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It's 1912, and the Titanic is making it's way from England to America. But it will meet it's fate. You make up your adventure on this grand ship! Will you fall in love? Make a new friend? Drown in the water? Or fight to survive? You make the story!

2,288 readers have visited Titanic since SilentShivers created it.



It's 1912, the 10th of April. You have just set sail from England and are sailing across the ocean towards New York City, America. It's four days until you strike the iceberg that starts to sink this massive iron ship and it splits in half after about 2 hours of sinking, the cabins and the rooms being flooded and all caught in the currents of the ship drown as the high class patrons are boarded onto row boats and cast so safety into the water. At least half of the people on this ship are going to die.

Will you be one of them?

You are starting on the day the ship takes off. You can be with family, a friend, or even your lover. You will choose the third class, second class, or the first class. As you probably know, Third class was for poor people with little money and more down clothes but high spirits. Second class is middle class, ones with a decent amount of money but not enough to be called rich. The first class was for people who are rich and elegant like Counts and Dukes and those sorts of people who live in the more furnished and elegant rooms on board the Titanic. It had amazing views on board the deck and it was an amazing ship... at least until it met the iceberg that led to it's downfall.

Now, it's your turn to make a story. You create the events, you decide what happens during your stay on this large and beautiful ship. Will you fall in love with someone? Will you make a new friend/friends? Will you get into a fight, or get arrested for stealing? Will you drown like the others, or fight to survive?

It's up to you. You make the story.

On your profile, make sure you include your class and who is traveling with you. Thank you!

The characters in this roleplay have to at least interact with each other in some way. Whether it's falling in love or getting into a fight or becoming best friends, they must at least speak to one another and form some sort of relationship or bond with each other, or at least run into each other on the ship. They could be roommates, they could meet one another in the dining room, they could be high class talking to the lower class... ect. Let's also try to get an even number of girls and guys.

Characters Being Played:

1. Aubrey Hunt: First Class- Played by SilentShivers

2. Andrew Perrault: Third Class- LovelyRose

3. George Andrew Stanly III: Second Class- LightingStrikes

4. Imogen Williamson: Third Class- Played by Hera

5. Annamarie Huntington: First Class- Played by AnicaAnara

6. Patrick Kirk: First Class- Played by the-king-of-hearts

7. Elisabeth Marie Stanly: Second Class- Played by Crystal Flamedamce

8. Reed Caulifieled: First class- Played by ihavewingstofly

9. Reserved


I'd prefer to be notified if you want a spot, with a private message instead of occ. You must have a profile filled out for me to approve.


These are some titanic facts that some of us should know. These are all links to things like the history of the Titanic, the passenger list, and the things the titanic carried and the food on the Titanic. I advise that you click em and read through them for more information to help the roleplay be smoother. These were gathered by LightingStrikes.

Links to Important Facts like The History, Passengers, Cargo, and Food: ... nger_list/

Important people on the Titanic [Names we should remember and at least mention in the Roleplay]: ... hipbuilder) ... ismay.html

Toggle Rules

1. No Drama. No fighting occ, don't make rude comments about characters or the roleplay itself. If you do have an issue with the roleplay or a character or a scene or something totally random, you can send me a private message and I'll see what I can do.

2. If you want to reserve a spot for the roleplay, send me a private message and I'll reserve it for you, even if the spots are unlimited for now. I'll keep the spot for up to 24 hours prior to when you reserve it.

3. Characters must have an interaction with one another. Whether it be a fight, or they fall in love or become friends, you must have each character in the roleplay interact with each other at least once.

4. Only join if you can post regularly and keep up with the posts.

5. Use grammar and good literacy. Try to make long descriptive and creative posts, don't use one liners.

6. Put what class your character is in. First, Second, or Third.

7. I don't always check the occ threads [forget, usually] so if I don't respond to your post in like 5 hours from when you posted, you might as well send me a private message instead.

8. You must have a creative profile with enough information. If it doesn't have much on it, I won't accept it.

Taking place in...

Titanic, 1912. our primary setting

A very large ship made of Iron, very big and can move very fast. It has over 2000 rooms below deck and only has enough row boats for half the people on board.

Titanic, 1912.

Titanic, 1912. by SilentShivers

A very large ship made of Iron, very big and can move very fast. It has over 2000 rooms below deck and only has enough row boats for half the people on board.


Characterization: Advanced Plot: Proficient Depth: Proficient Style: Proficient Mechanics: Proficient Overall: Advanced
Din wrote:It's the story of the Titanic that tells the stories of the other people on board the ship. It still has that familiar accent of rebellion from upper class folk, but there is some what of an original spin to it with original characters.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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#, as written by Hera
Imogen was very sorry that she hadn't gotten to dance with the Irishman yet, but the gentleman that held onto her - George, she presumed? Mr. Stanly? Ah well - simply would not let go, and although his company was enjoyable and he was very much a gentleman, she promised a dance to another man and she planned to give it to him. Then, of course, he had the gall to call the Irishman a drunk - and invited her to chess all in one sentence! Imogen extracted herself from his arms and began to smile icily, ignoring the girl that had walked up to them. She seemed a bit of a snoot, anyways. "Why," Imogen began, her eyes flashing dark under the bright lights, "I promised that 'drunken fool' a dance and sir, I'd like to give it to him. but," and she attempted to look heartwarming, "chess sounds lovely. Very stuffy, though, sweetheart. I'd presume you are first-class?" She turned on her heel and walked away.

Once she got back to her seat, pudding now old and uneaten, she was very saddened to see her dance partner nowhere around. "Aye, he's done left," the other brash Irish told her, his words slightly slurring as the man liked his liquor almost as much as he liked his women, "'E said ... 'e said to give ye his regards." Imogen harrumphed. She'd taken too long, then? She knew she shouldn't have kept the man waiting. With pursed lips she thanked her favourite drunk and exited the dining room, getting a slight chill as she did so, for it was getting a bit late and chilly, too. Imogen planned to search the whole ship just to get her dance, if that was what it took! And she did, from empty hall to empty hall to lounge to peeking into the first-class chess room even if she wasn't supposed too. She sniffed a bit at the sight and kept going.

Finally, with no place to look and at her wits end, Imogen bunched up her skirts a bit and climbed to the top deck, meaning to get a bit of fresh, salty air. She felt odd up there, as only a few people were milling around, most men with cigars and a woman or two to keep them company. Imogen herself was alone, and she took hold of the icy railing to ignore a bit of a pang. The wind whipped her hair around, causing her to laugh a bit and get a piece of hair in her mouth. She extricated it softly, wincing a bit at the wetness of the strand. She couldn't tell if it was saliva or just sea water that had by accident flown to her hair.

Then, she saw a familiar face. Her dance partner! "Sir!" She called, giving up her perch to chase him down. He appeared to be lighting up a cigarette, or perhaps a cigar (she couldn't quite tell from the distance) but that didn't matter much to her; she enjoyed the smell of them, and quite quickly reached to where he was. Breathing a bit heavily, as the top deck was quite large in width, she took hold of the railing beside herself and gave him a large, bright smile. "Sir, I do believe you owe me a dance!" Imogen proclaimed loudly.


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As he clumsily helped the people he knocked over he heard a woman's voice. He turned around as he helped a lady up, it was the girl from the dinning hall. She was asking for the dance she had promised him. Completely embarrassed he stood up straight and began to blush at the mess he caused. "O haha sorry bout all this. O and leaving you at the pub I honestly did not mean to I thought you went off with that git and i decided to leave. He looked more charming then me." Patrick said a bit fast due to his embarrassment. He glanced over to the chess tournament. "I did sign up, but i'n rather not good at the silly game." He lowered his head even more forcing a smile to show some confidence but his embarrassment was shinning through. "Eh screw the bloody game, i'll take the dance. But we have no music" Patrick laughed as he held his hand out to the lady for the dance.


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George sighed as he looked over to his baby sister then turned to see Imogen had left and shook his head he smiled at his baby sister, and nodded. "Chess game is just starting and if you'd like you can take my place instead. What difference dose it make I wonder? Should I be first or third class?" George sighed it seemed to make a bit of difference to the young lady he was dancing with. He frowned and looked at his baby sister and then sighed.

George gently placed his sister's hands around his arm and walked her up the stair well to second class. "I bet you haven't even eaten have you? First class is still serving." He took his sister gently up to the first class and sat her in his old seat, The Captain was still there his eyes lit up.

"Elisabeth!" he smiled and hugged her softly, "Good to see your on board!" George smiled gently at his sister then the Captain.

"My sister hasn't eaten yet Captain Smith, do you think we could get her some food before the Eight thirty chess game?" he asked softly. The Captain nodded his head softly.

"Oh... and Miss. Annamarie Huntington is somewhere on the dance floor... you should seek her out..."

"What about Aubrey?" George asked "I thought you said she was more my style?" the Captain laughed and shook his head he had never said that. "Alright.. Alright... I'll ask the lady to dance." George went in search for Annamarie Huntington. He smiled when he saw her and gently tapped her shoulders. "Ms. Annamarie Huntington?" George's voice was soft and gentle as he spoke. "The captain and I are friends and he thought you might like to dance with a real gentleman. Might I interest you in a dance?" he asked gently.


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Anna let out a sigh of relief at the man who had grabbed her earlier suddenly turned to leave.She didn't realize why until she felt a tap on her shoulder and a man was smiling at her."Yes I am Annamarie, but before we dance....who are you exactly?"At this moment she knew her mother would have chastised he for not accepting as soon as possible but Anna wouldn't have cared.She wasn't about to just accept some strange man's offer...even if people in high society looked down on her for it.

Her eyes quickly scanned him as she tried to see what class he was in.He looked like a proper gentleman, so she assumed he was either 2nd or 1st class.She then relayed all the members of her father committee and all of their family members trying to think if perhaps this man was one of them.She did hope he wasn't one of those men who was merely after her fathers fortune in the oil business, if he was she would undoubtedly set him straight in front of everyone on this ship.

While she awaited the man reply her eyes glanced back towards Reed and she blushed for some reason.Why was she blushing?He was just a man for goodness sakes, not the first she had ever met.Something was different about him however...and she wanted to find out exactly what.


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George smiled gently "Oh, my dear, I do apologize, my name is George Andrew Stanly the III. My father runs a very well known Printing Company. Stanly and Son?" he smiled "We have four in England and we do well in the business, so well my father is sending me into the unknown world of America to set our foundation there." George smiled gently and then turned his attention towards the gentlemen Reed. He nodded, "I see you have your mind set else where?" George nodded gently and looked Annamarie in the eyes "Perhaps Captain Smith was miss informed." George bowed gracefully he would not chase a lady if she did not want to be chased. "I have a chess game I must play shortly, so it would only have been one dance."

George wasn't sure what he wanted to do here and now he frowned and shook his head softly. He looked up at his sister and saw she was about done eating. Then his eyes came wandering down to Annamarie's. He gently kissed her hand and softly looked her in the eyes. "I believe our father's already know each other Ms Huntington." George was gentle as he spoke to the young lady. "Would you mind being danced with a new money lad?" George asked gently and his eyes sparkled, he was proud that he and his father had worked on a business together.

George saw Elisabeth looking his way "If not a dance, would you care to meet a woman very close to my heart. Elisabeth." he called her over and once she came to him he smiled. "Elisabeth, I'd like for you to meet my dear friend Annamarie Huntington, and though we have only just met, I know her heart is true and stead fast. For I know something my dearest sister dose not know about this young lady." George gave a winning smile and laughed, he loved life, his eyes danced at the chance of meeting new people "And Ms. Annamarie Huntington, this is my very dearest and best friend and favorite sister of all the world Elisabeth Marie Stanly." George smiled and then noticed a pair of parents eyes looking over at their daughter, George gave an uh-oh look. "Annamarie, is that your mother and father glaring our way?" he asked gently.


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Elisabeth was surprised he'd let her eat first class...but she was fine with that. It was better than second class food, anyway. It was only too bad she didn't have her nice dresses with her; then she might have fit in a bit better. She watched her brother walk off, and shrugged; if he wanted to go off on his own, that was fine. She only had a problem when he wasn’t where he said he’d be, and she went looking for him.

But she could see him now, talking to another woman. At least this one was first class, she thought, turning her attention back to her food. Better than a third class woman that would walk off like the other one had. Didn’t know what she was dealing with, really; that he wasn’t exactly the normal first class. That was what she believed, though. Nothing that could be done about it.

She was almost done when she heard her name called, and looked around to see her brother. He must have called her. She sighed, but got up and went over to him, glancing over the woman before nodding as he introduced her. Though she blushed a bit; he didn’t need to go into it that much. Best friend was arguable, but being the favorite sister was not; she was the only sister he had. She nodded once more. β€œNice to meet you,” she said, quietly.

She couldn’t figure out why she was there; why he would have called her over. There did not seem to be much reason for it…only for him to talk more, which may well have been possible. But she wasn’t going to ask; not in front of this stranger. She didn’t like talking too much around people she didn’t know well at all. She glanced back at George. β€œβ€¦You don’t have much time until the chess match…” she mumbled. Sure, he had offered her his spot, but she thought she’d just watch this time. And she wouldn’t have liked to be playing with someone she didn’t know well, anyway.

She glanced over when George asked about parents glaring, and turned her attention away; it did not affect her. Though they did look like they were her parents, and the glares were probably something about George being there. She was a little surprised they didn’t just come over to interrupt rather than just glaring like that.


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George frowned, he was having absolutely no luck with the ladies tonight, and his sister had indeed made a good point the did have a match to play and smiled as he was reminded. β€œYes my dear sister, I do have a match, perhaps Miss. Annamarie Huntington you will do me the honor of another dance later on, we do have five or four beautiful days on board this magnificent ship.” George gave Annamarie another winning smile of his and nodded to both glaring parents. β€œMr. Huntington, my father George Stanly II of Stanly and Son printing company sends his warmest regards and best wishes to you and your family. However my sister is right and I’m afraid a dance with your beautiful daughter will have to wait till tomorrow evening. If she accepts that is.”

George was not a fortune hunter, he had his own money. George could care less if you were the poorest lady in all of the ship, he would still ask you for a dance, if he thought you were worthy of his time. George was very proud of his father’s efforts, and his. For they both worked long and hard hours to get the printing company going. He was older than Elizabeth by 4 years, so he was only 5 when he she was born, but there had been plenty of work for him to do with his father and their mother. George gently took his sister’s soft warm arm and led her towards the room where they were going to start the first Chess game at eight thirty, people could warm up with practice games until then.

George’s memory flashed back to when Elisabeth was just born, neither parent thought she was going to be a girl and couldn’t come up with a name, George had wandered off during and just before the birthing and met a woman who sat with him, she was a beautiful angel. She told him about a day when he would be on something so grand and everyone would be scared but he wouldn’t be and that was when he would see Elisabeth again. When George had gotten back to the birthing room the parents were at a loss of what to name there little girl whom they thought would be a boy, and when George asked if he could name her they both looked at each other and shrugged and said if he could pick a good strong name, then they would most likely use it. That’s when he told them about the strange woman in the lobby with him and asked to call her Elisabeth. George’s father nodded in agreement and thought it was a fine name and looked to his wife who shrugged, she didn’t want a girl, she had wanted a boy..

β€œElisabeth Marie Stanly.” George came up with her full name. From then on George knew that Elisabeth would need his love and attention, for he didn’t think either parent wanted a little girl.

A tear came to George’s eye as his memory faded and he came back to reality and softly pulled Elisabeth into him, he didn’t care who was there and who would approve or not. β€œMy dear sister… I should have given you more attention than I had in the past few years.” he whispered to her β€œI know you have been wanting mom and dad’s attention but…” George looked her in the eyes β€œit’s been me all along… they always forgot your birthday…” George whispered and it was true, they almost always forgot Elisabeth was even around, even when she was little, it had always been George who took care of her. Their father was in both their lives but mostly focused towards his only son and heir to the big fortune. β€œAnd Christmas time came…. Well, lets just say our parents just paid a little to much attention to the boy in the family.” Why was he talking about this? He didn’t want to make Elisabeth sad or any more mad at him. He frowned β€œPunishment is over, you can stay in First class, and eat in first class all you want, but our beds are unfortunately in second class.” George sighed β€œAlso I want to know where you are in case of an emergency.” George looked around this ship and suddenly got an uncomfortable feeling β€œElisabeth make me that promise, you will tell me where you will be?” George said softly.

When they came to the chess room George saw the beautiful woman he had been gawking at all night and smiled gently at her, he had Elisabeth in his arms and they looked like they were together, but Elisabeth and George were just siblings, and they looked the part too, they looked like twins almost.

β€œAlright, ladies and gentlemen when I call your names you will stand next to your partner, if you have signed up late and have no partner, you will find one by the end of the first rounds of the game!” The announcer smiled β€œYou will play off in groups of two, each having their own challenger, but in teams. It is five pounds to play per day you play, except the warm ups.” George imideatly rose his hand. β€œYes sir.”

β€œThat hardly seems fair, what about Second class or third class if they wanted--” George felt glares all around him and he sighed β€œAlright…”George trailed off β€œI thought this was the land of opportunity…” George looked at his sister β€œWould you like to join?” he asked he saw the look in her eyes of desire β€œMy sister will sign up, I will pay her fee.”

β€œThat is acceptable.” the announcer stood up and listed the matches out loud, Elisabeth was paired up early on and got to play some practice rounds, β€œMs. Aubrey Hunt, and oh dear… it says here you haven’t paid your due.” The Announcer sighed β€œGeorge, I’m awfully sorry, but she’s the one you would have been paired up with and there are no others…”

β€œIt’s alright,” George smiled β€œNever disappoint a lady my friend.” He took out fifteen pounds and then looked at Aubrey. β€œYou owe me.” he grinned mischievously as he sat down and began to warm up with his partner. β€œNames George Andrew Stanly the third.” he smiled gently as he took her hand and softly kissed it. β€œBefore you say anything, the woman with me is my sister and we are traveling together for hum… her punishment.” George chuckled a little at this. β€œIt is a pleasure to finally meet you properly. May I escort you to our chess board?”


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[x_x Guys, the site keeps logging me in and out quickly so if anyone needs to speak to me about this rp or any roleplay, add me on]


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Dose anyone want to continue this story? I may get permission to restart it fresh... If I can have you guys who are still interested in continuing on a story of such let me know please and I will save you spots on board Titanic!



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Well, since this didn't get very far, I wouldn't mind trying again. If it's still possible to play the same character, then that's even better. I'd jump in if this restarted.


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[The problems with my accounts have been fixed and I can log in alot better then I had, I think they've fixed most of the problems on the site so... I could keep this one going but since someone thinks it didn't get very far, you guys can just restart it if you want. -Shrugs- ]


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Aubrey had looked at the servant man who had told her she didn't pay. She opened her mouth as her heart pounded and her cheeks when red from embarrassment, for she had forgot her money she had been way too excited to start the chess game. She bit her lip rather hard until she saw the man who had she had seen earlier in the first class room.

She blushed even more when she had seen him pay for her and his grin made her stomach burst with butterflies. She smiled a little. "Oh... thank you. You didn't have to do that... but thank you. And yes, I suppose I do." she said and she smiled more and flicked some hair from her face. She watched him sit down and she blushed when he kissed the top of her hand and she glanced down at her lap.

When she was about to say her name, he spoke again and she grinned when she noticed his sister. "Ah.. sometimes I wish I had a sibling. I'm Aubrey. Aubrey Hunt, the only child of the two statues." she said, making a lousy joke and then she listened to his next words carefully, glancing at some eyes around her. "A pleasure as well, Mr. Stanly. And... lets." she said, smiling as she slowly stood up, looking around for their assigned chessboard. She ran a hand through her hair before looking at him again.

[Sorry for the short post x-x I'm still waking up.]


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( wait so what is going on? did they leave or did we hit the iceberg already? haha)


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Elisabeth was somewhat startled when George was suddenly holding her closer; if he was the one that arranged the punishment, then what was this about? It seemed like an odd thing for him to be talking about this; to be bringing this up. She knew they often forgot about her, or anything else that had to deal with her, unless she got in the way. That was nothing new.

But, with him bringing it up, she had to look away. She never liked tears showing up in public. It would have been a different situation if they were only in the room. Then there wouldn’t be people there, and she could be sure people weren’t watching. Here, though, she had no idea whether or not someone was watching, and that was not a comfortable situation for her.

β€œYeah, I’ll tell you where I’ll be,” she mumbled in response. Chances were, though, if something did happen, she would not want to be on her own. She would find some bit of company if there was an emergency. But at least she wouldn’t have to stay in second class all the time. …Too bad she still didn’t have her good dresses. But at least everything else would be easier to deal with.

She listened to the announcer explaining everything, and then short argument George had put in before being silenced by everyone around him. Second and third class? That hardly seemed to be something to be worrying about, really. But she ignored it; she wasn’t going to argue with her brother, not so soon after he had ended the punishment.

She nodded when George asked if she wanted to play. even if it was with strangers...she would get over it. She wasn't used to other people, was all. She glanced over at her brother when he also offered to pay for both her, and another woman. Apparently that was his main focus tonight; talking to other ladies. She sighed and stepped away a small step before turning to find her own partner. She would let them practice without her bothering them. She might need some practice to get herself ready for the real games, anyway.

(I only meant that it hadn’t lasted very long before we started having issues with the site; I don’t mind keeping going with this one, either.)


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George grinned at his partner "Yes! Good move!" he beamed with happiness as he saw her play had been perfect, they were the last couple other than his sister and her partner siting across from them, now the last play of the night would be Elisabeth vs. Aubrey. George looked at the gentleman before him and gave half a laugh. "Looks like I lucked out with the better chess player tonight." George said.

The first class gentleman was rather snobby and lifted his head "after tonight I am no longer playing the game, so your sister shall be with out a partner." George thought for a moment and then lifted his head and imitated the gentleman as if trying to act like a regal first class man. George hated men who acted snobby because of their money.

"Aubrey only two more moves partner and we will have won the games for the evening." George grinned the announcer came up and smiled at George.

"If she wins that will put you and her into tenth place, and we will have second rounds after dinner tomorrow night." The announcer smiled at this and watched with great anticipation. George nodded and looked at the announcer.

"Back off, give them room to play and lets not pressure them, this is supposed to be fun you know." George laughed but money was on the line.


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#, as written by Hera
(I'm confused. What's happened here? I haven't been on because my account was screwing up.)


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Aubrey smiled at George and then studied the board carefully. She quickly tilted her head and raised her hand and then she moved one of her pieces across the board, her queen, near the king at the other end of the board and then waited to see what the opponent would do. "Check." she said quietly.

She had glanced at George again and then the snobby man George had talked to. She ran a hand through her hair, her eyes set on her opponent again. She was very concentrated on the game.

[Um... I believe George had asked Anica's character to dance,... and then the chess games started up. It's still the first night on Titanic.]


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Elisabeth frowned, looking at the board. She was checked. What could she do to reverse that? Move her king...but that never moved very far...she bit her lip, debating. She glanced at her partner when he said she was going to be on her own the next night, then back at the board. That was fine; she wasn't too good a player compared to some of the others there. She sighed. Maybe that was why she'd be on her own; she wasn't very a good partner.

She tried to focus, tried to come up with something, but all she could do at the moment was move the king. Her queen was not exactly in the path of anything else she had. She sighed again, then moved her king. She was out of check...she looked over the board. She would only end up in check again, and it may end up being that way for a while. She leaned back slightly, watching the board. She was not going to win this one, either.

She glanced back at her partner and George again, then back at the board. "Does that mean I'm not playing tomorrow, either, then?"


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George blinked and he could see his sister was not having much fun. He sighed and gently came down to eye level with his sister and softly touched her hand. "If Aubrey wins then no you won't play again, except for fun. I'm sorry Elisabeth I had wanted you to have some fun on board titanic, good fun other then your trouble causing fun." George whispered this very low yet Aubrey could probably hear him speaking to his sister. "I am sure there will be many up here looking for a match Elisabeth."

George watched Aubrey make her next move and smiled "Is that what we call Check mate?" he asked now with pride in his voice. George smiled back up at his beautiful sister. He stood up and looked at the announcer who nodded his head. "Good job Aubrey, looks like we'll be seeing more of each other tomorrow evening." George grinned at this "You don't mind do you?" he asked gently.

George gently helped his sister up by pulling the chair back and did the same for Aubrey. "May I walk you to your cabin Ms. Aubrey?" George asked, now he was being formal, he looked over at Elisabeth and smiled "If you want to walk with us your more than welcomed too Elisabeth. George softly took Aubrey arm and lead her towards the first class cabins "I am sure you'll have to tell me which ones are yours." George came down hall A. "Aubrey tell me what do you do do when your not playing chess?" George asked he looked behind to make sure Elisabeth had either headed towards their cabin or followed along.


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Aubrey looked slightly guilty when she watched their expressions after checking on the board. She had been good at chess. She sighed a bit but then she smiled up at George and then at Elisabeth. "Good game. You did very well." she said and then she stood up slowly, and she smoothed her dress out and ran her hands through her silky hair when George had pulled her chair out for her.

Aubrey smiled at George and her heart seemed to pound hard when he took her arm and her cheeks went slightly red. "I'd like that." she said rather quietly and she walked with him down the hallways towards the first class cabins. She generally didn't want to get back but the chess games were over and it was getting quite late. She would smile up at him and then she listened to his words, words that sounded calming in her ear.

"Mine will be the second on the left at the next hallway." she said, using one of her delicate fingers to point it out. "And.. nothing, to be honest. A book, maybe a drawing... my parents don't allow me to do much, especially things that are more active. The only thing that let me play chess tonight was my father believes it's a good challenge for my mind, though I do know he was hoping it would keep me from bugging him or mother.." she looked down at her feet and then sighed lightly. "And what of you, Mr. Stanly?"


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Elisabeth nodded with a little smile. "Thanks," she said quietly. Usually she enjoyed these games, but she wasn't as competitive as some of these people. Maybe that was why she didn't quite enjoy it as much; one competitive match was one thing, but a bunch of matches like that was something else. She stood up, debating for a moment. She could either wait in the room...or follow and know that he wasn't going to wander off this time. She wasn't sure what he wanted her to do, but she was going to follow them. It would be some bit of company, at least.

She followed after them, thought keeping a small distance. She wasn't too fond of people she didn't know, and this woman, Aubrey, was not going to be an exception. She wouldn't try to be mean, it only meant she wouldn't exactly stay close for a while. she let them talk, not really listening or paying attention to them except to keep them in sight so she didn't get herself lost on the ship.

Fun other than the fun she enjoyed...did he really think she did any of that for fun? It was more something she had to do than something she wanted to do; it was the only way to get her parent's attention anymore. It wasn't like she had stolen the wallet for fun, and while it had gotten her attention, she had ended up on this ship for it, taking the punishment by going second class than her usual first. And being stuck with her brother, away from her parents. At least that had lessened up.

She followed them quietly, only listening to hear in case someone talked to her. Which she doubted. They seemed to enjoy each others company, anyway. Being ignored was something she was used to, anyway.


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"Me?" George asked his focus had been on Aubrey and his little sister he nodded gently "Well, when I don't play chess I am part owner of a company called Stanly and Son's Printing Company. We have four chains in England, and we are growing. My father has sent me to build a printing company and run the ones in America." George spoke to Aubrey, "When I'm not busy doing that I get dumped by beautiful women because I'm considered new money, I work for my money. My sister on the other hand get's accepted everywhere she goes because she was born into the family of wealth." George shook his head softly.

George had listened to Audrey and smiled brightly at her "Well, if it's entertainment you like perhaps your parents would allow me accompanied by my sister to bring you on a tour of the Captain's bridge, and below decks. It proves to be interesting, Mr. Andrews will be there to help guide us in the broiler rooms, and cargo room." He smiled at Elisabeth "i hadn't gotten time yet to tell you that Elisabeth. Tomorrow after Lunch Ms. Aubrey?" George asked gently.

<I wonder what her parents will think if they open the door and see a man they don't know escorting their daughter home from the chess game! They will probably be delighted!>


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Aubrey nodded as she listened and laughed lightly. "New money old money, no money... who cares? We are all human. Money shouldn't be used to categorize people, I believe. But that's interesting.... a printing company. I always wanted to be an artist or a writer but... mother and father says it's not an option." she laughed lightly but if someone looked closely, they'd see she had a bit of sadness in her eyes. "That's too bad... I suppose a lot of beautiful women are just as snobby as my own mother. They would be foolish to dump a man like you, Mr. Stanly. You truly are something." Of course this was a complement, she found him handsome and charming, at least in her own eyes.

When they stopped at the door, Aubrey would glance at the door and then back at him. "I'd be delighted, I'm sure they would too. I'll be there, look for me. I'll most likely be at one of the larger tables." She said and smiled at him. She glanced at Elisabeth and smiled sweetly before looking back at George. She then opened the door, her father smoking a cigar and he glanced over with his eyes slightly wide. Her own mother looked up from organizing a corset and both of them walked over, small smirks rising on their lips.

"Aubrey... we were worrying a bit. Who is this?" her mother asked, smiling at the man. Her mother never smiled.

"This is George... George Stanly. We were partners in chess." Aubrey said. Her father smiled at George.

"A pleasure to meet you, George." He said in his deep voice.


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Elisabeth hung behing, smiling a little as she listened to them. Not that it was going to come down to what she thought, but she wouldn't mind this one so much as the others. She sort of had the same idea she had...though the no money thing might be an area or disagreement. She decided against saying anything herself; she would let them talk with each other. After all, the seemed to be enjoying their talk with each other enough.

She smiled back when Aubrey smiled at her, she was nice enough, too. When they got to the room, she moved closer to George, to her brother. She didn't know her parents, either, and that was far too many strangers for her tastes. She watched through the door, then looked away from them, towards the floor. They were approaching the door, she could hear them walking closer. She suddenly wished she had gone back to the room. It felt like she probably shouldn't be there, really.

She kept her brother between herself and the girl's parents, looking off to the side. This was bound to be a little interested, at the very least. But she still didn't exactly want to be there. It was somewhat obvious, though, that they were more focused on Aubrey and George. Maybe she would end up being unnoticed. That sounded like a good enough plan for her. Maybe if she kept to herself, and didn't talk much at all, if at all, she could manage to go unnoticed.


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George smiled brightly "The pleasure is all mine sir. Ma'am." He would have tipped his hat to Aubrey's mother but she seemed preoccupied. George took the man's hand and shook it gently "So your the one I have to thank for Aubrey's brains?" he asked and chuckled "We're in twentieth place and will have second match tomorrow evening if you'll agree?" George smiled brightly again. "Also The Captain... Captain Smith has invited me to join him on the bridge for a spot of afternoon tea and a tour of the ship, the entire ship. My sister Elisabeth and I would very much enjoy your daughter's company, and I am sure the captain wouldn't mind a few more people." George noticed through the door a woman peaking out in the room. "All in your family are welcomed." George stressed the word all and then looked at Aubrey she had not mentioned having a baby sister.

George smiled he hadn't gotten to see the inside of first class suites yet he smiled at his sister and then back to Aubrey. George looked around and then noticed a painting still in it's crate. Then smiled, it was the one with all the flowers and looked up at Aubrey. "Sir, I would like very much for your daughter to join us on the Bridge tomorrow, with proper supervision of course." he smiled at Aubrey he was becoming quickly attracted to this one. She liked to draw? he would have to get her a gift of paper and pencils. Then he nodded "Well it is getting late my sister and I need to go to our Cabin below." he grinned now he wanted to see how the parents would handle their daughter being with a second class ticket holder. Aubrey can always explain things. "You can ask the captain about me, you can ask most men here on the ship, they all know my father or know of him, they all do business with him, including some of you companies sir."

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Titanic, 1912.

Titanic, 1912. by SilentShivers

A very large ship made of Iron, very big and can move very fast. It has over 2000 rooms below deck and only has enough row boats for half the people on board.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aubrey Hunt
Character Portrait: Imogen Williamson
Character Portrait: Annamarie Huntington
Character Portrait: Patrick Kirk
Character Portrait: Reed Caulfield
Character Portrait: Elisabeth Marie Stanly


Character Portrait: Elisabeth Marie Stanly
Elisabeth Marie Stanly

First class...but traveling second class.

Character Portrait: Reed Caulfield
Reed Caulfield

"The Titanic is simply amazing. It's really one of the most extravagant ships I've been on, and trust me, I've been in many."

Character Portrait: Patrick Kirk
Patrick Kirk

My family travels first class and is rich but I hate it.

Character Portrait: Annamarie Huntington
Annamarie Huntington

"This's almost like...a dream"

Character Portrait: Imogen Williamson
Imogen Williamson

"I may be odd to you, but I'd rather be queer than as stuffy as can be."

Character Portrait: Aubrey Hunt
Aubrey Hunt

"No wonder they call this ship the ship of dreams! It's amazing!"


Character Portrait: Elisabeth Marie Stanly
Elisabeth Marie Stanly

First class...but traveling second class.

Character Portrait: Annamarie Huntington
Annamarie Huntington

"This's almost like...a dream"

Character Portrait: Patrick Kirk
Patrick Kirk

My family travels first class and is rich but I hate it.

Character Portrait: Imogen Williamson
Imogen Williamson

"I may be odd to you, but I'd rather be queer than as stuffy as can be."

Character Portrait: Reed Caulfield
Reed Caulfield

"The Titanic is simply amazing. It's really one of the most extravagant ships I've been on, and trust me, I've been in many."

Character Portrait: Aubrey Hunt
Aubrey Hunt

"No wonder they call this ship the ship of dreams! It's amazing!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Reed Caulfield
Reed Caulfield

"The Titanic is simply amazing. It's really one of the most extravagant ships I've been on, and trust me, I've been in many."

Character Portrait: Patrick Kirk
Patrick Kirk

My family travels first class and is rich but I hate it.

Character Portrait: Annamarie Huntington
Annamarie Huntington

"This's almost like...a dream"

Character Portrait: Aubrey Hunt
Aubrey Hunt

"No wonder they call this ship the ship of dreams! It's amazing!"

Character Portrait: Elisabeth Marie Stanly
Elisabeth Marie Stanly

First class...but traveling second class.

Character Portrait: Imogen Williamson
Imogen Williamson

"I may be odd to you, but I'd rather be queer than as stuffy as can be."

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Titanic, 1912.

Titanic, 1912. by SilentShivers

A very large ship made of Iron, very big and can move very fast. It has over 2000 rooms below deck and only has enough row boats for half the people on board.

Titanic, 1912.

A very large ship made of Iron, very big and can move very fast. It has over 2000 rooms below deck and only has enough row boats for half the people on board.

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