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The Edifice of the Wicked




Introduction- The late 19th century

Once upon a dreadful time.... In old England, there used to be a greater time with laughter and fun; vaudevilles, circuses, and theatrical shows littering half the world. A family, full of freaks, used to entertain the masses, thrilling people of all ages, classes, ranks, and backgrounds. The owner of the family was named Lord Blackmoor; a prestigious royal member, loyal to Queen Victoria herself. He always had a fascination for circus themed parks ever since he visited America and saw a circus show hosted by Barnum and Bailey, the Ringling Bros. So he created his own amusement park, entertaining people who wanted to escape reality.

Now the "family" lived in a expansive edifice: lushes gardens, marble fountains, the royal works, surrounding the building. It was a sight to see throughout old England; everyone flocking to the mansion, immediately going to the back where the circus resided. The freaks were very beloved and idolized. Everyone wanted to be like them even to the point they wanted to alter themselves, sometimes.... brutally. How gruesome is that, changing, painfully, into a limbless person? Some people just take things too much to the extreme....

There was a series of unfortunate events that plagued the, once peaceful and amusing, mansion into a dark oblivion that would never be saved from....redemption. Let us try to be a little sympathetic and respect the family.... As usual, the circus was open, six days a week, entertaining the masses. This particular day, though, the freaks had an opening act that featured all of them showing off their bizarre tricks, abilities, and deformities. "Hurry, hurry, step right up and see the freak-show!", the announcer said on his megaphone.

Everyone shouted happily as they all flocked to the stage where the freaks were assembled. The audience cheered them on, clapping and waving their arms about. The freaks began their act, everything seeming fine..... until the accident reared it's ugly head. Behind the stage, trailers of dressing rooms for the family situated for them to change, whenever needed. Somehow or another, one of the trailers caught on fire. At first no one noticed, until a little boy shouted, "Fire! Fire! There's a fire!".

The audience began to panic as they saw smoke rising in the air behind the stage. Everyone ran to the scene and were validated right with the boy's correct accusation. The freaks rushed, with all their might, to put the fire out, some people from the crowd aiding them by passing buckets and buckets of water to them. How did this happen and who or what started the fire?.... It's was too late to answer those grim questions because as everyone was trying to quell the fire, the trailer exploded with a loud boom.

You could almost hear the sound resonate across whole county.... and possibly all through England. It happen so fast that no one could tell the story with correct evidence. Miraculously, everyone survived but the family of freaks. There was even no trace of dead bodies that could've shown up after the explosion. It was as if they disappeared without a trace. Even the owner, Lord Blackmoor, vanished without a trace. What a sad strange day that was, no one never understanding the full extent of the incident. But may the souls of the family..... rest in peace.....

A few years later, after the mansion and circus was marked condemned and never resurrected properly, a cult coed group, that went by the name of "The One", mysteriously moved into the mansion. They, of course, were shun all over England, who were all Christians, for being satanic worshipers making them seek refugee underground. The mansion was a perfect place for them. They practiced dark magic and spoke in Latin, cursing God and his followers, literally spitting on the holy religion. Rituals were a norm for them; praying and dancing, evilly, to "The One".

On a particular night, performing their usual dark devilish ritual, they prayed to "The One" to give them all immortality. An actuality, they were bargaining with the devil for their own lives o be traded off for living for eternity. But you can't bargain fairly with the devil.... They're "prayers" were answered, "The One" appearing to them in a form of an old lady who looked very harmless. They all rejoiced, thanking the devil for sending them a messenger to give the "good news" of their immortality.

The old lady smiled wickedly at them, "Omnes nunc animabus vestris sunt viri diabolici .... Morbi damnati in perpetuum.... (All of your souls belong to the devil now.... You're damned forever....)", was all she said before a dark shadow consumed the mansion. None of the members could really understand what she, "The One", meant by that, thinking that they were to receive immortality. But they were wrong.... oh so wrong.... As the darkness continued to swallow the mansion whole, the lady transformed into a hideous creature, her true form showing in all of it's vicious glory.

Everyone screamed in terror, ill prepared to be face to face with the demonic entity. It was too late. The one devoured their souls; shrills, screams, gnashing of the teeth could be heard through the whole mansion. The darkness became thicker and denser, swarming and swirling around the mansion. The cult didn't know that they were cursing the Blackmoor grounds, it being too late to turn back seeing that they all vanished. All of a sudden, the mansion became quietly calm; no living inhabitant residing there any longer.

It was done.... The mansion was cursed, forever being damned by the wicked..... There were other "residences" but they weren't looking for a good time.... only there to torture an innocent soul who dared enter. The One was running the show this time.... And so ends are tragic story of how the mansion turned into a hell house. May the family of freaks rest in peace and the cult be damned forever....

Ladies and gentlemen, please bow your head's and say a short prayer with me because....this prayer will deliver you:

~A Prayer for Redemption~
Jesus, I hear You calling me. I feel You loving me. I know about Your ultimate sacrifice for me.
I come to You just as I am and with all that I am. My sins violated the Father
and I am so sorry. I repent of them and ask Your forgiveness.
I love You because You are Love Itself and You loved me first.

I surrender my entire self and respond gratefully to Your invitation to live in You and have
You live in me, now and forever. I pledge to You and announce to all that You are
my Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Master and High Priest.
Cover me with Your redemptive blood and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
Heal and transform me from being darkness to being light, the light of the world.

I am willing to let Your Spirit take over every part of me and pray for Your grace to help me
let go of self-indulgence, self-promotion, self-interest and rather make You the center of my life
and complete obedience to You, as Your servant, my passion.
I know Your friends are to be my friends, and Your enemies are to be my own.
Your ways will be mine. I know You will discipline me for my own spirit's sake.
I accept all this while I embrace You and am nurtured by Your infinite love and mercy
and sustained by my complete faith and trust in You, in the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Come Lord Jesus, live in me as I live in You. I love You.
I will follow You every day of my life, a life without end.
Thank you for loving me into Your kingdom!

The Players- Characters

Now, in the year of 1936, in Isle of Wight, England, three unlucky souls are about to enter the mansion. They were given a letter and brochure, mysteriously for some unknown source, beckoning them to stay at the mansion for their disposal. The invitation sounded very tempting making them come immediately, being very oblivious to what laid in store for them.....

What mad person told them to come to that hell house?!

Lord have mercy on their souls!

The newlywed couple (2): are there because they just got married and are now on their honeymoon. These characters thought that the mansion was the best place to spend time together so they were tricked and charmed by it's 19th century aura. The husband is a respected business on wall-street man, even though he comes from old money. The wife is an heiress who inherited a large trust fund from her parents. He always seems busy to her which makes them constantly get in fights but they still love each other. (their age group- early to mid twenties)

The doctor/scientist (1): is there because he was suppose to be on vacation with his colleagues. It was suppose to be a retreat for the whole practice. But everyone else were at another hotel, going to the right place, so this character got stuck here thinking the place is where he are suppose to be. He is a respected surgeon who does the job right all the time. So he gets paid a lot of money. (his age group- forties)

Skeleton- Character Sheet

Code: Select all
I. Name

II. Age

III. Appearance

IV. Personality

V. History

(Note- make sure to add a picture in your profile)

Creatures to avoid

Ghosts Category

Wraiths-Soul sucking spirits.

Banshees- Wailing spirits whose voice can harm, paralyze and even kill.

Spectres- Your basic ghost, that possess items and people.

Undead Category

Ghouls- Your basic flesh-eating zombie, can't use weapons.

Reverents- Powerful undead zombie that guards secret passageways, gateways, and doors. Can use weapons like swords and shields.

Lichs- Spell-casting zombies, the smartest of the three zombies.

Vampires- Blood-sucking undead who have unparalleled speed and strength.

Beasts Category

Lycans- Walking wolf-men that seek out battle for flesh and blood.

Wargs- Huge wolves that want nothing more than to eat you, not as smart as Lycans.

Lions- Huge Wild Cats who haven't lost a shred of ferocity.

Vultures- Will circle around and sometimes swoop down and attack.

Giant Spiders- Spiders roughly the size of a medium-large dog. Beware their poisonous bites.

Snake Pits- Beware these cruel traps filled with venomous snakes.

Lizard Men- Beware these walking reptiles, they'll shoot acid and try to eat you.

Bears- Huge animals with razor sharp teeth and claws.

Monkeys- Crawling and shrieking these chimps are vicious.

Giant Ants- Dangerous insects that have grown to the size of a dog.


Clowns- Deadly and twisted they throw knives, acid pies, and other deadly gags.

Stilt Walkers- Tall and crazy men on stilts have sharp edges around their legs, so try and not to get kicked.

Fire Breathers- They like to play with fire, they may juggle torches or flaming swords and sometimes they spew it like a human flamethrower.

Freaks- Hideously deformed people that will attack without warning.


Marionettes- Puppets that are mostly harmless until possessed.

Knights- Full suits of armor complete with swords or other medieval weaponry. Harmless until possessed.

Gatekeepers- Certain gates with a huge eye. They require you complete a challenge before they reveal what their hiding.

Traps- Ranging from pit falls, spiked pit falls, wall crushers, arrow shooters and spinning buzzaws.

Items- Everyday household furniture, appliances, and decorations turned deadly when possessed.


Jester- The top clown! Whoever steps foot in his horrific Fun-house may never come out.

Fortune-Teller- She can see your future for a price.

Mama Spider- A gigantic spider.

Cult Leader- An horrific spirit that can cast magic.

Lion Tamer- The Lions obey their master and will attack at the crack of his whip.

Gm: Alise120
CoGm: Seveneleven
Creative Collaboration: Alise120 & Seveneleven

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors

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May 26th, 1936/Friday morning/ Isle of Wight, England


Ladies and gentlemen, please bow your head's and say a short prayer with me because....this prayer will deliver you:

~A Prayer for Redemption~
Jesus, I hear You calling me. I feel You loving me. I know about Your ultimate sacrifice for me.
I come to You just as I am and with all that I am. My sins violated the Father
and I am so sorry. I repent of them and ask Your forgiveness.
I love You because You are Love Itself and You loved me first.

I surrender my entire self and respond gratefully to Your invitation to live in You and have
You live in me, now and forever. I pledge to You and announce to all that You are
my Savior, Redeemer, Friend, Master and High Priest.
Cover me with Your redemptive blood and fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
Heal and transform me from being darkness to being light, the light of the world.

I am willing to let Your Spirit take over every part of me and pray for Your grace to help me
let go of self-indulgence, self-promotion, self-interest and rather make You the center of my life
and complete obedience to You, as Your servant, my passion.
I know Your friends are to be my friends, and Your enemies are to be my own.
Your ways will be mine. I know You will discipline me for my own spirit's sake.
I accept all this while I embrace You and am nurtured by Your infinite love and mercy
and sustained by my complete faith and trust in You, in the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Come Lord Jesus, live in me as I live in You. I love You.
I will follow You every day of my life, a life without end.
Thank you for loving me into Your kingdom!

And so it begins.....

The day seemed fairly normal, people in the village square on the edge of the small island bustled about busily. The bright sun was high in the sky, the lush green trees were swaying back and forth, and children were gleefully playing. Everything seemed so cheery and peaceful..... But one feature stood out from the rest of the tiny island.... Hidden well within the forest, through a clearing, stood a large edifice that been through much weather beaten torment- on the outside, of course.

In the inside, torment was the first word to say about the edifice named Blackmoor. It seemed like the manor darkly loomed over the whole island itself like a dark demonic figure. People around the island didn't want to set foot on it's grounds, forbidding their children to even go near it. Rumors....about the mansion spun gory horrific tales about how it became cursed. One tale in particular told of a demonic force ruling over the manor.... poisoning the manor with it's twisted evilness.

Was those tales real? Did a demonic force really reside there?..... No one knew of the mansion's history and secrets and really didn't want to figure out. Everyone....and I mean everyone tried their hardest to stay away from the mansion.... That is until three....unlucky....souls were beckoned to the estate by an anonymous letter, not knowing of the horrific tales that were soon to come true.....

What mad person told them to come to that hell house?!

Lord have mercy on their souls!

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Blackmoor mansion

Blackmoor mansion by Alise120

The Blackmoor mansion.

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Character Portrait: Doctor David Markham
0 sightings Doctor David Markham played by Seveneleven
"The entire concept of supernatural phenomenons is preposterous!"

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Character Portrait: Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell


Character Portrait: Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell
Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell

"Why must the madness go on!"


Character Portrait: Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell
Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell

"Why must the madness go on!"

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Character Portrait: Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell
Anette Marie Lovelace-Maxwell

"Why must the madness go on!"

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Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

That is true. I won't be able to play as my character if someone else makes him. That is unless I can go into that account (Which is useless because I will forget the person's password.) I'm going to try one more time tomorrow, hopefully by then it'll work.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Rick, it's okay lol. I think Seven has offered to help you put up your character sheet for you.

This rp hasn't died yet and I'm going to make sure it doesn't! :)

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

I can create your character for you, I have no problem with that, but are you sure you will be able to play as him still?

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Omg, I don't know why, but this website's not letting me put up a character profile in this Roleplay. I thought I had my character up and was confused why no one was posting. When I found out, I tried to make a new profile, but the same result. I tried again yesterday, but no go. Can someone create my profile for me? I can send you the description of my character via messaging.

Damn, I'm so sorry I've been holding this RP back for so long...

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Rick hasn't put up his profile yet lol.

We'll begin when he does this.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Hey are we still doing this roleplay? I'm just wondering is all.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

That's wonderful Seven! Glad that your still in this lol.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Nice! Also I updated my profile, I'm finally been able to get images back up on my character submissions!

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Great Rick! :)

I'm glad there won't be no more projects for you lol. Same for me too lol. XD

I can't wait to get this rp show on the road! ;)

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

The submission will be complete by tomorrow, but it will be submitted tomorrow. (Today is the last day for my projects. Woohoo!!!)

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

It's okay Rick lol.

Take your time; just make sure you get the profile done before the week is out.

And Seven, your profile looks great! :)

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Oh my god, I'm sorry, I'll have to push my sheet 'till tomorrow, I'm not done. Reason why is because my god damn teachers have been assigning non-stop projects. I don't know what got into em' all, but it's starting to piss me off. Anyways, it will hopefully be up by tomorrow, if there are no projects.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Before we begin, let us get our character sheets up and discuss potential locations that we all will be in.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Alright, I'll make my character submission tomorrow, but tonight I can't. I need some rest.

Re: [OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

Okay, Seven and Rick!Since the "location tab" is messing up on me we'll just have to put in our post the location where we are even though we're still underneath the "Blackmoor mansion".

I'm sorry for this minor inconvenience lol.

[OOC] The Edifice of the Wicked

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