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Loaded Deck

Loaded Deck


When an organization with the power of a small nation originally designed to protect those with supernatural powers goes corrupt few things stand between it and the domination of humans. (DEAD, Might be basis of a new one at some point)

3,610 readers have visited Loaded Deck since Chaningm92 created it.


For the past three generations a minuscule quantity of humans have been born with a genetic fault leading to abnormal activity within the body, causing almost superhuman qualities. This defect has been come to known as a S.U.I.T. Standing for Supernatural Utilization Incursion Technique. The carriers of said gene malfunctions are simply known as Suits. Humans immediately viewed this new breed as a blight on existence and demanded their annihilation. The Hierarchy was an organization founded by humans to protect these unique beings from civil inequality and seek their worldwide acceptance. Because the populace would never have to live with or see these monsters, The Hierarchy was quickly accepted by all nations and openly took Suits from any decent. The organization quickly grew into a nation and offered a place for Suits to live without concern.

Suits live excellently in these conditions. A calm and successful new world in the making. A world without poverty or gap in demographic. A nation of industrial, scientific, and medicinal prowess. All Suits found or born were taken to the Hierarchy to be marked and live in the nation.

With such a vast myriad of powers the Hierarchy organized each power under a symbol found in card suits and marked them with a scar to represent their grouping.

Suits of Hearts: Powers dealing with or affecting the mind. Scar is a Heart on the chest.
IE: telekinesis, illusion, mind control, psychic, or telepathy
Suits of Clubs: Powers dealing with physical manipulation or stimulation of the body. Scar is a Club on the feet.
IE: Super strength, speed, shapeshifting, sensory, invisibility, healing
Suits of Diamonds: Powers dealing with manipulation of the elements. Scar is a Diamond on the back of hands.
IE: Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Aerokinesis, Terraforming, Aquaforming, Metalforming, Electrokinesis
Suits of Spades: Unique, almost indistinguishable powers. Scar is a spade on the back.
IE: Necromancy, Infection, Dream-walking, ect.

Using this classification system, the Hierarchy has marked all Suits in existence. Not all Suits live within the Hierarchy, but are simply marked and attempt living normal lives although these are few. Those that are within the Hierarchical Nation are ranked by number or face in addition to their suit. For example 2-4 are worker ranks. 5-7 are soldier ranks. 8-10 are elite soldier ranks or management work positions. Jacks are soldiers that have also transcended into a position of political power such as Generals. Queens are female elitist soldiers, so adept as to acquire a position of aristocracy. Kings are elitist male soldiers that are adept as to acquire a position of aristocracy. Aces are the rulers of each suit and the controllers of the Hierarchy at it's core. While these numbers and faces exist the social gap between them is almost nonexistent.

As the original human founders of the Hierarchy passed away, leaving their positions to Suits, the organization became corrupt. The new Aces seek not social equality, but rather a world dominated by Suits. Although nothing has occurred yet, the Hierarchy plans to enlist or murder any Suit that is not under their grasp. Only a few short of a full house, the Hierarchy has not a great deal to fight until nothing can impede their power. The humans will fall to the Hierarchy and be dominated by them if nothing is done. However, many Suits see issue with that.

Suits that are not currently within the Hierarchy are about to be hunted mercilessly. As a character you have the option to live within the Hierarchy, or outside of it.


Ace of Diamonds: Jace Beleran
Ace of Hearts: Megoritte Defronza'
Ace of Clubs: Hayden Falkner
Ace of Spades: Vladimir Tappaja

King of Hearts: (Reserved)
King of Spades: The Fallen Kyden Exillis
King of Clubs: Maxus Ekklesia
King of Diamonds: Nicholas Faira

Queen of Clubs: (Open)
Queen of Hearts: Ultear Thatchai
Queen of Diamonds: Kaeleigh Berwick
Queen of Spades: Moira Spade

Jack of Clubs: Catherine Alest
Jack of Hearts: (Open)
Jack of Diamonds: Dimitri Ivanov
Jack of Spades: (Open)

Rain K. Rommel
Lex Ashford
Natalie White
Kite Tiede

1. Medic, Sonadira, Blizzard, and SkyeBreaker (The Aces) are Co-GMs in this Roleplay. Their words carry just as much weight as mine do. What they say goes.

2. Characters WILL die. If a character is in over their head they could very well lose their life, and there are no exceptions if a GM says it occurs. However, this does not mean GMs are exempt for this rule. Aces are just as mortal as everyone else, just much greater in power. But they can die, (I still don't recommend it :P.) We have decided though that if your character perishes, IE: A jack is killed in battle, they are allowed to make a new character, so long as the new character is not a Face. New characters will need to be approved just the same. Please do NOT make a 2nd character just because you fear for yours, and do not be overly cautious of your character, play as the character would anyway. Let the story play out, even if your character must die, and you will be rewarded in some way.

3. PLACE ORGANIZATION IS KEY. Post in the area which your character is currently at. IE: A Queen in the Spire is having a conversation with a King. We can't have 16 characters posting in the same place. Feel free to move between the areas, and be sure to keep up on the events of the other places to know what's going on.

Character Skeleton:
Picture: a picture of your character, anime, real or otherwise.
Eye color:
Hair color:
Appearance: brief description of what character wears, wields, and carries themselves
Personality: brief description of how character acts, likes, dislikes.
Suit: Suit marking character carries in accordance to their power
Power: in-depth description of characters power, be specific and nothing outrageous (ask in OOC if need be)
Bio: Brief story of your character and their life/ backstory.

Toggle Rules

1. As always no godmodding, no exceptions.
2. No unauthorized character control of another's.
3. Must be willing to post once every 2 days. (in actives will be kicked)
4. No fail grammar.
5. At least 2 paragraph posts, aside from conversation in which details should provide at least 1.
6. What the co-GMs say goes.
7. All questions accepted in OOC.
8. Put the word Dueces In equipment to show you've read the rules.
9. Honestly, I want this to be an adult level RP. Blood/gore/profanity go wild. Romance, as high as R, but please no sex scences.
10. Enjoy it. :)

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in


Florida by RolePlayGateway

On the western coast of Florida the skies are sunny, the beaches warm and peaceful, and the people normal and happy.

The Sigil

The Sigil by RolePlayGateway

Meeting place of the Aces in demanding times.

Artisan District

Artisan District by RolePlayGateway

Home and workplace of those Suits numbered 2-4 or the Worker Suits.

Adroit Precinct

Adroit Precinct by RolePlayGateway

Home and training grounds of Suits 8-10. The elite Suits that have earn higher recognition train under the Jack of their suit to become Lieutenants, and Sergeants, taking on the necessary skills to one day be a leader or advanced soldier.

Martial Sector

Martial Sector by RolePlayGateway

Residence and learning center for Suits 5-7. Here you will find homes, Gyms, Barracks, and training fields.


Repose by RolePlayGateway

In free time, this is the place to be. Bars, pools, arcades, parks, skydiving. You name it.

present day Earth

present day Earth by Chaningm92

The planet Earth

Hierarchical Nation

Hierarchical Nation by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the Hierarchy and a land comprised entirely Suits

The Spire

The Spire by RolePlayGateway

Home to the Faces and a myriad of unknown activities.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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Catherine Alest

Catherine watched the group finish the last of their drills, and then gave a gesture to ask them to put the targets away. She was panting, and her arms were glistening with sweat, but she was tired in the sort of fashion that gives a good feeling. Invigorated and not exhausted or ready to quit, Cat was almost depressed that training was over. She had seen Maxus wave to Natalie, probably one of Catherine's most skilled warriors, and wondered if they had a 'thing'.

She glanced at the King beside her," How long has it been since you've sparred? Since number days?" she asked, a smile on her face but the glint in her eye suggested fire and hostility. Catherine took Tish from her back and admired the weapon in the sunlight.

Tish was a gorgeous axe, made of heavy iron and double sided, the grip long and thick, though wrapped with leather in a couple places for a varient of grips. The leather had been died a dark red, the metal of the grip very dark and dulled down, making the eye naturally turn to the glimmer of the sharp edge of each side of the axe.

The setting changes from Adroit Precinct to Artisan District

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0.00 INK

Rain K. Rommel

There she was.

At the opposite end of the hall, Rain could see the dead girl's toes sticking out from around the corner. She could smell the blood, and did not want to go any further, but she pushed herself. She had just promised Kite she'd be stronger, and if she couldn't walk in and grab clothes, she would be breaking that promise. Still, she only edged herself closer to the corner. Peering around, she looked upon the body again. Nothing had changed, as if Rain had expected the body to be different. The eyes still looked vacantly upwards, and the blood had begun to dry around her mouth.

Watching the corpse cautiously as if it'd rise and grab her, Rain stepped over it in a tall step, then hopped the rest of herself over. Looking away, she hastily entered the girl's room, and shut the door. Rain knew that eye's see after death. She studied the room silently, and it was odd. She felt as if saying something in here would disturb something sacred, and so she kept quiet. The room could be described as ordinary for a teenage girl, and Rain recognized many of the posters and items. She couldn't help but smile and imagine what this girl must have been like. She moved to the computer, which was still on. For a second she watched the screen saver; a cute little bat fluttering back and forth, and then moved the mouse to view what she'd been doing.

The screen brightened, and the page revealed was the girl's Facebook page. Hannah Reed. Rain was about to start looking for clothes, when she noticed the girl had been in a chat. It appeared she had told the partner she heard noises, and the partner had since claimed to have called the authorities, since Hannah hadn't responded. Rain panicked for a moment. They'd be here soon, and Rain and Kite needed to leave. Rushing to the drawer, rain withdrew some of the girl's clothes, and quickly changed into them. Before leaving, she grabbed her cap and fixed it to her head. She figured the girl's Hierarchy National brand clothing would be good enough, and ran from the room. Seeing the corpse, she paused, only for a moment, but passed it quicker than before. As she turned to go down the stairs, she heard Kite call to her. She called back, panicked.

"Kite! Police..the girl was talking with someone...police notified!" She rounded the bottom of the stairs, and spotted Kite, looking handsome in his new clothes. "We should probably go...wait" Rain reached up and adjusted Kite's collar. She gave a sly grin. "There!"

The setting changes from Artisan District to Adroit Precinct


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Natalie White

The moment before training was awkward enough, she tried focusing intently on the training to push it out. To her it wasn't extremely rough, or really all to efficient anymore as her body had adapted to it a long while ago. Its one of the reasons she prefered training on her free time, to push herself further than they were required. As she found herself waiting with another Club whom had finished somewhat early they had light conversation, which was abruptly interupted by the man whom was apparently the King of Clubs waving at her with a small, getting a small laugh from her companion who she quickly jabbed.

That was at least an hour ago though, nearly everyone had left but her and a handful of tens. She was staying on the field later like she normally did, continously beating at one of the remaining targets. She knew somewhere behind her Catherine was more than likely getting ready to leave and that she and the others staying would be in charge of putting away the equipment. She wondered if the King was back there, the king. She didn't know but the thought brought out some kind of surpressed anger, she found herself punching the target harder and harder until it snapped. Something did anyways, she wasn't entirely sure if it was the target, her fist, or both but a wave of red pain washed over her. The target itself had a rough dent that upon closer inspection broke through into a fist shaped hole with jagged edges, the continous strain must have broken it.

Silently she then looked to her fist, it was bleeding and metal stuck out of it at jagged awkward angles that weren't very pretty. Trying to open it she flinched, it wasn't broken, but pretty damn strained, all her muscles felt like they were locking up as she slowly extended it, her knucles bruised badly. She calmly began walking away, grasping her wrist tightly as she headed to the clinic. She was definitely going to be steering clear of the King when she could.


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Maxus Ekklesia

" How long has it been since you've sparred? Since number days?" This was a good question for Maxus though he couldn't help but notice the fire plus hostility in the eyes of Catherine."Uhhhhhhh.... oh ya I sparred like 5 days ago with Dimitri Ivanov" He answers. This reminded him that even though he was a jack he was great at fighting. This made him wonder if Catherine would be able to take him down quickly sense her super strength was not something he could underestimate one good punch and he would have to recollect his organs.

"So then Catherine are you asking because you wish to spar with me?" Maxus asks her. He figured he could most likely beat her but only if he took her seriously in the whole sparring match. He prepared his body by strengthening his bones, increasing muscle flexibility and bone mass under his skin in his hands. Worse comes to worse he will have to fight her with her axe with his hands. He let his body adjust to the changes for the possible sparring match hopefully.While he did so he looked around and noticed a man who was walking into the training grounds looking around for somebody.

The setting changes from Adroit Precinct to present day Earth

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Catherine Alest

"Sounds like a plan."
Catherine smirked and waited for the rest of the numbers to clear away from the training field. She side glanced and noticed Natalie, but only saw a displeasured stature and not how she coddled her hand.

"So I propose a challenge, whoever to pin the other first is the victor, not too much cutting up of one another, we do have missions to attend to throughout the day." Ms. Alest made the point of their duties and then backed away from him towards the center of the grounds. A few tens stayed to watch their higher-ups fight one another, some knowing one day they would try to take their positions themselves, though others were just curious.

Catherine smiled and assumed a defensive position.

The setting changes from present day Earth to Hierarchical Nation

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#, as written by Medic
Kite Tiede

As Rain returned down stairs she was shouting about the police coming. But instead she thought it would be best to fix his collar before fleeing the scene normally he would have scolded her but for some reason he wasn’t angry at her. ”Alright then let’s go Rain. I have an idea that will further our goals and get you a home.” Before she could object he took a hold of her wrist and led her out of the building and through the maze of the city. Luckily they had escaped the police and any suspicion that might have been cast upon the two of them. But escaping from the police was just the start of Kite’s plan. Next they had to enlist within the hierarchy.

The pair had now found themselves at the entrance of an enlistment center within the hierarchy. It was for those people who had found that they had unique powers but had not yet come into the society created by the hierarchy. Before Kite began to talk he had brought both of his hands up onto her shoulders. ”Rain we need to join the hierarchy. Trust me. Everything will be okay.” When he finished speaking he moved in close and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. ”Remember you won’t ever be alone again.” He repeated as he pulled away.

Dropping his hands from her shoulders he let his right hand run down her left arm and take a hold of her left hand and he walked into the building. Upon entering he noticed that it was similar to the waiting room of a hospital except there was no one in the building besides a sole person at the front desk. Moving towards the front desk Kite started to open his mouth to speak but before he could the man at the front desk greeted the pair in a very welcoming and courteous tone.

”Hello you two my name is Claude. I assume you and your girlfriend are both here to be classified and ranked into the Hierarchy society. If you two would take a seat over there I will send a runner to find a Face that can interview the two of you.”

The setting changes from Hierarchical Nation to Adroit Precinct


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Maxus Ekklesia

"Sparring to the extreme is a mission that is always active to a club so do not hold back." He smirked. As he placed himself a few feet away from Catherine to give both of them room to be prepared he wondered how she would go at him with her first move. When he got a good 5 feet away he looks at her "Well lets go." He then pushes off the ground without anymore warning attempting to move into her guard as quick as he can. As he got into her guard he goes to place his hands on the top of her head to shove it down into his rising knee. When he is going for Catherine's head he hopes that she will be started by his rash charge into her guard.

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Add Setting » 9 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Florida by RolePlayGateway

On the western coast of Florida the skies are sunny, the beaches warm and peaceful, and the people normal and happy.

The Sigil

The Sigil by RolePlayGateway

Meeting place of the Aces in demanding times.

Artisan District

Artisan District by RolePlayGateway

Home and workplace of those Suits numbered 2-4 or the Worker Suits.

Adroit Precinct

Adroit Precinct by RolePlayGateway

Home and training grounds of Suits 8-10. The elite Suits that have earn higher recognition train under the Jack of their suit to become Lieutenants, and Sergeants, taking on the necessary skills to one day be a leader or advanced soldier.

Martial Sector

Martial Sector by RolePlayGateway

Residence and learning center for Suits 5-7. Here you will find homes, Gyms, Barracks, and training fields.


Repose by RolePlayGateway

In free time, this is the place to be. Bars, pools, arcades, parks, skydiving. You name it.

present day Earth

present day Earth by Chaningm92

The planet Earth

Hierarchical Nation

Hierarchical Nation by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the Hierarchy and a land comprised entirely Suits

The Spire

The Spire by RolePlayGateway

Home to the Faces and a myriad of unknown activities.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Character Portrait: Jace Beleren
0 sightings Jace Beleren played by SkyeBreaker
"I'm not powerful. You're just weak."
Character Portrait: Nicolas Faira
0 sightings Nicolas Faira played by guru101
I ride on the winds of victory
Character Portrait: Ultear Thatchai
0 sightings Ultear Thatchai played by Baby
Queen of Hearts. Strawberry Bitch
Character Portrait: Lex Ashford
0 sightings Lex Ashford played by SkyeBreaker
"My right arm's steel and my left arm is rubber. What do I do now?!"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Loaded Deck. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 23 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rainen Exillis
Character Portrait: Megoritte Defronza'
Character Portrait: Hayden Falkner
Character Portrait: Catherine Alest
Character Portrait: Vladimir Tappaja
Character Portrait: Maxus Ekklesia
Character Portrait: Moira Spade
Character Portrait: Firo De Sanias
Character Portrait: Dimitri Ivanov
Character Portrait: Kite Tiede
Character Portrait: Rain K. Rommel
Character Portrait: Natalie White
Character Portrait: Regis "Reaver" Kloros
Character Portrait: Kaeleigh Berwick
Character Portrait: Kosokoso Suru


Character Portrait: Kosokoso Suru
Kosokoso Suru

Friends close, Enemies closer...with me try your best not to be either.

Character Portrait: Kaeleigh Berwick
Kaeleigh Berwick

Love is a fire: But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell

Character Portrait: Regis "Reaver" Kloros
Regis "Reaver" Kloros

"an end is but a new beging... hope you transition is smoothly..."

Character Portrait: Natalie White
Natalie White

Lost, curious, and energetic. A nine of Clubs

Character Portrait: Rain K. Rommel
Rain K. Rommel

"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood."

Character Portrait: Kite Tiede
Kite Tiede

"I will destroy the Hierarchy and then all of the reamaining SUITs until I am the only one left. Then I will destroy myself."

Character Portrait: Dimitri Ivanov
Dimitri Ivanov

The Jack of Diaomonds, the Anathema of Raenin, the Harbinger of Catastrophes

Character Portrait: Firo De Sanias
Firo De Sanias

"I got a Jack up my sleeve..."

Character Portrait: Moira Spade
Moira Spade

Queen of Spades

Character Portrait: Maxus Ekklesia
Maxus Ekklesia

This world will become a place for humans and suits to live in together even if I have to die for it to happen.


Character Portrait: Hayden Falkner
Hayden Falkner

"The strongest cards you have, are the ones you haven't yet played."

Character Portrait: Kosokoso Suru
Kosokoso Suru

Friends close, Enemies closer...with me try your best not to be either.

Character Portrait: Natalie White
Natalie White

Lost, curious, and energetic. A nine of Clubs

Character Portrait: Rain K. Rommel
Rain K. Rommel

"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood."

Character Portrait: Kaeleigh Berwick
Kaeleigh Berwick

Love is a fire: But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell

Character Portrait: Kite Tiede
Kite Tiede

"I will destroy the Hierarchy and then all of the reamaining SUITs until I am the only one left. Then I will destroy myself."

Character Portrait: Rainen Exillis
Rainen Exillis

The ex-King of Spades and the greatest fear of the Hierarchy

Character Portrait: Vladimir Tappaja
Vladimir Tappaja

The mysterious yet vastly powerful Ace of Spades.

Character Portrait: Moira Spade
Moira Spade

Queen of Spades

Character Portrait: Regis "Reaver" Kloros
Regis "Reaver" Kloros

"an end is but a new beging... hope you transition is smoothly..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Moira Spade
Moira Spade

Queen of Spades

Character Portrait: Catherine Alest
Catherine Alest

Impulsive and confused is never a good combination. Jack of Clubs.

Character Portrait: Rain K. Rommel
Rain K. Rommel

"Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood."

Character Portrait: Megoritte Defronza'
Megoritte Defronza'

The Ace of Hearts, her heart one of ice.

Character Portrait: Rainen Exillis
Rainen Exillis

The ex-King of Spades and the greatest fear of the Hierarchy

Character Portrait: Vladimir Tappaja
Vladimir Tappaja

The mysterious yet vastly powerful Ace of Spades.

Character Portrait: Regis "Reaver" Kloros
Regis "Reaver" Kloros

"an end is but a new beging... hope you transition is smoothly..."

Character Portrait: Kosokoso Suru
Kosokoso Suru

Friends close, Enemies closer...with me try your best not to be either.

Character Portrait: Firo De Sanias
Firo De Sanias

"I got a Jack up my sleeve..."

Character Portrait: Natalie White
Natalie White

Lost, curious, and energetic. A nine of Clubs

View All » Places


Florida by RolePlayGateway

On the western coast of Florida the skies are sunny, the beaches warm and peaceful, and the people normal and happy.

The Sigil

The Sigil by RolePlayGateway

Meeting place of the Aces in demanding times.

Artisan District

Artisan District by RolePlayGateway

Home and workplace of those Suits numbered 2-4 or the Worker Suits.

Adroit Precinct

Adroit Precinct by RolePlayGateway

Home and training grounds of Suits 8-10. The elite Suits that have earn higher recognition train under the Jack of their suit to become Lieutenants, and Sergeants, taking on the necessary skills to one day be a leader or advanced soldier.

Martial Sector

Martial Sector by RolePlayGateway

Residence and learning center for Suits 5-7. Here you will find homes, Gyms, Barracks, and training fields.


Repose by RolePlayGateway

In free time, this is the place to be. Bars, pools, arcades, parks, skydiving. You name it.

present day Earth

present day Earth by Chaningm92

The planet Earth

Hierarchical Nation

Hierarchical Nation by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the Hierarchy and a land comprised entirely Suits

The Spire

The Spire by RolePlayGateway

Home to the Faces and a myriad of unknown activities.

Adroit Precinct

Home and training grounds of Suits 8-10. The elite Suits that have earn higher recognition train under the Jack of their suit to become Lieutenants, and Sergeants, taking on the necessary skills to one day be a leader or advanced soldier.

Hierarchical Nation

Headquarters of the Hierarchy and a land comprised entirely Suits

Artisan District

Home and workplace of those Suits numbered 2-4 or the Worker Suits.

The Spire

Hierarchical Nation The Spire Owner: RolePlayGateway

Home to the Faces and a myriad of unknown activities.


Hierarchical Nation Repose Owner: RolePlayGateway

In free time, this is the place to be. Bars, pools, arcades, parks, skydiving. You name it.

The Sigil

The Spire The Sigil Owner: RolePlayGateway

Meeting place of the Aces in demanding times.


present day Earth Florida Owner: RolePlayGateway

On the western coast of Florida the skies are sunny, the beaches warm and peaceful, and the people normal and happy.

Martial Sector

Residence and learning center for Suits 5-7. Here you will find homes, Gyms, Barracks, and training fields.

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