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Snippet #2012600

located in Manus Luna, a part of From Light to Shadow, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manus Luna

The last place in which life persists, a small floating landmass full of strange technology and culture. . . .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicoletta Celeste Ardente Character Portrait: Syd Lastern Character Portrait: Alex "Alexi" Reed Character Portrait: Vincente Flynn Ardente
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As the best fell to electrocution, Alexi fairing little better from the injuries heā€™d taken from the Hunter himself . . . Nicoletta found herself not doing quite so well herself. Her shoulder was aching, and her body was throbbing with the need for her inner fire to release itself from the previous battle. It desired to incinerate something. . . . But, there was nothing left o burn up without revealing herself, her status as a Gifted. Death no longer loomed over her head, her life was no longer threatened . . . so why was it that her powers still desired destruction? In this state, what would happen to her? Could she keep control over herself, and resist the urge to burn?

She heard well what was going on around her, and she remembered why it was sheā€™d come to Dominion Hecate in the first place, whoā€™d she come with. The textiles, Momchil, Amalia . . . here for her mother. Her family was still there, and she still had something to do on that hot day, she had been sent to do something simple and had wound up getting caught in a battle with a monster like her sister fought. Mom. . . . I said Iā€™d get your bolts of cloth. Nicoletta reminded herself, her eyes shutting as her small body began to shake from the sense of her powers beginning to overwhelm her. The blonde stood where she had stopped after the battle had abruptly ended, her head cast down toward the ground, her arms hanging limp at her sides, the gun still in her hand. While her shoulder ached in pain, Nicoletta herself had begun trying to stave off the heat that was coming from her bones.

At this rate, she was going to be consumed.

"Well, your textiles are waiting for you and your siblings on the counter of the shop. I advise you to get them quickly before the cops fill the streets, armed with their papers and pens." she heard the shopkeeper speaking to her, but . . . it sounded muffled, completely so. The sounds of Portum Animas were dull in her ears. So, though it seemed rude indeed, the teenager gave no response to the manā€™s words, simply she stood there as before.

Iā€™m losing the battle . . . the fire is going to win, isnā€™t it? she questioned herself, body beginning to quiver as her heart sped up in her chest. A nervous gulp came from the girl as in her moment of panic, she found the grip upon her revolver loosening to the point that she let it go, the thing clattering to the pavement below. If I let go now, Iā€™ll end up following in Aylinā€™s footsteps, Iā€™ll be detained, and forced away from everyone.

Nicoletta didnā€™t want to have to let go of herself, she wanted to keep a hold on this, of herself and her power, she didnā€™t want to be shown as a Gifted. But, she wasnā€™t even sure if she could keep on going as this felt, her body was beginning to ache so much from it. . . . The heat was beginning to consume her from the inside out, her bones felt as if they were on fire, her skin and muscles felt as if they were melting. Tears began to run down the girlā€™s face as she continued her inner struggle to keep her grip. But, without meaning to, words slipped from her lips as she found for control over her own body, ā€œC-Canā€™t . . . I canā€™t keep this up. . . .ā€

Without warning, she dropped to her knees and her body lolled to the side hitting the hot pavement with a thud. No, Nicoletta was not yet unconscious, but she couldnā€™t keep standing and holding it at bay. ā€œGo-going to lose it.ā€ She mumbled, voice wavering as her form suddenly tensed up, and her eyes clenched shut. And . . . just as it felt as if she were going to go up in flames and consume everything around her with her fire, incinerate and burn so much, something broke her of those terrible feelings and thoughts.

A voice called from nearby, a voice she knew so well, ā€œNicoletta!!ā€ Even if she did at times pretend to be annoyed by the owner of that voice, at that moment, the blonde girl could not have been happier to hear it.

Her body felt like it had gone numb for a moment, as she struggled to move her head to look in the direction of the voice whoā€™d called for her. Tears still came from her eyes while the throbbing resumed, yet a weak smile worked over her face as a name came from her lips, ā€œV-Vincente. . . .ā€

Into view, a sword-toting young blonde man came into view, sharing the same grey eyes as Nicoletta, a look of worry etched upon his face. Nicoletta looked at him, happy to see her brother then. ā€œNicoletta, what happened to you?!ā€ he cried out, running over to her collapsed form, kneeling down.

ā€œAl-almost lost it,ā€ she told him, her voice soft. ā€œBut, I-I think I have control over it now.ā€

A look of concern overtook Vincenteā€™s face, ā€œYou donā€™t much look like you have control over it sis. . . .ā€

Nicoletta shook her head, ā€œI think Iā€™ll be all right, it was just an aftereffect of fighting . . . the battleā€™s over now, and there are more important things to worry about than me,ā€ the girl weakly moved herself up and pointed over to where sheā€™d last seen Alexi with his injuries, ā€œAl-Alexiā€™s gotten a nasty wound from all this, he needs medical attention. . . . Then, thereā€™s Momchil and Amalia too, theyā€™re still in the shop, waiting to gather the textiles for mom.ā€

ā€œNicoletta, the textile bolts donā€™t matter right now, mom might not thrilled if she doesnā€™t get them today, but sheā€™ll understand that your health, as well as Alexiā€™s, comes first. Same for the twins.ā€ Without giving his sister a chance to respond, Vincente looked around and spotted the shopkeeper who looked a bit like himself, of course, while Vincente had much the same thought about that as his sister, unlike her, he didnā€™t suddenly go and spout it out. ā€œIā€™m going to assume youā€™re the one in charge of the shop our motherā€™s shipping order got sent to by mistake; I apologize for this, but weā€™re going to have to leave those with you for the time being, Nicolettaā€™s not doing so well and her friend is injured.ā€
