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In a world of radiation, mutations occur and the Elimination is designed to kill off the enhanced new species. Effectively, no one ever survives it. Will you? (Closed, but feel free to browse)

1,641 readers have visited Elimination since desire99600 created it.


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Creative Credit
This is one-hundred percent my own idea, and is actually sort of a reboot of an old RP I did a long time ago, though there is a lot that I changed. Any photos found here are not mine, but all the writing is.

Young Gods ~ Halsey

He says, "Ooh, baby girl, you know we're gonna be legends
I'm a king and you're a queen and we will stumble through heaven
If there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes
I know you wanna go to heaven, but you're human tonight"
And I've been sitting at the bottom of a swimming pool
For a while now, drowning my thoughts out with the sounds
But do you feel like a young god?
You know the two of us are just young gods
And we'll be flying through the streets with the people underneath
And they're running, running, running


“Nothing shall part us in our love till Thanatos (Death) at his appointed hour removes us from the light of day.”
― Apollonius of Rhodes



A god is an immortal being who's influence and strength depends on that of
his or her human following. The more faith mortals have in a god, the
more power the god has to wield. As such, it stands to reason that to kill a
god, you must destroy the god's following. If the mortals lose faith, the god
will whither and, eventually, die.

However, immortal, does mean everlasting, so a god never truly dies.

After the death of a god, the god's spirit lives on eternally. The god's essence
is reborn over and over again into the bodies of humans in an endless
cycle of reincarnation. This creates a unique being with the spirit of a god,
but the physical body of a mortal.

These beings are called the Divine, for they have been touched by the
immortal realm somehow, and have been given the souls of gods. The
average human is completely oblivious to the existence of the Divines, but
there is an ancient cult that still exists today known as the Order. This
organization's mission is to hunt and destroy Divines in order to keep the
gods' souls weak and powerless.


"...Theseus gave a great war cry and brought his sword arcing up toward Sheba’s throat - but the monster
of the labyrinth lives inside us all. She is the dark, devouring hunger that is never sated, the creeping
shadow that ever plays the fiend to our seraphim, the secret rage hidden in our hearts; deny her, and we
become her slaves; fight her, and we make her invincible. By now, you must know that
no monster can ever be killed, not really”
― Troy Denning, Pages of Pain



A Divine is essentially a human that possesses the soul of a reincarnated
god. In order to become a Divine, a human must either be born as such, or
somehow come in contact with one of the immortal realms in some way and
have a strong enough spirit to survive. Most Divines that were not born
Divine, became so after a close call with death.

The average human does not know of the existence of the Divines. When
around the Divine, mortals can sense their power as a feeling of slight
allure or uneasiness depending on the nature of the Divine's power, but
aside from this, there is no way to instantly tell the Divine from the mortal.

There is, however, one mortal organization that has known about the
existence of the Divines from the beginning of time. Thousands of years ago,
on a date long forgotten, a demon by the name of Labxach possessed the
soul of a mortal named Azeal and shared with him the secrets of the Divines.

Out of fear and misplaced hatred for the Divine, Azeal founded The Order.
The Order was essentially a darkn cult that combined black magic and
vigorous training to create technology,weapons, and assassins capable
of hunting, imprisoning, and killing the Divine.

Today, The Order exists behind the guise of a massive medical conglomerate
known as Medicane. 80% of all homes in the world contain Medicane
products. Their reach is far and wide, and their resources are nearly
unlimited. On the surface, they deal in medical supplies and research,
but their true business hunting down the Divine.

Some are imprisoned in top secret laboratories for study, but most are
assassinated on sight, for the Order believes the Divine to be dangerous.
Most Divines don't make it three years before The Order manages to track
them down and eliminate them, forcing the god's soul to reincarnate itself
once more, keeping it weak.

Divines who manage to live through their early years, however, figure out
rather quickly that there is safety in numbers. As such, they tend to gather
secretly in secluded locations, using each other both for protection, and for
a sense of belonging. These sanctuaries tend to be disguised as private
schools where the Divine may learn, not only in the traditional sense,
but in the spiritual as well, allowing them to hone their abilities and
understand the souls they possess.

It is in one of these sanctuaries that this story takes place. Garden of Eden
Private College in the city of Chicago is a campus that accepts only Divines.
It is one of the most secure Divine sanctuaries in the world, as it hasn't
seen an attack from The Order in quite some time.


"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are
always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."
— Roald Dahl


1. First of all, please refer to OOC when it comes to character reservations. There is an OOC thread for reservations that is pretty straight forward. Once your reservation is accepted you will see your information added here. Also, if you choose to play a Divine role (as I suspect the majority will), I have provided an OOC thread that is basically a list of various ancient gods. This list is just to help you in creating your character. You do not have to choose from this list if you have a specific god in mind that is not there. However, if you do decide to go off the list, the only thing I ask is that you provide me with your god's information so that I can add them to the list.
2. I'm not going to give a limit for the number of abilities your Divine(s) may have, but please be reasonable, I don't want anyone that's all-powerful.
3. I am always very flexible with characters/roles. I have set certain roles for you, obviously, but these are not always concrete. The main roles are The Order employees (scientists, special agents, hunters, spies, assassins, ect), and Divines at the school (staff/students). If you would like to break these rules a little however, you can run it by me and I'd be happy to hear your ideas. Don't be afraid to get creative, I love when people are interested enough in my RP to expand on it in their own way. Just make sure you run things by me first!
3. Currently, there is no cap on characters. However, at some point, I will have to cut things off in order to get things started. If you wish to join after this cut-off, you'll have to talk to me about it personally. Each writer can create as many characters as he/she wants, so long as they can handle them all.
4. If you have any questions regarding characters, you can either PM me or ask VIA OOC, I'm more then happy to help.


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{ Penelope Darling }

Played By || Desire99600
Gender || Female
Age || Twenty-Two
Hexcode ||
Faceclaim || Emily Browning
Major/Occupation || Botany
Soul || Persephone
Abilities ||

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{ First Last }

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Soul ||
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Major/Occupation ||
Soul ||
Abilities ||


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Soul ||
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1. I have provided less roles for the Order then I have for the Divine, but that is because I suspect these roles will be less popular. More can always be added of course.
2. The ranks for The Order vary greatly. Some options include lab scientists, hunters, assassins, spies, and special agents, witches, however there may be more if you have something else in mind, let me know.
3. The Order is an organization that was once based solely on the use of black magic and physical training to catch, study, and kill Divines. Nowadays, The Order has added technology and science to their methods, relying a little less on magic, however, there are still magical elements to their work. For example, initiation into The Order requires every member to go through a ritual of black magic gifting them with slightly heightened agility and perception to aid them in their training. Because of this, The Order has a rank known as witch. There are not many of them, but essentially, witches spend their time studying the black magic of the ancient Order and performing ceremonial rituals for The Order.

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{ First Last }

Played By || Desire99600
Gender || Male
Age || Twenty-six
Hexcode ||
Faceclaim ||
Rank ||

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{ First Last }

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Age ||
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{ First Last }

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Toggle Rules


“I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.”
― Frank Lloyd Wright


1. | Reservations | Please make your reservations in the reservation thread, not in the general OOC thread. This is just to make sure everything's nice and organized and I don't accidentally miss your reservation. After you reserve your character, I would like to see a WIP within a day or two. If you do not at least have a WIP submitted within two days, your reservation will be opened back up. Once you have a WIP submitted, I'm flexible with times, though please try to be reasonable. I will remove any unfinished WIPs when the RP begins (unless you contact me and I let you have an extension.)
2. | Face claims | While I have nothing against animated face claims, this RP will use real FCs. You may choose whoever you like as your FC.
3. | Character Sheets | While I understand not everyone is a coding whiz, I would like for your characters to look nice. Please create well thought out, in-depth characters. I have not provided a specific CS, as everyone likes to make their characters their own way, but if you need one, let me know and I'll be happy to help you out. You may include whatever you like in your CS, but please include the basics (name, age, personality, history, ect), as well as sections for species and role.
4. | Adult | This RP is to be considered an adult RP. That means that I would like for the majority of the characters to be over eighteen (unless cleared with me), that way this doesn't become some angsty teenage saga. Also, this means that language and content will be mature. Swearing is fine, I do it all the time. Sexual content, however, I do have to limit. I'm rather lenient, but please, do not get too graphic. It's really not necessary.
5. | Advanced | As you can probably tell by now, this will be an advanced writing RP. I want to see characters and posts that are well thought out and descriptive. Obviously no one's perfect, I can forgive small grammar/spelling mistakes, but you must be able to write clearly and elaborately.
6. | Plot | This is a rather open-ended RP. I have provided you with a basic plot and character roles, but the rest is up to you. Obviously, I will guide the story a little, but just because I am the maker of this RP does not mean I want to be the only one leading it. Feel free to get creative please. Get involved with the story and make it interesting, help guide it along, stir up drama. This being said, please remain within the scope of the RP. I encourage creativity and plot twists, but don't get too outrageous. I don't want to see aliens or any such nonsense appear(;
7. | Loyalty | I am looking for loyal players for this. If you join, please honer that commitment and stay loyal. If something comes up where you cannot get on for a while, let me know, I'll understand, and if you have to quit after a while, please tell me so I know as opposed to abandoning us completely. I'm looking for this to be a group of loyal writers, and I would like for everyone to be able to post at least a few times a week. If you do not have the time, don't join. This RP took me ages to create and I worked very hard on it, so I would hate to see it die.


Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

Mutant forest

Mutant forest by RolePlayGateway

The dangerous forest on the outskirts of Windtropollis where the Elimination takes place.


Windtropollis by desire99600

The city where the characters are from.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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In a time of my past, your future, and the Elimination's present, the sun crawled slowly over the horizon, warming the earth with its sweet summer rays, kissing the land of a continent once known as North America. They touched the winding, rushing rivers and beaches with sands so white and pure they're blinding. They warmed the ponds with fish that danced under glassy surfaces, and flowers that turned their scented buds towards this powerful source of life. Slowly, these golden beams inched across the huge metal skeletons of once great cities like New York and Boston that peaked out of massive forests. Forests that have taken over this continent. Every piece of earth, with the only exceptions being the deserts, flourished with life, just not human life, for all the cities were barren and deserted. Our beautiful summer rays slid further across the land, unable to penetrate to the forest floors, struggling for control until they reached a plain. A plain that once consisted of softly rustling tall grass that could conceal even the tallest of people, in its place sat a city. Though this city was different from the others; it supported life. Through this plain ran a mighty river that gushed its way straight through this cities heart. When this city first began, it was a small tribe of broken people, brought together by one common factor. They were immune to the nuclear power that destroyed the rest of their world. Slowly the tribe grew larger and larger, and soon those who had moved underground after the bombing joined them. Over the course of hundreds of years this little tribe turned into the greatest city the world had ever known. Even if the rest of them were destroyed. This great city rose high above the tallest branches of the deadly forest that surrounded it. It was equipped with technologies that, before the war, were only possible in science fiction novels and movies. This city was the city of Windtropollis. The great city sparkled brighter then the sun and it was said that it could be seen gleaming like a beacon from the great churning waters of the Pacific Ocean. In the center of Windtropollis sat the largest, most extravagant buildings, as it spanned out, the buildings slowly shrunk, leaving the little shacks of poverty at their only impenetrable boundary. The forest. The forest that kept intruders out. And their people in. Save for two special times a year. On new year’s day and July first. The days of the Elimination. When the outcast mutants of the city are cast into the darkness of the forest to battle for survival.

Olivia York

Olive blinked her eyes open as the sun poked its rays through the drafty boards of her ceiling and slanted across her face. Her entire home consisted of a one room shack on the very edge of the city. It was probably, quite literally, the last building for the deadly forest that acted as the city borders sat right in her "backyard." The ceiling of her home was slapped together by boards that were much too far apart and leaked in the spring, drafted in the winter, burned in the summer, and allowed leaved to drop through in the fall. It wasn't much protection from what lie outside, and in truth, if a particularly bad storm hit, it would be history. Still, she tried to make it as homey as possible and had a mirror hanging on one wall, an old blanket her mother had made her lying on the dirty floorboards, a small log table with a single chair that her father had fashioned in the corner under the mirror, and a stack of handmade weapons in a log chest her father had created, which sat in the other corner.

After blinking back the blinding sunlight, Olive groaned and rolled onto her belly, hoisting herself up with the palms of her hands. Every part of her body ached from sleeping on the dirt-covered floorboards, and it took her a minute to stand. Once she was up, Olive shook herself out from head to toe as she did every morning to loosen her body and free herself of the tension. Once she was able to move without feeling like she needed oiled, Olive slipped over to the table with the mirror hanging over it. She had never cared much for the way she looked, but she insisted on keeping it there every day to remind herself of what she was. Staring back at her was the face of a slim girl with golden eyes and sharp features resembling that of a fox. If her hair had been red instead of the dusty blonde her mother had given her, she would almost never be able to go out in public in fear of being pointed out. She was a mutant, but she didn't look at herself in this mirror each day to tell herself she was a monster as some might. Instead, she looked at her fox-like eyes and smiled. She made herself look in the glass to be sure her feelings about herself never changed. She would always be a mutant. She had abilities humans couldn't dream of. So unlike others, she was proud of it and every time she saw herself, she made sure not to feel any shame.

As the afternoon sun slanting through her ceiling warmed her neck, Olive reminded herself that this was not an ordinary day as her sleepy mind had registered it to be when she had first woken. The heavy weight of coins in her pocket proved that and the more she thought about it, her smile began to slip and her knuckles turned white from gripping to table too tightly. In the mirror, Olive could see him, the head of the Elimination, on a fuzzy television screen that this side of the city had been given so that they could watch the required programs like the Elimination. Flavis Lap with his slick black and gray hair climbed the steps to the podium that held the massive book. Its pages were yellowed with age and as he turned the page, you could hear a crinkling noise make it through the static buzz of the crappy T.V. On this new page, he penciled names in a beautiful cursive that even the best couldn't match. Hers had been one. She was to go into the Elimination.

That was two days ago. After that, she, and the others on the list, were given a day to be with their families. She had spent the day with no one for she had no one left in her one-room shack but her. That day had been slow and agonizingly painful. On this day, the one she had just awoken to, the Elimination contestants were expected to arrive in the Preparation hall in the center of the city before nightfall or they would be dragged there. That was what the coins were for. The kind people in her small cluster of shacks had each given up a coin that could very well mean a meal to get her to the Preparation hall on time and spare her the humiliation and beatings that came with being dragged there. So, having no intention of wasting what could probably feed six families, Olive swiftly and gracefully slipped over to the chest her father had made and opened it. She blinked as her father's smell of wood and musk wafted up towards her and it nearly brought tears to her golden eyes to see the homemade weapons he had created with his swift hands. She was allowed to bring one weapon to the Preparation hall where she would show it to the Elimination council for approval. If she was no good with the weapon she brought, they would take it away from her and send her into the forest unarmed. If she brought something that bent the rules of a classic weapon, she would, again, be sent into the Elimination unarmed where everyone could watch her on their T.V's as she was killed because of her own stupidity. Knowing this, Olive dug deep into the chest, past all the beautifully carved tools of survival until her hand brushed against the cold surface of metal. With a smile, she wrapped her fingers around the weapon and its partner, pulling the only city-made item from the log chest. A beautifully ornamented silver bow and sheath of arrows with her name engraved in it.

Olive stood and slung the sheath and bow over her shoulder and onto her back, taking one last glance at the humble shack she'd grown up in. Now was the last time she would ever see it again and she couldn't even begin to imagine leaving her father’s creations behind, so she pretended she was just leaving for a hunt and stepped out of the door, closing it behind her. As she had planned, she met a friend whose own little shack neighbored hers outside and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I chose you to do this for me because I knew I could trust you not to take everything for yourself." Her gold eyes searched his and she could tell he was mourning the fact that she had to go into the Elimination. Though she hardly knew the boy, he was the closest thing she had to a friend. He wouldn't spend days wallowing in grief, but his little display of sadness for her made her smile a little. "Go into my home and sell the furniture my father created." She gestured to their small community of shacks. "Split the money with the most needy, keeping a little for yourself. Then take the weapons..." She bit her lip. "And either sell them or give them away as a source of protection to these people. I'm trusting you to only take one knife as yours." As soon as Olive got a nod from the 13 year-old-kid, she slipped her hand from his shoulder, hugged him quickly with a thanks, and left.

Olive was swift, and now that everyone knew she was a mutant, she saw no need to hide it. So she glided gracefully to the nearest train station. The cheapest form of transportation. At the small shop next to the platform, she bought a meager breakfast and dozed off while she waited for her train to arrive. Once it did, she looked up at the huge locomotive and climbed aboard. Olive found a seat and waited as the town rolled by and the buildings gradually got taller and richer until she was at the heart of the city. A place she'd only seen on television. Sometimes, she'd head into the wealthier parts of town to sell things she caught or found in the forests, but she had never been to its very center. As much as she hated to admit it, it was absolutely dazzling and she knew she stories were true. The sun bounced off of every building that the designers had cleverly created to reflect its light, bathing the whole city in a shimmering gold light. In a grand station, the train pulled to a stop and Olive got off, feeling suddenly out of place here. She bit her lip, aware of every horrible glance sent her way and every spec of dirt on her body. These people were so clean and not a single brick in the paved streets had a smudge. She didn't belong here, but for the next three days this would be her home. No. Not home... Prison. This would be her prison.

As she approached the gleaming Preparation Hall, a man in a crisp black uniform stepped up beside her, struggling to keep up with her inhumanly swift glide. He informed her that her room was ready, it was on the 5th floor, it was room 501, she could settle in if she'd like, but she must first check in at the counter. Then he told her that when she got to her room she must shower, change, and look presentable. She would await an announcement on the speaker in her room that would tell her where to go for her first meeting with Flavis Lap and the other contestants in the Elimination. Finally, he told her that she was to be on her best behavior and he warned her that cameras were placed in every room of the building besides the bathrooms, though those still held speakers to pick up hushed conversations. Looking relived, the servant let out a huff of breath and slowed his speed to a normal human walk, dropping quickly behind her with ragged breaths.

Olivia passed pretty flower beds with pink, purple, and yellow buds stretching their faces towards the summer sky. Their perfume was almost overwhelming and sweet like taffy. When she reached the entrance to the building, another servant in the same uniform opened the door for her and she stepped onto a marble floor. The design on the floor made it look like someone had swirled liquid gold and whipped cream around each other and the columns around her rose to a large, gold domed ceiling with paintings of flower fields and eagles spread across it. Along the walls sat gold waiting chairs with velvet cushions, all unoccupied, and across the room was a large desk with a delicate looking blonde secretary watching her expectantly.

When Olive snapped out of her awe, she slipped up to the counter and told the woman her name. Carley, the woman, typed a few things into a computer and without once looking at her again, held out perfectly manicured fingernails clutching the key to her room and said "501." Olivia took the key and did as the man outside had instructed, making her way to the elevator that would lead to her room and taking one last awed look around as the doors slid shut around her.


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#, as written by Byte
As the bright sun-rays managed to find their way through a small crack in the wall, into the tiny, closet sized bedroom. Jason woke up with a deep, gloomy, frowned expression on his forehead. Managing to find the right half of his body still on the ragged bed, while his other half was clearly leaning towards the wooden floor. It was another one of those restless nights... the same dream playing inside his mind over, and over again. Or, was it truly a dream? The hermit slowly shook his sleepy head. He knew that dream was a fragment of his memory. A young, fresh event that took place not long before today. Jason struggled to get himself up, soft stings and cracks forcing him to pause in each movement he attempted to make.

Today was the day of 'Judgement', as he called it. The Elimination... whatever it was supposed to be. Jason groaned as every step he made was a slow one, yawning excessively as the simple living room greeted our hermit friend. Nothing too special to note, it wasn't poorly kept together with cardboards, nails and glue. But it wasn't something someone in high-town would want to life in either. But, it was home. After cleaning himself, as well as dressing up in his 'Special' clothing, Jason gave a deep sigh before dropping himself on the ragged, cloth couch. A few feet from said couch, was small, oak-brown, wooden desk. Serving as a platform for a television which was rarely watched. Instead, Jason used the darkened screen to project his own imagination, thinking about his past, present and possible future.

- “You're so lucky brother! You get to partake in the Elimination and earn your freedom.”

Jason's sapphire blue eyes widened with shock. “Amy?” The hermit spoke in a deep, but soft voice. On the darkened television screen, appeared a young girl with bright, long blond hair hanging over her head. She had the same, honest, sapphire blue eyes as her brother. And after hearing her name she smiled widely, nodding at the man in front of her.

- “I am sorry for dragging you with me brother...”

The little girl lowered her head in apology. Which Jason responded to, “Don't be. I choose this path myself, and I'll continue walking it for as long as I can.” With another wide smile the girl rose her head, waving cheerfully before disappearing into the darkness once more. “So long as you remain safe...” Was all the hermit mumbled before rising from the cloth couch, and turning his gaze towards the nearest wall. On it, hung a dark brown, leather sheath. Holding a custom made weapon, the only thing Jason has left from his family. After glaring at it for a few moments, he removed the sheath from the nail it was resting on and slung it over his shoulder, clipping the loose straps along his torso so the sheath would rest on his back.

After giving his house one last goodbye, Jason turned his back to the building and made his way towards the train station. After treating himself to a last decent meal, and buying himself a ticket, the hermit stepped onto the platform. The sharp wind, produced by the arriving transport, continuously toying with his long, sand brown scarf. The citizens stepping into the train along with Jason, gave the hermit a cold, steely stare. They knew exactly who he was, a criminal, and soon to be participator in the Elimination. The adventurous ride was how Jason imagined it to be, cold and awkward. Passengers kept staring at him like he was the odd one out. Well, he was, in a sense. His clothing had that, 'I-am-not-like-you' charm. Whether people would think he was a mutant or criminal didn't matter. He was not one of them, that was certain...

When the train had halted. Jason hopped off the transportation device, giving his eyes the time to absorb the amazing centre of Windtropollis. His home was nothing compared to the buildings that were surrounding him at this very moment, not in the least. The hermit was to be snapped out of his trance by a random passer-by accidentally bumping into his shoulder, he was that much amazed by the place. It was only after a moments of distractions and wandering, when Jason finally spotted the supposed hotel he'd stay for now. “The Elimination.” the Hermit murmured in his own thoughts...

The guard watching the front door gave Jason a firm sneer, as well as some instructions. But that all faded away after meeting with one of the most beautiful sights ever seen by Jason's eyes. Quite intriguing, and it was only the entrance. “412.” A woman at the desk spoke to Jason, she seemed to know why he was here, or at least that he was meant to be here. Go to room, present thyself properly. The Hermit made a quick notation on his mind. He'd need to look presentable, for who? Was his current clothing intimidating? Wasn't it presentable? Jason did not question anything, but there was no reason as to why not present himself in his current attire. They would have to cope with it...


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Altsoba gazed up at the magnificent beauty and vastness that was the night sky. The moonlight swathed and swaddled Altsoba like a newborn babe, comforting her. The stars, welcomed friends, twinkled merrily down at her, as if they were winking at her. That's one nice thing about living in the "dumps" of the city. No buildings to obscure what nature grated us. Looking back at the run-down shack she and her younger sister lived in, she sighed. Altsoba wasn't dumb, she knew that living in that detestable lean-to had kept her mostly hidden from the rest of the population, had kept her from Elimination, until now. But, that didn't mean she had to like it. In fact, she hated that little hovel with a passion. Altsoba would rather sleep in the wilderness, under the stars than in that horrible, contained area. It's a good thing too seeing, if her plan succeeds, as she'll be spending all her nights, as well as days, in the wilderness.

One last glimpse at the stars, then Altsoba left the edges of the forest that surrounded the city and headed back towards the shack - back to reality. Someone had finally got suspicious of what lay beneath her black leather gloves and poof, her name was in the book faster than you can say 'unfair'. If she were normal, Altsoba would clench her fists at the thought, but she had done that plenty of times as a child. Still have the scars to prove it, she laughed darkly.

Focus Altsoba, focus at the task at hand. Prepare. Altsoba quietly repeated the mantra until she opened the door to the shack, where she was caught off-guard by the soft snoring coming from the back corner. Barefoot, she silently padded against the hard dirt floor of the hut until she reached the sleeping form of her younger sister. It was like Altsoba was seeing back in time, seeing herself at age twelve. Tendrils of Adsila's dark hair were sprawled across the dirt like spilled ink. Quiet as a panther in the night, Altsoba stood over her sister, unable to bring herself to wake Adsila. Unable to shatter the momentary illusion of peace that sleep offered. Altsoba wanted the peace to last just a moment more for her innocent sister, before she had to say goodbye, possibly for forever.

Altsoba shook herself. There is no time for emotion. Emotion is the enemy's greatest weapon. It cuts deeper than swords or arrows, or even claws. Before Altsoba could shake her sister awake, Adsila's delicate eyelashes fluttered open to reveal milky white eyes. Adsila had been born blind, but Altsoba often found herself wondering who had better sight.

"Hey Ali," Adsila muttered sleepily. Adsila hadn't been able to say Altsoba when she was younger, and the nickname Ali had stuck ever since.
"Hey Sila," Ali began, "remember what you have to do tomorrow." Ali had spent years preparing for this day, the day when she would be sent to Elimination and Adsila was left defenseless. With her own hands, because shovels would have been to suspicious, Ali had dug a secret cavern under the shack and had stored supplies in it. It was accessible only through what was thought to be the latrine. No one wouldn't suspect it. And, it's where Adsila will hide until I come back for her.
"Listen to me Adsila, you must do as I instructed you. Okay?" Ali watched as Adsila nodded her head and pointed to the hidden entrance. Again, Ali thought who of the two had the better vision?

"I gotta go in there. In the dark place, where hope is the brightest." Ali thought that was a peculiar statement, especially for Adsila, but she left it go.

"Correct," Ali sighed as she looked out the small hole in the wall and saw that it was time to go if she was going to get to the city in time. She wasn't going on that horrible train. It was like a cage on wheels. Ali was going to walk to her destiny. She looked down at Adsila.

"Why didn'tcha just dig a tunnel all the way out into the wilderness," Adsila blurted out suddenly. Silently pondering for a moment, Ali's eyes rested on the shabby tv in the other corner where they had been forced to watch and listen to innocent people being killed just because they were different. Ali looked down at the black leather gloves covering her hands and back up at her sweet, innocent sister's face. Stop Altsoba, you need to be devoid of emotion.

"Because things need to change," Altsoba took a deep breath, "Because justice is long overdue."
With that, Ali headed towards the door. She paused in the doorway and turned back to her little sister.
"I - May the stars smile upon you, Sila." Stepping into the moonlight, Ali became just another shadow in the night and she preferred it that way.

Ali reached the heart of the city just as the sun came up. Sure, the buildings where pretty, with the soft sunlight touching them, but she still felt trapped, caged in. Passer-bys gawked at her as she made her way to the hotel. Ali, with her keen hearing, could hear them muttering about her outlandish leather jumpsuit and her leather gloves. Carefully, she slid one glove almost the whole way off to reveal sharp claws where fingernails should be, smirking at the shocked strangers. Striding by them, she carefully slid the glove back over her hand and opened the door to the hotel. Ali noted the guard's distain at her appearance, and ignored it. Striding towards the woman behind the counter, Ali told her what she already knew - only thing Ali had to tell her was her name. It's funny, when she had been condemned, her name had been important. Now, Ali's name didn't matter, only the fact that she had a mutation.

"Room 505," the woman said as she handed Ali the key. Glancing at the leather gloves, the woman thought better of it and set it down on the counter.

"Thankss," Ali hissed as she grabbed the key. She turned to the elevators as she heard the woman.

"Oh, and try to make yourself presentable."

Oh, rest assured, I will. Ali was smiling dangerously as started to carefully take off the gloves.


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#, as written by Shané

Ember stood facing the gates of Elimination. Her heart was thumping wildly and she was starting to sway on her feet. Too many people gave her dirty looks and Ember was sure their hatred could be felt a mile away. Hate burned. It always had and she was sure even people without her empathatic ability could feel it.
She found herself gasping and she sunk to one knee. She felt like she was drowning as the hatred of the onlookers burned her from the inside and the fear of the occupants of the building covered her in a cold embrace. Her own emotions were hard enough to deal with, and Ember knew she was probably going to die, but at least the burning would be stopped. She was there as a human criminal, yet she was a mutant. One of the officials of the Elimination saw her unmoving and with a viscious grin hauled her to her feet. Ember could not have stopped him if she had wanted to, and as she felt herself dragged up the steps, she could feel the eyes of the "normal" people burn into her.
All she had with her was a small dagger. She knew it would be next to useless against humans, her abilities stopping her from harming another, yet if there were animals it may work. The official dumped her at the reception desk, and she felt some of the hatred lesson as she was now out of sight from most of the onlookers. The fear however was stonger and it seemed to fill every aspect of the room.
Like the others she was told to go to a room and look presentable. Ember was surprised to feel a slight amount of fear from the lady at the desk. Though why was unknown, perhaps it was all the mutants or some other reason...
Ember forced herself to go up the steps, though it was hard to do so, as the fear became stronger the further up she went. When at last she had reached the top, the sound of an elevator opened and a tall girl came out. Ember sighed, she needn't have battled with the stairs. The girls feelings were rather confusing. She could only feel part of them, making them extremely hard to understand. It was strange, the girl should have had strong emotions considering the situation she was in and yet all her emotions where merely half whispers, and even the whispers felt slightly odd, as though half was hidden behind some unbreakable barrier. Ember cocked her head slightly as she again attempted to interpret them. There was a small sliver of sorrow, yet something that felt strong and rather...yes that was determination, with a mixture of deceit. The deceit was rather hard to interpret as it was almost foreign and not human. Ember gave up trying to feel as she felt herself going in circles and used her eyes.
There was no denying it, the girl was a mutant. The narrow face resembled a fox to clearly for her to be anything but that. As she thought about it Ember was astounded to realise why she was struggling to "read" the girl.
She is not completely human. I can't read the fox side of the emotions, making them rather strange and distant.
As she was contemplating the situation, Ember was pushed into reality. She had been staring, again. It was so hard to not stare when you were feeling all the different emotions. Embarassed, Ember attempted a smile, though it was rather forced. She had not smiled for ages, as there was always some emotion pulling her down.
"I suppose we are in the same boat" Ember sayed rather awkwardly, attempting to look somewhere else. Her green eyes often unnerved people. "I am Ember. . .who are you?"


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Olivia York

Olive waited as the elevator rose, thoughts bouncing around in her mind. Maybe I can survive this one... Ding! Floor one. That's impossible... It's never been done. Ding! Floor two. What if we try something new... Ding! Floor three. Something that's never been done on the Elimination before. Out smart Flavis. A wicked smile was beginning to form on her lips when the final ding interrupted her thoughts and the doors slid open to reveal the hallway. She pushed herself off the elevator wall and moved swiftly into the hall in one fluid motion, footsteps barely audible on the plush red carpet. Her mind still greatly consumed with thoughts of outsmarting the Elimination, formulating a plan, she glanced about lazily for a sign to point her in the direction of 501.

Olive blinked, the feeling of eyes on her bringing her fully out of her thoughts as she whipped her head towards the stairs to catch a girl there, staring. She took in the girls concentration in her knit brows and the downward pull at the corners of her mouth as she watched her. What was she doing? When the girl realized she'd been caught, she shook herself, rustling her dark hair. When she did so, her hair was pushed away from her face some and turned her face to towards her more. Now Olive had a clear view of the porcelain skin surrounded by dark waves. And those eyes. There was no way she was normal with eyes like that. From what Olive could see, there were no animal like qualities about her, but she had heard of special cases. This had to be one for the aqua eyes watching her seemed to pierce right through her, forcing her to look away.

When the girl spoke, it was soft and akward, and Olive looked back at her. Trying not to get stuck on her eyes, she focused instead on her words. Ember. That was her name. She was apparently part of the Elimination too. Olive blinked, thinking about Ember and what her mutation could possilby be as her mouth moved, creating words that only half registered in Olive's mind. By the time Olive realized the girl had asked her a question, she'd been waiting a good three minutes and looked impatient. "Oh!" She gasped and nodded, shaking out her dusty blonde hair. She was nearly the exact opposite of the girl with tanned skin and almost white hair that lay straight instead of curled. It was strange how she could meet someone so completely different from her, but know she was probably feeling the same emotions and dealing with the same problems as she was. Okay so maybe not the same problems, for she probably had someone she had left at home, but the only thing keeping the two of them here was the one small thing they had in common. "My name is Olive. I know they announced me as Olivia, but call me Olive. Guess we'll be forced to get to know eachother pretty soon." She smirked, looking the girl over with ever-wandering golden eyes. "Who knows. Maybe someone will survive this one? Now... I don't mean to be rude, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go make myself look presentable. Or whatever they said." Olive sneered the word, hating the way these city-people looked down on everything that didn't sparkle and hoped that Ember wasn't part of them. "I'll see you at the meeting I guess." And with that, she turned away.

Finding 501 had been easy, and she had to internally smack herself for not registering the fact that five-oh-one was bound to be the first room on floor five. Looking down at the little gold key in her hand, Olive already knew what she'd find on the other side of the door. Her plush prision. When she opened it though, she couldn't help but gawk. The staticy television back in the slums had done this place absolutely no justice. She would have stood there all day with her mouth hanging open at the high gold ceilings and four post velve bed and awning if the door hadn't slammed shut behind her, causing her to jump. "Make myself presentable.." She mumbled as she rifled around the room, looking for something decent to wear. She quickly tossed aside the dresses and skirts, noting that there were no jeans or shorts provided for her to wear. Too bad. I'll just wear my own shorts if I have to. There would be no way anyone would ever make her wear a skirt or makeup like they'd done to some of the other contestants to make sure they were camera-ready until they were to be sent into the trees. It was disgusting how materialized these people were.

Settling for a white blouse with minimal frill and zero flowers, she decided to wash up and found that she had to call someone to show her how to use the shower. The whole thing was rather embarassing and the maid sneered at her, obviously surprised that she had never owned one. On her way out, she gave her one last smirk and Olive, fed up with it, smirked back. "Don't look at me like that. You're a maid." And she slammed the door. After her shower, she dressed in the blouse and her dirty jean shorts and combed through the thick tangle of blonde knots she called hair. This whole proccess left her with a tall, hungrily thin, fox-faced girl who looked somewhat presentable. The jean shorts were what killed the whole thing, but she didn't care, and being done with this, she decided to look around the room some until Flavis called them down to dinner. Where she would meet the man who'd been chasing her in her nightmares for the past two nights as well as the other mutants and criminals that were to be "eliminated."

Corey Turner

Corey woke with a start. His heart drummed wildly in his ears and his body shook rapidly, making his muscles ache. Slowly, he blinked and rolled over, trying to calm himself as his nightmare slowly faded back to reality. He forced himself to stand and glaced around his little room. On the floor lay an old cot that he had just woken on with a thick wool blanket over it. His home wasn't huge, but he was far better off then some people, for he had more then one room and no leaks or cracks. The house was the only thing he'd allowed himself to buy with what was left of his fathers money, because no matter how angry he was with the man, he wasn't going to let himself as well as his ill mother freeze to death. The rest of the three-room home was pretty much empty. No furniture or wall hangings for he refused to buy any. Only him, his mother, and the walls.

The floor groaned in protest and he moved about, splashing some water from the tap on his face. That was another plus. They had plumbing, the little television in the corner could be considered one too if he wasn't going to be on it this year. That little t.v was the only thing that held his mother together some days. Well that, and him. She would sit with her hair shot up all around her face in a tangled mess, a wool blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and watch the screen with vacant emerald eyes. Corey could remember one year when the Winter Elimination had held a friend of hers from school, and his mother had shrieked and shrieked until he had come to turn it off, leaving her to wander in circles, tugging on her hair. Well this year came the Summer Elimination and his name had been on the list. He could only imagine what would happen.

Corey sighed and let his creaky footsteps echo as he went into his mothers room. She lay on her side with a little photobook clutched to her chest, dreaming peacfully with a lazy grin on her face. This sight nearly brought him to his knees, and he walked over to her and knelt in front of her. "I'm so sorry mom..." He whispered to his sick mothers sleeping form. "If I hadn't..." At this, she woke up, her empty green eyes searching his face.

She pushed the photobook into his hands and whispered. "Come back," before slipping right back into sleep.

"I will." He promised her and placed the photobook gently at her feet, kissing her gently on the forehead. With a sigh, he stood and moved into the bathroom, taking a little tin out of the medicene cabinet. Inside the tin was what was left of his fathers money. Three thousand dollars easy. This is what would provide for his mother until he returned. He would leave her in the care of a friend with specific instructions and, for a thousand dollars, his mother would have protection until he returned for her. After placing the tin beside his mothers bed, he left his home without another glance back and headed for the city.

At the gates of the Preperation hall, he was instructed to make himself presentable and await his meeting with the others and Flavis. This would be the first televised part of the Elimination. With a sigh, he went inside and took the sneers from the counter lady as well as his key. Room 405. On the fourth floor, he found his room and went in. It was elaboratly decorated, but nothing he hadn't seen for he had once lived in a home in the center of the city, making it huge, rich, and sparkling. Looking around the room, he found some clean enough jeans and a white tee. After a quick shower, he changed into these and awaited the call over the speaker next to the door that would tell him where to go for the meeting.


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#, as written by Byte
The ascending of the elevator felt like it lasted hours, one 'Ding!' for each hour. Long enough to think things over, as well as try and formulate a tactic. Surely they did not name this event 'The elimination' for nothing, unless they meant the elimination of stress, maybe? Jason knew nothing was going to be a cake-walk, not in the long run. Though, it'll be quite difficult to plan ahead. It's best to be prepared for the general dangers it could present. And, he wouldn't have to worry about 'danger' for now. He was told to look presentable after all, so, that meant Jason was going to be introduced to someone who is of high status. The Hermit could already imagine how this introduction would be rolling.

- “Ding!”

The door of the elevator slowly opened themselves, revealing a large hall decorated for guests of noble status. At least the presentation is quite nice... After briefly complimenting the royal hall, multiple times. Jason counted the doors, trying to locate room '412', which was quite a give-away actually. With a short pauze, the Hermit gave himself some more time to think. Call it paranoid, but who said they wouldn't be setting up a prison? Not that this room wasn't already some form of prison... After shaking the thought from his mind, Jason opened the door, wandering around the small, yet comfortable room. If you erased the idea, that this was a prison room. In actuality, he was missing the simpleness of his own house. It just gave him more of a, 'home' feeling. But, this would be his 'home' for the time being. Better to get used to it, now he had the time to do so.

After unstrapping the sheath, and gently stretching it out on the bed. Jason sat himself down, not on the bed. Not on a chair or whatnot. No, he took comfort in seating himself on the floor, facing the bed and the sword that was resting on it. “And now? We wait...” For a second, the Hermit closed his eyes. Taking the time he still had, to calm his thoughts...


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As soon as the elevator doors shut, Ali knew she had made a mistake. A loud clink echoed as the doors shut. It sounded like a prison cell door slamming shut. And was it just her imagination or were the walls closing in? Ali hoped it was just a lack of food that was making her temporarily insane. They better have a friggin' feast ready for us. Her stomach rumbled in agreement. As the elevator lurched upwards, Ali gripped the metal rail that ran along the sides so hard that her knuckles were white. Should've taken the stairs. 

When the elevator finally reached her designated floor, Ali practically ran out of that prison cell. And found herself staring at another. Hell, the whole hotel felt like an embellished prison. Judging from the decorum and the surrounding city, these people obviously like pomp and grandeur. Why not thoroughly embellish their prisons too?

Walking through the hallway, Ali quickly located room 505. She threw the leather gloves on the small table near the bed and took a deep breath. A few rooms down she heard a door slamming shut. Ali looked at her surroundings, her sharp eyes missing no details. Ali scoffed when her gaze fell on the selection of clothes that she was supposed to be wearing. Yeah right, after she would be done with them they'd be nothing but shreds. I bet some people would like that.

Her scoff quickly turned into a snarl when her gaze rested on the small window that was near the closet. Steel bars obstructed the view of the surrounding city. Okay, Altsoba. Time to get serious, everything is a stake here. Everything. There is no room for mistakes. Turning away from the window, Ali headed towards the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for what lays ahead. She stood in disbelief when she saw the rows of nail polish that were arranged on a shelf. Wow, these people were ridiculous. What, did they want her to paint her claws? On second thought, I know the perfect shade. Ali thought of her plan for revenge. Red.


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Blaze sat with her head in her hands at the end of her little bed. She groaned and rocked forward, squeezing her slanted cat-like eyes shut tightly. The worst part of her mutation was the fact that her mornings were hell. Being part cat, naturally Blaze came to life at night, having more energy then the sun. The downside was that, during the day she was slower. Not dead or sluggish once she got started, but conjuring up a small bit of motivation that would enable her to stand in the morning, was almost impossible. An accomplishment in itself. Especially today; today, motivation not only was impossible to find, but didn't exist at all.

Part of this was the fact that she had worked herself nearly to her limit yesterday in training for the Elimination. On the day they had given her to spend with her family, Blaze had done the exact opposite. With only her abusive father left, she had decided to loosen herself up, and test her mutation. It was ridiculous, really, that they sent people like her into a rigged up forest for having these special abilities, and then thought it was a wonderful experience to watch them use them. Really, the way these people treated the Elimination, you'd think they were no more then celebrities. So, intending to sharpen probably the only thing that would keep her alive, Blaze had taken to the forest and climbed every tree she could find, timing herself. While this was a good thing, she had to drag her beaten body back to her home only to be graced with a lovely visit from her abusive father. It had been the first time in a while she hadn't seen him drunk, but he had still called her stupid for giving away her mutation, a liar for not telling him sooner, and worthless for running away from home. After his rants, he had promptly slapped her across the face and left, leaving his exhausted daughter behind with only a bruise on her cheek from him as a reminder of what she was to him. Even as she faced death.

So what motivation could there possibly be to even stand today? She would leave her home behind with a fresh bruise on her cheek to have her death filmed for the rest of Windtropollis's sick entertainment. The though disgusted her and she flopped back onto her bed to stare at her ceiling, inwardly using every piece of foul language she knew on the sickly rich city humans who'd designed her torture. Blinking slowly, she fought to rise to her feet. If she wasn't at the Preparation Hall by noon, they'd come to her home, burn it down, and force her to walk there in between brutal, televised beatings. Now there was some motivation. Being rebellious? Yes. Start of as a laughing stock? No. So with this, Blaze stood and managed to splash her face with ice cold water, waking her up completely.

The bruise on her cheek still presented a problem, but at least maybe people watching her would pin her as tough instead of weak. It was stupid that she thought about what the audience or other contestants thought, but this year she wanted to give them something they'd never seen. Someone who could beat their silly little game, defeating their purpose completely. With a smile at this thought, she grabbed her knives, leaving her guns behind since the selected weapon couldn't be modern. Another dumb rule, but at least a knife couldn't run out of bullets or had to be reloaded every few shots. No. A knife would be wonderful for her. She was excellent at throwing them as well as close combat with them.

Slipping two in their slots on her hips and two on her thighs, she left the house, meeting sneers and smirks with nastier ones in return. She didn't have much money, but at the little shop next to the station, she was able to trade a fifth knife for a ticket so that she could use her money for breakfast while she waited for her train to arrive. As she ate, the world seemed to pass by her in slow motion as people looked, pointed, started, smirked, and threw things. The whole city knew who she was, what she was, and why she was there and one little girl pointed and said "gross" as her mother tugged her away, fear in her eyes. How stupid that these people hated mutants so much, feared them like nothing else, and yet couldn't wait to cheer them on as they battled for their lives. She wondered what they would think if someone actually beat their game. What would they think? What would they do?

After arriving at the Preparation Hall and being assigned a room, she threw herself on the plush bed and watched the high domed ceiling, wishing the world was as simple as the beautiful paintings above her; depicting pink and purple flowers growing around frolicking children. She studied the painting closer and found that in the corner of the painting, hidden among the leaves of the forest was a mutant wolf with snarling teeth, ready to sink his fangs into the children. She laughed out loud. Was this their attempt at irony? She shook her head. Well then. Just for that, she wouldn't make herself pretty for them. Instead, she'd go to their little dinner just as she was and meet their officials, cameras, and contestants with a sarcastic bite.


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#, as written by Shané

Ember watched as Olive walked past her. The girl seemed to be looking at her as though contemplating exactly what she was. Again Ember found herself to be almost catalogued by another person, though she couldn't altogether blame the girl. Ember was a little unnerving, even she would not deny that, though sometimes she wished she would just be treated like the normal, though that was not to be. Ember knew she would probably never be loved by her peers, especially not now as her time came to a close. She followed Olive with her eyes as the girl pushed the door open to her room.

To be completely honest, Ember had forgotten her room number, not that she really cared. Even if she had a number she probably wouldn't want to be in it. Then again, if it had a balcony perhaps the fear would lessen. Her head ached badly from all the emotions she had experienced. She had been told to look presentable, though she couldn't see how it mattered. Watching her get torn to pieces wasn't pretty, so clothing would make no difference. Her plain back top and dark jeans were the only thing she had left, beside her small dagger, and she was going to die in them and not in some fancy article of clothing someone forced her to.

Olive had seemed to be determined about something, and naturally Ember assumed it was about living. No one had ever survived, and Ember had no delusions about herself. She did not have a great build and she knew she was weak. Her only hope was that her partner might have some pity on her and attempt to protect her, though the chance was slim. If one was to survive the Elimination, they would have to look out for themselves and that meant focusing their efforts on survival. Everybody knew protecting someone else would lower the already impossible chance of survival. She knew she was once again a useless side piece and really it would probably be better to resign herself to the fact that survival was not much of an option.

At least there were others slightly liker her. Ember sighed. Even if she did get to know anyone in this place which was as desolate as it was full of people, would they even care? Ember was strange, and she knew it. The other mutants had at least something in common, yet she was alone in her own species, whatever that was. The whole place was filled with people, yet each one was lonely in his or her own way, and Ember was no exception. She was honetly considering walking right out of this place, though she knew there was no point, unless one enjoyed a beating.


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Trevor woke with a swift kick to his ribcage, sending him rolling to the dusty floor boards under his creaky wire cot. Laughter filled the air around him as a plume of dust rose and he face planted, smacking his cheek hard to the wood. With a bruise on his ribs, Trevor looked up at the towering form of the only other eighteen year old in the orphanage. At eighteen, the kids were supposed to be forced out, but with little housing to spare and no money, the city often let them stay in the orphanage until the space was needed. Trevor jumped to his feet and leered at the boy, pushing his face into his. Unlike the boy in front of him, Trevor was not here by choice. He was here to watch over his fourteen year old sister whom he couldn't leagally take away until he was twenty one. Jack, the boy who had kicked him from his bed just smiled smuggley. "Go on. Hit me. Use your mutant powers to take me right out. I dare ya monster boy."

So Trevor did. He nailed him right on the chin, yanking his bottom jaw out of whack. The laughing stopped and the entire orphanage was focused on the two of them. Of all the kids, only Jack was old enough, tall enough, and stupid enough to piss him off and his continuous injuries had been proving that for years, he had never won. "Get out of here Jack." He hissed and watched in satisfaction as the boy ran off wailing, hand on his probably broken jaw.

With a sigh, Trevor rubbed his bruised rib and moved over to where his little sister Karley still slept. Her golden blonde hair spread about her pillow like a halo as she dreamed peacfully. Quietly, he woke her and smiled sadly. "I have to go now Karley. Take care. Don't be afraid to kick a little." The blue-eyed innocent nod he got back nearly broke his heart and he hugged her tightly. He knew it was lame for a goodbye, but Trevor and her had used their final day together whispering goodbyes and promises to each other that he knew he probably couldn't keep. Making it out of the mutant-filled forest would be one thing. Making it back would be another entirely. He was worried about Karley here in the orphanage, and had even gone so far as to pay off his sixteen year old friend as her "body gaurd." She was the only really pretty girl in the place and the only one who couldn't fight. She was always in danger and leaving her behind was worse then never seeing her again.

Karley slipped his knives into his hand before he could say anything else and kissed his cheek. "I'll be fine. Besides... I know about your deal with Connor. Now go. I want to see you win, not get dragged there." And with that, he left, making sure to glare at every cot that held a boy knowing they were already watching his sister even with him still in the room.

After the extremely long walk to the train station, the uneventful train ride, and the arivial in the massive city, Trevor found himself in room 403 wondering what to do next. He'd never seen such a clean room before and felt like his very presance was soiling it. With a sigh, he took a shower, and changed, feeling fresher then he could ever remember being. Karley would have loved everything about the city, for she was always trying to keep her dirty little area of the orphanage the cleanest. It was... but not like the room he was standing in. After "freshening up" He flopped onto the bed and decided to run through memories of Karley in his mind while he waited, feeling that now was the last time he'd have the chance to really miss his sister.


Okay, this is horrible, but I didn't have much time... Please excuse this (;


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#, as written by Shané

"Your a discrace. Do ya hear me son? A disgrace!"
Matt didn't even bother looking up. He rolled his eyes.
Whatever. It wasn't as if I planned to get myself on the Elimination list. I'm not even supposed to be there! It's all Jake Dobson's fault. Stupid boy, trying to play with death. We'll see how he likes it when I fix this mess.
His father's face was red with rage, and realising Matt didn't really care, he slammed the door of the mansion.
Matt just turned around. It's not like his father's thoughts even mattered, when was the last time he'd even looked at his son?
As he turned, he saw two Elimination officials coming towards him. Matt had perposfully not gone to the building.
I will talk it out with them.
"Hey, listen there's been some sorta mistake." he said jogging up to them holding his hands out to show he was serious "Twas' just a practical joke me friend did, kay?"
Neither of the men took any notice. One grabbed him by the arm and twisted it behind his back.
'Cause. They probably had heard the excuse to many times before. Damn Dobson! Anyway, he was not going to let himself be dragged up there, he would go and speak to Flavis, surely they wouldn't really expect him to be torn up with the mutant savages? He at least was normal.
"Okay, whatever. I'll go with ya" Matt told the two guys. "No need to drag me there, I'll just explain it to who ever is in charge."
One of the men let out a hoarse mocking laugh.
"Who ever is late gets taught a lesson. No exceptions. You can explain to the boss after punishment."
Matt burned with anger. No way was he going to let these two bozo's beat him up. He twisted round and gave the left man a right hook and nodded with satisfaction as it fell true hitting the mans temple, with force that would knock most people over. This however was not a normal man, he was trained for this and he simply reached out and grabbed Matt's collar, half choking him.
The second man struck him in the face.
"That'll teach ya to hit Josh in the face" the second sneered as "Josh" rubbed his head with his free hand.
Matt's head was starting to throb, but being stubborn, he refused to let them hold him, and he once again twisted round out of Josh's grip. Both men were strong, but so was Matt, and he knew it and was going to use that to his advantage. However even Matt realised he was slightly outnumbered, so he decided to take a low shot to the second man. He kneed him in the groin and started to run. The second man let out a groan and keeled over, while Josh swung out a massive fist and managed to get one last shot at Matt, before he tripped over his fallen companion.
Matt didn't look back, but ran straight forward. The last blow had split open his lip and he could taste blood. It's metallic flavour filled his mouth with an unnatural tang. His forhead was already bruising, but even so Matt smiled. Now all that was left to do was get out of the Elimination. Rather arrogantly, the thought that he might be reffused did not enter his mind.
It took only a five minute walk to reach the Elimination chamber. Being wealthy, Matt had grown up near the building and he was one of the ones that enjoyed the Elimination season. it was always interesting to see the half-human, half-beasts fight the other mutants of the forest. None of them really lasted for too long, however Matt did admit alot of them did reasonably well under the circumstances, but then again they were just animals.
When he reached the reception desk, Matt was told to look presentable and told his room number 401.
"Umm, lady. I actually ain't supposed to be here. Do I look like a mutant to you? Anyways, could I speak to someone in charge? It's all been a rather silly mistake"
The lady just looked up at him with a rather sarcastic look on her face.
"No you aren't a mutant, it says here you are a human criminal. And no one's to see the boss until he calls on you mutants." she spat the last word out.
Matt burned with anger.
"Don't you dare call me that!" he sneered, before stalking up to the elevator.
he honestlly considered causing a riot to call attention and hopefully get an audience with Flavis, but he knew it would probably not give him the best reputation. As the elevator doors opened, he saw a rather young girl staning outside. Her back was to him and she was normal.
Matt sighed with relief.
"Ahhhh! Someone normal! Obviously they've made another error..." Matt stopped dead in his tracks as he watched the girl turn, her eyes a deep unnatural green. He instantly recoiled and had an intense feeling of distaste. As he started to realise what she was, her face contorted with pain, and she desperately tried to get away from him, as though it hurt her to be near him. Her breath came out in deep gasps and she half walked half crawled away from him.
Matt was rather surprised by all this, though not overly worried by the fact that it seemed it was from him that she was fleeing. On the contrary, he enjoyed it. What did he expect? She was a mutant. Insane. No wonder she couldn't stand to be near him, he after all was a perfect human and not mutated.
He shook his head in distaste and walked right past her, not bothering to try help. After all, she probably wasn't able to comprehend help anyway.


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Flavis Lap

Flavis straightened his tie in his mirror. His grey and black hair was slicked back cleanly and he wore a crisp dark grey suit with a vivid purple tie. He smiled at his tall, clean, snake-like form and turned away from the mirror. He crossed his room to the telephone by the bed and pressed a button while he admired himself once more in yet another mirror. The phone only range twice until the pretty voice of his secretary came through. "Yes Mr. Lap?" She the woman asked nervously, and he could hear her tapping a pencil. Why wouldn't she be nervous? The only man more powerful then him was the King himself.

Flavis smiled and turned to the phone. "Flavis hun. Never call me Mr. Lap." She was new to the job so he didn't say it too forcefully and he heard her rustling to take the note. "Is dinner ready? Have you talked to the cooks about the feast?" He asked, checking up on arrangements for the televised meeting.

"Yes." Karina informed him. "Dinner is ready and the feast is set up."

"Cameras in place?" He asked.

"Hmmm... One second." At this, she stood and he could hear her heels clicking along the marble floor as she peeked into the dining hall quickly before returning. "Yes. Everything is ready for the meeting. Tables are set, the feast is set out, cameras in place, and your cards and list are in place as well. Would you like me to call them down now Sir?"

Flavis ran through his mental list of items and nodded. "Right. Call them down. I'm heading down now." He said with a snake-like smile and flicked off his phone, checking his reflection once more. He hadn't created the Elimination and it had been operating for much longer then he had lived, but he was now the sole designer of the program. He controlled and designed the construction of the traps in the forest, made sure that cameras were place everywhere and it was impossible for the contestants to hide from them, and was also in charge of interviews and the actual televised program. All of this made him one of the most powerful men in the city, with so many people at his command and all the technology of the city sitting at his fingertips. He nearly never left his office during the six months between each Elimination for plans were laborious work, but during the Elimination he was featured in a thousand interviews, and a million camera shots. Every person in Windtropollis knew his name and so far, he had been effectively doing his job of killing off the mutants. Not a single one had slipped through his grasp and out into freedom.

With a steady sigh, he straightened his coat and left his room, heading for the elevator. The hall was empty as it always was for nobody but the servants and maids dared to come on his floor. He stepped into the elevator and let the doors close around him, dropping twelve floors. When they opened again, he was in the grand lobby of the Preparation hall. His footsteps echoing loudly on the gold swirled marble as he made his way across the vast space, empty except for only doors along the walls, the four velvet chairs, and the secretary desk. The domed ceilings loomed above his extreme height and, as he passed her, Karina stood, clipboard in hand, dark hair swaying as she tried hard to keep up with him, in her loud heels. As they approached the grand two-door entry to the dining hall, she ran through a list of things that had been completed on time.

In the dining hall, the ceilings were domed once again with paintings depicting events from the earliest of Eliminations. At the highest point of the dome was a circular window that looked out on the setting sun, casting an orange glow on the room, making it seem cozy even though it was anything but. The floors were the same marble from the lobby and the walls had a simple red wallpaper on them, though the massive golden pillars that supported the ceiling rose intimidatingly above them. At the far end of the room was a lit fireplace with two plush red chairs before it and a large open space that seemed almost like a living room. This area was separated by the area with the feast by only a glass wall with two glass doors swung wide open. Finally, in the center of the room was a long grand, gold table the nearly reached the walls, piled high in nearly ever delicious dish the city had to offer. On the wall were the doors that lead to the kitchen allowing a waiter through every few minutes to adjust or add something.

With a wicked smile, Flavis seated himself at the head of the table, closest to the room that held the fireplace. Karina, looking unsure of what to do with herself, sat beside him and handed him his notes, cards, and the list of partnerships. He himself had already eaten, and none of this food was for him, but a waiter came out and poured him a glass of wine. This was for the contestants, they would eat, he would give them a run through on the rules, and introductions, ask for questions, and give them their partners. After the meal, the contestants would then be moved into the room with the fireplace, he would leave, and they could interact and plan. This second part of the evening was the only part that wouldn't be televised. Whatever their plan was, it would be their own.

Flavis smiled and folded his hands neatly before him, awaiting his victims.

Corey Turner

Corey was startled from a nap by a loud, feminine voice speaking through the speakers above his door. He threw himself from the too perfect bed and thumped his head hard against the marble floor. With a groan, he stood and rubbed his head, cursing himself for he had no doubt, left a bruise there out of his own stupidity. He could already feel it forming.

Taking his mind off the dark spot growing at the edge of his blonde waves, he focused on the voice. "Dinner is ready. Meet down in the grand dinning hall in no more then fifteen minutes or you will be forced there. You may access the hall through the lobby, behind the grand doors. Please be aware that the rest of the evening will be televised and all of Windtropollis will be required to view it." The voice cut out loudly, hurting his ears and he sighed.

With a quick glance towards the mirror before leaving, he confirmed that he did, in fact have a bruise. Shaking his head, he turned to leave the elaborate room and made his way down to the main floor. In the lobby, Corey saw at least a thousand doors rimming the walls, all looking grand. He had to ask a security guard which belonged to the dining hall, and once pointed in the right direction, made his way there easily.

Scents wafted toward him before he even opened the door and as if on cue, his stomach rumbled. This would be great. He'd had city-made-meals before, when his father was still alive and his cook Louise made all of his favorite lunches, but he'd never had a feast. With yet another sigh, he pushed open the door and his smile dropped into a frown when he found that he was the first one here and he would spend a few minutes alone with Flavis.

Expecting a slew of questions, Corey quickly found the seat with his name-card on it and sat. To his surprise though, Flavis only looked at him, blinked, and told him to fill his plate while he waited and that he could eat while he spoke once everyone had arrived. At this Corey began adding rolls and dishes, to his plate piling it higher then he ever had, wishing he had a large enough stomach to taste everything.

Olivia York

Olivia was busy playing with the high-tech television in her room when the secretary from downstairs buzzed in, telling her to head down to dinner. Intending to wait the full fifteen minutes, Olive just shrugged and went back to trying to figure out the extremely complex remote, but with a groan and a frustrated flip of her dusty blonde hair, she threw the thing back to the bed and stood. There was no reason to watch the T.V anyway, the only things that would come up would be heart-sickening programs about this years Elimination. She wanted to see it, just so that she could get a look at her fellow contestants, look a little into their stories, and figure out their strengths while she listened to the announcers talk about them, show pictures, and basically describe their lives. This was the approach most contestants took and was, in fact, the only reason the T.V had been placed in her room, but she decided against it. Mostly because she didn't want to see her own face up there, forced to sit through the announcers go on and on about events in her life that she herself couldn't say out loud.

With a growl from her stomach, the fox-faced girl decided she'd head down to the dinner. Without bothering to look in the mirror, not wanting to see the too-clean, too-skinny, girl that wasn't her, she left the room, letting the door slam loudly behind her. Nobody else was in the long hallway and the sound echoed, making her feel like the only person on earth even though she knew that was impossible. Slipping a knife in it's spot on the inside of the hip of her shorts, she stepped into the elevator. She knew the action had no-doubt been recorded, but she didn't care, she wasn't going anywhere in this building without a weapon on her and her bow and arrows would be much too obvious.

Once again, Olive couldn't help but gawk at the lobby and found her way to the dining hall easily, following her keen nose. When she pushed open the door, she was almost knocked out cold from the smell alone. In her entire life, Olive had never had a full belly. She was always hungry and had learned to live with it, now was as if all those years of hunger had just hit her in one wave and she had to place a hand on the door frame for support, causing a waiter to shuffle over to her quickly. Not wanting to seem needy, she waved him away and though her usual graceful walk was now wobbly and weak, she found her seat and only half registered Flavis's words when he told her to fill her plate. She was looking at the boy in the room, sizing him up as he was her. He had the same dusty blonde hair as her, but that was their only shared quality. Where she was small and slight, he was bulky and muscled, where she was sleek and sneaky, he was brash and bold. Another word from Flavis told her that small talk and introductions would be made after dinner and she knew by the tone of his voice, that he meant he didn't want them to waste time talking so she just shrugged, dropped her eyes, and began filling her plate with the biggest meal she'd had in her entire life. It could have probably fed her whole family for two days when she'd had them.


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#, as written by Byte
Jason listened intently to the voice interrupting his train of thoughts, it seemed whoever wanted to meet him. Was ready to receive him in the dining hall. Of course, he wouldn't be alone. There would be at least a handful of other's there, present to participate in 'The Elimination.' With a deep, depressed sigh, the Hermit stood up from his meditating position. And gave a hasty groan, as a pinch in his back interrupted further movement for a split second. “I suppose I'll be off then. Wouldn't want to be 'dragged' to the dining hall now, would I?” Jason gave his own words a series of eye rolling. They sure did enjoy toying with lives that don't belong to them. That was one thing he could be expecting, lots, and lots of toying with human lives. And mutant lives... The Hermit immediately scolded himself for even thinking that thought. After closing the door behind him, Jason made his way towards the elevator.

Once downstairs, it did not take Jason too long to locate the dining hall. The smell of food was quite the give-away. Though, the amazing appearance of the lobby and the hall leading towards the dining room didn't pass Jason unnoticed. Sure, he thought it was a load of... well, it was a bit excessive. Why would someone want to spend a whole bunch of money on something like this? With a soft shrug the Hermit continued his path, giving a soft gasp as he entered the large room. Luckily, Jason wasn't the first one to arrive. Two, contestants had already taken up their seat and began their meal. “It would be strange if I refused that offer...” Jason responded towards the man who told him he could fill his plate and take his seat. For a moment there, it did not feel like a prison, or a punishment at all. Somehow it made the Hermit feel not-in-place, and with that he meant his clothing was... well, out-of-place. It wasn't hard to tell that Jason was surprised by all this, wasn't this supposed to be his prison? If so, why would they do all this for criminals? It just felt, strange.

Before he took his seat, he unwrapped his long, ragged scarf from his neck and threw it over the back of the chair that was assigned to him. Even though he had filled his plate, Jason did not feel like eating. Instead, he poked the heap of food with his fork, while his mind wondered of to wherever it wanted to go. Jason just wanted things to roll, then he could get the introductions over with, decide on who is trustworthy and who isn't, and call it a day. He had better things to do, like forming a plan on how to survive, and win...


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#, as written by Shané

Ember was standing at the front of the elevator, struggling to catch her breath. Her head pounded with the strong emotions she had felt from the boy with the split lip and bruises. At first he seemed only angry, and while it wasn't an overly pleasant emotions, the anger was not directed at her and didn't hurt her. That was until she had turned around. His emotions had changed so suddenly that her head had begun to throb and the anger had turned into a burning anger towards herself. Thank goodness he had moved on quickly.
Normally it wouldn't of affected her so much, but it was so unexpected Ember had not managed to put of the thin protective shield around her mind. The sheild usually stopped others emotions from physically hurting her, like the pounding of her head, but she hadn't expected to need it for a fellow mutant. Then again he did seems rather normal. She decided to be more carful, she had underestimated the nature of these people, it would not happen again. She had expected fear, anger, confusions, sorrow and othersuch emotions, but the hatred she had assumed would not be directed at her.
She sighed as she stood up slowly, wincing as the pounding in her head increased slightly. She rubbed her temples with both hands until she felt as though it was no longer too painful. And then the announcement came over the PA. She obeyed, and made her way to the meeting room. The aroma of food wafted through the door, yet Ember's stomach was in knots. Her shield was jambed firmly into place, yet she could still feel the burning hatred of the man sitting at the head of the table.
His hatred was different from the boys in the corrodor, it was not directly pointed at her, but obviously at the other "mutants" at the table as well. His hatred also was ice cold. Unlike the feirce, red burning, it felt like a servere ice burn and mader Ember feel chilled to the bone. For a while Ember couldn't take her emerald eyes of him, but then her attention was drawn to the young man. Like Olive, the boys emotions were muddled, so he was obviously an animal mutant. Even through this mist of animal feelings, Ember could still feel a silent strength that seemed to come from his person, she turned to see the man next to him, and was startled to find that his emotions were as easy to read as a book. Obviously a human criminal. She could feel his discomfort, it seemed he was not comfortable around people. His deeper feelings also changed alot, giving Ember the impression he was thinking and planning, though that was no surprise. The man was also quite... how would you put it? Determined or strong. Ember could feel that he was planning on winning. And then there was Olive as well.
Over all these feelings the smug hatred was pouring from Flavis like an ice cold river, and Ember gingerely took a seat as far away from him as possible. She had become quite pale, and she knew she looked vulnerable, probably the youngest one in the room. She also was rather sensitive about her clothing, as she remembered forgetting her room number and therefore not changing to "suitable attire". She prayed whatever punishment she would recieve would not be too harsh, though she was not optimistic.
When she was told to eat, she simply stared at Flavis coldly before staring straight a head. She was not going to touch the food of this murderer, for that was who he was. He may not actually do the deed, yet he planned it, and he was the one who had the power to save and kill her. He had already chosen, and now he had the nerve to dine with his victims, the ones about to be torn apart for his entertainment.

As soon as the voice appeared over the speakers, Matt rushed out of his room. He had not changed, after all he would leave as soon as he had a chance to speak to Flavis. He marched down the hallway and opened the doors to the dining room. Food was placed on the table, though it wasn't too extravegant. Though that was hardly surprising, they were after all mutants. Matt though did admit it was rather alot and though ordinary for him, being a richer person, it was a little too much for the scum occupying the chairs around the table. Matt glared at the people around the table. His mouth twisted in a sneer as he noticed the girl he had driven to her knees in the hall. She was quite pale now, though that wasn't a big deal.
Flavis told him to take a seat and fill his plate. Matt bristled at this, he was being treated like the other trash.
"I think there has been a mistake. I am not some sort of stupid mutant...neither am I some idiot that alines themselves with them. An enemy of mine reported me to get rid of me, though obviously it won't work as I am sure that you will fix this mess up." Matt explained rather arrogantly, that was until he felt the eyes of the occupants of the table. No doubt he had angered them, not that there thoughts mattered. The dark haired girls green eyes bored into him. Her mouth was in a hard line and she neither was frowning or smiling, simply staring darkly at him.
Even with Matt's indifferent attitude, he found it unnerving, and he delivered his own glare at her.


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Blaze: She yawned and slowly blinked open her eyes looking around the large and elegant room. She jumped up off the small plush bed realizing how long she had napped for. She groaned and ran into her small bathroom grabbing a small red brush from the snow white colored counter top and quickly ran it through her hair watching herself in the large mirror. She turned and grabbed her black hoodie with the grey fir around the hood and threw it on quickly rushing out the door smiling at the painting of the children and the mutant wolf. So many thoughts where racing through her head as she rushed down the large halls trying to find her way to the elevator and from there to the dining room.
She could feel the bruise on her cheek throbbing and she felt as if her head was going to explode from all the possibilities there where in the forest. Would she survive? She didn't know but there was one thing that she knew for sure. She would not fall without fighting her best.
She skidded to a halt in front of the elevators doors and pressed the button quickly three or four times. She tapped her foot impatiently as the doors finally opened up and she moved inside, turning around to watch the hall on the other side her feline eyes scanning it taking in it's details. That was when she really noticed it. More then half of the paintings had some kind of mutant in them and each mutant was either stalking a human of depicted as a disgusting monster. She rolled her eyes as the doors to the elevator closed in front of her cutting the paintings from her line of sight.

Blaze leaned her hip against the wall of the elevator and held her hand out in front of her turning it palm up, palm down, then back to palm up. She stopped and used her finger of her other hand to trace the spots of darkened skin that formed the pattern of a cheetah's coat on the back of her hand. She sighed and flipped her hand palm up again looking at the perfectly pale skin. She had the spots, as people called them, everywhere on her body except the palm of her hands and the bottom of her feet. The spots on her face hardly visible seemed to make her look like an exotic creature. Beautiful but at the same time dangerous.
She bit her lip looking at her reflection on the metal wall of the elevator. She lifted her long fingers up to her bruise and gently put a little pressure on it. She closed her eyes as the elevator doors opened in front of her and she stepped once again out into the halls filled with paintings that where bagging on the mutants. She walked down a few long halls practically laughing at some of the paintings by the time she finally made it to the dining room. She looked around at the people that filled the room scarfing down the food as it came.
She sighed and found a spot at the table away from most of the people. She sat down and began filling her plate up quickly and greedily. She glanced around the room taking a large bite out of the bread. She took in details about all the people here, the human that acted as if he didn't belong here and that demanded his problem be fixed, the pale girl with dark hair watching him, and one of the girls that refused to eat.
She sighed finishing her bread quickly and taking a bite out of what ever meat they had given her. Once she was finished she stood up and walked over to the girl not eating and sat down. "You might want to eat. Even if they do mean to kill us your going to need your strength if you want any possibility of getting out."


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Flavis Lap

Flavis observed the teenagers in the room with hatred in his eyes. Typically, on a day-to-day basis, this group of people, with the exception of two, would look completely human. You would never be able to tell they had the traits of animals, but now that they faced death and their biggest secret had been shown to all of Windtropollis, they were painfully obvious. The first one to enter was a tall, built boy with unusual black eyes. His hair was almost whit, it was so blonde and it tossed about his head in haphazard waves. The boy was gigantic with shoulders that could no doubt lift a small car. After him came a girl who was so startlingly opposite him that it was shocking. The only thing they shared was their dusty blonde hair. She was tiny and it took him less then a second to determine who she was for her face as so sly and dainty with those honey gold eyes, that there was no way she wasn't part fox. She nearly fainted at the door, and Flavis lifted his hand to wave a waiter over to help her. To his surprise, she pushed him away and gave Flavis the most determined look he'd seen on a mutant in his presence yet. She would be fun to kill.

After the blonds came a boy who had obviously denied his request to dress appropriately for the cameras. He sat and filled his plate, but also ignored his request to eat and Flavis let a sly smile slip onto his snake-like lips. Between the three of them, the blond boy was the only one who had truly cleaned up for he was freshly showered, groomed, and wore clean, presentable cloths. The girl was clean, but unlike the other girls who'd been on the show in the past, she'd ignored all the skirts and dresses, her hair was still half-wet, and her face was completely void of makeup. After the, obviously human criminal, came a girl with jet black hair and eyes that shocked him. She staggered some when she saw him and with that small indication, he knew she was the mood-reader. He grinned and winked darkly to her when she sat and refused to eat. Then came the most interesting, a boy who claimed that his being there was a mistake and a girl who sat and inhaled everything she could with faint leopard spots decorating her skin, giving her what some would call an exotic beauty, but what he called a monstrous mutation. He scowled at the girl for, along with the fox girl, her mutation was the most evident. After her, came another boy with a certain wisdom about him and then another girl with dark hair and "claws" on each of her fingers.

Through all of this Flavis had sat quietly, his only movements being limited to the turn of his head, the blink of his eyes, and an occasional sip of his wine. Once all of the contestants had joined them, the boy who claimed his spot in the Elimination was a mistake was still standing and all eyes in the room were on him and the boy. Flavis glanced up at Karley behind him and he nodded and began to buzz about the room, heels clacking as she cued each camera and finally announced "live." Now the whole city was required to watch. People's T.Vs would turn themselves on and not turn off for his following speech and those who either didn't have one or refused to watch it, would be forced outside into the nearest square where large televisions were mounted for the general public. This process was dangerous in the winter Elimination, but since this was the summer one, the squares would probably be more popular since the citizens could talk amongst themselves as they watched.

Flavis smiled wickedly and rose slowly, his long fingers releasing his wine. "There's always one." He explained to catch the audience up a bit. "Who claims that they're in the game because of a joke or mistake." He blinked. "My advice to you is to sit down, fill a plate, and except the fact that your fate is set. The alternative is a slice of stale bread, a half a glass of water, and instead of your lovely furnished room, shackled to a damp wall in a dark, cold room." With a flick of his wrist, a server stepped in and forced the boy to sit.

Flavis smiled again and gestured to the table. "Well. Where do I begin? Ah yes. I know." Taking another clam sip of his wine, he glanced down at his cards. "As you all know, my name is Flavis. I am the sole designer of the Elimination and the person in charge of killing you." With a small, wicked laugh, he continued slowly. "You may be wondering why we're treating you criminals to such luxury. Why pamper something you intend to kill right? Well the answer is simple. You may keep your fancy rooms and full bellies in exchange for cooperation. After all.... If we dragged you here and beat you, locking you away in a dark room before sending you into the trees, we may risk the chance of beating the fight out of you. Yes we wish to kill you, but the fact that some of you are determined to win makes for a much more interesting game and I do believe that the general public agrees with me when I say that us citizens enjoy a good game." He sneered the word citizens as if saying that they were nothing more then mutant animals and not people who inhabited the great Windy City.

"Now for the rules. Every game must have rules correct? And to be an appropriate player, you must follow these rules. Tonight you will be given the privacy to discuss your strategies in the glass room behind me. You will not be recorded and you may tear the room apart if you'd like, but this is the only room in the building that doesn't have a single microphone. After as much time as you need of this, you will all retire to your rooms for the night and tomorrow the game will begin. You will have a short, televised interview before you are sent into the forest. From that point on, there are very little rules except for the few reminders that- A: You will not be able to escape our cameras. B: The only person you are required to stay with is your partner. C: You may kill the others, but there is no killing your partner. And D: There is no sneaking back into the city for as soon as we place you into the woods, an invisible field will electrocute you to death before you can even realize what you've hit. Any violation of these rules will result in the springing of a specialized, inescapable trap that will result in a slow, painful, televised death." At this he grinned once more, for out of all of his traps, the inescapable ones were his favorites.

"Your sole motivation is to survive. Nobody has ever beat the Elimination and what you are trying to do is escape the woods before you are killed. Once out of the woods, you are completely safe, will never be hunted again, and are free. You may return to the city or you may remain in the trees. It's a beautiful prize really and your story would never cease to be repeated." He snarled at the idea of a mutant beating him. "But if you do not make it out of the forest... You die." Now Flavis could hear the cameras zooming on faces and rotating around the room. When the head camera man gave the thumbs up, they all clicked off one by one and Karley told him he was "all clear". "Right." Flavis said, finishing off his wine. "You may now move into the sitting room and discuss your strategies over some exceptional wine in front of the fire. If you have any questions, Karley here will answer them after your time. If you leave the room, you may not re-enter so be sure you're finished talking." And with that, he left the room with Karley racing quickly after him, barely slipping through the door before it slammed shut behind them, leaving the mutants to the bustling waiters and two husky security guards that stood on either side of the glass door.


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#, as written by Shané
Matt's emotions were threatening to overwhelm him. His anger burned like liquid fire within him as he was forced to sit. As Flavis began to talk he began to get a peculiar sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach and the ice cold hand of fear seemed to close around his heart. For the first time since arriving Matt actually realised that this was one fight he may not be able to win. He felt weak in the knees as he realised that the odds were not good and he was probably going to die. Actually the chance was more of a certainty, because even if he could survive the traps, what would these mutants do to one who was not there own?
Flavis continued to talk, and Matt began to shudder slightly at the reality that had now hit him.

He was now officially stuck in the most deadly game in Windtropolis with a bunch of mutants that now hated him, and to make things worse the whole world would watch him die screaming. He froze, he now felt utterly spent. Matt found himself sinking into a pit that no amount of will was going to get him out of it. He now felt remote and rather detached and numb. Nothing he was going to do would help him. He could see that now, Flavis obviously wasn't going to let him go, and the whole city was probably laughing at his feeble efforts of release. Jake was probably sitting at home having a good laugh at the fact that for once he wasn't going to be under Matt's gang's shadow.

If they wanted the fight to stay alive, they had currently failed with Matt. He no longer cared about surviving, not that it matters really, just because you don't want to die doesn't make you immortal.

Ember felt the girl feline move next to her and encourage her to eat. She was truly beautiful, that is if you didn't have a twisted mind like Flavis or that other boy. The problem was Ember honestly could not eat even if she tried, she was actually struggling to stay concious. Flavis hate continued to hammer into her mind and it only grew stonger with each word he spoke in his revulsive speech. Ember then felt the other emotional boy begin to be crushed. His burning anger started to melt to a deep depression and a painfully overwhelming despair. His fear was so strong Ember found herself gripping her head in both hands. She took in a shuddering breath as Flavis's icecold hate battered one side of her mind and the boys fear and pain took control of the others.

Suddenly she felt his mind snap under his emotions and grief and utter brokeness's flooded into her mind smashing in through her shield. Tears poured down her cheeks as she felt all his sorrow enter her mind, and soon after the ice cold hate that seemed to take complete control of her mind. Her body snapped into place and froze, head in hands slightly hunched over her empty plate, her cheeks glistening with moisture. And then the hate dissapeared as Flavis left the room. This allowed herself to shove her shield into place, and stopped the overflow of the boys emotions.

As she looked up through blurred eyes, she saw the boys now inferiour position. His shoulders were no longer held aloft and proud, and his head was bowed slightly, with his face completely unreadable. His emotions still rammed against her shield, and before she could stop herself Ember lept up from the table, sending her chair crashing into the floor, and pressed herself against the far side of the wall in a desperate attempt to get away from the boy. Her head was hurting and it was only when she realised that she was still holding her head, that she noticed her nails had carved a long and bloody path on either side of her temples. All this had happened in a matter of minutes, and Ember allowed herself to sink to the floor, wiping away her tears, mixing them with the blood from her nails. The room now was silent. And Ember could feel the eyes of the occupants in the room staring at her.

"His emotions..." she managed to gasp "hurt."
It was all she could manage to say as she gently pointed a shaking finger at Matt.


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She watched the dark haired girl a bit worried and stood up walking over to the human boy who's emotions where running wild. She leaned down whispering quietly into his ear. "I know it's hard, I know your scared and I know you don't belong here, but i need you to try and calm down, breath and take control of your emotions."
She backed away from him and crossed her arms looking around the room. There where no paintings in this room depicting mutants as monsters, this she found somewhat comforting. "So any plans? We stay with our partner and only our partner? Stay in a group and use our mutations together, kill each other off?" She said the last one sarcastically. She knew for a fact she wouldn't even try to kill anyone in the room with her. They where all fighting for the same thing and they where all just as scared as her. She waited for someone to throw out some ideas her cat like eyes gliding over everyone in the room locking on a boy in the back with dark brown hair and a face that reminded her of an owl.
"How about you? Got any ideas?" She walked up to him pulling out a chair and sitting down on it in front of him.


Trevor's eyes snapped open and locked onto the girl sitting in front of him his mind racing to catch every detail about her mutation. The darkened skin resembling spots seemed to give off the fact that her mutation was part cheetah but there where more large cats mixed within her. Her golden eyes gave off a part of her that was tiger and then her dark black, not dark brown, but actual black hair gave off the fact that she also had black leopard in her mutations.
Each of the three big cats had different genes and different stats. Cheetahs coming with amazing speed are short on stamina. But Black leopards are short on speed and have high stamina and then the part of her that was tiger gave her great strength. In short each of her feline mutations made up for her lack of stats with one another. He knew she was incredibly deadly. He smiled flipping a strand of his dark brown hair out of his face watching her still. "I think we should stick in a group." He stood up speaking loud and clear to make sure the others could clearly hear him. "They partner us up expecting us to stay with our partners. If we stick together then we can use the different mutations together we can have a chance of winning. Like you." He pointed to the girl with dark black hair that could feel emotions. "If they send someone after us or a creature is near by you can sense them, meaning the whole group would know what to expect instead of just her and her partner knowing and no one else. Blaze you have amazing hearing and your naturally nocturnal. You'd make an excellent night guard for us. Since your feline eyes allow you to reflect light and see as clear as day. See? If we stick together and work as a team we can all make it out of here human or mutant."
He sat back down crossing his arms over his chest and looked at the boy that claimed he shouldn't be here. "We're all in this together now whether you want to be or not. And we will all fight for each others lives, human or mutant."


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Corey Turner

Corey watched while, as soon as Flavis left the room, the mood imediatly changed. The dark haired girl stood and claimed that the boy who wanted to leave was hurting her. He stepped over to the girl and helped her stand, leading her to a chair far away from the boy. "Just relax." He whispered. "Deep breaths." He sat next to her, hoping that his calm mood would help to cancel out some of the negative emotions in the room. He watched as the others talked and listened quietly, running his strong hands through his blonde hair. He watched as the boy with the wise looking eyes that were unusually large spoke about sticking together and nodded. Corey himself wasn't much of a planner. He was more of a fighter then a thinker, but the idea of staying together as a group seemed to be the best way to go. He tried to think back to year after year of Eliminations in his life, going over deaths, faces, and traps. From what he could tell, most of the traps were designed for one or two people and none of the Eliminations in his time had ever been a team effort. It would be hard, trying to keep everyone alive in such a big group and there were a few, like the dark haired girl next to him, that seemed like they'd need constant protection. Though it might be risky enough to work. Whatever these people did, he'd go along with. He didn't like the idea of his mother home with only his friend to protect her. How would he handle her? What would she do when she saw his face on the T.V as she had when she'd seen her friends? Would he give up on her screams and just send her to a mental institute? Corey hoped not, and the thought of his frazzled mother put a new ambition in his heart and his black eyes took in every form in the room, sizing them up. "I'll be back." He said, standing. If the group was going to get anywhere in planning, they'd need the partner list. So he stood, but at the door, he remembered that Flavis had said if they left, they couldn't return, so instead, he turned to one of the gaurds. The man was huge, but Corey, with his inhuman strength could easily take him and he wondered how many more of these men he would have to take out if he tried to escape. "Can you please get the partner list from Karley for me?" He said. The man looked skeptical, but left anyway and Corey waited.

The man returned moments later with the list and Corey nodded in thanks, turning back tot he room as he looked it over. "I have the partners list." He announced, waving the paper in the air, and then standing at the head of the table. "Alright. Olive and Matt are to be partners." He looked up, trying to put faces to names, looking for a spark in the eyes of someone who recognized their name. He saw the fox-faced girl lift her chin as she looked up to him, her features shockingly delicate and contemplating. He could practically feel the gears turning behind her golden eyes. The boy who had claimed his participation in the Elimination was a mistake also looked up at him, and Corey took a mental note of the twos names. "Ember and Trevor are to be partners." He said and at this, he saw the dark-haired girls green eyes flit about, no doubt trying to find her partner amongst the nameless faces and the owl-eyed boy turn his head. "Myself, Corey Turner, and Blaze Evans are partners." Remembering Trevor say her name, he turned to Blaze and took in her feline form, sitting in front of Trevor as her eyes turned to him and nodded. She'd make a perfect partner. "Altsoba and Jason are the final two." The quiet boy who, so far had refused to eat, and hadn't talked looked up and so did the sleek, feline looking girl who, also hand't spoken. With a nod, he placed the sheet on the table and took his seat beside Ember back, glancing at others around the room, hoping someone would take the speaking from him. To his relief the other blonde stood up.

Olivia York

When the boy, Corey, set the paper down on the table, Olive sat upright and snatched it faster then he could probably even think. Her golden eyes scanned over it quickly before she stood quickly and gracefully. She looked at Trevor and licked her lips dryliy, thinking his plan over. A flick of her fingers against the table, and the toss of her golden eyes about the room and she had already fully considered it. Being part fox, she was naturally clever and cunning. She'd been thinking about it all night and with another toss of her eyes, she knew what to say. "I agree." She spoke in a voice that told those in the room that even though she looked delicate, she was sharp as a tack and deadly as a knife. "We work as a group, it's never been done before. It's new and new is what we'll need. We can't be stupid like the others. Though the idea of partners is still plenty useful." At this, she looked at Trevor and flicked her tongue across her lips once more to ready herself. "Look. We're prevented from killing these people we've been partners with." With a sharp glare at the boy who so hated mutants she added, "sadly" with a cunning smile for she was only half joking. "So I say we work... as a team, yes, but still apply the concept of the partners. This is a great group and unlike, other Eliminations, we're all different, and we can all contribute to the group differently. But we're going to face a lot out there and we'll have to know someones behind us every step of the way. I say we stay together as a group, camp as a group, but we don't hunt as a group or fight as a group or take watches as a group." Seeing a confused look on every face but Trevor's, she let out a small noise of frustration and went on. Sometimes, being part fox meant that when she tried to explain things, people didn't always grasp it right away and she had to go into great detail. "Look. We stick with our partners. We'll work as a group of partners. Every person is responsible for the act of keeping their partner alive. When the group is on the move, everyone will travel in twos. When the group is hungry, we send out someone to hunt, but their partner must accompany them. When someone takes watch, their partner takes watch with them, you see?" Now people were starting to nod their heads.

"Also," She added. "If we're to plan, we'll need an idea of what everyone is, and what they can do." Now people were beginning to look nervous, for their mutations were their deepest secrets and she was asking them to just give them out. She would have to prompt them by beginning, so biting her lip she said. "I'm not asking you to give us your life story. I know mine's been rough, and you're probably not even interested in hearing a complete background, but we'll need to know any special attributes, limits, weapons. Those things. I myself... Well." She smirked, letting a clever grin slip to her face. "I'm sure you've guessed what I am, but my other half is that of a silver fox. At night, I have a tail, along with a pair of ears. I'm somewhat of a cross between a wolf and a cat." She sighed, thinking about what she could do as a result of her mutation. "I can lie with perfection, run, climb, and sneak. My size makes me fast and able, I have exceptional balance, but I'm not strong. When I fight or hunt, I have to do so from a distance. I'm terrible with close combat, but I can work a knife. I can throw them, and I know a little about close combat with them, though not much." At this, she pulled out the one on her hip and pressed the tip to the wooden table, letting it rotate slowly under her finger. "Though... I have a terrible temper and I'm..." She sighed and looked up. "I'm somewhat of a coward. Typically, I look out for myself and only myself, but I'll do my best. I'm no hero." She glanced at the boy who she was to be partnered with. "And I'm not afraid to stand up for myself should someone threaten me." He hated mutants, and she was one. She hoped she could rely on him. "I'm best with a bow and arrow and most of my usefulness will probably come out of my hunting ability." Olive let her gold eyes drop to the rotating knife, biting her lip hard. She'd stopped talking and could feel every eye on her as they took in what she'd said. It was weird, revealing herself to these people so openly, but if they were to work together they had to know. With a tight pinch of her metallic eyes, she sat down and looked at no one in particular. "Someone else want to pick up now?" She snarled, desperately wanting to take the eyes off of her as well as the pressure to say more. She'd done enough talking. She wanted to know more about these people. Especially Matt, whom she was to be partnered with.


[ Eh. Sorry if it feels like she's bragging or like... going on and on about herself. ]


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#, as written by Shané
Ember felt Corey take a seat next to her. His calm indifference to the situation felt like a soothing balm to the torrent of Matt's emotions. She felt herself relax more, and slowly sat back in her chair. The attmosphere in the room had changed dramatically, and Ember felt rather uncomfortable about all the fuss she had caused. She desperately wished she could turnback the clock and erase what had happened, yet wishful think would do no good.
"Sorry" she managed to whisper to Corey. She also felt extremely guilty for pointing out Matt, she couldn't help feeling his emotions yet now she had pointed them out to the whole room. And then the boy Travis began to speak. His idea was a good one, with one problem. She still could not sense animal emotions, not allowing her to feel animals. She began to see the real problem now. If they all stuck together she had a feeling she would be the weaker link. What good was feeling others emotions?k What made matters worse was that the fox-girl Olive seemed to think it good to stay in pairs as well as in a group so she couldn't possibly leave her least if they stayed in a group, if she got ... removed, he would have everyone else anyway. Now there was only one possiblity and that was to figure out how she could best served the group. Everyone else seemed to have some survival mutation and even the two humans were male and looked reasonably strong.
When Olive sat down she stared at everyone in turn, waiting for someone to stand up and take her place. Ember immediately felt her discomfort at being the centre of attention and in order to stop it, she found herself stand up. It was too late to back down, and Ember found herself second to reveal the abilities that no one knew how much pain it caused.
"I am afraid I may be the weakessed in the group" she began with a sympathetic glance at Trevor who was forced to be partnered with her "No doubt you have noticed my lack in physical strength. I also have no mutation linked to the strength or cunning of an animal...I am a little different. I feel others emotions." she said this rather quietly as immediately Matt's discomfort raised and everyone elses slightly as well.
"I don't mean to" she said quickly "And I know that they are personal, but I cannot help being what I am. Trevor is right in saying I could sense if a person was sent after us, however my abilities do not extend to animals, making me useless at detecting animals. One good side of this is that I also have trouble understanding all of the more animal like in this groups emotions"
Ember hesitated at one point, her next thought hadn't been entirely proven.
"...I also have a small theory that by being nearer to all of you, I might get better at sensing animals...though I am not certain. It seems the more I use my...empathetic talents, the stronger they become so perhaps I can learn to use them better..."
She said the last past a little eagerly determined to be useful to some extent. Then feeling a little self-conscious she sat down rather hurredly.


Matt looked up shocked when the girl, Ember, announced he was hurting her...and more to his astonishment, when she could read his emotions. This was even worse. He did not need everyone knowing how he felt...especially not her. He thought about perposefully making his emotional state worse, however he did not have much control over his emotions, and then Blaze asked him gently to calm down. They all seemd different to how he had been taught, they almost acted like humans...but they are still savages he reminded himself fiercely. And then he found out he was to be partnered to the fox-girl Olive. He didn't need Ember's abilities to tell him she was wary of him, not that he could really blame her.
Now he was again thinking of her as human...stupid. Then again she was rather attractive, with her vibrant fox-like qualities, not that that was important, she was probably a simpleton.
After Ember spoke, he felt Olive's intense fox gaze on him. No doubt she wanted to know about her partner. Realising she was proabably not going to stop until she heard. He stood.
"Listen, you probably all heard about me not supposed to being here. And I am not some sort of mutant, or a human criminal" he said this with apparent disgust, before sighing and continuing.
"Though at the moment you seem to be more human then him." he spat the last word out as he remembered malicious and calculating Flavis. "What am I talking probably don't understand...ugh! Whatever, anyway I don't have any stupid "talents", but I am physically strong, and seeing as I have to work with you things, I will manage and I will work as a team, even if I don't like you. You don't have to like someone to be loyal."
He said this last bit giving Olive a defient stare as he sat down. The whole thing had taken alot out of him as he realised that now the prospect of a fight and horrible death was as close to enivitable as you could get it. He was rather happy with his speech, and he just prayed his tough and sarcastic speech would divert everyone from the stupid mood-readers little tyrade. Hopefully now they would not remember how upset he had been, and still was. As he thought he made a quick glance at Ember.
She had looked up at him with sympathy. He looked quickly down, she at least, had not been fooled.


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#, as written by Byte
Jason looked up as Flavis spoke. Rolling his eyes at the... well... it was a dull and dark presentation of what was to be the Elimination, it was dark enough to even make Jason look up and pay attention. Trust me. I intend to win. The Hermit stared at the old man with cold, steely eyes. He could've asked why they wanted to delay certain deaths, but that answer was as obvious as the sun rising from the East. They just wanted to see this group 'Eliminated.' for their own damned pleasure. Still it made no sense, why send them into the nearby forest? Wouldn't that make it easier for the group to flee? Survive? Sadly, to his own fear, he would find out what kinds of danger would lurk in the forest soon enough.

- “Altsoba and Jason are the final two.”

Jason was broken from his train of thoughts, and looked up to the person who had spoken his name. A tall, tough young man with blond hair. Mutant. Was the first word that rose up in Jason's mind, wasn't it obvious? The group had started to form plans, strategies. Something Jason was thinking of all by himself. It... couldn't hurt to listen in for a bit, perhaps something useful will pop up and they could all go home safe and sound. Well... home, as in 'survive.'. It was quite impressive how quick the group was able to figure out a working plan. Yet, it was fairly flawed as well. Should one person, or opposing team disagree and leave, their plan would break. Everything would do, as long as it wouldn't interrupt Jason's forward path.

- “... and seeing as I have to work with you things,”

The Hermit clenched his fist, though it was more a resist to punch that ignorant boy. Rather then the hate for a bad choice of words. This... Matt person apparently had a brain but refused to use it eighty percent of the time. “If mutants and human criminals are things. Then...” Jason looked at the boy with his sapphire blue eyes. “... what would you name yourself?” The Hermit gave a deep disappointed sigh before continuing. “If you aren't one of the latter. Then why are you here?” He gave the boy a cold stare, not approving of the boys behaviour. Although he felt like he needed to punch the fool as well, but they were not here for that now, were they? “But. You wanted to know about what I can do, no?” Jason turned towards the fox mutant, Olive. “I'm a decent swordsman, I know a bit about living in the wilds, and I... well, pretty much anything you ask me to do, I can do.” Jason shrugged. Hopefully these people were satisfied with the answer. If not, well, too bad. Those were the important things they needed to know. Anything else was... useless information to them. For now at least.


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Blaze stood up her feline eyes no longer in slits as they glided over everyone in the room landing on her partner. "My names Blaze for those that didn't catch it and if you all haven't already realized from my eyes or my spots I'm a feline mutant. Not one of the cute cuddly kitty cats every little girl wants, but the big bad dangerous ones." She smiled giving the group a feel on her humor.
"I'm a mix between a Cheetah, which lets me run faster, a Black Leopard, which lets me run longer, and a Tiger, which makes me stronger." She paced the room aware that all eyes were on her. "I can climb trees without a problem, I can see clear as day at night, and I have excellent hearing. As the three cats mixed in my blood I am not a morning person, let alone a day person, because I am nocturnal and are on top of my game at night it will be best for me to stay up on night guard. And here is a warning. In the morning if you wake me up in any way that startles me you will lose a body part, because again from my mutation I have the instinct to kill."
She stopped pacing and looked around the room once more before continuing. "I am excellent in close combat, I can shoot a bow and arrow, not perfectly but good enough, and I can shoot a gun. At night my spots get darker allowing me to blend with the environment around me. Also I have some medical experience."
She walked back to her seat to sit down but stopped. "I also forgot to say the flaws I have." She sighed and looked down. "I'm stubborn and its hard to control my anger. Sometimes it clouds my judgment and sometimes gets me into tough spots. That's why I'm a weaker link and why i shouldn't be pressured into making any major decisions. Also because of my instincts and my trouble with anger I don't take the time to think about things."
She sat down and glanced to Trevor telling him to take the stage.


Trevor watched Blaze sit down and look at him. As she did he slowly stood up and walked to the front of the room contemplating on what to tell them. "Well, I'm Trevor." He gave the group a weak smile before continuing. "I'm an owl mutant. At night I have wings. I'm very smart and there's not much I don't know. I'm also very strong and good in close combat. But I tend to over think things and react late."
He looked around. There wasn't much more about him to tell so he went on to a new subject. "Ember I don't want you thinking your the weakest link. We all have flaws and we all need to overcome them." His eyes locked with the human boy's as he said this. "Me and Blaze will help you get better with your power and eventually get you to sense animals emotions. We will also help everyone with low physical strength get stronger. We are all a team now, and I will not let anyone here die without a fight."


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Olivia York

Olive watched the others with interested golden eyes. The team was forming an alliance. Something that had never been done before on the Elimination. At least not in her lifetime. She watched with a sly smile on her face as the others told about their advantages and disadvantages and when Trevor and Blaze finished, she stood once more. Olive held no qualities about her that called for leadership and she looked like the least likely to come up with a plan, but seeing as she was already on a roll she decided not to stop. It was so unlike her, fending for other people, for she had always looked out for herself. Even when her brother had been alive, the two of them with fox in their blood only took care of each other on an emotional level.

She glanced at the others and nervously tapped her fingers on the wood as their eyes turned to her. "Well now that we know each other some we can assign positions." She chuckled and looked at Blaze. "I think we all agree that Blaze will be most useful as a night guard and her partner, Corey, is strong. Like a bear. If anything attacked I think they'd be great for a night watch." Now she gestured to herself. "I, as I mentioned, would probably be best in hunting, but my partner bothers me." She glanced at Matt, looking him up and down. "If he can move with any bit of stealth then the two of us can be a hunting team, me as the hunter, him as a gaurd since he's strong and I'm not." Her head turned to Ember. "Ember and her partner... Well you seem bright Ember, but not quite like Trevor. Trevor I have a feeling you're going to become the brains of the team and Ember... We'll find something for you to do. We'll help you extend your ability to animals any way we can and that can be one of Trevor's jobs. As soon as you can sense us mutants, you'll be great in warning us of the mutant animals out there. I've had a lot of time in the forest myself and it's deadly as hell and I don't even travel far." Now she looked at Jason. "Jason, seeing as Altsoba is a panther mix you two will probably switch off with Blaze and Corey as night guard."

Olive lifted her chin some and glanced about the room. "Don't expect not to fight... All of us will have to and if you don't want the position I've put you with that's up to you. I'm just saying that these seem to be the best fitted to our abilities." Tapping her fingers once more she added, "and I don't expect us to live. Don't get your hopes up. We're talking about a game that's been going on for centuries and still hasn't been beaten." She shrugged and sighed. "I also don't promise not to kill any of you. As much as you guys want to work as a team, that's all fine with me and I'll do it, but if any of you step in the way of my survival I make no promises that I'll spare you. It's my nature to take care of only myself and to be honest, I don't trust any of you right now." She sighed and yawned watching Matt carefully, most aware of him. Some of these people had come from poor, hardworking backgrounds and some from richer, more comfortable homes while others still came from both. He, she could tell was a rich boy who enjoyed watching the Elimination and now he found himself in it. It was an interesting twist.

Olive pulled her gold eyes off the boy and glanced around once more to see she was still standing and eyes were still on her as if she was going to continue. She yawned again and sighed. "Well I'm done. I don't see why there's any point in sitting here and hashing this out until midnight when we all need sleep for tomorrow so feel free to argue some more if you want. I'm going to sleep." And with that, she turned and left the room, stopping only so that the guards could notify her that now she could not reenter.

When she reached her room, Olive fell back onto the plush bed and groaned. She'd effectively kept it together in the room, coming off as smooth as she could, but she was spinning with emotion. The whole nightmare felt like one big flashback of her brother's time in the Elimination. She'd been forced to watch the stupid program and she felt like any minute now she'd see herself be torn apart by a mutant tiger. Olive pinched her eyes shut and sighed into the golden pillow she was clutching, drifting off into a fitful sleep.


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Blaze stood up and glanced at her partner. "I'm in agreement with me on the night watch as long as it doesn't ware my partner down. We need to be as strong as we can for this." She glanced around the room her golden eyes filled with almost what she could call sorrow. This was her end. Just because she was different then humans she had to die. She closed her eyes for a second thinking everything over. "Well that's all i have to say." She turned and slowly left the room ignoring the guards waiting on the other side. She walked down the long halls that were beautifully decorated. She ran her fingertips along the wall as she walked humming a song she used to sing all the time in her childhood. She reached her door and slowly opened it, walking straight to her bed not even bothering to close her door.
She laid back on the bed and closed her eyes kicking her shoes off. She felt tears slide down her cheeks. The heart wrenching pain she felt slowly began to overwhelm her, and she could feel herself slipping into that dark place that had always haunted her. She was slipping away and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She lost everything and now it was time for her to lose her life. "Why even fight it?" She muttered to herself. "They want entertainment? Why give it to them. Give up without a fight and it puts a damper on their fun." She opened her eyes sitting up slowly. "Why fight?"


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#, as written by Shané

“... what would you name yourself? If you aren't one of the latter. Then why are you here?”
Matt gave the guy a withering glare before promptly looking back down at the table. I am a normal human and it's not like a planned to be here, stupid. It was a dumb mistake. Matt thought grinding his teeth in anger, he noticed Ember flinch at his change in emotions and smiled.
He was not however, impressed by the idea of hunting, especially not with her.He was sure he would do it alright, he would just prefer not even be involved in a stupid team thing. Too be honest, Matt thought of them as a bunch of dreamers. Wistful thinking, that was all survival was at this rate.
Seeing both Blaze and Olive leave, he decided he to would go. What was the point in discussing their death? So he got up and followed them out, leaving the others behind him.


"Ember I don't want you thinking your the weakest link. We all have flaws and we all need to overcome them."

That is all well and good in a normal situation, however in a life and death one you probably need to start thinking more logically Ember thought rather dismally. She was tired and needed to she needed to rest, thinking was probably the worst thing she could do in her current situation.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Mutant forest

Mutant forest by RolePlayGateway

The dangerous forest on the outskirts of Windtropollis where the Elimination takes place.


Windtropollis by desire99600

The city where the characters are from.

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Blaze Evans
0 sightings Blaze Evans played by Shattered233
So much can be said with a single tear.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Elimination. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Olivia York
Character Portrait: Ember Deano
Character Portrait: Corey Turner
Character Portrait: Altsoba Price
Character Portrait: Trevor Jones
Character Portrait: Matt Parker


Character Portrait: Matt Parker
Matt Parker

I'm not even supposed to be part of it...

Character Portrait: Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones

"Is it hard? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Nothing is."

Character Portrait: Altsoba Price
Altsoba Price

When kitty is mad, heads will roll...

Character Portrait: Corey Turner
Corey Turner

"I didn't come this far to die for their entertainment. No. This years going to be different. It's going to finally have a winner."

Character Portrait: Ember Deano
Ember Deano

"Tarnished....tarnished by my mutation"

Character Portrait: Olivia York
Olivia York

"Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and think: What makes them think they have the right to eliminate someone for being different?"


Character Portrait: Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones

"Is it hard? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Nothing is."

Character Portrait: Matt Parker
Matt Parker

I'm not even supposed to be part of it...

Character Portrait: Corey Turner
Corey Turner

"I didn't come this far to die for their entertainment. No. This years going to be different. It's going to finally have a winner."

Character Portrait: Altsoba Price
Altsoba Price

When kitty is mad, heads will roll...

Character Portrait: Ember Deano
Ember Deano

"Tarnished....tarnished by my mutation"

Character Portrait: Olivia York
Olivia York

"Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and think: What makes them think they have the right to eliminate someone for being different?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Olivia York
Olivia York

"Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and think: What makes them think they have the right to eliminate someone for being different?"

Character Portrait: Trevor Jones
Trevor Jones

"Is it hard? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Nothing is."

Character Portrait: Altsoba Price
Altsoba Price

When kitty is mad, heads will roll...

Character Portrait: Matt Parker
Matt Parker

I'm not even supposed to be part of it...

Character Portrait: Corey Turner
Corey Turner

"I didn't come this far to die for their entertainment. No. This years going to be different. It's going to finally have a winner."

Character Portrait: Ember Deano
Ember Deano

"Tarnished....tarnished by my mutation"

View All » Places

Mutant forest

Mutant forest by RolePlayGateway

The dangerous forest on the outskirts of Windtropollis where the Elimination takes place.


Windtropollis by desire99600

The city where the characters are from.

Mutant forest

Mutant forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

The dangerous forest on the outskirts of Windtropollis where the Elimination takes place.

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