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New Guardians

New Guardians


This new generation of heroes still has a lot to learn, but with the creation of a special team and mentoring from their idols, the New Guardians have everything at their disposal to hone their skills... provided they aren't killed before the year is out.

10,335 readers have visited New Guardians since bombinate created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

inspired by 'young justice'



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        In a world much like our own, but vastly different, superpowers aren't restricted to comic book characters or the result of special effects on a television show. Superpowers, be they accidental mutations, magically invoked, or alien birthrights, are real. Individuals with extraordinary gifts walk among the everyday citizens, hidden by day, caped crusaders when trouble calls. Like the Avengers or Justice League of our comics, this world's heroes banded together to oppose the increasing threat of those who used their powers for ill. They called themselves The Wardens, their organisation dedicated to doing good in the world.

        These heroes have done more for this world than any other, their victories celebrated globally. Yet, perhaps their greatest achievements are those which have gone largely unnoticed by the general public. Some of these heroes would claim that what makes them proudest is the mentoring and training of the next generation of heroes, who will be able to continue on the legacy they've began. It is these young heroes who hold our focus, the youths with budding dreams of saving lives and putting their talents to good use. Though many have learned skills from their individual mentors, or merely taught themselves, a select few of the brightest and most talented have been selected by the leaders of The Wardens to form a new team. First forming a year ago, but with new members still arriving, they've named themselves The New Guardians, (preferable to the Junior Wardens) and it is the hope of the older generation that these new heroes might learn to work together.

        Their base is an underground bunker just outside of New York, where money allows the young team the privacy required to train. It's small, yet the equipment is all state of the art, and the teleportation posts allow the New Guardians and their Warden mentors to travel freely to the base from special locations around the world. The Shadow, an enigmatic hero in black and one of the founders of The Wardens, helps to fund the base and ensure that all members from across the globe have easy access to the facilities. For those young members with no secret identities to return to, the base acts as their home. With bedrooms, a fully-stocked kitchen, and movie room, there are times when those with homes find themselves hesitant to leave.

        There's more, in the past month many of the New Guardian's members have received an all-expenses paid scholarship to the prestigious Ascot Academy, thanks to the Leeds Foundation, a charity set up by Leona Leeds thirty years ago, and now run by her son Francis Leeds, CEO of Leeds enterprise and the man behind the Shadow. He wanted to ensure that every one of the young team received a quality education, and perhaps it was a safe guard too, so that the young heroes could be protected better should things go awry. The Academy is a normal school, with average, non-hero students, and the classes cover all the usual American curriculum. There, they'll receive the best education money can buy, before returning to their base to hone their crime fighting skills. Of course, with The Shadow's secret identity unknown to all save his young prodigy, the other members must merely thank their luck that sees their entire schooling and college years paid for, even if they might hold some suspicions that their mentors helped set the scholarship up. Certainly, the fact that the school is merely a half hour drive from their secret base is clue enough.

        Between the Academy's everyday lessons and the training set by The Wardens out of school hours at their base, there's certainly little time to spare with idleness among the new team. Yet, every so often they'll be given missions; covert operations, undercover assignments that allow them to test their skills. A lot of these operations utilise the fact that they're young, able to blend in and draw less attention than their adult mentors. They're also less recognisable, but still pack a solid punch. However, practice time might be coming to a quick end, with deadly threats approaching. Some of the older heroes have been disappearing, and no one knows why. The members of The Wardens investigate the disappearances, telling their younger accomplices to focus on their training and studies, yet in the end, it might be the students who must save the teachers.


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        Our characters are, of course, the members of The New Guardians; young heroes aged between 16 and 20. Therefore, face claims should look within this range. Diversity is encouraged, as heroes are able to come from anywhere within the world, or outside the world, or other realms. When creating their powers and backstories, feel free to give them mentors or have them find their way on their own. These mentors or the hero you're portraying can be based on a hero (or villain) from our comic books. For example, The Shadow is based on Batman. But, keep in mind that our characters won't be as powerful or as well trained as the older heroes, and if anyone is giving their character powerful abilities, they must include suitable weaknesses. I'm not merely meaning that they get 'tired' if they use their powers too much, or any of that. Give me an equivalent of kryptonite, or link their powers to an object that can be stolen/destroyed, or so forth. Get your obligatory 'hero in hiding' baseball cap on and get creative!





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The coding for this sheet is messy, so send any questions my way. Basically, replace all the '000000' hexcodes with your hexcode, and if you fill out the info in the strengths/weaknesses section it should make the text all fall in a nice line. If anything is still not where it should be, alter the transparent '-' that are to the left or right of the text.

Code: Select all
[font=georgia][hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center][list][list][left][img][/img][color=transparent]. . .
. [/color][/left][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]--



-[/color][/size][/right] [color=transparent].
. .. .[/color] [size=250][b][color=#000000]HERO NAME[/color][/b][/size] [right][size=90][i][color=grey]quote goes here[/color][/i][/size][/right]
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#000000] Full name:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] name of true/secret identity[color=transparent]. ..[/color]
[b][color=#000000] Nicknames:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here[color=transparent]. ..[/color]  [i][likes/dislikes/neutral etc][/i]
[b][color=#000000] Age:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]  (16-20) include birthday

[b][color=#000000] Sexuality:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here
[b][color=#000000] Hometown:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here (where are they from)
[b][color=#000000] Mentor:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] if they have one

[b][color=#000000] Dialogue colour:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] #here
[b][color=#000000] Playlist:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] link to theme song. Optional[/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]  [hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center]  [list][list][right][img][/img][color=transparent]. . . .
. . [/color][/right][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]--




[/color][/size][/right] [list][list][b][color=#000000][size=120] Appearance[/size] [/color][/b]

[list][b][color=#000000] Eye colour:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here[color=transparent]. . . . . . . . .[/color][b][color=#000000] Hair colour:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here
[b][color=#000000] Height:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here  [color=transparent]. . . . . . . . . . . .[/color][b][color=#000000] Weight:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here

[b][color=#000000] Everyday appearance:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] [justify]Here. general appearance, fashion etc [/justify]
[b][color=#000000] Hero appearance:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] [justify]Here. any costume or changes that occur when they become their alter-ego. E.g, does the use of their powers change their appearance? Do they wear a mask etc.  [/justify]
[hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center]
[left][list][img][/img][/list][/left] [right][size=300][color=transparent]--



-[/color][/size][/right] [color=transparent].
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Abilities[/size]



[list][justify][b][color=#000000] name of power here:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]description of power, what they can do with it. Mention source of their power, i.e artifact, innate etc. Copy and paste this from justify to justify if more than one power. [/justify]
[justify][b][color=#000000] Skills:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]Only for those without a superhuman power. Delete this if you have a power.[/justify]
[justify][b][color=#000000]Limitations:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]Put your power weaknesses here. As mentioned in the intro, I expect BIG weaknesses. The more powerful your character, the bigger the weakness. i'll throw a fit if I see shit like "they grow tired by using their power" or "can't control it well". Those [i]are[/i] both relevant and likely to apply to several chars, but not good enough on their own![/justify][/list]
[list][list][right][img][/img][color=transparent]. . . .
. . [/color][/right][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]--






-[/color][/size][/right] [list][list][b][color=#000000][size=120] Personality[/size] [/color][/b]

[list]  [justify]Several decent paragraphs about what makes them tick[/justify]
[/list][/list][/list] [hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center]  [list][list][left][img][/img]
[img][/img][color=transparent]. . . .
. . [/color][/left][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]---
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Likes[/size][/color][/b]
-[/color][/size][/left] [right][size=300][color=transparent]-
-[/color][/size][/right] [justify][color=#000000][b] Like[/b][/color], here  (optional, copy and past [color=#000000][b] Like[/b][/color] for more) [/justify]
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Dislikes[/size][/color][/b]
-[/color][/size][/left] [right][size=300][color=transparent]-
-[/color][/size][/right] [justify][color=#000000][b] Dislike[/b][/color], here (optional, copy and past [color=#000000][b] dislike[/b][/color] for more) [/justify]
[hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center]
[left][list][img][/img][/list][/left] [right][size=300][color=transparent]--








-[/color][/size][/right] [color=transparent].
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Strengths[/size]

[list] [justify][b][color=#000000] strength1:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]here. can be what strengthens power, or a personal strength
[b][color=#000000] strength2:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here. add more strengths if you want
[b][color=#000000] strength3:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] here[/justify] [/list]
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Weaknesses[/size]
[/color][/b] [left][size=300][color=transparent]--


[list] [justify][b][color=#000000] weakness1:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color]here.
[b][color=#000000] weakness2:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] Here
[b][color=#000000] weakness31:[/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] Here[/justify]
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Quirks[/size]
[/color][/b] [left][size=300][color=transparent]--
[list] [justify][color=#000000][b] Quirk1[/b][/color], here
[color=#000000][b] Quirk2[/b][/color], here. add more if you want[/justify] [/list]
. ..[/color] [b][color=#000000][size=120] Fear[/size]
[/color][/b] [left][size=300][color=transparent]--

[list] [justify][color=#000000][b] Fear 1[/b][/color], here
[color=#000000][b] Fear 2[/b][/color], here[/justify] [/list][/list] [hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center]
[list][list][right][img][/img][color=transparent]. . . .
. . [/color][/right][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]--







-[/color][/size][/right] [list][list][b][color=#000000][size=120] History[/size] [/color][/b]

[list]  [justify]History Here. Brief description of how they got to where they are today. A mini hero origin story if you will. [/justify]
[/list][/list][/list] [hr][/hr] [center][img][/img][/center]  [list][list][left][img][/img][color=transparent]. . . .
. . [/color][/left][/list][/list][right][size=300][color=transparent]---
.[/color][center][b][color=#000000][size=120] Played by:[/size] [/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] user
[b][color=#000000][size=120] Face claim:[/size] [/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] FC
[b][color=#000000][size=120] Sheet by:[/size] [/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] bombinate
[b][color=#000000][size=120] Coding inspo:[/size] [/color][/b] [color=transparent]. . .[/color] Achelois[/center] [hr][/hr][/font]


Toggle Rules



1. Reservations are to be made in the OOC. Include FC, power, weakness, and a short mini paragraph on their origin story (i.e how they got their powers, how they became heroes. This just allows me to make sure we don't have too many double ups on similar heroes). This isn't first come, first serve, though technically there's no competition either. I can add places if needed however, places aren't guaranteed. If I don't feel your character fits in, I'll probably PM and ask you to change them or leave.

2. All the RPG rules apply. By nice, IC drama only. No power-playing, god-moding etcetc. There might be gore, violence, and some sexual content, so keep that in mind. Anything that's too extreme should be implied rather than fully written out. That being said, I don't want to see any rape in a character's history, nor that terrible 'dead girlfriend in the fridge' plot device. If you're going to give your char a traumatic history at least be consistent with how it impacts their personality.

3. Um. What are rules? Tell me your favourite superhero movie when you make a reservation. I've included a CS, though you're welcome to use your own so long as all the info I've asked for is included.

4. When picking face claims, don't go with all the overused ones pretty please. I probably have a few FCs that I'll ask you to change just because I don't like them. Sorry. Also, FCs should look between the age range stated (16-20).

5. Multiple reservations are allowed, though maximum will be two chars per person, and no doubling up on females. Two males is fine though. :)

6. Shoot almost forgot... post length should be at least 500 words per post. And only join if you can commit please.

7. I think that's it?? Anything I say goes. Have fun!

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

Wasp Labs, Tunisia

Wasp Labs, Tunisia by bombinate

A research facility run by the global Wasp Corporation

New York City, NY

New York City, NY by bombinate

New York City, home to the New Guardians' Base and Ascot Academy

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King Character Portrait: Drew Anderson
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0.00 INK




Time: 9.03am, Monday 9th October, 2017


The morning of Monday the 9th dawns bright and chilly, one of the colder days despite the time of year. Many might glance at the sky with a disgruntled frown, asking why the weather gods had decided to bring a winter breeze a month early. It could have been worse though, for it was only the wind that stirred leaves and sent the odd chill down pedestrians' backs. When out of the wind and in the sun, the weather seemed warmer, closer to the summer passed than the winter to come.

The city itself seems quiet, more peaceful than an large, thriving metropolis has a right to be. Yet, anyone knows that beneath that tranquil peace is sure to be the rumblings of crime, a common undercurrent found in any big city. Well, perhaps New York's crime stats were a bit lower than your average city. It did lay claim to a few prominent members of The Wardens, and was the secret home to The Warden's newest venture: The New Guardians, a group of younger heroes being trained to save the world.

A year has passed since the group was first formed, and since then their number has doubled as new recruits have been invited to join by the veteran Wardens. Within the last month, almost every member of the young heroes' group has received a scholarship (or invitation for those wealthy enough not to worry about money) to attend the prestigious Ascot Academy, a private school offering high school courses as well as college classes.

For those in the high school, a mandatory uniform sees all the students wearing a sea of white and navy. Thankfully, the university students are free to wear what they wish, provided it isn't too ostentatious. As the new day begins, school calls to our heroes, where they might temporarily put aside weapons and masks for pens and calculators... well, at least as long as trouble doesn't come calling.


The girl hit the ground with a dull thud, a grunt of suppressed pain squeezed from her lips as the wind was knocked from her lungs. Her shins stung, her hands were prickling from the slap of the mat, and various bruises were already sprouting across her dark skin, and yet she was pushing herself up with barely a frown.

"Isn't this child abuse or something?" Beatrice Barlow chirped up at her mentor, rolling her wrists slightly before crouching back into an anticipatory position, fists raised above her face. Rather than mimic her pose or respond to her teasing, Francis Leeds merely threw a towel at the teenager. His own towel was clutched in his other hand, wiping a thin layer of sweat off his face.

"Come on old man, one more round." Bea attempts to coerce her mentor, even though she knows better than anyone how frustratingly stubborn he can be.

"You have school starting soon" He replies, nodding towards the digital clock projected onto the wall of the manor's fitness centre. "I don't pay for you not to go."

Bea snorted and placed her hand over her heart, faking a regretful tone as she teases, "If only I've got one of those special scholarships, then you wouldn't have to pay a dime."

Francis Leeds merely raises an eyebrow at the girl's teasing, his lips quirking up in what might almost be considered a smirk. Someone who didn't know the man well might assume that his expression was unchanged, still that mask of blankness that The Shadow maintained at all times. Bea, however, could tell that this was Leeds' version of a smile, the equivalent of a normal person physically clutching their stomach in laughter. It was a victory, and she was sure as hell going to tell Dot about it when she did get to school.

As she grabbed her water bottle and took a refreshing gulp, Bea shook her head at her mentor, "You gonna drive me? Otherwise I might accidentally miss the bus."

Leeds merely straightened as he picked up his own bottle, flung his towel over his shoulder and proceeded to leave the training room, calling back over his shoulder, "I'll be leaving in fifteen minutes. Don't be late."

Twenty-five minutes later, after a hasty shower, pulling on her school uniform, and grabbing her school books, Bea finds herself seated in the passenger seat of Francis Leeds' favourite sports car as they pull into the entrance of Ascot Academy. The wrought iron gates were pulled wide, bracketed by solid columns of old brick decorated by climbing vines. The school itself has ivy climbing over the old building, the one that looks like it was plucked right out of 18th century Europe and plonked on the outskirts of New York city. The new building, hovering over the old, is new and sleek in comparison, and Beatrice knows from experience holds a hub of expensive tech that her wealthy mentor - among others - helped to fund.

The nine o'clock bell to signal the start of first period has already rung, no doubt the 8.50 bell telling students to get to class had already sounded too. Bea looked forward to the day she would be a college student, and didn't have to abide by the timetable those bells set. At least she didn't have to go to one of the other city schools where they started at some ungodly, even earlier hour.

"Come on, Frank, first period is gym and you know I don't need any help with that!" Bea sighs as the car grinds to a halt, attempting to do the impossible and convince Francis into doing something he's already refused her. "We could go get starbucks and I'd still be back in time for English."

"Out." Was all Leeds answered with as he leaned over and opened her door for her, raising his brows as he waited for the young girl to leave. Bea pulled a face and slid out of the car, petulantly poking her tongue out as Leeds closed the door and drove off with only a "Be good" in farewell.

Bea squared her shoulders and smoothed her skirt, resigning herself to the mind numbing dullness of playing volleyball for an hour. Truthfully, it wouldn't really be that bad. She had a few friends in the class and Bea was always fairly good at sports, but she'd still rather be wagging with Francis. Or Dot, maybe she should text Dot and...

Even as the thought crossed Bea's mind, something beeped. It wasn't the cellphone in her bag however, but the small device she kept in the thin belt hidden beneath her school blouse. Digging it out, Bea felt a grin spread across her face because she knew before she'd looked at the message and plugged in the ear piece what the beeping meant. The New Guardians were being called in on a mission. No school for the day!


"New Guardians, report to home base immediately. This is a priority mission, everyone is required." The Shadow's voice was brusque and business-like, leaving no room for questions. The broadcast no doubt going out to all the members of the young team.

"Yes, sir." Raphael Pavesi responded quietly, head down so as not to draw attention in the small lecture theatre, hand covering his mouth. The Italian, who had risen early for a lecture at Ascot, quickly packed up his items and pulled out of his row, ducking his head further as he slipped from the room. He waved vaguely at the one friend he had in the lecture, reminding himself to text her later to ask for notes.

Then, it was only a short walk to one two teleportation devices within the school. This one took the appearance of a supply closet, yet only the thumb print of one of the heroes would cause the door knob to unlock. To anyone else it would be mysteriously locked. Raf pulled it open now, hooking his bag securely over his shoulder as the door locked behind him and he was able to step up onto the large disc-like indents on the floor. The one beneath his feet glowed, a robotic voice calling out his name as it scanned his body and confirmed his identity,

"Aeolus. Member B-1-1."

Gritting his teeth, Raf watched as yellow light washed over his body, and suddenly he felt as if he were moving at the speed of light without actually moving an inch. Gravity weighed him down, his breath was pushed from his lungs, his finger tips sparked, and then as suddenly as it began he was standing on a similar pad, but in a much larger room. Really, the teleportation pads take less than the blink of an eye, but it always feels longer to Raf, who hates them. Yet, with time of the essence, he figured it would be better than flying to base.

The underground base has a simple layout. One main room in the centre is where most activities, training exercises, and mission hand-outs occur. Around the circular room are a few niches - one of which holds the teleportation pads, enough to transport the whole team in one go anywhere in the world. Directly across are automatic doors which lead to more training rooms, areas such as the gym and a small swimming pool, rooms for training powers, and more. Between that door and the teleportation pads are, on one side, doors leading to the large garage, while directly across from them are the doors leading to the communal living areas and bedrooms.

Raf heads towards the bedrooms now, rushing through the doors into a large living room with an extensive kitchen attached, and then through into a short corridor with bedrooms branching off. Some of the rooms are empty, as not every member chooses to live at base. Raf's room is the third on the right, a tidy, personal space which he rarely invites others into. He likes to hole up on his chair most nights to read a book. Today, however, he dumps his back, quickly pulls on his outfit and then heads back out to the main atrium.

His gloves activate with a through, inscribed, golden skin crawling over his hands. He flexes them as he comes to stand in front of The Shadow, nodding his greeting to the older hero while waiting for the rest of the team to join them.

It isn't long before the teleportation pads illuminate again, and as the robotic voice calls, "Dusk. Member B-0-1." , with a wide grin on her face steps the identified hero. She's in her uniform and grinning, holding back her energy as she comes over to The Shadow.

"Should'a just gone to starbucks." She teases her mentor, and Raf isn't sure, but he thinks... he thinks he just saw the Shadow almost smile.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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0.00 INK


          That whole "falling into a vat of gold to become a superhero" thing was a good idea until she had to wake up at five in the morning.

          Montrรฉal is dark, for the most part. A number of low level miscreants claim this time of early morning as their own as graveyard duty cops muster up their courage to face the chilly morning air. Youngstown Village, a gated community clutching to the edges of lively Montrรฉal, is silent, save for one alarm clock blaring in a teenage girl's room. Snooze.

          "Heroes don't hit snooze, Dottie." Not many people would be able to tell Miranda Argent is a superhero; she could pass for a dedicated jogger at any hour. The anticipated glare and groggy sarcasm through a rough voice could clue others in to Dorothy King being more than just a teenager pulled out of bed much too early. The only reply Dot deems necessary is flipping the bird at her mentor and turning over to cherish her final few minutes of sleep before her alarm starts blaring once again.

          It isn't the alarm that wakes Dot back up but rather a pair of silver arms latching onto her waist and tossing her out of bed. She barely lands on her feet, stumbling backwards and resting against the door to catch her balance. The first time Miranda did that was in training, when Dot refused to end her break; needless to say she tries to land on her feet now. Dot musters her best imitation of the Shadow's glare, but starts getting ready for morning training anyway. "I thought it'd be fun, living with my mentor. Miranda Argent, Quebec's Most Desirable Bachelorette. Party all the time! No, I live with Miss 5 AM Workouts and Kale for Dinner. This isn't California, Miranda! I swear I should just go live with my parents again. At least they don't wake me up at five in the morning..." The grumbling continues as she stomps her way through the house.

          The most expensive part of the house is the gym, nestled in the basement. It was once an "apartment" of sorts- that's what the realtor called it -but it now serves a greater purpose, training a hero of tomorrow. Dot doesn't feel so heroic at this moment, yawning into her pre-workout stretches. "You know, there's a reason I go to bed at nine o'clock." Miranda jeers at her sleepy protege. Dot feigns a look of surprise, "Oh, I thought you were just old."

          With a gasp of indignation, the older hero slaps her protege on the shoulder. "Hope it was worth it, because we're going straight to combat. Gold up, Goldilocks." Skipping the gymnastics warm up? Now that's just cruel. The only hope Dot has is that there isn't an emergency mission, because missions are the worst when they do full morning combat.

          And what a morning it was. The final moves leave Dot face-first on the ground, her golden arm held at an uncomfortable angle behind her. Gulping down air into her deprived lungs, she pats the mat to indicate surrender. "Have mercy on me. You don't look a day over twenty." Dot huffs, resting her head against the mat so maybe it'll stop pounding. Her arm falls to the mat with a loud thump, followed by her mentor ushering her off the ground.

          "You did good. Starbucks run?"

          "Got it boss." Dot chimes into her own earpiece, flashing her mentor a cheeky grin. Dot swipes her frappucino, one with too much espresso for her mentor's liking, from the scruffly-looking barista and sips loudly. "What a shame, I'd be better equipped for this mission if someone hadn't done a two hour combat training this morning." Dot draws out her words in the overdramatic way she does when complaining to, well, anybody really. Miranda rolls her eyes, directing her protege towards the car. "Alright, come on drama queen. If you're late Shadow'll have my head."

          The Montrรฉal teleportation tube is nestled in the public library, mislabeled as an out-of-order bathroom. There is enough room inside for Dot to change into her costume- thankfully packed in her backpack as always -and still teleport to the base. Once dressed, she steps onto the pad and salutes her mentor. "Tell Shadow he owes me a drink!" Miranda calls after her protege, who disappears into the teleportation beam that transports her to base.

          "Golden Girl. Member B-0-2."

          "Reporting for duty, your Shadow-ness." Dot announces with a thick sip of her coffee.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley
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The Patriot / / Wyatt WhitleyImage

POP! The loud noise startled Wyatt has he sprung into action! The eggs cooking on the stove would be burned if he didn't remove them. He turned off the burner for the eggs and checked the bacon. Heavenly smelling as usual. Life at the Carson household was simple enough for Wyatt. He was required to do his share of the housework, but cooking was something Samuel and Xavier insisted he didn't have to do. Wyatt couldn't help grinning at the thought of the two men, hopefully they won't catch onto his plan. The couple became the guardians of Wyatt a year ago and he didn't think much of either of them at first. He grew to like them as time went on. Samuel, also known as the Colonel, has been helping to him control and better his new abilities. The two often fought over training. Wyatt preferred long workout till he was sore while Samuel wanted to keep it short, not wanting to add any stress to Wyatt's body. Samuel trains him well though. A loud, sleepy yawn stirred Wyatt away from his cooking. Said mentor was siting at the kitchen table, eyes barely open. Wyatt shook his head as he placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of The Colonel, pouring him a hot coffee. The coffee was snatched from his hands as Samuel gulped it down. Super healing is a huge advantage when it came to hot foods. Wyatt watched as his mentor practically inhaled the food as Wyatt set a plate for Xavier and himself.
"Wyatt, you are an angel sent from heaven."
Wyatt couldn't help, but grin slightly. He prided himself on his cooking ability. As he began to eat, Samuel launched into a tale of catching a bank robber. His life as sheriff was just another way to stop crime. The two of them only dawned their alter egos when a dangerous threat was in Washington.
"I know a bribe when I see one. You're not skipping school, Wyatt."
The voice of his other guardian spoke out of nowhere. His words only made Wyatt upset.
"I hate it there. It's a prep school and everyone knows I'm a scholarship kid. I'm an outcast already."
"So you're going to quit when things get hard? Doesn't sound like you."
Xavier's words hit a cord.
"I can deal with missions, no problem. High School? I'm already behind as it is in course work and considering you know making friends isn't easy."
The two men glanced at each other, silently communicating the same thought. Due to the Alpha Project, Wyatt has missed a lot of schooling and his touch issues make school a social nightmare for him. They try to get him to adjust, but it's been difficult.
"Super Wy, you've only been there three months. It will work out in time. Soon, everyone will want to hang out with the cool new kid."
Wyatt rolled his eyes, clearing the table since breakfast was done. He was already dressed in his uniform, trying to hide his plot, but failed. He'll try different tactics next time.
"Wyatt, get to school! Don't forget about your sessions with me today!"
He didn't respond before leaving the house. Xavier worked with him on his schooling and personal/touch issues after school. He didn't mind it, but he honestly wanted a mission today, anything to get out of school. His prayers were answered when he heard the broadcast for the New Guardians. HELL YES! He hurried to the teleporter behind his- wait Samuel and Xavier's house. Their teleportation device was hidden in a treehouse that for some reason Samuel decided to build. Wyatt never could understand the thoughts in his mentor's head. He kept his costume hidden under a loose panel in the treehouse before teleporting.
"The Patriot. Member B-1-3."
He arrives in the room with three team members who've already arrived.
"What are we doing today?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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Lonna curled in tighter, her over-sized sweatshirt wrapped around her head, as she slept on a couch. She had had a late night of organizing what needed to be prepared for the winter for the kids she was watching over. Ever since she had joined The New Guardians, Lonna would inconsistently switch between sleeping at the little warehouse room which was considered her "territory" in Chicago and the main base. Often the only time she slept at the main base was because she was utilizing the many databases that it provided for her work and it would get to be too late for her to go anywhere else. Even then, she didn't always make it to "her" room before passing out, much like last night. This made sure that her room pretty much looked as if no one lived there.

Strewn around her in a very disorderly fashion were charts, numbers, graphs, and lists of all kinds. All of the different data said the same thing, there was too much to do to get ready for a Chicago winter. Where they were didn't have heating of any kind, windows would need to be board up and insulated as best they could be, being inside meant it wasn't prudent to have an open fire, they needed a better place to store enough food, more blankets and clothes, and, though it didn't have anything to do with winter, they needed better security as well.

All this information whirled around Lonna's mind, even in sleep. Her dream, or rather nightmare, consisted of watching the kids freeze and starve while gangs around the city worked on pounding down the door.

She woke with a start, much earlier than she had meant to wake up, and there was no hope of getting back to sleep.

Begrudgingly, she stumbled her way over to the kitchen area; hair disheveled, eyes squinting and red. She opened the fridge, pulling together a large breakfast of eggs, toast, tea, and fruit. In a lot of ways, Lonna felt guilty being able to eat like this when the kids she was looking after were still scavenging. Though she often made fridge raids from the base to take to them, she still felt it wasn't enough.

The red head was in the midst of eating when the device that Mind Catcher, as she didn't know her mentor's real name giving him the nickname MC^2, had given her, started beeping. This only happened when they were called to a mission. Lonna felt her head almost hit the counter top with full force as she groaned and listened to the broadcast. "New Guardians, report to home base immediately. This is a priority mission, everyone is required."

"Hear ya loud and clear," Lonna answered back in a very disgruntled tone. She finished snarfing down her food just as Raphael came running through to change. Lonna shook her head and made her way to her own room where, really the only possession of hers inside, her outfit was and changed into it; wrapping the dark cloth around her like a cloak and pulling on the broken mask.

When she was ready she walked over to where Shadow, Dusk, Aeolus, The Patriot, and Golden Girl stood. Though, Fever herself, stood a little further away from the group, Shadow acknowledged she was there with a simple nod. No words needed.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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Image Image Image
โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ JO KINGSTON โ‡ต
Dialogue โ— #8e4348 / Thought โ— #FEFB88











































        โ€œIโ€™m just a bachelorโ€ฆ Looking for a partnerโ€ฆ Someone who knows how to rideโ€ฆ Without even falling offโ€ฆ Gugh!โ€ Smooth rnb music echoed throughout the entire gym along with the occasional grunt and huff from Jo. If there had been others training with her, she most certainly would have gotten some complaints about her music choice (especially since the last song that played was โ€œSexual Healingโ€), but it was the ass-crack of dawn. Even though many of the young heroes had rigorous training regimes, no one was up at 4 AM. But here was Jo, unable to sleep, so she figured she might as well get in some extra deadlifts and squats. So since she was alone, Jo decided to take advantage of this by playing some of her favorite workout music out loud. Earbuds did the job, but they annoyed her by constantly falling out.

        There was something about rnb, and rap too, the beat makes Jo want to drop everything and just move. It was like she could feel the chorus coming up from the bottom of her stomach, flowing through her veins. So she released the 100 something pound barbell she was deadlifting, it hit the ground with a satisfying thud, and straightened up. Jo couldnโ€™t stop the music from taking over her body; it coursed up her spine like electricity. And before she knew it, she was dancing and singing along. โ€œGirl when I break you off, I promise that you won't want to get offโ€ฆ If you're horny, let's do it! Ride it, my pony! My saddle's waiting! Come and jump on it!โ€

        โ€œPlease tell me you donโ€™t know all the words to this damn song.โ€ A taunting voice caused Joโ€™s previously relaxed body to go stiff. Before she could come up with some sort of answer or excuse, blood flowed to her cheeks and the tips of her ears, turning them beet red. She whipped around the face her mentor, but got her foot stuck on the edge of the barbell, twisting her ankle and sending her toppling over. Like so many times before, Kara was there to catch her just before she hit the ground. โ€œIโ€™ll take that as a yes. I didnโ€™t know you liked Magic Mike.โ€

        โ€œI do not!โ€ Jo pushed her off with a huff, still clearly embarrassed. โ€œItโ€™s justโ€ฆ a good song.โ€ She crouched down both to take weight off of her ankle and to start removing the weight plates from the barbell.

        โ€œI didnโ€™t mean to interrupt your little party, I was just wondering if I could join in.โ€ The older woman laughed before jokingly swaying her hips.

        Jo couldnโ€™t help but chuckle. โ€œIf Gloomy heard you talking like that, heโ€™d reprimand you again for flirting with your students.โ€ She walked as she talked, putting the weights back on their racks.

        Kara took a heavy seat on one of the benches before continuing their conversation. โ€œYouโ€™re the one who made it weird. Why are you up anyways? Donโ€™t you have school tomorrow? Or are you mad that pipsqueak beat you last week so you wanna beef up?โ€

        โ€œFirst of all,โ€ Jo was defensive already, โ€œSheโ€™s been training for far longer than I have!โ€ She turned to face her mentor once all the equipment was away. โ€œAnd I couldnโ€™t sleep.โ€


        Jo frowned before she even opened her mouth. โ€œJack is sick. Stomach flu.โ€

        โ€œWhat, catch it over the phone?โ€ Although her comment was sarcastic, Kara knew the response that would follow.

        โ€œIt doesnโ€™t feel right. I want to help. Mom already has her hands full with work-โ€

        โ€œJosephine Kingston, look at me.โ€ She complied, of course. โ€œYour mother is a grown woman and can take care of herself. You need to worry about yourself. Have you eaten anything? Probably not, right? Cmon, letโ€™s get you cleaned up and put some breakfast in you. Youโ€™ll feel better.โ€

        โ€œAlrightโ€ฆโ€ Jo grabbed her phone, cutting off โ€œBump nโ€™ Grindโ€ by R. Kelly, and she scampered after Kara.

        ~ Three-ish hours later ~

        Jo was clean, filled to the brim with pancakes and fresh fruit, and ultimately happy. There was something about talking to Kara that just felt right. It was like talking to someone her own age that was ten times smarter. They made constant idle chit chat as they drove around, nearing the school. Jo was about to convince Kara to just let her stay home, but that dream was crushed by the fact that Kara had a job to go to anyways. Her position as the physics professor and head of the science branch paid well, allowing her to afford the decently nice sportscar that they were cruising around in.

        After parking, the two ladies said their goodbyes and headed in separate directions: Kara to her classroom and Jo to her first lecture. From the moment the professor started talking, Jo was distracted. She couldnโ€™t stop thinking about her family, and a sense of guilt washed over her in waves. She should be there to help them. How could she help the world if she couldnโ€™t help her own family? Jo was so lost in thought that she almost didnโ€™t notice her watch buzzing. Ah, another mission. Letโ€™s see what Gloomy has for us today.
        Like sheโ€™d done it millions of times before, Jo slid out of the hall unnoticed and made her way to a rather abandoned supply closet. A subtle press of her thumb to the knob and it unlocked, allowing her to enter and step onto the warp pad.

        Travelling by pad was amazing, but it terrified Jo. What if her powers acted up while she was on one? Would she be torn to pieces? Maybe get โ€˜ported halfway into a wallโ€ฆ The thought made her shudder. So whenever she warped, Jo stood as still as possible with her eyes squeezed shut.

        โ€œQuantum, member B-0-5.โ€

        That robotic voice eased her so much, telling her that the warp was over. A quick costume change, and Jo was ready to go, ready for whatever Gloomy had to throw at her. With a quick catching of her breath, Jo pushed into the room, her wide grin spreading before she could stop herself. โ€œHello little ones! And Raffy.โ€ She tossed a gleeful smile in her fellow 19-year-oldโ€™s direction. โ€œWhat are we doing today, good sir? Beating down some baddies? Saving some kittens from some exceptionally tall trees? Please tell me, the anticipation is killing me!โ€ Joโ€™s words practically came out in an amused purr as she looked upon their not-so-little leader, Shadow.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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#, as written by chrian.





ใ€Œ#16ACC7 ใ€

It was yet another peaceful day in the city of Anchorage, the so-called City of Lights and Flowers of Alaska. Well, it was peaceful while it lasts though. For all the wonderful and happy things that a person might get the impression of from its' nickname, criminal activities here are as frequent as any other big states and cities out there in the US, sometimes even more. You can't really just judge how tranquil a city is just by the outlooks of it. But at least for now, things are quiet, and the citizens can rest assured that their protectors are diligently putting them under a literal icy protection from any threats that might occur.

It was a nice autumn morning in October. The sky was as blue as it could get with only a few clouds drifting softly. The cold breeze has began to blow, not that it really matters since Alaska is always so cold almost year-round anyway. However, there wouldn't be snow yet, not until sometimes in November, but it is safe to say that the atmosphere is quite calming, and the weathers really have a soothing effect on those who reside within this city. At least it has always been what Haruto thought. He had always enjoyed the snow very much.

Having waken up with the dawn itself as of his usual habits, Haruto spent the early morning hours training and practicing some yoga exercises within the training room inside the penthouse of his mentor and uncle - Hyouga, otherwise known as Daisuke. Being able to live within such a luxurious accommodation for free sounds really like a dream to many. He once thought his family's estate back in Tokyo was already extravagant enough, but Daisuke has taken the meaning of luxury up to a whole different level. This makes him wondered whether he is being a freeloader - being given free space to live, free foods to eat everyday, free training under one of the world's most prominent elemental benders. However, his mentor simply brushed it off and assured him that it was fine, because 'family means always looks after one another' - one of the many ideals that the Shimazaki family teaches to their children.

After finishing with his training, Haruto sat on the mattress and meditated. From the first glance, he looked so concentrated that it almost felt like he had completely shut his mind from the surrounding. There was no sounds coming from any corners of the room. Then suddenly, Haruto conjured a thick wall of ice just behind him, as it shielded him from three large icicles that were fired at him from the entrance to the room. One of the icicles managed to bypassed the wall though and the sharp point its' tip is merely a few inches away from his back.

"You're getting faster, if I must say." Daisuke spoke up, standing with his back leaned against the door frame. It's impossible for everyone to believe that the man is already in his 40s. "If it wasn't for your silly tendency to trust people so easily, I'd say you're the best sidekick I've had so far."

"Please, jii-san, I'm doing my best to work on it." Haruto turned to his uncle and grinned while scratching the back of his head which clearly showed that he was being insecure. He flicked on the little ice 'masterpiece' that the two of them created and it quickly become a cloud of white smoke and disappeared completely. The first thing he was taught is how to clean up his own mess. Standing up from whence he saat, Haruto walked towards the door, "And I know I still have a long way to go so please don't praise me all the times like that."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being proud of your own nephew though. No needs to be so annoyingly humble, you are a lot stronger than you thought. Just admit it." Daisuke knocked on his head lightly before turning his back, "What shall we have for breakfast today?"

"Ow." Haruto rubbed his head, yet he couldn't help smiling happily afterwards. It was very easy to pleased him after all, and nothing makes a better start of the day than a few encouraging words from the person he respected the most.

Breakfast went by without too much of a fuss, as was usual everyday, as the two of them talked and discussed about all sorts of things, some of them were really trivial like how their landing pose seemed to be a little bit hoarser during their previous mission. While he enjoys the thrill of the battlefields, Haruto still finds his peace in calm moments of life like this. However, just when he thought it was going to be another fine day, a broadcast from the device that is used to communicate between the members of the New Guardians and the Wardens showed up, and the Shadow clearly stated his order in a straight, clear manner that left absolutely no room for jokes.

"Affirmative." Haruto answered and turned the device off. After three years of learning diligently his English had improved a lot, though his accent is still a bit Japanese-ish and sometimes he still spurt out a sentence in his mother tongue or two, which were a little bit awkward. "Well, looks like our plan for today is postponed. Sometimes the Shadow just simply pick the most unexpected of moments to summon everyone." Daisuke remarked while calmly taking a ship from his cup of coffee.

"It really couldn't be helped." Haruto shrugged with his usual smile before taking off to the bathroom to take a quick shower, before packing his costumes into his backpack. "Haru." As he headed out of the penthouse, his mentor called him as he approached him, "ใŒใ‚“ใฐใฃใฆใญ (Do your best)." The man raised his fist. Haruto had lost count of how many times he had said this, but thanks to this, he knows that Daisuke cares greatly for him, both as his nephew and sidekick.

"ใ‚ใ‹ใ‚Šใพใ™ (I understand)." He nodded with a bright smile and pumped his fist back in reply before heading off. No matter what the upcoming mission can be, he is already excited about it. In fact, Haruto felt as if he could do anything right now. He walked down the street and made his way to the teleportation port nearby, which was a telephone booth. The glasses over the door has been made so that it is incapable of seeing through. He quickly changed into his costume and put his old attires into his backpack. He has done it so many times to even feel embarrassed for changing clothes in the middle of the street. Putting his trademark white glasses on, his hair slowly changed from its' usual blackness to a pure white color. When all preparations are done, Haruto placed his hand over the buttons board of the phone, which was in reality an extremely sophisticated fingerprint scanner. His hand was scanned thoroughly before an automatic voice bloomed, "Yuki. Member B-0-4."

The teleportation pad underneath his feet illuminated brightly as he traveled at the speed of light through the system to his destination, the underground base in New York. As he arrived, he can see a few people have already made it there before him, which included Dusk, Aeolus, The Patriot, Golden Girl, Fever, Quantum and of course, their boss, the Shadow. "Hello everyone. Yuki's reporting in." He said as he walked up to the group, flashing a smile to everyone and blushing a little bit when his eyes met that of Raphael, he then cleared his throat as he asked the Shadow, "Did I miss anything?"

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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Gabriel Ventura











      Gabriel hated early mornings, not because it forced him awake, but because they were too quiet. The truth of the matter was he would gladly never sleep again if it meant not having to hear the drone of a fan or the sound of his own heartbeat alone. He might have enjoyed living more if he request was satisfied.

      It was a shame though that only one part of his wish was fulfilled, and it wasnโ€™t the one he had hoped for.

      At five in the morning he had woken up, made breakfast, trained lightly with an on-hand warden, and promptly left for the city at eight. Gabriel was sleep deprived, and he knew it โ€” in fact, everyone knew it, but it wasnโ€™t as if he hadnโ€™t tried to correct it. No, he took the prescribed sleeping medication, went to bed at exactly nine oโ€™clock, and even drank warm milk before trying to fall asleep. Nothing worked though at keeping him asleep so Gabriel had given up hope of ever a good nights rest for the reminder of his life.

      It was for those reasons Gabriel found himself sitting in a noisy cafe and sipping on a hot americano at the very back of the room. From his vantage point he could see all those who entered and their well groomed appearances. It was different from the southern states he used to live in, where frequently he would see woman and men alike enter stores with only sweatpants and hoodies to cover themselves.

      โ€œDo you mind if I sit here?โ€ a smooth voice pulled him out of his mind, and when Gabriel looked up a young man was smiling sheepishly down at him. With a jolt he nodded his head, and moved his coffee cup out of the way while mumbling his apologies for the mess. The man shook his head in deference and set his own drink and newspaper down on the table.

      Gabriel tensed, unsure how to respond. Yes, the cafe was busy but there was enough space at the window bar for the man to have seated himself at so why him? Did the man want to chat with him, become his friend? His breath hitched. What would they even talk about? He was so uninteresting aside from the fact he was a hero in training, but he couldnโ€™t just tell a stranger that, or could he? Maybe he saw how lonely Gabriel was and โ€”

      โ€œSorry, the spot up there was already taken,โ€ the other man pushed up his glasses in embarrassment and Gabriel nodded his head in understanding. His heart was racing, but he tried his hardest not to appear too weird or nervous. Taking a sip of his half full drink he used it to calm his mind and remind him that jumping to conclusions never a good idea. He sighed.

      A beep from his jacket gave Gabriel the ability to excuse himself from the awkward situation politely, and when he heard the new orders from Shadow he exited the cafe to locate the nearest teleportation pad.


      "Menon. Member B-0-3,โ€ a voice called out and to his mortification he noticed some of his colleagues already gathered in the main atrium. Without a word he briskly walked into the common living area and toward his room to change into his โ€˜superhero attireโ€™ which didnโ€™t differ much from his normal clothing choice.

      In addition to his outfit, he wrapped a long beige scarf around his neck, put on a pair of leather gloves, and donned dark sunglasses to conceal his eyes. He looked the same as a civilian, but was then significantly warmer.

      Gabriel made his way back to the rest of the team just in time to hear the automated voice call out Yukiโ€™s identification number, and stood next to his friend Raphael (or as the heroes would call him, Aeolus). With a quick glance upward he met the gaze of the Shadow and gave a slight gesture in greeting.

      โ€œHello Yuki . . .โ€ he replied not knowing if his greeting was wanted and reflexively said, โ€œAeolus, Dusk, Golden Girlโ€ He nodded in their direction for knew them more than anyone else and it was only after he said their names he thought it impolite not to include everyone else. โ€œIโ€™m sorry. Good morning to you too Patriot . . . Fever . . . . Quantum,โ€ he slowed his speech nervously and cleared his throat after reciting their aliases. He wasnโ€™t sure if it was acceptable to greet the rest as a whole if he had previously mentioned everyone else by their names, and feared it might exclude them.

      Internally he screamed at himself and asked why he couldnโ€™t function like a normal human being. He exhaled silently. It was going to be a long day.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King Character Portrait: Gabriel Ventura
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      Aldrel swallowed thickly, looking down in pure anxiety at the blank page staring back up at him from its firm position on his desk. It wasn't going anywhere. Neither was he. It was time to face his demons.

      "According to article number one as presented in the..." he started. Then he shook his head and hurriedly scratched out the top line. No, no, that wasn't right. Introductions were first. Right. Introductions.

      ...What did that mean? Rel groaned audibly in exasperation as he threw his head back then forward, catching his face in his hands. A moment of quiet peace passed. Then another short sound of vexation left Rel's mouth and with a frantic mania, he mussed his hair with a speed that could only be described as aggressive. He flopped down, arms outstretched so his wrists dangled off the edge of the desk, chin planted on the bottom half of the lined paper. He whimpered quietly.

      The sound of a low coughing came from Rel's left and he turned his head quickly, catching the disapproving eye of his classmate who glared and shushed him. Rel shot up quickly, face flushing with embarrassment. He mouthed a "sorry," inclining his head a little in apology. He caught a glimpse of the student's paper. They were already on their third paragraph. He choked back another groan. Why was he even taking this class? His academic counselor had explained it to him, but to be honest, it hadn't made any sense to him. But what was he supposed to say? So he'd just nodded pleasantly and made a sound like he'd understood everything. But he didn't. Rel didn't understand anything. He missed high school.

      Just then, the deep timbre of a man whose voice he was intimately familiar with rang in his ears. Startled, Rel jolted, earning him another glare from his studious deskmate. He withered under the harsh steel of their gaze. He muttered another apology before turning his attention to the words being spoken through the communication device Circuit had instructed him to keep activated at all times. Panic set in as he glanced down at the paper once more. Had he wanted it to disappear? Had he himself wanted to disappear? Yes. But that was a theoretical. If he walked out of the examination now, he definitely wouldn't get to retake the test, and he certainly wouldn't be passing this class. He didn't want to suffer through this again.

      He removed the ear piece and stared at it. For a moment, he seriously contemplated turning it off. Putting it in his pocket maybe. He could pretend he hadn't heard anything. Maybe he could tell Shadow he'd already used up his powers and he didn't want to waste anyone's time. Maybe, maybe, maybe... His hands were shaking.

      Finally, with a grimace and strained sigh, he put the piece back in his ear. "Understood," he said lowly, rising from his seat with a despondent resignation. This time, his classmate shot him a look of pity. Rel shuffled out of class, head hung low to avoid making eye contact with the professor, whose burning gaze was following him all the way to the door.

      Halfway through his walk to the teleportation pad, his phone screen lit up with the name of a contact that hadn't been changed since the man himself had put it in along with his number.

      the coolest mentor ever ;) โ™ฅโœญโ™ฅโœญโ™ฅโœญ
      heyo just heard about the mission. all good?

      Rel responded quickly with a brief,


      He stopped short in the hall and thought briefly on the exact meaning of the text he'd received. Right. He'd misinterpreted again. He wrote again,

      oh you meant with getting to the mission. everything's alright. I'm just getting to the telepad now.

      The reply from Circuit came as Rel was opening the door to the discreetly hidden teleportation pad.


      followed shortly by

      that really sucks. sorry kid. ill scold mr. meaniepants shadow later :(
      & i know ur teacher hates u lol so ill see what i can do on my end to get u an exemption

      Rel sighed and did not bother replying. He closed his eyes, and seconds later his presence was being announced to the base. It didn't take him long to shed his civilian clothing and pull on the skin of Aether. As he exited his dressing room, he took note of all the people already gathered in the room. He nodded a general greeting to the heroes he was familiar with and silently made his way towards his closest friend on the team.

      "I learned something today, Gabriel," he said quietly, by way of introduction. "Humans are creatures who crave pain. You desire to suffer. Why's that, Gabriel? And why must you drag me into it too?" Rel's voice cracked on the last sentence, his bottom lip quivering. Still, he made no eye contact with the heavily clothed hero, and didn't particularly expect a response either. Instead, he kept his gaze focused on the tall, darkly clad figure at the front of the room while he waited for the man to issue his orders.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King Character Portrait: Gabriel Ventura
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"Shouldn't you be paying attention to class instead of watching those cartoons of yours?"

Birdie's eye flicked from the video she was watching over to the text editor that had just miraculously opened itself on her laptop. She glanced up from the screen and looked around the class room, before her eyes floated back down. It seemed that her father had managed to break through the security measures she had set for him. Damn. She'd felt good about the extra layers she'd put into locking him out too. She'd have to reinspect the encryption, and probably add another layer tonight, see if that could at least slow him down.

It was a game the two of them played, where they tried to hack into the other's work or school computer every morning. While he never failed to gain remote access to her system, the best she managed was to change the clock on his own computer. Still. that was worth a giggle or two. So far, she thought that meant he was winning, but she'd never admit defeat. One day, it would be her making fun of his browsing choices. She paused the video and turned her attention to the text editor, letting her fingertips dance across the keyboard in reply.

"I'll have you know dad, this is the epitome of culture. It's basically an artform in Japan."

A moment later, and she watched as a reply typed itself below her own.

"It looks like a knockoff Power Rangers show."

"The correct term is 'Super Sentai', you uncouth heathen. And shouldn't you be in a meeting somewhere?"

"... Touchรฉ."

David should have been in Britain at the time on business. Business business, not super business, on a consulting job if she remembered correctly. She quietly chuckled to herself. If he was anything like her, and he was, then he too was in the middle of some boring power point explaining things that he already knew. Which, of course, would have given him ample time to break into her system and judge her viewing habits. Unless he had broken in a while back, and had been watching along with her. Which was a very real possibility.

"It's a computer ethics class, we're learning 'bout why doin' bad things are bad. I can literally feel my soul leaving my body."

"Haha, oh god. My condolences."

"Says the man who got remote access to my system."

The irony of it all was not lost on her. Honestly though, it was kind of the perfect cover. Who would expect a superhero-- well, junior hero-- to be taking an ethics class on campus? Certainly not her, but it wasn't like she could get a waiver for it or something. "Oh, yes. I am Ghost, so please gimme an A mister professor sir." That just wouldn't be intelligent.

Before David had time to respond, a different type of message popped up, this one a little more important from the others. It was a team summons from Shadow. Apparently, she wouldn't be able to finish her episode in class today. On the plus side, she didn't have to linger around for the rest of the class, so Birdie was excited for that.

"Well that sounds important."

He was still in her laptop, it seemed.

"Duty calls. At least try to get some work done today, pop."

"Yeah, yeah, you too sweetheart. Try to be careful."

With that, she closed the laptop and slid it into her bookbag before making a swift exit from class.

"Ghost, member B-1-2."

"Vitamin B-twelve, reporting for duty," Ghost said with a mock salute as she stepped off of the pad. She had made a quick stop to her SUV in the campus parking lot to exchange her school backpack, for her work backpack, which held her costume and all the toys that Ghost needed to do her job properly. After that, she had made her way back into campus, but not before stopping at a local bagel shop and ordered a few for the ride. That would explain the paper bag she had in hand, and the bagel she was currently chewing on. It appeared that her little detour had given some of the others ample time to beat her.

She had changed into her outfit in the teleporter room, and already had the white furred hood of her badass longcoat pulled up over her head. She took another bite from her bagel and approached the others that'd congregated before her. "I miss anything important?" she asked after swallowing. Ghost took up a spot beside Quantum, and tilted the opening of the bag of goods towards her.

"Bagel...s?" She asked, adding the plural after the fact, considering Quantum's eating habits.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
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          "Threat detected. Use maximum caution when awakening."

          Heart pounding, Selig's eyes slowly flutter open, revealing the "threat" to be nothing more than the his family cat kneading the hoodie Selig fell asleep in last night. The aging feline, affectionately named Mr. Meow, seemed at peace laying on Selig's chest and he really didn't want to disturb the cat. "No threat, Sigil, just the cat." He didn't have to notify the Sigil of a neutralized threat, but it's nice to have something to chat with. The Sigil sends a little spark of confirmation, which causes Mr. Meow to hiss quite loudly and hop off Selig's chest.

          Unlike most of the heroes, Selig does his training in the evening, so he wakes up with enough time to eat breakfast and change his clothes. He has an apartment in America he occasionally shares with the Intergalactic Marshals that help him with the Sigil, and thanks to the Wardens, there's a teleportation pad in a back ally phone booth that's also in walking distance from the apartment. Speaking of, the two alien police officers have already woken up for the day, sharing a light breakfast at the dining table they assured Selig was necessary. "Good morning Selig. I trust you had a restful sleeping period?" Arlen's English is awkwardly formal, considering his own sigil is translating his home language into an Earth language. Rahni hardly noticed Selig's entrance, demolishing the food on his plate with ease.

          "I slept fine, thank you." Selig's English is also not the best, coming from a throaty and guttural language in comparison. He moves through the kitchen slowly, preparing his own breakfast and listening to Arlen and Rahni chatter on in an entirely different language, one his human mind doesn't understand. "Translating..." The sigil pings, and their voices transform to an easier language for Selig's mind to process. "If you don't slow down on those eggs you'll choke." Arlen chastised Rahni, working at a slow pace on the oatmeal in front of him. Rahni looks up momentarily, but notices Selig instead of hashing out some snarky remark. "Our favorite human. Tell me Selig, what are you going to be doing today?" Rahni announced in a loud voice, startling the younger man.

          Selig managed to catch the bowl that momentarily slipped from his hands, and sheepishly replied. "I have to go to school today." Speaking of, if he didn't get his breakfast done, he would be late, and that wouldn't look too good. He also wasn't doing too well in the class, so being late would only hurt his chances of doing better. Arlen and Rahni dissolved into mindless chatter again as Selig scarfed down the generic sugary cereal he bought on his first grocery trip and changed into something appropriate for a long school day. The two aliens eating breakfast at his dining table are too focused in a conversation about bringing scientists from one of their planets to research all the different species of fish for Selig to even say goodbye.

          Spoiler: Selig does make it to his first class on time, but the command in his ear sends him out of the class with a pointed glare from his professor. Oh well, do superheroes really need degrees?

          Selig pops into the storage closet housing Ascot's teleportation pad, shedding his clothes and allowing the sigil to create his costume. The last time he teleported to base, the sigil undid his costume before he could find his civilian clothes, but luckily no one was there to see him scuttle off to his room on base in his birthday suit. Today he makes sure the costume is set before allowing the teleportation pad to take him to the base. Most of the team is already here, and he shifts to the back of the lot, somewhere between Dot, his first friend on the team, and Rel, someone he's gotten closer to since joining. He manages a small, "Sigil reporting," in his thick German accent.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: April Choi
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"So, how's the drawing going?"

The room was clean and crisp, with cream walls and matching, maroon, faux-leather furniture. One wall was completely covered by two ceiling high bookshelves, and every book present had creases along its spine- evidence of their recurrent readings. Van Gogh replicas hung here and there, and in every corner of the room, at least one indoor plant resided.

It was all so very, very cliche.

"Ah- yeah. Yeah. Great."

"... April, I know that you're somewhat, ah, skeptical of the point of this, but why not give it a go, hm?"

"I am. Look."

The young superhero pulled an A4 drawing pad from her bag and opened it to the first page before flipping it over to show the therapist sitting opposite her. Dr Freeman stared at the illustration for a moment before smiling.

"Very cute. Do you like dogs, then, April?"

"... It's supposed to be a horse."


Another pause.

"... You said it doesn't matter if the drawings sucked."

"It- It doesn't suck! ... And you're right, it doesn't matter. So long as you're getting it all down onto paper, that's what counts. I'm really proud of you, April."

"Why? All I did was draw a shitty horse."

"It's not a sh- I'm proud because you're trying. And trying is the difference between victory and defeat. 'You never fail until you stop trying,' do you know who said that?"

"DJ Khaled?"

"Close. It was Albert Einstein."

Another long pause, and the doctor softly 'ahem-ed'.

"And how about the dreams? Are you still having them?"


"How often?"

"Every few nights, I guess."

"So the prescription isn't helping?"

"It helps a little. It's been three nights since the last one now, so they're spacing out a bit more, now."

"Good, good. That's good to hear, April. Meanwhile, though, I really encourage you to avoid any stressful stuff, okay? Over the next couple of weeks, I want you to be stress-free. Would you say that you have anything causing you major stress right now? School? Family drama? Work?"

April smirked at the last suggestion, reclining slightly in her chair. "... Nope," She said, dismissively, "No stress here."

As one hand softly tugged down her mask, Knockout reread the message with the other:

"New Guardians, report to home base immediately. This is a priority mission, everyone is required."

Hm. Sounds potentially stressful.

For some reason, the thought was comforting instead of concerning, and as she stepped into the teleporter, she felt that typical rush of something. It was a rush that she was steadily growing addicted to.

"Knockout, member B-0-7"

Knockout offered a soft nod to her fellow teammates, tucking her hands into her pockets and settling against a wall.

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: April Choi Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King

...and 1 others.

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Time: 9.30am, Monday 9th October, 2017
Destination: Wasp Labs, Tunisia


Shadow remained as impassive as ever as each member of the New Guardians trooped in, face revealing nothing. Usually, these debriefs took place over the large screen he stood in front of, the communication device standing taller than he was and presenting several smaller screens surrounding a much larger one in the centre. There was a direct link to The Wardenโ€™s base, where a video conference could be set up with the flick of a button. That is where Shadow would usually be, standing stiffly in front of The Wardenโ€™s screen rather than watching for the young heroes to congregate. Today, however, he had been in the neighbourhood.

The older hero watches patiently and silently, merely inclining his head when greeted by various members or remaining impassive as others filtered in. He watched and assessed as the group gathered, noting who went to stand with who, the way some glanced at their feet or nervously said hello to the whole group. None of these children, young adults โ€“ as his mentee would remind him โ€“ were his enemy, but no knowledge, no matter how small, was ever wasted.

โ€œSo, whatโ€™s the mission, boss?โ€ Dusk quips cheerfully, eagerness to act telling by the way she was lightly shifting from foot to foot.

Shadow glanced at those gathered, noted the few who werenโ€™t here yet, and then came to a decision. Those who were late would have to sit out, time was of the essence. Without a word, Shadow turned towards the monitor behind him, fingers lightly tapping a few of the keys and bringing up the familiar face of a local news reporter. Dusk groaned behind Shadow, and the older hero felt the tips of his mouth quirk up slightly in amusement. Shadow well knew her frustration that the reporter constantly mangled her hero name.

On the screen, Hapley was speaking to the camera while a small square image in the corner of the television revealed the focus of his segment.

โ€œTerror in Tunisia! The villain known as Echo has been sighted in the African nation, sending the country and its neighbours into panic as his drones move across the border.โ€ The screen shifted from Perdโ€™s chubby jowls to a shot of a Tunisian city. It looked like a war zone; buildings were crumbling and engulfed in flame, civilians were fleeing in terror as small, robotic humanoid-drones slowly marched through the streets. Behind them, leading the small army of deadly robots, came a robotic creation that stood as tall as the eight storey building it had just crushed beneath metal hands. Though unable to see within the giant robotโ€™s insides, the villain known as Echo would be inside, controlling the devastation from the relative safety of his robotic walls. As the scene continued, the giant robot, an intimidating vision of black and grey steel, turned in its tracks, its arm stretching out, hand opening to reveal some sort of weapon. A flash of light, and suddenly another building was destroyed.

โ€œIโ€™m receiving word that-โ€ฆ yes! Steel comet has arrived.โ€ Perdโ€™s voice announced just as flash of grey streaked through the sky, a powerful sword glinting in his hand as the British hero brought it down on the still outstretched hand. With a sickening crunch the metallic limb was split almost in half.

The image froze as Shadow paused it, his gaze returning to the keyboard as he typed in a few more commands.

โ€œPlease tell me weโ€™re going to take on Echo!โ€ Dusk gasped, excitement lacing through her small body. Sheโ€™d been longing to take on the asshole again since the last time theyโ€™d met โ€“ when heโ€™d called her โ€˜that Shadow bratโ€™ and then laughed as sheโ€™d angrily corrected him. Why couldnโ€™t anyone get her name right?

Rather than answer his protegee, Shadow merely hit another key and brought up a satellite image of a lone, seemingly innocuous building, followed by schematics for the same construction.

โ€œNo! Shadow, please.โ€ Dusk moaned pre-emptively, recognising the logo barely showing on a corner of the building on screen; a steel and black wasp imposed on a dark shield. Across from Dusk, Aeolus shifted restlessly, frowning slightly at the image on screen. He didnโ€™t recognise the insignia on the building, but then again, he hadnโ€™t been at this game as long Dusk, nor did he have The Shadow as his mentor.

โ€œWasp Labs, two hours from Echoโ€™s position, currently being evacuated of most staff. Weโ€™ve been watching various labs for months-โ€ฆโ€ -Shadow ignored the loud huff coming from his protegee, who had spent countless boring days on recon at one of the American Wasp labs, and continued- โ€œโ€ฆand weโ€™re certain that this one is hiding something of importance. Usually, with the number of civilians on staff a mission such as this would be difficult, however with the evacuation, the facilities will either be empty or...โ€

Aeolus leaned in slightly as Shadow pressed another button, and a slightly blurry, pixilated image appeared on screen. It was the same facility, only various trucks and cars had shifted position in the carpark. The image zoomed in to a pair of figures entering the building, a tall, lithe male glancing arrogantly over his shoulder and a slim woman beside him, staring resolutely forward.

โ€œโ€ฆguarded by criminals. Ricochet and Esfir Vasile were spotted entering the facility three days ago.โ€ Shadow continued, naming the pixilated pair on screen, โ€œWe have yet to determine why they were there, or whether theyโ€™ve returned since. But, given the lack of civilians at the labs, we wonโ€™t get another opportunity to strike. Your mission is a three-pronged strike. Team alpha; Aeolus, Yuki, Quantum, Sigil, and Knockout, youโ€™ll be coming in from the south and drawing any remaining guards from the building. Team beta; Patriot, Aether, Golden Girl, and Menon, youโ€™ll approach from the northโ€ฆโ€

Bea snickered quietly as Shadow announced the teams and shifted over so that she could elbow Dot gently, muttering under her breath, โ€œRemember that last fic Claudia wrote? About alphas and betas?โ€

Shadow continued, โ€œโ€ฆTeam gamma; Dusk, Ghost, Interstellar, and Fever, youโ€™ll be entering the facility covertly to gather intel.โ€ Shadow shifted to the map of the area and indicated the points from which he wanted each team to arrive, โ€œObjectives for alpha and beta are the same, draw hostile enemy fire and create cover for gamma team to enter the facility. If Ricochet and Vasile or any of their associates are inside, weโ€™ll need alpha and beta to draw them out before gamma go in. Gamma, your only mission is to collect information.โ€

Dusk held her hands up in a defensive position as Shadow directed the last warning to her, โ€œObserve, collect info, got it boss.โ€

Shadow didnโ€™t react to his mentee, merely typed in a series of commands to the communication table before telling those gathered, โ€œThe necessary details have been sent to your personal devices. You have ten minutes to gather what you need before the teleportation devices will take you to the drop off zone. From there, youโ€™ll be on foot to the destination. Youโ€™ll have two hours maximum. Work together, and do not disappoint me.โ€

Aeolus nodded as the brief came to a close, and glanced across at the four individuals in his team. Though he was always one of the quieter ones of the team, he held respect for all of those within the New Guardians, and was prepared to push through his natural reticence in order to prepare for a meeting.

โ€œShall we come up with a plan?โ€ He inquired to any of alpha that were listening, before pulling out a slim cellphone from the only pocket on his tight uniform. Raf opened up Shadowโ€™s message and quickly scanned over the basic information sent to him and his team. It was enough to give them insight into the area, without overwhelming them with facts that they wouldnโ€™t need.

Without a formal farewell, Shadow left the young heroes to ready themselves, heading towards the teleportation devices. Heโ€™d only gone a few paces before halting as Dusk cut him off,

โ€œYouโ€™re going to fight Echo?โ€ She guessed, shifting to walk with her mentor towards the alcove housing the teleportation pads. Shadow didnโ€™t respond, but Dusk knew him well enough to be confident in her assumption, โ€œYou going to tell me what theyโ€™ve got in that lab?โ€

โ€œYou donโ€™t already know?โ€ Shadow responded with the slightest, teasing arch to his eyebrow. Bea pulled a face, biting back a scowl as she watched the tall man type in the coordinates for his destination and step onto the closest pad, โ€œDid I ever tell you that patience is a virtue?โ€

Bea parted her lips to respond, incredulous that Shadow had just teased her, twice. Sheโ€™d spent the dullest days watching a nearer set of Wasp labs, to no avail. Now, knowing that something was obviously happening in this foreign lab had her itching with curiosity to find out. If Shadow wouldnโ€™t tell her, she sure as hell was going to give the stealth mission her all to find out just what was within the labโ€™s secretive walls.

โ€œIโ€™m so ready for this.โ€ Dusk grinned as she turned back towards her comrades, raising her wrist and tapping on the small digital screen attached to her uniform. A miniature blueprint of the facilities appeared, showing several stories above ground, and at least two basement levels. Security locks, restricted corridors, secret roomsโ€ฆ whatever they found would pose โ€“ hopefully โ€“ new and exciting challenges. Feeling her grin widen, Dusk glanced at the others on team gamma, โ€œThis is going to be so much fun.โ€

The setting changes from New York City, NY to Wasp Labs, Tunisia

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: April Choi Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
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Image Image Image
โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ JO KINGSTON โ‡ต
Dialogue โ— #8e4348 / Thought โ— #FEFB88


























        โ€œI miss anything important?โ€

        Jo didnโ€™t even notice her little songbird enter the room; she was too busy glaring at Gloomy for not even pretending to notice or care about what she had to say. โ€œNah, nothing yet. He's just sitting there, being his dreary self, refusing to talk to any of us until he feels like it.โ€ The distaste was imminent in her tone. There was always something about their โ€œleaderโ€ that irritated Jo. He was just soโ€ฆ pretentious. Shadow acted like he was better than all of them, even around his fellow Wardens. Kara talked about him occasionally, about how he was so tall, dark, and handsome, but she couldnโ€™t hold a conversation with him for shit. Mostly because he almost never responds to what she says.

        While Jo was busy silently brooding, Birdie tilted the bag in her hand towards her, making an offering, โ€œBagel...s?โ€

        Joโ€™s face lit up immediately at the offering of food. โ€œYeah sure! Thanks!โ€ Without any sort of hesitation, she reached into the bag and pulled out two bagels. She bit into the side of one of them, tearing it completely in half. She had the other half in her mouth merely moments afterward. When she was about to dig into the second bagel when Gloomy started expositioning the team.

        It was quite a bit of information to take in all at once, but Jo was used to it at this point. The New Guardians received even more of these lovely briefings before almost every patrol or mission. She made sure just to take in all the important bits: In a collapsing city, they must distract baddies so some of them could infiltrate and get any necessary information. Well, Jo at least hoped thatโ€™s what Shadow was trying to relay to them. Occasionally, she would shift her attention back to Birdie, her gaze merely tracing the lines of her jaw and the curve of her cheeks.

        When the briefing was over, Shadow did the usual: disappear with some โ€œencouraging wordsโ€, not allowing any time for the New Guardians to ask any questions or gain any extra information. There was one thing in particular that was making Jo scowl as she turned to look at Birdie once again. Sure, team beta was only four members, but so was team gamma, the group that was in, arguably, the most dangerous position. Not to mention, they werenโ€™t exactly the most combat skilled team. Dusk was an amazing fighter, Ghost could hold her own against an enemy or two, but Interstellar and Feverโ€ฆ And they were going to the belly of the beast without any help from the Wardens.

        But, such was their overlordโ€™s desire, so Jo could only comply. With a sigh, she did her best to turn her frown into a smile. One hand reached out to place a touch to Birdieโ€™s arm; Jo hoped that this would be encouraging. โ€œHey, do me a favor and try to stick to Dusk. Sheโ€ฆ knows what sheโ€™s doing. Not that you donโ€™t know what youโ€™re doing! You absolutely do, youโ€™re very smart and, I, uh, justโ€ฆ Sorry.โ€ Joโ€™s free hand went to her forehead which she rubbed stressfully. โ€œGood luck, and be careful. If you need back up at any point, donโ€™t hesitate to call me, ok?โ€ With reluctance, Jo pulled her hand off of Birdieโ€™s arm. With one last smile, she turned and gathered โ€˜round her alpha teammates.

        โ€œAlright loves, hereโ€™s what I think we should do!โ€ Despite many of her shortcomings, Joโ€™s spirited audaciousness made her a natural born leader. Her mind raced as she assessed all of their powers and tried to figure out where they would be best. โ€œOk, since me and Knockout are essentially human airbags, weโ€™ll take up the lead, absorbing the brunt of most attacks. Aeolus, since you can fly and fight with some range, Iโ€™d say stick to the air and keep an eye out for both us and the two targets. Yuki, itโ€™s Africa, so itโ€™s gonna be warm. I donโ€™t doubt your abilities, but itโ€™s just a fair warning. I think you and Sigil should bring up the rear, taking out any stragglers and being on the ready if any of us need some backup. Especially if Ricochet or Vasile show up.โ€ As Jo explained the details of her plan, she turned and looked at the teammate she was talking about. โ€œAny exceptions or suggestions to improve the plan?โ€

The setting changes from Wasp Labs, Tunisia to New York City, NY

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: April Choi Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki
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#, as written by chrian.





ใ€Œ#16ACC7 ใ€

As expected, Shadow merely nodded slightly at his question and didn't say anything else, nor express any noticeable expression. Haruto is quite confident in himself when it comes to reading other people (not that he himself couldn't be read that easy), but their leader seemed to always shrouded himself behind a rather mysterious veil. He never fully hides nor reveals anything about himself, and no one can really tell what Shadow has on his mind all the times. Haruto doesn't really know how he should feel about him though. But his mentor once told him that when Shadow first approached him, he didn't trust him in the least, now the man has become one of the very few people whom Hyouga spoke so highly of, so Haruto figures that he should respect the man, as well as following any orders and decisions he may give the lot of them.

As he waited, more and more people started to arrive. Menon walks in only a few moments after Haruto arrives, though not from the teleportation pads so he may have arrived earlier and left somewhere to tend to his own business. The guy greeted everyone as he stood next to Aeolus, though it was quite clear that he was somewhat... fidgety, judging by the way he nervously said. Haruto doesn't blame him though. Each and everyone of them has their own characteristics, and he respects the way people be themselves. So, in response, he just smiled back to him as gently and brightly as he could, like he always did, "Hi there, Menon. You look fine today."

Aether stepped in shortly after. Upon their first meeting, Haruto has had an instant impression of him being quite a cute boy. The way the two of them behaves around others is pretty much similar. He couldn't help having a nagging feeling that the younger boy is always seemed to be in a state of confusion. Like... all the time. He was so soft that it felt as if he was afraid to get on people's bad books. But that doesn't stop him from approaching Aether and tried to make friends with him. Haruto hoped that the boy will open up more about himself and be more confident in what he is capable of. One thing though, he doesn't really get why some of their self-proclaimed fans shipped him and Aether together, as he once accidentally came across some fanfictions of them. It was kind of weird, but he decided to let it off his mind for now.

The next one to turn up is Ghost, otherwise known to him by her civilian identity as Birdie. "Hey, Ghost-chan." He immediately waved and greeted her in a rather excited manner as she went and stood by Quantum, offering her some bagels. Well, Haruto wouldn't miss a chance to have some chit-chat with his favorite otaku girl, so he walked by her side, "Did you watch the newest episode of 'Attack on Titans' last night? That was quite a twist, wasn't it?" There was just no ends between them when it comes to Japanese cultures so they wouldn't hold back on talking about them anytime possible.

After the Sigil and Knockout arrived, Shadow gained everyone's attention and get down to the real purpose of their meeting, as time was running short and they can't sit around waiting all sixteen of them to come. A report footage was shown on the big screen, showing the villain Echo at large in Tunisia, a nation in Africa, throwing the civilians' lives into chaos as he control a giant robot to terrorize the city. That is, before a hero arrived and put an end to it. Haruto watched the whole thing with much enthusiasm, as it almost felt like watching a blockbuster in the cinema.

Haruto was seriously thinking that they are going to take on Echo, until Shadow paused the screen and move to the ins and outs of the upcoming mission. Like most of the times, he knows that there would be a huge amount of information to take in, so his listened as attentively as he could, while piecing what he had heard together. It seemed like they will be infiltrating a lab that Shadow has been observing for quite a while now. This mission would put Haruto at a disadvantage, due to the usual high temperatures of Africa, even more so if it was situated in a desert. However, it wasn't of anything special, until the screen was enlarged, showing two figures that were blurred due to the pixels. But Haruto recognized them. Ricochet and Esfir Vasile. He and Hyouga once faced them before and they are definitely not easy targets.

Shadow decided to divide them into three teams, each with their own missions. It seemed that he was placed in team Alpha, tasked with striking from the south of the facility. His heart raced a little when he realized that he and Aeolus were both going to work together. But he shook that little thought of and focused on the task at hand. When the briefing came to a close, Shadow left to let them to gather what they need and work out how will they work together in the upcoming mission. There was no room for questions or any extra information, as expected, but he's pretty much used to it now.

He went and stood with his team when Quantum gathered them together. She began to assess their abilities and set out which positions are best suited for them. Jo is reliable as a leader, so Haruto trusts her with her recommendations. After she finished assessing, he nodded to her and replied, "Yes, I admit that the dryness in Tunisia will be a hindrance, but I'll see what I can do. Freezing stuffs up wasn't the only thing I'm good at." He said with a small hint of joke, "I definitely won't let any of them to get in your way. But a bit of a warning though. I faced both Ricochet and Vasile with my mentor before, and they certainly aren't just some ordinary goons. I think it's best that none of us should face them head-to-head recklessly. That's all."

Haruto then turned to Aeolus, trying to hide the fact that he was seriously fanboying on the insides right now, "Hey, umm... Aeolus? Please watch your back too when we went out there, okay?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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The Patriot / / Wyatt Whitley // #e31006Image

Wyatt didn't expect his question to be answered when he reached the base. He would've asked Dusk for answers since she was the leader's sidekick and all, but, and he hated to admit it, The Shadow was intimating and talking might get Wyatt scolded. The thing he needed was for Samuel to get onto him for not playing well with the head of the Wardens. Teamwork and working with others is a new thing for him lately so he's been trying to be watch his actions. Wyatt half smiles at Golden Girl, Aeolus, and Dusk before leaning on a nearby wall. Dusk was the first to approach to him when he first arrived at New Guardians, offering to train with him if he wanted. He quickly realized despite working with someone so serious, she was actually playful. Her teasing was loved and despised at the same time. Dusk treated him like a normal person, but god was it annoying on missions. Their lives are at risk every second and she cracks jokes. Just like Samuel, that blockhead. Wyatt says it affectionately though. Everyone began to flood in after Wyatt's arrival. He saw Fever, his favorite taste tester come in. The two weren't exactly friends, but they respected each other.

Wyatt began to pay attention when Shadow began to speak about the mission. Echo was the villain behind the chaos in Tunisia, ruining lives of civilians for his nefarious purposes. However, what ticked Wyatt off the most was Perd's voice. The reporter has been calling him 'The Parrot' for a year and it grinds Wyatt's nerves. A patriot and a parrot are two different things! It's not that hard! Wyatt zoned back in after Shadow ended the video. Hearing he was going to enter a guarded factor to gain secret information instead of fighting the main villain was a chance to prove himself; going against Echo in his current state would be suicide. As much as he hates to admit it, Wyatt isn't strong enough, yet. Missions like these were good stepping stones though.

"Team beta; Patriot, Aether, Golden Girl, and Menon, youโ€™ll approach from the northโ€ฆโ€ Wyatt glanced over to his new teammates. ... Something to work with. Golden Girl and him got along well. Their mentors forced them into a 'playdate' when the two joined Guardians. Colonel wanted to Wyatt make friends as a rehabilitation or something and Golden Girl's mentor must've wanted the same. It was weird at first, but the two bonded over music especially during their debates of rap vs. country. Watching her face while listening to 'She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy' was the hardest he's laughed since after... the experiments. She's also a good addition to Team Beta. Her gold exterior makes her more difficult to injure and stronger, good offense. Aether was a mystery to Wyatt. The two have never talked or had any sort of interaction before so trusting him wasn't going to come easily. His projectile attacks and ability to create barriers and weapons, melee, are very valuable. Flight is also an advantage if they need a bird's eye view for incoming enemies. Finally, there was Menon. The man didn't not have uses, but honestly, he's the liability. As much a camouflage and perception are important, he's useless in a physical fight. Wyatt watched him in combat training and he's almost too nice to fight back. Menon can take out guards by throwing them or disabling with his telekinesis, but he seems more defense or secret weapon then a front line man. Wyatt could work with them.

Beta team drifted towards each other after Shadow finished his announcement, saying they had ten minutes to talk strategy and gather weapons. Normally, Wyatt would've gone for weapons first, but a weapon is useless without a plan. Even though Wyatt was the youngest, he felt like he needed to step up, prove himself. "Okay... team," the words felt odd coming from him and he hoped the others' didn't hear the nerves in his voice, "I say Gold and I are the front linemen, or women, whatever. I'll try to draw the guards out since I'm faster and you,"[color] Wyatt looked at Golden Girl,[color=#e31006] "and you," he turned his gaze to Aether, "Be ready to attack when they come out. Aether, eyes in the sky will, hopefully, keep us aware of our surroundings. Distance weapons are your best so do some damage up there. Menon, you need to be out of sight, out of mind. You're our secret weapon, disable as many guards as you can, but don't let them see you. Keep an eye on the three of us in case we need back up. Any questions?" Wyatt gritted his teeth; he sounded more drill sergeant than team member. Well, I am a soldier-not the point! "I mean... any thoughts? Suggestions?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Michi Kneller Character Portrait: Drew Anderson
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Michi hit the ground with a hard thud as he knocked her off balance. Another round of sparring, another round that Eun had won. While she should've been heading to school at that point, she had instead decided to spend some time training with her mentor. As she was pulling herself up he crouched down to her eye level. "Come on now, you're usually better than this," Eun mocked before standing up fully again "if you ask me, it seems like little maus is getting soft." Her only response was a glare, the irritation from her multiple loses starting to put her on tilt, and Eun mocking her surely didn't help things. She brought herself onto her feet now, watching as he walked over to a small table at the far end of his home gym. "How about a little break?" He said before tossing her a water bottle and towel. She caught them both with ease.

As he turned around to grab his own, Michi stuck her tongue out at him.

After practically chugging the whole water bottle in one go, she sat down in the middle of the gym to wipe the sweat off her face and pull the stray strands of hair back into her loose pony tail. Despite the fact that the comment made her upset, Eun was correct. She was being particularly clumsy today, he was simply taking notice of that and using it to his advantage. Michi cursed herself. He had been generous and decided to give her less rigorous daily training that usual, and she was messing it up.

From across the room Eun had seemingly picked up on this and walked over to sit directly in front of Michi. "Don't beat yourself up about it, Michi. You're allowed to be absolutely shit at training on some days, especially when fighting someone as perfect as me. The only thing you have to do now is push through it and get back on your feet."

Michi gave him the blankest face that she could possibly muster, "Only you would think that a statement like that would actually be encouraging." He smirked slightly before standing up again.


Eun was interrupted by the incessant beeping of the watch situated on Michi's arm. "New Guardians, report to home base immediately. This is a priority mission, everyone is required."

At once, Michi stood up, only for Eun to put a loose hand on her shoulder. "How about one more round of sparring?"

"Do you not understand the words "immediately" and "priority"?" Michi said, the harsh phrase spoken in a tone that indicated a different connotation.

"Hmm, I do. But I think you can afford to be just a little bit late."

Michi rolled her eyes. She knew better than to listen to him, but a side of her still wanted to prove that she could best him in a match. And much to her dismay, that side of her was a little bit more persuasive than the other. "Fine, one more round."

Eun gave a toothy smile, right before throwing a quick jab towards her.


Tรคuschung. Member B-1-4

Michi arrived in her almost stark white outfit, quickly surveying the room that the others had gathered in. She noticed that Shadow was no longer present. She also took note of the fact that it seemed she had missed the briefing about their mission, and silently cursed Eun for convincing her to do one last round of sparring. (She won't admit it, but in truth she convinced herself.) "Apologies for being late., an announcement she made to the others before she swiftly headed into the room. Turning towards Dusk, she asked "Can you summarize the information that I missed?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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Gabriel Ventura








      There were times in Gabrielโ€™s life where he had to wonder whether his apologetic disposition was a direct influence of external circumstances, or if they were simply part of his nature. The answer to his question would have no direct effect on his thought process, but the moment Aether moved beside him, he had to ponder that thought once again.

      โ€œI-Iโ€™m sorry I didnโ€™t mean to um, make you desire . . . suffering,โ€ he added hesitantly. Gabriel looked down at his friend and tried to smile slightly. His glasses then perched on his nose came sliding down as he tilted his head as a sign of surrender. โ€œIf you wanna talk about it then uh then Iโ€™ll be here.โ€

      He didnโ€™t respond and so Gabriel let the conversation awkwardly die out, and watched as a few more members filtered into the room. Soon enough Dusk asked the question most were thinking, and silently turned on the television to the News.

      Internally Gabriel groaned and instinctively clenched his jaw in anticipation for the inevitable. Fortunately, their names were safe from slaughter, but in its stead was a news report about an attack in Tunisia. On the screen Gabriel watched in horror as droids marched along the ruined city streets with a much larger robot behind them. He wanted to throw up. However, he forced himself not to look away and was relieved to see Steel Comet already fighting Echo.

      Shadow then switched the view on the screen to showcase a building and a few schematics. Gabriel listened intently to his instructions and quickly glanced to Aether once his name was called. A wave of relief washed over him as he realized he wouldnโ€™t be on the mission alone with people he didnโ€™t know quite well.

      With Shadowโ€™s final words to everyone Gabriel then turned to the others and formed a small circle in order to talk privately.

      Without a word, Gabriel took in the members of his team and nodded his head in approval unconsciously. He was in awe. It was one thing to be standing next to them, and a whole other to be working alongside them. Without warning his heart began to race, and it took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He wasnโ€™t meant to be there.

      Aether of course was arguably his closest friend, and Gabriel had to qualms about working with him. The man was quiet and intelligent and knew how to make a cool ass weapon from thin air โ€” what was there not to like? And Golden Girl, although her energy was frightening at times Gabriel still appreciated her work ethic and strength. He knew she and Dusk were very good friends, and felt a twinge of sadness not to see them work together. As for the Patriot, Gabriel held a good amount of respect for the kid. Sixteen and already a hero, he was more than Gabriel ever was at his age and would only continue to grow.

      The Patriot then began to talk and explained his strategy. Gabriel nodded his head in understanding and when it came time to make suggestions he could only shake his head no. He knew his role, and despite not feeling confident in his abilities knew that he would rather die than disappoint them more than he already has.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Michi Kneller Character Portrait: Drew Anderson
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"Of course, Yuki-kun," Birdie answered, now looking at the individual on her other side. She put a bit of mock offense in her tone while she spoke, like she missed it. Soon thereafter though, she grinned and laughed, "We have to talk about it when... Whatever this is," Birdie said, throwing a finger in the air and waving it around to indicate the meeting they were called to. "Is over with." It was right about then Shadow began the meeting by turning on a nearby monitor.

The moment Shadow said that the details were forwarded to their devices, Birdie's eyes immediately dropped down to the contraption on her arm. At a touch from her gloved hand, the screen lit up (tactile gloves, great for touch screens) and she began to navigate toward the aforementioned details. Most of all, she was looking for the schematics of the building, and where she could find the server room. Undoubtedly Wasp Labs had a server room. A lab always had a server room, and with a little technowizardry, she would be able to get access to all of the it's gooey details through there. At least, that was the plan, and there was a saying about plans and first contact. Hopefully it would really be that simple. Hopefully.

She also made notes of various other items she could use to her advantage, though the schematics did not make any mention of security cameras. Though, Birdie was relatively sure the building had its share, and they would be child's play to gain remote access to. A very computer literate child, but hey. Semantics. Regardless, she made a few more gestures, and a keyboard popped up on her device, where upon she began to make notes and point out points of interest. She was so focused she was almost surprised when Jo began to talk to her. She glanced up at the touch on her arm, brows a-fluttering and head a-tilting. She was touched that Jo was so worried about her, but that was Jo. And that was why she liked her so much.

Birdie nodded with a smile of her own and spoke, "I'll be fiiiiine," she said, exaggerating the word fine. "I have a trump card, remember?" she added, before holding her breath, and blinking out of sight in the next moment. "Can't hit what they can't see," she said through held breath, before finally exhaling. The last of her breath was punctuated with a slight cough, but she smiled brightly and waved it off. "The same goes for you too, you know? If you need me, just let me know," she said, gesturing at the device on her arm.

While Jo left to go meet with team Alpha, Birdie turned to meet with her own team Gamma. It wasn't long before their first straggler... straggled their way in. "Ah, Tรคuschung," Birdie greeted. Fortunately the teleporter always reminded her how to pronounce the name, else she may have had a bit more trouble. "Long story short? We're infiltrating a lab possibly guarded by criminals and a few villains. Fortunately, the A and B teams over there," she gestured toward Alpha and Beta "Are supposed to draw them out so that the best team, IE us, can slip in and collect information. Simple," Birdie explained with a short chuckle.

Glancing at the rest of the team, she began to tap away at the device on her wrist again. "Personally, I'd like to get to their servers so this little heartbreaker," she said, tugging out a wire from within the device to reveal a USB plug, "Can work her magic."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Michi Kneller
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Fever watched from her spot in the back of the group as the others walked in one by one, mostly from school she figured; a torture she had elected not to inflict upon herself evidently, though Mind Catcher tried his best to persuade her to go. She had gone through enough of high school before being expelled to understand what a pain it was.

Having been with the team for nine months, Fever found that there were really only a select few member she would actually want to be around. Wyatt, a.k.a The Patriot, was alright in her books; he shared the same work ethic as she did which earned him quite a bit of respect and his baking was incredible. Dusk was sweet enough to offer her help with her hand to hand combat skills, Mind Catcher was only able to give her so much practice with having a day job to work at, and it saved her the humiliation of having to ask someone herself. Raf was about the only one that Fever would feel comfortable enough actually calling a friend. He was quiet and with no pretense, she felt no pressure to "entertain" or "speak up" around him, she could easily be around him without saying a word which was much more in her comfort zone. Though with these few connections, there was a part of Fever, that could help but wonder if she was not meant to be in this group, after all most of them either didn't know, didn't want to know her, or couldn't stand her. She knew that a team needed to trust one another and, in some way or another, like each other; Fever didn't fit into that with a majority of the team. An observation that was hard not to notice.

Her thoughts were pulled away from this as Shadow stood at the front and started playing a video and the current chaos in Tunisia. Fever watched passively, her blank expression only being covered by the mask that she wore. Then he switched to a particular building, further away from the action than she would have initially suspected. It was a lab building owned by a company called "Wasp", Fever vaguely wondered if that was possibly an acronym for something or held a special meaning.

When Shadow finished he sent more detailed information to each New Guardian member. Fever noticed through the corner of her eye that Birdie was already swiping through everything with enthusiastic speed, like she did everything that had to do with technology. Team Gamma, the team that she was placed into, were starting to gather, so Fever quietly made her way over herself. In the briefing that Shadow had sent each of them, he had highlighted the better places for her to hide her body; some were outside the facility while others were inside. Fever contemplated each option carefully. If she were to take one of the options outside the facility she would have an easier time not only getting in but getting away afterward if things went wrong, however it was much closer to where team Alpha and Beta were set up which would mean a greater chance of someone slipping by and get to her. The spots inside the facility would be harder and take longer for her to get into an out of meaning if they needed to get out fast there would be a greater chance of her being unable to make it out, however it would be closer to the rest of her team and would ensure that teams Alpha and Beta could focus on just that instead of keeping anyone away from her team as well as her, being broken off from her team. Shadow had also sent her a short profile on a guard that would be inside the building, according to the bio information, he was a pretty high-level guard making any security information easy grabs for her.

"Ghost, be sure to hack the coms of this guard, I'll be able to feed you any information he knows through there and keep a lookout, it looks like he's mostly stationed either outside that final door we need to go through or a couple hallways down," Fever said showing her teammate the profile of the guard she was talking about. Fever wouldn't tell anyone, in case it didn't work out, but she had been practicing with Mind Catcher on actually controlling the movements of people. Thus far, she found it was at least possible if it was a movement that was natural to the body already, such as walking up and down a hallway or swinging a key card. However, there was still a good chance she wouldn't be able to do this, so she figured best not invite that to be a vital part of the plan.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Michi Kneller
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hex: #b1a891 - team: gamma - location: new guardians' base

"This is going to be so much fun!" Dusk mutters again as she gravitates towards the other members of team gamma, her gazing memorising the layout of the Wasp facility, noting various Bea-sized vents to climb through, counting exits, and already planning a route into the bowels of the building. Shadow had kindly marked various parts of the facility - security measures, a communication room, and most importantly the general area their target occupied, whatever said target was. It would be up to Team Gamma to navigate their way there, overcoming any obstacles marked on the blueprint and any which differed from the holographic plans before her. Beatrice had been on more than one mission where carefully laid plans had had to be altered at the last minute thanks to previously unknown rooms and building layouts offering up surprises. It was more fun like that, really.

While open fighting such as team alpha and beta would be undertaking might appeal to the young hero at times - there was nothing more exhilarating than throwing yourself at opponents and triumphantly knocking them unconscious - the task of infiltration and information recovery was much more Dusk's speed. She nodded in welcome to Tรคuschung, before her gaze came to rest upon the hacking genius standing with them. Dusk nodded her understanding at Ghost's request, before cocking her head and listening to Fever. There were a lot of variables in their mission; what if there were guards not drawn outside the facility to fight? What if the layout was different? What if Ricochet or Vasile happened to be guarding their target? Yet, the New Guardians had trained for situations like this, and Dusk had been training since she was a kid to take on the unknown. Okay, technically Shadow believed in entering situations where you knew as much intel as possible, but he'd taught her to think on her feet. Bea doubts she'd be standing her today if she hadn't learned.

"Ghost pretty much got it in one." Dusk chirped at Tauschung with a grin, "Shadow should have sent you information. We'll be infiltrating Wasp labs to get some mysterious thing, and then getting out before whoever runs Wasp labs can call for reinforcements." Dusk nods towards the screens of the communication desk that Shadow had just been using. On one of the smaller screens the live action fight between Echo and several Wardens was still on going. "Shadow wants us to get in and out quickly while the rest of the world is watching that."

Putting a small red mark on Dusk's version of the facility blueprints, she pointed to the blinking light that now hung over one of the facility's entrances; a small, back door which would hopefully offer the easiest and least noticeable entrance inside. "I reckon we go inside here, find Ghost her server room, Fever somewhere secure to pass out, and then continue down to our target." Dusk suggested happily, even as other possible plans appeared and were waved away in her head, "Ghost, you think you'll be able to get into their security system too? Mess with the cameras and locked doors? Then Fever's guard can helps us get into anywhere else. Tauschung, do you think you can cast illusions over us? Block us from view of anyone walking by? Maybe even keep Fever's body under and illusion depending on the distance? Should mean we can get in and out without being seen. Hopefully."

Dusk was aware that she was rambling, offering up suggestions that might all turn to nothing when they reach their destination. But, she was excited. "We run into any guards inside, I'll try and take 'em out first, but ideally we'll be able to avoid them."

Dusk's hands patted down her utility belt, double checking that any and all tools necessary for espionage were in place, not to mention the compartment of chocolate buttons she'd packed a few days ago to 'keep her energy up'. Shadow had thought them unnecessary. Clearly he'd never been on a mission with cramps.

"Ghost, you think you can keep out comms open while we're in there? Dusk checked the time, 2 minutes left until departure. The hero smiled at her teammates, possessing every confidence that together they'd be able to get in and out with no problems. "Anyone wanna add anything else?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: April Choi Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
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hex: #6a7d7e- team: gamma - location: new guardians' base

Raphael's gloves covered his hands like a second second, the golden glint of the metal flexing as his digits stretched and throwing the engravings decorating the surface into relief. Curiously, the gloves were always warm, a pleasant temperature that only ever occasionally increased when Rafael used their powers to excess. Now, he merely flexed his hands before letting them rest easily on his hips, his gaze held by Quantum as she suggested a plan.

Rafael nodded his agreement, seeing the logic in such a plan. Quantum and Knockout had the physical abilities which made them perfect for the frontlines. Both could take harder hits than himself, and their fighting on the ground and at close range, would allow the other members of team Alpha to use their elemental based abilities to attack from a distance and make sure that the two female heroes weren't overwhelmed. Rafael had no doubt that, even with the expected heat of Tunisia, Yuki's ice manipulation would still be an effective weapon. Regardless, the Japanese hero was well equipped in knowledge of martial arts to deal with anyone who came close too. Sigil was more of an unknown when it came to his fighting abilities, given his more recent addition to the New Guardians, but Rafael was quietly confident that they would all be able to easily fulfil their role of drawing out the facility's guards.

"Your plan sounds good." Rafael grunted softly, showing his support for Quantum's strategy before quietly adding, "From the air I can warn you of any approaching opponents." Hopefully, if Ricochet or Vasile were still at Wasp laps, he might be able to see them from the air before they were close enough to cause harm to his teammates. Though, if he wasn't carefully, flying above the battle field might make himself an easy target for anyone with a fire arm. Rafael would have to remember to ensure a force field of air was constantly buffering any attacks against himself.

Having never fought either villain, Raf nodded his understanding to Yuki's warning. Rafael had only seen video footage of Ricochet and Vasile. Alone they were extremely dangerous, together, he's sure that it would take all the New Guardians working together to bring them down.

His thoughts were pulled back to the present by the voice of his teammate, and Rafael met the gaze of Yuki. He fought the urge to reply with a grunt - his normal articulate method of response - and instead nodded, his lips parting as he spoke, "I will. Watch yourself too, Yuki."

A thought occurred to Rafael as his gaze shifted from the white tips of Yuki's hair, back to his teammate's eyes,
"Perhaps if we run into trouble, we can try to recreate an ice tornado."
Aeolus suggested, remembering the multiple times in practise that they had worked to combine their wind and ice powers to double the effect. If it was called for, Tunisia might be the perfect opportunity to test out the combination outside of the practise yard. A second thought arose in Rafael's mind and he only hesitated a moment before vocalising the thought, "Sigil, perhaps you could combine with us too?"

It was, perhaps, the most Rafael had spoken in the past 24 hours, at least all at once. But the potential effectiveness of ice, wind, and electricity colliding together and channelled towards their enemies, might be a powerful trump card to play if necessary. Though, hopefully this mission would prove to be as simple as it sounds. Though Rafael wanted to try out the much-practised techniques he learned within the New Guardians' base, he never wished for an active and dangerous situation to escalate to such levels, especially not when his friends were potentially at risk.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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          Usually, Golden Girl would have spent more time getting on Shadow's nerves, but she was more keen for this mission than usual; it was her first mission since the siutation with the Inferno, and she was itching to fight with her team once again. Sure, fighting with the Silver Lady was always a blast, but there was nothing like fighting with people the same age as you.

          Shadow laid out the mission: covert and kick ass, split into three teams. Gold managed to stifle a snicker when Dusk made the comment about their hero-obsessed classmate's latest fiction. "I'm still reeling from the last fic she wrote about us. Didn't know you felt that way, babycakes." Gold teased at Dusk, her eyes staying locked on Shadow even as her lips curl in a wicked grin. But the next tidbit of info from Shadow set her into a scowl.

          Tunisia. Perfect.

          Not only would her extended combat session in the morning keep her off her game, but the elevated heat in the mission location would prove to be a hindrance as well. Gold folded her arms across her chest but listened dutifully to her role. Gold never gave up on a mission, especially when she had Shadow to answer to at the end of the day.

          With Dusk being on the information-gathering squad, she didn't have anyone to compete with on who could beat up the most bad guys, but she could still kick some butt without her partner-in-justice by her side. Still, being on a mission with such a high difficulty without being able to pester Dusk would be a challenge. She sometimes relied on the other girl and her reactions to keep her mind off the heat, or the soreness in her muscles. She made sure to pass by Dusk before meeting with her team for this mission. "Don't let me distract you. I know you're always ogling my golden muscles." Gold teased, punching the other girl in the shoulder.

          The Patriot was the first to pipe up from their group. He proved to be a strong-willed asset, especially compared to the other members of beta squad. She loved Aether and Menon dearly- watching Aether eat kiwis with the fur still on was an interesting form of entertainment, and Menon's horrible jokes could have her belly aching -but they weren't the first that came to mind with the matter of strong wills. The Patriot seemed to have everything laid out, which was fine by her; she wasn't much one for the planning stage of missions anyway.

          "Hey, as long as I get to punch some bad guys, I'm good to go." Gold remarked passively. She tested out how sore she would feel by tuning in to the molecules in her fingers and turning all of them gold, a habit she also picked up after losing one of her fingers and having it grow back gold. A nervous ache built in her chest when she focused on that golden finger, so it's easier just to be completely golden. Another way to cope was to joke, and Gold gently knocks shoulders with Aether. "Hope to get some of your famous after-mission toast when we get back. Do you think I can get two slices since we're teammates today?" Gold actually thought that Aether did something to his toast, because no one could ever do it quite the same.

The setting changes from New York City, NY to Wasp Labs, Tunisia

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: April Choi Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King

...and 1 others.

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Time: 9.40am (NYC)/ 2.40pm (Tunisia), Monday 9th October, 2017
Destination: Wasp Labs, Tunisia


Ten minutes ticked by quickly when planning and plotting for a mission. As the timer ticked down the last minute, the New Guardians finished any last second preparations needed for battle. As per Shadow's instructions - those spoken and the more individual plans sent to each member's personal device - the various teams would be transported to the perimeter of Wasp Laps. Team alpha and beta would leave first, alpha arriving just south of the facility's entrance and pushing their way through security to draw out any remaining guards from the main entrance, while team beta would find themselves teleported just north of the labs and taking the second entrance as their target. A few minutes later team gamma were set to depart, arriving to the west of the facility, where the easiest path into the facility had been mapped out by Shadow and - hopefully - reinforced during the ten minute planning session.

As the deadline to leave came, team alpha stepped up to the teleportation pads. Aeolus gave his teammates a nod before Dusk, at the teleportation device's control pad, tapped in the coordinates. With a flash of light, Aeolus felt his body being hurtled through space as the transport technology pulled him halfway across the globe in the blink of an eye. He would have clenched his fists if he'd had time to do so. As it was, his boots were landing on the quickly set up receptor teleportation pads seconds after his departure, his team appearing beside him in the same moment. As Raf caught his breathe - he hated the teleportation devices, he took a moment to assess his surroundings.

It was warm, a pleasant 25 C (77 F), with the lightest breeze ruffling his hair (that would change). To one side of him ran a lonely road through a sparse covering of trees. Hills stood in the distance and the odd homestead, open to the mid-afternoon sun. He wondered if that was where Echo was wrecking havoc with his robots?

To the other side sat Wasp labs; a high-tech facility that gleamed with the prosperity of well-funded research. The lone road lead through tall security gates, a lone station to the side of the road no doubt for screening arriving individuals before cars were diverted to a car park on the other side of the metal fence. Beyond that was the small collection of buildings which made up the lab. None reached higher than a few stories. They were square, flashy things which utilised modern architecture and a combination of shining metal and brick. Alpha were closest to the first building, where a set of large glass doors marked the official entrance. A small fountain and courtyard decorated front of the entrance, though it was nothing ostentatious.

What Aeolus noted as he took in the building was the odd scattering of patrolling security guards, guns sitting happily at their hips. He sighted three from where he stood - one walking from the carpark towards the south-east fence, the other two by the building entrance. The carpark was mostly empty too, a good sign to indicate that most of the civilian staff had no doubt left already.

"Andiamo. Let's go." Raf said, taking a step towards the labs. There was no need for stealth here, not when his team's mission was to distract. With a grin, Raf flexed his hands and, making sure he wasn't too close to any team mates, called on the winds. The engravings in his gloves gleamed as they tugged at the air, sweeping the soft breeze into something fiercer, collecting dry leaves and dust as it swirled and wrapped around Raf. Aeolus took a leaping step and the wind caught up, propelling him up and over the fence in a graceful arch. He had no doubt that the rest of his team right beside him.

He landed with a thud on the concrete of the parking lot, knees bending to absorb the impact, head turning slightly to glance behind him at his team. Straightening, Rafael held his hand parallel to the ground, calling on the winds again. They came in a burst; a tight ball of fierce winds which flew towards the nearest parked car and sent it flying into it's neighbour several spaces down. There was no explosion (sadly), but a flying car would serve a good initial distraction to signal Wasp Lab's guards that they were about to have a fight on their hands.


From the other side of the facility - where team beta were arriving - they would find no lone road, but rather a simple fence dictating the facility's boundaries. Beyond that, shipping containers lined one side of the immediate grounds, beside the locked containers stood a smaller carpark, no doubt for the executives of the lab, though only one car sat in its assigned spot. The other half of grounds before the buildings was taken up by grass and the odd picnic table. Apparently, the back of the facility was often used as a lunch station for the facility's employees. The second entrance was also often used by the bosses, and here too a few guards were stationed. Even from the other side of the grounds, the sound of screeching metal from a thrown car could be heard.


Team gamma were the last to arrive, their landing position to the west hidden from view of the labs by a thick collection of trees pressed against the lab's fence. Bea blinked at the bright sun, already digging through her belt for the small wire cutting device she kept stashed there. Once through the fence they had the shortest distance to cross (a small stretch of grass) before reaching a small door on the side of the building. From there, if the blueprints they'd been provided with were accurate, Dusk and her team could find somewhere for Fever to lie and get Ghost to the servers. Then, Dusk was determined to find her way through the twisting labyrinth of underground hallways to their target.

"Can you cast an illusion over us when we're through the fence?" Dusk asked Tauschung over her shoulder as he brought the hand-held wire cutter to the fence and cut through the first diamond of metal. A grin stretched across Bea's face, fuck yes, this is what she lived for.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight Character Portrait: Michi Kneller
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  1. Random fact, but for anyone who was curious, Tรคuschung means deception in German. o7

    by SpiritDancer
  2. It could also mean "mistake, error", "deceit", "delusion" and "illusion"

    by SpiritDancer

0.00 INK


Tรคuschung nodded at the explanations given to her by both Ghost and Dusk, mulling over the information in her head. Theoretically, they shouldn't have any problem pulling the mission off, but situations always had an unhealthy habit of taking a turn for the worse. There were always factors that couldn't be controlled, and those factors can either work in their favor or work against them.

From the information that Shadow had sent her, the possibility that either Ricochet or Vasile could be there was one of those very factors. Although she was quite confident in her and her teams abilities, if either one of the two were guarding the target it could quickly turn what should've been a simple mission into something much more difficult. It would do more damage than simply throwing a wrench into their plans. She would be lying if she hadn't felt some anxiety growing in the very depths of her stomach, sending a spark of unease through her.

Michi's illusions were useful, but sometimes she found herself wishing that they worked more similarly to Ghost's invisibility. Instead, they required a lot of attention to detail. It wasn't as simple as making someone invisible, but more akin to throwing a green screen over them and mimicking the surrounding area on the screen. In a area with homogeneous surroundings it was easy, but it quickly became more taxing the more detail she had to add, especially if there were any moving items she had to mimic. If done poorly it could easily start to warp and waver, an illusion that wouldn't fool anybody.

Their time to discuss plans was quickly over, and soon team alpha had been teleported to their destination. Team beta followed, and soon it was team gamma's time to step up to the teleportation pads.

In milliseconds they were taken from New York to Tunisia, the suddenness of it all always a little bit jarring, but Tรคuschung quickly adapted and glanced around to take in their surroundings. The trees gave them a decent amount of cover, to anyone passing by it's likely they wouldn't see them unless they knew what to look for.

Although she only caught the back end of it, there was an unmistakable sound of metal clashing against metal. The distraction teams had already started on their part, and soon team gamma would be infiltrating the facility. She quickly went over the plan in her head on more time. They had the near perfect team for the job, even in the worse case scenario.

Tรคuschung drew in a deep breath, emptying herself of all previous anxieties. This was going to be a successful mission, she was going to try her damn hardest to make sure it was. Nodding at Dusk's question, as soon as she began to cut through the fence she was mentally prepared to throw up an illusion at a moments notice. Already she could feel the serum beginning to enter her veins and make its way through her body, as if it could sense that she was about the use her abilities.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki Character Portrait: Dorothy King
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0.00 INK









    Guilt pricked at Rel the moment Gabriel turned his head in Rel's direction. He hadn't meant to make the man uncomfortable, and his brain moved quickly, gears almost audibly turning as he attempted to come up with an adequate response. Nothing came, and Rel continued to struggle until, finally, the acceptable amount of time in which to respond had fully elapsed. Rel closed his eyes in a wince.

    Gabe may have been his best friend on the team, but that didn't exactly mean Rel felt entirely at ease. Less stilted and awkward than with others, yes, but still uncomfortable, like a clown attempting to interact with people normally, costume still fully in place. He sighed and dedicated himself to focusing on the task information being given.

    The screen displayed, first, news on big name villain. Rel wouldn't mind going up against a major force, especially since his powers were still completely intact, but it did seem a little redundant given the hero already on the scene, and, well, he hadn't quite gotten used to being televised yet, though Circuit was always coaching him on something or other about it, though to Rel it seemed a little over the top, but who was he to say, after allโ€”oh.

    Semi-lost in thoughts, Rel was a half second short on the realization that they weren't on their way to battle Echo after all (why'd Shadow even bother showing the footage? a moderately irked part of him thought, before also thinking that he was overstepping his bounds with that sort of mentality), but at least the contents of their mission seemed to be relatively simple. Plus, he thought, with some relief, Dot and Gabe will be there.

    In a few quick seconds, the boy, known to Rel as Patriot, took command of the operations. Rel had no complaints. He'd be happy with no directions or with finely detailed onesโ€” it didn't matter to him. He was no type A personality by any means, but he also wasn't completely vacant in the headspace, so he tended to work well with whatever he was given. And of all the things Patriot had said, he found nothing to contest. Nodding his assent, he inclined his head towards Gabe.

    "I can generate and maintain a barrier around you, if you'd like," he said, not quite whispering, perhaps endeavoring to make up for their earlier, somewhat embarrassing, communication attempt. It would be too difficult for him to cast projectiles while flying and generate shields for the moving targets of Dot and Patriot, but if Gabe wouldn't be moving much, he didn't think it'd be too much trouble. Then again, he never really went into missions thinking they'd be too much trouble. More often than not, he was proven wrong.


    The instantaneous teleportation always afflicted Rel with a small sense of vertigo, and the jump to Tunisia was no different. He took a moment to gather himself and take in their surroundings. There was a fence, but Rel wasn't concerned with how to enter the facility regardless (even if he weren't capable of flight), and he was thinking of a good way to draw out any combatants from the building when a horrible screeching sound overtook his sense. He'd place his bets on team alpha, which meant guards would be heading off their directions very soon. Panic setting in at the thought of leaving team alpha to fight off everyone, Rel hastily, and without any forethought, lifted an arm. He felt the force of aether tear through his body, leaving his muscles tense, his balance slightly off, and shot a small mass of the energy in the direction of the building. Then another.

    The first collided the fence, ripping an entire segment out from the ground, and the second blew through two of the large shipping containers with a loud, booming noise.

    "Ah," he said to the rest of his team, rather sheepishly, "I guess we should assume positions now."

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Act One

The New Guardians must take on Wasp Labs and discover what they have stored in their underground facility. Mission one: Wasp Labs, Tunisia

Wasp Labs

The New Guardians must take on guards at Wasp Labs to discover what it is they're hiding in their underground facility.

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Wasp Labs, Tunisia

Wasp Labs, Tunisia by bombinate

A research facility run by the global Wasp Corporation

New York City, NY

New York City, NY by bombinate

New York City, home to the New Guardians' Base and Ascot Academy

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1 in existence, base price 1,000,000.00 bits.

It's really a cool and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this useful info with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing. my site - %anchor_text (


1 in existence, base price 1,000,000.00 bits.

It's actually a cool and helpful piece of information. I'm glad that you shared this useful info with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thank you for sharing. my homepage ... %anchor_text (

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View All » Add Character » 19 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow
Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi
Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki
Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki
Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight
Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley
Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston
Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura
Character Portrait: April Choi
Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey
Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs


Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
Selig Fuchs

The kid is scary.

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey
Lonna Le Fey

"I am the fire, I am burning brighter, roaring like a storm, and I am the one I've been waiting for, screaming like a siren, alive and burning brighter."

Character Portrait: April Choi
April Choi

"Hit me with your best shot."

Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura
Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura

"I was glad to be tenderly remembered, to be gently pitied, not to be quite forgotten."

Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston
Josephine Kingston

"An object in motion stays in motion..."

Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley
Wyatt Whitley

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight
Birdie McKnight

Insane in the Mainframe.

Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki
Aldrel Kryzalki

the trees sing until the earth hurts. the cicadas scream for what they can't be.

Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki
Haruto Shimazaki

"This whole guardians thing is new to me, but I guess it will be quite a ride from now."

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi
Raphael Pavesi

It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think.


Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki
Haruto Shimazaki

"This whole guardians thing is new to me, but I guess it will be quite a ride from now."

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey
Lonna Le Fey

"I am the fire, I am burning brighter, roaring like a storm, and I am the one I've been waiting for, screaming like a siren, alive and burning brighter."

Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
Selig Fuchs

The kid is scary.

Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura
Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura

"I was glad to be tenderly remembered, to be gently pitied, not to be quite forgotten."

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi
Raphael Pavesi

It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think.

Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow
Beatrice Barlow

Only in darkness can you see the stars, only at dusk does the sky become a painter's palette

Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki
Aldrel Kryzalki

the trees sing until the earth hurts. the cicadas scream for what they can't be.

Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston
Josephine Kingston

"An object in motion stays in motion..."

Character Portrait: April Choi
April Choi

"Hit me with your best shot."

Character Portrait: Wyatt Whitley
Wyatt Whitley

I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura
Gabriel 'Gabe' Ventura

"I was glad to be tenderly remembered, to be gently pitied, not to be quite forgotten."

Character Portrait: Haruto Shimazaki
Haruto Shimazaki

"This whole guardians thing is new to me, but I guess it will be quite a ride from now."

Character Portrait: April Choi
April Choi

"Hit me with your best shot."

Character Portrait: Raphael Pavesi
Raphael Pavesi

It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think.

Character Portrait: Lonna Le Fey
Lonna Le Fey

"I am the fire, I am burning brighter, roaring like a storm, and I am the one I've been waiting for, screaming like a siren, alive and burning brighter."

Character Portrait: Aldrel Kryzalki
Aldrel Kryzalki

the trees sing until the earth hurts. the cicadas scream for what they can't be.

Character Portrait: Selig Fuchs
Selig Fuchs

The kid is scary.

Character Portrait: Beatrice Barlow
Beatrice Barlow

Only in darkness can you see the stars, only at dusk does the sky become a painter's palette

Character Portrait: Josephine Kingston
Josephine Kingston

"An object in motion stays in motion..."

Character Portrait: Birdie McKnight
Birdie McKnight

Insane in the Mainframe.

View All » Places

Wasp Labs, Tunisia

Wasp Labs, Tunisia by bombinate

A research facility run by the global Wasp Corporation

New York City, NY

New York City, NY by bombinate

New York City, home to the New Guardians' Base and Ascot Academy

Wasp Labs, Tunisia

A research facility run by the global Wasp Corporation

New York City, NY

New York City, home to the New Guardians' Base and Ascot Academy

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