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Vampire Knight: The Project

Vampire Knight: The Project


Welcome to Cross Academy! Here, we specialize in creating a harmonious environment between vampires and humans. Yes, that's right! Vampires!

2,164 readers have visited Vampire Knight: The Project since Dreamweaver created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Welcome to Cross Academy! Here, we specialize in creating a harmonious environment between vampires and humans. Yes, that's right! Vampires!

One hundred years ago, the war between the vampires and humans nearly destroyed the hard work and determination of a vampire whose dream was to unite both worlds. The hunters and vampires destroyed the school, known as Cross Academy, during their war, however; thanks to the efforts of a few brave souls, the war ceased, a new treaty was forged, and the school was rebuilt. Though today, it is still rocky, the relationship between vampire and human, however; we at Cross Academy are bringing in new ways to integrate our worlds. This year, we are introducing a new "buddy" system. Both Day and Night Class students, for the first time, will be merging dorms! That's right, the Sun and Moon Dorms will be no more! Not everyone is excited for it, but with the new possibilities opening up for further understanding, it is an opportunity we cannot pass up on. Come, join us at Cross Academy and make a name for yourself!

Or you can just sit on the sidelines and observe—the choice is yours.

Break down of the plot.

- This is going to be more slice-of-life than anything.
- The school is trying something new, something that will integrate vampires and humans together in one setting rather than two.
- Kind of like a co-ed of some sort.
- It isn't going to be a typical Vampire Knight roleplay.
- It will probably deal with more of biased issues and the like.
- There really won't be a villain per se, but more-so the vampires learning to deal with the humans and vice versa.
- Setting will take place maybe a couple of hundred years after the events with Kaname, though it might be tweaked a bit such as Kaname not throwing his heart into the fire.
- Cannon characters will not be present, but mentioned. Offspring of Cannon characters are welcome, depending. If you want to make a Kuran member, PM me!
- Two prefects will be in place, however; one will be a vampire, the other a human.
- At most, I will be accepting seven other characters. Three more vampires, and four humans. That means three more females (one more female vampire), and four males.

Character Cannons

- Kuran Kaname x Yuuki
- Kiryuu Zero x Unnamed Woman (vampire or human, your decision.)
- Akatsuki Kain x Ruka
- Aidou Hanabusa x Sayori
- Senri Shiki x Rima

Rules to Follow
- Keep all content within RPG's ratings.
- Be courteous to each other.
- Posts must be at least 100 words.
- Proper Grammar, at least.
- Post at least once a week.
- Notify me of departure.
- No Godmodding (there really won't be reason for this to happen.)
- Control your own character unless permission was given.
- Reservations last 48 hours. Spots are not guaranteed.
- Collab as much as possible!
- Have fun!





Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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0.00 INK


Today is the first day of the school year. Everyone seems excited to return, however; the Headmaster has come up with a despicable plan. He wants us to become one, to integrate into the dorms with the humans. Really, what were they thinking? We're not ready, not for something of this magnitude. It's going to cause more problems, especially since some of them can't keep their fangs to themselves.

The thought fluttered across Saya's mind as she sighed heavily, causing her walking companion to glance down at her through half-lidded eyes. He was tired, she could see that much. He probably hadn't slept well, and she was partially at fault for that. A slight smirk crossed her features before it disappeared just as quickly, causing her companion to purse his lips together. He wasn't too thrilled about this new program the headmaster was enforcing. None of them were, actually. After the whole ordeal, with the hunters and the vampires, tensions were still high between the two. Saya couldn't care less, however. She didn't grow up in that time.

She was still young, very young in terms of the vampire world, and her views were the same as her mother, and her grandmother. Ranmaru, on the other hand, was indifferent to the whole situation. His father, a hunter turned vampire, had tried to instill in him the same disdain towards vampires that the man once carried, however; Ranmaru was not his father. He might look like the man, but he was nothing like him, and that was how he wanted to remain. He heaved a heavy sigh, glancing towards his snow-haired companion, and allowed his golden gaze to falter. "Still plan on taking up prefect again this year?" he questioned, allowing his eyes to close, and lifting one arm to stretch it behind his head. Saya merely gave him a blank stare, and shook her head.

"Don't think I'm up to the task?" she stated, her lips quirking slightly as her gaze lifted to meet his. He was considerably taller than she was, standing just shy of six feet. She was lucky to pass five by a few inches. "It'll be a pain in the ass, this year, but no one else from the Night Class will take it," she continued. A soft snort passed through Ranmaru as he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. It didn't surprise him, really. Most of the Night Class were against the idea of the merge, something he was in support of.

"Shocker," he replied in a nonchalant manner. "I'm surprised dear 'ol dad thought it was a good idea," he continued, referring to his own father. To this, Saya merely smirked, but not before punching his shoulder lightly. He feigned a hurt look, before shrugging. "I was just merely stating the obvious, Sai, you don't have to get so physical," he stated, rubbing his arm slightly. It didn't hurt, not in the way he knew it could, though. He wasn't a vampire, at least not anymore, and she was a pureblood.

"If you'd keep your thoughts inside, then perhaps you'd have fewer bruises," she responded before picking up her pace. She could hear the faint Kuran's, escaping his lips, but it left her with an extra spring to her step and an oddly bright smile on her face. "I wouldn't have to do it alone if someone else agreed to do it with me, but unfortunately, his ego gets in the way," she spoke, turning to glance over her shoulder only to receive another shrug in the process. "I forgot, you don't like being Zero," she teased, earning a flat look from the Kiryū male. She knew he didn't like being compared to his father, but it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up.

"Not everyone wants to follow in their parents' footsteps, you know," he retorted, a hint of bitterness laced in his tone. She scoffed in response. "Besides," he started, taking two quick strides to catch up with her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and leaned down so he could whisper into her ear, "people would talk," before quickly removing himself, leaving a slightly flustered Kuran princess behind.

"Jerk, you're going the wrong way. The auditorium is that way," she yelled after him, jogging to catch up to him.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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0.00 INK

"Hmm... It should be this way... I think?" It was soon followed by an exasperated sigh and a large pout. "Why did I have to forget the map of all things?" Unmei voiced out her frustration to the air and she really didn't mind if anyone heard her. It's a free world, right? "At least, I didn't forget where I enrolled, right?" She ended that with a light laughter before releasing another sigh. "I do get to enjoy the view, that's another plus for being lost." Her eyes roamed around the area, taking in the scenery. This was going to be her first day in her new school, Cross Academy. She was excited; this place was like out of a painting. That was super-duper cool! She couldn't help but smile giddily at that thought as she continued her search.

"This place is way larger and prettier than my old school. Oh!" The next thing she knew, she was down on the ground on her fours. It's a good thing she was able to stop her face from meeting the pavement. That would hurt. She was in that position for a while. People might think she was looking for something. That was partially right. She was looking for the thing that tripped her. "There you are! Culprit!" It was actually a small pebble and she was blaming it; not thinking it's most likely because of her inherent clumsiness. "You're never getting me!" People might also think, she's not right in the head.

She picked it up and then cast it towards the greener portion of the road. She did so while sticking out her tongue when she's satisfied, she began checking her uniform. It won't be a good impression if she appeared all dirty, plus this uniform was rather hard to clean up. "I got away scot-free from that! 100 points to me!" She clapped her hands happily; that's when she realized it wasn't true. "Aw..." She looked at the palms of her hands. There were scratches on it. No blood really or from what her eyes can see. "Minus 40 points, I should cover it up..." She took out a handkerchief and pressed it lightly on both of her hands.

"I have to be careful, vampires are sensitive to blood, can't make them queasy when I'--" That's when she remembered her original goal and also a reminder as she got a good look at her wristwatch. "Auditorium! Where is it?" She looked around frantically, hoping for help and a sign. "At least I have a suggestion now, put signs!" She took off in a direction with a mad dash and soon enough she bumped into someone. This time, she fell on her bum. "Aw... not again..." She said to herself as she quickly looked at who she bumped into with the mixture of embarrassment and worry. "I'm so sorry! Oh! Do you know where the auditorium is?" She asked with the thought, she killed two birds there with one stone, an apology and directions.

a flash, a flood, and its' burned into our eyes .Image

"I need not remind you what happens if you stray. We have enough of those."

Those words repeated inside his head, like a nauseating ride. Zen knew that his uncle was serious and he should know as he had been raised by that person. That's why both of them would understand each other better than anyone else could. Despite that, there were still things they can never agree on. One of those things would be his attendance to this school created out of such a nuisance idea, the coexistence of humans and vampires. He wanted to vomit, but that would be a gratifying acknowledgment to that rubbish idea if he did.

Coexistence is only possible when there's equality and that's a point which will never occur between vampires and humans. Other than the logical arguments brewing in his head; his biggest reason was that, he does not see humans more than as fodder, a piece of livestock or if elevated, a pet. Why would anyone like to be in equal with a cow or a pig? He would not understand the minds of the other vampires who support this, just like his uncle. He would give credit to his uncle though, for using his title as heir as a bargaining tool. That made him come to this forsaken place, but he does get a front row seat to watch that very idea crumble to the ground.

This made his lips danced to a feather-like smile as he made his way towards the auditorium. He was wearing his issued uniform and it was a good thing that it had a flair he liked. If not, he would have opted not to wear it. It's enough already he had to stay in this academy until he graduates. It was really ridiculous as he's too old to be considered as a student in any academe. but no one cares about those details. He pinched the bridge of his nose in his usual graceful manner and heard cooing murmurs of admiration towards his way.

Well, that lightened his mood. Humans or vampires should admire him. He's after all superior than any of them could ever be. He continued on with his elegant stride and on the way, students, specifically vampire ones greeted him in respect. That was a given. He's on the top of the chain; his very presence radiated that and because those students knew their place. He answered their greetings with a nod, but to those insipid humans. He ignored them completely, but they're like cockroaches. A group of humans blocked his way to the auditorium. He could have well just go around them, but this is Zen after all. "Scatter, cockroaches." His voice was silkily cold as the humans quickly dispersed in fear. Well, that's an impression enough for anyone to understand what he's stand is. A dazzling smirk graced his face as he entered the auditorium.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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    • enchanted
    by phlegm

0.00 INK

#, as written by phlegm

To walk outside in the mercy of the sun was not always a pleasant experience. When the sunlight hits her vision, her eyes would burn embers of discomfort, and the world becomes bedimmed with the faded color of white. Kasa did not enjoy these moments, because it was difficult to tell whether she was not about to fall on the trembling, uneven road her vision conveyed. The only way to survive was to wear a floppy hat, but Kasa was not certain if the school allowed any dramatic accents on a student’s appearance. Whatever the case, they cannot stop her from wearing the fake Queen Elizabeth rose that was usually clipped on the pink ribbon of her high ponytail. She would feel incomplete, and perhaps unladylike without it.

She could tell anyone, quite proudly, that her instances of falling were almost nonexistent except for those that were inflicted by others. But she does wonder sometimes if she had fallen many times when she was still a wee child, which she dared not ask her grandmother to confirm lest she tarnishes her fabricated record. If she does not remember, then she could simply claim that nobody can prove the truth in these events she was told about, especially the one about her short-lived indecency of placing her skirt over the heads of her cousins. Pray tell, did she wear her diapers well at least? It was often a regular part of conversations during special dinners, because it was probably the only un-Kasa moment she ever had.

Inside the auditorium, she felt alarmed being surrounded by too many humans at once. She was beginning to see how this program of integration would only lead to more bloodshed between her kind and humans. How is a vampire supposed to act toward a human anyway when what makes a vampire is to be elusive and distant? What words and manners can they use to not seem threatening? She cannot blame the humans for being physically weak and for using special weapons to destroy vampires. The school should not allow anyone to carry those weapons if it wishes to fulfill its purpose. But what if the humans protest and ask her kind to extract their fangs? There are too many problems that have to be addressed here.

The mixture of unfamiliar scents in the air made her feel uncomfortable. Humans have such repulsive body odor. Her grandmother did say that those who lack exposure with humans are more sensitive to every kind of scent produced inside those weak bodies. Now that she finally experienced it, her respect for the ancestors lowered at the thought of how they could bite into those filthy necks. Her hand reached for her embroidered handkerchief in the right pocket of her white pleated skirt. She raised and covered her nose with it. The scent of roses permeated the unsettling fetor until it faded behind the strong perfume. It would be such an inconvenience to have to cover her nose constantly. She released a sigh before she closed her eyes and continued waiting for the event to begin, ignoring the sudden expressions of awe she could hear behind her.

● ● ●

Rigen’s forehead was sore from supporting his inclined body against a wall of cement. His arms were pressed to his sides, stiffened along with the angle he had assumed for more than half an hour ago. Throughout his ritual, he heard a murder of crows pulling the wind left and right behind him in excitement. He never bothered to observe further than his ears managed, and from what he could deduce, they were attacking what sounded like a pitiful cardboard box. Who cares what those devils are into when he was not looking. It was definitely less interesting than this moment of absolute pointlessness.

His palms met and pushed the surface of the wall, transferring his weight into his feet. At first, a cloud of vertigo swirled in his head before he found his balance. His arms stretched apart almost automatically when he felt he was about to fall backward. He did not fall; however, this was the moment he was waiting for after the effort of physical damnation. The moment of feeling a lack of control. Success! He could never explain why the discomfort brought his stress levels down to stability. Perhaps it is the strain on the forehead and coils of his muscles that replaces his emotional imbalance.

He turned around, only to find that the vicinity was empty of any passing soul. “Am I late?” he quickly said under his breath, mumbling the words not as a question but as immediate confirmation. He realized he should have paid attention to the growing silence earlier, but the incessant noise brought by those crows swallowed every other sound. Looking at his palms before lowering them, he pushed air against the insides of his cheeks before releasing it slowly through his lips. But he lifted his hands again and patted the air out, recreating the sounds of his childhood hobby. Ah, but how random of him! He just knows a lot of ways to waste his time.

He returned to his present focus of finding the auditorium, and heard a voice not too far from where he was standing. Perhaps he should try to make a friend now and worry about the details of possible rejection after he has tried. He started toward the direction of the voice, and was about to call out when he was met with a collision. Unfortunately, he can never stand fixed on the ground – easily thrown off by external forces like wind – that he ended up flailing his arms to keep balance before he stabilized. He looked at the blonde girl who had fallen onto the ground, pressing his lips together in conflict of whether he should help her return to her feet. Or is it too assuming to do so? “Aw...not again...” said the girl. Oops, here it comes.

“I'm so sorry! Oh! Do you know where the auditorium is?” she said. Against his expectation of contempt, Rigen widened his eyes in surprise. He stretched them until they begin to water when the wind blew into them. But he would have seriously cried at how good-natured this girl seems to be compared to the other people he had met with unfortunate circumstances. This girl, whose blonde hair seemed to catch the sunlight and sparkle, has “dazzled, bedazzled” him with such simple words!

“Yeah! I think I know where it is!” he said, a smile growing on his lips. He extended his hand toward her. “Let’s get you on your feet first. Do you have a name? Ah, what a way to start. Of course you have a name.” A flat laugh escaped his throat. “I’m Asakawa Rigen. Come! We got to hurry, 'cause I think we're running late.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa
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  1. best friends?

    by Butterfly Princess

0.00 INK

It seemed that the someone Unmei bumped into was a boy. That was not really much of a consequence but, "Oh, did I hurt him?" His eyes were a bit watery and all. "Were you hurt?" Concern can be seen across her eyes as she briefly forgot that she was about to be late and she has yet to know where the auditorium was. She was only reminded when he reached out his hand to her. He was even smiling and being friendly. That made her happy as she took his hand. "Yup!" She went back on her feet and then released his hand and began dusting her uniform again. This was the second time around and it's a good thing, there was no dirt sticking out, a few creases were present but, it's all good, nothing that her hands can straighten in a jiffy.

"Thanks for the help!" She looked at him cheerfully and felt at ease with him. He seemed to be fine now and that's good to see. He appeared to be nervous as well and even gave out a laugh to cover up his supposedly mistake. "No worries! There are no bad starts!" She wasn't going out of her way to comfort or something along those lines. She was simply saying where her thoughts were at first run. Her head hurts when she thinks too deeply of things. "The name is Seitenshi Unmei, you can call me whatever you like!" She reached out her hand towards him. This time it was for a handshake. She wasn't that sensitive of being touched or anything after all. Plus, this was a proper greeting, right? "Nice to meet you, Asakawa-san!" Her smile was bright without any other hidden agenda at all. Well, she was never the kind to have one of those anyway.

Anyway, what was the important thing she asked him earlier? Her face became like a giant question mark for a moment, before it changed into one big realization. "That's right! We're going to be late!" Her eyes widened in alarm as she had a frantic expression. She looked at her wristwatch "We need to hurry!" She grabbed his hand and enclosed it with hers, like in a prayer. Her blue eyes shimmered in like the stars against the night sky, though for her it was more the worry, she looked at him. "Please show me the way, captain!"

She then began to pull on his hand as she walked ahead of him a bit, but not that hard as she didn't want to break the arm of her Direction Savior. "We can talk more later! " She then waited for Rigen to lead the way to the auditorium and once they're there, she wondered what's waiting. It was the first day on her new and unique school. It's really exciting!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa
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  1. Possibly

    by phlegm

0.00 INK

#, as written by phlegm

The girl grabbed his hand, seemingly without hesitation, and he tightened his grip before he pulled her back on her feet. As she fixed her clothes, his right hand reached for his forehead. The fingertips brushed the surface – a contact that did not do much for his waning lightheadedness. But his intentions of such a gesture preached of familiar habits. He did not realize that he does these tiny, useless acts of comfort. They are subliminal and mechanical, yet difficult to be free of. He lowered his hand the moment a word of thanks was given in as much vibrancy as the first words he heard from the girl.

“No worries! There are no bad starts!” At first, he was not certain as to why she was telling him such words, but he remembered and laughed inside his mind at how he could have forgotten so quickly. She appeared forgiving over the error in his introduction. Did he give the impression that he felt bad for it? How sweet of her to reassure him, but moments come and go like a sudden gust of wind. In about a minute or two, he had forgotten about it.

“Seitenshi-san or Unmei-san,” he said whilst deepening the traces of the smile he almost liberated from his lips. Seitenshi Unmei. The girl had quite the meaningful name. If he were given a chance to guess what her name was, he would have thought it to possess “angel” as well. “I can’t say long names for the life of me without messing up in the long run. But hey, nice to meet you…Unmei-san!” He reciprocated her handshake, nodding in approval at how fluid their encounter has been. It was not easy associating with people, especially when they often catch him doing his hobbies before proper introduction. Unfortunately, he did not really care too much about expanding his social circle. When the monsters come, he will not have time to care about the people he has met and spoken with – of which such interactions may amount to less than a day if one were to collect and measure the time spent.

He was almost taken by surprise when she took his hand again. He resisted the urge to pull away. Was there a need for her to hold his hand? Perhaps that was the case, and he did not know the reason. He decided to turn a blind eye on the situation, and followed her as she pulled him gently through a few steps. It was difficult not to think that Unmei might be too excited on the first day of school, which contradicted his initial reaction of dread. He was not worried about the school per se, but more of the fact that he might not be able to find monsters in a place where those weird vampires roam. It could be that the vampires would dominate the area, and those monsters, perhaps considered lesser, can only scrounge for whatever space is left nearby.

Rigen found Unmei to be rather refreshing with her foolproof enthusiasm. He led the way toward the auditorium that was located past an open space not too far from the gates. When they reached the doors, he released Unmei’s hand, and waited for her to go in before he followed. Disappointment riddled the expressions of some of the students who were gathered close to the door. He wondered what could be their problem, and that they should learn something from Unmei. Life just seemed wasted on them.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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0.00 INK

The auditorium seemed a little over crowded, the air thick with tension. Unease could easily be defined on a number of vampiric faces, while most of the humans appeared to be enamored. It was a dream come true for most of them, and it could be seen in the shine of their eyes. Ranmaru resisted the urge to roll his eyes with all the admiration his companion and her kind were getting. He held a few gazes himself, but he put it down to having been a vampire before. He still held that charm most vampires have, though his was more of a subtle kind. With a shrug of his shoulders, he pushed past a few students, and found a seat to take. He motioned for Saya who seemed lost in her own thoughts for a moment. She waved to him and pointed to another spot.

"Suit yourself," he whispered to himself as he spotted a familiar tuff of dark brown hair. He knew Rikiya was here and Saya would want to sit with her brother. He reclined slightly in his chair and waited for the rest of the students to pile into the auditorium. Once it was full, and everyone adjusted, Ranmaru closed his eyes, and waited for the events to happen. The sound of footsteps scurrying across the wooden stadium filled his ears, the soft coughs of those around him, and the quiet whispers floated about before dying completely. He shifted uncomfortably when the sound of someone tapping on the microphone, filtered through his ears, and he cracked one eye open to see the Headmaster blowing softly.

"Welcome back, students of Cross Academy.," the voice came out muffled at first, as if he had his hand over the microphone, however; he adjusted it, causing a loud ring to echo out. Most of the vampires in the area flinched, the sound almost painful to their ears. The Headmaster smiled sheepishly before uttering an apology, clearing his throat as he made for another try. "As I was saying, welcome back! As you might have noticed, this year we will be introducing a new system, something that will help bring us all a little closer." Soft grumbles of protest could be heard, mixed with content sighs and giggles.

"I know most of you are worried about the new system in place, especially those of you who are sensitive to the sunlight. We took those into consideration when we created the new schedules, and when the school was rebuilt, as you can see," he continued, moving a hand around his head. Ranmaru scoffed slightly, I guess that explains a lot. Muffled whispers of concern lingered in the brief silence, allowing some to be heard, and others to fall on deaf ears.

"We will get into the explanations a little later, however; since today is the first day back, we have decided to use this day as a means of introduction. We will be hosting groups for this little exercise," he continued, the slight hint of mischief echoing in his voice. That was new, Ranmaru thought as he opened both eyes this time, curious as to what the Headmaster had in mind. "We will be grouping students in groups of six for the first week." Slight cheers of delight could be heard in this pregnant pause.

"The groups will then be broken once more into two groups of three. Each group will house a certain number of vampires and humans. To keep it even--" the rest of the Headmaster's words were drowned out as Ranmaru groaned, covering his face with one hand. It was large enough to fit his entire face in the one palm, and he rubbed it up and down his face. He didn't have a problem with it, honestly, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret hidden inside. He could hear the faint cheers as the Headmaster began dividing up the students, and names were called. Friends were being separated—some were remaining together, but none of it really mattered to him.

He chanced a glance towards his friend, watching a smile dance across her lips as Rikiya spoke something to her. "Of course she'd be excited for this," he grumbled beneath his breath, staring back at the Headmaster. He blinked several times, waiting for his name to come up, however; it appeared the Headmaster was saving him for last. That's when he saw it—the smirk on the Headmasters face was undeniably diabolical. His eyes seemed to lock onto Ranmaru's as the latter glared at the man, as if daring him to do it. Challenge accepted.

"Next, we'll have Asakawa Rigen, Shirasagi Kasa, Seitenshi Unmei, Kuran Saya, Hiō Zen, and," he paused, glancing towards the side as a teacher whispered something into his ear. Ranmaru knew it; it didn't take a genius to figure it out. "Kiryū Ranmaru," he completed the group, a hint of something malicious laced in his voice. Ranmaru sighed heavily, sinking into his chair as if it were going to swallow him whole. Part of him hoped that it would, so that he could wake up from this madness. He could see Saya send him a wave, but he refrained from responding. He wasn't as thrilled as she was, but what else could he do?

"Now that you all have your groups, you are all to meet, and spend this day together getting to know one another. You can use any part of the Academy for a rendezvous, but know," Hiroshi continued, pausing to take a deep breath. "We will be watching you. So try and get along, we want this to be a fun year!" the last words were spoken with a little too much chipper. He was going to regret allowing his father to persuade him to attend the Academy, wasn't he?

"Come on, Ranny. It won't be too bad. At least you might make more friends this year," Saya's voice pulled him from his thoughts as he stared at her, all emotion void of his face. He couldn't tell if she was being serious, or if she was just trying to crawl under his skin. "Let's go meet the others, and Ranny," she paused, pulling at his arm and forcing him to stand. "Play nice, alright?"

Didn't he always?


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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There it was the doors to the auditorium. Unmei could not help but smile ever so brightly as she looked back at Rigen in gratitude. She would not have found this place if she hadn't bumped into him. "Thank you so much, Asakawa-san! You're a life saver!" They were really not empty words of exaltation or anything. She really meant them in her own way. She then shifted her attention to the doors. There were still some students present and they seemed scared? She wasn't sure why, but one dreaded thought struck her like lightning. "Are we late? Oh no!" Those words rang loudly inside her head as she opened the doors in a rush only to see that the program has yet to start. It was rather comedic how she did because of her rather frantic expression turned into confusion, relief, and disappointment. She was quite quick with her emotions and obviously with her mouth, because the words that were supposed to be only in her head were said by her out loud.

Some who heard her looked at her oddly. She gave a giddy smile and wave back at them. It was clear she was embarrassed due to the reddening of her cheeks. "Asakawa-san, I think I made quite the entrance, didn't I?" This time she whispered to her friend, yes she recognized him as a friend. There was sarcasm there, but also her vibrant personality shining though. She was starting to see the bright side of it. "Well, it's good to know we're not late." Her smile backed to its original cheer. Let's go find some seats.""

It didn't take that long to find a seat, but she wasn't sure if he wanted to seat with her or not. Whatever his decision, she would be respectful of it. For her case, she got comfortable and looked around her. There were really a lot of beautiful people. That was amazing. It felt like she was in some movie set. "So cool!" It didn't register to her that they were dangerous to her kind. Well, she didn't get too much time to observe since the Headmaster finally started his speech with the matching screeching echo.

She closed her eyes as a response. "That certainly hit the spot." She said in humor, but soon straightened up once the Headmaster began his announcements. There were going to be groupings as they were announced. She waited for her name and found out she was going to be with Rigen. Well, that's good to know. She knew someone out of the 5 people mentioned! Just like that, she went looking for Rigen, but in her hurry, she yet again bumped into someone. "Sorry!" This time wasn't much of a friendly person, but she would admit when she took a look at the person and apologized... "Oh my beautiful..."

a flash, a flood, and its' burned into our eyes .Image

Zen had already taken his seat and even if it was a full house, his seatmates made sure to provide him much space. People do not like to have his ire at all cost especially on his reputation on handling such things. In any case, he sat there as he listened to the blunder called a Headmaster. He could not believe how stupid the humans were or even the vampires who had allowed such person to take the reins of this school. Well, this entire school is a rubbish idea in the first place.

But as he is poised and influenced by his pride, he remained in his seat and listened through the announcement that he believed was an insult. Why would there be a need for introductions? That was something he does not need or care for. He was already known without going about telling them who he is. As for the humans, why would he had the desire to do something wasteful? This was completely a ridiculous chore. He wanted to roll his eyes but, he still have a decorum to uphold. For now, he waited for his name to be called and to know what group he would forced into. It was rather obvious that he's displeased as the aura rolling off him reflected his annoyance. Those around him could feel it and was worried they'd be at the receiving end.

Slowly but surely, the people around him diminished as they rushed to find their groups in order not to be involved in his irritation. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in there. Those insects knew to how to scatter. They knew their place and that soothed his ego which he apparently doesn't see it as that. Anyway, his attention shifted when he heard the name Kuran, followed by his name. As it would appear, he would be in the same group with a member of the Human-loving Pureblood family. It was a disgrace if he would say it. They should know better than to stoop in a level they were not meant for.

Anyway, he finally stood and began to trek his way to where the little Kuran Princess could possibly be. But, he was met with a rather different person. Someone one bumped into him. It was a feat that should have never happened as people gingerly make way for him. That's why he never moved away from his position or stray away from his chosen path. But, this... yes, girl, a human at that dared to touch his person. Her apology doesn't mean a thing to him at all as his eyes glared down at the girl. "Do you know who I am?" He started with that but, his momentum was jostled a bit when the girl looked at him with those blue eyes brightened with admiration and even saying he was beautiful. At least this girl has some sense, but it doesn't excuse her completely. "Get out of my way. Now." His tone left no room for arguments and his gaze was stone cold. People who noticed the interaction feared for the human girl, but didn't intervene in fear of the Pureblood's anger.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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#, as written by phlegm

The murmurs grew louder, the words of which Kasa could only figure out in a series of disjointed moments. Fine lines formed between her eyebrows, preaching her obvious irritation and impatience. Was the outside world this barbaric? She opened her eyes to look around, catching a few unappealing faces – likely humans – before they landed on a student with an unusual hair colour of deep purple. Well, her pink hair was just as strange in the first place. It would appear that other students had emptied a path for him, but it was in the way he moved that intimidated her. Never had she seen someone radiate with the confidence of a venerable prince, and at the same time, one who seemed to make certain that everybody was aware of it.

Perhaps people would think a prince must have manners, or at least be the epitome of what is upright and graceful. Kasa did not agree – such an individual could be as ill mannered as an unruly child if he cannot afford to give another person little respect. To be mannered is to rise above all situations with grace, and to take pleasure in being able to do common behaviour in a way that most people cannot. Even as she thought such things, she found herself torn by her nature. She could sense he was no ordinary vampire, and she felt compelled to pay her respect. Alas, she can only hope the paths of such unnatural people do not cross hers lest she would be convinced to mend her ways for the worse.

She kept her handkerchief as she turned away to face the stage again. The murmurs slowly faded when someone began to tap on the microphone. A customary welcome was said and repeated, but shrill reverberations entered and left a sting in her ears, which did not leave for quite some time. Whenever it did leave, she was not quite sure if she was indulging in the aftermath of temporary deafness, or if her mind had been condemned hollow from confusion. Her eyes focused on the suspect of her short-lived pain, who she can only assume to be the Headmaster of the academy. He left nothing to her impression, his fiery hair a tad bit distracting under the light that borrowed its life on the stage. As he spoke diplomatic verses and expectations, she gave her utmost attention, noticing first that he did not have the decency to even introduce himself. How was she to know he was truly the Headmaster?

She afforded a soft sigh before hearing her name filter through the mild silence of the auditorium. She raised her arm to match the name to its rightful face. Other names followed – two of which were familiar surnames, Kuran and Hiō. It would be quite easy to seek those two by following her sensation of imposed modesty. Perhaps it can be safe to assume that the prince of vanity earlier was Hiō Zen. A frown marred her delicate visage, which she quickly covered with a gentle tap of her fingertips. It disappeared the moment she lowered her hand, but even a small smile did not rescue the frustration darkening her gaze. She knew all too well that fate sang misfortune more often than favour for mortals.

● ● ●

“You’re a star,” Rigen said to super-sunshine Unmei after her dramatic entrance. She went her way to find seats, but as he was about to follow, he took in the different scents that polluted his immediate perception. He could have sworn that the mixture of sweat and faint perfume was not pleasant, yet he could not avoid the infection taking over the chambers of his nostrils. In his nervous assumption, he tried to force a sneeze out to remove the spirits of these false monsters, but they continued to linger and consume his effort to futility. They were going to stay for a while, it seems, and he felt pre-emptively defeated from the inescapability. It was not the scent itself that he thought was unappealing, but the idea of combining natural and artificial modes of body scent was never meant to be. And something that was never meant to be should stick to the rules and understand what never means.

He shrugged off the thought, and discovered that Unmei was not within sight. As he was about to weave his way through the clutter of people, a voice pulled everyone’s attention, and forced him into a standstill, arms pressed to his sides like a soldier about to march. There were plenty of words said, and he honestly did not have the patience to listen or to pretend that it was going to help his stay in this place. It easily made him bored to care for common things. He pulled his hands to his back, gripping the wrist of his left arm with the other hand. Slowly, he brought his weight on his heels, and started to sway back and forth. Someone raised a hand – a pink-haired girl named Kasa – after his name was mentioned in a salad of names that held little meaning to him at present. But how lucky he was that Unmei was in his group!

He searched for the traces of blonde hair, but cold air and a sharp tongue interrupted him from a spot not too far from him. Unmei had bumped into someone, who did not seem the least bit pleased with the collision. The person told Unmei to clear the path in words that sounded like it bordered warning and distaste. Rigen did not want to get involved, but it does not seem right to abandon Unmei in the clutches of a purple embodiment of evil. When he was about to initiate his approach, a cloud of pink glided towards the two, and it took a few seconds for him to register it was another member of his group. “Hiō-sama,” Kasa said, her tone subtle but respectful. She lowered her head, but did not linger in the gesture any more than a few seconds. She took a few steps backwards to open a path for this Hiō guy. Rigen could not see her face, but it seemed like she was looking at the floor. He started towards their direction, his gait imitating the movement of a buoyant feather. “How dare you leave me, Unmei-san!” he said with a wide smile.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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Saya chuckled at the perplexed look on Ranmaru's face when he had to twirl out of a running classmate's path. The classmate in question had seemed a little too enthusiastic to reach his assigned group, and almost had a collision with the Kiryū heir. He pursed his lips together, shaking his head as he fell behind her in step. Saya merely kept the smile on her face, searching for the pink haired Shirasagi vampire who had raised her hand earlier. She blinked at the spectacle before her. There, before her, the purple haired Hiō pureblood stood, creating a menacing aura around him, directed to a blonde human. Saya pursed her lips together in a frown, and folded her arms against her chest.

"Hiō," she spoke, her voice low and calm. He didn't have to intimidate the young girl—assuming she was even intimidated to begin with. She could hear Ranmaru behind her groaning, muttering something beneath his breath and she resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "You don't have the right nor status to speak like that to anyone. Not here—not anywhere on this campus. Things are different now," she spoke, a small hint of resolve behind her voice. To anyone else, she might have sounded a little bored, honestly. Things were different now, and had been for the last part of the century. She remembered small stories her mother used to tell her, about the world and how it used to be.

There wasn't much different than it was today, but she also knew that it was different in ways she didn't quite understand—at least in ways she couldn't. "Besides, we're here for fresh starts and new beginnings,". Man, she sounded just like her mother for a second, a thought that brought a deep frown to her face. She rubbed the sides of her temples, drowning out the sound of Ranmaru's chuckling behind her. "Might wanna re-word yourself there, princess," he spoke, a hint of something teasing laced behind his words. This earned him a swift slap on the back of his head, causing him to hiss and lurch forward.

"What the hell was that for?" he spoke, holding the back of his head as if there was some real damage done to it. Saya merely gave him a blank stare before returning it towards the small group. She studied the Shirasagi vampiress, watching with a mild curiosity as to why she was looking down. Was the floor really that interesting? She took a chance and glanced down herself, tilting her head much like a curious cat. There was nothing too interesting about it. The floor was what it was, a cherry wood color melded with soft birch. Lifting her gaze, she cleared her throat and offered a small smile.

"Well, I suppose proper introductions are in place. I am Kuran Saya and this is--"

"Kiryū Ranmaru," he interrupted, earning another slap to the back of his head, however; he caught the wrist aiming for him with a gentle ease, and flipped it around so that he held it against Saya's back. "The princess here, doesn't need to speak for me when I have a voice of my own, ne?" he spoke, his breath behind her ear, causing a faint blush to cross the young Kuran's face. She pulled her arm out of his grasp, rubbing it slightly as a smirk crossed his features.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" Saya simply stated as Ranmaru merely shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant fashion. "As I was saying," she continued, glaring at Ranmaru as if daring him to interrupt again. He did not, and simply yawned, sitting down in one of the empty chairs that surrounded them. "Ranmaru and I are the prefects of the school, which basically means we try to keep everyone from getting like mister hostile over here," she spoke, jabbing her thumb in the direction of the purple-haired pureblood. Ranmaru snorted, tipping his chair a little further back.

"Basically what princess is saying, 'don't mess up'. Honestly, I don't really care much for this, but," Ranmaru chided in, opening one eye to glance at the group. "She cares a great deal for it, so don't mess up," he concluded, closing his eyes again and leaning further back into his chair. Saya sighed, raised a hand as if to excuse herself, and walked closer to Ranmaru's chair, pushing softly on his forehead and watched in slight satisfaction as he tipped over. Satisfied, she smiled back to the rest of the group and waved.

It was just another day, after all.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran Character Portrait: Kasa Shirasagi Character Portrait: Unmei Seitenshi Character Portrait: Rigen Asakawa Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu Character Portrait: Zen Hiō
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0.00 INK

Obviously, Unmei's sense of survival had been defeated by her sense of wonderment. She was not in the very least intimidated or even felt a degree of fear at the show of hostility towards her. She was instead fixated on the features of his face and does wonder why it was a bit... Ah... What was the word... Ah! Stiff! The words telling her to move out of the way, literally passed through her ears. It never registered at all. The only thing that took her attention was another voice penetrating the moment between them. Her eyes traveled to the newcomer and saw a pink-haired girl.

"My such pretty hair! Like carnations!" She didn't notice that she spoke it outloud while those eyes of her glitter. She could also tell that the other girl have calculated grace and elegance that reminded her of princesses in her fairy tale books. This school was really amazing with the different people she was getting to meet. That's when she remembered that the pink-haired girl addressed the one she bumped into as, Hiō-sama. There was someone with that name mentioned as part of the group she was in, right?

Well, she didn't ponder much on it as another voice joined in the fray. This one she was rather familiar with as a bright smile decorated her face. "Asakawa-san! We're in the same group!" She went towards him and then rubbed the back of her hair, a gesture both of embarrassment, guilt, and apology. She did disappear out of his sights and she just assumed he found some other place to sit or someone else to talk to. She should have waited for him. "I'm so sorry, Asakawa-san!" She bowed her head as a show of apology and then clapped her hands together, as an idea sprung in her head. "Let me treat you to something! It would be my apology!" It was the least she could do right now. After all, the help he did for her.

Unknown to her, someone was glaring at the back of her head, precisely Hiō. But as if to rescue her from the budding aggression, another voice entered with company. "Like a snow people... amazing..." Yet again, there was no filter as she said that loudly, but she didn't linger on that as the white-haired female seemed to be talking towards the man she bumped into. Then, it soon shifted into a comedy skit between the two snow people. She couldn't help but chuckle. It reminded her of her siblings. She should call them afterwards.

"You two are like twins! Very close too. It's adorable!" She noted with a cheerful comment and proceeded to introduce herself as well. "I'm Seitenshi Unmei! Nice to meet you all!"

a flash, a flood, and its' burned into our eyes .Image

Zen couldn't see any trembling or the scent of fear on this wretched human. Why is that is a mystery to him. He was certain that he didn't mince in his tone and words. It irritated him that a mere human girl appeared to be disrespecting him. He was about to take another action when he heard his name called out with due respect. His eyes went towards the form of a vampire with pink hair. He could sense that the vampiress was not a lowly one, defining her to be a noble. "Your name?" He clarified. In any case, this one has more sense and made way for him, but was again infuriated when the human girl spoke along with another fodder.

Ideally, he would not be affected, but he was really displeased as to how easy it was for the human girl to apologize. He wanted to rip her apart this instance for such insolence. This time no one would stop him, but yet again, someone else interfered. This time it was none other but the Kuran princess. She was lecturing him that he has no right to look at the humans in such a way, they are even less than bugs. "Do not dare tell me what I can do or not. Kuran." His voice held a deadly sting. His eyes narrowed into that of annoyance. "Your words are nothing but hollow epithets to what you preach."

Rightly so, the two buffoons. Yes, that is what he will call these disgrace of albinos, appeared to be making fools out of themselves. He was not entertained, but merely agreeing to the points inside his head, that the vampires had definitely lost its true path. Disappointing. Another point to agree with, these humans, especially that uncouth girl gave more proof that her kind should not even be elevated into a status equal to someone like him. He should leave these rabble for he might be inflicted with their stupidity and foolishness. "It would appear that the Kuran has indeed fallen in its caliber. Prefect or not, I do what I will."

"I have enough of this idiocy." With those words, he left the group without another look. It's true that their had been orders about them getting to know each other. That was something he had no intention of doing so. Why would he like to know individuals like them who clearly belonged in the world of idiocy and delusions. The notion of being watched did not even bother him. He knew from the very moment he had stepped inside this academy he had been monitored especially that of his family. That was clearly the only chain that he has around him that prevented him to lash out to anyone or the only thing preventing him from leaving this forsaken place. For now, all he wanted was to go and rest in his room. That was one of the best solution he has to ease his nerves. It irked him to know that his uncle was probably enjoying his misery, if only it was possible to lock himself in his room and graduate already. This indignation was already enough for him.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran
Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu


Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu
Ranmaru Kiryu

"They all think this is a good idea. I'd rather watch the world turn on itself, but not everyone can get what they want."

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran
Saya Kuran

"Good intentions or not, it'll do more harm than good. It's only a matter of time."


Character Portrait: Saya Kuran
Saya Kuran

"Good intentions or not, it'll do more harm than good. It's only a matter of time."

Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu
Ranmaru Kiryu

"They all think this is a good idea. I'd rather watch the world turn on itself, but not everyone can get what they want."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Saya Kuran
Saya Kuran

"Good intentions or not, it'll do more harm than good. It's only a matter of time."

Character Portrait: Ranmaru Kiryu
Ranmaru Kiryu

"They all think this is a good idea. I'd rather watch the world turn on itself, but not everyone can get what they want."

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