped cold, serious despite his face still twisted to reveal dark humor. He would lift his hand slowly beckoning them forth. Eyebrows would erupt from nowhere, Cragin's eyes would catch him out of the corner of his eye leaning back to narrowly avoid the right cross. His right hand would outmatch the before speed as he hovered back extending a huge blow to the man's armpit with his right hand, he would grab the extended arm with his left releasing two more swift punches. The man would revulse throwing back his head in pain. Hog nose would be above him suddenly releasing a powerful kick at the left side of his head. Cragin would bury the fist in the man's arm pit pulling at the right arm and hoisting the man up while darting away. He would hurl the man into the kick. Sliding into a crouch and dipping low to hit the stationary leg of Ole one eye. "Hasshuken!" Cragin would rise suddenly the object of more finely coordinated but clunky attacks as they struggled to get past his new defense. They would be a whirlwind of speeded movement and exchanging of blows. Before suddenly numbers caught up to him, One eye managed to deliver a devastating blow to his abdomen. Hasshuken would be dispelled and he would rise with the blow, deeply exhaling. It would be followed by a kick the side of his head by Hog nose, and then a knee to the back by Eyebrows. An uppercut to the chin from No shoulderguards. He would fly up-ward into the sky and he would see through a squinted eye the leader reel back raising a hand, another at his chest.

The blast would be brutal, driving him farther upward, the Ki dispelling against his body in a silent explosion, his armour would take a great deal of the force but he would feel a shooting of pain. He would look about at the red sky, his sight blurred, he would hang suspended before descending. It would be seconds before he was a deep crater inside of one of the mountains of darkness which he now knew were made of an incredibly hard stone. He would grab an edge of the hole he'd made, pulling himself from the crater. He would laugh and see the five of them floating fifty or so feet from the crater, their hands extended and their free hands at their chests. Hog nose would wear a broad smile. His laugh would only brighten, genuine and fresh. His body ached, his body drove itself mad with pain. He hated Hog nose for that smile.

Cragin's cunning mind would be ablaze with skillfull thinking and he would note the way their Ki would converge, they expected this to be a killing blow. He would have to hit those blasts at that convergent point if he were to live through this. Cragin would raise his hand and they would unanimously shout commands for an attack and he would whisper his own, igniting the Ki within him, "Dodonpa.." The blasts would hit, pulling oxygen from the world, a collision of pale yellow and red Ki and the end result would be a blast of great multitude. He would be driven back making the crater ever larger.

Moments would pass before Cragin erupted from the Crater, just to be tackled from behind suddenly, at the back of the right knee, almost immediately after being delivered a knee to his left shoulder. He would be sent spiraling down. He would land at an odd angle on his right shoulder. To his dismay, the ground was of the same hard material as the mountains. Suddenly a foot would be an apparent shape in his blurry vision and he would move his head to the side just enough so that it came down beside his head. He would give a wicked grin despite the pain reaching up and grabbing the man by the knee, with tremendous speed delivering a Ki punch to the side of the man's cap. It would erupt with the force and he would realize it to be No shoulderpads screaming in agony. The punch would send a jolt through his other hand and he would rise slinging the man to the ground by his now useless leg, pulling back and swinging the body in a horizontal, dipping arc before releasing, the man flying through the sky.

Hog nose and One eye would come at the same time, as One eye came forth attempting a quick jab at his face from his left he would grab the attack with his left hand pulling him forth into a left knee to the gut, his hand would slide to the man's throat and he would hoist him up into Hog noses kick at his abdomen. One eye's body would repel it and he would squeeze until he heard a pop as the man's windpipe was crushed, deflecting a jab, he could see Eyebrows approaching and he would turn delivering a shocking sudden punch to the side of Hog noses face, he would go reeling away as Cragin adjusted his stance hurling the body in his left hand to his left into the oncoming Eyebrows. Cragin would shift his weight, sliding his left foot back and turning in the nick of time to hit an extended leg at the ankle diverting a kick from the leader. He would jump forth delivering a Ki punch to the man's chest and he would fly backwards. Cragin would turn to a sudden punch to the right shoulder from Hog nose and then a followed up punch to the left eye from Eyebrows. He would be driven back nearly losing balance with his off stance. His eyes closed, swelling. Cragin would smile at them, hopping forward, using his knees to divert two extended jabs as he came forth crashing into the shoulders of his opponents he would bring back his hands in clubs and the opponents would be driven forward with the force to the back of their heads.

He would fall back from the attack, Eyebrows would fall to his knees coughing and Hog nose would be standing, dazed. Cragin would walk forth delivering a powerful punch to the man's chest, and he would feel bones crack and the flesh as his hand suddenly erupted from the other side, breaking the spine he would pull his hand away, his own blood at the knuckles. A clear hole and Hog nose would fall, Eyebrows looking over at his companion with scorn suddenly in his eyes. He would rise charging forth and Cragin would plant a hand on his chest forcing him back. "Daichiretsuzan." Cragin's voice would be cold, though his face was a broad smile of blood lust. The man would fall dead as Cragin turned walking away, dispelling the attack. He would look up seeing The Leader of the squad with his hand raised charging his blast. Cragin would raise a hand to his head putting two fingers to his forehead.

He would appear behind the man suddenly, grabbing the man at the forehead and pulling him back into a devastating knee to the lower back, his eyes would widen in shock and Cragin would be a sudden flash of movement grabbing the man by the throat and flinging him into the ground below. He would hover down calmly standing at the edge of the crater. "Now, don't you wish you would have chosen to surrender?" Cragin's voice would be humored, his eyes glinting with the joy of combat. The man would groan struggling to open his eyes.

"You're-you're, you'll die for thi-" Cragin would quiet him before he could speak delivering a powerful kick to the man's temple. He would feel it cave slightly and pull his foot away. The man was likely dead, No shoulderpads had likely gone away, oh well. He could tell his friends. Cragin would allow a small laugh raising his fingers to his head. He would disappear suddenly, arriving in the tank room of Qyn. To the site of..Odd women..

Cragin's right hand is torn up, bones broken and fractured. His left is broken. He has deep bruising and 1st degree burns. Four broken ribs, internal organ damage. Spine damage, broken jaw. Damage to his left eye and deep shoulder damage on both sides.


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Rubis once again awoke in chains. From what he could tell, he was on a ship. The Saiyan guard noticed him awake. "So, your finally awake. There was debate on whether or not we should just kill you. Well, you got a fate worse than death. Your going to a labor camp. Your going to help build structures that further enhance our power in the universe." The man walked over to Rubis and whispered in his ear, "The guards hold an underground fighting ring. If they bet on you and you win, they like you. If they don't bet on you and you win, they don't like you." Rubis felt something hit his head and he was knocked out again.

This time Rubis woke on a metal bed. He knew for sure that he was on the planet now. "Get up you scum, time to go to work." The group of men that was in the room rose and started for the door. Rubis didn't feel like getting hit again right now, so he followed the mass. The construction site was a mine. Rubis had the task of going into the ground and using a pick ax to mine for materials. The hours were long and brutal. He felt weak. At the end of the day, the guards chose a select few to participate in the fighting. Rubis was one of the men chosen. He was taken to a room where he was given an under suit and a pair of Saiyan boots. He waited for his name to be called.

When his name was called he was brought out to a large pit with the the guards surrounding it. One guards was standing in the middle of the pit. He announced each of the fighter's names and their power levels. Rubis was shocked that his opponent had such a low power level compared to him, it was about 20,000. It was decent, but not as high as Rubis's. He stood at the entrance to the pit and waited for the guard to leave. He didn't fly out, no he climbed a rope. Rubis met the other Saiyan's eyes and growled. He ran towards the man and punched him in the ribs a few times. The man went for a left cross, Rubis dodged out of the way and countered with a left uppercut. The man was sent sprawling. The crowd was cheering for the show of violence. Rubis walked over to the man. He was begging for him to spare his life. The guards were yelling, "Kill him, he's weaker than you and should pay." Rubis lifted up his foot and brought it down on the man's head. He felt the skull give way. He brought out his hands in a fashion and yelled, "Is there no one as strong as me. You give me a weakling. I require a challenge." The guards saw that he was getting unruly. Three of them jumped down and took out batons. Rubis smiled. The three men ran towards him and they all hit him with the baton. One to left arm, another to the right and the last was to the side. Rubis cried out in pain. He felt bruises start to well up. One of the guards went for another swing, he grabbed the arm and broke it. He took the baton and swung it at another guard. The one he was swing at blocked, and rubis felt a hit to the spine. He gritted his teeth and elbowed he offending guard. He brought a kick to the guard in front of him, but he caught it with relative ease. His leg exploded in pain as the man broke it. The other guard saw his chance and hit Rubis in the back of the other leg. He dropped down to his knees. The third guard stood up and grabbed the baton that Rubis had dropped. He promptly hit him in the face and he felt a tooth get loose. Another guard hit his left arm again, this time breaking it. The third guard hit his right arm, again breaking it. "We're going to teach you why it's a bad Idea to rebel." They pushed him to the ground and started wailing on him. He felt his ribs breaking. He also felt one of the ribs puncture one of his lungs. His breathing became labored. One of the guard lifted his foot and slammed it on Rubis's sternum. The rest of his ribs broke. The broke his other leg, during the confusion, both of his hands were now broken. It would appear that they stepped on them one too many times. One of the guards lifted his fist and brought it down on Rubis's face. His nose was also broken. Another guard did the same thing and broke his jaw.

When they finally stepped away from the broken Saiyan. He was a bloody mess. One of the guards dragged him to the medical center. Along the way, Rubis felt his back being torn up by the rough ground. The Doctor turned when he heard the men enter. "Another prisoner rebelled? They always do at least once. Put him in the tank, he should be good for the shift in the morning." The doctor ran a quick diagonsis scan and he read off the list to the guard, "You sure did a number on him: All his ribs are broken, one punctured his left lung, the a few others caused internal bleeding, his hands are smashed to pieces, both of his arms are broken in a few places, both of his legs are broken, where one of the legs broke, it actually broke through the skin. His nose and jaw are broken, and his back as suffered some severe lacerations, probably due to him being dragged here. Maybe he'll learn not to rebel." The guard nodded and said, "he better, if he doesn't this is the only tank he gets. The next time is death."


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Two women would sit at one side of the room, quietly, the younger of the two seeming worried beyond belief. Cragin would be baffled beckoning a doctor forth, the man would follow his gaze to the women, "Ah, yes, they said they were sent by Rubis to find you, it's his wife and his mother-in-law." The doctor would look back to Cragin shaking his head disapprovingly at the wounds. Cragin would hold up a gentle hand.

"Not yet." He would drop it sternly walking forth to the pair. "Hello, I'm told you're relatives of Rubis." The both of them would look at him quizzically as if he wasn't what they had quite expected. His presumed wife would rise from her seat frantically, suddenly. Cragin's eyes would widen in horror and confusion.

"They took my Rubis, you must help, you must." She would speak hurriedly, as if she had realized that she had no choice but to trust the Saiyan before her. He would raise a hand to his mouth, coughing up a bit of blood. Before flicking a anxious tongue over an exposed canine.

He would extend a hand, his cleaner right, "It was a pleasure to meet you." It would be smooth and polite, despite his broken jaw. She would sit a moment before taking it hesitantly. He would hold it a moment before releasing it as a sign of good faith. "A guard will question you later, to get as much information from you as he can, we'll find Rubis." He would turn then to the rest of the room, his voice rising, authoritative. "These women are my guests and should be treated as such. I would like one of you to lead them to the kitchens, have them fed and then taken to a room, they will have free range of the palace." Cragin would nod giving a smile to the staff and a man would come forth and he could hear the woman as she was led away.

"Please, don't forget about my Rubis." Cragin would ultimately ignore the task for the time being, he would pull himself to a tank and settle there looking to recuperate.


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Cragin would stand at the map now, Brak beside him, a new scar at the nape of his neck. The battle had been a success however, the Saiyan planet wiped clean of Saiyan forces. Difficulties were presented and the two squads that were there had killed several of his men, every loss counted. The survivor of the last had attempted destroying it before running. Luckily, Brak is a quick thinker and strong warrior. He would point. "From my knowledge of the Saiyan works and from what his wife told the guard I would say that they're keeping him here." Cragin's voice would be indifferent,though confident. As if he had imposing thoughts worrying him a great deal more than the task at hand. His finger would play along the shape of the planet on the map. He would tap it once more as if proposing within his own mind to just destroy it. He would peel his hand away.

Brak would nod, his jovial voice prepared so prematurely for a fight. "Yes, but how will we choose to assault?" Cragin would raise his left hand to his chin rubbing it calmly. His calculating eyes measuring the whole of the map, then focusing on the planet. The index finger of his right hand would come down on the map in several places before settling back on the planet.

"Qrenshan will assault from this side of the planet, I had a ship scout the planet to make sure it was a true possibility. The defenses are poorer at this side. It was nearly shot down, unfortunately before we could get a good idea of the forces there. Any prison used to hold Saiyans will disallow the use of Ki." Cragin's voice would be sure of itself, assertive as if there was no room for discussion in his mode of planning. "He will take the bulk of the army here using the weapons recovered from our recent conquest. It will draw away a great deal from the area likely with the highest concentration of Saiyan guards. You will attack it directly with the twelve strongest warriors you can find, of your choice. I will go to him directly using instant transmission." Cragin would give a nod, straightening up.

"We'll recover the prisoners held on the planet, and take them to the holding facility on Jrogen." Cragin would cross his arms over his chest, a savage grin appearing on his face. He would walk out, knowing Brak was executing orders behind him.


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Cragin would be aboard the command ship, a large and crudely constructed ship it had been hastily made along with the rest of the fleet. The fleet would overlook the planet and it would seem that the defenses there were being made to act. The planet stirring to life on the screen before him with activity. "Alright then Qrenshan, make sure Brak's ship has made the move around, I want the attacks to be unanimous, as soon as I'm gone you're to make clear of that. Then assert the attack immediately. They'll likely have a range of power levels, some greater or lower than our's. Keep the units together, Ki is unavailable." Cragin would stop a moment to look at the planet. "Hand me a sword." A moment would pass before a man would come forth with a large broad sword and he would take it with a nod of appreciation, attaching it to his belt.

"Be careful, Qrenshan." Cragin's eyes would lower to the stub of the man's left arm then. He would nod as if realizing something long and tragic, realizing the morale to a story. Then a smile would crack at the edges of his mouth and his eyes would raise back to the man's. He would turn looking to a monitor in the corner. His eyes adjusted to the darkness would make out the faintest glow in the face of the monitor. He would raise his hand to his forehead.

"You too, Cragin." The voice would be reluctant behind him, unsure of allowing him to hop into a world alone a midst a group of enemies in a setting where power levels didn't mean nearly as much. With that the Saiyan would be gone, he would appear on Rojia. Pacing the wasteland of the planet for minutes before raising his hand once more.

He would appear in a room of bright lights, the sudden fluorescence. He would hear scurrying behind him and turn to the sight of Saiyans in coats scuttling about the room, eyes widen in shock, he would slickly pull his sword from the sheathe at his belt. The blade made of a strange white metal, the hilt a fine dark grey. He would extend it in his right arm pointing at them first and then the door. A savage smile settled on his face. They would leave as if understanding in a nervous mess of movement. Suddenly the building would shake and he could hear the distant crumbling of stone. He would survey the room catching the floating movement of Rubis in the tank. He would walk over, reaching up over, he would grab the man by the back of the neck and pull him until he was hoisting the man up and over flinging him onto the floor with his free hand.


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"Damn it," Rubis groaned as he hit the floor. He shook his head and saw that the other saiyan had appeared to save his ass... Again. Rubis got up and cracked his knuckles. "I was having the nicest dream," Rubis said looking down. He was still wearing the tattered suit. "You know, everytime I get captured you don't have to play hero. They tend to die after a while." He felt a sudden itch on the his small back. He looked around for a corner. He sighed when he didn't find one. "Alright hero, what's next?"


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"We get to the ship, and then from there we go to the battle site. You won't partake ofcourse." Cragin would go to one side of the room pulling open compartments and searching through equipment, "Damnit." Cragin would turn looking at Rubis a moment then without checking to see that the Saiyan was following him, leave the room. A Saiyan guard would charge forth through the hallway with his baton raised and with one swift movement his mouth was agape, the baton falling from his hands. Cragin would reel back kicking the man away as he pulled the sword from the man's gut. He would recover his stance at the sight of more coming down the hall. He would rush forth parrying a blow from a baton and checking the blade before cutting the man's throat open. He would be a flash of lightning movement jumping from one Saiyan guard to the next, making his way down the corridor.

He had to find Brak, the Rojian wouldn't be prepared for a fight such as this. Close quarters, one to many guards to count. Endless barrage of Ki-less combat. Cragin knew that the people would squander, be taken aback trying to fight without the use of their Ki punches. The moves they gravitated towards, always, in combat. It was second nature to them. He had faith in their abilities to sustain this and rise to the challenge of taking this planet. Cragin would give a wicked grin reaching the end of the corridor. He would look first to the right and then to the left, he felt power to his right. "Rubis, to the left," With that Cragin would twirl the sword in his right hand running swiftly down the corridor to his right.


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"Whatever you say," Rubis started towards the left corridor. He saw two guards. He smiled, these were two of the guards who he beat him down. "Looks' who it is. I'm going to kill you." Rubis ran towards them, he managed to dodge the swings from their batons. He punched both of them in the gut, and hit the one his right with an uppercut to the chin. He was on the floor. The other Saiyan swung his baton, rubis dodged out of the way and picked up the one the other man dropped. He swung it and he was met with the man's other baton. Rubis smiled and sucker punched him in the stomach. He used this oprotunity to bring down the baton so hard on the guy's head it broke in half. He slumped to the floor dead. He tossed the broken handle on the ground and kept moving forward.

He needed to be out in the open he wasn't used to fighting in tight places. He went into one of the side rooms and discovered a baracks. He threw open one of the chests and discovered an elite armor. "Looks like I won the lottery today." Rubis threw it on over his ruined suit. Just as he put it on a guard walked in, "WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR? We're being attacked. Go and take care of them." Rubis just nodded his head and ran out of the room thankful he didn't have to fight. He continued running towards the the left corridor. "I sure wish I knew what the hell is going on."


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Cragin had sent Rubis to the left, hopefully it wouldn't be long before he found Brak and the rest of the squad. While Cragin, well he was just looking to kill guards. Though he needed to recover technology. It would be vital for his planets. Cragin would see several guards making their way up the hallway. Batons at the ready he would meet the first with a quick to the face, so sudden it was like a snake strike. The man would be stunned dropping his baton and falling back into his fellow guards, who would just manage to keep him from falling to the floor. Cragin would lower his leg, checking his stance before charging forth, he would take one step off the fallen man's chest, then his head, and then the shoulder of the guard holding him up. He would hurtle through the air landing in a skid on the other side of the group of guards that would struggle in confusion.

One would turn to be struck in the chest with the bloodied sword, another would raise his baton and lose his wielding hand before he had the chance to strike, then be cleaved at the shoulder by a powerful slanted chop. The third and forth would charge forward, recovered from his leap. He would run at a slant up the wall. The Saiyan guards following him and raising their batons not quite turning he would leap off burying his sword to the hilt in the neck of the guard closest to him. Using the dead weight as leverage to leap off the wall, pulling the guard down as he swept forth kicking the living guard in the lower back. The man would crash to the ground unconscious and Cragin would clamor to the ground, the body falling just beside him. He would rise kicking it onto it's stomach completely and pull his sword from the man's neck. Walking forth to the site of a small pool of blood around the unconscious man. He must have landed on his head. Cragin would give a very swift and precise stab to the lower spine of the man with a flick of his wrist, flicking blood off the blade of his sword. He would begin a slow trot down the hall.

At another right turn he would see a long hall of cells. Screams of "Help!" And "Get us out of here!" Would sound as inmates struggled against the bars. Cragin would circle back grabbing the guards two at a time and pulling them to the cells. He would try their hands one at a time testing the hand signature required until finally one would fit, he would use the hand and a small panel would become apparent. He would stand a moment in thought before hitting a small button. Soundlessly the cells would open and men would rush out stopping dead in their tracks at the sound of his cold, savage, quiet voice, echoing through the corridor.

"You'll all be silent and composed. You'll all be thankful for a rescue and do as I tell you, when I tell you to make your way to the main hall." The men would stir a moment before finally. They would form a line, maybe thirty of them in total and Cragin would travel up that line and quietly the men would begin to surge forward in unison.

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Character Portrait: Razeluxe
1 sightings Razeluxe played by FamishedPants
"I care more about my wife and child than I do about fighting. Shocking, isn't it?"

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cragin
Character Portrait: Rubis
Character Portrait: The creator/Vital Npc's/
Character Portrait: Okra
Character Portrait: Letaice


Character Portrait: Letaice

-winks- "Well aren't you just a fine specimen"

Character Portrait: Okra

"I may be young but don't let your guard down"

Character Portrait: The creator/Vital Npc's/
The creator/Vital Npc's/

Have a fun rp!

Character Portrait: Rubis

"I would kill my own father if it meant being King. Oh wait I already did."

Character Portrait: Cragin

"Ha! If only you realized."


Character Portrait: Cragin

"Ha! If only you realized."

Character Portrait: Okra

"I may be young but don't let your guard down"

Character Portrait: The creator/Vital Npc's/
The creator/Vital Npc's/

Have a fun rp!

Character Portrait: Rubis

"I would kill my own father if it meant being King. Oh wait I already did."

Character Portrait: Letaice

-winks- "Well aren't you just a fine specimen"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Letaice

-winks- "Well aren't you just a fine specimen"

Character Portrait: Cragin

"Ha! If only you realized."

Character Portrait: The creator/Vital Npc's/
The creator/Vital Npc's/

Have a fun rp!

Character Portrait: Okra

"I may be young but don't let your guard down"

Character Portrait: Rubis

"I would kill my own father if it meant being King. Oh wait I already did."

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