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Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers


Whilst the holy God-Emperor of man slumbers on his golden throne, there must always be someone to watch over his domain.

1,673 readers have visited Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers since claw created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

The year is 999.41M. The Imperium of Man is beset on all sides by tides of war. The dreaded Thirteenth Black Crusade launches from the Eye of Terror. The Ork Warboss, Ghazghkull Thraka, has begun to call on the greatest gathering of greenskins ever seen in Imperial history. The Necrons tombworlds are growing in the number, with ever more terrifying discoveries being left in their wake. The full wrath of the Tyranids has arrived on the eastern fringes of the galaxy.

Yet all is not lost, for whilst the Emperors Angels of Death- the mighty Space Marines- still stand, so shall the Imperium stand, for they will never surrender, nor shall they falter in their most sacred duty. The great chapters of the Space Marines are many and varied, from the ancient and venerable Ultramarines, to the noble Grey Knights, to the secretive Blood Ravens, to the Space Wolves. No two chapters are the same, nor do they take up their charges and missions in the same way.

Imperial Knights


"Beyond the gates, we stand watch!"- Battle cry of the Imperial Knights.

Thus enters the Imperial Knights. A highly secretive chapter of Space Marines who are entrusted with a single mission- to guard holy Terra itself, and the surrounding system. The charge of the Imperial Knights is simple; safeguard the Sol System and on occasion act as the militant arm of the Inquisitions Ordo Astartes, who are in turn charged with overseeing the Space Marine Chapters.

Unlike other chapters of Space Marines, the Imperial Knights do not follow the teachings of the Codex Astartes, for they themselves do not know who their own Primarch is, nor do they know how long they have held their sacred duty as the guards of Terra. As such they are close with their chapter secrets, holding them in high regard and often times looking upon the other more well known chapters with a great deal of distrust. They also have an unusual core of leadership, in which they make the vast majority of the decisions in council. At Company level there if the Council of the Strong, which consists of the Company Sergeants and Captain, which decide the actions and runnings of their particular Company. At Chapter level there is the Council of Elders, made up of the Captains, Chaplains, Librarians and the Chapter Master, this council is only called in full when great disaster looms and as such has not been fully assembled in a millenia, though smaller councils have been held. Finally there is the Council of Eternals, which consists of the Chapter Dreadnoughts, who unlike other Chapters are rarely used in combat, but instead advise the Chapter Master.

The First Company

The Sun Shields

The mighty First Company of Imperial Knights is not in fact the veteran Company, instead they are a mostly fleet based force that utilize the majority of the Chapters fleet. The nature of this Company is one of long strikes at extreme range, generally before the enemy has any time to react, so for that reason this is a mostly Devastator Company, as well as fielding a number of vindicator battle-tanks. They are led by Brother-Captain Axel Ross.

The Second Company

The Vault of the Righteous

A heavy support Company, often working in tandem with the Fourth or Fifth Companies, this mostly Tactical Company has had a long standing tradition of allowing Chaplains a much higher rank than would normally be allowed, and as such is generally regarded as the most pious of the Chapter, with whole squads taking secular vows of silence being a common practice. They have a large network of bunkers situated under the surface of Venus, which are used as their Company Headquarters. They are led in tandem by Brother-Chaplains Cato Silcus and Marinus Vex.

The Third Company

The Guardians of Terra

The deadly and elite veteran Third Company, consists of the greatest of the Chapters warriors, such is their proximity of the Imperial Seat itself. This Company is made up of a large number of Assault Marines, who greatly prefer to fight in the more enclosed spaces of the massive hive world they are charged to protect. The Company has a small fortress on Terra itself, situated in the location of the ancient 'Ascension Isles', however they prefer to use the Chapters Fortress-Monastery on Lunar as their Company Headquarters. They are led by Brother-Captain Garrius Zurge.

The Fourth Company

The Fist of Wrath

One of two Companies based on Mars. The heavily mechanised Company houses the majority of the Chapters Predators and Land Raiders, as well as naturally having a higher than normal number of Tech-Marines. The Company also has the current honour of having its Captain serve as the Chapter Master, that being Chapter Master Azheriah Martellus.

The Fifth Company

The Riders of Retribution

The second Company to hold a fortress of Mars, often used to compliment the Fourth Company due to the fact they use a large number of rapid vehicles, such as bikes and Land Speeders. The nature of the Company often means they are on patrol across Mars and Terra and even hold competitions to test the speed and reactions of the riders. Unlike the rest of the Chapter they hold very good relations with the White Scars and often times send Battle-Brothers to train with them or else join in their Grand Hunts. They are led by Brother-Captain Elser Cask.

The Sixth Company

The Eagles of Perdition

Based on Uranus's moon Oberon, this Company greatly prefers sudden strikes from the skies, employing a large number of Thunderhawks and Jump-packs, though not all of the Company are Assault Marines almost all are fully trained and often equipped with Jump-packs, meaning they do not have any Devastators, however it does allow them to leap from moving vehicles and straight into combat. They are led by Brother-Captain Davian Barkus.

The Seventh Company

The Watchers at the Gates

A more traditional Company, possessing a fairly standard number of Assault, Devastator and Tactical Marines, this Company is often tasked with simple patrol and peacekeeping on the fringes of the Sol System, due to the fact that their headquarters is based on a orbital fortress above the dwarf planet Pluto. They are led by Brother-Captain Plious Revard.

The Eighth Company

The Golden Crusaders

Possessing the second portion of the Chapters fleet based strength, this Company greatly prefers to operate outside of the Sol system. Currently they are divided in half, with one half being led by their Captain to aid in the fight against the Black Legion, and the second half assisting in a large scale offensive alongside the Iron Warriors to fight the Red Corsairs. They are led primarily by Brother-Captain Nedock Ictus, whilst the second half is currently being led by Brother-Sergeant Kister Raine.

The Ninth Company

The Wayfarers

The scout Company of the Imperial Knights are additionally trained in the art of infiltration of civilian populations and making high end assassinations. For that reason it is very rarely they are gathered in any large number to the base in on the large asteroid Pallas in Sols asteroid belt, instead the majority of their squads are spread out on Imperial hive worlds, often making their way high up into the social and political structure, giving the future Imperial Knights the necessary diplomatic skills needed to operate on and around Terra. They are led by a Council of the Silent, which consists of their Brother-Sergeants as they have no captain.


"In penance and duty!"
- Battle cry of the Thunder Warriors.

Working alongside the Imperial Knights is even more secretive Thunder Warriors, veteran Imperial Knights themselves who have been elevated for their great deeds of honour and valour. It is the duty of the Thunder Warriors to lead and keep watch over the Imperial Warriors to ensure they are upholding their duty properly. Unlike any other Chapters, this veteran force is barely more than a Company in strength, such is their status of the true elite, that they are unable to recruit as a normal Chapter, so instead they tend to take the role of Company Sergeants or Captains, though that is not to say that all the Companies are led by Thunder Warriors, notably the Second, Fifth and Eighth Companies are captained by Imperial Knights and the Ninth has only two Thunder Warriors in its ranks, as most consider the art of stealth and intrigue to be unworthy of their elite brotherhood. Selection and introduction into the Thunder Warriors is chosen by vote via the Council of the Storm, with every available member casting a vote of aye of nay if a particular Imperial Knight has earned the right of entry.

Toggle Rules

This is the standard fare, no OP characters, mind the language, the standard things. In terms of characters, I would greatly prefer for people to be Space Marines, and please please please, refrain from trying to grab the Captain slots, because I'm only going to allow a total of three to be player controlled. Other than that you must play an Imperial, as I'm not allowing people to play characters that put them outside of the story as this has in my experience caused the RP to fail as nobody can interact. Any questions please do PM me.

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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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#, as written by claw
Segmentum Solar.
Sol System.
Imperial Knights Fortress-Monastery.

Striding down one of the many hallways was the ceramite armoured form of Brother-Captain Garrius Zerge, of the Third Company. He paused on his passage through the hall to look up at the tapestries lining the wall, they contained the deeds and battles of former Imperial Knights and Thunder Warriors. He often found it odd that the tapestries just sort of began, not giving any evidence of the their foundation or which Primarch was their founding father- something he personally thought would have been legend enough for the ancient Imperial Knights to record at least somewhere, yet such information was nowhere to be found anywhere in the Chapter.

Garrius stepped up to a particular tapestry that he often liked to look at, it depicts the Imperial Knights former Chapter Master standing atop an Emperor Titan, locked in single combat with a Chaos Warlord during the 8th Black Crusade, where three Companies of Imperial Knights fought and died alongside the tens of thousands launched in the attempt to stop the Warmasters plot, though most would call it a stalemate, the Imperial Knights defeat of a number of Black Legions Warbands was counted as a victory on their terms. He felt an odd surge of pride knowing that this former hero of the twin-Chapters led the Third, Seventh and First Companies into vicious battle and battle, finally meeting his end at this very battle depicted, having defeated the Warlord, followed by his sorcerer and eventually falling under a wave of Khorne Daemons, who fell in countless numbers assailing the position.

Though he knew that his own achievements were hardly to snubbed by any, his own image had yet to be added to the tapestries, for only the fallen could be added- their greatest battle being woven to the fabric for future generations to gaze upon as he is. Garrius begins to make his way to the next scene depicted he notices one of the many servants of the Chapter hurrying towards him. Naturally a Chapter based in Sol would have a legion of servants working for it, and usually these numbers are bulked by the Chapters Aspirants, so they may begin to get an understanding of how their Chapter works. The young man skidded to a halt in front of the towering Space Marine and quickly dropped to his knees. "My Lord. The Inquisitors Cado Kestus of the Ordo Astartes and Jeramiah Guyus of the Ordo Scriptus have arrived, Chapter Master Azheriah Martellus has called a Council of Elders." The man kept his head bowed as he waited for Garrius's response.

"My thanks, loyal servant." Garrius replied, stepping around the kneeling the man and headed deeper into the Fortress-Monastery, heading towards the main council chamber situated at the highest tower near the center of the complex. After about fifteen minutes of walking he arrived at the council chamber doors, standing vigil outside were two Terminator clad Battle-Brothers of his own Company, who simply bowed their heads in respect as their Brother-Captain strode past them through the open doors into the waiting chamber.

Inside the council chamber resided the heavy round table, around which the hierarchy of the Chapter would sit when the council was called. Opposite the doorway was sat the Chapter Master himself, on his left was the seat designated for the High Chaplain and on his left was the chair of the Master Apothecary, on the Chapter Masters right were the Chief Librarian and the Master of the Forge respectively. At set intervals were the seats for the individual Company Captains, with seats to their left for their Chaplains and their right for their Librarians, each trio was sat as close to opposite as they could be to the Company bellow them, so the First Company was directly to the Chapter Masters left, separated by only a few meters, across from them were the Second Company and so on down the table until the wide space at the side closest to the door, which was reserved for visiting dignitaries and guests of honour, which was currently reserved by the two Inquisitors who were seated next to each other.

Naturally Garrius was the first Captain to arrive at the council chamber and took his own seat, due to the fact he was the only Captain to be on Luna at the time of the summons, it would no doubt be a short while for any other Captains to even arrive, though of course, the Fourth Companies Captains chair would remain absent as would the three seats of the Eighth Company who were not even present in the system in any capacity to arrive at any major council meetings, nor would the Ninth Company be present as their Company could have no Captaincy they were not permitted entrance to the Council of Elders, just as ordinary Imperial Knights or even the veteran Thunder Warriors were not allowed to cross threshold of the council doors. So instead he settled in to wait, knowing with a tinge of pleasure that the Inquisitors would swiftly grow impatient as time dragged on, as Inquisitors are want to do.


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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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Belarion advanced down the hallway at a stately pace, Crozius Arcanum tapping beside him as he utilized the staff to guide his frame. At 882 years of age, Belarion was very matured by Astartes standards, one who had seen more battle than most. Yet it was not age that slowed him, for such physiological concerns do not normally trouble one of the Emperor's chosen. No, it was the scars of a battle more than a century past, one in which he had almost lost his life. The aged High Chaplain reminisced on these memories of his, excluding the surroundings from his thoughts. His eyes had seen this hallowed corridor enough times that he could navigate it blindly and still indicate the location of many of the furnishings, primarily tapestries.

Each tapestry showed a scene of glory from the past, a woven commemoration to the fallen heroes of old who had given their lives in dedication to the Imperial Knights. From the founding many millenia ago to the most recent of the champions, each tapestry in itself told a story which could fill countless volumes with its details and importance, a lesson and reminder to the new generations. Together, it was the history of the Imperial Knights, a tale of their successes and failures, each one influential on the course of the chapter. Ever familiar and ever tantalizingly curious, Belarion himself knew that someday he might reside on these walls. He himself thought that his own deeds could not compare to those of the figures of old, yet what he had done could be described as nothing less than a miracle. And a relief.

Touching the black and red shard that hung from his neck alongside the stone and metal cross of the Crux Terminatus, Belarion slowed as he approached the entry way to the council chambers. Outside stood the two customary Terminator guards, this day from the Third Company. Belarion himself often went into battle clad in that heavy plate, a walking god immune to all but the most damaging effects. Yet it was in the simplicity of his own artificer armor that he found comfort. Much of the ceramite and other materials was new but his breastplate was forged of the armor which he had worn during the Krathor Crusade. Blessed by the Tech-Priests of Mars and Tech-Marines, Ecclesiarchal Priests and Chaplains, it was regal in its simplicity, exuding an aura of holiness which was almost palpable around Belarion.

The two Terminators saluted Belarion as he walked past, fists clenched to breast in an ancient display of ceremony. Belarion uttered a small prayer, "Emperor bless you, brothers," and then continued past them into the council chambers. Respect to his position and achievements was necessary but Belarion much preferred to be a father of sorts to his Battle Brothers. Inside the room stood Garrius Zerge, Brother-Captain of the Third Company, and Chapter Master Azheriah Martellus. Two human figures, Inquisitors by their garb, occupied the two seats near the entrance of the room. What did their presence indicate?

Circling the ring to his seat, he bowed his head to Garrius before making a more formal bow to Martellus. Settling himself into his seat, Belarion looked over at the Chapter Master and queried, "What troubles you so, Martellus, that a Council of Elders must be called? Has the Emperor's Holy Tarot revealed some portent?"


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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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The fairly young assault marine sergeant Castard was training with the men assigned to his care. Despite only being 388 years old, that was considered young among the ranks of the space marines. He had heard of some news that the Captains were meeting in the council room, and they were discussing something. Since he was a rank of sergeant he did not go to the meeting but instead he was using this oppurtunity to sparr with his battle brothers. He and his opponent were both armed with a chainswords and their armor. As they both charged at eachother, their weapons clashed with eachother causing sparks to fly from their weapons as their swords roared to life. As they both pulled away trying to seek a moment to strike at another place, Castard was the first one to recover and got on the offense, his speed and strikes were fierce as he gave his opponent no room to counter attack. His opponent did his best to block each strike and to dodge other strikes but he was soon overpowered and after he lost his footing for a second, Castard delivered a strong kick to his opponent, causing him to fall backwards. As his opponent collapsed on the ground a chainswords met him just mere centimeters from his helmet.

After the match concluded, Castard helped his battle brother to his feet and he thanked him for the match. While they were fighting he made sure to take everything into account. The man was skilled and there was no sign of bloodlust, but why he was looking for any traces of bloodlust among his squad, he wanted to make sure none of them would be tempted by the ruinous powers of chaos and bloodlust could easily be influenced by Khorne. So far none of his recruits showed any sign of bloodlust but he knew once they had some fights with chaos, their urges for blood would rise and they would be slowly tainted after each battle.


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Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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#, as written by claw
Chapter Master Azheriah Martellus inclined his head in greetings to the newly arrived Master Chaplain. "What troubles you so, Martellus, that a Council of Elders must be called? Has the Emperor's Holy Tarot revealed some portent?" In response the Chapter Master raised a hand in a calming gesture.
"Peace, Belerion." He replied in his booming sages voice. "All shall be made clear once the remainder of our honoured brothers have arrived." As he finished he returned his sky blue eyes to the two Inquisitors who were beginning to show signs of unease at the thought of having to wait even longer.

In the end it took around 45 minutes for the last of the Council of Elders to arrive, it was Brother-Captain Davian Barkus and his entourage who arrived last together, bowing low to the gathered Council as an apology for their lateness, before taking their seats as the great doors were shut behind them. As all were gathered the Chapter Master rose from his own seat and cast his gaze over the gathered leaders of the twin-Chapters. "Brothers. I have called this Council of Elders at the behest of our honoured guests." At that all heads turned to look at the two Inquisitors. "So please, inform this Council what you told me." With that the Chapter Master returned to his own chair.

Inquisitor Cado Kestus stood first, the Ordo Astartes Inquisitor had an air of someone who was used to getting his own way and spoke with an arrogant sneer plastered on his face. "As I told your esteemed Chapter Master, there is a mission the Inquisition requires of your Chapter." He looked down at his collegue and nodded his head for him to rise. Inquisitor Jeramiah Guyus was a portly man, more accustomed to sifting through the Imperial archives than using his Inquisitional powers for the good of the Imperium, as he talked his jowls wobbled like a turkeys, and gave him a bizarre lisp. "Indeed, as you can see before you." From the holo projector in the center of the table an image of a planet sprung into life "This here is one of the Imperiums worlds, by the name of Zeta Prime it is a mostly mountainous agri-world, only about thirty percent of the planet is land mass, in fact its climate is only good for growing local delicacies."

"Yes, moving to the point" Cado interrupted. "The world recently became the target for a roaming fleet of Orks that decided to make the planet their new home."
"And let me guess, you want us to go there and wipe out these Orks?" Questioned Captain Elser Cask.
"No, the world has been deemed unimportant enough to be subject to simple exterminatus. However, before we can do so there is a small hitch to the execution of this sanctioned destruction."
"Yes." Took up Jeramiah, eager to turn the conversation back his way. "We have discovered an Imperial archive in a remote part of the planets mountains, in research of this archive we discovered, that amoungst other things, this archive contains information about the Adeptas Astartes, namely the second through to fifth founding Chapters, oddly enough one of the names included in the directory was your own Chapters."

A murmur went up in the Council chamber, information on the heritage of the Chapter was all but none existence, so the chance to find out their origins was one of great import to them. "Can you be sure of this Inquisitor?" Asked Chaplain Marinus Vex.
"Indeed we can." Replied Cado. "It has been been doubly verified from a number of sources."
"So it falls to us then brothers." Finishes Chapter Master Azheriah Martellus, which causes the two Inquisitors to rather awkwardly return to their seats. "We are tasked with finding and extracting information that concerns not only our own Chapters, but that of the others Chapters and the Imperium at large would benefit from its recovery. Who would take up this task?"

It was Captain Axel Ross who stood first. "I would gladly lead the First Company to this mission." He looked around, to see who would oppose his declare. It was Captain Garrius Zerge who stood next.
"With respect Brother, with the absence of the Eight Company, you are in command of the remaining Chapter fleet, with that gone, our strength as Sols guardians would be severely lacking, instead I propose that the Third takes on this mission." There was a muttering of agreement before Librarian Edric Felow of the Sixth Company stood.
"Whilst I agree with you, Brother-Captain Garrius, your own argument stands against you, you cannot allow the entire Third Company to go with you on this mission, instead if you wish to go, I suggest that only a small task force shall be permitted to depart." Once more there was a murmur of agreement that was silenced by the standing of the Chapter Master.
"Very well then Brothers, I call it to a vote, Brother-Captain Garrius shall take a force consisting of no more than three squads to retrieve the information contained at Zeta Prime." In the end only the First and the Fifth voted against this course of action, but seeing as Garrius had won the majority vote the mission was granted to him. "In addition, to ensure the sanctity of these records, I am assigning Master Chaplain Belerion to this mission. Garrius, go and prepare your chosen men, you are to depart aboard the strike cruiser Intention of the Dawn, in the hour. If there are no further matters, this Council of Elders is adorned. May the Emperor bless this meeting." With the Council ended the gathered Elders rose and began to make their way out of the now opened door, Garrius hurrying ahead of the others to fetch his Sergeants, namely his second in command- Brother-Sergeant Castard Blackhammer.


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Belarion noded sagely at Azheriah's explanation before returning to wait. He knew that it would be some time before the rest of the Council of Elders would arrive given the distances of travel. In the intervening period would he turn his attention to the two Inquisitors seated at the far end of the ring from him, shifting in a nervous and peeved manner. One could say that Belarion held no great respect for a majority of the Inquisition, finding much wrong with the organization as a whole. However, it was not his duty as an Astartes to attempt to enact a change within one of the most important systems of the Imperium of Man.

As the last of the venerable gathering entered, apologetic for his tardiness, Belarion's mind began to cycle through details of the discussion. While the discovery of a mention of the Imperial Knights in an ancient archive was astonishing in itself, more disturbing was that the Inquisition had come to them. One would normally think that such an important matter would be brought to one of those ancient Chapters, powerful, revered, and likely as interested in the find if not more so than the Imperial Knights. He could sense the expectation in the air emanating from his Battle Brothers yet his mind was filled only with suspicion, concern, and curiosity.

Only acceptance of the duty filled Belarion when Azheriah named him to the mission to ensure the sanctity of the records. For such a holy mission it was a wise decision to send a representative of the Emperor. Among one of the oldest Astartes in the Chapter, it would also fall unto him the responsibility of guiding and advising the rest of the task force. And, in truth, a sequestered part of his soul yearned for the adventure, journeying into the unknown vastness of space to divine more about the mysteries of the galaxy.

With the meeting ended, he murmured a parting word and a blessing to those he passed. Following Garius, Belarion made no hurry to overtake the man for there was no pressing need to speak with him immediately. Instead, Belarion would observe him and the rest of the Third Company when Garrius gathered his sergeants and squads.


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Castard continued to duel his squad mates and kept mental notes on what they were good at, and what they needed to improve on. It took 45 minutes for him to duel his ten brothers with some showing more promise than others. With their training out of the way they now began to knelt before the chapel-barracks and they all began their prayers in a unified symphony. "Praise the Emperor for all he has done. Let us all be the instrument of his will. We are together one chapter.Let him watch over us in the future. Through fire and flame we praise the Emperor." They all chanted before they went silent with their eyes closed.


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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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#, as written by claw
Hurrying through the corridors of the Fortress-Monastery Garrius paused for a moment to grab one of the Chapters serfs.
"Find Brother-Sergeant Damon Cain, inform him to bring his Tactical squad to the Third Companies docking bay, go with haste." As he sent the man scurrying off down the hallway he caught sight of Master Chaplain Belarion following behind him, offering the elder Astartes a stern nod before heading back through the halls until he made him way to the chapel-barracks, where he knew he would find Castard Blackhammer.

He arrived as the gathered Assault squad were uttering a prayer to the Emperor and rather than interrupt their holy vows he waited by the door, instead looking up at the bronze image of an Imperial Knight- the Chapters symbol, a crescent moon with a winged blade piercing it, contained a lantern so that the light shone out of it like an angelic being. Hearing the squad finish their prayers he made his way down the aisle, his armoured feet clanging painfully loud on the plasteel floor.
"Brothers." He announced, drawing the attention of the gathered Marines. "Further praise of His name shall have to wait. Gather your wargear Brothers, we have been called to serve once more." The kneeling Astartes slowly stood and nodded to their Captain in acknowledgement before they started to file out of the chapel-barracks. As Castard passed him, Garrius held out a hand to halt him. "Wait there Brother, I must discuss something with you first." Looking at the door way he saw Belarion making his way into the chapel-barracks, greeting the departing squad as they passed. "Greetings Master Chaplain, it is good you too are here."

Turning back to Castard he began simply by explaining to him the basics of their mission. "It is glorious news, Brother, we have been tasked with finding information that may inform us of our founding, from what I gathered by the briefing, the Imperial Knights are at least a Fifth Founding Chapter, though we won't know for sure just yet. Yet, Emperor forgive, something does not fit right with me Brothers." Garrius took a moment to ensure they were alone in the chapel-barracks. "Two Inquisitors made their way here to inform us and to task us this mission, even a lowly Inquisitor has enough power to perform this task on their own. Brother-Chaplain, did you not find it most unusual that the Inquisitors did not offer any of their own support to this mission if they cared so much about it? We may be the Chamber Millitant of the Ordo Astartes, yet for such a menial task? I am most distrust of this Brothers."


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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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A glimpse through the door as he approached the chapel-barracks revealed to Belarion one of the assault squads at prayer, speaking shortly after by Captain Garrius, presumably to inform them that they would need to prepare to leave for the expedition. As the Astartes filed out, he returned their greetings with a brief blessing while examining their faces for any form of corruption. Even at the heart of the Imperium might Chaos play its hand against humanity.

Entering the room, Belarion nodded an assent to Garrius before leaning on his staff to wait. A brief explanation of the mission was given to Sergeant Castard before a brief quiet overtook the room, Garrius ensuring their privacy. Following his comment, Belarion nodded and quoth, "The Ordos of the Inquisition are ever fickle and ever scheming. I cannot divine their reason for bringing the mission to us. As you have said, it is rather menial even if the objectives are of great import. Yet there is nothing to be done but investigate. If they have lied, they have lied. And if not, then our past is clearer than before."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
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As Castard and his fellow brothers finished their prayers, they heard someone walking down the aisle. A voice belonging to Brother-Captain Garrius Zerge told them to get gather their wargear. They all complied and as they stood up and walked in a straight single line, Segeant Castard was stopped by the Brother Catpain so he could have a word with him presumably briefing him on the mission.

When Garrius mentioned finding information that may inform them of their founding, his face lit up with surprise. The Brother-Captain however expressed his concern saying that two inquisitors were the one who informed them and tasked them with their mission. His face turned from surprise to suspicion upon hearing the news. "Forgive me for voicing my concern Brother-Captain, but I too find it suspicious as well. If they sent an inquisitor then something is already wrong there, but sending two of them is not fitting well with me. They may have left out much detail,but if what they say is true then we cannot let this oppurtunity pass us lest the archives get tainted with the powers of chaos or destroyed by foul green skins. I will be on my highest guard on this mission and ensure my squads saftey and your saftey Brother-Captain and your saftey as well Brother-Chaplain."


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#, as written by claw
Garrius nodded grimly to his Battle-Brothers.
"It is indeed dark, that we are not able to trust His mostly Holy Inquisition, yet the thought of foul play cannot leave my mind easily. As you say, Brother-Chaplain if the Inquisitors are lying to us in some matter, the truth will no doubt out." He shook himself as if to clear his mind. "Now, come Brothers, enough of these foul thoughts, push this matter to the back of your mind and do not let it show, if we are to dance around the Inquisition, we must make use of our legendary intrigue." He began to make his way back to the door. "I shall be making my way to the Company docking bay, report to there as soon as possible and prepare to depart to the Intention of Dawn."

As he made his way to the docking bay that was assigned to the Company he looped back on himself in order to locate the quarters of the Chapter Honour-Guard, who were Thunder Warriors all, and the majority of them being members of the Third Company, he naturally had de jure command over them. He found the few who were not either training or on active duty around the Fortress-Monastery in their personal armoury, where they tended to their weapons and armour alone. Upon entering the chamber the Honour-Guard as one looked up and snapped a salute to their Brother-Captain, who returned a nodded in greetings.
"Honoured-Brothers Fidel Raine and Geralde Alder, I will have need of you in my mission. I am permitted in having a mere three squads of the mighty Third with me, and I would have no greater Brothers at my side as the command squad of this task." The bald and heavily tattooed Brother Fidel nodded, his robotic right arm slamming into his armoured breast.
"We live to serve, and fight as the Emperor wills, Brother-Captain."
"Aye, Brother." Finished Brother Geralde, who almost permanently kept his helmet on, as a mark of shame. "Simply tell us where to go and we shall be there." Both of the Brothers were from Feral worlds that had fallen to the taint of Chaos, being ravaged by savage warriors of the Blood God, though both events were unrelated in nature it became a quick bonding point as the two rose through the ranks together.
"Come then, we are to gather at the Company docking bay, where I am sure that Brother-Sergeants Castard and Damon have gathered their squads." Garrius commanded before turning on his heel and swiftly marching out, with the two Honour-Guard behind, wielding power axe and power sword respectively. Naturally for this mission the Company Techmarine would also be present, though as he was at the Council of Elders, it seemed highly unneeded for Garrius to also ensure he would be making his way to the docking bay, where the thunderhawks waited to take them to the Intention of Dawn.


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Belarion acknowledged Garrius's statement. "I will need a bit of time to gather the necessary items for the journey, Brother-Captain Garrius. Excuse me." Ending with that statement, he exited the chapel-barracks and began to return to his quarters. He did not normally spend time in this particular fortress, but his position as High Chaplain afforded him a room that he could use should he require accommodation. It was grandly formed, metal, stone, and wood shaped by master craftsmen into a setting suitable for one of the higher nobles of the Imperium. Belarion himself did not care too much for such finery- his life in the underhives almost nine centuries past had seen to that notion- yet it was impressive nevertheless.

In the corner of the room stood a simply crafted vault, dark metal doors imposing and sturdy. Four servitors, lying dormant in his absence, began to awaken as he approached. The lights in the room dimmed, casting a shadowy glow over the furnishings. A hiss of gas escaping was the only sound to be heard apart from the whirring of servo-motors. Inside the tomb-vault, lights blinked on, illuminating a hulk of armor. The imposing skull of the Chaplains graced the helmet, armor coated black. Allowing the servitors to relieve him of his personal armor, the machinery inside the vault spun out and open, partly disassembling the suit in front of Belarion. Stepping out of the smaller suit and into the larger, Belarion closed his eyes as the many hundreds of pounds of ceramite, adamantium, and armaplas encased him. A light blinked and his eyes opened. The embarking of the Terminator Armor was complete.

His Crozius Arcanum was passed to him by one of the servitors while the trio of others sequestered the Artificer Armor in a transportation cart. The cart itself was a massive contraption almost two meters tall and again as wide and deep. Followed by the four cybernetic slaves, he would enter the hanger sometime later. Normally he would not go clad in Terminator armor when there was no battle to be had but he felt that if there were to be any dealings with the Inquisition the bolstered size of the suit would help in "convincing" them if need be. Spotting Garrius, he approached the Captain. "Greetings once again Brother-Captain," he said, voice synthesized by the processors in the armor. "Is the task force ready to depart?"


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Once Castard was excused after he had finished talking to Brother-Captain Garrius, he left to his chapel-barracks to arm himself with his weapon. Inside the sleeping quarters, there lay in a glass case his mighty power sword that has been with him for more than a century. He opened the glass case ever so carefully before pulling out his sword.

With his sword now with him, he closed the glass case before heading to the hanger. Upon arriving to the hanger, he joined up with the rest of his squad and began to wait patiently for the Bother-Captain and Brother-Chaplain to arrive. In less then a minute he saw the figure of the terminator clad Brother-Chaplain, and their Brother-Captain. They all stood at attention and gave their salutes.


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Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
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Nuriel Veritas was stalking through the ancient halls, admiring many of the tapestries, busts, statues, and the many other adornments that sang the long, proud song of the chapter's history. He always paid particularly close attention to those depicting the enemy being cleansed in holy fire.
A smile came to traditionally handsome, and surprisingly unscared face as he turned down another corridor,making his way towards the hallowed library. It had been several days since he had the time to perform his duties therein, having been busy with a multitude of other tediums in the meantime.

Nearing the heavily ornate doors that lead into the sacred series of rooms and halls, he extended his left hand, still feeling the difference in the three augmetic fingers that replaced some chopped off in a previous war, when he heard the sound of hurried footsteps closing in behind him.
Reflexively, the Librarian turned, hand drifting to a combat knife nearly as long as a normal man's arm, when he saw that it was only one of the chapter serfs hastily moving towards him.
The serf began to pant and looked up to the towering for of Nuriel and bowed respectfully.

"A...apologies my lord Nuriel, I have been sent to inform you there is a meeting of the council to be held soon.", the serf gasped between lungfuls of air.

Nuriel nodded in thanks and said nothing to the serf as he walked past him and made haste to the council chambers. The journey wouldn't take long, but Nuriel had no idea if the meeting had begun yet or not, and being praised and distrusted in equal measure throughout the chapter, he would not be known for being late as well, although his presence wasn't wholly necessary, he was still a part of the council due to his senior rank.

He arrived without incident, and made his way to his place near the captain of the Third, nodding respectfully in greeting at his battle brothers before quietly taking his seat and listening to the proceedings with a detached stoicism. He fidgeted slightly, his fingers drumming and moving in a strange rhythm as he listened to their Chapter Master introduce the inquisitors.
He decided almost instantly that he disliked the first to speak. The man was a deceiver, and was too comfortable in the lofty position he held over those gathered within the council chamber.

It wasn't until the mention of Orks that Nuriel took an interest, his eerie orange eyes all but glowing in bloodthirsty anticipation, his hands gripping the armrests of his chair at the thought of locking blades with the greenskins once more. He detested the Ork as much as any within the room, but they were also powerful warriors that pushed an Astartes to their limits at times, and the best way to exterminate an infestation was the bless them with the righteous flame of the Emperor's wrath.
His disappointment could have been felt as the inquisitor mentioned simple Exterminatus being sanctioned on the planet.
While his hearts pumped slightly faster at the thought of witnessing something as grand and beautiful as the death of a planet, why would such an obviously valuable planet be sterilized over a simple Ork invasion?

This caused warnings to echo through Nuriel's mind as he thought on it more. He had been a part of the Second War for Armageddon, and knew that a third had happened, but the planet had not been sterilized in spite of this.

As he mulled over his misgivings, the rest of the meeting went by in a blur, and before he knew it, they were adjourned.

As the gathered members filed out a clearing throat caught Nuriel's attention, and he turned and saw Inquisitor Kestus approaching him with that same sneer stamped upon his face, the finery he was dressed in only adding to his pompous arrogance.
The two appeared as polar opposite standing next to one another. Kestus much shorter than the Astartes facing him, dressed in fine clothes while Nuriels was merely in a tunic and towered more than head and shoulders over the man.

Kestus attempted a smile that only became more snide as he said, "A moment of your time Lord Nuriel."

Roughly three quarters of an hour, and a disturbing conversation with the inquisitor later, Nuriel strode into the hangar, where the rest of the assembled Astartes were boarding the shuttle bound for the Intention of Dawn. He was in full wargear, his titanic blade and holy bolter strapped to his back, a variety of grenades clung to his armor. The armor itself was terrifying to behold, the blue color, as was standard for librarians, was so dark it was nearly black, scrolls and scriptures of fury and damnation adorned the ancient ceramite and adamantium. It rumbled and growled, as if barely able to contain its hatred and that of its wearer. On either should was something similar to a sconce that periodically spewed forth flame, casting the armor's engravings of death and war into sharp relief. The grill on his helmet were two rows on finely pointed fangs that had obviously been forged with utmost care and matched the ridged dome perfectly along with the luminescent reddish-orange eye lenses.

Those burning eyes turned to Captain Garrius as he strode towards him. "Brother-Captain...", he said with a smart salute and a bow of respect towards Belarion, "Brother Chaplain, forgive my interruption... I realize that I was meant to remain here with the rest of the Third in your absence."
The last was true, being one of the highest ranked members of the Third Company, normally, unless selected for such a mission, he would remain and continue his normal duties.

"However...", he continued, pulling a scroll marked with the I of the Inquisition from he belt and offering it to his captain, "I have had an... Unsettling conversation with the inquisitor Kestus. He has used his position to coerce the Librarium to send one of us with you, he chose me personally."

It was clear to anyone that suddenly, something strange was in the works, but Nuriel offered nothing else as he handed the scroll to Captain Garrius and awaited his response.


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#, as written by claw
Striding like some figure out of legend into the docking bay, flanked by his black clad Battle Brothers, Garrius carried the air of one with a single purpose and the grim determination of one who would be prepared to do anything in service to his Emperor. He was glad to see Damon Cains Tactical squad lined up next to Castard Blackhammers Assualt squad, evidently waiting for his command before boarding the thunderhawks. A quick glance over to the second thunderhawk told him the Techmarine and his escort of servitors had arrived and were already loading up their equipment, the two Astartes gave a swift nod in greeting before Garrius arrived at his gathered squads, who snapped a salute in greetings.

Looking up and down at the gathered twenty Astartes he decided to give a quick briefing of their mission whilst they were still on stable territory.
"Honoured Brothers of the Third Company, we have been called into action once more. The Inquisition has ordered us to obtain information on a number of Chapters of Space Marines. This information is trapped on an Ork infested planet, and to make our mission just that much harder the Inquisition is putting the planet to the sword. If we fail to obtain our objective in time the entire world will burn and the Greenskins along with it. We shall not fail, the Emperor protects." The prayer was echoed by the gathered Marines. The sound of heavy footsteps drew his attention to the airlock, where the Master Chaplain was approaching from, clad in his mighty Terminator armour, he felt a pang of jealousy run through his gut at the sight- he had yet to be awarded the honour of being allowed to wear such venerable equipment himself and wholly looked forward to the day he was granted such a great honour. Nevertheless he gave a half bow in greeting to the arriving Chaplain.

"Greetings once again Brother-Captain, is the task force ready to depart?" Came the booming voice from inside the suit of hulking armour, it had lost most of its emotion and influxes over the vox system and was known to generally instill a sense of fear in the hearts of lesser men.
"Aye, Master Chaplain, all are gathered and are awaiting any further words from yourself before we depart." Suddenly at the end of his sentence his eyes were drawn to yet another arriving figure, this one clad in the blue of the Librarians, the personal modifications to the power armour could only mean it was the Thirds own Librarian approaching, but why would he be clad in his armour?
"Librarian Nuriel, what brings you here Brother? It is your duty to remain here to command the Company in mine and Brother Castards absence." Truth be told, he highly valued the Librarians presence, both on and off the field, yet lately the seeds of distrust had been set in him, the psyker had been growing ever more and more bloodthirsty and he was doubly grateful that Belarion was present to maintain an eye on the Librarian.
"Brother-Captain..." The Librarian paused to salute and bow respectively "Brother Chaplain, forgive my interruption... I realize that I was meant to remain here with the rest of the Third in your absence. However." He paused once more, this time to reveal a scroll he had been carrying and presented it to Garrius. "I have had an... Unsettling conversation with the inquisitor Kestus. He has used his position to coerce the Librarium to send one of us with you, he chose me personally."

Garrius all but snatched the scroll away, checking it over to ensure its validity, the red and gold I told him exactly what he feared, that the Inquisition was throwing some other factor into this mission, which did nothing to settle his growing dislike of them. Breaking the seal he quickly unraveled the scroll to read what it said:

To whomever it most concerns.

I, Inquisitor Cado Kestus, of His Most Holy Inquisition of the Ordo Astartes make this written decree that the Inquisitional ordained mission to the planet Zeta Prime will not be attended by the presence of myself or my most sanctified colleagues, recent pressing matters has drawn our attention to other more vital maters. In my absence I decree that Librarian Nuriel Veritas of the Third Company of the Imperial Knights Chapter of Adeptus Astartes is to act in my stead, with the full authority of the Inquistion and is additionally to report back the findings and proceedings on the tasks force and its mission.

A surge of anger came over Garrius swiftly, he desperatly wanted to throw to scroll across the room, but knew better than to simply ignore, or even worse refuse, an Inquisitors decree.
"Bastard Inquisitor." He spat. "Not only is the Third now leaderless until he complete this task, he commands Librarian Nuriel to act as his representative or in better words, he commands Nuriel to tell him everything about this mission without putting himself in harm."


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The whole of the docking bay had been alight with work for the past few hours as every servator, neophite and techmarine, were holding to their duties in the need to prepare for the coming mission. Sebastian himself had spent the last day within the hold, forgoing rest and leisure in the pursuit to assist the the techmarine's in the maintenance of the chapters heavy weapons. Even going so far as to get into small spats about calibration adjustments and even managed to get a few small issues settled with several melta canisters, that had been stored recently.

The last of the bolter rounds is loaded into cargo for transport and moved off by several serators as he catches the sight of Garrius marching through the hold with his guard in tow. Sebastian comes to quarters with the others of his chapter as they are called and he attends to hear Garrius speak his words, informing those in company of what was going to transpire and he bids farewell to his brothers as they take the remaining weapons for storage aboard the transports. Holding his helmet underarm, he gives chase for Garrius as he saunters off the platform with a few figures in his wake. By the time Sebastian gains sight of him again, he seems to be at a loss for words at how the revered Brother-Captain is. Through the last few centuries, the two of them had seen very little of one another. What with Sebastian's time among the watch and Garrius's penchant for being far into the front lines.

The two knew one another well enough in name alone, but Sebastian could tell that the look on his face meant he was dissatisfied with how the events were turning out.

He approaches calmly as he greets his two brothers.
"High Chaplain, Brother-Captain." He faces the two of them making his greeting simple as possible, to expedite the meeting. "Am I to take it that this comes directly from the Inquisition?"
Nothing bodes well when they take a direct interest in the affairs and to help ensure this is not some trick, I offer my assistance."
Sebastian looks out over the hold and gestures, towards the center most stormraven and he mentions. "You would be hard pressed to find one as learned of the Ork filth as I and I would rather relish the act of purging them from the sight of the Emperors domain and besides. A month in sterilization, doesn't bother me as much as it does most."

Though he stands resolute, it can be seen that this whole event does not sit well with him either. As his armored hand tightens on the edge of his helmet and a knowing cut forms on his brow. It is apparent that he is rather eager to do his part, for the benefit of the chapter.


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Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial Character Portrait: Sebastian Liphardus Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
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Belarion noticed the approaching figure of the Third Company Librarian, Nuriel Veritas, as Captain Garrius spoke. A furrow creased the High Chaplain's brow as he examined the Astartes, reflecting on the increasingly erratic and violent behavior of the Space Marine psyker. He knew, better than most, the dangers of blood lust and the consequences that such base desires could bring. Unconsciously did a hand rise to his chest for the second time this day; even through the layer upon layer of protective plating feeling the malice misery of the artifact hanging upon his breast, a shard of the axe of Arach'mthon. This one would need watching, for the psyker was a dangerous creature even in the form of an Astartes. Especially as an Astartes.

Affording Nuriel a curt nod, he looked on impassively as the Librarian brought forth a scroll bearing the seal of the Inquisition. Such actions did not surprise him, not after nearly nine hundred years of life and numerous dealings with the agents of the manipulative organization. He himself had often suffered frustration at the hands of Inquisitors, slightly peeved at the fact that humans could wield such influence in the face of the Adeptus Astartes. A small fragment of himself, however, still remembered his time as a normal human, if only through shrouds of fog and misremembered recollection.

"Let this matter not plague your thoughts so, Brother-Captain Garrius. That the Inquisition would plant eyes and ears in our force was unavoidable and as such not worthy of grief. Instead, we know who shall be reporting and to whom. Without direct oversight by Inquisitorial operatives themselves, it is left to Librarian Veritas to decide what is important to disclose. It is my hope that you would be willing to take the consideration of your brothers as to what information should be delivered, Brother. Any offence at your situation is unintended, I simply speak of ways with which we can maintain leverage."

Concern and watchfulness had been his reaction to Veritas, yet to Sebastian Liphardus it was a slight pursing of the mouth and narrowing of the eyes. Highly distinguished and adept in most all areas of Astartes warfare, one could find Sebastian's discipline lacking, especially in the face of higher authority. Belarion had once harbored such an inhibition, the trait beaten out of him through training and experience.

"Your support is appreciated, Brother Sebastian, yet whether or not this command is a trick of the Inquisition's is rather irrelevant to the procedure of the task with which we are charged. The Inquisition may gain something, they may not, but with the blessing of the Emperor we will gain much more: an origin. And it is your self-proclaimed skills that will further our success when the Orks present resistance." Taking a step back, Belarion turned his gaze to Garius. "When you are finished, Brother Captain, I would address the Astartes you have assembled."


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Castard soon saw more battle brothers enter the hanger, one of them seemed be be a devastator class and the other was a librarian. He had only heard of librarians before, and he knew they possessed powerful psychic power and were feared by both freind and foe alike. But he didint fear them, he knew not to fear the psyker.

There was something that bothered him though, why was there a librarian assigned to their squad? He couldent hear their conversation but saw that Brother-Captain Garrius was clearly angered. He turned to face his squad to see if they were prepared for their mission. "Brothers, are you all prepared for this mission?" He asked and they all nodded. To be certain he examined each and every one of them, they had their chainswords, their jumppacks were in top condition, and they were all also armed with a krak grenade in case of high priority targets such as artillery and tanks.

With his inspection complete, Castard stood back at attention and began to wait for further orders from the Brother-Captain.


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"Bastard Inquisitor." Garrius spat. This surprised Nuriel, for typically the captain was more reserved and less prone to outbursts than many of the others, leading by example.
"Not only is the Third now leaderless until he completes this task, he commands Librarian Nuriel to act as his representative or in better words, he commands Nuriel to tell him everything about this mission without putting himself in harm."

Nuriel let the words sink in for a moment, noting Garrius' particular distaste for the inquisition. Of course he himself could hardly fault his battle brother, after all, the inquisition only saw most of the astartes as heavy bodies to throw at a problem, heedless of the cost in blood or lives.
He reached forward and placed his right hand upon Garrius' pauldron in a consoling gesture and was about to say something when the High Chaplain began to speak. He couldn't fault the man for the unintentional interruption since Nuriel had his helmet locked in place, effectively hiding his features.

"Let this matter not plague your thoughts so, Brother-Captain Garrius. That the Inquisition would plant eyes and ears in our force was unavoidable and as such not worthy of grief. Instead, we know who shall be reporting and to whom. Without direct oversight by Inquisitorial operatives themselves, it is left to Librarian Veritas to decide what is important to disclose. It is my hope that you would be willing to take the consideration of your brothers as to what information should be delivered, Brother. Any offence at your situation is unintended, I simply speak of ways with which we can maintain leverage.", he said calmly, obviously trying to be sensible and maintain solidarity, which was one reason Nuriel had always liked brother Belerion.

"No offense taken Brother-Chaplain.", Nuriel replied, using a slightly more familiar term than Belerion's station might call for. He had been seeing more of him somewhat discreetly at Garrius' urging.

He took a step back to better see the two speaking with him and clasped his fist against his chestplate with a heavy thud and bowed his head to the pair, as he said, "The Emperor first, Chapter and brothers second, and everything else can be ordered in its own place, or burned if found wanting.", making it clear that his charge from the inquisition was taken as less than an honor, feeling the same as his brothers. "Brother-Chaplain, I...", he began to continue before being cut off a moment later as one of the devastators from their company came strolling up with all the bravado Nuriel had come to expect.

"High Chaplain, Brother-Captain." Liphardus faced the two of them making his greeting simple as possible, to expedite the meeting. "Am I to take it that this comes directly from the Inquisition?"

For once Nuriel was glad for his helmet, concealing his face so that his sneer of anger was hidden, as was the almost imperceptible glow of his eyes as his fury threatened to surface. Perhaps the third ranking member of their company was beneath the notice of Devastator Liphardus, or perhaps since he was the least ranked amongst the trio, he was not worthy of greeting. It didn't much matter to Nuriel however, he had never liked Liphardus, seeing him as an arrogant, self-righteous, sycophantic, know-it-all.

'Little better than an Ultramarine...', Nuriel thought to himself.

Nuriel looked Liphardus over briefly, letting his irritation die,and wondering at his apparent combat readiness as he said, "I do not see how such matter are your concern, Liphardus...", before turning back to Garrius and Belerion, nodding his departure.
"I would speak with you further once we are in the air, brothers.", came his rough voice once more, after listening to the rest of Liphardus' commentary.

Nuriel then strode off to where the rest of their battle brothers were waiting to board and nodded to Castard before he struck up conversation with Fidel and Giralde. "When will your penance be at its end that we might see your face once more brother!", he said as he stopped before the pair and the three of them fell into the challenging and sardonic banter they typically engaged in before missions.
Some of the others join in the banter before Nuriel slid back in rank as their third and informed them they were all nearly ready to go and to look lively for the High Chaplain was bestowing upon them a great honor before their departure. After all, it wasn't every day the High Chaplain blessed them before an operation, let alone accompany them on it as well.


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It took several moments for the tension between all of the marines to simmer to a halt and for them to spread their own ways. Sebastian was ready for the mission, after having spent a few months with nothing to curb his need to fight. It was obvious that he was clamoring for battle against the Ork's more so then most. After his last trip out with the Deathwatch, he was eager to begin again on purging the foulest of the green skins from the universe.

On his own thoughts of Nuriel, Sebastian could care less.
Nuriel was younger and as far as he was concerned, less experienced in the true ways of the Imperium and the universe at large. Though it was not for Sebastian to decide any case on the subject, he had better things to occupy himself with in the meantime. He donned his helmet and readdressed his captain before giving his leave.

"I will help make preparations for the mission and also to adjust our compliment to fit our prey. He quickly stepped away and headed back into the main floor of the hanger, making his path towards the transport.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge
Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer
Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
Character Portrait: Sebastian Liphardus


Character Portrait: Sebastian Liphardus
Sebastian Liphardus

Let my rounds hail and issue the coming of the emperors might.

Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
Nuriel Veritas

Let them burn.

Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
Belarion Sikarial

In faith, in fire, in fury! Today we die for the Emperor!

Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer
Castard Blackhammer

"Let my sword roar through the enemies of man!"

Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge
Garrius Zerge

"I stand, in the name of the Emperor."


Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge
Garrius Zerge

"I stand, in the name of the Emperor."

Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer
Castard Blackhammer

"Let my sword roar through the enemies of man!"

Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
Belarion Sikarial

In faith, in fire, in fury! Today we die for the Emperor!

Character Portrait: Sebastian Liphardus
Sebastian Liphardus

Let my rounds hail and issue the coming of the emperors might.

Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
Nuriel Veritas

Let them burn.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sebastian Liphardus
Sebastian Liphardus

Let my rounds hail and issue the coming of the emperors might.

Character Portrait: Belarion Sikarial
Belarion Sikarial

In faith, in fire, in fury! Today we die for the Emperor!

Character Portrait: Garrius Zerge
Garrius Zerge

"I stand, in the name of the Emperor."

Character Portrait: Castard Blackhammer
Castard Blackhammer

"Let my sword roar through the enemies of man!"

Character Portrait: Nuriel Veritas
Nuriel Veritas

Let them burn.

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Most recent OOC posts in Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

He should just make a new account then lol

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

It's a very real possibility, to be honest.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Anyone heard from Claw in a while? I am wondering if the IP ban was permanent at this point.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Not sure, waiting on something to happen. I don't know the status of everyone for the Rp, but I am willing to wait a little longer before trying to resurrect a war-hammer game from earlier this year.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

so far it's been Claw, Durendal, specmarine, me, and Oborosen.

Gotta love ISPs right?

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Doesn't really matter. The lack of a post from Friday is because my IP got banned for some reason, just got it back and will work on a post tomorrow.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Maybe we should list the post order somewhere on the OOC, because I may have posted out of turn and not noticed. Either way, I am too used to posting in a more rapid fire manner from recent Rps.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Can always edit, and get back to post order.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Because you skipped the posting order

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

You have the lead role as the GM. I have no idea how you got pushed out though.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Kinda feel like I've been pushed out of my own RP. What is this heresy?

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

No worries Claw.

Think we should stick to post order though, Oborosen.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Sorry about the wait guys, in a bit of a rough spot right now so I'll have the next post up by Friday, I promise.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Well, character submitted and I hope to be a part of this grand Rp soon.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

How's it going guys?

Totally feel my post could have been better, but I'll rein it in.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Your guys posts are so grand XD. I'll try my danged best to work with you guys.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

Thank you claw. And he's only a part time Terminator. Still, can't wait to get this going.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Age of the Watchers

You would think since I play 40k I would know about the lore to rp about it...but I don't and it sounds like fun so good luck guys!