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History's Mansion, Traveller of Time

History's Mansion, Traveller of Time


[Closed] Six college students from a local university, having found an ad for lodging at a cheap price, decide to stay together for the semester. The house, in truth, sends them to the most dangerous periods in history.

1,559 readers have visited History's Mansion, Traveller of Time since Candy_ created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

original roleplay by crystalrain



Summer at the University was always boring - with no classes being offered, but the students still being able to stay on the campus, anything went. For six students who were tired of the campus life and wanted to find something different, they found just the thing they wanted to see - the perfect escape. A local mansion was offering to host six students from the University at a very low price, in return for them simply 'taking care of the house and its needs for the semester, or else dire consequences will ensue.'

The job duties were never listed, but the six students barely hesitated to sign up and move out.

What they would find would surprise them all - at the very soonest each week, or at least each month, the house would transport them back in time to the most dangerous periods of time. Whether it was the Black Plague in Europe or the sinking of the Titanic, all six would be thrown into the past without any warning. The students need to find their way to survive the summer to see the end of the semester - or fall prey to the house's hunger, or its owners wrath.



Name: Isaac Woods | Age: 21 | FC: Tommy Karevik | Candy_


Name: Lisette A. Lefeuvre | Age: 18 | FC: Alice Englert | S'Épanouir Dans Cieux


Name: Nathaniel M. Layton | Age: 20 | FC: Michael Angelakos | TheNovelust


Name: Melody De'Lauren | Age: 21 | FC: Nicole Anderson | Amybel


Name: Friedrich Davis | Age: 20 | FC: Steven Pacey | TomorrowsHerald


Name: Tatum Donalds | Age: 18 | FC: Alessia Cara| afreerobin


[*]Room 1 - Room 1 is located on the direct left of where you enter the house. It has an open window to the front lawn with drapes, and when open has a perfect view of the front garden and the trees surrounding the lot. The bed is a four-poster in the back right corner, next to which is a small bedstand with a lamp. A grand piano sits besides the window from when the house was first built. The walls are decorated with bookstands, in which lay many different pieces of music or books. It was once a study, but was converted to a bedroom for the owner's daughter, who passed away shortly after it was built. Currently, there are several different instrument cases inside, belonging to both the original owners and the current inhabitant. (Isaac Woods currently resides in Room 1.)

[*]Room 2 - The first door to the right on the second floor, abnormally close to the stairwell, is where Miss Lefeuvre currently resides. Upon entry, one would first notice the astonishing French Carpet, laden with beautiful rose patterns and flowers, although, this seems to be the most luxurious item in the room, by far. On the right is a double bed, covered by two woolen blue sheets. Large bookshelves line the left and right walls, leaving three spaces; the first of which is a small desk, with an iron safe underneath locked by a digital padlock, the second is a rack with two of Lisette's fencing sabres, with a mask hooked on the end, the final space is a door leading into the en suite.

The en suite is uncomfortably small, with a small sink, toilet and shower sitting next to each other. Back with the main room, a chandelier hangs from the middle of the room, lit by electric candles. The final part of the room is the two large windows that give a wonderful view of the gardens and outhouse. (Lisette Lefeuvre currently resides in room 2.)

[*]Room 3 - Room 3 will have student 3 moving in soon.

[*]Room 4 - Room 4 will have student 4 moving in soon.

[*]Room 5 - Room 5 is currently uninhabited.

[*]Room 6 - Room Six in which young Tatum Donalds resides fits sung at the end of a long hallway. If you entered you'd notice the room looks as if a tornado tore through it. The bed, a large queens size, is never made. Clothes are scattered across the room. Some on shelves, the lone bookcase, hanging from the posts around her bed. It has there large windows, however they can never shine. Thick red curtins cover them constantly. The only area of the room you could call neat is the top right corner which holds an old oak desk. On the stained wood is an old lamp, some paper, and Tatum's most prized laptop. A surplus of wires hang from the desk, one leading to her bed. The items of electricity were added by Tatum, who didn't enjoy the primitive look of the room before she came. (Tatum Donalds currently resides in Room 6.)

Code: Select all
[center][img]Character's name, preferably from or similar source[/img][/center]



[left][u]Full Name[/u]:




[right][img]Picture of your character![/img][/right]



[left][u]Sexual Orientation[/u]:

[u]Relationship Status[/u]:




[right][img]Picture of your character![/img][/right]



[left][u]Hair Color[/u]:

[u]Eye Color[/u]:



[u]Typical Clothing Style[/u]:

[u]Distinct Markings[/u]:

[right][img]Yet another picture of your character.[/img][/right]



[left][u]History[/u]: (As lengthy as you can get it. More than one para, please.)


[right][img]Almost there. Another pic.[/img][/right]


[center][img]Alright...last pic.[/img][/center]

Toggle Rules

* Please be active! I don't expect a lot, I'm a busy college student, but I do ask that you do take time to give to this RP.
* Please be literate. At least 200 words a post, if you can't make that every time it's okay, but please do but substance in for others to work off of.
* Illiteracy will not be tolerated. Slang, text speech (when a character isn't speaking/texting) will not be allowed, and may result in being kicked out.
* The password is posting your face claim with your character in the OOC.
* Rooms are to be designed as soon as your CS is in, and be created before the roleplay starts.
* The mansion's destinations will be decided by myself.
* Yes! Your character may die. If you don't play this right, or if you don't post for a long while, you do have a chance of dying.
* Please no god-moding. If you make a wrong choice (which shouldn't be too hard to avoid), or if you're in a situation that realistically you shouldn't be able to get out of, then know what the situation is and play it as such.
* Romance is allowed.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Melody De'Lauren Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Friedrich Davis Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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#, as written by Candy_
(OOC: Got distracted by studying.. only to have the test be postponed until next Monday... I hope you all forgive me! We'll use the order of posting as the order of arriving in the house, feel free to interact with those who come before/after you. Good luck to all, and with any luck, I'll see all of you on the other side.)


The chance that had been presented to him was nothing short of miraculous. Isaac had been looking for a place to live for a while; though living on campus was comfortable, there was something else that tugged at him, something that told him he had another place to be. And so when he read about a chance to live in a mansion, against his better judgement he took up on the offer.

Jolienne would have loved the irony, he thought to himself, slowly letting his car roll onto the driveway. He noticed that he was the first one arriving, and though there had been five other names on the sheet in the commons, he didn't have even the slightest idea of who they were.

A small part of him wanted to avoid finding out. He brushed that thought aside as he parked his car beneath an oak tree, spreading its branches over a patch of grass and a large pond. The front yard itself was impressively beautiful, and reminded him of his own at home - it looked as if fifty gardeners tended it every morning. Flowers bloomed nearly everywhere the eye could see, only being interrupted by cobble stone paths digging through the garden and several ponds scattered across the area.

Isaac turned his head away, a small phrase from Debussy's "Claire de Lune" floating through his thoughts. He held onto the piece as he walked through the garden and towards the door, imagining how Debussy might have played it if he were alive to be able to play the piece. And what he would have thought about someone transcribing it for piano.

His heart stopped for a brief moment, forced by panic, and he turned around and bolted for his car. The door opened with ease, as he had forgotten to lock it in a simple moment of bliss, but inside lay three of his instrument cases that he had brought with him. And upon seeing them, he let go a breath that he didn't know he was holding, grabbing the violin before shutting the door, and locking the car with a second thought.

That was how Isaac found himself entering the house. Granted that it was a mansion, he had been accustomed to houses of such sizes when he was younger, and no longer found it such a splendid thing - more a necessary evil that left him with thoughts of his father.

"Hello? Anyone home?" He listened to the echo of his voice carry through the house, and after it faded, there was no response. He took that as a simple sign to keep wandering through the house, and opened the first door he found, somewhere to the left of the main door. Engraved on a golden plaque was 'Ilyena's Study,' hanging on the front of the door.

Inside could be described as nothing less than pure joy for him to find. The windows, with the drapes thrown open, had a perfect view of the garden outside - but what he noticed more was the light being thrown onto the room. Everywhere, there were books in quantities that he had only dreamed of. Isaac carefully threw his violin onto the bed, and picked up the first piece of sheet music he found, the conductor's score for Chesnokov's 'Salvation is Created.'

He laughed merrily, and ran over to the grand piano sitting just besides the window. The lid opened easily, and while it was in need of dusting, the piano itself was relatively in tune for not having been played in some time. He carefully picked at the keys, playing the piece he had found, waiting for his other house mates to arrive.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton
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Although scholarships and financial aid paid most of his expenses during the course of the year, the money was rarely enough to get him through the summer without going back home, something he liked to avoid at all cost. The opportunity to live somewhere for nickles in the grand scheme of things in exchange for taking care of the house was really a no-brainer. He had never actually taken care of a house before, but there would be five others to help him know what to do. He had a hard time keeping things organized, but for an almost free place to live, he would double his efforts.

He saw a car already parked under a large tree and pulled his pick up next to it before shutting off the engine. If he had the choice, he would drive something smaller, more economical, but his grandfather had left him that truck shortly before he went off to university, and now that the old man had passed, Nathaniel couldn't let himself get rid of one of the last things that still connected him to the man that raised him. He had moved many of his possessions earlier in the week, but a few straggling items lay in the passenger seat besides him. Among these items lay a beaten, brown bookbag Nathaniel grabbed before exiting the vehicle. He slung the strap over his shoulder and made his way inside.

The ornate decorations in the foyer caught him off guard, possibly more beautiful than the rest of the grounds. He took a moment to run his eyes and fingers over the decorations, fingertips searching for nooks and crannies on the dark wood molding that lined one of the walls. The sound of musical notes reached his ears and he followed it until he came across the study.

The sheer amount of books covering almost every free inch of wall instantly caught his eye, making him feel as if he had died and gone to heaven. He could see himself spending most of his time divided between the study and his own room. He saw the other man sitting at the piano, playing a few notes here and there. He usually liked to keep to himself, but he knew he should at least attempt to be on good terms with his housemates.

"Oh, howdy there. I'm Nathaniel." The "howdy" slipped naturally into his speech, not from his Texas heritage, but from the tradition of saying it as a greeting from the college town he grew up in.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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Though Tatum would never admit it she was starting to have doubts about this. She'd be the first to admit she wasn't exactly the most social of individuals, it wasn't like she was outright afraid of confrontation. No, it was more of the fact she'd be loving with these five individuals soon enough. She hoped one of them knew how to take care of a house. If you took a look at Tatum's room at her house (her old house, she remembered with a pang in her heart) then you'd see she could care less about tidying. It was a waste of time in her eyes.

But now Tatum sat outside said house in her run down Ford, unwilling to move. Her bag acted as a security blanket and she continued to fiddle with it in her lap. What if they didn't like her? It would be hard to live with people who dislike her. Or maybe she wouldn't like any of them. Numerous reason why this was a bad idea ran through her head.

She sighed and reached for her door. Tatum had swore to her dad she'd go through with this, and she never broke a promise to him. Stepping onto the ground she couldn't help but be amazed at the side of the house. She allowed herself a brief moment to just stare before making her way into the huge house.

Her bag never left her side as she entered the house. It was even more grand then she had originally thought. She was so caught up in the vastness of it that Tatum almost didn't notice the two men already here. It made sence she supposed. There were two cars out when she arrived. Breathing in deeply she strutted as confidently as she could toward the two. 'Hello. My name is Tatum. Nice to meet you.'

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Candy_

He had lapsed into the usual excerpt from Chopin's First Nocturne, and nearly jumped when he heard someone else speak in the room. Isaac's fingers slipped and he hit a chord that made his skin shiver, at which point he looked up to see Nathaniel. He hadn't been expecting anyone to arrive for a while yet, and he had been so out of his thoughts that it still surprised him to see someone here.

Isaac stood up slowly to meet Nathaniel, surprising himself by finding that he was just a little taller. "Nathaniel, it is? I'm Isaac." He kept from his usual humor, hoping to make a good first impression; and as soon as he spoke, his eyes drifted behind to see Tatum entering the room.

I'm glad to see that my room has now been turned into the ballroom.

"Hello. My name is Tatum. Nice to meet you."

"Lovely to meet you. I would be Isaac, and that charming young man over there is Nathaniel." He bowed to Tatum, an old habit that he found hard to loose still. It wasn't that he minded being polite and all - that had never been a problem in his past.

And, of course, he felt that he was to take the liberty in introducing Nathaniel. That wasn't an old habit; that was Isaac trying to make enemies before the game even started. One of his favourite past times.

"So, let's pretend we're all friends here, and willing to sink on a ship together... Shall we explore the house? Unless, of course, you two have better things to be doing. I would assume that neither of you have found your own room yet?" He added some emphasis with that, trying to hint that he really wanted them out of his room as soon as could be, and looking for their own place to stay.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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0.00 INK


Nathaniel grit his teeth at the misplaced chord, but smiled and waved once Isaac acknowledged him. "Nice to meet you, Isaac." He never liked shaking hands and kept his own hands close to him in order to avoid the common gesture.

A new voice caused Nathaniel to turn around and look at the newcomer. He flashed a quick smile but was too slow to introduce himself. Nathaniel offered a little wave to Tatum as he was introduced to her before his hands returned to the strap of his bookbag and began worrying at the edges. He said the name over and over in his head, thinking it a bit strange and having to repeat it in order to become accustomed to it.

"Oh, is this your room?" Nathaniel glanced around the room once again, taking in more of it. He hadn't realized someone would be living in the room. It seemed like more of a common room than a bedroom. Either way, he now felt embarrassed that he had stepped into someone's room uninvited. "I'm sorry for just barging in here. Exploring sounds... fun." He forced another smile, even though exploring was very far from his idea of fun. He would rather find his room and plop down among his papers as soon as possible. He didn't catch the edge to Isaac's tone; he had never been good at picking up subtleties like that.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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0.00 INK


Tatum raised an eyebrow at the response Issac had given her. Assume we are friends? Inwardly she shrugged. That proved one person she probably wouldn't outright get along with. The other man however, Nathaniel if she remembered right, seemed promising. She could tell her wanted his own space, and he had a handbag. Two things she liked.

'It seems we walked in on a bad time Nathaniel. Though it was is quite hard to tell this is a room...' She shrugged and turned towards the door. 'However as much as I'd love to chit chat with someone as friendly as Issac I'd really like to get to my room.'

She placed a hand on the door knob and sent a look back. Inviting Nathaniel along could prove to be useful. Who knows, they might even get along. He already seemed like a much better option then Issac. 'Care to join me in the room hunt Nathaniel?'

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melody De'Lauren
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#, as written by Amybel

'Oh goodness, already so many people here...'

Melody taps her bright red fingernail against the steering wheel of her hand-me-down Honda (her greatest aquirement from her stingy parents as of yet.) She turns the stereo off, realizing the high volume and thumping bass is likely echoing outside of the car as well. From there she waits, looking up at the mansion with her full attention.

Its beautiful, like nothing shes ever had the pleasure of seeing in real life before. Flowers blooming everywhere, the mansion itself jutting into the sky, reaching with its highest peaks to touch the clouds themselves.

"And there I go getting poetic again," she says to herself. Laughing as she takes a sip of reheated coffee from a red plastic cup. The most valuable thing she owns is the car shes sitting in now, and even then it dulls in comparison to the mansion before her.

She can't imagine living here, even with the terms set, she can't believe anyone would let a student anywhere near this place.

'Yet here I am' she thinks, taken away by the sheer luck of it all. Had she not found this place she would have either been stuck with her dour roommate for another dreadful year or would have bitten her tongue just long enough to ask her parents for the spare room again (hah, as if she would have ever been capable of that.) She sighs and reaches into the backseat for her coat, leaving the various duffels untouched for the moment. She knows there is all the time in the world later to unpack her bags.

For the moment she just wants to check the place out, and perhaps meet these new roommates of hers. Hoping that they are not as grim as her last.

As she locks the car on her way to the front door she begins to think of ways to introduce herself. Knowing that in this situation, of first meetings, it is best to plan things out to avoid any stuttering. But of course her plans never quite go to code, as the moment she walked in there was nobody in sight.

Thankful to skip the awkward first encounters she travels along a hallway, taking in the extroidinary details - and the size of the mansion itself. For a few moments it seems endless, until she finally stumbled down a smaller hall with most of its doors left ajar. She stops, directly in the middle of the hall, turning to face a door that sits further open than the rest of them. She smiles brightly and pushes her way in.

Its good sized, dimly lit by the dust caked window. Stuffy and as old as the rest of the house but she doesn't bother fretting about it yet. She surveys the space, wondering just how shes going to decorate once she gets the chance. For now the room seems to be occupied only by the furnishings she had sent along earlier that week, in preperation for the move. Her bed, and a desk were to be the only things in the room so she is surprised when she notices a vanity next to the door.

"Hmmm." She turns back to the door. Satisfied with finding the room so quickly. She decides to run out to her car to grab her bags, surprised that she has yet to run into any of her fellow housemates, but relieved as well that shes being given the time to do her own thing. Returning with the bags only to leave them for the most part unpacked inside her room.

'Time for some exploring.'

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(Sorry accidentally post)

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods Character Portrait: Melody De'Lauren Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
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The scarlet red of her blood matched the colour of her bicycle very well. The trees appeared to taunt her from above, as the blood trickled from her calf into her Swiss-made socks. Lisette Lefeuvre was very fortunately, in her regular personality as she rode to the mansion. Although the conditions may have provoked her second, Lisette's car had broken down, and calling the tow truck men only led to a stream of "Bonjour!", "Croissants are tasty!" and "You live in Paris?". The man, after being slightly racist, told her that they would take an hour to come to the vehicle. Lisette could not have arriving in the afternoon an option, she pulled her bicycle off the back of the car, accidentally sending a spoke across her calf.

Upon arrival, Lisette marveled at the exterior of the mansion, it was conspicuously different from her expectations. The garden looked as if it would require a lot of work, and several cars were packed near the large tree Already, Goodness!. Lisette released her hands from the hand-grips, riding free for a few closed-eyes seconds, before letting it sit against the entrance pillars of the mansion. Before demounting her bicycle, she rethought the aforementioned surprise, riding a bicycle halfway from the university to here was certainly going to allow the others to arrive first.

Lisette unhooked her favourite sabre from her bicycle and slung her backpack, full of fruit, books, computer and telephone, over her shoulders. She knocked over a daffodil, soon after attempting to reassemble it into its former straight position. After Lisette felt as happy with the daffodil as possible, she continued on her route to the front door, which was conveniently wide open.

Upon entry, similar to the others, Lisette marveled at the decorations, the style of the doors, the chandeliers, the interior certainly did not resemble her original home. Seven seconds of observing the walls gave her sudden worries for tracking mud on the floor, she would not want to get her new French Carpet the colour of soil. Lisette attempted to remember the location of her new room, Second Floor? Where on the Second Floor? she decided it was best to simply explore the area for her room instead of ponder her embarrassingly short memory.

Lisette passed the room in which Nathaniel, Tatum and Issac were present, then walked a few steps backwards to greet and possibly request help from the people she would be traveling in time with(not that she would know that). "Why! Good day to you? Are you searching for rooms as well?", She said, with a very strict Swiss accent.

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It was at times like this that Frederich wondered if this was how Napoleon had felt during his two exiles. Sitting down at the local bus station, Fred's infinite patience was beginning to ware thin. Clearly, the area's local transportation services where "in high demand", judging by the substantial numbers of feathered commuters perching over the rotting wooden roof of the station. Other indications reinforced Fred's cynicism; such as the generational pile of dung surrounding the platform, like a moat defensive from the envy of less happier Aves. And the amateurish graffiti strewn over the various information signs of the station, boldly declaring visionary concepts such as "NUTS" and various examples of early Jurassic period F&B word terminology.

The faded poster, starring Uncle Sam and a certain polio stricken president made even Fred's cool and calculative gaze pause in awe.

"I want you FDR, stay and finish the job".

Had he accidentally traveled some eighty years into the past, or was this place that backwards?
Somehow, Fred suspected that question did not even deserve an answer.

With that thought in mind, Fred left the bus station and walked over to the adjacent village. A sign advertising the village bicycle rental service seemed like the worthiest means of transpiration to the manor other then walking. After several minutes of useless haggling, consisting of the shop owner declaring how few bikes he had available and how the reduction in oil prices somehow caused an international rise a bicycle rental prices, Fred was forced to bow to the monopoly and pay the ransom for Betty the bicycle.

As he traversed the faded roads leading away from the village, Fred noted the pristine beauty of the landscape, largely undisturbed by humanity. The potential for long healthy walks and star gazing was evident, despite his complaints Fred had a feeling he would find some pleasure out of the experience.

After about an hour's riding, Fred finally arrived at the manor. Finding a few motorcars already parked in the estate, Fred decided to try his luck and knocked at the door.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods
Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre
Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
Character Portrait: Melody De'Lauren
Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton
Character Portrait: Friedrich Davis


Character Portrait: Friedrich Davis
Friedrich Davis

"The two geopolitical constants are fatal miscommunications and russian pragmatism"

Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton
Nathaniel M. Layton

"I have CDO. It's a bit like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."

Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
Tatum Donalds

'I'm majoring in animation, basically I hate myself.'

Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre
Lisette Lefeuvre

"The type of company I prefer, is that of the, the humble, clever and well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation."

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods
Isaac Woods

"If I couldn't sing? I probably wouldn't be standing here."


Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton
Nathaniel M. Layton

"I have CDO. It's a bit like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods
Isaac Woods

"If I couldn't sing? I probably wouldn't be standing here."

Character Portrait: Friedrich Davis
Friedrich Davis

"The two geopolitical constants are fatal miscommunications and russian pragmatism"

Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre
Lisette Lefeuvre

"The type of company I prefer, is that of the, the humble, clever and well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation."

Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
Tatum Donalds

'I'm majoring in animation, basically I hate myself.'

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Isaac Woods
Isaac Woods

"If I couldn't sing? I probably wouldn't be standing here."

Character Portrait: Lisette Lefeuvre
Lisette Lefeuvre

"The type of company I prefer, is that of the, the humble, clever and well-informed people who have a great deal of conversation."

Character Portrait: Nathaniel M. Layton
Nathaniel M. Layton

"I have CDO. It's a bit like OCD, but the letters are in alphabetical order, as they should be."

Character Portrait: Tatum Donalds
Tatum Donalds

'I'm majoring in animation, basically I hate myself.'

Character Portrait: Friedrich Davis
Friedrich Davis

"The two geopolitical constants are fatal miscommunications and russian pragmatism"

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