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Elemental Wrath

Elemental Wrath


You are a god, your mission is to amass belief and erode the support of the other gods. Death is coming for all and only the strongest of the gods can defeat it and rule the pantheon. Become the strongest and gain dominion over hearts and minds!

1,418 readers have visited Elemental Wrath since defiante1 created it.


You were once one of the mighty gods that ruled over the earth, a blissful Eden where your followers worshipped you and made you strong. You lived in an uneasy peace with the other gods who each had their own followers. However things could not stay so balanced, a new god rose up and challenged the order of things. The god of death, those who weren't sacrificed were killed in the wake of blood and terror he unleashed. He decimated all your follows and your power faded, one by one the other gods fell into the void with no one to sustain them until just four remained. The elementals, a god for each of the basic world elements. You are one of these. You cannot be fully destroyed for without you the world would cease to be, however with no more followers you have faded greatly.

With nothing more to feed on the death god slumbers, deep in the core of the world and waits for life to return so he can once again feast. His power is so great now that it would take a might force to stop him. You will have to be that mighty force, when the death god finally returns and life is once more rich on the planet he shall harvest again. You must gather your power, take it from the other gods if need be and conquer death itself!

You have ten thousand years to amass enough belief to face Death, the gods will have to unite by then or ruin will face them once more. However whose banner they unite under shall be decided by the strongest, will it be you ? Let us see...

Toggle Rules

This is not like a normal RP, you play as a god and not a character therefor the normal social interactions of characters don't exist in this. Instead you play one of the four main gods, each one based around an elemental.

Earth, Fire, Water, Air

You must choose if your god has physical form or not, advantages to either. A form gives you some way to interact but it can be killed, you will lose power and belief if it is.

They are the four main spots for players although more may be opened up if people request to a max of 6 gods in total. The idea of the RP is to amass power for your god, you do this by gaining the belief of the creatures that inhabit it. Mostly humans but the power to create life shall be yours so who knows what species may start to inhabit the land. You must build up your own power while eroding the support of the other gods, making yourself the most powerful and only then will you be able to unite the other gods to defeat Death. The enemy of all of you.

You achieve your goals by directing minions, creatures, creations and even mighty avatars. Shaping the land and changing it. Impress people or terrorize them into worshipping you, break deals with other gods or try to dominate them. Anything you can think off, its a sandbox RP of sorts.

There are a few rules however, you are a god not a character. All you can do is direct your attacks and creatures, the DM will decide what happens and how it affects the world. Each post you do will be summed up by the DM. This is because the RP is like a giant battle and battle RP we feel needs an independent judge to make sure it stays fair. All DM decisions are final, we do not wish to see arguments about power play or god modding.

Aside from that you can do whatever you can dream up to gain belief from the others, you are a god after all! However the more power you have, the bigger the effects for your actions and the more you can do. We have a guide for this, it is your power level.

God power levels

1: Create lesser forms of life (non free will and simple entities, anything incapable of worship)
2: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
3: Create life of human equivalent
4: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
5: Alter landscape
6: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
7: Create monstrous avatar (e.g. Kraken, Dragon, Balrog)
8: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
9: Create Prophet
10: increase power of everything below and of god abilities
11: Resurrect any fallen thing and control it
12:increase power of everything below and of god abilities
13: Apocalyptic miracle (meteor strike, whirlpool, earthquake, summon volcano etc etc)

Doing any of the special abilities lowers your power but many of them will gain you more worshippers in turn, so your power will regain in time assuming it goes to plan. Also losing any followers or creatures you create will also diminish your power, so use these powerful tools carefully. They can back fire or be wasted otherwise! It is just a guide though and it is not the strictest thing, it is more ment to be a referance of your god abilities since "Everything" is often a bit daunting for some and stiffles their creativity.

The game is like a game of chess, you must out think and beat your fellow gods or try to make peace if you like but that road is dangerous and not all gods will share that idea. The world is what you make of it!


Characterization: In-Progress Plot: Advanced Depth: Proficient Style: Advanced Mechanics: Advanced Overall: Advanced
Scythe Massakür wrote:I greatly approve of this roleplay. It is well written, and detailed. I greatly enjoyed reading it.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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The world was changing fast, driven by the will of the gods and their desire of power amongst their people. First to come was trade, a mighty river flowed from the forest to the ocean and along it the people of the Wylde and Sarentia did trade. Sending small rafts up and down the river and floating things along it, a natural caravan of goods moved along the river being prosperity to both people. The Wylde traded not only their metals but also their superior crafts, bows and spears along with their artisans produce. For the golems of the forest were the finest craftsmen in all the land. The Wylde received food aplenty in return, smoked fish were sent down the river along with bricks of mud and other advancements for the people to share.

Food became plentiful for both peoples, even more so as rice was cultivated by the people of Sarentia. Sarentia became the first real city of the world, with wood to help sustain its lust for building and crafts pouring in from the Forest the people went wild with production. Adding many great things to their list of achivements, their stone masonry was perhaps their finest skillf or they shaped it with almost as much care as Wyldehearts golems.

The did as their god instructed, using stone and wood they began work on a wall for their people around their city and its defenses were complete. They did not have an army as such though but their city had buildings beyond that of mud huts, solid constructions that while simple were perhaps some of the best made in the world. Certainly for the plains. They began to learn how to smelt bronze too at the direction of their god, in small amounts for it was not abundant but arrow heads and spears soon began being tipped with bronze instead of stone, still this was minority and such treasures as bronze armour were only for the rich of wealthy.

Trade also sprang up between Wyvaria and Wyldeheart, the mountains began to bristle with more life and the people of the winds and mountains prospered for it. Life was hard scratching off the rocks but now they had more game to hunt and it wasnt long before they began to train birds to help them do so. Becomming mighty falconeers, catching goats and all manner of small animals with their impressive creatures. Wyldehearts name became known to them and they often thanked him when they made a kill for Wyldeheart was indeed the god of the hunt, but they did not worship him or distract from their own faith.

Commerce though was not the only chance to strike the world, for new life had been created in many forms. Humans were no longer the only form to travel the land and the world was bristling with strange new creatures, such as Zaroths Verren which soon became a beast of burden for the people of Sarentia. They did not take to riding them much, his people had little need for riding as they were not great travellers. Instead they used them to help plough their fields and carry great weights, it did become popular among the rich though to ride them just to elevate themselves above the common folk but such practice was minior, but they did make up for it by being skilled. Nobles and wealthy individuals couldnt help but compete with one another, something that sharpened their riding skills.

The Verren helped the people do more though, from carrying stone or dragging ore, they became the ox of Sarentia people. The Naga on the other hand had grown in numbers and with fish to feed them they were as numerous as the humans almost. They began work on their own under water city, shaping it from the mud and rock as best they could. They were not great builders for their homes more resembled caves than buildings but it served none the less as they began to evolve into a real people with their own culture. They were raised on stories of their own gods power and the evil of the fire god, something that came natural to them anyway as fire was no friend to the water people. It wasnt long though before they began to spread across the ocean though, soon no one would be able to traverse the oceans without encountering them for this land was not the only one.

Wylvaria however had created the first of her Aero, dividing her body into two forms and creating one of her winds she now had one of her own smaller avatars. The creation however drained her some, such creation required power. Her people though marvelled as the first of the Aero were born and the mountains multiplied with faith but also healthier people with full stomachs.

Power came to Zaroth, his Naga worshipped him fanatically and and it restored him back to what he was before he began his great river building and defense building. One more able to create life and do all manner of things. Power came to Wyldeheart too, the small worship of the water people as they farmed helped sustain him greatly after his expenditure and restored him, not able to create advanced life but restored none the less.

Power left Wyvaria though, the creation of one of her Aero's diminished her somewhat and left her in a weakened state. However it would not be long until she was powerful again, her new creation was a symbol of her power and all the world felt the increase of the winds.


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Khaines warrior honor would never let him forsake an oath, even if it stood in the way for glory. He promised his earth brother peace at least for his people, and he would not go back on such a thing. The forest was only a small part of the eastern lands, and Khaine had no problem with taking the rest under his control, so he did appear in the great fire one of the many war bands erected, and he gazed down at his people. He could see the bloodlust in their eyes, and knew that it was only his command that kept them from running back into the forest to loot and failing that burn it down to ashes and cinders.

“Kurgan, this forest holds the people of my brother and to him we have an agreement. Honor must be upheld, you know of this. Go around this forest; take what is not in its grasp.”

He gazed at the forest, his burning smoldering eyes scanning it, and he roared his voice carrying through the forest “My brothers Priestess. Now that should your people leave that forest, or that your forests grow on my land, I shall take it as a declaration of war.”

With that he left, he had no doubt his people would conquer all around the forest, and the eastern realm save the forest would fall to Khaine. His lands dwarfed all already, and now it would almost double.

He heard his sister’s plea, and grew angry. Was she trying to betray him? Khaine was ambitious, but he had honor unlike his watery brother Zaroth. The serpent was a cunning little worm who would have no trouble in betraying the others if it meant he could have more power. Khaine did not believe in stabbing another in the back, but he would take her offer, as he already did and already planned on leaving the eastern forest alone all she did was give him a reward for something he was going to do anyways.

He turned his smoldering gaze to his Kurgan homeland and felt his brother Zaroth’s presence. The fire god appeared in his land feet away from the serpent coming in and explosion of fire.

“My, if it isn’t my dear water god. I am surprised that your cowardice would allow you to stand before me, so this is how you beg for mercy with your forked tongue. You know as well as I, that If war comes your people will fall. You have walls, but it is a simple matter to get through them, and I shall teach my people the art of the Siege. We will build rams and siege towers to storm your walls and slaughter the fish wives behind it, or we starve you out either one is pleasant. Our sister wishes to aid you, but even her power cannot help your people. Your people have no idea how to use weaponry, if they fight they will die like the dogs they are. You gave them mounts, and they used them as beast of burden, how pathetic. “

He listened to his rant on bringing the city down, and the fire god laughed, his molten voice carrying over the land. “Brother, your cowardice knows no bounds. Yes, you could sink your city, and I would lose my army… for a few generations, and then they would return as unlike your people, my people’s women and children will not be on the land you sink, so my power will be replenished, but you would be banished from the land. Our earth brother has already offered me aid.. so I have no fear of my people dying, so I would get rid of my only rival on this realm. Tell me, dear brother, why would I not take up this chance?”

He thought back to his Kurgan people, they were changing. They had gotten taller and stronger. Each Kurgan was bulky and powerful, they were slowly turning into greater warriors thanks to his close proximity, and his ogres population was increasing… slowly as they did not breed fast but that was fine as the water people lacked the means to kill them both the humans and the naga.


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The Kurgen people were pleased to see their god answer their call but were not so pleased to hear his reply, they were a warrior people and knew little of the politics between gods. To see a forest ripe for conquest irritated them but they bowed to their gods will however frustrated they might be, they also took this oppertunity to fight amongst themselves for abit. The Kurgen were a warrior people, not an army and was made up of mighty individual power houses rather than a united force. They all struggled to be the strongest and out do each others deeds in battle, fighting is might individuals rather than many weaker, civilised men banding together to be a single force.

Once they were done scrapping they took the peace offerings from the forest and set off on a long march around it, the forest was supernatural and had expanded quickly but it had not covered the east entirely. Only a bubble by the mountains edge before the fully plains were exposed again. It was a mighty scene as the Kurgens finially broke past the forest to see the great expanse of truly huge plains. Far beyond anything they had come from, they seemed to streach for miles upon miles of grass land as far as the eye could see, not to mention it was a hostile place. The Kurgens were not to be intimidated by this however and they soon began a conquest, they encountered a tribe which they quickly defeated and enslaved, but word spread of their menace and soon problems arose. The plains were not deserted and a great many tribes inhabited them, soon a war was being waged. The red men of the plains began a gurilla style campaign, harrassing the Kurgen force before retreating. Grinding them to a halt, the men of the plains had horses it seemed and were not so primitive as the Kurgens early conquests.

Getting low on supplies and suffering casulties, they once again set up a great fire to summon their god. Praying too it, the chiefs of the Kurgen around it as they sent questions to their god.

"Oh mighty Khaine, bloody handed. We are far from home, shall we press on into these people ?"

"Oh mighty fire lord, our supplies our low and hunting is dangerous with our enemies about, what shall we do for food ?"

"Great war god, our people are tired and wish to return home, may we do so ?"

The chiefs each posed a question to the flame, searching for answers. The great plains were truly massive and it seemed conquest would not happen over night, still they had many slaves already and some who had joined them. But this only added to their problem, more mouths to feed. The Ogres of course while becomming numerous didnt mind, they ate anything including the dead. Still, they needed guidance from their lord.

Power to Khaine from his conquests, enough even to shape the landscape to a degree. Although that would take much of that power, even so Khaine now towered over the other gods with his might. Also power to Wyldeheart, the Kurgens people still kept up their deal and prayed to him for a good harvest. Restoring the Wylde to be able to create life once more.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
The Goddess of Air frowned upon the earth where her brothers had spoke. She was too confused by both of them. They were brothers yet they act as if compromise between them was unthinkable. Wyvaria sighed, her siblings' problems were theirs and she had hers. The Kurgens had not destroyed the forest yet did not halt their advance and had merely gone around the forest. She glared down at the Kurgen army but did nothing to harm or hinder them. The natives tribes already living in the plains will stall them long enough for her to claim what she must but now she would have to focus on her people, something which is against her nature.

With a torrent of wind, she descended. In the center of the Vorsah village is where she appeared, a large figure of a beautiful transparent woman. Around her, Vorsah began to gather, their winged figures bowing before their mother and Goddess. They were a people of great worship but as the Goddess looked upon them now, she felt sorrow and guilt. Most of them wore very little for warmth and those of high states had robes of poor material. She frowned sadly as she knew that because of her nature to allow her children to grow on their own, she never really took much time to greet or help them.

From the largest hut stepped the elder of the tribe of Vorsah, his name was Hakria. “Dear Goddess, we are blessed in your presence.” The man bowed. Wyvaria smiled warmly, “I am grateful for your worship my children. Now I must ask those among you that are willing and strong enough to come with me.” From the crowd multiple men and women stepped forth, their heads held high and wings extended. She nodded, “Now you must know this, the mountains are flourishing with creatures of the earth and your trade with the Wyldefolk grants you materials. So I now I ask you my noble children, to build your village and create clothing, weapons, and other things so that you my grow.”

With the last syllable, the Goddess took to the skies with those of the Vorsah and returned to her realm. When the Air Goddess was still at the village of the Vorsah, a large white speck had launched toward the Eastern plains. humanoid in figure yet made of air, it was traveling fast toward it destination and would certainly get there..


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The Wyldeheart was restored...

It felt the power it had invested so in all its people return to it once again. The continued dedication of its people, and even the small praises and murmurings of his name from those not its own were felt and added together. It took the time for this return to connect more personally with its two peoples, the Wyldefolk, and the Elemen.

The Wyldefolk were evolving slowly, becoming more and more. Yet with how Khaine's men continued to expand and war, they would slowly grow crowded. The Wyldeheart did not wish to make more, not now, not yet, but could not ignore the needs of its people. The trade and ties with the city of the Water God helped greatly, and the Wyldeheart encouraged its Elemen to look upon the great structures those humans built and be inspired by them. It encouraged them to expand in the world beneath, using the roots of its banyan trees as centers to begin their own cities. In the nigh infinite Underworld, the Wyldeheart showed the Elemen they had unlimited space to expand, where the overworlders would not touch them. Using the Wyldefolk as guardians of the entrances to their cities, they would be safe.

So as not to seperate its two peoples the Wyldeheart gave a new adaptation to some its Wyldefolk. Their eyes would no longer need light to see, but could sense heat, and walk unhindered in the dark. One in three children would be born this way, and would be blessed to act as go betweens with the Elemen and Wyldefolk. The Wyldeheart filled its caverns with all sorts of phosphorescent flora and fauna meant to survive in the underneath. Still trade with the overworld would be important for the underworld to flourish, and the Wyldeheart bade certain its people on both sides understood they should not look poorly on any side and remember all were its children, blessed and loved in its sight, simply with different roles and places.

The Wyldeheart also chose some from its Elemen to go and meet the Naga beneath the waters, to trade in goods and knowledge and even help with the craft of their underwater homes, bringing tokens of peace and goodwill. As the Elemen were living stone, metal, and crystal, they had no need to breathe and could walk on the floor of the sea.

The Wyldeheart breathed...

The incident with the Kurgan ended without further incident, Khaine had honored the promise between him and the Wyldeheart. It did not like the threat made, but could bear such things, understanding that was the nature of its brother. It warned the Wyldefolk of that forrest against leaving it, save by the under roads made by the Elemen, lest they spark a war. The Wyldeheart was wary of its brother and sent this simple message...

"Thank you Khaine, but be careful lest you become alone"

The Wyldeheart smiled...

It appeared before its sister, bowing "Thank you sister sweet. If you have need to call on me, then please do" it was glad to have helped, and as it had not sought to replace its sister in the hearts of her people, only to be known, all was well and whole

The Wyldeheart inspired...

With the world on the upheaval of growth and change, the Wyldeheart gave more knowledge and invention to its people. With the gain of rivers and waterfalls, it taught them how to create watermills to grind wheat and provide machination for machines. It created sparks of ingenuity and creativity in both the Elemen and the Wyldefolk both, encouraging them to improve their lives so long as it did not harm the world. With the world beneath opened, iron and other metals would become more common, and spread out through trade slowly.

With the access of rivers, it taught its Wyldefolk how to grow boats from the Wood, that could glide easily over the waters, to deliver their goods up and down It's brother's rivers. It taught them to harvest silk from certain worms, creating magnificent strong and beautiful fabrics for clothing, sails, and ropes. To give them a greater abundance of this resource, the Wyldeheart caused these worms to grow ever larger till they could produce great amounts of silk, tended by its people.

Through mixing the gifts of both Elemen an the ever growing in power Priestesses, the Wyldeheart taught them how to create magical connections between items. Crystal balls, for one, that would allow communication over the distances between the Woods, to promote unity and communication. Laurels for both man and beast, so that scouts could relay what they saw and hear to each other and through the eyes of their companion animals. These were but the first few items it showed them, and encouraged their cooperation to create more.

The Wyldeheart's dinosaurs were growing more and more impressively, soon great tyrannosaurs, armored triceratops, and massive brontosaurs walked the earth, titans that were a testimony to the Wyldeheart's power. The Wyldeheart helped its people to train this great beasts as mounts, workers, and partners, just like the rest of the animals.

The Wyldeheart gifted...

With the cooperation between its people and Zaroth's ever growing the Wyldeheart decided to make a gift for its brother and his people. The people of Zaroth's city were crafting ever larger ships and learning more sea craft, as such new dangers would soon present themselves, shallows and reefs that endangered sailors at night. Reaching deep into the earth, the Wyldeheart drew up great spires of crystal, easily a hundred to too hundred feet tall, magnificant towers that glowed in the night. It sculpted the towers in the form of a deer skull held aloft by vines, with a focusing crystal in the center of the horns that could focus the light out over the waters. In honor of its brother it sculpted a great sea serpent wrapping and climbing all up around the spire. This signal towers would keep the seas safe at night, providing beacons. Four of these towers did it create two near the city, and the others near rocky and dangerous parts fo the coast
"Accept this my gift to you, Brother Zaroth, as a token of the peace and kinship between ourselves and our people"

The Wyldeheart searched...

The coming of Death was still long in coming, this the Wyldeheart knew. With the seeds of many peoples and resources growing every day, the Wyldeheart turned to other preparations. While the great dragon hidden away somewhere where even the God of the Hunt could not find it, the Wyldeheart sought others clues and remains. Specifically it journeyed in its avatar to the site of the final battle between Death and the gods. It searched through the rubble and remains, and would collect any fragments of the Dragon or the defeated gods it could find, for if anyone could find these, it was surely the Wyldeheart. They needed to know more of their foe, and of where things had gone wrong before, of the powers and tools that once were theirs. For those who did not learn from the past were doomed to repeat it.


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The world was being driven by the gods, a brutal pace of change and developement to not only secure their own power from each other but to one day stand against Death who would come for his harvest of life. He had defeated them all once before but then he had been born admist them all, in the middle of their empires. It was up to them to prepair for his second comming in anyway they saw fit. It seemed though that the gods had very differant ideas on how to do this, the fire god seemed intent on conquest and war with his brother Zaroth. Such was to be expected as fire and water were always opposites in everything. Zaroth seemed to want to secure land and build a mighty civilisation, the air goddess seemed to want a serene and beautiful people. Wyldeheart just wanted life.

The Air goddess Wyvaria came to her people once more and created her flying Varosh who had once been destroyed, they now prospered in the mountains again but life in the mountains was always hard. Even if it was easier now with the trade from Wyldeheart it still did not show kindess or pity to the weak. However as their goddess commanded they obeyed and they set to work on building and improving their people, no longer content to simply just be.

They carved great stone temples in the mountain that rose amidst the peaks, before they set to crafting a better life for themselves. They traded for wool to make strong clothes to protect from the winter winds and dyes to make them pleasing for their goddess, before they set about crafting various things for themselves. Mainly they focsed on archery for the idea of weapons didnt appeal to them greatly, it seemed simple and barbaric. However bows they could work with for they required great skill and soon many of them were accomplished archers, forming groups of flying Varosh and men who sought to out do each other with acrobatic feats in the air while performing shots. This made them excellent hunters, they did not suffer for food and the people grew stronger and healther with more meat to feed them. They became a truly angellic race.

For the messenger she sent the air creature crashed down on the far east coast, or would of if it wasnt made of air. Instead it fell and landed gracefully by the eastern coast of the continent, settling itself with grace. It wasnt far from various indigenous tribes that lived around here but what mission she had given it remained to be seen.

As for Wyldeheart, he tried to do as much as possible as often. Shaping his people into something more than human bit by bit but their changes were small compaired to the work he did on the Elemen, the golem like people who lived underground in the forests of his lands. Before they had been quite content to live in their caves crafting and trading with the humans for more things to improve and work on but at their gods behest they began to dig and dig hard. They soon realised that the majority of land was beneath the surface and they began to dig a net work of tunnels under their forests. A huge underground cavern system that went no where in particular but if it was ever seen properly by human eyes would be considered the most wonderous natural beauty in all of creation. Glistening caves adorned with gems and minerals, strange colours that would not been seen in sunlight but existed all the same. Unusual cave dwelling creatures too, however the soon encountered water too. Large underground lakes which the Elemen people were strangely facinated with even going so far as to errect a small shrine to the water god who they belived help shape the underground too with his rivers.

They also dug a tunnel to the ocean on their gods request and came out near a Naga settlement, at first the Naga reacted with hostility at the invaders. Hurling spears and damaging one elemen as they chipped its head but the slow golems were monumentally slower under water and it soon became quite apparently they were not threatening. They accepted trade with the elemen and went as far as to explore up their tunnels, soon the net work not only had Elemen living in it but also Naga who had gone in to dwell in the lakes. Living side by side almost, the Naga seemed quite content to explore both worlds. They traded with for weapons and shinny things they could not get in the ocean, strange wonders such as animal bone were new to the Naga who had never seen such things. Not to mention wood, a strange substance that kept trying to rise up to the surface. Something that quickly became toy like to the serpent people. The entrance to each side was guarded though and controlled by heavy boulders to stop the underground flooding completely. Elemen on one side and Naga on the other.

But on the surface things did not go quite so to plan, the dinosaurs resisted most attempts to tame them and the carnivores seemed impossible to control. They had limited success with the herbivores but that was it, not all of the Wyldes creations were as cooperative as the beasts. Not to mention the boats either side crafted were still in the early stages, neither one had learnt to make anything more than simple wooden cannoes. Only Zaroths people had learn to make slightly more but even then they were not fit for anything more than small coastal waters, not deep ocean. Not to mention the people struggled to grasp some of the newer concepts, much of Wyldehearts time became teaching them all that he planned and the people were slow to learn. Silk being weaved into robe was one thing but fabric too much time and his people hadnt yet mastered how to make solid fabrics for it.

Nor did they take to building machines well either, it seemed the Wylder's had little affinity for making such things and instead prefered to hunt. Only the elemen really excellened in making mills but simply wooden constructs powered by water or hand were their limit so far. They did however show a great aptitude for connecting with items, the Wylder people soon grasped the idea of crystal balls and all manner of enchanted works. Natures connecting to all things had influenced them greatly and they too could connect with many normally considered "mundane" objects. The Wylde forests soon became known not just for their beautiful crafts but the strange properties some fo these possessed.

The spires though were perhaps too much for the so recently recovered Earth god, it streached his power too thin and instead only one could be creafted and it towered at only fifty feet instead. Still it was a marvel for its time, generating such awe in people although they had little use for it yet. Sailing hadnt yet progessed much.

Power of the Wylde was drained drastically once more, nearly crippling himself with the effort however it was kept afloat by the worship he made. Belief did however rush to Zaroth too, enchancing from from not only the Naga but the elemens minior worship and the earth gods people. It seemed the water god was rising up fast and now was a force to be reckoned with, able to shape the land with divine will. Water and fire neck and neck once more.

As for Wyldehearts investigation into the Death god, little was found before he had to return to his people and continue his efforts to educate them. Save for one thing, a smouldering hole in the ground that had half collapsed and left a scar on the earth. Something had gone down into the darkness.


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Zaroth sighed heavily. War was not something he enjoyed, but it seemed as though his brother gave him little choice. When a fire goes out of control, the only course of action is to stomp it out.

And so he appeared before his people, told them of his conversation with his brother. There would be war, sooner or later, and his people needed soldiers. He then told them the difference between soldiers and warriors. Warriors like the Kurgan attacked, and conquered, preying on those weaker then them. Soldiers were men of honor, and respect. Their goal was not to conquer, but to serve and protect the innocent.

He told them tales of knights in shining armor, men's who's greatness eventually made them kings or queens, for all regardless their gender, had the right to protect what they held dear. He then announced the first festival of his people. Within a years time, upon the same day that Zaroth had first risen to speak to Gram, would be held a tournament. Here the best men and women would square off against one and another, and the victor would earn Zaroth's blessing, shaping them to his own image, like the Naga. But unlike the Naga he would still be capable of walking on two feet, his skin would turn into scales, hard as steel, and they'd grow twice their normal size. To aid them in combat, they'd be given sharp fangs and claws, so that they'd never be disarmed, and finally a powerful tail to swipe at their opponents. The champion would also be given the prestigious rank of general, responsible for leading, and training the people to become soldiers.

Zaroth also told the Naga of this tournament, telling them to not only train in hunting, but combat as well. Though unlike Khaine, he did not force anyone into this. Anyone who trained to become a soldier, would have to do so by their own will...

His tone then turned sorrowful, as he spoke to his children. He told them that if the Kurgan attacked them now, one way or another, Zaroth's people would die. But there was one hope. Khaine had left his settlement entirely open, with most of his army far away on yet another pointless conquest. The only hope of victory was to take this chance, to strike Khaine while he was vulnerable.

But this was a task only the Naga could carry out. Zaroth would carve a shallow river to the Kurgan settlement, and the Naga could swarm over its people, before their god could warn them. However many would probably die in this assault, Kurgan and Naga alike. But he swore that their death's would be remembered, the people would sing songs of their sacrifice, and Zaroth's people would gain the time they needed to learn to protect themselves.

And so only an hour later, Zaroth carved his way towards the Kurgan settlement, under the cover of night. Right behind his tail swam a large force of Naga, along with numerous Verren's, his people had provided. Zaroth told the Naga to see the settlement like one great opponent. Encircle it, and then strike it from all directions. The Naga who had been born within the darkest depths of the ocean, had no problem seeing through the thick shadows of night, but they were aided further by the Verren, who could spot targets that not even the sharpest of eyes could see.

While The Naga assaulted the settlement, two packs of Verren were sent to the feilds, they began digging up the Kurgan's crops, and eating to their hearts desire, until there would be nothing left.

Upon hearing the first cry from the settlement, Zaroth knew they were now aware of the Naga's assault. He took a deep breath, and then he let out a loud echoing roar. "Men and women of the Kurgan. You have been stripped of your freedom, and forced into a endless existence of pain and conflict. But I Zaroth, have come to offer you freedom. Denounce your faith to Khaine, but praise the name of Zaroth, and the Naga will not harm you! Run towards the west, pass the great river, and you shall be free from the shackles of my brother. If you do not, then you are an enemy of my people, and I shall do what is needed to keep them safe."

The Naga would kill and steal anything they came across, meanwhile the Verren vandalized their fields. It was not a killing blow, but a crippling one... Still Zaroth had to hold himself back to joining his children in the attack. He'd need his strength in the oncoming days... Still it pained him greatly to watch any of his children die like this... Khaine would pay for this dearly...

"Khaine...." Zaroth roared, letting it echo through out the land, his voice thick with intense hatred. "For to long have you pestered me. For to long you have shed blood in vain. I asked you to leave me be, or you would taste my wrath, and you mocked me, you threatened my people... Let your people know that it was you who lead them to this fate. I curse you, and your people. Where ever you go, the land shall run dry, and your people shall wither into nothingness." Zaroth hissed in satisfaction. "Your people shall know nothing but thirst, until you beg me for forgiveness... Your people must worship me, beg me for water, and acknowledge me as your equal, if not superior. You must also send me five of your greatest warriors to teach mine to fight. But they must be sworn by your honor, not to try denounce me, or further your plans in any way while their here. And finally you must tell your people of your faults. That I offered you a truce, but in your arrogance, you threw it away, and promised war on me. By doing so you forced my hand, and so you caused the destruction of their home. And despite this, I choose to show mercy on those who wished it. And as a final word to you, dear brother... Remember this day... Remember that you are not invincible, and if you strike at me, I am capable of striking back with equal force."

Zaroth then turned and left. He told his brother and sister of what he had done. That it was an necessary act for it to be peace. He also told them not to accept Khaine's people if he came to them. Zaroth would keep his promise, and make whatever land the Kurgan entered barren, and if either of his siblings took them in, even their domain would suffer from it.

"Our brother started this fight, and he must see it through on his own. I only ask of you to remain neutral."

Zaroth thanked Wyldeheart for his gift, and in return invited his people to watch the tournament when it would be held.

He also began teaching his people to make water mills, inspired by his brother, and spent increasing amount of time at the shores of the city. With most of his power focused on the Kurgan, he could do little wonders for them, so instead he took more time to teach, and inspire the people.


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War came to the land of men through the gods at last, but not by the fire gods hand or not directly it seemed. Fearing for his own lands the Water god Zaroth had struck first while the Kurgen army was out beyond the mountains to the far east. It was a bold plan and perhaps one motivated by a desperation, perhaps Zaroth had not been so confident in a defense had Khaine attacked in full. Still it was done and his Naga were being thrown into action.

Even with the army away though the Kurgen settlement was not defenseless, it had warriors and even a few ogres in it but it was a token force. Most of the chiefs were out with the war force after all, it was their right to claim glory for themselves in battle rather than staying at home. That was for the womenfolk.

The Kurgen soon knew something was amiss when a faint trembling began to run through the ground, Zaroth had no legs and nor did his Naga but the movement of so much slithering wasnt so silent that it couldnt be heard. However the Naga and Verran stormed into the Kurgen village and brutal fighting ensued, the Kurgen warriors and even the Kurgen women could hold their own but in the dark and leaderless they had to resort to torches and what little light the stars provided. It was carnage, Naga ripped through Kurgen warriors and orges cleaved through packs of Naga. One Ogre went down almost immedietly due to a lucky spear through hitting is organ mass but the rest moved around like pin cushions, taking enourmous amounts of damage. Another Ogre went down under a sea of Naga, clawing and ripping at the mound of flesh until it had suffered too many grevious wounds to go on. Casulties were taken on both sides, Verran cleaved in half by warriors or ripped apart by wolves. Wolves stabbed to death by Naga spearmen and torn up by echo locating Verren.

However it was a successful raid, its brutal and unforgiven tactics claimed the lives of many but perhaps the master stroke was targetting the fields, Verren ate through massive amounts of grain stores and crops, ripping up fields. One even got into the storage huts and began ripping open barrels before finially the Kurgen rallied enough to push them out. A difficult thing with no leader to guide them. Some women did indeed run to the west to be spared from the slaughter, but not a single man would back down. One Ogre also went west but it was belived to be more out of confusion, although it seemed pleased enough with where it was.

As soon as it had begun it dissapated, the surviving Naga fleeing back to their river with their spoils, they had taken much of the metal supplies and food stores, not to mention nearly all of them had blood on their hands.

Zaroths people however proved to be caperble at machinery and simple mechanics, taking to the idea of water mills with predictable ease and soon making mills powered by water wheels all over the place. Milling flour and making bread for their people along with their other food stuffs, marking a significant point of engineering prowess now for they were able to make more storage able foods and make more use of their crops on a larger scale. The people too also began to prepair for a tournament, it was common place to see the nobles prepairing for battle, practicing mounted combat on their prize Verren and peasants and normal citizens learning archery and sword work. They would even make a rag tag milita if pressed into it.

Zaroths power though was focused on draining the lands of his enemies and while he did not have the power to completely run them die, water in the plains became harder to find. The ground began to turn brown and even the earth gods crops would struggle for without water even they would not grow properly. Fortunetly the majority of the Kurgen were out east wards but the settlement would struggle when they returned. Zaroth lacked the power to drain multiple places at once but when focused he could pervert the natural flow. His own steam he carved near the Kurgens running dry without his support.

Power comes to Zaroth through his bold move, his people awed by his tactics and his Naga ever more fanatical. While power to the fire god was lost, his people shamed by their defeat and their numbers damaged. Khaine would have to recover.

Some power came to Wyldeheart to help restore him though, limited as it was from simple crop prayers.


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Khaine watched his watery brother’s acts, he attacked a warrior people hoping to intimidate such a people, now like fire it would only grow hotter with the thirst for vengeance. Like the Great Plains from whence they came he attacked one large settlement but unlike the water gods people the fire gods was not concentrated and the fool never even bothered to notice that. His people were spread out, and it always took him time to gather a force, so all the water god did was raid a large village, one he would answer for with blood.

His brother had declared war on his people; he drew first blood no longer could the serpent play the innocent victim. While his warriors where away he attacked innocent women and children, the serpent god had overstepped his boundaries, and now he would die. He speaks of water in the plains… water came from the earth, that the people had to dig for this water could come from his brother, how the water god could dare interfere in war with mortals. Khaine was always firmly agaisnt the gods using their power agiasnt each others people as it served no purpose. Any of the four could simply kill the others mortals.

If he tried to draught his people, the light of the sun will never touch the land of his brother; the warmth of the day will never warm their souls. Whatever fire they try to build to warm them, or cook their fish will not come.

A war between gods was meant to be fought by mortals, not the gods themselves. That his brother would dare do such a thing the greatest sign of cowardic, yet today Zaroth had crossed a line he was never meant to cross with Khaine.

“People” the great fire god spoke to his army as it stood in its camp “We return home. The water god and his cowards has attacked one of our villages knowing we would not be home. He is a coward who deserves only death. Go home, build up your strength, pray to me… for we will have vengeance.”

The great god disappeared in a great pillar of fire only to arrive at his brothers land. His people have never seen him, and now it was time for their nightmares to come true. He roared his molten voice carrying over the land.

“Zaroth! You have started a War you cannot win. You have attacked innocent women and children. You would dare use your powers agaisnt MY people. I condemn your people to darkness and ice until you break off this stupidity and grow the courage to face me and my people. The light and warmth of the sun shall never touch this land, I condemn this land to become a barren Iceland where no warmth, or fire will ever come. Brother, any of the four of us can simply kill our people. You have stepped over the line, and know your people will suffer for your betrayal.”


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Dispite the fires god bluster he had suffered a defeat, the Kurgens main settlement where they had done their blood sports, forged their weapons and gathered their slaves had been hit. The Kurgen people were not simple tribesmen anymore, they were a warrior race and a civilisation in their own right and they still moved as one big tribe. It just took up more space. With that settlement damaged and his supplies raided, it was a nasty blow by the cunning water god. Killing many people and denting their faith in their god of war to protect them.

Upon hearing this thought he Kurgen warriors were infurated, never before had they suffered a raid upon their own settlement and never before had they suffered a defeat like this. A sneaky and cunning nature of the blow made it all the more painful for them, a weakness had been exposed in their plans and they were frustrated and enraged by it. The campaign to the plains was abandoned, they took what they had already captured, slaves, women and supplies and made double time back home. It took them a great deal of time to cross the land though, back over the mountain pass and into their own plains once more. Where they discovered the damage for themselves, many screamed in rage and pledged their lives to vengeance. A religious frenzy began as they set about rebuilding their settlement into an actual city, refusing to ever again be humbled in such a way. They built stronger houses, an actual defense around their land too in the form of a long ditch that was made on the sweat of their backs.

The Kurgen were a strong people, hardship and toil they were used too, life on the plains wasnt easy with less water as grass didnt grow so well and animals became weak and skinnier but they survived. They were too determined to give up in anyway, they resorted to old tricks to find water. To digging holes to find what litte ground water remained, even drinking the blood of animals to get nutrition. Something that became a tradition with them and a sign of strenght, an arrow through the neck of a bison before patching it up, the big herd animals could take it.

The defeat may have dented their pride but the hole was filled with determined resolve to strive and never make the same mistake twice. It changed the Kurgen to some degree, they actually took the time and thought to build properly and forge their settlement into a city, one filled with slaves and the trophies of their conquest. They named it Krashla after their god, a merging of his various names, after all the city had been forged in his image. Times were hard, but they endured and their faith was made stronger in the end.

As for the Khaines threat to dampen the light, such a thing he did not have the power for since the runs rays touched all the land and nothing save removing it completely could burry Zaroths people in darkness but everyone else too. However he had power enough remaining to weaken it, putting them in a perpertual winter of soughts which made their crops struggle and their people wrap up warm. A bitter chill surrounding the coast at all times. It did however take all his power, keeping it in a constant state of draining. There was no change in Khaines diminished power.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
In the ruins of a great monument to the East, a small savage hut stood. In this hut lived an old woman, her clothes torn to shreds and her eye sight gone. She used to be a warrior, her clothing that are now brown and threaded used to be red and white body armor. She sat in the middle of the hut, her legs placed in a meditative stance. The woman's eyes had been the sharpest of her time, her skill with the bow was greatest among her people. In the hut there was little to suggest there lived anyone but her. Near the entrance of the hut, was a casket of water and a basket of berries. Besides these and the woman there was only one other thing. Laying 6 feet to her right was a large metallic bow. It was 7 feet in length and was made of a thick black metallic material. The bow curved similarly to the Manchurian recurve bow except it was larger and the curves were more defined. The bow did not have any type of string attached to it yet it seemed to still have the placements for the string. The metallic construct was cold to the touch and looked to have some imperfections such as nicks and cracks. The woman exhaled slowly and opened her eyes. They were a dull white and seemed lifeless as did her hair, never seeming to flow in the breeze.

The woman's eyes widened, a breeze had softly blown through her hut yet the wind had never before blown through these lands since the absence of the Gods. She was shocked, did this mean the Gods were back from their slumber or did insanity finally take over? Before she could come to a conclusion, there came a sudden warm sensation from her right. She felt around till her hands hovered over the source of the warmth and what she found brought tears to her blind sight. Below her hands was nothing other than the metallic bow but something had changed it. It imperfections were gone, its smooth surface back to what it once had been and the warmth that came from it was due to a slight string of air that took its place in the bow. The woman smiled and sobbed softly as her hands finally laid upon her powerful companion. 'There were two things that must be happening right now in order for this to have happened.' the woman thought, fond memories flooding back to her. The first would be that the Goddess had came out of her slumber and had regain most of her power. The other would be that another weapon of the bow's material was close.

And so was both. At the entrance of the hut stood a tall silhouette of a winged humanoid with a weapon almost as tall as bearer. The woman could not see the figure walk into the hut but could hear it steps and could feel the air that seemed to resonate from it’s body. She looked towards it’s direction and spoke, “I know what you are but I no not of who you are. So please tell me, what is your name?” The figure seemed to smile as it bent to one knee in front of the woman. “My name is Insha and I’ve come here to learn from you and tell you of our Goddess’s return.” The woman’s tears renewed and she smiled, “I would never have guessed I would live this long to hear of the Goddess’s return. Tell me young one, did our beloved mother tell you of me since you seem to have come to learn from me.”

The young man nodded his head slowly, bringing his free hand to rest upon the woman’s. “Yes she has told me about you, you are Fei the Aero of the East.” Her smile widened and she gripped his hand, “The very same.” Insha gave a look of confusion, “So you are the Aero of the East then?” The woman gave a look of surprise and laughed, her rigid voice making Insha flinch. “Oh you do not believe me boy?” He was gave a look of embarrassment, “Well our mother said you are a Vorsah but you do not have wings as I do.” Fei chuckled softly, a smile of sadness played on her lips. “I do Insha, but this is what they have become.”

She lifted her torn clothing and turned to reveal what was underneath. On her back were what remained of her wings. They were shredded and dried blood was the only thing that kept the few feathers still on. The young prophet looked away, his face showing shock, pity, and guilt. “I’m sorry if I offended you. Please tell me…. what happened?” The old woman settled back to her original position, “It was during the battle between the Elemental Gods and Death. Do you know of it young one?” Insha nodded slowly, his head bowed low. “It was a battle that was lost to our mother and her brothers.” Fei nodded sadly, “Yes it was a fierce and gruesome battle. We fought valiantly but it was to no use as only three of us Aeros survived with the Gods against Death. At the last second before Death struck our weakened Goddess, the Aero of the Northwest stepped in front of the attack and sacrificed himself to allow us remaining two Aeros to lay the Goddess to her slumber. But before we could get her to Mount Pagdra, Death blasted me with some sort of dark energy that destroyed my wings and rendered me blind.”

Insha remained silent for quite sometime, unable to find words to say. So Fei spoke for him, “I will tell you the battle in detailed later but for now.” The old woman stumbled out of the hut with bow in hand, the young man following behind her. She turned as he came out of the entrance of the hut and smiled. “Welcome to the Temple of the East.” She motioned blindly to the ruins around her. Insha cracked a smile and laughed which in turn got Fei to laugh. His training now began….


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The world had been wiped of all life by the death god, he had harvested all but the most basic of things. Only simple plants had remained and it had taken many years for life to return to what it was now, but with the return of the gods life returned in full. Nothing had survived the great cull save those which could not be killed and they had been reduced to humble things, the gods themselves were a fraction of their power now but it was returning to them.

It seemed that the wind goddess Wyvaria was working hard to regain her lost power, the first of her precious aero had been sent east to reclaim her old lands. Back in the days of the great holy empires temples had stood to all the gods but none but ruins remained now, still it seemed for sentimental reasons Wyvaria had gone to claim one of them. Apparently finding one of her old servants, an immortal aero shattered and broken by the remains of one. The only one to survive the harvest, all others had been claimed.

Still it was a great boon to her and her two aeros set to work in the east on whatever plan the goddess had, presumably teaching the first of her new aeros in their ways. No power came to Wyvaria but she had recovered a lost treasure instead... not to mention she had a presense in the east!


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The Wyldeheart sighed...

It had sensed the coming war, they all had, but the strike Zaroth made had been devastating, and the Wyldeheart was not happy with the results. It could not deny the effectiveness of the strike, but slaughtering innocents, and destroying the Wyldeheart's fields. It was also not happy with Zaroth's threat against taking in refugees and bringing drought to its forests. That was going to far. That was not asking neutrality, and so it spoke...

"Brother, this one time, I will accede to your demands, for the sake of the mutual growth of our peoples. However, be warned not to make such a demand or threat like that of me again. I am not pleased. I will not allow the Kurgan into my wood, but I will welcome all the enslaved. Further I give you a great gift for your city in the form of the tower, yet I hear not one word in response.... I am saddened and disappointed"

The Wyldeheart doubted that the Kurgan would seek refuge of him anyway, so there should not be an issue between himself and Khaine.

The Wyldeheart moved...

Even in this travesty though, the Wyldeheart saw opportunity. The agreement between himself and Khaine still held, and while the Kurgan prayed to its scarecrows, the fields would still produce, though not as quickly where drought was focused, and the need for the Wyldeheart would grow.

Also, with the Kurgan falling back from taking the great plains and conquering the horsemen there, the Wyldeheart saw people that it would reach out to. It appeared before their chieftains, growing its avatar from the earth, though rather then a roughly man shape, it instead grew its vines in the form of a horse, headed by the great antlered skull

"Great riders of the plains, be still and know that I am the god of the Earth, I am the Wyldeheart. I have looked upon you, with favor and come to you now to bless your people. You bond with the horses of these plains, my creatures. If you will honor me, I will increase this bond, I will multiply your herds, and strengthen your mounts. I will send you others of my people with trade and goods you cannot acquire on your own. You will have friends and allies with the Wyldefolk of the deep wood, and the Elemen beneath the earth. And further, to those most devout, I will give a great gift, a union of man and horse, to be reborn as a creature with all the strength and gifts of both."

If the people accepted, the Wyldeheart would send several of its priestesses to share the teachings and blessings of the Wyldeheart, and when one of the plains folk truly gave its heart to the Wyldeheart, the Wyldeheart would exercise its power, and transform the person into the first Centaur. As more devout men and women followed the Wyldeheart would transform them as well. It was careful however not to overtax its power or do this too often.

The Wyldeheart moved,

Things were not evolving with its people as it hoped, and the Wyldeheart did not wholly understand why, though thinking perhaps having asked too much of its people too quickly. Bonding with the dinosaurs should not have proven difficult, nor should the simple machines it showed them been hard to grasp. The Wyldeheart had taught them mathematics and architecture near the beginning that they would be an innovative people, and the people had been bonding with animals for some time as well. These issues needed to be addressed.

The Wyldeheart came on a solution of sorts for the dinosaurs, expounding on the crystal magic it had already giving its people, pleased with how they took to it. For those great carnivores that were too fierce to connect with normally, the Wyldeheart inspired its Priestesses to craft collars that when fastened on the dinosaur would help tame its spirit and bond it the Priestess.

As for the the engineering, it supposed the Elemen were better suited to such a task, and spoke to them their responsibility to their Wyldefolk brothers to help them with these machines of the mill and so forth. It told them how pleased it was with their friendship amongst the Naga, and how proud it was for all their work in the Underneath.

To the Wyldefolk who were blessed with darkvision, the Wyldeheart commanded them to move down with the brethren the Elemen and start to populate the Underneath even more, and help the Elemen where they could. That they were chosen for this great honor, and showed them all the new creatures and plants down there waiting for its children to tend and nurture.

To the Wyldefolk that had taken to dressing and imitating great beasts, the Wyldeheart had a new plan. It told them how pleased it was with their choice and encouraged them to continue to do so and in time they too would physically begin to manifest traits of the animal they most deeply associated with. It would be a slow process, diverting the energy for those people that had making the others more like the priestess, to making them more ferocious and wild. Claws and hair, increased strength and sense of smell, and eventually they would be able to for a short period of time manifest these traits even more strongly and heal faster. This was to be the groundwork for the lycans the Wyldeheart planned to create in time, but slowly, conserving its energy.


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Wyldeheart may of been perplexed by his peoples lack of development in certain areas but it was simple really, they could only do so much. They had forsaken much of normal advancement for a more spirital bond with nature, they were in many cases not human any more and their evolution had taken them a differant route. They didnt care for mundane things such as machines, or building more than nessesary. Why should they, after all nature provided everything they need, the animals didnt build and neither should they. Their gods efforts to make them better in this area was always going to be a mixed success. A people who had mastered nature and creating magical artifacts were not ment to be great builders or machinists, maths was silly to them when one had an instinctive bond with an item anyway. What use were numbers to measure it when you could feel its dimensions...

It was the trade off, they were not caperble of masters of all but they did improve with some things. A few of them had begun to master the silk weaving and were learning to make fabrics fitting their people, clothes that blended in with the wilds for that was their interest. Still anything the people did turn their interest too they took to a level beyond mastery, artistic beauty was just second nature to them and they did indeed. Still the Elemen made up for it, they mastered enough of making things to build simple water wheels and such but in truth building such things didnt interest them wholely either. They had no need for food and they didnt plant crops in the same was others, bread wasnt needed nor was milling.

The Wylders were just a wild people, full of passion and grace like the animals they so adored. They needed to be skilled too for the jungles were a dangerous place, animals were still animals and hunters did sometimes fall foul of their prey. Especially the dinosaurs who resisted most attempts to tame them, especially the biggest carnivores that were either too dim or too ferocious to accept a rider. They could be influenced though by more direct means, the smaller ones were not tammed as such but captured and an agreement forged. They would tolerate a rider as long as they got fed, their beastial nature was too intense at times and their food had to be something living. Still it was an accord where none had existed before. The people still prefered to travel on foot, silent and quick as they darted through the forests much like animals themselves and they did indeed slowly start to turn. Their nature would not be denied.

As for the venture into the plains, the people were hesitant. They had met people already who spoke of gods, they had lost many people already to the Kurgen conquest plans and had died to keep them out the plains. Even then they had not succeeded, only slowed the fire gods advance before he was called back. The Chiefs however were wise enough to question this though, but bold enough to question the great spirit that came before them. "We will honour you animal spirit, but we ask protection first. Prove to the peoples of this land you are not some trickster or devil and protect us from the ones who serve the flame. Crush him if he comes again and keep him out of our lands, then we shall honour you." The chieftains that had been contacted all agreed with this idea, spirits were not to be trusted out right after all. Still if the earth god pledged this they would begin to honour him, with small offerings at first before his priestess arrived. Some of them knew of the forest anyway but it was always spoken off as a haunted realm and one they should avoid, the people of the plains did not do well in the cramped and claustraphobic forests.

Power comes to Wyldeheart once more, much needed power driven by the belief of his people who became more and more attuned to thim. His early exertions were perhaps the only reason he wasnt dominating the other gods with his strenght. Wyldeheart was once again strong enough to create real life.


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Zaroth sighed heavily, and apologized to the Wyldeheart, and tried to explain. His people was not ready, if there was war, many would die. But he could not run either, for he could not put his people through that. And so he was like a cornered animal, and in his desperation, he had snapped his teeth into whatever got close. He did not excuse his attack on the Kurgan's however. The Kurgan were war mongers, and he'd offered the people freedom, and those who took it had been spared. Those who wished to fight however, did so by their own choosing. But he did apologize about the drought. "I felt victorious, and wished to press my advantage. I wished to end this war without further casualties..." The great serpent sighed once again. "Yet in my haste, I forgot how stubborn our brother is, and so both our people have suffered... But worse of all I have threatened you Wyldeheart, my one brother I can truly claim love for. I can not undo what has been done, but I can make amends. I should not have acted so rashly. As for your gift, it was a most generous one. I sent words of my thanks, though it seems you did not receive it." He great serpent bowed. "Thank you brother. And as a sign of trust, I invite you and your people to come to Sarentia, in a couple of months time. They shall hold a tournament in my honor, but there will also be trade, and festivity. And as a sign of apology, the drought shall be lifted from the Kurgan land, so that your plants might grow once again."

Adaption is they key to survival...

The very day the cold fell on Sarentia, Zaroth spoke to the farmers. He knew one day they'd have to move, and now seemed as good a time as any...Only time could tell.

And so Zaroth rose onto land, and lead a small number of farmers towards the east, deeper into his land. Following along with them were Verrens, who carried the supply, and personal items the farmers were unwilling to part with. It pleased Zaroth to see the once barren, dead fields now bright green with grass, and when the sun shined warmly down on them, Zaroth knew they had arrived. Just like Zaroth could only drain a limited area, so could Khaine only keep a limited area cold. This was outside that area. Before them was a great hill, and without a word, Zaroth raced to it. His massive body coiled around it, pressing down on it with crushing force, like a snake trying to squeeze the life out of its victim. Slowly the hill began to bend to Zaroth's will, its edges becoming so steep they seemed impossible to clime, until it resembled a giant pillar. The great serpent then uncoiled himself from the hill, and looked towards the farmers. "This is a hill fort." His powerful tail whipped against the hill, causing the ground to shake from its sheer force. Where his tail had landed, was now a small trail leading up the steep hill. "It shall offer you some protection if the Kurgan ever attack. Enough to delay them until help can arrive." He made a wide sweeping gesture with his tail in the air. "This land is now yours, to do as you please with. Here you may grow great fields, the likes of which this world have never seen, to keep our people feed, and make our trade flourish with the other nations. I shall carve a detour into the river here, so that you may build mills, and so that you may fish, and swim to your delight. You can also use it to take your goods to Sarentia. Just pray to me, and as always the currents shall safely take you there. Or if you wish, you may take the road." He nodded his head behind them, and indeed a road had been formed where the serpent had crossed. "Now let me tell you of the wheel."

The concept of a wheel was easily explained to the farmers. After all their people had mastered much more advanced designs, but a wheel had simply never been necessary. However now that the farmers had much more ground to cover, Zaroth thought it might ease their labor.

But now that Zaroth had two settlements he had to see to both's safety. So not long after Zaroth carved a small river to the farmers, like he'd promised, he soon set out Naga to patrol through the rivers, accompanied by Verren. It was important that these people felt safe, so he made sure the Naga always made their presence known when they passed through, along with the occasional visit from Zaroth himself.

Yes, Zaroth had done a lot to defend his people, about as much as he could possibly do without resorting to miracles. So now he instead developed the religious side of his people. He began to choose priests amongst his most loyal followers, told them tales of the sacred sea, the creation of Naga, and Azuna. Most of this, the priests already knew, as they were amongst his most faithful, so there were little he could teach them, before he officially made their status public knowledge. These men would go forth to teach and guide the people of Sarentia. One of these priests were sent to the farm community, while five remained in Sarentia.

However these were not all the priests, merely the ones Zaroth made public. For Zaroth did not wish for his people to celebrate these men, only to mourn their deaths a couple of hours later. These were mostly nobles. skilled riders, and some of them even skilled warriors, as far as the people of Sarentia were concerned. And they were given the most dangerous of tasks. They would ride to the people of the plains, they would tell them of their great god, how he and he alone stood against Khaine. They would tell them of the blow they'd struck to him, and the part the plains people played in that strike. They could gain a lot if they were to join forces, Kahine would have to think twice before attacking either of them. But one tribe was not enough, they had to try to gather all the tribes if possible, joined together against a common enemy. Though if anyone asked, they had no ill to speak of The Wyldeheart. Zaroth had not come to steal the people from him, but merely gathering whatever allies he could against Khaine.

Zaroth stood before the men, with their Verren's. They'd been enhanced by their god to be unmatched in terms of speed, and stamina, yet Zaroth still had doubts about many of them returning. He bowed his head, and prayed with them, something he rarely ever did, but this was a sign of respect, to the men who were about to throw their lives on the line, in his name.

"Blessed are they who stand before the dark and the wicked and do not falter. Blessed are the guardians, the champions of the just."

And then they were gone... Zaroth would have gone himself, but he needed to look after his people. He had to continue to teach, and watch over them in these hard times. The farming community would ensure progress did not slow for the people, but Khaine still might try something in their weakened state, and so Zaroth had to be here to defend Sarentia, and the new farms, in person.

Soon after that, he sent yet another five men out riding on Verren's, all of them going to different directions, but all stayed away from Khaine's land. These men would search for more people, to teach them of Zaroth. For he'd need all the allies he could possibly get in the near future. But his current people had to be strong on their own to, and so he motivated the people to train harder to prepare turnament, for them to do it together in group, and on a daily basis. After all, the wild foke would probably be watching them, and they were well known for their skill and prowess, no doubt they'd laugh at Sarentia's people if they weren't at the best.

He sent out invitations to the tournament, not only to Wyldeheart, but to Wyvaria's people as well. Zaroth regretfully admitted to having forgotten her somewhat with all the many things happening in the world, but he would be honor if her people decided to attend, and even more so if she agreed to opening a trade between the two people, for mutual gain.


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Khaine was rather surprised and pleased with his people. They had not only taken the drought in stride but even became stronger with it. The drought on their land was slowly ending which was fine; in fact it would increase their people’s power for the campaign against the lands of Zaroth. His brother had attacked his people and Him, and so he had challenged Khaine to combat and Khaine would answer. He ended the drought but in his attack he awoke a sleeping giant. In truth, Khaine had little interest in the lands to the west as they were small compared to the glory of the lands to the east, but his brother had cost him his campaign, and his earth brother like the vulture it was, hoped to peck at the dead remains left by the Kurgan in hopes of spreading his influence.

He had no desire to attack his earth brother’s lands, so he would be fine with his new little lands. Khaine would go south (which I believe would be Mexico given my position on a map), but for now he had to put the fear of the Fire God’s Wrath in the water gods people to remind them of their place. His brother would learn the cost of attacking Khaine and incurring his Wrath, but for now his people needed to gather supplies and he would let them do that.
--Tribe of the Kurgan-
The great fire god erupted out from the great fire in the center of the village. “People, We will have vengeance, but for now we wait. Build up your supplies; train harder than you have ever trained. Because of the Draught the river has been empty and is only now slowly refilling so my people take this chance. Ride across on wolves and raid the people’s towns across the empty river, remind them of the terrors that live beyond their borders, but do not launch a full scale invasion. True vengeance would come soon I promise you.”

The Fire God let his gaze roam around the people there, finally stopping on the ogres. “My children, I shall teach you how to smelt better, to create armor and weapons.” He slowly and carefully took to showing them how. Showing them how to use fire to coax the metal out and how to use fire to shape it, how to use hammers to beat the metal into shapes and strengthen the metal. How to make breastplate, cover a shield in a thin layer of bronze, He taught them to create axes and blades. To the ogres he showed the importance of making great Hammers that would be hard to lift as a man, but an ogre would be able to wield it with little difficultly. He told them that mastering this was the key to earning their Vengeance against the vile serpents.

Khaine left the village in an explosion of fire. He let the sun give its warmth back to the water tribe, as they would need their food for the days to come, but for now it was time for his tribe to increase their power and skills in war to beyond the levels that the others gods could only imagine.


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Like the great beating of a dum the pace of war increased, all the gods seemed to be keen on expanding their empires in the world and their dominion but it wasnt so easy now. The people of the plains were a prime example, only by facing against the fire god could their loyalty be won for they had suffered at his hand greatly. However the gods themselves shaped the world more and more as they did their best to prepair.

Zaroth was around in person, holding the line of his empire against his people. He gave them the hill for which to build defenses on while they expanded all through the land up to the river. The River seemed to mark the border between the fire god and the water gods lands and serve as a good reminder to them both. Zaroths people also grasped the idea of the wheel quite quickly, after all once it was shown to them it was fairly self explanitory and soon they had simple wagon constructs to help them cross the land to the river. Farms were built as the warmth returned and they used the water from the river to feed their next batch of crops and keep things fertile.

The hill fort came along quickly and they built a simple wooden wall around the top with towers for archers. They were not a great military people and their society was essentially a fuedal system, with noble wealthy folk and many peasants working for them. A few nobles set up their territories within the hill fort and pledged themselves as knightly defenders of the area, patrolling about on their Verran as true lord of Sarentia. Not to mention they were inspired by the presense of their god Zaroth was resting in their lands to see off invaders. His avatar would stop most save a mighty invasion force, after all even the gods were prone to damage and to risk their physical form was a grave thing indeed.

His people back in Sarentia were busy training themselves for the tournament, every man and woman who sought to improve their station was practicing in their free time. Learning to fence with swords and shoot the bow as best they could, they were not great warriors but they were agile and determined enough to give a good show. The real martial prowess lay amongst the nobles who could afford the mounts and the armour to be made, not to mention the best weapons. Granted they were primitive but any advantage in their age was great indeed. Wooden lances and bronze plates and helmets, like golden knights each one.

The new priests brought much religious ferver to the land, giving the people a direct connection with their god although the first task was grim indeed. Messengers to the plains beyond the fire gods territory was a simple mission but filled with danger for the Kurgen would show no mercy to any who were captured. The enchancements given to them by their god would help though and give them a better chance. With their prayers said they left and rode out into the wilds, they would never return but same would never even make it to the plains. Their fate was out of their gods hands now, the ones that made it would offer the plains people vengence against Khaine but first they had to get there.

As for his pilgrims that he sent out they set out into the wilderness, doing their best to explore and find others. The two that rode north had difficulty, one was slain by one of the creatures of the forest as he had rested near it. The other had gone further north into the wilds and found no other tribes before succumbing to the wilds. The three that had riden south, one was killed by Kurgen and the other two made it into a new land. They did indeed met a people there and began to spread their message although it was slow progress for language was a large barrier, but the water god now had a small presense in the lands to the south.

Still, war was comming again and the Kurgen were rilled up by their god, their new city was flourishing as water had begun to return to it, giving the people plenty to drink and eat again although they still kept the blood drinking ritual. Eager to gain the strenght of animals they kept in captivity for food. At their gods beheast a raiding party was formed, the Kurgen mounted on their wolves and sent twenty of their warriors to raid the water peoples farms.

The river was lower from the drought but it hadnt been drained, Zaroth hadnt successfuly droughted Khaines lands much as the River was nearer his own border but the Kurgen made it to it anyway. Their mighty wolves managed to cross the river with some difficulty but the beasts managed, the lower waters helping some although the eels attacked their legs viciously. However their raid didnt that well as the Naga and defenders on the farms soon spotted them, not to mention the mighty avatar of Zaroth was int he distance. The Kurgen realised their could be no victory so did not try for one, instead they immedietly scattered towards the farms and villages, splitting up and harrassing them. They killed what people they could find and set fire to one of the farms before they were driven off, a fair few Kurgen died while the rest retreated back to their lands with the spears of the Naga chasing them somewhat. A few more died by the river as they struggled to cross it.

Fear had been put into Zaroths people though and it took some time to repair the damage although it was not a grevious blow, it was clear now though Zaroth had prepaired his defenses for war with Naga patrolling the river and even his own presense near his border. An invasion would be needed to break his lines but an invasion would come, especially with Khaines people mastering their gods teachings on smelting and forging, making better armour for themselves and weapons to match. They were much better equiped.

Power to Zaroth and Khaine both as they tested each other and put aside their godly powers for the time being and rebuilt, Khaine especially who had recaptured some of his power that had been lost in Zaroths blow.


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#, as written by Tsuyoku
On a continent(Asia) far from the Gods' influences, a small village had been conceived. It was a tribe of only about 30, a young village that knew not of the greater powers around it. The humans of the tribe were lightly skinned and did not believe in any Gods, their lives were too young to understand. Their village was built on the East coast(China) of the continent, a peaceful area of ocean, few scatters of trees and a small mountain raising behind it. The tribe knew nothing of war and the only tools close enough to weapons were their fishing nets and fishing spears but they were only made of wood and stripped leaves respectively. The village was a fishing village but some men of the tribe did hunt in a forest deeper in towards the center of the continent, their fishing spears becoming more weapon like. In the forest they hunted deer and rabbits, the only creatures they could catch with some efficiency. When a large woman of air floated down from the sky with 10 winged figures, the village had first reacted with fear and hostility but after seeing the woman and her servants came in peace, they became curious.

Wyvaria smiled down at the young tribe before her, a place where her teachings could flourish without interruption. She settled down to the ground and they stepped back, still slightly afraid. With a soft breath, she spoke, "You do not need to fear me young ones, I will not harm you. I only ask for your worship of me." A large man stepped from the tribe and pointed a spear directly at the Goddess, courageously demanding her to name and explain herself. The Vorsah behind their Goddess fell to fighting stances but Wyvaria signaled them to halt, not wanting anything to turn out bad. She slightly bowed before the man and rose into the sky in a torrent of wind, shocking and awing the villagers. "I am Wyvaria, Goddess of the Sky. And I'm here to ask for your worship." She lowered herself as the tribe still looked in awe of the power of wind the Goddess demonstrated. One by one the villagers kneeled down, the large man the first to do so. The Goddess smiled, motioning to the winged men and women behind her, they were clad in black metallic armor. " These are my children, they are called the Vorsah. They will teach you of me and many other things, learn from them well." Wyvaria bowed to her new subjects and the Vorsah, ascending back into her realm. The winged servants watched as their Goddess floated back, the villagers staring as well. The large man was the first to speak to the Vorsah, asking them to teach him and his tribe of the beautiful woman of the sky. The Vorsah smiled warmly at the village they now would call their home.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Character Portrait: Zaroth god of the sea
Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Character Portrait: Wyvaria
Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart


Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)


Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)

Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Wyldeheart
The Wyldeheart

The Earth God of Nature, Harvest, Balance, and the Hunt

Character Portrait: Death (DM)
Death (DM)

The death god, beware... (The DM!)

Character Portrait: Wyvaria

"The winds will carry those it sees fit to fly with"

Character Portrait: Kaela Mensha Khaine
Kaela Mensha Khaine

The Bloody-Handed God of Fire.

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