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Together We Stand

Together We Stand


(Restart of "I'm Here") Two groups exist in the New York City area; one finds those with powers and helps train them to be heroes, another entices to be villains. What would happen if suddenly they had the same goal?

1,978 readers have visited Together We Stand since Fredalice created it.


Together We Stand
GM: Fredalice
Co-GM: SonOfMars


It has been known that by very few that it is possible for people to have the DNA that allows them to have unusual skills. Skills like walking through walls, flying, super strength; skills you only see in comic books. They are out there despite what others may believe. The exist and they have their own set of rules. The two largest of these groups are held up in New York City, New York; if you have a power most likely you will be heading there to seek help. These two groups, though filled with people who have these powers and train them to have control over them, are very different from one another. One side identifies as the heroes, they protect the rest of the human population and keep with societies rules. The other identifies as the villains as often there are when there are heroes, they have their own set of rules that often times defies the general population, it is their belief that society has shunned them so there is no need to be friendly with them in any sense of the word. These two groups have been fighting one another since they first formed and there has been nothing to let on that they would ever get along. However, the human population is slowly discovering these people and they are becoming frightened. The government is making plans on rectifying the problem that lives in these people's DNA. There have already been some reported incidents of these people disappearing, but after that the trail goes cold. It is the job of those with powers to remain hidden, to not let anyone know that they have powers or they may just disappear like everyone else. One goal for two groups, will this bring them together?


The Heroes

Face claim: Sean Patrick Flanery | Age:29 | Name:Patrick Miller | Power:Super speed | Status: Heroes trainer | Taken by, Fredalice

Face claim: Brandon Routh| Age: | Name: | Power: | Status: New recruit | Reserved by, IvyCoppersky

Face claim: Britt Robertson | Age: | Name: | Power: | Status: New recruit | Taken by, Surfergirl

Face claim: Emma Blackery | Age: 19 | Name: Jennifer Thompson | Power: Reality Warping | Status: New recruit | Taken by, gezzygezzy

[center]The Villians

Face claim: Gina Toress | Age: | Name: | Power: | Status: Villains trainer | Taken by, slimmyjimjim

Face claim: Molly Quinn | Age:20 | Name:Lara McIntosh | Power:Possession | Status: New recruit | Taken by, Fredalice

Face claim: Milo Ventimiglia | Age: 21 | Name: Allen Hayes | Power: Substance Mimicry | Status: New recruit | Taken by, Taunbon

Face claim: Ben Cook | Age: 19 | Name: James Mercer | Power: "Black Tears" | Status: New recruit | Taken by, LonelyGhost

!!!!!!!!!!Note: If need be I can add more, I just thought this would be a good realistic star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Character sheet:

General information:
Power: (please describe the power in a sentence or two here as well)
Status: (also put if they are a villain or hero here)
Face claim:
Sexuality: (mix it up a little don't just do Heterosexual or Homosexual, there are plenty others to choose from and if you need I can help give you some more examples)

Physical Appearance:
(picture and two paragraphs of description)
Marks: (tattoos, piercings, scars, etc.)
General clothing:

(three paragraphs of description)
Likes: (at least five)
Dislikes: (at least five)
Weaknesses: (at least five and make them actual weaknesses not "cares too much, is too loyal" this isn't a job interview)
Strengths: (at least five, you can either explain more of your power here, but be sure to put other things as well)

(three paragraphs)
Significant events: (What are some important parts of their history that helped shape who your character is today?)
Joining the group: (What made them decide to join the group? What brought them to the villains/heroes?)

(Here you will put a list of the other characters, though all the characters of your's opposing group don't have to go here, and how your character feels about them. If your character is a "new recruit" that doesn't mean they joined yesterday, just in the past three years or so to make it easier for this section so not every single one will be "not entirely sure yet")


1. Please reserve a character in the OOC, you will have two days to complete them and my co-GM or I will send a warning out sometime on the last day. There's also going to be a limited spots for roleplayers; four to be exact, those four can have up to two characters each, but I'm closing the rp when I get four roleplayers.
2. I want this to be a literary rp, so the word limit will be about 350-400 words per post should be fine
3. Be mindful of others; everyone has different values, beliefs, etc. and we aren't here to discuss those we're here to write
4. There will be cussing and violence in this rp so if you're squeamish or rather not be around for cussing this may not be for you
5. As for the cussing we can have it, but this isn't South Park people
6. Romance is fine , but past that just fade to black and take it to pm if you want
7. Please don't control other's characters unless you two are doing a co-op post and be sure to let me know if you are just so I don't think that you're breaking this rule
8. Sending in WIP is fine, but I won't okay that character until they are completely done (I do understand losing all your work so WIP is a nice save)
9. If either my co-GM or I have a problem with your character we will pm you twice to fix those problems, but after that I won't accept them
10. If you have a different idea for a Face claim let us know, no promise that we will change them, but we will give it considerable thought before making a decision
11. For any major events that happen in the rp we will discuss them in the OOC so please keep up reading there, however I do have a couple surprises to keep your characters on their toes
12. Know that at anytime we feel you aren't putting in the effort or are causing problems in this rp (we will send you some pm's to try and rectify that first) we will kick you out
13. Creating two characters is fine, but past that and I feel people start to lose control
14. I'm kind of tired and I feel I'm missing some rules, so just know my co-GM or I might be adding more, though we'll also post them in the OOC so people don't miss any new rules
15. And have fun!! Writing is a creative outlet that should be tapped into, if you have any problems or questions please don't hesitate to ask me through the OOC or send a pm my way! =)
16. Please only choose one power for your character


Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
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Patrick Miller

Patrick woke up early in the morning, the sun had yet to surface over the Manhattan skyline. Patrick was very much an early riser, something that he had achieved when he was a trainee instead of the trainer. His trainer had taught him to run at a normal human pace to control his muscles more and build them up faster, after all there is just as much strength in slow and in controlled as there is in going as fast as you can.

So as he rose he drank some coffee and got a water bottle before he left the small house that was the heroes' base.

His run was well mapped around the city and at a normal human pace would take him about two to three hours. This usually meant that by the time he got home the others would be starting to wake up and get ready.

On his run Patrick would wave to those whom got up as early as he did. There were a spare few, but that only meant that he knew all their names and didn't mind at all jogging in place while chatting with them about anything new in their lives.

The sun came out eventually and with it more people. Though with these people Patrick didn't stop and talk to him, instead he just gave them a friendly morning before passing by them. At this point it was mostly business people who were up and about, ready for work and heading out to get their coffee if they didn't already have some in their hands.

Though this morning wasn't completely normal. As he ran down Midtown, he stopped at one of the stores which had tvs facing out the windows. It was the news, but that isn't what had caught his attention. On the screen was a local Republican representative talking about some new discovery that was highly classified and would endanger the public if it got out. Then the newscaster came back on stating that there would be government trucks heading down Madison Avenue and that, for those who were driving, people would need to find a different route. Patrick had a suspicious feeling in his gut about this; a government discovery that was highly classified and then government trucks. The newscaster hadn't said anything about what was in those trucks, but he had a feeling that whatever it was pertained to what the government was trying to keep a secret. Which only meant one thing. That the villains would undoubtedly be trying to take whatever was in that truck.

Patrick picked up his pace, just slightly above what a normal human's pace would be. When he arrived back at the base he looked like any runner does; red in the face and so much sweat it looked as though he had gone swimming instead of running. Inside, it didn't seem as though anyone was up yet, so Patrick quickly took the time to take a shower. He was pulling on his jeans and a dark colored t-shirt when he entered the kitchen and called upstairs to all his trainees.

"Group meeting in the kitchen in five minutes!" he called. He turned and went back into the kitchen to get some breakfast, it was mostly fruit and some eggs. It wasn't that he was completely against junk food, but for him that was more of a treat than anything else.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
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0.00 INK

"Group meeting in the kitchen in five minutes!"

Jenny groaned and pulled the covers over her head. Did he realize how early it was? There was no way in hell she was getting up yet. Just as she said that though she realized by the tone of his voice whatever he had to say must be important. So reluctantly, she slid the covers slowly away from her face and squinted one eye, trying to take in the sunlight in small doses. She was like a vampire in the morning. If she saw the sun it burnt her eyes. She wasn't in any way a morning person and couldn't function without her morning coffee that she normally got before Patrick even got back.

She got up unsteadily and went to her mirror. Her hair was a bright green from yesterday and her eyes were a strange purple color that she didn't really remember changing them to. She most likely did it in her sleep, so she ignored it. But what was she feeling today? She stared at her reflection for a moment then watched as her roots started changing from green to a shade of hot pink that lightened into a pastel color. It then moved down the rest of her hair until it was a morning mess of bubblegum pink. Her iris's were already morphed to a dark brown color and she figured that would be enough until she was awake enough to function.

She left her room, moving the reggae beads that hung in the doorway of it and walked out and to the kitchen where she opened the fridge. She looked at all of the fruit and pushed all of it aside the monster she had been hiding for a special occasion. Well, not being able to get up seemed special enough. She opened the tab and grinned like a little kid at the signature his that it made when she opened it and looked over, seeing Patrick just as she was about to take the first sip.

Looking at the can then back at him she figured she had the face of a child caught sneaking around the house plastered on her face, but after a moment she smiled and said, "Well, now that I got my morning juice, what's the deal with waking us up so early?" She took a sip and hopped into a chair by the booth, curious to hear the news.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
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0.00 INK

Elysia like usual was awake earlier than the rest of the trainee's it was something that always occurred. Even when she was the last to fall asleep she was usually the first to wake up. Although Patrick seemed to always leave for his morning run just as she awoke. Noticing how dark the room still appeared, she worked out it was still quite early, moving her hand towards the lampshade which sat beside her bed, she proceeded to turn it on. Smiling to herself softly as the feel of the electricity moving through the cables to light up the room.

Beside the lamp, sat a book. One that she was reading before she eventually fell asleep the night before. Deciding to continue reading the book for a few hours before making her way downstairs to get some breakfast.
Taking the book in her hand, she'd sit herself up into a more comfortable position as she searches for the page where she finished reading.

"Group meeting in the kitchen in five minutes!" Her silence was eventually interrupted when Patrick shouted up the stairs for them to all meet in the Kitchen. Releasing a sigh, she'd place her nearly finished book down on the bed side table. Turning the lamp off in the process.
Removing herself from her bed, she'd make her way towards the wardrobe, pulling out todays outfit which consisted of a pair of black leggings, a red flannel shirt and not to forget her essential fingerless gloves.
After she was finally dressed, she made her way towards the kitchen whilst moving her fingers through her hair to show she tried to make an effort with her appearance.

Upon entering the kitchen she spotted Patrick and Jenny both sat eating their breakfast. Or in Jenny's case having her morning fix of caffeine.

"Morning" She spoke softly to the pair of them as she made her way towards the table, grabbing an apple as she sat down.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK


Genevieve carefully hung up the phone and leaned back in her office chair sighing deeply and relishing the moment, she had just been informed of some particularly interesting information about mysterious goods. Having several information resources throughout the city news traveled fast and when she got it she would act immediately, leaning over to press a button on her desk she spoke into the intercom system that had been set up in almost every room of the rather large house. She spoke smoothly into the microphone, "James, Allen, and Lara there will be a meeting in the dining room in ten minutes, if you're not present you won't get to eat." Genevieve put emphasis on the last word knowing that if nothing else went through that the promise of food certainly would, she lifted her finger off the button and sat back. She knew that this was a perfect incentive for most of the people in the house were rather big eaters and that going without food was not an option. Genevieve placed her elbows on the arms of the chair she was sitting in forming a plan in her head, a plan that would get whatever 'they' had and didn't want her to know about and get it in her possession. She wanted exactly what she couldn't have.

The woman knew that she would have to head out as soon as possible with her most trusted members she was already having to make decisions in her mind about how she was going to go about acquiring the things she desired, when she made her final decisions she closed the open notebook on her desk picking it up and carrying it with her to the dining room where she sat at the head on the rather long table awaiting the arrival of her team who would be arriving any minute. She did all this with the utmost grace and elegance in her satin black dress that fell to her knees and hug her curves making her look utterly flawless. Everything was set in motion all she needed to do was relay the information to the others living in the house and they would head out immediately.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon

"Allen, come on!" the cherry voice called out to him, his brown eyes snapped open to take in the large expanse of stars above him set within the dark abyss of the night sky. Pushing himself to sit up straight, he looked over the sea of grass to see the back of a running girl, her long brown hair flowing out behind her, she looked no older then sixteen. Pushing himself to his feet, he took off after her, but he couldn't catch up. The distance between them only continued to increase. His lungs started to burn, and each new breath felt painful as it made its way down his throat and into his lungs. Looking down at his legs, he put everything into it, pushing himself to run as fast as he could, but it didn't help. The faster he ran, the faster she ran until his legs finally gave out, and he tumbled forward to see the grass come up to meet him.

Allen's eyes snapped open to look up at the ceiling as a voice he would know anywhere came over the intercom telling calling for him and telling him he wouldn't get breakfast if he didn't get to the dinning room in ten minutes. He was incredibly tempted to blow her off and refuse to go, but he was hungry, and she would only call him if she had a mission planned, and he had to admit, if she called James and Lara as well then this could be a fun job.

Letting out a slow grunt as he let the air slowly leave his lungs, he rolled out of his bed and onto the cold wooden floor, the feel on his bare feet enough to push some of the weariness from his mind. Stumbling over to his dresser, he pulled on some simple blue jeans, a bland black shirt, slipped on his white tennis shoes, and last, but certainly never least, he tugged down his old Dodge hat over his unruly black locks. If they wanted him to dress up that wasn't going to happen. This was the best they got, they should consider themselves lucky he decided to shower everyday which reminded him to sometime try to take the form of soap and see if it cleaned him.

Leaving his room, he navigated his way through their 'super secret awesome bad guy HQ/Tower of Doom!' that had become 'home' to him and many of the other 'gifted little kiddies' that were like them. Some of them were bland and dull, but their were a few gems among the rocks. Covering his mouth to hide his yawn, he walked into the diner room, a quaint room that was far too overly done in his opinion. As if the design was meant to display that the owner had far more wealth and power then those who visited, the large rectangle table with the her, Genevieve, completed the picture, "A lovely morning to you too, Ms. Blane, don't you just look lovely this morning, did you have a date last night?" Allen said flashing her a smile despite the chill that ran down his spine.

Genevieve had a way of unsettling him. Allen was not quite sure why, but he did know that he fought her control constantly, but she was not someone he felt he could use for his own amusement which made her of little use to him then there was the fact she held more power over him then he liked which constantly annoyed him. Sliding into a seat on her right hand side, being sure to keep a chair between them for either James or Lara when they got there.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK

James had actually been awake for a while, listening to some music and reading various fanfiction stories. The intercom buzzed to life, interrupting his daily dose of Psychopathic Records. "James, Allen, and Lara there will be a meeting in the dining room in ten minutes, if you're not present you won't get to eat." Such an announcement could only mean two things: first, something was about to happen; and second, as well as most importantly, there was food. Goodbye fanfiction, hello breakfast.

He set about getting his clothes for the day, putting on a dark pair of jeans as well as black and white running shoes before the most difficult decision of the morning; what color t-shirt was he going to wear? So many options, black with graphics, black without graphics,black with other colors, etc. In the end he opted for a black t shirt with a white anarchy symbol on the front. He grabbed his 'trademark' hoodie as he left his room, closing the door behind him.

The meeting should be interesting, meetings meant missions and missions meant a chance to mess with the general population. He grinned at this thought as he made his way into the dining room that could only be described as a "bit" much. He assumed that the meeting would postpone breakfast so he took a seat halfway down the extensive table, waving at Allen along the way.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK

Lara McIntosh

Lara was downstairs in the kitchen, in, what she called, her "morning clothes"; baggy sweat pants and an overly large sweater. She was an early riser, liked to eat breakfast in the quiet kitchen by herself, then resign to the living room to read. Her book was on the counter, The Collective Works of Edgar A. Poe a copy that one would find had been written in with thoughts and assessments as well as personal opinions, while she spread some tart jam on her toast and poured herself a mug of cider. It was hardly the "time of year" for apple cider, being summer and all, but it was one of Lara's favorite drinks. She had just sat down when Genevieve's announcement came on over the intercom. Lara slumped a fraction of an inch as she grabbed her food, forgetting her book on the counter, as she made her way to the dining room.

As she entered she noticed the one chair between Allen and Genevieve. Lara rolled her eyes hardly needing an expression from Allen to know he would mentally be asking her to sit there. It really didn't matter to her where she sat and Allen would owe her if she did, so she took that empty chair. Her mug and plate clinking on the table.

It was before Genevieve had started speaking that Lara's mind had already begun to wander. Wander back to the dream that she has had the past week, every night the same thing. It didn't even act like a dream, normally in dreams something surreal would always happen, like leaves changing colors too quickly or clouds hanging below her knees as it rains. No this dream was just her walking along a dirt road in a forest and at the she would arrive a broken house and she can hear yelling from inside. Part of her wants to go in and see what kind of place this is, but something holds her back and instead she just stands outside looking at this house. She would usually wake up just as there was a bang from inside the house, not covered in sweat, not breathing heavily, but haunted by what this house was and what was going on inside.

While she continued thinking, her eyes a bit glazed in thought, she swirled her apple cider watching the golden liquid circle itself.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
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Patrick Miller

When most everyone was in the kitchen Patrick sat down and swallowed the food that he was already chewing as fast as he could.

"Alright, so on my run I came across some information that the government was transporting something they want to keep secret thought the city. Now I don't know what it is that they are transporting, but from what I heard this is the kind of thing that the Villains will definitely be interested in and it is our duty to keep them from getting those secrets, as it might put everyone at risk in one way or another. The trucks will be going down Madison Avenue and even though they will have their own protection, it's our job to look after the Villains. I don't want anyone getting, so your job is just to stall the Villains and not kill them. Do you understand?" Patrick said, looking around at the two others in the kitchen at this last part, "So I want you two to follow down the road on the edge of Central park, watch the crowds and anyone coming out from park. I'll be following on Park Avenue with the others who haven't woken up yet. The trucks should be safe once they hit Highway 478, but we need to keep following it till then. If someone gets separated or injured head to the old factory on off 45th and Avenue of the America and we'll reconvene there afterwards. Any questions before we head out?"

It was a lot to take in, but in all honesty there was less information than normal because they would usually have what they were protecting and the others path and security plan so they could figure themselves into the plan easier, but this time the knew barely anything except that if the Villains got a hold of whatever was inside would create a big enough threat. Which for Patrick was all the information they truly needed, anything was just a convenience.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
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0.00 INK

Jenny nodded her head through Patrick's entire speech, acting as though she had been listening to every word. She had been listening, but her mind often wandered in the mornings and she found herself thinking about bakery boy while he had been talking. Boy was he gorgeous, and the personality on him was unlike anyone she had ever met. It was as if the world had actually managed to make somebody that was unique to everyone else, and that interested her.

But she knew the basics: big trucks incoming, keep the villains from touching the trucks while on Madison avenue, don't kill anyone, watch the park, highway 478 safe. From that she could basically put together the plan. It actually was a lot more simple than Patrick's other plans. Most of them consisted of grids and maneuvers and all these other things that Jenny had a hard time following because they were all just so precise and she always thought of herself more as a free spirit that went wherever the wind blew her. But this plan seemed easy enough to follow.

Taking the last swig of her monster and grimacing at the fact it was more than she had expected, she hopped out of her chair and gulped it down, then said "Got it. I'm gonna go get some super clothes on and smoke my cigarette of the heroes then go save the day by protecting this mystery truck!" If most people had said that it would have come off as sarcastic, but Jenny had the ability to take something that sounds sarcastic and mean it whole-heartedly. In fact, she wasn't the kind of person to ever use sarcasm. In a lot of ways she was a kid at heart.

She walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to her bedroom where she slipped on a white V-neck and a pair of black shorts with the AM Arctic Monkeys album sign on each back pocket. She then laced on some black combat boots and looked in the mirror. Her piercings were there natural silver color and, concentrating ever so slightly, she turned them black. Her mind went blank for a moment afterward ands she just kind of stood there, dazed. After a moment though she snapped back into reality and wondered what just happened. She touched her left angel bite but quickly pulled her hand off of it as it was scorching hot to touch. This had happened a couple times before, it simply meant she accidentally changed it permanently. "Boo, I liked them silver." She said to herself and sighed. She grabbed her pack of Marlboro Blacks off her dresser and the rhinestone lighter beside them and skipped out of her room and down the stairs then out the door, giving a princess wave on her way out in the direction of the kitchen.

She pulled a cigarette from the pack and lit it, slowly inhaling the poison into her lungs. Many times before she had considered quitting, but something about it just always dragged her back to the puff. It was soothing, and although it didn't remind her of a better time, it helped her cloud out a worse one. Whenever she would have her flashbacks she would just smoke a cigarette and they would go away. She blew out the smoke in rings and couldn't help but feel the itch of her phone in her back pocket. She could text the boy from the bakery and meet up with him after the mission...yeah. She would do that.

Pulling out her phone she went to his contact and texted, "Running errands on Madison Ave.. Meet up at central park after?" She sent it and put it away just as she reached central park. This was going to be a piece of cake. It was almost as if it was an errand it was so simple. She thought to herself that this was normally the kind of moment where something goes terribly wrong in a book or a movie. Times like these in was good to be living in reality.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK

Genevieve LeBlanc

Once everyone had arrived Genevieve smiled and opened the small notebook in front of her, the entire book was written in code of coarse, couldn't have it falling into the wrong hands. The woman looked through her notes then cleared her throat before speaking, "This morning I got some very interesting information, there will be a package being delivered on a truck that will be running through the Central Park area, at this time I do not have the details on what the package is, only that it is important documents. I don't care," she paused here and took her time to look each of them in turn, "I want those documents, and I need to know if I can trust you to help me get them. What ever they are could be extremely valuable for us I just want you each to know how important this is, this is not a drill. We strike fast and with force."
Genevieve did not for an answer as she flipped shut her notebook and stood up abruptly, touching the carved wood of the table as she stood. "Oh and we need to rush because the limousines are out front already so I hope you can be ready in five minutes." She gave a wry smile picking up her book and she left the dinning room heading off into the many rooms of the house disappearing quickly into it almost without a trace. She walked through the halls making her way to her bedroom shutting the door silently and locking it.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon

Allen was a little annoyed that his fearless leader had decided to not respond to his nudge. In fact, she didn't look like she had heard him at all which did not make him feel better about her in the least. The only thing that stopped him from moving into the seat closer to her and to try once again was the arrival of James who Allen gave a small nod to show he noticed the wave, but James seemed to want to sit rather far away from the rest of their little group.

Lara joined them nearly right after James sit, and much to his delight, she decided to sit right between him and their fearless leader. Allen flashed her a smile, leaning over the side of his chair to get closer to her to try and engage her in some conversation or another when Genevieve decided to finally speak, and he was not surprised to find that her attention was on business. Letting out a disappointed grunt, he fell back into his rather uncomfortable chair to listen to the 'mission ops'.

His cell vibrated in his jeans, and Allen did not bother to shoot anyone an apologetic smile as he cracked open the phone to read the message, pondering on what to do. He could probably make it. It seemed they would be in the same area, and if he couldn't, he would just let her know. Setteled on his decision, he sent a reply to the baker girl, Sounds good, Let me know what you are there.

"Wonderful. We are on a mission to get a random box of mystery. Ten bucks says she knows what is in it and just doesn't want to tell us grunts," Allen said letting his chin fall in his hand, "I am not wearing tights," he added as there was no way that was going to happen. He was dressed well enough and when he started to change form it was not like he was easily recognized.

Allen moved his eyes from Lara and James wanting to hear their thoughts on the latest mission before a thought popped itself back in his mind, "Hey! What about breakfast!?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
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Lara McIntosh

When Genevieve started talking, Lara still didn't look up from her cup, but her mind was fully focused on the woman. Important, mystery package, Lara thought, Should be fun. When Genevieve left the table Lara quickly ate one of the pieces of toast and was about to go back up to her room and change quickly, when Allen spoke up.

"Wonderful. We are on a mission to get a random box of mystery. Ten bucks says she knows what is in it and just doesn't want to tell us grunts," Allen said, "I am not wearing tights."

Lara gave the smallest of smiles at this last comment, "Sure you will. Imagine all the girls you could pick up in tights; and you should call yourself Copy Cat, for copying everything you touch."

"Hey! What about breakfast!?" Allen said loudly.

Lara took up her drink, but shoved the other piece of toast in front of him, "Enjoy," was all Lara said before lightly smacking him in the head.

Back in her room she set down her cup on a table that was near the door, where a small pile of books were and about three other empty mugs. Lara quickly moved, putting on a pair of worn jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. She was pulling on a pair of tennis shoes as she came downstairs, the cup she had brought up now empty with the others in her room.

She quickly stopped by the dining room again and poked her head in, "Copy Cat you're being slow, so are you James." With that she went out to the limousines and got inside. The first time she went out on a mission she could remember how distracting it was being in a limo that she almost missed what Genevieve had told her to do, but now, years later, she couldn't imagine going on a mission without being taken in a limo. There was a little head piece on an armrest, they were all given one to stay in touch during the mission, though she was usually in the dark as she had to possess someone who didn't have their special little ear pieces. Still she put it in her ear and turned it on.

"So what's the plan?" Lara asked to Genevieve who was undoubtedly listening and waiting to give her instructions, Who am I possessing today?"

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Oh look, we don't know what we are going after, surprise! Are we going to find out what it is later? Nope! Despite being the newest member of the villains, James could tell that information way always on a need-to-know basis. In other words, everyone except Genevieve didn't know. On the plus side, limos. If you're going to assault a government convoy get there in style, no matter how conspicuous it is. Ever if there are multiple totally stealthy limos in a convoy. Seriously though, could Genevieve make it any more obvious ?

It was time for business, no time to waste on niceties. Grabbing some toast, and mentally cringing at Allen wearing tights, James left the room silently before getting into one of the limos. He leaned back in his seat, putting on a pair of Sennheiser headphones to listen to his music. There's no use in stressing about it until we actually get there, the guards would be easy to take care of. The heros however..... that could be interesting. And with that thought he was lost in his world of music, waiting for the convoy to start the road-trip to destruction.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight Character Portrait: Patrick Miller Character Portrait: Allen Hayes Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson Character Portrait: James T. Mercer Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc Character Portrait: Daniel Cranbury
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Daniel walked down the street like he did every morning once a week, this morning he felt a chilly breeze and put up the hood of his jacket to ward away the unwanted cold. But today was a bit different, today he carried in his hands a cardboard cup holder holding four drinks from the cafe just down the street, he opened the gate to the little house that he had been living in for several weeks now and even though he was the newest member of the team he still hadn't managed to spend time with the people he was living with, he always insisted on training attempting to control and perfect his new found ability and when he wasn't doing that he was hiding in his room trying to forget what he could do. He had nightmares of the moment he found out he wasn't normal and of the accident he had caused and it tortured him, he shook off the feeling and took in a deep breath getting ready to go inside and face those who he had been avoiding.
Daniel took a step back when he found two people already in the kitchen looking like they were about to head out, he lifted up his carton of beverages like a trophy and giving an apologetic smile. He had already asked for their favorite drinks the week before and was just now getting around to actually buying them, he looked around just then and asked, "where's Jen?"


Genevieve looked up when she heard Lara's voice over the ear piece she had already placed in her ear but only for a moment before returning to her work with a cherry red smile. She closed her eyes and leaned over continuing to carefully put on her black knee high boots and spoke smoothly, "Today we are going to be going to Central Park to wait for the truck to pass by as soon as it does I'm going to need you to posses the driver and get him to pull over, quick and easy. The truck could be going at a high speed so you might have to do it fast, do you think that you could handle it? In the mean time James will be getting the documents and Allen and I will be looking after your body and looking out for the heroes." As she was talking Genevieve had zipped up both boots and tied back her hair ready to go she made her way out of her room and down the hallway, she knew that her team didn't trust her but she clearly didn't care. It was pointless, she didn't need their trust she needed their compliance as long as they were still under her wing she was content. The dark haired woman opened the door of the limousine and glided into an available seat seeing both Lara and James were already in the car making her smile.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh
Character Portrait: Patrick Miller
Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
Character Portrait: Allen Hayes
Character Portrait: James T. Mercer
Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
Character Portrait: Elysia Knight
Character Portrait: Daniel Cranbury


Character Portrait: Daniel Cranbury
Daniel Cranbury

"I can't lose control again..."

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight
Elysia Knight

"Scars are something that make people"

Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
Genevieve LeBlanc

"You give me what I want you don't get injured."

Character Portrait: James T. Mercer
James T. Mercer

"Why save the people who turned their back on you?"

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes
Allen Hayes

"The difference between a Hero and a Villain lies in the simple phrase, 'Why? and Why not?'

Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

I really don't understand why we can't all just get along...

Character Portrait: Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller

"If I run fast enough maybe I can save everyone."

Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh
Lara McIntosh

"Suppress and forget until it's all gone."


Character Portrait: Daniel Cranbury
Daniel Cranbury

"I can't lose control again..."

Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
Genevieve LeBlanc

"You give me what I want you don't get injured."

Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh
Lara McIntosh

"Suppress and forget until it's all gone."

Character Portrait: James T. Mercer
James T. Mercer

"Why save the people who turned their back on you?"

Character Portrait: Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller

"If I run fast enough maybe I can save everyone."

Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

I really don't understand why we can't all just get along...

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes
Allen Hayes

"The difference between a Hero and a Villain lies in the simple phrase, 'Why? and Why not?'

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight
Elysia Knight

"Scars are something that make people"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: James T. Mercer
James T. Mercer

"Why save the people who turned their back on you?"

Character Portrait: Daniel Cranbury
Daniel Cranbury

"I can't lose control again..."

Character Portrait: Elysia Knight
Elysia Knight

"Scars are something that make people"

Character Portrait: Allen Hayes
Allen Hayes

"The difference between a Hero and a Villain lies in the simple phrase, 'Why? and Why not?'

Character Portrait: Lara McIntosh
Lara McIntosh

"Suppress and forget until it's all gone."

Character Portrait: Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller

"If I run fast enough maybe I can save everyone."

Character Portrait: Genevieve LeBlanc
Genevieve LeBlanc

"You give me what I want you don't get injured."

Character Portrait: Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer Thompson

I really don't understand why we can't all just get along...

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