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The Fall of Xamos

The Fall of Xamos


Tensions are running high between humans and vyldkin after an unknown assailant razed a vyldkin settlement to the ground, leaving no survivors. With war seemingly impossible to avoid, will you attempt to make peace or prepare for an inevitable war?

2,339 readers have visited The Fall of Xamos since BlackIceRocker created it.



The land of Xamos is on the brink of war. Humans could not keep well enough alone. They have developed their cities, feuded over mere parcels of land, taken it for their own needs. The bestial vyldkin have been have been more than patient, but there comes a time when even that is no longer enough. They can no longer sit idly by as their clans are razed by an unknown menace, their warriors slain and their children kidnapped. Of course, their instincts tell them that the humans are to blame, but when not even the human leaders know why vyldkin settlements are specifically being targeted, what are they to do?

A few roving bands of vyldkin marauders have taken it upon themselves to exact their own retribution against the humans, invading their villages and killing them in the night. This has caused a new wave of anti-vyldkin persecution to rise in the human cities, and many are in agreement that war seems inevitable. Despite diplomatic attempts using the help of the other races of Xamos, tensions continue to rise and now it is only a matter of time before something pushes one side over the edge. When that happens, the fate of the land will be grim indeed…

Races of Xamos

Drow: Also known as the β€œDwehga” among their own kind or β€œdark elves” among humans, the drow are a secretive race living in the cave systems underneath Xamos. They are attuned to darkness and have an almost innate understanding of the shadows, which makes mercenary work almost too fitting of a choice of career for any that come to the surface. Dwehga are more than capable assassins and are skilled in the art of poison making and sabotage. More underground drow could care less about the events of the surface dwellers, focusing more on their less-than-conventional political system in their own cities; however, those on the surface would relish the opportunity to work for the highest bidders for either side.

Dwarves: A hearty people, dwarves are creatures that find themselves home in the mountains. They are master smiths and they live for the forge. Dwarven armor and weapons are highly prized by collectors and are known for their strength and durability. Despite their skill with the forge, some dwarves feel a calling to battle and make their skills known in their annual Darkhammer Tournament. With regards to the current situation between the humans and vyldkin, many hope for a peaceful resolution; however, the smiths realize that a war could make for an extremely lucrative opportunity for their race.

Elves: Also known as the β€œFheyga” among their own kind, the long-lived elves are reclusive forest-dwellers that believe in a harmonious relationship with nature and the world around them. They prefer to inhabit forests or other areas lush with flora, as they feel a greater connection with nature in these sorts of places. While elves tend to stay with their homes, a few develop a sense of wanderlust and roam the wilds of Xamos, venturing into human cities or vyldkin settlements or dwarven strongholds to learn about their ways. Wandering fheyga make for excellent diplomats, and nearly all elves hope for a peaceful resolution to the looming conflict, lest the violence causes Xamos to rot and decay.

Humans: The most pervasive race of the land, humans are adaptable and industrious. Over the centuries, they have cultivated the land and built massive cities, intent on leaving their mark in the history of Xamos. Humans are able to perform a multitude of different tasks and take on almost any profession they wish, another testament to their mercurial nature. Currently, humans are divided on the issue of whether they would want to go to war against the vyldkin; while there are some radical groups that would want to see the beastmen exterminated, there are many that would rather resolve the issue peacefully, especially when the actions of a few renegades could spell the potential destruction of their race. Their capital city, Ivory Hold, is located slightly east from the center of the continent, surrounding by sprawling grasslands and hills.

Vyldkin: The savage vyldkin are a race of beastmen that live in nomadic tribes in the badlands of Xamos, usually leonine in appearance with sharp teeth growing from their jaws and an almost feral look in their slitted eyes. The saying goes that vyldkin are β€œborn into blood, raised by blade, die in battle”; indeed, the vyldkin are born into this world with a fire in their hearts that can only be satisfied through battle. While not necessarily a war-like race, they are quick to settle disputes with violence, especially when questions arise about honor. The vyldkin see the razing of a temporary settlement as a deep wound to their pride and will not sit quietly as their brothers and tribesmen are slaughtered; there are a few, however, that are willing to give diplomacy a chance, although they fear that their bestial nature will get the better of them in the end and prevent a peaceful solution.


The art of magic is something not fully understood by the races of Xamos. While there are some magi that feel the call to research it and help cultivate young talent, those born with the β€œspark” are few and far between. From what magi know from their research thus far, they have divided the study of magic into three primary groups: Elemental, conjuration and manipulation of the classical elements (fire, water, earth, air); Physical, manipulating the physical properties of objects (levitation, invisibility, etc.); and Mental, manipulating the minds of others through illusion. Finding the balance between magic use and overuse is crucial, as one unavoidable flaw in all three schools is the emergence of β€œfeedback”, a sensation where the magic begins to affect the casterβ€”a mage hurling fireballs might suddenly find that his arm has been set ablaze; one that is attempting to levitate a heavy object might find herself being pushed away from her target; even worse is the fear that a caster’s own illusions will begin to manifest in their own minds and affect them in addition to their targets. For this reason, magic is still considered a powerful but volatile concept, and further research is needed in order to calm the public’s fears about magic in general.

Character Skeleton

Name: (Self-explanatory, I hope)
Age: (Again, self-explanatoryβ€”remember, fheyga and dwehga can live for centuries and dwarves can live to around 200, while humans and vyldkin live until around 70-80 depending on individual circumstances. I’d rather not see a group of teens attempt to save the world Γ‘ la EVERY JRPG EVER, so feel free to make your character older if the mood strikes you!)
Race: (Any of the five above)
Gender: (Self-explanatory)
Appearance: (Picture is optional; written description is mandatory)
Personality: (How your character acts, what they think about the human/vyldkin dilemma, etc.)
Allegiance: (Which race does your character sympathize with more? Why does your character feel for one race over the other? What may sway them toward one side over the other if they are undecided?)
Skills/Abilities: (Weapon skills, diplomacy, a particular school of magic, etc.)
Weaknesses: (Can’t have good characters without flaws now, can we?)
Bio: (Where has your character come from?)

Writing Sample: When you submit the above character sheet for approval, I also would like you to PM me a sample of your writing; this is so I can examine your style and content. Quality is ALWAYS better than quanity--I would much rather see 5-600 words of high-quality writing than 2500 words of OK-quality writing. Feel free to C/P a post from another RP that you are in. I reserve the right to reject an application based on the quality of writing, so please make sure that you submit your best work!

Characters Slots

Drow One: Talael Tamira [played by Hyperewok]
Drow Two: [Open]
Drow Three: [Open]

Dwarf One: Beryl Shatterheart [played by Ion]
Dwarf Two: [Open]
Dwarf Three: [Open]

Elf One: Hivanthir Leitni [played by Qaida]
Elf Two: Aransandorian Dwin'shadr [played by Ion]
Elf Three: [Open]

Human One: Geoffrey Ivorygate [played by BlackIceRocker]
Human Two: Jura "Dodger" Darling [Played by HansenetteHeart]
Human Three: [Open]

Vyldkin One: Feral Bloodrazor [played by BlackIceRocker]
Vyldkin Two: Ahn Surestrike [played by Qaida]
Vylkdin Three: [Open]

I will hold reservations for 48 hours, during which time I must see a completed Character Sheet and a PM’d writing sample. If after 48 hours I have not received both of these requirements, you will lose your reservation and the spot will be open to anyone once more.

Toggle Rules

Rule One
Don't talk about Fight Club Literacy is an absolute requirement (hopefully this will be solved by the writing samples, but what do I know?). You aren't expected to have the most expansive vocabulary in the world, but please review your posts for grammatical/spelling errors and correct them before you post. Please be mindful of your fellow players; you expect to be able to read and understand their posts, so please extend the same courtesy to them.

Rule Two
Don't talk about Fight Club One sentence posts will be disregarded. It isn't that difficult to write an adequate post, so please put in a bit of effort! We're all working together to make this turn into a wonderful story, so please contribute fairly to make that possible. I'm not necessarily looking for novels for posts, but a few decent paragraphs that have been proofread and spell-checked are sufficient. Remember, QUALITY trumps quantity every day of the week!

Rule Three
Use common sense. Be respectful to your fellow players and their characters. If you would like to use another character in your post in a prominent way, always ask the player for permission first.

Rule Four
Don't god-mod. Don’t be that guy. You wouldn’t want that guy to force your character to jump into a fireball, do you? No? Well then, don’t let yourself be that guy and do it to someone else’s character β€œfor the lulz”, as all the cool kids say nowadays.

Rule Five
You may be as creative as you like with your powers, but bear in mind limitations. No power is without fault. As the GM, I reserve the right to request an expansion on character weaknesses if I feel that they are unbalanced. In addition, I will enforce magical feedback on characters that are mages if the player does not seem to grasp the concept of feedback. I do not make this a rule to be a jerk (although I will admit to being one at times, like everyone else); I make this a rule to prevent players from getting away with being overpowered.

Rule Six
Be active! All successful roleplays need constant contribution. This doesn't mean you have to post several times a day, but remember to stay involved! I hope to be able to see a few posts per week, but I understand that real life comes first and won't force anyone to do more than one post a week. If you don't think you can keep up, then please don't join. If you must be away for an extended period of time, please post in the OOC or PM me and let us know when you will be able to return. The worst thing that could happen is an important player (ALL of you potential players are important, mind you) up and vanishing without any warning whatsoever, and no one likes it when that happens. Again, don’t be that guy.

Rule Seven
Keep everything realistic (well, as realistic as this MEDIEVAL-ESQUE RP SETTING will allow). While romance can be possible, try not to make decisions without making sure both parties are alright with it. I do not discriminate against gender pairings, but I do discriminate against completely unrealistic pairings (human and vyldkin, for example). I also don’t expect any vyldkin to jump on the human sympathy bandwagon (or vice versa) anytime soon, so please don’t do things like that either. Also take into account that using magic constantly will tire out your character or force some feedback against them (See Rule Five).

Rule Eight
And, of course, we’re all here to have fun! If there is ever any disagreement or discrepancy--whether it be with a person, post, or otherwise--you may always PM me or post it in the OOC section. I will do my best with my schedule to address your questions or concerns in a timely manner (within 24 hours). If by that time I have been unable to address your problem, I will see to it that I put on the BAD GM HAT OF SHAME (trademarked) for the RP to see.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate Character Portrait: Beryl Shatterheart Character Portrait: Havinthir Leitni Character Portrait: Aransandorian Dwin'shadr
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#, as written by Ion

At Ivorygate’s comment about bandits, Aransandorian quirked the eyebrow over his blue eye, curling one side of his mouth into the faintest of smiles. Wellβ€”from the looks of things, they were adding yet more people to their growing repertoire. It was hardly what he’d expected when they came upon him, and in all honesty, the diversity in representation here seemed to him likely to muddle the effort: however good or compelling they were as individuals, they were unlikely to be brining the same message, and the important parts might well get lost in the minutiae. Then again, he was no diplomat, merely the guide, and a man who wanted other peoples’ battles out of his forest.

The human gave his name, and the dwarf responded in kind. β€œBeryl Shatterheartβ€”Berry, β€˜f β€˜s’all th’ same t’ ya.” Interesting; he did not believe that β€˜Shatterheart’ was a dwarven surname. Linguistically, it bore more similarities to the sort of thing vyldkin would name themselves. Bloodrazor, Ebonclaw, Shatterheart… the names almost always alluded to violence or predation. Such things were, after all, the central features of the culture.

But it was time to be moving again, and from his mount, Aransandorian nodded. β€œOf course,” he replied simply. He had never not been ready to proceed. The sooner they got moving again, the sooner this whole matter was resolved and everyone here was no longer stomping through his forest. FΓΊmella shifted slightly beneath him, the large creature herself clearly inclined to be moving, though she was patient.

β€œAll righ’, then…” the dwarf said, glancing at the horses a little nervously, then back to the Lord and his… was that a deer? It looked kind of like a deer, only much larger. It was a bit bigger than the horses, actually, but it still managed to look… nicer. Dwarves and riding weren’t really the easiest of concepts to dovetail together, and honestly, she was a bit leery of the proposition. So, socially-oblivious being that she was, she glanced back at the mounted elf. β€œBeggin’ yer pard’n an’ all, uh, m’lord, but… d’ya mind β€˜f I ride with ya? β€˜Orses an’ me, well…” she trailed off awkwardly.

Aransandorian was a little surprised. He was far from sociable, and this dwarf’s elven counterpart was practically falling over himself with the conventional courtesy (a rather common occurrence when he met other people). More than that, though, he believed himself to be rather successfully projecting a standoffish demeanor, which she seemed entirely willing to ignore. Either that, or she simply didn’t notice. Whatever the case, he blinked slowly, once, then lowered his arm, which caught hold of. Between her jump and his tug, she was situated behind him in one try, shifting about uneasily. β€œJust hold on to me,” he said with a measure of irritation. She complied, and stopped fidgeting. Deciding that expediency demanded it of him, he turned his eyes on the other elf, arching a brow. β€œAnd you? FΓΊmella can take three.” If the three were all of moderate weight, anyway, and the dwarf seemed rather reedy for one of her people, though still stouter than an elven or human child of comparable height.

Whatever Havinthir decided, they were on their way again shortly after, weaving through the forests. The trees were beginning to thin out, a sure sign that they drew nearer to the plains. After a while, they broke the line of vegetation entirely, the arbored path spitting them out into a grassy field. With time, the grass grew drier, and one began to understand why the lands the vyldkin occupied were called β€œthe Dead Earth” by the elves. Not much, if anything, willingly grew in such a place.

β€œWe approach Bloodrazor territory,” Aransandorian warned. β€œFain exercise caution, if keeping your life please you.” That was not to say he expected to be attacked, but keeping one’s steel loose in one’s scabbard was never a bad idea in such places.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor Character Portrait: Beryl Shatterheart Character Portrait: Havinthir Leitni Character Portrait: Aransandorian Dwin'shadr Character Portrait: Ahn Surestrike
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#, as written by Siryn

He was carrying a large sack of meat from the beast that they had downed. Ahn hadn't seen Feral on their way back to camp and he sighed heavily. The large Vyldkin walked into camp and offered the fruits of their labor to the elder. He hardly payed attention to the greeting, or what was said afterwards. Instead he left the sack with one of the cooks, and went to look for Feral. She was obviously in a very bad mood, but he didn't care about that. Someone needed to talk to her, and she really needed to start realizing certain things.

Ahn sighed again, not that she would do so anytime soon he was sure. As he was moving through the camp he caught a familiar smell. Stopping in mid stride, he turned towards their northern eastern entrance and looked out into the fields. Someone was approaching them and they weren't Vyldkin. With a heavy sigh, he knew that if he smelt the elf-kin, Feral did too. Perhaps if he got there first things wouldn't turn to bloodshed right away.

Ahn abandoned his search for the woman and started towards the entrance to their village. He would go out and meet them. A quick glance around told him that others of the tribe had caught wind of the scents as well. The elf-kin was the strongest, but with it was human and something else. A child? No, that wasn't it. What an interesting smell... Ahn shook his head slightly and continued forward.

"Going out to see who comes our way?" Rothgar's voice echoed next to him, and Ahn turned slightly to see the elder Vyldkin fall into step next to him.

"Hopefully before Feral gets there," Ahn commented with a slight shake of his head.


Havi's face had taken on a slightly pinkish tint as the Lord of the Forest offered to take him as well. He took the offer and hoisted himself up upon the steed easily enough. He leaned backwards, his light weight evenly balanced on the creatures back. He put on hand on Berry's shoulder, not to steady himself but to help steady her. Havinthir was sure that she wasn't used to being on horseback by the way she'd tried to get adjusted earlier. Her asking to ride though had bitten at Havi and he had almost intervened, but the Lord had agreed and so Havi didn't say anything.

β€œWe approach Bloodrazor territory. Fain exercise caution, if keeping your life please you.”

Havi, who had been watching the terrain before them from over Illiandiaile's shoulder caught sight of something coming their way. His breath sucked in and he quickly dismounted. Landing on his feet, he kept pace with the horse easily enough before moving ahead of the procession. They met the small group of Vyldkin, a very tall and imposing looking one with silver hair eyed them all. His hand held his very large broad sword that looked as if it could cleave Havinthir in two with one swipe.

Havi quickly bowed to the Vyldkin and then smiled up at him, "We're here on peaceful terms. We would like to talk."

The one on the silver Vyldkin's right huffed in response, crossing his arms over his bare chest, "Peaceful, hu? Do you not have eyes, then elf?"

"Rothgar," the silver one cut in, his deep voice rumbling from his chest. The older looking Vyldkin shrugged and silenced himself.

"What is it you want, little Fheyga?"

"I personally come bearing sad news of one of the tribes. I am a traveler who lives amongst your people. I came across my dwarven friend," he motioned to Berry sitting behind the Lord, "and we stumbled upon the atrocity. The men I am with are also looking for a tribe to speak to. Though I've no knowledge on the subject, but I'm willing to bet it is on the same subject."

The silver Vyldkin looked between them all then nodded his head, "You and those that are your leaders may enter the village. The rest stay here. I do not trust you all that much to allow all of your armed men into my home. I'm sure my elder would agree. Follow me," the Vyldkin said, and turned on his heel and started back towards the village. Havi let out a sigh of relief. That had gone better than he'd expected. Hopefully things would stay that way.

The setting changes from Xamos to The Badlands


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Talael Tamira Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor Character Portrait: Beryl Shatterheart Character Portrait: Havinthir Leitni Character Portrait: Aransandorian Dwin'shadr Character Portrait: Ahn Surestrike
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After the others readjusted themselves atop their respective mounts, Ivorygate nodded and directed his horse after Aransandorian's stag. He made sure to keep his horse close behind the leader--as much as he wished to take command of the situation, he realized that these individuals may have as much of a reason to attempt to stop any further destruction from the vyldkin as the humans and have just as much of a right to help the cause as he did to lead them. Besides, he had no idea how to manuever through these woods, and Aransandorian was more than capable of leading the group through.

The others were rather quiet, which was interesting for a change. They all knew of the severity of the situation, and of course they knew that another destroyed settlement would only rile them further. Silently, the ambassador hoped that it would not come down to an entire settlement raining claws and steel down upon their ragtag group for even looking at someone in an awkward manner. If there was one thing that they all knew, it was that the vyldkin were not to be trifled with.

After a quick warning by their elven guide, the Bloodrazor settlement came into view, a small band of vyldkin standing by the outskirts of some of their large tents. They appeared to be packing and relocating to another part of the badlands--an ill-timed attempt for negotiation on the king's part, but they had managed to find the settlement before too much had been packed away. There was indeed that small fortune that graced the ambassador's current predicament, and he welcomed any extra luck that might help their cause.

The newcomer elf dismounted and walked toward the observing vyldkin, motioning back toward the group after a brief moment. Their members appeared displeased to see the approaching diplomat, especially one that stood next to a silver-furred vyldkin that wielded a greatsword nearly as large as the diplomat himself. He held his breath until the very moment that the group turned back toward their settlement, leaving the elf alone.

Taking the suggestions of the others into account with regards to his guards, Ivorygate dismounted and stood next to his steed. "Captain, you and your men will stay behind with the girl, make sure she does not come to harm while we discuss a potential peace deal."

"Sir, I will not allow myself to stay outside while you are putting yourself in peril," the captain protested, dismounting as well. "I insist on coming inside the settlement with you."

"Captain, I order you and your men to protect the girl. Take yourself a ways away and guard her with your lives. They already feel ill at-ease that we are even here, and allowing armed men into their complex will only serve to fan the flames. Besides, what difference will one armed guard make against dozens of vyldkin armed to the teeth with weapons and claws and physical superiority. As your quarry, I command that you stand down and allow the vyldkin their comfort and your absence." Ivorygate was not very pleased with the idea of an armed guard entering with them and being perceived as a threat to the very thin patience that the vyldkin had for their entire situation.

He turned to the others aside from Jura, grim-faced and stern. "Anyone that doubts their words and desire for peace stays out with the guards. They will protect you outside of the walls better than you would be able to help the cause." With that, Ivorygate turned back toward the elf and the retreating vyldkin, intent on continuing forward with diplomatic action, something that he was keen to begin. He had a feeling that the elves, the dwarf, and the dwehga would be interested in assisting him, but in what way? He supposed that they would undoubtedly have their reasons for making sure that war did not break out between the humans and the vyldkin, but would the elders of the Bloodrazor clan feel as if they were conspiring against their race in doing so?

The vyldkin of the camp shot the ambassador and the others dirty looks, wondering whether or not they would follow them to the large tent in the center of the camp. Ivorygate sighed and pushed ahead, leaving his guardsmen and Jura behind to wait for their return.


She realized what she had done. Fleeing from a hunt was hardly the most honorable thing one could do for the tribe, especially the final hunt before an Exodus, but she had done what she felt was necessary to keep herself from lashing out at her tribesmen. They technically had done nothing wrong, but her pride dictated that she was to have been the one to have landed the killing blow--none but the greatest of hunters were able to slaughter those massive beasts, even with help; but did that mean Gnash was a better hunter than she? Impossible! There was no conceivable way that Gnash was any better of a hunter than she! He was never as adept at combat and stealth as she!

The vyldkin continued to run across the badlands, not knowing whether the others cared enough to follow her--she highly doubted it--but still running with her axe at her side nonetheless. She needed to get away from the others for a bit, let herself cool off, perhaps kill a few smaller creatures on her own before returning back to the camp. They would not just up and leave without her, after all. Even if they had, she knew where they would be heading next.

Up ahead, though, she saw a few slight puffs of black smoke on the horizon. Her eyes grew wide as she sprinted ahead to see what exactly was causing this disturbance. She figured that it would be some sort of fire, but what was burning out in the middle of nowhere? Perhaps a settlement was out this far into the wilderness, but she never remembered the smoke being so black--

The stench overwhelmed her nostrils as she ventured closer. Burning bodies. Shredded tents. Charred fur. Funeral pyres. The entire clan had been killed. By whom, she did not know, nor did she care. In her anger, she unlatched her blood-stained axe and stood up on two legs before hurling it down into the ground and roaring in anguish. The cry echoed off on the winds, carrying as far as the vyldkin could see before disappearing across the horizon.

A rare sight indeed for a vyldkin to be brought to her knees, but sure enough, the sight of her blade-brothers smoldering before her very eyes was a powerful one. She knew this clan--the Whisperblades. They were a clan that managed to produce fine razor-sharp weapons; even she used a Whisperblade-crafted axe despite her clan's insistence that Bloodrazor steel was stronger. She had even received a blessing for this particular blade, but now... with their crafters slaughtered and their legacy only perpetuated by tales and legends...

The vyldkin felt a feral growl building in her chest as she released it toward the pyre ahead of her. She picked up her axe and reattached it to her belt--someone was going to answer for these crimes, and she herself would be judge, jury, and executioner. Turning to the south, the vyldkin bent back down on all fours before running away from the gristly site. Her clan had to know that the time for action was now before they were all slaughtered like the Whisperblades...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor
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**A collab between HansenetteHeart and BlackIceRocker**



The guards were rather dumbfounded as to why the diplomat had even agreed to bring along anyone else with their journey, especially the Jura girl. She had done nothing but open her mouth where it was least beneficial to do so and had caused nothing but trouble, yet the diplomat insisted that they would not abandon her in the middle of nowhere to fend for herself. So, for the time being, they were all stationed away from the camp, forced to babysit the one person they would rather not have to deal with.

Jura didn't like guards and she was rather sure they didn't like her. Guards usually didn't. She didn't do well with authority. Or people who thought that they had authority. She sat on the ground, her arms crossed and glaring at the group of guards that were being forced into babysitting her. Great. This was definitely going to be a barrel of laughs.

"So what, do you guys have names or am I just meant to call you all "Guard 1, Guard 2, Guard 3" and so on." She asked, although it was more of a challenging statement than an actual question.

"We're not here to socialize, Miss Darling," one of the guards responded, staying on alert. "Ambassador Ivorygate has asked us to protect you, and that is precisely what we are doing."

Jura rolled her eyes. "Yeah, but what if there's an emergency? Because, oddly enough, I don't think "you there, the one in the uniform!" is going to do anyone much help if a vyldkin is ripping us all to pieces."

"By that point, you should have made peace with your gods--if we're surrounded by vyldkin, we're all dead anyway, names or not."

"Well, aren't you an optimist? Besides, vyldkin killing you lot, I understand. You have a massive crest on your armor. You scream "look at me! I'm a potenial target!" I, on the other hand, am a little girl who can cry on command and can run like almighty hell. I at least have a tiny chance."

"You think that'll stop bloodthirsty vyldkin from chasing you? I've seen what they do to the planeswalkers, and those things are massive! Three of 'em, bringing one of those beasties down and tearing it apart!" a third guard looked around toward the others.

"Aw, piss off--you're gonna scare the girl..." a fourth piped up, raising an eyebrow incredulously in response.

"Yeah, Mr Sunshine and Rainbows, you'll scare me." She grinned, playing with her sword again. "Besides, I wouldn't run. I'd hide. There is a reason my family calls me Dodger and it isn't because I'm spectacularly good at dodge ball."

The guards chuckled at the joke that the young woman managed to tell, glancing over at the one she had called "Mister Sunshine and Rainbows". They did not notice, however, something rustling in the underbrush until was too late. One of the guards immediately stopped, frozen in place as blood began to drip from his mouth before falling over dead, an axe embedded deep in the back of his neck.

"Secure the area!" the remaining guards immediately sprung up from their seated positions, grabbing weapons and surrounding the young woman. "We will not let the attacker catch us off-guard again!"

Jura blinked, pulled to her feet roughly by one of the guards. The suddeness of the whole event just sent a shock to her system. She peeked around one of the guards and cringed at the sight of the dead guard with an axe in his back.

"W-what..? What the hell is going on?!" The young woman asked, panic setting in. She should have been trying to keep calm but it was hard with a hidden attacker picking them off.

The nearby underbrush shook, unnerving even the trained guards protecting the young woman. "J-just stay calm, everyone..." one of the remaining guards managed to breathe, waving his sword in the direction of the shaking shrubbery. "'s five against... how many are there?"

"N-No idea, sir..." another guard spoke up, his arm shaking from fear. He looked down toward the dead guard with the axe in the back of his head and trembled even more.

With a sudden burst of ferocity, something burst from the shrubbery, tackling two of the guards to the ground before tearing away at their necks with massive claws. Two of the remaining three guards wheeled back in surprise, but the third managed to identify the creature that attacked them all.

"Vyldkin!" he screamed before raising his sword above his head, giving the creature a massive target to slash across before he could bring down his weapon. The leonine creature slashed through the ringmail, tearing open his skin and causing massive lacerations to form across his stomach. After a few wobbly seconds, he finally fell over, clutching his stomach and watching his life flash before his eyes.

Jura let out a scream as she watched the guards be struck down by a ferocious blur. The young woman quickly grabbed her sword in a vain attempt of protecting herself. Her green eyes shot around the area, trying to spot this attacker, flinching as one of the other guards were brutally murdered.

"What are we going to do now?" She turned to the two remaining guards, her eyes wide and terrified. "What are we going to do?!"

The vyldkin attacker turned around atop the carnage she--it looked rather feminine, although it could have been a rather lithe male, it was sort of hard to tell to humans--had caused. She growled, letting the blood drip across her fur and adding a bit of ferocity to her appearance. With a leap, she struck down another guard while the one remaining began to shake in his boots. After tearing the flesh from the other guard, she turned and tackled the remaining armored man to the ground, pinning his limbs to the soft soil.

"What did you do to the Bladewhispers!?" she screamed into the guard's face, flecks of blood and malice flying every which way as she bared her teeth for the guard to see.

"Th-Th-The w-w-w-wha?" his eyes grew wide in fear. "I d-d-d-d-don't kn-n-n-n-now what you're t-t-t-t-talking ab-b-b-b--"

"Lies!" The guard cringed under the weight of the vyldkin's claws around his wrists. He grimmaced as the leonine attacker dug her claws into his flesh, drawing blood and moving down closer to his face. The guard could smell the blood and the stink of meat on her breath as he looked into her mouth filled with teeth.

"H-H-H-Honest! W-W-W-We c-c-c-c-c-c-c-came from the s-s-s-s-south... a-a-a-aren't the B-B-B-Bladewhisp-p-p-pers f-f-f-further n-n-n-north?"

With a roar, the vyldkin bit down on the guard's neck, plunging her teeth through the tender flesh and ripping it apart. It tasted rather sweet, revenge--she could tell that he had known too much about the clan they supposedly had not slaughtered. But what of the young woman? Sure, she had a blade, but she carried no armor...

Jura backed away from the vyldkin, her eyes wide and frightened. She was so dead. Her instincts were telling her to run, run like the wind but her legs weren't obeying her. She tripped as she backed away, landing onto her back. The young woman looked up at the gory attacker. Plucking up whatever courage and blind stupidity she had left, she addressed the beast.

"Well...if you're gonna do it, do it fast. I don't want any of that damn suffering bullshit." She spoke quietly and carefully, staring straight into the vyldkin's eyes. She looked at the beast, knowing that she was basically dead. Jura lifted her sword and placed it gently on the ground beside her. No need to harm the weapon. She'd promised it to her little brother after all.

The beast growled as she advanced on all fours toward the cowering young woman. Such stupid bravery--staring death in the eyes did that to people, after all. The vyldkin smirked, letting blood drip from her teeth as she wrapped a claw around the girl's ankle.

"And why would I do that? I'm sure that you'd tell quite an interesting tale if I kept you alive..." she purred as she squeezed around the woman's ankle. After doing so, she snarled at the survivor before calmly pawing over to the axe and ripping it out of the guard's neck. She placed it back on her belt before looking back toward the girl.

"If I see you again, you're meat... got it, fleshbag?"

Jura blinked as she hung upside down. "Well, technically, I'm made of meat now but sure, see you again and I'll be pushing up daisies." Inwardly, the young woman chastised herself but her mouth always ran away with her in stressful situation, and talking to a murderer was rather stressful in any walk of life. Blind panic and an already loose mouth never went well together.

The vyldkin snarled as she took the axe and slice it across the young girl's cheek, drawing blood. "Perhaps this will remind you to know your place, fleshbag..."

The young woman let out a startled gasp as the vyldkin cut her face with the axe that had killed one of the guards. She tried to cringe away from the snarling beast, blood dripping down over her eyes. She'd just been cut with a murder weapon. The thing that sliced her face had killed a man not minutes ago. Jura felt her stomach twist painfully at the thought.

"Okay, okay! I...I'll shut up! I...I wouldn't..." Jura babbled in fear, her deep green eyes filled with panic. The cut might not have been life-threatening but she didn't trust this vyldkin to smash her head against the ground and split it like an egg. "Just don't...slice or dice me or something. Please." Dodger squeaked, the blood oozing from her face beginning to stain her white fringe a disturbing shade of pink.

The vyldkin purred as the blood trickled down the meatsack's face and onto the ground, staining the dirt a muddy red. "You fleshbags... you're all the same--talk a big game and then beg for mercy when you've been put in your place." With a growl, she threw the human onto the ground, letting her legs fly over her head onto one of the corpses of the guards. "Be fortunate I find no use in slaughtering the defenseless unless I find need."

Jura scooted back quickly, her skin crawling from the contact with the corpse. Her wide eyes snapped to the vyldkin, cautious. Did she mean that or was she just going to kill her anyway? Her chest hammered as she sat silently, awaiting the next move. Her mind screamed at her to run, run to the rest of the group, run home, run to her mother and father and never stray again, to hell with any interesting things she might spot. The young woman spotted her sword on the ground where she'd left it. She shot her hand out and grabbed the blade, clutching it to her chest. "O-o-ok...So thanks f-for not killing me?" She whispered, eyes wide and watching.

The vyldkin snarled at the girl, axe glistening with blood in her claw as she took a few steps closer. "Don't forget--you are nothing." With that, the vyldkin leapt over the young cowering human and ran back off into the underbrush, leaving her behind with half a dozen corpses bleeding over the ground around her.

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The Badlands

The Badlands by BlackIceRocker

An area of Xamos where the vyldkin call home.

Ivory Hold

Ivory Hold by BlackIceRocker

The Human Capital

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Character Portrait: Beryl Shatterheart
16 sightings Beryl Shatterheart played by Ion
"Well, that'sa bi' silly, don'tcha think?"
Character Portrait: Aransandorian Dwin'shadr
20 sightings Aransandorian Dwin'shadr played by Ion
"In every legend is a grain of truth. ...Though sometimes it is small."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate
Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling
Character Portrait: Talael Tamira
Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor


Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor
Feral Bloodrazor

"Cross me the wrong way and I'll skin you alive, fleshbag..."

Character Portrait: Talael Tamira
Talael Tamira

"Things are never as simple as they seem."

Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling
Jura "Dodger" Darling

I don't know anything about war but after a couple years working on a farm? Anything is more exciting."

Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate
Geoffrey Ivorygate

"No good ever comes out of violence--let us strive to find a peaceful solution to this... distasteful situation..."


Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate
Geoffrey Ivorygate

"No good ever comes out of violence--let us strive to find a peaceful solution to this... distasteful situation..."

Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor
Feral Bloodrazor

"Cross me the wrong way and I'll skin you alive, fleshbag..."

Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling
Jura "Dodger" Darling

I don't know anything about war but after a couple years working on a farm? Anything is more exciting."

Character Portrait: Talael Tamira
Talael Tamira

"Things are never as simple as they seem."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jura "Dodger" Darling
Jura "Dodger" Darling

I don't know anything about war but after a couple years working on a farm? Anything is more exciting."

Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ivorygate
Geoffrey Ivorygate

"No good ever comes out of violence--let us strive to find a peaceful solution to this... distasteful situation..."

Character Portrait: Talael Tamira
Talael Tamira

"Things are never as simple as they seem."

Character Portrait: Feral Bloodrazor
Feral Bloodrazor

"Cross me the wrong way and I'll skin you alive, fleshbag..."

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Most recent OOC posts in The Fall of Xamos

Re: The Fall of Xamos

I apologize once again about the delay on Geoffrey's post--I've been sort of floundering with work stuff for a while, but I finally found some time to sit my ass down and write. Hopefully in the next cycle we'll be able to finally get to the Bloodrazor Clan and get this party started!

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Alrighty, I can probably post next without worrying too much about cutting someone else off or anything like that. Give me a little bit though, probably either tomorrow or friday night. I'm just way too tired right now and I've got one more final left to go!!!

Don't worry, I'll get my writing spree up and running again this weekend. I'm just really tired and burned out from school and my tutoring job (as if my own research papers aren't enough I get to correct and help everyone else with theirs!!! woopy....) Anyhow! I'll do my best to post tomorrow night :)

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Guys, I'm sorry about the wait--I've been back down at school for the last couple of days helping with a convention, which has taken all of my free time until now. Hopefully I won't end up disappearing on you again for quite a while...

Re: The Fall of Xamos

I'll be back Sunday as I'm leaving today this afternoon to go on a camping trip! So, just a heads up guys ;) I'll be back though, no worries at all. :D See you guys on Sunday!!

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Ahn and Feral are fun :D

There it is ;) Posted. I didn't want to do too much with it. But I hope that's enough Icy.

Also, Ion, Icy was telling me about some idea that you had in mind for Havinthir and Berry. Please!! Feel free to go through with it and what not. I'm down for anything ;) Especially if it gives our two characters a bit of action muahahahah!

Re: The Fall of Xamos


Just wanted to thank Qaida for her help with the post between Ahn and Feral! It's really a lot of fun writing for those two :B

Re: The Fall of Xamos

YAAAAAAAAAAY life-threatening danger! :V

Also, I don't think I've actually said this yet, but let me make something clear to everyone: feel free to make up new major places (like cities for your races, especially if you're not a human or vyldkin)--we may end up having the party travel to these places in the future, so it may not hurt to have them as options to select in the world! If you ever need a tab made for a new place, feel free to shout at me either through OOC, PM, or IM and I'll get on it!


Re: The Fall of Xamos

Everyone loves life-threatening danger!

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Wooooo, adventure and life threatening danger. =D

Re: The Fall of Xamos

I actually talked with her a bit earlier, Hyper, and she said that she was going to get a post up by the end of the day Saturday; if not, I'll begin working on a post with Geoffrey and Talael and Jura just going on toward ADVENTURE and DANGER and POSSIBLY LIFE-THREATENING SITUATIONS... yeah :V

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Might just want to assume she's following along in order to keep things moving.

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Jebus, Qaida, you're acting like he's the most important thing in the RP... Seriously, get a hold of yourself, girl! :V

Also, here's hoping Heart decides to post sometime soon... otherwise Geoffrey's going to end up leaving without the excitable girl! :V

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Gah!!! My hot elf is under attack!!!


*coughs* Anyhow!!! Awesome post for the lord of the forest Ion ;) Looking forward to more of this one!


Re: The Fall of Xamos

Double posting to say... I might be double-posting. In the IC, that is; I wanted the posts to be in the right respective locations and all, which is why. That said, I might not get to Aransandorian's post until later, so if someone else goes in the interim, I certainly don't mind. :)

EDIT: And it's up. I should mention that the group consisting of Geoffrey and co. is likely to run into Aran and the bandits (tm) quite soon given their current trajectory, if nobody minds.


Re: The Fall of Xamos

Thanks, Icy! I think Berry might run into Havinthir first, since they're both headed to approximately the same place/region/whatever, but beyond that, I'm open to suggestions. I dunno quite what to do with Aran, though. Maybe The group with Geoffrey? Eh...

Heh, um. Thanks, Qaida. I was going for cranky, actually, but hey, I'll take it as a compliment anyhow.

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Ion!!! Ion!!!! Oh my GOD!!! Your elf!!! *fans self* Holy crap!!!! HOT!


*coughs* <--- thinks to self; shoulda made a chick....

Re: The Fall of Xamos

I'm currently working on a post for Feral just so she has something to do before everyone starts going into the camp and shit gets real :V

Also, Ion, I've accepted Berry and Aransandorian! Looking forward to seeing what shenanigans they get into >:D

Re: The Fall of Xamos

I was thinking that with Havinthir he may have just left a clan of Vyldkin and is now on his way to seek out another. He tends to bounce around a lot, so there are two possiblities for him. He could run into Beryl or he could run into Geoffrey's group. I'm open to either one :)

With Ahn, he's going to be with the Bloodrazor clan (of course ;) ) And I think I know exactly how I'll be starting with him. So!! Without further ado, since I'm now home from school, lets get this party started!


Re: The Fall of Xamos

Alternatively, he could start out on the road and run into Beryl, who is also looking to enter vyldkin territory? Just a suggestion, if you're looking for something to do.

I should have a sheet up for Beryl sometime today, and possibly also Aransandorian, but no promises there. Kind of a busy day today. :)

Re: The Fall of Xamos

Don't think of it as a hint to post--think of it as an idea of what you could potentially do. I mean, you have two characters to work with, so you've got a bit more to juggle at this point. I have a pretty good idea where Ahn's going to start, although I'm not quite as sure where you want Havinthir to begin his journey... Do you think the elf would be with the vyldkin at this point, or do you think he'd be wandering around and might bump into Geoffrey's group?