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Wandering The Desert Of Time

Wandering The Desert Of Time


We came from all different times. We remember very little of who we are. But we know that we must make the journey. And we want you to join us.

1,344 readers have visited Wandering The Desert Of Time since Zero Reaper created it.


I don't know who you are. I don't know how you found this note; there are a million possibilities. I don't know where or when you're from.

But I know a few things about you.

The things that matter.

You arrived here at some stage. Maybe ten years ago, maybe just a few minutes ago. You'll remember very little of your past, if anything. Very rarely does anyone remember anything of their pasts here. It's part of what makes this place so mysterious, I suppose. But you'll be from a different place from everyone else, at a guess. A different time, or a different world. You'll be lost and confused.

But you'll know one thing. It'll be on a little note you'll have found lying on your chest when you woke up. It's a simple message. Cryptic, I suppose, and yet incredibly blatant.

"You need to make it to the summit."

Nine words. Nine words that will define what remains of your life, quite possibly. 'The summit' should be quite obvious. You can see it in the distance over there. A huge mountain, towering into the sky, with a beacon atop it. It calls to you - it does to everyone. You need to make it there. I've been here for a while, gathering information. Everyone's making their way there, slowly. But I'll tell you what you need to know. There are two things.

It'll be dangerous. That's what everyone's said. I've seen it myself. The closer you get, the more obstacles they are. They're as far-reaching and varied as we are - from violent animals to monsters that may have once been men to machines of war, they are everywhere.

And secondly, you can't make it alone. That's what everyone's told me. Those who try, never make it. But those who travel in groups? They sometimes make it. Numbers are our only hope. That's why I'm writing this letter.

Head directly for the mountain from here. After a while, you should spot a small rock formation. That's where you might find me. If I'm still there. If I've already got a group and I've left... then it doesn't matter. Find a group of your own.

But whatever happens, I wish you luck.

And if you meet me, we'll make it to the summit together.

I promise.

~ Another Wanderer


Well, you've stumbled across my little roleplay. How interesting.

This is more an experiment than anything. I'll say that right off the bat. I was inspired by a game called 'Journey', along with similar games, such as 'Shadow Of The Colossus' and 'Ico'. This is designed to be, instead of an RP of plot twists and action, an RP of emotions. A minimalist RP, so to speak.

The basic premise is simple. All the characters have mysteriously awoken at various times in what seems to be a vast, empty desert, filled occasionally with small outcrops of rock. The only real feature of the landscape is a huge mountain; the base isn't visible over the horizon, but the peak is clearly visible. It's obvious that it's hundreds upon hundreds of miles away. Everyone who awakes has three things in common.

Firstly, they are all from different worlds. Different times, different eras, different places. They know nobody they meet. They remember only where they are from; they do not remember who they are, or who they knew.

Secondly, they all display an ability. This manifests in different ways, but it always physically appears as the ability to control a white energy. Wisps of this white energy can be seen floating in the wind; touching these can add strength, and sometimes, even go so far as to unlock new abilities. For some, it allows them to heal; for others, it allows them to destroy. Everyone's is different. Not everyone's manifests immediately; some can take even weeks.

And thirdly, everyone who awoke had a small note on their chest, written in a scrap of parchment. It told them that they had to get to the top. And upon reading it, everyone gained the compulsive desire to reach it.

Nobody knows how many people have awoken in the desert. More and more arrive each day, and more and more set off on their journey each day.

You, by some coincidence, have come across a little piece of cloth. Maybe lying in the desert, maybe trapped between two pieces of stone. The cloths are to be found everywhere. Written on this scrap of cloth is a request from a man calling himself 'The Last Renaissance Man', asking you to come to a reasonably-sized rock formation. And, by another miracle, you've found the formation - perhaps by searching, and perhaps by accident.

A man greets you there. He is tall, with blonde hair, crimson eyes, a flowing black cape, a white ruffled shirt under what appears to be tough leather armour, and a sword at his hip. He may already have others with him; you may be the first. But once there are six of you, you will set off for the summit, and you must never look back.

This is your journey to the summit, and there is only one question to be asked -

Just what, exactly, lies at the top?


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Toggle Rules


1. Play nice. This is probably the most important rule of all. I don't want to see any fighting of any form. Keep it civil and mature.

2. Stay within the tone of this RP. This is to be quiet, subdued, emotional - there will be few fight scenes, and loud, boisterous, two-dimensional characters aren't encouraged.

3. With regards to romance (which is, by the way, heavily encouraged - it's going to be a major theme of this RP, especially later on), try to keep it naturalistic - let things progress organically. Love at first sight doesn't happen - make your characters fall in love with each other over a long period of time.

4. As an extension of the above, keep it PG-13. I don't want this RP to get deleted.

5. Writing standards here are tough. Nigh-impeccable grammar and spelling is a requirement, and you're encouraged to throw in great amounts of description of your characters' surroundings, their appearances and their thoughts. This is not advised as your first or second RP. Short posts are allowed, but heavily discouraged.


1. Not technically a rule, but philosophy is to play a big part in this roleplay, and you're advised to be philosophically-inclined, and to have read a tiny bit of it yourself. Not a requirement, though, so don't stress too much.

2. We'll start once we have six characters - which, by the way, is the limit. I'm taking one, so five are left over. After these are filled out, more are to be allowed, but I'd advise PMing me first, as you'll need a very good way of working them in.

3. If you don't think you're up to the writing requirements of this RP, I am offering a 'writing course' of sorts for those who are interested in learning. You'd be allowed to join, but your posts would be run by me first, and you'd have to express a good deal of willingness to take advice and improve your writing.

4. If you've read all this, put 'God Is Dead, And We Have Killed Him' into your profile somewhere. Failing to do so results in being disapproved.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Lucy rasped pathetically as the sun glared down over her body. Her mouth was dry and unpleasant she her hands slowly felt about in the hot sand, looking for something to grasp onto to keep her steady as she tried to stand. The sweat across her brow was uncomfortable and the sand that was stuck in between her clothes was irritating to say the least. She opened her eyes and immediately regretted it as the sun blinded her. "Damn" she hissed groggily, feeling as though she had just spent the night in a local pub. It was funny though... She had no idea where she was from. The strangest sensation she'd every felt.

Lucy opened her eyes again, this time squinting, feebly eyeing her surroundings beneath her and saw she was atop sand, then looked up and saw the expanse of nothingness before her. She shakily stood to her feet and turned around to see a rock formation towering over her. The time of day meant the shadows of the rock were facing the opposite side to what she was on. "Where am I?" she asked to herself aloud. Lucy shook the thing leather coat she wearing, shaking the sand from her body. She was unbearably hot, but her coat was stopping the sun from completely zapping her energy. Lucy checked her body for her belongings - first her head, check, the goggles were there; then her side, check, her knapsack was there. She knew everything about herself, her name, what she carried, but that was it. All of a sudden she became wary of her surroundings. Everything was odd here.

Lucy touched the rock before her, then coughed, wincing at the pain from her dry mouth. "Damn" she hissed again. She dove her hand into her knapsack and fished around, hoping to find a canteen she might have packed - no luck - but suddenly her hand grasped a thing piece of paper. Lucy paused and a quizzical expression crossed her face as she fished the paper out. "instructions... huh" she said out loud again. Studying the paper it told her to reach a rock formation. Lucy looked to the rocks beside, "Well that was convenient" she said with a sarcastic smirk. Lucy shook her herself again, getting the final sand grains from her body and shakily took a step forward, leaning on the rock for support as she began to make her way around the side of the formation.

Lucy was soon in the shadows of the rock and collapsed in the cool shade against the bottom of the formation. She sighed heavily, revelling in the cool as she looked forward across the desert and for the first time noticed the colossal mountain in the distance and Lucy tilted her head in curiosity and disdain at how far away it was and yet how tangible it seemed. "Where am I? What is going on." she asked out loud. Lucy sat for a while, trying to remember anything as to how she got here; Every time she thought however, it always seemed she was telling herself to forget. The oddest sensation she'd ever felt. It was like she could feel all these memories, all these emotions, yet, it was like she didn't have them too. All she knew was that the mountain in the distance seemed to call her, emanating an unsaid "come hither".

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm
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The cruel blade glinted in the desert sun. Razor-sharp silver, turning over in the light, white reflection of light gleaming off it, blinding those around slightly, the tiny gleam upon the blade looking white-hot. Black leather fingers, like the cold hands of death, slid across the clean blade, feeling the heat of it - not enough to warp the beautiful piece of steel, but enough to lightly burn the fingers of an unclad hand. Yet through the leather gloves, it was simply a soft warmth, like that of an old fireplace, comforting and sleepy.

Valentine looked up at the huge, empty sky, completely cloudless, the sun beating down upon sand and rock. The small chunk of orange sandstone he sat upon was even hotter than the blade he had left out that morning, but he did not care; the pain was minimal for him, and through his duelling jacket and cape, it felt no more warm than a comfortable bed. He lay on his back, where he had for days. He did not thirst; he did not feel hunger. Such things had barely affected him before, and held no meaning here.

Lifting his hand off his blade, he stared at the leather of his gloves; they were clean, unworn by the ravages of time. His riding boots were barely worn as well. His clothes were well-made; in his world, in the hell of the night, he'd demanded that they be as such. He would not wear or use inferior equipment. To do so was ill-befitting of a man such as him.

He heard a voice; a little like his, but not as crisp, cruder, its tongue twisted by the words of the lower classes. It lacked his sharp, refined edge. It interested him; he had not heard voices like that for many years, not since...

He could not remember, and discarded the thought like an apple core, the meat of the fruit gone from the memory. He had no use for such thoughts. So what if he could not remember? He did not remember much. It never concerned him.

He rolled off his back, pushing himself to his feet. He grasped the hilt of his sword, sliding it into its sheath with barely a sound; once, it would have been silent, but the oil was degrading, and he had no replacement. Soon, his clothes and boots and gloves and blade would wear and become useless to him. Hopefully, he'd make it to the mountain sooner rather than later. It was necessary that such a thing happened, before he died. He knew, just like the rest, that he had to make his journey, his pilgrimage, to the mountain. That was why he'd written all those notes.

He leapt off the edge of the rock, moving silently, landing on the sand like a ghost, the only noise the soft settling of dislodged sand beneath him. He quietly turned, observing a young woman before him, his crimson eyes cold, systematic, watching like a bird of prey. Was she a threat? From the looks of her, not. Had she come to help him? From the looks of things, yes. She must have found his note.

Most curious.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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#, as written by Basta
'Blastut...Flat palm 'gain.' Grumbling to herself, Vooli snatched up the talismans she'd cast upon her stone table and readied her hand for another toss. Glaring down at the rock, daring it to disturb her work again, she let her talismans tumble from her open palm. The pleasant clacking noise did nothing to lighten her mood, as the talismans once again predicted ill luck. This time there were three facedown and two up, the two being 'Jackal' and 'Closed Fist'. That signified a clever danger that wouldn't reveal itself until ready to strike. The same type of reading she'd been getting all morning. With a sigh, she scraped her charms into her knapsack, collected her spear, and resumed her march towards the gleaming spire in the distance.

Vooli had no memory of how she'd arrived in this desert plane, nor how long she'd spent traversing it. Not that it mattered in a place like this, as she felt neither hunger nor thirst and so could theoretically travel infinitely. The landscape passed her slowly, though she took great interest in it, as she always did. Paying attention to the details kept Vooli sane, and also let her determine whether or not the landscape was really endless or simply vast. After much deliberation, possibly years worth, she concluded that it was simply vast and her objective would be met eventually. Many more hours passed, so Vooli decided to do another reading.

She climbed up onto a rather high rock formation and settled in. Groping around in her knapsack, Vooli drew another five tiles at random and scattered them in front of her. The result made her blink a few times in disbelief.

"Serenity, th' Starman, an' Shiner's luck? Suspecting, Oi yam," she commented to no one in particular. As she made to scoop up her talismans, Vooli's wandering gaze lasered in on two figures in the distance. Swearing mightily, she quickly tucked away her talismans and pulled out the mysterious note she'd found so long ago. 'You need to make it to the summit', it read. Those two may or may not have also gotten a note, but they were closer to the towering structure than she, which meant that either they'd been at it longer than her or had arrived her closer than her. Either way, she wanted to get closer and study them before announcing her position.

Like a nimble fox, Vooli somersaulted over the edge of the rocky shelf, landing in a roll and keeping low as she moved from cover to cover. Vooli always seemed to surprise herself, as she didn't know where she knew this skillset from, but was glad for it now. Darting between rocks and low dunes, she advanced on her prey quickly, always keeping herself mostly hidden. Within a half hour, she'd drawn close, though she now saw that the figures were quite removed from one another. The closer, a tall man clad in black, appeared to have noticed the more distant figure, so she waited to see how he approached the situation before revealing herself to them.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm
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Lucy gulped again, the saliva in her mouth now wet enough to sooth her dry throat. She sat against the rock exhausted for the moment. Where was she?. She looked towards the mountain in the distance, "What are you?" she asked a loud. She grasped without conscious effort to the note in her hand and then realised she still held it, "Where did I get you?" she asked with curiosity of the note. Lucy looked up the blaring sun and squinted, revelling in the shade she was seated.

Then Lucy felt it. A presence. It was odd to say the least. She stood with trepidation, unsure of this odd sensation she was feeling. It was much like the mountain, but yet, different at the same time. It was weaker than her desire to move forward, but somehow linked to what she wanted. Lucy didn't remember where she was from, or much about who she was beyond her name; but she knew to trust her instincts. Lucy stood with purpose, and looked towards the mountain, she stepped from the shade of the rock formation and looked out across this expansive desert she found herself on and spoke quietly but with purpose, "Who, are you?"

Lucy turned herself completely so that she could face the man spying on her. Then she felt it more prominently - that sensation. That feeling of knowing this man was connected to something she was connected to too - "Where am I?" she asked before he could answer. Lucy looked to him with confusion and curiosity, "I feel like I know you... Or I'm supposed to know you." Lucy took a step forward and held the note out in her hand, she wasn't sure why, but she trusted him. Something within her trusted him. Her life was a mystery to her, but she had a purpose, she knew it, not specifically what it was, well no further than to make it to the mountain. Looking at the man Lucy knew he wasn't here to danger her, but while she felt connected to him in some way she was still hesitant somewhere within too. Suddenly she felt a surge of herself, it was small. But it was like she remembered a small bit of something like she found a strand of herself in this moment. Then Lucy remembered slightly, just a sliver of what she was; and suddenly her tone of curiosity was peppered with a sassy, "I can tell when people lie too..." Lucy looked at him, "I... I don't know who I am.. Or where I am... But I know when people lie."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm
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((I'm so sorry for not posting sooner! My novel has been getting in the way...))

Valentine watched the young woman with a great deal of curiosity. Where was she from? Not his time, evidently. Unless she had come from one of the great city-forges, it would be most unheard of for her to have been from the eternal night. And besides, her skin was not pale enough - she should have been white as a sheet, but instead, had a good deal of pallor. No, she was not from his time.

He accepted the note, hand moving slowly and deliberately; once it was in his hand and she had released it, he whipped it up to his eye level, like a graceful, lethal snake snapping on its prey. He read it for a moment, confirming that it was his, before discarding it, letting the warm, sandy winds carry it off to be found by another. He did not care for whom it was who found his notes; there was little semblance of order in this place, and determining who would be of use and who would not was nigh-impossible, so he did not trouble himself with such things.

He heard her speak, and while he listened intently, did not make it seem as such, looking out over the horizon, onto the burnt-orange sun slowly climbing into the sky. It was larger and darker than it had once been in his world, before the night came. It still amazed him, seeing sun, seeing light of that volume; not even the sun-stones of his world, the crystals that he'd fought and killed for, had such beauty and light.

And yet for some reason, the burnt sun seemed somehow... dead, as though this world were slowly dying, the end of those who walked upon it slow, inexorable and inevitable. Perhaps the sun would burn, or perhaps it would simply disappear from view one night and never return. But he knew all too well that, without a sun, worlds died.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he said, turning to her, giving her his full attention, a slightly-confident smirk across his features, his crimson eyes holding a slightly arrogant and yet charismatic charm to them. All perfectly calculated to give the impression of just who he wanted to be. "My name is Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night and the one who wrote the note that summoned you here. It is a pleasure to meet you, miss..."

He trailed off, leaving a pregnant pause, as he awaited her own introduction. Perhaps it would tell him more about this enigmatic figure; perhaps it would not. But he would discover who this young woman was if it killed him. The unknown was death to him; he had fought what he could not understand a thousand times, and each time, it grew a little more difficult. Knowledge and blood were the only currencies of the soldier - and if he were forced to swap the latter, he was fully prepared to do so.

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#, as written by Syshil
Tasmin groaned softly as she rolled over onto her side and curled up. All those bad dreams... nightmares as some would call them. They were confusing. The one moment she was at a happy place where people laughed and danced... however she couldn't see there faces, they were covered in the shadows. Then... the next moment, she was drowning in nothingness, killing herself softly with laughter. What was happening? She had to escape!
With a sharp breath she woke up and stared at her surroundings. Sand... sand everywhere, even in her mouth. She spit out the sand before slowly getting up and turning around carefully. Only sand, as far as the human eye could see.
She knew her own name, however she had to think pretty hard about it. But... when she tried to remember how she came here.. or where she came from, her mind was blank. White as snow, cold... the opposite of this hot desert.
In the far, far distance there was a mountain and she frowned carefully. It was the only thing she could see, exept for the horrible amount of sand of course. However... When Tasmin stared at the sand better, she noticed a small piece of cloth twitched her leopard spotted ears forwards to it, swishing her leopard tail and leaping forwards, grabbing the piece of cloth before the wind would carry it away.
With a frown she started to read... it were... instructions? After reading she felt slightly scared and stared around, wondering where are the dangers were hiding. The only danger she could think of now was dehydration of the heat.
There was just one thing to do... she had to find that rock formation. As fast as possible!

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm
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Lucy watched carefully as the man took the note from her hands read it then tossed it away letting the wind take it back into the nothingness. A small twang of irritation flooded her body as he just discarded the only clue she had to her identity and why she was here was tossed away. Just as Lucy was about to scold him, the man spoke, it seemed he had been listening to her after all; "Allow me to introduce myself." he said calmly. A small smirk broke out across his face and Lucy cocked her head to the side with narrowed eyes in suspicion. He had a look of arrogance about him, that much was sure, but Lucy, not sure how she knew, was positive it seemed earned, but nevertheless made her roll her eyes when he continued to introduce himself; "I am Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night and the one who write the note that summoned you here. It is a pleasure to meet you, miss..."

Lucy scoffed at his introduction when he trailed off at the end in an attempt to gain her name. "Call me Lucy" she said with a rather indignant british voice, "Lucy Elizabeth Van Damm." Lucy lifted her shoulders mockingly, "Lady of... Lady of... Damn" she hissed. "I wouldn't have a clue where I come from." She then went into a moments deep thought about her identity, "Why do I know my name but not where I come from?" she asked quietly out loud. Her head then snapped upwards to look back into Valentine's eyes when she remembered he informed her that she had somehow come into possession of his note. "SO YOU BROUGHT ME HERE!" she snapped, "Why!?" Lucy forgot herself in the moment and trudged angrily forward to pok Valentine in the chest, "I want answers" she said sternly.

Lucy immediately backed away when she saw Valentine's sword and noted her complete lack of anything to defend herself. "How did you get me here? And why can't I remember anything" she hissed with irritation. Lucy then felt a surge through her body and it was if something clicked deep within her, then her gaze turned to the distance and she saw the mountain leering high, "I think I need to go there.." she mumbled, her train of thought shifting. Then Lucy brought her gaze back to Valentine, remember her want of answers all of a sudden. As her head turned to look back to Valentine she suddenly caught sight of something off behind Valentine, "Who's that?" she asked, pointing to Vooli in the distance.

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Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
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#, as written by Syshil
Deep in her mind, Tasmin knew she had to go to that mountain. There was no clear reason... she just had to do it. But... the instructions told her she would probable die if she tried it alone, which ment there were more people here in this desert.
A frown appeared on her face when she thought of where to go... to the south? to the west? Eventually she just started walking, hoping she would find what she was searching for eventually. And also hoping there would be water somewhere in this desert.
Time went by and eventually she felt her legt getting tiered of walking such long distance, her breath sharp and cutting her throat everytime she breathed in the oxygen her body needed to survive. 'I need water...' she thought to her self. Fresh, tasty water... there wasn't any around!
By the time she saw a rock formation in the far distance... she was really tiered already, her ears hanging down to the sides. She tried to figure out how far she still had to walk untill the shadows of that formation... and knew things in the desert seemed closer then they were really. She still had to go on, for a pretty long time.
What if she didn't make it?!

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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"I did not bring you here," Valentine said, making a vast, sweeping gesture, as though to encompass the whole world. His voice contained, if one looked hard enough, a slight defensive note; her sudden verbal assault had caught him off-guard. He vowed that it would not happen again.

His mind turned to thoughts of war, and he wondered if she would attack him. She was clearly in a heightened state of emotional distress, as though an animal caught in a cage, desperately searching for a way out, clawing violently at the steel bars, unable to cut through them but trying in vain because its mind's rational thought has been whisked away by the stress of the moment. If she did attack him, he would cut her down like any other opponent; she did not appear to be armed, and his blade would slide through her leather and flesh like the ghostly entities that inhabited his world moved through the planes of life and death. She was only human, and would die like one; sever the nerves of a human, take the air from their lungs or the blood from their veins, and they would die. He had killed far more capable beings than her; he did not recall the details of such beings, but he recalled that he had felled them. He would not be called 'Lord of the Night' if he could not kill mere humans, would he?

"No, I merely summoned you here, to my simple abode. Or have you stumbled upon this of your own accord?" he asked, stepping backwards, leaning against a baking rock, feeling the heat faded through his cape and dueller's jacket, just the soft, comforting heat of a fireplace or a lover's flesh instead of the burning sensation that it bore when pressed to bare skin. "I do not, I am afraid, know what brought us all to this desert. I know nothing more than you do on that subject; at least, I presume not."

As she pointed to the figure in the distance, however, he turned. His eyesight was sharp; it had to be, for him to have survived this long. In his world, the slightest shimmer could mean the impending detonation of an anomaly, an explosion of fire or ice or blood, or the space-warping, nightmarish anomalies that the abominations left in their path. In his world, one had to be better than any ordinary human to survive for long.

"That, I expect, is our next visitor," he said, holding up his right hand for a moment, staring at the black glove, all the secrets contained within it. What did the tiny lines across it mean? The tiny marks of wear... what had worn them down? How many lives had he stolen with those gloves gripping his blade? How many people had they touched, how many lives had they changed? Who had he once known?

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#, as written by Syshil
Tasmins ears went up and faced forwards when she reached the rock formation, not sure what she could expect, but also curious for the one that had wrote the instructions. Could he or she be still here? She always carried a very small knife with her, and kept her hand on it as she walked forwards. Her whole way of walking went catlike, slow and without a sound. It actually matched well with her leopard tail and ears. While she took another few steps she heared voices and froze, standing behind one of the large rocks and listening. It sounded like people were argueing... however one spoke with a strange, old accent in his voice. Tasmins tail swished, however she didn't notice it really.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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#, as written by Basta
Caught! She'd been sure that her stealth was perfect, and yet the two she'd been observing somehow spotted her. They didn't advance or call out, but to remain in her hiding spot might imply a sense of hostility. She couldn't afford to make enemies of these two, since numbers always dictated the victor of a fight and she had only the one of her to rely on. Still, that didn't mean she was going to approach them as if they were best friends.

Sidling out from behind her stone sactum, Vooli held her spear at the ready and moved no closer then ten paces of the duo. After a short, but tense silence, she dug her note out of her satchel and flashed it at them.

"Yous gotta note such's this'n?" she queried gruffly. In order to win the hand, one had to play their cards, after all. Keeping alert, Vooli resumed holding her spear with two hands, eyeing the tall, dark clothed stranger's sword. She played out a dozen combat scenarios in her mind, each one starting with killing the weaker, easier female and then using her reach to pick off the man. Vooli frowned slightly, knowing that no fight was that easy, but until it came down to it, she'd have no way of knowing how skilled this man was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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0.00 INK

Valentine turned to the new animal, raising an eyebrow calmly, observing this new woman. She was... deformed. For the briefest of moments, he wondered if she was from his world; it was entirely possible, as she reminded him all too much of the beastly, mutated tribes that inhabited the lost regions of his world, places where scarred natives danced soaked in blood to the beat of the laughter of mad gods. He remembered but flashes of these places. Including the horrific screams of them as they fell to the ground, his blade slicing through their flesh. Human, animal, angel or abomination, everything screamed when it died. That was one of the things he remembered most vividly.

But she could not have been. Her skin was too smooth, and while somewhat brutal, her appearance to fine, too innocent, to be of his world. She was not among the savages who worshipped the dark gods that he had for so long tried to bend to his will. She was some odd, tribal being, from yet another plane.

Seeing his own handwriting, creepily elegant, possessing a refined yet angular appearance - much like the rest of him, he mused - he nodded in answer to her question. "Indeed I did," he replied. "As a matter of fact, I wrote that. I," he said, performing a flourishing bow, "Am Lord Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night." Standing, he smiled at her a little, and said, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture, "You can put down the spear. I wish you no harm."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Syshil
The new character arrived in her sight and Tasmin frowned... this girl was different and didn't look fully human, just like her. However with Tasmin, she had leopard features... she was more... different. Carefully her hand went to the large dagger, getting it out of the sheeth and keeping her eyes on the scene while stepping forwards. 'I didn't want to interrupt you guys' Tasmin said with her soft voice, which always sounded very delicate, but also dangerous. Leopards were big cats. They were famous for there grace and beauty... and everybody knew one was deadly. 'But maybe we shouldn't be hostile towards eachother' she continued with a soft pur, her tail swishing as she held her dagger closely, however not unfriendly. Her eyes went from one person to the other... trying to see how strong they were... trying to understand who was hunter, and who was prey.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Basta
Hmm....Lord of Night? Vooli didn't quite know how to react to this turn of events. "Y'seem ter be a bit removed fram yer homespace, eh? Not much 'Night' ta speak of out 'ere," she mocked, sweeping her arm across the sunny dunes. However, since they didn't leap at her throat or threaten her with violence, she relaxed her stance a bit. Vooli felt that the fact that this Valentine was indeed the writer she'd been seeking should have been significant to her, but it really wasn't. The truth was she didn't care either way who anyone was, as long as she reached the great spire in the distance.

"Hrmm...I don' trust yer, bu' I'll be willin' ta compromise in th' spirit o' gettin' ter th' mount yonder. Ye' gotta plan, er was 'make a bigg'n group an' hike it together' yer master scheme?" Vooli scanned the rest of the space around her cautiously. Another woman had shown up, much to her surprise. She seemed to be studying them with a certain wariness, and seeing as how her hand was on a rather large knife, Vooli casually gripped her spear in two hands again, ready for combat.

Every new variable thrown into the equation was another calculation Vooli would have to make on her own survival. The fact that she hated math didn't help matters any. It didn't matter in the long run, she supposed. Either she'd make it, or she'd go down fighting as hard as she could.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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0.00 INK

Valentine watched the figures before him with interest. This new one was mutated as well; she appeared to have gained some features of an animal, and to be specific, a domesticated feline. This was, in Valentine's world, not unusual in and of itself; after all, he'd seen many such mutations in his world. Some merely for their owner's amusement, some for the amusement of the one who gave the features, and some weaponised for war. Nearly everything was weaponised in his world. Yet this new figure did not seem quite as interesting as 'Vooli'; he did not know why, but Vooli's mutations possessed a character, a bluntness, a power to them. But the thought of them made him think of home, and this infuriated him, the thoughts running through his mind and onto the ground like water through his hands.

After spending some time trying to work out just what the tribal girl was actually saying, he nodded. "Indeed. I do intend to make it to that mountain, and I have enlisted your help in doing so. If you should prove willing."

When he saw the small confrontation between the two humanoids before him, one hand moved a tad closer to his sword. He knew how this would go; whipping out his sword, then slitting both of their throats in the space of an instant. It would be easy - pathetically so. They were unarmoured, and his blade was sharp enough to cut through stone, as a tiny wound in a chunk of rock to his right indicated.

"Now then," he said. "I believe that it is in our vital interests to make it to the mountain over there. We all feel the compulsion, do we not?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Syshil
Tasmin looked back at the swordsman she had just met. Valentine. He was so different from all other creatures here... He seemed dangerous and on the same time he woke her curiousity. Like real big cats, Tasmin had a very strong sence of curiousity and wanted to know everything that was going on. When she saw the stranger, Vooli, grip her spear tighter, she couldn't hold back the soft hiss, her ears turning back in my neck. She freaked her out...
That moment it dawned on her: All these creatures seemed stronger than she was, expecially Valentine... She heared him say something and nodded. 'yes, we do.... i must go to that mountain' she said with a soft hiss, still holding the dagger but also knowing how to fight without.
Tasmin wasn't an unfriendly person, and she didn't want to get dragged into a fight... but the feeling of her being the weakest here made her go into defence... her eyes scanning the others a little nervously.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
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0.00 INK

Lucy just stared in quiet contemplation as she watched the myriad of hominids before her. Who were they? she asked herself, and what did they want? The mountain too? Lucy stepped forward, hesitant to get to know these people, but settling within herself that they were going to be as good as she was going to get in travelling partners. When the shaman looking woman who spoke with the strangest accent Lucy had ever heard and Valentine replied to the group in general about heading towards the mountain, Lucy nodded in quiet hesitant agreement, "OK" she said firmly.

Lucy looked out behind her, across the sweltering sand and into the distant horizon, admiring the towering mountain far off. Lucy shifted her weight and she stepped towards the giant rock mass far off and felt her urge to go towards it strengthen. "Can you feel it?" she asked out loud, "Of course you can..." she answered herself. Lucy turned back to Valentine, "I don't entirely know what's going on Lord Valentine... But this better not be a trick" she said firmly. Lucy took another step forward and stopped, the feeling becoming stronger, the mountain was willing her to step closer.

Lucy turned back to the feline woman, the strange shaman woman and Valentine, "What are we waiting for?" she asked curtly, "Let's get moving." Lucy turned back to the mountain and began to walk towards, the urge to get closer growing stronger with every step. She felt something stir within in her and a flash of something erupted into her mind - A young girl looking to the sky, asking something quietly, and the same feeling about the mountain, filled the girl as she looked towards the night sky. - as soon as the flash came it ended leaving Lucy more perplexed than before, "What is going on?" she asked quietly, as she began the journey towards the mountain.

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Character Portrait: Lucy Van Damm
8 sightings Lucy Van Damm played by macheteshark
Each day I move forward and on to the next.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren
Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon


Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
Tasmin Rammon

"not such a sweet kitty as you thought?"

Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
Vooli Va'rush

"Once you've relinquished all holds to the world, only then can you be truly free"

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren
Lord Valentine Saren

"I am Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night, and the one who called you here. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
Tasmin Rammon

"not such a sweet kitty as you thought?"

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren
Lord Valentine Saren

"I am Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night, and the one who called you here. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
Vooli Va'rush

"Once you've relinquished all holds to the world, only then can you be truly free"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vooli Va'rush
Vooli Va'rush

"Once you've relinquished all holds to the world, only then can you be truly free"

Character Portrait: Tasmin Rammon
Tasmin Rammon

"not such a sweet kitty as you thought?"

Character Portrait: Lord Valentine Saren
Lord Valentine Saren

"I am Valentine Caine Astartes Saren, Lord of the Night, and the one who called you here. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

Sorry for not posting, everyone! I had to get my novel finished by my deadline or my best friend was going to stab me. Repeatedly. In the face. XD

Anyway, it's done, and I'm posting now! Good news is, I'll be able to post regularly from now on.

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

Mostly, they remember the skills from their past (so any tactics learned would be remembered, and Valentine retains his swordsmanship), but they will remember few actual events (they might remember that they once used a specific tactic to win a battle, but would remember nothing of the battle itself).

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

Says on front page that rarely the past is remembered, what of the minds of strategists and such from the past.

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

@Machete: Approved! Loving the character.

Also, my character's up. For the moment, this RP looks like it's happening, although this can change at any stage over the next week or so. However, don't let that stop you from posting all your characters!

~ Didact

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time


As much as I regret to inform you all, I must put this RP on hold at present while I sort out my life and such. Therefore, you can continue to post characters, but it is looking doubtful at this stage that I will be able to participate. If anyone is willing to take over as GM, PM me immediately and I'll sort it out with you.

~ Didact

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

I'll reserve a space. This is really interesting. Plus I always wanted to play Journey. One of them things I never got round to...

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

i would like to reserve a character too

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

I shall reserve a character.

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

@MacheteShark: Sure!

@Hydrall: Um, I beg your pardon? I didn't quite understand that...

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

Hiya. You've got my pen, as much as that changes anything.

Re: Wandering The Desert Of Time

I'd like to reserve a character

Wandering The Desert Of Time

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Wandering The Desert Of Time"

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