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Too Close For Comfort

Too Close For Comfort


1x1 between S1mon and MuteEcho

1,443 readers have visited Too Close For Comfort since MuteEcho created it.




A boy having a hard time in life takes in a stray cat to keep him company until he finds out that his new companion is really a Human/Neko but obviously since neko's are not exactly common knowledge, he wonders what has happened to his new friend. It turns out the Neko is a magician of sorts, but his magic is faulty due to mispronounciations and he causes a lot more damage to the human boys life than usual. Not only that but it requres a sign of affection to do magic in the first place. Making him too close for comfort, a lot of the time.

Will the boy warm up to his cuddly kitty friend
Or will it be the end of the tail!

1x1 Betweeb S1mon and MuteEcho


Neko Boy: Kataro Nyow

Human Boy: Keita Naoe

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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#, as written by S1mon
Home is where the heart is, as an old maxim goes. Such a thought conveys the idea that home is where love is, home is where you are happy, where your heart warms up and you feel loved and cherished. What happens when your home is gone, does this mean there is no more love, no more happiness and only times for pain and sadness? Such was the feeling for Keito who had left a warm and caring family who loved him very much, and just as he thought he had gained a caring family in his new home, his adoptive father showed no love or compassion at all. It was clear in that regard that with the loss of his biological parents, what was truly home, would never be regained again.

Keita didn't believe such, as he always believed that the best could be made out of a bad situation, for the rest of his life couldn't be like it, for once he was 18, he was an adult and did not require any parents to tell him what to do, as much as he truly needed it. All he either has wanted since he had been put into care, was for someone to love and cherish him, make him special and have someone to cry to, but instead, he only cried to himself, wishing to be strong for those at school which he failed at. It was totally unfair that those who are kind as he are the ones getting bullied, and then those who are naughty get away with murder. No wonder there was so much wrong in the world. It was all topsy turvy.

Nevertheless, in his time he had learnt to persevere, to pick himself up, and such was exactly what he would do, and exactly what he did after being knocked down by some guys all because he would not do their homework for them. Keita didn't mind helping, but did not necessarily mean that he could be a pawn for them, only to be thrown away when not of use anymore which would be the case real soon once they were at working age and finished their basic studying. With such in mind, there was light at the end of the tunnel that things would get better. He could feel it inside, but the question was how, as he limped a little on the way home with a pain in his leg.

If only he could fight back, which was exactly what others say he should do, but if he did, then he'd get into trouble. Then why don't he tell someone people would then say, but that would only make it worse. There was only this year to go with them, he thought positively, before his eyes found a black cat lying on the floor of a passing alley, and the sad thing was, it wasn't moving very well. Despite his own injuries, Keita went down on one knee and saw that like him, the cat was beaten up and he was a stray. The cat reminded him of himself, just as the cat's fur was black which would meld in with the darkness, he was not one to be seen, one to be ignored.

With the cat being a stray, he had no sense of belonging just like him, so Keita felt compelled to give the cat some love which it needed and ironically what he needed to, but as always, Keita put others first before himself, as he picked the cat up to examine it more closely and smiled slightly to show he was friendly as well as stroking it slowly and softly, "Looks like you got beat up good too. Not fair is it....Keita will look after you" as he held him close to give the cat a cuddle, before whispering, "I'll take you home with me. You be safe", as he held the cat close to hiim as he continued home.

It wasn't so far, five minutes walk, so it was nice to get home. However, unlike others, it wasn't exactly the best place to be either. "Here we are....though I'll have to hide you or I'll get into trouble", as if talking to the cat as if the cat was listening. Impossible, but it made Keita better to have someone to speak to. Stopping, he opened his bag and then opened the zip, "If my dad sees you, he'll throw you out..literally. Same with me, it's why we tend to avoid each other, or he'll find a reason to kick me out to give him 'his space' as he calls it, but you'll be alright, okay, I'll look after you", as he slowly motioned the cat to enter the bag, stroking casually as a method of assurance. Afterall, if he couldn't communicate verbally with the cat, then he had to show his genuine intentions through his body language and his actions.

It was ironic though, his situation. Sure he might have his dad, but they lived separate lives and if they interfered, then he was as much like this stray, hence why he got the treehouse. Afterall, despite the fact they did not get along, to kick him out completely would get rid of his benefits for fostering him, for there was a method in his madness. Keita had every right to run away, but at least here they was always food, which was hard for the strays, as he picked up the bag and entered the door slowly, creeping into the kitchen and grabbing some milk from the fridge, a tin of tuna he found in the cup-board and for himself, he entered the freezer and pulled out one of the ready meals, spag bol, and stuck it into the microwave which would only take five minutes, if that.

Once it was done, he put it all on a tray, which he then took upstairs in his room and set it on the table, before locking the door and putting his bag down. Finally, freedom! "It's not much, but what's mine is yours", as he put the tray on the floor with the tuna and milk, which he had put in a bowl downstairs, as he too sat on the floor, cross-legged, and begun to eat his own dinner. Having something to eat certainly cheered him up, and having the company was great also, even if the cat couldn't answer him back. It didn't really bother him. What did bother him when he was ignored by those who did have the ability to speak, hence why he usually stays at college studying in the library before he comes home and leaving at 5 'o' clock. Afterall, why work at home with no-one to support you.

Least he had some company now. He only hoped the cat was alright, as the only way he could tell was by the cat's actions. Keita wasn't a vet so he hoped it was nothing serious and rather just a pain like his that went overnight....


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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Hours earlier

“Rain rain, go away
Come again another day
Little children want to play
Rain, rain, go away”

Rain poured down on the streets of WhiteHaven making for another not very good day for Kataro. He had to be on alert constantly no matter how tired he was of running. Rain, wouldn’t stop anyone, so he couldn’t let it stop him. He walked along the street, his eyes darting around observing everything he could. It was mid afternoon, and people bustled about the streets, making it easy for him to blend in and hide. He didn’t too much like hiding, but it was the only safe thing to do.

In front of him, a child was standing bored by its mother whom was in deep conversation with another woman. Kataro titled his head watching the child for a second. He hated sad faces and right now, the kid had the most miserable face he had ever seen. That just won’t do!! he thought. He stopped walking and focused on the kid and only the kid. Soon the child noticed him and glanced up at his mother before toddling over to him. Kataro grinned Just a bit.. wont hurt and in a slight flash of light a teruteru bozu appeared on the ground in front of them. He looked up at the child and nudged it towards him.

The boy picked it up and blinked a few times before a huge smile broke out over his face. He giggled and shouted with glee before reaching down and petting Kataro. Kataro purred lightly, happy that he had made the kid happy. However, it wasn’t sunshine in Kataro’s future. The boy’s mother had noticed that her son wasn’t there with her and came rushing over. Kataro’s eyes widened as a giant handbag slapped the ground next to him.

”Get Get! You mangy animal!!”

Kataro jumped back avoiding another hit with the demon bag and stared at the kid who was crying and flailing in his mother’s arms as the other woman brought the bag down again. Kataro got the picture and turned tail and ran from the scene. He just hoped no one would take the kid’s toy away.

The bag had not served him well, he suffered a few scratches from where it had hit. Soon the rain stopped and the sun came out, but Kataro found himself unable to walk straight and slipped into an alley to catch some breath. The alley was so small, it would be nearly missed by a passer-by so Kataro assumed he was safe and slid to the ground to rest for a bit. Suddenly there was a strange light and Kataro opened his eyes sleepily, thinking it must be a policeman or something.

“Found you!~” A voice said just above him and he had no time to react before he was lifted and thrown against a wall. His eyes grew wide as he looked up to see the assailant. No! How did they find me? In a split second he was thrown back to the ground he landed in a puddle and groaned in pain. He tried to sit up, but the attacker had him in the air again, and he hit the wall again, smacking his head against the stone.

“You’re pretty good at hiding eh kitty? Thought I wouldn’t find you if you were careful huh?” The voice asked.

Kataro raised a paw and narrowed his eyes, though his vision was blurry he could somewhat see. Pain raked his small ribcage and he could feel a cut on his head. However he was alert enough to fight back. With a swish of his paw, he managed to block the next attack and landed of his own accord on all fours, where he raised a paw again.

The other voice chuckled, “Aren’t you gonna fight me for real, what’s with that form? Unless… You can’t, can you?” Kataro narrowed his eyes. Truth was he was too weak there was no way he could defeat this person in his current state. The only option was to run away. His eyes darted to the entrance of the alley. However, his attacker seemed to guess his actions before he made them. Kataro fired a distraction and dashed towards the opening but the oppressor beat him to it and Kataro smacked into an invisible wall and shot backwards where he was slammed into a large dumpster.

It was not doing wonders for his head. He lifted himself dizzily and looked up again to find his enemy right in front of him. “Nice try! They called out before lifting him and slamming him against another wall. This particular one had glass imbedded into it and cut Kataro’s paw. He cried out in pain and collapsed to the floor again dripping with the contents of a puddle and blood.

”Had enough eh?” The dominant one spoke with a dry monotone.

He lifted his head, and tried to get up but collapsed, with another splash. His vision flickered and then faded as the other advanced towards him. ”Thought so..” it said. The person started to walk closer, but then it shot a glance to the entrance of the alley and in a spark of red light, vanished leaving behind the wounded, dead looking body of a black cat.

Kataro wasn’t completely out of it though. He couldn’t see, but he could feel and hear. Something lifted his aching body. It was warm compared to the puddle and on instinct he curled into it. A hand ran over his back, but didn’t scrape against the scratches there. "Looks like you got beat up good too. Not fair is it....Keita will look after you" a unfamiliar voice was speaking, Was it where the warmth was coming from? "I'll take you home with me. You be safe". Kataro didn’t know what to think only that he felt extremely comfortable. He purred lightly as the unknown savior began walking.

"Here we are....though I'll have to hide you or I'll get into trouble" the person said after a while. Kataro didn’t open his eyes though he just listened to the person speak. "If my dad sees you, he'll throw you out..Literally. Same with me, it's why we tend to avoid each other, or he'll find a reason to kick me out to give him 'his space' as he calls it, but you'll be alright, okay, I'll look after you" He could feel the stroking of his fur again and his eyes opened for a second. He saw a bag in front of him, and though it was curious, he walked into it. He was lucky he was what he was, or the tight space may have gotten bad for him.

Before long light crept through the top of the bag, and he blinked into it. He crawled out and …. Then it hit him. tu…tuna… oh sweet mother of tuna is that tuna?!? He looked around and spotted the tray on the floor with the tuna. His dreams had come true. “Nyan!!” He squeaked in weary glee as the smell of the fish wafted over him. If there was anything that could cure a day like his tuna was it. He limped over to the dish and gave it a sniff, before looking up at the face of his savior.

He would find a way to thank him, once he was better and had his full potential back. He knelt and began to nibble on the tuna feeling it working through his system automatically. Vaguely he wondered where the attacker had gone, but it was just a passing thought. After the tuna and milk were gone he would only need to rest and then he could give the savior a proper thank you.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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#, as written by S1mon
There were not many people that Keita could turn to for all his problems. It seemed destined or fated that he would have to put up for this, what with the death of his parents, being put into foster care, maybe all of his experience will help him somehow. How, was currently the question, as why did all misery and pain lead him, other than more misery and pain, or was putting up with all this supposed to strength him somehow. It had only been a few years and already Keita wasn't sure how much more he could cope. Thankfully, social care helps him come 18 to get his own place, so he just needed to survive two more years, where the final year would be without his bullies.

When things were going well, time went so quick, but when things were going bad, time went so slow. It was totally unfair, and now Keita had little to enjoy except his study time in the library, hence why he done well with his work since he just pushed everyone aside, for despite what he achieves in White Haven, he'd be out of here as soon as he gets the chance. Question was where? the big city? or maybe out in the country? or down near the seaside where every day could be living in paradise. All dreams were heart warming as he thought about them, but how boring they would be to have no one to spend those days with.

He was 16 now, soon he'd be 17 and had been here for 2 years yet others his age had girlfriends while he remained on the sidelines. He really didn't know what was going on with everything, hence why he couldn't wait for his fresh start in life and not deal with all this anymore. While other lads got girls to take to prom, he wasn't invited at all and was not another one till next year, his final year, yet even the bullies get the girls. Well, its their preference he guesses, or people just leave him alone as that's the way he projects himself by tucking himself in the library. Well, screw them was his thoughts, and screw everyone else who wanted to make his life sucked. Just a few more years to go, before 'watch out world, Keita is here!'. Boy, the dreams were numerous.

However, despite it all, despite the fights which he ended up getting into today, it was always made better by having some grub down him. Ready meals weren't exactly his favourite, but they were cheap and they satisfied his dad's needs and least he was fed which was the main thing. Hearing the cat's squeal and how it nibbled on the tuna made him laugh, "Hungry? Told ya Keita would look after ya", as he stroked gently the top of his head, before finishing guzzling down his Spag Bowl. "No matter how much bullies beat ya, they never take away..Ouch!", as he shot up from his seat but moved too quick as he made a silent hiss before continuing his speaking to himself, "never take away your spirit, but do a dang good attempt" as he smiled, before pointing to the car, "Now you stay there", before disappearing out the door.

It was only a few minutes later that Keita returned with a bowl of water and some cloth, as well as his face alot clearer from giving it a wash. He glanced down seeing that the cat had finished all the milk and all the tuna had gone, making him smile again, "Well if dreams do come true, remind me to send a warning letter to the fishes if I ever go seaside", chuckling as he then went down on his knees, moving the empty tray away and motioning the cat to come to him, "Now to see if I can make you better", offering his arm as a guide like the bar that surrounds the swimming pool, which he guided into his lap.

Taking the cloth and dipping it into the water, he first proceeded to wipe his mouth and whiskers, before clearing the rest of his face, first checking his body and then seeing the injuries of the poor cat's legs which he wiped down. It was the same case with him, though the human body was alot more stronger and beatings came into bruises where blood sometimes resulted but it wasn't as bad as it could of been, though he had quite a few bruises, mostly near his legs, hence his pain when he stood up too fast. However, it seemed the cat was in a worser state as all that was left was his back where he saw some shardes of glass. They were not embedded thankfully or he would of noticed earlier, but no doubt pulling them out would cause some pain, and the dang cat had eaten all his tuna!

Ah well, the cat so far has shown to listen to him as the cat hadn't ran off and had trusted him enough to go into his bag, so from that, Keita got the impression that if he just showed kindness again, he'd just ignore the pain as he took the glass shards away. Again it could be a bad move, as the cat now feeling better could jump on his back and escape and cause his dad to add to his current beatings, but as per usual, others before himself as Keita explained, "I don't want to hurt you, but this is going to hurt. Just trust me okay?", as he then turned the cat round so he could work on the back, leaning forwards so that the cat could use his back to rest its paws while his own head leant against the cats as if in a cuddle, so that he could see the back.

Here Keita took the cloth and then, trying not to squint his eyes to feel the pain the cat might be going through due to him being empathetic, he slowly took out one piece, as he softly then said, "Just a few more....", which he then proceeded to do, before giving a sigh of relief at the end, "There!", before going over it all with the damp cloth, before pulling back, "You should feel better now. How could anyone hurt a sweet little kitty like you? I just can't believe your a stray, but your welcome to stay with me and keep me company. Keita will look after you", as he then threw the cloth with the glass into the bin and put the bowl aside so he could lean against his bed.

It was certainly a special day today. Normally he'd come home, finish some work off and watch something on tv, but today he had done all the work he needed, and now he had the company he had hoped for. Not exactly the same though, it was a cat and a cat couldn't talk to you, hence why you had to do all the work, and they could hardly play a game as father would not allow it, nor would father like a stray cat in the house in the first place, which reminded him, the grueling task of having a pet, and of course where to hide him. Taking a leaf out of the cats' book, he crawled to his drawers, where he pulled one of them out which had little stuff in it, which he took out and put it in another, before showing it to the cat, first pointing at the cat itself, " your business, okay?", then pointing to the tray which he then put down, laying down the ground rules, before laying himself on his bed and smiling.

The day so far had been dreary but now he couldn't do anything but smile, even if his companion wasn't exactly the companion he was hoping for. "Now what to do..", he asked himself, wondering what a cat would feel about human entertainment, though probably sees it as colours. Yeah, same as everything else that the cat sees, just colours. With this in mind, he picked the cat up onto his bed, before putting Cats: The Movie on, since it seemed appropriate. While the film was starting, Keita then took his pyjamas onto his bedside cabinet and then begun taking his uniform off, first his suit jacket, then his trousers, then his socks, and last of all his shirt, before then putting on his pyjama bottoms and then his top on, both striped blue and white, before laying down on the bed to watch the film.

Once the film concluded, he then got up to turn the set off, before yawning, "I'm going bed now", he said in a whisper, as he climbed into his bed and opened up the covers, "Coming?", he asked, to invite him to join him, since it was the safest place to hide him from his father if he came up and it was the warmest until he could buy a bed for his new pet and he would hate for the poor thing to get cold, before pulling the cover on top and laying a protective hand over the cat so one, the cat felt safe, and two, so he could rest easy that the cat would not fall, before Keita then slowly drifted off to sleep.....


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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There was nothing in the world that Kataro loved more than fish. Tuna was one of the best kinds there was. It could male your mouth water just by thinking of it! It also had really strong power for his kind. Kataro wasn’t sure exactly how it worked. Only that it did and it tasted heavenly. He was so grateful to the kind human for giving it to him. He had now done him two kindnesses, and Kataro would be sure to pay them back tenfold.

As he ate he thought about what he could do to repay the boy, it had to be great of course. Oh! But he would think of it later, Tuna waited! "Hungry? Told ya Keita would look after ya". The boy spoke and pat Kataro’s head gently. Kataro peered up to see the other devouring a bowl of food of his own. Vaguely he wondered at the contents and titled his head. "No matter how much bullies beat ya, they never take away..Ouch!". Kataro’s eyes opened wide as the boy stood up but winced in pain. Kataro dropped the fish and looked at his savior with concern. "never take away your spirit, but do a dang good attempt" the boy added. Kataro listened to the words, contemplating them for a moment. Kataro gave a slight nod, then realized it looked extremely odd for a cat and raised his paw to make it look like he was just rubbing as his face.

"Now you stay there" the boy finished as he vanished through the door. With the boy gone, Kataro began to think of ways to repay him again. Judging by the way the boy acted he was pretty friendly. Kataro added all of this into the equation mentally adding the circumstances as he weighed out the best payment. The boy returned before he was complete.

He sat down a bowl of water and a cloth. Curiously Kataro titled his head at the items." “Well if dreams do come true, remind me to send a warning letter to the fishes if I ever go seaside" the other chuckled. Kataro nearly grinned. This boy was funny. He looked down and then back up. "Now to see if I can make you better" the boy held out his arm for Kataro to climb onto. Kataro titled his head, but followed the instructions, limping as he went.

Once settled on one of the boy’s legs he underwent a treatment, and cleaning. He scrunched up his face as the cloth rubbed against his fur. He didn’t particularly like this part. He wouldn’t accept it was partly his fault for fighting in the first place. That’s just how Kataro was. Play now, be responsible later. However, the boy was gentle and Kataro managed to sit still…. Mostly.

And then, "I don't want to hurt you, but this is going to hurt. Just trust me okay?" Kataro was confused, and blinked as his body was turned about. However the warmth that followed made him feel safe. The boy brought his hands close to his back and then. “NYEEEOW!!!” Kataro squeaked. He wasn’t very loud but he was surprised. The glass didn’t hurt much but it was shocking to have it pulled out of his back suddenly.

He remained silent, feeling slightly ashamed for the rest of the time as the other continued to work. "There!” the boy said as he ran the cloth along his back again. “You should feel better now. How could anyone hurt a sweet little kitty like you?” you’d be surprised Kataro’s thoughts interrupted. ”…to stay with me and keep me company. Keita will look after you" the boy continued. Ah right that’s his name . Kataro purred in understanding. That was a third kindness, and three was a magical number. Now, there was no way Kataro couldn’t do something amazing for this human.

He continued thinking, his tail lightly flicking around him as Keita moved about the room. Suddenly there was a tray of sorts in front of him. Kataro blinked having missed the boy’s words, but mewed anyways. He watched as the boy moved about the room again. Keita lifted him and placed him upon the bed while Kataro thought. There had to be something! What kind of cat was he if he couldn’t think of a way to help!? A box lit up near him, causing him to jump. What kind of sorcery is
he thought. He stared in half awe, half fear at the moving pictures, jumping constantly.

After a while, Kataro began to sense no threat from the object. Besides it would not be smart to use magic again unless he had a master….Master… MASTER THAT’S IT!! . Keita had already displayed qualities befitting of a Master and Kataro knew in that instant what his repayment would be. "Coming?" Keita asked from beside him. Kataro blinked and dove into the covers. It was certainly the best gift to give. Kataro snuggled against the warmth looking forward to the moment. Soon his eyes shut and he fell asleep. The real healing could take place. In fact, his body would heal faster than most cats. Since the pain was gone, he could finally relax and allow his mind to shut off. He welcomed the rest and began to breathe normally.

There was no sound from him for the rest of the night. However, at the crack of dawn there was a slight change. As the sun crept into Keita’s window and crossed over the cat’s body, it transformed. The small form got larger. Fur turned into skin. Tan coloured hair appeared upon the head of the creature, and the feline features turned into that of a sleeping boy looking to be the age of 12.

All that remained to show that this boy was the cat from before were the two furry black ears, perched on top of the boy’s head and the black tail that curled around his form as he slept. He was clothed in a simple white vest and black shorts. Slightly viewable under the vest was a blue short sleeved shirt. On his wrists were two bands that matched a collar he wore around his neck. The Collar had his name engraved into it, and a dark orb attached at his throat. He breathed softly as the dawn continued into morning, and would sleep until woken by the boy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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#, as written by S1mon
Where society was governed by its law, its members were governed by what is right and wrong. The question then is, what is right and wrong, and the answer isn't simple enough either, as what is right and wrong depends on the individual for what they see is right and wrong. His father being a prime example that he sees giving him shelter was right, but unless he was paid more, then he shouldn't guarantee the boy's happiness also. Sounds unfair and it was, but the sad news was that there were others who believed in what he did too, hence why there were still orphanages fill of unwanted and unloved kids and despite the fact that he was in a home, he still felt that his position wasn't any better.

Looking on the bright side, there was only two years to go and he was out of here. Not only that, he now had a companion, a fellow stray who now was with him and helped make the last miserable days alot brighter and allowing him to sleep like a lamb, dreaming of what could be. Despite what others try to do, it was just as he had said the night before how bullies do hurt you but not enough to break your spirit. For Keita, he has always aimed to keep being the kind and friendly person that he was, the person that his mother and father wanted him to be. It was just sad that such nice people had to leave this world before this time and how nice people also got hurt alot. Such a argument would be that they were too weak, but it shouldn't be a cause to hurt those who would help you.

Then again, all these bullies only got so far in life, and then they fell dependant on those they once bullied to help them as they were laid in a hospital bed or behind bars or facing judge and jury for their actions. Well there is a maxim that you reap what you sow, and how what you do in the past some day comes back to you. For Keita, he was satisfied with what he had done and what he had accomplished. It was sad how like him, there were those who would go far to beat up a innocent sweet kitty in such a way, even to have all that glass. It certainly looked like no accident, hence why Keita wished to keep him, and give him home sweet home, or at least, as much home as possible from what could be made from it.

Now the time to wake up was drawing near, and he had yet to buy his new pet food and a bed and some quiet toys though there was no such thing. A ball of string maybe? but then it would go everywhere and would cause even more trouble. Boy it was hard work in his house. Then again, they could go to the treehouse but it wasn't very warm. It was one option though, as his hand reached out and felt the cat's ears and causing him to smile as he softly stroked them, glad that his new friend hadn't left him like everyone else. Then again, it could be argued that the stray was only here for food, as once they are fed, they are hard to get rid of. With that theory, Keita was all up for it, glad that he now had a companion.

Even if the cat had no strong, since the start the cat had him to cuddle up too and it was nice to have someone to care about and someone to make him happy, as he gently moved downwards from the cat's ears to feel what felt like silk, or maybe it was wet fur and he had done his business in the night and rolled in it, leaving him to touch fur coated in cat wee. Ah well, it was all part of growing up with a pet and especially inviting the pet to sleep in the same bed. With such in mind, his hand moved towards where his belly would be to give it a ruffle to wake his new buddy new, but instead he felt something smooth and soft. Still remaining gentle in his touch, his surface area increased as he felt the silk again, only this time, it weaved through his fingers and rubbing the texture it certainly was not fur.

Such alarm caused him to blink hard and open up his eyes before finding his hand caressing the cheek of a young boy who seemed younger than him. Without thinking for being too startled to think for how the boy got in his home and even climbed into his bed, he pushed him out of bed as his first initial thoughts. Sure he liked company but that was too close for comfort and he wanted answers, "How did you get in here? What are you doing in here? Who-", but he was cut off from his interrogation with loud footsteps and a booming voice, "KEITA!". His eyes widened, before quickly turned to the boy, "Get under now. I'll deal with you after", he whispered, as his hands took hold of the boy's waist to help move him under, before he grabbed his covers and forced himself off the bed, which to his dismay, caused his body to fall on his arm, causing his teeth to clench and his eyes to shut tight as he winced in pain in the direction of the boy.

Upon realising he was facing the wrong way, he quickly turned over just in time for his adoptive father to come in, who then picked him up by the scruff of his neck to stand him up, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE PLAYING AT BOY? PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!", whose face was boiling red before he then spat, "If you can't sleep in a flopping bed, then you go sleep in the tree house tomorrow. UNDERSTAND!", before pushing him back down, catching the end of the bed to Keita's back. Keita in response closed his eyes and leant his head against the bed as he blocked out the bang from the door as his father left the room.

What made matters worse was that his arm he had fell on earlier was the same arm his bullies had got yesterday, and now his back was hurting, and he was also hurting inside. Just as things were brightening up, everything came crashing down just as he had physically, as tears formed from his eyes. Remembering the boy, despite the way it looked and totally confused as the situation, he did not appear to look like the mischievous type, so he crawled away from the bed before falling flat on his face with his arms to break his fall to act as a cushion, before he mumbled, "I don't......know......who you are, but get out while the ghost is clear....Leave me be....", clearly speaking through his tears and asking to be left alone, when what he truly needed was company. Once again, thinking of himself over others so that his father did not return and get this boy also, whoever he was.....


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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He was warm. Kataro was very aware of this as he slept, so warm it made him want to cuddle up next to the warmth as if he could make it never leave him. Kataro wasn’t too used to warmth, especially recently since he had been running for so long. He could barely remember what life was like before that. But, he doubted it was warmer than what he currently felt. He smiled lightly in his sleep.

He could feel something on his head, petting and smoothing the fur there. He twitched, not really generally liking his ear being touched. But, wait! Yes that was right. A human had taken him home. A human boy named Keita. Well then, if it were his master than it was surely an exception to have his touched. He curled into the touch, keeping his eyes closed. He wasn’t fully awake, but his kind always had to be alert of their surroundings even when asleep or they could be attacked.
Like yesterday…he mentally did a check over his body. It was all good as new, well for the most part. He could tell that the sleep had done its work. Good, now he could thank his new friend. He felt Keita continuing to pet him and his mind was telling him to wake up. Slowly, very slowly he opened his eyes, revealing a clear blue color to the person next to him. He only got a glimpse of Keita before he was roughly pushed from the bed.

He slammed into the floor with a lot more noise than he thought he would. He wondered if anything had fallen with him as he stared up at Keita wondering what he had done wrong.

"How did you get in here? What are you doing in here? Who-" The boy’s words didn’t make sense to Kataro. Hadn’t Keita taken him in last night? Or was that a dream? Could it be that the boy had forgotten about it? Keita went silent and lifted the covers in a quiet demanding voice he said "Get under now. I'll deal with you after". Kataro found himself being forced under the covers with little care and he lay curled up under them confused.

He blinked into the darkness as he tried to make sense of everything. He flinched as he heard a thump and then a hiss. His claws dug into the blanket as he tried to stay still. All he could do now was listen as a loud voice was speaking. Kataro got shivers just from the sound of it. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE PLAYING AT BOY? PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" the angry voice yelled. Kataro cowered at it, wondering what human spoke so loudly in the morning.

He heard a scuffle and a loud bang. His ears pinned back to his head and he wrapped his tail tightly around him. His nails dug deeper into the sheet. After a while of no sound, Keita finally spoke."I don't......know......who you are, but get out while the ghost is clear....Leave me be...." Kataro released the gathered cloth and pushed out of the blanket with his head before coming to look at Keita. “Nyan?” He meowed confused, wondering who Keita was talking to him. Certainly it couldn’t be him. His ears perked as he spotted the position Keita lay in. It didn’t take a genius to know something was wrong.

Kataro crawled the rest of the way out from the covers and over to Keita. His ears drooped and his tail flopped onto the floor. It looked way too real to be fake. With the events from the morning, Kataro didn’t even notice the obvious change. He still thought he was the tiny black kitten that Keita had rescued the night before. Now, he could see that the boy was hurt. He moved closer and mewed sadly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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#, as written by S1mon
The world was certainly full of mysteries, and where there was unanswered questions, it was in mankind's nature to find the answers. Such answers were not found quickly, for a man once wondered what other life is there beyond our planet, yet until this day, the answer is not found as the universe in which they live in continue to grow. It seemed there was just certain facts that just had to be accepted, but it was hard for man to do that without proof. Everything relied on proof, but sometimes the answer was straight infront of you, ironically enough. It was as a maxim says, that the proof is in the pudding, though a mere answer does not quench the thirst for knowledge, but also an explanation where scientists come in. Who, what, when, where and why, were the questions that often buzzed.

The outside world mattered not to Keita, but in his mind he wondered who the boy was, what brought him here, when did he come, where does he come from and why did he act so strangely. Afterall, if he had pushed another off their bed, then they would likely stand up and shot at him or in his fathers' case, raise his voice and then put him in his place. If not by any of those options, then what about a cry for hurting him, or running away to tell, both options seemed to be what the boy should of done, but he had remained silent and merely looked at him and obeyed him when he told him to hide before his father came. It was strange.

Despite the threat after his questions that he would deal with him after which could literally be anything, and despite being asked to leave, he heard no footsteps, no signs of movement when the boy clearly had a chance to leave scot-free, but he opted to stay. This caused Keita to turn his head towards him as the boy opened his mouth, "Nyan?". He moved his head away from him again. "Nyan" wasn't even a word so couldn't the boy talk. It was strangely odd, but what made it even more stranger, as when he turned to see him again, he had crawled to him and came to him, mewing. Mewing?

His actions wasn't only questionable, but how on earth his ears that resembled a cat's were so real, as well as the movement of the boy's tail....tail?! Such features startled him, as he turned around and sat up, having time to dwell on everything, because the last time he had heard "Nyan" was when that sweet kitty had got excited over the tuna that he had given it. Now that kitty was gone, and this young boy was in its place. Keita had a strange theory, but he couldn't believe it himself as he wiped his eyes, taking note of the fact that the boy was showing that he cared for him, so he decided to try something.

First of all, he lowered his head and said softly, "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you, I was only a little shaken this morning is all" as he reached out to him and started with a little stroke on his soft cheek a few times, before reaching the ears and giving a little smile as he carefully felt around it and felt no attachments proving that the ears were real somehow. If this had been a normal boy, he would not even of laid a hand on him, let alone stroke him, but for whoever this boy was, he had remained at his side despite being told to leave, so he was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially if his theory was correct, as he stood up and walked over to his drawers where he pulled out a mirror, which he then placed on the bed before sitting next to him with his back against the bed. "Come on then..", he then called softly as his left hand tapped his leg, while his right hand was used to motion him into his lap, which was something only a cat would do. Not a boy.

This was the testing ground, even if his legs may hurt a little, depending on how he saw, but it would help him realise what had happened, before telling the boy himself, just incase he did not know which might be the case if he was not talking still.


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Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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He continued to stare up at Keita his eyes full of worry. His ears pressed down further and he bit his lip frowning. It wasn’t often that he came across people who were nice to him; in fact most weren’t kind people at all. It surprised him. So he wanted to say close to a warm person like Keita. That included being concerned for him. Keita had been hurt, Kataro could tell by the sound and Keita’s reaction. He waited and watched as Keita bowed his head apologizing. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to hurt you, I was only a little shaken this morning is all" Kataro blinked in reply. Then His eyes got big as Keita reached towards his face.

At first he expected pain, but all Keita did was touch his cheek. Something registered to Kataro that something was off. Not normal, about the way it felt. Keita moved his hand to Kataro’s head, which he ducked. He didn’t like his ears being touched, fairly odd for a cat. However he stayed put, with his eyes lowered as Keita pet him.

Again something was odd. Kataro thought, that he needed to do a self assessment. Maybe he was still hurt. Yet, it didn’t feel like pain. Finally Keita removed his hand and stood up. Kataro shook his head to settle his fur and glanced up curiously as Keita walked to a dresser and removed something which he placed on his bed then looked up to address Kataro.

"Come on then.." Kataro hesitated a second, then watched as Keita tapped his hand against his leg. Titling his head he understood. He dove forward in an attempt to reach Keita fast. He must have been extremely close because in one jump he was there. A spilt second before he landed on the boy it registered to him that his body weighed too much. However he couldn’t stop himself from colliding with the boy. His blue eyes got bigger as he crashed into the others body, and pain exploded in his head.

Which shouldn’t have happened…. If he were a cat.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: KATARO Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
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#, as written by S1mon
If this had been any ordinary boy, he would of been kicked out by now, and if he had hurt him, then he would of expected such an ordinary boy to attack him back three times as hard, but none of that happened. It has been his experiences that have built him up into who he was today, since he had once tried standing up against the bullies but it only got worse and the attacks more painful, which had caused Keita to just accept the situation. However, despite how bad a situation is, he always tries to find the light of the situation, to make something not as bad as it seemed, to try and have something positive happen, whether it would come by at some point or such a benefit required a bit of a push by Keita's intellect.

Keita had a plan in mind for the bullies after causing him torment last year, so he was determined to fight back this year but in a different way. Afterall, this was their last year and at the moment, they benefitted from taking work of other students, and as such, Keita decided to build a profile on them which he would submit once it was complete and hopefully, with him as bait, end their success and giving no time for them to change it. It was wrong to do flop all, take away other people's hard work and then get away with it scot-free and get themselves a well-paid job that they didn't even deserve when finding work was a hard thing in itself so he knew he had to do something.

However, as of now the most curious thing on his agenda was this boy. The positive side was that he had gained a new companion, a new friend, but that was that beautiful black kitty cat, but now he had this kid who seemed to be a few years younger than himself, who acted like a cat yet showed empathy and care towards him in his body language. He was interesting as never had he met a human act like a cat. There was always those who dress up for cosplay, but the boy didn't even speak to even ease his worries, so he assumed that maybe the boy did not know. Keita had never heard of a boy cat or cat boy, but Keita was one of the types of people who was open to possibilities, enough to test the cat boy out as he motioned him to his lap.

It was then that the boy lunged forward to sit on his lap just as a cat does, only it was more painful by the fact it was a boy's weight that jumped onto him rather than a cat. Such had confirmed his theory, as it was clear the boy thought he was a cat, but clearly he was too big to be one. As a result, Keita leaned his head onto his bed and clenched his teeth and hands to handle the pain, before he then sat back up and manually lifted the boy from his cat formation so that his entire weight was not on his legs, and instead sat him down on his legs as if he was a baby, a big baby at that.

Once he was seated properly, with one arm around the boy's waist so that he kept still, again as if he was holding a baby and being protective around him, he then used his free arm to pick up the mirror from the bed and then moved it round so that the mirror was now facing the boy's face so that he was aware. "Can you tell me what's happened to you? Help me understand, as I can't make any sense of it, as it seems to me that somehow your a cat that has changed into a boy, or a boy that changed into a cat, and that don't make any sense at all....Are you an alien?", asking with such a straight face, that even the most out-of-this-world explanations that seemed impossible, seemed reasonable, but unlike those in high places, he doesn't hurt or kill what he don't understand, for he wanted to learn....

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Character Portrait: KATARO
Character Portrait: Keita Naoe


Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
Keita Naoe

"Will this never end...."

Character Portrait: KATARO

"it's Kat-ar-o Nyow~!"


Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
Keita Naoe

"Will this never end...."

Character Portrait: KATARO

"it's Kat-ar-o Nyow~!"

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Character Portrait: KATARO

"it's Kat-ar-o Nyow~!"

Character Portrait: Keita Naoe
Keita Naoe

"Will this never end...."

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