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Harry Potter: Disappearance at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: Disappearance at Hogwarts


Students are slowly disappearing in the night. And Lily Luna and Scorpius are determined to get to the bottom of it. [1x1 for VaultBoy and Makenna Young]

1,147 readers have visited Harry Potter: Disappearance at Hogwarts since Makenna Young created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

based on jo rowling's harry potter series


So, you're Scorpius Malfoy, I'm Lily Luna Potter.
He'll be sixth year, she'll be fifth.
We know the plot, and will start... I don't know where.The first disappearance will be Halloween night, so do you want to start Halloween morning? Maybe a Quidditch match...? Idk.

At any rate, the headmaster is Emauntro DaVilese, blah blah blah.
Oh, any CS... you only need pic, name, age, four traits, 'Kay?
I'd prefer if we start with the pair not really getting along, but whatever.

So yeah...

I feel awkward. /).(\

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy
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Cold wind bit at his face as he soared through the air, his robes whipping against his legs. Scorpius could hardly think with the amount of noise, the excited cheers of hundreds of students. Luckily for him he did not have to think about something that came so naturally to him, something that was in his very blood. Gryffindor was a better team this year, everyone knew that, including Scorpius. It was evident that this was true considering the beating that was taking place on the pitch this morning, Scorpius was not going to let this happen, and that was when he saw it. A glint, a golden little fly amongst the hundreds of faces in the crowd, pink from the cold. The snitch stood out against the deep green banner bearing the sigil of his house, only just above their heads.

This was his moment.

Scorpius took off from the ground, speeding towards the sky, it was then that he noticed a blur of red coming his way. He looked just in time to see her face, flushed with determination. Her eyes focused on her target, red hair whipping behind her, quaffle in hand. Scorpius was only barely able to avoid the soaring Gryffindor chaser, catching a sweet smell from her hair as she whipped past.

"Excuse me, red." Scorpius said, whether or not it was heard didn't matter. He sped off to the stands, the glint floating there as if it were waiting for him to catch it. He closed in on his target, his arm out-stretched, his fingers could almost feel the cold metal.

"Come on.."


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Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
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She's in a room of white, the only one there, aside from a few animate blobs of color. The colors seem to correspond with the houses of Hogwarts, but the green of Slytherin is generally absent from the room. She ponders this inexplicable absense meekly. The room is lighted by some unknown source, as there are no furniture, windows, or doorways. A black shadow begins to appear on the opposite wall. It comes closer.... Closer... Even closer... And then it's in the room. It has the vague form of a person, with a fuzzy outline, although she cannot pick out features, gender, or age of the newcomer. The shadow merges with the colorful blob, and she feels an inexplicable sense of wrongness. But the shadow soon extracts itself, pulling along an especially small blue blob, which seems to fight. They walk into the wall, and are gone...

Lily Luna awoke with a start. Pressing her face into her pillow, hard, she let out a muffled scream. Enough with this stupid dream, already! She had been having it for weeks - weeks! - and things were getting out of hand. The image would be plastered to the inside of her eyelids for days, no getting rid of them. Period.

"Lily," a far-off voice calls. Wait. Not too far off. Not too far off at all.

Lily pulls her head out of her pillow and looks to a dark-haired girl with smiling blue eyes. Evaline Cooper, housmate, Muggleborn, and friend. "What d'you want?" she manages to gurgle out.

Eva sighs. "Um, Quidditch game? Ring a bell, Miss All-star? Wake up!" She whips a ball of scarlet at her friend.

Lily grabs the bundle, grudgingly dressing herself, throwing occasional glarea, even though it really isn't her fault.

"This better be worth waking my for, Eva. If we don't win, I'll kill you."

A short while later, Lily is on top of the world, ponytail streak I behind her as she looks down over the rest of the students. She pauses momentarily, grinning maniacally. Albus is down there somewhere, frantically watching, making sure she doesn't somehow hurt herself, paranoid being he is. And Eva, bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement, even though she is one of the horde of girls who don't understand the game of Quidditch. At all.

"Potter, wake up! You're flying in your sleep!"

Lily is jerked from here trance by a harsh voice. Their captain and Beater, Luke Pitinski, seventh year. Brown hair, brown eyes, short and muscular.

"Can it, Pitinski!" she responds automatically. "I know what I'm doing!"

With that, she streaks in front of a green-clad player (he yells something at her, but the words are lost in the wind) to join the other Gryffindor Chasers.

"James, over!" she calls to a blonde-headed boy whose face is red with windburn. Without protest, he heaves it to the sound of her voice, swervi down and back to avoid a Bludger. She raises towards the hoops, grinning maniacally.


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((James should be Jamie. :-\ Stupid spell-check.))


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Of course the thing scurried away at the last second, it always does, finger tips on the cold metal and whoosh. Scorpius veered off to the right, blowing past the ducking students in the stands. Blurs of scarlet, blue, yellow and green could be seen from his peripheral. His eyes darted left, right, up and down as he tried to keep track of the glinting golden snitch. Scorpius knew the Gryffindor seeker wasn't far behind him, tracking his movements, trying to find a leg up. Scorpius found himself chasing it straight towards the sky, doing his best to avoid the flurry of scarlet and green as he continued the chase. High above the pitch Scorpius began to close in on his target once more, he almost lost sight of it when he was suddenly nudged by the Gryffindor seeker, only barely did he notice the glint as it began to dive towards the Slytherin hoops.

"I've got you now you little..whoa!"

Scorpius barely avoided another blur of scarlet as he nose dived towards the bright green grass, hand out stretched, almost numb from the cold. His eyes widened with excitement as he felt the cold metal touch his fingers once more, just before clenching his fist around the wiggling snitch. An intense feeling of joy consumed him, his first snitch, it was indescribable. That feeling was quickly snatched away as he noticed that bright green grass, and how it was WAY too close, Scorpius quickly yanked up the front of his broomstick in a desperate attempt to avoid the crash.

Scorpius was yanked from his broom as it splintered on the ground, sending him tumbling across the wet and cold grass. He finally came to a stop ten yards from the crash site, even though it hurt, even though he could barely breathe, he held the snitch up triumphantly. He managed to get to his feet, looking to the skies, winking from the sun.


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Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
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Lily Luna takes her shot, putting the Quaffle away into the central hoop. She turns around to grin at her teammates, but... They're not there. She looks around frantically before seek a huddle of scarlet, way down below, on the ground. She frowns, starting downwards.

When she lands, Lily feels her heart sink. Her team looks defeated, the Slytherins giddy, and that could only mean...

"No!" she hisses alloud. "No, no, no!"

She starts towards the green-clad boy clutching the fluttering little ball. A name pops automatically into her mind. Malfoy. Scorpius Malfoy. Al despised the boy, that much she knows. Something about being disrespectful, or something along those lines.

Before Lily Luna can get herself under control, she stalks towards the Slytherin Seeker. "You!" she screeches, banshee-like.

"Potter, cool it!"

In an instant, Pitinski is at her side, yanki her arms together behind her back.

"Let go of me! Let me show him-"

Pitinski forces her away.

"No. It's not worth it. Now come on."

Lily follows somewhat reluctantly, throwing a glare at the winning team over her shoulder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
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Scorpius was soon surrounded by his teammates, the first of which was the team Captain, Lawrence Wade, seventh year. He was a large boy, a bit of a gut with blonde hair brown eyes, and a big grin plastered on his face.

"I thought we didn't stand a chance, Malfoy!" He said as he pulled Scorpius in for a big hug, patting him on the back. "Great job, man."

Scorpius smiled and accepted the rest of his team's congratulation, accepting hugs and praise was something he never minded doing. He knew the Gryffindor team would feel that one, and he admitted to being just fine with that. He had just enough time to finish that thought when he heard a commotion to his left, looking up just in time to catch Lily Luna's glare.

"Better luck next time, red." Scorpius said, following it with a sly wink. His teammates burst out into laughter, slapping him on the back. He turned and followed his companions off the opposite side of the pitch, looking up to the stands in time to catch a few approving looks from a couple of Slytherin girls. Today was going to be a good day, Scorpius thought to himself.


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((Hey, just a fair warning, when I post from mobile, there's no formatting. :P)) Lily Luna breaks away from Pitinski violently, aggarvated by Scorpius's remark. She starts towards him rapidly, drawing her wand as she goes, face red with controlling anger. "Don't call me Red!" she screeches, pointing the thin piece of wood at him. Before she can do any damage, however, a stern voice calls her name. "Lily! Lily, come!" Lily keeps her gaze fixed on Scorpius, scowl deepening. "I'm in the middle of something, Albus," she says a little too calmly. Her elder brothers had never been anything alike, inspiring many a childhood fight. Normally she herself would just watch quietly, throwing in snide comments directed towards the both of them. James had always been mischevious and biased, basing everything upon rumors and hatred. He had been a troublemaker in his Hogwarts years, and Mother had always declared that he was truly like his uncles Fred and George, the former of which he had never even met. Al, however... Well, Al had always been a shy, quiet boy who was and is extremely respectful towards all. It was no surprise when his prefect badge came a year ago, as was the fact that Lily herself didn't get one. "Lily, come," he repeats, taking her wand arm while Pitinski takes the other. The boys lead her from the pitch and back to the castle without a word.


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Character Portrait: Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
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#, as written by VB3000
Scorpius only stood still as she started toward him, a confident smile playing on his lips. He immediately retrieved his wand after she did, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"You don't want to do that, Potter." He said with a grin, as his fellow Slytherin's joined in behind him, snickering. He watched in amusement as the fiery girl was dragged off to the castle by her brother and teammate. He soon found himself accompanying his classmates back to the castle as well, talking about the match and how it felt good to win a match against Gryffindor.

"I don't think I've seen you quite that shade of red before, Malfoy." said Lawrence. "Don't tell me you have a thing for Potter."

Scorpius followed this accusation up with a switch punch to the arm, narrowing his eyes at the now wincing Lawrence. He didn't quite share the hatred his family was known for, the Potters, although it had greatly improved. He would not, however, be picked on in front of the entire team.

"It's cold outside, idiot. Don't make me do that again." He said with a glare on his face, showing that he meant every word.

"Sorry, man, I didn't mean any harm." Wade said with a wounded look on his face, rubbing the pulsing ache out of his arm.

Scorpius harbored no ill will towards the Potters, but he had no problem poking fun and pushing buttons. He wasn't afraid to admit to himself that he enjoyed it especially with Lily, she had no problem speaking her mind and that's what he enjoyed so much about it. In the Slytherin common room, people are always so reluctant to say anything to offend him. He wasn't his Father, or his Grandfather, but the things his family did were not easily forgotten, and he had to accept that.

"Let's just get something to eat, huh?" said Scorpius as he wrapped his arm around Wade's shoulder, walking into the castle, the sound of bustling students filling his ears.


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Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
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It seems to take ages to make it to the Gryffindor common room, Lily muttering under her breath relentlessly as her brother and captain keep tight hold on her arms, as though scared of what she'd do without them holding her back. She smirks at the sheer thought. Ah, if only they'd have let her fuck that foul roach up, just a tad! A shame they couldn't simply see things her way.

Eventually, Pitinski lets go of her left arm, heading up to the dorms to change. Al lowers her into a chair cautiously, eyes never wavering from hers as he sits down next to her. He studies his little sister momentarily before letting out a sigh and beginning to speak.

"And you wonder why James calls you Hothead." He shakes his head sadly, as though admitting that his brother is correct pains him.

The corner of Lily's lips quirk upward slightly. "Can you blame me? Cursed rat, that Malfoy."

Albus merely shook his head. "You've been hanging around James too long," he says sadly. "You're becoming as biased as our dear older brother."

Lily laughs sharply. "You don't like him, either, Al," she says pointedly. "You've even said as much. Many times."

A sigh. 'Yes, but I dislike him for reasons other than his House and heritage. It's different."

Pursing her lips, Lily presses on without relent. "As do I. He's inconsiderate and he called me Red." She crosses her arms fiercely.

To her amazement, Albums laughs. He actually laughs! Lily throws a glare his way. "I'm sorry, did I miss something here? What's so funny?"

Al shakes his head, grinning. "I should've known it was something petty. Come, Lil, I thought you were past getting mad over name-calling. I mean, really."

For some reason, Lily feels her eyes well with tears. "Fine. If I'm so petty and childish, I'll leave." Leaving Al looking dumbstruck, she marches out of the common room through the portrait hole, still in her Quidditch robes, gloriously red. Just like her hair.

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Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy
Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter


Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
Lily Luna Potter

"I'm sick of people tell I me what to do. This is my life; I intend to live it my way."

Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy
Scorpius Malfoy

Brilliant, Confident, Witty, Sarcastic and Resourceful


Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy
Scorpius Malfoy

Brilliant, Confident, Witty, Sarcastic and Resourceful

Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
Lily Luna Potter

"I'm sick of people tell I me what to do. This is my life; I intend to live it my way."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Scorpius Malfoy
Scorpius Malfoy

Brilliant, Confident, Witty, Sarcastic and Resourceful

Character Portrait: Lily Luna Potter
Lily Luna Potter

"I'm sick of people tell I me what to do. This is my life; I intend to live it my way."

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