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The Dresdenverse: Our Story

The Dresdenverse: Our Story


Enter a world full of Wizards, Faeries, Vampires, Demons and all other manner of creatures from the spooky side of life. Join the fight on the streets of San Francisco against a tide of spooks for the fate of the city alongside a Motley crew of the Occult

1,229 readers have visited The Dresdenverse: Our Story since Sneakyrio created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


(Note: This is predominately based off of the Dresden Files, though I have changed some things to a certain degree so character creation is more fun and a little less restricted.)



Ah, San Francisco, The City of Lights. This city has a reputation for being "Progressive". A city supposedly filled with like minded thinkers and people above the oh so drab "Norm". A unique, sparkling diamond in the rough. This belief stems from the fact that this city is for the young. 40% of San Francisco's population is between the ages of 18 and 32. Another 20% is below the age of 18. 60% of the city is in there youth, and as one of the youth myself, we believe we know everything there is to know about anything. But, you know the truth behind that bullshit. You know whats really out there. You know, that the things that go bump in the night, are not flights of fancy. You know that their are things out there that will suck your blood, steal your soul, or rip your face off as soon as they get you alone. It's a scary world out there, and the worlds most progressive city of know it all's haven't got a clue.

Though, it is because of this fact that this city makes a perfect hiding place for someone like me. See, the creatures of the "Old World" tend to be very bad at adapting`to the ever changing style of the modern day. That style is displayed nowhere better than old San Fran. Sure their are some creepy crawlies about. Some ghosts like to hang around Golden Gate Park, Creatures who are none to fond of the sun hide in the Tunnels under Chinatown, and the whole city is rotten with the Little Folk. Though, in truth, this city is sort of the last frontier for the Wyld and the Weird to invade. That is, up until about a year ago. They came in droves, the city none the wiser. The White Court. They set up clubs all over town to draw in the youth of the city and enslave them to their own desires. The most prominent of these trendy new clubs is called "Indulge". All the Houses are here, Skavis, Malvora and even Raith. They seemed to have taken over the city in just a few months.....without killing a single person. The White Court are good like that. I wouldn't mind so much, except now that the Whites took an interest in my town, it peaked the attention of several other Factions of the Supernatural. Now the city is swarmed with badies, feeding off the power of the young, and I feel like I'm the only one who can do anything about it!

Now, your probably wondering who I am and how you come into play in all of this, am I right? Well, my name is Jude Goodfellow Briars, and I'm...........a Faerie. Go ahead, laugh it up! Have a good chuckle, no skin off my bones.....jerk. That is to say, I'm half Faerie. I'm something people in the know call a Changeling. Only, I'm not your typical Changeling. Normally, they have to choose between being mortal or Fae.. I seem to be firmly stuck in the middle no matter what I do. See my dad, the faerie, wasn't a normal faerie. In fact, the way I hear it, he is one of the most feared of the Fae and that even Mab and Titania are cautious of him. See, Faeries don't have the power of choice like we mortals do, but my dad, he did. He passed that along to me, and because of this, The Faeries, sort of, want me. But, my dad is a Wyldfae, doesn't belong to Winter or Summer, (the two Faerie Courts if you didn't know), so they have no claim over me, though that hasn't stopped them from trying. My dad's got a lot of names and is throughout ancient and modern literature. Now, I know his real name, though you probably wouldn't recognize it, but most people know him as Puck. He's one of the big Four in Faerie, it's him, Mab, Titania and the Erlking. So yeah, feel like laughing now?........screw you guys.

So that's me, Jude the Faerie kid. Apparent obligated protector of the City of Lights. Though, I may not be entirely alone. That's where you guys come in. You guys are all the other people in the city who are in the know or clued in. Maybe you just got here or maybe you lived your whole life here. You guys might be practitioners or shape shifters or Scions or Emissaries or Vampires or Wizards or whatever. It doesn't matter to me, as long as your here to help. Now, I know I made it sound like The White Court are the main problem, and don't get me wrong they are a big one, but there are a lot of other groups out there who want this prime hunting ground. We've got the Faerie courts(Gulp), these weird Sea things called the Fomor, The Outfit moving in(Y'know, the mob), Demon worshipping cults, Rogue Warlocks, you name it, we've got it. The city is starting to bend under the new pressure of all these monsters, and so am I. But, why am I still flapping my gums, this is Our Story. So let's tell it together...


Playable Races

Pure Human: Your just a Vanilla mortal. No special powers or ancient birthrights. Just a person in San Francisco who's in the know about the Occult. Maybe your a Black Cat Cop, trying to convince your chief that those bodies found at the scene were definitely not human. Maybe your a gangster or mercenary hired as muscle for some Supernaturals who need a human about who knows how things work. Or maybe your just a regular shmo with some basic training, just trying to stay behind your threshold long enough to not get your throat ripped out.

Changeling:(Hey! That's me!) One of your parents were human, the other a Faerie. Changelings are born with already slight physical aspects of their Fae parent. Like Trollborn having heightened strength and Redcapborn having heightened speed, things like that. Though, you can also tap into the supernatural abilities of your Fae parents species. This uses up the energy that supports the barrier between your Human half and your Fae half. The more you use your powers, the more like the Faerie you'll become. Eventually, yit gets to the point where you must make The Choice, Faerie or Human. No takebacks.(I never actually get to make this choice, my father made it for me with his power. So I can use my Sidhe powers all I like, though I have one hell of a downside.) If you are a Changeling, then you either in the care of either Winter or Summer, whichever your parent was. They have the right to call upon you to do their bidding if they wish, and it's not in your best interest to turn them down. Certain species belong to certain Seasons, if you don't know, just pm me. Also, if your not sure what constitutes as a Faerie or not, also, pm me. Pretty much just think of anything you'd find in a Brothers Grimm tale or a story from the Black Forest.

Scion: A Scion is someone who is half human and half anything else that isn't a Faerie(a creature of the NeverNever). Like part Demon or dragon or any other creature from mythology. This also covers Demi-Gods. Yes, every God from Every Pantheon is available. Except for God, Johova or Alla, because they don't seem to sleep around, like at all. Usually, a Scion is grotesque and deformed from such an odd union. Though, on rare occasions, they can look just like any other person. The way this one goes, the more deformed and messed up they look, the more power they get. If you look like any old shmo, you get a total of three powers that you believe have something to do with your immortal parent, I don't really care what, but they can't be groundshakingly powerful. The more degrees of Ick factor, the more powers. Now you don't have to look like Quasimodo, but something about that offsets you from a normal looking person. One thing they all share in common is heightened senses, heightened physical abilities and you don't age. When you hit your prime, you stay in it. You can live hundreds of years, maybe forever. Oh, the Devil is off limits too.

Shapeshifters: Also known as Were-Forms. These are people who have been taught the ability to shape shift into an animal of their choosing. Well, it has to be the animal that your teacher can do, because it's different for every person. You have to be born with the gift of having a Lucid Soul, rather rare now a days. While the person is in their Were form, they still have the mind of a human, so they have to learn how to act like their animal, but soon it becomes second nature. Now whatever animal you turn into, is sort of a suped up version of it. You'll be stronger and faster than any other normal animal of the same species. Also, you'll have an immunity to Evocation magic. Big boom stuff like fireballs and lightning bolts will just wash over you like water on a rock, only while in you animal form though. Also, when you shift, your clothes do not come with, when you shift back, you will be naked, so try to wear loose clothing.

Focused Practitioner: This is what we call in the biz a "Specialist" They aren't very versatile when it comes to magic, but when it comes to their own special flavor of magic, LOOK OUT! These are where you would find your Mancers, excluding Necromancers, they special. Ectomancers, Kinetomancers, Auriemancers, Psychomancers and so on. Not versatile enough to be a Wizard, but still plenty handy in a fight.

Minor Talent: These are people who can't even be called mancers or anything else but what they are named here. They are pretty much just human, but they have a special Talent they received through magic. This can be Cassandra's Tears(See the future while having seizures) being able to read peoples thoughts and emotions or maybe having telescopic vision. Whatever your talent may be, it's subtle and isn't combat oriented. Though, it may be just as or possibly even more useful than others with big boom powers.

Mantle Wielders: These people throw serious supernatural weight around. These are mortals who have been given a mantle of power by an immortal to be their champion. The Summer and Winter courts give the Mantle of the Summer and Winter Knight to mortals in order for them to use their ability of free will to interact with the world. (Both Mantles are available at the moment. Want it but don't know what powers you get? pm me.) Whatever Dragon or Deity or whatever gives you this mantle, you get the power that would be specific to that Immortal, a cool new title, of which you will be the only one and the ability to be incapable to not serve your Lord or lady or whatever who gave you the mantle. Not a mindless slave, you just can't disobey a direct straight forward an extent.

Sorcerers: OK, generally speaking, Sorcerer's aren't usually the friendliest of people. Their are very good at destructive magic. Like Evocation and the darker side of Thamauturgy(Voodoo dolls and the such). They are pretty versatile, but mainly are good at offensive magic. Some of them are also pretty good summoners as well. These are people who usually have a good amount of talent in the Craft to be recognized, but don't have the bloodline or training available to them like a Wizard would. Usually they don't care much though, they may not get all the perks, but at least they are free to do as they an extent.

Half-Vampire: These are not people with a human parent and a vampire parent. These are people who have been infected by the Red Court but have not turned fully for they refuse to kill someone by drinking their blood. Red Court Vampires may appear beautiful on the outside, but it is a flesh mask they wear to conceal the hideous giant man bat creature that lurks beneath. Half-Vampires are not as strong as the full blown Red Courts, but if they smart enough, they'll have no problem taking one out. They are given magical tattoos to show as a warning side when their hunger is about to take over. When they use their powers, super speed, healing through blood, super strength, addictive saliva, Blacking swirling tattoos will appear on their bodies. The more they use their powers the more tattoos will appear on their bodies. When their about to go beserk, the tattoos will flash red. They can still drink blood as long as they don't kill the person their feeding on and they can still walk in the sun.

White Court Vampires:The White Court are Psychic Vampires and are the most "human" out of the other courts. They feed off of human emotions, mainly Lust. They can instill it in others and it feeds their inner demon. When well fed, White Court Vampires can be stronger and faster than other court, but it is only temporary for their power wanes as their hunger grows. White Court Vampires feed by having sex or other forms of intimate contact. Though, their are other members who feed on other emotions. The court is made up of three ruling Houses. House Raith, the current head house who feeds on Lust. House Malvora who feeds on fear, and House Skavis who feeds on despair. The sunlight has no effect on them whatsoever. They are all impossibly beautiful, pale of skin with pinkish blood. When using their abilities, their eyes turn silver. Though, they still have other weaknesses. House Raith weakness is the touch of true, selfless love, it literally burns their flesh and they cannot feed on someone who knows it. House Malvora are burned by selfless acts of Courage. House Skavis is burned by people who have enduring and endless Hope running through them.

Wizard: Now, finally, Wizard! Wizards are people who have massive magical ability and have been dubbed wizard by the White Council, the ruling body of Wizards. They are descended from a bloodline of talent and have been trained under a master wizard or are perhaps in the middle of being trained. (Wouldn't it be cool for two people to be Master and Apprentice?)They can use any number of different types of magic at their disposal along with the help of Magical Foci. The most common types are staffs and wands but they can be any number of things to inscribe with magic for a certain purpose. Usually Wizards are mosre skilled in one field than another, but they can still do it better than most. They live anywhere between 400 to 500 years, but they look old from age 60 on. They must adhere to the Laws of Magic or face the wrath of the Wardens, the Wizard Secret Police if you will. They are Wizards specialized in combat and are used as soldiers and enforcers, They are given a magical blade constructed specifically for them that has the ability to cut spells in half......along with being a freaking sword. All Wizards are bound to help the Council in any way asked, no matter how much they don't like it. More power, less freedom. Ah, Balance. Quick note, Wizards funk up electronics, so if your a wizard, not cellphone, no tv, no lights no water heater. Anything made after WWII is suspect in the presence of a Wizard.

So their are the types of characters you can be....their are a lot. Though, if you think of anything you want to be, do not hesitate to contact me about anything you would like to add. This is Our Story after all.

Note for Magic Users: Anyone who uses Magic,(Save Changelings) must use a language other than English for their spells. All spells must be spoken. Any questions on specifics of Magic, pm me.

Character Skelly




Species:(Choose from list above)

Personality:(What makes your character tick?)

Abilities:(If Magic user just put magic. If not, list you powers. If Human, leave blank)

Limitations:{What holds you back, if Human, just put human)

Skills:(This would be things like marksmanship, cooking, guitarist, swordsman, etc.)

Appearance:(Written and Picture would be great, but just written is alright as well. Can't just have a picture, you have to write something about your character. If Shapeshifter, put both forms descriptions here.)

History:(Whats your story?)

Themesong:(What jam emulates your character?)

Extra:(Anything else you feel like putting)

(I don't know how to do those cool insta copy all skelly's, so you'll have to settle for a plain old written one, sorry.)

The Laws of Magic
Thou shalt not kill by use of magic.
Thou shalt not transform others.
Thou shalt not invade the mind of another.
Thou shalt not enthrall another.
Thou shalt not reach beyond the borders of life.
Thou shalt not swim against the Currents of Time.
Thou shalt not seek beyond the Outer Gates.

The Laws of this RP
Thou shalt be literate
Thou shalt not speak in text speak
Thou shalt post as often as thy can
Thou shalt not Meta-Game
Thou shalt not God-Mod
Thou shalt be allowed romance, but ye must keep it PG-13
Thou may offer any ideas ye may have about the rp to the GM as often as they like
Thou shalt prove thy have read these here rules by stating thy favorite Dresden Files character in thy Character sheet, if thy does not know one, state that thou Believes in Faeries.
Thou shalt have fun and like it

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Jude Briars
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Jude Briars

Flying is awesome. You can knock Superman, Peter Pan and the Wright Brothers all you want, but at the end of the day, your all just jealous. There's just such a profound sense of freedom sail through the skies at untold speeds, hearing the wind roar around your ears. Seeing hundreds of bright lights whizzing by beneath you like an army of shooting stars. A vast open sky where you would think you'd feel alone, but it always feels like coming home every time I fly through a cloud, shaking the water and fluff from my body. It makes me want to fly to the top of the highest cloud and scream from the top of my lungs, "I'M THE KING OF THE SKIES!!!!".

That is......when your not flying in the middle of a storm.

I knew it was going to be a bad idea flying around with the clouds looking as dark as they did, but......have you ever tried to cross San Francisco in a cab? Give me dodging lightning any day. OK, maybe not any day, but still.....cabs suck. Now it wasn't raining at the moment, but the winds were high enough to make all the flags dangling from apartments flap around like a hummingbird on pcp. The wind paths were so completely hectic, that I looked like the Tooth Fairy who had a few dozen drinks too many. It took all of my concentration just to focus on where I was going, that the usual euphoric feeling of flying was replaced with the adrenaline surging, unbridled terror of crashing and making a pretty smear on someones front stoop.

I was trying to keep that image out of my mind, as I wobbled through the skies over San Francisco towards Indulge. One of the newest hot spots in San Fran. It was one of those multi-colored flashing places where people got stoned, drunk and had sex in public. You know, one of those places where the music went "Oonce oonce oonce oonce". Not really a place I would frequent, like ever. But, it was a place where the supernatural predators of the city liked to frequent, namely, The White Court. I was mainly going there to scope out the area and to find out just exactly what went on in there.

After 15 minutes of turbulence, I finally made it a block away from the club. I decided to land and walk the rest of the way their, partly because I didn't want to draw attention, and partly because I was pretty sure I was going to vomit if I kept on like that. I took off my goggles and put them on top og my hood and lowered my face mask. I walked briskly to the club, chest puffed, arms out and with a look that screamed "Don't fuck with me." You see, first impressions with vampires is very important, you can't act like food, or they'll treat you like it. You have to act different from the herd animals, but not another predator, or they may find you a threat. Let me put it this way, no matter how big a pack of jackals get, they will never fuck with a Bull Elephant. That's what I had to be, a metaphorical Bull Elephant. I might be able to do that, save for the fact that my face looked like it belonged to a Homosexual 16 year old who was obsessed with moisturizer. Now, I'm not complaining about my looks, but it's hard to intimidate people with a face that triggers a reflex in every guy that says "I can kick his ass."

I got to the door of the club. There were no giant neon signs or banners in place. Hell, if it wasn't for he big burly guy in black standing by the door and the faint sounding of the "Oonce" that one would never guess this was the location of the city's hottest night club I approached the door and changed my look to one more sultry and eyed him. Sometimes on my best day, I've been mistaken for a White Court, even by other White Courts. Though, I was really hoping Tin here wasn't going to ask me any questions, seeing as how I couldn't lie.

He looked me up and down and seemed to approve of my outfit and gave me the nod to go in. I breathed a sigh of relief as I closed the large white metal door behind me. I heard the clubs dress code before. Naked, half naked or leather were the rules. I was wearing a leather jacket and I was "pretty" so that meant I qualify.

I walked down some industrial steel steps that ended up leading to a scaffolding cat walk that looked down over the entire club. There were multiple levels of platforms with couches and bars and dance floors. I was pretty sure I saw a bed or two as well. I surveyed the scene for a time, until my eyes found what I had been looking for. In the very back on a raised platform of glowing white, sat several inhumanely beautiful people. Their faces screamed White Court and I made not of their appearances. Then I saw one stand up and my jaw nearly fell off. It was Madeline Raith, Leaders of the Raith house of San Francisco. She was in the club tonight! I had to be extra cautious.

I made my way down the scaffolding, trying to look like I was enjoying the atmosphere, when in fact it terrified me. I went to one of the bars and simply leaned my back against it and looked over the main dace floor, trying not to go deaf from the music. Their seemed to be a lot of colorful characters here. I wonder hiw many of them know how much danger they were really in?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryn Morrison Character Portrait: Sunday Morigan
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Bryn Morrison

Looking up to the sky I could see the storm clouds brewing, it was a wonderful night for a storm, there was a slight breeze and I could smell the lust coming from the male across the street that was looking at me. It smelt divine but it was a male and no matter if they smelt good I would never lower myself to feeding off a male, they are lowly scumbags that just waste space.

My heels click against the sidewalk as I made my way to my favorite club, Indulge, I smiled at the man at the door. I could see the lust in his eyes as he looked over me. I do look pretty sexy tonight, wearing a tight black leather halter dress that goes down to the middle of my thighs with fishnet thigh highs and stiletto boots that go up to my knees. Tonight I was here to feed and have some fun,.

As I walked down the steps into the club I could smell the lust in the air, it made me hungry right off the back. My eyes skim over the crowd as I walk further into the crowd. I saw a few other white courts near the platform, then I saw her Madame Madeline. It wasnt often for her to be at the club so something must be going on this evening. Before I go make myself know I need to feed my hunger, I notice a blonde with black highlights dancing with another girl, grinding against each other and decided that was who I wanted. I walk over to them and start dancing behind the blonde whispering in her ear "You smell lovely dear", biting at her earlobe. I didnt want to waste too much time on this girl, so I turn her around, looking into her eyes "kiss me know you want to" my eyes turned silver, my power of persuasion working through the girl. The blonde leans in and kisses me, I draw in the girls lust as I kissed her. After I had my full I pushed the girl back into her friend and turned around, wiping my mouth and making my way towards the platform where the other white courts are, hoping to find Sunday.


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Character Portrait: Ronix
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All of these nights were beginning to string together. The darkness of the clubs were but a thankful relief to the brightness the day time showered the young prince with. Dressed in his favorite clubbing gear; a white tank top, black leather skinny jeans, a pair of heeled boots (Italian of coarse) and his collar-chain set.

Now, one must be careful when choosing clubs in San Francisco, for one wouldn't dare to end up in any club belonging to riff-raff. Ice-fire eyes scanned the neon lights that littered the Down-town area before settling on the brightest one. Of coarse, Ronix skipped to the front of the line and simply flashed the bouncer a grin.

"Hello," He purred, ears giving a light twitch. "Mind if I come in?"

The overly muscled bouncer seemed to shudder at the tone, his body faltering only slightly before he regained his physique. He gave the kid a once-over, not even bothering to ask for I.D. Sure, the kid matched the dress code, the attitude fit, but...

"What do I get out of it, eh?" The bouncer sneered, his hand resting teasingly on the clip of the velvet rope. Ronix smirked, crossing his arms over his chest and shifting his weight slowly to his left leg.

"Meet me in the back when the joint closes, and you might just find out."

Well, that got the rope lifted. As the prince strode forward, that elegant tail trailed under the bouncers nose; pulling the male forward a little bit.

"Thanks." Ronix purred, giving a soft wink before vanishing down a flight of steps and into the crowd of sweaty bodies and drowned the nights worry in the beats of the music, his hips picking up the beat rather quickly. His eyes would be kept open though, in case anything interesting were to catch his gaze.


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Character Portrait: Anthony Masters.
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Hello? Are you even there


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Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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It was one of those nights, a night where I was going to paint the town either in fear or mischief, I wasn't really sure which yet though. As soon as the sun had started to set I put on my usual night crawl costume; it really couldn't be called anything else. My full face make-up made it seem as though I had just walked from a carnival what with the my whole face being white, red lips and a red dot on the tip of my nose, heavy eye-liner and mascara, and the signature detail of the black streaks dripping down my cheeks. My clothes, consisting of a leather leotard corset, black high-heel boots, a black scarf, and a small red sheer fabric skirt.

As I walked down the street I certainly turned heads, and too all of those who were alone I flashed them a creepy smile that nearly sent them running home. It made me feel giddy. I was nearly skipping down the street going to check out this certain club called Indulge, or something like that. It wasn't my usual kind of party, mostly because it was fairly popular, but I was interested in seeing why it was so popular. I had watched it from the outside a couple of weeks ago and I still don't understand why so many people go there because really it's such a standard looking club.

When I finally got to the front of the line the guard looked me up and down, not sure what to make of me. Sure I was going by their 'dress code', which I couldn't believe they had a rule for what to wear, but the over all costume seemed to have confused him. Eventually he just gave in, not really caring anymore and too confused to ask me anything. Oh the power of being outside of the box works on everyone. Inside it was like what I expected, nothing overly exciting or special, just your basic rave. There were people dancing, loud music attacking your ears, flashing lights, and...girls making out. Nothing new. I walked over to the bar thinking it would be a good idea to get a little tipsy before trying anything. There was an pretty boy there too and I wasn't sure how he got in, if in fact he was asked for an ID card, because he looked a little young to be at a party like this and drinking as well. I leaned against the bar not too far from him, ordered my drink of straight up Vodka and just looked around formulating plans in my head of how to tear this place apart, figuratively of course.

Patrick MacEvoy
I walked along the streets, heading back towards my home to get ready for a day of nothing tomorrow as my apprentice was taking the day off for some reason. I had the day planned out of mostly spending time at the bar and doing some reading of adventures out on sea. As a passed a certain place I heard the pounding music that you hear at clubs and a man in black standing outside of the door.

I knew fairly well that this club, Indulge, belonged to the White Court and new that it was more than dangerous for anybody to go inside, but I got a weird feeling the pit of my stomach. I wasn't sure what it meant, only that something bad was going to happen to night, or should I say worse than normal. And if this were true than there would need to be someone in there to get everyone out safely. Thinking of this I groaned to myself knowing that part of me really didn't want to go inside, but the other half winning out because of the thought of innocent people getting hurt. So I forced my hands into my pockets, ground my teeth together and walked towards the door. The man in front of it stopped me, looking me up and down which triggered my not so subtle flirtatious side.

"Aw, come off it mate, you know that I'm more than qualified to go in there," he leaned forward, "Besides you and I both know that I'll have ta repay ya later on." This seemed to perk the man up, and he let me through the door. As I was about to enter I turned around and winked at him, then turned around rolled my eyes.

"Like that would ever happen," I said to myself. The guard was not even close to what you would call 'my type', way too burly and tick-headish. He reminded more of a troll or ogre than an actual humanoid being. The party was flashing inside in an intense pulsating fashion that hurt my eyes, my ears, and my head. I never understood how people could choose this over a nice old-fashioned pub with belting out drinking songs and the works. I looked around for a place to wait out everything by myself, thinking that these people better be worth coming in here and ruining my regular schedule. Eventually I just gave up looking for a lonesome place and moved to an open seat at a table near what looked like a cat-walk. I rolled my eyes, ordered a Guiness beer and tried to relax and try something new. Though I felt completely out of my element, I figured that while I waited for the danger to happen then why have some fun until then. I was never much of a dancer so the dance floor was out, but there were enough people staring my way, probably because of my out of time clothing, that I figured someone would come to me eventually and brighten up my night.


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Sunday Morigan

Sunday sat in a booth of the club, looking completely out of place. Her child like face sitting with her hands in her lap and her ankles crossed. Her raven locks cascaded down her shoulders, topped with a purple bow, the fair skin of her shoulders, peeking through her hair and disappeared underneath long tiered sleeves that hung over thin fingers. She wore a sleeveless pinstripped button up top, the collar rose to length of her neck, defining her heart shaped face. She sighed, but the thick black corset tied with a purple ribbon constricted her breathing some. Her black tiered dress lay neat splayed out around her pale legs and tumbled on to the seat as she watched the crowd.
It's time, Sunday...called a voice from her head. Sunday frowned. "No. Not now, Tuesday." She whispered harshly. "Yes. Now. We haven't fed in a while. You'll starve and you know what happens then." Tuesday snickered. Sunday sighed. "Excuse me." She told to those she was sitting with. She made her way toward the dancefloor. Her maryjanes scuffed the floor as she walked. Almost immediately, she was approached.
"Hey there, Cutie? Wanna dance?" Asked a blonde man, he looked as if he was 40 and desperately trying to hang on to his youth. Sunday nodded. He slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her to him. "You are beautiful." He said after a while. Sunday had kept an impassive face on the entire time, which was about 10 mintues. "Thank you." She said, her voice low and hardly audible. He leaned down to her ear, "Wanna go somewhere private?" He asked her. Sunday simply nodded. "Finally. We should have killed the simpleton sooner."Tuesday barked. Sunday ignored her as usual. The man then lead her to a dark lit room with a couch. Once the door closed, he was on her, he shoved her against the wall, kissing down her neck and running his hand down her thigh. She allowed this for one reason, she needed him to build up his lust in order to truly feed from it. He slid his hand up her skirt and Sunday shivered. "Aw, are you new at this? I'll be gentle." He cooed in her ear and liftes her to the couch. He was on top of her, he smashed his lips against hers. He was a horrible kisser. She let him continue on. She began kissing him back, slowly at first but then more hungrily. He smiled against her lips. "Whoa." He said breaking away briefly but Sunday stopped him before he could say more. With little effort, She flipped the positions and she was on top. He was loving every minute of it as she clapped her hands against his face, straddling him and then she started.

Her large doll eyes, shifted from a deep brown to silver as she began absorbing his Aura.
Yes...Tuesday moaned as Sunday pulled his aura from him.

After a moment, Sunday was full. She pulled herself off of the man. Who lay there, pale and withered on the couch, his body gray and sunk in. Sunday didn't like the man but she didn't want to be the one to kill him. She felt tears sting the back other eyes so she left in a hurry to get some air but stopped when she saw Bryn. She fixed her face quickly, wiping the egde of her lips. "Bryn." She greeted her quickly.


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It had been a while on the dance-floor and leather was only cool for so long. Excusing himself from the dance-floor, Ronix made his way to the bar to replenish those lost liquids. Many a man and woman whispered to him, and tried to catch his chain. But those who were anything less than his standards were quickly warded off with a soft slap of the tail or a pinch of the claws. Finally making it to the bar, Ronix ordered a glass of water; no alcohol tonight. Not with so many β€œothers” around.

Looking over towards the cat-walk, an idea sparked in his head. Paying the tender with a quick ten, he went to go check out the rules for it. But then again, what did he care? Striding over to the DJ, he slipped a twenty on the desk; the DJ nodded and flipped the songs.

It was then that he joined a few other adventurous individuals on the cat-walk; two gorgeous young women and another male. As the music played, the Demi let his body bend, bow, and shake in perfect provocation, using the other bodies as props when he needed to. With the grils, he let them lead in their dances, allowing them to touch here and there if only for the sake of the show. Now with the boy, he would gladly take the submissive role, allowing the touches and rough handling. Every now and then, he would accept a dollar or two that found it’s way into his grasp from eager onlookers and gave encouraging winks to those still seated around the cat-walk, a peculiarly costumed male catching his attention for a moment.


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0.00 INK

Patrick MacEvoy

I stayed where I was drinking my Guiness and starting to feel the alcohol work on my brain, starting to give up on waiting. It seems people at raves have a different code that they go by, 'don't go up to men in strange clothing'. I never really thought of what I wore as odd or out of place, but that's only because this was generally my everyday clothing, but I knew that to other people it was quite odd. Today I was wearing a red vest, black pants that tucked into leather, what I called, pirate boots, and my usual leather duster that I always wore when I left my home.

The people on the cat walk caught my attention, the sassy walks and flirtatious dancing, it was hard not watch them. After a little while someone knew jumped on stage, a young man who seemed to be part cat, with a tail and ears. At first I thought they were fake, just some weird guy wearing those cat ears and tail that are so popular today, but then the tail moved and not just a swing like a fake tail would. The tail swished and coyly wrapped and brushed against others. Because of my slightly drunken state it took me a while to realize that this young man was a Scion, and proudly distributing the fact. I knew that other magical species were getting careless in San Francisco, but this was just out right foolish.

I quickly looked at the others to see how they were reacting, but it seemed that everyone else was too drunk to notice or care. I was still a little on edge about how easily this guy was showing that he wasn't completely human, but I started to calm a little as I drank more beer and the alcohol flow was stronger in my system. I just watched as the young man and others danced either for money or just for attention. It seemed the Scion was doing it for mostly attention, though he didn't mind picking up the money of other horny people. I would have been the same way, throwing money at those few guys who were up on the cat walk, if it wasn't for the fact that I felt the need to respect them in this moment unlike so many others. Respect was the one non-magical thing my master had taught me, respect of others magical or not, of other and all creatures. And even now, here in this moment where it would be so easy to just follow the crowd, I knew I had to keep strong because in the end respect is more valuable than money. So I just sat where I was and just watched as passively as I could, trying to enjoy myself, but also trying to stay human and not turn animal with lust, which, trust me, was harder than it would seem, but I seemed to manage.


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Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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It was nice to see the look in the … pirate? Yes, most defiantly pirate. Or vampire hunter? Either way, the idea of the males appearance didn’t stay on the prince’s mind too long. It was nice to see that look of lust dancing in the eyes of the male. Wither it was from him or not, he could care less.

When the song came to an end, the company on the cat-walk smiled and patted each other on a job well done. Ronix hugged the girls and they exchanged European-style kisses of farewell and the male simply received a hug before he jumped off the stage. Each girl was helped by a waiting male, be them White Court he knew not. Slowly, Ronix slid to sit on his rear, legs dangling over the edge of the cat-walk.

Grinning, he looked beside him to the male whom he had winked to; much to the disappointment of a few eager onlookers.

β€œMind helping me down?” He asked, his voice as androgynous as the rest of him, as he held out a delicate hand with each claw-like fingernail painted a coordinating scarlet and sapphire.

(Accidental Peter tag ; o ; Sorry)


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryn Morrison Character Portrait: Daxel Rose Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Sunday Morigan
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Daxel Rose

Dax walked down the street towards the club, she recently heard of this club and has been wanting to check it out. She was dressed in tight leather pants and a white tanktop with a pair of black boots. Her hair was down and curly. She was told of what kind of attire she was suppose to wear which didnt phase her at all.

When she saw the Bouncer she gave him a flirtatious smile and he opened the door for her. That was too easy she thought to herself as she walked in. Looking around the club she decided to head over to the bar first before she went to dance. She walked over to the bar and now was standing next to another girl who was dressed in a leather corset, red skirt, and had some unusual makeup on. She looked the girl up and down then ordered a beer from the bartender.

Once she got the beer she turned around and leaned againat the bar, taking a sip of the beer then turned her head to the girl next to her "Nice night to go dancing isnt it?

Bryn Morrison

Bryn was heading towards where the other white courts were when she heard her name in that sweet voice that she has come to love. Turning around she looked at Sunday and smiled "Sunday" she walked closer to the other girl "Just the one I was looking for". A slight smirk was on her face "Its good to see you Sunday, how are you?"

She then looked back over to Madame Madeline and the other white courts "Sunday do you know why Madame Madeline is here? She usually doesnt come here only when it is needed or buisiness needs to be done".


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Sunday Morigan

Sunday smiled at Bryn. Bryn was so pretty. Sunday felt like a child by comparison. Where Bryn had a woman figure, Sunday was small and thin. Bryn didn't seem to mind as she hung around Sunday anyway. "Hi." She said softly. Still a little drunk off of the feeding she just did. She shook her head as Bryn's next question. "I don't know. No one ever tells me anything." She said. She looked around and noticed a guy on the stage. She looked away. Go, You know you want to. Tuesday called and Sunday huffed. You're not quite full, Sunday.Tuesday warned causing Sunday to frown. "E-excuse me, Bryn. I-I need some air." She said shyly and slipped outside.
She found herself on a fire escape, gasping for breath, gripping the wrought iron bars of the fire escape.
God, she hated feeding. She felt You feel good, you stupid girl!Tuesday shouted from her mind. Why you decided to torture yourself with this confliction is beyond me.[i]Tuesday complained. [i]But I digress, She said softly If you just let me take over you won't need to be the one killing those men. I'll do it. Tuesday said as if she were doing Sunday a favor. Sunday's eyes began to water and small sobs crawled up her throat. We have company, Moron...Tuesday said and Sunday looked up to see a boy standing there. She sat up slowly. "A Changeling?" She breathed.


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Character Portrait: Daxel Rose Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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I set my shot glass of Vodka down and looked to the woman who had spoken. With a quick glance I could tell something was different about this girl; I'm not too sure what, but she had a vibe that definitely stated she wasn't like anybody else. I smiled kindly at her, "It is indeed, the sun is asleep and danger looms the air." Though what I said didn't really make sense even to me, I didn't care because it was too late to take it back. So I just went along with it.

The booming music played over head making it hard to talk or listen, but yelling helped, as was everyone else doing who was trying to have a somewhat conversation with somebody, "Is that your way of asking me to dance?"

Patrick MacEvoy

I finished drinking the rest of my beer, set it down on the table and walked over to the Scion, holding out my hand with a very gentlemanly fashion. I mean why not play it up a bit, most of what happens in here isn't going to leave this place and drip into my real life.

"Not at all," I said, a slight Irish twinge to my words, from what I picked up from my ma, "Ya must be tired from all that attention. Mind if I buy ya something to cool down?" It really wasn't meant to be a pick-up line, though I realized that after I said it that it must have come off as such, especially in a place like this where flirting and pick-up lines were part of everyone's conversation. I helped the guy down from the stage and made a couple steps that would invite him to come sit with, though I tried to make sure that I seemed more friendly than imposing.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bryn Morrison Character Portrait: Daxel Rose Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Sunday Morigan
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0.00 INK

Bryn Morrison

Bryn frowned at Sunday, there was something off about the girl and Bryn didnt like that. She knew the two different personalities Sunday had, she wondered if it might be that. When Sunday left she followed the girl silently and walked right behind her as Sunday went on the fire escape. She heard small sobs coming from Sunday and sighed, slipping down to sit beside her "Sunday what is the matter? Why are you so upset? Is someone bothering you?" she asked in a worried tone " if you need to talk I am here". She then looked up to the changeling and gave him a glare before looking back to Sunday.

Daxel Rose

Dax sipped her beer and went over the comment the girl beside her said but really didnt understand what she said. She looked over to crowd of dancers and was quiet for a few minjtes as she was thinking of a fe things in her head. The muaic was pouring through the building at a very nice beat and she was definately up to dancing. She looked back over to the girl "Well yes it was in a way, would you care to dance? This music is too well played to not dance to" she put her empty beer bottle on the bar and heald put her hand for the girl to take.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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The boy smiled, taking the hand and the invitation gladly.

"Just some water please." He purred, his ears flicking as he took the open seat. Slowly, with soft raises and falls of his chest, his breath came back to him. But sweat still made his exposed skin shine. "So," He grinned, giving a cheshire like smile. "May I know your name?"

(Short posts are short ; o ;)


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daxel Rose Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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I took the girl's hand and let her lead me onto the dance floor, where we were then proceeded to be shoved together by the crowd. At this close of a range I couldn't help, but stare at the girl and examine her features. She was very pretty, the light shining off her dark long hair, her cheeks flushed, and eyes shining. This latter feature, of her eyes, was the one that caught me; out of all the people that I've met, scared or talked with, didn't have eyes like this girl. These eyes showed her spirit while most peoples' eyes were rather dull and actually hid their spirit from prying eyes.

Then someone bumped into me and took me out of my daze, reminding me of why I was here in the first place. Painting the town with my specific colors; mischief and fear. Though it was nice to just dance like an ordinary person, I decided that I had dragged on with this long enough and that action was now needed to be taken before the night was over. I excused myself from the girl and walked away, not bothering with any kind of excuse because I figured she wouldn't believe any that I would give her anyway. As I looked around I spotted a high walkway above and knew that that would be the best place to be because than everyone would be able to see me. I smiled and made my way up the stairs and to the middle of the walkway. There were a few stragglers that I moved off by annoying them and entering the conversation and getting to close to the people. Soon I was the only one up there.

The view was pretty good, I could see everything quite clearly; the drunks at the bar, the groping on the dance floor which was just below me, the sensual dancers on the the catwalk, and the White Court observing their fortress of lust. It was their attention I was hoping to get and their tempers I was hoping to raise, everyone else I just wanted fear from them. I knew that the White Court wouldn't be scared, so getting them to be annoyed or angry would have to be good enough. I took a deep breath, the excitement getting to me. My breath was coming out in short anticipated wisps, I closed my eyes and then whispered.

"Dal giorno alla notte, il sole cade; arde il bagliore fuori; come quelli prima che loro lascino queste luci soggiacciono alla luna," I whispered, striking and lighting a match. When the spell was said and done, I blew the flame out and all the lights in the club went out with it.

Patrick MacEvoy

I ordered the Scion his glass of water and another Guiness for myself. "I don't see why not," I answered as I took a swig of my freshly filled mug, "The name's Patrick, but ya call me Patty if ya so choose." It seemed this one had worked up quite the work out up on stage because his breathing was heavy and fast as he tried to slow his heart down to a normal pace and his skin sparkled with sweat. I was going to ask him why he so flauntingly showed himself as a Scion rather than hide it like others that I briefly knew, but then the lights went out. There were loud gasps everywhere and the music was immediately turned off. I groaned internally that I was right and that there was going to be danger here tonight.

A red spotlight then came on showing the silhouette of a girl. She was balancing on the railing with one leg holding onto a lower bar while the other was balancing on the top. I couldn't see her face at all, but her hair was big and curly; everyone's eyes were on her at this moment, even the White Courts I could see when I looked back at them. Some were standing up in irritation.

"Welcome pigs and sluts!" the woman said, raising her arms, "To your first ever experience of nightmares coming true!" I stayed silent as the girl talked, watching more the little I could see of the crowd wanting to keep them safe while the tempers of the White Court grew. Then there was a scream as a person in the audience was lifted in the air by an unseen force and dropped back on the ground. My eyes flickered to the girl on the railing, noticing something small clutched in her hand.

"Voodoo," I whispered to myself, one of the more dangerous and illegal forms of magic, meaning that this girl was most likely a sorceress, meaning even more danger for these people. There were a couple more people who were lifted and or slammed to the ground, this woman obviously enjoying the fear eluding from the crowd.

"And now that I have your attention," she said getting down from the railing and walking back and forth and leaning against the railing, "I would like to tell all of you of the monsters under the bed. Your species aren't the only in this world by far and those you don't know about are the ones that will be the death of you." The shadows around her began to move and create different eerie shapes that made the crowd huddle together for each others comfort, lust definitely gone from them. Then the worst could happen, the girl jumped down into the crowd and made her way over to the where the White Court was, it was as if she was trying to deliberately piss them off and get everyone into danger. She bowed dramatically in front of them as if she were their servant doing only what they asked, at least that's what it looked like to me and I'm sure the others.

Now on one knee she looked at them and said, "Masters the deed is done, did I do good?" At this someone in the crowd shouted out.

"She belongs to them! They're all freaks!" a man shouted and then the crowd screamed together and began to rush out, I could tell by the small glimpse I got of the White Court before the running crowd that they were well passed being un-pleased. I leaned over the Scion, knocking over my drink and his in the process.

"We should get out now while we still can," I whispered grabbing his wrist and pulling him with me to a backdoor, a place to get out without being trampled by the running crowd. Outside in the alley I saw something I didn't expect to see; the girl who had caused the full fledged riot of fear, she was running away down the alley a huge smile on her face as if this was the most fun she had ever had and she was still alive with no wound that I could see.

"How is that possible," I whispered to myself, my hand sliding down to hold the Scion's. Tonight was a weird and dangerous night and I knew that my life would not go back to normal anymore, that things were about to get worse because of this one stupid girl's idea of fun.


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Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Bianca Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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He’s certainly interesting, Ronix thought as a smile graced his face. Taking the water gladly, he was only able to take a few sips before the lights went out.

The female on the balcony had gained his attention, his and everyone else’s in the room.

"Welcome pigs and sluts!" the woman said, raising her arms, "To your first ever experience of nightmares coming true!"

Ronix glared, his tail giving a light flicker of annoyance. Just who was this commoner to address him as a pig or slut? Not that she was just addressing him. His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for any indication of what team this girl might have belonged to. As she talked, it seemed that everyone was just as cautious as the man next to him. Slowly, the glass was set on the table, his ears pricking to the word that escaped Patrick’s lips.

There was no need to say anything, even now all the hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end. Something wasn’t right, not at all. As the woman addressed the White Court, a small hiss escaped his lips. Not because he believed she belonged to them, oh no, he knew better. Like him, the White Courts held a bit of elegance as to whom they chose to blood, and this girl didn’t fit the profile at all.

"We should get out now while we still can,"

The poor boy barely had time to react as he was drug from the club and through the back doors. For some reason, when Patrick touched him, he could feel the heat of a blush grace his cheeks. Trying to rid himself of the feeling, he stopped when Patrick took hold of his hand. Watching the girl run past, the boy took this moment of rest to try and smooth out his hair (and his nerves).
β€œIt’s girls like that,” He started, making the attempt untangle the leash that had been dragging behind him in their fit to get out. β€œThat makes everyone so bloody scared all the time.”


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Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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When Pat's breath started to slow and his heart went back to normal slightly, he thought it was best for him and maybe the Scion, if he made some distracting conversation. "So I didn't get your name? And also why do you not hide the fact that you're Scion? I've been wondering about that all night, most people try to blend in, but not you."

He let go the Scion's hand and walked a little ahead, starting to leave the alley, his hands now in his pocket. Pat turned around and nodded at the Scion with his head to follow his lead, "Come on, I'll walk you home."

It was dark out and slightly chilled from breeze coming off the ocean. Pat turned and started walking when the Scion had caught up enough. At the end of the alley Pat let his companion take the lead since he wasn't sure where he was going. He kept his eyes open for any hidden dangers, but he also let his eyes wander; looking at the glow that the street lights gave off, the type of color hues it gave anything that was around it. The light and dark was close together that your eyes hurt from the quick changes. You could either say that it was dark with specks for light poking through its thick curtain, or you could initiate that it was in fact light that the dark was encroaching on. The options were clear, but one thing Pat was certain that most would agree that San Francisco at night was more beautiful than most places anywhere else on earth. As he walked along he felt the need to take hold of his companion's hand again, not because he was going to pull him along, but just because. He tried to ignore this and keep walking, so to take his mind off of it he replayed what happened in the club in his head; over and over again, trying to figure out why that girl would pull such a stunt and what was going to happen to the city now that she did what she did.


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Character Portrait: Ronix Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
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Ronix could admit that he was a little disappointed when Mr. Pirate let go of his hand. It had been so warm and welcomed, and now it was gone. He took this time to wrap the loop of his lead around his wrist, making sure it didn't drag anymore.

"So I didn't get your name? And also why do you not hide the fact that you're Scion? I've been wondering about that all night, most people try to blend in, but not you."

"Well, aren't we full of questions?" Ronix smiled, giving a stretch before giving a humble bow. "My name is Ronix. No more, no less. I am the son of Bastet and I chose to show my blood-line proudly." Straightening himself, the smaller male grinned slyly.

"People are only afraid of what they don't understand, if you let them understand, they will no longer fear you."

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

Like the obediant little boy he was, Ronix smirked and joined Patrick by his side.

The walk home was a little boring, nothing really said and no small talk to be made. He didn't want to talk about the girl, so she never came up. When they reached the 'nicer' (although all of San Fran was nice in his opinion) part of town, he stopped infront of a large white townhouse. Turning to his companion, the young Scion smiled.

"Thank you for walking me home." He purred, his ears giving a little twitch as he pulled his jacket a bit closer around him. "Can I offer you a drink or a snack for your trouble?"

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Character Portrait: Bianca
6 sightings Bianca played by Fredalice
"There is so much more freedom outside of the box than if you stay in it."
Character Portrait: Patrick MacEvoy
10 sightings Patrick MacEvoy played by Fredalice
"Call me a leprechaun again and I'll blow your head off."

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Character Portrait: Jude Briars
Character Portrait: Ronix
Character Portrait: Daxel Rose
Character Portrait: Bryn Morrison
Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli
Character Portrait: William Wonka
Character Portrait: Demara Rubenox
Character Portrait: Anthony Masters.


Character Portrait: Anthony Masters.
Anthony Masters.

"The rabbits name is...Mr Heffensemfers Elias Telirico IV?"

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli
Peter Petrelli

Keep Talking...I'm Interested

Character Portrait: Jude Briars
Jude Briars

"If someone tries to suggest I'm gay one more time, I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!


Character Portrait: Anthony Masters.
Anthony Masters.

"The rabbits name is...Mr Heffensemfers Elias Telirico IV?"

Character Portrait: Jude Briars
Jude Briars

"If someone tries to suggest I'm gay one more time, I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli
Peter Petrelli

Keep Talking...I'm Interested

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Character Portrait: Anthony Masters.
Anthony Masters.

"The rabbits name is...Mr Heffensemfers Elias Telirico IV?"

Character Portrait: Jude Briars
Jude Briars

"If someone tries to suggest I'm gay one more time, I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!

Character Portrait: Peter Petrelli
Peter Petrelli

Keep Talking...I'm Interested

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