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When Everything Changes

When Everything Changes


A girl goes from rich and popular to an orphan in an orphanage.

2,192 readers have visited When Everything Changes since Lucy Knox created it.


Alyson Fae Young is a 16 year old girl who is happy as can be. She has wonderful parents, even though she hardly sees them anymore, and a credit card with such a high limit that she considers it as having no limit. She has a best friend, Kayla, and a boyfriend, Erick. Sounds perfect, right?

Aly thought it was perfect. She had the looks, the money, and the guy. What more could she want?

That was until one Friday the 13, when everything went up in flames...literally. She had gone to a party with some friends, and when she got home she saw the house on fire. It was shortly after that, during the investigation, that she found out her parents were actually broke, which left her alone and broke. Her parents, her house, and her money all went up in flames.

Which left newly poor Alyson alone, broke, and orphaned. Which was why she was going to the orphanage a few towns over.

After loosing everything she knew, Aly really has to adjust. Will who she meets in the orphanage help her get over everything, or just make her miss her old life even more?

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Taking place in...

Orphanage our primary setting

When you have no where else to go as a kid, this is where you end up. Will you change when you're here, or just beg to get away?


Orphanage by Lucy Knox

When you have no where else to go as a kid, this is where you end up. Will you change when you're here, or just beg to get away?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Trent Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Christian McCall
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When Lucas told her she couldn't live in their room, she had expected it, although it would have been nice to stay in a room with the only two people who had been nice to her here. But then he told her she could always visit. "Yes, I'll probably be visiting a lot." She said honestly, since with the two of them is when she felt better. Zach had been her anchor from the beginning, yet Lucas was turning out to be just as sturdy and amazing as Zach had been to her.

With Blake being the subject, Aly tried not to turn so Bitchy again, especially not towards Lucas. "I'm sure Blake only got his own room by being the jerk he is, I could never stoop that low in order to obtain something like that in this hell." Although Aly had been witchy in her own ways, she also knew that she could never be compared to someone as cruel as Blake; she could never stoop as low as he went. "Change in roommate?" The blonde sighed, doubting she could even be that lucky. "I wish it were possible to room with you and Zach. Y'all are the only good things about this place." Alyson said what she had been thinking without really thinking about it, then turned away so he wouldn't see the pink on her cheeks.

Alyson was about to respond to what Lucas had said about being friends with her, but another guy came up. At first, Aly was ready to bite out a rude remark so that this new guy would hopefully think she wasn't going to take anymore bullshit today, but then Lucas responded to him as he would an old friend, so Aly decided he couldn't be too bad.

At first, Aly just sat by and listened to the two friends interact. She nodded to Christian as they were introduced, but other than that she just kept quiet. That was until they started talking about parties, then Christian spoke directly to her, asking her if she partied. "Yes, I party." The girl said, remembering her last day in her old life where she had been to a party. Then she thought about what she had gone home too...or hadn't gone home to, since she had gone home to see flames. The last view she even had of her house was of burnt ashes from when she demanded to go back and see the damage.

"I'd rather just stay here with Zach." Alyson wasn't sure if the question was leading to an invite, but she wasn't sure if she was ready to go to some sort of party yet, especially since she was still unsure about who she was anymore, and she had grown quite fond of Zach, so would like to hang out with him some more instead of going out with Lucas, whom she didn't know as well, and Christian, whom she did not really know at all. Besides, if she started freaking out when they got back because of the last time she had left a party, she would need to her anchor, and she just wasn't ready.

Then Aly remembered that they didn't know what had happened the last time she had been to a party, so the sad look on her face after she said she partied, then started thinking, might be strange to them. Instead, Aly tried changing the subject without pushing away her only friends in all of this. "So you sneak out a lot?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Hardie Character Portrait: Sasha Hutchinson Character Portrait: Christian McCall
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The reply was of immediate interest to Sasha. With the guys she’d hung out with the past, the typical reply to a similar volley had been an embarrassingly transparent attempt to flirt, and she’d tried it with Blake just to gauge what kind of guy he was. If he had made a cringe-worthy attempt, she would have left then and there, determined not to start anything with anyone of a similar intellectual capacity as those in her thankfully now distant past. But he didn’t. It suggested that he had singled her out, but was intriguing that Sasha wanted to stay just to find out more.

At the same moment, a police car pulled up to discharge another inmate into the teeming mass that this orphanage was already proving to be. Sasha had stayed with many large groups, but never one quite as diverse as this, and she was looking forwards to the inevitable chaos that would emerge from throwing such people together. She’d always preferred to be part of the action rather than an observer, and it seemed that she would definitely get the chance here. Perhaps she had, rather unintentionally, stated an alliance by sitting with Blake, but Sasha had long since learned to capitalize on all of her actions, however misguided she decided they had been, and she wasn’t going to regret the move she had just made.

The first question he asked her wasn’t a surprise – she had been subject to many of such questions over the years, quite often from matronly looking women with aprons tied around their ample figures, proffering plates of cookies - and Sasha had become rather adept at providing an answer that didn’t really say much but usually satisfied any curiosity, but before she could reproduce it, he asked another, and that one was new.

Her interest newly stimulated, her calculating gaze surveyed his form again before she answered. “There’s a place to sleep and food to eat,” she said in the same casual drawl as before, “and I have no immediate complaints. I’ll be sure to make them to the proper authorities when I inevitably think of them,” she added mischievously.

“As for my thoughts on the system,” she blew out a sigh, absently brushing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “They’re doing what they can, and blah blah blah legal jargon, but the way I see it, we’re doing well just to survive.” She didn’t sound bitter, angry, or like she was joking, but instead like she was making a statement of fact in which she had no emotional involvement.


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Character Portrait: Blake Hardie Character Portrait: Sasha Hutchinson
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#, as written by S1mon
Blake Hardie

It was the stereotypical view that those with blonde hair were....not so smart to put it politely. Usually such stereotypes could be used for insults, but there were those who went against their stereotypes. Females were stereotypical once known as the weakest and only excelled at cleaning and being a home-maker, but since the wars they were literally able to put their best foot forward in aiding their men fighting on the fronts, such progress only continued to grow so that being a female no longer was prejudiced or at least not so much anymore. It was certainly interesting when Sasha came out with her previous statement about her being a blonde being the reason that Blake had come to her, clearly showing that she was alot more intelligent than the other blondes this place had.

It was important to hold your ground and keep your wits about you, for who better to watch your back than yourself, for there were those who believed that others would protect them and help them, but in the end they done the complete opposite. If Blake was Lucas for example, he wouldn't spend his time hugging it up with Ms Morgan but rather going out to find his brother. Sure he goes partying through the influence of Corryn and breaking rules that kept them confined which Blake supported since such rules were only rules of oppression and it was upto them if they wished to go out and get drunk, consequences were on their own back. Afterall every man and woman had a choice, just as Sasha could of refused his offer to sit with him and could of walked away but instead she remained.

As he asked her what she thought of this place, she answered simply, "There's a place to sleep and food to eat and I have no immediate complaints. I'll be sure to make them to the proper authorities when I inevitably think of them", suggesting that she was expecting complaints to come by her statement which made him smirk, before she continued to address his other question, "As for my thoughts on the system, they're doing what they can and blah blah blah legal jargon, but the way I see it, we're doing well just to survive", speaking no truer words, but the key word in that was 'survive'. Either way, she had certainly made a good impression on Blake and having Blake's approval was not often given or to some not even wanted, but whether people understood how he saw things openly or not, this was Blake's final year so he'd make sure to make his terms anyway.

At the moment, it was Blake that held the place at the moment as clearly the younger kids understood who was boss, but clearly it was not rocket science to see that despite the fact this orphanage was run by the system, the system clearly was not working with all these rejects coming in, though from their experiences they were getting it, hence why Aleta's arrival and her standoff with Aly showed she understood, even Jane understood but she preferred to just distance herself from the trouble and not try to get pass that. At the end of the day, everybody had their own opinion about themselves and others so it was upto them what they thought as it was their lives and everybody had a choice, just as Blake had the choice whether to play the good boy or the bad guy. Well...bad guys are always fun and not to mention they have quite an arsenal as well as glamorous assistants. He was kind of an anti-hero in that he meant well but comes across in a more oppressive manner, but of course his less oppressive side comes out to those who don't oppose him and did understand.

He had yet to find out about these new girls however, as he knew about everyone at the orphanage, hence why he had people under his thumb like Alice and Jake who both believed that if they just pretend to do what is asked they would be okay. However, Blake's word was one he was bounded by, so they could go fight dragons in fantasy land soon enough and he'd leave them too it, but for this elder ones, ah well. "The key however is surviving which is down to us and not these idiots prancing about while they earn the big bucks to make the world a better place yet only make the place better for themselves...", adding his comment on the system before sighing, "and now I sound like a philosopher...yuck", the corners of his mouth tugged afterwards as he thought about it, but of course real philosopher's would disagree with him totally with his theory and how he was the one who got it all wrong. Wrong!

Blake was certainly not incapable of being friendly or having a joke when the opportunity arose, but after smiling at his comment, he looked up towards Lucas and Christian with Alyson in the middle, who he noticed looked to them on a few occasions as they spoke, so Blake felt it was only right to fill Sasha in as Lucas was no doubt doing with his bum pal, "If you had something or someone taken away from you and there was a chance to get that someone or something back, you'd do it, right" clearly such was about Lucas but to Sasha it was probably just an example before he continued, "If you see the girl over there on the swing with the two lands, Alyson, she comes here to what is supposed to be a broken home full of broken kids with broken hearts and she arrives as a princess in her dress and waits to be pampered, so what do I do? give her a royal welcome and have the kids come greet her so she's not alone and has a royal escort into our very run-down palace, and now because of that, I'm the bad guy", though he felt nothing about it which he showed by a shrug afterwards.

Turning to her a few seconds later, "Thought I'd probably mention it, since you have probably gathered something is stirring up...", curious what she thought of it while abstaining to her how it didn't bother him, how he has a finger in each of the pies, but maybe she got that impression already. She was afterall a smart girl, so probably wouldn't turn to the side of the fools and dreamers....


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Trent Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Christian McCall
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Lucas & Christian

"Yes, I'll probably be visiting a lot." Lucas just smiled as it seemed Alyson was finally coming around. He couldn't blame her for being guarded after the way she had been treated when she first arrived and although he hadn't been as unwelcoming as Blake he also hadn't been as welcoming as Zach. He hoped as things got better for her she would dismantle some of her walls. The orphanage wasn't the greatest place in the world but it could always be worst. He rather be in Ms. Morgan's care they in some random group home with people who didn't give a shit about him.

"I'm sure Blake only got his own room by being the jerk he is, I could never stoop that low in order to obtain something like that in this hell." Lucas said nothing to this as he in truth didn't know how Blake had been granted with a room of his own. When he got to the orphanage Blake was already a resident with his own room and when he got placed in a room with Zach he asked no questions. After getting to know Blake it hadn't been like him and Lucas were best bros and seeing the way he treated his other fellow orphans Lucas had just considered himself lucky.

"Change in roommate?" he could hear a sigh escape the blonde. "I wish it were possible to room with you and Zach. Y'all are the only good things about this place."He gave a small laugh and smiled as she turned away, "Believe me if it wasn't for the whole no co-ed rooming in this place me and Zach would gladly take you in. If it makes you feel any better you only have to sleep in your room. Zach and I are will always be just down the hall," he tone was reassuring as he was trying to help Alyson see the silver lining in her not so fortunate situation.

"Yes, I party." After quietly observing the teenage boys she sat between Alyson voice chimed in. Lucas was hoping that the arrival of Christian wasn't making Alyson uncomfortable. Christian had ran away a couple of months back and to see an old friendly face had gotten Lucas pretty excited. "I'd rather just stay here with Zach."

The two boys gazed at each other for a slight moment before looking back at Alyson and nodding. "That's cool." Christian said with a smile, "Your probably better off hanging with Zach over us anyways. Because throwing Christian and me along with Cassie into a party is always a recipe for utter madness." Christian smiling his sly grin added in "An utterly great madness!" The two boys laughed an neither of them could wait until the house went to sleep so that they could sneak out and have some fun. Even orphans deserved to have fun every once in while.

"So you sneak out a lot?" When Alyson asked this the two boys looked at each other and gave light shrugs before looking back at the blonde. "Well giving the fact that I've been a runaway I haven't had to do much sneaking out," Christian said nonchalantly. "I .. I don't really sneak out a lot. I mean I would love to as its always a lot of fun when I do. However, sneaky out is a risky business and a lot of times its really not worth the risk of getting caught."

Lucas had every intention of spending the rest of his time in the system at Ms.Morgan's orphanage. What he would do after he got out was a mystery to him. He thought about tracking down his brother but where to begin he was clueless and even if he found him what then. He thought about going into his military and from there if he actually survived his years in service going to college. Lucas was a man of ideas but no real plan. As of right now his only real priority was just getting out of the system. Everything else he would have to figure out later.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Trent Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie Character Portrait: Christian McCall
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(Sorry for the absence! I am horrible at posting during the school year!)

Listening to the guys talking about sneaking out, Alyson sort of went off into her own little world. A week ago, Aly would have been all up for sneaking out and going to a party, and was even dressed for doing so. However, after leaving a party and going home to find her house in flames, the blonde was not sure if she could mentally handle it at the moment. Maybe once she was settled in and not at war with her roommates she could enjoy sneaking out, but now right now. Maybe one day she could even talk Zach into going with her, although it didn't really seem like Zach was the big party type of guy.

As bad as it may be, Zach kind of made her happy about what happened, because she was glad she had met him. And Lucas wasn't too bad. Lucas was actually the type of guy her old self would have gone for immediately, with his good looks and his devious plans about sneaking out and partying. Perhaps that was why she was drawn to him; he was who she would have gone for, yet she liked who she was when she was with Zach, because she didn't have to try to be anything and could just relax and be herself for the first real time in her life.

"I think I'm going to go walk around. Is there any place I should probably avoid?" Aly asked. She needed to think. The girl hadn't been alone one second since she had been dumped here, and so much had happened. With losing everything she owned and her family, then the not so lovely greeting she had received here, she wanted to be alone for now; she was just not sure where that possibly could be since this place seemed to be swarming with kids, and not all of them so friendly either. After Lucas replied, Aly went off wandering around, checking out the place and trying to sort out her thoughts and compartmentalize everything so her emotions didn't get the best of her and give Blake even more reason to put her down.


Jane was bored. The preppy blonde was off talking to Lucas and Christian, who hadn't showed his face in quite some time, so she was off limits for the moments, and Blake was busy with another new arrival. Another new arrival. Today was just an interesting day! It seemed Blake was reeling in the newest member to their house, and the other one seemed to be taken with the other side. Things were settling down for the day though, and it just seemed that that just wouldn't do.

Since everyone outside was busy and preoccupied, Jane decided to go inside and find Zach to see what other trouble she could cause with the boy. Her mind was working on what to say when she spotted the kind, yet naive, boy eating with some other kids. "Hey Zach. I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier, with the bi....the blonde. I went to apologize to her when I heard her talking to Lucas and Christian, remember him? Well they were talking about sneaking out to a party, but your little friend said she wanted to stay here with you since she was trying to get with you. Now, she didn't say it outright, but I'm pretty sure she just wanted a hook up. I mean, look at the way she looks. No one that innocent would dress in that dress and heels. Just thought I would warn you since there were never really any hard feelings between us. You're a good guy Zach, don't let her break your heart." Jane stood up after that, giving a friendly smile, hoping that would make him push the blonde witch away a little bit so she would really be on her own.


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Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie
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(OOC: This is still me, just a new account to start afresh, and starting this roleplay afresh which I have read through, my reply is a little long to sort of put it all together to get back into his character)

Zach Holsden

As Zach sat at the table with Alice, Jake and the other kids, he began to 'zone' out as he reflected on all that occured today, thinking about the way he was and the way he was now, contemplating how things had changed in the several roles he had been in throughout his young life. There was always someone or something that was intent on destroying what he had, a belief that had drove him to isolation and his desire to join Soph before realising that there was also someone or something that wished to help him, recalling the senior who came to him in his most desperate hour and remembering Aly's words to her, "I want to be there for you too...I want to help you at least a fraction of what you have helped me, I just don't know how to do it".

His life had certainly been challenging, starting off in his role as 'glue' to keep his parents together in their loveless marriage before the 'glue' weared off and was thrown away, only to later act as a 'rope' and making the decision to sever both ties with an unwillingness to be bound. His reward.....his dreams coming true, a loving family, good friends and Soph who had helped keep him on his feet, but what he did not realise was how much of an anchor he had made Soph, leaving him plummeting in darker depths as his dream was destroyed by his adoptive parents' car crash and moving from one place to another as the billows kept crashing, so much stronger than he was.

If he was his past self, Zach was pretty sure that Blake wouldn't be so egoist and big-headed as he was. If he was his past self, Zach wouldn't even be here, but he took the death of his anchor too badly which had led him here. Thankfully there was still good people around that he relied upon to help get him back on his feet and standing, in particular Lucas his roommate. He couldn't of asked for anyone better in all honesty.

As he had explained to Aly, all that he had held onto was his principles, such that kept him going and kept him trying to do the right thing. The downside of course was his naivety and sometimes getting on the wrong side of people like Jane earlier when he was only looking out for her aswell as Aly if Blake was given the opportunity to do more. Still, it seemed Blake was busy now and Aly was with Lucas from what Alice told him so things were finally settling down.

"Hey Zach", he heard as he looked up from his nearly empty plate to see Jane who was expressing her intention to apologise, which to Zach didn't seem genuine with her slip-up. He might be naive but he wasn't totally stupid and nor forgetful, remembering her threat, "I can tell Alyson here why you're here. I can make her never want to talk to you again. I could break you down so easily, and I wouldn't need Blake's help for that", all because she felt threatened by his concern, clearly Zach wasn't the type to go throwing around threats as Blake and Jane did. It was like a promise, never to make a promise you can't keep, never make a threat you can't carry out.

Nevertheless he heard her out as Zach wasn't one to ignore people as she spoke about her with Lucas and Christian and a party which he doubted she would go to since the party was the last thing she was part of before everything changed, just as everything changed for him when Soph died and when everything changed for everyone that was put into houses like these where they had only few people to lean on, only to have people think the worst, "she wanted to stay here with you since she was trying to get with you. Now, she didn't say it outright, but I'm pretty sure she just wanted a hook up. I mean, look at the way she looks. No one that innocent would dress in that dress and heels". Zach couldn't believe that, especially after hearing her story and those genuine tears that broke out of her eyes, finally being released from what she was holding in after dealing with what she had to since arriving here. The dress probably is even the dress she was in that party in, all that she had to remind her of her past.

"Just thought I would warn you since there were never really any hard feelings between us. You're a good guy Zach, don't let her break your heart." Still, he acknowledged her with a smile of his own, "I don't think that will be the case, but thank you for looking out for me", before his face straightened to set things straight while Jane was in an open mood, "That was all I was trying to do upstairs, warning you about Blake as he only looks out for himself which is why I wanted to look out for you in the case he takes advantage of the invitation, we all know what he is like", before looking away towards the window outside, "As for Alyson, we all yet to know she is like. Afterall, people change in places like these, don't they?", looking back to Jane to see what her response would be, as well as give her a chance to give Alyson a chance, such what he was insinuating, seeing as Alyson merely reacted in the same manner that was put to her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie
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Jane was watching Zach. She spent a lot of time watching guys, mostly just to make sure that they didn't come too close to her. Honestly, Zach wasn't a bad guy, but these days she had such a short temper with anyone who even slightly tried to get on her bad side. Her mind flashed back to the first day she had here.

"It's alright Jane, no one here will hurt you." Her social worker said before dropping her off. There were considerably less people here back then, and there was a set system when new people got there. They all lined up and greeted her politely, last of all was Leeta, who showed her up to the room they were sharing.

That hadn't been too bad. The next day when she finally had to leave her room was when all of the questions came. But still, that didn't compare to what Alyson had gone through today. But she hadn't been raped. Then again, she had still had been through a lot, even if Jane didn't know exactly what, or else she wouldn't be here.

Maybe Zach was right. Maybe she should give Aly another chance. If this had been back when she first arrived here then that would be an easy choice. She would have befriended Aly right away, but this place had hardened her. Jane admired Blake for not caring and shutting the world out so effectively. In her fear of men and what they had done to her, Jane tried to be the same way because it seemed so much easier.

Sighing, Jane looked into Zach's eyes. "Yes, people do change when they get here. Even if you don't think she had been a whore, she still could become one." With that, Jane went up to her room. She grabbed all of Aly's stuff, dropped it out the window as Aly had done to her stuff, and locked the door so that she couldn't come into the room. Honestly, Jane didn't care where Aly slept or what happened to her, she wasn't going to break the tough outer wall she had built up.


When Aly walked away from Lucas, she looked around. Blake was outside, so she headed inside to look around, and maybe grab some dinner since she didn't remember eating and was starting to get a little hungry. That is when she heard the last thing Jane said about calling her a whore. It was easy to tell Jane was trying to get Zach to abandon her as a friend, but just the thought of that made Aly want to just run away from life. However, Aly knew that she would never be able to survive on her own, especially after never having to do anything except pick out her outfit before.

Not wanted to have to deal with that or anything, the blonde waited for Jane to go upstairs before slipping outside again. Trying to avoid Blake, Aly went to the other side of the house. It didn't take long before she heard and saw all of her belongings falling to the ground. All Aly did was close her eyes. No tears. No more crying. No more weakness.

After taking a moment to gather her emotions into a small box inside, Aly gathered her belongings that had blown around. Then, she had no choice but to go back inside. She went over to Zach and set her stuff down. "I guess I've been kicked out of the room." She said, taking a seat. Although she had Zach, Aly knew there was no way this day could possibly get worse.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie
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Zach Holsden

Matters of the heart were extremely important and extremely delicate. The heart not only was the life and soul of every person, but the source from which emotion-driven actions flow. Without emotion, where would anyone be? Sometimes Blake could be seen as a man of no heart by the way he acts, but in reality every person had a heart, it was just that there were those who were less inclined to share it for diverse reasons. This was the reason why Zach wholeheartfully believed there was good in every person and why he looked past a person’s faults, because as Alyson pointed out in their meeting, people believed emotions was a weakness. To an extent it was, but as Zach had argued, it was what made a person truly human.

Zach of all people knew the adverse effects of where the heart undergone much hardships, having loved his parents only to be rejected when his ‘glue’ ran off and then used as a ‘rope’ to tear Zach apart. His parents might not have loved each other anymore and may not have loved him as much as he would of liked, but they were still his parents and seeing them fight as they did was heart-breaking. Of course leaving his biological parents did not end there, what with his love for Soph and love for his adoptive parents, only for each to leave him one-by-one and then ending in care with others like Blake who looked after ‘number one’ rather than keep in mind how their actions affected another.

It took some time for Zach to reach the point that he was now after being dragged down so low, but he felt he was regaining his strength yet not totally, much of his former self still contained within him, but he believed that he would overcome this. Afterall, such was the reason why he couped himself up in his room as how could he expect others to accept him when he could not accept himself or feel ready for whatever may come. Jane had come in order to suggest Alyson had ulterior motives and that she would damage his already damaged heart, but instead Zach was determined not to let things get to him as it used to, taking everything personally. Before, as kind as he was, he wasn’t so accepting of people as to keep them distant to avoid further damage. However, as time went on, such didn’t help the repairing process.

“Yes, people do change when they get here. Even if you don’t think she had been a whore, she still could become one” was Jane’s reply after a sigh before she left and said no more as she disappeared upstairs. Zach could only do so much, but the only ones he could help were the ones that would listen, as his attention was then drew to Alice who had spoken up, “I couldn’t have put that better myself, though some people change for the worst and some people change for the better like you, especially standing up against Blake today and now Jane when she clearly came to torment you when Alyson really does need a friend right now”. Zach smiled, “We just need to do the right thing and often times people change when people show they care. That could of gone worse”.

Of course it was easier said than done without knowing how the other would respond, but when it works it does make all the difference both to the receiver of kindness and giver of kindness, such that had helped Zach when he was helping her upstairs. Alyson had said how she wished to help him at least a fraction, though by coming to him and listening to him, such certainly helped him gain more confidence. Speaking of Aly, she then entered the room with her bags which she set down before coming to him, “I guess I’ve been kicked out of the room” as she took her seat. Seems Jane hadn’t changed much then, but it was a work in progress as they certainly could not remain like this forever, especially when they left this place and re-entered society.

“You can come in my room”, Alice offered, seeing that Jane had no-where else to go and thinking what Zach had said about doing the right thing and how she needed a friend, “Ms Morgan wouldn’t mind with everything going on I’m sure”. Jake however didn’t share the confidence, as much as he liked to do what was right as Zach, it was another thing to have the means and courage to do what was right before putting himself and others in jeopardy, “and what about Blake?”. Of course Blake was no issue for Alice, sure she looks out for herself like Blake did, but she did such in a way that she wasn’t going to walk over people to achieve things. “Don’t worry about Blake. Just think on your feet as you did outside before, as what better way to ‘keep an eye’ on her than having her in my room”, twisting the situation around in such a way that she was doing what she was told while also benefitting herself.

Zach smiled, before passing Aly a plate, “All you have to worry about is getting this down you…..have you had anything to eat yet?”. Even if she had had something before today, it certainly was needed after all that had happened to get her strength back. Zach certainly had been hungry with a clean plate infront of him. He wasn’t sure about this new girl that Blake was with from what Alice told him, but if she had her head on her shoulders as Alice suggested then all should work out alright….in theory….


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young
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Defeated. Upset. Hurt. Broken. That didn't even cover everything that Alyson felt in that moment, sitting at a dinner table in an orphanage, far away from everything she had ever known. However, she still didn't feel like crying again. She was angry and frustrated, yes, but she was over crying for the moment. It had felt good to cry up in Zach's room with him there to comfort her, but she knew this was neither the time nor the place to show such weakness again, especially since she wasn't entirely sure about Alice and Jake's motives.

Although Alice and Jake seemed supportive and nice, they played Blake a little too well for Aly to not be 100% confident that her and Zach weren't the ones being played. After all, in a place like this, one could never be too sure. It seemed that everyone here had some alternative motive for everything they did, so it was hard to tell which side Alice was really on. If one could fool Blake, that person could not be all that good. You can't fool the devil, and since Alice was, it made her suspicious.

Alyson kept quiet while the other three were talking, deciding where she should stay. The only place she felt safe in this hell was where Zach was, but she knew that wasn't an option, so it seemed that staying with Alice was her best bet, even if she didn't completely trust the other girl yet. Anything would be better than staying out in the open where Blake could easily target her and do something to her while she slept.

"Thanks, for the offer. I'd like to stay with you." Aly said to Alice. Since she wasn't sure about trusting the girl, she couldn't afford to push away a friend since there was a half of a chance that Alice was just trying to help her. Not putting her eggs in one basket, Aly knew her best chance was to just accept the younger child being nice, but that she would just have to keep a watch out for anything that might prove she wasn't as friendly as she seemed. Or maybe she could talk to Zach and figure out how much he trusted the younger girl since he knew her better because he had been around her longer.

Then Zach passed her a plate. No, she hadn't had much to eat all day, but she wasn't sure how hungry she was either. It was just how the girl was; when she was upset, she didn't it. It wasn't to starve herself or to make herself look skinny since she wasn't worried about her weight, but it was just how she was. And right now, the blonde was extremely upset, so she couldn't think about eating.

Looking at Zach made her want to eat though. Someone finally cared about her and wanted her to take care of herself. "No, I haven't had anything to eat yet." Aly said, deciding to go with the honest answer since she didn't think she could be anything other than honest to Zach. She accepted the plate and looked at the food. This was no where near the luxurious meals she was used to at her old house, but it was still better than the food she had had at the police station. Aly ate as much as she could force herself to swallow, even though it made her feel like she would get sick since she really didn't want to eat at the moment. Everything, though, was for Zach.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Trent Character Portrait: Zach Holsden Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young Character Portrait: Blake Hardie Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Christian Wilds
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0.00 INK

"I think I'm going to go walk around. Is there any place I should probably avoid?" Lucas looked around the front yard and saw that Blake was still preoccupied with the orphanage's newest arrival. "I think you'll be good for now. I mean Blake has found a new interest for the time being and I don't see either of your new roommates in sight. Just try to keep your head down." Lucas couldn't help but feel bad for Alyson. The girl had been through so much in such a short period of time. Her life had taken a complete 180 and no one seemed willing to cut her any slack outside of himself and Zach. Christian had been cool so far but it's not like him and Alyson had really just gotten to know each other with Alyson being somewhat stand offish. He watched as Alyson wandered off to sort out her emotions and whatever else was going on in her head.

"Well. She's hot. Kind of quiet but still hot." Christian said watching the disheveled blonde walk away leaving just the two guys. "You may want to pump your brakes on that one. Something tells me she's already spoken for and if am right you won't have a chance in hell." Christian shrugged nonchalantly, "I said the girl was good looking. Not that she was my soul-mate Lou. Besides we both know am not exactly the relationship type." Lucas just nodded in agreement as the conversation changed back into the topic of the party. Once Lucas had finished with his food the two got up off the grass and headed into the house. "Well Alyson maybe out but I am betting Raquel will be in. I'll go fill her in and you can go eat."

The boys separated as Lucas handed Christian his garbage to take to the trash as he ascended up the stairs to see what Raquel was up to. Going to the kitchen Christian put the trash in the garbage can then grabbed a plate and went out into the dining room to make his food. A couple of the youngsters wrapped their arms around his waist and hugged him while welcoming him back as he made his plate. Laughing he sat down at the table where Alyson, Zach, Alice, Jake and some of the other kids where sitting. "What's going on people?"

Lucas walked up the first staircase that landed him on the second level of the house than went up the second flight of stairs that went to the attic. The attic was where Raquel laid her head down at night. When the house was less crowded she use to stay on the same floor with all the other kids but eventually it had all become to much for Raquel and she converted the attic into her own personal loft. Ms. Morgan hadn't been thrilled about it at first but when Raquel set out to do something it got done. She had wanted the attic and she had gotten just that. "What's going on bombshell?" Lucas said as he made it up the last step. "Chris is back and Cassie told me about this party happening tonight. You in?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Trent Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce Character Portrait: Christian Wilds
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0.00 INK

"What's going on bombshell?" Raquel face lit up in a smile at the sound of Lucas's voice. "Nothing much. What's going on with you hotness?" She flipped the cosmo magazine she was reading closed grinning as she rolled over onto her back. Leaning back on her elbows for support she smiled as she took in a better view of her hot friend."Chris is back and Cassie told me about this party happening tonight. You in?" 'As if you have to ask' Raquel thought to herself as her slick grin spread across her face. "Are you kidding me?! Pretty boy is back!" Raquel didn't have many friends at the orphanage. In fact she only had two. That being the hotness that was Lucas and pretty boy Christian. They were all she had and all she needed which was why when Christian dropped off the face of the earth she found herself with mix feelings of sadness and hate. She was glad to hear he had returned.

Yes. By the way. Of course I'll go to the party." The last couple of months Raquel had been doing everything imaginable to keep her nose clean and stay out of trouble. She had even begun studying to get her GED. It wasn't as great as getting a diploma but she wasn't going back to high school and in two years she would be out on her own. She had to do something and this was the only logical thing she could come up with. Getting up out the bed Raquel ran over to Lucas and jumped up on his back. Giddy up cowboy! Take me to see Chris. I need to kick his ass before we go out tonight for leaving us like that."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Hardie Character Portrait: Sasha Hutchinson
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0.00 INK

Even if Sasha had wanted to prevent the slight smile that appeared on her lips at Blake’s reply – and she did not – she probably wouldn’t have been able to anyway. It was an expression of genuine amusement, because here they were, two young people burned by the system, having quite a civilised chatter about the shortcomings of it. They weren’t planning riots or discussing the best locations to buy the necessary items to make Molotov Cocktails, they were just, well…talking.

Her smile faded into a more intent look as he began to fill her in on how things worked. This was by far the most useful thing she’d heard all day, and she listened carefully, doing her best to commit the various links and connections to memory. She’d know how well she’d done by how long it took for her to make the first serious error. She didn’t, of course, interrupt.

As well as the useful information it gave her about the group dynamic – dysfunctional, even a little twisted, just as she’d expected – it suggested quite a bit about the guy she was talking with. He clearly had some power here, though whether it was all in his head or something the others recognised and respected was a different matter. She had met a number of similar people during her jaunt through the system, and both types were dangerous. She’d either have to avoid him entirely or become his friend, and at the moment the latter was more tempting. She liked the occasional risk.

“Yeah, I did,” she replied, looking amused all over again, “but there’s always something going on in places like these, and I didn’t think anything of it.” She shrugged. “I’m not particularly interested in getting involved this early into my stay.”

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Orphanage by Lucy Knox

When you have no where else to go as a kid, this is where you end up. Will you change when you're here, or just beg to get away?

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Raquel Pierce
Character Portrait: Olivia Catibayan
Character Portrait: Alyson Fae Young
Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie
Character Portrait: Christian Wilds
Character Portrait: Corryn Leighton
Character Portrait: Blake Hardie
Character Portrait: Zach Holsden
Character Portrait: Lucas Trent


Character Portrait: Jane McKenzie
Jane McKenzie

She's honest and true, but doesn' trust anyone else to be.

Character Portrait: Blake Hardie
Blake Hardie

If no-one will be on your side, then stick up for yourself. Stuff the rest!

Character Portrait: Zach Holsden
Zach Holsden

"Nothing lasts for ever, no matter how much I want it to"

Character Portrait: Corryn Leighton
Corryn Leighton

"Life's a party. Live it up, break the rules, and never forget who you are!"


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Orphanage by Lucy Knox

When you have no where else to go as a kid, this is where you end up. Will you change when you're here, or just beg to get away?


When you have no where else to go as a kid, this is where you end up. Will you change when you're here, or just beg to get away?

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Re: When Everything Changes

I'm so glad you posted this :) I've just replied! We can totally get this going again, and anyone is welcome to join us!!!

Re: When Everything Changes

Getting back into it so if you guys/gals are still in, please join us and same goes with prospective players, please join us! Posting may be slow at times but we're in it to win it ;)

Re: When Everything Changes

I concur w/ the above ^ Welcome =] Always love new meat, I mean people :D

If you guys need any assistance, feel free to ask. As Lucy has stated, times are a bit sporadic, but sure worth it in the end =] Also if you know anyone whose interested, invite them over. Certainly need some on the guy front with all you girls XD Then again, Blake can count for quite a few....haha

Re: When Everything Changes

Welcome new people :)

And yes, this is exam week for me as well so we're in the same boat here, good luck!

I look forward to continuing this roleplay with our two, lovely new additions <3

Re: When Everything Changes

Welcome new people :)

And yes, this is exam week for me as well so we're in the same boat here, good luck!

I look forward to continuing this roleplay with our two, lovely new additions <3

Re: When Everything Changes

Well, since I'm about to enter exam period, my posts are gonna be pretty sporadic anyway, so that's all fine by me. I'll give it a whack. :)

Re: When Everything Changes

Hey there :)
this is a roleplay where it is NEVER too late to join and we would love to have you :)
Just know that there are currently only two active people in this thread and we both have very busy schedules so posts are usually scattered. If that is okay with you please feel free to fill out a character sheet!

Re: When Everything Changes

Hi! (Yes, I'm in ridiculously cheerful mode.) I saw this up on the Roleplayers Wanted thread and was just it too late to join in?

Re: When Everything Changes

No problemo :)

And HAPPY NEW YEAR as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it's a little late

Re: When Everything Changes

Apologies for all the Error posts, have been trying to put my post up but always been having trouble getting through and then all my attempts were posted altogether :(

Re: When Everything Changes

Happy New Year all :D

Re: When Everything Changes

That's great to hear!!!!! Sorry I did have to go on a small break with finals then the holidays but everything's calmed down so I hope we can kick this back up into high gear because, yes, we are all awesome :)

Re: When Everything Changes

We're still going :D Riley's not with us, and Corryn hasn't returned, and Aleta will post as soon as she can, but we're still kicking, stil strong, cos we are all awesome!!

Re: When Everything Changes

Is this still going or has everyone dropped out?

Re: When Everything Changes

Thank you :) Reply is up, a day later than I hoped but done nonetheless, as well as my work being done, so I should be ok again, once I catch up with posts I've missed XD

Re: When Everything Changes

It's fine! I understand life gets in the way, just get done what you need to get done first. My next two weeks are going to be crazy cause I have a new job and finals coming up so it's all the big essays and studying so I won't be on quite as much the next couple of weeks as well.

Re: When Everything Changes

I'll reply asap. Would reply now but is past 2 in the morning and need to work on moot prep for college on Tuesday, so will be working on tomorrow, but definitely should be a reply later tomorrow (sat) or sunday. Sorry for delay!

Re: When Everything Changes

Awesome!! Another person, yay :)

Re: When Everything Changes

Aleta has been sent in =)

Looking forward to roleplaying with you also, and free cookies! yay! cookies makes things even better

Re: When Everything Changes

Fantastic! Read your bio and sure am looking forward to roleplaying with you :D Thanks for joining *hands out free cookies* =]