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War of Ascension

War of Ascension


Six individuals have been chosen to become the next generation of gods. Waking up to an ordinary morning with godlike powers. No warning, no explanation, no directions on what to do. Just a mysterious shared dream...

3,206 readers have visited War of Ascension since Sonofel created it.


Six ordinary individuals have been chosen to become the next generation of gods. Waking up to an ordinary morning with godlike powers. No warning, no explanation, no directions on what to do. Just a mysterious dream & the powers of a god. Fully aware of their godhood upon awaking one thought echos through their heads. They must find the others. Perhaps together they can unlock the mystery of their shared dream & new found divinity. Behold, the new gods are rising & the world will never be the same. This is a roleplay where players have the power to warp reality. It is a collaborative roleplay, which means there is no gamemaster or single person in charge of the story. The story can go in any direction the players wish it to. If you wish to create an alternate dimension to act as your characters godly realm then go for it. If you wish to create an army of monsters to wipe out humanity, go for it. If you want to create an new race of intelligent beings, do it. keep in mind, the other gods may not approve and could retaliate. Perhaps a mutual peace and understanding could be established. However, be sure to follow the rules and not break them.

Truth is that there is no specific template. However, there are some requirements.

1) You character must include a name, which deity they are, as well as basic information such as age, height, weight, etc.
2) BE DETAILED, I enjoy a detailed character profile, tell me your characters personality, history, etc. Perhaps they are not as ordinary as we think...
3) Keep it neat & organized... I don't want to have to edit your character profile because it looks sloppy.


Time Travel & Temporal Manipulation This power is beyond the abilities of any deity. That means you can not erase or change the past, but you can change the future. However once something is done, it is done & cannot be undone. So be careful what you do with your godly powers.
Creating New Gods Only the six deities have the power to break the laws of physics & become gods. Ascending a mortal to godhood requires the collective power & approval of all five deities.
Omnipotence/Omniscience/Omnipresence Nothing is all powerful, not even the five deities. Even the deity of balance who is master of all knowledge is not all knowing all the time. Think of it as having a vast library filled with all the knowledge of the universe. Sure the deity of balance can find a specific book whenever they want about any subject, but they cant know everything at all times. They can access the library whenever they want but can only read a single book at a time. Same thing goes for the other gods, EVERYONE must have some sort of limitation.
Creating/Destroying Matter Out of all the Cosmic Laws this is the most important. All gods, not even the deities of order or chaos can create or destroy matter. If you wish to create something, then it must be done using what is already there. A god can not create something from nothing. You must use what is available in the universe to create or destroy.
Resurrection Only the deity of death has this power...
(Common To All Deities)(Does Not Include Domain Specific Powers)
  • Will Powered Flight
  • Immortality/Eternal Youth
  • Regeneration (Via Accelerated Healing)
  • Instant Teleportation (Within current dimension only)
  • Phasing/Invisibility/Levitation/Cloaking (Ghost/Spirit Powers)
  • Divine Physical Condition (An enhanced/divine physical body)
  • Psychic (Telekinesis, Telepathy, Projection, Clairvoyance & Empathy)
  • Dimensional Travel (Some are harder to get into then others)
  • Divine Immunity (Can only be killed by magic or another deity)

  • Deity of Order & Protection | Fabricator
  • Deity of Chaos & Conflict | TheCrimsonLady
  • Deity of Life & The Living | Sonofel
  • Deity of Death & The Dead | Roku Mushabuki
  • Deity of Magic & Balance | The Watcher
  • Deity of Knowledge & Wisdom | Skykoko

Toggle Rules

1] No modding/controlling other peoples characters.
2] There is no specific post length however I expect good effort and detailed posts.
3] If you are not willing or able to post at least once a day then don't join.
4] This is a collaborative roleplay, meaning there is no gamemaster & the roleplayers have the power to direct the storyline.
5] NO CONTRADICTIONS, I hate them, they suck, stick to the story & be aware of everything that has happened so far.
6] There is A LOT of freedom that I am giving the players in this world. DON'T ABUSE IT...
7] Keep grammar & spelling mistakes to a minimum. Trust me I understand, I'm AWEFUL. Just do the best you can and keep your posts detailed & neat.
8] If you wish to create a new location then contact me. New locations could possibly include godly realms such as an afterlife/underworld or perhaps a heavenly realm or a netherworld, etc. Could be anything.
9] NPC are to be controlled by the player that creates them as well as anyone whom they give permission.

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in


Earth by Sonofel

The mortal realm, middle realm, center realm, it has many names. Home to billions of human beings that for some reason are the center of attention for everyone.


HEAVEN by Sonofel

Realms of Light & Order


HELL by Sonofel

Realms of Chaos & Darkness

Elysia City

Elysia City by Sonofel

Also called the crystal city, or heavenly city. Elysia is an abandoned ruin. If anyone used to live here then they are long gone...


Paradise by Sonofel

Afterlife to those with a pure & heroic soul. Protected by a vast host of angelic beings.

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Sonofel

An infinite sea of stars, planets, dust & darkness.


Felworld by Sonofel

An infinite wasteland of eternal night. Afterlife to those with a darkened soul. Forever lost, forever alone, consumed by hatred.


Gehenna by Sonofel

A fiery nether world inhabited by all manner of devilish & demonic beings. The manifestation of chaos itself.

The Abyss

The Abyss by Sonofel

The deepest, darkest, coldest realm in all the cosmos. The ultimate prison, inhabited by the worst of the worst.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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#, as written by Sonofel

You find yourself walking on a sea of silver glass. The blackness around you seems all consuming. It is cold but above you can clearly see the stars displayed in all their glory. Everything seems peaceful, until finally a bright light illuminates the dark. A glowing figure on a white horse, clothed in tendrils of light and shining like the sun. As suddenly as this being appeared, another erupted into being. A skeletal entity wreathed in deep red flames and riding a burning red horse. The being of light shouted at the other with a deep booming voice. "It doesn't have to end this way! We can stop this! We can defy prophecy!" The red rider looked on at the white rider, his face emotionless. Then he spoke in a soft, rasping voice, "I will have my vengeance. Earth be damned!"

Without warning the red rider began to charge, a fiery scythe materializing in his hand. The white riders face was so bright his expression was hidden from sight, but for a brief moment, you think you can see his eyes narrow at the other rider. "So be it." The white rider whispers softly to himself. A crystal white sword appearing in his hand, bolts of what looked like lightning illuminated the starry sky above. The two riders close in on each other with astonishing speed.

Before the two figures clash a grey mist covers your feet. It rises up and consumes you. Cold, unbearable cold, that's all you can think about, cold so cold that it's hot. Terror takes over rational thought. Then a bright flash and every part of your body inside and out makes you feel like your burning alive. The same cycle continues over and over. Cold then heat, light then darkness, ice then fire. After what seems like hours, the pain slowly begins to fade. Your entire body shivers as you take a long, deep breath.

Finally, after the worst nightmare of your life, your eyes open and somehow you know deep within your soul, you will never be the same again.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ben Taylor
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0.00 INK


Ben had awoken from slumber in a deep sweat. That nightmare was beyond unusual. He had realistic livid dreams where he could move, but this one was too real and he felt like he was glued watching whatever those things were. He looked at his skin to see goosebumps. He'd had a few dreams before where he was going threw a bad withdraw, still nothing like that. Since he was awake Ben but his dirty clothes on and opened the blinds to his cramped hotel room. The sun was just beginning to rise over the endless sea of shacks in Dharavi. Opening the window he breathed in that robust air only found in โ€ŽMaharashtra. Morning would be the perfect time to leave for the train station.

The slums were crowded in the morning as everyone was rushing about to go to work or to grab water before the heat rose. It was also when pick pockets were active, taking advantage of the tired people moving about. Ben fortunately knew how to avoid this. He simply put his money in the bottom of his shoes and around his neck, too awkward a place for anyone to get close to without getting caught. He grabbed some bread at a small vendor on his way, spending some cash on sweet bread. After taking his last bite into the bread he saw it.

A large plume of smoke had arisen over the shacks from what looked to be half a kilometer away. As Ben jogged closer he could see it was a roaring firing in what had at one time been a shanty apartment. Some people ran out, some crawled out, others died without hope of rescue as the building caved in. Ben watched as those that had died were laid on the ground and there was no sign or noise of anyone responding. He was staring at a young boy who had died choking on the smoke, a simple fix had the city sent anyone to help. As he watched the boy's parents grieve over the death of their child, a feeling of uneasy importance rushed over him.

Ben knelt next to the mother and reached out to touch the boys forehead. He honestly had no clue to why he was doing it, he just felt that he should. Then suddenly a surge came through his arm and he felt out of breath. The strangest thing happened next. The boy began to breath! Ben looked as amazed as the boy's parents. Out of an unreasonable urge, he repeated this on the other victims, all breathing yet again. The young man collapsed on the ground, leaning against another shack, amazed by what was happening. God must have blessed his hands. Maybe he was a saint?


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sevastyan Zakharov
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0.00 INK


The floor felt cold against his face as he lay there, his brain taking a few moments to begin processing events again. He felt damp and tired as he pushed himself up unsteadily, his fingers parting the congealed vodka that trickled across the tiles. The world around him still felt distorted, strangely distant yet almost perfectly clear for the first time in years despite that.

He stumbled a little as he dragged himself to a nearby dining chair; his hands righting it back to its normal position before sitting down as it had fallen over presumably when heโ€™d landed on the floor during the night. His head was pounding as he rested it against the palms of his hands, trying his best to try and reorganise the events of the previous night into some sense of cohesion. His thoughts were a mangled mess of distorted images, blurred vision and too much shouting.

As he sat there he could feel his mind slowly ticking away to itself, despite all the working parts being flooded in vodka and gummed up with flashes of a nightmare he couldnโ€™t quite place. He glanced around the room, taking in the bare walls and shabby furniture which was broken up by a few cardboard boxes which held what amounted to his life these days. His fingers gently closed over a bottle on the table that was still half full as his eyes landed on one of the more prominent items in the room; namely that of the tattered noose next to his fingers.

As he slowly lifted the bottle he could feel his hand shaking as memory began to flood back, compounding his misery and weariness. His life seemed to be a shambles that was barely being held together, and for what? Heโ€™d found his sister hanging from the ceiling after years of living without her only for his life to crumble and to return and try to fix things only for them to almost fall through his fingers. Heโ€™d left her in the hospital, or maybe heโ€™d been thrown from her room while she recovered. He didnโ€™t really recallโ€ฆ noโ€ฆ his mind may still be a jumbled and pickled mess but heโ€™d known what happened. He tried to sit with her but they wouldnโ€™t let him, someone had dragged him away. With force and made sure he wouldnโ€™t come back and heโ€™d left, lost and alone till he found comfort in a bottle. He felt an anger bubbling inside for a moment before realising the bubbling seemed to be coming from the vodka rather than simply being poetic licence.

Heโ€™d spent far too long in the bottle he decided and stared at the simmering glass in his hand for a moment before he placed it firmly on the wood. Smelling somewhere near how he felt he stood up as best he could and made his way to the shower, needing to tidy up and get himself presentable. Maybe not for his own benefit but for that of his sister.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 9 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Earth by Sonofel

The mortal realm, middle realm, center realm, it has many names. Home to billions of human beings that for some reason are the center of attention for everyone.


HEAVEN by Sonofel

Realms of Light & Order


HELL by Sonofel

Realms of Chaos & Darkness

Elysia City

Elysia City by Sonofel

Also called the crystal city, or heavenly city. Elysia is an abandoned ruin. If anyone used to live here then they are long gone...


Paradise by Sonofel

Afterlife to those with a pure & heroic soul. Protected by a vast host of angelic beings.

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Sonofel

An infinite sea of stars, planets, dust & darkness.


Felworld by Sonofel

An infinite wasteland of eternal night. Afterlife to those with a darkened soul. Forever lost, forever alone, consumed by hatred.


Gehenna by Sonofel

A fiery nether world inhabited by all manner of devilish & demonic beings. The manifestation of chaos itself.

The Abyss

The Abyss by Sonofel

The deepest, darkest, coldest realm in all the cosmos. The ultimate prison, inhabited by the worst of the worst.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander Haven
Character Portrait: Rhiannon Alexander
Character Portrait: Sevastyan Zakharov
Character Portrait: Justin Bafana
Character Portrait: Ben Taylor


Character Portrait: Ben Taylor
Ben Taylor

"Life is beautiful because it fades"

Character Portrait: Justin Bafana
Justin Bafana

"Things are not always as they appear, but more often then not, they are as they should be."

Character Portrait: Sevastyan Zakharov
Sevastyan Zakharov

Wherever Order is being sought is where you'll find Chaos, for the two are forever in balance.

Character Portrait: Rhiannon Alexander
Rhiannon Alexander

"I used to think I was just I know I am" WIP

Character Portrait: Alexander Haven
Alexander Haven

"Life persists, life endures, life adapts, life always prevails."


Character Portrait: Sevastyan Zakharov
Sevastyan Zakharov

Wherever Order is being sought is where you'll find Chaos, for the two are forever in balance.

Character Portrait: Ben Taylor
Ben Taylor

"Life is beautiful because it fades"

Character Portrait: Rhiannon Alexander
Rhiannon Alexander

"I used to think I was just I know I am" WIP

Character Portrait: Alexander Haven
Alexander Haven

"Life persists, life endures, life adapts, life always prevails."

Character Portrait: Justin Bafana
Justin Bafana

"Things are not always as they appear, but more often then not, they are as they should be."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ben Taylor
Ben Taylor

"Life is beautiful because it fades"

Character Portrait: Sevastyan Zakharov
Sevastyan Zakharov

Wherever Order is being sought is where you'll find Chaos, for the two are forever in balance.

Character Portrait: Alexander Haven
Alexander Haven

"Life persists, life endures, life adapts, life always prevails."

Character Portrait: Rhiannon Alexander
Rhiannon Alexander

"I used to think I was just I know I am" WIP

Character Portrait: Justin Bafana
Justin Bafana

"Things are not always as they appear, but more often then not, they are as they should be."

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Earth by Sonofel

The mortal realm, middle realm, center realm, it has many names. Home to billions of human beings that for some reason are the center of attention for everyone.


HEAVEN by Sonofel

Realms of Light & Order


HELL by Sonofel

Realms of Chaos & Darkness

Elysia City

Elysia City by Sonofel

Also called the crystal city, or heavenly city. Elysia is an abandoned ruin. If anyone used to live here then they are long gone...


Paradise by Sonofel

Afterlife to those with a pure & heroic soul. Protected by a vast host of angelic beings.

Astral Sea

Astral Sea by Sonofel

An infinite sea of stars, planets, dust & darkness.


Felworld by Sonofel

An infinite wasteland of eternal night. Afterlife to those with a darkened soul. Forever lost, forever alone, consumed by hatred.


Gehenna by Sonofel

A fiery nether world inhabited by all manner of devilish & demonic beings. The manifestation of chaos itself.

The Abyss

The Abyss by Sonofel

The deepest, darkest, coldest realm in all the cosmos. The ultimate prison, inhabited by the worst of the worst.


The mortal realm, middle realm, center realm, it has many names. Home to billions of human beings that for some reason are the center of attention for everyone.


An infinite wasteland of eternal night. Afterlife to those with a darkened soul. Forever lost, forever alone, consumed by hatred.


A fiery nether world inhabited by all manner of devilish & demonic beings. The manifestation of chaos itself.

The Abyss

The deepest, darkest, coldest realm in all the cosmos. The ultimate prison, inhabited by the worst of the worst.

Astral Sea

An infinite sea of stars, planets, dust & darkness.


Afterlife to those with a pure & heroic soul. Protected by a vast host of angelic beings.

Elysia City

Also called the crystal city, or heavenly city. Elysia is an abandoned ruin. If anyone used to live here then they are long gone...

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Most recent OOC posts in War of Ascension

Re: War of Ascension

Alrighty people. This is it. Feel free to start posting. You start off waking up in bed after a terrible nightmare. Over the next day or so more of your powers start manifesting.

Re: War of Ascension

Fantastic, 1st post in progress!

Re: War of Ascension

Necromancy has been added. Ben's going have a blast right off the bat.

Re: War of Ascension

Necromancy in general is a power that belongs to death alone.

Re: War of Ascension

Wow this is the first time that I've seen that there's more guys then girl characters. Awesome

Re: War of Ascension

I noticed that death was the only one able to resurrect others, but it spaces out after that. Is there any specific details to the resurrection that I'd need to know about?

Re: War of Ascension

Also Roku and watcher could you elaborate more on your powers as gods of death and magic. That would be swell :v)

Re: War of Ascension

Fantastic I'll have the 1st post up tomorrow.

Re: War of Ascension

Glad there was a spot opened, just filled out the CS!

Re: War of Ascension

Ah ha! welcome Roku ^_^

Re: War of Ascension

Absolutely I'll reserve it for ya.

Re: War of Ascension

This RP looks pretty interesting, mind if I apply for the god of death?

Re: War of Ascension

sadly I dont actually know anyone who would be interest. :(

Re: War of Ascension

Still in need of a deity of death if any of you want to invite someone to join.

Re: War of Ascension

alright. I have submitted a more complete character sheet! There are a few things I'd like to add and work on but for the most part I think what I have currently will at the very least be enough to get use started! :)

Re: War of Ascension

Coolio. Can't wait to get started :v) keep in mind the 1st post is going to expand in detail the "shared dream" you all have.

Re: War of Ascension

Well... it seems I lied.. I didn't manage to get a completed character sheet up tonight... (ended up habit to work over) However I have submitted a WIP. I'll try to finish it up tomorrow as soon as possible.

Re: War of Ascension

^^^^ --- This.

I've not had the chance to finish mine up yet due to work but I should have it done before the end of the weekend. That being said it's mostly internal that I need to finish up so I'm fine to go as I am.

Re: War of Ascension

I'll have a fully finished character sheet submitted later tonight! I'd have it soonerif it weren't for the cursed thing known as work!

Re: War of Ascension

Soon as we get our current characters wrapped up I'll start working on the 1st post.