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Telekinetic Academy

Telekinetic Academy


Askardia Academy is a school for telekinetically gifted youths. It is a dangerous gift and an evil group seeks recruits for world domination. But some fight against them.

1,910 readers have visited Telekinetic Academy since Aniihya created it.


Askardia Academy is a place for telekinetically gifted youths. These youths stand out by being able to move things with the power of their mind, read the minds of others and similar feats. They are here to learn to control their powers to be safe around normal humans. The academy is a type of boarding school and the students are monitored most of the time so that teachers can make sure they don't do anything dangerous. But there is a dangerous organization that seeks to recruit students of the academy to dominate the world under the rule of the telekinetically gifted. This poses to be a problem as the power the students possess could lead to thinking that they are superior to normal humans. But the teachers and some brave students are up to battle the evil organization.

There are three types of people: Normal humans, the gifted and so called scramble-minds.

Normal humans have no telekinetic powers whatsoever and many do not even know that telekinesis actually exists.

The gifted are humans that have telekinetic powers which can be used to move objects, read minds, heal and other feats. They are normally obligated to have training to successfully control their powers to ensure the safety of others.

Scramble-minds are unnoticed by normal humans but are largely hated by the gifted as scramble minds are unreadable people with little or no telekinetic power or control. Trying to read the mind of a scramble-mind can lead to painful headaches and those who try too long can pass out. Often scramble-minds are dealt with by assassins or people who want to be rid of them as they are seen as a threat to the gifted after one person went comatose and died after trying to read a scramble-mind. Generally scramble-minds do not really pose a threat to the gifted and are mostly harmless.

Subjects: The school subjects are like regular school subjects with addition of Telekinetic control, mindreading, telekinetic safety, manipulation of objects, self defense and healing.

Uniforms: The academy has uniforms that are mandatory during normal class hours (8am to 1pm). Girl in a short blue pleated skirt with a white shirt (turtleneck, dress shirt or buttoned high collar) and a blue jacket. Boys have similar just with pants.

Dorm: The dorm is separated into the boys dorm and the girls dorm. Each room has two beds, two desks, a closet and a TV by standard. Under special circumstances a boy can share a room with a girl (such as close relationship or siblings that prefer to stay together). In the first floor of the dorms are the dining halls that offer a breakfast buffet in the morning and a choice of meals during lunch and dinner.

Sports: The academy has a sports track, a soccer field, tennis courts, a gym, a pool and around the area are trails for hiking.

Town: The nearby town is eight minutes by bus or about an hour by foot away. It offers shops and cafes. About half of the population of the town are former students of the academy, so trying anything dangerous will be troublesome there.

Character sheet: (use it to be approved)

Occupation (if student, then write student. Note: Normal humans cannot be enrolled into the school, scramble minds are highly unlikely to be students)
Class (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year)
Skill (For telekinetic people: Pick one area of skill: Object manipulation, healing or mindreading)
Power (the stronger your character is, the more penalty he will have)
Penalty: (such as low endurance or pass out after x amount of time. If your penalty doesnt seem fair enough in comparison to power then I will have it adjusted accordingly)
Majors (pick three schoo subjects)
Alignment (good-evil spectrum and explain how so)

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If your character is powerful then stick to its penalties. There will only be three warnings, if obvious godmoding takes place.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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#, as written by Aniihya
It was morning as Kisa was on her way to the school. Even though many in town knew that she was probably a scramble mind by now, she only got a few mean stares from time to time. On her way from her home to the school, she crossed a bridge over a small river. She spotted a pebble and focused on the pebble, but it didn't move. Rather the ground felt like it could be vibrating but then finally she manage to pick up the people with her power and launched it a distance over the river with its landing point out of sight.

Kisa continued on to the academy. Where she was greeted by the headmaster. "My, my... You are the first of the staff to arrive in the new school year again. Hopefully we have enough power to move the school back to its original spot." The headmaster said. Mysteriously, the school had moved about 10 centimeters from its original position during last school year. "I will tell any new teachers about your situation and make sure they don't get rude with you. I know its hard for you to find acceptance. But regarding your past, the academy might be the safest place for you right now." The headmaster said. "Why don't you await the first students arriving at the gate while I get things ready." Kisa nodded.

The tall crimson-cerise haired woman in a light blue summer dress and a doctors coat went over to the gate. Another teacher had come. "Good morning, Dardan." Kisa said. The teacher jumped, clearly frightened as if he had been greeted by a ghost. He didn't exactly dislike her but though her to be somewhat creepy as she was unpredictable and he though that Kisas eyes had somewhat of an empty stare. It seemed like a bad omen for him. He tried to read her mind to see if he could get through this time but all he found was a seemingly destructive static, so unbearable that only a couple seconds already gave him a bad headache. "Well, he...hello, Kisa. Nice day isn't it?" The teacher answered. Then Kisa noticed his reaction to the headache and said: "You should go inside otherwise you might end up with heatstroke." She then smiled. The teacher nodded and went in.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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Blue duffel in hand, Hallie stood on the sidewalk where the taxi dropped her off. The town was still half-asleep, only a few bodies heading this way and that, nodding to her a good morning that she ignored. Pushing her white bangs aside, she turned up the volume of her Ipod, a random 30h!3 song blasting into her ears.

Draped over the top of her duffel bag was the laundromat plastic containing her school uniform, two sets of skirts and pants with plenty of shirts. All on hangars and all pressed to perfection. It had come that way, and Hallie refused to wear it.

One passerby noticed the uniform though and stopped at once with a smile. "You're heading to the academy?" she asked, not that Hallie could hear her that well. She was okay at reading lips though, and nodded once with a straight line mouth.

Tugging out one ear bud, she listened as the strange woman with the purple dress directed her to the bus station. "Students ride for free," she said happily. "I didn't think the semester was starting so soon. Are you excited?"

Hallie pasted on an obviously fake smile. Sarcastically she answered, "Totes!" and dragged her bag away, frown pulling her eyebrows down with it.

The bus ride was smelly. Hallie grimaced to the driver, deciding the sour BO mingled with candy canes was coming from him. He took tried to strike up a conversation, but she didn't respond, hazel eyes gazing out to the green trees while random bass beats pumped through the ear buds, the words of whatever singer lost on her as she wondered why she agreed to come here in the first place.

She knew why. She did want to control her "ability," so that she would finally have some peace. But already the area lacked the any sort of interest for her. Quaint little cafes. Friendly people. Free bus rides. It felt like a cookie cutter suburb and it disgusted her.

Reaching the front gate of the school, she inhaled deeply, held it there, glanced around the school, then exhaled. It was large, she would give them that. Probably some sort of extravagant rich man trying to compensate for his lack of personality of style with generous donations to "good cause." Wouldn't surprise her in the least.

At the gate, she dropped her bag and glanced around, seeing only one other person there. She wore a blue dress with a white coat over it. Despite the early hour, the day was already growing hot. Hallie was in a tank top with black capris. This lady was wearing a coat and probably frying.

Hallie remained a good ten feet away, taking another deep breath and focusing on her mind. Recently she had discovered a slight defense to the involuntary triggering of her ability. Even when she didn't mean to, she would absorb others' emotions and take them on as her own. They twisted her thoughts, made her do things she didn't want to do, and if she was going to be manipulated by some faculty member that she didn't know the motives of, she needed every defense she could get.

So, she imagined a wall, or a cage. It changed randomly, but the idea was the same. No one could reach her emotions and she was trapped inside herself so she couldn't reach anyone else's.

Pulling her ear buds out and draping them over her shoulder casually, she asked, "New student. Where do I go?"

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Being cooped up in a car for lord knows how many miles isn't exactly the most enjoyable method of travel for the young man who soars skyward. But then again, he couldn't really argue. His mother forced him to come to the academy. And worst of all, forced him to get escorted by a friend who worked in the private security business. Why his mother did this, he did not know. But the fact that the business she worked with had ties such as this was very unnerving. And if not for the fact this was all happening, he would have believed his mother's workplace was rather impressive.

A low grown was heard from the backseat of the vehicle, the driver merely chuckling to himself and taking a peek at the rear view mirror. Tom was running both hands through the brown jungle that was what passed for a hairstyle for him, his fingers messing slightly with the spikes he had right in the front, before his fingers slid down across his face in agonizing boredom. His breathing was at a quick pace, and very much constant, as if the air within the sedan was growing less breathable by the second, the car itself being a brand new model, fresh from the dealer's.

"Tommy, we're almost there. Could you just listen to your music or maybe make sure your things are all in order?"

"Before, or AFTER I have to look at that uniform again? I hate uniforms."

"I think it's great you're gonna get to use those tricks of yours in a safe environment. You oughtta be thank-"

"If training us was such a big deal, why the emphasis on following all this 'academy' procedure? It's so snobby and BOOOORING. I wish I were joining Charles Xavier's School For The Gifted or something. Now there's a school I could deal with."

"You should stop reading X-Men."

"Okay okay. I'll just check out some of my Green Lantern Corps."

"That's a step up. You can open the window if you want…"


The town was the most horrific thing he'd seen in ages. Gotham City had just met its suburban equivalent. Silent Hill was just a foggy hole. It was simply the dreariest, most boring place he'd ever laid his eyes upon. The designs were so simple, and the stores so plain. And you could literally find, quoting Tom, 'A freaking cafe on every street!'

"I hear the entire town used to go to your new school."

"Oh boy. I'm among a dozen other people, a chunk of which who'll have powers like me. I feel special."

"Hey. It ain't gonna be that bad. I mean, you can FLY. And you got those shields! You'll be faster than the rest, and you can take all the punishment in the world, and still stand tall. Your mom would be proud to know you showed these guys who the top telepath is."

And now, that was just where Tom had to stop and consider just how meaningful the man was being now. Tom could tell that if he himself were better off without the academy, they'd have turned tail and headed for the nearest state to hide from Mrs. Long.

"Thanks Uncle Jim. Wish me luck."


Tom climbed out of the car, and found himself walking towards the gates. Up ahead were two young women…

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#, as written by Aniihya
As Kisa waited in front of the gate, a girl came up to her asking where she should go since she is a new student. Right after, another student came. "Well new students should go to the auditorium for the welcoming ceremony. They will then be shown to their dorm rooms. By the way, I am Dr. Kisa Asono. I am what normal schools would call the school nurse while I am actually a doctor and rather the academy's own doctor, eliminating the need for students to go see a doctor in town." Kisa said in a sweet voice. The way she talked normally gave people goosebumps. All in all, even though people often thought that there was more to her, she was overall a friendly person.

"The school auditorium is the large separate building between the academy and the gym." Kisa explained. "Who might you two be?"

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Tom nearly jumped out of his skin when Kisa began talking. He should have believed that she was only talking to the girl up ahead, but rather had the strangest vibes coming onto him that she was trying to include him. Lo and behold, these fears would only be furthered when she spoke the last part of, "Who might you two be?"

He began to take that into heavy consideration. The fact that she said 'two.' Or maybe his ears were ringing? After all. The human rocket was often bolting through the skies above where all of his olfactory senses would fall into ecstasy and wild storms of intense feeling. Upon further listening, apparently this woman was the school nurse. And then she added on the fact that she was actually a fully trained doctor, despite the fact he was not prepared to trust his life in her hands. He had a doctor back home who was used to seeing him breaking a bone or two whenever his tactile telekinesis acted up. And even that fellow had to wait quite some time before the boy even allowed him an inspection. from 10 feet away.

"…Well, Doc." Spoke up Tom, who was quickly growing accustomed to what he considered the 'cutesy' nature of one of their apparent caregivers. "Name's Thomas Long. Tom's fine, don't call me Tommy, EVER, and I promise I'll not need you to spare a bead of sweat on my health, because I take great care of myself. Mmmkay?… That works."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono Character Portrait: Dexter Wake Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: Thomas Long
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Dexter Wake

"It's so...Dull here, I don't mean to be rude but Well there's nothing Flashy or Abstract here to give it that sort of Major difference" Dexter Said out loud to the Taxi driver. "I understand what you mean, It's missing that Inspirational Umpfh" The driver responded back while Dexter Looked for something Special or majorly Different, He couldn't find Anything. "Is that the School?" Dexter Asked grinning. "Oh yes thank you, the streets all seem so alike that you learn not to go by the looks, But by Memorization of the Path you take." The driver Made a Smooth but quick turn onto the Schools street. "It's Um...Pretty big." The driver only chuckled and said the first Taxi rides free.

Dexter saw Two students and what looked like a Nurse, At the front gate of the school as the Taxi pulled off to the side a little farther back than expected and what looked like to try and stay out of sight. "Thank you" Dexter said As he Retrieved his Stuff from the Trunk and started off towards the School.
"The school auditorium is the large separate building between the academy and the gym." Dexter Overheard As he was walked up "Who might you two be?" Dexter decided it was better to hang back a second and just listen in. So Dexter Leaned up against the Wall the Gate was Connected to and waited patiently for their Conversation to end Or Dexter to be noticed. It really didn't matter to Dexter.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono Character Portrait: Dexter Wake Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: Thomas Long
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Thomas Long introduced himself just as another boy had arrived, staying back a bit out of politeness it seemed. Hallie rolled her eyes, tucking one arm under her straight one holding her duffel bag. "Hallie," she said simply, puffing out a breath so her flyaway white hairs would stop tickling her nose. She pointed to the gate. "Auditorium. Got it." Starting forward, she kept a grim frown, wanting to be away from so many people. While the nurse wasn't giving off any true signs of emotional wavelength, which confused Hallie to no end, the other two boys were.

She wondered why the nurse, Kisa, wasn't giving her anything. Granted, it was a nice change, but unnerving as well. Although her ability activated involuntarily, it was still a constant thing that she thought she could rely on. Back a bit cold, she noticed the separated building that Kisa had pointed out and started straight for it.

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#, as written by Aniihya
Kisa's smile twitched somewhat as the boy came across a bit rude. "Everyone gets sick sometime. That is why I am here." Kisa said. She tilted her head and let out a slight giggle. It somehow seemed fake. Her general outlook was to stay friendly and all cutesy around people, but around gook friends she seemed more like a cheery and optimistic tomboy, constantly drinking and stuff.

Kisa noticed another leaning against the wall and said: "Now who might you be? You might have heared my introduction and where to go, but should I repeat? Well to be honest I was never really a student of this school and only attended a summer seminar here since I am fairly weak with my power." Kisa then concentrated on a pen in her coat. It seemed hard for her, but she didn't even notice the dust picking up around her nor the near silent grumbling of the ground. Finally she got the pen out of the pocket into her hand.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono Character Portrait: Dexter Wake Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: Thomas Long
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"Dexter Wake and No I don't think you should Have to repeat yourself after Just saying it" Dexter Said as He bounced off the Wall picking his Stuff up off the Ground with his Left hand when he Felt the Ground Slightly Shake. "Weak.... It's what one Defines someone who Hasn't Trained and Pushed their self to their limits. Your power can be Like a Muscle... You can Control it and Push it, But to really Find out what it can do you have to push it past it's limits and Damage it Slightly so it can Repair itself to be Stronger." Dexter Said Calmly. "That's what they Told me back home Before that School Closed" Dexter Grinned Lightly at Kisa seeing that the Pen that was in her Pocket was now in her Hand. "I'm sorry, But I didn't Hear you say your name" Dexter Seemed to be asking for her Name. He Was easily Analyzing everyone he Could See though, Including The girl who had just left for the Auditorium Creating small profile like Notes on them.

Dexter's Eyes Finally returned back to Kisa's eyes that seemed Foggy and Hazy but...Those seemed to Just her Eyes.

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#, as written by Aniihya
(OOC: I was wondering if the others who had signed up would post.)

"My name is Kisa Asono. I have tried for years to be able to control my power but it only works with an amount of focus that I hardly can get." Kisa said and smiled. "Well we have about half an hour until the opening ceremony starts. Why don't you go to the auditorium." Luckily no student was aggressive or anything and the whole past year had been find as there hadn't been any "incidents". Though she had a bad feeling about this year since it had been calm for too long.

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Character Portrait: Kisa Asono Character Portrait: Dexter Wake
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"My name is Kisa Asono. I have tried for years to be able to control my power but it only works with an amount of focus that I hardly can get." Dexter Was confused but didn't ask. "Well we have about half an hour until the opening ceremony starts. Why don't you go to the auditorium." "Okay, Between the Academy and The Gym right?" Dexter Started off on his way Grinning over his Shoulder into a Spin and a Backwards walk "It's a Pleasure to Meet you Kisa, Catch ya Later!" He said turning back around Slipping his arm through one of the Straps onto his Shoulder.
"I've got Thirty Minutes to Kill..Really Wish I had a Bey-blade Right now" He said Pulling a Spin top out of his Pocket tossing it towards the Ground Controlling it until he reached the Auditorium. Auditorium Doors He popped the Spin Top off the Ground, into his hand and back into his pocket. Once he pushed the door open Dexter saw a Mass of People some Showing off others Just passing the time. After looking around for a Minute he saw a Spot right beside the Main door."This'll be fun." he Thought Leaning up against the Wall with his foot extended a little more to the Left so if anyone kicked the door open it would bounce back at them.

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#, as written by Aniihya
Kisa went inside when she found it was the right time for it, she went inside to the auditorium to wait for the room to fill. Just a couple more minutes until it would be time for the ceremony. She was highly anticipated to see what talents there would be this year. Particular people, including the principal had their eyes on her. She had a bad feeling about incidents though because there were rumors that evil powers were out to find new recruits. She didn't think she could do much about it but there might be plenty at the academy who could prove to be powerful in defense.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono
Character Portrait: Acero
Character Portrait: Dexter Wake
Character Portrait: Hallie Green
Character Portrait: Gregor Tulerin
Character Portrait: Kristi Ferguson


Character Portrait: Gregor Tulerin
Gregor Tulerin

"Sounds good, but why do you need me again?"

Character Portrait: Hallie Green
Hallie Green

Just walk away.

Character Portrait: Dexter Wake
Dexter Wake

"I'm here to Better Myself"

Character Portrait: Acero

"Shut up. Too loud.."

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono
Kisa Asono

Lets see whats wrong.


Character Portrait: Hallie Green
Hallie Green

Just walk away.

Character Portrait: Dexter Wake
Dexter Wake

"I'm here to Better Myself"

Character Portrait: Gregor Tulerin
Gregor Tulerin

"Sounds good, but why do you need me again?"

Character Portrait: Acero

"Shut up. Too loud.."

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono
Kisa Asono

Lets see whats wrong.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gregor Tulerin
Gregor Tulerin

"Sounds good, but why do you need me again?"

Character Portrait: Dexter Wake
Dexter Wake

"I'm here to Better Myself"

Character Portrait: Kisa Asono
Kisa Asono

Lets see whats wrong.

Character Portrait: Acero

"Shut up. Too loud.."

Character Portrait: Hallie Green
Hallie Green

Just walk away.

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Re: Telekinetic Academy

can we get this back up and going?

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I have submitted Gregor for your approval. Let me know if there are any changes you want me to make.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Hmm okay. I must have missed that part then sorry :(
I will probably make him a scrambler still just for the sheer fun of it if that is okay. So he will make up his lack of powers through more normal way.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I've been debating with myself whether or not to make Gregor into a teacher... I'm not sure... What do you guys think?

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I will have Gregor up later today. I promise.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

As I wrote, scramble-minds (not mind scramblers) have normally have little to no power. So if one is a student then probably a total loser at powers.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

yea we can start already. I will make a startin post

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Could a mind scrambler have powers and be a student if such i would like to make my character one.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

So, when shall we begin?

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I got a book on Japanese characters and know a small bit of Japanese myself.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

@Aniihya ~ hehe, how did you know what my name meant? :3

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I'll have my character submitted tomorrow evening. He will be pretty powerful, but his penalties should be significantly proportionate to his power. If they aren't when I submit him, tell me and I'll try to adjust him.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Alright, Acero is done. Hopefully he is alright, and because of the lack of the "norms" ill be making a few more characters.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Little Miss Sunshine: You just need to add Personality and Background.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

A character with very little power might have little or no power penalty, while very powerful characters will have massive downsides.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Cha, what exactly do you have in mind with a 40k Psyker? Was there a specific trait or ability they possessed you wanted to use? And just a quick question, aren't 40k style Psionic/Psychic powers pretty intense?

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Exactly. Psykers are not benders or saiyans, they are exactly what you want, granted certain fanon psykers can become Mary-Sues if not handled correctly, but when it comes to canon psykers their power levels can vary greatly from rudimentary psykers like Gregor Eisenhorn(Though this does not stop him from being a badass) to powerful, Gamma-class Psykers like Gideon Ravenor. They have great mind battles with other psykers. My main question I guess, is how varied are the powers going to be?

Re: Telekinetic Academy

Warhammer 40k type character? Not really. It is telekinesis not uber-element bending or saiyan type stuff either. Psychics and telekinesis. And people you don't have the need to reserve a spot since I have nowhere mentioned a limited amount of character slots.

Re: Telekinetic Academy

I would like to make a Warhammer 40,000 type psyker character, would that work?