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Pokemon: The Creation Trio

Pokemon: The Creation Trio


The trio of creation has been captured and it is up to three seemingly different strangers to save them and the world.

1,611 readers have visited Pokemon: The Creation Trio since ceh12 created it.


In the beginning, there was nothing but the darkness and empty void of the universe. Then, came an egg. Although it took it's time, it eventually hatched and blossomed into a wonderful being. The being looked around and saw it was empty. It then made three beings using parts of their power to craft them. They kept it company as it made the stars, planets, and other entities until it came across one planet it was fond of Earth.

Within the planet the being decided to make a forth being, though one of small stature. It was small and pink, flying around freely as the being made many. They lived much faster than the being or his original creations but it still looked over them all. Then, they began to change and morph into different beings, each with different powers and abilities. The being was proud but saw as they fought eachother and made his final creation, humans.

They roamed shortly then started to make friends with the beings and tame them. Though, it wasn't long until they were becoming much more civilized and proper compared to the other creations. The being was pleased but tired, and then summoned his original three. He tasked them all to make the creatures to control the planet and the trio did so. Making a trio for the weather, a trio for the crops, a trio for the land and sky and many more.

The being smiled upon them then disappeared, leaving them all to work together. But, they didn't and the three fought long and hard with eachother . The started to drift their fights into the planet. They destroyed and caused chaos around the world until the being reappeared, and split them apart. It decided to take half of each being’s soul and transform it into a human, hoping to quench the original trio’s thirst for destruction and possibly keep them at peace.

The diamond blue being’s soul was made into a baby boy, being sent to the doorstep of an average home, with a husband and wife with three children, who happily took in the silver haired boy. He was cared for as the youngest child and was never told he was found until his tenth birthday when he started his journey on becoming a trainer.

The pearl white being’s soul was made into a baby girl, and to the steps of a manor instead of a farmhouse. She was found by an old wealthy couple who had never been able to conceive and was pampered and cared for to the fullest extent, spoiling the opal haired girl into an innocent young woman until she became a trainer and set off.

The platinum yellow being’s soul was made into a baby boy as well, but not into a cared and nurtured home. He was sent to woman who had hardly a thing in her life and prayed for a child. She received the yellow haired baby and loved the sight of the sleeping infant the first time she say him. She took care of him and he tried his best to help despite her problems.

The three were dubbed "The Siblings" by the creator and lived semi-normally for years until the original three started to fight once more. They were foolish and were captured by humans who called themselves "Team Catalyst" Who would use the trio to do their bidding and control all of humanity along with the original being. But, they can be stopped.

The Siblings are the only ones who can control the three beings willingly Luckily, the siblings are not alone. The are joined by beings similar to their own, The siblings have all received a message, as well as some of the travelers to meet at the isle of creation, a remote island that houses a temple of the gods, a place to summon and control the being if one has the right tools. So that is the beginning of the sibling's story of how they will save the world. Care to find out how it unfolds? Join and find out how...


Diamond Boy-Taken by Eskay

Pearl Girl-Reserved

Platinum Boy-Taken by Ceh12

Girl traveling with Diamond Boy-Taken by Azazel

Boy traveling with Pearl Girl-Taken by Legacy14

Girl traveling with Platinum Boy-Taken by YUi

Cataylst Leader-Open

Cataylst Officer-Open

Cataylst Officer-Open

Cataylst Grunt-Open

Cataylst Grunt-Open

Cataylst Grunt-Open

Cataylst Grunt-Open

(More roles available via PM suggestion or as the story advances)
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[Anyone really]

[Five min]
[Five min]

[One point five paragraphs min]

[Shorthistory,selfexplanitiory,give enough]



[seven max pokemon (no legendaries unless the GM is constulated), five moves max]
[b]History[/b]-[just give a brief bit of backstory].


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse Character Portrait: Diana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Castron stood at the bow of the ship, eyeing the horizon as waves crashed against the weak ship. It wasn't an actual ship and it retrospect it was probably a bad idea but no one would ever take the blonde haired bad luck charm sailing. So, he and Val had to settle with a broken down ship that should have been docked years ago.

It was left abandoned at Lilycove and Castro took a more clever approach and possessed it using Necro. Him and Val had been sailing for about two days starting this morning as they headed towards a small island that was revealed through a letter sent to him. He hadn't told his companion about what the letter held but he made sure to convince her enough to go on the trip.

He sighed and gripped the necklace around his neck that was given to him by his mother. She said that it was with him when he arrived but only the small piece was with him. He felt it grow warm as they traveled further and further, like it was telling him to keep going. He didn't understand how or why but he wanted to find out who sent him the letter and what their intention was since it simply held the location and sighed by "Diana" a girl who he presumed he never met.

His mind started to drift and he turned to hear a small bleat. Pillow was at his feet and out of her Pokeball, she wanted to be held and Castron let out a small smile and picked up his Pokemon. She snuggled into his arm and closed her eyes as she started to sleep as Castron walked back to the captains quarters where Val and Castron had been sleeping, since he didn't want Val to know he knew she was a girl and he thought that she had no knowledge on her theories.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by YUi
Vayle Fuse

Vayle stirred from her sleep at the sound of footsteps. "Good Morning Castron" She shivered...obviously cold and pulled the navy blazer she was wearing tighter around herself. "Where's my jacket...." She rummaged around in a black backpack with a smilely face. Her hands curled around a yellow cat ear hoodie and she pulled it out and on in one swift movement. She walked passed the yellow-haired boy and up onto the deck.

A blast of clean ocean breeze greeted her and blasted the dark chocolate mess of hair back. "Hey, Nanashi how did we get talked into this?" She turned to see the ever watchful Pokemon behind her, it shot her a look clearly saying I warned you. Val only sighed and rummaged into the backpack again producing a bar of Swiss chocolate. "I get bribed to easily and my fault I suppose." She took a tentative bite of the chocolate, enjoying the bittersweet richness. "I still wonder though...." The thought that Castron knew her true gender worried her. Not that it really mattered, but it wasn't something she liked people knowing unexpectedly.

The boat gave an unexpected jolt and caused Val to fall on her behind. "Why couldn't we have taken a more stable boat. One that couldn't fall to pieces any moment and kill us all??" She went back down to the captains quarters again trying to keep footing as the boat was tossed among the waves. "Castron why are we even going to an island in the middle of nowhere?" She crossed her arms and firmly planted herself in front of her companion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Frau Zweiholt
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0.00 INK


The sun beat down over head and the smell of salt filled the air out on the open ocean. In the distance, a Wingull could be heard as it soared through the skies above the tiny boat, crying out periodically as it swooped and circled. The tiny boat was no more than a dot to the Pokemon high above it while it pushed through the waves and parted the sea before it on its journey to the small island of its destination.


Frau's knuckles were white as he gripped the railing on the side of the toy boat. Calling it anything else in his mind would have been an insult to every other sea-faring vessel in the world. Even the smallest ripple on the ocean seemed to toss the pathetic craft violently, causing the tall and spiky-haired man's stomach to roll over. This usually was followed by a series of highly unpleasant sounds and cursing as well as a violent display of Frau trying to tear the railing from the craft's side. From the creaking and rattling that was currently being heard, he wasn't far off from succeeding...

Sinking to his knees, once more stopping his assault on the boat's trimming, a light ding mixed with the lapping of the waves as Frau's forehead knocked against the railing. Why couldn't I just fly...? It was a useless thought. He knew the answer to the question already, or rather answers. The first, being the distance his Braviary would have to carry him would be a little too far for the Pokemon to handle. The second being the young girl who was currently Frau's traveling companion. How exactly he had gotten roped into traveling with the short, teenage woman was beyond him. Frau often complained about it, but truth be told, he really didn't mind the girl much. She was much better equipped for the world than most adults he came across, and with Frau's personality, it seemed Opal was doing more of the babysitting than he himself was.

At that moment, the boat tossed once again, causing Frau's knuckles go white again as he gripped the rail and pulled himself to his feet.



2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torvault Anson Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Azazel


Shiori stared out into the open blue, the sea waves crashing against the large boat she was currently traveling in. Snow yawned as she hung lazily onto Shiori's shoulder, rubbing her face against her trainers. Shiori smiled as she rubbed her companions ears, eliciting a happy response as Snow continued to smile. The day had been so beautiful that she didn't want to wait in the cabin quarters to arrive at their destination. Torvault and herself were traveling to quaint little island, and it was still a mystery to her as to why they were. He had mentioned something about feeling a need to go there. Whatever it was, Shiori wasn't going to let her best friend go alone.

Speaking of which, said male was probably still downstairs in his room. She smiled to herself as she leaned against the railing to the boat, peering down as various water pokemon swam by. She frowned as she glanced at them. I should probably have caught one, she thought as she fingered the six pokeballs on her belt. She loved all of her pokemon as they were the first ones she had caught. She never thought about catching more than the seven she already had. She thought it would be unfair to the ones that she did catch that wouldn't be used or battled with as often as the seven on her person.

A soft nudge to her side caused her to turn towards the source, smiling as she spotted Snivy. She picked up the grass pokemon and laid her on her other shoulder, the one that Snow wasn't occupying and continued to enjoy the cool breeze.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Frau Zweiholt
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0.00 INK


Opal was under the deck, sitting in a rickety chair. There they were, sitting in the hold of a rickety ship she and her companion Frau had to rent last minute. When they had gotten the letter, there wasn't anytime to get her family's yacht. The tossing and turning of the boat caused Opal's stomach to tighten and ache, but she didn't feel too sick. Above deck, Frau was cursing up a storm. "What am I going to do with him..." Opal muttered to herself. She had met the tall man in Saffron some time ago, and he seemed like the guy who could keep her safe while she traveled. He would protest every now and then, but Opal didn't pay any mind to it.

Getting up, Opal moves to go above deck. This whole time, the rational part of her mind told her that this was a huge scam. It certainly wouldn't be the first time. But, in a deeper part of her soul, there was something pulling her to this island...though, she didn't tell this to Frau. Once she was on deck, she spotted Frau at the side of the boat, yelling about getting off the boat. It was a pretty sad excuse for transportation, but she didn't want to hurt the owner's feelings. The elderly man that owned the craft was far enough back and had enough hearing problems he couldn't hear Frau's wailing.

"C'mon, Zwei. We're almost there. If you want, you can take to the air. I don't mind staying on the boat." Opal said to her companion, coming up behind him. No need in him suffering if he could just have his Braviary fly him out.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torvault Anson Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Eskay

Torvault arose from below decks, cracking his neck to relieve the stiffness that ailed him. He inhaled deeply to get as much of the ocean air into his lungs as possible. He enjoyed being out on the sea greatly, but napping on the rickety ship was proving to be quite sickening.

After a good long stretch, he spotted Shio standing towards the ships stern, sharing conversation with her Pokemon companions. Allowing a smile to creep out, he slowly approached her, wrapping a gentle arm around her shoulder.

"And how are we doing this morning?" Tourvalt grinned.

It was funny- the two had known each other forever, but traveling with Shio never got old. Torvaults mom had teased them often growing up, calling them 'The Fearsome Fivesome' (referring to the two of them, Hot Rod, Teddy, and Snow.) Still, every day felt fresh, and while he didn't always express it well, he was genuinely glad to have her along.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Castron let out a sigh and smiled down at his pokemon once Val left. He knew that she didn't like lightning and having to train his electric type would be somewhat conflicting. Pillow hopped down from his arms and bleated again as she walked to the far wall of the room and stretched a bit. "Alright Pillow, if you keep this training up your be an ampharos in no time." he said enthusiastically, almost with a twinkle in his eye.

He pulled out a pocket watch from his jacket and sat it on the ground only a few feet from himself "Okay, use thunderbolt." he said plainly as the little Pokemon tried all her might to summon static. It was then when Val walked in the room to have a thunderbolt whiz by her feet and strike the clock, turning it on.

"Castron why are we even going to an island in the middle of nowhere?" Castron sighed and thought to himself for a moment. "It's a mix of a feeling and a letter." he reached in his jacket and pulled out a small envelope with a small yellow piece of paper telling him to go to the island with only his most trusted friend.

"That's why bud" he said then returned Pillow to her ball, only to have Pirate jump out. "Land HO." he chirped and flew outside to see the view of a small island on the horizon.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by YUi
Vayle Fuse

The moment the bolt of energy struck near her feet Vayle froze and a wide-eyed look of fear spread across her face. The struggle to maintain composure caused her to start trembling. "Yeah...okays..." She managed to get out in her usual monotone, the pitch a bit higher completely forgetting about the contents of the letter. She watched the electric type behind her curtain of brown locks and almost jumped when Pirate popped out chirping, "Land HO." "Finally..."

"Hey, Cas? Want to take Zero or Duchess as a shortcut?" Val pulled out an Ultraball with loving care. "And then we can finally get off this boat." The boat hit another wave and sent a jolt through the rickety frame as if in response to her question. "The boat agrees apparently." Val picked up Nanashi and the Pokemon curled around the small girl's shoulders.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Castron shrugged at Val's request. "I suppose so, I like the ship though... it's got an eerie sense of distortion, everything's out of place but it still runs." he said with a calm expression as he spoke to the floor. "Necro when we get to shore find us, and make sure she stays in one piece." the ghost let out a laugh showing he understood and Castron walked out, pulling the untraball from his coat pocket and hurled out Duchess, his finicky flier.

She squawked and Castron snapped his fingers, making her land and crouch down to be mounted. Her trainer got on the metal bird, her screeching in response. She spread her wings and took a small run, taking off in seconds with the wind with them. Castron looked down on the boat and shouted "Come on, hurry up."

He couldn't help but feel a small anger coming from two different direction. He felt the same rage that he had felt when he killed his mother's murder so many years ago. He simply glared to the north, opposite of the island and snarled. "The Hell is that?" he muttered and was half tempted to fly towards there and beat the crap out of them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Frau Zweiholt
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0.00 INK


Feeling that he was getting quite close to ripping the railing from the side of the boat, Frau eased up a little with his tugging. A thought ran through his head of actually tearing the railing from the side of the tiny boat and it suddenly capsizing. Ironically, Frau was an excellent swimmer. Being on the small craft atop the water was much different than being actually in the water. Had it just been him on the boat, he may have followed through on the thoughts and swam with his Wartortle the rest of the way to the island.

"C'mon, Zwei. We're almost there. If you want, you can take to the air. I don't mind staying on the boat."

Opal. Hearing her come up behind him, Frau released the railing and sat with his back against it to face her. The temptation to release his Braviary and be off the tiny sea disaster of a boat once and for all was almost enough to reach for the Pokeball on his belt and be done with it. But his hands stayed where they were, not even so much as a flinch to his belt. "Hmph. And leave you alone on this wreck with that creepy old man? Yeah, no." Frau gestured to the old man standing a little ways off. There really was no reason to accuse the old man of anything, but Frau never trusted old people. Or really anyone for that matter...

A small horn bleated and Frau stared back at the old man to see him pointing out ahead of them. Swinging his gaze over the prow of the boat, Frau spotted the small island the man was pointing toward. Standing and stretching, he decided it was time to start moving again. "I'll get our stuff." He said quickly and headed below deck to grab up the few belongings they brought with them. Returning to the deck carrying Opal's and his own bag, he stood beside the shorter girl, seeming to tower over her. Anyone looking on would probably think he kidnapped her...

"What is this place anyway?" Frau asked, ready to be off the boat.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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#, as written by YUi
Vayle Fuse

Vayle quickly followed Castron out, eager to be in the air. As a dabbler in parkour, she loved the feeling of being in the air, the wind tugging at you in a free fall, and just the free felling. "Zero, lets go!" She released the blue dragon and clambering up him. They quickly took to the sky, enjoying the freedom after being on a boat for an eternity. Nanashi dug her nails into her trainer's shoulder. "The way you talked about the boat, it reminded me rather of a place my mom talked about. The Distortion world...home of a cursed Pokemon." Val said in an awed voice and then returning to her doll like composure.

"The Hell is that?"

"Ah..I can explain the sto-" She lightly punched her friend's arm when she noticed the comment wasn't directed towards her. "Hey, something wrong?" To be honest Vayle had never seen Castron this way, she really didn't know much at all yet he knew quite a lot about her. "The island is just right there. C'mon Cas."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Castron was suddenly washed out of his trance as he felt the light punch. “Y-Yes…I’m fine.” He stated and slowly started to fly towards the mainland. He thought about the small motion Val had mentioned and he shrugged. “I suppose so, I don’t believe in fairy tales though and there’s no reason to believe in them.

He didn’t mean to be frugal but he had to because of the rage. He kept a small pace ahead of the girl and her dragon but let out a soft sigh. “I’m sorry… I know that those stories mean a lot to you… I just don’t believe in them.” He said with a somber tone as he started to look for a safe landing spot.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by YUi
Vayle Fuse

"Whatever you say. One person's opinion will change my beliefs." Vayle kept her eyes ahead and began to descend, the beach was the best place to land after all. "To be honest if you always worry about what other's think, you will never be free." She spoke to no one in particular. Zero landed lightly, his wings stirring the sand. The sound of the ocean hitting the shore brought a feeling of piece to the girl, her amber eyes going hazy as she remembered some memories.

"Every place has its secrets. Though some are best left undiscovered, and some no matter how unreal must be accepted." Her mother's advice surfacing in her head. "I suppose what we are doing will decide that..." Val turned and stared at the shining Pokemon with the yellow haired trainer. She waved at them, obviously trying to get their attention.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Frau Zweiholt
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0.00 INK


Opal looked out over the short expanse of ocean to the ocean, then responded to Zwei's question. "You know, I have no clue. The letter just said to come, and bring a trusted friend. Not really a mention of why or what." Opal waited for the boat to get closer before releasing Helena from her Luxury Ball, which every one of Opal's pokemon were held in. The Gothorita curtsied, and then stepped to stand next to her master. The boat docked, ramp hitting the sandy shore, and Opal briskly disembarked after taking her white and black purse from Zwei. It held her Luxury Balls and other necessities. Having trouble walking on sand in heels, Opal stumbled on the beach, before spotting another pair of trainers not too far off, one with yellow hair, the other with black.

"Hey, look! Other people! Hurry Zwei!" Opal shouted as Helena assisted her movement with some psychic tricks. The white haired heiress raced over to the pair, shouting, "Hi there! Did you get the letter too?!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Frau Zweiholt Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Castron rolled his eyes as him and his partner landed. "I don't care about what people think, only you. Don't get it that way, you're just the only person who can put up with me." he said bluntly as he jumped off Duchess and returned her happily to her ball. Pillow popped back out in time to be met with Pirate who landed on Castron's shoulder. He squawked and motioned towards the girl running over to him just in time for Castron to look.

"Hi there! Did you get the letter too?!" said the white haired girl. Pillow whimpered and hid behind Castron as he offered a somber expression and a raised eyebrow. "Yes I did, Castron Jacruze." he held out his hand and looked over the girl. "And you are?" he said with the slightest bit of elegance in his voice as Pillow nestled down behind her master.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torvault Anson Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Shiori smiled up at her companion and shrugged. "Fine this morning, I suppose what about you?" she said in a semi happy expression. The wind wisped through her hair as felt Snivy fall asleep on her shoulder. She pulled the pokeball off her belt and lightly tapped the ball on her.

After putting the ball back, she looked towards her partner then out at the ocean and the approaching island. "So, why'd we come here then?" she asked curiously, knowing Torva would have a reason for taking her out here to a strange island.

(sorry still learning about the character and I wanted to get one off before falling asleep)


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK

#, as written by YUi
Vayle Fuse

Vayle reguarded Castron's comment and shrugged it off. She had no idea what he was talking about. "What did he mean by don't get it that way..?" Nanashi rolled her eyes, her trainer was the most oblivious person in the world. Val then returned Zero to his pokeball after giving him a pat on the head and turned to the girl who appeared before them.

"I'm Vallen Fuse. Nice to meet you." She grinned with a warm smile, merely to ease up the waves of dislike she seemed to feel emitting from Castron. "I honestly know nothing of the letter. I was just "dragged" along." Nanashi hopped off the girl at this comment and nudged Pillow who was hiding and sat almost protectively next to the pokemon.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
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0.00 INK


Opal took Castron's hand and shook. "Opal Dereson. Pleased to meet you." She smiled ever so sweetly, but couldn't shake the cold aura that sort of hung over Castron. The heiress bowed to Vallen. "Pleasure to meet you as well. This is one of my team, Helena." The Gothorita bowed as well. "So, here we are on an island in the middle of who-knows-where. When do you think we'll get filled in on what's going down?" Opal asked, not really expecting a solid answer.

She had entertained the idea of a treasure hunt, but that was a silly idea. And much too novel-worthy. At any rate, Opal just wanted to figure out what was going down. Patience was one thing that just never caught on with her.

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Poké Earth

Poké Earth by ceh12


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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze
Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
Character Portrait: Torvault Anson
Character Portrait: Diana
Character Portrait: Opal Dereson


Character Portrait: Opal Dereson
Opal Dereson

No more sitting around! Open road, here I come!

Character Portrait: Diana

"They need to work together, less the world fall."

Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
Vayle Fuse

"No, I'm not a girl. Please stop gawking."

Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
Shiori Yukimura

"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose."

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze
Castron Jacruze

"I'm not evil, I'm not mean, just a bit... strange."


Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
Vayle Fuse

"No, I'm not a girl. Please stop gawking."

Character Portrait: Opal Dereson
Opal Dereson

No more sitting around! Open road, here I come!

Character Portrait: Diana

"They need to work together, less the world fall."

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze
Castron Jacruze

"I'm not evil, I'm not mean, just a bit... strange."

Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
Shiori Yukimura

"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose."

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Character Portrait: Opal Dereson
Opal Dereson

No more sitting around! Open road, here I come!

Character Portrait: Vayle Fuse
Vayle Fuse

"No, I'm not a girl. Please stop gawking."

Character Portrait: Castron Jacruze
Castron Jacruze

"I'm not evil, I'm not mean, just a bit... strange."

Character Portrait: Shiori Yukimura
Shiori Yukimura

"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose."

Character Portrait: Diana

"They need to work together, less the world fall."

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