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The UnMoving

The UnMoving


When to Rival groups of vampyres, who have been clashing since time began, declare war on eachother. Whose side will you choose?

637 readers have visited The UnMoving since InfamousRaven created it.


When two groups of vampires that have been clashing since time began, finally get fed up with eachother.
Violance breaks out & murders are becoming a daily occurence, What will you do? And which side will you choose?

Gangrel Group
The night-prowling Gangrel are feral vampires and posses disturbing animalistic tendencies. Rarely staying in one place, Gangrel are nomadic wanderers, satisfied only when running alone under the night sky. Their founder is whispered to have been a barbarian, unlike other clan progenitors, and for this reason, Gangrel often Embrace outsiders. Distant, aloof and savage, Gangrel are often tragic individuals, though many hate the cities' crowds and constrictions, the presence of hostile werewolves prevents most Gangrels from living outside their confines.
Gangrels have long hated the Ravnos due to territorial and other reasons.

Leader: Aira Drigori
Female Member: Raven
Male: Hiroki

Ravnos Group
Descendants of the gypsy Rom and their forebears in India, the Ravnos vampires lead nomadic unlives. Like the gypsies of history, the Ravnos are spurned due to their reputations as thieves and vagrants. Many Princes persecute the Ravnos because of the chaos that follows them. The Ravnos return their scorn manyfold, holding them in equal contempt. The Ravnos are also known for their ability to create amazing illusions, the better with which to trick their marks. Recently the movements of the Ravnos have become even more erratic than usual;whispers have begun to circulate among other clans that ancients of the clan have risen to direct their youngling's games

Leader: Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich
Female Member: Angel Flare
Female: Rosalina


Character Sheet:

Vampyre Group: (Gangrel or Ravnos)
Appearence: (Picture or words. Doesn't matter.)
Ability:(Nothing like controling fire and stuff. Just simple things. Examples; Seeing the future, Telekinesis, Reading minds, Ect Ect. Simple things like that. )
History:(How He\She joined or came about to be a vampyre and joined this clan.)


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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{So.... when are we starting?}


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Wiping the blood from my lips, I gazed at the body on the floor. No longer recongizable, I left it there for the Unfortunate soul that had to stumble upon it.

Walking out of the alley, I squinted my eyes at the sun. Morning already? I watched a few teenagers walk past, giggling and sharing hugs, Completely oblivious to the brutal scene behind me.
I glanced down at my black cloak covering my uniform and back at the teenagers in there jeans and sweatshirts. I reached into the cloaks pocket and pulled out a pink stuffed bunny with button eyes. I grinned and took off my cloak, folding it and tucking it between my arm, I made my way across the street with my pink bunny in hand.

Going through a few alleyways, across a bridge and into the woods, I made my way to the Clan meeting.
I listened to the morning birds sing and glanced down at the ground behind me. I stopped for a moment to put my hair in a pony tail, seeing that it was sweeping across the ground.
My silver bangs fell over my eyes while the rest stopped at my knees, no longer being swept across the forest floor, I walked up to an Abandoned Cabin.
At first glance it seemed abandoned, but was actually where we held most of our Meetings & Hung out.

Clutching my Bunny, I gave the door three hard knocks and walked in. I listened for a moment and only heard the tap of my footsteps. No one was here yet. Walking over to the wall, I sat down on the floorboards, curling my legs beneath myself, I tugged at the bunny's ear.
I detested being the first to arrive..


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Aira had been running all night. she moved quickly threw the forest. She had though she had smelt a Ravnos on her way but the trail was old. She had low flat black heel boots on. She she moved a whirlwind of leafs and dirty blew behind me. No human would see me, only my bust cloud. She had feed not but hours before so she was full and full of energy. Aira bent her knees and pushed herself into the old oaks that grew in the forest. There branches were big and spread apart ever so perfectly for her to move thru them with little effort. She came to the little cabin and landed on the roof. She walked across it slowly letting the sound of her shoe's echo in the cabin. She could smell Raven inside but no one else. She hopped down and opened the door to see Raven sitting with her bunny.

"Raven." Aira said nodding her head to her as she moved to the old table beside the window. The light poured in beside where she sat making it harder of anyone to see her facile reaction to anything. But it was the darkest spot in the cabin and she liked that better.


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"Everybody! Everybody! Gather 'round! Tonight we celebrate our victory of conquering this city! This state! This country!!!"
Alaster's clan roared below him and he grinned with pleasure. Unified as one, built strong, fighting stronger, and stealing with speed and grace that no mortal, nor immortal, would ever be gifted with. He had raised his clan well and thought them to be the most beautiful sight he'd seen in a while. Tall and thin most of them were. Like sleek, agile, blood thirsty felines on the loose, hunting whatever came their way. He took pride in his clan and it pleased him to see them do so well.

"You have all brought in many recruits. I expect them all to be trained in the harshest conditions, as were you. Any that cannot handle their...'initiation' shall be killed immediately. If any of you fail to do so, I shall have you gutted, drained, and fed to the rest of the clan." The crowd grew quiet, a few whispers and murmurs breaking through the silence here and there.
"I would also like to congratulate us on our 'Population Control'. Never have I seen our clan this vicious and blood thirsty. Your blood lust is growing stronger and stronger, use it to your advantage. Let your senses guide you in your thievery, seduction, and total conquer over the human race. We are the superior race! We shall dominate this world and call it ours!"

The crowd roared again, and festivities were continued. Two male Ravnos brought forth three young female humans to Alaster. He inspected them, 'checked them out' and decided their fate.
"Kill the smallest one. Drain her completely. These two.." he pointed to two brunettes of 5'6", 130 lbs stature, "these two are to be brought to my guest room and pampered. The two ravnos nodded, one grabbing the smaller girl, the other guiding the two brunettes.

Alaster sighed as he made his way through a doorway on his left, heading to the main hall way in the second floor. he headed towards his 'day' room, looking into a large mirror. Seeing his reflection, his grimaced. He was always constant. No matter the clothes he wore, the style of his manner or speech; he remained the same. He scoffed at himself, brushed his hair, fixed his suit, and headed towards his 'guest' room. Really, it was a room for the women he fed on to feel comfortable.
Looking back once more to the mirror, his shook his head, and his eyes glanced towards a window.
Almost day break. I better have my fun now and get my rest.
He called over a guard and ordered him to announce the slumber for the night to the rest of the clan.
Smugly, he headed towards the new women. As he entered their room, he gave a sly smile, "Was I to be expected into a ladies room at such hour?" The women giggled, unknowing to their ever approaching fate.


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Angel listened to Alaster's rant from the back of the crowd. If nothing else could be said about the clan leader, he certainly knew how to get a crowd going. She, on the other hand, had grown bored of his speeches about vampiric superiority and the frailty of mortals. After a few decades, the material tended to get a bit stale. Nonetheless, this was a night for celebration, and everyone intended to treat it as such. Especially the clan leader. Angel watched as the smallest girl was taken away to be killed, while the other two were taken to one of Alaster's guest rooms. She couldn't help but think the small girl was the lucky one.

"Hey, Angel!" The vampire turned to the source of the voice, a young male Ravnos. "How about a song to celebrate?" There were a few shouts of agreement, and soon a small crowd was gathered, cheering her on. It was clear they weren't going to take no for an answer.

After a few moments of their begging, she gave in. "Alright, alright. One song, that's it." The group fell silent in a matter of seconds, watching the silver-haired girl as she began.

I'm through with love
I'll never fall again
Said adieu to love
Don't ever call again
For I must have you or no one
And so I'm through with love

I've locked my heart
To keep my feelings there
I've stocked my heart
With icy frigid air
And I mean to care for no one
And so I'm through with love

It wasn't upbeat or cheerful in any way, but no one minded. Songs of lost love were the one's Angel was known best for. Not once had anyone ever heard her sing of anything else. Understandable, considering her own experiences with romance.

Why did you lead me
To think you could care?
You didn't need me
For you had your share
Of slaves around you
To hound you and swear
With deep emotion and devotion to you

Goodbye to spring
And all it meant to me
It can never bring
The thing that used to be
For I must have you or no one
And so I'm through with love
I'm through with love
Baby I'm through with love

The end of the song was met with applause, but Angel ignored it. She just walked away, as always, intent on spending the next hours before sunrise alone.


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Rose sat on top of a banister nearby Angel and watched as people began to beg her to sing. She hopped down from nowhere, nobody noticed her short, petite body. She slid right next to the other Ravnos vampyre.
"You guys don't want to hear me sing. It's almost like it..." She paused smiling a very vampyric smile. "Hypnotizes you." She lifted her eyebrow and smiled at her friend, Angel. Angel had a pretty voice and loved to use it, while Rose's voice was her power. She hummed along lightly and more people gathered. Once the song ended Angel walked away. Rose stood in the crowd, feeling obligated to sing. Her mouth was watering from all the blood nearby.
"I will only sing for a tip," She said, putting a harmonic note in the last word to will the people to obey. They wanted her to sing and threw some money. Rose picked it up and examined the coin. It was real, so she sang. They swayed to the music and Rose smiled. She then had a boy, larger than her begin to walk in the direction Angel had gone. Rose stopped the song, midtrance and followed him. She glanced around and found the people still swaying. She pushed him behind a tree and quickly drained his body. She hid it away, up in the tree and scratched his throat to hide the bite marks.


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I watched as Aira walked in silently. I couldn't help but slam my first against the wall, with a thud. Echoing off the walls of the empty cabin. I stared at Aira.

"Where in the bloody hell is everyone else?" I asked, clearly angry.

"This plan isn't working. Ravno's are growing stronger. Yet here we are, acting like its alright. Pretending, as if we have it under control. God Damnit, We dont!" I continued.

I yanked at the bunny's arm and stood up. "If we continue to seperate the clans into different positions, scattered around everywhere. We're going to be picked off, one by one eventually." I gave Aira a hard stare.

Bloody hell, if she was leader. I would not stand for this. I will not.

I glanced as four other Gangrel's walked in. The tint of alarmment in there eyes made me lower my voice.

"I will not stand for this. We must fix our ways." I said again, lowering my voice this time. Careful not to alarm the others.

More Gangrels seemed to walk in. Taking a seat wherever.

Though our strategy had benifits, it was far to risky to have such a small group of us in one area. It was clear they had more people. They won us in population. But we are far more Stealthier and quicker due to our more animalistic traits.
All of our best fighters were up south, considering thats where all the Ravnos are, it doesn't work out well.
Moving from place to place,Though It was difficult for the Ravnos to keep track of us, The only major territorial place we had was down south. Alabama, Lousiana, Georgia, Florida. Most of us were there. The daring ones escaped up north. Knowing the Ravnos knew the area well, it was a risk. Those who were skilled enough to make it out there, stayed. While the others stayed back. Still strong. Just not quite strong enough. Slowly we've been gaining our territory back over the years. Slowly, but we have.
I was one of those who helped. I liked it though. The rush of it all. It was entertaining. Kept myself from becoming rusted. I managed to keep out of the way of most Ravnos. As long as I wasn't facing a group of them, I could take three or so down easy. So I roam from town to town. Hunting the Ravnos. Since most of them are criminals, I get them on my list anyway. Thieves. Thats what they were. Filthy Vagrants. A Nuisance to our country. To everywhere.
They were good at illusions. I'd tell you that. Quite the pest, but once you get past the illusions. There like rats. They scatter unless in groups.

The sound of the of the door shutting, penitrated my thoughts. I watched as another Gangrel entered. I gave Aira one last look and walked out of the room casually. Taking a little pleasure as Gangrels moved and scattered out of the way, I left Aira to think about what I had said.


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Aira looked at Raven with unchanged eye as she all but yelled at her. She suppressed the impulse to slam her agenst the wall. But she was only repeating what Aira was already thinking about. She knew they beat them in numbers. She had a plan, though it would take some risks. What plan didn't these days. Aira watched her with an amused expression now. She wasn't going to stand for it. When Raven left all the others looked at her.

Aira asked of any news. She soon learned that the Ravno's had been celebrating due to a take of of sorts. This amused her. they were so confident.

"And how are the matters i discussed earlier?" She asked a tall bulky male. He smiled "There has been a mass break out of the chicago prison. amongst them 29 of the most dangerous criminals are still at large." He said looking at her. Aira smiled then, her fangs just visible.

"Perfect." She exhaled and looked around the room. "It seems we have a need to go into town for a while. Take in the culture, shop a bit. maybe get a great bite to eat. We'll move in three hours. We'll hit aurora. The Ravno's haven't hit there. Be ready." She said standing and walking out of the cabin. Most smiled and nodded.

Aira walked outside and saw Raven. She moved to her side and walked with her quietly. She understood Raven's Anger, she had it herself.

"Raven, did you hear of the mass break out. 29 criminals." She said lightly keeping her expression calm. "You know as well as i do that they beat us in numbers but what they lack is strength. That's our ace. new strong and full of blood lust. I must ask you a question. If I was to ask you to build me an army, of the new and strong. how fast could you get it done? I ask you because you have an eye for strength." She said as the leaves crushed under her feet.

Aira trusted Raven. She had known her for meny meny years. she liked the way she fought. Like herself she fought for the rush. And though they didn't always get along Aira considered her a friend.


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Angel watched from the sidelines as Rose hypnotized humans and Ravnos alike with her siren song. For her, singing was a talent. For Rose, it was a weapon. And what better use for it than seducing men? The silver-haired vampyre had to admire the younger girl's abilities, but she couldn't help but think the way she used them was a bit cruel. No one wanted their emotions played with. She should know. Despite this, Rose was still one of the only members of the clan she considered a friend.

The silverette gave a small smile as the blonde headed towards her after draining a human boy. "Alaster isn't going to be happy about you killing off one of his 'recruits.'" In all honesty, she didn't care much what the clan leader thought. If he didn't want the humans he'd brought to end up a snack, he should be watching them and not messing around with a couple of prostitutes. Business before pleasure.


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Rose licked her lips, satisfied. The need to feed had been burning in her throat and it was a relief for it to finally be gone. "Sorry, Angel. My self-control still isn't as your guys'." She would've blushed if her white cheeks would have allowed her to. She hated being the newest vampyre, but someone had to fill that role. She was always needing blood and she was barely able to control herself.

"Alaster is with some 'lady friends'," she said, air-quoting her word for them. She rolled her eyes. "He won't care if he's missing one. Plus he was easily seduced and wasn't strong. The song wasn't that powerful to completely control a person like he did." She shrugged, hoping Alaster wouldn't care. She really wasn't sure how the older vampyre would react.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aira Drigori
Character Portrait: Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich


Character Portrait: Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich
Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich

Leader of the Ravnos

Character Portrait: Aira Drigori
Aira Drigori

Female Gangrel Leader


Character Portrait: Aira Drigori
Aira Drigori

Female Gangrel Leader

Character Portrait: Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich
Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich

Leader of the Ravnos

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich
Alaster Demitri Kolovkovich

Leader of the Ravnos

Character Portrait: Aira Drigori
Aira Drigori

Female Gangrel Leader

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Re: [OOC] The UnMoving.

(Pokes this Roleplay)
Is it dead?

Re: [OOC] The UnMoving.

I went back and amped up a lot of info on Aira. So if you want to re-read it that would be great. If you would like anything changed please let me know and i will change it but i though she needed a little more background info to help develop more ideas for the Rp.

Re: [OOC] The UnMoving.

I guess, about two more.. If none come then we'll just start it without them xD

Re: [OOC] The UnMoving.

Well this roleplay seems promising. ^.^
How many more characters are we waiting for before we get started?

Re: [OOC] The UnMoving.

Sounds awesome! I'm in!

[OOC] The UnMoving.

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