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X-Men: No Man Left Behind

X-Men: No Man Left Behind


A war is soon to begin. Homosapiens versus Homosapiensuperiors. As a mutant, it is your duty to fight for your place on this earth. Join us in our cause.

6,214 readers have visited X-Men: No Man Left Behind since Vix created it.

JokerofSpades, and Bromander Shepard are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




There's a place in the world called Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters. It's in New York. But, it's not a Prep School like many think it to be. Xavier's Academy is home to hundreds of young mutants from all over North America and other continents as well. The place is owned and run by renowned Professor, Charles Xavier. He's the Head Master. But he's not the only adult there. Ororo Munroe was his intended successor. Then you have Doctor Jean Summers and her husband, Scott Summers. Then there was Logan. There were several others as well, some who were Professors, some were just tenants and X-Men, and some worked as Aides to the Professors or around the Academy. Among them were Katherine Pryde, Bobby Drake, Peter Rasputin, Warren Worthington III, Henry McCoy, Remy LeBeau, Lorna Dane, Anna Marie, Kurt Wagner, Laura Kinney, and a young Jubilation Lee. Now, you may be asking yourself "You mentioned some of them being X-Men...What the holy hell is that?" Well. The X-Men is a special ops team of mutants directed by Professor Xavier who's mission is to maintain the peace between mutants and humans while keeping them safe. No, they aren't the type of Superhero team to step in and stop a bank robbery. Unless maybe the criminal is mutant. They try their best to help humans see mutants in a different, better light. have their counterpart: The Brotherhood of Mutants. The group was originally nothing short of terrorists. They were mutants who wanted to do nothing more than spend their time subjugating humans to the will of mutants, attempting to forcibly awaken human X-Genes, or simply killing humans. They were formed by Eric Lensherr and soon grew over time in numbers. Among them now are Wanda Maximoff and her twin brother Pietro Maximoff - Also known as The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. They are both the children of Eric Lensherr, the half-siblings of Lorna Dane. Then there's John Allerdyce - They call him Pyro. He's a former student of the Xavier Academy and also Bobby's best friend. But insanely jealous of his friend. You can't forget Callisto, James Madrox, Roger Quark, Cain Marko, Mystique, Frederick Dukes, Mortimer Toynbee, Jason Wyngarde, Angelo Unuscione, Lani Ubana, Telford Porter, and Peter Quinn. As time went on, the Brotherhood seemed to focus a lot more on political movements, attempting to take down and sometimes even succeeding in 'taking care of' anti-mutant figureheads. Their members are all mutants who are either victims of anti-mutant abuse suffered at the hands of humans or mutants who just don't like humans because they view mutants as better in every way. Peace is not an option to them. Humans must go by one way or another.

The year is now 2012. And so much has changed.


Professor Charles Xavier and his wife, Moira Xavier passed away in the year 2005. His funeral was one of the largest that the world had seen. Mutants and humans from all over came out of the woodwork to pay their respects to the man and his wife. It was no secret that he had touched so many lives. Even his brother Cain showed up - He didn't even have a temper that day. Eric Lensherr had shown up, of course. Only to pay respect to Charles - He never liked Moira and always thought that if it hadn't been for her, he and Charles would be on the same side of 'The War'. A statue was erected at the front in his honor and Ororo took over as Head Mistress. Some of the X-Men and Professors left. Others remained. Jean had died back in 2000, the Phoenix dying along with her. Many had children. Most of them were attending college. A lot of them had just above average intelligence; They did have the benefit of being raised in a place of learning, after all. Ororo had a daughter that was now grown, having married her long time love, T'Challa - Among the others with children were Remy LeBeau who had a child as a result of a one-night-stand with Professor Delgado - Afterwards, the two got married. Scott raised a child as well, trying his best to make up for Jean's absence in the child's life. Logan had two children. Lorna Dane married her long time crush, Alexander Summers and they had a child. Anna Marie and Bobby Drake got married and had a child - But they moved away from the Xavier Academy and left the country in an attempt to lead a normal life. Jubilation Lee and Peter Rasputin ended up having a child together a few years before getting married and they stuck around to raise their offspring. Kurt wanted a child...But he feared that the child would come out looking like his family -Demonic. He feared the worst for the child and remained single for some time. But he eventually married his long time love, Wanda Maximoff. And they had a son. Katherine Pryde and Warren Worthington ended up having a child. Even Doctor McCoy decided to leave behind a legacy before his death, having married his long time love, Mystique, helping her to raise her other child as well.

The Brotherhood? Well - A lot of things happened there that lead to the events of now. Just like the X-Men, their members had children. As in accordance with their disposition, they only had children with mutant partners. So it was very rare for a human child to turn up. John Allerdyce's first child was a human - He remembered that Doctor Grey had once said that the X-Gene was most often awakened during times of intense emotion, stress, or trauma. He was a twisted young man who secretly tortured and abused his child in an attempt to awaken their X-Gene. Needless to say, he did. The child had the ability to inflict pain without touching anyone. But from the abuse, her mind was twisted. She killed her father and in her insanity, she committed suicide. Wanda also had a child. He ran away at a young age to live at the Xavier Academy with his cousin who was the child of Pietro and Callisto, raised by his father. Eric was upset that not a single one of his grandchildren shared his vision, hoping that the group he founded would one day be under their control. Mystique had even left his side to be with Hank, taking their son with her after she told him that she was tired of living life fighting all the time. She saw that the mutant x human relations were steady and said she wouldn't live in the dark anymore. With the loss of his grandchildren, child, and love, Eric remained solitary for years. He spoke to no-one. Not his kids and not his dearest of friends. There was arguing that rose up within the Brotherhood and the group split in two. The two separate groups often clashed - One group lead by Angelo was determined to exterminate the humans. The other was lead by Wanda and Pietro. They were moreso for subjugating humans and enslaving them if they couldn't turn them. Over the years, stress and tension rose...Until it was almost too much. And then...

ImageIt was three years ago when all of the children returned to Xavier's Academy - At least the ones who hadn't been there. Some had finished college. Some had dropped out. Some didn't even go to college and just had their own agenda. But their parents were getting old and it was time for them to retire. It was time for the kids to take over. Everything was steady as far as the relations between humans and mutants. Until IT happened. A group calling themselves The Pure Ones had found where Eric was hiding out the rest of his days, having locked onto his location after spotting him at Charles' funeral only a few years prior. They had invested a good amount of time to deciding how he should be killed. Finally, they decided that he was old. In his eighties, nearly. He had given up on life and was as depressed as they came. He wouldn't put up a fight. Taking that risk...they approached. He did wrestle within himself, debating whether he'd fight back or not. By the time he decided he wasn't going to go out like a bitch, an arrow was already driven through his skull; His reflexes just weren't what they once were. But that wasn't the end. In the dead of the night on August 26th, 2012, they mounted Eric and two other mutants onto giant wooden crosses and set them up outside the gates of Xavier's Academy with REPENT written in blood across their foreheads and bible verses across their torsos. Wanda saw it on the news and rushed with her brother to the scene of the crime with the intention of killing each and every human in sight, but was stopped and captured by the X-Men who took her beyond the gates and insisted that they act rationally. Wanda had all but lost her mind at that point and lost it even further to see her child smiling and hanging out with the students as though nothing was wrong. Her grip on reality was all but lost at that point. Wanda was an exceptionally powerful mutant who could even manipulate reality - And that's what she did. She created her own perfect world: Mutants ruled over humans and her family was whole. The X-Men were even close friends of her. Members of the Brotherhood now, even. But there was Logan and his progeny. They knew better. Thanks to Tarot's mutation, they were able to realize what was going on. They went to Wanda and begged of her to make the world right. After hours of an intense conversation, they got Wanda to see just what she was doing. To see the light. See what she was doing wasn't natural. She cursed her father for giving her such a state of mind and decided that the world would just be better off without mutants. But such a big warp right after another wasn't bound to go well. Everything seemed to go back to normal...Nobody remembered what had happened. Hell. They didn't even know it had happened. But there was something wrong. Mutants all across the globe had lost their mutations. They were humans now. Again, for some. Wanda died during the warp. Among those with lost mutations was Quicksilver, Polaris, Beast, Rogue, Iceman, Northstar, Dazzler, Storm, Toad. Many more. The world once held hundreds upon thousands of mutants. But now? There are only 901 mutants left. Recorded, anyways.

It's now September 13th, 2012.

So much has happened after mutants across the globe were depowered. Many humans rejoiced -Some (ex)mutants began searching for a way to regain their mutations while others took it as a blessing in disguise and have been integrating themselves into a normal human life. The remaining mutants? They were hunted. All across the globe, the hunt to find the rest of the mutants began. Religious extremists took 'The Great Purge' as a sign from God and sought to finish his work, joining The Pure Ones. Another group formed as well, calling themselves The Sapien League. They weren't religious fanatics, but simply humans who didn't want mutants around. As a result, mutants from all across the globe reacted in a few ways. Some immediately fled to Xavier's for shelter. Others went into hiding. Others...They did what Magneto would love of them to do; they fought back and took as many human lives as they could. Senator Robert Kelly of Massachusetts approached the U.S. Senate began to push for a bill: Mutant Affairs Control Act that would require mutants to disclose their identities and powers to the government, and work for the government while being labeled as Weapons of Mass Destruction among other things that clearly violated every bit of privacy that they had. It wasn't the first time he had tried for it -The first couple of times, it had been rejected as unconstitutional. But now, with mutant attacks growing more vicious, he has high hopes that it will go through. Even if the bill was rejected again, he was secretly working on Project: Wideawake - A covert operation where mutant-hunting Sentinel robots were being created.

Our story will begin barely two weeks after M-Day. All of the remaining mutants who aren't out terrorizing humans and doling out vigilante justice or hiding have arrived at Xavier's Academy and are beginning to settle in and somewhat relax...finally. But that moment of peace will not last for long.

Cataleia-Bibiana Fury Β¦ 25 Β¦ Proud & Hopeful Β¦ Emmy Rossum Β¦ Played by Little Fox
Her power is Acoustolumikinesis, giving her lordship over light and sound. She is the daughter of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, Nicholas Fury and an unknown woman. She is very popular among most people and is the Head Mistress of Xavier's Academy for Gifted Youngsters, a former S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. She is a free spirit, refusing to show any fear in this dark time for her people, hoping to inspire many to not give up hope.

Tulio Fury Β¦ 25 Β¦ Studious & Mysterious Β¦ Ben Barnes Β¦ Played by JokerofSpades
The twin brother of Cataleia-Bibiana, Tulio is quite the opposite of his sister; He's not much for talking and would prefer reading a book by a warm fire over going to a wild party with naked women - Speaking of women, the man is charming. Not because he tries, but because he doesn't. Just something about his silent smiles draw women to him - A few men, too. He has the power of manipulating shadows and fear, quite the opposite of his sister, indeed. He is a Harvard graduate, majoring in Psychology of Criminal Behavior. He is very protective over his sister and doesn't like any of her suitors, often harassing them.

Julio LeBeau Β¦ 19 Β¦ Talkative and Polite Β¦ Corbin Bleu Β¦ Played by Little Fox
Julio has potential to be an Class 5 mutant, should he gain complete mastery of his powers. He is one of the many with two mutant parents and has inherited both of his parents' powers. He has yet to make it past the tenth grade, as most of his time is spent studying animals and plants or trying to blow things up. He is the son of Remy LeBeau and a Bibiana's aunt, Rosalina, a mutant with the power to manipulate plants and animals.

Zalika Munroe Β¦ 28 Β¦ Aggressive & Silent Β¦ Rutina Wesley Β¦ Played by Little Fox
Zalika is the daughter and only child of Ororo and T'Challa, the Queen and King of Wakanda. Zalika has the same power as her mother, though since she had started her training at such a younger age than her mother had. But – Zalika has not used her powers to any great extent since she was a child after a grave incident that lead to the destruction of the Xavier Estate, having lost her temper. She refused to take her mother's place as the Head Mistress or as any kind of Professor outside of teaching fighting because she is not a fan of casual interaction. She is often avoided because of her rather...strange physical assets.

Caelan Howlett¦ 132 ¦ Protective & Aggressive ¦ Joe Manganiello ¦ Played by Little Fox
Caelan is the son of James Howlett, and the older half-brother of Orfelina Howlett. He is very overprotective of his younger sister and Bibiana. Who, by the way, he's had strong feelings for since she was seventeen, although many had thought it was inappropriate – But they've been hooking up since she was eighteen whenever they could. He has gone through many names and has served as a Marine since he was twenty-three, though he's recently retired due to the unfortunate turn of events. He possesses all the powers of his father, minus the extended bone claws, his power in replacement of it being the ability to summon, command, and communicate with the deceased. He hates Thomas Castellano.

Orfelina Howlett Β¦ 20 Β¦ Shy & Secretive Β¦ Ariana Grande Β¦ Played by Little Fox
Orfelina is the daughter of James Howlett, little half-sister to Caelan. She is very timid, especially around outspoken people and men that she doesn't know. She has all of her father's abilities, minus the extended bone claws, the power replacement being Chronovision and Enhanced Brain Capacity, which she inherited from her mother. She was given away to William Stryker by her mother when she was just a baby, still, as a trade for her mother's life. Even though she never finished High School, she has studied thoroughly in the Genetics field and is the current leading expert on human mutations and is quite the inventor.

Eric Lensherr Jr. Β¦ 28 Β¦ Reserved & Calculating Β¦ Skylar Astin Β¦ Played by Sneakyrio
Junior is the son of Eric Lensherr and Raven Wagner. He has his father's power and has grown more reserved from strangers than usual since his father's death and his mother's disappearance. He and Zalika Munroed married after graduating. He is extremely bright and has a Masters in Geophysics. He ran away to Xavier's when he was but a child with his nephew and half-sister, Markus and Anastasia. The death of his sister Wanda drove him further into silence, speaking only to his wife.

Markus Wagner Β¦ 22 Β¦ Cold & Detached Β¦ Alex Pettyfer Β¦ RESERVED for Little Fox
He is the son of Kurt Wagner and Wanda Maxinoff-Wagner. He obtained his father's powers and a variation of his mother's, teleportation and chronokinesis. He used to be so polite and outgoing. Everyone loved hanging around him. But when his mother was killed, he became very cold and cruel, and detached from the world. He used to attend Notredame on a football scholarship, being the star quarterback but he dropped out of college and returned to Xavier's after his mother's death. He hardly speaks to anyone and lurks, often being called a creeper as he watches from the shadows.

Anastasia McCoy Β¦ 27 Β¦ Sly & Intelligent Β¦ Megan Fox Β¦ RESERVED for RubyBlue
Anastasia is the daughter of Phillip McCoy and Raven Wagner-McCoy. She has her mother's abilities through and through, though she thinks much like her father, having spent most of her time around him. She was always a gossip, even as a child and used her abilities to find out people's secrets, though she is a kind woman, she is very vindictive like her mother. She began working for S.H.I.E.L.D when she was eighteen years old, being one of their most valued spies.

Benjiman Banner¦ 24 ¦ Shy & Intelligent ¦ Ben Platt ¦ Played by RedHotSwami
Benji is the son of Bruce Banner and Elizabeth Ross – Much to his father's dismay, he inherited the Hulk form, though when he's mad, everyone else sees red; and a lot of it. But he's actually pretty shy and hard to rile up, like his father, he much prefers to keep his anger inside, finding his release through tinkering on things with Orfelina – He's got quite the crush on her, but since he's as shy as she is, he won't say a word. He moved to Xavier's, despite not being a mutant, because he feels that he belongs there after being invited by Orfelina and Bibiana. He suffers from frequent nervous break downs and diabetes.

Alexandra Stark Β¦ 17 Β¦ Friendly & Naive Β¦ Brittany Snow Β¦ Played by OurStars
Her mutation is Technokinesis, giving her lordship over all things technology. It was a surprise to her parents, but they didn't love her any less and were very supportive of her moving to Xavier's when she was ten years old. Her parents began doing everything they could to help the place, providing scholarships for students, job opportunities, and even updating the security annually. Alexandra is a very happy and naΓ―ve girl, having lead a rather wonderful and sheltered life. She is a wonderful inventor and works hard to help Orfelina whenever the gypsy is around.

Joseph Rogers Β¦ 26 Β¦ Courageous & Selfless Β¦ Henry Cavill Β¦ Played by Bromander Shepard
Surprise, surprise! Another liaison of S.H.I.E.L.D. Joe is at Xavier's specifically for the purpose of protecting Bibiana on the orders of her father. He is the son of Steve Rogers and holds all of his powers. And then some. He is the victim of one of Red Skull's experiments, kidnapped at the age of eight. He has the ability to generate biotic mass. He's your typical Boy Scout like George and his father. He also doesn't like Caelan very much, though possibly only because they share the same love interest.

Thomas Castellano Β¦ 26 Β¦ Charming & Slick Β¦ Joseph Gordon-Levitt Β¦ Played by Bromander Shepard
Tommy looks like your average Mafioso. But that's because he is. With the power of Umbrakinesis under his belt, this young man finds himself at Xavier's once more, though not for safety, but for love. Tommy Castellano was a student at Xavier's as a teenager but after a series of unfortunate events left him on the run and branded a drug dealer and murderer he fled to New York with his then girlfriend, Cataleia-Bibiana Fury. They stuck it out for as long as they could, but she eventually went to college and they broke up, no longer able to stand his savage bloodlust to find his father's killer. Once his fathers death was avenged and the blood haze had lifted Tommy realized what he'd sacrificed all to kill the man who took his father from him. He left the family business in the hands of his cousin and went off in search of Cat in the hopes of rekindling what he had lost.

Brian Perry Β¦ 27 Β¦ Funny & Gullible Β¦ Jackson Rathbone Β¦ OPEN
Brian was always the class clown and it was easy for him to pull pranks – He manipulates probability. He went to Binghamton University with Bibiana, majoring in Environmental Sciences. He never had a family to move back to, being put out by his over-the-top Christian family for being a triple threat: gay, Wiccan, and mutant. They weren't having it and he hasn't seen them since he was fifteen. He's been at the Xavier Academy since then. But, nobody has seen him since M-Day.

George Martin Β¦ 143 Β¦ Outgoing & Honest Β¦ Jude Law Β¦ RESERVED for RedHotSwami
George was once a member of the Avengers. But he left the team to help at Xavier's after M-Day. He has the ability of refracting and reflecting light. He has found that through the years, honesty is the best quality in a person. He does his best to help out around the place, though the children seem to find him scary for some reason. He also happens to be a bit of a health freak. He was blessed with stopped aging and immortality, but not immunity to disease or the ability to recover from wounds at an accelerated rate.

Sophia Rasgard Β¦ 8 Β¦ Clingy & Scared Β¦ Maddie Ziegler Β¦ RESERVED for Little Fox
Twins Sophia and Skylar are orphans – Their parents died trying to protect them only days ago from a mall full of people wanting to kill their mutant kids. They were found by Caelan Howlett in a dark alley and they now cling to him for dear life. Little Sophia has the ability to manipulate death though only if the person is already weakened can she worsen their condition. She rarely ever uses her ability, viewing it as a curse.

Skylar Rasgard Β¦ 8 Β¦ Brave & Loyal Β¦ Jackson Brundage Β¦ RESERVED for Little Fox
Skylar has the ability to manipulate life, making him basically a healer. He is a brave young man who acts very much like an adult. He's very protective over his twin, Sophia. He has done all that he could that a boy his age can to protect her, somewhat reluctant to turn over the reigns to Caelan.

Adelaide DuBois Β¦ 16 Β¦ Rebellious & Sarcastic Β¦ ChloΓ« Grace Moretz Β¦ Played by RubyBlue
Addy is your basic teen rebel – Why? Because her parents kicked her out when she was ten years old after discovering she was a mutant. After that, she joined a local gang of mutants, causing little havoc and being recognized as a delinquent. Everyone thinks that because she has the power of Empathy she must be kind and understanding. She's not one for living up to expectations placed on her by others and does her best to make them see that she won't be what they want her to be. Her gang's hideout was raided after M-Day and she ran straight to Xavier's Academy with Jamal.

Cortez Craven Β¦ 19 Β¦ Flirtatious & Spoiled Β¦ Avan Jogia Β¦ Played by MaliceInWonderland
He's the older brother of Zoey Cortez, though he's not quite as famous. He wanted to live his life away from the limelight, focusing his attention on ridding himself of his dyslexia. He finds it ironic that his power is Literary Animation and yet he is plagued with dyslexia. He's quite the flirt and met Orfelina at a poetry slam while visiting New York. She told him about Xavier's after a little slip up in his powers and he grabbed his sister and went there.

Zoey Craven Β¦ 10 Β¦ Realistic & Manipulative Β¦ Madison Pettis Β¦ Played by MaliceInWonderland
You would think it'd be easy to be a mutant with powers that don't outwardly show and be able to walk down the street without people freaking out. Not for Zoey – Because she's a young actress who was very open with her powers when she achieved her fame. After M-Day, things got more dangerous for her than they already were. She was rescued by her brother, Cortez, They flew out to Xavier's together where she hopes to fully harness her Illusion Generation.

Ulric Worthington Β¦ 28 Β¦ Heartbroken & Thoughtful Β¦ Ryan Gosling Β¦ Played by OurStars
Ulric is a sweet guy, really he is. He puts the welfare of everyone else above his own – The poster boy for the boy scouts. Or at least people say he should be. He is the son of Katherine Pryde-Worthington and Warren Worthington III. He married his high school sweetheart when he was sixteen, running away to Las Vegas to do so. His parents were killed when he was nineteen - They had been gunned down in Times Square by an anti-mutant. That's when his wife got scared. Their marriage lasted another six years before she filed for a divorce, terrified that their child may end up being mutant as well. She didn't want to see him or their child killed for being a mutant. Ulric, heartbroken, was retrieved by Cataleia and Orfelina, as Lina had a vision of him being kicked out. He has been at Xavier's for the past three years, serving as the Academy's doctor. Like his father, he has angelic wings, though they protrude from his back on demand. He also holds telepathic, healing, halted aging, and self-healing abilities. He's a real angel, huh? The sweet guy has an eye for Orfelina, though fear of her brother seems to prevent him from voicing it.

Jamal Patterson Β¦ 32 Β¦ Know-It-All & Defensive Β¦ Brandon T. Jackson Β¦ OPEN
Jamal has the ability to replicate himself, which he used to rob banks and houses. He talks way too much about things that he knows nothing about. He's the guy that has to offer his two cents when nobody wants it and acts like he knows more than everyone else. He gets very defensive when approached and his quick to get into a fight. He is old friends with Adelaide, both of them having flown to the U.S. for hiding at Xavier's, hoping to escape their pasts as well as the very angry mobs.

Tatiana Kolmakova Β¦ 21 Β¦ Seductive & Selfish Β¦ Bridgit Mendler Β¦ OPEN
Tatiana has been at Xavier's since she was a child left on their doorsteps. She left the place as soon as she was nineteen and went on to become a small-time model. She doesn't really seem to care about anyone except herself and her small circle of friends, her best friend being Anastasia. She's a telepath with the ability to manipulate ice, having gotten her powers from both of her parents. The orphan is ruthless and doesn't like Bibiana, seeming to go to all kinds of lows to try and make the woman falter. She's known for sleeping around the school, though she has yet to lay with any of the teachers. Its a personal goal she's working on.

Fen Sinclair Β¦ 22 Β¦ Shy & Slow Β¦ David Henrie Β¦ Played by RubyBlue
Fen isn't the brightest star in the sky. He was given up as an infant by his mother, Rahne Sinclair for protecting her from a mugger - He didn't know any better. He was given to a friend of hers that she thought could best teach him how to be...civilized. But soon after, his life became hell. His adopted father was killed and Fen was held captive in a basement, caged and collared for most of his life. His knowledge is limited to that of perhaps an eight year old, but he means well and wants to learn. He was found after M-Day, hiding from Zee's storm after escaping home. He has since then been attached to Druid.

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[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【More Than Just A Pretty Face...】
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☞[B]Full Name[/B]☜
First. Middle. Last.

Not to be confused with "Mutant Alias"

Month. Date. 


Not to be confused with nationality. Though you may include nationality as well.

Male, Female, Shemale, Genderless.

☞[B]Sexual Orientation[/B]☜
Pan, Hetero, Homo, Bi, Sapio, A.

City. State. Country. You know the deal.

[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【Be On The Lookout For...】
β€œQUOTE” [/COLOR][/Size] [/font]




☞[B]Eye Color[/B]☜

Length and color.

☞[B]Body Type[/B]☜

☞[B]Special Markings[/B]☜
Tattoos. Piercings. Scars.

Tail? Animal ears? Wings?

[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【Behind The Mechanics】
β€œQUOTE” [/COLOR][/Size] [/font]


At least 5.

At least 5.

At least 3.

At least 2.

At least 2.

A least 2.

OCD. Colorblind. Mentally retarded. Panic attacks. Diabetes. The list goes on. At least 2.

A single paragraph will not be acceptable. At least 2 paragraphs. If it is repetitive or vague, it is unacceptable.

[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【Armed And Dangerous...】
β€œQUOTE” [/COLOR][/Size] [/font]


☞[B]Mutant Alias[/B]☜
Relating to their power.

What can they do? What are they?

☞[B]Mutation Capabilities[/B]☜
What does their mutation allow them to do?

Domestic, combat, medical, whatever. What are their notable skills?

Vehicles, sentimental items, weapons. The works. 

Personal, physical, emotional, mental, and power-related weaknesses.

[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【A Glimpse Into The Past...】
β€œQUOTE” [/COLOR][/Size] [/font]


One paragraph shall be frowned upon. Be creative and give me at least 2.

[Font=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ][Size=300][COLOR=ΒΏΒΏΒΏ]【Just A Little Extra...】
β€œQUOTE” [/COLOR][/Size] [/font]

*All Optional*
☞[B]Theme Song[/B]☜



☞[B]Thoughts on Humans[/B]☜


✧Professionalism. This RP is intended for those who are able to make and bring a good story to an end, as such we expect each player to have a certain level of professionalism, present original and interesting characters, contribute to the story and not drop-out without even notifying.

✧The decisions taken throughout the story will influence and affect the world around our characters. Every major choice has a consequence and will count towards the different endings.

✧This RP is intended to be somewhere around 17+ as such romance, gore and tasteful "adult" situations are accepted. Lust is expected, just make sure if you want to engage into detail with the scene, then take it somewhere else off-site; fade to black is always a nice touch. Blood, gore and violence is allowed at just about any levels as long as you don't exaggerate. Strong language is also allowed.

✧Stay civil on the OoC thread - All personal spats should be taken to PMs.

✧No metagaming, mixing, auto-hitting, or godmoding. Its unattractive. If you want to autohit someone's character, ask permission first. Also, don't carry out battles through the IC like normal posts. Do a collaboration.

✧Keep IC posts detailed - At least try to maintain 400 words of detail with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Or as best as you can. Just don't get sloppy. Also make sure to read everyone's posts and reply in accordance to whatever may pertain to your character. It helps to tag characters. Also: When posting, don't post a bunch of meaningless BS just to take up word space.

✧Again, be considerate of others when posting! Read everything carefully and pay attention to detail. Give everyone time to reply so we're all on the same page. It's not a race. Also, no unauthorized time skips!

✧Be active both In Character and Out of Character. I understand that you've got a life behind your screen to attend to and shit happens. But I seek active players. Don't apply to this RolePlay if you won't be able to keep committed to it. If you think that you might get 1/3 into the story and then lose interest, don't apply. If you're going to be gone for 4+ days, let someone know beforehand - I suggest that in the case of your extended absence, you should designate another player that you think would do well to play your character until your return. If you suddenly lose interest, don't just dip out and leave your character here. Kill them off or send them away via IC.

✧I've had enough of perfectly perfect characters. If your character is not listed with some sort of disability, then please make sure to give them one in your CS. I don't care if your character is the nicest person you'll ever meet with skills in all areas of life – They better have something wrong with them inside that could tear them apart if they don't reign it in to even it out.

✧When you reserve your character, please put the name of your favorite Marvel character and your favorite song in with it to prove you read the rules. No exceptions.

✧I am God of this Role-play as this Role-play is my child. I am not a wrathful God, but I do not take kindly to those who usurp my throne. Please, let’s keep everything civilized and just have fun.

✧You have 3 days to submit at least a Work In Progress CS and 1 week to submit full Character Sheets. I've given most of the basic information about the characters, so it really should not be that hard.

✧If you have a history of flaking in previous RolePlays that I created or was apart of, don't bother posting anything. Please and thank you.

✧I intend this RolePlay to be as close to Marvel as possible. So, feel free to give your character a wide range of applications with their powers. I warn you now - If your character begins to get out of hand because of your inability to adapt them to the proper setting for the RolePlay to flourish, I hold the right to kill them off. As I stated before - I am God of this RolePlay. I am kind and fair. But I will not allow the story to be wrecked by immaturity.

✧Please be willing to take at least two characters. Face Claims are not optional for change, nor are powers or personality. But, you can PM me and we can discuss the addition of a new character for your liking. Though, please try to refrain from resorting to that until we've got at least half of the characters in. Then we can talk.

✧Please. For the love of God. Don't come whining on the OOC about how the cast is too photogenic. I don't want to hear that everyone is too sexy. Get over it. You have an imagination. You want to make your character horribly disfigured? Write it and it shall be so. Your character is a singer but you don't want them to be? Write that they couldn't carry a tune in a bucket with the lid nailed shut. You are a writer armed with the power of imagination. Use it.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in


Louisiana by Vix

"Welcome to Louisiana!"

New Orleans

New Orleans by Vix

"Welcome to New Orleans! Why don't you come join us on Rue Bourbon!"

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House by Vix

"Ey! C'mon in and make y'self comfortable. Got gumbo cookin' and we about to play cards! Who you callin' a cheat'a?!"

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joe Rogers
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Joe walked out into the open air and breathed deep the Westchester air. He could feel it deep inside him, the tension in the air. He'd felt it so many times before but during those times he was in a fox hole or war room, not in a school full of kids. The fact that a fight was coming scared him, there were too many innocents here. Too many people who could get hurt if those religious zealots decided to test the defenses of the mansion. Joseph Rogers looked down into the palm of his hand and the air around it began to ripple with hazy, blue energy. The biotic field bowed and flexed at Joe's command. This power, given to him by the Red Skull in an attempt to forge him to a weapon has since been used to defend the weak and safeguard the helpless. That fact must no doubt enrage Schmidt but there was nothing he could do about it.

Joe sighed and turned his gaze back to the far gate, his uncertainty at what was to come was palpable but so was his resolve. Joseph Rogers may have been assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D to protect the headmaster but as far as he was concerned protecting every single soul at the Xavier Institute. They were his responsibility and he was going to protect them, no matter what.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
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0.00 INK



Adelaide woke up with a start, still not use to waking up in a nice, soft bed everyday. The sixteen year old hadn't had a normal bed in six years and while it was infinitely more comfortable here in this mansion, Adelaide could admit to herself that she missed Paris terribly. That was where she was born and who she found exactly who she was and what she was capable of. Capable of getting gut shot. That's what you're capable of. She thought disgustedly, feeling the slight pull of the stitches holding her still healing wound closed as she stretched and rolled out of bed. Grumbling to herself in what sounded like french she quietly padded to the closet and slipped into a lacy white shift that fell to just above her knees. Running a quick brush through her long, wavy blonde hair she smiled sardonically at her reflection and left the room assigned to her.

Having only spent two weeks here and the first few days of that convalescing, Addie was still trying to find her way around the school. School...they'd all ready told her that she'd have to start attending classes like the rest of the kids here and after having put up quite the fight she was officially registered. Something Jamal thought was hilarious and also good for her. To which she had to remind him that just because he was older didn't mean he knew what was best for. The empath was quite prickly when it came to people trying to encroach on her independence, something which was happening more often than not since she'd arrived in the States.

As she wandered near the kitchen hallway, Adelaide could feel a plethora of emotions pulsating. Uncertainty, fear, joy, and tenderness and at this time in the morning she'd rather not have to deal with it all. Instead decided to take a tour of the grounds, sliding on her oversized sunglasses she stepped out into the sun. basking for a moment in the warm rays, she tripped lightly down the stairs. Taking care to avoid straining the tender area of her abdomen she walked slowly and methodically, blissful with the fact that she was far enough from anyone to let her guard down for a moment.

Kicking her barefeet through the grass she took no real notice of her surroundings until she was accosted by the feeling of tension, wariness and concern. Taking a moment to concentrate she followed the waves of emotion to Joe Rogers, someone she'd only known through sight from her short time at the school. Quietly she watched him manipulate what seemed to be a mass of blue energy, intrigued Adelaide wandered closer. She could feel his uncertainty and his resolve and it made her curious. Most people didn't feel like this, they felt scared sure. Scared for themselves. This man was scared for everyone else.

"So what exactly do you call that kind of power? Looks very hands on. I'm Adelaide." Adelaide introduced herself, a slight french accent tinging her words. Pushing her sunglasses on top of her head she moved closer to the man. Coming to a stop in front of him she observed him coolly, her blue eyes attempting to catch his. "You seem...tense. I thought we were supposed to be safe here, is there anything we should know?" Adelaide asked directly, concerned that this place was not the safe haven they promised in France. This was just their way of getting rid of mutants they no longer wanted in their country.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Prism
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0.00 INK

As George headed to the fridge to collect a few eggs for his omelet Ana greeted him. He quickly said, "Hello, Ana. Good morning." With his head in the fridge he began whistling while he looked for his organic, free-range eggs. He found them, plucked them up, and took them to the table. He drummed his fingers on his chin for a moment, his eyes closed. He returned to the fridge and puled out a red bell pepper, an onion, and a block of goat cheese. Dodging the many people in the kitchen and almost gagging at the remains of a horrid sandwich that could only be the work of Orfelina, he returned to the stove. He unburdened himself, grabbed a skillet, and entered his thinking pose yet again, muttering under his breath. Then he quickly opened his eyes and turned to Anastaisia. "Oh my! You're back! This morning, yes?" He walks over to her beaming, "I surely hope it was this morning or I've simply missed you for days on end, and that wouldn't do at all." He extends his hand to her for a handshake. "How have you been darlin? Can I make you an omelet?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
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0.00 INK


Joe looked at the young girl with surprise. Her intuition was strikingly on point. Perhaps that was her mutation, perhaps his habit of worrying was written all over his face and she was merely observing his concern. Either way it would do her no good to worry her further with the truth. Joe was about to spout out some half hearted response about how it was nothing but then his eyes caught Adelaide's and he could see that an answer like that would simply not cut it. The way she eyed him was with a maturity twice her age. Joe was almost taken aback by it. Rogers took a second to sigh and formulate a more fitting answer before responding.

"There's a lot of bad people out there Adelaide, people who'd like nothing better to come into this place and hurt the students and teachers here all because of their hatred and ignorance..."

Joe said, the disgust for the people who would actually do that dripping from his words. Joe then turned to look into Adelaide's bright blue eyes.

"But that's not going to happen, not as long as I'm here. I promise."

His words were filled with determination and a fire of a soldiers heart. He meant every word and Adelaide could feel that. There was a brief pause between the two before Joe spoke again, this time with a considerably lightened mood.

"As for this..."

Joe said with a quick reflex of his fist causing a small bit of blueish white smokey light to ebb and flow out of his grip.

"This is the distortion of the biotic fields around my body. I can generate these fields that let me do all kinds of things, you're right though. It is pretty hands on. I'm Joe by the way, Joseph Rogers."

18 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Summers Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Benjamin Banner Character Portrait: Druid Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Joe Rogers

...and 6 others.

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
β€œStrange – That's usually Zee's effect on people.” She gave a light giggle and ran her fingers through her colorful, yet mostly pink hair. β€œI'm fine. I feel great. Just a few aches here and there. Little case of the jelly legs. But its normal. Give me another hour or so and I'll be right as rain.” She spoke nonchalantly, almost cheery as she swung her feet back and forth. While this had only happened once before, she remembered the β€œquick” recovery and didn't think too much of it. The first time had done it was an attempt to make it from her S.H.I.E.L.D. training to her Microbiology class on time. She had traveled at the speed of light and was there before anyone even noticed she had left. But she materialized naked in her dorm room and didn't wake up for a whole week.

β€œAh, shit. I need to call daddy. Sorry, Ric! You can check my pulse and stuff later, kay?” She nearly punched herself in the face for not making a call to her dad her first priority. He was probably having a heart attack right about now! She slid down from the cot and gave Ulric a tight hug before moving to Caelan, leaning up on her tiptoes and kissing his nose before dashing out the door. She gave several smiles and waves on her way down the halls to her office.

Closing the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and called up her father. She sat in her β€œBig Boss” chair and spun around, waiting for him to pick up. She didn't bother putting him on speaker phone as she sat down her iPhone in her lap. It took three rings before he picked up the phone. β€œCat?! Is that you? Are you alright? Her father's voice was frantic – Jeez, he was worse than Tulio. She sighed and smiled softly. β€œYeah, daddy. I'm alright. Just a headache and the jelly legs. That's it. I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm doing fine.” She could hear her father sighing in relief, but knew that he was still worried.

β€œGood. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to watch over you – But I had some business to take care of. The others are with me. Sweetheart...A Bill is being pushed. One that will require every mutant, every super human, every single person that seems just a little bit more than human to register with the United States Government. They will have to give up their names, addresses, information on their family, their capabilities, occupation. Just...everything. There's talk of using them for testing and...God. But its against Constitutional Rights, so it won't pass. Though, I want you guys to be extra safe just in case – These guys don't plan on playing fair.”

Cat had stopped spinning in her chair.

In the kitchen, Lina smiled as her friends filed in one after the other, offering waves and soft hellos. Seeing Tulio come in, she gave only a simple nod. There was absolutely nothing in her body language – not even a single, miniscule, out of place twitch – that would denote the secret she was harboring. She went about as she did every other time she saw him, though she admittedly had to force her heart not to race. It was then that her crappy phone finally received the text message that Benjamin had sent, a light smile crossing her lips as her thumbs moved slowly across the keys to reply.

\\Burn. Burn the house. On hands and knees. Coughing. Out we will crawl. Captured. Tagged and bagged. Chained. Pain. Thus marks the fall of all mutant kind. Our beacon of hope. Our light. Snuffed out. Taken away. Leaving us all alone. No hope. No life.//

Lina was about to hit send, but her phone clattered to the floor and her eyes began to glow. Her tone was dark, her face contorting into a look of grim disdain. The vision she saw was not a pretty one. Everyone seemed happy at first, but then men in black suits came. They surrounded their home and set it to fire. They threw grenades and shot most people that tried to run away. Crosses were being put up. More people nailed to them. Tulio and....Why were Tulio, Julio, and Cat leaving? No. They weren't leaving. They were being taken away. By...Thor? And a woman. She didn't know the woman. And...Fen. He was leaving, too. A grey Lycan walking alongside Loki. Why were they being taken away?! They were needed here! Lina called out after them, running across the lawn. But she cried out in pain as she felt a sharp pain in her chest. Then sticky warmth...Everything went blurry. Fire, people running, screaming. Her father and Caelan running for her. Captured. Then it all went dark.

As the glow in her eyes receded, she crumpled to the floor. β€œWe have to go. Now...Before they come.” She had curled into the fetal position, shaking her head and grasping her hair as though she were about to pull it out. She could soon feel her brother's strong arms wrap around her. Caelan had left after speaking with Ulric, having asked him to check on Cat anyways. He didn't know what she saw, but he didn't like the way it sounded. β€œTulio, I need you to get the rest of the team and have everyone pack up in a calm and collected manner. Tell them that we're moving out soon. To get the children away from the freaks at the gate.” He gave the man a nod before heading towards Cat's office. It could take a while to figure out where they were going and how they would get there unnoticed, but surely Cat had a few tricks up her sleeves.

All Tulio had heard was the sound of something hit the floor, and instantly some off feelings started to brew - somewhat like his tea (bad time for jokes, but he has to make a few sometime). Tulio turned around, his eyes widening as he realized it was Orfy that had dropped the phone. She looked in pain for a few seconds, and then literally fell to the floor. Tulio dropped the tea bag instantly and nearly ran to her when he heard her speak in a low tone and Caelan suddenly appeared. Tulio hadn't a clue where the man had come from, but was actually quite relieved: while Tulio could merely put off that he was just running to a friend, he didn't want to take any chances with their secrets coming loose. Tulio blinked once more, his eyes falling back to their original position as Caelan told him to collect the rest of the team and get everyone out of the mansion.

While Tulio normally didn't like taking orders from Caelan, he instantly relented and nodded: right now wasn't the time for petty emotional values to get in the way. Tulio walked towards them as Caelan raced out the door with his sister, with Tulio noticing that nobody had grabbed her phone. Feeling the need to make sure he returned it, he bent down to pick it up, and as luck would have it the screen was still bright with life and facing up, allowing Tulio to read what she was about to text to Benjamin. Burn the house? The.... fall of mutant kind? Tulio almost stopped reading right there, he was almost sick. Tulio, now having seen all of Orfy's memories and entirety, knew that she had this Chronovision mutation, which Tulio roughly guessed meant something to do with seeing into time. If that was the case, what was she talking about? Tulio's grip on the phone became taught, before shoving it into his pocket to stand.

He scanned the entire room, his dark eyes scanning each and every person in the room. Only instead of cloudy, distant thoughts that usually glittered his eyes, they were clear: still dark, but strict and a little authoritative. Now was the time for action, and Tulio was not going to let this place burn because some worthless humans were jealous. "You heard the man. Begin preparations for mass evacuation of the students and staff - keep the younger children under the pretense that this is a drill to avoid having panic spread amongst them. That is the last thing we need now." It was as if Tulio had become an entirely different man.

Gone was the distant thoughts, the wispy soft voice, the quiet mannerisms: when it came to game day, Tulio became a hardened, disciplined man. Sure he was serious most of the time, but when it came to missions and possible attacks? Tulio became uncaring for nonsense and excuses. "Julio, George, Alexandra, meet me in Cat's office in 5 minutes after establishing the protocol and procedures to the rest of the staff to execute. Any other X-Men you find, send them there." He scanned the rest, and without another word swiftly moved out the door towards where he had guessed where the rest of the team was: huddled around Ulric's office. He had a hunch that Caelan would be taking Orfy to see Cat, so he decided that it would be the most logical to send the X-men to the Head Mistresses office, as it would make things easier when everyone was together

Nearing the medical room where Ulric was usually found, Tulio spotted Zalika and Eric in some form of conversation. Hating to interrupt but knowing that he had to, Tulio spoke in the same straight, low voice and in Ulric's direction so he could hear it. "Ulric, set in motion the evacuation protocol for the sick - drill today." Tulio knew that Ulric would understand what he meant by stating it was a drill. In a lower voice, he spoke to the married duo. Probable attack on the Academy. Team's forming up in Cataleia's office in 5 - help Ulric if you so wish and inform him."

Knowing that Zalika wasn't really one for being all soft and stuff, he made it at least sound optional to help out Ulric so that Tulio didn't get his head bitten off. Tulio knew of Zalika's powers - and Eric's mutation was seriously no laughing matter - so he didn't like offending an asset of the team. Besides, offending people wasn't what he did.

With that, Tulio continued on towards the classrooms, assisting in the evacuation wherever he could. When those 5 minutes are to be up, he would move back to Cat's office, but for now, he acts.

Ulric smiles warmly at Cat's jest, certainly glad that the headmistress is up and about once more. It will save him plenty of trouble, as Zee tends to do a little bit less damage when Cat is there to take care of students that might otherwise turn towards the more vicious woman. Perhaps the difference is not too significant, but enough that he can expect to have a slightly more peaceful time than he has had for the past two weeks. Then again, with the escalating hostilities towards Mutants, something only increased within the past fortnight, this will be only a shred of respite from the tensions constantly weighing down on everyone.

Being a pacifist, he very much dislikes the idea of the pressure prompting actions which may lead to a full out war, and is optimistic enough to hope that such an outcome might be avoided. He was raised among humans just as much as mutants, after all, and knows that not all humans are as malicious as those who stand outside the institute gates, screaming dreadful profanities at frightened youths, who already have enough to deal with as they try to manage the development of their abilities.

Not all of them were born to mutant parents, as he was, or even to parents who are supportive of who they are. In fact, several of them have to keep their identities a secret from their own family members, or were cast out by those who they are bound to by blood, sneered at and viewed as freaks among their kin. The idea of such treatment mortifies Ulric, as though he is ashamed on behalf of a people that he doesn't actually belong to. That has always been his personality, though.

"I'm sure you will be, but I'm obligated to check over your vitals anyway. Humor me?" Ulric asks, turning towards his desk to get out a sphygmomanometer and a stethoscope. Of course, before he can so much as reach them, Cat releases a swear and a spoken realization of her need to call her father. "Well, can I just-" but before he can finish the sentence, Cat has given him a quick embrace, kissed Caelan on the nose, and disappeared down the hallway. Although he releases a sigh in response to all of this, Ulric can not grudge her a call to her father, being one himself. But now is not the time for him to dwell on his own daughter- those thoughts he generally tries to reserve for when he is alone, and no one can see him worry.

"Can you follow her and make sure that she doesn't collapse on the way there, please?" the doctor turns towards Caelan, crossing his mind and offering a gentle smile to pair with the request, though he knows that the man is unlikely to have any problems with chasing after Cat--he seems to be constantly doing it, after all. As expected, the elder Howlett sibling takes off almost immediately, following the woman down the hallway. Watching him go, Ulric rubs the back of his neck and releases a small yawn. There doesn't seem to be any business for him to deal with, and thus the man sits down in his chair and leans back, staring through the window and up at the infinite blue sky. He is fortunate to have a view of the back of the institute, and therefore doesn't have even the slightest view of the protestors.

All the same, he is not allowed even the smallest moment of peace. Although neither had intended for it to happen, Orfelina's sudden vision, with its great strength, glimmers through Ulric's mind. Of course, given that it hadn't been intentional, he feels the vision rather than sees it, and is suddenly overcome with an immense pain that makes him visibly flinch. What was that? he wonders, immediately concerned that someone near by is in pain. The doctor is already walking towards the door when Tulio comes into view and addresses him. Immediately understanding, Ulric nods and walks further into his office. There are two doors in his office; one door is to exit into the hallway, and the other is into the larger clinic. His own office has a cot for immediate treatment, but those who are terminally ill, don't want him to treat them (a case for some of the more stubborn patients), or have some other reason to stay longer than they otherwise would, are in the clinic through that door.

For the moment, there are only a few people in the room, and he is able to organize and evacuate them. One remains, a resting patient who had gone through a somewhat taxing treatment after being assualted and nearly killed by the mob. The patient has a mutation that is rather harmless, being a healer as Ulric is, though her mutation is peculiar in that she takes on the pain of other people, relieving others at her own cost. She is an empath on top of this, a skill that Ulric has always found to be rather lonely. The doctor goes and wakes her up instructing the young girl, for she is only ten years old, that there is a drill. "Come on, there's an evacuation drill," he tells her, but the girl only blinks at him drowsily and turns back over to fall asleep once more. He simply scoops her up in his arms, then, and walks out to where Zee and Eric are.


Roll back a few minutes and switch the scene to the kitchen, where Alex is smiling, not minding the growing number of people inside the kitchen, for it is large enough to fit them all with ease. When she sees her friend take out her archaic phone, the young woman grins teasingly. "You really should upgrade, Lina- that thing is practically a-" her sentence goes unfinished, for the light-hearted mood vanishes the moment that her friend drops the cellular device to the ground, causing it to slide away from her a few inches. The smile on her face fades until only a small remnant of it, forced into place, lingers. "Lina-" she begins again, extending a hand towards her friend to grab her on the shoulder. The hand misses as Orfelina shrinks down into a fetal position, pulling desperately at her vividly red hair as though trying to pull something out of her mind.

Alex falls onto her right knee beside the girl, but it is Caelan that wraps an arm around his younger sister, seeming to appear out of absolutely nowhere. He speaks with a clear and authoritative voice, his serious expression removing memories of the man who had only a while ago stuck his middle finger out at her for joking about him being kicked out from the sickroom. Needless to say, Alex is frightened, and she can feel goosebumps rising on her arms. The young woman rubs her right forearm to make them go away before turning her attention to Tulio.

The tone in his voice is equally as startling as Caelan had been, for it shifts from quiet and vague to clear cut and forceful. Giving him her attention seems natural, as he immediately steps into the position of giving orders. Alex nods in response, the smiles from earlier having left completely in order to make room for an expression to better reflect the sudden gravity of the situation. After he has left the room, she turns towards George and Julio, trying to offer a slight smile, though it seems completely out of place in this situation. "I'll get the kids from the younger classes," she informs them, knowing that she will be able to keep up the facade of a drill rather well. Besides, many of the younger students know her well, because she likes to tinker and make toys for them all. After speaking, she gives the reassuring smile once more before exiting the room as well.

It is a brisk walk to reach the younger wings, but feels like miles until she reaches the part of the school. The young woman stops in each class to inform the teachers of the situation and relay Tulio's instructions. Her next stop is the dormitories, in case any students are still in their rooms at the moment. Her thoughts dance between the children, Orfelina, and the situation in its entirety. Five minutes. . .just one more dorm to check, though, Alex tells herself, having gathered a duck line of younger students that follow behind her, some complaining and some deathly silent. Finding no one in the last rooms, she leads the group that she has built up, composed of perhaps six children, towards the other classrooms so that they can regroup with their schoolmates before she goes to Cat's office.

As the Headmistress was informed in detail of her beloved friend's vision, she had waited for her team to gather. Things seemed to be going rather smoothly at first. They had plans to head for the Avengers' Tower because it was nearby and they were allies and family with government pull and popularity amongst American citizens that they might never achieve. Everyone had packed what was most important to them. All that was left was the clearing of the house. Cataleia had found herself in full uniform for the first time in a while, thinking that her colorful hair went quite well with it. She cleared her throat before addressing the school.

β€œI know that you've all been told that this is a drill, but its not. I'm not going to lie to you. There are people coming for us.” She paused and rolled her eyes at the shouts of lying and betrayal and false hope before closing her eyes and shouting loud enough that every window rattled. β€œEnough! Not once did we ever say that our walls were impenetrable. Not once did we say that as long as you're here, nobody would ever bother you. We gave no false hope at all. What we gave was a promise. A promise that as long as a single one of us is breathing, we will still fight this war. A promise that as long as we can still fight, we will defend you. A promise that we would never abandon you.”

Some had piped down while others grumbled. There were a few children crying and many people left. They simply pushed their way rudely past the crowd, elbowed the X-Men out of their way, and left. Cataleia didn't stop them. If they didn't want to stay, she wasn't going to hold them prisoner. As soon as the door closed behind them, Lina fell to the floor. β€œThey're here!” It was a blur of movement as the X-Men (plus one or two guests) put the house on lock down and stood their ground outside and watched as their exterminators rolled in. Tanks, SUVs, jets, and helicopters coming upon their lawn with men and women ready to gun them down.

That battle was their first since the war began.

But not their last.

The numbers have dwindled down to quite a pathetic number as compared to before. The battle was a short one, but hard fought. It was neither a win nor a loss that Cataleia lead to them, but perhaps a draw. Deadman would call it a win because none of their enemies walked away alive. But, the mutants that Xavier's once house...well. They were divided. As the battle began, many ran outside in hopes to help. They had no experience and were quickly gunned down. Then you had those who thought to escape from the back. They ran and nobody has heard from them. All in all, few mutants left Xavier's that morning. At least compared to the amount there was before.

Raver, Nexus, Prodigal, Hurricane, Tarot, Techna, Deadman, Red Son, Masquerade, Prism, Wonderland, Oz, Paragon, Wraith, Seraph, Fen, Druid, Rewind, Persuasion, Xerox, Yin, and Yang as well as about seven others. They were the ones that stuck together. They were the ones that made it out and had found themselves in the bayou country. Those without vehicles being shoved into the extras of Cataleia and Orfelina's. Cat thought they everyone who could drive should drive. She didn't want everyone piled into the β€œX-Calade” for fear of being caught. Everyone in their own individual vehicles would be easier for splitting up. They didn't travel completely together, everyone taking different routes so that they didn't appear suspicious.

The Avengers' Tower was out of the question. Nobody could know where they were. They played it safe and assumed that their lines were tapped as well as those of the Avengers and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It was presumed by the public that they were all dead. But Stryker knew better – He investigated the scene himself and he saw that there were few bodies, none of them being who he wanted them to be. He saw many cars missing and many things from the house. Sad part for him is that he had no idea where they would head.


β€œUncle Remy! Look!”

Lina hopped off of her Big Dog Pit Bull, pulling out of her pocket what looked to be a used .45 round. β€œCan you believe it?!” The gypsy girl looked as though they had just arrived at the Carnival – Not once had she ever shown this much joy in front of anyone at Xavier's. Why was she so happy as she parked her motorcycle and put it up on its kickstand? Maybe because she saved the life of one of her best friends who happened to be her secret lover. Maybe because she got shot in the face for him. Maybe because she got shot in the face saving him and the bullet was simply pushed out of her body and not even a scar was left. She had a headache, which her brother assure her that getting shot in the head anywhere was something you never get used to, but other than that she was perfectly fine.

She threw her arms around the neck of a rugged-looking man who had the same eyes as one of Julio's.

β€œLookit dat, cherie! You gon' be like yo' pop and big brother after all, eh? Good fo' you. I'ma gon' go 'head and find somethin' to put a real small hole in it and we gon' string it up into a necklace like yo' daddy and brother got.” The man wrapped her up in a large hug and spun her around before looking around some.

β€œOh! Don't worry – Everyone else is coming. They're fine.”

She had noticed the look of worry in his eyes and immediately knew he was looking to see where everyone else was. Fortunately, she would stop every now and again so that she could use her ability to check the present and check on her friends. They were all fine and on their way. She was still shivering with excitement, bouncing in her godfather's arms before noticing his house, her jaw dropping. Xavier's was larger, but she didn't think that he actually bought a mansion. She thought he was exaggerating. β€œHoly shit. You really did buy a mansion.” Remy only laughed, though he had a bit of a prideful gleam in his eyes.

Lina, strangely, could not bring herself to be worried or even a bit depressed over the battle at Xavier's. She was still focusing on the fact that she took a shot to the face and lived and also the fact that those closest to her were still alive. Even her father was on his way to Gambit's! She had caught him on the road on the way there and he said he just needed to make a pit stop first. She felt invincible. Unstoppable. She vowed that with her new power, she would make sure that she would never give up the fight. No more sitting on the sidelines!

She pulled out a cigarette and her father's lighter, taking a deep drag and exhaling with a faint smile. The humans wanted war? They got it.

[OOC: I will get up Cat's, Julio's, Caelan's, Zee's, Markus', Brian's, Sophia's, and Skylar's by this weekend (: If you want to collab with me, just give me a holler and let me know. I will also be finishing Caelan's CS as well as working on the other four!]

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Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Tarot
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While Orfelina was celebrating with Remy about her 'accomplishment', Tulio was throwing up on the side of the road. Probably a good time for an explanation.

After Tulio gathered in the office of his sister, he watched as Cat told the school the true story to the student's dismay. Tulio remained straight faced and quiet throughout the entire thing, his eyes distant as always. He hadn't felt it necessary to tell the students that they could be facing imminent danger - most efficient way was to tell them it was a drill and get them out. Apparently Cat didn't like the idea, and Tulio had no problem with that; after all, his plan was slightly immoral to lie to the students. Shrugging that thought off, Tulio watched with a blank stare as those that felt cheated simply left. Tulio felt no pity or annoyance towards them as it was merely their choice - if they wanted to try surviving on their own, then so be it.

When Orfy stated that they were here, Tulio was one of the men to shut down the Academy before making his way outside, unbuttoning his jacket on the way. Tulio didn’t know what to expect in this confrontation, but he knew that judging off of statistics this could become very violent and bloody: and the humans didn’t disappoint. Tulio’s eyes scanned all of those that bashed through the gate, ready to gun down every mutant that didn’t comply. And when the first shot was fired, Tulio ceased to exist: instead stood Nexus, and the battle began.

Nexus was a support fighter: he wasn’t that good entirely at fighting the front lines like the rest. However, that meant absolutely nothing about his lethality in combat - tendrils snaked through units, incapacitating soldiers, piercing tanks and ripping a helicopter out of the air. Nexus knew that he couldn't stay in the back forever, as it became clear quite quickly that the battle was making its way throughout the ranks becoming the chaotic mess that happened in roughly 64 % of all the novels he read. By then, he began his own frontal attacks, using the shadows created by all the soldiers to create weapons, sneak around, become ethereal to avoid being shot.

Needless to say, however, Nexus knew he was being targeted. Sure, he wasn't the leader of the X-Men as that was Cat’s position, but the soldiers could tell that letting a fighter in the back shred their units without being hurt was bad. Nexus had barely avoided a shot from a sniper by becoming a shadow when he found Tarot punching the shit out of her enemies. He had to stop and smile a little at her efforts before shooting a guy. It was then that he turned back to face his opponent when staring at the barrel of a rifle. Instincts took over instantly to disarm the man - quite literally - but he was starting to slow down due to the constant use of his powers. Nexus knew that his mutation was quite a powerful force, but as the old proverb stated, with great power comes great responsibility. In Nexus’ case, his responsibility was his health and physical weariness. If this battle didn’t end soon he would be forced to resort to that and Nexus knew that he would be out for days if he did.

Nexus knew something was wrong when his eyes refocused: he had been over analyzing again, his Achilles heel in combat. He knew that he had quite the tendency to overcompensate his thought process, which led to periods where he would simply stare into space; he just hadn’t realized how bad it had gotten. Nexus had barely broken out of his thought stupor to the sight of a gunman aiming his pistol at him. His eyes wide with complete shock, he knew that the human would shoot him before Nexus had any time to react, and did just that. Only, a flash of red crossed his eye below him as the shot rang out into the air, blending in with the rest of the millions of gunshots. Nexus’ heart gripped in fear as understanding dawned on him as a body struck his. Another had been taken the shot for him, but not just another: the sweet, shy Tarot had taken the bullet because of his carelessness.

Her seemingly lifeless body collide with his as she fell backwards due to the impact of the shot. Nexus’ eyes could barely register anything at all, only the mess of red hair that was against his chest. In all honesty, Nexus cannot remember the next few details completely as they blurred together; only that he watched as Tarot stirred while holding the gunman in the air by the neck, destroying him mentally in rage. Nexus had dropped the man instantly and ran to her, only to watch as the 45 caliber bullet that had drilled itself into her cranium to be pushed out.

After that, the blur of motions continued. Nexus fell to the back to attempt to stop the young fools that ran onto the battlefield from being shot, but mostly to no avail - partly because of their position, partly because of his mental exhaustion. While some people’s mutations drained the body, mind or emotions, Nexus’ was known to do all three, and they came in stages: first was mental, with emotional and physical bringing up the rear. As quick as the battle had begun, it seemed it had ended just as fast. Tulio looked at the dead, the sickening feeling that always fell over him when he took the life of another slowly rising to his throat. While Cat gave the instructions, instead of being an enforcer Tulio turned off all of his powers and recovered in the background, avoiding everybody’s gaze as his thoughts drifted. Everybody moved out, and Tulio got into his stealth black Audi R8 Coupe and drove off. Tulio went out of his way to drive on good roads, but take the long way to Remy’s house.

Which brings us to the present: Tulio had jumped out of his car three quarters of the way to New Orleans and threw up. He had done a good job shutting off his mind, thinking of other unorthodox thoughts to occupy his mind, but he knew that the war would catch up to him - heck, he shouldn’t have even been driving, as he had been shaking for at least half of the ride. Hence why he was hunched over the side of the road, spitting out the remnants of his meager breakfast. To make sure that nobody would divert their attention to him mentally, Tulio - being the teacher of mental preparation, after all - was able to create a fog around his mind, allowing only permitted thoughts and feelings to get through. This way, nobody would come ask him what was wrong.

What WAS wrong with him? Tulio kept recounting the lives he had taken - 39 soldiers, 2 tanks, an SUV and a helicopter, which totalled in roughly 53 men - and Orfelina getting shot. He couldn’t get the image of her red hair flinging back with a perfectly symmetrical hole inserted into her forehead, and what had he done? Nothing. Just like always, Tulio was absolutely useless in the field: the training mission, Stryker’s house, and now here. It was a wonder how the man was even still alive.

After his little episode on the side of the road, Tulio pulled himself together with one simple thought, the only thought that could drive him enough to keep moving forward.: She isn’t dead, you fool: be grateful. Cat and Orfy are waiting for you. It was enough to remind him of Orfy’s awkward grin as she raced out of the parking lot, one that Tulio could have sworn was somewhat directed at him. Regardless, he drove on, the rest of the ride being somewhat uneventful.

By the time he had pulled up to the mansion, Tulio wasn’t even sure what he was looking at anymore. His vision was a little blurry from the fatigue, and his hands were still shaking a little: it sure didn’t help that he got a shadow to drive for him for a while after he threw up so he could β€˜recuperate’. What a bunch of good that did him. Shakily, he opened the door and got a foot out, his sunglasses sitting on his face due to the annoying brightness of the sun. However, his knee buckled out from underneath him, and he nearly fell to the ground Tulio steadied himself, and finally pulled himself out of the car. His vision blurred again with the sudden altitude shift, but he noticed that he was actually the second person to arrive, as Orfy’s bike was the only vehicle parked.

His thoughts grim and heavy with the weight of everything that had been witnessed, Tulio scanned the mansion with a grim satisfaction. This place will do. Unsure of where Orfelina was, Tulio looked around for her before giving up to walk towards the mansion. He probably overlooked her easily, as even with his sunglasses on, his fatigue in all three elements was quite obvious.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Tarot
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#, as written by Vix
Cataleia fought a fierce fight alongside her comrades. She made the battlefield her own as she created light constructs that would aid her. She quite literally dodged bullets as she focused her hearing solely on the enemies around her, listening to their every command and the sounds of their weapons being prepared for firing. These were not government sent agents – The bill had yet to be passed, there were no logos on them anywhere, and she highly doubted the government would be so stupid to go so far as to massacre an entire school. With children. As the numbers dwindled down, she found herself getting more hands on, running out to her targets and bathing in their blood.

The battle was soon over and every enemy they could see was dead. She did not speak as she walked back to her friends, dripping in blood. She was trembling and her eyes were cold as she looked to the ground and saw many from inside were dead after trying to aid them – Why?! Why couldn't they just stay put? She cleared her throat some before whispering softly. β€œWe're taking whoever is left and we're leaving. We're going to Gambit's. Do not call anyone. Especially not any of the Avengers. Lina, use one of your gadgets and get a message to Gambit. Make it brief. We all ride solo. Take different paths. We don't need to look suspicious. I'll take the X-Calade and load up as many children as possible. Don't have a vehicle? Take one of mine or Lina's – Don't touch any buttons that you don't know what they're for.”

Gone was the usual kindness in her voice, replaced by a soft growl of irritation. So this is how they wanted to play it? Stryker wanted war. And she was thinking about giving him just that. Her mind grew dark as images of her destroying her enemies in an animalistic rage flickered vividly through her head. She shook the thoughts before pushing open the doors and walking inside. β€œWhere...are...they?” The foyer was empty except for a few littered bodies. Dead bodies. A few heads peeked out of hiding spots and she breathed a sigh of relief. She grew more enraged and tense than she already was as those that were left came out of hiding and explained that there was an attack from the back and several had been gunned down if not captured. Her eyes scanned the ones before them and she recognized a few of them.

She almost choked as Tommy saw her bloodied and rushed to her, wrapping his arms around her and delivering to her the deepest kiss she imagined she ever had. Tulio wasn't going to be happy about that. And neither was Caelan. Dazed and taken aback, she only kissed back until he pulled away. Everyone stared and for a moment, the only sound was that of Caelan's growl. β€œEveryone find a vehicle and passengers and move the fuck out.” She quickly regained control of the situation and began to herd everyone out to the garage. Caelan didn't even look at her. She felt a twisting, sick feeling in her stomach because she couldn't admit to herself even that she loved that kiss. That she wouldn't resist if he tried again. But she had no time to think about that as she loaded ten people into the black escalade and peeled out of the garage, heading for Louisiana.

β€œAlright – Everyone out. Go inside and wash up. Make yourselves at home.”

Cataleia-Bibiana had pulled up into Remy's driveway shortly after her brother and Lina had. She stepped out of the large vehicle and was met with a heat wave that almost knocked her over. Grunting, she trudged slowly towards Lina and Remy, glad that the blood on her face somewhat hid her tears. Lina was unusually chipper considering their situation, but she had heard chatter from the others that she was shot in the head and survived. Good for her. But even now, she couldn't look her friend in the eye for what she had done to Caelan. β€œGoing inside...”, she muttered. Before either of them could say anything, her clothes fell to the ground and she became but an orb of weak, flickering blue light.

She was slow as she bounced her way past her brother and into the house. She claimed the first room that she came to after floating through an open window. Hovering over the bed, she re-solidified and fell upon it, her naked body bloodying the sheets with whatever moist blood was left as she simply passed out. She wouldn't go comatose like last time, but she was just tired from the previous events. She hadn't taken time to wash up, she stopped for food and drinks just once, and her head was throbbing with too many thoughts. She just wanted peace and quiet.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano Character Portrait: Tarot
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Cortez watched as Lina looked as if she were having a vision. He had seen that look before when she caught the vision of Zoey being exposed as a Mutant. Cortez watched her carefully. Zoey for one had never seen that look before so she backed away from her. β€œLi-”
”We have to go.”[b] Lina said. Zoey was confused. Cortez frowned. β€œNow...Before they come” She said and basically collapsed on the floor and Cortez was about to rush to her side but Caelan beat him to it. For where and how, he would never know. He sure as hell was quiet for a man his size.[b]β€œTulio, I need you to get the rest of the team and have everyone pack up in a calm and collected manner. Tell them that we're moving out soon. To get the children away from the freaks at the gate.”

Zoey looked up at Cortez, fear evident in her face. β€œTaz?” She whimpered, her eyes falling to Lina. β€œ What's going on?” She asked and Cortez took a breath but didn't say anything, He wasn't sure himself.
Then Tulio spoke. He looked up at him "You heard the man. Begin preparations for mass evacuation of the students and staff - keep the younger children under the pretense that this is a drill to avoid having panic spread amongst them. That is the last thing we need now."
Cortez looked down at Zoey. β€œ C'mon, Z. We gotta go.” He said and picked her up. Zoey was perfectly capable of walking herself. She was 10 years old for Christ sake but Cortez hardly let her walk, Not when he felt she was in danger.

Cortez helped Zoey pack her essentials β€œ Taz, I'm Scared.” She said as he helped her put on her pink backpack. β€œ I know, but we're with the X-men. We're safe.” He said softly. Honestly he was terrified too but he kept it from his face. They rushed to the assembly where the Headmistress was about to speak.
β€œI know that you've all been told that this is a drill, but its not. I'm not going to lie to you. There are people coming for us.”
People started screaming and Cortez frowned. He nudged the guy beside them that was yelling something about lies. β€œ Shut the fuck up, assh-β€β€œEnough! Not once did we ever say that our walls were impenetrable. Not once did we say that as long as you're here, nobody would ever bother you. We gave no false hope at all. What we gave was a promise. A promise that as long as a single one of us is breathing, we will still fight this war. A promise that as long as we can still fight, we will defend you. A promise that we would never abandon you.” 
Then the crowd started to dispersed. Cortez, was pissed, how could they act like this? Like Xavier's wasn't a safe haven for them. Like they would just be like 'Hey, Mutants over here. Come and get 'em'
Zoey looked up at her brother. His whole expression read anger. She kept quiet. She could understand to a certain degree, They were suppose to be safe here, so what was going on?

Just then..Chaos ensued.

Amidst the chaos, Cortez and Zoey were cut off by one of the men. Cortez threw Zoey behind him and rushed the solider, knocking him to the ground. β€œRun, Zoey!” He screamed as he wrestled with the solider. Stunned, Zoey was frozen. β€œ Zoey!” He screamed and threw his elbow into the soldier's chest. The solider recovered pushed Cortez off of him. He stood up and held up his gun. Snapping back to reality, Zoey reached out, grabbed the solider and the world around them shifted.
Cortez watched in horror. β€œZoey! No!” He shouted but it was too late. She nor the soldier could hear him. He knew that. He couldn't tell what she did but the man looked horrified. His body started to convulse and in an apparent knee jerk reaction. The trigger on his gun was pulled and Cortez caught a bullet in the shoulder. He dropped to the ground, clutching the wound but he'd live. The Soldier however, didn't seem the share the same fate. He clutched his chest and crumbled to the ground. Zoey just stood there. Cortez grimaced. Both in pain and in the fact that Zoey was 'Stuck'. Most times, when she used her ability. She would get stuck in the world she created. Cortez stumbled over to her. His hand was covered in his own blood but he ignored it as he placed his hands on her little shoulders. β€œSorry, Zoe.” He said and with his clean hand, he slapped her clean around the face. Zoey blinked back to reality, tears forming in her eyes and her soft brown cheek stinging red. She looked down and saw what she'd done. β€œHe was gonna kill us, Zoey.” Cortez said, looking at his baby sister. Zoey stood stunned. She just killed a man. What scared her worse was that, she felt no remorse. She was glad he was gone. β€œZo-” Just then Cortez went deathly pale, his body wavered and he fell backward.
Zoey rushed to her brother's side. "Cortez!" She screamed, her vision blurred from tears. Blood hung heavy in the air mixed with smoke and gun powder. She looked around for some place to hide her and her too pale brother. She spotted a row of Briar bushes and figured she could hide him in there. From here, it was too small for the both of them. She swallowed down her fear and remembered something from class; How firefighters would drag unconscious people from burning buildings. She stumbled around Cortez, stood behind him and grabbed him up under the arms. With a grunt, she stood up but Cortez' arms slipped out of her grip, one flung back and hit her in the face. Under any other circumstance, like say if he was asleep. That would have been funny, but now, it was just too much. She wept for a moment. How was she going to save her brother? She was just a kid? Zoey looked down at him, he looked like he was in a peaceful sleep but the crimson red liquid that slowly engulfed in crisp white shirt was evidence to the contrary. Zoey dropped her head in defeat. He was gonna die. He was gonna die and she'd be alone.


Zoey looked at him. She couldn't give up. Not on him, He never gave up on her.Β 

Zoey stood up and tried again. She wrapped her arms around his chest, this time. She could feel she had a better grip. Grunting again, she took short steps backwards, shuffling them toward the bushes. She slipped on the grass but she got right back up again and continued on.Β 

Finally, She had Cortez safely tucked behind the bushes.Β 
She dropped to her bottom for a moment, to catch her breath. He'd be proud of her. Not for saving him but for not giving up. She looked at her brother's face. He was too pale. He was always lighter then her, but this was scary.Β 

She got to her feet. "I'll be back, Just hang on." She whispered and made her way to find someone, anyone who could help.Β 
Or would.

Soon, she found another mutant. Someone she didn't know but she saw him around school. He rushed over to help his fellow mutant and soon she and Cortez were safe in one of the Vans with Cataleia , Caelan and the others, while the guy went back to continue to fight.
Zoey sat in the car with Cortez unconscious in her lap. She smoothed back his hair, sobbing lightly as they rode off.

Zoey had nodded off during the ride and was awaken by Cortez. β€œ Zoey...”He managed. Zoey blinked awake. She looked down at her bother. β€œHey there.” He said and Zoey smiled meekly. β€œHey.” She said. Cortez pulled himself up gripping his shoulder. β€œWhat I miss?” He asked. β€œYou were shot.” She said. Cortez chuckled. β€œNah, I got that part.” He said, with a cough. Zoey was uncharacteristically quiet. β€œZoe...I'm alright.” He said, his voice was weak. β€œ Yea, I know...but...” Cortez pulled her into a one armed hug. β€œ Shhh, You can't get rid of me, Twerpette” He said and Zoey -typically- she would have laughed or grimaced at the name but instead she just sobbed in his chest and Cortez let her.

β€œZoey.” Cortez shook her lightly. Zoey awoke again. β€œHmm?” She asked sleepily. β€œWe're here.” He said with a light smile. Zoey sat up and looked out the window. She saw a large plantation house just up ahead. She didn't know how she felt about the house given it's dark past and it's correlation to her people but, regardless, it was gorgeous. She smiled back at Cortez and he gave her one of his infamous half grins, while still clutching his shoulder. The bleeding had stopped but he was still covered in blood. β€œI look like a Zombie, don't I?” He asked and she giggled. β€œNo.” She said softly. β€œ I'm coming to get you, Barbra!” Cortez teased and rose his hands like a 70's zombie and tickled her with his unwounded arm, Zoey giggled loudly . β€œStoppit, Taz!” She squealed.
After a minute or so, the car stopped and they were lead up to the house.β€œAlright – Everyone out. Go inside and wash up. Make yourselves at home.”  β€œ Damn. Maybe I should become a thief.”Cortez swooned and Zoey gave him a look. β€œ It was a joke...ha ha it is to laugh.” He said and Zoey rolled her eyes and they walked inside. Cortez grimaced as the pain in his shoulder seemed to get worse with every movement but he kept it to himself, he also hated that his powers did nothing for Zoey. All he could do was catch a bullet and literally slap her back to reality. He found a small couch and plopped onto it and Zoey sat beside him on the floor. This was too much for the siblings. They were supposed to be safe so...What the hell?

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Alexandra Stark
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[Ignore. Wrong Location.]

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One man remains in the car as others slowly make their way out, seemingly frozen in place. His expression is one of pain, and those who witnessed his side of the battle might actually know why, though others may be confused as to why the typically optimistic man has such a morbid expression at the moment. Even his posture seems to radiate unhappiness, his back hunched with his face buried into open palms. Despite the fact that his positioning may imply sobbing of some sort, he is eerily still in it, oblivious to the growing temperature of the car as the sun is trapped in it. Ulric is not a fighter, one must understand, and that isn't to say that he is the sort who supports the fight from the background. He is the healer, rather, the sort of person who won't hesitate to even tend to enemies, because allowing others to suffer is against his personal code of morals. Ulric is that type of man- gentle to a fault and very non confrontational. And yet, he lost himself in anger for a moment, a rare thing for him, and allowed his own principles to be compromised. This is part of what weighs heavily on his shoulders at the moment, but not the only thing that has disturbed the man.

He has seen people die countless times, has seen his friends die and his friends kill, so one would assume that the man would have become accustomed to the sight. Yet, like an innocent, he is still affected by it every time. Perhaps this makes him weak and overly vulnerable, but it has never been something that he could help- not really. He has killed before, though only to protect others, and has allowed people to die, which he considers equally treacherous. Still his reactions are unchanged. And now, he sits in that car, hunched over like man hit by a wave of nausea, as he remembers the events of only a little while ago. Of course, little while is something of a relative term.


It had like a knife through tension when Cat spoke to the residents of the institute, her voice forceful as she reminded them that they had no reasons to blame the institute for an attack from outsiders. Everyone had been well aware from the beginning, after all, that danger was linked to becoming open about having a mutation. Never was a promise of invincibility given, and they could not pretend otherwise. He stood next to the little girl from before, having led her to the group, and glances down to make sure that she is okay. Her expression wa strangely calm, as if she is somehow completely at ease with the situation at hand. He found this strange, given the panic and anxiety of those all around her- emotions which she should be soaking up. Still, perhaps her ability to detach herself from surrounding emotions was a blessing. It certainly must must have been easier than being forced to constantly be flooded with the feelings of others, especially at such a young age. A familiar voice shouts out warning of the enemy's arrival, and the doors shut. He had left immediately in hopes of reducing the damages for those not blessed with powers of self regeneration. That was his job, after all- helping.

But he couldn't save them all. On a good day, on a fantastically brilliant day, no one has to die. Everyone lives. But this was not a good day, certainly not a brilliant day, and many lives were lost. He helped where he could, sprouting wings and pulling some up to the roof, where he could work on healing them, but it seemed as though every time he healed a person, they ran back into battle and were injured all over again. Watching it filled the pacifistic man with a sick sort of dread, as though he was facilitating some sort of sick, endless battle. But optimism and obligation prompted him to continue the effort, even as those people whom he had just died were gunned down, or he came too late. For all of his abilities, the man remains incapable of healing death.

Someone shot through his wing, causing the man to plummet to the ground, along with the person in his arms. He spun around while they fell, angling it so that he could cushion the blow and prevent the already injured from entering an even more critical state. His wings began to heal rapidly, naturally, but not before someone ran out to try and help him. Naturally, it was the little empath girl, the one whose mutation allowed her to absorb the abilities of others. She ran out, presumably to take away his already disappearing pain, but was gunned down- massacred, really - on her way over. Ulric watched, all of it becoming far too gruesome for his kind soul. Too much death, too much pain, and too little that he could do to help it. Frustration came over him in violent, unrelenting waves, and the normally controlled man found himself in the hair, dropping the sniper from a high elevation and watching him die, nothing more than a rag doll with his limbs splayed across the ground. What was the point of that? he couldn't help but wonder numbly, but it could not be undone. So he worked harder to try and heal others, working a losing battle as the number of mutants slowly declined even further than it already had. Everything was a blur of effort and failures, until everyone had ordered that they leave.


Ulric had found himself in a car with Alex, the Starks' daughter, on the way to Louisiana. He had been in and out of a sulking state the entire time, likely very poor company for the girl, who tried to maintain a sunny disposition. So had they embarked on a long and uncomfortable drive.

Only to end up where they are now, Alex having gotten out of the car while Ulric remains inside, brooding.

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Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Tarot
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Tulio's vision was a little blurry still when he finally found Orfelina standing near the Uncle Gambit, or Remy Lebeau as he was best known. His sunglasses were still placed on his face to block out the sun - what, children of shadows didn't have to like the sun that much - which gave him a weird look of a tired Men In Black agent. Quite bizarre comparison, if Tulio was allowed to say such. Nevertheless, Tulio was quite pensive, not to mention shy, about approaching Orfelina with his uncle - not to mention her godfather - looming over. True, Tulio knew that he was to return Orfy's phone when he could since it was not his, and he should probably talk to her after the events that came to pass at the Academy, but that didn't help his uncertainty. For starters, what had happened to Orfy still scared him: basically watching one that he had gotten close to die was not a happy experience for a mind such as Tulio's, since while it ran off of facts and logics, there was still emotional sentiment left in him. It certainly didn't help that he was quite tired from the drive, the regurgitation of his meal and the fight, and that Remy was quite the scary man if provoked. Regardless of the fact that Remy and Tulio were related through Julio and that Tulio had quite a healthy respect for the gambler, Tulio was always somewhat wary around Uncle Remy - mostly because things exploded around that man.

Taking a deep breath and shoving all of his quarreling emotions and statistics out of the way, Tulio approached Orfelina as she was smoking a cigarette, that same excited look still plastered on her face as if she hadn't registered the loss that had occurred. Thing was, since Tulio had read her mind, he knew of her fear of death, so it was quite obvious that inheriting James' powers would excite her to no end. Then again, since she had seen his mind and past he should technically have no fear of her whatsoever, since the only secrets they had were either exposed, or extremely recent. The realism in his mind screamed that he was acting irrationally, but his body was responding differently, as if to its own accord, and continued to be shy and tentative.

Finally reaching her, Tulio once again realized how short little Orfy really was at only 5 feet flat. Tulio was by no means tall: standing at only 5'11, the rest of the staff and students seemed to tower over the man, even if he was taller than half of the population. For some reason, mutant men were freakishly tall. Ignoring that, he gave Remy a curt little nod, a soft 'Uncle' coming from his mouth before turning his focus to Orfy - even though related, Tulio wasn't much for words. Thankfully his sunglasses hid most of his anxiety, tentativity and fatigue as he reached into his pocket to retrieve her cell phone. His voice changed a little from his acknowledgement of Remy: it was softer, calmer and a little warmer while staying at an audible level. As he pulled the phone out of her pocket and handed it to her, Tulio continued to look down on the little Miss Lina, whose 'death' still ran through his mind in the background. Tulio knew that all Orfy would have to do is remove his sunglasses, or even simply observe him to know he was highly troubled: Tulio usually walked with a silent, yet charming air of distance and realism. At the moment, he looked like he was going to fall down from unknown reasons.

"I had forgotten to return this to you, and I apologize for not doing so, as well as reading any personal information you have on this little thing." A sheepish smile reached his lips as his hand outstretched with the phone, but it wasn't as genuine as he normally gave mutants; especially Orfelina. All he knew right now was that he could sleep for days, he had thrown up on the way, his mind and body were reaching their limit and he was standing in front of a beautiful, short - in a cute way - and oddly excited lady with a cigarette in her mouth.

β€œTulio...” She had taken her phone quietly, sliding it into her pocket with her free hand. For the first time since she had been shot, she seemed to have come down from her high. She wasn't completely sure of what she should say as she just realized how much of a monster she had probably made herself seem, going on cheering about her immortality and invincibility kicking in rather than mourning the lost lives. She glanced over to Remy before hooking arms with Tulio and guiding him towards the house, cooing softly to him as she tried to make him feel better. β€œHey...Everything will be alright...” She honestly wanted more or less to just go to a room, hold him, and stroke his hair until he felt better.

Tulio gave no indication of resistance as she hooked his arm around his and asked him what was wrong. It was then that Tulio felt a little ashamed from dragging Orfy down from her excited state to the abysmal one of his own - he had no right, and she should be happy for the small accomplishments - Tulio wished he could. When she consoled him, Tulio wanted nothing more than to agree with her, and nearly did until he mentally stopped himself. She knew that he was under serious tension, and agreeing with her when he felt that way would not be right. The damage had already been done - she had seen through him, and lying to her would cause him more grief than comfort. A tired sigh escaped his mouth as his composure - normally straight and articulate - slumped considerably, leaning a little on the little Orfelina. His free hand reached for his sunglasses and took them off, a little shaky and slow as he did. His head turned towards hers so that she could see into his eyes, which almost didn't look like they belonged to the same man. Instead of distant, clouded and intrigued, Tulio's eyes were glassy, pained and considerably fatigued. He knew that Orfy could probably guess everything that was running through his mind, so he felt no need to voice what went on during his trip to Uncle Remy's, instead stating the obvious pressure point in his fatigue.

"I watched a bullet forcibly become friends with your frontal lobe. I failed to stop children from being murdered. I can't.... He took in a shaky breath, closing his eyes for a second to take it all in. Tulio couldn't even finish his sentence from the mental and physical exhaustion he felt. It was as if the whole thing was being weighed upon his shoulders, as if his failure was the fault of all. He had come to expect thoughts like that from himself, but he never did take them well. He also knew, however, that telling her all of this might cause Orfy to blame herself, and that was the last thing Tulio wanted: it was more like he still hadn't gotten over the recent events, so he confided his feelings to her.

Lina listened to his words as they moved inside the house where she guided him past those that were already there and upstairs to a vacant room. β€œTulio. We may have superpowers, but we were outnumbered twenty to one...Death on our side was...inevitable. This is a war now...people will die on both sides. It sucks...but its what happens. The best we can do is trainer harder, fight harder, and be more careful.” As usual, she stumbled over her words, not quite sure what to say. People didn't really talk to her. They talked at her. She had never paid attention in an overly personal conversation enough to know how to properly respond.

She sat him on the bed and sat next to him, her cigarette long gone, but the bullet still curled in her small hand. β€œI...really didn't mean to frighten you or upset you. But I saw him...He was going to kill you. And...something just snapped, I guess. I was actually hoping to angle myself so it grazed my neck or got my shoulder. But I may have underestimated my size compared his and the angle he was aiming at. It was a split-second decision.” More fumbling over her words as she tried to make him feel better through justifying her actions.

Tulio smiled a little, his eyes remaining glassy but returned slightly to the distance that they normally had. Ignoring her message, Orfy was quite adorable in her stumbling over words. While Tulio may talk as little as she did, he was always a stickler for learning to articulate and speak regardless of who, when or why he was speaking. Tulio nodded at her statement about how basically the battle could have gone way worse, and that regardless of their super powers they were still outnumbered. Nevertheless, Tulio's mind only processed the happy thought, only to shove it into the back of his mind. He knew that death was a part of war - heck, being a S.H.I.E.L.D agent proved that to him easily. What Tulio couldn't cope with was how little he did to save the children: after all, their evacuation was his job, and judging by the fact that many remained, in his own eyes he had failed. Not wanting to break her train of thought, however, Tulio merely nodded sadly to acknowledge her point.

When she explained what she did to basically save his life, once again Tulio remained silent until she had finished. Listening to her justification was a little odd, hearing how she hadn't planned on being shot in the head - who did? - and that she made it in the knick of time. After a few seconds of silence between the two, Tulio merely turned to Orfelina and hugged her close. At the moment, he had no real solid words to give a response to her - nothing really made sense to say right now. A hug, on the other hand, was actually more logical; which sounds quite weird, coming from Tulio. I... Tulio's voice dropped down a little, before saying what he had really meant to say the entire time. "I thought I had lost you." The ever literate Tulio finally spoke what had been on his mind the entire trip to New Orleans: Tulio had been terrified that Orfelina had died for him. Not only would he feel absolute guilt and despair the eons he would be around, but Tulio could also sense that without Orfy, something else would be missing. He couldn't identify where this other emotion was coming from, but using his past statistics it reminded him of what he had been feeling about 2 weeks ago, right around 2:14 AM when Orfelina kissed him for the first time.

Lina's arms wrapped around him in return and she tried her best not to hug too tight, for fear of hurting him. As he whispered softly, she closed her eyes, a few rivulets of salty tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. β€œI'm sorry. I am so, so sorry.” She gave a light sniffle, turning her head some to press her lips gently against his neck, glad that she had closed and locked the door behind her, lest Caelan come tromping in. Or worse, Alex or Ben to see her like this. She wasn't a particularly good liar. The only reason her brother didn't know about she and Tulio now was because he never asked.

Her apologies to him, while they shouldn't mean much since he was past apologies, meant a lot to him. That she cared enough to take a bullet for him was shocking, but that she would apologize for scaring him? Even the pessimistic Tulio had a sliver of happiness, even if he had no tears to shed - those were all spent years earlier. When her lips touched his neck, a sigh of tired happiness escaped him. When she released from his neck, Tulio brought his thumb to her cheeks, ridding her face of those droplets of salt and water. Finally, after the entire day, a genuine, soft smile reached his lips. You saved my life Orfy - there is no reason for you to apologize." He kissed her forehead out of gratitude, and then looked at her again with that same soft smile. Even though he may hate himself for it, Orfy cared enough to save him when she was uncertain of her own physical condition. "I believe I owe you quite a bit, miss." He hadn't meant it, but his gentleman charm had somehow snuck in while he was talking, but he meant every word: he owed her his life, however much that was. How could he repay that?

β€œI think...for now, I'll settle for a kiss.” She blushed sheepishly as she stole a kiss from him, claiming her β€œreward”. It was a light kiss, not anywhere half as passionate as the others that they shared on the library table, but it was meaningful and still filled with care. She pulled back from him and gave a bashful smile, her violet eyes trained on his brown ones. β€œYou need to rest...I'm going to go check on the others.” She kissed his lips once more, this time lingering if only for a few moments before standing and smiling to him as she brushed the knuckles of her hand gently across his cheek before leaving.

Tulio blushed slightly at her forwardness, but he wasn't going to complain as her lips brushed his. While it may not have been as 'deep' as the term was used, it meant almost as much than those that it had followed. When she pulled away, she gave him the obvious - he needed rest. Tulio nodded slightly in acknowledgement before she kissed him once more - a little longer, if he may add. Orfy then stood up, her knuckles brushing his cheek slightly, and left the room. Tulio watched her go, and as soon as she did his mind began to function the way it normally did once again. His pessimism returned, but not before being completely overwhelmed by sense of protection for his sister. Instantly, when he knew that Orfelina had left the area, Tulio stood up and weighed his options. He could either use a shadow portal and get to Cataleia in an instant without search, but at the cost that he would be out for a while in the near future, or conserve his power and look for her. The only problem with looking for her is that if Orfy found him, he was pretty sure she would be quite disappointed that he had not taken her advice and rested. Realizing that disappointing Orfy meant more to him, he walked into the nearest shadow with only one thought: Take me to Cat.

While knowing where he was going would have saved energy, Tulio managed to end up in a room with enough energy left to stand and move. Instantly he saw Cat seemingly passed out on a bed, bloody and naked. A sad sigh was all that was heard, and it was his own as Tulio made his way over to her. A million thoughts raced through his tired mind as he pulled one of the sheets over her - now was not the time to be complaining about blood in the fabrics - but only one formed into words. "Oh Cat, how can you keep doing this to yourself?" It was softer than his normal speaking voice, full of sadness for his sister. He had felt the lingering attraction she had for Thomas, and her dread and confusion when said mafioso kissed her in front of everybody. As much as he wanted to simply blame Thomas for those events, he knew he couldn't. Cat was a girl that attached herself to so many people, and Tulio knew that one of these days it would come back to haunt her. Reality was just a sick comedian and liked to throw bad jokes out during murder. He smoothed her hair out, kissed her forehead, and gave another sigh. He couldn't be angry with her - he was having his own relationship problems now too, so he was starting to understand her distress a little. Nevertheless, Tulio was just happy to see her; didn't matter if she was naked or bloody, she was still his twin sister.

After that, he did the exact same thing as before: teleporting back to his room. Only this time, he barely made it to his bed before passing out onto his bed. He wasn't sure when he would wake up, but Tulio didn't care: somehow, the world seemed a little less grey right now, regardless of the events.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism
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Character Portrait: Prism
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*ignore wrong location*

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prism
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Professor George Martin stood in his office, part of his room really, his bed was over there. He looked around at the objects he had accumulated in this life, or more accurately in this reinvention of himself. Books, hundreds of them lining his bookcases and spilling onto the floor. New, old, extremely rare. He had read them all and valued them.

"They're much too heavy," he said to himself, "I'll have to leave them."

His fine oaken desk, used by Heisenberg back in World War 2. The desk where a man dreamed of the Uncertainty Principle and made a choice to sabotage the work of the Nazi nuclear weapon project. A lesson he planned on never forgetting. His hand ran along the smooth edges of it. "Obviously you can't come, but I'll return for you." He patted his desk as if to comfort it.

Journals and papers of his students were stacked next to it. As his gaze fell upon them he smiled at them. A condescending half-smile that still held amusement. He wasted no words on the homework.

There next to the window was an old grandfather clock, polished until it shone. He had found it in Hitler's bunker and had taken it to a small family in France. He had saved their son's life some time before when his platoon had marched across the country. They held onto it for him. In the glass face of the clock he had etched the names of his lost squad-mates in Germany, those Avengers who have fallen, and the X-men that have been lost. As he saw the names his hands balled into fists and his jaw clenched. "More too come... There are always more to come."

He walked to his window where his already packed bag lay next to his trusty M1-Garand, Sophia. She was named after a french revolution girl he had fallen for during the war. She made bullets in the basement of a barn outside of Lyon. After the war was over he had gone to see her, but the barn had been burned and he never found hide nor hair of her. His gun, she had killed Germans, lynchers, tyrants, corrupt police, and even a super-villain. She's been with him for the longest of any of his possessions... and now with the death of Erik, any of his friends as well. His brow wrinkled at that. He took two quick breaths to calm himself. Anger was not going to help anyone.

He turned to look at his room as a whole and took a deep breath. At the calm stillness at the life he had built here, with the X-men. He smiled a sad smile to himself, and enjoyed what he could of his memories before they were made bitter with the deaths of his friends, the horrors of war, and the actions he will soon take. He hoped that moment would last forever, that the war would never start, that he could just stand here until the end of time. He realized later in his life, that that moment would have been it. Before he had to do what had been needed, before the war, and before that battle.

That had been his perfect moment to die.

The moment came. Then moment passed and the professor let out his breath.

He turned to his window again and pulled up Sophia. Her soft sandalwood felt good in the hand and against his cheek. He checked her sights. Still good. He knelt and focused on the light around him. There was too much information at the start, there always is, he quickly focused it down into the visible spectrum. Little flowed in his room with the lights off and the curtains drawn. He created a distortion pattern over the window. At this range it mattered little to him he could see fine out of it, but from a distance it would appear that there was only a dark window there, much like the advertisements over windows of buses.

He pulled his bulky old reliable radio and switched it on.

"Cat, I'm seeing seven SUV's probably more at the gate, one no two tanks, and there are helicopters circling the school. Probably three but that might not be accurate. I'd guess about 200 men easy, and those are only the vehicles i can see. Do you copy? Over." A stylized burst of static set to the beat of 'shave and a haircut' indicated that she had.

He chambered his first round and began to search for snipers. Sophia can't do much against modern armor or even most body armor without custom bullets of which he currently had eight. But she can kill, or at least scare the pants off of, a sniper. His eyes were fixed on a single position in the forest looking for any motion that didn't mesh with the wind. Holding for ten seconds he saw three atypical motions.

"Cat, they have snipers as well. Be careful." Then his eyes moved to the next part of the woods. Three more snipers. Then the next until he had identified 21 potential snipers. That's when the enemy burst through the gate.

Chaos reigned down on the battlefield, but Prism made only a mild note of it. It wasn't his problem, yet. He needed to deal with the threat that most of the ground team can't.

He held his breath. He aimed at the closest sniper and fired. His bullet flew through the air and into the trees. He pulled down to compensate for recoil and fired again. He swung to the next target and fired twice. He repeated down the line. After every four enemies he reloaded his gun from the stack of ammo he had on his windowsill. After twenty seconds and four clips and ten either scarred or dead snipers the room next to his exploded.

A loud rush of noise, he was picked up and slammed against the wall, and then silence. He shook his head to clear it. He had landed in the pile of homework next to his desk. The wall between his room and Allen's was gone loose wood chips were strewn all over his carpet. Prism had a large piece hit his head and was bleeding from his forehead. He couldn't focus. After a second he started moving, right when the second shell went off in his room.


He doesn't remember the rest of the fight or most of the drive down to Gambit's place. He was told that he had been pulled out of the rubble when people went looking for him and he had been messed up bad. But he was still alive. His left arm had been broken at the forearm in three different spots. Several lacerations from the shrapnel on his face and his clothes were torn.

And apparently there was a concussion that Ulric had missed. They let him drive in this state... He chuckled he had probably argued to let him drive on his own, safer that way. Oh well. He'll try to be careful for the next few weeks here down at Remey's place.

He pulled up to the mansion on his WW2 motorcycle with sidecar a few hours after the others had arrived.

He parked behind the X-calade and limped up to the door. Apparently his leg wasn't feeling so well either. He came through the door and asked where he could find Ulric, he needed some attention.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Joe Rogers Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism Character Portrait: Prodigal
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Adelaide looked up at the man who'd called himself Joseph Rogers and saw him for the first time truly. A look of confusion crossed her elfin face as she tilted her golden blonde head and smiled cooly at him. "Thanks for telling the truth. I would've known either way but I must say it's refreshing." Letting her sunglasses slip back over her large eyes she let a true grin cross her face at the explanation of his mutation. Adelaide had always harbored envy for mutants whose powers were obviously powerful, something explosive that they could defend themselves with. All she had was the gift of reading emotions and if she was real calm and collected she could control them. The young girl could barely remember the last time she felt calm or even slightly collected.

"It's nice to meet you Joe, I think you might be the first person here who has actually talked to me like an adult. I appreciate that." The young parisienne finished as she watched the man control the bluish white energy with a small flick of his hand. Bending down she began to pluck at the small white flowers that dotted the lawn, deftly taking the small flowers and swiftly chaining them together. "They're going to make me start classes soon, you don't happen to be a teacher or anything?" She wondered aloud, thinking it might not be too bad to be stuck in a classroom with someone like Joe. He made her feel safe and she hadn't had that since she was ten years old.

With a sudden gasp she lurched forward violently, the stitches holding her still healing abdomen together tearing as a wave of emotions hurtled down upon her. Adelaide was never quite prepared for this kind of thing and to be honest she could go her whole life without feeling it again, but it did make for an excellent warning signal. "It's just like before." She gasped as she grabbed her middle and climbed to her feet, head whipping about in all directions, trying to pinpoint where the enemy was coming from. "They're coming, Joe. They're here." She managed to say more calmly than she felt before she bolted away like a frightened rabbit.

For a moment the emotions ran rampant through her and it felt as if they would tear her apart before Adelaide settled on a thread of determination and was able to to work her way back to the school, to be evacuated once again. She thought they'd be safe, that's what they said in paris and it had been a lie. Addie had known then that it was a lie but had decided to bathe in the comfort of the words for as long as she could. Now that was all over.

Finding herself face to face with a squadron of unmarked soldiers she froze like a deer in headlights before regaining what little composure she had left. Using her gift to persuade them to see each other as the enemy she watched passively as they massacred each other before escaping into a vehicle with a few others who weren't readily recognizable. Addie didn't know where Jamal was but could only hope that they'd both been as lucky as they were in Paris.

Arriving in Louisiana in a dark mood, Adelaide carefully extracted herself from the car she'd spent way too much time in in the last couple of days. Sore and tired, Adelaide warily wandered away from the majority of the group. Intent on finding a moment's worth of tranquility and perhaps a friendly face, Adelaide took a seat on the veranda and waited to be told what to do. Something she was still having difficulty getting use to.


Anastasia grinned to herself as she waited for George to acknowledge her properly as he usually did, he was just a bit absent-minded perhaps. Some might see it as Anastasia not being important enough to actually register on his radar where she saw it as she was so memorable that it was impossible to imagine the mansion without her presence. Reaching out to take hold of his hand in hers she squeezed softly before tucking her hands back beneath her legs. "An omelet sounds perfect, actually." She replied, Anastasia might have just eaten but her metabolism worked at such a high rate that she was usually consuming one food or another. Why not let her ex-teacher make her second breakfast?

"No, you haven't missed me. I just got back this morning. Technically I'm just supposed to be coming back home but you know us S.H.I.E.L.D., we're never off duty." The tall brunette answered, she knew the reason she was back in the states and not in Russia. They could say it was for her own safety all they wanted but Ana was certain that the fact she was one of their best agents and quite lethal in her own right played quite the part in her assignment here. Things weren't going to remain calm for long and when it finally did boil over, she'd be here. Defending her home and keeping the rest safe. Just like she'd always been taught to.

It was then that the chaos began, first in the kitchen. Orfelina passed out, or fainted and Caelan was back within seconds. Seeing the siblings Ana instantly went in search of her own brother, Eric, knowing that Orfy was safe with Caelan and the rest. Entering into one of the main hallways she was met almost immediately with rapid gunfire catching a bullet to the right
shoulder which was quickly taken care of by her rapid regenerative abilities. Still hurt like hell though. Cursing silently to herself she morphed into a copy of the enemy knowing that it'd be much easier to slip in among them and scatter them to pieces that way. Ana was half-afraid that she'd be mistaken for an enemy combatant but took the pains to mentally blast the fact that she in fact was Anastasia McCoy and not a mutant hunter. Quite the opposite of how she usually worked.

Slipping into their ranks, Anastasia quietly and efficiently took out as many of the intruders as she could. A flash of a knife here, a dropped grenade there, rapid blasts of gunfire filled the air and once again, not for the last time that day, Ana was hit. Growing fatigued she worked her way towards Cat's office, knowing that's where they'd regroup and plan any strategy. Masquerade knew in her heart that the estate was lost, that they'd have to move on if they wanted to keep the ones who were still alive safe.

Covered in dirt and blood, though with no visible wounds Anastasia returned to her normal appearance and listened as Cat gave instructions. Acting like the good little soldier she was, Anastasia grabbed a jeep and filled it with whoever was standing. She hadn't found Eric or Markus and she didn't know if they were alive or dead. It was times like this she wished for telepathy, just so she could reach out and find them if they were still there. Slipping into a cold silence she made her way to Louisiana, to Remy's house, one of her father's oldest friends. Perhaps there she'd find her family and if not...then she'd start planning her attack.

Pulling up to the mansion that was to be their safe haven for now, Ana smiled to herself when she saw she wasn't the first one to arrive. There were others, and that gave her hope. Hopping out of the jeep she began to look around for a familiar face, or at least someone who looked like they knew what was going on. Noticing Ulric stationary in a car she gave him a half-hearted wave, unsure if he was capable of actually having any sort of conversation yet. Moving on, she slowly crept into the house and began to explore. Something Ana had never been shy about doing. Someone had to secure the premises, who better than Masquerade?

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prodigal
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As he left the medical ward, he pulled Zee aside into the corner by the main staircase. He maneuvered her so he was back against the wall and she was in front of him, giving her the edge and advantage. He and Zee were connected on a level a lot deeper than most couples he had seen, so even the slightest indication of body movement was essentially a statement to one another. He sort of just stared at her a for a few seconds. Not judging stare, or one of anger, more like a stare a man gives his wife when it has been over two weeks since they had really seen or spent any time with one another. Though his eyes were sad, he gave her a smile, and but his hand against her face, caressing it with his thumb. He let out a short chuckle, his eyes tearing up. "What am I going to do with you?" he gave another little chortle, before he sucked his tears back in before they had a chance to fall.

The past two weeks had been hard on both of them. Though, Eric get feeling like, through the way Zee was acting, like she was the one who lost her father and sister, not him. She had locked herself away even from him. In all honesty, the reason he hadn't spoken for so long, was because he is not as strong as he has to be all the time. Eric had to be strong, growing up raising his family, keeping tabs on his wife and facing a slew of adversary one would expect to receive if you were viewed as the Son of Magneto. But, with the death and disappearances of his closest relatives, and then to have his wife just completely shut him out. He could barely take it, but he didn't know how to tell Zee.

It was obvious she was hurting, about a lot of things. And now this whole thing with pushing one o the students off the roof. It was obvious she was not in a good place. Eric wanted to so desperately be there for her, but, he felt like his mind and heart were tearing each other apart. So, he just stood, there, looking into those deep cat eyes, trying to figure someway out of helping her.

For one of the first times in his life, Eric didn't have a next step. He had a final goal, but right now......he was lost, and it was his job to guide. Meaning he would fail everyone who relied on him, who was thankfully a small amount of people, but still.

His train of thought was derailed by Cat yelling for a meeting in her office. Eric simply sighed a very frustrated sigh and just stared off towards where she went. He looked back to his wife and gave her a look that essentially said, "Now What?"



That's What

The moment things began to escalate, what with the sound s of fire, Lina's visions and all other matter of mayhem, the first thing Eric did was turn and gave Zee a passionate kiss, the like of which he hadn't given her in almost a month. When he released it, he looked to her. "Get as many out as you can. I won't be far behind...I'm never far behind." He gave her a weak smile and flew off towards the back of the Mansion.

He went sailing to the top floor of the dormitories and began searching through the mass amounts of kids for a specific kid. "Icarus! Icarus! He called out for one of his best students. He always trusted him to do a job and do it right, no matter what. "Professor!" Eric turned to see an attractive young man with brown hair and red wings on his back. Eric ran over to him. "Icarus, I want you to get the youngest kids you can find and take the School bus we have in the garage and take the back exit into the city. The bus has no markings so there should be no reason they make a target of it. Do you understand?" Icarus gave him a thousand yard stare for about 2 seconds, then shook his head and nodded heavily. Eric nodded back. "I'll cover you. He then turned and ran to his room.

With a flick of his wrist, a complicated mechanism activated and a wall peeled away several levels of surface revealing a secret room. The room was pure metal and in the center was a suit of white armor. He raised both of his hands, and the suit floated of its post and flew directly towards him. The metal of the suit seems to congeal around him and merge with his very flesh, then form around him. He was then wearing his white armor that he had been preparing for a day such as this. Eric turned and blew out his own window with a magnetic blast and flew out into the fray.

The battle was raging and Prodigal decided to keep his position in the air. Hopefully the soldiers with artillery would see him as a threat and attack him. He just wanted to let as many of his kind escape as possible. He saw several of his compatriots thick in the mire of battle and he quickly shielded as many as possible by strengthening their own personal magnetic field. It should've helped absorb a good amount of damage done to them and help to curve bullets away from them. He doubted any of them even realized what he had did.

His plan worked, as soon he felt the dense metals of 50 caliber shells start to rain at him. The bullets simply stopped about 10 feet from him and froze. Eric began to meld the bullets together and made what looked like a very long and thin lance. He then set it flying into a tank. Prodigal made a gesture with his hands and the lance expanded rapidly and caused the tank to be ripped apart. "To quote a great man, 'Humans and their guns.'" he said to himself. it was true, they had no real way of hurting him. He could deflect anything they threw at him, even if he wasn't paying attention.

After who knew how long of a fight, he turned and saw the school bus driving out the back int the city streets, away from the melee. Prodigal heaved a sigh of relief. Icarus had done his job. He was about to turn his attention back to the fight, when he heard an explosion. He swiftly turned and looked and saw the bus had come under fire! From what he could make out from this distance, the bus was swerving away from a smoking crater. It seemed the Purifiers had set up rocket unties in the city in case of escape through that way.

Eyes wide, he flew as fast as he could towards the bus to try and help them at all costs. There were children on that bus. he couldn't even begin to understand how anyone could knowingly try and kill a child!

He got right behind the bus just as it apparently got hit with razor wire, decimating the tires. The bus began to skid and looked to flip, in fact it began to. Just as it lifted off the ground and began to flip, Prodigal reached out his hands and caught the bus in his magnetic grip. He breathed a sigh of relief......just a bit too soon. He heard the sound of several rpg's being launched towards him and the bus. He felt out there metal and when they got closer to the bus, he managed to catch them as well.

Once again, he breathed easy.

That is, until he heard a deep thud in the distance. He felt a very large piece of metal heading towards the bus at a blinding speed. He tried his hardest to focus on it, but the constant flames still erupting from the rpg's meant he had to keep concentrating to hold them back, and if he tried to drop the bus, the kids could get seriously injured. He had to focus!

He concentrated as hard as he could on the projectile, and just before it hit.......he caught it. It hovered just above the bus. It was an incredibly large missile. He felt as good as he could holding back missiles still trying to blow up a school bus filled with children dangling in the air. He began to focus each individual thing so he could deal with them one at a time, trying not to stress his powers.

He was about to set the bus down, when he heard a distinct, ting noise from just behind him and getting closer. He looked down and to his right just in time to see an unpinned grenade roll right underneath the bus and missiles. His eyes went wide and he attempted to try and contain the blast, but not even a moment later, it exploded.

Prodigal was flung backward from the force of the explosion, his own personal magnetic field shielding him from most of the blast. As Eric began to come to and his vision stopped swirling, he gazed upon the carnage before........the carnage he could've prevented. He saw the bits of child that now lay scattered around the street. But above all of the ringing in his ears, he could hear the cries of joy from the Purifiers.........

Eric was not a violent or angry man. He always kept his cool and was always a fan of diplomacy.........Eric snapped.

"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric screamed at the top of his lungs, the metal in his suit seeming to leak and slowly form itself over his own skin. Soon, he blacked out.


Eric awoke to find himself listing lazily through the air over what looked like a swamp of some kind. It was very beautiful. It made him feel nice and safe. It caused something warm in his chest to spread, even if only for a brief moment. He looked up and saw that the sun was out. It's shine was not as warm as usual, but still, it felt nice.

Eric soon began to wonder why he was here.......or how he got here. And why did he feel so sticky? And why were his hands gripped so hard. He just shrugged mentally and figured he would find out later. For now, he would just enjoy his flight.

What Eric didn't know, was that he was coated from head to toe in an incredibly thick film of blood. So much so, that is one would look at him from a slight distance, he would almost look just like his father in his red outfit. hell, he was pretty much the spitting image of his dad when he was his age, right down to the grey eyes. Gripped in his hands were a couple dozen Purifier banners, the white cross on a field of black. Representing their close minded black and white way of thinking.

Eric soon spotted what looked like a Mansion. He was feeling tired so he decided to descend towards it.

He landed about 30 feet away from the front porch. When he landed, for some reason, his legs didn't want to work, so he immediately fell to his knees.

"That's weird, why don't my legs work? Ive walked before, haven't I? Oh well, I guess I'll just wait for.......something."

Eric then preceded to kneel there in front of the Mansion with a stare a thousand miles long.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prodigal
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Adelaide swung her long tan legs lightly as she stared out at everyone through the thick curtain of her blonde hair. She could honestly say she'd never felt so alone, a foreign land and not a friendly face in sight. All she had to say for herself was that she was alive, she'd made it out of this battle unscathed at least. Adelaide had been prepared this time, never able to truly trust that she'd ever be safe again after the massacre in Paris.

Hoping that Jamal would show his stupid face so she could stop worrying so much, Adelaide hoped to blend into the background until she knew whether he was amongst the living. It was hard for her to remain out there, her nerves were rattled and so were everyone elses and they scraped against the empath's psyche like nails on a chalkboard. Their fear and confusion made her sick, Adelaide had enough of it on her own without having to take on these people's...these practical stranger's emotions. Some of them thought that she'd be different, kind and sweet...what their idea of empathy was. Yet to her it was like an open wound that everyone poured salt into.

Tugging lightly at her now blood-caked dress she grimaced to herself. It was her own blood, still warm and the sixteen year old knew that she'd have to have it sewn up all over again. And people wondered why the young blonde was always sullen or surly. Addie was always getting shot at and then hastily patched together like a ragdoll. Any other pincushion had to feel the same.
Sensing something that was completely different than the rest of the group's psyche she looked up with interest and confusion as the red figure floated gently to the ground in front of her, perhaps thirty feet away. The figure was a void, perhaps in shock or perhaps capable of blocking her powers. Curiosity was something that had always plagued Addie and feeling no immediate threat from the kneeling man she slowly approached him as one would a wounded animal.

"Everything is okay, you're fine." She said softly to him, unsure if her persuasion would even work on him as she came to a stop in front of the man. A man she recognized faintly as Eric Lensherr Jr., the smell of coagulating blood that covered him was overwhelming and slightly nauseating. Crouching down on her knees in front of Prodigal she did her best to meet his gaze, to do her best to gauge what was going on within him.

"I think we need help over here." Adelaide called loudly over her shoulder before turning her attention back to the man who was currently staring through her as if she weren't even there. He was strangely fascinating, a macabre super hero brought to life. Whatever he'd done, or been through it had apparently been quite the destructive scene for him to be as covered in blood as he was and Adelaide wanted to know what it was.

"What happened to you, Eric? Who does this blood belong to?" She asked softly before others could arrive, her voice exuding comfort and warmth. The empath didn't know if he'd feel it or not but it couldn't hurt. Reaching out a small hand to touch the tips of her fingers to the thick blood that encased Prodigal she stopped short of actually touching him. "Tell me it's human and not mutant." Adelaide finished, her hatred for humanity shining through brightly for a moment.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prodigal
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#, as written by Vix
Zee's display on the battlefield was more a show of guns than it was powers. But, that was the usual for her as she ran through the battlefield, firing round after round until she had no bullets left. It was then that she resorted to more savage means of fighting, gracefully sprinting about and tackling her foes to the ground before using her claw like nails to pierce their chests and their hearts. She could feel the power of Bast surging through her as she found herself snapping the neck of a woman aiming for Ulric from afar. But the battle was over rather sooner than expected, leaving her heaving breaths on the battlefield, as covered in blood as most others.

While Cat spoke of taking separate vehicles to avoid suspicion, she had already decided her vehicle of choice. She knew every other person was probably going to opt for taking one of their motorcycles. Way to help out with passengers and carry-on luggage. She frowned as she watched everyone leave the garage, peeling out. She especially frowned at Castellano who loaded into a car with Kid Cap. Tulio seemed too frazzled by something else to much care enough to attack the mafioso. Which really piqued the African cat woman's interest. Who did Tulio care for enough that he wouldn't even attempt to harass enemy number one for such actions? She would investigate later.

Not really.

She didn't care.

Instead of loading up into one of the remaining cars, she took her sweet time jogging back to the mansion. She also took her sweet time scouring every corner of the home for anything that they might need later or things that they probably wouldn't need, but didn't need enemies to find. Like Danger. Cat had probably forgotten all about the fact that Danger was an actual person-thing. But Zee collected her as she collected all of the school's information onto one of Lina's devices before giving everything a good charge of lighting.

She had everything she needed and it wasn't much, but it was all loaded into the Black Beauty – She renamed the jet and felt she had the right to since she was pretty much the only one who flew it. She was soon taking to the skies and on her way to New Orleans. She would be the first one there, of course. Even if she did leave an hour and a half after everyone else. Remy's house wasn't that hard to find after she left the jet in the warehouse where Remy kept his trove of stolen goods. It was a mere twenty blocks away, so she hoofed it the rest of the way. She greeted Remy with a β€œhey” before ditching him for the backyard where she found a nice pecan tree with a few low branches.

The sun would be coming up in about five hours and the others would start arriving. She didn't bother with a bath because she was too exhausted. So, she simply took perch on a low branch instead and curled her tail around her body and passed out. What woke her was the snap of a twig causing her ears to jerk up and her body to stiffen. Her eyes shot open and she gingerly sniffed the air. Oh. It was just Anastasia. She gave a nod to her in-law before heading past her, not speaking a word. She was on good terms with Ana and all of her other in-laws. They held an air of regality that was much like her own. They knew what they wanted and they never slacked off. And their family values were enviable. They stuck together.

Sure, many of them were terrorists. But they only wanted what was best for mutants. Sighing, she simply made her way around to the front of the house where she assumed everyone was to be arriving soon. She watched as few people passed by her. There weren't many – Maybe twenty or twenty one of them that left Xavier's. She sighed and ambled her way past Lina and Tulio lacking her usual grace and poise. She normally carried the air of a predator and a princess rolled into one. Now she just looked...defeated. She sidled up next to Remy, both of them silent as they watched everyone slowly arrive. Zalika herself was doing a head count. Erik was missing...Joe and Tommy were missing...Markus was missing...

She frowned deeply until she heard a call for help from the house. Remy seemed to know what was on her mind and gave a light smile. β€œYou go on 'head and see what dey need, cherie. Ah'll keep watch for the others.” He was concerned as she was, though mostly for his son...Julio hadn't shown up yet and he could be a bit reckless sometimes and he wasn't previously exposed firsthand to the harsh ways of some humans. Zalika gave a silent nod and turned to head back up towards the house, trying to be quick but not really trying too hard.

That is until she saw her husband kneeling on the ground and as covered in blood as she was.

She was quicker then and was soon at his side, kneeling next to he and the Empath. She was gentle as she took his face into her hands and turned it towards her own. β€œMy liefde, wat het met jou gebeur? Is jy orraait? Het jy sien Markus? Praat asseblief met my.” Her thick African accent rolled from her tongue smoothly as she spoke in her native tongue in a much more gentle tone than she had ever used with anyone. But, that was generally her tone when she spoke to her husband anyways. It still never failed to surprise most students that she was capable of such gentility.

She pushed back some of her snow white hair that was tinted red with dried blood, trying her best to get him to lock eyes with her and establish that he was at least some form of okay. Her ears were a tad drooping and her tail had curled around her leg as it did when she was anxious.

OOC: Translation - My love, what has happened to you? Are you alright? Did you see Markus? Please speak to me.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Druid Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
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0.00 INK


Fen wasn't quite sure what was happening, all he knew was that he was afraid. There had been a commotion, Something to do with Orfelina and he was no longer holding Julio's hand. It was times like these when Fen's animal instincts overrode his human and it was either fight or flight. So the boy ran. He could hear what he thought was gunfire, people screaming and crying. He could smell smoke, gunpowder and blood and it terrified him. Beginning to hyperventilate he ran for the freedom of outdoors, an unwise move as people who fled were being mowed down by a hail of bullets. He could hear the announcements coming through but he couldn't listen. Terror had taken hold of him.

Before he could reach the door he found himself cornered by men with guns, men who were enjoying themselves. The werewolf could smell their sick happiness all over them and wasn't surprised when they shot him. Taking a few rounds to the torso would generally incapacitate most people, lucky for Fen he wasn't most people. His wounds began to heal themselves as his body began to push the bullets out of his body. Covered in his own blood he merely looked at them silently as they raised their guns yet again. The only difference was instead of a skinny scared boy standing in front of them there was a nine foot werewolf coming right at them.

In a panic the group of men unloaded on Fen but it was as if their bullets were pebbles, bouncing off of his thick hide and ricocheting back at them. Before the men could turn to run or contemplate what was happening Fen was upon them. He'd let the wolf take control and the wolf wanted these men dead, they were just like all the rest. All they wanted to do was to hurt anyone who was different and they didn't even have the decency to be ashamed. After ripping out the last man's throat Fen howled wildly and made for the outdoors where once again bullets didn't matter. The giant savage wolf tore through the ranks of men, ripping, shredding and devouring anyone who he saw as an enemy. He'd nearly killed Anastasia McCoy, lucky for her his sense of smell was uncanny.

When he finally came back to his senses and the red receded from his vision he sniffed out the rest of the survivors. Still in his lupine form, he listened alertly, capable of understanding even while transformed and licked the few, rapidly healing wounds he'd acquired. Fen was glad to see that most of his friends had made it, he had no idea where Julio was but Fen knew that the younger boy was powerful in his own right and could take care of himself.

Shifting back into his human form, he hastily grabbed a pair of pants and jumped into the vehicle driven by Masquerade. Covered in blood, frightened and sick at what had happened he barely remembered the trip to Louisiana. This may or may not have anything to do with the fact that Adelaide was also a passenger in the vehicle and may or may not have tampered with his emotions to give herself some peace.

As soon as they arrived the occupants of the jeep went their separate way. Ana inside, Addie the porch and Fen went in search of Julio. Instead he found Ulric sitting alone in a car. Fen was aware that Julio was great friends with Ulric and when Fen couldn't find his friend he was usually somewhere around Ulric.

Knocking gently on the window that separated the two men, Fen asked the blond man. "Have you seen Julio. He might be lost." Straightening himself he stepped back from the car and looked around, inhaling the air and wishing he hadn't been such a coward. He should have stayed with his friends and protected them. Instead he'd just become a dumb animal again just like he always did.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prodigal
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As Eric sat there dazed and confused, he felt like something was happening. He wasn't sure what, but he felt like some outside force was influencing his body. He could barely hear something, it sounded very distant. It took him a couple of hours....or maybe seconds.....what was the difference between the two, again? Anyway, he realized that the force was someone trying to talk to him. His eyes focused on a very sweet looking young girl, you couldn't be more than 16 or 17 years old. He recognized her. He had immediately detected her French accent, and the next words that came out of his mouth responded to it.

"Oh, vous Γͺtes Adelaide, non? Id vous savez qu'il ya une chanson avec votre nom chantΓ© par Frank Sinatra? Vous devriez l'Γ©couter." he said rather hazily to her.

It was only a matter of moments until he heard another voice that he recognized right away. It was his wife. So she was here too? That was fantastic, he was so relieved!

.....Why was he relieved? Why wouldn't she be safe? And what the hell is that constant ringing noise!?!?

When she spoke to him, his mind immediately transferred to Afrikaans. "Daar is jy, my liefde.....Ek het julle vandag hoe baie ek lief vir jou? Want ek doen, so baie..." His voice trailed stopped. Then moments later, a large burst of what would feel like hot wind shot off from him, enough to blow both girls hair wild.

Small dings and pings could be heard hitting the ground as what looked like mashed shells, needles and shrapnel fell from his person. He immediately turned away from both women and vomited. Memories of the nights events suddenly flashed back into his mind and it was too much for him. He was just glad he was wearing this helmet so Adelaide wouldn't be able to feel what he was.

After a few moments of breathing and spitting, he turned back to both of them. "I'm fine, I'm fine. None of the blood is mine. It's...." He glanced over t Adelaide, remembering her question. "It's the blood of the Purifiers, that's what Stryker is calling his group. I think......I think I stormed one of their bases....and... He looked down at himself and released the banners in his hands. Their bloodstained banners went flying into the wind. He felt a little sick. Hell, he felt dirty and wrong, not just because of the blood, but a deeper feeling. He hadn't killed in self defense.......he had killed in vengeance.

He turned and vomited once again. "The kids......they killed the kids. All of them. 3rd through 7th. Malik, Jordan, Nyxy, Maria, Jean-Luc.......Katelyn. All of happened inches away from me. I couldn't stop it. As he spoke, his voice sound deep and tired and hoarse, but no tears formed and his voice did not waiver.

He was tired, he couldn't talk any more. He looked at his wife sympathetically. "Katjie, my legs don't seem to be working correctly.....would you mind" He asked as he grabbed her hand in his.

(OOC: French:Oh, you're Adelaide, right? Id you know there is a song with your name sung by Frank Sinatra? You should listen to it. Afrikaans: There you are, my love.....have I told you today how much I love you? Because I do, so very much.../ Kitten)

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism Character Portrait: Prodigal
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0.00 INK

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism Character Portrait: Prodigal
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The gentle sound of rapping against the window beside his head manages to snap Ulric, to some degree, out of his sulking, and his head jerks up quickly to look at the person responsible for the tapping. Of course, he knew who it was without looking, able to feel the familiar mind of Fen before the young man had even made a noise, but his telepathic sensitivities are kind of pushed to the back of his mind at the moment. It occurs to him, looking at the boy, how utterly useless he is being at the moment. After all, plenty still require healing, as the group had left before he could see to everyone, and yet here he is, the school doctor, just sitting in a van with his head in his hands. Having a small crisis won't help anyone, idiot, he tells himself rather harshly, but it seems to be somewhat effective, giving him a justification to push back thoughts of what has transpired, at least temporarily, and focus only on the current situation. It will be good for him to make himself busy, anyway, and there is probably plenty for him to do at the moment, given the state of the team.

The doctor rolls down the window to better catch Fen's words, which are a simple inquiry after the location of Julio. The two, Julio and Fen, seem to be very good friends, from what Ulric has seen, and he is glad for this, because it should make transitioning easier for Fen. "No, I haven't, I'm sorry," Ulric responds regretfully, opening the car door and stepping out into the fresh air, only then realizing how stuffy and overheated it had been in the car. It's still rather hot outside, of course, and his long-sleeved, button-up shirt doesn't help, but there is the slightest of breezes, and it is very refreshing to him- a literal breath of fresh air. "I can help you look-" his words go unfinished as he hears a shout in the distance, bringing attention to a need for help. It comes from Adelaide, a young empath, who is standing besides a kneeling Eric. Zee is soon by his side as well, and Ulric pushes up the sleeves of his shirt, looking over at Fen apologetically.

"Actually, sorry, I'll have to help look for him later, I think. There are people I need to see to. I'm sure you'll find him, though," he tries to comfort the boy, certain that Julio made it out of the attack alive, before sprinting over towards Zee, Adelaide, and Eric. He is at their sides in seconds, noticing the thick layer of blood on Eric and immediately thinking of that which stains his own before taking off his dress shirt and dropping it in disgust, leaving a plain undershirt on, as it lacks the same signs of filth.

"Are you okay? Let me examine you," this is less of a request and more of an instruction, because even with the every-intimidating Zee right there, Ulric is the doctor in this group, and when someone needs his aid, he is the one in charge, and isn't afraid of slight hostilities. This is why he seems to lack the normal qualms he would have with interrupting the group."Is it your leg?" Ulric reaches over and presses his hand against Eric's legs to assess the damage, seeing as they seem to have failed him for the moment. While part of his mind focuses on examining Eric's injuries, the other remembers that George had required medical assistance when they left, and that this probably hasn't changed yet.

"Have you seen George?" he asks.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Hurricane Character Portrait: The Raver Character Portrait: Tulio Fury Character Portrait: Deadman Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington Character Portrait: Tarot Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois Character Portrait: Prism Character Portrait: Prodigal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
Caelan showed no signs of clemency on the battlefield. It wasn't in his nature. He was three times as barbarous as everyone else put together, growing empowered (literally) from the death all around him. He got a rush of adrenaline with each life taken and twice the adrenaline when he took a life with his own hands. The astonishment showed in the faces of his adversaries as he would command the cadavers around him to rise and fight for the mutants. Eyes were wide in incredulity as comrades missing heads and limbs would open gunfire upon them. Somewhere along the battlefield his shirt had been torn off. How movie clichΓ© is that? It didn't bother him, though. Though, what did bother him was when his dog tags were yanked from around his neck. That pushed him over the edge and he went completely berserk, quite literally rending apart those that stood before him.

He turned his head at one point, catching sight of his sister falling quickly to the ground. Dropping like a brick. He was running towards her in an instant, registering Tulio destroying the man that had killed his sister. Before he arrived at her side, he skidded to a halt and watched as she slowly began to rise. As Tulio tended to her, he could feel a bullet drill into the side of his own head and he fell. For only a minute he blacked out, but he was soon back on his feet and pulling a heart out of a man. Deadman was an absolute savage when in battle and he never held back. He was now rushing on adrenaline, rage, the will to survive, and the energy from the death all around him. But it was soon all over and he was standing with taut muscles, sweating and covered in blood. The only thing he had noticed on the battlefield was his sister – She had gone into a savage rage that was trademark Howlett. He was proud of her, but he would have to question her later about a suspicion that he had for a while now. But right now wasn't the best time.

Instead, he made his way inside with the others and could feel the rage build in him all over again. There were a few dead bodies of both mutants and Stryker's soldiers littering the foyer and he could smell the death coming from other areas of the house. A small child piped up and explained slowly and tearfully that while they waited for the X-Men to come back and aid them, many had run out the back of the house and hadn't been heard from. Only a few minutes later did the enemies burst in through windows and doors. Few of them hid while the others either fought or ran. Some were killed. Others were captured. Others managed to get away. Caelan opened his arms for an eight year old boy and his twin sister as they rushed to him in tears. He shushed them lightly and soothingly, picking them up and hoisting them onto his shoulders. It was then that he watched, unable to process what was happening, as Thomas Castellano moved quickly and kissed Cataleia with passion that made him want to retch.

He could not bring himself to so much as look at Cataleia as everyone headed out to the garage to load up everyone for the trip to New Orleans. He put Skylar and Sophia in the vehicle with Ulric and Alex, taking his bike. With his current rage build up, he didn't want to risk hurting them if he swerved off road, nor did he want them to see him if he had to pull over and pulverize something. Which he did a few times. His knuckles were white as he rode on, gripping the handlebars as tightly as he possibly could. Had his sister, Alex, Tony, and his father not built a sturdier bike the handlebars would have broken. He had no need to stop at all – His bike was self-powered by some shit that his sister, Alex, and Tony had tried to explain to him but he couldn't keep up with. The scene kept playing over in his mind and he only grew angrier and angrier with each passing moment.

Upon arrival to Remy's house, Caelan saw just how few there were. He looked to the ground and saw the bloody footprints that tracked towards the house through the dirt and grass. Remy was relaxing nearby a tree while beyond him Caelan could see Zalika and Adelaide kneeling before a bloodied Erik Junior. Off to the side he could see Fen tapping on Ulric's window asking about Julio. That worried him a bit – Julio had never been put in a battle situation other than the Danger Room simulations. Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, he turned off his bike and parked it. Running his fingers through his hair, he trudged across the lawn He paused by Zee, Junior, and Adelaide. β€œYou three should get inside – I'll go see if I can round up a couple of medics and have everyone taken care of.” He placed a hand on Zee and Adelaide's shoulders for a few moments, giving them both a reassuring squeeze before turning to head inside. He was greeted by Skylar and Sophia who tackled him with all their might. He didn't budge but he did give a weak smile, feigning elation. He picked them both up once more and made his way into the living room where about seven new faces sat. β€œYou two go wash up and get some sleep. I'll do the same and we can grab some dinner later, alright?” He kissed them both on their forehead and sat them down, sending them off up the stairs.

He wasn't far behind them, only pausing to stand before those in the living room area. Or what he assumed was the living room. β€œAny of you healers or just regular medics?” He knew Skylar could heal, but he was young and untrained. He didn't want to risk something backfiring. It was then that George walked in through the door. β€œHe's outside. Looks a bit shaken up, so you might want to give him a few moments to collect himself.” Ulric's pacifist nature wasn't the world's biggest secret, so the necromancer could only assume that he wasn't feeling too well after being surrounded by so much death and possibly bringing some death of his own. The man needed a bit of space.

He then turned his attention to a young woman that had stood with a raised hand. He recognized her faintly as a mute. So, he didn't really know her name. He gave a nod cleared his throat. β€œEveryone needs to get some rest and wash up before we have dinner. But wash up first. Also, since you are a healer, I need to ask that you go to Doctor Ulric and Doctor Lensherr – The female one - and the three of you please check on everyone and treat the injured from the most serious to the least. Please.” He spoke softly and ran his fingers through his hair. The woman gave a nod and made her way past both he and George quickly to do what was asked of her.

Caelan could only give George a pat on his shoulder before heading upstairs behind the others. He simply wandered the halls before picking a room, closing and locking the door behind him. Lo and behold, who would he find lying in the bed? None other but Cataleia-Bibiana. It was then that he had noticed that he hadn't seen Joe or Thomas since arriving at Gambit's...And they were the first to leave Xavier's. He worried a bit about Joe, but he couldn't honestly say that he would give a damn if Tommy didn't show up at all. Ever. He wanted to be mad at Cat. He really did. But with everything, he couldn't. Even the first time Tommy had stolen her from him didn't make him mad at her – It made him mad at the mafioso. It displeased him to see Cataleia in pain – And while he couldn't blame the physical injuries on Tommy, he could certainly blame him for the emotional pain.

β€œKit-Cat. Hey.” He shook her gently, speaking in a firm yet gentle tone. She stirred a bit under the blankets and sheets atop her before blinking rapidly, slowly gathering herself to wake up. As her brown eyes opened she was accosted by the sight of Caelan. He didn't look as mad as she thought he would. His strong features were pulled into an expression of concern and she soon felt his rough hands brushing against her face and she closed her eyes once more, tilting her head into his now-open palm. β€œI'm so sorry.” Her voice was flaccid as a single tear rolled down her face that he quickly wiped away with his thumb while shushing her.

β€œWe'll talk about it later. Right now, we should shower. We're fucking filthy.” He gave a light and charming smile before picking up his smiling lover out of bed, carrying her to the bathroom attached to the room. What happened within...Well. The sounds coming from within would suggest that they were kissing, making love, and making up.

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Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Louisiana by Vix

"Welcome to Louisiana!"

New Orleans

New Orleans by Vix

"Welcome to New Orleans! Why don't you come join us on Rue Bourbon!"

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House by Vix

"Ey! C'mon in and make y'self comfortable. Got gumbo cookin' and we about to play cards! Who you callin' a cheat'a?!"

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in X-Men: No Man Left Behind. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Raver
Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Character Portrait: The Hurricane
Character Portrait: Prodigal
Character Portrait: Joe Rogers
Character Portrait: Tarot
Character Portrait: Benjamin Banner
Character Portrait: Tulio Fury
Character Portrait: Alexandra Stark
Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington
Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy
Character Portrait: Druid
Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair
Character Portrait: Prism
Character Portrait: Deadman
Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois


Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
Adelaide DuBois

Emotion is messy, contradictory... and true.

Character Portrait: Deadman

Serious WIP

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair
Fen Tier Sinclair

I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I am a wolf in wolf's clothing.

Character Portrait: Druid

"You ever dance with the flowers in the pale moonlight...? Its fun!"

Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy
Anastasia McCoy

What is a lie but the truth in masquerade

Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington
Ulric Worthington

"How can I help you?"

Character Portrait: Alexandra Stark
Alexandra Stark

"Don't say naive like it has to be a bad thing."

Character Portrait: Tulio Fury
Tulio Fury

"... Oh, sorry I was... being useless."

Character Portrait: Benjamin Banner
Benjamin Banner

"The rage isn't something I can control. Only smother or simmer down. It's like it has a mind of it's own."


Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
Adelaide DuBois

Emotion is messy, contradictory... and true.

Character Portrait: Fen Tier Sinclair
Fen Tier Sinclair

I am not a wolf in sheep's clothing, I am a wolf in wolf's clothing.

Character Portrait: Druid

"You ever dance with the flowers in the pale moonlight...? Its fun!"

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Tommy Castellano

She saw my inner darkness and she ran like hell. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Character Portrait: Anastasia McCoy
Anastasia McCoy

What is a lie but the truth in masquerade

Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington
Ulric Worthington

"How can I help you?"

Character Portrait: Deadman

Serious WIP

Character Portrait: Tulio Fury
Tulio Fury

"... Oh, sorry I was... being useless."

Character Portrait: Joe Rogers
Joe Rogers

Honor, Loyalty, Duty, Sacrifice. These are the ideals I am sworn to uphold...and I will uphold them.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ulric Worthington
Ulric Worthington

"How can I help you?"

Character Portrait: Druid

"You ever dance with the flowers in the pale moonlight...? Its fun!"

Character Portrait: Deadman

Serious WIP

Character Portrait: Tarot

"My mind is not a place where you want to be..."

Character Portrait: Tommy Castellano
Tommy Castellano

She saw my inner darkness and she ran like hell. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Character Portrait: Joe Rogers
Joe Rogers

Honor, Loyalty, Duty, Sacrifice. These are the ideals I am sworn to uphold...and I will uphold them.

Character Portrait: Prodigal

"If this is the end, then it will be such an end!"

Character Portrait: Tulio Fury
Tulio Fury

"... Oh, sorry I was... being useless."

Character Portrait: Adelaide DuBois
Adelaide DuBois

Emotion is messy, contradictory... and true.

View All » Places


Louisiana by Vix

"Welcome to Louisiana!"

New Orleans

New Orleans by Vix

"Welcome to New Orleans! Why don't you come join us on Rue Bourbon!"

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House by Vix

"Ey! C'mon in and make y'self comfortable. Got gumbo cookin' and we about to play cards! Who you callin' a cheat'a?!"

1 Garden Lane - Gambit's House

"Ey! C'mon in and make y'self comfortable. Got gumbo cookin' and we about to play cards! Who you callin' a cheat'a?!"

New Orleans

"Welcome to New Orleans! Why don't you come join us on Rue Bourbon!"

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