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Force Saber of Light

Force Saber of Light


This is a 1x1 role-play between myself and LoudGhozt involving Star Wars and all that cool Star Wars stuff. Do not post unless you are one of us.

1,554 readers have visited Force Saber of Light since MagicNightStar created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Long ago, in a galaxy far away...


There were these people and they live in a galaxy far away and stuff is happening and people are probably dying and shit and no one has any idea what the actual hell is happening. And the sith and jedi are kinda gone now but not really. So um... there's these new losers who call themselves the First Order and there's a super bad guy who is kinda like Darth Vader but not at all Vader and a total emo baby that is somehow the offspring of a total badass and he is trying to be cool. He is failing.

On the plus side, the good guys are actually hella cool for a change. Like, there's this totally awesome jedi chick and this other guy who is hella cool and he used to be not-so-good but now he is not-so-bad and also there is a pilot who is there and seems like a major character at first, but then kinda vanishes into the abyss and hopefully he will be awesome later. He has a hella cool droid who becomes besties with pretty much everything and everyone and is cool.

Anywho, so these people are trying to fight the First Order because they are lame as fuck and the resistance is gonna be hella cool and people are still gonna die but maybe less of them this time? I dunno. Frankly, we're just kinda dicking around with this one. So, um, go away?

By: LoudGhozt

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Passik Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock Character Portrait: Ty Fable
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Liam----"The Jedi"
twenty-five years male green lightsaber hetero location: jakku tags: aeris
Liam gazed over the mounds of sand of planet Jakku. He had never visited Jakku before, and his first thought was that it was much, much more different than Takodana. There didn't seem to be any trees, just sand and crashed ships, and... junk. He would really hate to live here. He pulled his robes more tightly around him and then pulled his hood over his head, having to squint as sand blew everywhere. It was unbelievably humid and windy.

"Is that all you need?"

Liam turned to the pilot that brought him here from Takodana. "Yes, that will be all. Thank you," he said to the pilot, dismissing him before turning back to stare out at the vast land of Jakku. Master Luke had sent him to this planet to meet with Aeris. Why this planet, he had no idea, but apparently a Jedi Master Luke has been waiting years for had finally shown up and he had to focus all of his attention on her, putting Liam's and Aeris's training on hold. Fortunately for him, however, his training had almost been complete. Aeris wasn't so lucky, but it wasn't like she was that far off. She was very skilled, especially with her lightsaber.

Liam took a deep breathe before taking his first few steps on Jakku, heading towards the city where he was told to meet Aeris. What they were to do now, he had no idea, but he felt like they had a lot in store ahead of them.

Ty----"The Hunter"
twenty-two years female pistol blaster, rifle blaster, two white lightsabers pan location: jakku tags: n/a
Ty placed the correct amount of druggats into the pilot that granted her transport's hand as she stepped out onto the sands of Jakku. It was hard to believe that she would be back here again so soon, and on a mission. It was almost sad, really, that she'd be here only to hunt down a target instead of just being here for the sake of home. At least she wouldn't have to spill any blood. Well, hopefully. Her payer wanted the target alive.

She adjusted her blaster rifle more comfortably on her back, the sabers that she scavenged here on Jakku as well as her armor clanking together. There wasn't really anything on her body that wasn't either stolen or scavenged. Oh well, that was part of the life of being from Jakku, you never really quite learned how to buy for yourself, just find for yourself.

Ty turned towards the city that she could make out in the distance and began making her way. According to her payer who was tipped off from someone else, her target would be in the city to meet someone. Who these people were, she had no idea, but her target was described as a "tall human male with dark hair and eyes." Hopefully he wouldn't be too hard to find. Humans weren't exactly rare on Jakku, but hey, maybe she'd get lucky today.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Passik Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock Character Portrait: Logra Mallix Character Portrait: Duran Xemo
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        ✮ -- ( AERIS BARDOCK ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : jakku ] [ age : twenty-two ] [ role : jedi; resistance ] [ tagged : duran; liam ]

          - - - - -Aeris Bardock had no love for the desert planets. She couldn't say she hated them so much as she just wished she never had to visit them. She'd only seen Tatooine once, but this was her third trip to Jakku. The Resistance was constantly in need of the old junk that seemed to magically appear on this wasteland of a planet. Despite her poor tolerance to the heat, she was a good soldier and agreed to go when Master Luke sent her. She was supposed to meet Liam, a fellow Jedi, but she didn't know why.

          - - - - -Thoughts flew through her head as Duran, her pilot and dear friend, sped through the vacuum of space and on toward the desert planet. The two were silent on the ride over, which was quite unusual for them. Aeris didn't mind the mediation time, but it was highly unlike Duran to keep his mouth shut for more than five minutes at a time. At one point, the young Jedi could even remember running over to make sure he hadn't died in the cockpit or something. He was alive, but quiet. Undoubtedly, he was lost in thought as well.

          - - - - -Eventually, Aeris could feel the shift in the ship's momentum as Duran landed on the sands of Jakku. The Jedi walked over to her friend and patted him on the shoulder. "Thanks for the ride," she said with a smile. Duran then grabbed her wrist. "Wait, you're not going out there alone," he inquired, tilting his head to the side. At that, Aeris rolled her eyes. "Master Luke sent me. This is Jedi business. I just need you to be here on standby while I figure out what's going on."

          - - - - -He didn't seem too thrilled with that. "What's Luke doing anyway? Why did he halt your training?" he asked, his face scrunched up a bit. Aeris sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "He has his reasons. He says he needs to focus on this other padawan learner for a bit," she explained. Eventually, her pilot gave up and bid her farewell. "Aeris," he called. "May the Force be with you."

          - - - - -Aeris nodded before she jumped out onto the sand. She adjusted the lightsaber at her hip and raised her hood to shield her eyes from the sun. It wasn't as bright as Tatooine - which has two fucking suns for God's sake - but it was still bright enough to stun the swamp-dweller temporarily. She then ventured north, toward the city in which she was to meet her fellow Jedi. Liam was further along in his training than Aeris was, and food good reason. He was older, but he was also highly skilled from what Aeris could remember.

          - - - - -She happened upon what looked like a village, which would probably qualify it for city status on Jakku. She walked through the market stalls for a bit, looking about for humans. Undoubtedly, they were a rarity on the desert planets; most of them were overrun with Uthuthma and species of the like. So, it wasn't hard at all for her to spot Liam, the tall, dark-haired man in the hood, walking in the same general area. Cautiously, the Jedi approached him. "Liam?" she tried.

        ✮ -- ( LOGRA MALLIX ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : jakku ] [ age : twenty-four ] [ role : thief; betrayer ] [ tagged : open ]

          - - - - -Scavengers were all too common on the planet of Jakku and Logra would have no part of them. Yet, they seemed to be the only people around to ambush lately. What was a thief to do? She sat in her home, one that was conveniently located in a dark, underground cave, safe from the rays of the harsh sun of the desert planet. Her legs was thrown over the arm of her chair - no, her throne; she was unhappy if it were referred to as anything less than a symbol of her authority - and her arms made a lovely rest for her head.

          - - - - -"Look, this just isn't my job, okay?" she said, groaning to the man standing before her. How dare Rami talk to her this way. He was suggesting that she scavenge? No, there was no way in Hell she was scaling some random machine and pulling parts to sell. That was everyone else's job. Her job was to take what they found and leave them empty handed. "Suggest something that stupid again, and we'll have a major problem," she cooed, her voice hauntingly sweet. Rami knew what that meant and he quickly took his leave.

          - - - - -She was bored. It was as simple as that. Sure, Jakku was seriously the worst place to do all of this, but her and her band of thieves had a good life here. Or, at least, they did until the First Order showed up and literally blew up an entire outpost. Seriously, what the Hell? Didn't Kylo Ren know he had allies on this planet? Apparently not, and as bold as she was, Logra was not stupid enough to confront him about it. Instead, she just sat in her boredom as her supplies dwindled. Something had to change.

          - - - - -She sat up abruptly, looking about. Her followers - mostly obnoxious teenagers with nowhere to go - were sparring with their pathetic excuses of weaponry, screaming curses at one another each time they were struck. "Rosse, keep everyone in line. If any of my stuff is missing when I get back, I'll personally kill three people of my choosing," she warned. Rosse, a respectable youth of about nineteen, nodded at her statement, not daring to talk back. "I'm going on a run."

          - - - - -She slid on her boots and threw a mask over her face, covering up her eyes and shielding out the light. She quickly grabbed for her electrostaff and a small blaster that she kept at her hip. Then she ventured out onto the never ending deserts of Jakku. She quickly made way toward the wreckage of the recent battle there. Maybe there was armor or something she could snag. Weapons? A fallen droid? Anything would be useful at this point. Besides, the stuff wasn't really what she cared about. Logra was looking for a fight.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Passik Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock Character Portrait: Ty Fable
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0.00 INK

Liam----"The Jedi"
twenty-five years male green lightsaber hetero location: jakku tags: aeris
It wasn't long before Liam found what Jakku considered to be their city. To be completely realistic, it was just a market place, but it was on a desert planet, so city worked, he supposed. The moment he stepped near a shop set up, a dweller immediately started to try and sell him something in their desert language. Liam caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, but just shook his head to express disinterest. He wasn't here to buy.

A few minutes past, however, and Liam found himself ogling at a piece of a destroyed ship that looked particularly interesting that the shopkeeper had dangling from a staff. The keeper, of course, was trying to make a deal with him, but Liam had no use for the item no matter how interesting it was.

The shopkeeper continued to pester Liam until, thankfully, he heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned around to see his fellow Jedi, Aeris, her curly brown hair tucked carefully under the hood she wore, stormy grey eyes meeting his dark brown ones. She was as beautiful as she always was.
"Aeris," he greeted his friend with a smile, stepping away from the shop and it's persistent shopkeeper. "How are you?" he asked, making small talk for the time being. He figured he should catch up a bit before jumping into questions about Master Luke's intentions for them.

Ty----"The Hunter"
twenty-two years female pistol blaster, rifle blaster, two white lightsabers pan location: jakku tags: n/a
Ty found the city of Jakku easily enough, having known the area, and right as the inhabitants spotted her, she noticed they started to look a bit uneasy. Well, she was known in most parts for her work. Plus, there was the outfit that must look a bit intimidating. Before she even started to really make herself known, however, people seemed to get uneasy when spotting her armor. Maybe there was a story behind it? She had no idea, but frankly, she didn't really care.

"Have you seen a man with dark hair and eyes?" Ty asked the first shopkeeper, speaking in native tongue, her voice sounding more masculine outside the helmet. She was always thankful for that; the way she sounded outside the armor. The whole reason she shortened her name was to sound like a guy. People to this day still didn't seem to fear a woman as much as a man, so she gave herself a more masculine name and a manly getup. It worked too. The first time a payer saw her without her helmet on they had to do a double-take. It was actually quite hilarious.

The shopkeeper shook their head, appearing a bit nervous, and Ty nodded her thanks before moving on down the line of shops. If he wasn't here yet, she'd just wait. Of course, she had to find a more strategic place to wait instead of just standing out in the open. She spotted cloth draped over the side of one shop like a curtain, and moved back there, leaning against a pole and taking off some of the load on her back which was mainly just weapons. Honestly, she had no idea why she kept the sabers she found. She was a blaster type of gal and never used the lightsabers, but they did look pretty cool. Maybe one day they would come in handy.

Ty waited for what had to have been about an hour before she peaked back around the corner and spotted a man wearing robes. She could see his dark hair peaking out of his hood, and while he fumbled around with a piece of ship she could see his dark eyes laced with curiosity. That had to be her target.

Ty quickly loaded herself back up and was ready to make her move, but then she saw a girl wearing similar attire approach him. They seemed to know each other as her target turned and smiled and the woman. As the man turned, she caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a lightsaber strapped onto his belt. A lightsaber? Well, if he was a Jakku local, there might have been a chance a saber could have been passed down to him from a scavenger. However, he didn't appear to be a local, and neither did the woman. Did she posses a lightsaber too? If so, where did they get them? The only people that would have those and would make sense would be... Jedi.

She did not sign up for this.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Passik Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock Character Portrait: Ty Fable
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0.00 INK

        ✮ -- ( AERIS BARDOCK ) ───────────────────────────────
        [ location : jakku ] [ age : twenty-two ] [ role : jedi; resistance ] [ tagged : liam; ty ]

          - - - - -Liam didn't seem surprised at all to find his fellow Jedi. In fact, if anything, he seemed relieved. Aeris completely understood this. If she remembered anything about the marketplaces on Jakku, it was the persistent nature of the natives. They were always trying to sell you something and, a lot of times, they resorted to violence in order to find customers. Liam obviously didn't want any kind of confrontation while they were here, which made sense to the Jedi. She offered him a light smile, but was quick to go back to surveying the area.

          - - - - -Aside from the Uthuthma, there wasn't much. Wait, she did notice something that immediately put her on edge. There was a presence, but she couldn't tell whether it was malevolent or not. She saw the vague outline of what appeared to be a human silhouette. Aeris gritted her teeth for a moment, but decided to ignore the presence. If they weren't making a move right now, maybe they were friendly. Or, at least neutral? She quickly refocused her gaze onto Liam.

          - - - - -She observed him for a moment. Tall, with dark hair and eyes and a fair amount of scruff, just enough to show everyone that he was in fact, not a teenager. He almost immediately jumped into small talk in order to avoid things getting too awkward. Was this something that all Jedi had to work through, or just this guy? She didn't know, but she shrugged her shoulders at him. "Well, it could be worse, but the First Order is still out there," she said casually.

          - - - - -Aeris was very dedicated to the Resistance and eradication of the First Order, though she didn't know exactly how Liam felt. She assumed that he agreed with her, though he was less active with General Organa than she was. He wasn't exactly vocal about his views, or at least he hadn't been in the past. She shook these thoughts from her head and focused back on her fellow Jedi. "And you?"

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Liam----"The Jedi"
twenty-five years male green lightsaber hetero location: jakku tags: aeris
Liam's smile became more genuine to Aeris's reply. Yes, the First Order was indeed still at large, which didn't please him, it was just her calmness, her casualness that pleased him. It made him feel more at ease. He never really knew what it was, but all this Jedi business tended to make him feel a bit... uncomfortable. Maybe it was just because of the weight that had been placed upon his shoulder. I mean, the Jedi were suppose to be the saviors of the universe. Was he really fit for such a title? Master Luke seemed to think he was at first, but towards the end there he seemed more, well, distant towards him. Almost as though there was something wrong that he sensed. Liam tried not to dwell too much on such matters.

"I've been... better," Liam replied honestly to Aeris's courtesy, figuring he might as well cut to the chase at this point. "Did Master Luke tell you anything before he dismissed us? Anything about what were suppose to do? Anything helpful?" He knew dis desperateness was more than likely obvious, but he didn't really care at the moment. He just wanted answers, and he'd never say it out loud, but he was angry. He was angry at Master Luke for deserting them when he was so close to the end of his training. He deserted them just so he could focus all of his attention on this new girl. What was so special about her? Why did she require all of Master Luke's attention? They were suppose to be his students too!

Liam closed his eyes for a brief moment and quietly inhaled. He was getting too worked up. Anger was against the Code, despite his beliefs of anger being a natural emotion. Nonetheless, he had to vanquish his anger. At least... temporarily vanquish it. He couldn't let Aeris see.
"Sorry, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed and confused," he excused his actions from Aeris. Hopefully he wasn't alone in his feelings there.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Liam Passik
Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock
Character Portrait: Logra Mallix
Character Portrait: Duran Xemo
Character Portrait: Ryker Stryder
Character Portrait: Ty Fable
Character Portrait: "Zo"
Character Portrait: Nox Lash
Character Portrait: Amon Tarrk


Character Portrait: Amon Tarrk
Amon Tarrk

Mechanic that never asked for any of this shit but he's still amazing

Character Portrait: Nox Lash
Nox Lash

Sith in training alongside Ryker and under Kylo Ren

Character Portrait: "Zo"

Stormtrooper chick who is pretty cool

Character Portrait: Ty Fable
Ty Fable

Bounty Hunter of sass and pure awesomeness

Character Portrait: Ryker Stryder
Ryker Stryder

Awesome Sith Lord Dude

Character Portrait: Duran Xemo
Duran Xemo

Wicked awesome resistence pilot guy

Character Portrait: Logra Mallix
Logra Mallix

Master thief with a band of followers

Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock
Aeris Bardock

Totally awesome Jedi chick who is basically all I wish I were...

Character Portrait: Liam Passik
Liam Passik

Conflicted Jedi


Character Portrait: Amon Tarrk
Amon Tarrk

Mechanic that never asked for any of this shit but he's still amazing

Character Portrait: Logra Mallix
Logra Mallix

Master thief with a band of followers

Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock
Aeris Bardock

Totally awesome Jedi chick who is basically all I wish I were...

Character Portrait: Duran Xemo
Duran Xemo

Wicked awesome resistence pilot guy

Character Portrait: "Zo"

Stormtrooper chick who is pretty cool

Character Portrait: Nox Lash
Nox Lash

Sith in training alongside Ryker and under Kylo Ren

Character Portrait: Liam Passik
Liam Passik

Conflicted Jedi

Character Portrait: Ty Fable
Ty Fable

Bounty Hunter of sass and pure awesomeness

Character Portrait: Ryker Stryder
Ryker Stryder

Awesome Sith Lord Dude

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Amon Tarrk
Amon Tarrk

Mechanic that never asked for any of this shit but he's still amazing

Character Portrait: Logra Mallix
Logra Mallix

Master thief with a band of followers

Character Portrait: Ryker Stryder
Ryker Stryder

Awesome Sith Lord Dude

Character Portrait: "Zo"

Stormtrooper chick who is pretty cool

Character Portrait: Liam Passik
Liam Passik

Conflicted Jedi

Character Portrait: Duran Xemo
Duran Xemo

Wicked awesome resistence pilot guy

Character Portrait: Nox Lash
Nox Lash

Sith in training alongside Ryker and under Kylo Ren

Character Portrait: Ty Fable
Ty Fable

Bounty Hunter of sass and pure awesomeness

Character Portrait: Aeris Bardock
Aeris Bardock

Totally awesome Jedi chick who is basically all I wish I were...

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