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Star Wars: Remnants of the Republic

Star Wars: Remnants of the Republic


Order 66 has been issued, and most of the Jedi Order destroyed. However, there are those who still linger on the edge of the galaxy, holding onto dear life as they witness the rise of the Empire..

1,240 readers have visited Star Wars: Remnants of the Republic since Tyeson created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..

Order 66 has been issued by Palpatine, turning all of the Clone Army against the Republic. The Jedi spread out across the galaxy, unaware of such an order, fall rapidly to the masses of Clone troopers. The Republic slowly crumbles as Palpatine takes his place as the self appointed Emperor of the new Galactic Empire. Hope is fading, and fading fast within the Republic, but there is still but a shimmer of light. Despite the hoards of clones, several Jedi managed to slip past their once loyal soldiers. Some had no Clones of their own, and were able to avoid much of the bloodshed. These Jedi are few and scattered far between, some stationed on the Outer Rim, completely cut off from the dilemma that has happened. They no not of the turmoil that has crept into the galaxy, and go about their business as if nothing were different.

Most life within the Galaxy are also in the dark as corruption seeps into the now demolished Republic. Officials close to the affairs on Coruscant but afraid of the sudden events warn their citizens of the dangers ahead. Chaos slowly builds within the surrounding worlds, and word spreads fast of the rise of the Empire. Crime rates jump and known crime lords step out of their hiding places, now more confident to take control of what they believe to be theirs. Governments topple, leaving behind tyranny and total control to the strongest group. Various criminal organizations battle for power, starting wars and bloody feuds in the center of cities and residences. People are panicking, afraid and abandoning their lives as they flee their home worlds.

Several rebel groups have sprung up here and there across the galaxy, desperately trying to regain some control over their lost planets. Some fight for their own sense of glory and fame, while others seek to rebuild governments and drive criminals and thugs from the streets. Even a few of the scattered Jedi have joined these groups, hoping to aid somehow in stopping mass chaos from ensuing. But with every chance of a strong group surfacing, it is crushed swiftly by the Sith, a looming power growing stronger by the day. Many followers of the Sith resided in the dark and treacherous areas of the Outer Rim, patiently awaiting an uprising. This became their moment to step into the light and reveal themselves, causing much of the downfall several planets were facing. They invaded governments, took control of gangs, and ran rampant in the streets.

The Jedi that still remained sought after the Sith and their followers, cutting them down at every opportunity. But the Sith had followed the ways long thought dead by many, and a handful of them were trained to use the force. A band of Dark Jedi rose from the Sith, taking the lead and wiping out the Jedi that still remained, leaving behind very few. The Jedi that managed to escape Order 66, mass destruction, and the Sith traveled to isolated planets with small amounts of life. Here they recovered and thought hard about their situation, contemplating their next move. On the desolated world of Taris, a planet long forgotten after a Sith bombardment thousands of years ago, two Jedi, a padawan and master, go into hiding within Taris' only city. It is large, covering about half of the planet's surface, and is the perfect place to escape just about anything. Gangs run the Lower City, while some known Sith influence has control over a decent portion of the Upper City. Corrupted government officials hold power within the rest of the Upper City, while anyone considered poor or diseased is cast into the UnderCity.

It is here, removed from the life they once knew, that these two Jedi have been hiding for several months now. They have intervened in serious issues here and there, but very few on Taris know of the Jedi's existence. Most believe all Jedi are dead or captured, and think it impossible for any to have fled and lived. The two use this to their advantage, and take on the everyday challenges of keeping their identities a secret. All the while, they struggle to stay out of a bloody war between rivaling gangs in the Lower City and the Sith and the government in the Upper City. They're facing one of the toughest assignments they've ever had: to stay alive.


Main Jedi: Taken
Main Padawan: Open
Second Jedi: Taken
Third Jedi: Taken
Sith Lord: Taken
Sith Apprentice: Taken
Sith Commander: Open
Gang Leader One: Open
Gang Leader Two: Open
Gang Members: Open (Can be multiple & be various classes/species excluding Jedi & Sith)
Sith Militia: Open (Can be multiple & be various classes/species excluding Jedi & Sith)

Other inhabitants are welcome, but I'd like to get the main section of characters filled first. If you don't want to play as one of the main positions, feel free to submit a random character regardless. Each player may have up to two characters, but only one of each class. So you may not have two Jedi positions, however you may have a Jedi & a Sith spot if they are open.

There are two different character sheets players must follow. One is a general character sheet, which includes all ranks & classes except the Jedi & Dark Jedi (Sith). The other is made just for those two ranks. I highly recommend players take a look at this link for help with their character sheets:

General Character Sheet:
Name: This one is obvious.
Age: Again, pretty obvious. But keep this in mind when you choose your race. If your species can live to over 200, what age is 25 to them?
Race: Please don't use any species or race that is considered extinct at this time in the Star Wars universe or one that is overpowering.
Height: Again, keep your race and age in mind.
Faction: Are you a Bounty Hunter, a Smuggler, etc.
Rank: If a Bounty Hunter, are you best at tracking, hunting? If in the Militia or a Gang, what rank? Commander? Private?
Appearance: Pictures or a description are fine. I'd prefer either or, but if you'd like to add both then have at it.
Birth Place: Going back to the race, if your character is a human then they were not born on Kamino or Kashyyyk. Keep this in mind.
Bio: Don't go crazy with this, but make sure it's a decent bio. There are NO characters who forgot their past. If they did, at least explain how/why/when and the overall outcome of the situation. Include some history and the current reason for your character's stay on Taris.
Main weapon(s): Again, don't overdo this section, and be realistic to your character. A low ranking soldier in the Militia is not going to have ten different gadgets. And a Bounty Hunter isn't just going to have a blaster. Once again, I refer you to the link above for all this.
Attributes: These include the following on a range of 1-10, 10 being the highest. Please note that your character CANNOT have 10 as every attribute. I will not accept them. I stress this, Be realistic and don't overpower your character. They can't be good at everything!
Physical Strength: 1-10
Intelligence: 1-10
Speed: 1-10
Leadership: 1-10
Unarmed Combat: 1-10
Melee Weapons: 1-10
Ranged Weapons: 1-10

Jedi & Sith Character Sheet:
Keep in mind all the info I posted in the above character sheet for this one as well. I once again refer you to the link:
Faction: This one's easy, it's either Sith or Jedi.
Rank: Knight, Padawan, Master, etc.
Sub-Rank: Guardian, Sentinel, Consular (Doesn't have to apply for all Jedi & Sith)
Birth Place:
Lightsaber: Signle blade, dual wield, or dual bladed? Picture or description works fine here as well.
Crystal color: Nothing unheard of or uncommon like black or white.
Practiced Lightsaber forms: This lists the known types of combat styles for a lightsaber. Keep this realistic as well, and refer here for help:
Please note that a Jedi Consular is not going to have a high number of the more aggressive styles. And a Sith is not going to have a high number of the more defensive styles. Keep in mind Juyo is a difficult and rare fighting style. It may or may not be approved if you choose to use it. These are ranked from 1-5, 5 being mastery. A padawan cannot have a 5 or even a 4 in any of these forms. Just like a Knight cannot have a 5 in any of these forms.
Shien / Djem So
Sub-form Backhanded
Sub-form Jar-kai, or Dual Wield
Double Bladed Combat
All Jedi & Sith know and practice Shii-Cho. It is known as the basis to lightsaber combat and it must be the highest number. Your character cannot have a 3 in Shii-Cho and a 5 in Ataru. Why? Because all these forms are derived from Shii-Cho in some way.
Force Sensitive Abilities: These are similar to attributes, but are instead a Jedi or Sith's Force powers. Once again, you cannot have a 10 in everything.
Telepathic: 1-10 This includes any force using the mind like persuasion, insight, Alter mind, etc.
Telekinetic: 1-10 This includes any movement related force powers like push, pull, jump, lift, etc.
Body: 1-10 This includes any force power used in enhancing the body, excluding healing, such as endurance, strength, stamina, etc.
Sense: 1-10 This includes any force powers used to amplify the body's senses like awareness or just force sense in general.
Protection: 1-10 This includes any force powers used to protect the Jedi or Sith, such as force shields, energy resitance or stopping blaster fire.
Healing: 1-10 This includes the level of ability the Jedi or Sith has to heal themselves and others using the force
Destruction: 1-10 This includes any force powers used to harm or kill an individual, such as choke, inflict pain, force lightning, etc.
Specialized Skills: Each Jedi/Sith may have up to 5 of these. They do not include the basics like push, pull, jump, speed, etc.
Use this link for help:
Again, be realistic. A Jedi is not going to have force lightning or force choke.
Attributes: Same as above, however melee weapons do not refer to lightsabers. They refer to vibroblades, staves, etc.
Physical Strength: 1-10
Intelligence: 1-10
Speed: 1-10
Leadership: 1-10
Unarmed Combat: 1-10
Melee Weapons: 1-10
Ranged Weapons: 1-10

1) There is no god modding. No one player is the best!
2) Keep it PG-13 with language and with romance.
3) As you can tell, this is a semi-detailed roleplay. Please post at least 150 words or more!
4) I expect this to go on for a while, so I need players who are willing to commit to this Roleplay. If you don't plan on staying for a while, don't join!
5) Stick to the character sheets! They help!
6) Be realistic in your posts, and use proper spelling and grammar.
7) Utilize the wiki page I posted! It'll help alot!
8) Have fun!!

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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#, as written by Tyeson
Taris, one of the last free dirt holes of the Outer Rim. Anybody who flees the Empire, bounty hunters, Sith, or any other threat hides here until things blow over. Only this time, it doesn't look as easy. Jay stood beneath a large building, the distant sun casting a long shadow along the streets in front of him. He used the shadow to hide his features as best he could, trying to avoid any unwanted attention. He wasn't sure what was about to happen, but it seemed like the people he was tailing were up to no good. Two humans, even if they were rather gruesome looking, had left the Upper City cantina with a young dancer's credits. She tried to stop them, shouted for help even, but in the cantina no one listens to you. You're invisible unless you've got the credits to flaunt or the power to show off. So naturally Jay stepped in to help. It didn't help the current situation he was in, but he was always taught to aid those who could not aid themselves.

His hood was up, covering his face, and the black cloak that draped over his body did nicely for camouflage. Jay's two lightsabers rested on his belt, hidden from plain view. He had a blaster holster strapped to his thigh with a busted blaster resting in it. The weapon hadn't worked in years apparently, but it was a good little distraction, and it was cheap. Resting his frame against the cool building, Jay watched as the two men snickered while they searched through the purse. It was sad really, having to stoop so low as petty theft in order to get a thrill out of life. Or maybe they just couldn't make ends meet and needed the extra money. Jay didn't care which, he just knew they were criminals trying to make an easy buck. I think I've waited long enough. He straightened up and took a quick glance around before jogging over to his targets, a fake smile stuck on his face.

"Hey there, that's a nice little catch you got there." When Jay spoke he was loud and made sure his voice carried to those walking about. You say something creep? One of the men, the taller of the two, had a deep, threatening tone. It wasn't at all pleasant, and Jay frowned at the look he got. "I'm afraid I don't enjoy repeating myself. Look, just give me back the bag and we can call it even." This caught the attention of the second, shorter man, who turned alongside his partner with a grimacing smirk. You got some guts to be talking to us, you know that? Do you have any idea who we are?? "Frankly," Jay sighed, sliding back a few inches, "I don't really care who you are. I'm just helping out a friend." With a quick jerk of his hand, the bag flew from the men's grip and into Jay's. Before the two thugs had a chance to comprehend what they just saw, the Jedi darted off down the street, around a corner, and ran right into a Sith patrol.

Hey, stop! Who're you running from? What's that in your hand? It was widely known on Taris that the small Sith militia enjoyed their dominance over their portion of the Upper City. They keep their control using fear and weapons, lots of weapons. It was normal for a patrol squad to be so cautious, and rumors say they have itchy trigger fingers. "I'm on my way home, there's no trouble here." Jay mumbled, waving his hand back and forth, trying to persuade the Sith trooper to let him pass. "You can pass.." What are you mumbling about? Shut up and don't move. Blasters raised, Jay guessed this particular group was a little smarter than the rest. "Listen, I don't want any trouble.." As he raised his hands, his cloak parted, revealing the busted blaster holstered on his thigh. Blaster, Shoot the bastard! Without a moment's notice, blaster fire spewed out towards Jay, who had no choice but to jump back a few feet and activate one of his lightsabers. He's a Jedi! Kill him!

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
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Kyiah was scouting the Upper City of Taris. She had been sent to check up on the Troopers and be sure that no possible threats were on to them. Not long ago she heard a rumor of Jedi sightings. Of course Kyiah highly doubted any of this but it was worth checking out nonetheless. She had stopped briefly at the cantina but didn't stay long, nobody knew anything of a possible Jedi there. She was just about to turn back when she heard someone yell, "He's a Jedi! Kill him!" instantly, Kyiah ran toward the sounds, unable to believe what she had just heard. A Jedi? that's impossible! she thought to herself. But it was proven once she reached the source of the commotion. Standing not far from her was a man, around her age who had a lightsaber shining from his hand. "Hold your fire!" Kyiah commanded harshly. She drew her lightsaber and walked up to the Jedi. Her yellow eyes glaring from mear slits. "So the rumors are true, there still Jedi around" she mumbled. It had been about eight years since she had left the Jedi and she barely recognized Jay, but she still knew who he was. He had been a padawan around the time she had been. She doubted he knew who she was though. "Drop your lightsaber, Jedi. You're in my territory" she told him with a firm yet calm voice.

She approached him slowly, drawing her own lightsaber ready to fight. Kyiah was a shorter girl, but she had a lot muscle packed in. Her bright red hair was tied in four braids, two at the front of her head and two in the back. "What exactly were you thinking? did you this this place was safe for Jedi or something? well you were wrong because first I am going arrest you, then torture you and then finally kill you" she said. Her face twisted in a cold grin. "Why don't you just kill him now?" the trooper asked. Kyiah rolled her eyes. "Because he might have access to more of them, and information we can use" she snapped. Kyiah was now only four feet away from Jay, a name slowly starting to echo in the corners of her mind. "I believe your name is Jay Mothonel, am I right?" she asked. "Not that I really care, curiousity is a fascinating thing" she musted. "Sorry, I'm getting off track, are there any Jedi close by? and don't lie to me, I don't like liars" Kyiah told him. She waved her lightsaber around carelessly. Kyiah was the type of Sith that liked to play with her kill before eating it, or in this case killing it.

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#, as written by Tyeson
Jay could sense a dark presence in the force, eating away at the natural energy that surrounded it. He didn't like it, the feeling made him sick. He had figured there would be at least one dark Jedi on Taris, but Jay was hoping to avoid any confrontation. The last thing he wanted was a fight with another Jedi in the middle of a populated city. Jay smirked sarcastically as the woman approached him. He had to think up something fast. Something that would allow him to fight her off but avoid harming civilians. By now a few of the lesser beings of Taris had stopped to watch the commotion, some running for cover once the dark Jedi appeared. Jay could feel the fear and lust for power, the want for blood. Luckily, it wasn't his first encounter with a Sith Jedi, and it would no doubt be his last.

So the rumors are true, there are still Jedi around. Jay straightened up, flipping his lightsaber into his favored backhanded position. He didn't utter a word, simply because he had nothing to say; not yet anyways. He just wanted to study her while he had the chance. He memorized her movements, the way she carried her lightsaber, how tightly she held the hilt, what her presence felt like. Everything and anything his mind could take in, he made sure he'd never forget it. Drop your lightsaber, Jedi. You're in my territory. What exactly were you thinking? did you this this place was safe for Jedi or something? well you were wrong because first I am going arrest you, then torture you and then finally kill you. Jay's smirk never faded, and he stood there, biding his time while she rambled on about the horrors she'd do to him.

Jay has always been strong in the force, and at times like this, he was always thrilled about his gift. It had gotten him out of many predicaments in the past. Revan, our cover's blown...Get to the safehouse.. He could hear his thoughts echoing, as if they were drifting away from his own head. Hopefully his little message would reach his padawan, and hopefully she'd listen to him. I believe your name is Jay Mothonel, am I right? Not that I really care, curiousity is a fascinating thing..Sorry, I'm getting off track, are there any Jedi close by? and don't lie to me, I don't like liars. By now, Jay thought he'd bought as much time as he could get. He could sense she was growing a little tired of asking questions. "I'm afraid my patience has grown thin. It's time for me to go now."

With a quick thrust of his hand, the force exerted itself from Jay, pushing the Sith and their Dark Jedi leader away from him. The Sith patrol flew, several of them slamming into the wall of a droid maintenance shop. Jay guessed the other Jedi wouldn't go as far, but used what leverage he had from the surprise attack by darting off into the street. A large crowd was close by, close enough that he could run into it and easily get lost. Jay tapped into the force once more, cloaking himself in the force, hiding his body and presence from those following him. The crowd was an added bonus, and Jay sighed a sigh of relief at the luck he was having. She'll be back..I can sense it..

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Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Revan found herself humming as she walked down the street of the market, passing a few troopers and a cantina on the upper levels. She could sense something has gone wrong, she expected to see her master at the cantina. Revan, our cover's blown...Get to the safehouse.. she stopped walking and looked around slowly, she could sense the tension of the force now, she quickly turned around and practically darted back to he safe house. almost running into a few troopers, she bowed and continued racing against time, or so she felt.

The safe-house never felt like home to her as she quickly entered the front door looking around. then again it never did. She brushed her black hair out of her face and went to find the others that had joined them in hiding on Taris. By the time she entered the main room her hands were shaking a little; she hated the force, well at least the times she could feel the dark presence, ever since... she shook her head and sat down waiting for her master to arrive. after a few seconds she could feel her lightsaber in her hand, twitching to turn on.

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Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
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Kyiah let out a scream of outrage as she was pushed back. But as quickly as she had fallen over she got back up and ran after him. "Outta my way" she snarled pushing violently through the crowd, not caring if she sliced through anyone by accident. She got sight of him briefly and turned a corner to cut him off. But by the time she had gotten to the turnoff point, he was gone. Kyiah screamed in another fit and went back to the Sith troopers. "FIND HIM!" she snarled and stalked away. Kyiah was prone to taking her anger out on civilians and many of them backed up in fear of her. "If anyone sees that Jedi or any suspicious actions, come to me immediately" she yelled walking toward the apartment that she owned.

Kyiah entered her apartment. She prefered to live away from the Sith Lord because he got so intense sometimes and if he found out she had allowed a Jedi to slip through her fingers...well she would get into huge trouble. Kyiah lay her lightsaber on the table and began to pace anxiously muttering to herself. "Ky you idiot! how would you let that damn Jedi get away, why would you stand there and talk to him! oh no if the Sith Lord finds out you are screwed" Kyiah yelled and grabbed a picture frame that was hanging on her way and hurled it out the window. She did this a few times, using the force to through items around until the last of her anger was gone. Kyiah collapsed onto the floor and moaned suddenly exhausted. This was what the Jedi had been talking about all those years ago. Kyiah and her temper, Kyiah and her anger, Kyiah and her fits.

Once she was relaxed, Kyiah left the apartment and began to hunt. She knew that Jay had been using the force to speak to someone, she recognized it in his face. A padawan? another Jedi Knight? she didn't know but she knew there had to be another one. Kyiah began to ask around for any unusual behavior but none came up. These particular Jedi had been smart and lay low. Just not low enough and Kyiah would find them, oh yes. Her eyes narrowed in determination and her lightsaber hilt clutched so tightly in her hand that her fists had turned white.

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#, as written by Tyeson
One of the safe havens Jay and Revan had set up was located in the Lower City, away from the reach of the Sith and any government spies that were lurking about. It wasn't that safe though, given the area they were in. Two gangs competed for power in the Lower City, one called the Vox Gang, the other the Hidden Beks. The Beks were known to be the lesser of the two evils, taking the name after the same gang that inhabited Taris thousands of years ago. But the Vox were a newer gang, and set their sights on gathering as much power as they could. They wanted to dominate the Beks, and eventually the government. Sadly, neither gang new too much about the Sith influence, only that the Sith had a small army stationed on the planet. They also had no idea there were two Jedi living just around the corner from them.

Jay walked into the safe house, spying Revan sitting impatiently, waiting for him to arrive. "Haven't I taught you anything about hiding your emotions? You look ready to fight an entire army." On his way to the small apartment, Jay had stopped to gather a little information on the Dark Jedi he encountered. A wandering Twi'lek Jay had saved from the Vox a few weeks ago told him he knew a lot about the happenings on Taris, and if he ever had any questions to feel free to ask. So he did, but the Twi'lek wasn't as helpful as Jay would've liked. "There's a Sith Jedi here on Taris." While he spoke, Jay began packing several things into a satchel he pulled from one of the closets, motioning for Revan to do the same. "Her name's Kyiah, and she's a rather unpleasant person. There may be more, but no one knows for sure. That Twi'lek I saved a while ago seemed to be skeptical about leaking that kind of information."

Jay stopped for a moment to fiddle around in the bag until he pulled out a comlink. "Beskar, our cover's blown. Meet Revan and I at the safe house." As he stuffed the little gadget back into his bag, Jay opened a panel on the wall, pulling out another bag. He glanced through it and sighed, tossing the remnants onto a table. "There's about 400 credits here. Not even close to how much we need to get out of here." They had been trying to escape Taris ever since they arrived. The Temple on Coruscant was all but destroyed, Jay knew that. Beskar had filled them in on Palpatine's plans after he refused to carry out Order 66. Their main mission right now was to get off Taris and search for one of the lesser known Jedi enclaves. Hopefully someone had survived. "What'd you find out about the government here?" He glanced over to Revan, a little worried about how she was taking everything that had happened.

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The Padawan started packing things away as her master motioned her to do. but the news of there being a Sith Jedi her made her drop the datapad she had in her hand, it was full of the information she had scouted. The look on her face suggested she was thinking on her she missed that small tidbit of information. Hurrying to pick it up in order to answer her master's question "What'd you find out about the government here?"

A few days ago she had spent sometime around the under-city and talked to a lot of people, and gang members. After that she had went to the upper-city and did the same. In the lower city they would tell you ether the Beks or the Voks. Being the oldest the answer was mostly the Beks, but war has changed a few aspects. Traveling to upper-city, she had learned that ether some hidden force or the rich controlled everything. "Depends where you live. The official government is ether paid or the officials are doing things for themselves. There is talk of the officials fighting for control as well but are being loosely held together be ether the threat of the empire, orrr... she trailed off for a few seconds thinking if her answer was even plausible "The Sith" she motioned as if her masters story was an object all on its own.

She looked at her master and mustered a smile "You just had to draw attention huh?" she said playfully as she started looking for any more information she might of missed on her scouting.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Kyiah had found a lead. A boy around the age of sixteen had seen the Jedi at one point and in eagnerness to earn favor with the Sith he tattled. "I have seen them around. He has been ridding the streets of most violence and helping people out when he can. In fact he offered to help my family at one point but my mother refused because she knew that we could get in trouble if you found out" he told her. Kyiah lifted her chin at him. At the moment, she had him pinned against the wall of the building. Her hand was clamped on his shirt. "Your mother is a smart woman kid. What's your name?" she asked him. "Z-Zanner" he stuttered. "Well Zanner. Do you know where he might be staying and if there is another?" she asked. "I saw a girl with him at one point...close to my age I presume. I don't know where he stays though, nobody does" he told her.

Kyiah nodded and dropped the kid. She tossed him a few coins and waved her hand to make him go away. He gave her a bright smile and ran back to his home. Kyiah continued to ask around and whoever knew something got force choked until they told her. Eventually she found someone who knew where they lived. A young couple with a small baby. Kyiah used the force to pull the baby from the father's hands and threatened them with the death of the baby. Finally the hysterical mother cracked up. "A small apartment not far from here. I'm not sure which one. Please leave my baby alone!" she cried. Kyiah smiled and left the house with the child and family intact and she headed toward the apartment complex that the mother had said the Jedi lived. By now she had concluded that he had a padawan with him. Kyiah walked inside and began to nose through the apartments weather they had owners or not. Finally she made her way to Jay and Revan's and knew it was their's. She could feel it. Kyiah activated her lightsaber and carved her way through the door. It fell with a loud crash and Kyiah entered.

"I'm back" She called sweetly.

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#, as written by Tyeson
Depends where you live. The official government is ether paid or the officials are doing things for themselves. There is talk of the officials fighting for control as well but are being loosely held together be ether the threat of the empire, orrr...The Sith. Jay scooped the credits back into their pouch and stopped for a moment to think. "So it's the strongest who survive..Or the richest." He rubbed his head, trying to clear his thoughts and pace his mind. "Alright. It's enough for now. At least we know the government hasn't found out about us.." As his voice trailed off, Jay sensed a disturbance in the force. It was far too familiar, and it caused his hand to quickly reach for his saber. "Revan," he whispered, "we have company."

Sure enough, their cruddy little apartment door fell to the ground as Kyiah walked in, lightsaber already in hand. I'm back. Jay refrained from activating his own lightsaber, hoping he could use the force to slip out like he did before. "You Sith are rather persistent, aren't you?" He glanced to his Padawan for a moment, giving her his Don't do anything stupid face. Kyiah's presence in the room felt different then when he encountered her on the street. "Your name's Kyiah, correct? Tell me, how did you know my name before I knew yours?" Jay had recalled a Kyiah from his days as a youngling at the Temple on Coruscant, but last he heard she was killed by a Sith. Perhaps this was that very Sith, now masquerading about using Kyiah as an alias. Jay was only guessing, but in his head it was a rather good assumption. "Don't be hasty," he mumbled, inching closer to Revan, "Sith Jedi are known to attack first. Wait for her to make the first move. Don't fear the presence you feel, turn it against itself and use it to your advantage.Study her movements, even if she stands still. And always be on your guard.." Jay picked the worst times to be a mentor, but to him those were the best times to be sure he made his point. Although, given their current situation, perhaps it wasn't needed at the moment.

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Revan felt the dark presence too, she was starting to get sick it, but by the time she had the chance to react the Sith Jedi was already in the room. Apparently her master knew this ... Kyiah? After everything that has happened, she seemed really calm, a stright face and causal eyes going back and forth between her master and the sith. On the inside she was freaking out like crazy, parts of it could be seen in her eyes, like flames reflecting on a perfectly made mirror. She glanced at her master to see a very familiar look "That was one time." she mumbled trying to be loud enough for him to her, but not loud enough for the sith who was on the other side of the room.

[i] This is really the place and time for a lesson?! [i/] she thought, she had glanced over their opponent. she couldn't really stand up against two Jedi, well one Jedi and a padawan. Realizing Ray had called Beskar back to the safe-house, an idea came to her, all they need to do is stall her, pitting her hand on her hip, close to her lightsaber, she looked at the Sith Jedi, waiting, and sizing her up...

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Kyiah flicked her braid back and shrugged. "Not all. Some like to bide their time and wait...but I'm not like that" she told him. She took a good look at the apprentice and smiled which looked more like a grimace. She was a lot younger than Kyiah herself and she was shorter and slimmer. But Kyiah had learned never to underestimate her enemies and she had a feeling this padawan could was a threat and be a more dangerous threat with more training. "We studied together as padawans for a few years. I suppose the Jedi told you I died. Obviously they lied" she told him. The grimacey smile disappeared and was replaced with a cold calculating look.

"Okay I'm done talking" She leaped at Jay first. Her lightsaber coming down and hard fast. Although she purposely missed him to sych him out. Kyiah landed behind him with the help of the force. If she hadn't used it than she would have fallen hard and possibly broken her ankle or something else. Hoping he had fallen for her little trick, she aimed straight for his legs, trying not to kill him but maim him. After that, she twisted around and went for his padawan. She went to grab for the lightsaber that was still connected to the young girl's hip. "Quick lesson there girly. I usually aim to kill. Problem is I need one of you alive. Only one though. And either will do" she snarled. Any humor was wiped from her face. Replaced by a cold and icy shell. She backed away from the girl a little. "Okay kiddie. Show me what you got" she dared Revan menacingly.

(I did not hurt anybody unless you choose to let your character get hurt, just clearing that up :) I learned in role playing to attempt to hurt the other character and let the other role player choose if their character gets hurt or not.)

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#, as written by Tyeson
Jay's lightsaber spurred to life as he raised it up to defend himself. But the Sith landed behind him and went for his legs. A rather risky move, but whatever works. His second lightsaber flew from its resting place on his belt and into Jay's hand, snapping to life and connecting with Kyiah's own saber. He was a little over joyed that he got to use both his lightsabers. He liked the advantage he got with them. Okay kiddie. Show me what you got. Jay quickly spun on his heel and darted forward silently, trying to attack while he still had the opening. He raised one arm and brought his saber down towards Kyiah, the other saber flying up towards her. Jay was hoping to perform a quick and clean cut through the dark Jedi, but he assumed it wouldn't be quick, nor would it be clean.

We just have to stall long enough for some extra help to show up. Only problem is, how long is it going to take. Jay quickly dismissed his thoughts, trying to stay focused on the fight. His blades were inching closer to the Sith, yet she hadn't moved. He wondered if this was a tactic the Sith used often, or if she just didn't sense him. It didn't matter though, he just wanted to end things fast.

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Revan slid over a little, making sure she kept her lightsaber, and then flicked it open. "Okay kiddie. Show me what you got." she smirked, then got into the right footing for a good Makashi form; she made her lightsaber dance in her hands in order to build up some momentum. eyeing her opponent, she realized she could't take her on, at least alone, luckily her master was making a pretty good attack.

Revan knew her Makashi wasn't that good, but she was light on her feet, and quick to react to things. Hoping that that was enough, she made a couple forward steps, to try to land a few attacks if her master was successful.. where's Beskar? she thought, it wasn't like him to be missing a fight, perhaps he was a long ways away? or didn't receive ray's message? she whipped those thoughts out of her head and focused on the battle.

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Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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Kyiah's was intuitive and she quickly realized what Jay was trying to do. Her lightsaber met the one that was coming up to her and she tried to dodge the one that was coming down. She managed to avoid any serious injury but one of Jay's lightsabers cut her on the upper right arm. The cut was gushing blood but it wasn't seriously deep. Every time Kyiah moved it there was a bolt of agony. Kyiah gritted her teeth against the pain and carried on. She easily parried Revan's attacks and managed to get behind the girl. She attempted to cut the girl's waist before going to attack Jay again. Her lightsaber clashed with one of his again and she carried on this time, trying to wear him out enough to make a killing blow. He must be out of practice after all. At least that was one of Kyiah's guesses. She couldn't be sure. Kyiah could feel herself begin to fatigue. She looked around for a distraction and saw a glass vase. She lifted it with the force and it flew towards Jay's head. Kyiah's didn't falter at all. She had done a lot of practice using her gifts while fighting.

Kyiah continued this. Finding objects and shooting them at Jay and Revan while parrying and deflecting multiple blows. Her bright red hair had darkened with sweat and her long bangs stuck to her face and one of her four braids had fallen out. Her face was going red with exhaustion and frustration. Blood was dripping down Kyiah's black armor and staining the floor. Every move she made caused blood to spatter around. Okay, now I'm in a bad spot. I'm starting to get tired and this wound is starting to weaken me. What now? I can't make a run for it. That would be cowardice and it would send these pests the wrong message. But I can't hold out much longer Kyiah thought to herself. Although she kept her face impassive and emotionless. All the two Jedi's would be able to see was the slight exhaustion. Not the worry. Kyiah had spent a long time trying to keep her emotions at bay. They could use that worry against her. "Getting tired yet goody goody?" she snarled at Jay. Her patience running out.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar" Character Portrait: Padawan Revan Merasska
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#, as written by cha-kun
RC-2439, "Beskar" lined up the perfect head-shot with the cross-hairs of his Deece's Sniper attachment, but before he could pull the trigger his comlink buzzed. The voice of General Mothonel called over the link, "Beskar, our cover's blown. Meet Revan and I at the safe house." Beskar abandoned his prey and raced back to the General's safe-house. His black camo-cloak whipped behind him as he ran through the lower city streets, blaster at his side. He stopped short of the safe-house. There were two sith troopers watching the approach, but he'd been in worse situations. Hell, once on Felucia he had been stuck behind Seperatist lines, and he single-handedly took and held their communications tower until backup arrived, he had used the enemies own emplacements against them, picking up their weapons when his own ran dry. He jumped up and grabbed the pipes above his head. Climbing hand over hand, he dropped right behind the first trooper, dispatching him silently with his gauntlet's extendable vibro-blade. He killed the other guard in a similar fashion, and when he was certain the coast was clear, he drew his blaster pistol, aiming at the door. he waited next to the door and counted to three under his breath. He depressed the activator on the door and as it slid open he immediately identified the threat in the room. Leveling his pistol at the Sith he said, "Ma'am, I'd suggest you stop immediately, and leave... I will count to three and then I will plaster the walls of this apartment with your brains. Understand? One."

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Kyiah sensed Beskar coming. She did a backflip towards the window and read the situation. She was outnumbered by three plus a pistol aimed at her head. She gave them all a wicked grimace of a smile which give her a vary sinical look. "Well, this was fun. Unfortunately I have to end the party, I have a sixteen year old brat I want to talk too" she said. She through her arm towards the window. The glass completely shattered, and without another look Kyiah jumped out. Using the force to land safetly before running towards the boy's house.

Young Zanner was pleasently playing with his sister in their house when Kyiah rudely destroyed the door with her lightsaber. "Kyiah!" he exclaimed standing. Kyiah narrowed her eyes and she could see the sudden fear in the boy's eyes. "You lied. There was a third I was unaware of but I am positive you were" she said. Her voice had lowered to a vary cool calm, scary calm. "N-no I wasn't I swear" he told her. Kyiah raised an eyebrow and lifted her hand. Zanner began to choke violently. His mother who had just entered the room gave a shocked scream. "Ok-k-ay, I-I knew" he choked out weakly. Kyiah relaxed her grip. "Please, don't hurt him. It was me. I sent him to say what he said" she said. Her eyes filling with tears. "Punish me, not him" she begged.

"Oh the lovely brave mother. Sacrificing herself for her only son, but every villian like me knows the best way to punish a mother" Kyiah told her. She walked over to Zanner and flung him against the wall which left a dent. The boy yelped. "Stop!" the mother cried helplessly. Kyiah gave her an evil smile before activating her lightsaber and plunging it straight into the boys heart. The little girl nearby and his mother screamed but Kyiah barely heard it. She was watching with satisfaction as the light left the boys eyes and his head lolled to the side. Then Kyiah through his across the ground to his mothers feet. She looked at the little girl. "Let that be a warning to you kid. Never listen to your parents" she said before leaving the house. Dear Mother's shrieks had echoed through the niebourhood and many people came outside to see what the ruckus was.

What they saw was a dangerous Sith with her red lightsaber drawn, illuminating the face and eyes with a harsh glow. Sweat made her red hair stick to her face which made her look even more threatening. "Let this be a warning to you ALL! when I get double crossed, I get angry. When I get angry, someone dies" she told them all. The entire street was quiet and everybody stood there completely still as the Sith's footsteps faded into the darkening street.

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Revan leaned against the wall when the sith ran off. her heart was beating a little, she had no clue if she would of stood a chance or not. Her lightsaber slid back into its place on her side, and she crossed her arms. she looked back and forth between Beskar and her master. "Well... That was fun" , at that exact moment, her datapad lit up as if it knew what it was doing. She took it out and was reminded of a building she noticed as she was 'exploring' I think i know where we can hid out, but its deeper in the bad part of the city, and we are less likely to be noticed." she pulled a small map from ther datapad and showed her master the location, feeling proud of herself she smiled.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel
Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar"
Character Portrait: Tybrus Korik


Character Portrait: Tybrus Korik
Tybrus Korik

A miralukan General with the 487th. He was forced to the planet's surface along with General Mothonel and his padawan.

Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar"
RC-2439 "Beskar"

A force to be reckoned with, this loyal Clone Commando will fight to the death to defend his general.

Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
Kyiah Syxx

"I enjoy freedom and power"

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel
Jay Mothonel

"Stuck on this hell hole is really beginning to be a challenge.."


Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel
Jay Mothonel

"Stuck on this hell hole is really beginning to be a challenge.."

Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar"
RC-2439 "Beskar"

A force to be reckoned with, this loyal Clone Commando will fight to the death to defend his general.

Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
Kyiah Syxx

"I enjoy freedom and power"

Character Portrait: Tybrus Korik
Tybrus Korik

A miralukan General with the 487th. He was forced to the planet's surface along with General Mothonel and his padawan.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kyiah Syxx
Kyiah Syxx

"I enjoy freedom and power"

Character Portrait: Tybrus Korik
Tybrus Korik

A miralukan General with the 487th. He was forced to the planet's surface along with General Mothonel and his padawan.

Character Portrait: Jay Mothonel
Jay Mothonel

"Stuck on this hell hole is really beginning to be a challenge.."

Character Portrait: RC-2439 "Beskar"
RC-2439 "Beskar"

A force to be reckoned with, this loyal Clone Commando will fight to the death to defend his general.

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