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The Royal Wedding Crashers

The Royal Wedding Crashers


The bells are ringing throughout Priodas. The princess is getting married to a peasant. A Cinderella story but what if it is just a plot made by some pirates...(needs people)

2,261 readers have visited The Royal Wedding Crashers since ceh12 created it.


May 19th 1734

The small country of Priodas an island country in the Caribbean is having a grand event. The Princess is getting married after many years of having no results in love. The wedding will be held tomorrow and the whole island is to attend. It is one of the biggest events that shall be held on the island since it's settlement fifty years ago. It will be the first royal wedding since its making and will go down in the books as an amazing feat.

A few miles offshore a band of pirates laughs merrily as for their plan going off without a hitch. It was the brainchild of Captain Teach the only surviving son of Edward Teach better known as BlackBeard. The young captain had figured out that if he could get his cabin boy to 'marry' the princess, the rest of them could get all of the gold, silver, and gems the island is known for, then take back their mate and make off with the treasure. The plan is foolproof in it's own right and would reduce the small colony to nearly nothing.

It was foolproof until the secrets of the island were open to the group. The inhabitants aren't all humans in a sense. Half of the population is human but the other half are magical beings who are completely loyal to the crown. They seem human until they are called into duty. The three species are Naga,Mermaid,and Harpy. All of them self explanatory they can change between human form and whichever form they have. These are rare creatures but they also exist on the pirate crew as well.There is also the problem of Love it has a strange effect on foreigners who come to the island. They are overcome with love and joy which makes a bad combination with a band of ruthless pirates. Will they escape with the treasure, fall in love, or die doing one or the other.



Captain Teach-Taken

Captain's Sister/Stowaway-

First Mate-

Master Gunner-

Boat Swain-

Cabin Boy/To be married-




Captain of the Guard-

Shaman/Princess's adviser-



Character Skelly

Code: Select all



Species~(look in the color codes to tell what your species is)

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Bio~(at least a paragraph no more than three)

Theme Song~


Toggle Rules

Human ♂ = Blue

Human ♀ = Red

Mermaid ♂ = Gold

Mermaid ♀ = Pink

Harpy ♂ = Brown

Harpy ♀ = Grey

Naga ♂ = Green

Naga ♀ = Purple

Color Codes

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Molly Dubois
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Phillip B. Gotschalk

Phillip was unsure of what to do. He didn’t want to fight Selena, and he could freeze all of the water’s fish. That would just be bad for the island’s ecosystem. Selena would stop at nothing to help her captain so Phillip had a hard decision to make. He began to swim to the surface of the water where many frozen fish blocks floated. He then used his tail to bat the ice blocks downward toward Selena in order for her to stop singing and get distracted. Phillip would barrel through the water past her when she lost control of the fish. He hoped his plan would work.

Molly Vanessa Dubois

Molly had little to no luck picking the cell lock. She was no lock pick but she figured she’d at least give it a shot. She let out a sigh and sat down. She wondered why they kidnapped her. If they stole money and valuables what good was she? She then began to grow worried, “I hope they don’t intend to make me into a slave, prostitute or something worse… Oh bother what rabbit hole have I fallen into this time!” She was thinking of each pirate she saw onboard the ship before being placed in the cell. “Hmm… There is my ex-fiancé, judging by how he kicked my father I’d say he’s no push over. Then there is that mermaid. Oh… I don’t know if I could even fight a mermaid easily… I’d have better chances dealing with her on the ship than in the water. The captain… he’s a tough looking guy. I’d find him cute if he hadn’t stole from my family and kidnapped me. I can’t forget that other lady that was there also. She didn’t look weak either. Oh fiddle sticks… It doesn’t look like fighting them all head on would turn out well for me. What should I do? I can’t stay here.” Molly sat desperately trying to find a way out of this mess and back home. She picked up her Bouquet and fiddled with the petals. “I suppose that wedding song was unlucky for me to sing huh.” Molly said as she stuck her hands out of the tiny cell window and released a few loose petals from her hands into the wind. She watched them as the wind carried them away.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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Luke shot a bullet at Raymon, and it hit him in the arm. He grunted in pain, but Carmin could tell he wasn't really hurt. He grabbed his arm in pain, giving Carmin just enough time to grab her sword.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!" Carmin could hear Raymon shouting behind her. Exhausted, Carmin ran with all her might to the deck where the ship was located. She could see that there were fish caught in ice, floating up to the surface. She was confused, but she realized it was probably Selena's doing. As Carmin stepped unto the ship, she could see more of the guards approaching.

"EVERYONE, BRACE YOURSELVES!" she shouted. Carmin started to look around for some bullets so she could reload her pistol.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Connor smirked hearing his sister scream. "lad you came." he said calmly. He then quickly pulled out his blunderbuss and shot a harpy out of the air. "Take that Bird Brain!" he screamed before reloading then shooting another. "Ha ha, prepare off." he shouted then hoisted the bridge before taking off into the sea. He started to shoot them out of the air. "Luke make sure little miss stays in her cell." he yelled.


Luke nodded. "Aye aye sir." he said then ran down after getting off one more shot downing a guard. He walked down into the brig and sighed looking at Molly. He pulled a bucket over and sat on it sighing then looked at her sighing. "I I'm sorry we had to take you and me leaving you at the altar in a way." he said ashamed. He wasn't good with woman especially since he did kind of like the girl


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Molly Dubois Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
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0.00 INK

Luke came down into the brig and pulled up a chair to sit close to the prison cell. Molly, somewhat startled, turned around swiftly. Her face shifted from a melancholy expression to one of annoyance. She turned with her back to the cell wall and glared at Luke.

“Well, what do you want from me now? You have my money. You’ve had your laughs, and share of bloodshed. What more do you want? Why do you dare to look sad? I’d expect you and your ignorant crew to be pretty pleased with themselves.” Molly puffed.

She continued before Luke could really respond. “You’ve been as quiet as a clam since I first met you. Well say something for once!” Molly began to raise her voice. She was most of all pissed with Luke because she just didn’t understand him. He seemed like he didn’t like what he was doing but he make no attempt to protest it. Molly found Luke to be as his name suggested, Lukewarm.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by SMinSC
Selena was doging Phillip's ice fish rather easily, and she was enjoying the enjoyment she got form watching him struggle. She got sloppy, and one hit her smack in the face, "Damn, that hurt." She thought as she hit once again. "That's it, no more misses nice mermaid."

She starrted to sing a rather fast song that made the fish go insane, not following any orders, just swimming around like they were being chased. She used the distraction to swim deeper and then started to command the fish to swim to Phillip, a sucide mission, but she needed time. She began to swim around in circles, picking up speed, until she got fast enough, and grabbed a long piece of coral and swam towards Phillip, with the fish still swarming. She swam passed him, hopfully the coral would hit him, but she was going to fast to see.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Carmin Teach
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0.00 INK

Carmin was surprised that there were more harpies. She realized that half of the guards seemed to be humans, while the other half seemed to be harpies. Carmin didn't really mind though. She shot them out of the air, and they fell into the blue, choppy water. Falling into the water must have been torcher, since Selena seemed to be doing CRAZY things in there.

When all the harpies and guards were gone, Carmin fell over unto the deck, exhausted. She looked up at the orange sunset sky as she said, "whew......we did it. We're DONE. THANK GOODNESS."

She got up, and started to pay close attention to the water. She asked her brother, "whaddaya think Selena's doing down there, anyway?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Molly Dubois Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Connor smiled as the last of them disappeared. "whaddaya think Selena's doing down there, anyway?" Connor shrugged then went over to the edge. "Not sure hope she gets out alright." he said then walked back to the mast. He steered them all further away from the damned island and soon his plan would be complete, and they would get away filthy rich even though his sister managed to lose a bag or two.


“Well, what do you want from me now? You have my money. You’ve had your laughs, and share of bloodshed. What more do you want? Why do you dare to look sad? I’d expect you and your ignorant crew to be pretty pleased with themselves. You’ve been as quiet as a clam since I first met you. Well say something for once!” Luke sighed "I I do not know why captain wants to keep you here but if it wasn't here I wouldn't keep you here." he said looking down. He was ashamed of himself. He wanted to kiss her but he knew if he even relativity looked at her she would want to kill him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Molly Dubois Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
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0.00 INK

Phillip B. Gottschalk

Phillip was a bit panicked when Selena dodged the blocks of frozen fish he knocked at her. She finally was struck by one. "That's it, no more misses nice mermaid." She said.
As she sang a faster song the fish went mad. Phillip was being attacked by them. He didn’t like how they were being toyed with by Selena. They were sent on a suicide mission to attack him. Selena hit Phillip in the chest with a long coral piece. As he drifted backward he cringed. This was looking pretty bad for Molly. He could see the base of the ship beginning to sail away.

“Oh no the ship’s leaving! I’m not going to lose her! I swear it!” Phillip thought to himself.

Selena seemed to have swam a bit too swiftly past him when she struck him so Phillip quickly gained himself and powered through the water toward the ship. There were many frenzied fish about but Phillip rushed painfully through them. Once he cleared the fish he swam as fast as his fins could carry him after the Pirate ship. He began to sing a special song with strong echoing vocals that beat through the tide for miles. It was a call to his brothers. He knew that he would need a favor from them. This was going to be too much for him alone to handle.

Molly Vanessa Dubois

Luke sighed "I I do not know why captain wants to keep you here but if it wasn't here I wouldn't keep you here." he said looking down.

“You know you didn’t have to hurt my papa like that. He’s a gentle soul and genuinely liked you.” Molly said sharply as she cut her eyes at him.

Molly let out a sigh and sat down gracefully on the floor of cell. She could see that he was heavily conflicted and her being visibly angry didn’t help him open up any. She looked up and took a deep breath. “So the captain wants me here? I wonder when he’ll make his intentions known then. Gosh if he wanted to meet me he could have just spoken with me, I’m an approachable person.” Molly thought aloud calmly. She shifted a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Then again if he only wanted to me he wouldn’t have stolen from my family.” Molly was beginning to feel sulky.

“You at least look like you have a shred of a conscience. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on exactly. I would like to hear what you have to say to me.” Molly said calmly as she folded her hands patiently.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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0.00 INK

Carmin shrugged, and as she heard a strong song that seemed to echo all around the sea, she ran up to the edge of the ship. She tried to look through the water, but she couldn't see anything. She knew it wasn't Selena's voice who sang the song, so she was a bit worried. Was Selena okay? Carmin hated to think about it, since the two of them had a small rivalry, but Selena was an important asset to the team. Before Carmin could call out to Selena, a strong gust of wind blew her away from the edge, and before she knew it, she couldn't escape from the grip of the harpy that was binding her.

"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM?!?!" Carmin shouted to Raymon.
"Harpy? Remember? I flew up to the edge of the ship." He said, smirking. Carmin could see that he had wrapped up his bullet wound.
Raymon started to shout over to Connor, saying, "Release Molly Dubois. Now. If you refuse..." He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Carmin's head,
"I shoot. Anybody draws a gun, I shoot. I don't want the jewels or anything else. All i ask for is Molly."
Carmin struggled to break free, but she could feel his grip getting tighter.
"Then again, maybe you should draw a weapon. That way, when i shoot her, i can claim all that bounty she's worth, and Priodas will be even richer than before." He gave a somewhat twisted smile after he said this.

Carmin looked behind her. If there was any time Selena would come in handy, now would be the time.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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0.00 INK

#, as written by SMinSC
Selena knew this was bad. Phillip had just called out for help. She could face an army, and she would lose. She had to figure out a plan, and then one came to her. She began to sing her best song. It would call all mindless creatures: sharks, squid, and even whales.

She just had to wait, when something began to make her go crazy. It was a drop of blood. It wasn't hers or Phillips, it was a harpy's. Mermaids and Harpys were natural enemies, but they kept to the skies and merpeople kept to the sea. This blood was a sign was one close, and it made her go crazy. She got half out of the water and looked to see one with a gun to Carmin's head. She liked to tease Carmin, but she did care for her. She needed to take action.

She began up the swim again to build speed, and once she had enough she swan down and jumped out with massive force. It was enough to get her into the boat with Carmin and the Harpy. When she was mid-air, she aimed for the Harpy and latched on, knocked him down. On the way down, she looked at Carmin, and she must have looked mad, she was attacking. She then took a chunk out of her Harpy's arm and began to attack his face. Her only option was to see this Harpy dead, it was her biology.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Molly Dubois Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Connor was about to pull out a gun using his faster shit but he was stopped by Selena jumping out and latching onto the harpy. He leaned over the edge. "Give em Hell Selena" he yelled enthusiastically. He was concerned about her but he knew she would most likely be fine considering he had a bird in her grasp. She had the obvious advantage. "Be careful" he whispered to himself.


Luke listened to the girl. “You know you didn’t have to hurt my papa like that. He’s a gentle soul and genuinely liked you.” Luke looked up slightly. At least she believed that he wasn't as forceful as the others.“So the captain wants me here? I wonder when he’ll make his intentions known then. Gosh if he wanted to meet me he could have just spoken with me, I’m an approachable person. You at least look like you have a shred of a conscience. Why don’t you tell me what’s going on exactly. I would like to hear what you have to say to me.” Luke sighed and looked up trying to clear his thought so he could figure out what it was. "Okay we were trying to rob your island as you know. " he bit his bottom lip in shame before he continued. "Captain Teach decided the best way to do this would be to have the cabin boy. " he pointed to himself. " Marry the loveless Princess. That way the whole island would be distracted long enough for him and his sister to get in and take the treasure then take me back and escape silently." he sighed wondering if he should mention his own feelings but decided to keep them locked up. "I'm not sure why he took you but if it was me I wouldn't put you through any more Hell than you've gone through already." he said sympathy in his voice.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Molly Dubois Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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0.00 INK

Molly Vanessa Dubois

"Okay we were trying to rob your island as you know." he bit his bottom lip in shame before he continued. "Captain Teach decided the best way to do this would be to have the cabin boy." he pointed to himself. "Marry the loveless Princess. That way the whole island would be distracted long enough for him and his sister to get in and take the treasure then take me back and escape silently." he sighed. "I'm not sure why he took you but if it was me I wouldn't put you through any more Hell than you've gone through already." Luke said sounding sincere.

Molly gave a quick smile. “Well at least you aren’t proud of kidnapping like that pheasant headed captain of yours.” She looked off to the side and realized that the ship had already begun to move. She felt panicked. “Oh no, we’re moving now! I’ve got to get out of here! Luke Please let me out!” Molly stood gripping the metal bars of the cell. Her eyes began to tear up.

Phillip B. Gottschalk


As Phillip sang in a strong voice that echoed through the ocean tide it alerted the attention of his Mer brothers. They were rouge mermen that Phillip once lived with in the Caribbean. There were four of them that Phillip would call his brothers and they were the ones who rescued him from his captors that brought him from the Baltic Sea. They would spend their days carefree in the waters surrounding the islands causing much mischief and trouble. They would sing and lure ships into rocky areas of the sea, killing sailors and pirates alike. They would attack boats and drown humans for the fun of it. Phillip had lived with them for several years until he grew tired of such a rouge life and moved to Priodas. However they still remained brothers and would always beckon to their brother’s call.

The four mermen lounged around carelessly at the Mermaid’s Lagoon which was not far from Priodas. They could hear Phillips song being sung passionately. They knew he was in need of their help. “You hear that boys? It’s Phillip!!” Noel shouted. He was a pale Caucasian Merman with dark short cropped hair and a long black tail and fins. He looked to the others as he was half submerged in the water of the lagoon.

“Good ole Gottschalk!? I knew he couldn’t stay away for too long! He’d miss me too much.” Kaioh said in a cheery manner. He was a pale merman of Asian origin; he also has a slick black tail and fins. He leaped from a lagoon rock and into the water.

“Don’t get your hopes up Kaioh. Phillips song sounds like there is trouble about. Let’s go do in whoever is screwing with Philly.” Vincent, a merman of African origin with a beautiful white tail, said in a deep voice. He turned around from the rock he was previously leaning against and dove into the water.

“Oh wonderful… I was beginning to feel bored. I hope this is really fun I haven’t drowned anyone in a while…” Umio said in a lofty tone. Umio was a Japanese merman from the Sea of Japan. He has somewhat tan skin, mid-cropped hair, and an orange tail and fins. He was initially lounged on a smooth lagoon rock but at the mention of fun he leaped into the waters and swiftly followed his brothers toward the sound of Philip’s song.

Phillip noticed Selena redirect her trajectory. She began to charge madly at the pirate ship. He was confused as to what she was doing. He then faintly smelled the blood of a harpy and his pupils began to dilate. He quickly snapped to his senses and swam further out of the range of the harpy blood. This was what got Selena’s attention. Phillip began to hear the returning sound of his brother’s song. They were indeed on the way. Phillip began to smile. He felt more confident now that his friends were in route.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo Character Portrait: Connor Teach Character Portrait: Carmin Teach Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
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As Selena attacked Raymon, feathers flew everywhere as the harpy flapped his wings to try to shake the mermaid off. Once she got his arm though, he was practically defeated as the pain struck through his body.

Once Carmin was free of the harpy's bonds, her face turned red with anger, and she shouted, "THIS IS FOR FOLLOWING ME YOU STALKER!!!"
and she kicked him hard in the face. This knocked Raymon out cold.

"Woah woah woah, take it EASY girl..." Carmin said as she dragged the mermaid off Raymon's body. Carmin then turned to Connor.
"Alright. Not sure if i would try to kill this guy or not. Apparently, harpies are stronger than humans, and i think he would be much more resistant to bullets than anything else." Carmin looked at the harpy on the deck, his face scratched up, and his white wrap now red with blood.

"I don't think we'd wanna make him walk the plank either, because uh....DUR, he has wings. SOOOOooooo.... i think our best option is to lock him up. I mean, hey, he's the one who wanted to see miss princess molly or whatever her name is....."
Carmin started to walk over to Connor, her hands on her hips.
"Sooooo...yes. What do you think we should do, brother? you're the captain, not me."

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Priodas by ceh12


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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Connor Teach
Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo
Character Portrait: Carmin Teach
Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk
Character Portrait: Molly Dubois
Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence


Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
Raymon Salamence

"i won't let them get away."

Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
Luke Bachgen

"I don't feel good about this."

Character Portrait: Molly Dubois
Molly Dubois

"I look to love all of life itself."

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk
Phillip Gottschalk

"In the garden of the sea drown in the singing of my brothers."

Character Portrait: Carmin Teach
Carmin Teach

"My bounty's THAT high now??? holy....."

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo
Selena Hilpo

Want me to sing a little song?

Character Portrait: Connor Teach
Connor Teach

"If you ask me why I don't have black hair nor a beard I'll cut your arm off."


Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk
Phillip Gottschalk

"In the garden of the sea drown in the singing of my brothers."

Character Portrait: Molly Dubois
Molly Dubois

"I look to love all of life itself."

Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
Raymon Salamence

"i won't let them get away."

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo
Selena Hilpo

Want me to sing a little song?

Character Portrait: Carmin Teach
Carmin Teach

"My bounty's THAT high now??? holy....."

Character Portrait: Connor Teach
Connor Teach

"If you ask me why I don't have black hair nor a beard I'll cut your arm off."

Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
Luke Bachgen

"I don't feel good about this."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Phillip Gottschalk
Phillip Gottschalk

"In the garden of the sea drown in the singing of my brothers."

Character Portrait: Connor Teach
Connor Teach

"If you ask me why I don't have black hair nor a beard I'll cut your arm off."

Character Portrait: Raymon Salamence
Raymon Salamence

"i won't let them get away."

Character Portrait: Selena Hilpo
Selena Hilpo

Want me to sing a little song?

Character Portrait: Molly Dubois
Molly Dubois

"I look to love all of life itself."

Character Portrait: Luke Bachgen
Luke Bachgen

"I don't feel good about this."

Character Portrait: Carmin Teach
Carmin Teach

"My bounty's THAT high now??? holy....."

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Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

what happened to everyone? No ones posted in a few days.

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

I'll post a little later. I got caught up typing a post and creating for another roleplay that took way longer than expected.

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

No that was a result of my stupidity

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Wait, did you change luke's name to Alex now, or is that just his other name on the island?

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

can I reserve for the farmer please :)

EDIT: sorry never mind!

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

sure also if no one takes the cabin boy by tomorrow Ill make him too

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Okie dokie~ In that case I would also like to play the Princess. I have a nice character in mind for her.

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Yes also any of the other spots are open since the people who reserved cabin boy and princess didnt respond to the pm

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Hi hi~
I would like to join this RP as the Fisherman/ Merman. I will create a character sheet for him ASAP. Are you still accepting characters?

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Its fine the others probably cant get theres till tomorrow either

She will be known shes on board cause her brother's the captain and he isnt gonna throw her out to sea unless he has a reason

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Alright, I don't think I can make my character sheet until tomorrow, but I have everything planned out, so it's all good.

I also have a question,is the stowaway being kept secretly on the ship, or do the crew members know she is there?

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Yeah you can have her

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Can I reserve the Princess?

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Can i reserve the first mate?

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

Hey I'll have the cabin boy up asap

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

sure have her up soon

Re: The Royal Wedding Crashers

this sounds cool! i looooove pirates! can i reserve captain's sister?

The Royal Wedding Crashers

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