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Violet Isle

Violet Isle


A plane full of orphans going to america fails, and everyone inside is forced to jump with parachutes. The survivors find them self on a deserted island, but little do they know about this place..

1,160 readers have visited Violet Isle since Sonara Stone created it.


A group of orphans, ranging anywhere from five to seventeen, are trapped on what they think is a deserted island. None of them know that the island holds its own secrets, such as a mysterious atmosphere surrounding it that prevents anything electronic from working, among other things..

The idea for this roleplay is like a LOST type setting, but with only children. Very little is restricted from the possibilities, as long as it stays remotely believable. A few quick rules:

Romance: Keep it light, no more than TWO serious relationships at a time.

Violence: Stay in the moderate zones, nothing R rated.

Characters: Humans only, multiple chars are fine but no more than TWO

God Modding: DONT DO IT

Killing: No killing without PO's permission, and keep it light


Boundaries: Your imagination!

Any questions about rules should be taken to PM


Character Creation:

Four steps. (1) Submit (2) Get approved (3) Fill the form below out in the character introduction (4) Have fun, for petes sake!


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Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Family:((of course not parents because there all orphans))

Past Relationships: ((Chars 13+ only please))

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

The beach

The beach by RolePlayGateway

A rather small beach surronded by rocks, where most of the survivors wound up.



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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Kloi crawls out of the water, gasping for air. She wretches a quart of water into the sand before collapsing on thr ground, panting. Her heart beat wildly, and her lungs still burned from the water. She could barely make out the sounds of other surviviors, but she couldnt move. The sun was so hot overhead, and the sky was a fierce blue without any clouds. Kloi tried to think of the last time shed seen clouds like this, but everything was foggy. That was the last thing she thought before passing out..

The setting changes from Earth, The Island to CHARACTER INTRODUCTION

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Name: Kloi

Alias or Nickname: Koi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 110lb

Build: Strong but slim

Eyes: Black

Hair: Brown with red highlights, chunky hairstyle

Tattoos: None

Personality: Varies a LOT

Skills: Excellent fighter, can throw a spear accurately

Hobbies: Poking rocks... ((FOIG))

Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She would never admit it, but she has run away from several homes.

Family: Her sister was sold as a slave, never been seen again

Past Relationships: None

The setting changes from CHARACTER INTRODUCTION to Earth, The Island

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#, as written by Haddrix
Ivy lurches out the water, hitting the warm sand of the beach. Her trembling fingers fumble with the buttons of her overcoat, managing to slip out of it. Moments are spent catching her precious breath before she begins to think of the others.

I know there were more kids… I have to help them…

She forces herself onto her knees, only to fall back to the ground. Her glasses lay next to her, maybe a foot away, maybe a yard. It’s impossible to perceive depth without her glasses. She tells her arm to reach out for them, but her muscles don’t respond. Exhausted, she closes her eyes and welcomes unconsciousness.

The setting changes from Earth, The Island to CHARACTER INTRODUCTION

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#, as written by Haddrix
Name: Ivy Cross

Alias or Nickname: None

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 1"

Weight: 90lb

Build: Petite

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Bluish-Black, shoulder length

Tattoos: None

Personality: Quiet, bookish

Skills: Can identify most plants, edible and poisonous

Hobbies: Reading

Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She develops extreme paranoia on the island.

Family: Only child.

Past Relationships: None

The setting changes from CHARACTER INTRODUCTION to Earth, The Island

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Kloi opens her eyes, sitting up with a jolt. Her legs and arms burned from a rash from the sand. She looked around, seeing another girl, unconcious. She slowly tries to stand, stumbling a bit and almsost tripping over the unconcious girl. She sighed, grabbing the girls arms and struggling to drag her up the beach, so the water wouldnt reach her. It was only then she saw the glasses. She ran to get them, and tripped and fell into the sand. She struggled to sand again, ignoring the pain and fear as she grabbed the glasses and slowly crawled back to the girl. She tossed them to a few inches from the girls hand, then collapsed on the ground, panting.

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#, as written by Haddrix
Ivy vaguely registers being moved, and when her eyes flutter open, she sees her glasses. Reaching out for them, she puts them on and revels in the clarity they bring. Calmness sweeps over her, welcomed, if not unjustified.

I can see. I’m going to be alright.

Sitting up slowly, she sees another girl lying in the sand. She tries to speak to ask her if she’s alright, but only ragged coughs come out. Catching her breath, she tries once more.

“Are you… are you ok?” she asks in a scratchy voice.

The setting changes from Earth, The Island to CHARACTER INTRODUCTION

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Name: Jacob Restus

Alias or Nickname: "Golden Eagle"

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 180lbs

Build: Slightly-wide, high-muscle build

Eyes: Light Blue

Hair: Dark Brown

Tattoos: None

Personality: Independent and self-reliant, Jacob is able to hold the wilderness at bay well. He is gloomy and often critical, but seeks knowledge and has a wealth of information that he is more than willing to share. Not much of a leader, prefers to do his own thing without other people influencing him. Not a people person, tends to find solace in generally being alone. Views things in a rational, organized manner and doesn't care for effusive, enthusiastic people. Rather defensive and on guard most all of the time, but alert, vigilant, and prepared. PSYCHOBABBLE: INTJ, Cognitive Functions Ni, Te, Ti, Fi, Si, Ne, Se, Fe. Enneagram 5w6

Skills: Eagle Scout. Various badges such as Wilderness Survival show he can build a fire, treat various problems, cook food, build shelter, and use an axe/saw/knife properly, and other scout-related things.

Hobbies: Enjoys fishing in his spare time.

Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Mild Schizoid personality disorder.

Family: Younger brother was transported on a different plane.

Past Relationships: Views relationships in teen years as risky and short-lived, poor investments of emotion, money, and time, and thus hasn't bothered to find a girlfriend. Of course, trapped on this island, his situation has drastically changed.

The setting changes from CHARACTER INTRODUCTION to Earth, The Island

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Jacob pulled the string of his parachute. Sure enough, it came out, catching the air in it, slowing him down. Jacob aimed for the water just next to the island for a softer landing, but the wind had other plans. It blew him away from the island until, by the time he finally hit water, he was a good 300 meters from the island. Thankfully his Swimming merit badge had covered long-distance swimming, so he took off the parachute (Worrying about littering was the least of his worries right now.) and began to use 'the crawl'. However, after about 200 meters, he began to tire and noticed that large fish were swimming in the water. Are those sharks? he thought. His brain responded by pumping in adrenaline. He began to swim for his life. He managed to make it to shore, coughing and gasping. He looked back at the sea and saw... dolphins. Those weren't even fish at all, just some friendly bottlenoses. Still, it was best that he was careful about what he was swimming with. He saw a couple girls also on this beach. At least there were other people here, that increased his chances for survival. The adrenaline's effect waned, however, and he realized he was exhausted. He needed to get some rest. But now there were more important issues at hand. Mainly surviving until tommorow. He pulled himself up towards some banana plants. There was a short one, likely stunted by poor conditions. He picked some leaves off it. He found a tall stick from a nearby tree. So he stood up the stick, found a flat area in the sand, and pushed it down into the hot sand. He then used his knife to cut into the top of the stick, making small slits. He then stuck the stem-end of the banana leaves into the slits, making a sort of a thin-umbrella or teepee type shelter. This would do for now. He left the spare banana leaves near the tired girls and went into his shelter, exhausted. As he lay in the shade of the leaves, the effect of the adrenaline ran out and he succumbed into unconsciousness.

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Kloi slowly opened her eyes, looking up to the girl over her. She wore the glasses, and looked really tired. Kloi slowly sat up, looking to her and forcing a weak smile as the girl asked if she was alright.

"Il be fine.." She let her eyes closed, focusing all her energy on staying concious. Others. A survival mode kicked in, and her eyes opened slowly. She looked around her, seeing a weird type of hut with some feet sticking out of it. She looked back to the girl, her eyes slowly gaining definition and awareness.

"Are you alright?" She blinked a few times to clear up the image, ignoring the burning rashes from the sand and the stinging in her eyes from the salt water. She slowly moved her legs to a crosslegged position, wincing at the pain as she looked to the girl, concerned.

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Drake slowly regained consciousness. He had forgotten everything between the time he had landed in the ocean and now. He looked up and saw banana leaves. He was proud of himself, he had had enough of a grip to fashion a small, temporary shelter. He ached, but now wasn't the time to sit back. He poked his head out of the hut, and saw that his look was angled towards the ocean. He had made it. He pushed the leaves aside and limped towards the banana plant, not taking heed of the beach around him. The banana plant didn't seem to be fruiting right now, so he had another idea. He went down to the ocean and looked about. Sure enough, there was a small crab. It wasn't very big. Near it was also a clam. He took the clam and checked. It was still alive, and would make a good meal. He grabbed the crab. The small crab's mouth bubbled angrily and its claws swayed about. He knew that eating shellfish raw was a bad idea. He had to make fire. Making fire wasn't hard. So he took the clam and crab and put the clam in his right and crab in his left hand. He then knocked the crab's head with the clam's shell, breaking the exoskeleton and killing the crab. He set them both down near the hut. The clam would be enough for himself, for now. He looked around and saw a couple twigs. That wasn't enough fuel. He put them in a little pile and set towards the forest, where he saw a couple regular-sized sticks, and a stick without bark. He took them back to the site of the sticks. Luckily the shellfish hadn't been stolen. He took the bark off of one of the sticks. He then took the bark and put it on the twigs, and rubbed the two debarked sticks together. Such a fast motion hurt like the dickens, but he wouldn't give up on it. He tried and tried, and soon he got sparks. After a bit the bark ignited, and then the twigs began to burn. He set the two debarked sticks on top of all of it and then put the crab and clam on top of that. He wanted the cooking to be thorough; eating undercooked shellfish could lead to very bad parasites. He took the still-barked stick and a banana leaf. He put the banana leaf by the fire and used the bark-covered stick to hit the now-cooked crab onto it. The clam still had a ways to go, though. He wanted to dig right into the crab, but he knew that the clam would provide. But still, the exposure of its innards through its broken exoskeleton would make it spoil quickly. He looked around and saw two girls, both upright. They had a good chance to survive, then. He had an idea. He took the banana leaf and wrapped the crab up with it. To seal the package he put a twig in the place where the parts of the leaf intersected, so they wouldn't come apart. The end result was a neatly-wrapped crab package. To walk over to where they were would be very strenuous; they were a good twenty meters away; more than he would like to walk. So he grabbed the package. It was still piping hot, he'd have to throw it fast or be burnt. He threw the banana-leaf crab package over towards the girls. It landed in the lap of the girl who wasn't wearing any glasses. He then noticed the outside of the clam was burning. He used the stick to knock the clam onto another banana leaf. Then he wondered: how would he open it? He looked around and found a small rock nearby. Not optimal, but usable. He grabbed it and shifted the leaf so that the clam faced up. He then hammered at the crack hard, the collision on the rock paining his arm. It finally broke, weakened by the fire. Steam welled up from the innards. As the steam stopped coming out, he greedily gobbled the clam innards. It wasn't as much as he had anticipated, but still usable. He'd have to find some source of water soon, but now wasn't the time. He took the shell pieces and put them on the leaf. The tiny fire burned out. And Jacob retreated back into his hut. He'd need his rest to find water.

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#, as written by Haddrix
“I’ll be fine, too,” Ivy said softly. She watched the boy work to make shelter and get food as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Survival of the fittest… This boy knew how to survive. This girl most likely did as well.

How long will I last?

She shook her head to dispel the thoughts. She couldn’t relapse, not here. Years of therapy had helped her overcome her paranoia, and she needed a rational mind if she wanted to make it off this island. She took off her glasses and cleaned them without realizing it.

“What’s your name?” she asked the girl quietly.

The setting changes from Earth, The Island to The beach


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"Kloi. Koi is simpler though." She spoke softly, wincing as something landed in her lap. She looked down and slowly unwrapped it, turning to where the boy had built a fire. She blinked a few times, unwrapping the leaves and seeing a cooked crab. "Crud." She muttered in astonishment, glancing a few times in the huts direction. "Im glad hes here." She sighed softly, breaking off a crab leg and breaking the leg again, sliding out the steaming meat. She ignored the pain in her fingers and lips as she chewed the too hot meat. She held out the crab to the girl. "Want any?"

The setting changes from The beach to Earth, The Island

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Drake couldn't get back to sleep. His mind was buzzing. He had no idea how long he had been out earlier. He needed to get a source of water. He poked his head outside the hut. There were no coconut trees in the vicinity. Instead he decided to look for some rocks. He remembered how stones could be made into tools by hitting them with other stones. His pocket knife would just get tangled up in the thick shell of a coconut. He looked around the beach and saw a hand-sized rock made of granite. This would be good for hitting the other rock, if he could find one. He sifted through the sand for a suitable stone and found a good chunk of limestone. He held it in his left hand and whacked at it with the granite rock. It flaked, but one of his whacks was too strong, and it shattered. Oh well, stone tools usually require multiple tries anyway, he thought. He sifted through the sand again, this time finding a decent chunck of sandstone. Sandstone was soft, it might not handle the pressure. He tried again, his hands burning from the heat of the sand, and found a shale rock. It was about hand sized and a few inches in depth; it would make an excellent tool. He used the percussion flaking technique once more, and finally he managed to make a sharp edge on one side. But there wren't any coconut trees that he could see. He was tired from the search, so he just set the tool by his little hut and went back inside, and made another attempt to get some rest.

The setting changes from Earth, The Island to The beach


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#, as written by Haddrix
Ivy shook her head. “That’s alright,” she said quietly, running her fingers through the sand. She had eaten recently, and still felt satisfied.

“Why doesn’t he talk to us?” she whispered to the other girl. “Shouldn’t we all be working together?”

The idea of a free-for-all terrified her. Without communication, without rules and pseudo-society… how long would it be before the meat on her bones would be another’s meal? Koi was kind to her now… but would desperation change that?

Ivy squeezed her eyes shut, trying to rid herself of the images haunting her.

The setting changes from The beach to Earth, The Island

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Lorelei dragged herself from the water, she rested her head on the sand. Rory began to wheeze, her throat convulsing violently as she struggled for air. Rory looked around, panicked. She saw her Asthma inhaler a good ten feet away. Rory dragged herself on her arms but the labor only made her wheeze more. Rory collapsed to the ground, her fingers inches away from her inhaler. Rory fumbled for it, but she was too weak from the crash.

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The beach

The beach by RolePlayGateway

A rather small beach surronded by rocks, where most of the survivors wound up.



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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lorelai Valem
Character Portrait: Ivy Cross
Character Portrait: Ten-Boom
Character Portrait: Jacob Restus


Character Portrait: Jacob Restus
Jacob Restus

Jacob, an Eagle Scout, finds himself among the stranded on the island. Can he use his well-developed survival skills help others, or will he use them selfishly?

Character Portrait: Ten-Boom

The addict, the violent one. The miscreant.

Character Portrait: Ivy Cross
Ivy Cross

The Girl Who Sees What Others Ignore

Character Portrait: Lorelai Valem
Lorelai Valem

17, called Rory


Character Portrait: Ten-Boom

The addict, the violent one. The miscreant.

Character Portrait: Ivy Cross
Ivy Cross

The Girl Who Sees What Others Ignore

Character Portrait: Lorelai Valem
Lorelai Valem

17, called Rory

Character Portrait: Jacob Restus
Jacob Restus

Jacob, an Eagle Scout, finds himself among the stranded on the island. Can he use his well-developed survival skills help others, or will he use them selfishly?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jacob Restus
Jacob Restus

Jacob, an Eagle Scout, finds himself among the stranded on the island. Can he use his well-developed survival skills help others, or will he use them selfishly?

Character Portrait: Ten-Boom

The addict, the violent one. The miscreant.

Character Portrait: Ivy Cross
Ivy Cross

The Girl Who Sees What Others Ignore

Character Portrait: Lorelai Valem
Lorelai Valem

17, called Rory

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The beach

The beach by RolePlayGateway

A rather small beach surronded by rocks, where most of the survivors wound up.



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The beach

Earth, The Island The beach Owner: RolePlayGateway

A rather small beach surronded by rocks, where most of the survivors wound up.

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Re: [OOC] Violet Isle

Does this roleplay take place in the recent past? It seems infeasible that they would let mentally disturbed children carry knives onto a plane. Two characters have knives in their equipment section, and while I understand the desire to have one on an island, we’d need to justify how security missed two separate weapons.

Also, to the owner of Jacob/Drake... Please break up your posts into paragraphs. It's hard for me to read that many lines put together.


[OOC] Violet Isle

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.