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Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands


After embarking on a journey from Skyrim to the other end of Tamriel, a prison ship is caught in a storm. The guards abandon ship leaving the prisoners to die. But as the ship runs aground, the prisoners find themselves in a burning landscape.

1,682 readers have visited Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands since Aniihya created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


After embarking on a journey from Skyrim to the other end of Tamriel, a prison ship is caught in a storm. The guards abandon ship leaving the prisoners to die. But as the ship runs aground, the prisoners find themselves in a burning landscape. It seems as if a war had been waged killing everything and everyone. Corpses lay scattered on the ground, Many of them are mutilated or charred beyond recognition. But luckily it is only for a small area as they soon find living trees and a village. The villagers are in constant fear and jumpy. Many of them are blighted or dying. From one of the remaining elders, they learn that dremora have attacked with the use of a dragon and that after the death of Mehrunes Dagon, that the dremora have found a new leader in a high ranking dremora officer, Krazzt.
Will they be willing to help Morrowind or even all of Tamriel? Or will they try to save themselves first?

Takes place in Morrowind (not the island of Vvardenfell or at least not yet)

Character sheet:

Race (from known races in TES: )
Appearance (preferably animated pics)
Clothing (armor can be acquired later after getting off the ship)
Weapon (something small or weak at the beginning such as a stolen dagger or a club)
Major skills (pick three: )
Minor skills (pick five)
Belief (optional, TES beliefs, no RL beliefs)
Alignment (Good, Evil, Neutral)
Background (a brief history of your character including how he/she ended up captive)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Well just kill him deadra aren't the kind of creatures to fear pain or death so either isn't important let's continue." Theorial said with a tone of mockery. Then just as Ksiara was about to slit the throat of the dremora, Maric came along. "I would take his armor..but it looks to be a bit small for me.. Do tell what happened here while you live creature" The dremora still unable to speak just gave a sneering grin and spat at Maric. Kill him! Traitors shouldnt be allowed to live! The voice in Ksiara head said. Then Ksiara said: "He wont talk. I may as well free him of his pain now. Maybe if that is a town over there, then we might find a survivor who could tell us." before sticking her dagger into the dremoras throat.


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#, as written by Thorait
Thoerial frowned a bit "Well your a bit taking the role of tyrant on you no vote belonging to Maric has been done about his fate still you decide on your own." He made the comment without mockery now he just walked over to the Dremora and began attaching the armor "This will earn us a bit of money to arm all of us as I said one piece of deadric equipment is valuable but a entire suit is enough to see to our needs and I think we will have more than enough credit to live from for a wile until we can find any work." Thoerial then frowned again but now at the dagger "I'm not skilled in seeing a enchantment but that dagger does look a awfully enchanted to me maybe you would like to let a Telvanni wizard investigate it as I take your not happy about having a evil deed or not I don't care but not important. Magical artifact can contain allot more than only a effect I'm one to know I have seen a man go insane in front of my eye's in the span of two days because of the clothes he was wearing." Theorial wasn't going to add that his master had done that just for his amusement and that Theorial had watched without any recall interest or empathy.


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#, as written by Corvan
Maric shoot his head at the creature and nodded to Thoerial. "Very true..Deadric armor is rare..even more so a full set in one piece.."Maric smiled some. "my uncle was a trader.. Better equipment would be nice..this outfit is barely hanging on as it is" Maric added as he looked at his clothes once more and sighed. Turning back to were he saw the town Maric started towards it and waited at the edge of the woods for Ksiara and the others to catch up. Maric never once reacted to what he saw happen to the Deadric creature. He leaned against a tree waiting. He looked at the sword handle while he waited patiently.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"It is doesnt really have an enchantment. Well it does have one but using it as a torch isnt very useful. It only has light enchantment." Ksiara lied. "And there is nothing wrong with it. I have had it for over a year now and it has neither driven me crazy nor anything else." Good girl. Just keep the innocent and good attitude to fool these fools. The voice of Mehrunes told Ksiara. "And I havent done anything bad. Is killing a dremora bad or freeing a dying creature from suffering bad? I didnt do anything wrong." Her voice gradually started to turn whiny and her eyes started watering.


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#, as written by Thorait
Thoerial laughed now openly not from amusement but to make clear he still didn't buy it "I'm not saying killing the Dremora is bad I'm saying that if you would go insane and kill us in our sleep then discover it and have to live with it. Do try to stop being a cry baby you just stabbed a intelligent being in the throat without any remorse." Theorial turned around and began walking ignoring possible defenses. He pulled up his hood to cover his face as he looked to the surroundings carrying the armor without a sign of how much effort it took him to carry it. "I'm not one to talk to strangers and I wouldn't mind if any of you did so for us." Theorial hated talking to people he didn't know because they were so blank and weak.


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#, as written by conor
Thadon sat on the beach bemused at the site unfolding before him. "What should I do, go with them and hope that they wont slit my throat like that dremora? Or should I just go my own way and hope that I can make it back to somewhere familiar." Could he survive somewhere completely unknown to him on his own? How far would he get with this group of...of what? murderers, necromancers and many other kinds of evil? Could he trust someone he didnt know?

Thadon eventually decided that he would follow with them for a while at least. Maybe just until he found out where he was. He stood up from his surprisingly comfortable resting place and walked towards the group of people in front of him.


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#, as written by Corvan
Maric shrugged some pulled at his shirt some more. the rough cloth was irritating him too much and grabbed it and ripped it off of his upper torso. "ahhhhh! much better!" Maric said out loud. "prisoner clothes are so uncomfortable and irritating..must make it out of tree bark with needles..cursed with pain or something.." Maric stretched out his very well toned and well muscled body showing in the light, he turned and walked after Thoerial seeing him handle the heavy deadric armor rather well for his size and nodded in silent approval. "Lets go everyone while we still have day light!!" Maric called over his shoulder.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"My clothes doing irritate my skin. They did even bother to give me any sack leinen clothes because many of the guards had problems getting close to me if there were no bars between us. They shouldnt have been so afraid. Its not like I bite or anything. But they accused me of being a serial killer and said I was up for execution in the capital." Ksiara said. "I cant wait to get to a town and get some heavy armor and a claymore." She caught up to Maric and smiled. "Hope everybody is still alive here." She saw a couple houses but not a soul in sight. They might have been hiding. Ksiara wondered if she should use a detect soul spell.


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#, as written by Thorait
Thoerial commented his quick constructed theory "They must have either died or they ran away for the battle, there must be some resources to scavenge here I suggest we split up and search for any sign of live. Maric would you be so kind to go with Ksiara? I'm going alone if it's not a problem." Theorial turned around and he began to make his way trough the town. He searched for the sign of the armory that every imperial town of this size should have but he didn't find it easily because the sign was smaller than the average but he opened the door and walked inside still finding no sign of live "We must have entered a ghost town." The voice in his head responded out loud "Oh really! Funny, maybe the zombies will appear soon and then you can die as the evil bastard that's you deserves." Theorial said again to himself "Shut up, if I die your going with me and I will not die in this era. You know that fool you saw my deeds and my as you call it evil persona." Theorial grabbed a steel short sword meant for the imperial soldiers grabbing the sheath with it. He continued his walk around the building the equipment was there meaning the attack had happened faster than the local forces could fully equip themselves or maybe they never even engaged the Dremora but instead ran to let somebody else do it?


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#, as written by Aniihya
"I will just wander around. I can protect myself." Ksiara said and wandered off. She stepped into a house hearing voices upstairs. The voices were those of dremora. "SEEMS THAT THE PETTY HUMANS HAD FLED." One said, obviously not able to control the volume of his voice. Then another said: "Looks so. It is best we return to Lord Krazzt. Vayluz, Maruzkai, you can loot the place." By the time the second stopped speaking, Ksiara was at the top of the stairs leaning against the railpost. "What do we have here? Two Churls and a Kynreeve?" Ksiara said. Then the loud one said: "A HUMAN! I THOUGHT THEY HAD FLED! SHE SMELLS ALMOST LIKE A VALKYNAZ!" "Vayluz. I will deal with this one." The dremora Kynreeve said. Ksiara then let out a sinister giggle: "You know, master Mehrunes is not happy about you leaving his side." The Kynreeve laughed with mockery and said: "You think you know Mehrunes? He's locked up and cant do anything!" Just kill those traitors already. They are of no use to us. Mehrunes voice said in Ksiaras head. "Looks like master Mehrunes wants me to kill you traitors." Ksiara said and pulled out her dagger. The sight of the dagger made one of the churls scream like a dying golden saint. "WE NEED TO WARN THE OTHERS!" The loud one said. Ksiara gave a sinister smile and said: "I have a better idea. I will get my friends to kill you." She then let out a scream as if she was getting overwhelmed by attackers.


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#, as written by Thorait
Theorial sighed as he heard the scream "A thousand curses on that girl why didn't you kill her?" He ignored himself and kept going sprinting as he went before he stormed into the house she was lucky the armory had been close by the house. He made a bright flash of lighting emit out of his hands hitting the screaming Dremora in the face before stabbing the guy in the chest using the length of the sword to quickly retread "Why would a fearless scream for a normal dagger?" Theorial came to the idea to kill her in her sleep but first the remaining two of the Dremora had to be killed and seeing the fact a Kynreeve was a bit more than he could handle. Theorial shot a fireball out of his free arm to hold the advance of the Dremora before he quickly got out one of his more powerful spells making up a shield between him and the Dremora of course also shielding Ksiara "I know you can fight so fight."


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Fine." Ksiara said and summoned a daedric claymore. She then delivered a sword fight with one of the churls, ending it by severing his head. Her heart thumped loudly as she saw the overflow of daedric blood. I can feel your urge for blood. You are like the Umbra sword. You feed on the blood of your enemies. Mehrunes voice said. Ksiara grasped her head and said: "No not now." It was as if she still had some good in her. Come on. Summon your servant. He will make the final kill and give you more blood. Summon the Xivilai. The voice continued. Ksiara stopped grasping her head when she looked back up the look on her face was more mature and she had a different posture. "I dont think we need a Xivilai to take care of this Kynreeve. It is a waste of power. You! Distract him while I go stab his heart out!" Ksiara said. Her voice sounded like that of a woman and not of a child now.


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#, as written by Corvan
Maric had shrugged and went off in his own direction. Finding a suitable looking house Maric kicked the door firmly watching the lock shatter and the door slam open. The smell from inside the house suggested rotting food. Just as Maric was about to enter the house, Maric heard Ksiara scream and turned and ran to the source of the screams. Not seeing a door right away Maric shrugged and charged threw the door and bounded up the stairs his deadric sword singing as he yanked it from its sheath, spotting the deadric creature he grinned. "My turn.." Maric said and pushed his way pasted both Ksiara and Theorial. Once hwas pasted the two of them Maric slashed at the Deadric creature with surprising speed for his size. The fight was on.


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#, as written by Thorait
Theorial stepped sidewards at the sound of the door crashing but he was still pushed away, Theorial did a quick spell on the Kynreeve to drain his sword skills to aid his Nord ally before calmly walking closer to Ksiara "With all respect belonging to a lady but why are you ordering me? I'm three times your age and twice your pathetic mind and a thousands times more noble and I'm the son of a Skoma addict." He put a clear mocking tone followed by the slight under tone every negotiator could see as a forced insult because he really didn't care she was going to sleep once after all. Theorial pulled himself away from Ksiara to fire another drain skill spell this time decreasing fatigue, seeing drain fatigue is a spell most apprentices learn this one had a serious impact. Theorial didn't plan to join the fight but instead he would just watch Maric crush the weakened Kybreeve.


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#, as written by conor
Thadon followed behind the group not making any sounds or even listening to the other group. He was in his element now, he was fighting for survival. His ears pricked upwards listening out for any unusual sounds and scanning the trees for movement. He never seemed at ease when he was travelling, not anymore anyway but he didn't mind. Thadon liked being in the zone, blood pumping through his heart and the few drops of sweat trickling down his forehead.

When they arrived at the near un-inhabited town he let his guard down. He knew he shouldn't but he was tired now. 4 days had passed since he had a good, proper sleep. The seas didn't like Thadon and he liked it no more, feeling every rock of the boat he feared to sleep in case the worst came to pass. However in turns out that the worst had saved him and now he was alive, albeit in an unknown and foreign place.

He slowly walked around the town, looking at the buildings and the surroundings it seemed surreal that there was no-body here but them. "This cant be right surely?" however his train of thought was soon lost as in the corner of his eye, something got his attention. A bow, made of ash and in pristine condition. Next to a large quiver of arrows. Presumably these were used for hunting the local wildlife but Thadon was happy to have on now in his possession.

No sooner had he picked them up did he hear a blood curdling scream. "What now?" he ran in the direction of the noise as it grew louder and more fierce, metal on metal, blade on flesh. Almost stumbling into the small house he saw the bunch of people he had gotten off the boat with attacking a mob of Dremora. Without thinking he nocked and arrow and let it loose bringing a Dremora who had appeared from a doorway crumpling to the ground. He let fly another arrow at a Dremora that had emerged from down the corridor and ended up behind the group. Thadon pulled back on the bowstring once more but decided not to let the arrow fly in case he hit someone who wasn't his enemy, friendly fire at this stage would be disastrous.


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#, as written by Aniihya
"Typical for high elves. They think they are superior and noble. I was a prodigy in magic, no one could better me for the year I visited the Arcane University. They were all jealous and plotted against me. So I left." Ksiara said. "No one is inferior to anyone but no one seems to understand that these days. The imperials and high elves think they are superior over the races in Tamriel. The nobles think they are superior to the peasants. But I wont let anyone think they are superior to me. I will show you something many cant." Ksiara then held her hands out and started to chant. In front of her appeared a Xivilai. "What may I do for you master?" The Xivilai asked. Ksiara then answered: "Go ahead and destroy that Kynreeve." The Xivilai then used his magic against the Kynreeve, weakening it alot. Ksiara then bore her summoned claymore into the Kynreeves abdomen narrowly missing its vital organs.


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#, as written by Corvan
Maric grabbed the spell weakened dremora as he vainly and slowly swung his sword by the wrists and growled" Your no Challenge!" He lifted the creature off the ground by its wrists and threw it into the wall and took his sword and cut it across the chest and then drove the blade deep into its stomach cutting threw vital organs. Yanking the blade out as its black thick blood poured out of its wounds and onto the wooden floor. Maric spit on the corpse and kicked its head walking away. using his pants leg to clean the blood off his sword. "No challenge at all.." Maric said with a sigh. "Could you two possibly argue later?" Maric said as he looked to Thandon and nodded to him and looked to Theorial. "Were did you find the sword? find the armory?" he asked as he watched Ksiara ram her claymore sword into the creature's gut.


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#, as written by Thorait
Theorial answered Maric "Yes it's on the other side of this house three houses on the right, armor is present and well kept. May I also comment to the lady here that I firmly agree." Theorial said it without emotion making it clear he had successfully tested her speech abilities. He then asked to the group "Good, we survived this encounter but now we have a quest to go and look what is happening here and I couldn't care less whats happening here so may I suggest we go to the armory arm our self better and then leave for Ebonheart." Theorial didn't want to be a hero, why would he care after all. Theorial didn't care if some Dremora lord wants to rule over Tamriel let others handle that.


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#, as written by Corvan
Maric nodded to Theorial and turned to look at Thandon. "lets go..get you some better clothes then prisoner garbs." With those words Maric walked pasted the two and headed down the stairs and out of the house towards the Armory. He found it easily and entered it looking around. "This is a beauty!" he said out loud as he went from armor stand to armor stand and even looking at the weapon racks seeing if anything else would be of use to him. "Just hope those two don't try to kill each other while I am gone.."Maric said with a sigh."High elves and Imperials never get alone..yet I can get along with the worst of them just fine..Don't understand these people anymore.."He shook his head and found a Imperial heavy steel set he liked and started to loosen the straps as best he could to fit it to his large frame.


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#, as written by Aniihya
Ksiara took the armor off one of the slimmer dremora and tried it on. It fit her fairly well especially because she was a tall young woman. Still the skirt of her dress covered the greaves. "If they only could make such armors with armored skirts." She said. It didnt feel uncomfortable to her since she was used to the weight of heavy armors. She then grabbed the daedric claymore off of the Kynreeve along with its sheath. Ksiara loved everything that had to do with daedric thing or with the dead. "Well. I acquired a sword and armor that fits me well but not perfectly." She said and looked around the house for food and alchemical components. Ksiara only found some rice, scrib jerky, a piece of guar hide, some fruit and a somewhat moldy halfwheel of cheese. She also sacked the silverwear in the house.

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Morrowind by Aniihya


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Character Portrait: Ksiara Vantus
Character Portrait: Maric Taroka


Character Portrait: Maric Taroka
Maric Taroka

My sword will take your life!

Character Portrait: Ksiara Vantus
Ksiara Vantus

I am innocent. I am no murderer.


Character Portrait: Maric Taroka
Maric Taroka

My sword will take your life!

Character Portrait: Ksiara Vantus
Ksiara Vantus

I am innocent. I am no murderer.

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Character Portrait: Ksiara Vantus
Ksiara Vantus

I am innocent. I am no murderer.

Character Portrait: Maric Taroka
Maric Taroka

My sword will take your life!

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Most recent OOC posts in Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

hmm well Ill keep posting. Been waiting for a elder scrolls roleplay.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

dont know. People stopped posting somehow.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Sorry i havent posted yet some stuff came up, I will post now :D

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Aniihya is it alright now?

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

I reserved it so that I can get it after my college classes are over.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Just to let you all know that SKYRIM IS RELEASED IN 3 HOURS!!! that is all :D

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Thorait dont ignore my PMs. First, I doubt your character would be in a good enough state to melt the cell door bars. Second, if he melted them, the ship would catch fire and last normally the shackles have like a special effect draining magic to a minimum. Thats why I had my character only summon a small creature.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

I will make the first post soon

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Working no my character now :)

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

I reserved it today for 5 euros and can pick it up on Friday after paying an additional 40 euros.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Get it when you can my friend. So when we gonna start this roleplay up? curious.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

I'm dutch so It's going to cost 50 euros for me (Well the pre order costs 50 so I guess it will stay there for some time

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Added a character for this. been thinking of doing a elder scrolls roleplay my self but this works even better. And Ill be getting skyrim at midnight!

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Oh god I should read some more <_< Wait? For Skyrim? You have some willpower Thorait :P

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

He said he will wait until it goes down to 40 Euros which might take a couple months

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

wow 40 euro is cheap, im going for 55 -60 euro for my copy :D

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

Thorait, where are ya coming from? Cuz when you say when it costs 40 Euros, I say I am gonna buy it at the store on Friday for 60 Euros. I had already reserved it.

Re: [OOC] Elder Scrolls: Torn Lands

I love the elder scrolls I played Morrowind when I was allot younger and loved it!
Then I bought a my current lab top to play Oblivion!
But I'm a bit greedy now and the price of Skyrim worries my maybe I'm waiting until it cost 40 euros