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Into the Void

Into the Void


A galactic quest and adventure

3,129 readers have visited Into the Void since SugarNspikeS created it.



In the distant future human kind has discovered that they aren't alone in the galaxy. In fact they are one of the most recent species to develop faster than light travel between worlds. Just recently a human was elected as prime minister of the galactic council making Earth the most powerful planet in the galaxy. However, with great power often comes corruption and the Earth didn't come to power as peacefully as they would have the council believe.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel Character Portrait: Eben Gragantha
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0.00 INK

As the others departed to their own ships, Vance also went into his. The inside was sleek and a majority of the controls were touch screen panels with the exception of control stick used for manual control and steering. Vital readouts displayed as projections on the cockpit window, while those of lesser importance displayed on the touch screens. The cockpit had two seats as it was flown optimally by two people, but with the AI he had installed flying it alone was not difficult.
He waited in the cockpit for Wolfe to get the rest of his stuff or to find someone to watch his ship until he could sell it. He would meet up with the others at the orbital. There was only one with a café and a market place, so he figured the others would be able to find it with a simple scan.
“Ravie, get ready to take-off when Mr. Wolfe gets aboard.”

“As you wish, Vance. Which one is Mr. Wolfe?”

“The Human, Ravie. Take off when the Human gets on.”

“Very well.”

Ravie, short for Ravager, had been the closest thing Vance had to a friend, even if she was just an artificial intelligence, in the eight years he’d been in hiding. She was able to control the ship as Vance would when he needed to rest or was unable to pilot. There were a number of retractable robotic appendages within the ship and Ravie was also programed with a library of medical texts regarding the Phaige so that she could help Vance if he were injured. Also the ship was equipped with a medical synthesizer that was used to replicate synthetic Phaige plasma so he could feed. There were few alien species that the Phaige could actually feed off of in spite of what the tales would have you believe.

The control panels lit up and the engines began to hum. An electric blue glow began to emanate from the engines. The engines weren’t combustion-based like many of the older human ships, they were negative field engines powered by tridaxium. The radiation of the tridaxium, although harmless, was the cause of the blue glow in the negative field generator ports which would normally have a pure white glow.
“Ravie, display anatomy of the following races: Armojan, Helvan, and Forge Walker.”

“As you wish.” She replied and a holographic display showed up in the middle of the room showing three figures and displaying the anatomy of all of them.
Vance studied them as he waited for Wolfe. He didn’t think things would come to a fight, as none of them had any violent feelings that he was able to pick up on while they were present, but just in case he studied the displays for any type of weakness he could exploit if it came to that.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel Character Portrait: Eben Gragantha
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0.00 INK

Wolfe vanished back into his ship and tucked his earpiece behind his ear. It was a very old ship type. "Computer, ring up Zoma from the Three Suns station. Send him the following message: Zoma, I have a rust bucket for sale, if you want it in one piece with all its salvageable parts you'll send your bucket head goons in to collect it before the feline vermin on this planet steal the last bolt and rivet. Attach the coordinates and apply my usual encryption. He'll know who it is...and if he's smart he'll know what he owes me when it's sold."
The computer confirmed the message, read it back to him and sent it all while Wolfe went from room to room with items in his hands stuffing notes and messages and files into his bag. He had very little actual personal items, just a few sets of clothes, the torn badge and a journal that had pages and photographs poking out. He left most of his guns as well favoring the one pistol he had tucked under his pistol, an old fashioned hand made hand gun from his home world styled after the ones they used to use on earth. It fired actual bullets and was worth half as much as the ship he was selling. He tucked it into his belt and stuffed the last of his research into a large case and shuffled his way out of the ship, with difficulty.

Vance's ship was a lot bigger and a lot fancier than Wolfe cared for. He strode on feeling a bit grimy as he looked about. It was leagues beyond his clumsy little machine. Wolfe could feel silence overcome him as he felt...a bit awkward at their situation. He had killed this man's...well...kin, had aided in their virtual extinction and now he gazed about for a place to stow away his undergarments in his ship. He still felt as if he shouldn't be alive, the feeling tugged at his chest like a spidery hand trying to grab a slug, he felt a bit like he wanted to be sick.

"My ship will be fine here. Salvagers will come by probably around the time the sun sets."
He knew it was strange for someone to cast aside an asset like a ship so carelessly, shrugging it away as if it were a broken plastic spoon that needed to be thrown in the bin. Wolfe wouldn't have been so rash before meeting Vance. He had accepted his death mere minutes before, a ship was worth less. Wolfe stared at Vance for a long time, his gaze tired. "Do you have a plan? Revenge? A-......are you going to wipe out mankind?"

The last question came out slowly, reluctantly, the thought making Wolfe look older and more tired than he was. It would be a just thing to do. Humans had it long coming even before the Phaige war, but it didn't take empathetic abilities to see that Wolfe still had family out there.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
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0.00 INK

The ship lifted off as soon as the hatch closed behind Wolfe. His questions seemed the type that should be easy to answer, yet Vance found himself trying to find the right words to answer them.
“Revenge? No. Up until today I would have said that revenge was all I wanted. I wanted to make the human race suffer as I had. But vengeance and justice aren’t the same thing. Is it fair to hold an entire species accountable for the actions of those in charge? Is it fair when nearly all of them, including yourself, were misinformed about our intentions? I can’t even bring myself to be angry at you. You were told we were hostile; you didn’t know it was just a ploy to get tridaxium.” He paused and looked at Wolfe and felt the waves of sadness, guilt and anxiety ripple through the cockpit. Though it wasn’t a custom on Phaigea, he awkwardly put a hand on Wolfe’s shoulder in an attempt to bring comfort. “I …forgive you.” He choked out. “As for a plan, well, I intend to talk to these three aliens at the orbital to see what kind of information they have. After that, I plan to go back to my parents’ lab in the mining camp and retrieve a copy of the last human mass communication with the planet. Then we’ll follow any possible leads these three have given us, as well as your own leads and present this information to the Galactic Council and, with any luck, after seeing that they’ve committed genocide, the rest of the council will impeach the prime minister and he and the rest of the humans responsible will be put on trial for their crimes.” Vance turned and looked out the window to see that the ship had already arrived at the orbital. “Well, looks like we’re here, let’s see what kind of information these guys have on the humans and the genocide of my people.”
The ship parked next to the café and the hatch opened. Vance walked to the bottom step and took a look at the old market place. The environment simulated the desert on the planet below and it looked like the old desert bazaars from Earth’s past. He looked around the ship park to see if the others had landed yet, but he didn’t see their ships yet.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
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0.00 INK

As Lendri wandered around to make sure her ship was ready for lift off, she looked up to see the hooded one's ship take off. "Well built, takes to the stars easy. Must be forge built." she muttered as she tapped on the console. She set the pilot to follow the duo's ship and within seconds her own scouter was in flight.

The trip didn't take long at all, but it was enough time for her to relax. She wasn't on the job here. No bounties to capture, No ships to steal and take apart, and hopefully no fighting another in defense of her person. It felt...nice, almost peaceful. As the ship followed the course the other ship had taken, she took the time sit on her haunches, her tail coiled around her as she sighed; another cloud of steam rolling from her vents. As peaceful as it was, she missed the halls of history she used to tend to. The walls filled with sheets of maps, texts of their history and gods, texts that she was sure had survived due to the amount of her people able to care most if not all of them out of danger. She even had a large library of various texts stored in the back of her ship.

As her ship landed at the orbital, parking itself next to the hooded one's ship; she trotted to the back of her vessel. Again, she noted that she wasn't on a job so some attire wouldn't hurt. She placed her claws into a pad next to her sleeping nest until it glowed and opened on it's own, revealing a set of vestments that looked like a cape if she were standing covered in red and gold feather like scales and tassels of the same color that went around her neck. The head piece swept back between her vents giving her a regal look...a look that she had long since had to abandon to survive.

Lendri muttered a phrase that sounded more like a rumble in her vents to open the bottom hatch, letting her drop to the ground below with a shimmering sound due to her vestments. The orbital itself reminded her of the markets just on the edges of the habitable surface zone on the heated side. It was quaint to say the least. She nodded toward the ship next to her and trotted along to find the hooded one once more and bow slightly in greeting. "Your ship takes to the stars quite well. You speak well that this is forge built." she rumbled, her mouth slightly stretching into a smirk. "But now we wait it seems. Unless our orb of excitement is already here."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel Character Portrait: Eben Gragantha
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0.00 INK

Ebensomanth sat at in the pilot's seat of his ship, Khazrin not too far away, as usual. Much like the outside, the interior of the Armojan ship was made up of smooth parts, almost organic in appearance. The walls were a soft green colour, with what looked almost like the veins of a leaf if one cared to look at it very closely. Small lights were embedded in the ceiling that gave off a warm glow similar to that of natural sunlight, and even the temperature and humidity within the ship were made to simulate the preferred climate of the Armojans and Helvans.

Watching the other two ships take off first, the scientist initiated the startup sequence for the ship's ion drives, gently taking off from the landing strip and soaring to the upper atmosphere and beyond.

"I think that went rather well, considering how things usually turn out," said Eben. "That one in the hood seemed a little shifty though. What do you think?"

"Suspicious. Both the hooded one and the human with the gun." Khazrin said, and looked at the ships docking at the orbital. "I recommend we avoid making deals with them, until we learn more about their personal background."
The Helvan turned towards Eben now, and asked the scientist the now routinary question "What are your plans exactly, Ebensomanth?"

The Armojan leaned back in his seat, for once quiet and contemplative. "Hmm... Our purpose is to study new and rare alien species, is it not? The Forge Walker is indeed an interesting specimen. Rather polite, too. And that hooded one... I'm not sure what species he was, but I can tell that it wasn't human like the other one. Something about those eyes..." Eben resumed his musings until he caught sight of the orbital station very close by on the ship's sensors. "Ah, but we have arrived at our destination! We shall have plenty of time to consider such things later."

Khazrin sighed lightly, just to complete what was becoming his habit and part of his being. Despite having served the scientist for several years, the Helvan will never comprehend the Armojan's curiosity and obsession for xenobiology. "They do not usually enjoy being studied, these 'new' and 'rare' alien species, Ebensomanth." Khazrin said, knowing that his words wouldn't dissuade the scientist.

"Oh, I don't know. Miss Vokilla seemed most cooperative," replied the Armojan as he prepared the ship for docking procedures. "If anyone does try anything, however, then I suppose we could always make do with an autopsy."

With the ship landed, Eben disembarked to find that the interior of the station had been built to resemble the conditions on the planet they had just left. Perhaps the natives preferred this to cold metal corridors. It didn't take long for him to see the group, with Lendrinia acting as an effective landmark. Waving to them in greeting, he and Khazrin made sure their ship was locked before going to join them.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel Character Portrait: Eben Gragantha
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0.00 INK

"Your ship takes to the stars quite well. You speak well that this is forge built." The forge walker spoke. "But now we wait it seems. Unless our orb of excitement is already here."
“Yes, there are few who can take junk and turn it into treasure with as much skill and finesse as the Forge Walkers. At least that’s what he told me.” Vance replied to the compliment.
At that point he saw the Armojan ship land and the other two walk out, the Armojan waving at them. “Looks like Mr. excitement is here.” Vance muttered dryly. He lacked the enthusiasm, but could still see the potential for information. “Wolfe, we should get going.” He called back into the ship. He assumed Wolfe was still getting acclimated to the ship.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel Character Portrait: Eben Gragantha
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0.00 INK

Lendri nodded, shifting her robes a bit. It was good to see a forge build ship after so many years on the move. The welds were familiar and the mimicry of the home race's ship were top notch. Now if only she could find others of her kind. The realization that they had spread out so thinnly was quite unsettling to say the least.

She sighed as the armojan joined them, as much as she was all for getting a hold of his ship this was not the time for scrapping it down and building it anew. She had a working and functioning ship. Not only that she did not carry the same level of enthusiasm for her person as him. Granted this was a sector that she had been to, but she didn't think of herself as anything special. Just a meer Priest. A keeper of her people's lore, history and schematics on nearly every kind of ship they had come across. At least that's what her robe said to any other forge walker. To any other race, it was just very ornate robes for a large race.

She tilted her head to the side again, confused. "Is your companion alright? Rides in ships one isn't acclimated to can make one quite ill." she noted, remember how many newly grown forge walkers got sick on their first rides on other ships. While amusing for the older walkers, it was sometimes annoying to clean up the mess.

She eyed the armojan's companion with some suspicion. Having not seen that style of armor since landing on gilgora V for a job and getting attacked by the locals that called her a demon. She could never be too sure at this rate. The guard had not been hostile towards her, probably due to not being hostile herself. It was probably for the better. So long as she kept her cool, no one would be roasted.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe
Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla
Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel


Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel
Khazrin Vrek'hel

"Honor through service!"

Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla
Lendrinia Vokilla

"If I am a monster, what does that make you?"

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe
Morigan Wolfe

" This is what Honor and Glory looks like."

Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
Vance Hemolian

"They've taken everything from me. Now I have nothing to lose."


Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel
Khazrin Vrek'hel

"Honor through service!"

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe
Morigan Wolfe

" This is what Honor and Glory looks like."

Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
Vance Hemolian

"They've taken everything from me. Now I have nothing to lose."

Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla
Lendrinia Vokilla

"If I am a monster, what does that make you?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Khazrin Vrek'hel
Khazrin Vrek'hel

"Honor through service!"

Character Portrait: Morigan Wolfe
Morigan Wolfe

" This is what Honor and Glory looks like."

Character Portrait: Vance Hemolian
Vance Hemolian

"They've taken everything from me. Now I have nothing to lose."

Character Portrait: Lendrinia Vokilla
Lendrinia Vokilla

"If I am a monster, what does that make you?"

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