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The Digital World of Oz

The Digital World of Oz


In a world ruled by technology and science, a special little microchip can make a land of magic.

3,735 readers have visited The Digital World of Oz since TheLastHunter created it.


In a city called Gigatesque, where technology and knowledge reign, there's is a rumor. It seems that there is a new microchip implant called "WIZARD".
This chip allow its user to be transported to a digital revolution called OZ. OZ is a digitally created world, full of knights, dragons and magic. When 6 teens,3 guys and three girls venture into OZ and are trapped in it, how will the cope being away from the modern world?

Boy 1: (Darkest) Samantha Hearinger
Girl 1: (Me) Mozaik Role
Boy 2:(CherrySwirl) Aro Mason
Girl 2: (never_ever)
Boy 3:
Girl 3: (Maci-Care) Kendra Kay

Humans: Am I really going to explain this one...?
Demons: Usually seen as humans with animal features, they wield elemental magic. The most common type is a Nekos.
Mata: A special type of demon. They were house pets that were abandoned and left to die. In revenge, they became Matas and gained immortal life (And human bodies).
Sirens: A mermaid-like creature. They're normally female but there are a few male. They use their voices as weapons.
Fairies: Not the little ones from Tinkerbell, nope! We're talking full sized, bug-winged, elf eared humans.
Pixies: Like Fairies but worse. So so much worse...
Elves: Again, is an explaination needed...?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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#, as written by Darkest
"Great, now she's gonna get out faster," Sam said, grabbing Cherry's arm and pulling her away. "Earth's Embrace is a healing spell. It takes two minutes and fully recovers you, if left alone. Otherwise, it gives you boosted attack and defense and takes about thrity seconds." Sam stumbled over a branch, but he kept going. "It should wear off in about three minutes. Until then, perhaps we should run. Or... wait." He stopped for just a second and threw a Quick Burn spell at the trees around the clearing. At best, there'd be a forest fire. At worst, the smoke would give them some cover. "Alright, let's go!" Sam set off again.


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Aro's mana was drained. His new class gave him incredible abilities, but drained his entire MP bar quickly. He'd been a rogue for so long all he ever focused on was his speed stats. His magic stats were lacking major. Maybe he'd chosen the wrong class. The three basilisk that were left were closing in on him. They'd cornered him like a rat. Then he remembered his weapon. Cherry combined it with the programming Mods used to get rid of hackers. The basilisk were hacks, Aro was sure. He knew what to do.

His hand had barely touched the sickles hilt when one of the large snakes lunged at him with bared fangs, he flipped out of the way landing on it's back. He slipped his weapon it's and slung the chain around the creature's neck. He yanked back on the chain hard, choking the creature turning it into his stead. Simultaneously the others launched forward, hissing. One sunk it's teeth into the one Aro captured. Aro jerked on the chain to dodge the second's attack. It was successful. Suddenly, he found himself hopping around like a cowboy riding a bull. The Serpent he was on top of and the serpent that bit it were now in grudge match wrapping around one another, sinking their fangs into each other.

Without warning Aro was thrown off tumbling into the dirt. When he looked up, he saw Jacob dashing around. There was a little brown blur under his arm. He'd retrieved Moza. Pent then came into view on the opposite side. Quickly, Aro jumped to his feet, swinging his sickle and chain over head he let it fly overhead where it wrapped around Pent's body causing him to slam backward against the forest floor. Aro moved his arms strategically wrapping the chain around his arm and tugging, drawing Pent closer to him. The villain hissed and an army of snakes slithered from his hair towards Aro. At the exact same time, one of the basilisk had finally eliminated the other and now it and it's remaining brother locked onto the young warrior.


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Death Cherry

"I know!" Cherry replied being dragged away. "My class is specially for close combat. Dodging and landing hit's is my specialty. If she's weakened then it'll be easier to beat her." Cherry tore away from Sam in mid run heading back towards the fight."Find Aro and Jacob! I'll hold her until you guys get back!" Cherry dove into the flames ignited by the demon. She was surrounded by the orange glow of embers that crawled across the tall trees and engulfed their bushes of leaves. "I'm over here!" She called. "I'm over-" She felt an immense force crash against her spine and was thrown threw the air, snapping branches and skidding into the mud. "That wasn't supposed to happen..."

With the flames at her back Cherry's adversary stepped into view. "Next time you crash into my back like that..." Cherry started picking herself up. "I'm going to beat the hell out of you." She planted her enormous scythe into the ground like a hellish Excalibur then threw up her fist assuming a fighting stance.


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#, as written by Darkest
Sam was annoyed at Cherry's insistence to fight. He couldn't see any point to fighting an enhanced opponent. The new girl would probably hardly pause at Death Cherry's attacks. Even knowing this, Sam left her. Taking to the sky would be dangerous, but there was no other way to find Aro, not knowing where the others might have gone after Sam left.

In the air, he could see his fire blazing. It was like a strange arena surrounding Cherry and the demon girl. He could tell that it would soon be to hot to pass through, but he had no way of telling Cherry that she had to hurry up and leave. Hopefully he could get to Aro, and hopefully Kelpy, and back before Cherry died.

Once he tore his eyes away from the fire, it was easy to find Aro riding a random basilisk. Sam almost laughed at the ridiculous scene. He swooped down and kicked one of the two remaining basilisks in the head. A quick whistle brought over Kelpy to start wrestling with the other. "Plans, ideas, thoughts on the meaning of life?" Sam asked jokingly. While basilisks were no pushover, they certainly didn't compare to a Demon Dog Overlord.


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Death Cherry

Cherry ducked and cartwheeled backwards as the demon hacker spun forward with a spiral kick. Landing on one knew, cherry threw up her arms, crossing her wrist blocking the kick as it landed kicking up dust around them. Moments before Cherry activated her passive skill which slowly increased her agility and hit rate by the sacrifice of half her maximum health. It was working the two warriors were nearly on par, but the girl's hacks helped her keep the advantage over Cherry.

In an instant cherry uncrossed her wrists and grabbed the girl's ankle with her hand, but her movement were still slow, in fraction lesser than the amount of time Cherry unfolded her hands, the hackers other foot was about to slam against Cherry's fast. Cherry went rolling after the hit landed clean. She bounced up and caught both the girl's fist as she appeared right before her. Cherry lifted up her leg kneeing the girl in the belly cracking her armor. Cherry grinned.


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Aro smiled which was rare. "Nice to see you're alive." Aro chuckled happy to see that Sam had returned. "Anti-hack streams emanating from my weapon are killing the snakes that keep falling from his body, but he's still fighting hard. Use some kind of spell to bind him, before I lose my grip." He said through clenched teeth.


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#, as written by Darkest
"I don't have any binding spells! You're the one with the scrolls," Sam replied. "Oh! Hang on, I got this." He jumped into the air and landed behind Pent's back. "Web of Fire!" he yelled, and slammed his hands onto the villian's skin. Fire shot away from his hands and gripped the Pent. It wasn't a solid barrer so much as a painful encouragement not to move. The snakes whipped in anger, but screeched and stilled as the fire scorched them. Sam spoke conversationally to Aro, "This good?"


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#, as written by Darkest
Jacob panted, exhausted from carrying Moza around. He set her down under a log and covered her with some leaves. The job wasn't great, but it was good enough for a temporary solution. Jacob jogged back to the clearing. He almost gagged on the smell of burning snake. After blinking the tears from his eyes, he took in the situation quickly, most notably the two lage basilisks eyeing Aro like lunch.

Jacob slipped back into the treeline and went around the clearing until he was behind the snakes. He drew Ayumu Daiki and crept up behind the beasts. He heard Kelpy give a screech of pain from his right, but since it was fast followed by a similar cry from the basilisk, he ignored it. Once he was between the two creatues' heads, he swung Ayumu, cleanly slicing one's head off. He continued the motion up into the other one's throat. It made a deep gash, but the scales had prevented Jacob from killing it. He hurredly tugged out his sword and jumped behind the body of the dead basilisk for cover. Its previous prey forgotten, the basilisk roared and lunged at Jacob.


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"That's perfect!" Aro replied to Sam. "Nice job." Drawing his weapon back from their new prisoner, Aro's attention flew to Jacob fighting the the basilisk on his own. Using a small bit of his replenished mana he let fly a shooting spark which hit the the over grown snake dead on. It froze in place stunned, but only for a few moment. Aro gasped intensely. He was spent and exhausted. Even though Cherry had helped them power level a bit, If this was his limit, then he'd have to come up with a strategy to take on Thor.

Then he realized something. he looked over. Sam was here...but no Cherry. He suddenly caught the whiff of ash in the. "Where's Cherry?" He asked Sam, neglecting to hide the hint of concern in his voice. Before Sam could respond he summoned his crimson Pegasus and rode off into the sky. From above it was plain as day. Whisps of smoke and flame was growing and spreading, consuming the forest in each passing second. he kicked the sides of the his mount and together they descended.


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Cherry cried out in pain. The hacker gained the upper hand pinning Cherry's arms behind her back and digging the heel of her boot into the back of Cherry's leg. the hacker continued to stay silent as she slowly twisted Cherry's arms causing excruciating pain. The hacker was quietly enjoying herself, savoring every moment. then suddenly, Cherry was released and she fell to the forest floor. Pulling herself upright, she looked up in time to see Aro dismounting from his winged horse. She looked over and the Hacker was nowhere in sight.

"She must not have liked the idea of a 2 on 1 fight." Aro said, pulling Cherry to her feet. "Good thing she didn't know I was running on Empty."

"Aro..." Cherry started, finding it hard to look him directly in the eye. "I uh...than-"

"We got one of them." he interupted. "One of Thor's hackers tried to take Moza and we caught him." He turned to lock eyes with her, which was a little odd considering his obvious lack of height in the game mod's presence. "We should hurry back. We shouldn't give them the chance to catch us off guard again."

"Yeah," Cherry choked out. her eyes locked on the enclosing blaze. "Let's go." She got onto Aro's mount and together they flew off to reunite with their companions.


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#, as written by Darkest
Jacob barely had time to thank Aro for the momentary reprieve before he had to resume his battle. He was tired, so he went for a cheap move. He let the snake come at him and gave it a slag to the eyes. A real snake wouldn't have been killed, but as a simple bunch of data, this thing's life was spent. It fell to the ground, dead. Jacob wandered over to Sam and his prisoner, examining the massacre. "So, Sam, were you just planning to stand there all day?" Jacob grinned peevishly.


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#, as written by Darkest
"That appears to be so, since Aro left me here," Sam said, pretending to be irritated. "Capture the prisoner for me, Sam! Oh, that won't hold forever? Well, I'll just gala ant off to be Cherry's knight in oh so shiny armor!" Sam gave Aro a high, girlish voice. He grinned. Nothing like a battle to ease some tension.

"I was thinking we should just give him a knock on the head. Does that sound good, Pent?" Sam smirked at the prisoner.

"You'll regret capturing me!" Pent hissed.

"Doubtful." Kelpy and Windstep had finished up their skirmish, and both gave sounds of encouragement as they came over.


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-Death Cherry

Cherry along with Aro dismounted from the crimson pegasus. She walked over to where Jacob and Sam were, nodded at them and went after the captured villain who continued to lay on the ground. Cherry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, staring him fiercely in the eyes. "You work for, Thor, correct?"

"Maybe, maybe not? Who wants to know?" The serpent master quipped.

"Death Cherry of the Skull Brigade and Moderator of OZ." She snapped. "Now, answer my questions or we'll see what happens to you when you really die in OZ?" Pents shoulder slunk and spat on the ground.

"What do you want to know?" Pent offered.

"You're a hacker too, right? Like Thor?"

" His hacking lacks a certain grace compared to mine, but what of it?"

Cherry stepped back and motioned to Moza. "Can you undo the bug that was put in her code?"

Pent's eyes lit up. "Oh no...That's Thor's doing, I wouldn't dare-"

"Can you?!" Cherry urged.

"Pent's mouth folded into disdainful frown. "Thor would have my head on a platter if I tampered with one of his bugs." he muttered.

"And we'll be the ones to mail it to him if you don't." Aro stepped in.

Pent rolled his eyes. "I can remove it...but Thor would kill me. If I do this for you. You better let me go."

"We promise." Cherry placed a fist over her heart.

"FIne." Pent spoke from his cage of fire. "Bring her to me."

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OZ by RolePlayGateway

A digital world of magic and war.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mozaik Role
Character Portrait: Jacob Craftsmen
Character Portrait: Samantha Hearinger
Character Portrait: Aro Mason
Character Portrait: William


Character Portrait: William

I am the h@ck3r, my lovelys

Character Portrait: Aro Mason
Aro Mason

If you want it, take it. Screw everyone else.

Character Portrait: Samantha Hearinger
Samantha Hearinger

You need 20 grand? No problem.

Character Portrait: Jacob Craftsmen
Jacob Craftsmen

We can all just play nice and be friends, right?

Character Portrait: Mozaik Role
Mozaik Role

"Um... Rawr..?"


Character Portrait: Aro Mason
Aro Mason

If you want it, take it. Screw everyone else.

Character Portrait: Jacob Craftsmen
Jacob Craftsmen

We can all just play nice and be friends, right?

Character Portrait: Mozaik Role
Mozaik Role

"Um... Rawr..?"

Character Portrait: William

I am the h@ck3r, my lovelys

Character Portrait: Samantha Hearinger
Samantha Hearinger

You need 20 grand? No problem.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aro Mason
Aro Mason

If you want it, take it. Screw everyone else.

Character Portrait: William

I am the h@ck3r, my lovelys

Character Portrait: Jacob Craftsmen
Jacob Craftsmen

We can all just play nice and be friends, right?

Character Portrait: Mozaik Role
Mozaik Role

"Um... Rawr..?"

Character Portrait: Samantha Hearinger
Samantha Hearinger

You need 20 grand? No problem.

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OZ by RolePlayGateway

A digital world of magic and war.

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Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

lol, how'd Death point at Moz? She's buried under some leaves in the woods. For that matter, how'd Pent see her? Super hacker/mod abilities we didn't know about?

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

There's a new format? Cool! I haven't been on much lately. Sorry to hear about your mom :(

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

I'm so SORRY! My mom's still in the hospital and I haven't really had any computer access. I'm not fully back yet, but i should be able to get a post in every couple of days.

I can't give up on this RP. We're so close to the end! :3

I'm still up to do a sequel if you are. I'm dying to try out the Sites new format.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Gak! PM me next time! I thought this was gone and done for. Thanks for posting :D

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

i edited by the way LOL I'm so sorry about this. i though i replied a long time ago.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Sorry, perhaps I didn't state it clearly enough: "Aro's fight now fell neatly between Jacob and the kidnapper." That doesn't sound like Pent was right behind Jacob as he raced through the clearing that he "arched around" :) Continuity and all that.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

This RP is full of cliches. At least this one makes sense. =/

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Hmm, let me think... Main female gets taken by bad guy and suddenly male leads are super powerful, united, and motivated. you don't see the cliche?

My horrible History project due date is waaay too close. I'll post something awesome and overly dramatic tomorrow XD

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Wait...whats such a cliche?lol

I wouldn't exactly call Aro gay. He just has an aversion to girls because he finds them to be more irritating than everyone else. It's in his character sheet. but now...I want to make him gay. lol Nah, I was trying to start something between him and Cherry.(All the girls in this Rp are all loud and a bit obnoxious. just realized that. xD) Actually, idk. I'll just leave it up in the air.

Pent took Moz, he's just using the basilisksssssss as a distraction. He's running through the forest with her arm. I meant to have Aro make an opening for Jacob to get through them and go for Mozaik, but I was sleepy. xP lol

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Lol, such a cliche.

Aro: not emotionally involved with someone... Especially girls!?
My first thought was, 'wait, he's not straight?'... Then I realized... Lol

What happened to Moz? Just so I know.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

It's ok. it worked out. Every group needs a falling out at least once or they're not an official group of heroes. lol

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

It's fine, since Sam'll be back soon. Sorry about making him leave, but that really seemed like the only reaction he could have :(

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Oh crap!!! I always thought of him as a raven, but when I started writing it for some reason.I thought he was a crow. This is going to be pretty explosive. lol

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Yeah, then Aro calls Sam a crow D:< Sam is raven demon, thank you very much. You shall all pay. Bwahahahaha mlol

*Ahem* Yeah, Sam is not a happy boy right now.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

LOL I knew that would get you a little fired up. xD

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Alright. One of them could mention that forming a guild would give them a few perks, like talking when they were out of sight/hearing range.

Arrgg! Even though it's just a character making the mistake, it annoys me to no end when people think Sam is in love with Moza. He is in love with someone else! Every time he gets into one of his dark moods it's because he was thinking about the girl in the real world who doesn't know where he's been. Well, I'll soon correct Cherry. *insane grin*

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Oh i forgot I had nicknamed him that. LOL
Well, both in the game and that we call them. Like they form their own guild with Aro, Jacob, Moza and Sam. I just hate not having anything to call a group of chars you kno? Just calling them 'the group' just seems really generic to me. When something has a name it just feels more authentic to me.

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

What do you mean? Like, we OOC call our chars that, or like in game?

And Lol, Guildless? Trying to name us after Aro?

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

I love RP sequels. That would be AWESOME!!

And i completely agree!

But you really throught out an interesting idea when you made that suggestion for an AI being a minion. ^^

EDIT: We should come up with a name for our group of characters like 'Guildless' or 'GrandChase' or 'ChronoSaga'. What do you think? Got any suggestions?

Re: [OOC] The Digital World of Oz

Yeah, the end is near. Maybe a sequel late :D

We can finish this then fight the minions, get one to fix Moza, then go kill Thor or turn him good or whatever. I think we should both make a minion and then share Moz.