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Based on Portal 2, the game. Three test subjects escape after being awoken from a medically induced coma. As they find themselves in the old sections of Aperture Science Laboratories, they discover that they are not alone.

2,057 readers have visited Portal since Naraness created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


(All parts are pre-reserved, sorry!)


Here at the Enrichment Center, we believe that if at first you don’t succeed, you fail. –GLaDOS


Years after the β€˜downfall’ of the Genetic Lifeform, and Disk Operating System, -or GLaDOS, as we know her- Aperture Science test subjects were kept alive and breathing by mandatory awakenings, and physical, as well as mental wellness checks. That is... Until the system which ran the β€˜Relaxation Center’ shut down. Test subjects were left in a medically induced coma. And for most of them… death was painless, as they passed away in their sleep.


As far as recordings go, only one test subject survived. A woman known as Chell. She can’t speak, she doesn’t even know who she is. She just wants to escape. Who doesn't?

When the Relaxation Center was destroyed, it was assumed that any of the test subjects who had not died of cognitive deterioration; had died when their rooms were crushed. Well... assuming can be a very dangerous thing.

Three test subjects were awakened, thrown by the rough jostling of the Relaxation Center. They haven’t eaten in months, and as Wheatley kindly put it for Chell, β€˜Its not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage! But, don't be alarmed, alright? Uh, although if you do feel alarmed, try to hold on to that feeling because that is the proper reaction to being told that you've got brain damage.’

The three survivors find themselves in the abandoned portions of Aperture Science. The only problem..? They don’t have a portal gun.

Now let’s take this back a year or so, back to before GLaDOS took over and flooded Aperture Science with Deadly Neurotoxins. There were two young scientists who worked there. They honestly knew that Cave Johnson, the founder of Aperture Science... Was cracked. He’d lost it; his mind. All of the two’s suspicions were confirmed when he put Caroline's consciousness and thought process into a machine.

Knowing the place would go downhill, they put themselves in suspended animation, much like the test subjects. Only they hid themselves, along with a dual portal gun each, in one of the first abandoned sections below Aperture. No one would find them. Miles underground they slept. Until a year later, finally the two were released, to find out that they had been right. Aperture was no more. As far as they knew, nobody had survived. Until they discovered that the only non-artificial life forces left were four individuals other than themselves.

Being the kind, selfless individuals that they are, they can't leave without the others too. For without a portal gun, the three trapped escapees will die.


Character Roles:

Test Subject #1 - Dave Johnson (Digitalflamer)
Test Subject #2 - Abigail (tinyartist18)
Test Subject #3 - Linnae (Dovahkiin)

Aperture Scientist #1 - Angie (Naraness)
Aperture Scientist #2 - Pete (flieslikeabrick)

(Slots are reserved by Naraness, Dovahkiin, DigitalFlame, flieslikeabrick, and tinyartist18)

Toggle Rules

One rule break will result in a warning. Two will be a more severe warning, and on the third rule break I get to decide if you character falls into deadly neurotoxin, is cut in half by a laser, or falls into a bottomless pit.
Note that most of these rules are more guidelines, and my preferences. But #1, #3, #4, #5, #8 and #10 will be added as having broken a rule.

1. No cursing in full. Allowances will be made in words such as 'Crud, darn, gosh, etc.' Here's a good way to test if what you write will be allowed or not: Your GM is thirteen years old, no joke, not kidding. Think about how I'll feel about what you post, and you should be pretty safe. ;)
2. You are allowed one character.
3. Please rememebr that your character is a perfectly normal individual. He/She does not have super powers, or any unnatural abilities.
4. Though romance is perfectly allowed, no sexual content. Let's keep this PG 13.
5. No chatspeak.
6. Try to keep your spelling correct. Everyone makes mistakes, but do try to make your posts reasonably spell checked.
7. Please don't post in First Person. It annoys me terribly.
8. No God-Moding
9. I am the goddess. What I say is final. Period.
10. No floods of posts. Try to let at least two people post before you post again.
11. Try to post at least every two days, I'd like this RP to be successful!
12. I'd like to see a minimum of 150 words per post.
13. Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Abigail Character Portrait: Linnae Character Portrait: Dave Johnson
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0.00 INK

Linnae jumped as she heard the child scurry out from under the bed. She stared out wide-eyed as Abigail stood there, staring at the bed in shock,
"What..?" She muttered as she look at the bed, bending from her sitting position to look underneath,

"Are you still there?" A mechanical voice was all she heard before she pushed herself up and jumped away from the red glow,

"Turrets?! Really?" She took a step back and stood slightly in front of Abigail, only blocking her shoulder, but ready to jump in front of the younger girl if the turret found them.

"Dave...? Any ideas?" She cried out, she looked back to see his form leaving into the hallway... "Shoot... Run?" She muttered to Abigail as she scraped her heel against the carpet...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linnae Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious
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0.00 INK

"Shutting down." The turret's programmed voice said. The glowing red light faded. How the turret gotten under the bed remained a mystery, but who knew what had happened during the relaxation center's temporary flight?

The earlier mechanical whir that Abigail had heard became louder. It became apparent that it had not been coming from the turret. But from another source altogether. All the ears of the the test subjects became aware of it. The whir sounded like it couldn't operate correctly. And something was obstructing it's way.

Through the torn drapes on an open window, Linnae was able to see a glowing purple light from beneath some fallen wall panels. The light flashed around almost frantically. And with each desperate whir, the panels shifted slightly, as if something was struggling to get out. Suddenly the violet light stopped, and seemed to lock onto the redhead. It almost seemed to glow with hope. If a light could be hopeful, that is. Which they can't. Right?

"Hello! Erm, sorry to bother you. I'm sort of... stuck. I was brutally attacked by these wall panels, when they... uh, fell on me. And they've pinned me. Could you be so kind and get them off? Please?" The kind sounding mechanical voice begged. It could now be seen that the light was in effect, the electronic eye of a core. What this particular core's personality was had not been established. But it seemed friendly enough to those who saw it.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linnae
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0.00 INK

Linnae had to crack a smile at that... Whatever it was.
"Hello." She grinned as she jumped over the bed and towards the window, pushing the drapes to the side as she carefully moved the panels, 'Hey, these aren't that heavy... No wonder they fell so easily.' she thought as she brushed dust off of her arm. He fingers lingered on her tattoo as she frowned, but shook all thoughts away, determined to free the mechanical sphere. After all, it did seem friendly, and her current companions didn't seem to be as social as she would hope.

"One more panel..." She paused to wipe the sweat from her forehead as she nudged the panel, hoping that it wouldn't cause her to strain anything, although they were somewhat light, they did provide a challenge if there were a few to carry. She frowned as the panel caused a large cloud of dust to float towards her, causing her to cough. Hesitating, she took a step back before pushing the panel off of the core as fast as she could before she would inhale more dust.

Blinking away a few tears, she heaved a sigh of relief as the dust cleared somewhat to show the core...

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Angie Character Portrait: Linnae Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious
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0.00 INK

The core felt itself slowly freed from the overbearing weight of the panels. As the last one was lifted away, it felt more free than it had in days. It seemed the vibrate for a moment, and the dust lifted away, off of it. It squinted up happily at the female human who had saved it. She looked tired. The core almost felt badly for her. After all, she had just put hereslf through a lot to get it out.

It blinked it's single, large purple eye at her. It a now recognizably masculine voice, it spoke in a faintly Irish accent. "Oh thank you, you have no idea how annoying those were." He rolled his eye at the panels. The core manuvered himsel to roll around on the floor a bit, but couldn't do much moving. "Uh... could you do me another favor, and pick me up? I'm not much good without my railing..." He admitted.

"Oh it that a child?" He piped up, drastically changing the subject as he spotted Abigail through the window. "I've never seen a human child before! Wow this is really my lucky day aint it? I get saved by a pretty lady, and I get to meet a child! Wow." He seemed to stare, awed, at nothing for a moment.

"Oh my name's Charlie by the way! Not the most creative name, I know. My mum was a computer, who can blame her? Anyway, they call me the Loquacious Core. I have absolutely no idea what that means! Do you? I sure don't!" He rattled, bobbing slightly on the ground with excitement. "It sounds kinda like... Oh I dunno. Quiet? Starts with a 'q' I guess, but what's that mean? Loquacious, loquacious... well it sounds cool don' it?" He made a small shrugging motion, and continued talking endlessly.

"So what's your name?" He asked, blinking up at Lin with his one florescent eye.


Meanwhile, Dave and Abigail are left alone in the room together. Both see Lin jump out the window to assist a struggling purple light.
The ground began to shake underfoot, and wildly tossed them. The ground shifted, and moved. It seemed something was operating Aperture again. but that hadn't happened since... Well, since the GLaDOS had been... disabled.


Charlie looked up at Lin. "Oh no... that may not be good. C'mon, you can tell me later! We need to get out of this test chamber. See that door up there?" He looked over to his side and up at a round door. It looked rusted, and stuck open. "That'll lead us to the elevator."


(In response to flieslikeabrick having abandoned Pete)

Angie's hand trembled on the railing. "P-Pete?" She called back. "Um. There's heights." She gulped. "Again." She heard a chuckle from her friend. He was accustomed to her fears. Luckily... He'd always been there for her when she just couldn't quite manage on her own. Over the past few years Angie had known him, she'd grown feelings for him. She wouldn't admit it of course. He'd never seemed to show any interest in her in that way. She was perfectly happy being friends though. And he was a wonderful friend to have. Especially when she felt like she was dangling off a cliff. Which she did.

"What is it-" Pete stopped. "It's the railways huh?" He stooped, and walked through the door, stooping to allow his tall height through. Once he was on the relatively steady railing, he placed a steady hand on Angie's shoulder. "Nothing to fear, I," He paused for dramatic affect. "Am here." Angie smiled. He could always make her feel better. She nodded, feeling a little safer, and stepped forward onto the railing that would lead to the elevator. "I'm right behind you." Pete promised. Angie felt a little safer, but the heights still made her heart flutter around in her chest.

They walked at a slow, steady pace until they were about three fourths of the way across. The railway was rusted here. Looking up, Angie was able to see that a leaky pipe above had dripped water down on it for the past year. No wonder it had rusted. She flashed a concerned look at Pete. He motioned for her to continue.

The railway creaked, and groaned loudly. The earsplitting noise made the two cover their ears. The rusted railway beneath them bent with their combined weight. Angie's eyes widened in panic. She felt a pair of strong hands shove her forward roughly. Her frail frame tumbled just far enough that she could grab hold to a strong part of the railway. She heard a deafening snap behind her as the rusted rail fell apart. Her head whipped around just in time to see her best friend scrambling for a hold.

"Pete!" She shrieked, reached a thin hand towards him.

"Angie run! Go! There's no time for me!" He shouted.


"GO!" He commanded forcibly, cutting her off. Angie moved backwards, unaccustomed to Pete raising his voice at her. Her heart cried out loudly as he was unable to find a handhold, and plummeted into the bottomless nothing that made up the dome.

"No!" Angie cried. "Pete!" She thought she heard him call out her name, just before a crash resounded. And faded. Angie's voice cracked. "Pete..." She let out a sob, which wracked her body painfully. What was she going to do now? He had been her only friend. He meant everything to her... A part of her told her to go down here and find him. And make sure that he wasn't still alive. The other half of her told her that nobody could have survived that fall.

Angie knew what Pete would want. She stood, and slowly walked into the lift. She hoped it still worked, otherwise she'd be trapped, since the bridge had collapsed. Angie was surprised to find it fully operational. From the inside, she pulled a lever, and began her ascent. Angie swallowed her emotional pain, and tried to think logically.

She was at the near rock-bottom off Aperture. She would need to be very careful to find her way back up. She had miles and miles to go.

(Anybody feel free to adopt Pete and have him somehow have survived the fall!)

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Character Portrait: Pete
6 sightings Pete played by flieslikeabrick
(Scientist #2)Outspoken and Impatient. Pete is a man of action, he says what he thinks and acts impusively, for a scientist.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dave Johnson
Character Portrait: Angie
Character Portrait: Abigail
Character Portrait: Linnae
Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious


Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious
Charlie the Loquacious

The Loquacious (Talkative) core, also known as Charlie.

Character Portrait: Linnae

(Test Subject #3) One slightly lost individual to another? I think we may be doomed.

Character Portrait: Abigail

(Test subject #2) - Just a little girl who misses her mommy.

Character Portrait: Angie

(Scientist #1) Patient, and easy going. Angie is smart, but won't often speak her opinion unless someone asks her to. Can be very temperamental at times.

Character Portrait: Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson

(Test Subject 1#) I'm a half cyborg, I can break you, so, don't make me Angry!


Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious
Charlie the Loquacious

The Loquacious (Talkative) core, also known as Charlie.

Character Portrait: Linnae

(Test Subject #3) One slightly lost individual to another? I think we may be doomed.

Character Portrait: Abigail

(Test subject #2) - Just a little girl who misses her mommy.

Character Portrait: Angie

(Scientist #1) Patient, and easy going. Angie is smart, but won't often speak her opinion unless someone asks her to. Can be very temperamental at times.

Character Portrait: Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson

(Test Subject 1#) I'm a half cyborg, I can break you, so, don't make me Angry!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Charlie the Loquacious
Charlie the Loquacious

The Loquacious (Talkative) core, also known as Charlie.

Character Portrait: Angie

(Scientist #1) Patient, and easy going. Angie is smart, but won't often speak her opinion unless someone asks her to. Can be very temperamental at times.

Character Portrait: Linnae

(Test Subject #3) One slightly lost individual to another? I think we may be doomed.

Character Portrait: Abigail

(Test subject #2) - Just a little girl who misses her mommy.

Character Portrait: Dave Johnson
Dave Johnson

(Test Subject 1#) I'm a half cyborg, I can break you, so, don't make me Angry!

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Portal: Out of Character


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    1, 2, 3, 4by Naraness on Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:19 pm
    61 Replies
    Last post by Naraness View the latest post
    on Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:37 pm

Most recent OOC posts in Portal

Re: [OOC] Portal

Haha, sure I can! (I need to figure out how to do that. *Giggles* I'll try my best!)

Re: [OOC] Portal

Ah, all right.

By the, just asking, but can you describe the voice?
I just keep on hearing Stephen Merchant when I read the core's lines.

Re: [OOC] Portal

*Giggles* I couldn't help it. Wheatley is my favorite character, I had to have a core. :P

Nope, that's fine. *Nods* Just as long as you're not stopping a serious threat or something, than it's all good. :D

Re: [OOC] Portal


Uhh, I think I went too far with actions, but I'll edit if needed~

Re: [OOC] Portal

Okay, I just edited it. The edit is short, but this should get you guys spurred into action. This is not the new character I mentioned, but this can probably get you to them. *Nods*

Re: [OOC] Portal

Alrighty. Well... I can see I made a mistake in not having a character with the test subjects. I'll edit my last post, and bring in a new character who can help you all along a bit. :)

edit: I'll do that in the morning. Super tired right now....

Re: [OOC] Portal

Yeah, I have nothing to say. Both of the characters who were interacting with mine turned away from attempting to get her out from under the bed, so no progress has been made. She's still in the terrified stage of hiding, and Dave's actions didn't help. I understand that you want a post from me, and I guess I should have clarified earlier, but until I get something that will give me more material (I could MAYBE write a one-paragraph post with that right now), I can't post.

Re: [OOC] Portal

Just a heads up, I won't be on as much until summer break, I'll try to go on once a day at least, but like,
I can't usually go online on weekdays,
Only Saturday I can go on, and the Sunday I can't go on at all. :c

Re: [OOC] Portal

Okay! Sounds perfect to me! I understand if you're waiting for Tiny to post, I just don't want the RP to freeze up for too long.

Oh and everyone, I apologize. I realize I've only been doing half of my job as GM. From now on my posts will include what specific characters hear, see, smell, feel, taste, if they get a bad feeling, etc. etc. etc. Also though small actions can be written without needing to know if you succeed and all, for those of you who are as inexperienced as I am; large, important actions such as ripping the cords out of a computer to stop a program, or trying to run and tackle a turret before it can shoot your friend... etc. I'd like you to post that your character runs to start doing that, or begins to, then I can post if you are successful or not. I know most of you experienced gamers probably have had GMs who do this, so just making sure it's all clear.

Re: [OOC] Portal

I'm ready!
But uh, I'm kind of waiting for Tiny to post before Linnae moves, partly because I want Abigail's reaction to Dave and stuff.
But if you want me to, I could just follow him..?

Re: [OOC] Portal

Alrighty, who's ready to be almost squished by a psychotic power-driven computer? As soon as the test subjects start to wander out of the test chamber they're stuck in, then the plot line will start to pick up. ;D

Re: [OOC] Portal

@Dovah - Both of it (Amnesia and Brain Damage) he doesn't remeber anything about his past,parents or anything. Only his name, and robotic parts and Apreture Science. and Glados.

Re: [OOC] Portal

If Dave had been ex-army, he would've definitely seen a girl before, unless we're talking about amnesia and brain damage?

Re: [OOC] Portal

Call me Tiny.

Anyway, sorry for the short post. Got home from therapy and wasn't in the mood to type something long up. Anyway, I figure I'll warn you guys that I have a critical paper due in a week, so my posts will probably be on the shorter side for a bit.

Re: [OOC] Portal

No worries Digital, like I said, I've done it too. :P

Just finished my post. I'm really enjoying watching the interaction between the test subjects right now, they're all wonderful flawed characters (the best kind) and how Dave is trying to hide his mechanical parts. Haha, loving it. :D

Re: [OOC] Portal

Yeah uh sorry about that i was testing that IC Chat :(

Re: [OOC] Portal

Hey Digital, I don't know if you realized but it looked like you posted a few extra times, which could have easily happened if you'd experimented with the IC chat (I've done that! :P). Just letting you know. ;)

Alright, I wanted everyone to know that I'll only be able to post once or maybe twice a day for the next week. I'm gonna be pretty busy. But I've taken the time to study (AKA play my favorite video game) and refresh my memory. So everything should keep running smoothly. I'm really really excited seeing the RP get rolling. XD

Anywho, I'm working on a post now!

Oh and while we're doing nicknames... *Giggles* Feel free to call me Nara.

Re: [OOC] Portal

I'm lonely again :( All of them is asleep now.

Re: [OOC] Portal

@Digital -
Haha, yeah, I noticed.
I'm about to finish up my next post, so tinyartist18 can have something to work off of.

Actually I finished, heh..