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Sonja Vuković

"My life for his cause."

0 · 325 views · located in Fourteenth Ward

a character in “Rise of the Shinku Fang”, originally authored by Reliquary, as played by RolePlayGateway


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ImageFULL NAME Sonja Leanne Vuković
NICKNAME(S) Brighteyes; CCG, Snips; Everyone else
AGE 15
RACE Ghoul - Full
SEXUALITY Heterosexual - Heteromantic
SIDE Shinku Fang

FACE CLAIM Kohina Hiruko
USERNAME Reliquary

▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬

「 Height & Weight 」
5'0" & 102lbs

「 Hair Color 」
Dark bluish-green

「 Eye Color 」

「 Kagune 」
Rinkaku: She has long tentacle like crimson appendages that sprout from her small body and lash out in a cruel, deadly fashion. They quite outsize her especially since her body is so petite. She however has fashioned her Rinkaku's edges to appear as sword-blades. Since when not using her Ghoul powers that is her weapon of choice.

「 Mask 」
She wears a gas mask with large eyes that seem to glow and it appears to be made out of canvas. Hence her title, Brighteyes.

「 General Appearance 」
Short, scrawny, and with an innocent yet menacing grin. Sonja is one of those people who when you meet them, there is just an underlying feeling of unease about them. Her enormous red eyes take up most of her face, the other part of her face is mainly taken by her grinning mouth. Her hair is choppy and all over the place, as she does it herself, she finds it to be quite fetching. Her small body is only slightly curved, womanhood barely beginning to show on her childlike form.

She wears a cute lolita-style dress that is a grayish-blue with a leather belt and fixings of the same make. Her shoes are boots that match, white toed and the tops folded down over the top. Some people who don't really know her might call he cute, yet most people just call her scary. Her hands tremble almost constantly, not from fear but from bloodlust and anticipation of fighting, of killing.

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「 Likes 」
Blood|| The color, the taste, how you acquire it. Everything about it! It just sends shivers down her spine and makes her so very happy. Crimson is her favorite color after all!
Her master|| Mr. Smiley is her leader and truly the only person in the whole world she respects and cares about. She would gladly sacrifice herself for him without a second thought, just so her beautiful master could achieve his goals.
Mockery||Sonja is a trickster, she loves rubbing people the wrong way and cutting them to their core. She adores mocking people, especially her comrades. Oh it just makes them so upset! How fun.

「 Hates 」
Being looked down on|| She hates the look people give her, the look that they're so much superior than her. She hates the arrogance, the pity in their eyes when people look at her. Like she's some dog that's been kicked one time too many. She gets so angry when people look at her like that, don't they know she's strong? Stronger than anyone! The strongest! She'll crush anyone who looks at her like that!
Being bossed around|| Sonja is a hard-headed little girl, she hates being told no, and hates being told what to do or how to act. She much prefers to be the boss of her own destiny. However that being said, she'd always obey an order from Mr. Smiley, no matter what.
Humans||People call ghouls monsters, people call Ghouls cruel and evil. Yet Sonja knows the cruelest of all creatures are the humans. They preach lies of being the victims when everyone knows they are the evil ones. They are arrogant and hypocritical and that is why Sonja hates them.

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A very immature person, Sonja is practically a child in all aspects. She loves to play pranks on people and mock them relentlessly and then laugh about it as it gives her joy from others suffering, or at least having them so mad at her they give chase. She is a very stubborn girl, never letting people boss her around is possible, she won't back down from her own ideals not unless you knock her out. The way she deals with things and with people is very confrontational, she'd rather punch first and ask questions later. A being of pent up confusion and rage she has a very short-fuse and is liable to blow up at the slightest irritant. Pulling hair and kicking people wherever she can. Some people would also describe her as a bit unhinged or crazy, which she wouldn't deny. She lets whatever pops into her mind aid in her actions, she doesn't really think twice once an idea pops into her mind.

Although she is quite an angry child she is also deadly loyal and dedicated to the cause she thinks is the right one. Never straying from it no matter what. Being young as she is Sonja is rather playful, loving to play games and have people chase her. Loving every moment with her friends, the Shinku Fang being like her new family. She is clingy and affectionate to those she has deemed special in her heart, Smiley being number one on that list. She thinks of him like a father figure, she strives to make him proud of her. Most of her being is just her trying to make people realize she is worthy. This stems from her insecurity. She is very insecure of her as a person, she knows her power is great but that's all anyone has ever wanted her around for. More muscle, more killing ability. Sure she enjoys the killing, she is a very bloodthirsty person, yet there is a small part of her that wonders if perhaps there is something more she needs to aspire to become.

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「 Assets 」
Hand-to-hand combat Sonja is truly skilled, along with the edge of her blade. Swordplay is second-nature to her as her Kagune is sword-like. On top of her combat skills she is also quite stealthy, working in shadows and under the cloak of the night she is a supremely effective assassin and reckon agent. Because of her diminutive stature it is a lot harder for people to detect her as well. Plus she is rather good at disconnecting to focus on her task at hand.

「 Liabilities 」
Sonja has a few key weaknesses. One of them being Smiley, if anyone were to threaten him she would lost all sense and dash on blind. Another of these being that she is rather unfocused. To work at her peak capability she has to concentrate on focusing. One of her other weak spots is that she has weak ankles, this causes her to trip more often than most people. Lastly her other weakness is stuffed animals. She adores them and the promise of a new one makes her putty in the hands of whomever promise the toy. However this is a secret and only Smiley knows about it.

「 Oddities 」
She likes to leave little "gifts" for her friends. Usually teeth she finds or other gross trophies. She's done this ever since she can remember. She will often claim things, like a small child would. A sleeping spot, a toy, a section of her living space. If anyone was to try and take this from her she would become quite upset. Lastly another odd little thing about Sonja is that she likes to sniff people. She likes to do it and it calms her down from a rage. She developed this living in the slums, comforting scents were very relaxing to her and helped her forget.

「 Aversions 」
There aren't many things in this world that she's afraid of, however heights is one of them. The feeling of being too high, the thought of toppling down and crushing on impact, just isn't a fond thought of hers. One of her other little fears is that of abandonment, the idea of her darling Master leaving her is one that would send her into pure panic. It's something that has caused her more nightmares than she can count, she couldn't live without him and she doesn't intend to.

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Born into a harsh environment, her family was told they could live a normal life after the old Ghoul threat was vanquished. Although not all lives are good, even if they are normal. Sonja's parents refused to accept that they would be allowed to live a normal life, no one would give her parents a job so they lived in extreme poverty. This caused her parents to give any food they could get to their daughter, causing them to go wild.

This set off a small dispatch from the CCG to rush in and put down the threat. Her parents knew that they would kill Sonja too, they couldn't leave a trace of a troublesome bloodline. Her mother and father instructed her to hide and not come out until the fight was done. Sonja nodded and her father told her to keep silent, they must not know she was there. So, her parents went off to face the dispatch, they tried to talk the CCG agents down but the leader of the team wouldn't hear of it. He charged his parents with murder and then when her parents denied the charge, the agents attacked. The young Sonja watched in horror as her parents fought like animals against the human agents with their scary weapons. First it was her father to drop, then her mother went into a crazed frenzy, her Rinkaku cut down three of the seven agents and Sonja cheered. Wanting her mommy to kill all the bad men, sadly that wasn't the case. The leader of the dispatch quickly put an end to the two parents. Sonja sat in her hiding place tears running down her cheeks, her whole world had shattered before her eyes in a moment. She cried out and ran into the fray, her own Kagune unleashing and catching one of the men by surprise killing him. The other three remaining quickly subdued her and as the leader was about to end the girls life. His weapon in the air above her and as she saw her very life dangling on a threat about to be cut, the leader's neck snapped. The other men backed up and a man with a mask that bore a grotesque smile stood in a very gentlemanly pose.

In a flash the other men were killed by this man and he then walked towards her. Scared he was going to end her as well she yelped and tried to crawl away but she couldn't move. Instead of hurting her he held out a hand and helped her up. He explained to her that he would not harm her if she agreed to help him with a project he was working on. He told her she would be a perfect addition to his "family." She agreed and held hands with her new savior. Her Smiling Angel who saved her life. So with a common hatred of the Humans Sonja joined the Shinku Fang and pledged her very life to Mr. Smiley's cause, no matter the cost she would help him achieve his goals. For without him her life would have been lost that day.

▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬

「 Sheet Coding 」
Reliquary with Inspiration from various others.

「 Dialogue & Thoughts 」
#144b3e & #69180f

「 Faceclaim 」
Kohina Kiruko||Black Bullet

Spoiler: show
Code: Select all
[font=times new roman][center][size=325][color=#144b3e]⇢[/color][color=#69180f]Sonja[/color][color=#144b3e]⇠[/color][/size]
[color=#69180f][size=150]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/size][/color][/center]
[hr][/hr][img][/img][left][color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]FULL NAME[/color]  Sonja Leanne Vuković
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]NICKNAME(S)[/color] [i]Brighteyes[/i]; CCG, [i]Snips[/i]; Everyone else
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]AGE[/color]  15
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]RACE[/color]  Ghoul - Full
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]GENDER[/color]  Female
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]SEXUALITY[/color]  Heterosexual - Heteromantic
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]ETHNICITY[/color]  Croatian
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]SIDE[/color]  Shinku Fang

[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]FACE CLAIM[/color]  Kohina Hiruko
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]USERNAME[/color]  Reliquary
[color=#144b3e]▌[/color][color=#69180f]THEME SONG[/color]  [url=]♪[/url][/left]
[size=150][color=#69180f]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/color][/size][/center] 
[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 Height & Weight 」[/color][/size]
5'0" & 102lbs

[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 Hair Color 」[/color][/size]
Dark bluish-green

[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 Eye Color 」[/color][/size]

[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 Kagune  」[/color][/size]
Rinkaku: She has long tentacle like crimson appendages that sprout from her small body and lash out in a cruel, deadly fashion. They quite outsize her especially since her body is so petite. She however has fashioned her Rinkaku's edges to appear as sword-blades. Since when not using her Ghoul powers that is her weapon of choice.

[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 Mask 」[/color][/size]
She wears a [url=]gas mask[/url] with large eyes that seem to glow and it appears to be made out of canvas. Hence her title, Brighteyes.
[size=120][color=#144b3e]「 General Appearance 」[/color][/size]
Short, scrawny, and with an innocent yet menacing grin. Sonja is one of those people who when you meet them, there is just an underlying feeling of unease about them. Her enormous red eyes take up most of her face, the other part of her face is mainly taken by her grinning mouth. Her hair is choppy and all over the place, as she does it herself, she finds it to be quite fetching. Her small body is only slightly curved, womanhood barely beginning to show on her childlike form.

She wears a cute lolita-style dress that is a grayish-blue with a leather belt and fixings of the same make. Her shoes are boots that match, white toed and the tops folded down over the top. Some people who don't really know her might call he cute, yet most people just call her scary. Her hands tremble almost constantly, not from fear but from bloodlust and anticipation of fighting, of killing.
[size=150][color=#69180f]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/color][/size][/center]
[center][size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Likes 」[/color][/size]
[b]Blood[/b]|| The color, the taste, how you acquire it. Everything about it! It just sends shivers down her spine and makes her so very happy. Crimson is her favorite color after all!
[b]Her master[/b]|| Mr. Smiley is her leader and truly the only person in the whole world she respects and cares about. She would gladly sacrifice herself for him without a second thought, just so her beautiful master could achieve his goals.
[b]Mockery[/b]||Sonja is a trickster, she loves rubbing people the wrong way and cutting them to their core. She adores mocking people, especially her comrades. Oh it just makes them [u]so[/u] upset! How fun.[/center]
[center][size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Hates 」[/color][/size] 
[b]Being looked down on[/b]|| She hates the look people give her, the look that they're so much superior than her. She hates the arrogance, the pity in their eyes when people look at her. Like she's some dog that's been kicked one time too many. She gets so angry when people look at her like that, don't they know she's strong? Stronger than anyone! The strongest! She'll crush anyone who looks at her like that!
[b]Being bossed around[/b]|| Sonja is a hard-headed little girl, she hates being told no, and hates being told what to do or how to act. She much prefers to be the boss of her own destiny. However that being said, she'd always obey an order from Mr. Smiley, no matter what.
[b]Humans[/b]||People call ghouls monsters, people call Ghouls cruel and evil. Yet Sonja knows the cruelest of all creatures are the humans. They preach lies of being the victims when everyone knows they are the evil ones. They are arrogant and hypocritical and that is why Sonja hates them.[/center]
[color=#69180f][size=150]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/size][/color][/center] 
A very [color=#69180f]immature[/color] person, Sonja is practically a child in all aspects. She loves to play pranks on people and mock them relentlessly and then laugh about it as it gives her joy from others suffering, or at least having them so mad at her they give chase. She is a very [color=#69180f]stubborn[/color] girl, never letting people boss her around is possible, she won't back down from her own ideals not unless you knock her out. The way she deals with things and with people is very [color=#69180f]confrontational[/color], she'd rather punch first and ask questions later. A being of pent up confusion and rage she has a very [color=#69180f]short-fuse[/color] and is liable to blow up at the slightest irritant. Pulling hair and kicking people wherever she can. Some people would also describe her as a bit [color=#69180f]unhinged or crazy[/color], which she wouldn't deny. She lets whatever pops into her mind aid in her actions, she doesn't really think twice once an idea pops into her mind.

Although she is quite an angry child she is also deadly [color=#69180f]loyal and dedicated[/color] to the cause she thinks is the right one. Never straying from it no matter what. Being young as she is Sonja is rather [color=#69180f]playful[/color], loving to play games and have people chase her. Loving every moment with her friends, the Shinku Fang being like her new family. She is [color=#69180f]clingy and affectionate[/color] to those she has deemed special in her heart, Smiley being number one on that list. She thinks of him like a father figure, she strives to make him proud of her. Most of her being is just her trying to make people realize she is worthy. This stems from her [color=#69180f]insecurity[/color]. She is very insecure of her as a person, she knows her power is great but that's all anyone has ever wanted her around for. More muscle, more killing ability. Sure she enjoys the killing, she is a very [color=#69180f]bloodthirsty[/color] person, yet there is a small part of her that wonders if perhaps there is something more she needs to aspire to become.

[color=#69180f][size=150]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/size][/color][/center] 
[center][size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Assets 」[/size][/color]
[color=#69180f]Hand-to-hand[/color] combat Sonja is truly skilled, along with the edge of her blade. [color=#69180f]Swordplay[/color] is second-nature to her as her Kagune is sword-like. On top of her combat skills she is also quite [color=#69180f]stealthy[/color], working in shadows and under the cloak of the night she is a supremely effective assassin and reckon agent. Because of her diminutive stature it is a lot harder for people to detect her as well. Plus she is rather good at [color=#69180f]disconnecting[/color] to focus on her task at hand.

[size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Liabilities 」[/size][/color]
Sonja has a few key weaknesses. One of them being [color=#69180f]Smiley[/color], if anyone were to threaten him she would lost all sense and dash on blind. Another of these being that she is rather [color=#69180f]unfocused[/color]. To work at her peak capability she has to concentrate on focusing. One of her other weak spots is that she has [color=#69180f]weak ankles[/color], this causes her to trip more often than most people. Lastly her other weakness is [color=#69180f]stuffed animals[/color]. She adores them and the promise of a new one makes her putty in the hands of whomever promise the toy. However this is a secret and only Smiley knows about it.

[size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Oddities 」[/color][/size]
She likes to leave little [color=#69180f]"gifts"[/color] for her friends. Usually teeth she finds or other gross trophies. She's done this ever since she can remember. She will often [color=#69180f]claim things[/color], like a small child would. A sleeping spot, a toy, a section of her living space. If anyone was to try and take this from her she would become quite upset. Lastly another odd little thing about Sonja is that she likes to [color=#69180f]sniff people[/color]. She likes to do it and it calms her down from a rage. She developed this living in the slums, comforting scents were very relaxing to her and helped her forget.

[size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Aversions 」[/color][/size]
There aren't many things in this world that she's afraid of, however [color=#69180f]heights[/color] is one of them. The feeling of being too high, the thought of toppling down and crushing on impact, just isn't a fond thought of hers. One of her other little fears is that of [color=#69180f]abandonment[/color], the idea of her darling Master leaving her is one that would send her into pure panic. It's something that has caused her more nightmares than she can count, she couldn't live without him and she doesn't intend to.[/center]

[color=#69180f][size=150]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/size][/color][/center] 
Born into a harsh environment, her family was told they could live a normal life after the old Ghoul threat was vanquished. Although not all lives are good, even if they are normal. Sonja's parents refused to accept that they would be allowed to live a normal life, no one would give her parents a job so they lived in extreme poverty. This caused her parents to give any food they could get to their daughter, causing them to go wild.

This set off a small dispatch from the CCG to rush in and put down the threat. Her parents knew that they would kill Sonja too, they couldn't leave a trace of a troublesome bloodline. Her mother and father instructed her to hide and not come out until the fight was done. Sonja nodded and her father told her to keep silent, they must not know she was there. So, her parents went off to face the dispatch, they tried to talk the CCG agents down but the leader of the team wouldn't hear of it. He charged his parents with murder and then when her parents denied the charge, the agents attacked. The young Sonja watched in horror as her parents fought like animals against the human agents with their scary weapons. First it was her father to drop, then her mother went into a crazed frenzy, her Rinkaku cut down three of the seven agents and Sonja cheered. Wanting her mommy to kill all the bad men, sadly that wasn't the case. The leader of the dispatch quickly put an end to the two parents. Sonja sat in her hiding place tears running down her cheeks, her whole world had shattered before her eyes in a moment. She cried out and ran into the fray, her own Kagune unleashing and catching one of the men by surprise killing him. The other three remaining quickly subdued her and as the leader was about to end the girls life. His weapon in the air above her and as she saw her very life dangling on a threat about to be cut, the leader's neck snapped. The other men backed up and a man with a mask that bore a grotesque smile stood in a very gentlemanly pose.

In a flash the other men were killed by this man and he then walked towards her. Scared he was going to end her as well she yelped and tried to crawl away but she couldn't move. Instead of hurting her he held out a hand and helped her up. He explained to her that he would not harm her if she agreed to help him with a project he was working on. He told her she would be a perfect addition to his "family." She agreed and held hands with her new savior. Her Smiling Angel who saved her life. So with a common hatred of the Humans Sonja joined the Shinku Fang and pledged her very life to Mr. Smiley's cause, no matter the cost she would help him achieve his goals. For without him her life would have been lost that day.

[color=#69180f][size=150]▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬[/size][/color][/center]

[center][size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Sheet Coding 」[/color][/size]
Reliquary with Inspiration from various others.

[size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Dialogue & Thoughts 」[/color][/size]
#144b3e & #69180f

[size=100][color=#144b3e]「 Faceclaim 」[/color][/size]
Kohina Kiruko||Black Bullet[/center]

So begins...

Sonja Vuković's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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For years the fourteenth ward has been at peace. Ghouls that roamed the city were now deemed as non-hostile beings, and everyone was at ease. They coexisted for the time being. But then, attacks on both species suddenly skyrocketed. Many were being killed, and everyone was now in a state of panic. Soon, the group of ghouls that led the attacks revealed themselves. Calling themselves the Shinku Fang. The CCG investigated and could find nothing on who the six ghouls were. Their peace had been taken once again.

Currently, the group of agents and ghouls selected to stop them was standing in front of a building over in the fourteenth ward; where all the havoc was happening. Their mission was to simply capture, and turn in the group of terrorist ghouls before they took over the ward, and eventually the CCG in the twentieth. Yes, the leader Mr. Smiley had openly revealed their plans to the authorities; just for a kick of fun. After all, they'd need help anyway, right? A head start was what Shinku gave them, they were lucky the leader was feeling generous at the time.

But of course the group of recruited specimens' mission was proving to be difficult. No attacks had occurred at all since about a month ago long before they arrived, which was only today. Citizens were on edge, anticipating the next news report of a dead human or ghoul, but nothing. Perhaps Shinku was playing a silly little game. It is their nature of course. Aside from all that, it'd be hard to choose roommates for these 'young' fellows. With so many clashing personalities, there were sure to be some interesting moments.

Meanwhile, the Sparrow, said leader's right hand man(woman) was watching this group of people from inside the building's lobby, through the glass front doors. The rest of the group were disguised as various staff, waiting for the right moment to strike. There were many humans in this quaint hotel. Which one would they choose to kill? The first encounter would finally take place.

Let the games begin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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0.00 INK



The two siblings, having donned costumes to give the appearance of them being employees in the fancy hotel. The older, Kazumi, has their hair tied up in a fluffy ponytail to keep their long, waist-length fuchsia hair out of the way. Their younger sibling Kiyomi wears her hair in pigtails as per usual. Kiyomi sits on the front counter with her legs swaying back and forth, looking tragically unprofessional. Her older sibling has to gently swat her off of it (to which she pouts).

❝Kazu-nee, Kazu-nee! When are we gonna get to do stuff? I'm so boooored! I wanna do fun stuff! I wanna do stuff that's really fun!❞ The eccentric teenager bounces up and down, looking up at her sibling hopefully. Kazumi does not hold all the answers, but Kiyomi rather acts like they do.

Kazumi sighs and leans against the counter, opening their mouth wide for a yawn. It is rather dull here, having to wait around for the perfect time to strike, and disguising themselves as employees does not do much for the entertainment factor. The two eccentric and bubbly siblings must tone down their usual personalities (though Kiyomi doesn't seem to be doing so too well). The older sibling reaches out and ruffles her hair, to which Kiyomi giggles.

❝Patience, patience, Kiyocchi. Your adooooring Oneesan loves to see you so eager, but we should wait for a sign from Smiley-san.❞ Kazumi boops her nose, which she covers with her hands. ❝Then, we'll find some pretty young boys for me to eat riiiight up, and we'll find cute girls for you to play with~ ❤❞


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sigma


Dialogue #5e62b8Thoughts #b55eb8

"Just when i thought I'd finally catch a break, huh?" Dual mutters to herself as she pays for a can of soda from a vending machine right across from the hotel where the members of the CCG that were sortied to the fourteenth were supposed to meet up. Opening the can and taking a sip in between puffs of smoke from her cigarette, Dual observed the building from where she currently was. From the outside of the building, everything looked perfectly fine. proceeding her observation further, she glanced around her surroundings through her peripherals. Nothing seems out of the ordinary around either. She dropped her cigarette and promptly stamped it out while taking a long chug of the soda she held in her hand.

She had arrived some time ago and was observing the meet up location, waiting for the remainder of the group. As the senior investigator in charge of the case, Dual had the duty to arrive her on time and before everyone else. Although, admittedly, she had arrived a bit later than planned, just in time to see one person snag some keys and head into the depths of the building. Based on that alone, she had to assume that the possibility of other people having arrived before her was likely.

To be honest, I really don't wanna head in just yet. But I suppose I might as well see if anyone else checked in before I arrived. She thought to herself as she finished off her drink. Crushing the can in her hands, she turned towards a nearby recycling bin and tossed it. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it, she quickly jogged across the street towards the hotel, the metallic case fastened to her back making the run more awkward than it should have been. She entered the building and took a glance around the room. It was pretty plain and simple, but it was fashionable in its own right. She turned back towards the main counter, but thought twice before addressing the two managing it. They seemed rather... eccentric and unpleasant to deal with.

With a puff of smoke, she decided she'd just wait in the lobby for now. She'd rather not deal with the pink-themed duo, it felt like work just looking at them. Instead, she chose to walk over and sit down on one of the chairs in the lobby. She unfastened the case on her back and put it down between her legs on the floor. "This would be such a good time for a nap..." Dual said aloud, as she stretched her arms upwards. However, she knew that a nap was something she couldn't take. She had to watch the entrance of the building, just in case another member had entered. For the time being, she'd just sit back and relax with her smokes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Kuroko Nagashima Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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Sonja really liked Master Smiley's plans. Plus this one was so much fun! She got to dress as a bellhop and her normally red eyes were brown, thanks to some rad contacts. She pranced about in another room right next to the lobby. It really was so much fun. Then however she spotted an agent come in, along with two ghouls working with them. Her stomach churned with rage just seeing them. She stepped out to see Kana, she sure looked funny dressed like that, Sonja had to hold back her laughter at the obvious anger Kana had. Oh how much she wanted to get up in her face and rub it in. Kana's in a skiiiirt, Kana's in a skirt! However, not to blow her darling master's perfect plans, she only thought it instead. Soft bouncy music box tunes began playing in her mind, her heart raced from anticipation, she wanted to fight. She wanted that pretty agent woman to bleed, her blood would be so pretty so red. She was tired? Sonja could fix her! She held up her hand and bit down on her finger hard to suppress her desires. She had to await the signal. The only reason she wasn't working the floor like the siblings was simply that Smiley knew she wouldn't be able to suppress her desires if she had to interact with anyone. So, she got a costume and orders to remain at a distance. On her life she would obey.

She twirled away from the doorway into the room adjacent to the lobby and jumped around. More agents and ghoul scum poured in one after another. How exciting, how wonderful! She wanted to fight them, she wanted to tear the limb from limb with her Rinkaku, slicing through their flesh like a knife. She could hardly handle all this, she wanted her Master to give the kill order, she wanted it so badly. All this tension was only driving her crazy.

She hurried back to the doorway upon hearing someone address the siblings. A little girl? No, it was a ghoul too! She narrowed her eyes and observed, a more serious emotion taking over her. Before she was having a small tantrum about not being able to fight but now it was as if her energy compressed into a focused utility. Her eyes would not miss a thing now, her big eyes that have seen everything since she was born. Her mind silenced to the thought of a clock ticking, counting down until it was time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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#, as written by Sigma


Dialogue #5e62b8Thoughts #b55eb8

Dual's lazy expression softened ever so slightly at the sight of another member of the CCG walking into the building. The cigarette which she had been holding in between her lips nearly fell to the ground. Though she would not admit it herself, she almost outright shrieked at the sight of the junior investigator headed towards her. What the heck? What dimwit made this adorable kid be a fighter? She's a doll! She shouldn't be on the damn battlefield! At least, that what Dual was thinking. On the exterior, however, she managed to hold herself back by biting hard on the end of her cigarette, although careful enough to not chew right through the paper. However, despite how cute she thought the other to be, she couldn't help but scowl at the introductions made. Her eyes quickly scanned the room to see if any eyes were fixated on their position, but, in her immediate line of sight, there appeared to be none. Granted, scanning your surroundings without being too conspicuous is not too simple of a task, especially if you happen to be able to see out of only one.

"Y'know, we're in enemy territory. You can't just flat out say who we are. You don't know who might be listening," Dual said with an exasperated sigh as she softly rubbed her forehead. "You ain't wrong, but we don't know whose listening in on us. Though chances are they already are aware of our presence. Doesn't take much of a genius to know we would be taking action sooner or later." With a troubled smile she sat up straight and tilted her head forward slightly, as a sort of mock bow, and returned the handshake with Tori. Out of the corner of her eye, Dual noticed another person enter the building. She caught a glimpse of white hair and was about to comment, but was stopped short by Tori's offer.

Dual took a second to let the proposal sink in. Well, as far as the Investigators go, she ain't wrong. It's only us two girls. I personally don't mind bunking with either a guy or girl, but maybe she does. In any case, Dual couldn't resist the offer from such an adorable person. "Well, since you've taken the time to make such a generous offer with me, I don't see why not. Thanks." Dual replied, letting a more peaceful smile spread across her face. "Ah, by the way, Dual's fine, kiddo. I'm not into the whole respect for the seniors thing. Not like I'm much of a senior anyways."

Leaning back into her chair, Dual adjusted her position ever so slightly as to allow the duo at the desk to enter her field of view. Partway through her chat with Tori, Dual noticed the person who had entered previously walk over to them. While she did scan the files given to her prior to sortie, she had only glanced at the files of the ghouls. More specifically, she can match the name to the face and that's about all. She took off one of the ear-like accessories off of her head, and pretended to fiddle around with it as she observed. The one who had previously entered the building before, Esmé or so Dual remembered, looked absolutely adorable as well. Dual was sure that Esmé was fully capable of carrying herself (Dual only skimmed the files, mind you. She honestly believes thus far that Esmé is of the female gender) and would likely not require her assistance if something happened, but ghoul or not, Dual was in charge of the group. She had to be prepared to step in at a moments notice, should push come to shove. After all, she couldn't help but shake the feeling that they were being monitored... from more places than one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kimura Shiori Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Tsuda Yuino Character Portrait: Junko
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And so, the two wait, blissfully ignorant of all of the negative attention they seem to be gaining. Though a glare from Kana humbles the siblings, their gazes lowering to the desk. Kiyomi stops her bouncing, and Kazumi tugs at a few strands of their hair. ❝Scary, scaaaary!❞ say the two of them together, though very much under their breath and to each other.

It isn't long before the two at the front desk receive a visitor in the form of a child—no, not a child, but a very small ghoul. The scent is delectable, and for a moment, the two siblings have to fight over their urges to lose themselves internally. Some higher power muuuuust be testing us for sending such an adooooorably delicious ghoul to us. Before Kiyomi gets the chance to speak up, Kazumi raises their hand, beckoning the 'child' forward.

❝Absolutely, little dove! Are your parents around?❞ They step out from behind the counter and bend toward Esme, as Kazumi seems to tower over Esme in an almost comical display. ❝That is a lovely dress you have on! Where did you get such a dress?❞ They reach out for the empty drink to be discarded, a wide, close-lipped grin on their features. Kiyomi claps her hands together, circling once around the 'child.' She looks absolutely ecstatic, as Esme appears to her as an adorable young girl, and girls of all ages happen to be Kiyomi's favorite thing.

❝Uwaah, did you really lose your parents?❞ Kiyomi's question comes out of left field, as Esme left no indication of this, but it's expected of the slightly dim-witted younger sibling. ❝You can stay with us until you see them again! Kazu-nee's right—you have a really cute dress. I used to wear dresses juuuust like that when I was your age. How old are you?❞

As the two siblings bombard the supposed child with questions, plans unfold along around them. No matter what becomes of this ghoul-child, the two will have their fun, just as everyone else will have theirs, as well. Whether they've been enlightened of Esme's true nature or not would be ambiguous, but one thing the siblings do know for sure—this one smells an awful lot like those CCG bastards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hasekura Kaname Character Portrait: Kiyomi Kyo Character Portrait: Kazumi Kyo Character Portrait: Kuroko Nagashima Character Portrait: Esmé Character Portrait: Dual Sumire
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It was getting unbearable to contain her excitement! She exited the side room and made her way, her hands twitched from the anticipation. Her mind ran and ran five or six steps ahead of her body. In her hand was a small cane, which hid her sword. He entered the lobby and spotted Kana, stifling a laugh she made her way over there, chipper as could be, yet an underlying build up was forming. Blood. I can smell it, their flesh, their soft bodies are so close to me. If I jumped one of them I'd surely get to slice one up! I want to see them all run red. . . I want to smell the iron in the air. Please hurry Smiley, I can't contain it any longer! She stood in front of Kana and saluted.

"Do ya' want help with yer bags lady?" She said with an over dramatic bow. Oh god she was so excited, she giggled at Kana obviously overjoyed at this whole situation. She then leaned in close and tapped her shoulder. "W when can I let loose Kana-nii..." She whispered fidgeting. Her eyes then shot over to a pair sitting, the boy was tapping something. How obnoxious, why couldn't humans just shut it! So loud so awful. She'd kill him first, tapping man would die first!