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The Wolves Of Winter

The Wolves Of Winter


A rogue werewolf has ravaged your town in hopes of building up a strong pack. However its life was ended at the hands of a human who fought back. Unfortunately for you the wolf already got its teeth into you, and on the next full moon you'll be just like

2,188 readers have visited The Wolves Of Winter since Circus Freak created it.



Its night time in Colorado, and the wilderness around you is quiet save for the cricket song. As usual you stayed out late with some friends, and as your walking back to your home a spine chilling howl breaks the nights silence. You comfort yourself by telling yourself the howl belongs to a dog, or coyote.

That is, until the animal in question appears a few feet ahead of you, growling. You make a break for the nearby wooded area, hoping to climb a tree. Before you even make it a few steps the wolf is on you, tearing at your flesh with razor sharp teeth.

You black out.

In the small town of New Haven, Colorado, a group of people find their lives suddenly changing when a rabid wolf ravages the town. Unknowing that the wolf that bit them was actually a lone werewolf searching to gather a strong pack. The wolf itself dies at the hands of a hunter, but for the people who got bitten the danger is still real when they all find themselves suddenly changing into wolves. Now with the town on high alert for more dangerous animal activity its going to be an even bigger struggle for them to learn to control their strange new lives, and keep themselves safe from the dangers of a whole new world.


Image The change is different for everyone but the result is always the same - becoming a wolf.

A practiced werewolf can turn anytime they want to, but for newly turned wolves the turn usually happens at times of high stress or during the night when the moon is high in the sky. Young wolves usually also have a rather hard time controlling their instincts, making any emotion they feel at least a hundred times worse. Even in human form these bodily changes have major effects, increasing hearing and vision, and even giving the young werewolf a higher drive to follow instinct.

Most werewolves find after their turn that its different for all of them. Some have a hard time with the change, and others have an easy time. They each have varying degrees of ability as well. Each case is different. The one thing that brings them all together is the overwhelming instinct to form together as a pack.

If a pack is without an alpha they will automatically delegate the position to the most worthy.


ImageNew Haven, Colorado is a fictional setting that exists in the middle of the wilderness. The town itself is host to over 5k, but the majority of people are not familiar with each other outside of possibly being mutual acquaintances. New Haven has lots of woodland areas but it is not surrounded by these areas, rather most of these areas are spread out around and within the town itself. Most houses have woodland borders, but not all of them.

The town itself is host to a number of activities and sees quite a bit of tourist action during the summer due to some of its nature exhibits and the large lake. The lake itself is a pretty popular spot for families to visit, as well as local teenagers and such.

New Haven has a few big name stores, but most of the places here are mom and pop shops.


A rogue werewolf has ravaged your town in hopes of building up a strong pack. However its life was ended at the hands of a human who fought back. Unfortunately for you the wolf already got its teeth into you, and on the next full moon you'll be just like it...well, you and a couple of other people who also got bit before it died. As far as I'm concerned with things like FC and character abilities you can do with it as you like (I'm not fond of anime, but cartoonized images are alright) - I'm simply more concerned with quality and such. Ages also do not concern me very much but the pack should not be made up of teenagers. I expect a range from anywhere from kid to adult (adult being older than 18. Kids being younger than eighteen.)


Dezreus Dex Marin || 30 || Male || Alpha Male || Played By: Ignetio

Angelica Rose White || 29 || Female || Alpha Female || Played By: Miyer
It was not uncommon for her father to beat Angi, she was used to it. However, One day he took it to far and nearly killed her, if Thomas (Second eldest) hadn't knocked him out and told her to run. Angi had ran, bloody and beaten, scared out of her wits. Not paying attention to her surroundings she soon found herself with another mark on her body. A wolf bite mark.

Connor Hook || Male || 33 || Beta || Played By: Circus Freak
"Connor was bitten while walking home from work, it was a late night and he had been closing up. He cut through a set of trees and fields to get back home faster and encountered the wolf on an old trail. After being bitten he woke up at home, with no idea what happened.

Kristianna Dena || 23 || Female || Beta || Played By: Saken
"Kris was bitten stomping through the woods, trying to find that cool kegger that all the cool kids where going to. After being bit she woke up in the hospital, her dad looming over her."

Damien Calvart || 26 || Male || Beta Male || Played By: Vilevixen

Meredith Mackenzie || 25 || Female || Beta female || Played By: Belynta
Meredith was taking a short cut home after working late at the vet clinic when she was bitten, she woke on the side of the road a few hours later and managed to stagger home.[i]

Lilly || 10 || Female || Omega Female || Played By: Saken
[i]Not understanding the dangers of a wolf- having only seen them in the children’s movie Alpha and Omega – Lilly was wondering through the trees on the outskirts of her papa’s farm when she was bitten.

Chris Michael Anderson || 22 || Male|| Omega Male || Played By: Pimp Biscuit
"Chris was leaving the clinic when he was bitten, it was purely by accident on the wolfs part, as at the time it was running from danger and ended up directed into the more populated part of town. The wolf bit Chris in an attempt to divert attention from itself, and disappeared. Chris later woke up in the clinic."

Roles Open

Alpha Pair - The Strongest Male and Female wolves in the pack that often times act as the 'Parent' type roles for the wolves below them. For Werewolves their roles lean more towards guiding young recently bitten werewolves. Since all of the wolves in this pack are newly bitten these roles would fall to the oldest/wisest of the group. In Werewolf packs the Alphas generally do not need to be in a relationship.
- Female Alpha Played By: Miyer
- Male Alpha Played By: Ignetio

Betas (Wolves below the Alpha) - are what make up the pack, they can act at times as second-in command for the Alpha pairs, but generally only take over an Alpha position of one dies. In a werewolf pack the Beta is made up of any wolf that is not considered an Omega.
- Beta Wolves Played By: Circus Freak, Saken, Belynta, Vilevixen

Omegas (Wolves below Betas) - As the name implies, the omega wolf is the weakest and the least cared for in the pack. Bullied by other members, the omega wolf will receive the brunt of the aggression in the wolf world, particularly during inter-pack fighting. Though werewolves are a little different. Omegas are still considered weakest of the pack but are more cared for due to the human sides having more compassion. Omega's generally lack a few abilities that other wolves have.
- Omegas Played By: Pimp Biscuit, Saken


1. Meta gaming, god modding, anything of the sort will not be tolerated.

3. Be nice to each other, nobody likes to see Drama OOC. If its in game drama its okay, but settle arguments on your own, because if you bring it to the OOC and I have to settle it then it will be much worse.

4. This will be mildly adult in content.

5. Please don't disappear, I promise if you get bored you can just tell me. We can find a solution easier that way, and if you absolutely want to leave then just tell me, I won't be mad. I just don't want to have to deal with kicking someones character if they disappear only to have them come back later and be upset about it.

6. If you go somewhere tell me. I take frequent out of state trips on weekends, which means no internet, and I will be telling everyone about those trips. I expect if anyone else has to leave for a number of days that they will also let us know.

7. I type fast and make mistakes on wording and grammar a lot, I try my best to proofread several times but always end up missing mistakes. Don't worry if you make small mistakes, I won't badger anyone about it. Also I tend to write longer posts, but if you can't write posts longer than a few paragraphs that's okay, I know everyone is different. As long as posts are at least a paragraph, and detailed then I will allow it.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson Character Portrait: Connor Ray Hook Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin
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Connor Hook

First Full Moon

The wound still stung, and the angry red edges where the beasts teeth had sunk in looked worse than ever. Connor knows he should go to the clinic, get the bite checked out. Or in the least put some ointment on it, an easy fix if he ever could remember to do so.

"Something wrong Connor?" Julia asks, two lanes away from him at the checkout counter. With four in total it wasn't a huge distance. The two of them were the only ones manning the counters. Only a few customers come in this late in the afternoon. Connor checks the clock hanging up above the atm.

"Bored," He answers honestly, drumming his fingers along the counter top. He must say it just a bit too sharply, because Julia turns away with a little huff and flick of her long brunette hair.

Theres a strange feeling in his skin today, almost feverish but not quite sick feeling. Antsy is the word he would use, like something big is about to happen but he just can't figure out what it is. Hes itchy too, but it isn't a normal itch that just goes away with a scratch. This itch is below his skin burning through his reserves of patience. He just wishes shift change would happen soon so he can go home and sleep off the feeling.

30 minutes to go, he knows he can't wait that long. Not when the sweating suddenly starts up, soaking him in an instant. Only it isn't exactly hot so Connor doesn't know why hes sweating. Its worrying to say the least, and when a pulse of pain shoots through his hip, where the damn wolf bit him his legs nearly buckle. He grips the counter and looks down at where the bite is, watching as the skin ripples, like something trying to claw its way out from within. He blinks in shock, and the skin returns to normal.

Consequences be damned, Connor needed to get home and sleep off whatever the hell this feeling is.

The end of his shift came faster than he expected, and thankfully so. He knew by this point that it wasn't safe to cut through the woods, but it was the fastest way to get back home. He needed to rest, take some aspirin and possibly a long shower. Maybe that would get rid of the strange feeling.

His focus on the feeling is so intense by that point that he doesn't even notice that he has gone deeper into the woodlands, nowhere near his home. But once he realized this his curiosity got the best of him, walking a little further in the direction he had been walking - until abruptly realizing he didn't recognize this area at all. Something that came as a surprise given he grew up in New Haven and spent much of his time in the woodlands.

"Well shit," He says to himself, settling down to take a quick rest against a tree stump. Its getting dark, and the feelings is only getting worse as time ticks on. Connor wills himself to move, to do anything but sit there.

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Damien sat near the pit, the fights where still going strong, at this rate he'd be there all night. Which was perfect he didn't have many other options anyway. But as the hours grew and the sky dimmed something brewed inside him. Something that made his blood boil with excitement. More than he ever has before he couldn't wait to get in there and cause some carnage.

The bite marks from the wolf burned his calf, it felt like someone had lit a match and trapped the fire under his skin. The pain only fueled his need to fight even more so. As if the blood of those defeated by his hands would but the fire out. He grinned widely watching poor suckers punch each other in the face. Unable to control the destructive things he thought about doing to them. Death wasn't a penlty here and he had plans to excersice that rule tonight.

It happened a few times a year gangs came together to hash out their quarlls and bet with territory in a gladiator style pit set up. Two fighters went in and only the loser left. Human cock fighting was the easiest way for Damien to make his money and his favorite. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, he could almost feel his pupils widen as he stepped closer to the pits. It was as if he was on the drugs he sold, his senses increased. Smelling the dirt and sweat of the fighters, the dry stacks of money and his favorite the cool metalic scent of blood.

Damien's heart was beating hard in his his calf where the bite was. That's where he noticed the pulsating feeling from. Strange but irrelevant all he wanted was to satisfy this sudden urge. Satisfy the violent beast that grew more restless as the seconds felt like minutes. As more blood and pride fell into the ring. He wanted it all. Every sound and sight of another man fighting made Damien envious.
"Get me in there already"

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin Character Portrait: Connor Hook
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#, as written by Saken
The First Full Moon

As much as she hated it, Kris was off of work due to the damned wolf bite on her side. Not only did she have to spend three days in the hospital, but now she felt like complete and utter crap. It must have been the rabies shot they gave her a few hours ago because her skin burned something fierce and she could feel all the little hairs on her body stand on end. It was an awful feeling, like something was crawling around beneath her skin.

She knew she should just stay in her little apartment and lie down and go to sleep, but for some reason the idea of being in her apartment made her stomach flip and turn so, instead, she grabbed a light coat and headed out towards the woods. The danger was over, the wolf had already been killed, and it was so unlikely for there to be another wolf wondering around out there. It was safe.


Giving her head a quick shake, Kris dismissed the morbid thoughts that danced through her head as she beat feet out the door. It was necessary- she had to leave, now, go to the woods, now. The itching, burning, pulsating beneath her skin made being indoors unbearable, and so she headed up into the forest, not bothering to match her surroundings. This was New Haven, she’d been everywhere…

Or so she thought but, before long, she ended up lost, in a part of the woods that was not familiar but, upon first glance, she did not look to be alone…


Her stomach hurt and her head felt funny all of a sudden. Ten year old Lilly, who should not have been out in the woods – again – suddenly felt as if she were going to burst from her skin and die. It was worse than even the wolf bite that she had gotten a few days prior, and she thought –that- was the worst thing in the world.

Unfortunately for Lilly the change from human to wolf was coming way to fast. She was too young, she was too inexperienced, and she was so scared and so tired and everything was just too much!

She fell over and started to screech, her voice high pitched and shrill, ringing out through the trees around her. β€œMoooooooommmmmmmmmmyyyyy,” she shrieked violent spasms throwing her small body against the ground, the full moon hanging in the background. Something was happening to her! Fur was starting to sprout in patches.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin Character Portrait: Connor Hook
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#, as written by Ignetio
The First Full Moon

Dezreus Dex Marin

Dex sat with his gang around him. They were talking. He was half listening. His arm was killing him. Right on the shoulder, The fucking dog jumped onto him. He had to deal with running away then, BAM, dog was on him. He emptied a full mag from a 9mm into it but it just ran off. He was only there for recruitment. Everyone in the room were talking about something. Dex stood up and walked out with his pack of cigarettes. Lit the cigarette and began to smoke. Enhale. Exhale. Time began to slow as he relaxed. Stress from the past year as other rival gangs got bigger and police got stronger. It wasn't looking good for him or his gang. His fingers started to burn. He thought he had smoked to the point of the flame. Dropping the cig and stepping it out his hand didn't feel better. Actually it was worse. His nails were getting longer. And sharper. His face began to burn, then his bite mark. He felt as if he was expanding. Arms became thicker. Back began to hunch. His clothes started to tear. "What the fuck?!?!" He practically screamed. It wasn't long before he was on all 4's not knowing what was going on. His clothes were ruined.

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Damien finally got into the pit his body was lusting for blood. Fire coursing through every vain, seeping deep into his bones. Changing them making them stronger, bigger, indestructible. He grinned as the male stepped in he could of sworn his canines got a little longer but that thought was put into the back of his mind when the whistle went off. The man charged, Damien dodged. He blocked his high kick to the left side of his face and grabbed the ankle. In a mere squeeze he broken the bones. He could hear them shattering under the mans skin. The man squealed out as he fell to the ground. Damien's prey was open for an attack. He pounced on him pummeling the males face with his fists. One hit unconscious, the next blood. The scent filled his nostrils and illuminated the rush within.

Another hit more blood and the man even closer to death. It took four other fighters to pull the turning wolf off and toss him out the back before slamming the door in his face. A deep growl came for Damien's belly out of his mouth. Now he wasn't fighting, he wasn't satisfying the change. His own bones shifted and cracked under the thin wall of dermis. Clenching his teeth he held his stomach. "What the hell is happening." His eyes scanned his surroundings, even in the middle of the night he saw clear as day.

"Woods....good" was all he could muster as he summoned the last bit of control he had and ran into them. He couldn't explain it but the woods felt safe, sheltered, right where he needed to be. Once deep enough he fell into the ground, the bite felt even worse now. The pain made a yell that turned into a howl. His body disfiguring as his very DNA was changing inside him.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin Character Portrait: Connor Hook
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#, as written by Belynta
Meredith Mackenzie

Something was wrong.
Meredith didn't know what it was but she could feel it. She felt hot and yet chills were running up and down her body and her ankle throbbed in time with her head. She wondered if she was coming down with something and she hoped that wasn't the case as she really couldn't afford to take time off right now. She was at a critical point in her studies as she was within months of qualifying as a veterinary surgeon. She took a deep breath, doing her best to ignore just how awful she felt, and bent back to her task.

It was late evening and she had been called to the clinic for an emergency, it was her turn on call, and she was dealing with a Terrier who had swallowed something and was choking. Luckily she had managed to remove it without having to involve major surgery and she was now getting him settled for overnight observation. Satisfied that he was settled she headed back to the reception where the night nurse was working.

"All sorted Merry?"

"Yep, the Terrier is bedded down for the night Sarah. I'm headed home." Meredith said doing her best to act as if everything was fine.

"You okay?" Sarah asked, her large brown eyes concerned.

"I'm fine. Just tired I guess. "Meredith said.

"Well go on home and get some rest then hon, see you soon."

Meredith said goodbye and left the clinic heading towards her car, but before she got there she felt pain flare up across her body. She gasped in agony as it felt as though her body was burning up from the inside. The heat was incredibly intense and was made worse by the throbbing pains in her joints and bones. She didn't understand what was happening to her but she knew that it was serious.

She took several tottering steps before falling to her hands and knees. Thankfully the clinic backed onto the local woodland and she did not have far to crawl before she was safely within the trees. She had no idea why getting into the trees was important only that it was. She lay there in agony unable to do anything but breathe through the pain, whatever was happening to her was not happening fast enough and the pain was constant.

A cry from nearby distracted her momentarily and she realised it was coming from close by and that it came from a child. The strong maternal instincts that caused Meredith to care for animals kicked in and she found the strength to stagger to where she heard the cries. A young girl lay on the ground violent spasms racking her small body, Meredith could see patches of fur sprouting from the girls skin. In the back of her mind Meredith was aware that whatever was happening to her was the same thing that was happening to the girl but she was in too much pain to do anything about it. All she could do was lay down beside the girl.

Through her own pain Meredith did her best to talk to the girl letting her know she wasn't alone.

"You're okay, I'm here." She said repeatedly as the transformation continued.

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Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson
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Chris can't wrap his mind around whats happening to him. The feeling so strange he can't even begin to decipher what it means. For the first time in a long time his pain isn't from illness or injury, but rather from under his skin. Like somethings trying to crawl out of him, tear him up from the inside. At the same time everything has become sharper, more defined. He looks at himself in the mirror and swears he can count every pore, and every strand of hair on him. The smells assault him at once, a mixture so strong that it makes him sick to his stomach. He vomits right there on the carpet, unable to stop once its started. He feels as if a fire has lit up in his bones. The wound on his ankle throbs strangely. He thought it would have healed all the by this point, since he kept it as clean and dry as possible as to prevent any infection or further damage to the area. He pulls up his pant leg and peels away his sock to reveal that theres been no change.

Feeling a little insane he decides that getting a little fresh air will do him some good. Chris figures this is just like any other illness he has contracted over the years, nothing to be worried about. The clinic is just down the road from his house any way, though its unlikely he will have to take a trip there.

Once outside it feels worse, the fresh air brings with it strange smells that make him feel on edge. It smells familiar, and dangerous at the same time. If he could put a name to the smell he would almost say that it smells like...home...Or more like somewhere he belongs. His feet ache, his back bowing with sudden shock waves of pain that race up and down his spine, settling only after he has doubled over and vomit again. Embarrassment floods him, and he retreats from the scene with haste in hopes his neighbors didn't see him.

He barely makes it a few steps into the copse of trees on behind his house before the pain returns, taking him to his knees. But it doesn't stop this time. Almost worse now, his skin rippling, fur sprouting out. The pain is too much now for him to be shocked, he just lets the change happen. Feeling his bones break and reform, until at last he can't take it anymore. He lets out a noise, something just short of a howl of agony, then promptly blacks out.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson Character Portrait: Connor Ray Hook Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin
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#, as written by Miyer
Angelica Rose White

Angi pulled the worn blanket closer to her chilled body, the flame of her dying fire flicking up in a last ditch attempt to touch the sky before dropping back down to it original position. The wind swept through the trees and rustled them, causing her body to shiver and forcing her to curl into herself for a moment.

It had been little under a month ago since the bit she had received from that wolf, a little under a month since she had been forced to leave her home and start living rough in the woods. She felt her concern for the children growing each day she was away and they were left along with that man, but each day Thomas would come with food, telling her that everything was okay, that they were all okay and that she should just stay put in the woods for now.

Lost deep in though, Angi probably wouldn't of noticed the burning if it hadn't been for the fact that the cold no longer bothered her and she had to throw off the blanket because she had become to hot. There were other things as well, she had the desire to tear off her cloths and run, just keep running, to where she had no clue, but fortunately she managed to quell that desire, even if she couldn't stop herself from getting up and walking away from the small circle of light her fire cast.

It was dark, and late, and the full moon shone over head, illuminating her blonde hair so that it shone like silver and turned her skin milky white, her cloths were ruined from days spent sleeping rough and her hair is a tangled flowing mess. If any of the villagers were to have seen her that night, they would of sworn it was a spirit and not a girl that had walked through the woods.

As if in a trance, she moved a path unseen by the rest of the world to a location she had never been but knew all to well. She could sense others, a man, 2 women and a young girl, she could hear them, smell them, almost taste them on the wind, and yet that couldn't be possible...

Then the burning was back, and all thoughts were discarded from her mind as the pain started. Closing her eyes she couldn't stop the inhuman scream that erupted from her lips as bones cracked and her skin burst open, dropping her to her hands and knees. Then the pain was gone, and her once scream turned into a Howl, one that seemed to echo off the trees and drawn out the other noises of the night.

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Damien's ears perked up and pulled his muzzle out from a deer carcass. Blood embedded in his fur surrounding his jawline and a bit down his chin. His nose twitched before he raised it into the air. A woman same as him, turned to human from the same source.damien was able to read scents in the air as if they were words on a page. Pulling a scrap of muscle from the deers limb he went off to find the woman that called him.

When he turned the first thing he wanted was to run, once that was completed the next was blood. Damien had no issues getting what he wanted when he wanted it. He had easily taken out the deer and started to devour it without a human thought to get in the way. Clenching the thirsts of the wolf seemed to help the pain, help the transformation, help the process go fast. How he'd turn back to human well that was an issue for a later time.

Damien ran through the thick trees and bushes to find the one who called. His human thoughts told him to just ignore the bitch. To focus on himself. But the wolf inside knew it needed others. To respond to the howl for a possible pack. An argument that our battle in his mind for awhile. Her scent grew stronger, his legs slowed down. His hair stood on the back of his neck. She was in sight. Her silhotte was anyway. Being yards away Damien could only see so much. He got closer one step at a time weaving through the trees to stay hidden.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie Character Portrait: Angelica Rose White Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Lilly Character Portrait: Damien Calvart Character Portrait: Dezreus Dex Marin Character Portrait: Connor Hook
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#, as written by Saken

Every bone in her entire body was breaking, the pains so intense she could not even scream anymore while she writhed. She was going to die, she was sure of it, all alone out in the woods. Perhaps she should have listened to her mother and her father and not ventured out..

And then there was someone else who was with her. A nice girl, someone who patted her, told her it was going to be okay, and for some reason she believed in it. Her body relaxed for a few moments, and that is when she sprouted fur. Having another person there – a nurturing presence allowed for the young girl, an omega wolf, to finally release the beast that was inside of her. A flash of light, a gush of fluid and suddenly she was a small, brown and blonde wolf.

She whined, panting harshly, her eyes wide. She was so afraid –but now she could smell…Others, like her and like Meredith, the one who had come and helped her. Released her from her human form and from the pain that she had been in (at least, that’s how Lilly connected it in her head).

β€œArooo!” She called back to the scream, her tail starting to wag a little bit, the pain even now receding. Young minds, so easily distracted.


She must have passed out because the next thing she knew she was on all fours, her vision was different, strange- but he smells! It was a whole new world of smells and for a few moments Kris’ human brain tried to take over and be in the front, but it was too strange, too much for her to handle, so the animal brain took over…

And it was hungry. Her nose shifted up to the sky, sniffing. There was blood in the air, hot, from a deer. She began to trot towards the area cautiously – obviously something had to have killed the deer and she did not want to be the prey to that animal, but her stomach let out a horrendous growl, clenching, and she decided to risk it so that she could get some food, sniff around.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kristianna Character Portrait: Connor Hook
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Connor Hook

He can barely see her through the haze, but he can see enough to know she isn't a hallucination. He can hear and smell things now, that he shouldn't be able to smell and he can smell her. She smells...just like him, and he can smell that there are more out there like him as well. Before he can even begin to process this, or speak with her out loud the sensation of tearing skin rips a strangled scream from him. A noise he doesn't think he has ever made in his life before. He clutches the bite, feeling fresh blood gush from the wound, his fingernails suddenly digging right into the teeth marks. He howls again, ripping his hands away and staring at his fingers.

His bones are breaking, reforming just under his skin and he doesn't exactly know how he knows - he just knows that its happening. Fortunately between one breath and the next Connor blacks out, and when he comes to the pain has subsides. His body is strange and new, the scents in the air foreign. He notes wearily that he isn't really thinking, but rather feeling. He struggles to get a grip of his human thoughts. Realizing that he isn't exactly human anymore.

When he came to full awareness he realizes that the girl, the one who smelled like him had gone under the same transformation and had left. In an attempt to gain some sort of information about this sudden, and very confusing new change he trots after her. Quickly gaining on her, he moves to step in front of her. At first he doesn't think about the fact that both of them are covered in fur and on all fours. He doesn't even realize that hes looking her right in the eyes, teeth bared. Hes angry, confused and hurt. Even if he doesn't want to take it out on her he knows he won't exactly be able to get that point across to her without talking.

In the distance he can hear someone howling, instincts say he should go to the howl. But pure stubbornness keeps him rooted to the spot.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kristianna
Character Portrait: Connor Ray Hook
Character Portrait: Chris Michael Anderson
Character Portrait: Lilly
Character Portrait: Damien Calvart
Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie


Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie
Meredith Mackenzie

Beta female

Character Portrait: Damien Calvart
Damien Calvart

Damien is brash,an elitist and powerful. That was before he was a wolf now he's force to be reckoned with. He loves to fight and stay constantly active. Though he seems self centered he protects those he considers family.

Character Portrait: Lilly

A ten year old, bitten by a vicious werewolf...What's happening?!


Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie
Meredith Mackenzie

Beta female

Character Portrait: Damien Calvart
Damien Calvart

Damien is brash,an elitist and powerful. That was before he was a wolf now he's force to be reckoned with. He loves to fight and stay constantly active. Though he seems self centered he protects those he considers family.

Character Portrait: Lilly

A ten year old, bitten by a vicious werewolf...What's happening?!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lilly

A ten year old, bitten by a vicious werewolf...What's happening?!

Character Portrait: Damien Calvart
Damien Calvart

Damien is brash,an elitist and powerful. That was before he was a wolf now he's force to be reckoned with. He loves to fight and stay constantly active. Though he seems self centered he protects those he considers family.

Character Portrait: Meredith Mackenzie
Meredith Mackenzie

Beta female

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Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Bumping this post on up! Bumpbump!

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Oops lol, I thought there was one more person who needed to post but apparently I can't count very well. We can go ahead and continue, I'll get a post up soon. Sorry for the hold up guys!

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Who are we waiting on? :o

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Should we continue and let the other guys do their first post when they can.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

First post is up, decided to start on the first full moon. Basically the characters don't know each other yet, and don't know what they are. They will just know that something is wrong with them, and may even be driven by instinct at this point.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

We were going to start Sunday night but an emergancy situation came up over the weekend while I was on my trip. Had to stay a little longer than usual because of it. But the starting post will be in today!

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Are we starting tonight?

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Meredith was taking a short cut home after working late at the vet clinic when she was bitten, she woke on the side of the road a few hours later and managed to stagger home.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Sounds amazing! If we do not start until Sunday, though, I may be unable to get a starting post up until Monday or Tuesday night, depending on.

On the ability to post ; I currently am pretty sick and have a lot of doctors appointments, so I may look at it every day, but there wil be a few times when I can't post for 1/2 days. I do promise when I post, though, that my posts will be substantial if I'm that late. :3

Re: The Wolves Of Winter


I have an out of town trip this weekend. We will be officially starting Sunday (sometime in the late afternoon to night) Before then I would ask that all WIP characters are finished, and I would like to get a few things for the front page.

I need anyone who hasn't included in their history a description of how their character was bit (a short one, two-three sentences) and a non-gif image they would like me to put with their character. I can resize the image myself if necessary.

Or if you want to do it I believe I set the dimensions to 240 x 240

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

I'll take a beta female. I'll start working on the char sheet.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Yeah, right now Im just waiting on Ignetio. Im going to PM him in a little bit. Im thinking we are going to be starting hopefully this weekend.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

I'll make a beta male. But if the alpha solt becomes open again can he be bumped up

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Come on Alpha Dude! <3

We have people! /squee!

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Omegas and Betas make up the meat of the pack. Betas more so than Omegas, meaning yes there can be more of each role. I never really set it up so that there would only be two of each. If you are looking to join I can add extra slots just tell me which Dynamic role you are wanting.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

since all the basic members of a wolf pack are covered would you still except others?

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

I would be interested in joining this roleplay, but I was wondering if it was only the Omega male left or if there are other characters to choose from?

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Sure thing! I'll reserve.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

I was wanting to sign up for the Alpha male please.

Re: The Wolves Of Winter

Currently all we need is the Alpha male to start!