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Welcome To The Hills

Welcome To The Hills


Following the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale, star-studded community of Beverly Hills, California and attending the fictitious West Beverly High School.

3,443 readers have visited Welcome To The Hills since .euphoria. created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Main Theme Song (Vanity-Hanover Swain)
L.A Baby (Beware: Jonas Brothers' Song)
Work Of Art

Game Master/Gm

Partner In Crime/Co-Gm

Creative Credit Goes To......
The Show: 90210



High School, the cliques, the drama, the classes. It's hard enough as it is.....isn't. No, you have it easy. Try going to school in one of the most infamous schools in the country....In the most infamous city, Beverly Hills.

When you think of Beverly Hills, you think of the glamorous, high class lifestyle of movie stars. Well, thatโ€™s right. Sort of. West Beverly High is like any normal high school in the middle of Los Angeles. There are cliques, friends, enemies, teen pregnancy, and a hell of a lot of secrets. Each student here comes with his or her own story. This school is all about labels. If youโ€™re not top dog, youโ€™re nothing. Some students would do anything to just appear to be part of the popular crowd. While others just donโ€™t really care about it or at least they seem like it. Find out who your true friends are here but, of course in the most star-studied and prestigious place around, where wealth and popularity is key to being on top you can only imagine the rivalries between the students as West Beverly High.

You never know who you can trust. Friendships are built and torn down within mere days; Romances heat up and fizzle away just as fast. The best advice around these parts is to expect the unexpected. Filled with the wealthiest and most beautiful students West Beverly is a school to be reckoned with. Sun, sea, and of course shopping fills up the spare time of these teens, not to mention a whole lot of dramaโ€ฆSo come and join us; after all you want to be one of the best, donโ€™t you? That's kind of up to us.


* Hudson St. Pierce played by Me/BleedingLover
*Katelyn Rome played by Little Troll
*Clairelise Huffington played by LoveChanningFovever

*Nathan Rome by Little Troll
*Brandon White played by LoveChanningFovever
*Reserved by ChristyLovesYou
*Levi Charles Samson played by ZacharyTC


Code: Select all
[center][size=200][color=YOUR HEX COLOR]FULL NAME HERE[/color][/size][/center]


            [right][img]PICTURE OF YOUR CHARACTER[/img][/right]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Gender[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Female/Male [/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Age[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put your age here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Birthday[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put your birthday here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color]

[left][img]PICTURE OF YOUR CHARACTER[/img][/left]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Personality[/b][/color]
            [size=90]I really want to get in depth with your character. Make them real....not perfect! Another thing, This is Beverly Hills no everyone can be on th nice side. [/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Sexual Orientation[/b][/color]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Crush[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Might want to leave blank until we have everyone.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Friends[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put Friends Here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Enemies[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Same Goes For Enemies.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Likes[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put your likes here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Dislikes[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put your Dislikes here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Appearance[/b][/color]
            [size=90](Picture and AT LEAST 2 Paragraph description)[/size]


            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Extra Curricular Activities?[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Answer Here[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Family[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Family Members Here[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Any Nicknames For Them?[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Pet Names, Nicknames,[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Brief History[/b][/color]
            [size=90]2-3 PARAGRAPHS PLEASE.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Plans For After High School[/b][/color]
            [size=90]Put your plans here.[/size]

            [color=YOUR HEX COLOR][b]Anything Else You Would Like To Mention? [/b][/color]
            [size=90]Anything Else?[/size]

Toggle Rules


One:I'm going to go ahead and get the "Have Fun!" rule out of the way. Have fun!!!!! It's a must, not an option. -___- I decided to make this role play for one thing; Enjoyment. Do not walk on eggshells! Give ideas!! Keep active in OOC, just Ennjooooyyyyyyyy! :D

Two: Please, in your Character Sheet and when Posting(stressing this!!!!!), use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling to the best of your abilities. I make many, many, many mistakes myself, too many to count, just try! This IS A LITERATE ROLE PLAY!! You will not be accepted if I believe from your character sheet you are illiterate.

Three: Reservations will only last 48 HOURS. If your time runs out and you haven't submitted your character yet, I will message you. You will then have five hours to reply to my message. If you do not in the time given your slot will reopen immediately. I want this role play started ASAP.

Four:I am your GM......The Law, what I say goes. :P If you break one of these rules I will give you one, and only one, "warning." If you fail to correct yourself your character will be scalped immediately, on the spot. O__O True story, Bro.

Five:If you have a problem with something or someone do not blow up OOC with pointless drama. Message me, I will handle whatever it may be to the best of my GM abilities....Or I will just cut all of the drama and get rid of everyone involved.

Six: I have seen this in too many RPs...... TOO NICE OF PEOPLE! Listen I get that not everyone in Beverly Hills is like this but, pretend in this school. When you can't trust a soul......Would you be nice 100% of the time?? Hell no!

Seven: Please, Please, Please.. If you have ANY questions ask either through OOC or PM. No matter what it is, ask away. There is no such thing as a stupid question. I do not want you confused at all anytime during this role play I worked hard to bring to life.

Eight: You can cuss, I do it myself, but please, not in every damn sentence! Thanks!! ;P

Nine: No shit there will be romance, kissing, hugging sex probably. But please.....please do not blind us eith your words. I am pure and I don't want to feel any different than that while i'm reading. Fade to black or take it to Pm.

Ten:Be descriptive from your Character Sheet down to your Posts. I want to see what your character sees, feel what your character feels, taste what your character tastes, smell what they smell, and so on!! Of course, you just cannot describe the whole sex thing. Anything but that. Ahah.. Each post MUST be at least two paragraphs long, six setences each paragraph.. and at the most 6 pargraphs

Eleven: If you want to impress me.. Make your character sheet real nice!! ^.^ Oh and tell your friends about the role play! :D

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hudson St. Pierce
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0.00 INK

Veronica Hudson St.Pierce

Hudson St. Pierce! If you want to have enough tim to stop at starbucks this morning you better hurry up and get your ass up. Hudson quickly got out of her king sized bed as she looked around her large bedroom and sitting up in her bed and exhaling. I'm up, mom. She said before getting out of her and walking into her closet grabbing out an outfit that she already layed out the pervious night, knowing she wanted to wear it. She turned on her radio letting some of her violen music go on the speakers around her entire room and just relax her, she was nervous. What if someone found out about her blog and found out who wrote it.....would they come up to her in front of everyone? God, would that be bad. She had to shake the thought out of her head, speaking of which she haden' writen all summer, seeing it was about surviving high school, not summer. She slipped on her black necklace and quickly opened her compute which was already on from typing on her anoumous tumblr account and answering questions from readers. She went to her blog site and opened up a new post tab and started typing.

Hello, guys and girlys.

As we all know another school is about to start...... well, at least in Beverly Hills it has. So, you know what that means. More fights, more gossip, and especially more drama than last year seeing how must of the drama causing are graduting...... along with your's truly, Anon! But, don't be be sad, kiddies. I do have a freshmen who will be taking over my place when I graduate and do whatever the fuck I decide to do with my life. But, hey, who knows. I might even go to college-- No, i'm sorry i'm not going to lie to you guys. There is better chance Gracie become less of a bitch before I chose to go to college at the end of this year. I mean, who wants to go from being a senior to going right back to a, just no. I'm sorry for you who are determined to go to college right after leaving high school. But, after being stuck in Beverly Heights High School for so long, you just want to take a break...... trust me. Anywho, Let's just start with what your all time favorite Beverly Hills people, starting with me since I am by far the best. I went on vaction this summer with my family.... If I say where people might find out exactly who I am, I rather stay a secert just like the past three years..Freshmen year......good times. Enough with me, besides you know me, that little loser in the corner anyway. On to the others, ..... I don't know. I guess I don't really interact with them a lot. Not, what you were think was it? Yea, I do that sometimes, but check back after 2:45, California time, of course and see an update. For now, I have school to get ready, going to a school in the Hills gotta look your best. Bye guys and girlys!

P.S I know you have a lot of questions and at this rate I may answer all the ones as of three minutes ago and this summer by...... my wedding day if not my 24th birthday. But, leave a nice, pretty little comment under here. Make me feel happy for typing all of this. XD..... I love you guys and i'll type you soon!

Love, Anon. ;)

After typing, Hudson sent it to be visible to the rest of the world, she hoped to get a few trolling comments, it just meant she was doing something right. She shut down her labtop and ran down her spiral staircase to her mom who was waiting for her with her starbucks in her hands, tapping her foot. I took that long? She asked with a rasied eyebrow. Her mom just nodded and handed her the white chocolate coffee and blueberry muffin. [i]Yes, you do. Honey, get to school. Afterwards, we are going to the salon because this old and tacky. Hudson the piece of hair away from her mother's hands and put it back in place. It took her awhile to get her hair so perfect.... in her book at least. She hugged her mom and ran out the door with her backpack and car keys. Walking down their driveway, she unlocked her new-ish car, that she got for her sweet sixteen which was pretty strange but, still tons of people came to. She started her car and drove to her school of West Beverly, hoping to go unseen by anyone, mainly her nemisis, Claire. Funniest thing was, she was freaking younger than her and she still thought she was better than Hudson. Oh well, let her think that. She park in her reserved spot in the front of the school which was only for seniors and put the hood of her car up. She locked her car and walking inside the doors of her school looking at all the cliques, but to be more specific. To look for the main subjects of her blog. Only if she could find them.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Rome Character Portrait: Katelyn Rome
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0.00 INK

Katelyn's eyes slightly opened, peering at the sun that had seeped through her bedroom window. Glancing at the clock beside which read; 6:00 am. Groaning, Katelyn moved around her bedroom to the outfit she had planned three days before hand. Knowing it was one of Sarah's favorite outfits on her. Sliding off her pajama's and shimmying into the outfit, Katelyn made her way to the bathroom both her and her brother shared. Plugging the the Chi Air hair straightener, Waiting for it to heat up Katelyn put on her signature bright red lipstick that she had always put in since her first day of freshman year. That had been her mark since. After doing her hair and doing her best to be rid of a very tiny pimple that had decided to grow on her chin before school. Another annoyed breath escaped Katelyn's lips as she left he bathroom and made her way to her brother's bedroom. Scavenging through his closet, Katelyn found a suitable outfit for him to wear. Throwing the clothes at his sleeping form. "Wake up!" She said to him and walked out of the room. Being silent as she passed by her mothers room and made her way down the stairs. Sitting in the couch, waiting for her brother to hurry up.

Nathan caked open his eyes as fabric flew across his body. "Wake up!" Katelyn's sweet voice ran in Nate's ears as he made and annoyed groan and sat up. His sister already disappeared behind his closer door. Not bothering to change out of his boxers he wore to bed Nate slid in the pants and putting the shirt over his head. Pulling on his converse Nate made his way to the bathroom. His sister had already cleaned up, no shocker there. No needs ding to make mom more mad. Nathan slightly cringed at what happened last night. Moms liquor black outs, her screaming at Katelyn. Katelyn crying, curling in a ball on the couch. Cecilia raising her fist about to hit her, me shoving Cecilia aside. Lets just say the bruises on my stomach and face won't leave the me alone. Taking a double take on his face, he decided it wasn't too bad. A medium sized bruises across his leg cheek with a minor cut. A bit puffy, but not swollen. Combing his hair, he made his way downstairs. Flicking open his phone which read had the time: 8:00 am on it. "Shit." Nathan mumbled, chewing at the side of his lip. "Hurry Kate!" Nate said toward Katelyn as she hurried behind him as they got into the old sports car. Making it to school a few minutes before the bell rang, Kate went to find the 'Cheer Leading Hoes' as Nate put them while he tagged along. Gazing through the crowd for someone, anyone, on the football team.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington
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0.00 INK

"Breath in- and breath out," Her yogi's cold and calm voice echoed through the fitness room in their Upper Beverly Hills mansion as the heat made her sweat drip from her forehead to her neck. Soft calming music was played on the background. Barely wearing any thing, Claire tried to remove all negativity in her mind when her mother's shrilly and excited voice boomed from sliding door that served as the entrance.

"Clairelise, honey babe! Good morning," Elizabeth Huffington gracefully walked towards Claire with Pompom in her left arm, she bent down to give her daughter a kiss but paused in mid air and wrinkled her nose when she noticed that she was sweaty from Bikram. "Maybe later," Liz smiled and backed away. "Why is it so stuffy in here?" She then proceeded towards the sliding doors that lead to the garden and started opening everything and let the cold morning air rush in.

"Mom!" That was it, Claire snapped and started closing everything that Liz had opened. "It's Bikram, it's supposed to be hot and stuffy in here. Look, can you just take Pompom out. I'll just see you at breakfast later," She puffed a frustrated sigh and gave her yogi an apologetic look. And when she noticed that Liz was still inside the room staring at the chiseled body of her Yogi, Claire shook her head and groaned. "Not again," She mumbled to herself. "Mom?!"

"What?" Like she snapped out a trance, Liz jumped in surprise and gave her daughter's yogi and sexy smile. "I'm Liz Huffington by the way," She offered her hand and continued, "But you must have known that already. So what's your name?"

"Oh please mom, I'm in the middle of a lesson," Clair quickly stood up and guided her mother out of the area. She held both her elbows from behind so she couldn't resist.
"Ewww honey, you are all sweaty," As if Claire had an incurable disease, Liz shuddered and tried to move away from her daughter. "Fine, fine. But hurry up, invite him over breakfast as well." She looked over Claire's shoulder and winked at the man. As soon as Claire was able to get her mom out of the area, she shut the glass door closed and locked it.

She then faced her yogi and announced, "Maybe we can continue on Friday. I'm sorry." She gave him an apologetic smile. The man nodded and she asked their butler to show him the way out before her mother finds out.


After a long and warm bath, Claire slipped out of her bathroom and into her closet area. Her feet were still wet, leaving marks behind her. Her eyes gazed on the rack with dresses, arranged according to color hues until she decided to grab a coral blue dress of the rack and dressed herself. When she was down, she had just let down her thick brown hair the way it usually is and walked towards the dining area.

Her mom was already busy talking to someone in the phone, just when she thought she'd be spending time with her over breakfast. Liz had just come home from being away for a few months shooting for one of her new films, sometimes Claire even get used to the thought of living on her own in the huge mansion. She decided to just down her apple protein shake and stormed out, sure that her mom didn't even notice she was gone.

The silver Bentley was waiting for her outside, one of their chauffeur was waiting next to it. The man opened the back door for her and waited for her to get in. The drive going to school was terribly quiet and long.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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0.00 INK

Five-thirty in the morning, the clock read as the alarm went off. Levi woke up immediately and turned the alarm off. He took a moment to get out of bed before he reorganized it. "Well, today is the day..." Heading into the shower, the lightly-tanned boy wondered what this year would be like. Of course, there were the usual snobs and such, but maybe he could find his summer friend, Claire, before the day is over. It has been a few days since he last saw her. He did not really have any romantic feelings for anyone, or did he? It was hard to tell and he did not want to dwell on it.

Once out of the shower and dried, Levi picked out his outfit: a blue and white striped button-up shirt with short sleeves, a plain white T-shirt underneath, a pair of khakis, a borwn leather belt, and black sneakers. He went downstairs for breakfast after getting dressed, placing two waffles in the toaster. His house was no mansion, but he and his parents were content with it. Levi pulled out a chocolate protein shake (from Bolthouse Farms), shaking the bottle thoroughly as he walked back to the toaster to retrieve the waffles which were now ready to place on a plate. Once he had everthing ready and at the table, the brown-haired boy prayed to God with praise and a request for guidance as the day goes by. "In Jesus' name. Amen."

Levi elected to ride his bike on over to school, since it was close enough. He immediately chain-locked his 21-gear bike when he arrived. That car is familiar. I wonder if... it is. It was Claire he saw coming out of the car.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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0.00 INK

As the town car slowly decreased it speed, the driver maneuvered it towards the school entrance when her phone beeped. She quickly pulled it out of Michael Kors' bag that matched her outfit and read the message. It was from Anon, the girl who operates a mysterious blog that often involves the students in West Beverly High. She tossed her phone back into her bag and shook her head, she was not sure why people find these kind of things amusing and entertaining.

It has talked about her (or she figured it was her) a few times, mainly about her love hate relationship with other students, especially those who are around her "clique".
"Ms. Claire, we have arrived," The chauffeur spoke, looking from the rear view mirror and exiting the car. She waited for him to open the door for her and she stepped right out. Some people were looking at her, probably gossiping, while some just passed by.

Claire was about to go to her usual hang out when she saw a familiar built, one that she'd been dreading to see. Oh no! Please don't come towards me. Please no. She wasn't sure if there was fear or panic in her eyes so she did her best to act nonchalant looked over Levi and continued to enter the school as if they never knew each other.

Whew that was close, Claire gave off a sigh of relief once she was able to walk away. She flipped her phone and started punching in a text message and at the same time strutted the halls of WBH. Students started moving out of her way as she furiously punched in her cellphone.

"Umm... I need to talk to you. AFTER school.
But NOT in school. I'll just give you a call.
Ummm just don't approach me yet..."

She sent the message towards Levi, hoping he'd get a clue about what it was. She dumped her phone back into her bag just in time to see one of her friends in their favorite place to hang out, a table by an oak tree that provided a good shade and good view of most of the school. A table reserved for the "it" people.

"OMG! You look thin Claire! Have you been working out?" A shrill voice from one of the cheerleaders almost pierced her ears but Claire just gave her a fake smile and sat on top of the table.

"Nope not really." She gave her an icy answer and ignored her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
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0.00 INK

Levi saw Claire walk past him like she never knew him. That's odd. I wonder if she is worried about popularity or something? Well, if she does not want to talk to me, right now, why should I waste any effort? It was then he heard a beep which told him he had message. When he read it, he knew who it was from. "Okay, if you say so..." He muttered softly. Well, this is a surprise, not. I totally expected something like this to happen, sooner or later. What would Beverly Hills be without the drama?

As he walked away from his bike, Levi noticed a baseball buddy of his, who shouted, "Hey, Levi! What's up? Your throwing arm still good?"

"I've been practicing, and I happened to make a few friends over the summer."

"But no girlfriend?"

"Nope, no girlfriend. There is a friend that's a girl, but she's not my girlfriend."

The man slapped Levi on the back of his shoulder. "Man, you seriously need to get laid! How 'bout I call a few ladies and tell 'em to meet you after school?"

Levi laughed awkwardly. "I'll pass. Besides, I'm already expecting to meet a friend of mine after the school day is finished." He continued walking towards the building, but he did not see Claire anywhere. Okay, so far, so good, I guess. What's troubling her, though?

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Character Portrait: Katelyn Rome
1 sightings Katelyn Rome played by Little Troll
Oh this? I accidentally got kicked during cheer leading. The other one? Uh...
Character Portrait: Nathan Rome
1 sightings Nathan Rome played by Little Troll
Shut up. Simple.
Character Portrait: Levi Charles Samson
3 sightings Levi Charles Samson played by ZacharyTC
"All this vanity... it's a pain in the neck..."

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington
Character Portrait: Brandon White


Character Portrait: Brandon White
Brandon White

Just because I don't have the greens doesn't mean I can't make it to the top.

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington
Clairelise Huffington

Contrary to popular belief, it isn't such a good thing to be the daughter of an A-Lister Actress.


Character Portrait: Brandon White
Brandon White

Just because I don't have the greens doesn't mean I can't make it to the top.

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington
Clairelise Huffington

Contrary to popular belief, it isn't such a good thing to be the daughter of an A-Lister Actress.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Brandon White
Brandon White

Just because I don't have the greens doesn't mean I can't make it to the top.

Character Portrait: Clairelise Huffington
Clairelise Huffington

Contrary to popular belief, it isn't such a good thing to be the daughter of an A-Lister Actress.

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Re: Welcome To The Hills

*Jumps around like an excited kid* When is it gonna start?

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Cool! :D I'm looking forward to how Claire handles Levi! XD

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Tomarrow or the day after, we're just waiting for two more characters.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

By the way, when are we starting? Just checking

Re: Welcome To The Hills

lol Have at it! XD

Re: Welcome To The Hills

*nods at zachary* which means more dramaaaaaa :)

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Hmm... Well, seeing that Claire does not really like people who are not close and trusting, plus is not easily impressed, she might be able to pair up with Levi (might). She may have a bit of a hard time, though, given the materialism involved in her personality and how Levi is the opposite (to an extent) in that regard (or he may overlook that flaw, I don't know yet). You also have to consider how he tries to hold up to high standards in personality which are detailed in the Bible (he is not perfect, but he tries to be).

Re: Welcome To The Hills

@ Channing: Those are really good ideas. I think I will be taking them all. And not to worry we will get your little gal a guy in no time. I know people. XD

@Zachary: Hm, I'm not sure. I'll PM you when I get some ideas.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Okay, I think I got all of Levi's profile together. The only thing missing now is the picture (I kind of stink at coding for that ^^; ) Any suggestions, Bleed, based on the description?

Re: Welcome To The Hills

bleeding lover: suggestions!!!!!
1. Can Claire and Hudson be classmates for most classes? And they end up being (forced) partners in one project (perhaps English class?) which means drama! Because I know they would hardly get along
2. A party for the Football Season Opening, that's when Brandon would kiss Katelyn LOL. So please can we have that one?
3. A guy for Claire? Hahahaha I don't want her to be alone :D

Re: Welcome To The Hills

I'm working on him. It may be a while, but I'll have him ready to go, soon enough.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Yea, I hav one last guy spot. Reserved.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

I kind of have an idea for a guy who is annoyed at the popularity contest, if you think that is possible to squeeze in. If not, that's okay.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Submitted my charies. Hope you like the terrible twins! XD

Re: Welcome To The Hills

@Christy: I think you should take one of each just so you can be able to see it from both a girl and guy point of it always helps when people double up. XD

I'll put you down for both and if you only want to play one let me know.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

All resevered!

@Whit: I am sorry. I was goin to PM her to ask but, It kind of went over my head while I was spazzing out over passing my calculus test.:{P

Re: Welcome To The Hills

I hate it that you make such good RPs, actually I love it LOL so can I save a girl and boy spot?

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Hello! XD

I was wondering if I were to be able to create twins. A boy and a girl.

Re: Welcome To The Hills

Nice, Bleeding. xD I might join later.

My sister said those were her rules you're using, but it's okay.. You can use them. :P