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The Vampire Legends

The Vampire Legends


The Elcarus Family have stood for generations, a proud family with a rich heritage, they have now returned home after their homeland was devasted a century ago forcing them to flee.

1,937 readers have visited The Vampire Legends since Gothicsyn created it.


The Vampie Legends

Is a long standing RP from the days of MSN Chat, it was at one point one of the biggest and most active rooms that was known, its residing family the Elcarus' were among the most respected of the RP community back then. We had are issues with RL player fall outs and all the other things that go with close nit relationships over the internet falling apart.

The new Realm Reborn is a continuation and adaptation of that story, much has changed since those days and the war that tore the lands apart, the family was scattered across the far reaches of the Everlands and until now has remained out of touch, out of town and all but forgotten. But with each new century bring a new hope and a new purpose.

The Mansion has been rebuilt to its former glory and now once more stands proudly atop the valley, it's tower light shining brightly to light the way for lost travellers, waiting on a new generation of family, friends and more. We welcome you home to Dentarius and a new chapter of The Vampire Legends.

Toggle Rules

I'm going to drop a few notes here as to what is or isn't allowed, as we adapt this new world these may change.

1) And most important is that I can deny any request, power or character design as this is my world, while I let most things fly I have built this world for 15 years and as such have set certain things to ground, this means they cannot and will not be allowed to bend.

2) Kane is the “default” leader of Dentarius, while this gives him a certain freedom to operate I will over time dilute this power down as more people join. The primary living Elcarus’ are as of now Kane Elcarus, his twin brother Hades and his Daughter Aerian. A full character list will be provided over time.

3) All races are welcome here, you can write as any race you wish with any combination of powers you can dream up, unless those powers are deemed dangerous to the realm. It is worth noting that for both continuity and ease of work certain race rules are altered within Dentarius, these will be listed below.

Vampire: Are not considered dead, in fact they are any other human based raced complete with heart beats and the likes, Dentarian light will not harm them, as such they may do business during the day or night. Vampires do not kill by nature but feeding is considered and intimate act.

4) Posts made as written role-play are usually written by more than one typist and will be categorised as [Role-play Universe Title] and each played characters own category as well.

5) NPC’s can be created as needed those named as a personal [U]NPC can be used by their created typist only, If they are in the employ of Elcarus Mansion then they cannot be killed without permission of the realm. Killing NPC’s should be kept to a bare minimum and only if it extends the depth of the story. Realm NPC’s can be used by anyone, such as Devlin the dwarven librarian or Elsa the seamstress.

6) These rules can change without warning this page should be checked just in case.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
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0.00 INK

Arriving at what’s left of the mansion was somewhat surreal occurrence, the place was broken down and destroyed in many places, the dragon had hit the mansion full on the foundation survived, most of the mansion did not. I made my way through, the rooms looked so …. empty, hard to believe this place was once full of life.

Hard to believe this was once a family home too but that’s another life time now.

To be honest I couldn’t say which did more damage, time or the fires from the wars, but the mansion is in ruins, it will take work but it an be restored, let’s face it we did it before, it takes time, but it can be rebuilt piece by piece. As I write this I see the work setting itself out before me. As I stand n the entranceway I see what was the grand hall before me, the stairs will be the starting point, can’t do much if I can’t reach the rest of the house.

A trip to Havens Carpenters will be in order, the best woodsman in all of Dentarius. At least they were 300 years ago I expect the family tradition will continue.

I must admit I hope the others are OK, hard to know we haven’t had contact since the war. Aerian was OK last I heart as was Heart. Maybe they’ll find their way back.

Still I have work to do.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
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0.00 INK

So I spent the week surveying what’s last of the mansion, the good news is Haunteds protective charms held and the library held, even after the direct hits it took to the northern wall, so the Elcarus Legacy and histories are intact, that was one of our biggest concerns as a whole, hard work to loose that, could take the rest of my days tracking down copies of those books.

I also spoke to to Master Haven this morning and he has agreed to supply me with the wood I’ll need to rebuild the frames and get the mansion more secure, once I’ve done that then it will be a trip to the stone mason to begin repairs on the brick work, it could take years to fully build the mansion back to its glory but I’m an Elcarus, this mansion has been built and rebuilt over the last eight centuries.

Our family are steadfast in our resolve, but my god this would be far easier with the others around, maybe I should try to contact them. I know Krystal returned to Brigane to his wife, at least that’s the last I heard of him, and as for Haunted I have no clue. Hades is probably still sulking in some far reach realm.

I myself rebuilt this place about 300 years ago, of course there was far less damage to it back then, deserted and weather damaged was far easier to repair than hammered half to oblivion by dragons.

The setting changes from Dentarius to Elaria


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
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0.00 INK

Urgh …. I HATE SNOW, dammit why do I get myself into these things? I was sent to retrieve some amulet for the queen but this, I never asked for this I mean come on, this is insane!!

I mean come on this is crazy!! Who knows what’s down here and what’s worse is I’m pretty sure my powers are on the fritz again … Dad told me this would happen, but this is just damn inconvenient or I’m just getting too old for all this. Still I’m getting paid quite well for this so it’ll be kinda worth it, If I ever find that damn temple down here.

I suppose I should be grateful Dad choose to educate me in weapon play before he headed home, wonder if he made it? Wonder how the mansion is after the war? That dragon hit the mansion pretty hard, Uncle Krystals magic would only have held for so long but those were some damn powerful dragons, didn’t think they still existed. It was sad leaving the town burning like that ….

We had no choice though, the portal got almost everybody out of Dentarius though, so that’s good. Damn Longar hit us out of nowhere, after we signed the treaty too, sneaky bastards they were. I only hope they are burning in the depths of Uncle Hades hell dimension.

Now there’s somewhere you should be afraid to go. That place is freaking creepy!! Bit like this place only, not so cold.

Still if this map is right I should be OK but why are my abilities out? The rock formations maybe? Maybe I should have read those history books of Dads to understand. I know he said there are environments that affect how we can use them, I never saw him struggle though, he always had access to them.

I only hope my healing abilities aren’t out or I really am screwed down here, why did I have to come alone again? … Oh yea I’m an Elcarus … ya Elcarus I may be, invincible I’m not, I’m a teen girl for god sakes, well …. no but …. well … oh never mind not like anyone will EVER read this. Why am I even keeping a diary anyways?

Ah to hell with it on I go to find this damn Ice Palace, retrieve the amulet and get the hell out of here.

Nevermind … Found it!

So all I have to do now is get in, err anyone see a door? Hahaha so here we go.

~~Aerian Elcarus~~
~~Elari Ice Caverns~~

The setting changes from Elaria to Dentarius


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
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0.00 INK

So I spent the week surveying what’s last of the mansion, the good news is Haunteds protective charms held and the library held, even after the direct hits it took to the northern wall, so the Elcarus Legacy and histories are intact, that was one of our biggest concerns as a whole, hard work to loose that, could take the rest of my days tracking down copies of those books.

I also spoke to to Master Haven this morning and he has agreed to supply me with the wood I’ll need to rebuild the frames and get the mansion more secure, once I’ve done that then it will be a trip to the stone mason to begin repairs on the brick work, it could take years to fully build the mansion back to its glory but I’m an Elcarus, this mansion has been built and rebuilt over the last eight centuries.

Our family are steadfast in our resolve, but my god this would be far easier with the others around, maybe I should try to contact them. I know Krystal returned to Brigane to his wife, at least that’s the last I heard of him, and as for Haunted I have no clue. Hades is probably still sulking in some far reach realm.

I myself rebuilt this place about 300 years ago, of course there was far less damage to it back then, deserted and weather damaged was far easier to repair than hammered half to oblivion by dragons.

The setting changes from Dentarius to Elaria


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
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0.00 INK

OK Cool I found it, it’s kind of really shiny which is mega awesome, I just hope the risk is worth the reward or someone may loose this thing just as fast as they get it back. Strange thing is I’m pretty sure I’ve seen something similar to this before, which means I either stole it before or I have one screwed up memory.

It was tucked away inside a little chest, only took a few seconds to breach the lock though, Uncle Heart was an awesome teacher, he is the one who taught me how to pick locks.

I wonder what happened to him, he kinda just disappeared after the family came home the last time, Uncle Heart was always in trouble though, he had such a way with the ladies, it was kinda cute. (He isn’t my real Uncle, but he is Dads best friend and I’ve known him since I was tiny, which either makes that entire statement wrong, or creepy) He used to anger Uncle Haunted so bad, but that was just him, you know. And besides what’s wrong with providing a little happiness?

So right next up, now I gotta get out of here, and when you take into consideration I killed everything alive on the way in, shouldn’t be so damned hard for me to get out? I only hope the 2,000 gold price tag I put on this job is enough. Of course the problem with that statement is I'm and Elcarus and that automatically makes straight forward, impossible for us.

But it does bug me, where have I seen this damn thing before seriously?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
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0.00 INK

Sweet, I made it back to the palace relatively unhindered, a few shifty looking guys threatening me but it seems bare ones teeth and they go scampering back to the darkness they emerged from. My father indeed taught me well.

Really do hate the trip upto that place, all hills and the like, think I’d have invested in a horse by now eh?

Queen Azeerah seemed pleased I’d retrieved that amulet, I still sense there are things more than they are telling me, swear that thing kept talking to me as I made my way back. Still it’s not for me now, my job is done and my reward is collected. A whole 3,000 gold coins, wonder why it was such a price, not many contracts carry such a price I can tell you. But I really do prefer these kind of contracts to others I … partake in.

Still the money I have made should go quite a ways into getting that wizard to open the damn portal for me, if I had the nerve I’d do it myself but those things are so unstable I’d probably end up in Alaria or some similar hell world.

I have a small payment to collect from the Nederins and then hopefully can go see the wizard and finally go home. Been so long since I’ve been there, wonder if the mansion is even still there?

So many questions and even fewer answers, hopefully all in good time now.

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Elvera by Gothicsyn

Elvera is and forever will be the capital city of the Everlands


Elaria by Gothicsyn


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Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus


Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
Aerian Elcarus

For Hire Mercenary

Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
Kane Elcarus

The most known of the Elcarus Family


Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
Kane Elcarus

The most known of the Elcarus Family

Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
Aerian Elcarus

For Hire Mercenary

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kane Elcarus
Kane Elcarus

The most known of the Elcarus Family

Character Portrait: Aerian Elcarus
Aerian Elcarus

For Hire Mercenary

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Elvera by Gothicsyn

Elvera is and forever will be the capital city of the Everlands


Elaria by Gothicsyn


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