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Escape to the Outside

Escape to the Outside


They were taken, or made. Forced to change into something they didn't believe possible. Now that they have a chance to be free, will they be able to? Or will they be thrown into a new kind of Hell? Still accepting

5,953 readers have visited Escape to the Outside since yogitheambrangyl created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

maximum ride book series the hunger games book series


We were all locked away like animals...well, some of us were animals...
Forced to live in cages or small rooms that kept us weak and scared. We learned to live in fear; it was our way of life in order to stay alive. Most of us know nothing else.
Some of us were normal at some point, regular people we only heard about, then captured for no reason and forced to change. To become something none of us ever dreamed would be possible to become.
Now that we took the chance to be free, how are we supposed to survive...? Why did they do this to us…?

The Lab

History: Throughout time there has always been stories of hybrids, demigods with unnatural abilities, and mutants. The majority of the population is taught to believe these stories to be pure imagination, the works of ancient people explaining their world without science.
Nowadays science dominates the scene, giving the populace the facts; also stating that these old stories to be false. However, governments also have their secrets that they keep from the people. Some are kept longer than others; others didn’t even start out as secrets. Nearly everyone has heard of the horrific experiments that occurred during the holocaust. Many involved twins, the mental capacity of people, the search for telepathy and many others that may be too numerous to list. One that has been forgotten and erased from all record was the experimentation in creating mutants to the government’s advantage.
The Germans (Nazis) started mild testing with increasing the normal human capabilities, strength, healing, the senses, etc. Their unwilling victims became confined to the camps and tested on in order for the success to be replicated. The willing victims were usually soldiers and were sent to keep control or tear down the areas that resisted. The United States, wanting to have the upper hand, countered with their own experimentation practices. They only used willing volunteers, wounded military personnel, and criminals sentenced for death given the chance to live longer. They learned to improve the body, make it more resilient and hardened to the environment. Once they perfected a technique they sent it out into the public for hospitals to begin using on the sick and injured civilians. During this time the Lab produced many vaccines and steroids with positive effects that hospitals still use.
Despite their progress, the ideals and goals began changing in order to have more pronounced improvements. It was searching for more, using harsher methods, using healthier people, sometimes obtaining subjects against their will, and introducing animals into the experiments. These changes gave them better results, with stronger and more submissive subjects at the cost of using almost torturous testing and experiments. Their methods eventually resulted in the deterioration of the mind. Subjects were becoming unstable, going insane, or having a pure animalistic mentality. From the increasing amount of these results the government ordered the facilities to shut down and dismiss their workers. On the outside it did seem they had done so and with the passage of time the knowledge of the Lab has been lost. Now only a select few in the government, with their own ulterior motives, know of the Lab’s existence and provide it’s funding; in return they receive exotic pets or challenging game for hunting.
No one on the outside knows that the Lab is still fully functional with its facilities spread throughout the country in rural, well hidden areas. *Tell me where you would place a facility in your character profile Can be general place or a specific city.*

ImagePurpose: The Lab is exactly that, a lab. No one knows its name because officially it doesn't exist, not even the ones in charge remember what it used to be called. They find workers on the edges of society. Those with little family ties, needing money, perhaps arrested a few times, people that could drop out of their lives and not be missed. The scientists were enticed with the promises of creatures they had never seen, medical innovations that they could only dream of. Others were contacted because they had been reprimanded for misconduct in using methods deemed inhumane. Once each person saw the facility they were never allowed out of the influence of it. Even if they did attempt to bring public notice the government officials made sure any trace was eradicated. Only the badly wounded or those becoming unable to perform their duties properly were released from their jobs. They would be monitored for years to make sure they kept their secrets. Eventually the surveillance ended and they were left in peace in their old age.
A special group of guards was established and given the task of finding random people they know the world wouldn't miss, or those who had happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. They drag them in, strap them down, and the scientists are allowed to do whatever experiments they want. Some involve elements like fire, shadow, water and any others. Sometimes they would include animals, created the fabled animal shifters, or maybe just a true mutant with a mix of both human and animal properties. Lastly the senses are tampered with; most often in the guards to make sure they can keep the subjects in line. The age of the subject generally determined the severity of the experiments and the extent of which the mutations took hold. The younger are so much more resilient, withstanding the most in the ways of mutation resulting in successful shifters and adept mages if they were given an element. The older the subject the mutations became more unstable and unpredictable, resulting in severe deteriorations in either the mind or body.
Each one is put through various tests to determine how much their altered bodies can take, how far their muscles could be pushed to work, how much their minds can take before they're completely broken. It is all tested in one way or another; not everyone can withstand it.
A large amount dies from the initial experiments alone, then a portion are lost to the tests, some from the frequent beatings given by the guards, and three die in each of the Games. The horrible 'Games' a semi-regular event where the guards are able to pick their favorite and least favorite subjects. Sometimes the scientists will pick experiments gone wrong that are too dangerous to keep or ones that are too close to death and don’t want to waste any more sedatives and pain killers on. Generally two elementals and two animals are put in one large, four acre pit in the ground. Set loose on each other to fight to the death, for the entertainment of the staff. The one survivor given a short reprieve of the harsh life and cared for properly for a time.Image


Most experiments are done on younger children because they are less likely to die in the process of changing. The older the person the less likely the mutation will take, or the weaker the effects will be. However, due to their improving technology and methods some older subjects have been able to have strong mutations. Each one will have an outward manifestation of the mutation that will not change; something that makes the person stand out in a crowd or brings attention to themselves. *Add in your favorite mutation to your character sheet.* Often the scientists will take the stronger mutants and attempt to make them loyal to the Lab. Either through brainwashing or promises of a more comfortable type of living.
Modifications: In the beginning the Lab only did experiments on improving the human body. They were able to increase physical strength, eye sight and hearing. Later they began to work on regeneration of limbs, perhaps adding limbs or other features to a person. These types are now the easiest to produce and are not the first choice of the scientists as they can be done to anyone at any age with great success. These modifications are generally made to most of the guards upon their arrival to make sure they have the capabilities to keep up with the mutants and keep them in check. These mutations have no physical appearance to them besides the occasional pointed ears, eye color change, or larger body mass.
ImageAnimal Mutations: This is the most common mutation choice of the scientists. They begin by adding in a low percent of animal DNA to a person. The results often take several weeks or months to manifest and settle down. This process also increases their senses, makes their instincts become more animal-like, and force them to take on quirks of that animal. (Ex: Bird types might be jittery, felines might move a lot more fluidly than normal, ect.). These mutations are a bit harder on the body and less effective the older the subject is. Each still receives the outward effects no matter the age but the improvements are not as strong or pronounced when initiated at an age above ten or fifteen. The younger the person is, generally infant to ten years old, have a more likely chance of becoming a shifter; someone who can change their whole body to become the animal they are mixed with. This case is most successful when the embryo of an animal is combined with the embryo of a human. They most often have tails or ears that they can't shift away or sometimes patterns on their faces that look like tattoos. Or appearances include feathers in their hair, reptilian scales on the skin, patches of fur, and claws instead of nails.
Image Elemental Mutations: These mutations are harder to apply with success. It is best these are done on infants or added to the DNA of a test tube embryo. (Yes they often grow their own children in order to try these.) These people are what the ancient people believed to be sorcerers or mages. They have the essence of an element embedded into their DNA which often results in their emotions manifesting physically in the form of that element. (Ex: Fire types might have high tempers and cause fires because of them, shadows might be dark and brooding, staying in the dark.) Older subjects with elemental mutations have been known to have almost no control of their element and have trouble controlling their emotions. Scientists are still unsure exactly how these mutations are possible; these mutants are the most tested on. The appearance of this mutation causes the skin or hair to be affected most. Most often drastic changes in color of the afore mentioned or perhaps patterns that look like their element.
Mental Mutations: Mental mutations work on any age, but the younger the subject is the more chance they have for improvement and increased control over their ability. The older the subject is they are more likely to only have the basic traits associated with it. (Older Telepaths may only hear what is going on, younger ones may be able to mind-speak and/or control minds.) These ones are often paired with another mutation because of a lack of physical improvement. Testing is geared more towards their mental capabilities and many of them become broken from the harshness of it. The outward appearances are generally discolored eyes and blindness. Image

The Story Now
I will use this section as an update area. It will be a basic summary of has happened so far in the posts and I will add to this either every few weeks or once a month, depending on how many posts have been made with significant action taking place. *Add the worst torture you can think of to your character sheet.*

ImageMost of us born in the Lab have never seen the outside; never stepped foot on grass, been told what a tree is, or given the knowledge that there are other animals outside, even cities full of normal people who look like them. At the start of the Games a new guard, Max Bast, could no longer take the pressure of keeping what she could only see as other human beings. She then went to the basement and cut the power, leaving the entire facility in chaos. The lights went off, the door locks opened, and the mutants were free into the surrounding area; if they could get passed the tall fence and guard towers. The guard Olek Barrow had been working the cells for years and finally gave in to his conscious. He released the mutants Edur, Chris and Kisa from their confined cells and lead them towards an exit; gunning down comrades in the process.
Max managed to stop the Games mid-way through and save Dray and Hawke, meeting up with the others near the exit. Once outside of the building Dray in his dragon form took down the fence and a few nearby guard towers. Hawke managed to call help from the local wolves to keep the pursuing guards busy while their entire group took to the forest to escape. After running for miles, encountering bear traps along the way, they managed to make it to the docks and into a warehouse office by nightfall.
The next morning the dock worker Eric Taylor came and found the group. Noticing their wounds he called in his friend Aileen Tracey to come and help them. She showed up not too long later to save a near death Olek, Kisa, and Hawke by using her healing abilities inherited by her grandmother.
Unbeknownst to them the other facilities were quickly informed on what had happened, and don't want their merchandise in the public eye. They've sent guards and loyal hunting mutants to track them down and bring them back.

If anyone wants to check out The Outside just follow the link (gives a bit more detail on the Lab though I am not bringing in the Institution into this one).

.:[Character Sheet]:. (Make them look fancy please ^-^ I like the cool coding as well as picture.)

Mutation/Abilities:(exclude if the character is a normal) *Be creative, there are many types of animals, elements, and mental abilities out there. Even mythical types of animals can be discussed.*
Mutation Appearance: *Required for all mutants. There needs to be some physical appearance that stands out as unhuman-like. Be creative.*
Writing Sample: (This should involve your character. If they were born in the lab this should be one of the tortures they have been through. If they were caught and taken then this should be how they got captured. 200 Word minimum.)

Posting Rules
1.) I will only allow a seven day inactivity. Unless you have PM'd me and told me a reason for your absence and how long you will be gone.
2.) At three days I will send a PM asking you to post.
3.) If there is no post by the sixth day I will send a warning PM.
4.) At seven days I will find a creative and/or(mostly 'and') graphic way for the character to die.
5.) If you are consistently posting with a several day gap I will send a PM asking for that to change.
6.) For my other rules read to the bottom.

.:[Character Slots]:.
*Will hold reservations for one week.* Will accept characters even after we start.

(I won't accept anymore Feline mixes)
~Dray - Reptile/Bird Mix :*: yogitheambrangyl
~Hawke - Failed animal mix :*: WriteLive
~Edur - Snow Leopard :*: afreerobin
~Kisa - Jaguar :*: BlueWind_22
~Chris - Canine :*: Blueshadow
~Aramay - Chimera, Lab affiliated :*: Aramay
~Kyra - Tiger, Lab affiliated :*: BlueWind_22

Lab Workers
~Olek Barrow - No enhancements :*: Guardian Angel
~Oren Holmes - Shadow mutant :*: Aramay

~Aileen Tracey - Unaffiliated :*: WriteLive

Toggle Rules

*No Godmoding, you have your own character to worry about, don't write the reactions of another.
*Be Respectful, if you have any problems, talk it out in the OOC or in PMs
*Limit the cussing. I don't mind if the situation calls for it, or that is the way the character speaks, but I don't need a cuss word in every sentence.
*Don't mind relationships, it's good to interact with others. Anything intimate, take it to the PMs.
*Avoid speed posting. Wait at least two posts before posting again.
*200 words minimum. I like to read everyone ^-^ make it fun and descriptive, we are making a story after all.
*I am the GM what I say goes. (I am open for suggestions, don't be scared to ask or suggest anything.)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Aileen couldn't help but shake as she set Aramay back in the water. "If the job I've done "hiding" is so piss poor, as you've put it, how is it I've managed to get through school and part of college, doing what I do best, without any of you lot knowing about me?" She hissed right back, her accent cold and thick with anger-- and fear. "As for this one, I've been looking for a way to help her. It seems, however, that you've made her completely dependent on you. A fool's move, really. If you want a weapon, then why make it so she can't function solo? You want her to live, to thrive, right? After all, a lot of money would have been put into her. Into all of them. So you tell me how to help her, keep her alive. And I let you leave here."

More sense than sight, the darkness wavered around her. Idiot, her inner healer screamed, Exhausting yourself on a fool's errand... If you aren't careful, you'll be stuck here, in a house full of people who despise you... With that in mind, her tone softened. "You're like us.... aren't you? I bet by now you're reaching a limit. If you keep this up, you won't be able to escape, will you? Why don't you show yourself...? Can't do much in this form for her, anyway, can you?"


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"Okay, that certainly was not creepy." Kisa walked out of the kitchen, her eyes tracing the path the striped cat had taken. She paused, her eyes going a little wide at seeing everyone in the living room. "Did I missing a meeting? Was it mandatory?" The sparkle of mischief in her eyes flickered briefly causing her appearance to darken. The shadow of her Jaguar form was on her, but she wouldn't act on it. At least not at the moment.

Kisa sighed, "Will some lab rat please tell me what's going on?" She sauntered over to one of the smaller couches and flipped onto it. "The tiger told me some stuff, but since she was being creepy, as her usual self is, I couldn't quite understand all of it." She held up a can of food she had hidden on one of her pockets. She attempted to read what the label, but was only able to understand the first word. C-A-M- "B? Or is that a P?" She held up the can up so the others could see. "Does anyone know how to read properly? I can't understand what this is..." She sniffed the can. "I think it's some sort of soup... Or gruel...?" Her face was a question mark.


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Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey Character Portrait: Aramay Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
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#, as written by Aramay
"Because you just turned a spotlight on yourself by bringing them into your home. They aren't exactly as quiet and careful as you are." He looked to Ara then back to Aileen. "She got herself into trouble when she didnt come back. She wasn't my case to start off with. If I didn't pick her up she would be dying in her cell instead." He paused for a few moments. "Children are dependent on help from others before they are strong enough to go on their own. Just wait until she has a little more time to grow." Holmes looked at Ara, which thankfully she had set back down into the warm water. Warm up her body again, raise her blood pressure, stave off shock. Aileen could be as smug as she wanted. Just because a project can't stand on its own yet doesn't mean it never will.

Aileen was getting on his nerves. He wanted nothing more than to push her face against the cold tile floor for demanding how to help Ara. What did she think he was trying to do here? He was risking far more than she would ever understand just being here. "Use your eyes . The answer is right in front of you." He spoke with annoyance through tightened lips. Within the bag were written instructions to himself. They weren't easy to read but with some patience they were decipherable.

Holmes' body jerked hearing what she said next. To be compared to these idiots who happened to have luck and brute strength where its needed. He wasn't on the run. Orfacing the business end of a gun. "I'm not waiting for them to break down my door." But there was one thing that she was right about. He was wearing himself down to the quick. Not having to move did help. Keeping a muscle tensed for so long however would not allow him to go without repercussions. "If you want to help her so badly. Be my guest. But you're running out of time..."

Aileen would then see the shadows swarm around the window to then dart around the side of the building headed towards the treeline. Like a diver running out of air he only gets half way across the clearing when the shadows seem to spasm after hitting a patch of light coming through the trees. They snap back into a human shape like rubber bands being let go and Holmes seems to fall to the ground gasping to catch his breath from the sudden shock. A plethora of obscenities and swear words fill his mind. Still struggling for breathe, he stumbles while getting back to his feet while propelling himself away from the house. The longer it takes for the other mutants to be alerted, the better chance he would have of getting a safe distance away. Preferably downwind from the mutants with gifted noses.


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Character Portrait: Kyra
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Kyra felt nothing as she surveyed the area called a living room, where most of the mutants she had accompanied in escaping were. Shouldn't be feeling something for them? She delved inside her head, searching for feelings of sympathy, pity, anything of that sort but only felt fatigue nipping at her mental heels.

Why am I here? Why did I decide to join them?

The questions were of the type she hated the most. Questioning herself was not something she was fond of, as she felt herself to be a Thing... Not at all Human, but not quite a Monster yet. Something-in-between the two. A thing that didn't deserve to be here in the moment.

Disgusted and aggravated with herself for thinking and being in such close proximity with these... former targets, she made her way outside. Once free from the confines of the building, the house, the assumed safe place, she let out a heavy sigh. She was starving, exhausted, and frustrated with her current position. No doubt, punishment for choosing these escapees over her... Her what? Masters? Captors? What were they? What was she? Who was she to leave them for feeling something she couldn't properly understand?

That feeling she felt when she saw that wide open area of lily-white snow and no cages. That feeling that had scared her so badly. A feeling so raw and painful... What was it? Fury, Uncaged, Passion, a feeling she couldn't describe that had left her wanting... A feeling that she felt she could feel if she had joined these... Escapees... Yet she didn't feel anything for them, for herself, for anything... Did she choose wrong?

The sound of a bird whistling brought her out of her thoughts, and back into the Present. Flabbergasted by these thoughts of hers, Kyra did her best to bury them deep and forget them as she began a patrol around the area, watching closely for any traps.


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Character Portrait: Kisa Character Portrait: Olek Barrow Character Portrait: Kyra
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Sighing, Kisa realized that everyone wasn't even paying attention to her and went back to the kitchen... She thought about what Kyra had said and remembered.... She growled at the memory of the unnerving way the Tigeress had spoken of killing her. She hated the woman more than any of the others... Well, maybe the Ara-thing was a good contender for most hated by Kisa. Oh, hmm, she rolled her eyes at her short attention span and realized that the Tigeresss would be staying behind with the Olek, and Dray. She must have a death wish. Too bad I can't be the one to end her.

Kisa began her search for the food hidden inside the metal containers again and finally stopped when she found something with a fruity smell. Inside were little half-moon shaped squishy stuff. The little half moons were covered in a clear liquid. It had tasted weird and has made her spit out the half-chewed remains into the metal basin thing.

Afterwards, she walked out to see the group still somewhat gathered together. She let out a small burp and a bubble appeared from her mouth. It smelled sort of soapy. Needless to say, Kisa had swallowed some soapy things while looking for food. Of course, she hadn't known what it was and didn't stop eating it until after a few more swallows. She still look pale and her sudden burp turned into hiccups that resulted in endless soapy bubbles coming from her mouth. She felt weird but didn't question herself and instead, tried looking for the one-eyed man leader.

Finally she found him by the door that let to a latrine like room. She looked at him, still somewhat burping soapy bubbles now then. "When do we leave?"

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke)
Character Portrait: Olek Barrow
Character Portrait: Edur
Character Portrait: Kisa
Character Portrait: Dray
Character Portrait: Chris Baxter
Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
Character Portrait: Aramay
Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
Character Portrait: Kyra
Character Portrait: Dax Crayton


Character Portrait: Dax Crayton
Dax Crayton

"There are too many strays, now I have to use one of them to get the rest."

Character Portrait: Kyra

"Don't worry, I don't bite... much."

Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
Oren Holmes

"That's an awful waste. We could have used him."

Character Portrait: Aramay

"It could be worse. Right?"

Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
Aileen Tracey

"Look, you. I couldn't care less whether or not you're human. You're hurting? I'll do what I can. You try to hurt me? Let's just say I don't repair damage I cause."

Character Portrait: Chris Baxter
Chris Baxter

There's no sense in mopping around all the time, things will get better eventually.

Character Portrait: Dray

...Don't cross me...

Character Portrait: Kisa

"Jaguars and tigers are very different creatures..."

Character Portrait: Edur

'We can...get out?'

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow
Olek Barrow

"Honor above all else."


Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
Oren Holmes

"That's an awful waste. We could have used him."

Character Portrait: Kyra

"Don't worry, I don't bite... much."

Character Portrait: Aramay

"It could be worse. Right?"

Character Portrait: Dax Crayton
Dax Crayton

"There are too many strays, now I have to use one of them to get the rest."

Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke)
Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

Character Portrait: Dray

...Don't cross me...

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow
Olek Barrow

"Honor above all else."

Character Portrait: Chris Baxter
Chris Baxter

There's no sense in mopping around all the time, things will get better eventually.

Character Portrait: Edur

'We can...get out?'

Character Portrait: Aileen Tracey
Aileen Tracey

"Look, you. I couldn't care less whether or not you're human. You're hurting? I'll do what I can. You try to hurt me? Let's just say I don't repair damage I cause."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Olek Barrow
Olek Barrow

"Honor above all else."

Character Portrait: Dax Crayton
Dax Crayton

"There are too many strays, now I have to use one of them to get the rest."

Character Portrait: Kyra

"Don't worry, I don't bite... much."

Character Portrait: Kisa

"Jaguars and tigers are very different creatures..."

Character Portrait: Edur

'We can...get out?'

Character Portrait: Oren Holmes
Oren Holmes

"That's an awful waste. We could have used him."

Character Portrait: Gavin (Now Hawke)
Gavin (Now Hawke)

The Forest Speaks, to those who have the ability to listen....

Character Portrait: Aramay

"It could be worse. Right?"

Character Portrait: Dray

...Don't cross me...

Character Portrait: Chris Baxter
Chris Baxter

There's no sense in mopping around all the time, things will get better eventually.

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Re: Escape to the Outside

Ahhh, I just posted, and maybe it's a long shot that anyone else will post too, and then this RP will come back to life but... I just felt a bit nostalgic and was re-reading all the RPs I had taken part of and just thought, just maybe this one could be resurrected even though it's been over a year since anyone posted...

Re: Escape to the Outside

How is everyone doing? Its been aweful quiet.

Re: Escape to the Outside

In case you are wondering. Holmes IS up for grabs as the group's new punching ba-I mean helper if they can get to him soon enough. Maybe that'll help make up for the slowdown that I partly blame myself for contributing to ahahahahaha!

Re: Escape to the Outside

Yeahhhhhh I feel like the sooner something happens to cause a ruckus in the bathroom the sooner it gives something for the others to do. I'm cooking up something that will hopefully help give something that will make it easier for the others to jump in.

Re: Escape to the Outside

I'm still here, unsure if posting for Kisa would be a great idea at the moment....

Re: Escape to the Outside

Been stuck wording wise, not quite sure which reaction to play out....

Re: Escape to the Outside

I'm still here as well. I've been wondering as to what happened.

Re: Escape to the Outside

Im still here to. I was kinda worried about this so I'm glad to see at least some people are still around.

Re: Escape to the Outside

I'll give maybe two more days before I start to freak out.

Re: Escape to the Outside

Still here, not sure if anyone else is though.

Re: Escape to the Outside

I have enough to work with, I have the drive to make a post, I even have Autumn talking with me, and I have the time to make a post. But when I go to do that I stare at the screen as if there is a disconnect between my mind and my hands. Of course that is past two weeks or so. Now for past few days I have been battling with my computer to make it stay connected to WiFi and losing badly. I am saying this here only by using my tablet which does not make doing websites easier since screen is small.

Re: Escape to the Outside

Things seem to be completely slowing down again. I will see if I can post soon to have something so that the others can get involved if they like.

Re: Escape to the Outside

Wow seems like I missed a lot, but glad everyone is posting again and things are moving. I had planned on writing a post on Friday but got caught up and had to pack for a retreat over the weekend (which is why I was MIA for the past two days). But I should have post up by tonight after I finish my philosophy reading. 0.o

Re: Escape to the Outside

@ Ara, re: EDIT--fine with me if he sneaks in, pm/im me though so we can work things out there :)

Re: Escape to the Outside

Its fine Blue. I actually wrote my last post at 3 a.m. before I had to get up for Macroeconomics class so I don't know if it even makes sense. I was actually going to edit some of it because I was thinking about it today and realized I forgot/may have messed up a couple things myself.

Edit: I'm not sure if I'm going to have Ara try to leave the house or Holmes sneak in to help her. More likely the latter since she's gotten so weak.

Re: Escape to the Outside

Hey guys just so you know I'm not going to be able to post until at least tomorrow. I was going to try and write out a post after classes today but i kinda ended up getting sick and I can barely think staight right now so I won't be able to get a psot up until at least tomorrow.

Re: Escape to the Outside

It's Kyra. I fixed the names just now and so sorry. I had been planning to write both posts for the sisters but changed it at the last second. :)

And Kisa is in the kitchen, totally pigging out.

Re: Escape to the Outside

I'm confused. Who was on the roof and who came in. Because at first it sounded like Kyra but it was...Kisa? Then the next post involving them I felt like the two characters got switched. Are either of them outside at this point? I've read both posts 10 times and I'm still befuddled.