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Where the Wind Blows

Where the Wind Blows


In a future where dragons have taken the form of humans... More Info Inside

1,998 readers have visited Where the Wind Blows since Cheshire_Girl created it.




When the world was old, it began to fall apart. Similar to the way a grandfather clock shivered on the twelfth hour, the land began to tremor. Tick, tick, poof! The Greatest Sorcerer to have ever lived disappeared just as quickly as he arrived, sweeping across the nation in a devastating blow that they would never recover from. The earth was in ruins, natural disaster plaguing its lands, the survivors fleeing to the remaining patches of untouched land. They had to adapt to these new predators in uncanny ways that were never before seen.

By binding magic to their souls, they mutated, becoming casualties of something far greater. It was a scheme set up by the Great Sorcerer to bring sorcery to this land, however in his planning he overlooked just how powerful some spells could be, power has to come from somewhere after all. With humanity devastated as it was, when the waters finally receded and this new breed began to fill the pockmarks of land remaining, they were... different. Curious, wild, but intelligent. Time started anew, with history cleansing itself of its violent past to retake the records of the past on blank white slates.

Early on when the tides began to turn, a small family fled the conventional city life for the country, making their home a cave in the depths of the forest of Japan. Sealed from the outside world, they were immune to the plague that had befallen the rest of the world. Magic ran in their blood after all and it was passed down inside of that cave. A small couple becoming a large family, with two daughters and a son. When the waters receded and the cave doors were at last unsealed, Japan had transformed into a land of wonders. With plants that blossomed in splatters of technicolor dream light, animals that seemed more like spirits for the way they jumped from place to place.

The parents having since long passed and the brother turned into a cat due to a magical mishap, it is up to the sisters to provide for themselves. Seemingly far out of reach of the real world, they must steal what little they can to survive.

Code: Select all
[font=Choice of Font][right][img]IMG[/img][/right][b][size=95]∞ Full name ∞[/b][/size]
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[b][size=95]∞ Nickname ∞[/b][/size]
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[b][size=95]∞ Species ∞[/b][/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Age ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here (15 +)[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Gender ∞[/b][/size]
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*[b][size=95]∞ Sexuality ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Role ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Pet or companion?[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Dragon Type ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Face Claim ∞[/b][/size]
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[left][img]IMG[/img][/left][font=choice of font]*[b][size=95]∞ Height & Weight ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Hair color ∞[/b][/size]
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[b][size=95]∞ Eye color ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here {contacts, glasses, etc}[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Distinguishable Facial Features ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here (Beauty mark, mole, etc)[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Birthmarks/Scars/Tattoos/Other ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here (If you have wings, scales, horns, etc.)[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Physical Description ∞[/b][/size]
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*[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=choice of font][b][size=95]∞ Habits/Quirks ∞[/b][/size]

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[size=90]βœ– Blank | Sentence
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[b][size=95]∞ Talents ∞[/b][/size]
βœ” [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Fears ∞[/b][/size]
✘ [/size]

[b][size=95]∞ Flaws ∞[/b][/size]
✘ [/size]


[left][img]Picture[/img][/left][b][size=95]∞ Abilities ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here [/size][/font]

[b][size=95]∞ Personality ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here [/size][/font]


[right][img]Picture[/img][/right][font=Choice of font][b][size=95]∞ Romantic Interest ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

[b][size=95]∞ History ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size]

*[b][size=95]∞ Hex Code ∞[/b][/size]
[size=90]Answer Here[/size][/font]

Layout inspired by Verix

Toggle Rules

  1. Please do not join if you cannot reply at least twice a week.
  2. After you have made your reservation, you have 48 hours to submit a WIP and up to two days before the RP starts to finish.
  3. Please check the OOC for the guidelines on your dragon
  4. No God mods or Mary Sues, however if a person is inactive feel free to push their character around a bit.
  5. No harassing others, let's all be nice. If you fight in OOC I will ask you to take it to PM.
  6. Please do not join if you cannot reply at least twice a week.
  7. If you have read this far please post your hex code in the OOC when you reserve your spot.
  8. Anime only! I will not accept it if it is not anime!
  9. No random submissions no matter how awesome they are, please reserve in the OOC. If you do not reserve, I will not accept. If all characters are taken then I will be willing to make arrangements if you PM me.
  10. The numbers don't really mean anything, it's just so I can keep track of your character. Please PM whomever you would like to be your companion/dragon.
  11. If you have read all of these rules please post the last book you read!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gillian Deku Character Portrait: Winter Aries Hayes Character Portrait: Xiyah Katelyn Hayes Character Portrait: Doctor Anubis
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Stories told of a time in which the earth had not been shattered and torn between lands. History spoke of vile humans that used plague and other man made means to slaughter and kill. The Heavens became enraged and so, they enacted a storm upon humanity to bring down all those who sinned. Thus, the next era was born. "Boring," Winter murmured, closing a dusty book and placing it on the shelf. She should not be procrastinating as such, having kicked her older siblings out of the house in order to prepare for a celebration. After all, today was Xiyah's birthday! Birthdays were a rare thing that were celebrated in their cave of wonders. Winter always declined any sort of big celebration, but this was a milestone and so, she was preparing a feast. Winter had been working odd jobs, knitting, sewing, selling, peddling, doing everything she could in order to buy a whole bird for her to roast over the fire pit. If there wasn't going to be a storm she would be preparing outside, however, due to the nature of well-nature, Winter took to inside of the cave to prepare, cook, and bake the delicious meal in honor of her elder sister.

"Cake, done, frosting, done, turkey? In process. Side dishes are what I need," Winter poked her head outside to check on the status of the weather. No rain as of the moment, she went around the side of the cave that they had made their dwelling to check on their garden. Pushing open the roughly put together fence, Winter harvested what she hoped would be enough for two dragons and a cat. "I didn't consider Amy and her Father," Winter blinked, staring at the vegetables in her hands. She knelt down, small wings fluttering, ears twitching at every sound. An odd dragon, one that was often likened to a demon cat. Winter couldn't help what she looked like of course, she had no control over the humanoid morphing, not like Xiyah, which was why she had cat ears and dragon wings all at once.

"There, that should be enough," her mismatched eyes had a rare sparkle, Winter trekked inside once more to prepare the side dishes for their evening feast. She was growing eager, wanting to see her older's sister reaction to the meal she had prepared. Xiyah was the hunter, the gatherer, the Matriarch and Patriarch of the family after their brother's accident. Winter was more domestic, while she could pick pockets with the best of them, she detested stealing and preferred to be a bit more... crafty. There was no fun in the game once you picked the pockets of every village that belonged to their humble seaside community. Thankfully, their little home was a major port that was often docked at, which allowed the girls to pick many pockets, lining their own in sparkling jewels. "It's getting hot in here," Winter commented, breathing a bit harder. She opened up the curtains to the cave dwelling, hoping that it would allow the smoke to filter out. The rain clouds gathered heavily in the sky, soon they would open up and release Heavenly tears upon them.


"Deku!" Gillian turned around, feeling as though he were in a daze. "The anchor's been lowered, we can disembark." His second in command spoke, although it seemed to be through a haze. Gillian shook his head, grinning, "Perfect," he jumped over a row of stacked boxes, grabbing his cape to shrug around his lean form. "Sir, wouldn't you prefer a shirt?" Gillian raised a brow and laughed. "You're right, bring me one, will you?"" He watched as his best friend scurried off, returning soon after with a shirt for him to button up underneath his cape. "Amazing," Gillian grinned, grabbing his scabbard and tying it to his belt. "Alright, let's see what treasures this new land bares," although he already had his eye on one. Several months ago, Gillian had placed an order at a small jewelry shop, hearing that they carried an invaluable mineral you couldn't find anyone else in the world. the jewel was called Dragons Breath, it was said to be carbonite super heated to the point where it was so shiny you had to avert your eyes and even then, you needed to wear special glasses to harvest it. Once tampered down by the right jeweler however, you could safely gaze at the beautiful gems.

Apparently that was not the only jewel this small, seaside town was hiding. If there was Dragons Breath here, there were sure to be dragons. "Those are creatures of myth," Maren, his most loyal companion stated, rolling his eyes. "How do we know what is myth? Considering one of us is a magus and the other, an elf." Maren rolled his eyes, blonde hair looking effervescent in the sunlight. Maren was indeed of elf blood, meaning he was pleasant to the eye with a melodic voice and a penchant for archery. Where had Gillian picked him up? Why, on the slave trade of course. Both boys had been slaves starting out, but now look at them! The mightiest crew to have ever sailed the sixteen seas! "Gillian, it's going to storm. Get your precious jewels and come back quickly," Maren warned, impatience on his breath.

"Yes Mother!" Gillian called, walking down the ladder towards dry land. He stepped foot on the wooden dock and began to walk towards the jeweler, a shoulder nudging him on his way out. He glanced downwards, noticing a small slip of paper had fallen. "Miss!" He called, chasing out after her, but she was already gone. Blinking, Gillian set back inside, retrieving and paying for his items. He glanced at the slip of paper, at the address scrawled into the corner. Is that where she would be? Glancing back at the ship to ensure that Maren could not see him, Gillian slipped way, grinning to himself. There was a definite skip in his step as he set off towards the forest, using a compass to make certain he was going the right way. Upon reaching the address scribbled onto the paper, he blinked twice for this was not a residence but a cave, somewhere uninhabitable by man.

"Hello!" Gillian called, fearlessly venturing towards the entrance. With a start, he noticed a door had been put up. Gillian knocked twice, wondering what sort of trouble he had gotten himself into. He waited a beat, the door opening a smidgen. Gazing from the inside were two different colored eyes, a peculiarity. "Sorry, someone dropped this, I think she live here," he stuck the slip of paper through the crack, hoping it would open further so that he could gaze upon the creature that the set of eyes belonged to.

"I wasn't expecting more guests," came a young voice. The door opened further, revealing a girl dressed in what Gillian would consider rags. The smell that met his nose was heavenly, a home cooked meal. His stomach growled, recalling the fact that he had skipped breakfast he had been so eager to arrive at this port. "Come inside, the meal isn't ready yet."


"If you have this, it means you must have been invited to Xiyah's party. Come on, you can help peel the vegetables," The child said, his eyes travelling down to the wings on her back. With a start, Gillian realized that standing before him was a dragon. "Are you coming or not?" She placed her hands on her hips. Gillian raised both of his in defeat. He followed her inside towards a table with various ingredients spread out across it, a large bowl of vegetables waiting to be peeled and chopped.

As it turned out, the dragon was terrible at peeling and chopping. "Let me," Gillian said, nudging her aside gently. She sat down on a stool, seeming comfortable watching him. "So... you're a dragon." Her ears twitched, those were the confusing part, the cat-like ears. Gillian averted his eyes, wondering if he would become hypnotized if he stared too long.

Winter shrugged, nonchalant. "Yes, can you read this?" She opened up a book, laying it on the table in front of him, apparently, the dragon could not read the dialect of the Spaniards. Luckily, Gillian could.

And that was how Gillian, the Princely Pirate, found himself reading a book to a dragon, whose head ended up in his lap. It was cute, if Gillian had a little sister, he most certainly would have wanted their relationship to be this close. Unfortunately for this child however, dragons were a rare entity and as such, he knew he had to have this piece for his collection.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Xiyah Katelyn Hayes
Character Portrait: Winter Aries Hayes
Character Portrait: Doctor Anubis
Character Portrait: Gillian Deku


Character Portrait: Gillian Deku
Gillian Deku

"Do not attempt to capture the galaxy if you shudder at the thought of stars."

Character Portrait: Doctor Anubis
Doctor Anubis

"Your destiny lies within you, you just have to be brave enough to see it."

Character Portrait: Winter Aries Hayes
Winter Aries Hayes

Minor Work In Progress


Character Portrait: Gillian Deku
Gillian Deku

"Do not attempt to capture the galaxy if you shudder at the thought of stars."

Character Portrait: Winter Aries Hayes
Winter Aries Hayes

Minor Work In Progress

Character Portrait: Doctor Anubis
Doctor Anubis

"Your destiny lies within you, you just have to be brave enough to see it."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gillian Deku
Gillian Deku

"Do not attempt to capture the galaxy if you shudder at the thought of stars."

Character Portrait: Winter Aries Hayes
Winter Aries Hayes

Minor Work In Progress

Character Portrait: Doctor Anubis
Doctor Anubis

"Your destiny lies within you, you just have to be brave enough to see it."

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