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Guardian of the Flame

Guardian of the Flame


Private between shatari19 & VerdantChaos

1,750 readers have visited Guardian of the Flame since shatari19 created it.




Thousands of years ago, Dragons ruled the world of Varnaya. They were revered as the ultimate race of the world. They ruled with compassion over the lesser races of the world..loving all that lived under them. With the Dragons ruling the world, the Elves and Humans got along quite could even say that they were friends. The world of Varnaya was a beautiful and lush world. One that had never seen any amount of war or famine under the Dragons rule. The world had been a happy place. This all ended the moment the Dragons were struck with The Sickness. The disease that ravaged the ruling race turned all those that were struck to change. They no longer cared about the world or those that they protected. They only cared about themselves..their wealth. They became merely beasts that ravaged the world.

After the Dragons turned, the Humans and Elves have begun to hate one another. They are always constantly arguing. The only thing that they've been able to agree upon is that the Dragons must be taken care of. Legions of Men and Elves ventured forth, hunting down the beasts. At first, the two races merely lost many lives. They had no idea how to kill the monsters. After many long years and so many lives lost, a way was found. One by one, the Dragons were hunted down and killed, their corpses left rotting upon the ground where they fell.

Once the threat of the Dragons was gone, the Humans and Elves continued fighting with one another. Each race saw the other at fault for everything. There was no fixing their ties. As the years passed, the fighting seemed to be never ending however, there was whispers of a shadow growing in the North high upon the mountain of Kahluna. At the highest point, the city of Ialeos is located. It is here that a new threat is growing in power. The Dragon Ethron had awoken from his deep slumber. He began gathering all remaining Dragons to him, those that had survived the Hunting. He is no king though rules as one. His name is becoming more wildly known. There are none now that do not know of him. He seeks to rid the world of the other races for the slaughter they have done to his kind. Ialeos is unreachable by Humans or Elves. They have no way of getting to the False King on their own.


Humans} They are generally the shortest of all of the races, standing up to only 5'7. Their eye color is usually of darker shades and their hair is darker as well. The Humans are generally non-magical creatures however, there are a select few that can do magic. Wizards they are called and they are very rare. There only only five known currently. The Humans live under the influence of their ancient gods. Humans tend to fight with Elves as they do not trust them. They've been enemies for as long as their history books go back. The hatred runs so deep that no one really remembers the real reason for the fighting. Perhaps one day they will set aside their differences and get along. Humans live to be 75-80 years old.

Elves} They are taller than Humans, standing up to 6'5. Their eye color is usually of lighter shades as is their long hair. Elves are one of the two true magical creatures that reside in Varnaya. They are very in tune with all things that are nature. They serve under the influence of two gods. Loint the god of earth and Risnda the goddess of life. The Elves are a kind race unless provoked. They hate only the Humans. Their libraries are said to contain the reasons for the great hatred between the two races though this has never been truly proven. The Elves live in far off forests that they've built their cities in. Elves are Immortal and can only die when in battle and mortally injured.

Dragons} They are the oldest of the three races and are magical. They have the ability to shift into a elf like shape. Though they can blend in with the Elves it is still noticeable that they are different. Their ears are still pointed, but they have small pointed canines that are visible when they speak. Their eyes usually change from their natural color to one more normal for a Elf. Their hair color usually is rather dark in this form. Dragons revere no gods, only their ancient Ancestors. Dragons are fierce beasts who once ruled over the world. They lived in the ancient stone city Ialeos, a city built many long ages ago by the first Dragon King. Here, the Dragons live under the rule of the royal family of Ardurwen. Dragons come in many different shapes, sizes and colors, but the one thing that they have in common is that the males all breathe fire and the females all breathe ice. Their true eye color tends to usually be a red, emerald green, gold, or silver. Dragons are Immortal and can only die if mortally wounded.

(There are, as always, some genetic oddities among the three races. Hair colors may be off, as well as heights. Eye color however must remain true to race.)

Where We Will Begin:

The Dragons have been gone for many long years. The world is slowly falling into chaos. Now, the threat of the Dragons is coming back. The Humans and Elves must learn to set aside their differences in order to save their world. The Elven King calls forth three of the most seasoned adventurers to set fort to hunt down a Dragon that still lives in the Lower Lands. They must hunt him down and persuade him to join their cause so that they can reach Ialeos and defeat Ethron, restoring the balance of the world.

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Character Portrait: Ilfirinon Ardurwen Character Portrait: Anneliese Ingarn
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Anneliese Ingarn found herself slowly wandering through the small forest that was located near the city of Silanos. She often ventured away from the capital, though was often warned of the dangers of her actions. She did not care. Ever since Eckard had passed, Anneliese had found that remaining within the city was no longer required of her. She loved the freedom and could not imagine ever loosing it again.

The woman moved silently through the woods, making a point to remain as silent as was possible. This time, Anneliese had brought with her three of her current students. The most seasoned of her students. She'd hoped by doing so that they would begin picking up on the art of stealth, something that any archer truly needed to know. A twig suddenly snapped causing the woman to freeze. She looked about as she was hidden within the shadows of the woods. She did not see anything though still did not move. She'd tasked her students with hunting her, trying to catch her unawares. Not an easy feat for someone still learning.

A few more seconds passed before Anneliese finally moved from her spot. She was headed towards the border, a place that was a good distance from the city. The woman slid out from behind the tree that she'd been hiding. She walked slowly, not truly in a hurry. She suspected that the boys were together, still looking for a trail. A small smile found its way to her face. They had no real reason to learn archery. It was most likely only to cause their parents grief, threatening to head in a different direction than they were meant to go in life. As long as she was paid for her services, Anneliese did not care if they ever used archery ever again after leaving her tutelage.

Her darkly colored boots were nearly silent as she walked along. She found herself loosing herself to her thoughts. Ever since Eckard had passed, her mother had made it a point to stay with her. Normally, Anneliese got along with the older woman yet wasn't quite as it usually was. The older woman had been nagging her about finding another husband. Certain that Anneliese could not live without the support of a man. Her mother's words angered her and she could not remember them not arguing for some time. She had hoped that she could prove to the woman that she was fine but..she somehow doubted that would happen.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she slid over a fallen log. She made sure to leave a small sign, a broken branch, for the boys to find. Anneliese continued along and within a few long minutes she'd arrived at the border. It had been a long time since she'd been this far from the city. It was a welcomed feeling. This was not a place that she felt was a home. The city was a place where typically the richest thrived and the poor suffered for it. She helped those that she was able to yet it never seemed to be enough. There was always more people that needed helping. The woman took a seat below one of the tall trees, deciding to rest a bit. She closed her eyes, happy to simply have this short amount of time to not worry about her troubles.

She was unsure of how long had passed by the time she began hearing voices. They were near and it was only a matter of time before they found her.Their finding her only meant the return to the city..the return to her normal life. She sighed quietly to herself. She had to appear strong before those within the city..and it often became tiring in her mind. She rose from her seat just as three young men appeared. They were all dressed for hunting and looked quite similar. Being related tended to do that. "Ha! We found you!" The eldest brother said, boasting a smile.

"You only found me because I wished it." Anneliese said as she moved passed them. She could hear them following closely, being quiet as if waiting for her to continue speaking. She did not continue until she'd reached the fallen log that she'd passed by earlier. "Regardless, you've done well this day. Next time you begin looking for me with fewer signs. So, until next we meet it would be wise for you to go over the tomes I gave you." They continued along together, the boys speaking with one another. Anneliese, on the other hand, was fairly silent as she walked.

Considering how long they'd spent in the forest, it did not seem to take nearly as long to return to the city. As they entered, Anneliese bid her students a good day before parting ways with them. Slowly, she began making her way to the small home that she inhabited.

Since the fall of his kind, Ilfirinon had found himself in the Lower Lands. He could not remember anything before the Sickness had taken hold yet he did not realize this. The only thing that seemed to drive him now was the need to have wealth or to simply find food. He was only going through the motions and he didn't even realize it.

The Dragon was the last known that inhabited the Lower Lands. The others had all been either killed by the other races or had fled back to Ialeos to live under Ethron. Ilfirinon had remained for the sheer fact that there was something that seemed to keep him below with the Issdra* and the Danech**. He'd long since stopped trying to fight it, simply giving in.

Ilfirinon had ventured for a long time before he'd come across a cluster of small villages that did not seem to have much in the way of protection. It was here that he decided to remain. The most well known of the villages was that of Kinalei for their crops often fed the well off. He'd swept in, demanding payment for his 'protection'. If they were not able to pay, the Dragon killed them.

He had lived this way for quite a long time. Even now, flying across the land, he grew excited at the thought of more gold for his treasures. His shadow was cast upon the ground as he neared his destination. He could already hear the calls and screams from the villagers below as they realized that he'd arrived. He smirked, watching them running to their homes. The Danech were pathetic in his eyes. They gave in so easily.

He reached Kinalei quickly, doing a few circles above before he landed. He was just outside of the village though knew that they would come to him. He waited as patiently as he could. His golden eyes focused upon the location that he knew the few would come from. Within a few short moments they began heading his way, two run down horses pulling carts that most likely held the gold he demanded.

This time, however, there were tarps placed atop the gold. As they neared, the Danech were forced to coax the horses closer. It was clear that they feared the large Dragon. Within moments, they came to a stop a few feet from Ilfirinon. One man, a rather portly man, took a few steps closer. He bowed before the Dragon before speaking. "Mighty Dragon! Here, I have the village's payment. As agreed." The man finally looked up to Ilfirinon and for a moment the Dragon seemed to hesitate.

The other men had begun unhitching the horses, ready to get as far from the Dragon as possible. Finally, the Dragon moved. "Good. And you have honored our agreement?" The man began nodding his head quickly. "Of course! We would not dare go against your word!" Ilfirinon simply nodded. The men waited, watching.

Ilfirinon continued towards the carts, lowering his head so that he could see better what had been brought before him. He could not see the gold and so wished to investigate further. He moved one of his claws to the fabric that was on one of the carts. He was quick to pull the tarp off only to find it filled halfway with gold. Anger quickly found its way to his face. He turned, tail whipping the carts, their contents flying through the air.

"You dare to double cross me?! I..who asked for nothing save for a small payment for my not killing you." It was clear to the men that they should not have tried to fool him. The man that had spoken before was quick to yell up at the Dragon. "Please! Please forgive us! We had no choice! Our village is not wealthy and your price is steep. There are families going hungry in order to pay you. People are dyi..."

"I care not for your lives. You made the deal and you will honor it. One way or another." He fell silent for a moment, as if thinking. The men were becoming nervous, not quite sure what he was going to do. "I am generous. I shall give you a chance to redeem yourselves in my eyes. I will return soon...though do not ask me when. I expect the full. If it is not here then I will kill all that dwell within your village. Go now. You've work to do."

He took to the sky then, flying from the men that had tried to trick him. He did not understand why it was hard for them to simply do as they'd agreed. He began heading to the other villages that he needed to visit. He only hoped that they would not try the same as those in Kinalei. He was not certain that he would be able to be as kind with them.

*Dragon term for Elf/Elves
**Dragon term for Human/Humans

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Varnaya by shatari19


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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ilfirinon Ardurwen
Character Portrait: Anneliese Ingarn
Character Portrait: Altin Lander (GotF)
Character Portrait: Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-


Character Portrait: Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-
Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-

What's this? What's that? It's a whole new world I've never seen before!

Character Portrait: Altin Lander (GotF)
Altin Lander (GotF)

A lad who simply wishes the best for those he calls friends. Decent with a blade and better with a bow.

Character Portrait: Anneliese Ingarn
Anneliese Ingarn

"I'm a Lady but does that really make a difference?"

Character Portrait: Ilfirinon Ardurwen
Ilfirinon Ardurwen

"I am the only hope for this world? Unlikely. The world has forgotten me."


Character Portrait: Altin Lander (GotF)
Altin Lander (GotF)

A lad who simply wishes the best for those he calls friends. Decent with a blade and better with a bow.

Character Portrait: Ilfirinon Ardurwen
Ilfirinon Ardurwen

"I am the only hope for this world? Unlikely. The world has forgotten me."

Character Portrait: Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-
Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-

What's this? What's that? It's a whole new world I've never seen before!

Character Portrait: Anneliese Ingarn
Anneliese Ingarn

"I'm a Lady but does that really make a difference?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Altin Lander (GotF)
Altin Lander (GotF)

A lad who simply wishes the best for those he calls friends. Decent with a blade and better with a bow.

Character Portrait: Ilfirinon Ardurwen
Ilfirinon Ardurwen

"I am the only hope for this world? Unlikely. The world has forgotten me."

Character Portrait: Anneliese Ingarn
Anneliese Ingarn

"I'm a Lady but does that really make a difference?"

Character Portrait: Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-
Ellana Kiynteyh -GotF-

What's this? What's that? It's a whole new world I've never seen before!

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