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The Rise of the Immortal

The Rise of the Immortal


After two decades of Mother Nature's cold wrath, She has decided to end the reign of Man. From the shadows and rubble of destroyed civilization, the immortals rise. (Always accepting new characters!)

3,060 readers have visited The Rise of the Immortal since TheScarletPlague created it.


After two decades of Mother Nature's cold wrath, She has decided to end the reign of Man. From the shadows and rubble of destroyed civilization, the immortals rise. All over the world, they slowly become known: Vampires, Werewolves, and the mysterious Fallen Angel. All of which require the mortal humans in order to survive. There is no technology to help them, there is no government to control them or hide them.

It began in 2000: Chains of natural disasters began, so strong they cut the United States off from Europe, Asia and Australia. This is where the role play begins, America in 2021 after the natural disasters have destroyed establishments beyond economic repair and after the Immortals made themselves known and began destroying civilization. Life has very much become survival of the fittest for the humans.

UNITED STATES: People are in hiding or out killing the Immortal races, and plenty more are dead. Big cities have been abandoned, mainly because there is no longer electricity anywhere, unless some country houses have generators, but that still attracts attention, so maybe not. There is/has been plenty of looting going around, so streets are heavily littered. Overall, temperatures have moved closer to extremes. In the north, it is very cold and in the south it is very hot. The land in-between ranges only between the extremes as well.

There is no longer a government, as far as the people are concerned. There was a massive attack from a huge wolf pack that ultimately led to the burning down of the White House, along with many of its members and more than seventy-percent of the wolf pack. None of the government officials have been heard from since the attack in 2016. There is no army, rumor has it that it was disbanded after it became known a leading Colonial was actually a Vampire.

This is the only country, for now, that you may explore in. I will open up and make available to you more countries and continents based on how things go with the role play itself.

Your choices are: Human, Vampire, Werewolf, more will be added later.
if you wish to include another kind of bloodlust-eque creature, submit a detailed explanation in your character submission.
No Lycans, magic or otherwise fantasy characters, please.

Are classified as either Slayers or Survivors.
- Slayers: Humans who go out of their way to kill immortals, be it for personal vindication or to save the human race as an entirety. As a slayer, you are limited to the knowledge of how to kill one (1) race of immortal. You have no limits about your weaponry, but please be considerate and keep this a little bit believable. I'm going to find it hard to believe if your bad ass ex-Marine character hauls around an M60, a flamethrower and an exotic crossbow around everywhere he goes. Abuse this freedom and it will be taken away.

-Survivors: Generally do whatever it is they need to do to survive, including raiding grocery stores, finding water sources, hiding from immortals, etc. They may not be racist against various immortals, they could be traveling with an immortal.

Humans in this role play are just as able as humans are today, with the exception of the understanding that in dire situations of survival, people may act out of character or be overcome by unknown stimuli in order to assist in their ability to survive.

Are glamorized humans, basically. They have lighter skin, but everything else about them may be just as varied as it can be on a human. Their strength is about double that of a human, and their speed is about triple. If they do not feed (be it on animal blood or human blood) they will begin to lose their self-control in their bodys' efforts for survival. To keep craving down, they must consume roughly a quart of human blood once a week. Or two gallons of animal blood a week. Feeding on a human host is a very intimate procedure if the two have some kind of emotional connection that is pre-existing, and therefore should not be given written detail- fade to black.

A Slayer's Guide: There are only four ways to kill a Vampire:
i. If the Vampire drinks blood of the dead
ii. If the Vampire drinks the blood of another Vampire
iii. If the Vampire comes in full direct contact with sunlight
iv. If the Vampire is beheaded and the body and head burned to ash by fire.
To turn a Human:
i. The blood of the human must be consumed first
ii. Then the blood will be replaced by the blood of the Vampire via consumption.
NOTE: Because feeding is an intimate connection between the Vampire and the human, descriptions are not allowed. But you can give enough information leading to what is about to happen and fade to black.

Vampire Character Add-To Description List:

Feeding Preference: How often does your character need to feed? Does your vampire drink human blood, or does it prefer animal blood? (Blood is your only option of sustenance as a vampire.)
Mate: Have one? Is s/he dead? Not found him/her yet? Happily married? Inquiring minds want to know.
Apprentices: Do you sire any young vampires, whether or not you've left them to fend for themselves? Or do you prefer to drain humans and kill them?
Tell: All Vampires have a physical give-away about their lack of control if they have not fed: be it bloodshot eyes, a sudden creepy tone of voice, shaking, uncontrolled release of fangs, etc, etc. You may invent your own.

One werewolf has two forms: a human form and a wolf form. There must be correlations between the appearance of the werewolf while s/he is in both forms. For example, one character cannot have black hair in human form but a stark-white pelt in wolf form. Their strongest sense in both forms is their sense of smell. They also have "pack mentality" which can be used to send thoughts to other werewolves.
These werewolves cannot be magical, be of any unusual color (such as purple or pink or green.) or have any unusual appendages (such as wings.) Werewolves may turn into their wolf form whenever they feel necessary, however, if they do not feed it becomes harder to avoid the change when stimuli such as emotion come into play.

A Slayer's Guide: There is only one way to kill a Werewolf:
i. Silver is equivalent to a slow-acting poison in Werewolves. If you knick a wolf in the elbow, the effects will eventually first make the arm fall off, then proceed to rot the torso until it reaches the beast's heart and/or brain.
To turn a Human:
i. The werewolf must first be in wolf form on the night of a full moon.
ii. The werewolf's saliva must somehow enter the internal system of the human, be it by kissing or biting. Effects are almost instant and excruciatingly painful.
Miscellaneous Info:
i. Wolfsbane is a poison that will cause a Werewolf to go into a coma, no matter the amount. All the amount does is increase the time it takes to fall into a coma and how long one will stay in a coma.

Werewolf Character Add-to Description List:
Feeding Preference: Does your werewolf eat twice as many animals to compensate for not having to eat humans? Or does it not care much about humans and consumes them anyways? Or maybe a bit of both?
Pack: Are you the member of a wolf pack? (No, you are not because one has not been established. But you can create one and be the alpha if you wish, just leave me a note in your character application. First come, first serve.) Or are you loner werewolf?
Mate: Have one? Is s/he dead? Or have you not found him/her yet? Inquiring minds want to know...

Fallen Angels are just as they sound: angels who have fallen from Heaven. However, they have no recollection of an after life. Unlike Vampires and Werewolves, Fallen Angels do not kill humans to survive. Rather, they must force the humans to give up their will to survive: their soul. Humans can still live without their soul, which can be removed by a Fallen Angel by the mouth (much like a kiss) and used for their survival. Fallen Angels need only to consume one roughly by the month, and do not need other food (however, they do need water) to live. Some Fallen Angels have small memories of their mortal lives from when they were human, and all of them have one memory that connects them to their single trinket.
All Fallen Angels have a trinket of some kind that symbolizes something from their mortal life, and they come to with the knowledge that they must protect that trinket. All Fallen Angels also have wings (unless something, like say, a fire, removes them from existence) that range on the gray-scale in color but have unlimited sizes and textures. Some Fallen Angels come to earth with a mysterious sixth sense that is directly related to their mortal life. Some. I will not accept all because it is supposed to be a rare occurrence, but you are free to submit one, it can't hurt. For example, if your character was a great track star, his/her sixth sense could be transportation, the ability to think of a place and suddenly be there.

A Slayer's Guide: How to Banish a Fallen Angel:
i. Find the buried body of the suspect. Purify it with salt, and then destroy it with fire.
ii. Destroy the trinket of the Fallen Angel.
note: it is possible for the Earth itself to fully decompose the body of the Fallen Angel's human. In this case, only the trinket needs to be destroyed to complete the banishment.
Humans may not be transformed into Fallen Angels. They mysteriously fall from Heaven.

Fallen Angel Add-To Description List:
Burial Site of Mortal Body: (don't worry, your permission is still needed for banishment, and characters won't know unless you tell them.)
Wing Description: (Remember that colors may only be on the gray scale.)
Sixth Sense: (subject to approval.)



When submitting your character, you will use the generic application to insert the following information:
Age: (appearing and actual. Fallen Angels do not have an actual age.)
Physical Description: (no pictures, please. Use your words. I will be judging your role playing ability based on this, so leave that in your consideration.)
Personality Description: (No requirements here, except please be consistent, with the exception of if your character is affected by another character.)
History: All major points necessary, but keep it brief. If your character is a Fallen Angel, only include the memory your character has that is related to his/her specific trinket.
Items: Anything your character travels with
Travel: Does your character travel with others, if so, who? If not, would you like to? This is to start up the planning process.

If your desired race requires any more information be sure that you include that information in the description box as well.

This role play will only survive with good character interaction and development. That is why I ask for so much in your descriptions. The basic plot idea is all of these people are stuck in a situation and forced to interact, and based on the history and personality of your characters and how they interact, subplots are bound to overflow if taken seriously. I hope you enjoy it, and I'm not as unfriendly as I may seem to be, honestly, so if you have any questions for me, feel free to PM me. I'm looking forward to your character applications!

Still curious? Have more questions? Before you PM me, check for your question below:

Q: Can Immortals die by a surplus of passive damage?
A: That is ultimately the decision of the character's creator. I try to keep this environment as controlled by you guys as possible because I want all of your characters to be unique. Please note that your character is not going to die unless you give the consent for it to happen. You may interpret the rules of "slaying" strictly or liberally, so long as you understand your vampire cannot walk out in broad daylight without turning to stone and your werewolf cannot take a silver bullet to the heart without dying. Also, when we start to have fighting, you need to keep things balanced. I don't want any super-heroes. If I need to step in and make these freedoms rigid then I will, but I'm giving you guys the benefit of the doubt that you can have a civilized and good role play and keep it enjoyable for everyone.

Q: Can I have a pet?
A: Of course you can! As long as it isn't a special creature within itself, you know, like a vampire-bear or something. You can have a cat that follows you around, an armored horse to ride, or a monkey attached to your head, I don't care as long as it is mainly there as an "item" of your character and not another character. If that makes sense. Your animal can defend you, for example, if you have a guard dog, but if a werewolf chomps down on it and throws it across the alley and crunches it into a bunch of trashcans, it better be down for a while. Don't worry, that was just an example, your pets cannot die without your consent. Please, however, I would like to keep the pets as only animals that already exist. This rule may be changed in the future depending on how this role play does.

Toggle Rules

I. All general rules apply.
II. You may not kill another character without consent of the character creator.
III. You will obey the limits of your character's race.
IV. You may have up to three (3) characters.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

New England

New England by RolePlayGateway

Activity taking place in New England States

West Coast

West Coast by RolePlayGateway

California, Washington and Oregon.

Central UUS

Central UUS by RolePlayGateway

RPs in this location respond to the following states: ND, SD, MN, WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, KS, MO, AR, OK, LA, TX

Un-United States

Un-United States by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the destroyed, post-apocalyptic United States.


Mid-West by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Mid-West of post apocalyptic America!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Convel watched Ali with interest, curious to see what she was going to do with the jar of wolfsbane. Her eyes had revealed that he won- for now- the battle against Talon. Suddenly, another thought pressed heavily in his mind.

"Alieen-" He ran over to her in the hallway and place a hand on the elbow of her arm that was holding the vile jar. "We can't kill him yet. Otherwise the Alpha-Rights will be lost entirely. He would let them die, he wouldn't give them to you who, in his eyes, betrayed him, and he certainly won't give them back to me. Unless he has a pup we don't know about- which I highly doubt- the Rights will die with him. I want that pack..."

He searched her light eyes with his for a while, and saw she had not fully allied herself to him. This didn't make him stir, though, he expected such uncertainty. But if he could make her break her bond with Talon, it would be that much more worth it.

Quite suddenly, he grabbed her hand that held her shirt over her nose and held it with both of his, and didn't remove his eyes from hers. "And if you help me achieve my dream- my birth rights, my opinion of you, though it is already remarkably high... might become more. I see something in you, and I can see you feel horribly betrayed by Talon, and that is almost enough to make me want you alone to kill him yourself. But I know such a thing would only lead in your death, and perhaps I'd like for you to accompany me on the gathering on the rest of the Pack." He was almost tripping over his words again, and it seemed as though he meant to say a lot more than he had.

The setting changes from Mid-West to Shadowed Earth


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Aileen looked into his eyes, her own eyes searching for a lie. Suddenly, she saw it, a flicker of doubt in what he was saying. She looked down, taking a deep breath. Her eyes quickly found the jar of wolfsbane and she had a hard time keeping herself from smiling, but she managed. Looking up, she tried to decide if it would be better in his mouth, or just all over him. She decided his mouth would be better, but it wouldn't do any good if it was on his skin as well. Suddenly, she tossed all the powder at him, dropping the jar after. She shoved him against a wall and ran into her room, slamming the door behind her. "I don't believe him Talon. I believe you." She said loud enough, shoving all her weight against the door.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to Mid-West


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(ooc: Alrighty, Kapugen- you've extended/switched up our plot line. I have something officially documented about Wolfsbane- should have done it earlier, but w/e, too late now- lol I'm not mad, but we're going to leave Convel ... for now.)

Her sudden movements, which Convel had no earthly or heavenly comprehension of until it was already too late, timed perfectly with his heavy breathing. Convel inhaled the ground-up powder right as she threw it at his face, and there was so much of it that the effect was almost instantaneous. Almost.

He was conscious enough to feel the wall behind him and the deadly splitting headache just as she slammed a door shut.

Then everything went black and shallow.


Talon felt the prescence of another, and suddenly his dark haven was too much. He felt like he must emerge from the best dreamless sleep he ever had. He didn't want to, he would have rolled over and covered his face with a pillow. But there was no pillow. There were no limbs. He had no...

Suddenly, the blackness took up a severe rage that he did not- could not- comprehend. He had to get out of there. Talon fought against his artificial laziness, against the deep black as it became shallow. He heard someone say his name, though he knew not who or what it was. The blackness, like the deep abyss, came rushing over him. It was no longer trying to keep him down, but encouraging him to swim upward, towards the reddish light, towards freedom, towards...

Talon's light green eyes suddenly opened as there was a gruesome thud against the wall. He felt his strength, all of it. Slowly, to not agitate his previously aching head, Talon rose to his feet. He blinked with confusion. It was already dark outside.

It had been hours since Ali had put the poison on Convel, the thud he heard had been trapped in an echo of time in his head, along with other whispers of dialogue he could not comprehend. Squinting, he opened the bathroom door all of the way and entered her bedroom.

The setting changes from Mid-West to Shadowed Earth


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Aileen lay slumped against the door, sleeping lightly. When Talon walked out her eyes snapped open and she looked at him. She smiled as she stood slowly and walked over to him. "You're okay." She said, a few tears slipping from her eyes. She stared at him before she broke down into body wracking sobs, falling to her knees. She sobbed for a few minutes before finally controlling herself and looking up. She sniffled a few times, standing up, a blush apparent on her face.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to Mid-West


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Talon felt Aileen grasp him tightly, and he instinctively wrapped one arm around her back and the other on her head, to hold her closer. But his eyes were rapidly looking around, trying to find a sign of Convel. He waited patiently until she was finished, stroking her light hair every now and then.

"What did you do to Convel?" He asked after she pulled away, ignoring her discomfort with herself. Something happened while he was under, and he could not place exactly what it was. He didn't know how long it had been since he realized he had been poisoned. He was just glad he kept it from poisoning her mind as well, because then they would both probably be dead.

Talon opened her bedroom door and looked out into the hallway just to see Convel slouched against the wall, his face covered in the fine greenish-white powder. "He'll be out for a while, you bought us a lot of time, if not his death." Talon muttered, immediately walking over to his unconscious rival.

"Well, I would say we need to tie him up, but I don't want to risk getting any more of that inhaled or ingested. Pack your things, we're going to leave. We can figure out what to do about the dead people out there later, for now, we need to leave."

He already knew where they were going to go. They needed to get far enough away for Convel to lose their scent- but then, again, he was probably going to be unconscious for a whole month. They could be in Europe in a whole month.

The setting changes from Mid-West to New England


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Night fell again, Vivian woke up with a start. Something was off. She threw the blankets off her makeshift tub-bed and turned on the bathroom light. She got dressed in her customary black tank top and dirty jeans. After brushing her hair through, she unlocked the door and made her way downstairs again.

When she arrived back down in the bar area, where everyone was the night before, she noticed her earliest acquaintance was gone. Her first thought was that he would be back, but she changed her mind and decided that if he was just going to walk away then he was no use to her. But the human was still present- this made her roll her eyes. He was sitting at a table with the other Vampire. They had been talking in low voices, but this did not strike her as odd at all.

Instead of greeting either of them, she sat down on the stool backwards and faced them wordlessly. That was probably the best sleep she had gotten in a long time. It was probably because she had fed. Her eyes were no longer bloodshot, and her voice returned to normal. "You have yet to run away, human." She said. "I suggest you get a head start, before you involve yourself in something you can't back out of."

((ooc: sorry if this is viewed as "god moding" or whatever. I know we're all busy and whatnot, but everything just kinda got all weird so I took the responsibility of putting us all in the same place to kinda start the day fresh. Remember that Gabriel is gone already, and we're not going to run into him until Hatter comes back. For these three characters I'm up for plot-planning... I kinda of have an idea of something we can do but it's not really solid yet. PM me if you have any ideas or whatnot.))

The setting changes from New England to Shadowed Earth


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"I threw the jar of Wolfsbane in his face..." She said timidly, walking towards her bag and shoving into it all the things she had taken out.
She heaved the bag onto her shoulder before walking into the hall. She took a deep breath, shoving her shirt over her face before dragging Convel into the bathroom and shoving the dresser against it again. She pulled the shirt away from her face, taking a deep breath. She walked back into the hall and towards Talon/


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#, as written by Thorait
Hunter looked to Vivian, his first intention was to say something but she would not listen to him so why should he? He just looked feeling kinda weak, could he defend Cameron? how strong was Vivian really? He decided to not test it with danger for his own live, that would be stupid. "So your just going to suck him dry? In one time? While you could hold him to have a feeding for about twenty years? That is what I think is the best idea, why kill a cow for meat if you can get his milk for years?" Hunter was a little proud of him self, for him Vivian was a little..... dominant.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to New England


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Vivian raised an eyebrow at Hunter, but did not move. His analogy made her mad- he was speaking from a Human perspective. She was not Human, therefore the concerns of Human survival was purely related to her need to survive. Humans kept pets. Humans took care of animals before they were killed, and that was the cruelest form of cruel. Why soften the inevitable?

"I bet," Vivian straightened her back, "if that person milking the cow suddenly came down with protein deficiency that logic wouldn't make a lot of sense." She stood up, "And I bet if that family was lactose intolerant, that logic wouldn't make a lot of sense." She took a couple steps towards him, glaring, "Why barely survive on a cow's milk when one can milk it and then kill it for its meat and get all the nutrients it needs for survival? You can't survive on milk. We can't survive on milk. We survive on blood. Human blood. If I was a Human, this scenario would not even apply to me because I wouldn't be thinking about cannibalism. But I'm not a Human. Neither are you, so I don't know where you get your hots for making me out to be the bad guy. Besides, I just ate last night. I'm not hungry. He is nothing more than a play thing if he chooses to stick around. If he crosses me while I'm hungry, it's his own fault." Vivian casually waved her hand in the human's direction, as if he didn't matter.

Vivian stared in silence at Hunter. She guessed by his logic, probably falsely, that he was new to this Vampire business. Or maybe he drank the filthy blood of animals, and rarely experienced the rapture of taking the life of a human. Or turning one.

"That is the only purpose Humans have." Vivian crossed her arms. She was no longer speaking out of pride, but from her genuine perspective: "To amuse us. To provide for us. They worship gods that fear us, that are far below us. Their lives are ours to claim- to keep forever as an apprentice or to sacrifice for our survival."

The setting changes from New England to Mid-West


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Talon watched her work in silence, fearing that some of the poison would affect her, but she seemed to be doing fine. After she stated so plainly what had happened, he leaned on the wall and thought about the odd sensation of being kicked out of his deep sleep.

When she approached him in the hall, Talon could not help but put a hand on her shoulder and squeeze it with-what he hoped was- comfort. "We have to get out of here." He stated plainly. Then he turned and walked into his bedroom and grabbed his pack. "Thank you so much," Talon smiled to her. He felt normal again, and it was a great relief. It seemed as though he could not remember how it felt to not be under the influence of wolfsbane.

"I want to figure out what's going on with the humans." Talon contemplated. "But I don't want to stick around here. I want to get as far away from Convel as possible." Talon decided at the last moment to stick to his original plan. "Let's continue searching for pack members. I know they settled to the east in Michigan. The more we have behind me, the more I'll be able to stand up to Convel if he tries this again."

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#, as written by Thorait
Hunter switched from his logic to anger "What will you drink when there is no one left? From what will you survive when they are gone, animals of course. and then they go extinct and then us, and then we have done our job as murderers as nature intended. The humans are the weakest that live, but we and the werewolf's are too stupid to see that we are just some sort of eraser. First them than us, we are doomed if it stay this way. All the races can only survive if we all work together, humans donating there blood, vampires working and werewolf living on the massive meat production." Hunters hand was on the handle of his sword as always when he felt that someone were aggressive. "We are responsible for the next generation, nothing is forever and this way it will take almost no time. To be specific we would have exterminated the humans in about hundred twenty years, and you and me will probably be there to starve."


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Vivian watched Hunter's face become angry, and her reasoning entirely shut down. She listened to him and laughed- heartily. "When they are all dead we all will die." She stated plainly, simply, as if it, again, did not really matter. "I don't kill them for fun unless they deserve it. That's my choice, but you're an idiot if you believe that other Vampires don't follow that logic and kill humans simply because they exist."

"I will hand it to you that your idea is logical," Vivian slid back over her bar stool and rested one elbow on the bar, "But do you honestly believe you can get enough of all the different races together to pull this off successfully? Werewolves were originally created to kill us, and I doubt the Humans will be so cooperative. Especially because those Fallen Angels require souls to stay alive, and the amount of blood to keep one Vampire healthy is equal to its own body weight per feeding term. For those with larger feeding terms like myself, that might not be a big deal, but for Vampires who have to feed daily or even weekly, think of how much blood that is. And the Werewolves would have to be institutionalized from being uncontrollable if they don't eat Human flesh. I doubt Humans would be so willing to let their dead go to groups of hungry Werewolves. You were a Human once, you know how they think, all the emotion they have- relationships and whatnot. Do you honestly think they'll just willingly let themselves into this Haven? You're putting them in control, when they just want us dead because we kill them."

Then, Vivian smirked with a wonderful logical idea. "Here's an idea... Why don't we just put the Humans in these massive buildings and provide everything for them to keep them healthy. We'll require them to donate blood once a week, and ensure they get whatever nutrients they need to be able to healthily replenish quickly. We'll also require them to mate- or marry first, since some seem so hell-bent on that- once they are able, to keep the population up. We won't offer birth control or abortions. And when they die, we'll simply remove the carcasses from them. Think about it: eventually they'll just become used to that lifestyle. They get to live, we get to live Everyone is happy." She knew he would hate it, and that was exactly what she was looking forward to the most. But he could not argue that it did not make sense nor was illogical.


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#, as written by Thorait
hunter looked to her surprised "Well......... your totally right. Your totally right! Hunters logic was broken, "Humans and vampires have a prey predator relation it is instinct. Werewolf's kill us to out of instinct, they also hate us! human everyone hates the other one out of instinct, your right totally right." Hunter began walking in circles and making calculations he kept repeating "your right." Hunter then looked up and down, "First I will need some forces, then a location this building would fit. Then I can begin..... It is so totally good. Thank you Vivian, I'm going to put your idea to work. If there are going to be history books then you will be in them." hunter looked to the outside world "I'm going to put it to action." He walked out side to hunt for humans, he always was stealthy so it was a piece of cake for him to capture a human and drag him into a dog cage the inhabitant of it was "Released" Hunter came back in less than ten minute. "So were do we start? Harvesting blood? Or building forces?"


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(sorry. been a little busy with work and what not.)

Cameron watched as the other two bickered back and forth over what to do with humans and how to survive off of them. He thought it was genuially kind that Hunter was actually defending him. Well sort of defending him. But a frown crossed his face when he agreeded with the sadistic woman on her idea of a new life. Sighing before opening his mouth he said, "Do you really think that would work? Your forgetting that we humans have a tendency to fight our asses off against others who would like to control them. Why else do you think we have had so many wars amongst ourselves." He smiled and stood up from his chair and walked behind the bar in case of his next comment. "Also it seems just like another joke for our fair maiden over there in order to entertain herself."

For some reason he wanted to actually piss her off. It was an enjoyable as well has thrilling feeling for him. For a moment he thought he had some serious problems, one including a death wish, but that wasn't his case. If asked he would probably say that his only issues was women and maybe his pride.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to West Coast


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Getting out of the car as well Rinku stated under his breath, "Whats the difference" to Tass's comment. He walked around a bit stretching and looked at his wing as Tass said something about it. It did seem to be healing pretty well. It no longer caused him pain but instead just felt really sore when he moved it. "Yeah but i'm sure I can do better than some new teenage drivers," he said hoping to give himself confidence more than anything else. He walked over to stand near Tasida. "So you plan to impersonate a angel. Im pretty sure that a s sin somewhere but how are you going to pull that off?" he asked quizically. He didn't see any way that she would actually be able to make a pair of real looking wings that would fool any vampire or anyone else in that matter.

The setting changes from West Coast to New England


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Vivian smirked when Hunter found her idea plausible. To pull off a move like that, though, they would need a lot of immortals. To create the proper atmosphere of fear and all that.

When the human interrupted her beautiful image of a perfect world, she turned to him with a full one-eighty turn on the bar stool, and rested her head in her hand. She looked up at him intently. "You misunderstand." Vivian didn't take her eyes off of him. "Instead of ruthlessly killing the humans- which I much prefer- we're providing them with everything they'll need to survive, so that we can survive. They'll still live fulfilling lives, and have freedoms and all of that. They'll still be in a free market economy, they'll still have to work and they'll still get to choose whom they marry or whom they procreate with. We literally will not bring any harm to them until they die, or are dying." She turned her head towards Hunter to add quickly, "The Angels will need the souls, which can help put some poor old people out of their misery." Then Vivian returned to the human. "It's a perfect plan and we all get to survive."

Only a small part of her wondered- and cared- if he approved of her plan. But her suspicion of him accepting it was much greater than Hunter's. Hunter, she figured, could be persuaded by logic. The human was- well- human. He was ruled by emotional rationale.

(ooc: I am *quite* fond of Vivian's reference to Cameron, lol. I feel like it suits her: The human.)

The setting changes from New England to West Coast


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"Well," Tasida walked around the car to stretch her legs some more. "I watched my mom sew all the time, I don't think it will be too hard. Especially because I am pretty sure that none of them are the same. I'll make them fluffy, and I have countless plans for in case they go wrong, and why I can't fly."

A dark thought suddenly crossed her mind and she slowly turned to face Rinku. "But I don't plan on stepping a foot in Washington until your wing is healed. It will probably take me that long to perfect the wings, anyways... I'll wear a trench coat to hide them." She felt as if there was something she was missing, but did not dwell for very long on it. Nothing got done if one worried. "Besides, emergency escape plans are necessary." She muttered.

"Well, if you're done stretching, we should probably get a move on." Tass tossed him the keys and walked around to the passenger side.


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Rinku smiled. "heh so your going to hide them like I do. Well except for the moment while their healing." He caught the keys she tossed him and walked to the drivers side. He got in and took a breath. He put the key in the ignition and started it up. He hesitated before pressing on the gas but when he did he started out with a lead foot. Quickly he pressed on the break. He did this a few more times until he could get the hang of it. After a few minutes he was able to drive with ease, with some swerving here and there. But that didnt matter since he would occasionally have to dodge cars abandoned on the road. After a little more time concentrating on driving Rinku finally eased himself.
He turned to look at Tass out of the corner of his eye. "So whats your plans for escape if anything goes wrong in washington?" he asked.

The setting changes from West Coast to Shadowed Earth


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#, as written by Thorait
Hunter dragged the unconscious human and his new cage to hunters room and hunter sat down and began writing and painting on a note book. He was delighted this new system would work more effective should he thank Vivian more? He ignored it and restarted painting and calculating wile walking back to the room with Vivian and Cameron finding them.


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Cameron stood for a moment thinking then started laughing. When he found a moment to catch his breath he said, "it almost sounds to good to be true. Wait thats right because its is. It like your trying to take all the governments of before and putting them together." He started to laugh a bit more but caught himself. He wondered if she was actually serious about this. "We get to live in a screwed up democracy controled by a communist dictatorship," he said starting again, if you really think that would work then I think theres more kinks in your brain than the other leech with the cage."

Cameron knew he was really pushing it now with the last statement. He wasn't against their race or anything, it just entertained him giving him the adrenaline rush he was so addicted to. But maybe he was overdoing it a bit. Vivian seemed to be a bit short-tempered and Hunter was just unpredictable. Even if he did get a chance to take one of them down with his shotgun. There was no way he'd get both. So he just fell back into a chair and smiled. If he were going to die here then he might as well be relaxed.


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#, as written by Thorait
Hunter looked back at his live before he went under ground, he confirmed that Cameron was right this system was a little of everything. He looked to Vivian and he then began to think about the new idea. The new one worked better then the old one and hunter came to something good to say "Well it is better then to go instinct or die from starvation, better suppression than death. My system was a utopia a beautiful system were everything would work, but it is not that way. We have a to choose between dying or making what you cal a screwed democracy controlled by a communist dictator." Hunter was annoyed that Cameron was not even trying to understand the logic behind it, he was the sort of human that now populated this ruined planet made by destroying a little to much of the ecosystems leading to the immortals reigning supreme wile they were not meant to rule. But it could be changed it only would take some support of other immortals and maybe some humans.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to West Coast


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While Rinku was playing extremes with the break and gas pedals, Tas gripped her door tightly to keep herself steady, offering advice where she could. Finally he got the hang of it and her muscles finally relaxed into the semi-soft seat. Her grip even finally let go.

"Well," She said in response, "There are several precautions to my plan. First, we're only going to travel during the brightest parts of the day, and avoid shadows at all costs. Second, we're going to go straight to my grandpa's house- no side stops except to rest at night. Third, I'm hoping it will take me long enough to make the wings that you'll heal, in case we do get into some trouble, and surrounded, our only option will be to fly out."

That was her only option- if the Vampires could figure out she wasn't actually an angel, and Rinku was, they wouldn't touch him. They'd only want her. Assuming they knew Fallen Angels' blood is deadly. Vampires were stronger, possibly than both of them. Vampires were faster. But they could not fly. Tas was counting on that.

Tasida suddenly remembered the people they met in the city, and how oddly they responded when Tas said they were going to Washington. She let out a heavy sigh, "But you have to understand, Rinku. My grandpa is the only family I have left. I don't know what I would do- what I will do- if he isn't alive. I have no doubts that he is, he's a crazy old man; believed in Vampires and Werewolves before they came out to the public. Fortunately, he lives close to the border, so we don't have very far to go."

The setting changes from West Coast to Shadowed Earth


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"Then you misunderstand," Vivian turned to the Human, surprisingly softly. "You misunderstand entirely." It was extremely out of character, her suddenly soothe voice and expression. It was almost eerie. "It is purely a 'you help me, I help you' society. You help us by keeping us alive, we help you by keeping you from natural disasters, poverty and even political corruption. I am not saying that all of your kind will be equal- no, students will still be educated and people will still work where they desire if they have the work ethic for it."

Vivian found a piece of twine on the bar and began twisting it in her fingers. "But, think of the alternative. You imply that Humans would all rather die than help out our kind, but you won't. We'll survive because we can drink animal blood. Even if every human on the face of Earth died to stop us Vampires, or the Werewolves or those damned Angels, the Vampires and Werewolves would survive still. If there are too many, it will dwindle down to survival, and our bodies will adapt to only having animal flesh or blood available for us, but we'll survive. And where will your race be? Dead. Extinct. Because once the bulk of humanity is gone, we'll be attuned for any sound or scent of lost human children or stragglers. And we'll be starving. Does that sound at all like a victory for mankind? Does that sound like a better alternative?" Now the twine was wrapped tightly around her left index finger, as if it should be cutting off circulation. But her finger was still pale.

She remembered for two months after her Sire turned her, he had tormented her with reindeer and rats. He starved her in a cellar, and the only blood she was able to get was if a reindeer stepped too close to the basement window and she could grab its leg, which didn't offer much blood, or if she was lucky enough to snag a rat scurrying around. She thought about taking out her Sire, but the first lesson he taught her was the danger of consuming Vampire blood. It was a hard two months, but around the end of it her body had adapted to the small amount of blood. She felt sick all the time and couldn't move as fast, but she was alive.

The setting changes from Shadowed Earth to Mid-West


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She didn't say anything, and Talon let her have a few minutes of rest. He went to his bedroom and grabbed his backpack. His mind wandered aimlessly.

Am I more fit to be an Alpha than he? He thought, stuffing his clothes away. I've killed probably two of them, children, pups that my parents brought me.The only reason they didn't change was because they were told not to. Not ever. Die like a wolf. The horrendous scene played out in his mind. Two years in high school, right when he got home from school there it was, chained up in the back yard. Hardly taller than three feet. Its pelt was silvery-white. Like her hair. But it was dirty from digging in the dirt and trying to get out. His parents had put a silver muzzle on it, so it couldn't howl for its parents. It's mouth was bleeding, and the crimson blood stained its gorgeous pelt.
His father handed him the gun and the box of bullets, patted him on the back with only that proud grin a father could give. He walked out, the wolf noticed him and stood up, snarling and fierce. It looked in his eyes, Talon saw how young it was. He saw the fear behind the vicious growling. It was also salivating. He put the bullet box on the ground and pulled out one. He loaded the shot gun. Behind him, his father nudged his mother.
"Come on, son. I'll teach you how to skin it and everything." His dad said, grinning proudly. Talon brought the gun to his shoulder and aimed. The wolf crouched down, all the innocence and playfulness gone from its eyes. Deep yellow eyes. It looked at Talon through the aiming arrow. Right through his soul. It tried to bark, but the muzzle prevented it from doing so, it came out as another growl. In one moment, that wolf pup was about as vicious as the Alphas. They were all vicious. They were all beasts. They all deserved to...
Talon fired the gun. It slipped, but the bullet flew right into the creature's eye. Instead of yelping, like he expected, it snarled once again. Its one good eye pierced his soul one last time, and then it collapsed onto the filthy ground.

Antonica wore black to school the next day. He never would have made the connection, and he never asked her why she appeared to be in mourning. He couldn't tell her what he had done. Not because he knew, but because the wolves hadn't come out yet. Their existence wasn't widely known. She would think he was crazy. Only one other time after that had she worn black to school, and that was the day after he shot a different pup. He hadn't paid that much attention to it before. He should have, but he was glad he didn't.

Talon realized he had sat down on his bed, his backpack still not full. For the first time he seriously wondered if the pack would accept him as Alpha. That was part of the bond. He recognized himself as Alpha, but the Pack had to also recognize him. Ali did- he smiled to himself, indulging briefly in her vigor and faith. Then he stopped and blushed, hoping she wouldn't be too offended by the surge of affection. He stood up and finished packing.

The setting changes from Mid-West to Shadowed Earth


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#, as written by Thorait
Hunter looked at Cameron "Are we going to stay here for any longer? We don't need him to understand the logic he is not intelligent enough to under stand it. I think we could start the new system wile we are traveling to a place were more immortals are. I think of a big city or some other large immortal containing place." He smiled and looked out side with a little suspicion of the small group of humans forming on the out side "hmm. Vivian I think we have a problem called by my name. Hunters are in front of the house."

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Character Portrait: Hunter
0 sightings Hunter played by Thorait
"Come closer i won't hurt you."

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Talon Sherid
Character Portrait: Rinku Takeda
Character Portrait: Aileen Fernidad
Character Portrait: Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson
Character Portrait: Vivian Sanguisette
Character Portrait: Cameron Strauss


Character Portrait: Cameron Strauss
Cameron Strauss

"Hello ladies"

Character Portrait: Vivian Sanguisette
Vivian Sanguisette

Oh come on, you only live once...

Character Portrait: Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson
Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson

"I'm a survivor. We have to watch out for things like that."

Character Portrait: Aileen Fernidad
Aileen Fernidad

Quiet and shy but adventurous and willing to take risks

Character Portrait: Rinku Takeda
Rinku Takeda

A male fallen angel. Not a very social person nor very caring, but the angel he once was commits him to being a protector of the innocent. (The picture looks like it except the hair and wings are black. Oh and its from DN Angel so what)

Character Portrait: Talon Sherid
Talon Sherid

Raw Werewolf


Character Portrait: Aileen Fernidad
Aileen Fernidad

Quiet and shy but adventurous and willing to take risks

Character Portrait: Cameron Strauss
Cameron Strauss

"Hello ladies"

Character Portrait: Vivian Sanguisette
Vivian Sanguisette

Oh come on, you only live once...

Character Portrait: Talon Sherid
Talon Sherid

Raw Werewolf

Character Portrait: Rinku Takeda
Rinku Takeda

A male fallen angel. Not a very social person nor very caring, but the angel he once was commits him to being a protector of the innocent. (The picture looks like it except the hair and wings are black. Oh and its from DN Angel so what)

Character Portrait: Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson
Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson

"I'm a survivor. We have to watch out for things like that."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cameron Strauss
Cameron Strauss

"Hello ladies"

Character Portrait: Talon Sherid
Talon Sherid

Raw Werewolf

Character Portrait: Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson
Tasida "Tass/y" Lawson

"I'm a survivor. We have to watch out for things like that."

Character Portrait: Rinku Takeda
Rinku Takeda

A male fallen angel. Not a very social person nor very caring, but the angel he once was commits him to being a protector of the innocent. (The picture looks like it except the hair and wings are black. Oh and its from DN Angel so what)

Character Portrait: Vivian Sanguisette
Vivian Sanguisette

Oh come on, you only live once...

Character Portrait: Aileen Fernidad
Aileen Fernidad

Quiet and shy but adventurous and willing to take risks

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New England

New England by RolePlayGateway

Activity taking place in New England States

West Coast

West Coast by RolePlayGateway

California, Washington and Oregon.

Central UUS

Central UUS by RolePlayGateway

RPs in this location respond to the following states: ND, SD, MN, WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, KS, MO, AR, OK, LA, TX

Un-United States

Un-United States by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the destroyed, post-apocalyptic United States.


Mid-West by RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Mid-West of post apocalyptic America!


Un-United States Mid-West Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the Mid-West of post apocalyptic America!

West Coast

Un-United States West Coast Owner: RolePlayGateway

California, Washington and Oregon.

New England

Un-United States New England Owner: RolePlayGateway

Activity taking place in New England States

Central UUS

Un-United States Central UUS Owner: RolePlayGateway

RPs in this location respond to the following states: ND, SD, MN, WI, MI, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE, KS, MO, AR, OK, LA, TX

Un-United States

Shadowed Earth Un-United States Owner: RolePlayGateway

Welcome to the destroyed, post-apocalyptic United States.

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