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Ayaka Satomi

"Can this war end with so many dead?"

0 · 717 views · located in Naruto Universe

a character in “Naruto: End of Attrition”, as played by Ahri




Beautiful Flower
"I'll do as I'm told, but I won't allow our blood to be shed without a fight."


Edwin Starr || War (What Is It Good For?)
Nickelback || Never Gonna Be Alone
Imagine Dragons || Nothing Left To Say
Johnny Cash || Hurt


"I know I'm a little different then the normal, but that just makes me better."

[ Aya | Frost Queen | ]

[ 21 ]

[ Female ]

[ Kumogakure ]

[ Yuki ]

Kekkei Genkai
[ Ice Release ]

Chakra Nature
[ Wind | Water ]

Ninja Rank
[ Jōnin ]

[ Ninja ]

Face Claim:
[ Lan Fan | Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood ]


"I'm tougher then I look just trust me."

Hair Color
[ Black ]

Eye Color
[ Brown ]

Skin Tone
[ Fair ]

[ 5' 6'' ]

[ 132 lbs. ]

Physical Description
[ At a glance Ayaka has no discerning features that point her out instantly. With an average appearance when among the crowd nothing really sets her apart from everyone else. Though upon closer inspection she has stunning hidden features, the most obvious being she is quite beautiful. With a lean body that packs more of a punch then it would seem as well combined with a fairly curvaceous figure to back it up.

Once up close most notice her back-length black hair usually tied back in a bun with the bangs loose that nicely frame her face. Though her brown eyes are nothing to brag about she really has no specific features that jump out, but that's how she prefers it. While she has no truly out right stunning beauty about her, she has somewhat of a natural elegance and appeal. While not on missions Ayaka also seems to have a warming smile that can have a calming effect on those around her.

In general she will wear the standard Kumogakure shinobi style wear no matter the occasion though she does have a set of casual attire that may come out every once in a while. As well Ayaka has a scar from a kunai that starts at the top of her left shoulder and stretches down almost to her wrist. Ashamed of the scar she almost always keeps it covered up. Because of the scar whenever going out Ayaka will add an extra layer of metal armor that forms somewhat of a brace. This partially makes up for the weakness in the left arm and it covers her entire left arm from shoulder to wrist. ]


Abnormal jutsu's... who me? I swear I come from here."

Potential Interest
None at the current moment: Well timing is really just not right. With everything going on it just doesn't feel right to be tied down plus it's hard when you are not good in private with anybody as Ayaka sees it. Not to mention Ayaka really has only love for her village so to find someone else that would fit well with her is really just almost impossible in her eyes as she feels it would require her to love him as much as the village, which is truly a feat.


✠ Kaze no Yaiba || Blade of Wind Barrage
✠ Nintaijutsu || Enhanced Strength


[font=choice of font]"Hey calling me annoying isn't nice, but I forgive you."



    Whistling || When just sitting around doing nothing Ayaka will most always just start whistling to herself for a few reasons. One is doing absolutely nothing bores the daylight out of her she always needs to be doing or thinking about something. Plus it helps ease her mind.
    Annoyance || She has a slight problem trying to be friendly and get people to come out of their shell and comfort level, but sometimes she can go overboard. Some of the time it works and other times all she does it annoy someone to the point of them flipping out at her.
    Party Pooping || Ayaka has a famous party pooping side ruining all the fun. The countless need for rules is all over, but someone needs to enforce them even in that person wasn't told to. So Ayaka has grown quick to stick close to the rules and do as told instead of branching out.

    Reading || Sitting down with a great book is one of Ayaka's favorite pass times as it makes time go by and you can learn new things or just be entertained. Ayaka has been reading since she was a kid anyways so it is something she looks for. Their is always one more book for her.
    Helping Others || In particular the village is the main group of people Ayaka has devoted her life to helping. The village is her family and she would do anything for them. Being able to help the village in any way gives such a fulfilling feeling that she can't help, but enjoy it.
    Rules || Ayaka has always been someone who loves rules. She sees it as rules keep order and that stops people from getting hurt. So she loves them so much and doesn't enjoy them when they are broken either. As well she takes orders on the same levels as rules they both provide something that a society needs and without them a village would be nothing.

    Threats || Mainly she doesn't like threats to the village or any of the people inside of it. She sees them as her family so to threaten this is like threatening her.
    Arrogance || Arrogance is just one of those things that is her pet peeve. In her mind anyone who is arrogant is pretty much just a person who isn't needed around anymore. Not to mention that it is pretty much helping no one in any fashion so it's a fast track to her bad side.
    Sour Things || Sour things bring back bad memories of during the war. Anytime she eats or tastes something sour it reminds her of the time her shoulder got ripped apart. So in general sour things are just something she tries to avoid if she can help it.

    Chakra Pool || Having a large Chakra pool is very useful. This is even more crucial for Ayaka because she is heavy ninjustu based. Because of the large pool she can use more justu's and hold them for longer.
    Taijustu || The reason Taijustu is such a strength is because it fits the combat style of Ayaka perfectly. It allows for quick movement and the saving of Chakra in certain situations.
    Agility || Ayaka is really quick. This not only helps the combat style, but it stops her from taking to many hits from anyone else. With the chakra enhanced strength it makes of for the lack of muscle and normal strength for small period of time.

    Physically Weak || It's not that strength wise shes weak. Though it's when it comes to overall just toughness it doesn't take to many hits before she goes down since she just can't last against constant beating.
    Left Arm || The metal armor helps and allows for natural fighting, but if she isn't careful that her left arm gets it by anything that can get through the metal it's down. The arm will become pretty much useless it's super fragile from her previous injury.
    Teamwork || She has tried many times, but her mindset makes it hard to work in teams. In general when it comes to fighting her style is more lone wolf and less combining and planning. Plus most of her moves are all offensive so unless someone else brings the defense they better hope they can take the enemy down before they can attack back.


"Ya I know you don't want to be friends, but that's ok we can be anyways."[/font]

Kind | Protective | Trustworthy | Sociable | Childish

Ayaka has always loved everyone in the village even if the feelings were not mutual. Because of her history she has always been disconnected from the village, but since she was young this has been her home and so growing up here has made everyone her family. Ayaka is extremely protected of the village and can't stand it when people hurt anyone or even threaten anyone from the village. Though to anyone who hasn't done anything wrong Ayaka may be the most friendly person you have ever met. She is also extremely trustworthy and when she is told to do something by a higher up she does it to the best of her abilities. Not to mention rules mean everything to her so it's completely unlike her to ever go behind your back if you have not wronged her.

Since young she has always been a sociable kid who loved to talk to anyone, stranger, a leader, some big shot, or even someone trying to act like a big shot. Ayaka has just loved to talk it's kind of the reason she hates to be alone though now it feels wrong when she isn't with people. The thing is though she always seems to have a smile on her face and hates to look sad since it's said smiles are contagious "only she says that..." Still unless you are on her bad sad all she shows is kindness and friendship trying to make friends everywhere she goes. Sometimes it gets even to the point of making her seem like a child with her running around with that smile she always has plus she tries to be a joker and make people, but most of the time it's only funny because she's making herself look stupid. She also has a problem trying to get people to come out of their comfort levels even if it requires max levels of annoying on her part.

While she is super kind, fun, childish their is another side to her as well. Ayaka knows when the time comes to change gears when missions roll around unless it's break time she has her game face on and can even seem like a different person. Focusing solely on the mission and getting it done with no problems. Also, when it comes to being in the presence of people who threatened the village Ayaka can seem one hundred percent different treating them with no kindness because she feels as if they deserve none. She will also seem a little more then really hostile, but if she's told to backdown she does. So it just depends on which side of her you are the good or bad, one being a lot better than the other.


"Having to watch your friends die is never fun, trust me.

Ayaka grew up in a seemingly completely normal family in Kumogakure with a brother and a sister. It wasn't until she was around nine when she learned that they were not her real parents. Which overall actually didn't have too much effect on her since even if they were not her real parents they treated like she was their daughter and the family had always been nice to her so she had to reason to be mad whatsoever. As a kid Ayaka was an outgoing active and pretty annoying kid which for some reason made kids not want to befriend her. It was tough at first being alone not have anyone to talk to or play with. Though it didn't take long before she decided mopping around wouldn't do anything and why should she change to make others happy. So she returned to how she was, always trying to pull people out of their comfort zone and striking conversations with anyone who walked past her always with that big smile of hers.

It wasn't until later that she learned of her Kekkei Genkai though it was tough trying to get things to work how she expected. After they had just finished a mission and were heading back, she came across a really small hut and stopped to check it out because why wouldn't you if you were curious. The hut barely had any room at all the really only thing in the room was a small firepit with an old man sitting in a chair just staring at the fire. Like she normally did she walked over and struck up a conversation. He clearly wanted to be left alone, but she wasn't going to give up that easily. Over and over Ayaka pestered him until he threw his hands up and agreed to have a talk. It didn't take long for her to get him to go outside him being pretty pale it looked like some good sun would do him some work. Though as he stepped out he looked up blocking the sun with his hands. Left, right, left his face was curious he told Ayaka that it had been a long time since he had left his tent, people had always brought him everything he needed.

Just being able to help someone made Ayaka go ecstatic. Though what came after was better, he started to tell her stories of all these cool tales he had heard and was telling her the history of all the clans. It seemed he use to study each clan, but gave up as he got older. Hearing these stories took her full attention to the point where it took her a bit to stop him on the tales of the Yuki clan. They apparently were highly skilled at Ice Release, her life had been great up until now it so it was a tough call. Ask about how to find them and try to reconnect with them, but then maybe she wasn't one of them and he just lucky. After looking back and seeing that her family was the village now, she had grown attached she could never leave it for anything it meant the world to her. Though the old man was willing to help her learn some cool new tricks. Not long after she had picked up some new jutsu's and was quite ready to use them when the worst thing happened.

The war started. The village was her life and to have to see her friends and everyone else leave their homes to go fight it was hard. She took part and she still hadn't really known what it was like, but she learned quick. After countless encounters, and watching friends fall left and right it was impossible for her to control her hatred. How could anyone hurt the thing she loved most that was the only thought process she had still no one got out of that war unscathed. Towards tend during an engagement one of the enemies took a kunai knife and ripped it down her arm completely tearing it apart. They retreated as reinforcements arrived, but as the blood rolled down her arm Ayaka was sure she would die. Waking up in the medical ward looking over at a long scar reaching down her entire left arm she felt ashamed. She had failed to protect the most important thing to her the village and now the doctors say that the arms will forever be weak. It was hard for her to process, but over time she got use to it. Still able to fight she turned to the battlefield this time with a fully armored left arm and some new tricks up her sleeve. Though they weren't out there for long before the fifth Raikage died in battle. It was a sad day and what was worse, was now it was possible for peace to happen. Still thinking back to all those who died for the village it might be good to have the war end so no more have to die, but what about all those that did die. Ayaka tossed and turned on it. Answers never came easy.


"Even if the war ends pain is still left."

So begins...

Ayaka Satomi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiriko Gekkō Character Portrait: Katsuro Uchiha Character Portrait: Naomichi Yuhara Character Portrait: Rei Hinode Character Portrait: Akira Aburame Character Portrait: Takehiko Yamamoto
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A blonde figure towered over most of the current shinobi present. Only two were taller than her, one significantly and one just barely. Of course, the only person in the entire world she would expect to tower over her was in fact that man, the Raikage himself. Contrary to many others around her, she was not dressed like a ninja. She wore a black suit adorned with white pin-stripes. The white shirt underneath was untouched in color, save for the red tie right down the center. Across her forehead was a string that tied down her otherwise messy blonde hair. That string tied to a mask in the shape of a fox, clearly identifiable as an ANBU Black Ops mask. Eyes of red looked over everyone arriving from Kumogakure. Her look was not one of malice, but not one of trust either. Even if she was not under orders, she would not have outright attacked them. They were here to create peace, end the killing of each other's comrades. For that reason alone, she would be civil.

Anyone standing near the blonde giant would faintly smell strawberry. It was from the strawberry brandy she had sampled from the night before that helped her keep a smile plastered on her face. A fake smile, and one certainly not caused by her visitors... but a smile nonetheless. A couple of introductions went over Akira's head as she wasn't quite paying perfect attention until someone from Kumogakure had spoken up and told the Uzumaki girl to address the proper guy. Her eyes focused around those talking as she would finally begin paying attention. First to Takehiko Yamamoto, the Raikage. It seemed like she chose the right time to pay attention. Then came the introduction of Nariko Kaneshiro, who in turn introduced Kosan. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about any of them thus far, but at least the Raikage seemed charismatic.

At this point, nobody but Kiyoko from Konoha had introduced themselves. It would seem that this would be up to her. Stepping forward, she puffed out her (regretfully small) chest and adjust her tie. With a clear of her throat, she spoke up. "My name is Akira Aburame, next in line for head of the noble Aburame Clan. I am..." She could not think of a polite and honest adjective to describe it, so she would lie. "I am absolutely happy to have you in our village. In my home." She seemed to assert that point. "Me casa es su casa. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. It is my job after all to make sure that you are all well-taken care of." She also seemed to assert that it was her job, and that she took little pleasure in it. Looking to the sky, a purple-winged butterfly fluttered by and down. She held out her finger for a perch for the beautiful insect. Smiling at it, she let the genuine smile from the bug carry over to the Raikage specifically. "Welcome to Konohagakure."

As Naomichi approached the designated meeting place for the meeting of the peace treaty, his mind began to wander as the cool breeze blew past the relatively plain looking shinobi. How was he selected to go on such an important mission when he himself was only good at slaughter? Could it be for protection if things turned sour? It couldn't be since he clearly expressed his distaste for anymore violence than is necessary. And he wasn't the brightest or the most socially adept of anyone in the village - in fact he was one of the worst. I guess they only wanted me for killing then... Naomichi quietly thought to himself as he heaved a light sigh and lowered his head in a sorrowful manor.

By the time he reached the Kumogakure shinobi he regained a professional look about him. Despite being a top assassin for ANBU, he didn't really look the part. His black, tattered trench coat sat open on his defined muscles, and his eye-patch didn't serve him any better to look more normal. He looked more like a street thug than anything, and the only thing that defined him from being one was the white wolf mask resting on his belt loop, the eye slits giving an intimidating glare towards the others. He felt gross compared to how nice his companions looked around him.

As he scanned the the Kumo shinobi, he found relief that there was another man with an eye-patch like him. Phew, I don't look like a crazy freak now! Thank you Mr. Patchy! Despite his relatively innocent thoughts, Naomichi looked serious and threatening like he would be ready to take on anyone that even stepped out of place. All he was doing was staring down the man with the eye-patch, giving off a vibe that he really wasn't comfortable with the guy. Unfortunately for Naomichi, all he was doing was trying to have a staring contest with him - which he wasn't noticing.

When the man stepped forward though, Naomichi snapped from his trance and listened to what he had to say. Takehiko the Raikage huh? The man definitely matched his predecessors before him in every sense of appearance. He couldn't see anything wrong with him. In fact, there seemed to be nothing wrong with any of them. They all seemed perfectly nice, despite some obvious hostile looks. They probably were not as bad as Naomichi, and if he wanted to be forgiven of his past actions, he must treat them with the kindness and respect he feels they deserve. He even chuckled quietly at their jabs at one another. He felt that they all were just a happy family... something he always wanted.

When Akira introduced himself, Naomichi felt comfort that the only person who he had any relations with was first; Plus he wasn't first to begin with anyway - that would have just been weird with him. He knew that because of their solid teamwork he would be able to springboard off his introduction with enough grace to earn him a perfect score from the Kumo shinobi. After his sincere greeting to Kohana, Naomichi felt it was time for him to step in. He was proud, strong, and ready for anything. He raised his right hand to give a polite wave to the Kumo shinobi as he stepped forward. "Yo..." And then he choked for a moment. He hadn't planned beyond that. He was sweating bullets and he knew it. "I'm... Naomichi Yuhara?" His lip began to twitch at this moment. He wanted to be strong but he didn't even know what to do. "Welcome to our humble village where we plan to have peace one way or another..." And after saying that he just clammed up and slowly slid back into the line to drift back into obscurity.

Akira noticed the partner of many of her missions step forward and introduce himself. In this moment he said more than she had probably heard him speak in her entire time with him. Countless missions he generally remained silent and distant, listening to her plans and generally only confirming them with a nod. Smirking, she gave him a firm pat on his left shoulder as a way to commend him. Naomichi let a soft sigh come out as Akira patted him on his shoulder, slumping his shoulders down and letting his head hang for his failure.

A stretch to the right. A stretch to the left. A shake to the legs. A big yawn to finish it all up. Yes, that is what the infamous Jōnin known to many as Ryuu Tsukino was doing as Mizuki (never the kind to do with titles and honorifics) was explaining why he and the quadro-muppets (likes giving nicknames) were there right before her or even why they were gathered as a team. Really, he could care less about the details or the pleasantries which are needed to be abide. Furthermore, this was a repetitive scene to him. It was like a broken skit which played over and over again until the audience could not bear it anymore. So, do expect some tomatoes to be thrown. That was probably the only reason he had come at all to catch the tomatoes and make some nice ketchup for his omurice. Ah... this was making him hungry.

"I have something to say teacher!" Ryuu eagerly raised his hand with the accompaniment of a broad smile. It only made his handsome face be a bit more than ever. Kiyoko did after all say they can speak freely, so he will take the opportunity to do so. He even waved his hand in the air vigorously akin to a child and he was far from that. Whether he was fully aware or ignoring the the mission they were being entrusted with, no one can tell for certain. "Can I be excused? I'm hungry..." There it is... His fickle sickness known as laziness. This was one of the primary reasons he had not been designated to be an ANBU despite his skill sets being viable for such an occupation. He was also too unpredictable and has a clear disregard for authority even towards their own Hokage which causes her no ends of grief.

"You can handle those Kumo guys by yourselves... So, too--" He was immediately cut off as someone grabbed his ear and literally dragged him away. There were even a few reprimands along the way. Technically, that is how he had come to be in front of the one called Raikage and his entourage. Well, he could also say groupies. They were also told to be nice. Come now, nice was overrated in his personal opinion. However, he did not voice that out and instead held the ear which was still red. As he stood there, he released yet another yawn, clearly uncaring about the significance of this endeavor. In truth, he was already aware what this would entail. So, why not play along in his own way.

Kiyoko stepped up to the plate by introducing herself first. He shrugged his shoulders at this. This is why he called her Teacher. It reminded him of classroom introductions. More than that, he has no need for such things really. He already knew who the Raikage and Kumogakure ninjas are which was not shared by their esteemed redhead leader. As a result, there were a few chuckles on both sides, on their part? It came from him with a smirk on his face. Anyway, their visitors introduced themselves matched with a comedy routine. Well if the peace treaty does not work, they could always find work in entertainment. That's an upside, less death, more money too.

Anyways, it was their turn as Akira started it off with a lie. Then, it was followed by the socially-awkward Naomichi. For now, he still needed those training wheels in conversing. Still, not bad at all. Ryuu then noticed the eyes of his teammates on him. His turn, huh? Among them, he was the tallest and was not hard to spot with his mismatched colored eyes of blue and gold. He wore the standard Jōnin uniform but even then, it fitted him in a way a model would. After all, he is one of the pretty boys. Taking a step forward, he gave a smile. This one rather than a lie or an empty one. It held a blurry meaning. "Tsukino Ryuu. We're here to babysit you guys. Because let's face it, scars will always be scars."

Unlike Kiyoko who would withhold her tongue under the pressure of professionalism, Ryuu was not that kind. He had always pushed the borders and that would not change anytime soon. But then again, things had already been decided as far as he is concerned.

“Tch,”the scoff at Ryuu’s words came from the Konoha ninja furthest away from him, also in the ANBU uniform, a hawklike mask attached to his belt. Katsuro didn’t like standing anywhere near that guy, because he creeped him out, mostly. There was something off about him, like all that careless laziness was some kind of sickly saccharine illusion over something else. Personally, Katsu thought the Tsukino was just as much of an asshole as he was, but covered it up with that act of his. It was stupid. At least Uzumaki was really like that, annoying as it may be. Crossing his arms over his chest, he flicked a grey-eyed glance over the assembled nin. The eyes narrowed and he tilted his head slightly to the side.

Eventually, he shrugged. It was pointless trying to form opinions on someone from just an introduction, anyway. What kind of idiot would only rely on the first impression of someone to reach a conclusion? People were certainly more complicated than that. Of course, he’d seldom met one that he didn’t hate, but he supposed even that didn’t mean he never would. “Uchiha,” was all he gave by way of introduction, and then he threw an aside glance to Uzumaki. Standing out here making awkward small talk wasn’t going to help them any.

As all of the members of her team introduced themselves, Kiyoko could feel a light twitch on her eyebrow. She turned, slowly, to stare at Ryuu, her eyes narrowing just slightly. One of these days... just one of these days she was going to break something. Shaking her head, she sighed softly and turned back to the group, and raised a brow at the kunoichi who had spoken before the actual Raikage spoke. She made to shrug her shoulders, but caught herself, and instead, rolled them back. Couldn't be too disrespectful, not yet at least. She did, however, roll her eyes at the nickname, Nariko produced. She would not fall for that, she had to keep telling herself. Once everyone was finished with their introductions, Kiyoko cleared her throat once more and glanced, properly this time, at the Raikage.

"Now that everyone is formally introduced, I think it's time we show you to where you will all be staying. After that, you, I assume, may be hungry. We will show you to the cafeteria where you and your team may get something to eat, and for the record, Kiriko," she stated, turning her attention towards the dark-haired kunoichi. "I am not the one discussing the peace treaty. That would be your Raikage, and the Hokage, so no, I do not think I should have to do either of that," she replied, a bright smile lingering on her face. Not exactly the most ideal thing to say to the Kumogakure shinobi, but it was true. She wasn't the one going to discuss anything; that was the Raikage and Hokage.

"If there is nothing else to be said," she paused and glared at Ryuu, "then if you follow us, we shall show you the way."