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The Warriors from Within

The Warriors from Within


In the midst of World War 2, the prisoner's of the concentration camps are trying to survive. When one guard's eye is caught by one of the prisoners, how will he keep this girl he might love alive or will they both be facing their worst nightmare?

2,985 readers have visited The Warriors from Within since Zoey26123 created it.



In this world, there are prisoners brought in daily, many kinds and most of the time, for no reason here. The Germans are trying to get those that could be an interference in their goal out of the way, the best way to do that, crush their hope. For whatever reason, you are here for you are something that is considered dangerous. Why are you here? You may never know. Though I can tell you one thing, you will be praying whatever it is, never existed.

You can play as either a guard of the camp, or as a prisoner. You try to escape? Killed. Talk of trying to help someone get hope? Killed. Survival? Unlikely.

In this story you will try to survive while also trying to keep yourself sane. The prisoners can be brought in for many different reasons. In this prison, it is rare to see a Jewish prisoner. More often than not, there are POWs, their families, and those that are believed to be part of the resistance. Will you try to protect those around you or will you see the coward within?

Guards here are given everything and anything they want from the prisoners. They are not allowed to kill the high up officers unless one of their own superiors gives them permission. Beatings, shootings, and other things along those lines are daily events. These people are more terrible than the gestapo according to the prisoners.

Nobody has ever escaped. If they try? Killed. How will you survive?

Guard 1 | FC: Hunter Parrish | Name: Sebastian Zimmermann | Age: 20 | Main Job: Interrogator | TAKEN by VivaVictoria
He's the top guard. The best out of his class. His record is perfect. Appears to have no flaws until his eyes caught sight of a rather interesting prisoner (prisoner 2) that just came in a few days or so ago. He doesn't know what it is, but there's something about her. He's unsure whether it's good feelings, or if there's something wrong about her, but his attention is on her... and that's not always a good thing.

Guard 2 | FC: Aaron Taylor-Johnson | Name: | Age: (between 17-22) | Main Job: Prisoner watch | TAKEN for OldManPsycho
Guard 1's best friend, this guard has IQ that surpasses every other guard. He's a genius and a robot. He can't think very well for himself and follows the rules as if it's his bible. Would never go against his commanding officer unless there was something involving a friend. He is very careful when it comes to his actions. He does not like all the killing though will hesitate for only a few seconds before following the command.

Guard 3 | FC: Chris Zylka | Name: | Age: (between 17-22) | Main Job: Interrogator | OPEN
The stranger of the group, Guard 3 is the cruelest of the guards, second only to the commanding officer. He would never hesitate to kill or hurt someone as much as possible, including his fellow guards. He has killed more than any person besides his commanding officer and is the best when it comes to his methods in interrogation. Whatever he wants to know, he finds out. He's hated by everyone but his commanding officer. Recently he noticed that guard 1 has been acting strange around a specific prisoner and is definitely interested in finding out why. Hates prisoner 1 with a passion and is in charge of his breaking.

Guard 4 | FC: Francisco Lachowski | Name: Leon Jacobson | Age: 19 | Main Job: Transport and Care for prisoners | TAKEN by Me
Guard 4 is the queasiest of the guards. He's close friends with guards 1 and 2 and is always ready to crack a joke. He has been punished more than once for being the one of the group to not kill a prisoner that is thought to deserve it. He is very loyal and actually has a little thing going between himself and prisoner 4. He does his best to help her in any way possible, even when it risks his safety.

Head of the camp|FC: Kevin Zegers | Name: Adelric Mathis Holtzer | Age: 32 | Commanding Officer | TAKEN for aarondalea
The cruelest of the camp. He wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone even without a reason. The head of the entire camp, he is in charge of getting anything and everything that he's told to get by those above him including information and prisoners. He arranges their transport and the hiring and firing of the guards. He arranges the work the prisoners do and gets the tools that the guards need. He has noticed this new thing going on between guard 1 and prisoner 2 and is keeping an eye on it, but isn't really concerned as guard 1 is his best, his prize. He has a particular grudge against prisoner 1 and wants to break him.

Prisoner 1 | FC: Chace Crawford | Name: Jean-Luc Boyer | Age: 22 | Reason for Being here: Thought to be high up in the resistance | TAKEN by OldManPsycho
Brother to prisoner 2, prisoner 1 is the second in command of the resistance of France and is very strong. He has grown up hearing of war from his father who was in WW1 and died right before WW2 took place. Was caught when he went to save his family from a sweep and is now being held in the camp. the commander hates him after prisoner 1 made a fool out of him and guard 3.

Prisoner 2 | FC: Kaya Scodelario | Name: Jane Boyer | Age: 17 | Reason for Being here: thought to be in resistance | TAKEN by ME
Sister to prisoner 1, prisoner 2 has never been a part of the resistance. When her family was arrested for being a part of the resistance, she knew nothing, though the guards hardly believed her when they first asked. She grew up relying on her brother heavily and loves him a lot. When they were taken in, she had no idea what to do. When she met guard 1, she wasn't sure what to think of him, and sure didn't count of feeling something for him.

Prisoner 3 | FC: River Viiperi | Name: | Age: (between 18-24) | Reason for Being here: British POW | OPEN
Grew up in Britain, prisoner 3 was the son of one of the generals. He was shot down in his plane over Germany during the beginning of the war and has been in custody ever since. He barely survived in his first camp, made a narrow and daring escape coming out of the second, the was on death's doorstep in the third. He was moved to this camp so that whatever information that wasn't already released, comes out.

Prisoner 4 | FC: Karen Gillan | Name: Aurélie Lévesque | Age: (between 16-20) | Reason for Being here: Daughter of French spy | TAKEN by TheHuntress
Grew up in a poor family with her brothers and mother. Her father was never around making things tough for her. When her father showed up ten years after disappearing, he brought more than the pain of remembering back, he brought the gestapo by accident too. Everyone was killed but prisoner 4, the gestapo believing she was going to be the easiest to break, wasting the least amount of time. When she arrived at the camp, she couldn't believe her eyes and couldn't help herself when it came to falling in love with guard 4 upon sight.

Prisoner 5 | FC: Natalie Portman | Name: Rachel Kingsley | Age: 22 | Reason for Being here: American spy | TAKEN for TheHuntress

She never thought she would be here. Never thought she would be caught. She grew up during the great depression and snatched the job of a spy as it became available. It was her opportunity to see the world, and see the world she did. She was caught after two years of staying in Germany's soldier tents as she was there to serve the soldiers in the mess hall. She was caught after someone slipped something in her drink that caused her to be willy nilly with her tongue, giving herself up. She hates the commanding officer with a deep passion as the man who is heartless and killed her brother after discovering which one he was in a concentration camp after being a soldier.

Code: Select all
[b]Nicknames:[/b](if any)
[b]Reason for being here/job:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] (At least a paragraph, more preferred)
[b]Likes:[/b](At least 5)
[b]Dislikes:[/b](At least 5)
[b]History:[/img](At least 3 paragraphs, more preferred)

  • I want this to be a literate RP meaning there is a minimum of 350 words per post. I understand if you are having difficulty posting and are trying to rush in which case, a well written 300 word post will be somewhat okay. Do not continuously post at the bare minimum please.
  • Activity is big, you must post at least twice every five days please. Inactivity after this will result in me pming you. If there is no response with two days, I will open the character back up.
  • Be respectful to your fellow RPers. No being rude in any way when talking OOC. Take drama to a PM. Of course, rudeness will be in the RP so don't bother complaining unless it is something that you and the other character's owner did not discuss.
  • No killing other people's characters unless they give you permission, the same goes for NPCs. Remember that anything you do in the camp will result with consequences whether they are good or bad.
  • When making a reservation, put "Survival is key" somewhere. Reservations last up to 48 hours then I will message you and if you don't respond within a day, the spot opens back up.
  • If you want to take multiple characters, you may have either 1 girl and 1 boy, 1 girl and 2 boys, or 2 boys. The maximum amount of characters will be three but your post quality can't go down at all.
  • If you want to change the FC, please just let me know. I'm going to be pretty lenient, but some I may be a bit harder to convince.
  • This is a mature roleplay. We will be trying to keep things as humane as possibly, but this is a concentration camp in the midst of WW2. You must understand there is a possibility of gruesome scenes.
  • That being said, this is not necessarily an adult roleplay. You must take things that get too far to the PM, not here. I understand things will happen, but please, either fade to black or PM.
  • If you have any questions or ideas please PM me.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Boyer
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Germany is still in charge, or so the prisoners are told in their current accommodations. Here at camp, the schedule is simple. Wake, eat, survive, work, eat, sleep. Never before has it change except for an occasional execution. The day has begun, it is as any other though the interrogators are looking to break their subjects today, however they can. Will you stay strong? Sane?


The sun's steady rays seemed to grow at the horizon visible from the fence Jane stood at. It was another day, another time in this place they called a camp though it was anything but such an experience. Jane had gotten up slightly earlier than those in her holding facility. The bed frames were wooden and crumbling. The blankets holed and not really blankets anymore. There was a few people who seemed entirely dead even though they moved and dressed themselves in their raggedy clothing provided. It consisted of whatever was unwanted by Germans. Jake had once gotten a jacket from a dead British soldier. At this camp, clothing was hardly a care so why waste money on dead people anyway?

Jane walked to the edge of the building line, looking for something different in the scenery, or hoping she would see something different anyway. The guards wouldn't be too happy about it, but she wasn't breaking any rule considering she was standing in the large doorway still.

Her thoughts drifted to what the day would consist of. Would hey have to move stuff for no reason? Would they be building a hanging station? Would they be making rope for a hanging? There were endless possibilities at the camp.

Jane looked to the quarters her brother held, not too far away. She wondered if he was awake, or okay. She wasn't sure when he was taken in now. They would do it randomly and mercilessly. The quarters for men and women were seperated in each barrack by a curtain. There were no female guards so the women didn't have anyone else to watch them when they had inspections immediately after dressing in the morning.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Adelric opened his eyes to the glaring sunlight that spooled into his room, lighting up the well furnished, lavish quarters that he had been living in for the past two years. His head was groggy as he sat up, the smell of wine and women simmering in the hot air as the windows were closed and no source of ventilation open. Per to the request of his subordinates, Adelric had held a large ball, inviting SS members far and wide around Germany to join in his small dining session- which later turned into a full out drinking competition. He had remembered challenging a boy younger than him by half a decade and beating the younger SS officer, only to be challenged by another, deranged officer. Then after was blank within Adelric’s mind but he remembered the taste and feel of women’s flesh around him. The evidence itself lay right beside him, breathing softly as she wrapped herself in the soft velvet blankets. More evidence lay on the ground, a shifty sheet wrapped over their shoulders, a man and a woman with light blonde hair and pale skin. All three looked no older than 18 years old. Trailing his hand across the girl’s shoulder, Adelric shrugged and turned around, hastily grabbing his boots and pulling them on over his breaches that he had not taken off the night before. The sound of clicking shocked the three figures awake and quick enough they were stumbling out of the room, fearful of the dark look that covered Adelric’s face.

Foolish children. At least they served their purpose. Adelric stood up, the bed creaking as he did, and stretched a bit. The air was musky and crisp cold, the wind battering at what thin piece of glass Adelric had for his windows. Winter. He shrugged on the thick fur coat that lay on the ground beside where he now stood, picking it up with a hand and slinging it over his shoulders casually. Walking towards the balcony attached to his room, Adelric casually grabbed the rifle that leaned against the wall, glinting dully from the sunlight that illuminated the dark room. Kicking the balcony doors open, Adelric walked onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, his keen eyes roving over the scene in front of him. The rats are out. A disgusted curl twisted on Adelric’s face as he watched the Jewish prisoners shuffle around in the middle of the camp, moving between the temporary lodgings they had been given- and the gassing room. With a contemplative glance, Adelric picked up his rifle and cocked it, directing it at the head of a particular Jewish woman. “Goodbye.” The shot of the rifle split through the calm winter morning as the speeding bullet split the woman’s head.

Momentary screams filled the air but were quickly muffled as the other prisoners shuffled around her, making sure to not touch her as they went to their slower demise. But this was not enough yet. Adelric took aim again, his rifle gleaming cruelly in his hands, until, finally, he saw his second target glance up at him frightfully. The boy looked no older than ten as he shuffled along with the other jewish children, his head down and heavy with fatigue and starvation. A smug smile flashed across Adelric’s face as the boy hastily looked away, his eyes round with fear and dread. But it was too late. A second shot rocketed through the air and the bullet hit the boy in the arm- off target. Adelric cursed as the boy let out a large scream and crumpled to the ground, blood pooling from his mangled arm. The other children screamed but were quickly beaten into obedience by Adelric’s subordinates and forcibly walked away. Only the victim was left, cowering and crying on the spot he had been at when Adelric had first shot him. Small hiccups and sniffles echoed throughout the empty field, now bereft of the sight of Jewish adults and children alike- but the boy.

Quickly, Adelric rushed down from his room and out of his house, curse words flying out of his mouth as he walked up to the little Jewish boy. “You were lucky you survived that, boy.” He stated calmly, turning the little figure around with his foot. The boy whimpered as Adelric placed his foot on the shot arm, placing pressure on the fresh wound. “Please- stop. Stop, please, please, have mercy- I’m sorry!” Adelric laughed as he lightened the pressure his foot placed on the boy’s arm. “Sorry for what, boy? Say it. Let us see if you are smart enough to keep alive.” With a swooping motion, Adelric picked up the boy by his collar and forced him to sit on his bottom. “I-I am so-sorry for being Je-“ Adelric paced in front of the boy, his hands behind his back, hidden amongst the thick fur of his warm coat. The boy, on the other hand, looked as if he were freezing. Good riddance! The world would be better without this sort of vermin. Glaring down at the boy, Adelric shook his head. “What was that? I didn’t hear, boy! Speak up!” A surge of satisfaction rose within Adelric as he watched the boy shiver with fear, his eyes wide and his hands clenched. At least he knows that his life is within my grasp. The boy opened his mouth once more, “I-I am s-sorry f-for being Je-Jewish- I-I a-am-“ But his voice trailed off as he saw Adelric raise a hand up, as if to silence his stammering.

“Good boy, you are a smart one, I see.” Adelric turned and smiled, reaching a hand out to grab the boy up. Patting him on the back, Adelric motioned him to return to his quarters. “Off you go.” The boy’s face brightened up, sensing that his life was safe at least for now. But as he turned, the boy did not catch the flash and gleam of Adelric’s pistol as Adelric pulled it out of his belt and cocked it. “We cannot afford to have smart vermin like you within the Third Reich.”

A third gunshot resounded through the camp as a small figure crumpled to the floor. Blood mixed with dirt as the first snow of winter started to drift towards the ground. Turning around, Adelric walked towards the nearest guard that stood in the grounds- his prize. “Sebastian, young lad! Nice day isn't it? If only these blithering rats weren't here.” Adelric barked out, a large grin on his face. “Clean up this mess, would you? Not sure if the American and French scum will be able to take the sight of this beauty.” Adelric laughed as he jerked his head towards the boy’s body in the middle of the field as he handed the pistol and rifle to the younger Nazi soldier. “And where were you last night! Anyways, I need breakfast. Send for food.” He patted Sebastian on his shoulder, his hand wavering a bit long, before walking off again towards his extravagant mansion.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Sebastian Zimmermann

Sebastian Zimmermann posed himself against a wooden seat in his office; his body faced the window shielded with fog. The young solider squinted his eyes trying to study every movement of the prisoners- the way they walked, their posture, how the inhabitants breathed and stared. He watched the detainees deeply as if he could read their minds, feel their senses. And the Nazi has been doing this for barely over two hours now- watching oh so very closing. However not only was he witnessing their behavior but scattered among his desk were papers and each piece stored a small image and basic information of a captive. Every time Sebastian discovered something new about someone he would lean over the desk, pushing his glasses up while jotting the notes down. This important data will come in handy during interrogations.

Sebastian scooted his chair back before opening a drawing to his supplies of a nasty addiction of his- cigarettes. It was a habit he started at the age eighteen and was meaning to replace to with coffee, but after refilling two or three cups he decided to stick to his indulgences. In the middle of lighting a cigarette Sebastian was startled by the sharp firing of a rifle. Jumped, Sebastian unintentionally dropped the activated lighter before even connecting it to the cigarette. A flame landed against a wood board sparking a fire. Cursing underneath his breath Sebastian stomped out the miniature inferno, praying no one will rush in on the effect of his carelessness.

After the circumstance he marched over to the window with his nose now an inch away from kissing it. He inspected the way the creatures raced away from the bloody scene in utter terror. Though that was not the end of it- all of a suddenly another bullet traveled but this time into the arm of young boy. Viewing the way the child screamed and cried did Sebastian not cringe nor grimace once; no this life, there was no crime in this- it must be done. Sebastian never established it sport to torment the inmates but if it takes there suffering to better advance him, then he will take his best aim and let them sing.

Then arrived his role-model, Commander Adelric Holtzer. Sebastian desired to absorb every last bit of knowledge the man release in hope to one day be just like him. I've got to get closer to observe this! Sebastian charged towards his superior after slamming the door. Not standing to obnoxiously adjacent to he notified himself of Commander Holtzer's tone and cleverness as he spoke. To end the conversation between the two Adelric blasted yet another bullet straight into the boy's head.

“Sebastian, young lad! Nice day isn't it? If only these blithering rats weren't here,” Totenkopfverbände Holtzer bellowed with a smirk adorn on his face.

"Rats? I would say that term compliments them," Sebastian responded with a slight chuckle however anyone could not help but notice the thrill inside the solider's eyes of being near the one he looks up to. Being around Adelric at first can feel very frightening but after a while Sebastian learned to trade his panic for awe.

“Clean up this mess, would you? Not sure if the American and French scum will be able to take the sight of this beauty.”

"Anything for you, sir. The beasts would not know what beauty was even if they were struck by it a thousand times."

Sebastian grasped the weapons continuing to listen to the older man.

“And where were you last night!"

"I do apologize, my friend, I would hate to miss a good drink with you but I would also hate failing to keep my responsibilities such as not finishing my work."

"Anyways, I need breakfast. Send for food.”

"As you wish, the grandest egg Benedict will be presented to you."

Once Sebastian's commanding officer exited the setting, the solider leaned over to another one murmuring, "I've got work to tend, kindly obey my orders and report to the chef. Inform if of Totenkopfverbände Holtzer's appetite and if he hadn't already begun cooking, by hell, I would demand that you would blow him to dust but I guess I cannot give to orders like that... well, not yet."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Jane heard shots fired from where she was. The day had begun and it wasn't surprising how it had started. Jane's clothing rustled as she walked around the side of her place of residence where she saw the head of the camp, a man by the name of Adelric. She hated him and knew he hated her as well as her older brother. She feared for him as she knew there was something personal between the two and it was dangerous for Jane to be at the whim of him considering the closeness of the siblings.

Jane stole her gaze away as she saw the young Jewish boy shot. It was not an uncommon thing, but it was absolutely terrifying nonetheless. She took a deep breath before looking again only to see the boy being stepped on. She jumped slightly as she saw the boy get shot down when he though he was home free, he would live another day, he wouldn't die so early on in his life. He was wrong and it was a deadly mistake.

Jane practically ran back into her residence upon hearing the others leaving. If she didn't leave with them, there would be no question about her joining the boy in wherever people went after life. She followed in line. They had to conduct role call. During that, whoever the interrogators wanted for the day would be pulled aside and upon resistance, shot. It was a terrifying thing that scared everyone, keeping everyone in line and careful around the guards that were trigger happy.

Jane tried her best to look down and away from the crumbled form of the boy though her gaze couldn't help but catch on the yellow star of David that labeled him. She saw the boots of Adelric and another pair that hadn't been there. She recognized the voice when he spoke and looked up to see the interrogator, Sebastian. She didn't quite understand why or how, but there was something different that had caught Jane's eye. Maybe it was that he seemed like a kiss up, or perhaps it was that she didn't remember seeing him kill someone... Whatever it was, it made her pause slightly in her step causing the person behind her to bump into her, eliciting a curse, drawing the attention of another guard...


Leon looked up as he heard someone curse and held his breath as he saw the nearness that the person was to the leader. It was not a good thing and the person had little to no hope of being looked over unless Adelric was too hung over or loopy from last night. He moved to the front of the line of women and men gathered together, beginning to list of the numbers that were assigned to the prisoners upon arriving. Each time he heard the confirmation from his partner, he left a number alone. They were lucky as they went down the line, everyone having either been alive or gotten in their spot and nobody having tried to run off thankfully.

When he was done, Leon turned on his heal and moved to go to the two guards, Sebastian and Adelric, already talking. "Sir, everyone is present and accounted for. No difficulties this morning in line ups and no resistances in getting into place. They're ready to begin the day," Leon says in the tone stated with respect in his tone. He gave the customary salute given to a superior as he waited for orders.

It was a foul thing working for such a man. Leon despised it. He feared for the lives of the people behind him and prayed to God that they wouldn't do anything that would draw more attention to themselves and wouldn't result in them getting killed or beaten.

Leon didn't look away from Adelric but knew Sebastian's face out of the corner of his eyes. The man was a friend of Leon, at least according to Leon. Sebastian didn't kill at every whim, every chance, every opportunity he got to end a life like certain SS officers in their situation did...

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Show me what you’ve got.

Perhaps Rachel went slightly overboard when she hissed that in the guard’s face on her first day in camp, for her eyes now glanced up coldly at the sound of the shot that echoed throughout the camp. And another… At such thoughts, her brown eyes narrowed in anger, her hands tightening at her sides before she felt a shove on her back. If looks could kill. To be completely honest, Rachel did not allow herself to be caught in the fantasy that she was going to somehow survive more than a few weeks of this hell hole.

Another shot. This time her eyes laid coldly at the screaming Jewish boy that now held his arm as blood pooled around the wound. ”At least put the damn child out of his misery.” Her angry voice rang through the panicked crowd, perhaps one of the calmest in such a scene. With clenched teeth, her gaze flickered toward the man who had conducted the act, and her hand went reflexively toward the side of her hips, as if grabbing the pistol that used to be so discreetly strapped by her side. Right… Her hand loosened but the tension in her shoulder remained, closing her eyes to the screaming of the young boy that stuttered to answer the man’s question. I-I am s-sorry f-for being Je-Jewish- I-I a-am-“ She had to clench her teeth as to lock her disgusted voice from booming toward the man they called Adelric Mathis Holtzer. The only reason she ever bothered to remember the name was to make sure that man get the punishment he deserves when the war finally plays itself out. Her glare remained on the sadistic expression of the head of the camp, whose face imprinted into her memory as the brutal murderer of her brother. As the bloody memories flooded her thoughts, another shot was heard, this time she turned to watch the small figure fall to the ground, his face drenched in his own pool of blood. Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. That was the bottom line. The hopeful expression of the young boy still remained on his face as his eyes stared into the open, now devoid of the life that still lingered even in the misery that overwhelmed his soul a second before. ”Sebastian, young lad! Nice day isn’t it? If only these blithering rats weren’t here.” The cheerful voice of the head rang through the chaos, but no humor was reflected in Rachel’s eyes, whose faint murmur of ”If only you Nazi rats weren’t here.” was the only sound that kept her remaining standing in her spot. ”Clean up this mess, would you? Not sure if the American and French scum will be able to take the sight of this beauty.” ”Anything for you, sir. The beasts would not know what beauty was even if they were struck by it a thousand times.”

”Du Hurensohn.” She was truly too fearless for her own good, but her anger often clouds her judgment, much to the dismay of fellow agents of the Office of Strategic Services. However, the insult flowed smoothly with her near-perfect German accent, directed at the man who believed he was ready to play God. If only they knew what her country had planned for them.

With quick steps, she ducked into the frantic crowd, easily mingling with the chaotic mass that moved its way back to their directed spots. Even if she had already accepted her fate, she was not yet ready to die. They still had to pay. A faint smirk lingered on her lips, so different from the misery-filled faces that moved around her. Even to this point, Rachel had faith in the abilities of her nation, which she knew had chosen the European front to battle next to the Asian front, which only meant that it was a matter of time now before these Nazis will be bathing in their own blood. Somehow, the thought delighted her, especially the image of Adelric choking on his own blood, lying at the feet of the Americans. Then we’ll see who the rats really are. A bend of her knees and her fingers curled around a small stone someone kicked in her path, closing her fingers around it. She wasn’t afraid, not in the slightest bit. Now if I can just get my hands on some firearms… Brushing her hair out of her eyes, she made sure to collect a basic mental image of the camp, much as she did nearly every day. One glance behind her at the man she remembered to be Sebastian brought a chuckle from her throat. I shall name you kiss-ass. The hierarchy wasn't hard to determine, especially from his eagerness to please. It wouldn’t take that much to break that hierarchy, nor much to turn them against each other. The Office of Strategic Services at least taught her enough to make such inferences. Now it was up to her to see how much she had learned on escaping dangerous situations.

And murder. Let’s not forget about murder. One last glance at Alderic and she continued her steps, the stone pressed into her hand, its edge bringing blood from her palm, but the young woman did not seem to notice. I’ll kill him. Perhaps the only thought that has pushed her back from the front lines, the only thought that pushed her to think rationally.

Revenge is a powerful force of motivation.

”Mon Dieu!

The young girl nearly fell back with the sound of the shot that rang through the air, her eyes flickering up with a panicked gaze, but the crowd pushed at her, obscuring her vision from the source of the gunshot. Perhaps it’s the best way. The red hair was spilled over her eyes, giving an orange tint in the sunlight. ”Pardon…” It wasn’t easy for the small French girl to move through the crowd, the mass now moving in a panicked fashion, nearly trampling the girl into the ground. ”Pardon!” It wasn’t like her to raise her voice, but perhaps it was the language difference, barely anyone took notice of the girl. For once, Aurélie attempted to push against the unfamiliar figures, forcing herself into balance before another gunshot pierced her ears.

Her hands immediately flew up to her ears, the loud sound still ringing in her ear before the crowd increased its frantic movements, the force of which pushed the girl forward, landing on her knees. Her light brown eyes caught something red. No… Someone. The sight forced her onto her feet, nearly diving toward the little boy that now cried as the blood trailed down his arm, only the masses that pushed at her forced her back as what appears to be the head of the guards moved toward the young boy, his voice lost in Aurélie’s panicked gasps. ”You were lucky you survived that, boy.” A drop of liquid trailed down her cheeks, but she did not even bother wiping it away. The sight before her was cruel, crueler than anything she had ever seen. ”That boy needs a doctor!” The French accent mingled with the English words, but her voice was nearly lost in the chaos that wrought the masses. The crowds pushed at her, but she refused to move from her spot, the red burning into her memory.

”I-I am s-sorry f-for being Je-Jewish- I-I a-am-“ No! Don’t be sorry for that! It’s who you are! Short breaths overwhelmed her, but a sigh of relief was felt as the man raised his hand, giving him a smile which Aurélie took as sincere. Bending down slightly, she beckoned toward the boy whose tears and blood mingled together on his cheeks, his expression yet still full of life.

Then there came the second shot, and the world before her dimmed. The life flickered in the boy’s eyes before the small body fell forward. It only took a second, and the life was gone. No… Her eyes remained focused on the scene before her, unable to blink away the sight that will now haunt her mind for all eternity. ”Mon Dieu…” Her voice was nearly choked against the shock that shivered down her spine, the open eyes of the boy staring at her, now deprived of life. A piercing scream rang through the crowd, and it didn’t even occur to her that the scream belonged to her. ”Non… Non!” She took one step forward, as if not even seeing the guards that stood by the boy. Not one of them cared. Not one of them cared that they just took a life… She could hear the head tell the guard to clean up the “mess”, but she bent near the body, her hand reaching unconsciously toward the young face that seemed so wrought by fear. He’s gone… She couldn’t tear her eyes away, the blood before her so vivid in her eyes, pooling onto the ground as the first snow of winter drifted onto the boy’s hair.

”You monsters…” Her voice was barely above a whisper, but it was more determined than anything she has ever said. The shivering in her body paused, replaced by a dull sense of numbness as the snow drifted onto her back, the white flakes caught in her red hair. You’re all monsters… She closed her eyes, the image of the boy burned into the back of her eyelids. She could hear talking between the guards and the presence of an additional sound of footsteps, but she didn’t care. That boy had a family… She could have saved him. If only they had let him go.

You gave him hope and took it away.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Sebastian Zimmermann

Sebastian paced over to younger troop, Leon; Sebastian had mixed feelings toward him. He is pleasant as a person, but as a solider-- he has failed his duties in the past. No one who is unsuccessful deserves serve to Holtzen. In Leon's fortune, he has only been accustomed to major punishments, where as Sebastian is looking forward to the boy's execution. He may transport and tend to the prisoner's vital needs, but that gives him absolutely no excuse.

"Lose the sympathy Jacobson. You don't have to be convince this is right; we are soldiers, we follow orders. At least I am, and if you don't choose to, you mind as well start digging your own grave," Sebastian hissed in Leon's ear with his hand grasping the other troop's shoulder tightly, acting as if he was now in total control. The two men barely ever spoke a word to each other, perhaps because they do not meet enough, but Sebastian like he needed to make it clear to him.

After correcting the serviceman, he continued down his path to Rachel Kingsley, the female who could not keep her mouth shut for her own good. The interrogator studied her more than the rest of the crowd, watching her mumble what he believes could be insults against the Nazi force. Standing three feet away he directed a pointer finger at her while roar, "You there, girl! Are you not from where... Great Britain-- No, wait... That's right! Your from "America" the brave and the free. I thought they taught women to remain in places there."

Sebastian Zimmermann turned his back, thinking now he'd shut her up, but however he could be wrong... very wrong.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Adelric had raised an eyebrow when Sebastian had referred to him as ‘friend’- but it didn’t matter much, yet, at least. Shaking his head slightly, Adelric pulled on the thick fur coat that was wrapped around him, ignoring the boy as he walked away. Leon as well- he had no time for the foolish young boy who had joined the Nazi forces for seemingly no reason. Who brought this fool up? It is obvious that our current goal should not be sympathizing with filth! He cast a scathing glance at the soldier as an indication he heard what the Leon had said. He took a few steps forward before turning around. “Jacobson! I want you with Sebastian,” he pointed at the other soldier who now was walking away, presumably to do his born duty to Deutschland, “-and you will be whipping the prisoners whenever they refuse to speak.” His voice formed cold vapor clouds in front of his mouth as Adelric spoke, his eyes cold and his face expressionless. “I expect a detailed report from you two later on. Especially you, Jacobson, or you will be the one facing lashes from my direct hand.” Adelric glared at the younger man before turning around once more, his fur coat flowing in the air as he walked back towards his large mansion, with rooms that were larger than the quarters that twenty prisoners had to share. But that did not matter Adelric at all- it was not his business. They deserve such treatment. They should be proud that they are part of the large mechanism pushing Deutschland back to former glory.

A sudden screech dragged Adelric from his thoughts to catch an eagle circling in the sky, it’s eyes directed to the ground as if it had seen it’s new victim- the rat boy. Adelric looked down at the bloody on the ground and then back at the eagle, a sneer on his face. A white-tailed eagle. His eyes narrowed, raising the M1 Garand, placing the butt against his right shoulder. If you were a gold eagle…this would be another story. Auf Wiedersehen, unvollkommene Schönheit. His finger pulled the trigger, the bullet cleanly splitting through the air. A second loud screech filled the air as the eagle fell to the ground, it’s brown and white feathers mingling with it’s own blood before it fell in a crumple on the ground but a few centimeters away from the body of the downed boy. “Bah!” His brow furrowed as he took a look at the eagle as it squirmed on the ground, still alive. “Jacobson! Finish the imposter!” Adelric shot a cold glance at Leon before once turning around, his boots loud as it crunched into the loose gravel and stone that made up the ground of the desolated camp. The shot was off… Adelric glared down at the American rifle, his brow furrowed as he flipped it upwards, the barrel facing the sky as he examined the body. Nothing was wrong- but the shot had been. Probably because I have not…practiced for long on such a small target. He flipped the rifle down again, the barrel now turned towards the ground, just as the rifle was in it’s holster. As Adelric entered his house, he placed the rifle carefully on a cabinet beside the door just as a servant came hurrying out of the living room, curtseying quickly with her head down. But the look of fear in her eyes did not escape Adelric’s notice as he flung his fur coat at her.

“Shoshanna. Where is my breakfast?” He questioned the girl, a hint of ill-intent and amusement in his voice as he walked up to the shivering servant. The girl clutched the coat tightly to her chest as Adelric paced around her, his hands behind his back- his eyes on her face. “I-I am sorry, S-Sir.” The girl stuttered, much like how most others did while around Adelric. “I woke u-up late because la-last night y-you-,” she glanced down, her face reddening as Adelric stopped right behind her. “Yes? What did I do?” He asked, as a small smirk played on his face, watching as the French girl hid her tears. Oh, well. The French- always so cowardly yet proud. His interest was lost when the girl did not answer the question; Adelric shrugged and walked away, though a sense of satisfaction rose as he sat down in one of the chairs in the living room, forcing the girl to turn around and face him. “Sebastian called for breakfast. You will apologize to Benedict for creating such…trouble in the camp.” He said, using French rather than German to speak to the girl, his interest in the language beating his sense of disgust towards the overall French populace. They are, too, rats. He thought as he watched Shoshanna sway slightly from side to side out of fear. Rats that should not be killed; but used. Anyways, Adelric had stopped talking. His head rested on his right hand’s fingers as he fixed his eyes on Shoshanna, taking in the girl’s golden hair and blue eyes. she is the most perfect specimen. Very perfect indeed. She would produce the best offspring for Deutschland- if only she were German.

Adelric crossed his legs as he leaned back, allowing his hands to fall slowly down onto the armrests as he stared contemplatively at Shoshanna. “Well?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl as she jumped at the sudden sound of his sharp voice. “Why are you still standing there like a stupid French fool? I ordered for breakfast; and you- what are you to me again?” The menacing tone in Adelric’s voice seemed to frighten Shoshanna as her face paled, jumping to action and out of the room as a trail of ‘sorry’s followed her out of the mansion. An air of nonchalance surrounded Adelric as he unbuckled his holster around his waist and placed it on the table beside the large, wide chair he sat in before ruffling the fur of his expensive coat, slowly sliding his hands across the pelt as if caressing the face of someone precious. His hand suddenly clenched at the fur as he stood up and walked towards the dining room, the heel of his boots echoing through the empty house, his mind set on deadly thoughts. Those prisoners have been getting noisy these few days. He sat down at the main chair, his eyes focused on the window that stood right beside him, giving Adelric a clear view of the buildings in which the prisoners of war were kept in. I will have to show them… Adelric picked up the perfect silver knife that lay on the rich mahogany table, twirling it in between his fingers before stabbing it into the table, his eyes narrowed as a man and a woman’s silhouette formed in his mind. Who exactly is the highest authority within this camp.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Leon does his best to keep himself from looking at those around him. He wasn't one to complain or argue, but he also wasn't one to just be a passive fellow. He watched Sebastian momentarily. He wasn't in charge and wasn't close to it. The only reason he was the most feared in camp besides the other investigator and the warden was because he was the wardens pet sometimes. He wondered how he believed what they were doing was worth it and acceptable.

Leon managed to be respectful as he responded with a curt, "Yes sir," then saluted before turning to follow Sebastian stiffly. A terrible job he was given... he prayed the prisoners just did as he asked and didn't question him, it wasn't as if he was going to hurt them if he could help it.

Leon managed to flinch inwardly as he heard one prisoner, a rather pretty red headed french lass, call him what he associated with Adelric. He looks to her, going over to her in the crowd and says to her quietly while looking at the others, "Mon amie, s'il vous plait, arretez." Leon's French wasn't bad, but it wasn't a language he knew quite as well as English or German.

"Everyone, you-," Leon began before hearing the shot fired. He turned quickly on his heels to see the bird falling before landing on the ground with a sickening thump. Leon looked up at Adelric without any emotions and walked to the bird. He braced his gun and fired once, the poor bird out of its misery as fast as the young soldier could permit. Leon turned back to the people, walking back to Sebastian who was a bit further down and taking notice of the Boyer fellow. He was supposed to be trouble and watched on, lest he get some idea in his head.

"Is there anyone you'd like to take specifically Zimmerman?" Leon asks without looking over at the slightly older man. He watched the prisoners, careful to try and find those that were no longer with them and was just being held up by those around him. They would work if they were not pulled aside. The work would probably be nothing but meaningless or painful in some way or another.

There was movement in front of Leon, just barely, but enough to catch his eye. A brunette that looked similar to the Boyer man was staring back at him, looking to Sebastian and back again before looking down. The girl stood behind the Boyer man as if she were supposed to be there for whatever reason. He felt the snowflakes land lightly on his skin, the coldness felt through his uniform though it was supposed to keep him warm. Some prisoners were shivering and those that were too small to be seen shivering had their teeth chattering. The body of the young Jewish boy behind Leon made him slightly sick and worried for the others.

He prayed silently momentarily that at least some of these people in front of him would get out of the place that seemed nothing but where the devil lived.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Markus awoke suddenly to the sound of gunfire. His immediate thought was of a surprise attack by the enemy, but as he continued to listen, he recognized the handy work of SS-Totenkopfverbände Holtzer. It was to be another one of those days. The young Nazi didn't slow his pace as he got dressed, being already late for the morning line up. Markus was the last son of a rich supporter of the Führer; this granted him many liberties that he took advantage of every now and then. He respected authority to the up-most extent, but sometimes his laziness got the best of him. Still, he did not want to get on Adelric Bad side.

Once he was appropriate he hurried outside. Markus arrived in time to hear Sebastian insult an American woman. The young Nazi smiled at the interaction. The American was so feisty that Markus was sure she would be dead soon, and then there was Zimmermann, a handsome man whom Markus always considered a friend and a good solider that would do his duty to the end. However, The young mans eyes locked on an other solider, Leon, for a few moments longer than he intended. Only the sound of gunfire snapped him out of a short lived daydream. Realizing Holtzer was leaving, Markus decided to slide into the background, hoping his superior didn't notice his late arrival. He looked once more at the American woman; half admiring her braveness, half condemning it.


Jean-Luc stood in front of a broken window in his holding facility, staring out into the camp. The man didn't sleep a wink last night and his eyes did nothing to hide that fact. His mind was wrapped around his sister and any possibility of her safely escaping this hell. His mind was so far lost in thought that the gunshots seemed distant. Still, they were a call for everyone to gather to the center of the camp.

The rebel grabbed his grey coat that resembled a rag more than clothing before heading out of his sleeping quarters. Lines began to naturally form as the routine torture started on time. Jean-luc looked around for his sister without seeming desperate. but for every second he could find her in the crowd, a hint of panic struck his heart. His little sister's safety was the only reason for his existence now, even the rebellion falls by the wayside when it comes to her.

Finially, his nerves were able to calm as he spotted Jane. Immediately, he made his way to her side, ignoring the conversations the Nazi were having with one another, even the gunshot didn't faze him. He did take note of the fallen eagle, a symbol of his capture ruthlessness. Once by Jane's side, he began paying attention to what was actually happening around him. It was time to punish the helpless. Jean-luc stepped in front of his sibling in hopes for preventing her any harm this morning.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Which poor and innocent soul fell to the Third Reich this time.

Her thought was framed with sarcasm as the sound of gunshot blasted through the air once again. However, it was the ear-piercing screech that caught her attention, turning her eyes toward the sky as the brownish mass fell onto the ground. An… Eagle? She clenched her teeth, her eyes lingering on the white feathers from afar for a second. Wait, no. Not a bald eagle. If it was a bald eagle, she would have had to laugh at the sick irony in the shot, but while the bird held a strange resemblance to her country’s national bird, the brown feathers mingled with blood told a whole different story. Maybe the eagles need to start adapting and evolve into ones with yellow feathers and blue eyes. A soft chuckle escaped her throat as she shook her head, the strands of brunette hair covering her eyes partially.

Not enough with Jews, now you’re going for birds too. With stealthy steps, she made her way through the crowd, the frantically moving mass proving no obstacle to the young woman. Once I find out where you dogs stash your guns… A bitter smile rose on her lips as her fingers found the edges of the stone she held within her hand, pulling at the sharp end slightly as her thoughts became more and more bloody.

”You there, girl!” She barely made it a few steps forward before she heard the booming voice, raising an eyebrow at the direction it came from. She was actually surprised that the man found her in the large mass of crowd, for her movements were anything but suspicious. ”Son of a..” The curse was lost in the crowd as the panic grew, many of those beside her suddenly fidgeting at whom the guard might be pointing to. However, she knew better. The dark brown irises turned, their trajectories landing at the guard she remembered nick-naming “Kiss-ass”. At the moment though, that comment was best to be kept to herself.

”Are you not from where… Great Britain—No, wait… That’s right! You’re from ‘America’ the brave and the free.” Her gaze hardened at his comment, not merely for the sarcasm placed into the last four words, but mostly for the fact that he thought she was British. We might be allied with them, but don’t you dare compare us to the British. He should have known better than place Americans next to the British, for her anger rose in her chest, her eyes narrowing at the mistaken comment. For the moment though, she retained her calm, her fingers curling around the stone as if to calm herself, but the edges were already biting into her skin, and the force of which drew a small trickle of blood that dripped slightly down her palm.

”I thought they taught women to remain in places there.” And that last comment was the spark needed to light the anger that was already boiling inside her chest. Her teeth clenched as if to stop herself from insulting the guard in front of her, but the motion proved to be futile. ”Are you sure you aren’t talking about the Third Reich you dogs coward behind?” There was that rash and senseless side her agency attempted to retain control over, bursting through her voice as the others beside her suddenly backed away from her figure. ”Pushing women back in a society that actually began to consider women’s rights before your beloved Führer” She used her German accent to stress the last word in mockery, a bitter smirk drew up the corner of her lips, ”Or do you just consider them as objects for you to f-“ Her last word was drowned out in the sudden panicked whispers and shouts in the crowd, but its meaning and intent was clear. At the moment, Rachel no longer even cared to use German to address the guard, for her English conveyed the menace in her words well and clear. ”Seeing the way you suck up to your commanding officer. Your status is no better than them.” And that, is where she overstepped her boundaries. A flash of brunette hair that gleamed in the sun, and she turned from the guard. ”Oh, and don’t ever call me British.” If she was going down, Rachel was going to make the best of it.

I should probably run shouldn’t I? No use. She at least knew that much. However, she was not about to go down easily. I’ll show you an American woman. And one of the OSS at that.


Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!

Her thoughts were frantic and her mind pushing toward the edges of sanity. If she could scream, she would, but at the moment, the only sound of screaming resounded in her own head, and it took both of her hands on her head to keep herself from losing the control she had tried so hard to maintain. The sound of a gunshot forced her to duck her head, the red strands of her hair now a mess as she shook her head, wondering which person suffered a bullet this time. Useless… She could barely contain the sobs that shook her body, nor the tears that flowed from her eyes, salty against her lips. I’m useless… She didn’t dare raise her head, afraid to see which other body decided to drop next to her, cold as ice, and still as stone.

”Mon amie, s’il vous plait, arretez.” The unfamiliar voice nearly sent a chill down her spine, her eyes snapping up as she froze at the sound. However, the words weren’t vicious, far from it. It was barely above a whisper. M-Mon amie? She wasn’t even sure if she heard the words right, but the familiar language sounded to her as if he had called her his friend. However, the voice was definitely laced with a German accent, the reason for the sudden chill in her body. ”P-Pardon..” She did not understand why he said those words to her, but he had probably heard the small whisper she had used against the cruel guard. Her eyes turned toward the source of the voice, traveling up from the uniform to the face that did not seem to fit with the words he now spoke toward the other guards.

Aren’t you… German? Her gaze was framed with confusion at the man, but somehow, his figure seemed familiar. You remind me of someone… However, before she could comprehend who he reminded her of, her feet touched at something wet, her eyes lowering with a shaking gaze at what pooled at her feet. Blood. A sound of a scream was heard, and the young girl pulled back from the liquid, spilling out from both the young boy and the body of a large bird. While she at least took at least a tinge of comfort in the fact that the body did not belong to another prisoner, the trauma of the blood pushed at her sanity.

Auré , calmer. The familiar voice touched at her mind, attempting to soothe the young girl at the edges of her consciousness. ”En bien, papa.” She was losing it, the figure of her father formed at the edges of her mind. Her hand immediately pulled up toward the small chain that dangled behind her hair, hidden from the others’ view. Her fingers found the smooth lining of the locket, now tangled slightly with her hair. C’est bien, Auré. C’est bien. However, it was not alright. It was not alright that they raided her town. It was not alright for the troops to march through the streets of her country. It was not alright for every single member of her family to die.

”You there, girl!” Her heart dropped for a second, and her eyes snapped up. Who was the man calling? Her eyes no longer caught the sight of the cruel leader that destroyed an innocent life, but the man that was talking to him now took the show, his finger pointed in front of him at… Oh no. She did not understand why, but her steps led her forward, slightly behind the man that had spoken to her. It was a dumb move on her part, but the shot he had fired at the bird held no sense of cruelty. It was more like… Mercy. She knew what that felt like, to deliver the mercy kill, something she had to do only once before, at the death bed of an old man who suffered from infection.

”Seeing the way you suck up to your commanding officer. Your status is no better than them.” The mocking voice pulled her attention back toward the woman that the guard was pointing at, her expression so different from the frightened looks Aurélie was giving her. No… Don’t. She admired the older woman that stood in front, for the bravery she could never seem to muster. But please.. Stop.

She could not bear to look at the woman before her, afraid that the next shot she was going to hear would be one that would end her life.

It was as if her common sense escaped her. Her hand remained around the small locket behind her hair, and she took one step forward, past the man that had spoken to her earlier. Another step. What am I doing…? She no longer knew, but she feared for the woman. Another step, closer this time.

Please… Please don’t die. Her eyes flashed with a sense of determination the girl has never held until she heard the words from the American woman. I won't let you die. One last step, and the young girl stopped before the woman, her position in an awkward angle right between the two who seemed prepared for a death match.

A hand was raised, as if to show the woman she wasn't afraid, but truly she was terrified.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Sebastian Zimmermann

Sebastian could not confess that he trusted Rachel remain silent, no he knew better than that for he knew people of her type. However he acted as if the fiery woman would not return cruel words as his back stood facing her for the moment. Though inside Sebastian wished for her to puke forth scorn and slander, will it ignite the temper inside of Sebastian of course but he believes in putting aside his feelings for a more understanding of her temperament and a deeper picture of who she is.

The girl first denigrated the Third Reich which brought no surprise to him, is it not nature for the prey to despise the predator?

”Seeing the way you suck up to your commanding officer," but that was the insult Sebastian could not ignore, for in the past outrage against his country have angered him but he later became numb to the offense. Yet not a soul living claimed he was sucking up, even though Sebastian has heard rumors of his own fellow soldiers naming him it, but no one approached his face with such despicable insult. Why did he hate being told that he was sucking up or anything else relating to it? Because Sebastian felt suck-ups were seen as prideful distractions, where as he saw himself as a prized solider that should be mirrored and praised. And distractions must be done away with, and Sebastian will never be done away with, at least not in his mind.

”Oh, and don’t ever call me British,” that was her last sentence before the interrogator gripped the pistol Adelric gifted him so tightly his knuckles morphed into a snowy white. He was not going to kill her, no would that not be putting her out of her misery, that would be too kind of him and waste the opportunity for him to ooze urgent data out of her. He instead yearned to see her pretty little face adore with tears, pleading for him to stop. His peers would no describe Sebastian as a violent and brutal man, but one who believes strongly of justice

Those who come to the camp without hope, those who rather perish into oblivion rather than meet the reality of this place, they force me to question whether or not I am doing what is righteous. Yet it is the horrifying creatures like you who oppose and disparage my homeland that I am reminded to do what I placed on this earth to- preserve integrity.

"You Americans confuse bravery with stupidity or should I say Brits? No matter, you beings are both the same," Sebastian spat with a grim smile prepared to see her suffer. He pressed the trigger hoping to send the shot to her calf but instead the bullet found its way to another detainee, Aurélie, and it landed directly in her shin an inch away from the knee. Why? Why protect the American? For Rachel symbolized hope for them, she was bold and soon more will follow her.

Sebastian stepped towards Aurélie eyeing he terrified girl just as Leon Jacobson asked, "Is there anyone you'd like to take specifically Zimmermann?"

"Of course...," Sebastian looked away from Aurélie and now a Rachel.
"Carry the American roach to the interrogation room, and soon I will return for this other one."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Leon managed to stay calm during the exchange, not paying any head until he saw the red headed French girl moving past him. His eyes widened and he felt his heart skip a beat as he reached for her but just missed her. He couldn't and wouldn't fire at her if she attacked Zimmerman, but he sure as h*ll wasn't going to let her get hurt if he could help it. With a purpose in his step he moved forward and was too late as he heard the gunshot before seeing it, then saw her red head drop. He let out a faint cry that came out as a soft inaudible gasp.

He wanted to go to the French girl and try to comfort her but couldn't bring himself to risk Zimmerman finding out something. He tried to stay calm and not respond as he saw her blood. It was a painful shot and could possibly have shattered a bone though he wouldn't be able to do much about that. His blood went cold as he saw Zimmerman give the red head a bit more attention than should be given when it comes to surviving.

He went rigid as he watched then nodded curtly. "Of course," Leon says as he moves to the American, trying his best not to look down as he stepped in the girls blood. He felt like he was about to retch as he heard the blood splash, but it was a way to keep her alive. He grabbed at the American and whispered in her ear so only she heard, "I need you to not resist too much so I can get back to help her," in English that was rather heavily accented and a bit broken.

He hoisted her up and pulled her along, his grip iron as he dragged her towards the building that was used for interrogations. "She'll be in room 2," Leon calls back as he pulls her into the building and drags her down the hall. The blood he saw as his footprints made him pause as he tried to let the feeling of nausea pass.

"In there," He says as he pushes Rachel rather roughly into the room as there were still cameras. He moved to the chair, pushing her but slightly more gentle into it and cuffing her in. "Answer his questions, do what he asks and you might make it to tomorrow," Leon says softly before turning to leave.


Jane watched the scene with wide and terrified eyes. Her eyes went to Leon, praying that he could do something to help while at the same time hoping he wouldn't so he wouldn't draw attention. He already got enough from Adelric for some reason. She watched one of the soldiers, the one called Leon, as he moved to show what might have been kindness from his words as Jane recognized the French he spoke to the girl.

When he moved away, her eyes followed him until she watched the girl again. She was moving forward to the American who didn't seem to have accepted the situation quite yet. She watched the scene with worried eyes and moved forward but was blocked by Jean-Luc and those around them. She wanted to help the girl who was now suffering with a bullet in her.

"Non," Jane whispers as she sees the American pulled away rather roughly to go get interrogated. She pushed her way past Jean-Luc and knelt beside the girl. "C'est bon," Jane whispered trying to calm the girl as she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and remembered the times in France when wounded soldiers came. She tried to stop the flow of blood, praying that the soldier would be merciful enough to allow her a chance to live in the world even if his job was to kill them all.

Jane looked up at Sebastian with pleading eyes. "Monsieur, s'il vous pla-... Sir, please, give her a chance," Jane began in French before remembering that the soldier may not understand it and switching to very rough German she had picked up just barely. Her eyes looked up pleadingly though she was also trying to be courageous though she knew she was probably being just plain stupid. She had stuck up for kids before in school, but never against a man holding a gun.

Jane just prayed that the man she had thought was slightly different might be that, not entirely cruel and terrible like the leader.

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Sebastian Zimmermann

"Damn it...," Sebastian mumbled underneath his breath as he witnessed the poor French girl react to the bullet. Sebastian never meant that bullet for her, he tried to convince himself that he did the right thing. It was her fault for blocking my aim. But the look in her eyes, the sorrow and distress. Her gaze reminded Sebastian of a baby bird he discovered in a schoolyard when he was seven once upon a time ago. Young Sebastian scurried to the squeaking winged creature before cuffing it in his hands. The wing was damaged, perhaps in an attempt for flight. The French girl resembled the mournful bird. No matter how hard Sebastian tried to justify his action he could not help but feel a sense of guilt. He stared at her for a long half minute intentionally reflecting the conviction inside of him. But it was not until a girl of Sebastian's great interest broke the silence.

"Monsieur, s'il vous pla-... Sir, please, give her a chance," the other female begged starting in French and Sebastian understood the foreign language perhaps more than her deficient German. However Sebastian only responded to her with a nervous gulp. The pressure, the heat against his ears, the lump in his throat, it was all due to culpability. Sebastian could not be seen like this, Adelric's top troop getting sweaty palm over sympathy for the prisoner. He must flee from the scene, but before he could he desired for Aurélie to be cared for and even if Adelric became suspicious of Sebastian will make the excuse that she was useful, though Sebastian was not concern whether or not she carried essential information she just needed to be tended to. And Sebastian knew just the person to nurse her needs- Leon. He now regretted the way he treated Jacobson and finally experienced the younger man's same feelings. Being shut up in his office and with his books and studies, he never had to deal with this, though the time has come.

Help her, I know you will, was the quick glance that Sebastian gave Leon.

Zimmermann then marched over to the cottage contained both his office and the interrogation room. He walked down the hall containing the few rooms for questioning and straight to his desk. He opened the bottom draw to his stash of cigarettes, hurriedly he snatched one before lighting it of course, but this time thankfully he did not drop it. With the cigarette hanging from the right side of his mouth the soldier rolled up his sleeves while walking down the hall. He entered the room Leon acknowledge the prisoner's presence. The room was quite small consisting of the cuffed chair, one flickering light, a worn-out wooden table, Sebastian smirked in relief she was cuffed among the arms of the chair, it showed Rachel that she is not in control.

"Her pain... Is your fault, you know that, right?" he questioned her after blowing a puff of thick smoke in her face.
"If you decided to shut up then you would be able to survive better; others would survive better. That bullet was meant for you; were you even concerned when she took that shot for you? She may not live another day because of your what-- your rebellious sass. You are probably wondering why in the world a bloody Nazi like me would even care. I am not going to say whether I do care or don't, but what I am asking is whether you do?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Time: August 16th, 1940

“Good girl, Shoshanna. Now place the food on the table and come here and join me.” Adelric had since pulled out the knife that had been stuck into the deep rich mahogany table, the cold yet calm smile once again back on his face as he considered the girl he had bedded more than once in the past. My prize. Shoshanna was not a Jew- what was wrong with her was that she was French, and had been a higher up within the plans of the French Rebellion. Not anymore. Adelric smirked as he cut into the tender lamb leg that sat on a beautiful plate in front of him, carefully dipping it in wine sauce. Adelric had all but broken the powerful woman within the first two months she had been in the camp, when Adelric had just taken up the position of SS-Totenkopfverbände. Now, she feared the very sound of his heels and his voice, shivering under the revealing clothes that Adelric had ordered her to wear at all times whenever she moved around the house. Presently, he cut out another small piece and waved it at the woman who sat in a chair right beside him, his face now expressionless once more. “Do you want a bite, Shoshanna? Has it not been two days since you last ate?” He leaned towards her in his seat, allowing the piece of meat to hover but a few millimeters away from her lips. It was obvious that Shoshanna wished to take the pitiably small piece of meat- but she dared not to move. “No?”

A frown immediately twisted on Adelric’s face as he reached over and forced Shoshanna’s mouth open and stuffed the chicken and half of his fork into her mouth. “Do not test my patience, Shoshanna Chevalier! He shouted, his hand roughly shaking her face about as fear filled Shoshanna’s eyes. Roughly, he threw her aside, her head smacking the back of the chair she sat in heavily. Getting up, Adelric walked over to the window and then turned back again, his eyes narrowed as he watched at the woman weep in her chair, slowly chewing on the piece of meat he had forcibly fed her. It felt as if Adelric’s heart stopped for a second- but he immediately stopped whatever he was feeling. She. Is. French! But it was no doubt that by taking her into his own house Adelric had shielded Shoshanna from definitive death. For the love of the Fuhrer! He turned again and clenched his hands behind his back, his eyes roaming the empty grounds of the camp. “Leave me!” Without a second word, Adelric heard the scraping of the chair against the floor and the quick retreating steps of Shoshanna as she hurriedly exited the room. He closed his eyes.

A sigh escaped Adelric as he calmed his emotions and then once again returned to the table, once again cutting away at the chicken into small cubes, dipping it into the exquisite wine dip, and then placing them on his tongue, savoring the taste as he chewed the soft pieces of meat. When he was finally done, Adelric picked up the handkerchief that lay on his lap and dabbed at the sides of his mouth before crumpling it in his hand and placing it in the center of the plate. “Shoshan-,” A gun shot suddenly echoed from the camp grounds and through Adelric’s room, distracting him from his call. What? His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of Sebastian, his gun pointed at a figure whom Adelric could not see- but Adelric did spy the figure of the American woman standing in front of the younger Nazi. American filth! What has she done this time! Throwing the napkin aside, Adelric stood up and walked out of the dining hall and into the hallway, grabbed his rifle- only to find it with but two bullets left. His pistol and holster were not on his waist either. Quickly, Adelric walked to the room he had last placed the holster and quickly strapped it on before stomping up the stairs and into his study.

He slowly sank down into the large leather chair that stood right behind the wide desk filled with papers. Bullets. Reaching down, Adelric pulled open a drawer to reveal a large assortment of bullets. Grabbing four, Adelric quickly loaded the rifle and then hurried down the stairs, cocking the rifle as he went. His fur coat fluttered behind him like a cape as his heels tapped against the floor like the ticking of a large clock. There will be no trouble in my camp. Adelric thought murderously as he walked out of his house and once again into the grounds, his face white with fury and his rifle up and ready to shoot at whatever target he wished to fire at.

By then, Sebastian and the American girl were already gone- leaving but a girl huddled in her blood, her leg sporting a bullet wound and another girl bending over her. "Move. Out of my sight." He spat at the other girl, ignoring her light pleas. Adelric glared at the figure on the ground, a large frown on his face as he pondered over the measures he could take. Kill? Or heal. He held his rifle down as he took his pistol out of it’s holster and pointed it towards the girl’s head, cocking the gun slowly as his eyes continued to judge the young girl. Quickly, her file flipped through her head as the gun cocked ready. Aurelie Levesque. Daughter of the Fox, notorious French spy. Adelric tilted his head at the girl. Something between her and that Jacobson. Interesting… His head tilted to the other side, the gun still trained on her head. Suddenly, he uncocked the gun and returned it to its holster. He kicked the girl onto her back with his left foot, a look of interest in his eyes as he gave her a long surveying glance, his eyes roving over her body as he had done with Shoshanna. He raised a hand and pointed at Markus and waved him over.

“Get this girl patched up and sent to my room in the interrogation area, Kalb. Looks like whomever shot at her aimed at her artery- who did this, anyways?” He asked, an annoyed tone in his voice as he looked away from the girl to the Nazi soldier. He looked around, trying to spot Jacobson and Sebastian, but both were nowhere to be seen. Other Nazi soldiers stood on the periphery as they patrolled the grounds, making it improbable for anyone to ever escape Camp Holle. “Where is Zimmerman and Jacobson? Get Jacobson over. I want him there when I work with this girl in the interrogation room. Tell him to ignore my earlier orders about whipping unresponsive prisoners.” He pointed his rifle at the bleeding French girl on the ground before turning around again, walking off to his mansion once again without a second word. No pity entered his heart about the fact that the girl could die under his hands. All is done in entertainment and for the good of the Third Reich.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Do it.

Her eyes did not waver as she stared down the guard that stood before her, not even as his hand closed around the pistol. ” Touched a nerve, didn’t I?” A small smirk rose on the corner of her lips, as if taunting him. Her gaze focused on his knuckles that turned a pale white with the force he held against the pistol. Come forward. She took a step forward toward him, her eyes never leaving the pistol that he held at his side. Step forward. Pull. It was as if a machine screamed the systematic commands in her mind, her thoughts going over all the possibilities in which she could pull that pistol out of his grip. Twist. A little risky, given that his finger rested on the trigger. It would only take a split second, and she’d be shot, or even worse, killed. ”You Americans confuse bravery with stupidity or should I say Brits? No matter, you beings are both the same.” Her eyes flashed up in anger at the insult he once again imposed. Taking the risk. She no longer cared for her own safety, merely that she was going to get her hands on that firearm.

A flash of red. A flash of red hair pulled into her view, something she had not taken a notice of earlier. However, her quick instincts pulled her a step back from the small figure that stood in front of her, her expression mimicked one of confusion. ”Woah, step away from ther-“ She rose her hand, about to pull the girl aside before the red-head turned around, raising her own hand, as if motioning that she was fine. Hell no, you’re not fine. She has spent years studying human behavior, and nothing on the girl’s face told her that the girl was not scared. In fact, she’s terrified. ”Out of the w-“ The girl was not only in the way of the pistol, but also in her way. However, before she even made half a step forward, the gunshot sounded in the air.

Is it over? If asked, she would deny it, but at the sound of the gunshot, her eyes closed, awaiting the pain that inevitably came with the sound. However… Nothing. Only a faint choked gasp that lingered by her ear, forcing her eyes open. Oh hell. The red-head laid on the ground, the blood reflecting a color so similar to the strands of hair that covered the girl’s face. ”Bastards.” She did not even hesitate, diving forward as she roughly flipped the girl over, her eyes scanning over the small figure, determining the level of casualty. Shot in the leg. Severed artery. That explained the blood that pooled onto the ground, but she did not seem to care at the blood that tainted her own clothes. ”Stay still.” She warned the girl, knowing that motion would only make the wound worse. ”Carry the American roach to the interrogation room, and soon I will return for this other one.” ”She’s just a kid!” The girl did not look older than 18, and a rough pull on her arm snapped her anger toward whoever stood behind her.

”You know what, you go to –“ She raised her left arm, about to deliver a left hook to the figure that stood behind her, who tried to hoist her up. However, the whisper in her ear stopped her vicious words. ”I need you not resist too much so I can get back to help her.” An eyebrow was raised toward his comment. It wasn’t like Rachel to trust anyone but herself. However, something about the expression the boy held that did not fit with the uniform he wore. What the hell? She glanced at him, allowing him to pull her along, her expression one of confusion. If she wanted to, she could have struggled, for although his grip was iron-tight, there were ways to fight against strength that used the other person’s strength against them. Yet, she remained silent.

”She’ll be in room 2. Her eyes darted around her surroundings as she was roughly pulled along. Room 2 huh? Something to keep in mind. The protocols regarding such situations rang in her mind, the voice of her commanding officer telling her to both observe and memorize. ”I can walk myself you know.” Her bitter tone echoed slightly as she felt a shove on her back, pushing her into a small room. ”In there.” Her eyes flickered toward the cameras that lined the corners of the wall, marking their placements. ”Answer his questions, do what he asks and you might make it to tomorrow.” She had to chuckle at his words, allowing him to push her into the chair. ”Easy for you to say, kid.” She wasn’t sure of the boy’s age, but his build did not make him seem more than 20. However, she had much more at stake than her life, the burden of war pressed onto her shoulders. ”Go. Help her.” Even in such situations, she still had a commanding tone, closing her eyes as the boy turned to leave.

Quiet. The sound of the girl’s faint gasps resounded in her mind, over and over again. The image of the color of blood that mixed in so well with the girl’s hair haunted her as darkness surrounded her closed lids. She has seen battle. She has seen soldiers die, men die, spies slaughtered. However, she has yet to see a young girl die before her, especially not one that had intended on saving her. As if I could be saved. She shook her head slightly at the thought.

The sound of footsteps interrupted her train of thoughts. Yet, her eyes remained closed and her figure not moving for even the slightest bit as the steps grew louder. Her fingers tapped slightly against the chair. If one did not know any better, they would have guessed that the motion was out of nervousness. However, the small sound of tapping distracted her from the sudden nauseous smell of smoke that filled the room, along with the fact that it allowed her to test exactly what the chair was made out of. Metal. Her expression darkened slightly as her wrist pulled up at the cuffs, testing its durability. Well, hell.

”Her pain… Is your fault, you know that, right?” A puff of smoke was blew in her face, and her eyes snapped open in anger. Don’t blame that on me. She gritted her teeth. She was trained for this, to not let emotions escape in such situations. It was exactly what the interrogator wanted. However, her eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the thought. Where is that girl? Is she still alive? The questions moved through her mind, but the only thing that escaped her gritted teeth was:”You go to hell.”

”If you decided to shut up then you would be able to survive better; others would survive better.” Well there’s no time to care for others in the field. That was the protocol for being a field agent, to finish the mission and care for nothing else. However, it was something she still has yet to master. ”That bullet was meant for you; were you even concerned when she took that shot for you? She may not live another day because of your what—your rebellious sass.” Her gaze lingered against his. If looks can kill. ”You are probably wondering why in the world a blood Nazi like me would even care. I am not going to say whether I do care or don’t, but what I am asking is whether you do?” Nice tactics. The avoidance of taking sides, the questions. He was prying, and she knew it. Nice try. That bitter smirk returned to the corner of her lips. ”How about, you worry about yourself first.” She also played against his tactic, avoiding the topics in which he used to pry into her mind. At the same time, she studied his proximity. ”About how deep of a drop it will be from here to hell.” Her fingers gripped against the edges of the chair, leaning forward slightly. She was going to try and turn the tables against him, using American tactics against German ones. "And how much this is going to hurt." They made much of a mistake of leaving her legs free to move, and the study of proximity allowed her to lean back slightly, her feet moving upwards toward the guard’s crotch. She was not going to give him an easy time. Hell, death seemed like a very liable option right now. If she dies, her nation’s secrets die with her.

Want to break me? You’re about to have one hell of a time.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Leon had left the room and was about to break into a run when he saw Sebastian walking down the hall. He hoped the soldier wouldn't send him to do something else, the girl would probably bleed out. Sebastian did something Leon didn't expect. It was almost as if he had wanted Leon to help the girl. He hadn't been hesitant about shooting the american... What was different about the French girl? Or was it the Boyer girl?

Leon shook his head slightly as he ran out the door and spotted axel did walking towards his place of interrogation, almost there. Leon walked quickly to the group of nazis surrounding the girl. The Boyer girl sat a few feet away, her eyes large with worry and a bruise forming on her cheek.

"I'll take care of the situation. Resume your positions," Leon says as he goes to the French girl with red hair. The men only backed up allowing Leon a chance to properly bind the wound. "Jacobson, holtzer wants you and the girl in his interrogation room now," one says rather emotionlessly as he reaches forthw red headed French girl. "I'll take her when I can properly to the wound," Leon says searching for a way to save time.

One soldier grabbed the French girl's arm and practically threw her down at Leon's feet. "He said now," one says as he challenged Leon. Leon makes eye contact and shrugs as he grabs the girl and starts bringing her with him towards the interrogation room.

"Faites ce qu'il vous dira et s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi pour ce que je peut être contraint à faire," Leon manages in French under his breath. He enters the mansion like building and goes to the interrogation room. He manages to ignore Adelrics slave as he passes her poorly covered form. Leon takes the French girl to the chair similar to the one in the other interrogation room. This one however had chains spaced out in the walls. Leon remembered the cold stone from one of his own experiences here and shivered inside.

He wonders briefly when Adelric would come in and why he wanted Leon there. Would he make Leon torture the girl like he had tried to have Leon do to so many other prisoners? Leon wasn't quite sure why he wanted to help this girl, why he thought of her differently when he saw her next to other prisoners. Maybe it was her red hair or the way she watched for others. Leon watched her with gentle eyes, openly curious and only wanting to help her rather than be in here with her. She would've been killed if he hadn't brought her, would have been tortured himself, and watch multiple prisoners executed... All bad things.

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Sebastian Zimmermann
You do not want to make me mad, trust me. What am I saying you trust no one.

”How about, you worry about yourself first,” the former American spy answered in a ill-mannered style. Sebastian now grew impatient and irritated with the defiant prisoner. Gathering any of her personal history would be pried out in savage measures. Sebastian usually does not resort to those methods, at least not with most woman.

”About how deep of a drop it will be from here to hell.”

"How about you go there yourself!?" he barked clenching his fists now losing his tranquility. Sebastian is heard to be happy-go-lucky type of person, rarely does he ever rage. But Sebastian was not going to let her make a fool of him, and he wished to be clear of that.

"And how much this is going to hurt."

Rachel endeavored to lunge her foot to the groin of Sebastian, however he realized it was necessary to not focus much to her pointless dialog and rather on any sudden movement. She was not going to easy to break. The interrogator caught Rachel's leg, firmly wrapping his fingers around her limb. Still holding her leg he stomped the heel of his German boot against her other foot, pressing his weight on her extensor hallucis tendons but he did not cause any serious damage however just intended to make it impossible for her to move her foot. But no doubt will she obtain a nasty and painful bruise.

"When I finish you... I am going to make SS-Totenkopfverbände Holtzer look nice," he spat whipping out a fine sharpened knife from his belt, Sebastian often did not bring a firearm into any interrogation room just to be safe none of the incarcerated would get a hold of a gun. The frustrated soldier turned her leg to face the calf muscle, from there he dragged the blade down in a zig-zag motion mildly digging in.

"Perhaps now you will think twice," he took yet another quick slash at her leg before plucking out his cigarette and thrusting the heated bud against her arm. He twisted the cigarette, burning flesh as the aroma of incinerating skin filled the room. Though Zimmermann was not yet finished with wrecking havoc. He smack the back of hand against her cheek, then the hand travel back to her face but now striking with the palm.

"Too bad I'm going to have to ruin your pretty little face, a shame isn't it?" Sebastian panted continuing to work on his fifth and final blow. When he first joined the forces Sebastian would of never imagine seeing the monster he has turned into, but most importantly he would never believe he would justify the inhumane activity.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Jane had stayed by the girl for only a moment when Adelric came up and was pulled back slightly by someone she didn't see. She watched in horror as he kicked the girl and wanted to do something but was frozen in fear for not just herself, but those around her and the girl.

Jane moved forward once she saw the man leaving but was grabbed. She was hit once before being thrown to the ground, her cheek stinging and hurting from where the man had just barely gotten her cheekbone. She stayed down as she saw the seemingly kind soldier coming forward.

Jane was shocked that he was caring for the girl. Terrified when he moved to lead her away and even more so when he was threatened. The threat included the girl too. He soldiers, or guards, left a moment later leaving the crowd of people to wait for instructions. One man came over and began directing meaningless work to keep them all busy until other orders came.

Jane wondered how the two girls would hang in there when they both were facing what seemed like horrifying opponents. Jane wondered what she was to do until she had a spade shoved into her hands by a guard. He pointed to the ground that was need the dead Jewish boy and Jane understood. Others were already digging when she went over to begin as well. Her eyes stayed away from the body and she felt sick as she could smell the blood. Jake watched the doors of the interrogation locations, hoping for a sign that someone who went in, did come out.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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What am I doing? ”Out of the w-“ The sound of a gunshot came before the pause in the American woman’s voice, her hand reaching out toward Aurélia.

Pain. White, hot pain. The force of which coursed through her body from her leg. That was… Fired at me? The pain was overwhelming, but the only sounds that came from the young girl were that of ragged breathing, a faint gasp was given at the sudden shock of the pain that travelled up her body. The American woman had said something, but she could barely hear the sounds that surrounded her, merely the sound of her own gasps, and the faint thud of her heart. It felt like an eternity, but she felt herself flipped over and a yelp was heard. ”Stay still.” The familiar voice of the woman hissed in her ear, and she did just that.

”W-What..” No answer was given, merely a hand that pressed against her leg. Gathering her courage, she glanced down her leg. Blood. She has seen much blood before, even from those who were tipping on the edges of death. However, as the dark red blood ran down her leg and puddled onto the ground, she could barely breathe at the sight. Why is there… So much blood… She winced at the sight, unable to move her leg even slightly. Artery. The answer came to her even through the foggy pain. ”She’s just a kid!” The figure beside her was abruptly pulled away, her hand reaching for the woman’s, but the voice trailed away. Where are you taking her? Even at this point, she still struggled to turn her head, but a new figure appeared by her side.

”C’est bon. Monsier, s’il vous pla-… Sir, please, give her a chance,” The familiar language was comforting to hear, and a sudden motion made her hiss in pain. Fabric pressed against her wound, but she could feel the blood already soaking up the cloth. ”Avertir,” She breathed through her teeth, warning the girl away, ” s'il vous plaît laissez” If the man shot her, he wouldn’t hesitate shooting this girl.

”Move. Out of my sight.” Her blood chilled at the voice, the one she recognized from earlier. Him. A worried glance was given to the girl that was suddenly pulled away from her. A sound was heard, sounding more or less like a slap. Aurelia pulled herself onto her arms, her breathes ragged. However, her entire body froze at the next sound, a light sound of a gun cocking. Am I going to die? Her eyes were wide, but she didn’t dare to turn. Silence followed, but no sound of a shot came. Please… Don’t. Her thoughts were screaming at her, but once again, no sounds. She turned her head, her eyes meeting that of the head of camp, a shiver going down her spine. Are you going to kill me? His eyes studied her, but something about his gaze terrified her to no grounds. Why.. Is he looking at me like that?

A pain in her stomach, and her hand left the ground, the small figure falling to the ground. Please just stop. Her hands reached up, covering her eyes as she held her breath. “Get this girl patched up and sent to my room in the interrogation area, Kalb. Looks like whomever shot at her aimed at her artery- who did this, anyways?” Her eyes snapped open in horror, her breath caught in her throat. I-Interrogation area?

”N-No.” She attempted to pull herself up, but the heaviness in her body did not give her the chance. Her eyes were failing, the loss of blood placing a new heaviness in the girl’s eyes. It felt like an eternity, but the next voice that rang in her ears brought a strange sense of comfort. ”I’ll take care of the situation. Resume your positions.” Her eyes were closed by then, and a soft sigh escaped her lips when she felt the new presence beside her. Why am I trusting him? She no longer knew, but so far, he was the only presence she appreciated beside her.

A sudden pain shot through her leg once again, this time with slightly rough motions, ones she did not recognize. He’s… Binding it. She wished she could speak, but her head pulsed with her heartbeat and the world continued to blur. No.. You can’t. She knew it was the wrong move, for if the bullet wasn’t taken out, it would spread lead infection, and from that… Death. A small sound escaped the girl, but nothing else. ”I’ll take her when I can properly tend the wound.” A rough motion, and she was lifted into the air before thrown onto the ground. However, it didn’t hurt, for her entire body casted a numbness through her limbs. ”He said now.”

The girl closed her eyes. There was no fighting it, and the inevitability of her fate no longer scared her. "Faites ce qu'il vous dira et s'il vous plaît pardonnez-moi pour ce que je peut être contraint à faire," Her eyes glanced up, by then already moving without herself even knowing so. ”C’es-“ She stopped herself, the thick accent in the man’s voice telling her that he did not master French too well. ”It’s alright…” Her voice was soft, the one that comforted many at the edges of their deaths, the one that pulled many back to life. ”Thank you..” She did not know what she was thanking him for. Perhaps for the binding of her leg, or for his kind words. ”I’m sorry for the trouble.” Her eyes were heavier now, the pain still coursing through her leg. Unconsciously, her hand moved up slightly, pressing against the small waves in her red hair. The small sound was loud in her ears only, and the locket dangled behind her hair. Protect that, right, papa?

Remembering the presence of the man beside her, she dropped her hand immediately. A motion beside her made her turn her head warily, the figure of a pretty blonde girl flashed before her eyes, clothed in... She shut her eyes immediately, turning away. Dear God... With unconscious movements, she grasped onto the arm of the man, her hair covering her eyes as she continued on, not faltering until she felt the coolness of the shadows of the room they have now entered. By then, her head was already lowered beside his arm.

Please, I just want to go home.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Adelric had sat down in a chair that was lined against a wall of the cell, right across from the door that led into the tiny room made out of rock. In his hands, Adelric flipped a knife, deep in thought and contemplation though his mind was mindlessly floating around thinking of nothing at all. Even the sound of the door to the cell opening did not draw his attention from the shining blade, only until the French girl was helped into a chair that sat across from his own. His eyes flickered upwards to look at the pale face the girl now sported, and then down towards the horribly bandaged wound. Who did this! Has it been discussed throughout the whole camp to kill this girl before we attain any information from her! He sighed and pointed the knife at Leon, an exasperated look etched across his face. "Who bandaged her wound, Jacobson?" He stood up, shaking his head. "Really shabby job, but I will be able to remedy that, if you will,-" Adelric got onto one knee in front of the girl, the knife now pointed towards her wound, "-young mademoiselle?"

A look was given to the guard he referred to as "Jacobson". Why am I here? The pain continued to course through her legs, and her eyes flickered toward it when the man she knew as the SS-Totenkopfverbande Holtzer. It's... Badly done. She had to admit that he was right, her own medical knowledge flipping through the different ways that it can be done. However, before she could fully flip through the different possibilities, her eyes flickered toward the knife. A sudden motion, and the girl pulled back from the man in front of her, leaning as far into the chair as she could. "N-no, I don't know anything. Please, let me go.." Her voice was shaky and the knife that was pointed toward the bound wound terrified her. What is he doing? She no longer knew, but all she knew was that the knife was not something she wants near her. Her eyes once again flickered up to the man beside her, seeking for assistance, or at least, answers. Watching Aurelia's actions, Adelric could not help but laugh at the girl, his eyes flickering downward as he laughed. Amusing girl. He placed the knife lightly against her leg, a contemplating look on his face.

"Oh, no. Do not worry, cherie, I will not harm you." He drew his knife along her leg hard enough to cut the bandages but not her flesh. The festering wound appeared in the air, blood still pooling out of it. "It would not be good if we left the bullet in there, would it?" He smiled, pointed the knife downwards above the wound. "I'm afraid we do not have any anesthesia in this camp." He shrugged, a nonchalant look appearing on his face. "Either we get rid of the bullet right now, or we amputate your leg later on. It is your choice, cherie." He smiled, knowing that the girl would understand exactly what he meant. However, nothing but fear reflected in her pale face. She fully understood what he meant, the bullet could not stay lodged inside the wound. However, even she has never cut through others' wounds without the use of anesthesia. It would be plain cruelty. And then there was the familiar nickname, ones her family and friends have used on her. However, in this man's voice, the name sent shivers down her spine. "I.." How bad would it be to deny him right now? The small hint of courage was gathered in the girl's chest and she shook her head, closing her eyes, unable to meet the man in the eye as she pulled back ever so slightly.

It was not like Adelric was going to listen to Aurelia's demands at all. The knife slowly moved down towards the bloody flesh, the small smile that had been on his face widening with glee as he drew new drops of blood from the girl's wounded flesh. A light gasp was heard, but he did not falter. He continued to lightly draw a new wound on her flesh- before raising the blade again and starting where he had begin, this time creating a large jagged wound with his sharp blade. In the background, screams rang through the room, echoing off the walls of the small room. Stop! The pain was overbearing, even more so than when Aurélia was shot. However, the girl did not struggle, knowing what was result from struggling, having seen it in the other patients. The knife stopped, leaving a two centimeter straight gash from the wound. Adelric pulled the knife out of the wound and then positioned it in a right angle from the last wound, and then applied pressure, forcing the knife once more into Aurelia's soft leg. His hand lay on her thigh, his thumb caressing the flesh which he could touch, as blood slowly flowed down from the wounds he made with a careful, experienced hand.

Even if the man's motions showed skills, the pain was overwhelming. For a second, the knife was pulled out of her leg, and the screams faltered for merely a second. N-No! Before she could even make a sound, the knife was thrusted once again into her leg, a straggled scream escaped her throat. Except this time, another motion caught her attention even through the pain, her eyes forced open to glance at the man before her with a horrified glance. She knew she shouldn't struggle, but the motion of his thumb forced her to pull ba ckwards, a new sharp pain coursing up her leg. "S-Stop, please. Stop!" Her voice was morphing into screams now. "Oh, hush. This is much better than having your leg amputated, young lady. If we left this for later, you would either die from lead poisoning, or death due to your status as an amputee. Think of this as an act of mercy from my side." He laughed, pulling the bloodied knife out of the girl's leg again. The knife flashed in the air before returning into the girl's leg once more two more times, until a bloodied cross was formed on Aurelia's leg, the bullet wound in it's cross-section.

A satisfied sigh left his lips as Adelric observed the wound, his head tilting to a side as his eyes grew heavy. Exquisitely beautiful. Adelric slowly leaned in until his mouth was but a few milimeters away from the bloodied wound.So very beautiful... He closed his eyes as he placed a kiss on the wound, licking away ata bit of the blood that had congealed arond the wound.

A new scream was heard, one that had been cut off in the middle. She had thought it was over, the sudden relief made her close her eyes. However, all that lasted but a second. "qu'est-ce-que tu fais?" The new movement was much more gentle, but it froze her body, her blood feeling as if it suddenly ran cold. No... It was an unconscious motion, one that was fueled by her sudden protective instinct, but her leg moved up with a quick motion. One that she did not even get time to regret. But Adelric's fingers immedaitely wrapped around Aurelia's ankle, dragging her leg down with force, away from his face. "Tut, tut." He tisked at her, the smile on his face developing a twisted look as he stabbed the knife harshly into the bullet wound, effectively feeling the bullet dig deeper into the French girl's leg. He smiled at his work as even more blood spilled out of the wound, dripping silently onto the ground.

“Oh…my,” Adelric said, glancing up at Aurelia as he smiled maliciously, his eyes glinting with a light which they usually did not sport- the look of a predator on the hunt, right before it struck. But Adelric decided to wait; this one was much more fun than many others. Pulling his knife out slowly, he stood up and smiled at Leon whom stood in a corner, and then walked over to a cupboard that stood against a wall, picking up the white cloth that sat on top of it. “Well, Jacobson, it seems like this one is refusing to speak.” He wiped his blade clean, leaving the white cloth stained with red. “But let us take pity. Remove the bullet from the wound in her leg- and for Heaven’s sake,-” He turned around to face the boy as he threw the rag to a side, holding up the knife once again, allowing it to glint darkly in the air. “Stop the blood flow in her leg by tying a cloth tightly around a centimeter above her wound. If you were the one that ‘bandaged’ her wound, I’d have you lashed to teach you lessons before you have to perform medical services on another one of our brothers.” He glared at the boy before holding the knife out for Leon for the boy to use to extract the deeply embedded bullet.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Leon had not spoken, but looked down briefly at Aurelia when she had spoken to him. He looked down at her leg that was dripping blood still from the poorly done binding. He had been rushed and it had been somewhat fine before the men had thrown her. He knew it wouldn't hold much longer if she was treated roughly like he expected her to be.

When Leon saw Adelric move forward to begin his work, he held his breath. The man was a horrifying sight when he held a knife. His comment to Aurelia made Leon's blood ice. He was going to be forced to watch Adelric torture her while he stood aside doing nothing to help her. At least Adelric's actions were going to help her in the end... maybe if he didn't kill her afterwards.

Leon watched the first incision, his eyes guarded and revealing nothing. As he saw Adelric and his touching of Aurelia, Leon looked up and into the distance. He was not going to be able to watch this and keep all his sanity, that was for sure.

Leon tried his best to let his thoughts wander, to not hear her agonizing screams and accept that she was a possible goner. The easy lying of the medication made Leon's hands tighten into fists where he held them behind his back. He could feel his entire body taunt with anger and fear. His heart ached for whatever reason and his gaze cut back to the red headed girl as he heard another round of screams begin.

He almost said something, almost stepped out of line, almost had her killed, when he heard the break in the screams. Her words caught his attention and he looked down and took a step forward involuntarily but was thankful it was silent as Adelric spoke over the nearly silent movement.

"Well, Jacobson, it seems like this one is refusing to speak." Adelric stated making Leon go cold as he realized what Adelric was hinting at. "But let us take pity. Remove the bullet from the wound in her leg- and for Heaven's sake,-" He stopped as he faced Leon and threw a bloodied rag aside. As he finished, Leon nodded slightly in affirmation and replied, "Yes sir," before his eyes went to the knife. "I was told you wanted to see us and knew that she wasn't important enough compared to you. I brought her here first before anything," Leon said with a voice that resembled the one Sebastian used when talking to Adelric.

Leon moved forward, accepting the knife. He moved to the cupboards to pick up a roll of bandages and medicine that would prevent infection before moving to kneel in front of Aurelia. He cut the length of bandages needed to prevent more blood from coming, then tied it appropriately, not looking anywhere but his task, he was not Adelric and wouldn't act like it.

As he gripped the knife in hand, he frowned slightly before he looked up to meet her eyes. He gripped her ankle tightly to brace her and himself before taking the knife in hand and pushing it into her leg yet again. He did his best not to make it hurt but instead squeezed extremely tightly on her ankle, hoping to have that hurt and distract her from the knife while maybe satisfying Adelric.

Leon dug for the bullet, unable to get around it and having it move slightly deeper before he pulled it out slightly. His knife got around barely and allowed the bullet to fall to the ground at his knee. The small clinking made Leon's racing heart calm slightly. He carefully applied the medicine, then worked to bandage the wound with great care, the way that any field doctor would.

He paused, his eyes rising to Aurelia's, then to the tools he used. He gathered them up, placed them on the counter, then turned to Adelric. "Anything else sir?" Leon asked, his tone still similar to Sebastian's. His hands felt wet and Leon felt the blood on them making him sick as he stared at his commanding officer.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Adelric's eyes widened with delight as he watched the younger boy work on the girl's leg, the knife going into her bloodied wound once more. "I commend you, young lady, for not fainting from pain!" He chuckeled as he watched the younger Nazi work on the wound, gingerly shifting the blade around to get to the bullet. Try as you may, boy. That girl is suffering in your hands. Adelric smirked at the boy's back, leaning against the cold stone walls, his fur coat providing but little protection against the searing cold the walls provided. The blade was blunt- Adelric had chosen it for that very specific reason. It would increase the size of the wound- increase the pain the girl was feeling- rather than allow the bullet to dislodge from the French girl's wounded flesh. The longer the fun, hmm? He thought as he continued to watch the profusely bleeding wound, his smile spreading from ear to ear as his eyes widened with interest.

By that time, only silence remained. The previous sounds of screams still seemed to linger slightly in the atmosphere, but Aurelia could now barely continue her ragged breaths as she she felt the stabbing pain in her leg. By the time she heard the clang of the bullet on the ground and the faint sound of the man's voice in the background, she was already fading, her eyelids heavy as she struggled to meet the eyes of the boy that she knew was forced to conduct such acts. conduct such acts. She refused to look up at the man who spoke the words, attempting to find some comfort in the eyes of the boy before her, for if she didn't, she feared that her own eyes might close- and she has seen plenty of times what often results from that. Adelric's smile immediately turned into a frown as he noticed the girl's drooping head and eyes. "Don't you dare-," He picked up a water jug that sat on top of the drawer he had picked up his blade from, feeling the cold water slosh around in the jug. Walking towards the girl, Adelric splashed the week-old water on the girl's head, forcibly waking her up. "Wake up!" Adelric's voice boomed throughout the small room, his face red with fury.

A faint gasp was heard, and Aurelia's eyes snapped open with the suddenness of the chilling water that splashed onto her face, soaking her hair. With a startled look, her eyes flickered up toward the man that poured the water, only to feel once again the sudden stab of pain as the bandages were wrapped around her wound. "Please... Stop." Her voice was faint, as if she was fading, but it shook with fear. What... Does he want from me? Perhaps with an unconscious motion, her hand rose slightly but dropped, as if reaching for something. Her own conscious mind stopping her hand midway from reaching behind her hair. That.. Even after her father died, he still haunts her in such horrid ways. Adelric raised an eye at the hand that had rose up to only drop down again, tilting his head as he scrutinized the girl. "Seba- I mean, Jacobson." He said, waving a hand in the man's general direction. "Go and...find that Boyer girl. It has been at least a week since I last talked to her, and I believe Ms. Aurelia wishes for some company."

Adelric paced around the girl, his hands crossed behind his back as he watched her every motion, interest glinting in his eyes. He had an interest in the Boyer girl, along with Shoshanna- but this one's flaming red hair also caught his eyes, albeit her younger age. "Well, we do have the bullet out of your wound. You should thank me, should you not?" He asked, coming back into view for the girl. However, silence met his words. Aurelia turned her head the second he told the boy to leave, closing her eyes as she struggled to breathe while the pain in her leg slowly died down. "What.. More do you want from me?" She had thought it was over, but the man obviously wanted more. He wanted her to thank him, but all she could do was close her eyes as a small drop of translucent tear rolled down her cheek. It wasn't like her to cry. In fact, it has been a while since she last cried, never wanting to give anyone else pain through such actions, but this time, she hid her face away from him, her tears mixing with the cold water that still dripped down her hair.

"Oh, shhh..." Adelric walked forward and rubbed the tear from her cheek with a soft finger, his smile cold and fake. "Do not cry, cherie. The wound will heal faster now." His hand roamed her face, brushing her hair back- where it suddenly came to a halt. He felt something there, but he would extract it later. Later. Smiling, he allowed Aurelia's hair to fall back onto her face, his hand falling back to his side. "So, dearest cherie, do tell me about how your life was before you came to this wonderful place."

To Aurelia, it was as if time and space stopped for a second when his hand brushed her hair back. Did he... The sudden halt in his motion nearly made her heart drop, her eyes snapping up to search his face, looking for signs of sudden fury, for she knew what punishments could await hiding objects in camp. However, no signs of acknowledgement was found. Perhaps he... She hoped to God that that was true, that the man had not felt the small object behind her hair. However, his next question made her head drop again, avoiding his gaze. "I..." What was she to say? No one would believe her when she claimed to know nothing, even when that was the truth. "I was a doctor," Her words were sincere, tinged with a hint of hesitation. "That was all." She did not wish to go on, for there was no more for her to say. Her father's life was his own, and it was something she refused to associate herself with.

Adelric laughed, walking to lean against the wall opposite to the sitting girl. "A doctor! And yet, you look very young indeed, cherie. How old are you, if I might ask?" He raised an eyebrow at the girl as a smirk crossed his face, his fur coat pulled tight across his body as the cell grew colder by the second. A faint answer, barely audible was given from the girl. "S-Sixteen." He leaned forward, his smile once again fixed on his face as he did. "I'm sorry? I did not hear that, cherie." A small glance upwards, up at the smiling face of the man and a small chill ran down her spine. "Sixteen." She answered again, and her hand attempted to rise again. It was as if the locket comforted her, but at the current situation, she clenched her teeth, the pain in her leg still lingered, forcing the girl to remain alert. Yet at the same time, the faint stabs of pain forced her, pressing her hand lightly beside the bandaged wound, a pained look on her expression. Young. He walked up towards the girl, tilting his head. "A doctor- a doctor, do you not mean nurse- at such a young age?" He was taking his time, waiting for Leon to bring the Boyer girl along into the room as well. A small shake of her head, her body shifting backwards as he moved closer, pressing herself as deeply into the chair as she possibly could. She was scared to answer with words.

He shrugged, walking over to the girl until he was but a step away. Leaning down, Adelric pressed his hand hard ontop of the bandaged wound, a light smile playing on his face. "I believe you did not hear my question." He said, placing more force onto his palm. A small gasp mixed with a scream was choked from the girl's throat, attempting to raise her leg to pull away from him. The pain itself was overwhelming. "You are a doctor at such young an age? Is it also me, or has the French fallen to a level that cannot be saved. Using young girls as doctors when they should be at home taking care of their young! Bah!" He raised his hand and walked away, turning his back on the girl, his face reddening with anger as the thoughts passed through his mind. "Allowing a woman to take a man's rightful job- a child at that, too! Unbelievable! Despicable! No wonder the French nation was so easy to conquer by our forces- I was there, young girl." He hissed, turning back around again to look at Aurelia. "I was in one of those fighter pilots, bombing your useless country. I was one of the first to step into Paris!" He waved his hand as if dismissing her, though he would not have allowed her to leave the room. "No more." He said, "We now must wait for your friend."

Once again leaning against the wall, Adelric wrapped his fur coat tightly around his frame, his eyes narrowed into but slits. Anger rose within him as he waited for the girl- the Boyer girl- and for his fun to start.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque Character Portrait: Markus Kalb Character Portrait: Sebastian Zimmermann Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley Character Portrait: Jane Boyer Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
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Leon watched Adelric from the corner of his eye and when the water was splashed, found himself slightly wet too. He felt sick. Without much to eat that morning, he couldn't retch anything up thankfully. The order from Adelric came. Leon felt his stomach drop. The one who had tried to help Aurelia was now going to be in the cell with her. He had to be careful to avoid having her brother see him taking Jane away.

With a curt nod, he turned on his heels and left, feeling sick from the helplessness he felt towards helping the girl with the red hair. Perhaps the other one could assist in it all. Leon would have to check on them later that night to make sure that neither one was going to die, otherwise, a few French prisoners would try to kill him.

As he moved from the mansion, he searched the area with sharp eyes before spotting the Boyer girl. Her gaze was down as she dug with a spade that had produced blood from her hands where it had cut her. She was in for a hell of a time with that.

"Mademoiselle," Leon said softly as he approached her. Jane looked up with wide, concerned eyes. She stood carefully, holding her hands behind her shirt. Leon kept his gaze away from her shirt as it wasn't covering all of her stomach and the freezing cold. She had torn off a piece of her ruined shirt which was already too short.

Leon grabbed her arm and nodded for her to come with him. Jane, terrified as she realized where she was going, swallowed her nerves as she followed. "Why?" she asks softly in German. Leon doesn't look away from the door his eyes were set on as he continued to guide her to the house.

She was so thin... That thought went through Leon's head. She was thin, but her ribs bones didn't show prominently like most did. She must be getting extra food from someone... Not him...

Walking into the mansion, Leon refused to look at Adelrics prisoner as he walked past her. Leon's thoughts went back to Aurelia. She was breaking under the pain and intensity, Leon's own moral and sanity seemed to be breaking too.

Leon heard Adelric yelling and cringed inwardly. The girl was doing things wrong. Adelric was probably trying to they stuff from her that she wouldn't give or didn't have.

Opening the door, Leon saw Adelric on the side and Aurelia wet in the chair, her wound bloodied through the cloth again. Adelric had pushed it.

There weren't any other chairs explaining why the Germans weren't sitting. Sighing inwardly, Leon moved the Boyer girl to the wall opposite Adelric and to Aurelia's right. Her hands were pulled up and placed in the cuffs on the wall. Her bloodied palms in fists as she too had seen Aurelia's wound.

When she went to open her mouth, Leon gave her a look that silenced her if only he wasn't the one in the room.

Jane's wavy hair was down to her shoulder blades, a dark brown that was mixed slightly with dirt to give the slightly lighter color a darker quality. Her arms hung limp from where they were being held and she stood with her feet shoulder length apart. He had on pants thankfully considering the cold though her shirt was inappropriate for the weather in more ways than one though the long sleeves helped. Her face was slightly grimy in the light given from the window. Again Leon noticed how she looked so thin but not as prominently as the others. That was probably just because he had seen the effects so often. She looked rather pretty even though she looked like a pauper. Perhaps that was why Sebastian had given a pause at her.

"Do you need anything, sir?" Leon asked with as he moved to the counter. His gaze caught on something as he passed behind Aurelia but didn't pause. He would need to ask her later.

Jake stared momentarily after Leon with a cold hatred she had learned to show when around Adelric. Her gaze went over Aurelia for a moment, her stomach turning, then allowed her gaze to go to Adelric. She leaned against the wall behind her in hopes of relaxing slightly though the wall was too cold behind her and made her shiver slightly.

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Character Portrait: Jean-Juc Boyer
14 sightings Jean-Juc Boyer played by OldManPsycho
I will never stop fighting for what I believe in.
Character Portrait: Markus Kalb
15 sightings Markus Kalb played by OldManPsycho
I do what I'm told, what else do you want from me?

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jane Boyer
Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley
Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque
Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson


Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson
Leon Jacobson

"I hate this life, hate this worrying, and hate that I'm not seen. When I'm with people that care about me though... It's like I'm a different person."

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque
Aurélie Lévesque

"It's like you're trying to find something to hold onto... Someone... Because this place, it threatens to tear away everything you have left." {WIP}

Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
Adelric Mathis Holtzer

"I am the only leader of this camp- and don't even think about getting out."

Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley
Rachel Kingsley

"When I said I wanted to see the world in all its glory... This is not exactly what I had in mind..."

Character Portrait: Jane Boyer
Jane Boyer

"I'm there for you, I'm strong, I'm just not sure if I'm strong enough..."


Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson
Leon Jacobson

"I hate this life, hate this worrying, and hate that I'm not seen. When I'm with people that care about me though... It's like I'm a different person."

Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley
Rachel Kingsley

"When I said I wanted to see the world in all its glory... This is not exactly what I had in mind..."

Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
Adelric Mathis Holtzer

"I am the only leader of this camp- and don't even think about getting out."

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque
Aurélie Lévesque

"It's like you're trying to find something to hold onto... Someone... Because this place, it threatens to tear away everything you have left." {WIP}

Character Portrait: Jane Boyer
Jane Boyer

"I'm there for you, I'm strong, I'm just not sure if I'm strong enough..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Leon Jacobson
Leon Jacobson

"I hate this life, hate this worrying, and hate that I'm not seen. When I'm with people that care about me though... It's like I'm a different person."

Character Portrait: Jane Boyer
Jane Boyer

"I'm there for you, I'm strong, I'm just not sure if I'm strong enough..."

Character Portrait: Rachel Kingsley
Rachel Kingsley

"When I said I wanted to see the world in all its glory... This is not exactly what I had in mind..."

Character Portrait: Adelric Mathis Holtzer
Adelric Mathis Holtzer

"I am the only leader of this camp- and don't even think about getting out."

Character Portrait: Aurélie Lévesque
Aurélie Lévesque

"It's like you're trying to find something to hold onto... Someone... Because this place, it threatens to tear away everything you have left." {WIP}

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