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Bardon Hemos

"I only want to see her smile and laugh again, with the same light in her eyes as she had when she was still with us. Would you not be willing to sacrifice just as much too hold the one you love again.

0 · 826 views · located in Manus Luna

a character in “An Elegy in the Ashes”, as played by Wake


Bardon Hemos


Theme Song: Mr. Freeze - fan made
Role: The Crypt Master
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): The necromancer, Blood sage, The Bleeding Widow, The Heretical Doctor.
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Love Interest: He still believe he can bring his wife back to life. He ignores all others attempts to court him while he searches for a way to achieve that forbidden promise.


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 161
Build: Muscular
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Dusty Blond

Description: It's been said that Bardon's gaze can feel piercing when one is under it. Indeed some have been stopped dead by the frozen blue orbs starring into their eyes. He stands and walks with his back straight, making slow and careful movements as though attempting to be both delicate and precise with each action he takes. His expressions remain calm and relaxed. He'll smile and frown, same as any other person, but it will be a subtle expression only, never exaggerated. At times he will often seem almost serene in how calm he is, something that can cause others to inadvertently lower their guard around him, something more cautious individuals will find unnerving.

Most notable is the web of veins that appear across his chest and face. Starting at his abdomen and reaching up to his eyes, whilst stretching across his chest and back, these blood vessels become much more pronounced when he uses his powers. When inert he can make them more transparent allowing him to hide them better.

Preferred Clothing: The cold doesn't bother him, his powers are able to keep his body functioning fine even at frigged temperatures. As such he's not too concerned with leaving much of his torso exposed. When he does have company he'll take the time to put a shirt on to make them feel less uncomfortable around him. If he needs to go out or start... "Working for a client" he usually sports a nice thick shirt and trench coat, usually accompanied with a hat of some kind.


Oddities: Given his ability to always seem relaxed, he tends to be undisturbed by things that would bother someone else. For example he likes to be in colder environments, nor does he mind foul smells. This adds to how eerie he can be at times, when he's able to remain relaxed even around things that would agitate others.

Skills: Bardon is a masterful surgeon and was considered one of, if not the, greatest doctors in Manus Luna... before certain disagreements with the church and government forced him to flee from public eye. He has a very extensive knowledge of the human body, how it works and how each part interlines with others. As such he can put that to use in a variety of situations. Most related to treatment of patients but in other ways as well.

Fears/Phobias: - Autophobia- Fear of being alone.
Likes: Cats, reading, soft music, cold temperatures, rain, stars, art, practicing medicine, coffee.
Dislikes: Rudeness, untidiness, obnoxious sounds and music, people who to disrupt his work, the Cathedral Square and Niamh Antouanette.
Hobbies: Pencil drawing and sewing.

Personality: Bardon is soft spoken and polite individual, keeping his expression and tone on a even level, rarely raising his voice or becoming loud. Though he can seem a little reserved at times Bardon is a friendly and helpful person once you get to know him, able to show concern when warranted and offer advice when needed. Being as patient and understanding as he is he can be an easy person to converse with, making it rather easy to open oneself up to him.

At times though he suffers from depression occasionally, and though he is quite good at suppressing it, it doesn't change the fact that he often feels pangs of loneliness. Still, he manages to keep himself busy with his work, something that he takes great pride in. In fact at time he can almost seem obsessive with his projects and research. It's when Bardon is fully immersed in his work that he can seem almost eerie. Being pron to shutting out distractions and muttering to himself he ignores much of the world around him. At times like this he can become almost a different person, still calm but more assertive.


Preferred Weapon: Bardon rarely finds need for weaponry. He is quite effective at unarmed combat, maybe even more dangerous with the way his powers work.


Hemokinesis - Blood manipulation - The very center from which all of his abilities are based one. His other two "powers" are just an extension of this. Bardon can control his blood even after it's left his body.

Necromancy - Corpse reanimation - Exactly as the name implies, by using his blood he can bring a decease body back to working condition.

Biokinesis - Flesh manipulation - His control over blood can allow Bardon to cut and stitch flesh. A skill he uses mainly in more complicated operations.



  • Red Scalpel - Bardon can make his blood shift and change into the form of knives and needles. Useful for surgery work, but can be used as improvised weapons. Especially dangerous as he can make these impossibly sharp and extremely durable.
  • Scarlet Injection - It's possible for him to insert his own blood into another person. The effects can be either helpful or harmful depending on his intentions.
  • Crimson hands - By wrapping blood around his hands, Bardon can make near indestructible gloves. He can stimulate these to create and "impact" effect, or make the blood vibrate on such a high frequency that it lets him cut through steal.
  • Velvet Bullet - When he needs a more precise form of ranged attack, Bardon takes a small bit of his blood and wraps it into a little ball. He then fires this ball like a bullet, using his hands to redirect it mid flight. The down side to this attack is that Bardon needs to both dedicate at least on hand to controlling the attack and stay standing in one place, as controlling the ball while moving is extremely difficult. Because of the amount of focus this attack needs, he uses it very rarely.


  • Breath again - When inserting blood into a corpse, he can use it to re-stimulate the nervous system and force the heart to beat again. This process, unfortunately, isn't a form of resurrection as the body is still capable of rotting and lacks the ability to think beyond processing orders and acting with animal like behavior. Bardon's capable of using these bodies as puppets, mentally controlling them from a great distance. As reanimated corpses, these bodies have no sense of self preservation, and while this means they tend to get torn up pretty easily it also means that they can continually get back up and move after taking damage. When coupled with his use of Biokinesis Bardon can even enhance the muscular structure of the body, making it much stronger and faster.
  • Blood guardian - The most advanced stage of his necromantic powers. By converting the entire biological structure of a body into blood, Bardon can create a life form entirely made of living blood. Blood Guardians are slightly more intelligent then walking corpses, but are still incapable of doing anything without orders. They are, however, much, MUCH, more powerful. Being entirely liquid based, most physical attacks are virtually useless against them and they are capable of changing form and shape at will. They are able to crystallize parts of their bodies into incredibly hard, incredibly strong forms capable of both crushing an slicing through metal with ease. Bardon can use these creatures as familiars, able to carry messages or spy on others.


  • Sealed Pains - Bardon can crystallize the blood over wounds, stopping blood from escaping and uses the blood to stitch tissue back together. This doesn't heal the injury outright, but it can hold together injuries that could otherwise be fatal until better treatment can be applied.
  • Purging - Bardon can also use his powers to remove any kind of blood born disease or toxin, rendering himself immune to most poisons and allowing him to treat what would otherwise be considered incurable afflictions in others.
  • Limit removal - Using his bio-kinetic powers, Bardon can ensure his body remains structurally sound even under great amounts of stress. This can allow him to empower his bones and muscle enough to let him surpass the normal human limitations and achieve physical strength and agility that wouldn't be possible in an ordinary person.

Fighting Style: Bardon is a very analytical fighter, he tries to study his opposition first, trying to pick out their movement before delivering pressie strikes that debilitate, unbalance, and destabilize. His opening attacks are mostly experimental, testing the other combatants reactions and movements. He will appear defensive or often light on the attack at first. Once he has his opponent's fighting style sufficiently mapped out he lets go of earlier restrains and begins quickly taking them apart piece by piece. And with Bardon's vast knowledge of the human body and how it is structured, he knows exactly where to hit that will bring someone down too their knees and leave them doubling over in pain.

Relationship Status: Widow (he refuses to believe that she can't be brought back)
Family: An orphan since an infant, his only known family is (was) his wife Auria

Personal History/Background: Bardon was raised up in an orphanage run by the church. His mother had died during child birth, and he never knew who his father was. As a child Bardon was a very quiet boy, usually left alone by the other kids. He spent most of his time reading to entertain himself while the other kids played, finding some interest in academic, if only to keep him busy. At times the caretakers would take the children out on field trips to different parts of the city. One of Bardon's growing favorites was the hospital just a little way down the street from the orphanage, where the healers lived.

As he grew older he began to study medicine, deciding that he wanted to become a doctor when he became an adult. It was as he became an apprentice that his powers started to awaken. It was small at first, just being able to sense the pulse in another persons body. But over time it grew, allowing him to track it's movement through the body, and even draw it out during operations. Though his co-workers were a bit unnerved around him initially, they began to warm up to him and his abilities as he showed increasingly better results in his operations. As he was already considered a part of the church's healers division, he was quickly passed through his cleansing. A little too quickly, some say.

As time went by his skill as a surgeon improved, drastically. With his powers to sense changes in the body and manipulate those changes through the blood, Bardon slowly gained a greater and greater understanding of the human body. His incites and methods of treatment began to revolutionize modern medicine, eventually earning him the reputation as one of the greatest doctors on all of Manus Luna. And much of his research as put to use by the church later on. A lot of it really, and they say some of it was even used for the cleansing...

It was when he was at the height of his professional career that he met someone that would change his life. A woman by the name of Auria was brought in as a patient one day. She had a particular condition that baffled the minds of every other doctor that had cared for her, for at random times she would fall into a coma, her skin turn cold, and her heart beat would become faint. She and her family turned to Bardon as a last hope. While Bardon worked to keep her condition at bay he would talk with her. Initially it was only as a way to calm her, keep her relaxed as he worked with her. But as time went on they started to grow close, sharing in common interest in certain subjects and generally being friendly with each other.

Auria was an especially perceptive woman, able to tell things about others just by being around them, and had an allure that seemed to draw he happiness to the surface of others. She invoked a smile with everyone she met, sharing the grins and often giggling with joy as she enjoyed life in the company of others. She saw the loneliness that had plagued Bardon's heart since childhood, and she began to prompt him to find happiness in companionship. Eventually he grew to love her, an affection she shared. With time they married, and Bardon's time with Auria became the happiest period of his life, giving him a feeling he hoped would never end.

But fate would have crueler plans for them. One of Auria's fits hit, this one worse then any other before. Bardon worked to the best that his abilities could muster, but he suppress this attack as easily as he had with the others. Despite his most desperate attempts Auria's heart stopped, this time seemingly for good.

Distraught by his failure to save his own wife from her condition, Bardon fell into a near suicidal Depression. He withdrew from his social life and retreated further into himself then ever before. It all nearly came to and end for him one day, when he stood on top of a cliff and contemplated just throwing himself off into the poisonous fog below. At that moment he noticed a small bird, injured on the side of a rock. It had died just a few moments ago from blood loss, but Bardon picked it up and used his powers to force it's heart to beat again. When the bird began to breath again and flap it's wings Bardon was filled with hope, and a new idea filled his mind.

Bardon changed his position to work in the morgue, conducting experiments on reanimation. Tirelessly he worked on bringing body's back to life, extending their time of animation and rebuilding their motor skills. Unfortunately he was caught when one of his test subjects was discovered. Officially the Following was outraged at his experiments, banishing him from the hospital and labeling him a heretic "re-embracing the demon's lies".

With the brewing hostility between himself and the church, and his chance at bring his wife back slipping away, Bardon became desperate. When the knights of the Following came after him he flew into a rage, killing several and severally harming the others. He reclaimed Auria's body and fled the city, disappearing into the night. He's left himself in hiding now, seeming to have disappeared from society all together. The only knowledge of where he is now, comes from rumors that circle the criminal underworld.

OTHER: He has a pet cat named Arthur that likes to ride on Bardon's shoulders. Said cat is a very playful creature and likes to rub up against people and try to get their attention.

So begins...

Bardon Hemos's Story


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Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos
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#, as written by Wake
A man in a large trench coat walked briskly down the side of the street. His attire seemed a bit odd for this season, what with the heavy clothing and the scarf fastened tightly around his neck, but little mind was given to this man. For the better, he thought, clutching his briefcase tightly as he marched at a quick pace down the street. It would be quite embarrassing and awkward to run into someone he recognized. In truth, the man didn't wish to return to Portum Animas but business brought him back.

That business was the short order of, hopefully, finding a useful and willing associate for his project. It had been but faint rumors, of a person that had the ability to manipulate souls. They were old rumors, and probably prone to mistranslated details. But if such a person existed, then it could be the final piece he needed to complete his life's work and realize his goal. The only problem was that these rumors all pointed to Portum Animas, the city where such talents were looked down on and sometimes subjugated. Not to mention that he had his own grievances with the city.

The man pulled his hat down further over his eyes as he passed a wanted poster, with a bitter reminder of betrayal plastered on it. Bardon Hemos, probably one of the most wanted criminals in the city's history barring the upper echelon of the chaotic. A man called the blood sage, necromancer, and most often the heretical doctor. A man wanted for murder and desecration of corpses. His reappearance in the city would definitely cause a major stir, and so it would be best for now if he kept himself hidden. He had very important work to be done, and distractions from the following and what other powers that lie dormant in the city would be most... unwelcome.

For the time being though, when it came to the task at hand. He simply had to stay out of sight and keep an ear to the ground for this person he was looking for. He only knew that it was a she, and that 'she' would likely be where people most tired would gather or come from.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Hands and arms pressed strongly against the backs of the two youths. A man in a large trench coat, his face concealed mostly by a low tipped hat and a raised scarf, pushed the light haired girl and boy. "You both should know better then to causally use your powers in public like that." His said. His voice wasn't angry or panicked, but firm.

Bardon had nearly been deterred just like many of the others when the girl had tried to flood a feeling of disinterest into the crowed. However he stayed undeterred, flooding his own body with adrenalin to keep focus, when he how much of a display the boy had made of himself with that little sprint of his. Even if the girl had some kind of empathy ability, it would be enough to remove the memory of the people that had been there. The more aware ones would also shortly realize that their emotions were being manipulated, just as Bardon had, and fight against it. If any of that wasn't enough, pulling out the glowing blades and pressing them against the girls throat was sure to reignite the crowds awareness to the scene.

Quickly he glanced back behind them, seeing that several people were throwing questioning stares and worried expressions their way. Bardon pushed slightly stronger, trying to hurry the both of them onto another street, away from the site and from any onlookers. "I suggest you move with haste, before anyone gets a good look at either of you two." He said, in a steady tone that left no room for debate. "Unless you enjoy the idea of getting chased out of the city by an angry mob. Or worse."

The setting changes from Finitor to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
((Wake, I'm pretty sure we were in a small park with a forest or under some trees somewhere, but i'll let that slide and pretend that happened in the crowd. You okay with that, Layla?))

Kiren looked up at the man.
"It's happened enough times before." He turned to the girl. "I apologize for that. And, as for your questions..." he shrugged. "I dunno, right now. Maybe I'll explain some if I can find something to eat."
He reached and pulled the girl to her feet, making sure not to touch her skin at all.
"You're explaining things later, though."
It almost made him sick, the feeling of death coming from the girl, but he was beginning to get used to it.
He looked at the man with a feigned smile on his face. "You are, too. You shouldn't be this calm. Anyways, I guess we should go, then."
He turned. He'd been run out of plenty of towns before. It wasn't too big a problem for him, but this time he was interested in this girl. The fear of death and her oddities had faded, leaving only wariness and curiosity about her. It was most definitely not the wisest decision, and probably not the most beneficial for his life. But apparently he could afford to make stupid decisions. He still didn't know what he'd done or how he'd done it, but he was at least fairly confident that it could be done again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla
With several large cartons of milk in the light pink haired girl's arms, Aureline looked like a clumsy, small girl. She looked over her cartons to see where she was going, occasionally mumbling an 'excuse me' and a 'sorry.' She glared briefly at the large blonde man and Kiren. They're such gentlemen, she thought sarcastically.

"I see why you have women swooning all over you," she mocked. Aureline had quickly forgotten about the previous fiasco. She was back to her own non-damn-giving self. "Please, don't offer. You're both charming. Really charming."

They reached Silk Street Cafe with its usual crowd of young people, the occasional family and lone customers. A small child dashed and bumped into her knees and she awkwardly held the milk cartons in one hand to steady the little brunette boy. "Sorry, little guy," she apologised. Aureline had always automatically said sorry to everything, even if she wasn't the party at fault. The bell above the glass door of Silk Street Cafe jingled cheerfully as she pushed it open with her butt.

Aureline dumped the contents in her hands on the counter. Her manager winked at her. Curiosity and satisfaction emitted off her skin. No, Mrs. Gilbert. I didn't pick up another man to add to my collection of boyfriends. Aureline glowered at the plump woman, rolling her eyes. The woman was convinced she should be married. Aureline hated her.

Smoothing out her apron and perky Silk Street dress, Aureline pulled her smooth hair into a neat, high ponytail. Her hair somehow remained impeccably perfect despite everything that had happened. She gestured with her head for Kiren and big-veined-man to sit outside in her section.

Aureline plastered a wide straight-toothed smile on her face and placed the menus in front of the two. "What would you like?" Then, in a soft whisper she hissed.

"After you're both done and my shift is over - we're having a looonng talk." Aureline didn't like being around the two men. She didn't like serving them. Didn't even like looking at them. It wasn't the two in particular - though they were particularly frustrating - it was men in general. They reminded her of the miserable larger part of her life. 'Miserable' couldn't come close to summing up the despair those men put her through. She knew better than to generalise, she disliked those who did - but Aureline was a hypocrite and she would generalise because it was safer than getting hurt.

Aureline's eyes were glazed and vacant as she lost herself in her head. People were terrible but no one could torture her as horribly as Aureline herself. Without her realising it, she'd been burning with her pain. Its muddy, heavy tendrils curled around the hearts of everyone surrounding her. It was as if her anguish clenched the hearts of everyone and ripped them from their sockets. Aureline wasn't crying - she never cried but she might as well have been raining Manus Luna's water supply. Babies wailed for her, though. Howls so loud, they woke her from her trance.

People around her were in varying states of misery. You idiot, Aureline scolded her emotions. She reined her grief back it, the desperate fingers of it pulling themselves from the innocent customers and people who'd walked by the cafe. She let out a torrent of sunsets and butterflies. Shh, shh, she hushed the children and they settled back into their giggles and finger grabbing.

Aureline unbraided her hair - a nervous tick she could never rid herself of - and braided it back. She did this over and over until someone called for a refill. She glared haughtily at Kiren and the strange man before miraculously softening her features and blinking her thick lashes at the rich-looking man who'd called for her. As Aureline poured more ice water into his glass, the middle-aged but rich man slapped her backside. A vein pulsed underneath her skin before fading as she froze her smile in place.

Tips, Aureline. Tips.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Kiren looked around the shop. It was a nice little place, but... Even though he wasn't some kind of mind reader, he could swear he felt a very strong desire for him to not be there filling the room. It was probably the girl, Aureline. She had proven that she wasnt quite as curious as she had seems when he had taken his life back. In fact, her entire peronality was confusing. He almost felt like he and the other mysterious man were being treated with especial hate. Or maybe that was just him.
He almost laughed when he saw a customer at a table slap her on the butt. That is, he would have laughed, if he hadn't felt as though the man was now probably in danger. He gave the quiet man sitting scross from him a look, one that he hoped would say "I know what I'm doing, so just don't say anything". The other man didn't know if her powers, or so Kiren assumed. He stood and walked over to the tableswiftly. Maybe it was his status as a gifted, but he though he felt waves of rage coming from Aureline.
He smiled at the man, who looked back at him confusedly. One of the aspects of himself that Kiren used to his advantage extremely often was his complete control of his emotions. In other words, he could tell a straight lie tomsomeone's face, or be a very good actor when he needed to.
"Would you mind not doing that, sir...?" he asked, still smiling broadly.
The man frowned back and began to stand up. "Where do y-"
Kiren cut the man off by allowing a minute amout of plasma, in the form of electricity, to jump from his armor into the man's body. His eyes rolled up into his head and he passed out on the spot, falling into Kiren's arms, who had put on an expression that mad whim look like he had just seen the ghost of his dead mother.
"Whoa!" he pretended to fall down as if he hadn't been ready for just that occurrence.
"Sir? Are you okay?" he said loudly, drawing attention from the other customers in the shop while trying to push the limp man off of him.

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Silk Street Cafe

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Bardon didn't know why he continued to follow the girl after he lead them away from the spot. He planned to simply leave after that incident but... somehow he got dragged along for her shopping trip. He remained staotic for the most part, offering an apologetic smile when she complained toward both he and the boy for not helping. He would have but she seemed very reserved around him, so he thought it best to let her have her space for now and put up with the little insults for the time being.

Sitting down at the cafe, she said she would demand answers from him once she was finished. The surgeon wasn't sure he'd really have the time to wait around that long though, but he'd at least try to indulge her curiosity for the time being. Who knows, maybe she could help him find the person he was looking for. It was while he was waiting that the boy decided to go and do something rather stupid.

Apparently ignoring Bardon's earlier warning about keeping his powers concealed, he went and knocked one of the customers out after they made a rude gesture toward the girl they had been accompanying. He even decided to go further by loudly saying "Sir? Are you okay?" drawing the attention of the entire cafe.

"Oh my gosh, is he alright?" "Should somebody call a doctor?"

Bardon mentally cursed as he heard that. Doctors, healers from the Following. They were the last kind of people he wanted to run into. Standing from his chair he spoke loudly over the crowd. "No need. Let me through. I'm a healer. Let me see him." He said, both pushing through the crowd and trying to calm them back down again. He reach the boy and his victim. Taking the man off the boys hand he rested him down on the floor to examine him. While he lay the man out he whispered to the boy. "What do you think you are doing!? Did I not tell you that you shouldn't use your powers in public?"

The setting changes from Silk Street Cafe to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Layla
Aureline stared, mouth slightly ajar, as the clearly knocked out man fell into Kiren's arms. He's crazy. You've befriended a manic idiot who's possibly even more reckless than you! She squinted slightly as she gave Kiren the you-goddamned-idiot-are-you-trying-to-get-yourself-arrested glare.

No suspicion tainted the people, there was only shock and worry. Humans. All. Idiots. Aureline consciously softened her eyes, widened them and squealed. She had to make sure she played the dainty waitress in shock convincingly. "Sir! Oh my, what happened?" She brushed his fringe from his forehead and resisted scowling. Touching his skin disgusted her. Aureline would wash her hands 10 times before she touched anything else.

The buzzing tang of panic filled the air. Before Aureline could fill them with tranquility, a familiar, deep voice called behind her. "No need. Let me through. I'm a healer. Let me see him." The large, dusty blonde man took the older, unconscious man from Kiren's arms and lay him on the floor.

"Is he okay?" she pulled her eyebrows together and bit her lower lip.

"What do you think you are doing!? Did I not tell you that you shouldn't use your powers in public?" Exactly. However eerie this strange looking man appeared, he was certainly more level-headed than Crazy Kiren.

"You need to stop using your powers in public like that. You'll get yourself killed and we'll be considered your associates," she hissed, pretending to help big-veined-man with annoying-hopefully-dead-customer. Aureline looked at the "healer" wearily. She didn't trust either of them.

"I'll deal with it. Aura, get back to work before I'm tempted to hit your ass, too," said one of the waiters - Marc - brushing his hands over the cloth tied around his waist. Marc winked, smiling at Aureline. Aureline raised an eyebrow and turned away, tilting her hips from side to side as she walked to prove a point. The curse of having a great behind, she thought smugly.

Ah, screw it.

Aureline went to Mrs. Gilbert, purposefully dragging her feet across the wooden flooring. "Could someone cover for me today? I'm feeling a little sick," she moaned, coughing into her hands.

The manager flinched - she hated sickness - and waved Aureline away. "Yeah, yeah. Go home, Aura - and don't come back until you're cured," she said distastefully. Aureline dragged her feet away until she was out of her manager's sight. Then, she headed for Kiren and the strange man. Putting her palms on her knees, Aureline's long, flowing hair swished forward to become a waterfall. She grinned and whispered, "Let's get out of here."

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Finitor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Kiren managed to keep his worried look on until they had left the shop, at which his face broke into a grin.

"Well. That was kinda fun, actually. Haven't been able to do that in a while," he said happily.

He was rather glad that the man hadn't been killed by Aureline, but, looking back on it, he didn't know if she would have. She had even taken the care to get him out of sight before she used her power. Good thing, too, since that had ended in a rather noticeable manifestation of raw plasma that probably would have had people screaming "demon" all over the city. Still, that wasn't anything he hadn't dealt with before.

He looked around, purposely avoiding avoiding looking at the other two when he asked his next question. "What exactly are either of you two doing here, anyway? This isn't exactly the best place to be for a Gifted, you know..."

Kiren knew that all to well. Of course, it had been after he'd come that he'd figured that out. It was a bit different than sme other cities he'd been to because the church influence was much larger, and they had ways to... deal with Gifted that didn't involve running them out of the city. Or so he'd heard. He didn't interact with people all that much generally, outside of what he needed to. If they needed help that he might be able to provide, he'd do it, but those types of problems were becoming less and less frequent as the church and strengthened its roots outside of the city.

Of course, people probably didn't especially like the look of him, either. His tattoos, eyes and hair together would mark him out, to the more educated ones, as a member of one of the tribes that lived in one of the less populated areas of Manus Luna. Members of the church had shunned him before simply because of that, or tried to persuade him to give up the worship of "The Demon" as they called it. He'd never liked the people from the church. Most of them got on his nerves. And so many of the things that they did were so useless... He sighed. He'd come to this city on a whim, wondering if he might be able to find something to do for a while. He'd also come to pay a visit to the renowned local church, just to get a look at it. He couldn't call them smart or logical decisions, but he rarely payed attention to whether or not a decision was smart or logical unless he felt like doing so at the time.

The setting changes from Finitor to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
((I think this is a double post, so if my last post is here somewhere, then don't read this one.))

Kiren managed to keep his worried look on until they had left the shop, at which his face broke into a grin.

"Well. That was kinda fun, actually. Haven't been able to do that in a while," he said happily.

He was rather glad that the man hadn't been killed by Aureline, but, looking back on it, he didn't know if she would have. She had even taken the care to get him out of sight before she used her power. Good thing, too, since that had ended in a rather noticeable manifestation of raw plasma that probably would have had people screaming "demon" all over the city. Still, that wasn't anything he hadn't dealt with before.

He looked around, purposely avoiding avoiding looking at the other two when he asked his next question. "What exactly are either of you two doing here, anyway? This isn't exactly the best place to be for a Gifted, you know..."

Kiren knew that all to well. Of course, it had been after he'd come that he'd figured that out. It was a bit different than sme other cities he'd been to because the church influence was much larger, and they had ways to... deal with Gifted that didn't involve running them out of the city. Or so he'd heard. He didn't interact with people all that much generally, outside of what he needed to. If they needed help that he might be able to provide, he'd do it, but those types of problems were becoming less and less frequent as the church and strengthened its roots outside of the city.

Of course, people probably didn't especially like the look of him, either. His tattoos, eyes and hair together would mark him out, to the more educated ones, as a member of one of the tribes that lived in one of the less populated areas of Manus Luna. Members of the church had shunned him before simply because of that, or tried to persuade him to give up the worship of "The Demon" as they called it. He'd never liked the people from the church. Most of them got on his nerves. And so many of the things that they did were so useless... He sighed. He'd come to this city on a whim, wondering if he might be able to find something to do for a while. He'd also come to pay a visit to the renowned local church, just to get a look at it. He couldn't call them smart or logical decisions, but he rarely payed attention to whether or not a decision was smart or logical unless he felt like doing so at the time.

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Finitor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Andrew Panzer Dunkelheit Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
Something about this doesn't feel right Bardon thought. From when he started talking with the waitress he started to feel uneasy with the way the man was talking with the girl. Once he started becoming pushy Bardon decided to take a subtle action. Placing a finger under his scarf he bit down into his skin, drawing blood from his knuckle. Then he let his hand lay limp at his side, where a single drop of blood hit the ground. It lay there for a moment, before the small splatter of red twitched, then reformed into a single ball of blood. It rolled up to the girl, and then attached itself to the bottom of her shoe.

In the mean time the purple hair youth had gotten to the point where Bardon could see he was putting the girl through some kind of discomfort. Is he... a giffted too?, he wondered, finally stepping in to say something. However the purple haired one spoke before Bardon could confront him.

"Sorry, this reservation is only meant for two... Come and find us, if you get there in ten minutes or more, you can pay for your own damn meals,"

Then he vanished. A short series of panicked shouts came from the crowd. One minute two people were standing there, the next they disappeared into thin air. Bardon frowned. "I knew it." He turned, pick up his suit case, grabbed the white haired boy by the arm, and marched out of the building. "Come on," He said. "I think I can figure out where they went." Bardon wondered slightly to himself why he even cared. He only just met the girl, not even knowing her name in fact, and it wasn't like he had any obligations to help her. But deep down Bardon knew he had to be a better person then that. And who knows, maybe she was the person he came to the city to look for in the first place.

At any case he still had to find her. He stopped to sniff the air a bit, and slowly he could feel the presence of his blood on the girls shoe. It was faint, but he could still find which direction they went. "They're very far away." He said, sounding some what surprised. He started walking quickly in the direction the abductor had taken her. "It will takes us some time to get there on foot."

The setting changes from Finitor to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Kiren blinked. He had been lost in thought, looking up at the sky and wondering what type of bird he would have been had he been born one, and suddenly Aureline was gone and Bardon was telling him that they were going somewhere. He looked around lazily.
"Um... What's going on exactly?" He asked, dashing to catch up to Bardon, whose long stride was rather hard for him to keep up with.
He suddenly realized just how much Aureline's fate paths' aura had been affecting him. She was nowhere to be found, and it felt as if his head had just been cleared of a dark mist. The constant feel of umtold numbers of deaths no longer made him nauseous. All in all, it was a fairly good feeling. He still didn't know what was going on, though.
"Hello...? Can you please tell me where we're going? And where's Aureline, anyways? Did she go to buy some ice cream?" He asked again while Bardon kept walking with a solemn look on his face, inexplicably sniffing the air from time to time. Kiren wondered if he smelled something good. He hoped so, because he was really very hungry...

The setting changes from Manus Luna to Finitor


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
"Hello...? Can you please tell me where we're going? And where's Aureline, anyways? Did she go to buy some ice cream?"

"No, she was taken." Bardon said plainly. "Weren't you paying attention?" While Bardon continued to follow the 'scent' of his blood mark on the girl, he took time to idly note that the girl's name. He marched quickly down the street, casting his eyes about occasionally to watch for anything that he should be wary of, say following members or police.

While walking he cast a glance back to the boy. "You know I never got your name either."

The setting changes from Finitor to Silk Street


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Andrew Panzer Dunkelheit Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

~ On Silk Street... ~

"Sir, we've located those two you've been looking for." One thug told the leader of the gang. The gang leader seemed to consider this over for a bit in his mind before responding to the thug.

"Good. Where are they now?" He asked.

"In that restaurant over there, the red one?"

"Oh yes, I always hated how they did that and all. Makes me hungry every time I even look at the place now. Alright, when can I have you goons go in there and bring them to me?"

"Well, sir...."


"There's these two who we've spotted closing in on said restaurant. What should we do with them?"

"Send the Brutes to distract them... With any luck, they shouldn't be a problem."

"Yes sir... Right away sir."

"So it begins... Let's see who survives the conflict."

~ At the restaurant... ~

Aureline opened her sapphire eyes to find herself now in some sort of restaurant, feeling sick for some reason as she sat up to shake her head at this, finding the man from before standing near her. "What the hell...? Stay away from me!" She stated to him.

"If you say so... Jesus, I thought you would be kinder then that." He told her, ordering a drink for them at this. "I was wondering... If you were perhaps a Gifted?"

"What...? A Gifted...? No I am not a Gifted. Who are you any way? It's obvious you are... Something not normal. So what do you want with me?" She tilted her head a little at this. "Certainly you've met them before... So why me? ... Not that I'm a Gifted or anything."

"It is alright to admit the truth here... No one will know. But time is short, you see... I found something on your shoe and decided to try and wipe it off - no doubt left there on purpose by one of you're friends from before. But I am going to give you a choice, of sorts... You can either find out the truth about this world, or... Live in a lie, and forget we ever met."

"Once again, you have failed to answer my question. Who are you? Why me of all people? I told you before - I am not a Gifted!"

"I can not say unless you are willing to join us... Otherwise I am no body of concern to you. After all, what would it be like to join one of the most infamous groups out there right now?"

"Give me one good reason why I should!"


"I'm free... Freedom is an ideal that does not exist."

"First off, they are NOT my friends! Second, why should I believe you of all people?" With that she put her glass down as she rose up and began to walk towards the doors. "It was a pleasure meeting you, daddy's boy!" She stated rather harshly. "May we never meet again."

"My father is dead..." Those words were last spoken before she rudely stormed out, ignoring him completely at this point.

~ Outside, on Silk Street... ~

Once outside, a small child ran up to Aureline and smiled, holding up something for her at this, but she walked away, not interested in the child at all. The child made to run after her, but a gunshot sounded that stopped her completely, making her look back as the child fell, his shoulder now bleeding from a bullet that had pierced into his body. Then, three thugs came over and laughed as they looked at the injured child. "I told you I could hit this one!"

"Oh come on, HIT THE DAMN WOUND ALREADY! I want to listen to him scream!"

"Shut up Frank! I got this one, you just stay there and watch me DO MY OWN THING!"

"FUCK OFF! I gave you the gun for a DAMN GOOD REASON!"

Something inside Aureline went off at this, as if conflicted about whether to let the boy live or die... It felt odd, actually caring about whether one small boy died or not. She felt herself running over towards the scene before she could stop herself. "Adam!" She shouted the first name that came to her mind. Giving off an innocent look, she stopped before them. "I am so sorry my bother was in the way, you three must have better things to do." She tried to convince them, while they just stood there in silence. She tried to touch one of them, but he quickly knocked her away, throwing her concentration off so she could only take an hour from him. "Adam." She scolded the injured boy. "How many times must I tell you to not run off like that?!" She went to pick him up, but... A fist struck her in the chest, a stabbing pain going through her before she was hit with a leg in the back and a foot kicking her down, as the three thugs resumed talking like she had never come.

"Where was I? Oh yeah... Fuck off!"

"No, you go fuck off!"

"OI! ... I think there's a bullet left in there."

"Is there? ... Let's find out." The thug with the gun said sadistically as he put the gun to the back of the boy's head and began to pull the trigger. Aureline's eyes widened briefly, before a small smile came an she shrugged.

"Too bad, I suppose... Lucky I never liked you." She admitted to the boy with more cruelty in her voice then the pain the bullet caused him.

"ENOUGH!" A strict voice boomed out to them, as the gang leader was now before the three thugs, having knocked the thug with the gun's arm back as the thug now clutched his numbing arm.

"S-sir! We were just --"

"SHUT IT! I said not to kill any one, that includes this BRAT here! Take him to a hospital, RIGHT NOW!" The three thugs panicked, picking up the injured boy and running off to the nearest hospital without another word. They would luckily get there, if only not to face the wrath of they're leader. As Aureline got up, the thug leader looked over at her. "Most curious... Letting a child die with such a smile? Most curious... How you were -so- focused on one of my boys before he knocked you away."

"Human life matters little to me. Besides, I was planning to shove the boy out of the way at the last moment before you rudely came in." She crossed her arms over her chest in a defying matter at this.

"With a gun at point blank? Impossible, unless... You are a Gifted."

"Perhaps. Maybe I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. Or..." She put her arms behind her back at this. "I'm just a pretty face with a faulty danger radar."

At this, she noticed something... Odd. His odd outfit blew briefly in the wind for a moment, revealing a high ranking Following member's outfit. "Then you won't react to this." He said, pulling out what looked like a gun as Aureline grew a bit cold from it. "Only Gifted feel pain around this..."

Aureline reached out a hand at this, a reflex from the gun or whatever it was. She glared at him and watched people pass by, unwilling to help a poor waitress out. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"I am seeing whether you are telling the truth or not." He admitted. He spread his arms out to reveal not a single showing sign of skin outside the clothes. "Now... Hold still." He told her as he raised the gun just above her head, watching for her reaction.

As the gun was put above her head, she felt blazing hot. A low growl escaped her lips at this. "Charming... Very charming. It must be difficult to keep such charisma at bay..." An invisible breeze lifted her long, pink locks gently as her ivory skin glowed with an ethereal light. Aureline noticed none of this. "My face is too pretty to ruin, don't you think?"

At this, the thug leader pulled the gun away and put it away. "Just as I thought... You aren't normal after all. Therefore... I must place you under arrest and bring you in for interrogation."

"What?! I'm not a Gifted, you --" She stopped and noticed a glowing light tickled the corner of her vision as she looked down to see her body glowing the way it did. "Well, it was nice meeting you, sir. I am dressed as a fairy for a school play - can you tell? Honestly, I'm quite proud of our special effects!" She said before turning around and beginning to run off. But then, three gang members came out in front of her and chuckled, grabbing at her to try and restrain her.

"You aren't going anywhere, pretty lady." One of the thugs stated to her, as the thug leader came closer to them until... Three cloaked figures appeared and easily kicked the thugs down. They hit the ground easily as they looked at the cloaked figures with worry. "Crap, I knew we shouldn't of sent our strongest guys out after those two punks!" One said as he began to get up. A fourth cloaked figure landed beside Aureline as he helped her up, a muffled and yet familiar voice spoke out to her at this.

"Do you want to be free?"

"I want to be dead, that's what I want to be." She muttered, her sapphire eyes staring into the intense eyes beneath the mask. Then, in a last ditch attempt she grasped the faint line that had been Kiren's life and tugged viciously at it - not stealing anything, but rather, making him alert of something. Save me. Her blue eyes glazed over as she went limp - being caught from falling to the ground by the cloaked figure as he picked her up into his arms.

"Protect the other two - I'll take her away. Make sure to distract the leader! Make SURE he doesn't inform anyone!" Andrew then ran off in disguise with Aureline as three bikers in the gang came over at this, the thug leader knocking one of them off a bike as he sat down on it and put on a biker helmet. It was time to cause some mayhem again, and with those thoughts, he revved up the bike and chased after the two members of The Chaotic - they were leading him away from the place entirely.

The setting changes from Silk Street to Manus Luna


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Kiren Orukisai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kuroe
Kiren opened his mouth to respond to Bardon, but was cut off as a searing pain blazed in his chest. It felt as though something were tugging it, trying to free it of his body. A voice whispered in his head, as loud as though it were screaming into his ears, saying something that sounded like "Help me...!" All of a sudden, it cut off, and a wavy, pulsing line was left glittering in front of his eyes. It was bright pink, and brought with it an oddly familiar smell... And the familiar feeling of millions of deaths.

"Hey... Bardon. I can call you that, right?" He said somewhat distractedly. "I think I just found something. Do you see a glowing pink line in the air in front of us or is it just me?" It was just a hunch, but if that was somehow Aureline's doing, then this would lead them right to her.

He stood up without looking at Bardon. He was about to take a step to follow the line. Then he was distracted by the sound of motorcycles. Ones that were very close, and oddly, growing much, much louder...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bardon Hemos Character Portrait: Aureline Freya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wake
(Work in progress)

****At the restaurant****

Being whipped away, the little droplet was not denture. Just like how it had proven before when master placed it upon the girls shoe, it was no originally droplet. A small, tiny blood guardian, on of masters greatest servants, the little creature had been given a duty. And it was going to complete it, attempts from the interloper to remove it or no. With the boy and the girl busy arguing, the little droplet slid off the cloth and back to the girl. This time it hid inside of the shoe, and remained hidden. Gently and secretly carried away with her when she departed next.
