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Perseus Academy

Perseus Academy


You are a young child enrolled into an academy that will make a hero out of you.

3,386 readers have visited Perseus Academy since Artsydaze created it.


It is your seventh birthday today and as you celebrate it either alone or with family or friends you are interrupted by a knock on your door. And you go open it, you find behind the slab of wood a shadowy figure with a scroll in it's hands. Unrolling the expensive looking vellum, it start what you assume is a decree by his (now you know it's a he that hides beneath that heavy cowl) clear, austere tone of voice.

The message fill you with a fear mingled with disbelief;

Dear Future Pupil,

You are formally invited to Perseus Academy were you will learn to become a true hero with both martial and magical expertise. The world need you and we are not offering you a choice. Know that if you do not accept you will be mercilessly hunted down until death follow.

Merely accept and you will be rewarded with a chance to be known worldwide as a great hero by simply taking your guide's hand.

With hope that you will take the right choice,
Headmaster Paracelsus Decaromus.

“You must take nothing but what you currently wear with you as you will be made anew at our destination.” Says the shadowy man as he close the scroll in his hands and extend his right hand towards you.

Both life and death stares you in the face today.

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At least a good paragraph per post.

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The Hometown

The Hometown by Artsydaze

The place where you passed the first seven years of your life. You will miss it.

Perseus Academy

Perseus Academy by RolePlayGateway

The fabled academy of hero, entrance is rare and expulsion means death

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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The setting changes from The Hometown to Perseus Academy


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus Character Portrait: Theo Remarius Character Portrait: Brenner Blaxton
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Isaiah followed ambiguously. He studied the movements of the man as they entered the next facility, and conjured from his analysis that the man was more than he appeared. He noted that had studied the arcane arts for many years, the man approved this conclusion, and his mind was at ease. Perhaps this man was a wise and mighty mage? Perhaps he, at once time, wielded some legendary weapon in combat? Many a thought ran through Isaiah's head, but this did not deter him from his next task.
Swiftly he stepped forwards. A test of physical strength, be it? This was, indeed, his cup of tea. The boy was rather downhearted that he would be using a weapon that was not of his own possession; however, his father had taught him that skill came not from the blade -- but from the one wielding it. He had spent much of his life training in swordsmanship, and it was now or never.

Isaiah mustered the courage to step forward, being the first to test their might against this practice dummy and the orb. He stepped ever so carefully to the rack, and pulled from it, the heaviest of the wooden swords. 'A perfect fit.' These words he muttered, and slid from his lips as he stood half-eagerly in front of the dummy.
He took a quick breath, and released it slowly. Assuming the stance of a powerful strike, he let the practice sword fly in the direction of the orb. Though, he did not follow up. This was merely a practice swing. He glanced back at his peers and, once again, took a deep breath. Exhaling slowly.

With a valiant battle cry, he maneuvered into swinging stance. Hitting the sphere with an upwards strike, with such force that this pulled him from the earth below, by just a few inches, of course.
He plopped back down to the ground with his eyes on the dummy as if it were an actual combatant.
He relieved himself of this aforementioned stance and eyed the orb.
A smile parted his lips as it shimmered radiantly for a moment. During this moment, he quickly turned to the group of children and gave a thumbs up, along with a childish smirk.

He parted ways with his lifeless, wooden adversary, and placed the practice sword back on the rack.
Isaiah then made his way next to newcomer, Theo, now confident. If not in his magical abilities, then of his strength.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Isaiah S. Denson Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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As the last of the children stepped forward to touch the orb Ari simply stood and watched. Her shoulders were arched as she hung her head, twiddling her hands in front of her, occasionally smoothing out her red and white polka-dot dress. This academy was so large compared to her, with high vaulted ceilings and halls wider than her home. The gray stones gave the whole place a damp, unpleasant feeling.
The last child tested the orb, and the headmaster returned it to it's rightful place before ushering them to another room. As she stepped through the doorway goosebumps formed along her arms, and a chill swept through her body. They were asked to take a weapon, and attack a second orb. Ari looked at her outstretched arms as the first boy confidently grasped a weapon and took on the orb. Fighting was something she had never done before, she even set the spiders she found in their house free. Wielding a weapon was not something she was built for at all. She felt so very weak.

Meekly she stepped behind the one who had just returned from the test and the last boy to arrive. Though she believed their names were Theo and Isaiah, she was too afraid to greet them. Especially after such a display from Isaiah, she knew there was no way she could be the second to go. Her head hung low as she hugged her arms around her cold body, unsure of whether she was trembling from the chill, or fear.

The setting changes from Perseus Academy to The Hometown


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn Character Portrait: Isaiah S. Denson Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon Character Portrait: Chase Clayborn Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus Character Portrait: Theo Remarius Character Portrait: Brenner Blaxton
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When the massive light invaded the room during the previous test, Ebony's hands got a mild, but painful burn. At first she thought of going last for the second test. Her heart was pounding even faster than before. A lump was stuck in her throat, her forehead was soaked in sweat. Her face was cold and motionless as a stone. The girl couldn't take the pressure any more.
Ebony forgot about the pain on her hands and went after the boy, who gave the thumbs up. This cheered her up a little, but her blood was still boiling in her veins. She quickly grabbed the first sword she saw, without considering its weight, but the piercing pain trough her hands was so strong, it caused her to drop the weapon. She squatted to take it again.

The ends of her braids touched her hands. Ebony felt relaxing chill and relief trough her arms, as the pain was fading away. She finally took the sword and realized it was heavy for her. The girl took a lighter one and stood in front of the dummy. She closed her eyes and hit it with all the force she had. The performance wasn't as good as Isaiah's, it was even much weaker, but it was strong enough to make the sound of a solid hit.

The girl looked at the headmaster, and then the other kids. She wished them luck in her mind and joined them.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn Character Portrait: Isaiah S. Denson Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon Character Portrait: Chase Clayborn Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus Character Portrait: Theo Remarius Character Portrait: Brenner Blaxton
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The setting changes from The Hometown to Perseus Academy


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Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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Theo followed the Headmaster and the others to a different room. As the Headmaster stated, there was a dummy and an orb in the room with a rack of weapons on it, mostly just wooden swords of different sizes. Here they would be testing their physical strength. Theo was nervous. He wasn't very strong, and he wasn't even sure how he'd managed to make the orb glow so bright. This too was something completely foreign to him. Last week he wouldn't have even imagined owning a sword let alone wielding one in combat, or preforming magic spells at all. Now he was at a school for heroes, training to do those very same things. It was like a dream. I hope I never wake up. Theo thought to himself. A swish of movement pulled him from his reverie.

The boy named Isaiah strode forward with his head held high, his eyes burning with intensity. He grabbed the heaviest sword at the rack and stepped up to the dummy with pride and confidence. It was amazing. His back was turned to them, eyes burning holes in the dummy. He appeared to be thinking of nothing else. He moved fluidly, effortlessly, as if he'd been training for this moment his whole life. He swung once, testing the way the blade cut the air. The second time, he entered a deeper stance and swung his blade with such force that it lifted him off the ground! Theo was in awe. Isaiah had obviously been practicing swordsmanship his whole life, or at least since he could hold one. It was breathtaking. Theo stared dumbly at the image before him, that wide back emblazoned with pride, a sword in his hand, the orb shining like the sun itself. Theo was inspired.

Theo thought to himself, "That. That's what I want to be. A confident, proud hero." The girl named Ebony stepped forward next. It was her turn. She took one sword, then exchanged it for a different one. She stepped up to the dummy and swung with all her might, her eyes closed. It thunked solidly. A strong hit, but no where near Isaiah's level. My turn.

Theo stepped up to the rack of weapons, he took each of them in turn, ignoring the heaviest and the lightest ones. He took one towards the middle of the pack, but on the lighter side. He strode up to the dummy, holding the sword in his right hand. He tried to mirror Isaiah's stance, but it felt forced, and unwieldy, he abandoned it. If he had been training his whole life, he could see how he would have adjusted to feel natural, and it was, by far, better than anything Theo could come up with. Instead, Theo moved his body to where he felt most comfortable. Theo stared at the dummy, visualizing how he would strike. He would swing the sword over his head down across the body, turning his hips as he swung. He remembered seeing pictures in books about this. It seemed like the right way to do it. So he did it. Theo lifted the sword high over his head, twisting his back foot onto the tips of his toes, his ankle in the air. As soon as the sword was as high as it could go, he brought it down with every part of his body. He had no form, he had no poise, he was just swinging a wooden stick at a dummy.

It thunked loudly. No where near as loudly, or as solidly as Isaiah's, but it was a good strong hit. Theo could take pride in it. He watched as the orb glowed for a moment, then burned out. He was proud of himself. He'd never done that before. Theo walked back to the rack, placing his sword exactly where he found it, and then returned to the rest of the children, smiling widely. "That was fun." He murmured quietly, it seemed that being shy was still a part of Theo's nature, and he would have to work hard at it.

The setting changes from Perseus Academy to The Hometown


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus
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Ansha stepped forwards, taking a deep breath, and reached for an average sized sword. She calmly flexed her shoulders and arms, and approached the dummy with the sword held diagonally with both hands. Her knees were slightly bent and she was carrying her weight on the balls of her feet, as if she was expecting the wooden model to strike at any moment. With a cry, she span smoothly, leaping upwards and bringing the sword smashing down on the wooden figure. As wood met wood, there was an almighty cracking noise, and the orb lit up brightly, as much as if not more than Isaiah's. She took a step back and replaced the sword on the rack, calming her heartbeat and rejoining the group with a smile.

She stood next to Ebony, and leaned to whisper. "It was brave of you to do that with your hands. Burns hurt the worst." her face scrunched up childishly, before relaxing and watching everyone else.


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Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar
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It seemed that Aria's turn had come and passed. It was now time for her to step up, though she dreaded it. Timidly she gazed back at the group as she stepped forward to the rack, taking the smallest sword into her hands. It didn't feel right, the wooden weapon didn't sit in her hands the way it should. Everything in her body was telling her to put it down and walk away, though whether the fear came from the orb, the eyes watching her, or the possibility that she would make a fool of herself she did not know.
Awkwardly she lifted the blade, feeling how weak her arms were as she could barely lift it higher than her waist. With a gulp she approached the orb, dragging the tip beside her. Before she took her swing she looked back to the group, and dropped her gaze. this would be the first remote act of violence she had ever made in her life, and she wan't even really sure what she was doing. She lifted the sword up and took a swing, crying out in pain as the wood connected, sending vibrations through her hands. The force of the vibrations through her small fingertips and wrist caused her to drop the weapon and grasp her hands to her chest. A small, barely visible light burned momentarily in the orb before snuffing out.
Defeated she stooped down to collect the weapon and returned it to it's place on the rack without lifting her gaze to the others. A small chuckle rang out from the group, though it could have merely been her imagination playing tricks on her. All she could think about was the disappointment her father would have felt had he seen her pick up such a weapon. As she popped open her locket and stared at the faces of her parents she wiped away a small tear, and hoped dearly that the ringing in her wrist would go away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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Theo watched as the others took their turns. He noticed that one of the girls seemed to be emotionally struggling with the idea of the exercise itself. She barely hit the orb and cried as she finished her turn. Normally Theo would have let someone else comfort her. He was far to shy to make a sudden move like this. She was a girl after all. However, there was something about her sadness. It cried out to him. He stepped over to her, ignoring everyone else for that one brief moment and patted her on the shoulder. "I don't know what's wrong." Theo whispered, "But I hope you'll be ok. Is it something you need to talk about? Or will you be ok if I give you a hug? It usually made the other kids at the orphanage feel better when you offer them a hug."

Theo smiled at her, trying to make her forget about being sad. They were in a new place with a whole new set of things to do and places to go. It would swallow you up if you let it. Theo remembered her name was Aria. "It's gonna be ok Aria," he said with a smile. "You can make it through this. Hopefully, if you're lucky you won't ever have to do it again."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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As Aria stood lost int the memory of her mother, and the worry for her father, a slender boy approached her. He had landed a fair shot on the dummy, much better than hers. At first she didn't lift her gaze, wondering if he was real, if this place was real, but then he spoke. His voice was clear, and his words were kind. It seemed that he had felt a hardship in life that she never knew based on the state of his clothing.

"It's gonna be ok Aria," he said with a smile. "You can make it through this. Hopefully, if you're lucky you won't ever have to do it again."
The boy's words were comforting as he patted her on the shoulder. She couldn't help but give him a slight smile as she lifted her brown eyes to his face. With a chuckle she wiped the moisture from her eye lashes and snapped the locket closed, letting it drop back onto her chest. The boy's name was Theo as she recalled, he had come in shortly after her. Another late arrival like herself.
I know it seems silly, but I never imagined I was going to be doing anything like this when I woke this morning... turning she took one of his hands in her two small hands and gave it a little squeeze. It was warm to the touch, and she could feel a circular scar on his palm. "I appreciate your kindness, I just miss my father, he would never believe that I just picked up a sword.
Once she dropped his hand she looked around at the faces of the others, "I just don't understand how everyone can seem so...calm. This place is so very strange, I feel like I'm going to wake up and it's just going t be a dream.


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Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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"I know it seems silly, but I never imagined I was going to be doing anything like this when I woke this morning..." She said, her voice quavering slightly. She must be terrified. Turning she took one of his hands in her two small hands and gave it a little squeeze. Theo could tell she found his scar because she ran her fingers over it gently.. "I appreciate your kindness, I just miss my father, he would never believe that I just picked up a sword."
Once she dropped his hand she looked around at the faces of the others, "I just don't understand how everyone can seem so...calm. This place is so very strange, I feel like I'm going to wake up and it's just going t be a dream."

"Well," Theo started. "Maybe it is a dream. I dunno about you, but I came here to make this dream last. If it's a dream I don't wanna wake up!" he finished excitedly, still whispering. Though he was talking animatedly, he was still very shy. However, those words didn't seem to make her feel any better, so he tried again. "I can understand that you're scared by the new things that are happening around you. If the sword scares you, you can pretend it's a stick. A wooden sword and a stick aren't much different, except for their shape, but that's not the point. The point is, we can't wish away our time here. I can't really understand missing your family, cause I never had one, but I do miss the Matron at the Orphanage. I'll miss her everyday. However, it's for her sake that I'm here right now, working hard and learning everything I can. The Matron, your parents, they're people we do this for. There'll be things we have to do that we won't like. But those things help you to grow. They're blessings in disguise. At least, that's what the Matron always told me." After that hitherto unfounded mass of words escaped Theo's mouth, he immediately silenced himself. He would have to find a happy middle between talking too much and not talking enough. For now he decided to be silent, and speak when spoken to. He was still having a hard time getting used to the new people around him. Even Aria, though she seemed shy like he did.


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Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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Theo's words helped in raising Aria's spirits. For the first time since arriving in the damp castle her fear subsided. He seemed so animate about taking on this challenge, starting this new life, that her apprehension seemed foolish. It panged her to hear that he was an orphan, even thinking about losing her father brought her intense emotional pains. Though she had to leave him behind, at least he was still there, still alive and well. Having one parent was better than none at all.
"Thanks Theo," she whispered with a smile, bumping him slightly with her shoulder, "I feel a little better."
It seemed his kind words were out of place however, since he fell so quiet after speaking to her. She simply smiled and returned her gaze to the swords and the dummy.
Without looking over at him again she took his hand,innocently interlacing her fingers into hers, "Let's be friends don't have to say anything, because I have made up my mind already." As she whispered she childishly twirled her hips and watched as the hem of her dress rose and fell as she caused a slight breeze. She was easily humored by the way the candle light shined off of her shoes, and counting the cracks on the floor. Though she was curious to see how long this test was going to last, she was eager to part from the mass of students and explore, possibly get to know Theo a little better.

The setting changes from The Hometown to Perseus Academy


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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"Thanks Theo," she whispered with a smile, bumping him slightly with her shoulder, "I feel a little better."

Theo was glad to have done his part and made her feel better. He loved it when the people around him smiled. It warmed him up inside and filled his heart with joy. After that, she simply smiled and returned her gaze to the swords and the dummy. Theo too had returned his gaze to the dummy and the people who were taking their turn with it when he felt something small and cool wriggle its way into his hand. He looked down and saw it was Aria's hand. Theo blushed a little bit. This was something for grown ups to do. He was so nervous, but he didn't do anything about it. There was something nice and simple about it. They were just two kids holding hands.

"Let's be friends don't have to say anything, because I have made up my mind already." She whispered quietly. Theo smiled widely. He looked over at her and nodded vigorously, still smiling like a goofball. He would like that very much. Aria was a kind girl, a gentle soul it seemed. He was so glad. He hoped they'd be friends forever. Theo's day had gone from the worst birthday of his life, to a brand new and exciting start of an adventure. It was so beautiful. It was the best wish he could have ever had come true.

The setting changes from Perseus Academy to The Hometown


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
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Ebony could feel Aria's pain... All those tests, which came out of sudden... the fear to fail at something you're not familiar with, in front of a group of people... Ebony didn't go to comfort her, because she didn't know what to say. Luckily, Theo did. For seconds a new friendship was born in front of everyone. The children were taken away from their old lives in order to deal with something completely new. Each of them needed a friend.

Ebony looked at Ansha, since she was her closest friend so far. "Ansha... whatever is the next test, if we fail, it won't matter... The best way to improve ourselves, is to support each other. I'll give you my support." The girl whispered to Ansha.
Ebony hoped that everyone would become friends. She would give her support to all the kids around her. She hoped that they would support her too.


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"I'll support you too, Ebony" whispered Ansha, nudging her friend with her shoulder gently. She felt nervous, but jubilant. She knew in ever fibre of her being she had passed the strength test, but she was still worried. Ebony had hurt her hands, and the other girl appeared in pain too.Her uncle always called a halt in practice if she hurt herself, something told her she wouldn't have that luxury here. "How are your hands?" She quietly asked Ebony.

The setting changes from The Hometown to Perseus Academy


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"Surprisingly, they are better... when I was about to take the sword from the ground, the pain disappeared. I have no idea how did this happen..." Ebony whispered to Ansha.
Ebony had no idea how any of these things happened. It was like a weird dream, but so real at the same time. The girl could only hope that she would have a chance to live longer.

The setting changes from Perseus Academy to The Hometown


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The Hometown

The Hometown by Artsydaze

The place where you passed the first seven years of your life. You will miss it.

Perseus Academy

Perseus Academy by RolePlayGateway

The fabled academy of hero, entrance is rare and expulsion means death

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon
Character Portrait: Brenner Blaxton
Character Portrait: Chase Clayborn
Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn
Character Portrait: Isaiah S. Denson
Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne
Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus
Character Portrait: The Messenger
Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar


Character Portrait: Chase Clayborn
Chase Clayborn

An unabashed playboy and manipulator from a not-exactly-legally wealthy family

Character Portrait: Theo Remarius
Theo Remarius

An orphaned boy with a simple past. He's obtained a great opportunity and he will not be letting it slip from his grasp.

Character Portrait: Isaiah S. Denson
Isaiah S. Denson

A chosen heir to an age old Gemshorn with hopes of pursing Hero status.

Character Portrait: Ansha Thayne
Ansha Thayne

Descended from warriors, she doesn't know who to trust...

Character Portrait: Ariadne Ancar
Ariadne Ancar

~Comprendre, c'est pardoner. ...(To Understand, Is to Forgive)~

Character Portrait: Ebony Autumn
Ebony Autumn

A student with dreams

Character Portrait: Cassia Thaon
Cassia Thaon

Spirited hero in training

Character Portrait: The Messenger
The Messenger

A shadowy figure bearing important news...

Character Portrait: Paracelsus Decaromus
Paracelsus Decaromus

The Headmaster of Perseus Academy


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The Hometown

The Hometown by Artsydaze

The place where you passed the first seven years of your life. You will miss it.

Perseus Academy

Perseus Academy by RolePlayGateway

The fabled academy of hero, entrance is rare and expulsion means death

The Hometown

The place where you passed the first seven years of your life. You will miss it.

Perseus Academy

Perseus Academy Owner: RolePlayGateway

The fabled academy of hero, entrance is rare and expulsion means death

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