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Time & Time Again

Time & Time Again


Eight teenagers on the run in Los Angeles, trying to break away from the Lab Coats that held them captive & experimented on them. You either escape.. Or die trying.

1,114 readers have visited Time & Time Again since InfamousRaven created it.


When your on the run from Psychotic Lab coat guys who want nothing more than to rip your insides out and observe your guts, what will you do? What can you?

Thats right. Run like hell.

You & eight of thier experiments have escaped during a Fire Alarm, Somehow you all end up in the same area. Los Angeles. Pushing your differences aside, you must work together to fight off the Lab Coats or die trying. But the Lab coats keep coming. Each group stronger than the next. But what they don't know is that we have our weapons too.
Not just guns. But Abilities beyond control.
Keep running or die trying.
Its your choice. What will you choose?

Lab Coats

Pyschotic scientists who have one thing on their mind. The Eight Experiments.
Somehow they escaped during a Fire Alarm. None of your fellow scientists no how, they just did.
Your astonished. But now even more eager to find out what goes on in that little head of theres. Literally.

The Eight Experiments

Four boys & Four girls all on the run. Each of you have a uncontrollable Ability caused by the Lab Coats that you despise with an undying fury. But you all had a family before this, and all you want to do is get back to them. Impossible with the Lab Coats & the Sons they've been sending to kill you off. Well not exactly kill you off. But bring them back alive, go through your insides, then kill you off. Let me paint a picture for me darling.

The Sons ( Group thats being sent to kill off the eight Experiments.)

Pretty much a group of robots. They feel nothing & have no emotion.
They have one goal in mind, to kill the eight Experiments.

The Eight Experiments.
( Tell me if you want to reserve a spot. )
Girl: Ray
Boy: Usui
Girl: Ushio
Boy: Jonathon
Girl: Illia
Lab Coats:

The Sons:

You can be Lab Coats, The Sons, Or one of the Eight Experiments:D

(Loosely base on the Maximum Ride series.)

Toggle Rules

Character thing:

Age: (13-19)
Personality: (Optional, I always got tired of filling these out. You have their personality build up in the Rp, Or describe it here. Doesn't matter^^ )

History: (How they got captured by the Lab Coats, Their life before this, Family, Ect.,)

Dislikes\Fears\Weakness: (All that good stuff, xD )
Other: (Photo, Other stuff. Preferably in anime. )


Characterization: In-Progress Plot: In-Progress Depth: Proficient Style: In-Progress Mechanics: Proficient Overall: Proficient
ViceVersus wrote:One thing I never want to see in the introduction to a roleplay is the word 'somehow.' If the GM doesn't know something crucial to the plot (like how the characters even ended up in the same place, or how they even were given the ABILITY to be in the same place) then that doesn't give me much hope for the rest of the introduction. Make sure you work that out before you hit submit, at least -- even if you don't think that it's important to the story it IS. Moving on -- things opened quickly with a lot of suspense and action. That was good. If treated carefully, opening an RP so explosively with that 'en media res' feel can do wonders. I feel like you guys handled it a bit too quickly, if you understand what I mean. A sudden post telling all the characters (the selfsame characters who 'somehow' got together) to move to a completely different location? Not sure what to make of it. In all, I think this RP could be a lot of fun. Just watch yourself, don't get the fun get in the way of developing a plot, a world that you don't just sum up in a quick bolded headlines.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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"Why don't we get out at the edge of the forest, and walk the rest of the way into the city?" There were butterflies in Jonathen's stomach. They were about to meet people - people from the outside. People from the place he should've grown up, had he been normal. People with moms and dads, sisters and brothers, people without powers. Did he even know how to talk to normal people?

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Danielle smiled. "That sounds like a good idea." she said and without waiting for input from the others, she took off with everyone literally on her back. She didn't go fast, just as fast as she could go as a whale. " did you all get found out and taken to the lab?" she asked curiously and looking for something to talk about.

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For possibly the first time in his life, Jonathen was content to let someone else go first. "Anyone want to start?" He finally asked after a long silence. He didn't particularly feel like telling them that it was his family who had paid for the laboratories that they'd all been tested in, for the equipment that had tortured them, for the metal that had encased them.

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Illia listened intently to the conversation, and when Dani's question arose, she noted that Jonathen didn't really seem to want to answer it.

"I don't remember. All I remember before the lab is being in a place with bright lights. So many bright lights and so much noise..." She trailed off, staring into space for a moment before she shook herself back to reality.
"So why did you all name yourselves what you did?" She asked cheerfully, assuming that they, too had named themselves and unaware of the possibility that they hadn't.

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Danielle was confused for a moment. "Oh, my name is Danielle. The Lab Coats gave me the name that you are thinking of. I was only twelve. I was put up for adoption after my adoptive parents died. I turned into a dog and they took me to the lab." she said sadly. "Before they died, I was a normal kid. They knew about my ability and they accepted me for who I was." she tried her best not to cry at the memory, but a tear slid down her face anywhey.

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Jonathen sighed. Everyone else who was able to had gone, and it seemed it was his turn. "I... belonged to a very wealthy family." Belong... what a funny word, "I had a twin brother, Jacob. They stole him - thought he was the one with the power when really it was me. When they found out they had the kid, they ransomed him for 10 million dollars. My parents wired the money to an untraceable bank account, then went to the arranged meeting spot to pick up Jacob. They left me... 'safe' at home. At the meeting spot, my parents were met with Jacob's dead body, and then were shot. I was kidnapped, and ended up here. My inheritance is what built the lab."

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Danielle tried not to look shocked. "I'm so sorry. They used your money to build the lab?!" She couldn't beleive that anyone on this Earth could have the guts or heart to do something like that. "These people are sick." she said in a hurt tone. "I knew they were from the begining, but I didn't think they would pull something like that."

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(OOC: So sorry for not posting. I totally forgot about this.)

Ray stayed where she was-watching it all play out and observing everyones expressions and movements. She already had a couple of things down about these guys, but it seemed she didn't have to do much observing. They all had shared their secrets and whatnot anyway. It had brought her back to when she first came here.


"We're only going to play some games alright?" The voice was soft and soothing.

The young green eyed girl didn't know what to do. The man wanted to play games; And she really wanted to play games. But Mommy was waiting for her in the bathroom. Mommy would be mad.
The young girl shook her head, making her pigtails bounce.

"Sorry Mister. My mommy is waiting for me in there." The young girl lifted her fragile arm and pointed to the ladies restroom.

"Oh? It's okay. I'm your mothers friend. Doesn't she talk about me? I'm Michael." The man was becoming impatient.

The young girl thought for a moment then grinned.

"Well if your Mommy's friend then I guess its okay. But I have to be back when Mommy is done! Or I won't get any desert for dinner tonight."

The man smiled and took her hand and walked out of the park. "I'll make sure."

The young girl held her hand in his. Skipping the entire way. Looking back only once, to find a Blonde lady in a velvet coat with a panic stricken face, searching violently for someone..

*End of Flashback*

To anyone else this flashback would've been tender, but to Ray, it was old news. She had that flashback for as long as she could remember. The worst part of it was the Blonde womans face. Panic stricken and heart wrenching, it was embedded into Ray's eyes. Like a scar you couldn't get rid of, no matter how hard you tried to cover it up with makeup, or sweators. It was always going to be there.

Ray snapped out of it and focused on her green sweater, now caked with mud and drenched in lake water. She scrunched up her face but kept quiet. She didn't really want to share whatever it was that made her part of this group. It was shameful. Whether she believed that because the labcoats drilled it into her, or because she actually believed that. She didn't even know. Her power wasn't like everyone elses.

Her power was brutal. Gruesome to say the least. Thats why she avoided using it. No one deserved it. Not even the labcoats, But by God, they came close.
Her 'power' worked from the inside. Starting at the center of the brain, it clotted the blood inside the veins. Then slowly but surely, ripped the tissue apart from the inside. Internal bleeding is what they died of mostly. Drowning in there own blood, but it had been known to not kill completely til 12 hours later. In that case, she had only used a bit of power, but it didn't stop it from spreading. Instead it sliced through the brain. This time starting from the outside, in. It was a slow death. Wasn't the best way to die. Understatement. But they forced her to use it. Ray had found out different things while using it though. Not only could she work it on humans, but Sons too. She could also make the death faster. Instead of crushing the brain, she could shatter the skull into fragments. No longer holding or protecting the brain, it wasn't the prettiest of sights; But it was quicker.

Ray listened to Danielle and Jon but kept quiet. She wasn't going to share unless asked to.

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Jonathen shrugged and look down. Finally he said quietly, "I'm over it. It... was a long time ago." His voice cracked and he quickly stood, making his way to the edge of the whale as if looking out for something or someone. He cleared his throat and blinked back tears. Jacob, his half brother, would have been an amazing soccer player, had he grown up. That was one of the few things he could remember before coming here - Jacob playing soccer. I mean, anyone who saw Jacob play soccer never forgot it. Jacob moved like lightening, he was little and light and fast. He probably could've been a track star too, come to think of it.
Jacob played in a league with the 10-12 year olds. And whatever side they put him on won. He could run the entire length of the field without losing possession and shoot into the goal with unmatched precision.
No one could forget Jacob. He... he had been forgotten. No one talked about Jonathen anymore, he was sure. And why would they?

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Danielle could tell that there was a lot going on in the minds of her passengers. She stayed quiet until they reached shore. "Okay guys, we're here. I'm not much of a leader, so you can lead the way." she said as she waited for everyone to get off so she could change back into a human. She hated being a whale. It made her feel kind of fat.

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"Thanks for the ride," Jonathen smiled lightly, and stepped off. "It's much appreciated."

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Danielle smiled. "You're welcome. I'm glad that someone appreciates my abilities." It made her feel better that someone was grateful for her. Others typically made fun of her, especially the time she turned into a dog. All the kids in the adoption center had laughed at her, but didn't tell anyone about it until she tried to escape.

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Illia stayed silent as she stumbled off of Dani's back, thinking, she mumbled a thank you in Dani's general direction.

"What's a city like?" She asked quietly, curious.

She noticed the blood in the water floating from around Dani's tail and gasped, seeing the bullet wound.

"W-When you become human again I'll tie your leg for you," she pulled her belt off, stepping over to the water to rinse away any leftover mud from her previous attempt at climbing out of the water.

Satisfied that the cloth was mud-free, she took a tender step towards Dani, waiting for her to shift back to her human form.

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Ray hopped off the Dani's Whale form behind Illia and slid in the mud.
She grunted but lifted herself upright again, glancing at the girl who had asked what the city was like. Her name was Illia, right? Ray couldn't remember. Too many faces had gone in and out of the building. It was a miracle if she could even remember what the name started with.

"It's.." She stared down at her muddy sweater and thought for a moment. The only thing she could remember about the city had been the noise and people. It was so loud compared to the Lab. Music, Murmers, Voices, Movement everywhere, and the people. The people.. Their were so many of them. In groups and scattered. Charlie decided on one word.

"..Loud." She glanced over at Jonathon and back at the girl. "Really loud."

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"And tall..." Jonathen added, closing his eyes. He remembered colors that blew your mind, lollipops of every shade, and sounds that burst your eardrums. There was all sorts of flavors - you could taste them in the air, and the smells... you could use the smells as a map. There were foods and people and smells of buildings. "Wonderful. Whimsical. Bright." He looked at the lights wistfully.

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Danielle smiled at Illia's question. "A city is full of people everywhere. People blast their music in hteir cars as they drive down the street going fast. Ignoring stop signs and being rebellious." She smiled at the memory of living in San Diego and was glad that she hadn't forgotten what it was like to live there. "You might have to worry about some gangs here and there, but if you minded your own business and didn't mess with them, they would leave you alone." She loved living in the city. It was the only life she wanted.

Illia pointed out Danielle's wound and she shifted back into a human. "Yeah, I got shot while I was running. Thanks." She hobbled onto the land.

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"Loud?" Illia wrinkled her nose at the thought, "Bright?" That was even more unappealing to her, but then again, bright meant electricity, didn't it?
"Cars? Street? Stop signs? Rebellious? Gangs? I don't know any of these words." A confused expression came over her face.

When Dani shifted back to her human form, Illia walked over to her and knelt down, tying the belt tightly around the wound. Standing up, she stepped back and viewed her work for a moment before giving an approving nod.

"It'll do for now. We have to get moving before they send more Sons after us!" By the time she finished the sentence she was already taking off through the trees toward the lights on the other side.

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Jonathen shook his head and gave Danielle a hand up, "Do you want me to carry you? I mean, we need to follow Illia and make sure she doesn't get run over by a car... but I don't think you're in a running mood." He held out his arms, "I swear I'll be a gentleman, I was raised in a cage but they really beat manners into me."

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Danielle blushed. She would feel bad for having someone carry her. "You don't have to. I'll have to learn to tough things out if I'm going to survive." She looked in the direction that Illia had run. "Yeah, we better get to her quick. She is going to need to know what she is up against in a place like this before she can just go running around in it." She started to walk, but every step sent a shock through her whole ody. "Ow." she said and turned back to Jonathen. "Maybe I do need some help." she said feeling bad.

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He smiled at her antics - she was trying to be brave, as she should, but a gunshot wound was no laughing matter. He walked to her and scooped her up, one arm across her back the other under her knees, before he started running, "See? You're light, I can definitely carry you. Just don't go whale on me." He winked as he carefully picked a path through the forest. "Oi! Illia! Wait up!"

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Illia hardly heard Jonathen call for her to wait up. As she slowed down her foot caught a rock, sending her tumbling to the ground. Grimacing, she pushed herself to her feet, brushing dirt away and standing semi-straight, she waited for the others to catch up even though she was practically brimming with excitement. It was kind of sad really, how Illia's world was so narrow that the only thing that could possibly be evil inside of it were the Labcoats and anything related to them. That also often arose the question if she was evil, but she always decided that she was good and the Labcoats were just mean to her.

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Danielle laughed at Jonathen's joke. "Don't worry, I promise I won't go whale on you. Thank you by the way for doing this for me. What is your ability again?" If she was light to him, did that mean he had some power that gave him more strength? She looked in the direction that Illia was in. "Illia, are you okay?" she asked knowing that as long as she was alive, she was okay. That's how Danielle thought of things anywhey. She had to keep in mind that not all people were the same so she had to be a bit more sensitive.

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"I'm good!" Illia called back, "But it wouldn't hurt for you guys to hurry up some!" She giggled.

While she waited for everyone to catch up, she sat in a low nook in a tree and stared at her hands as if watching the electricity crackle through them. In a way it scared her and she wasn't sure if she should tell the others that she couldn't control absorbing from every electronic device she came in contact with, but she decided that afraid or not, she would tell them when they caught up. Absently, she rubbed her hands together and then held them about an inch apart, watching the static electricity almost appear to jump between her fingers.

OOC: Sorry for the ooc post, but LeaderOfTheRebellion appears to have dropped.. But his character is holding Danielle? What should we do...?

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Character Portrait: Ray
Character Portrait: Ushio


Character Portrait: Ushio

We don't work together non of us are gonna see our families again

Character Portrait: Ray

Just do it.


Character Portrait: Ushio

We don't work together non of us are gonna see our families again

Character Portrait: Ray

Just do it.

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Character Portrait: Ushio

We don't work together non of us are gonna see our families again

Character Portrait: Ray

Just do it.

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